Tragedy in Louisville

Published Sep 24, 2020, 10:00 PM

Leo Terrell, American civil rights attorney and talk radio host, find him at @TheLeoTerrell on Twitter, Horace Cooper, legal commentator and Co-Chair of the Black Leadership Network Project 21 and author of the upcoming book "How Trump is Making Black America Great Again”and Burgess Owens, is a former NFL player who was part of the 1980 Super Bowl-winning Oakland Raiders lineup, and is now a candidate for Congress in Utah’s 4th Congressional District. They discuss the mayhem last night in Louisville, KY as rioters and instigators off loaded U-haul trucks of supplies with which to march and riot. 

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Thanks Scott Shanning. Glad you're with us eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean you want to be a part of this extravaganza forty days. You are the ultimate jury and the states cannot be any higher than they are now. Now everybody, all of us. We've gone through the one thousand, two hundred and eighty five identified cases of voter fraud. We've gone through some of the more recent cases. In the last four years, thousand people have been criminally prosecuted, successfully prosecuted as it relates to voting fraud instances. Harrisburg, PA. Today statement US Attorney freed on the inquiry into reports of potential issues with mail in ballots anyway at the request of the I think it's called Ouzerne County District Attorney, Stephanie Salvin. Salvantis the office of the US Attorney. Along with the FBI Scranton Resident Office, they began an inquiry into reports in Scranton and the area surrounding of potential issues with the small number of mail in ballots and since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the State of Pennsylvania police, conducting numerous interviews, recovering and reviewing certain physical evidence, and election officials in the counties have apparently, according to the attorney US attorney, been cooperative and they've already been able to confirm some military ballots were discarded. Investigators discovered nine of the ballots at this time. Some of the ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast, oh for President Donald J. Trump. Our inquiry remains ongoing. They expect later today to you know, share the up to date findings in that county. It is the vital duty of the government to ensure every properly cast vote is counted, which is what anybody want, free and fair elections. I for the life of me, you know, as we read all of these instances of you know, people involving themselves in fraud, you just think, wow, unbelievable. Now there is a tease from our friends at Project Veritas, and my understanding is that perhaps as early as next Monday that they may have undercover video dealing with this very topic. Will let you know more when we do my sources earlier today. There's going to be a number of breaking developments, one on the General Flynn case in terms of text messages, notes and other things, even more text messages between Struck and Page McCabe and others that reveal even higher levels of corruption as it relates to General Flynn and other matters. We also are going to get. Lindsey Graham is now working on a report as it relates to a new information the subsource. Again that was remember before call Me signed the first FISA application in October twenty sixteen, he was warned repeatedly. I hear now is maybe even as many as a dozen times. I only know of a few times for sure that we've corroborated, but I'm hearing it's a lot more that you can't trust steel Hillary. It's unverified, and Hillary paid for it, which they never told the FISA court, and that was to spy on then candidate Trump. Then after the election, during the transition, spying is still ongoing. Well, then Comey goes to see Trump at Trump Tower, has that private policide meeting. There's a dossier. It's delicious, it's unverified, the opposite of what he swore to in the Fieser warrant back in October. Now with my understanding, and then before then we got the second warrant. The third warrant all signed by James Koby, but they knew that the subsource in early January, that subsource of Christopher Steele. I think we're going to learn today that that person has ties, deep ties to the Russian government that we're known for over a decade. Is what my sources are now beginning to tell me. We'll have further evidence in proof by the time we get on Hannity nine Eastern tonight. It is beyond repugnant and reprehensible. And I don't know what the FBI Director Ray is doing. I really, you know, this is so sad to me. You got the world's premiere law enforcement organization. I always say the ninety nine. I've made that distinction clear for almost four years now on this program, and is he is barely lifted a finger to get the truth out and to clean up the premier organization and restore it's it's it's properly earned reputation and integrity against the top echelon that abused power. And we're corrupt now. Jim Jordan pressed the FBI director on the Hunter Biden investigation, demanding to know answers yesterday from the from director Ray, you know what steps as the Bureau taken related to Hunter Biden's business dealings, which we went into great detail on this program yesterday and last night on TV and Ron Johnson was amazing on television last night, and in terms of explaining the intricacy in the Deep Dive and how everybody knew warnings were given. They were ignored at how Joe Biden himself was put himself in a compromising position. But it wasn't just Ukraine, it was Kazakhstan, it was Russia, it was China. The amount of money going to nationals and for example from Hunter Biden back and forth, the wiring of funds, you know, ending up in the hands and dealing with Russian oligarchs and Ukrainian oligarchs. It is breathtaking, an eighty seven page, devastating beatdown and exposure in terms of how compromised Joe Biden can be forty days out of an election. What does the mob do at a collective yawn, They ignored, They don't talk about it too busy, talk think about we got to burn the system down on some of these cable news channels. And then when they're called out on that, the next thing. They say, Oh, I didn't really mean Burnda. I was taken out of context, and you weren't taken out of context. Let's be honest, that's what you meant. I'm not the person that's gonna say fire and and you know, evolve in a boycott. That's what the left does to silence voices. I let everybody here say anything they want, you know, but it's scary what's going on out here anyway. Jordan top Republican House Judiciary Committee, penning a letter to Director Ray. We write to ask what investigative steps, if any, the FBI has taken in response to this information. Why is it now forty days out of the twenty twenty election and we're just still getting struck in page and McCabe notes and text messages that are more devastating. Apparently, also that we'll shed even more light on the on the early January meeting in the Oval Office, Well, you know that's the one where Susan Rice did memo to sell fifteen days later with the day that Trump was being inaugurated. That's the one where Joe Biden apparently mentioned the Logan Act. That was the one where Comey said, yeah, we don't have evidence of Russian collusion anyway. And that's the one where Biden said, we want our people I'm sorry, Obama said, we want our people on it. That one where Sally Yates was shocked at the level of knowledge that Obama had in terms of the call with General Flynn and Kisley Ak. Yeah, I know details, Hannity, how do you keep this straight in your head? I have no idea because it gets complicated. And yet this is this is where they put the country. Director Ray, why aren't you doing your job? Hunter Biden's ex wife confirms a lot of the explosive portions of the Senate report. Senate claiming on specified record Biden quote sent funds to non resident alien women in the US who are citizens of Russia and citizens of Ukraine who have subsequently wired funds and have see from Hunter Biden individuals located in Russia and Ukraine. I thought Russian interference matter. I mean, I mean Don Trump Junior talked for ten seconds, as supposed to be about Russian adoption, and boy, we spent three years trying to put him in jail. Records show that these transactions are linked to what again, I'm going back to the report of Ron Johnson Eastern European Prostitution and Human Trafficking Rings. The allegations containing footnotes to a section of the report that details potential criminal concerns and extortion threats involving Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family, and the extensive public reporting concerning Hunter Biden's alleged involvement in these prostitution services. Now, by the way, records on file, but the committee do not, you know, directly confirm this is in the report, though they confirmed the Hunter Biden send thousands of dollars to individuals that either have been involved in trans transactions consistent with human trafficking, or two in association with adult entertainment industry, or three potential association with prostitution. Well anyway, The Daily Man obtained a copy of Kathleen Biden's divorce filing, and in it she states Hunter was spending money on drugs, alcohol, prostitutes and strip clubs. The party's outstanding debts are shocking and overwhelming, and a tax set of at least three thirteen, nine hundred and seventy bucks, among other owed expenses. An accused Hunter of dissipating hundreds of thousands of dollars of marital funds by spending extravagantly on his own interests. See a pattern hero of this all fits in and by the way Rand Paul intends to send criminal referrals to Hunter Biden to the Department of Justice, and the financial relationship with Moscow's first Lady implicates Hunter Biden in the Russia collusion case. National Review put this out, and that is the Senate report that we refer to. Run. Johnson's report on the Biden family's corruption includes glaring examples of the brazen way that Hunter leveraged the family name with Russia's only female billionaire, a woman by the name of Elena but Tonia, the First Lady of Moscow as she's known, and she lost the title in twenty ten when her husband was ousted as Moscow's mayor of a corruption allegations by the way wired Hunter and his business partner Devin Archer three point five million as part as a consultancy agreement. The Senate probe also found that the quote First Lady of Moscow a Putin ally sent the eleven wire transfers between May and December twenty fifteen to a bank account belonging to b A. K Usa, a tech startup firm and filed for bankruptcy of March at twenty nineteen. Nine of those eleven wire transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners Whoopsie Daisy that would be in the investment firm founded by Hunter Biden and Chris Hine, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, before being transferred to bak Usa and this first Lady of Moscow became Russia's first billionaire after her plastics company received a series of lucrative public contracts with the city of Moscow while her husband was the mayor. In the twenty ten cable published by Wiki Leaks revealed the context Contexts told the USM by to See of Moscow that she definitely has links to the criminal world, particularly some powerful criminal group widely regarded by Russia law enforcement, one of the most powerful organized crime groups in Russia. Oh, why would we pay attention to that? You know, it is beyond the flating, It is beyond dangerous. These are perilous times. I cannot express to you with more urgency than I have the ability to communicate what is at stake here. How bad. It has gotten to. We have entire institutions now that are are powerful forces to destroy any and all things that are anywhere near Donald Trump and to protect this deep state swamp and sewer. I want to know what draining the swamp looks like. That would be barisma, That would be all things Joe and Hunter. That would be the connections also to Russia and China. Maybe that's why Joe wouldn't criticize China and went after Trump for being xenophobic and hysterical and a fearmonger because he don't want to upset future business dealings with Hunter. Who knows scary times Democrats threats on the Supreme Court. We're going to get rid of the electoral college. We're gonna stack the court. We can impeach Trump every day of the week. This is what they're saying they're gonna do. We'll get rid of the legislative filibuster. You know, we're gonna burn it all down. To quote a great CNN fake news anchor, these are frightening times. You don't think you think I'm kidding, I'm not, you know, Neil Boortz one said to me, You know, I used to think you too serious. Sometimes he goes, I don't think that anymore. This is real. Well, Neil, we need you back. I told Neil the other day I get back on the air. He left me off. He goes, I got the boards, bus entity, I'm out of here. So let's see bunker Joe leaving the campaign trail. New York Post reporting as of what nine am again today, campaign blasting out an email announcing Yeah, Biden will spend the rest of the day hunker down like he has pretty much for the whole campaign, and is Wilmington, Delaware home where he's been sequestered. Let me tell you what's going on. They are preparing Joe Biden will memorize five six points on every debate topic. Joe Biden will memorize, and they will. They are forcing him to memorize every attack line that he will then deliver during the debate next Tuesday night, he told reporters that yeah, I've started. I haven't gotten into it heavily. I don't believe that for a second. That's all they've been doing for months. If you want my opinion, that's my opinion. They have to figure out how to keep Joe in the best frame of mind, make sure that he's had on a schedule that will keep him at his maximum level of alertness for nine pm at night. There's a reason that they have a light schedule. There's a reason Kamala Harris also has no public events too. Meanwhile, the president has been zigzagging the country. I would not expect a guy that is not prepared. I mean, he certainly has had the time and the seclusion to spend all of his time preparing for a debate with the Donald Trump. The attacks will be, you know, along the lines of what you saw Kamala Harris do in the debate against Joe Biden. You know, Joe Biden proves how lucid he can be without a teleprompter or script. Linda just sent me latch without a teleprompter. What does that tape you just sent me? Why I supposed to be reading? This is what I'm doing a show anyway, So we'll see. Sorry, the Florida Attorney General for the FBI is investigating a pro Biden vote buying scheme down there. I just mentioned what's happening in Pennsylvania, and that would be the moneys that people like Mini Mike, Mike Bloomberg one hundred million dollars he's spending on one effort in Florida, spending more money on another effort in Florida to get you pay the fines and restitution of criminals. Is he's determined, is that something of value for a vote? They're investigating. It will continue, all right. The states can't be higher. It is forty days and you are the ultimajority I mentioned in Pennsylvania. Now, the FBI is now working with local county board of Elections and other law enforcement personnel and police and Pennsylvania State Police conducting interviews, recovering, reviewing physical evidence as it relates to voter fraud issues and potential issues with mail and ballots, and one of more details on that we now the Florida Attorney General is now urging the FBI to launch a criminal investigation into Michael Bloomberg's scheme to pay off convicted felons so that they can vote for Joe Biden. The Attorney General requesting the FBI state law enforcement now probe Mike Bloomberg for paying the outstanding fines and fees of thirty two thousand convicted felons in Florida so they could regain their right to vote ahead of the November election, and a letter to the FBI Florida Department of Law Enforcement dated Wednesday yesterday, the Attorney General of Florida writing that she had looked into the billionaire and the fundraising and personal donation to the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition. Governor Ronda Santis has requested a look into this, the Sunshine State's top law enforcement officer wrote, after preliminarily reviewing the limited public information and law, it appears further investigation is warranted, and accordingly, I request that your agency's further investigate this matter and take appropriate steps as merited. It's reported that the former presidential Kennedy had raised over sixteen million dollars donated over five million dollars to this Florida Rights Restoration coalition. Another thing Matt and Gates said it on TV the other night, A thing of value. Back to this point, Biden is in hiding, announcing again at nine twenty this morning he would spend the day hunkered down in his basement bunker. Wow. Now the president's teasing on the fact that he hides pretty much every day down on his basement bunker. Sleepy Joe has just closed down his campaign again for the day. Wants to rest very low energy individual and our country cannot make it in these exciting but complex and competitive times with a low energy president, and that would be true. I'm sure what they're doing is they're probably adjusting, my guests, I'm just guessing, you know, the adjusting Joe's schedule so he's at maximum energy level for him. It does seem weak and frail and cognitively struggling, but that's that's not how they're what they're now doing. It's very obvious to me. I've watched campaigns now my whole career, thirty three years on radio, twenty five years on Fox. They have decided they're better off running ads like crazy and raising money like crazy, and they're running what are called image ads. Every ad you see by the Democrats will show a invigorated Joe Biden acting outrage like he did in the CNN town hall, and they took to project an image. It's like Madison Avenue marketing. You want to These are image ads, not necessarily rooted in reality, but to influence people's minds and perception about somebody. It's obvious what they're doing it then running ads at a very high rate in every swing state. And I hope people are aware this is real. The amount of money being poured in by you know, billionaires in this race on the Democratic side is massive. It's all to influence swing voters at this point, and then the other thing is, okay, well, what are they doing. Why is Joe shut down every day at nine or ten am to adjust the schedule so that he's at maximum peak performance for him at nine pm. It's not that hard to figure out. And you know that's why he has been in the basement punker. They're trying to let the ads run it. Joe will memorize five or six points on every topic, including prepared attack lines. He'll study them over and over and over, practice, over and over and over and over again, and in the hopes that Joe can you know, survive the hour and a half, which shouldn't be hard for anybody to do, and then the media model will go out to see Joe's really got it, He's got what he takes. Boy, he showed he can be presidential banned for that hour and a half. He was amazing. That's what they're hoping, and you know, with this, you know, this being a very different election year, virtual conventions for example, that you know, it's this is what they're doing. You look at his schedule today, September twenty fourth. We only have forty days to go before this tipping point election for the country. And by the way, you know, twenty four crucial, you know days, you know, the last twenty four, last five weeks, just five weeks more to go. But he's taken in twenty four days of September. He's taken for full nine days off completely. But no presidential candidate does that. He's been on vacation or arresting or you know, I was doing zoom calls raising money. That's what they say. That's that's more than a third of the month he takes off, and he's running for president. Now there's something going on. There's a struggle there. I think it's obvious. No scheduled events. You know, as of nine thirty this morning, the ninth day in September, the Democratic nominee will not be on the campaign trail. They called the LID, which means you will not hear from us for the rest of the day, no public events, no travel schedule for the rest of the day. A LID usually means the campaign will not conduct any press conferences or dispense press releases. He's answered less than one hundred questions. Joe Biden and also Kamala Harris no public events scheduled, you know so. More than a few reporters were quick to note the Democratic nominee schedule stands in stark contrast to the ever the energizer bunny President Donald Trump increasing travel in recent weeks, doing two rallies a day, you know, Thursday alone, the President is going to be in North Carolina, them flying at Jacksonville, Florida for another rally. By the way, mailed in ballots were found in a tossed in a ditch in Wisconsin. Did you see what pattern that's going on here? Fox eleven reporting that one of the counties of their sheriff said that the trades were found in a ditch early this morning and the mail was found near the intersection of Highways ninety six and CB near the Appleton International Airport. Was turned over to the Postal s. Postal Inspection Service immediately began investigating and they reserve further comment until it's completed finding. If we're finding ballots and ditches. Now, um, you know a lot his uh, you know this, this, this is what I expect. You know what, look at what we've heard since the vacancy on the Supreme Court. What we can impeache to the president every day if we want, for any reason, We're gonna stack the courts. We have to. We have to burn the system down. The mob supporting all of this, that well will end the electoral college. We'll stack the courts with as many justices as we want. We'll get rid of the legislative filibuster. This is scary times. Remember I think it was back in July, you know, Kamala Harris saying you better get used to it. On the pool. You know, violence gonna happen. It's not gonna stop. Listen to what she had to say, not stop. They're not going to stop. And that's they're not This is a movement. I'm telling you, they're not going to stop. And everyone beware because they're not going to stop. It is gonna They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not going to stop after election day. And that should be everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't. They're not gonna let up, and they should not, and we should not not gonna let up, and they should not. We're not going to give up. Oh right, Well that was in June. Well, nobody's let up, have they? We had two cops killed in Louisville last night. Wow, I'm sorry, shot, not killed. Shot last night. And by the way, I gotta I'm misreported at one point last night, and I apologized. I caught it on the air. But the National Guard was requested and deployed by the governor of Kentucky. Good for him. And you notice everywhere that they do deploy you know, by the way cities they cooperated with the Feds. They stayed peaceful during the protests. In other words, where wherever the president has been able to help men a set in Minneapolis, for example, or Kenosha or DC, you know, they've been able to restore order. We know how to do it, I mean, I know how to do it without with you know, with non lethal weapons. We still need more training for police, for sure, there's no doubt about that. I've been the biggest advocate of that, you know, I mean, and that goes back to George Floyd but I'm not a big fan of the stun gun that cops you was. By the way, that's a close range weapon. It's not you know, how about like that Burner gun if you're interested in a non lethal And I'm a customer of Burner. I just became friends with the owner. But I'm a customer because I believe in the product. And by R n A y S Burner. It's called yeah, that's what it's called. By the way, they have new models out pink, orange, and yellow. Can you imagine that? Pretty funny? But it shoots two pepper sprays and one tear gas and it allows you to to you know, if somebody breaks into your house or a cop is out in a situation and he wants another non lethal alternative. It works. And I just I just purchased a couple on my own just because I saw it and I watched the videos. I'm like, this works anyway, And then I talked to the owner. I love the owner, great guy. And anyway, they're they're producing him as fast as they can. If you haven't seen it, it's a by R and A. And I think every cop should think about if the police departments need to think about this eight hundred and nine four one seawn, if you want to be a part of the program. You know, there's a debate coach Brett O'Donnell on Fox News that gave reviews of what could trip up the president during the debate. And I think his team needs to pay attention. And I don't want to see the president out too much and not spending the time preparing, because that's all that Biden is doing. And I don't think the president should be defensive. I think he should be offensive. Especially you know that all Joe's gonna want to talk about his COVID COVID COVID and what he would do do do. But Joe didn't support the travel band quarantine subsequent travel bands he called hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering. Well, that saved how many hundreds of thousands of lives? Likely incalculable numbers of lives? And you know why did he want more business transactions with zero experience hunter in China, like Russia, like Ukraine, Kazakhstan. You know, these are just crazy times. We're living in, very dangerous times that we're living in. Anyway, So what could derail Biden in this debate is I don't think Biden can keep his focus if somebody starts asking him tough questions. The problem is what happens in these debates is that become joint press conferences. You ask a question and you're not allowed to interrupt. So there's there's going to be a fine line to all of this. But I think Joe, you know, if he's asked tough questions, gonna have a hard time answering a lot of them, at least coherently. Um eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, is anyone gonna as anyone in the media New York Times, ABCNBC, CBS because they haven't covered the report by Senator Ron Johnson and Charles Grassley. Could you imagine if this was Donald Trump foreign money flowing to Hunter Biden, all these all these wire transfers with people that are Russian citizens, Ukrainian citizens, all all this back room deals with Ukraine and Russia and China. It's chilling, and the media is quiet. By the way, apparently John Kerry knew and had knowledge of some of these dealings then and falsely light about it. That also came out last night detailing the extensive foreign dealings. Pretty unbelievable in terms of what we saw in Louisville last night. You know, they've now arrested the suspect, thankfully. And by the way, you know we saw is now spreading out to other places, as a video will show you tonight. Diners in Saint Petersburg, Florida. That's the I four corridor, Tampa. They're just at an innocent restaurant, Tampa. Bay Times reporter videotaped it. And then you had a bunch of people saying, get out of your seat, like really, these are customers that are trying to have a nice night outside eating. A woman gets up, this is my table. Guy sits down next to the mayo to knock your old dass boyfriend f out. The man threatened to writing the woman as a wild Karen in her natural effing habitat at the future of America. Because Joe Biden's he's all about redirecting funds from the police, please become the enemy. Kamala Harris's gonna keep happening, not gonna stop, praises the defunding effort of Mayor gar Citi. Biden backs the same kind of Bell reform. Also, that's part of the Bernie Biden manifesto that turned New York City streets into a war zone. Not a good idea. It's not going to end well. We see what's happening everywhere around the country. President did praise the Kentucky governor's request from National Guard. That's how you restore order. You don't want innocent people getting hurt, do you. You don't want innocent business owners, you know, their life's work burned to the ground. Residents in every town, every city in America have a right to be safe. They haven't been for a long time. Joe Biden's vice president, four thousand homicides in Chicago barely mentions it. Twenty thousand shootings in Chicago barely mentions it. Barely didn't even mention what's going on in our cities. At the DNC convention, do you see where this is? Scary? Times right? A lot to get to the two officers shot Louisville last night. We're going to talk about that, but it's also the lawlessness and cities all across the country. We're going to take an hour to do a deep dive into all of this. At the Leo Terrell, Horace Cooper, Burgess Owens will join us next. Also Rampaul Louie gomert. Um. You know, politicizing medicine, politics always wins, Doctor Oz says, we'll explain straight a hut soon goes out. Real guys, well listen, not only um is he being intellectually dishonest about that? You know, I find all of his remarks with regards to this whole entire press conference offensive. And let me just speak to this whole celebrity influencer thing. While they can't speak for Kentuckians, let me say this as a black woman, he does not speak for black folks. He's skin folk, but he is not kin folk. And so just like he thinks they can't speak for Kentucky because he's up there with a black face, he does not speak for all of us. This was not a tragedy. This was a murder. He should be ashamed of himself for a few weeks. But they're not stop. They're not gonna stop, and that's they're not This is a movement. I'm telling you, they're not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they're not gonna stop. It is gonna They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not going to stop after election day. And that should be everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't They're not going to let up, and they should not. That last cut is Kamala Harris. They're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop before the election. They're not going to stop after the election. How are we to interpret that other than okay, we've got we played the audio. We'll show you tonight. Police shot in Louisville, two of them. Yeah, we have bodycam footage now released. We had an incident in Tampa, Florida. We have a couple is out there dining um Tampa Bay Times reporter, you know, literally videotaping, and guy just goes up, sits down with the couple and woman tries to excuse me, this is our table. If you don't mind, I ought to knock your old ass boyfriend. They f out. The man threatened and derided the woman as a wild Karen in our natural effing habitat. And these images what now, Mamalis, It's not gonna this is not gonna stop. It's not gonna stop shooting the cops in this country. We're not gonna We're not gonna stop. What the arson, the anarchy, the looting, the shootings, the attacks, the bottles, the bricks, the molotov cocktails, the frozen water bottles, the canes, the bats, the hockey sticks, the knives, the guns were not none of this is going to stop. Well why don't you, if you want to lead, whyn't you say this needs to stop. We need to restore law and order and safety and security that liberal democrats in liberal cities for decades have been unwilling to do. And now it's on a mass scale. And I do give credit to the governor of Kentucky last night for calling up the National Guard, getting the help of the President. As did Minneapolis, where yes, they restored order, as they did in Kenosha, Wisconsin, as they did in Washington, DC, which they have not done in New York, they have not done in Seattle, they've not done in Ortland or a lot of other big cities. Well, now we've got this going on in Louisville. But order is going to be restored. We know how to do it. We know how to do it. It's not fun. You have non lethal methods, tear gas and pepper spray to disperse crowds. It works, but you have to have the proper manpower, people properly trained. Well I don't know. I mean Biden campaign is up with the new sixty second ad featuring an African American man in a barbershop talking about Biden's plan for ending cash bell Okay, is that the answer? How well has that worked out for New York City? Not well at all. We're going to take the whole hour because we're talking about life and death here, law in order, in safety and security. If you don't have that one fundamental thing, then how does any American pursue happiness? If a one year old can be shot in a stroller in a park in New York City. Which happened and Lawrence Jones interviewed the father and the grandmother. An eight year old beautiful little girl in Atlanta. Mom makes a wrong turn into a chop Chad's autonomous zone there and shots fired. This little girl dies in the back of her mom's car. A seven year old beautiful girl in Chicago, she's killed. You know. We have the nineteen year old Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior, his father pouring his hard out on national TV on my show, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Over three thousand cops now injured out forty five cops now dead around the country nationwide from this year. Leo Terrell is with US civil rights attorney, talk show host at the Leo Terrell Twitter, Horse Coopers, with US legal commentator, co chair of the Black Leadership Network Project twenty one as a book coming out how Trump is making Black America Great Again. Burgess Owens, friend of the program, former NFL superstar, part of the nineteen eighty Super Bowl winning Raiders, and by the way, is now a candidate for Utah's fourth congressional district and can win that race. If you're in Utah listening to Rod Arquet's k NRS, than you all for being one of us. Leo, you know, I watched what happened last night. Two cops shot. You know, we saw a U haul early in the day and a lot of the signs were made, water bottles, distributed shields. We have shields they're screaming that were obviously there. A lot of planning went into what happened yesterday in Louisville. Sean, I'll tell you right now I'm really scared for this country if we don't get President Trump were elected. I'll tell you why, because law and order is a number one obligation of government and those democratic cities have abandoned it. But when you look at what happened last night, not only in Louisville with two officers shot, but protests around this country and Democrats looking the other way, and Kamala Herritt basically with the audio tape basically endorsing this. Our countries is at risk from a safety standpoint if these individuals Democrats are putting off it and we cannot let that happen. So this is a message to the entire country if the safety and the security of America's at stake right now founding, let me be as clear as a lawyer, someone who has handled these types of cases. The district, the attorney general on the grand jury got it right. The Brianna Tiller murder was unfortunate, it was horrible. It was an accident, it was a mistake. But you cannot charge these two officers with self defense. They have a self defense argument because they were fired upon. And it's very important that we learned yesterday because we learned more facts than what we knew sixth the last six months that a civilian herd these officers announced their presence. So when you look at the totality of all these facts, that David Cameron and the grand jury got it right. In one last point, I'm insulted and horrified by that MSNBC reporter to use David Cameron's race as some form of funny justifications that he got it wrong. That is the ultimate race card. Daniel Cameron. Now let me let me go to Burgess, Burgess. You're watching all of this happened around the country and and by the way, now it's you know, the politics of a lot of this has now gone into professional athletics. Your take on all of it, to me, it's a very simple formula. Every American in every town, in every city deserves to be protected and safe and secure in their home and their town, in their city. Police now defund the police effort, which we all know Kamala Harris support. She praised one hundred and fifty million dollars cut in the LAPD. We have Biden on tape saying police become the enemy and he would read direct funds away from them. Um a billion dollar cut in New York City cops. You know where they normally make left turns Burgess, they're now going right to get the hell out of trouble. Yeah yeah, Well, first of all, this is absolutely tragic, and I think we all we can all agree on that. But here's something that's innate with our nation. We do not think that using our innocent gives the justification for taking other innocence. And mob bolence has never worked. It is something we've stood up against or whether it be in nineteen twenties with Black Wall Street or the nineteen sixties when I was going up. Mob bolence is against everything we stand for this country. If we were once we respect law. It's the only way to get to order. And that's what that's what we're looking at. We're looking at people. It's actually taking glee out of destruction. It's not about be Hona, it's not about George Floyd. These people are literally putting saving money, putting money aside to destroy innocent people's lives, whether those thirty children plus it's been there's been killed since this process. Over one hundred black people across the country since George Floyd has been have been killed and some some mat or another, and of course thousands of businesses own I mean lives being destroyed because some people. We're rather do that to really deal with the issues that we're talking about in its law in order to make sure everybody is safe. So we have to look at this and I think it's a defining moment for Americans across the board. We now see what what the left wants to do, and we don't go that way. We're gonna, we're gonna, We're gonna vote against. And I look for to see that day when all Americans nobody what's not an out we're on or fighting for law and order and for safety and for the dreams of people who lived their lives in the American way. Horace Cooper, this now is like a cancer and it's spreading all around the country. Well, absolutely there's a cancer spreading. But there's a cancer that is attempting to overturn the amazing idea of America, this idea of the rule of law, and this idea of the citizen being equal before the law, throughout the Civil rights era. In fact, you can go right up to the post a Civil War period and you see how minorities who happen to be black suffer when the mob is allowed to run free. One of the critical achievements of our civil rights effort was to end the idea that at any point, your rights, your privileges, your property ownership was subjected to the vagaries of the mob. We went back to our regional American idea that the government isn't looking at one citizen and favoring one over the other. What we're being asked to do now is throw that all away. I will tell you minorities. Every American has something to lose, but minorities have the most to lose. We especially benefit from the rule of law and equality before the law. Now I'm watching this, and Leo, you know we've gone over this. We you and I to discussed yesterday in detail. As a civil rights attorney, somebody that has has has taken lawsuits to police. When when you have bad apples over the years, and you had the grand jury process, the rules so very strict, by the way, and before a grand jury to get an indictment, you're only hearing from the prosecution. The defense does not get to put on a defense. You need nine of twelve to reach the indictment. What was said about the attorney general in Louisville or I'm sorry in Kentucky was a disgrace over there at ms DNC. He presented that grand jury with every possible option. I won't go through all the details that we did yesterday in the Brianna Taylor case, but they be presented them with every option imaginable. And these are the charges for this officer based on what nine of twelve grand jurors would agree to. I know it's not a perfect system of justice. I can tell you in a lot of ways that I think we have a dual justice system. But it is the only one we have. But I can't think of a better one. And it is imperfect. It is not perfect, but it's the best one on this planet, and if the one that justice is supposed to be applied to everyone. But let me be clear, this grand jury doesn't have a racial motivation. This grand jury are members of the community. They evaluate the fact, they don't have a hidden agenda, and so for the left to reject it and to make an assumption that is racially biased, it's ridiculous. I know this type of work. I've done it for thirty years and this grand jury had all the evidence, all the evidence they looked at, and Daniel Cameron presented a summary of that evidence, along with the assistance of the FBI. But to attack it because of a racial argument by MSNBC is to inflame their base. That's all they can do because the facts and the rule of law. And I would challenge anyone on the left is show me a lawyer where officers cannot use their weapons in self defense. Their only argument, Seoan is misinformation and that's why we have the riot. That it's a terrible tragedy, as we discussed in detail. Yes, Burgess, I know you take pretty well. It has not an experienced the level of protests and anarchy that we see in other cities. Are people they are still talking about it? What are they say? Or everybody? Everybody's talk about it? Because I think this is the time in our country's history where we're taking notice that we are no longer have grays is good in us people, and let's just say this are going through the community in the sixties, a very proud, savorative community that was very very competitive across our country. I can tell you what we're up against, guys, because that white supremacists, black elitists. It's like to Kamala Harris who gets on on the on the news and says that we should go out and riot and do whatever we have to do. They never take part. These elitists are very It's interesting where they operate. They put together policies that put that hurt their own community, so they can't read, they can't write, they can't get jobs, they don't have families. And then they stroll these riots and guess what they do. Then they take they get back to their own little safe communities. Um look at the big screen and watch the rights where other people are suffering and dying and destroying things. They never take part because they're cowards. So I understand it's the black elitists, these who are in these blue states that put together laws my race respects and and trust to take that trust to gain power, a position, income, and now turn turn each other, turn out my own race into into races. So this is our this enemy. I hope everybody looks at them, knows who they are and not a I gotta take a break like that office all right? More with Leo Terrell, Horace Cooper, Burgess Owens will examine the impact of all this on the presidential race. Forty days You're the Ultimate Jury eight hundred and nine four one seawn if you want to be a part of the program. Also the investigation into did the media do everybody in the country a disservice in terms of therapeutics like hydroxy chloroquin will debate that and much more as we continue best election coverage available on your radio dial The Sean Hannity Show. Forty days. You are the Ultimate Jury eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program. We'll get back to our panel here in just a second. Let's go to the the Kentucky ag Daniel cam we're in now. We played yesterday repeatedly the charges against the police and the Brianna Taylor case. I won't go back and play that, but then he said the following about what the charges mean, each count means, and officers how he says, were justified. Remember they went into the house Brianna Taylor's boyfriend, who had a legal weapon, thought it was a breakhead. He shot and hit one of the three police officers. Police fired back. We gone over this in detail all day yesterday. I won't repeat that, but let's just go to the ag of Kentucky. After hearing the evidence from our team of prosecutors, the grand jury voted to return in indictment against Detective Hankinson for three counts of wanton endangerment for wantonly placing the three individuals in Apartment three in danger of serious physical injury or death. The charge won endangerment in the first agree is a Class D felony, and if found guilty, the cues can serve up to five years for each count. Kentucky law states that a person is guilty of want and endangerment in the first degree when, under circumstances manifesting in strength a difference to the value of human life, he wantly engages in conduct which creates a substantial danger of death or serious physical injury to another person. My office is prepared to prove these charges at trial. However, it's important to note that he has presumed innocent until proven guilty. Our investigations showed and the grand jury agreed that Mattingly and Cousgrove were justified in the return of deadly fire after having been fired upon by Kenneth Walker. Let me state that again, according to Kentucky law, the use of force by Mattingly Cosgrove was justified to protect themselves. This justification bars us from pursuing criminal charges in Miss Brianna Taylor's death. All right, that was from yesterday. And here is the most chilling now we've gone over Joe Biden. Police become the enemy. He said it. Oh, would you consider redirecting funds to other areas? Of course, I'd reconsider redirecting funds. Remember, they didn't bring up the issue of safety security law order at all during the Democratic National Convention. They didn't bring it up at all. Kamala Harris, we already know she's for the defund effort. She praised the mayor of Los Angeles, Garcetti, when he cut one hundred and fifty million dollars from the LAPD budget. She also was tweeting out support for the bail fund for people of Minneapolis that the police had gone through the difficult trial of arresting those that are were involved in anarchy and in disruption and violence that was going on at the time. She's supporting the no bail idea that is not working in the state of New York. I can tell you from firsthand experience, it is the worst idea. Because of NOBIL in New York, you had bank robbers going out there robbing banks, being put away, getting let out immediately thereafter, and then going robbing more banks and then bragging about it. One guy, I think that five banks in a row that way, I mean, this is madness. And they were letting the anarchists out of jail within hours so they could rejoin the quote activities of the day, whatever they happen to be. Kamala Harris, this isn't going to stop. This is I want you all to beware. This is not stopping. Stop. They're not going to stop, and that's they're not. This is a movement. I'm telling you they're not going to stop. And everyone beware because they're not going to stop. It is gonna They're not going to stop before election day in November, and they're not going to stop after election day. And that should be everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't They're not gonna let up, and they should not and we should not. They're not gonna they're not gonna stop. They're not gonna let up, and they shouldn't let up, and we're not gonna let up. Okay, I'm always supposed to interpret that. We continue our discussion at the Leo Terrell Horace Cooper Burgess Owens running for the fourth Congressional district in Utah. Leo, how do you take those comments of Kamala Harris, Joe's comments of you know, and lack of comments about law and order and safety and security, Kamala's Harris about defunding the police. How do you take all of that? How do you take these comments It's not gonna stop. Be where you're on notice. Oh, I'll tell you, tell you exactly. I take it as a pact that Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and the Democrats have made with Antifa and the extremist Black Lives Matter on the left. They basically said, go ahead and do whatever you want because that's okay with us. And let me tell you right now. Kamala Harris is the Senator VP nominee who bankroll a fund for criminals in Minnesota and a sexual predator got released as a result of the funding events. Kamala Harris is a senator in the home state of two officers who are ambush and shot, and she has not visited them. My point is what I've said to you before. The Democrats are trying to pinder to blacks, thinking that because they lost the election in two thousand and sixteen, they want to keeter the black. It's going to backfire. Sean eighty ninety percent of African Americans believe in law and order. We want to be protected. It's our only light of the fifth That's why you've heard silence from Kamala Harris on black on black crime and when police officers Black Police officered the shot. They cannot support law enforcements because they made a deal with the devil, Antifa and the extremists on Black Lives Matter. You're a thoughts Horace Cooper. If you were going to play a game, just the theoretical game, maybe a group of people at your house, and you say, Hey, I would like to have a political party, and I would like to figure out how to destroy its support in an upcoming major elections. I'd like to figure out how to scare off minorities. I'd like to figure out how to scare off the middle class. I'd like to figure out how to scare off suburban whites. Well, guess what. Here's how you do it. You engage in an ungoing assault on law enforcement. Everybody understands that the law enforcement role is absolutely essential. It's not actually a surprise when Black Americans two thirds or more of them say we want more police, because that's what Americans are saying. The attack on this group, the silence against the radicals, and the support where volunteers in campaigns are donating to the radicals or to the protesters or to the looters. That is a recipe for how you destroy yourself. Now. I give that counsel, but I also want to tell Black America look at what they're doing and ignore it. Support what's good for you and your family, not what the crazy people who are killing their party are trying to do. I view this as a big, huge campaign issue, you know, Burgess. I mean, are people talking about this in your district? This isn't talked across the country because obviously, when America burns where we are, and we can predict pretty much that there's gonna be model violence. Anytime there's a place that the left doesn't like, we all have to ask ourselves, when is this end? If I can just say this, uh, this is what the the the left, the radical left, and the Democratic Party has been done to Black Americans for US so many decades. It's called us abusing discard. They could care less about the safety, uh, even justice. They'd have an agenda. An agenda is to to uh, to de beat up, to h to discourage, to give every very good of darkness to those who they oversee. So they lose hope, they lose hoping in the American dream. They lose hoping and UH and in the idea of having a business and having a safe home. This is what has been happening for decades, and I think American now can see we need to stop it. We cannot allow that to happen any longer to those those communities that at risk. And I would say this is the reason why you look at the black commun today. We're leaving the plantation in a big, big way. We're fed up with it. We now understand. Our presidents pulled back to curtains, so we now see who our true enemy is. And it's not each other. It's the radical left who hates everything about our culture. They hate our God, they hate education, they hit the family unit, they hate the free free market, and they're showing it by it's going everything they touched whenever any opportunity they get. So we'll waken up. I think we'll be the thing for us as we as we move forward to this ashore. You know, Leo, I don't know. I mean I read the polls. You read the polls. I'm not sure if anyone has an accurate handle on anything going on right now in terms of where the electorate is. We've yet to see a debate. This is a year, you know, where every rule has changed, the conventions were virtual, so on and so forth. U we've not Joe Biden is now just justified. I guess his debate preps necessities and is in hiding now for you know, full week. His day ends at nine or ten am in the morning. That's it. You never see or hear from him again. Um so he's like a ghost or a shadow of a candidate. But his words and lack of them on law in order that they speak loudly to me, his efforts to redirect funds, his police become the enemy, him not ever saying a supportive word of the police. Kamala Harris, her words I found chilling. Beware this is not going to stop and supporting the defund effort, and you know the Nobel movement, letting you know people out of jail with Nobel. These are all pretty radical ideas that I think will contribute to an environment that is not safe and secure for any kid in any place, any town, in any city, any neighborhood. Soll sean, everyone agrees that the chaos over the last six months has been frightened me to America. And the polls are shifty for Trump thout throughout the early polls, I'm killing American public has set up with this lawlessness. Two officers shot yesterday Louisville. And they also realize for Black Americans, Trump has done things for Black Americans, low unemployments, first step opportunities, zones. I mean it's there, It's tangible and people can see it. And I'll tell you right now that the concern of safety and law and order, the Democrats has put that as a number one issue because they have allowed violence a crime to go on in these democratic cities. And I'm telling you people, based on what I'm hearing, people are residenting to Donald Trump, especially people of color. Final point, Hispanic numbers are shockily high in floor of the fort Trump and there is a lot of black myself. No one on this planet thought Leo Tell will be voting for Republicans. I am because of the Democratic chaots. I'm gonna say goodbye to all three of you. Thank you, all Burgess, Owens, thank you. Good luck in the fourth Congressional District Utah, Horras, thank you, Leo Terrell, thank you. You know. I want to play just you know, remind people going out of this segment, the protesters what they said on the street and what Kamala Harris has said and Biden has said, you decide in forty days. This is what where the most extreme party radical ideas of a mainstream so called party never been this insanely radical. Listen, burn it down, thank all. This is in my lowfl symbol like an all person immediate peace police dispersed in sense chemical patents and you ain't being arrested. This is a local natural police department. I think I do stay long. This is I'm stus military equipment for law enforcement. They don't need that. The last thing you need is an uparmored humvee coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to protecting these people. So my engineering point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding. Yes, absolutely. One of the things that we also need to be doing is fundamentally changing the way, and I've been pushing it for years, changing the way we deal with our prison system. We've got to re examine what we're doing with American taxpayer dollars and ask the question, are we getting the right return on our investment? Are we actually creating healthy and safe communities? And that's a legitimate conversation, and it requires a really critical evaluation. I applaud Eric Carcati for doing what he's done. Sean's new book is now available, Freer Die in stores and online everywhere. I love Free Die America, the world on the brink. You know, we've had doctor Risch on the program. We had identified the letter of doctor Daniel Wallace Cedar Sinai forty two years you know, in practice, the premier expert on hydroxy chloroquin and lupus and anti malarials and rheumatoid arthritis, and the risk is nil and he'd been prescribing it all these years. I mean it just I mean the line that went on the one study sided by the mob and the media. Just I guess because Donald Trump said, hey, we're seeing there's no risk. What have you got to lose? Anyway, long story short is that we now have other people that have pointed this all out. Now I want to play doctor Rish's comments and these are you know, these are the top tier doctors. Daniel Wallace, a top tier doctor saying this. Listen. So the question is what do study of high risk people show when they're treated early. The answer to that is uniformly, every study shows benefit. And this includes six hundred seniors in a large trial in Sal Paulo, Brazil, who had seventy five percent reduced hospitalization. About two hundred people treated outrage sixty in Marseilles in France, matched two hundred people not treated with the sixty percent reduction in death. Seven hundred high risk people treated in a large HMO across Brazil had fifty percent reduction in hospitalization, two hundred early treated out nursing home patients in Marseille with a sixty percent reduction and mortality. Eleven hundred patients in a New Jersey study with the fifty percent reduction and hospitalization one hundred elderly residents of long term care residences in the state of Andorra between Spain and France. They had more than a tenfold reduction and mortality for hydroxy clark when used with ezithromycin. All right, So this don't matter how many times it's been said, no matter how many different ways we had. The one study that had to be retracted is the New York Sinai study. There is you know, the Henry Ford Hospital study. There is the study doctor Rish just mentioned. I've told you all about Daniel Wallace. I mean I've read that letter more times on the air than anyone else. Now, Senator rampaula Kentucky, Congressman Louie Gomer of Texas, they both contracted COVID nineteen, and both of them came out on the other side of the virus healthy, armed with antibodies. By the way, and the information of the treatment and how it worked for them, I knew that Senator Rampaul was a doctor, and I knew where he stood on how to treat this, so I didn't really feel as compelled to try and offer help. I was all over Louie Gomert. He will tell you I was his arrassing friend, sending him every bit of information I had accumulated over the last ten months so that he could make an informed decision, and he did both Senator Paul and Congressman Louie Gomert also doctor George f Reed, medical doctor Harvard Medical School, Rawley, Imperial County, California, and other doctors and clinics and treated thousands of COVID nineteen patients, with the hundred and fifty five of them with hydroxy chloroquin anyway, and by the way, former research assistant at the NIAGE, former Harvard assistant professor, developed three patents on cancer drugs. I mean, these are the top people in their field. Welcome all of you to the program. Thank you, Thanks Sean. All right, quickly, Louis, I think you could probably say accurately, I was a pain in the ass when I heard you got COVID nineteen, and I just wanted to get as much information to you as possible cast a period of time. Is that true. I can't say you were painting in the ass, but yes, you got me great information. You were calling me every day and for the rest of my life, I'll always remember and think, finally of what have an incredible friend, Sean Hannity, is I mean to go to that trouble every day. You made sure I had what I needed. I was able to contact doctors that were mentally helpful. But you've had the courage to step up and say, look, this is what brilliant doctors that are involved in this are saying. I've heard from really smart doctors that say, no hydro, doctor Clerk Win. It doesn't help well because they bought into the lies that have been put out there. And so to have people like doctor Rish and doctor Freed, doctor Smith in the program we put on it, they were able to tell their story and it is exceedingly compelling. My only regret is the kind of flak that these brilliant doctors have faced as a result of standing up for the truth. A Senator Paul, I felt bad when you got it. But you two got over this really quickly. How did you do it? You know? I ended up not having any symptoms and not taking any treatment. But the interesting thing is is that I called Louis when he was sick, and I said, Louis, guess what now that you're better, we both have immunity. Even doctor Fauci admits that you get immunity after this. One of the things that was missed in our testimony yesterday is that doctor Fauci said, the good news is that the vaccine is showing an immune response that is comparable to the response you get from getting the illness itself. We still have CNN and all the left win media saying, oh, you're not really immune, You're not really immune, there's no science. Well, even if Bauchi admits you have immunity, we should be telling the millions of Americans who have had this good news. You can visit your grandparents now. You're not going to give it to your grandparents once you healed up. You know, doctor Freed, as we introduced you, you know obviously former research assistant at NIAGE, former Harvard assistant professor, developed three patents on cancer drugs. Beyond impressive. But I think I'm most impressed that you are a team physician for Andre Agassi, Jim Currier, Pete Sampras helping the US Davis Cup team for ten years. Those were ten pretty good years for us. Thank you, Sean, and thank you Congressen Gomert and Senator Paul. It was a sean. Yes, that's one of the great epics of my life. Being the team doctor for the US Davis Cup teaman in the Golden era for the US Tennis and between my dad actually led me into that he was my hero. He worked with Albert Schweitzer and was a missionary doctor, and he was a team doctor for the US Davis Cup team for fifteen years. And it was a personal friend of Jack Kramer and doctor Jack Kramer. But in any case, my dad would be backing me every way, every step of the way in this mission to lead us in the right direction for ending this pandemic. It could have been ended. I'm absolutely convinced to that we have a excellent treatment that is Addie viral. It's a direct acting Addie viral because of the components of it, hydroxy chloroquin with zinc and with one of the antibiotics that a viral action is it through mycen or doctor cycling. And there's been a suppression that's been just tragic, not only in this pandemic, but probably for decades before. Of the broad spectrum efficacy of a cheap treatment for many viral illnesses. A really extraordinary orthopedic surgeon named Lee Merritt from Omaha wrote to a beautiful paper just published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons and documents in an extraordinary way for an orthopedic surgeon via what actually has been has happened, and maybe because of the vaccine industry, I'm not sure that something very in my mind, very sinister has happened that has led us to this point. I think Donald doctor President Trump was right when he said HCQ was a potential game changer, and I saw that. I saw the work of Raw and Selenko. They're heroes of mine personally, and I adopted that. When we had the epicenter here in the Imperial Valley for California and were hit very hard, I treated nursing home patients who got contracted the infection in an outbreak in June, and I received criticism for using the HCQ cocktail by the county health officer. But I did it, and they twenty nine of thirty one recovered, forty three staff people who cared for them contracted it, and they recovered why when they needed to be on that cocktail. It's a very good treatment, and if it had been employed early or it's not too late to start to employ it, because if it had been, we would have had far fewer patients going into the hospital and ending up on ventilators or having severe collateral damage. Doctor Smith in this web event with the Brisman and Senator did show that in patients, high doses of hydroxy clerkland are very safe, and we know that the lower dose that we use in the five day treatment is extraordinarily safe. In fact, in rheumatoid arthritis patients and other autoimmune patients, the HCQ with methotrek state or other agents actually improves their cardiac status in the long term. Is you know, I'm sorry listening rd On on this, but I just feel so strongly and I don't know if it came across in that web event that we had. And I do thank Senator Paul and Representative Gomerk for including me and that. All right, quick break, we'll come back. Also your calls final half hour coming up eight hundred and nine for one seawn our number. You want to be a part of the program, all right? As we continue, Senator Rampaula Kentucky Congressman Louis Gomer to Texas they both had contracted COVID. Nineteen. Doctor Orge Farida is with US former research assistant Niage, former Harvard assistant professor, developed three patents on cancer drugs an amazing background. I've been tested a lot. I've not contracted the virus. I don't have the antibodies. I'm not a doctor. But it was people like you, doctor Fred, and it was like people like doctor Rochu. We just mentioned. It was people like doctor Oz and others that said, you go to war with the army, you have not the one you wish you had. And in spite of all of the anecdotal evidence we had at the time, now it's way beyond that, we've had trials, we've had background. It's still this cloud hovers over this doctor Paul and Rampaul and Louis, and it's frustrating to me. People have you have to be free to to perform medicine. We're not even allowing a discussion without these vicious political attacks. Yeah, I think you're right, this is randon. I'm a big belief ere in the right to try, that you and your physicians should make these decisions. And it's extraordinary to have politicians who have actually gotten in the way and said to doctors, no, you can't use this medicine for COVID treatment or coronavirus. That's never happened before. But this is the derangement of the anti Trump movement that they hate him so much that they're willing to get between the doctor and the patient on making the decisions. You know, I'm not an advocate one way or another. I'm not coming down saying and absolutely works, absolutely doesn't work. But I am absolutely for the right to try medicine that you and your doctor decide that you want to try. And Louie, I didn't tell you what to do. I just gave you the information so you could make the best decision for your health. And obviously you're a friend of mine. I was invested in you living, Louie, couldn't lose you. Well, it worked, and I did the hydroxx of clorquin, the z z pac and also did a step steroid nebulizer. Doctor Bartlett recommends it did that for two days. But the bottom line, and this is where rand and I are in such a chord. You ought to have the freedom to consult your doctor and let especially allow a doctor to prescribe medicine that's been found safe for sixty five years. Let the doctors decide and patient decide. And that's exactly what you were furthering. And that's what my doctors and I did, and I had those treatments and it plus a lot of prayer. That's that's a good thing too. No, and what the tell me if I'm wrong? Doctor? Taking it early is critical. According to the studies that have now been released, the earlier you take it, the better it works. You know, that's absolutely the case. It's best when the viral motiflication is at a maximum, that is in the earliest period before and that's where it can be blocked effectively so it doesn't spread to the lungs and other organs. It's uh. The patients that I've treated four hundred and fifty five very high risk patients, none of them died there perhaps sorry, there's one death that and that was a patient who had a heart attack later after the treatment, but very few had three or four had short hospitalizations. What happened, unfortunately throughout our country is that doctors don't know that this is appropriate. It should have been at least suggested and encouraged to be used there's nothing to lose with it, and e our doctors will send patients home without any treatment. The most doctors will want to see a guideline to be able to have confidence or feel comfortable about providing a treatment. They're scared. We were scared by doctor Hahn and doctor Fauci. We were told that there was a this is a very bad medication, which it isn't. It's it's actually a great medication. I'm seventy six years old, i have hypertension. I've been thrown into this immerged in high exposure, and I take a the HCQ once a week and I'm completely fine. I do you take it for prophylactive purposes? I attend. Sure it's been used like that for malaria prophylaxis without any with the excellent results, but it probably will prove out to be beneficial in this capacity. In addition, and again the risk, doct Daniel Wallace said, the risk is nilum. Listen what you guys telling the story. You know doctor Oz was saying often on this program when you intersect politics and medicine, politics always wins. That is what happened here. That is sad, and that the people that have been hurt the most through this. That would be the American people. Thank you all for sharing your stories. We appreciate it, and we just want to let's keep America healthy again. Let's get this vaccine hopefully is on target. Doctor Rampaul, thank you. I think you're right saying, hey, yeah, the anybodies are being created in these studies, or else they wouldn't be ongoing final stage studies for the vaccine. Louis, We're Gladuel eight hundred nine one. Shaun is our number. Quick break right back, We'll continue. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. He draws his inspiration from US soldiers and the brave men and women who wear the blue, the warriors who never run from a fight. They run to it. And in this fight to save the soul of our country, it's time to wake the silent majority. Let this moment radicalize you. The battle lines are drawn, the mission is clear, and the time is upon us. With your help. In November third, Republicans are going to win the House, win the Senate, and again when the White House, when the brave are prepared. There's no battle we can't win. Let's do this. Suit up Jindawn and he'll take the lead. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Rank glad to Wethers eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We have big breaking news on a lot of fronts tonight. We'll get to it on Hannity nine, Eastern Fox News. And you know, comments like Andrew Weissman about why or Trump and bar trying to reward General Flynn for Lyne m hmmm, A close attention to when I'm playing here and struck. I don't think we know the true story behind General Flynn's statements. M hmmm. That and much more will be revealed tonight and then in the days to come. But just to remind you keep this fresh in your mind, why is the president and why is Bill Bard doing this? Now? There's what is it that is leading them to do this? And they're taking a different legal position than they take in every other case that raises these same issues there. That was one of John's biggest points is why are you torturing the facts and the law here for Michael Flynn? And you know this is the National Security Advisor. He lied to the FBI, he admitted it. He lied to the Vice President of the United States. And what did he lie about. He lied about the conversations he had with the Russian ambassador to the United States to tell him don't overreact to sanctions that the prior administration had put on Russia because it had interfered with the Russian with the American election in twenty sixteen. Why would that be something that you would lie about, and why would you try and reward somebody for that kind of behavior. So instead of closing the case, Struck sat down to question Flynn. The strangest thing happened, and it was very clear that he wasn't telling the truth, and we repeatedly tried to get him to that by using and offering phrases the exact things he had said with the ambassador in the conversations. As a former head of the Defense Intelligence A, see, Flynn knew his conversations with the Russian ambassador would be monitored. So it's the damnedest thing he knew, you knew, but he's still denying it. I can't explain it. It sounds like the old Washington story. The cover up is worse than the deed itself. And to this day, I don't think we yet know the true story of what was behind General Flynn's statements to us. Just keep that in your head as we go forward, because it's gonna matter, all right. Eight hundred and ninety four one shown if you want to be a part of the program, sitting Powells with us, Licensed to Lie Big bestseller. She exposed all the prosecutorial abuse of the likes of Andrew Weisman long before the Mueller you know fiasco, which we now know was predicated on a premeditated fraud and a phony dossier. And the word is by somebody that the FBI had known to be in terms of the subsource, a Russian operative for over a decade. Details tonight, But in the meantime, Sidney Powell joins us. Sydney, you know, I've been hearing all day about these rumors about you know, more evidence in the Flint case that is exculpatory, including texts and emails. Can you shed some light on it. Yes, We've just received forty pages late last night that include handwritten notes of Peter Strock, handwritten notes of former Deputy Director Andy McCabe internal text message just between FBI analysts who worked on the Flynn matter and additional text messages between Strock and Page that just or mind blowing and how they evidence outrageous deliberate misconduct by the FBI and the DJ playing games with the life of General Flynn and national hero I mean, they say things like they were preferred the known quantity of a Clinton presidency instead of the wildcard like President Trump was. They were deliberately shutting down the investigation of General Flynn as of November eight we know now, and one of the agent said he was so glad they were closing it. Somebody was silent about it, so they didn't know what he wanted. We're wondering if that was any McCabe, because they still have things redacted that would be important. Another agent said to knew exactly how bad things were. I'm telling you, man, if this thing ever gets Floyd, we're going to be and we're going to have some tough questions asked. They even were so concerned about it, a bunch of them went out and got professional liability insurance to cover their misconduct. And it shows that they issued requested national security letters to get general Flens financial information simply as a ruse to get more time to keep the investigation against him. Oh well, whoa doesn't. Doesn't the insurance basically prove premeditation on their part, I would think so. They certainly knew that what they were doing was definitely wrong. I mean they acknowledged that. They even acknowledged that it wasn't even a logical investigative next step to get Flense financial records in December of twenty sixteen. They knew his relationship with Putin was absolutely in the open. It's just one thing after the other. And they even say, if we're concerned about sensitivity or leaks, we might not want to send national security letters that we don't really intend on using. It makes no sense. I listen to this, and you know, Sydney, we got an election of forty days and you've got every institution against this president. I mean, the force of the mob and the media, the Democratic Party. I mean, you know, Kamala Harris, beware, this is not going to stop referring to what's going on in big cities all around the country. What we watched unfolded Louisville last night, and I'm watching and I'm listening to defund the police. I'm watching people in Congress. You know, twenty nine times in election years that's been Supreme Court justice vacancies. All twenty nine times the duly elected president would appoint a successor, and to hear the Democrats threatened to and the legislative filibuster, packed the courts try and eliminate the electoral college. We can impeach Trump every day of the week if we want, Nancy Pelosi, And I'm like, you know, what has happened to this country? Then the abuse of power? What has happened four years of General Flynn's life has been ruined, and the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible that this was a conspiracy to destroy an innocent man. And they're even acknowledging it now or President Obama on it too. There's more discussion of the January fifth, twenty seventeen briefing of Obahama. What does that say and how people were scrambling for information to support certain things, and it's a madhouse. Trump was right, it's still not put together. Why do we do this to ourselves? What is wrong with these people? So? I mean, at what point? I mean Emmt. Sullivan is the judge in this case. He seems heavily vested now in the interests of the deep state. Not sure exactly why. I have my suspicions, but I don't know why. And you actually praised him in your book License to Lie, as it relates to his handling of the Ted Stevens case. By that time, Ted's career had already been ruined and he's gone. And um, you know, I'm trying to understand how did they justify this? Why are we only finding this forty days before the next election. Why didn't we find this three years ago? Haunting it? I think the FBI has fought to keep it classified tooth and nail, and apparently it's still fighting because I understand there's more to come, and of course, on other there is because there's still other things out there that are sculptory that we don't have. Yeah, yeah, yeah, But why is Director Ray so reluctant? Why is Director Ray so reluctant and resistant to do his job? Sidney? Because I've had it, yeah, a lot beyond had it. It's it's it's the behavior of suppressing this evidence that is completely exculpatory of general Flynn and inculpatory of the people who framed him, is it self obstruction of justice and it's flipping appalling. You know, I don't know what to say. I mean, words now escape me, which is kind of impossible for me, Sidney. I mean, I mean, this man's life has been ruined, others live have been ruined. Those that we have overwhelming, incontrovertible evidence on premeditated fraud on a FISA court. We're going to get into some great details tonight. Apparently that subsource that the FBI interviewed of Christopher Steele they knew to be over a decade a Russian agent. You know, we see Hunter Biden's connections to Russian oligarch's, you know, transfers of money in sums of money to Ukrainians and Russians and deep, deep financial ties to China, all while his father is VP and he's making millions. And yet the media barely bats an eyelash. And if it was Donald Trump, you and I both know what would happen. Yes, and we now know that McCay went to breefe the Sentence Select Committee on Intelligence at five fifteen on May ten, twenty seventeen, and they were trying very hard to depend something on Flynn. His notes show Flynn open colon nothing, new line, closed colon everything, co next line blackmail theoretically possible, not the strongest theory. You know. I'm just at this point, you know, you begin to flood the zone on these issues, Sydney. And you know what I mean by that, and that is that you know, we're now, you know, so close to an election. And I'll be honest, Director Ray has not done any has not done in the country as service here. He's not shown the urgency needed to restore integrity to the greatest law enforcement agency and intelligence agencies on the face of the earth and to get justice for innocent people. That is frustrating. I find dorham and painfully slow when the evidence to indict on some issues has been there forever and now we're in a position, well, if he does anything at this point, it's going to be viewed as political or it's not going to be covered like Ron Johnson's you know, Blockbuster developments yesterday. If this was the Trump kids, you know, New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, fake news cable channels, they'd be all over it. They're not. Oh they've already been in prison. He can't already be in prison. All right, Well, thanks for all you're doing. Please send our best for you know, eventually he will be free. But it's taken way too long. It's sad. It shouldn't happen. This is the United States of America's happening here. Eight hundred nine four one. Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, let's get to our phones here as we say hi to Wendy's in Kansas. Wendy, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Thanks for your patience. Oh, no problem. I just wanted to say, in regards to the Brianna Taylor situation, as tragic as it really is, the one person that we don't ever blame is the boyfriend, and had he not committed a crime and how to warrant out for his arrest, no police would have been there, no shots would have been fired, and she would not be dead. So yeah, you know, look, I understand it still is a mistake that we can't have happened. And Wendy, what I mean by that, This is a two and a half month undercover investigation, which is what police do it's dangerous work. Apparently a lot of surveillance had taken place, and and we explained in great detail the USA Today article as to the former boyfriend what his role was him using Brianna Taylor's address. There should be yes more anger directed towards that individual when it wasn't his address, you know. The boyfriend, I kind of understand from his perspective, he didn't know what was happening. And somebody breaks into the house. It was a no knock entry, legal entry by the police. He the first fires at the police. Police then, as the Attorney General of Kentucky said, have then the right to defend themselves. And it just this poor innocent woman who seems to you know, have devoted her life to service of others and healing of others is killed in all of this. It is heart wrenching to hear it. And you know, I'm totally with you on that. But if he would not have committed a crime, none of that would ever, It would just not be nothing would be if he would not have committed a crime in the first place. I mean, and I just don't want to get into the idea. It is just very very precise, dangerous work all of it and is not going to be perfection ever. But we've got to do bet we can do better. We need, always need to pursue. I always say the more perfect, more perfect union, more perfect, police, more perfect, justice, more perfect, economy, more perfect, you know, uniting of people. It's it's gotta be a goal. But I wish I had more time. I just don't eight hundred and nine four one shown. By the way, if you missed our five o'clock hour and you want to go to Hannity dot com, we have Louie Gomert and Grampaul and our web series with doctors just information you can take, you know, any way you want to take it, and you decide for yourself. We are believers that you get to decide, you get to choose these things. It's all the time we have left for today. We're locked up and loaded Tonight on Hannity ninet eestern Fox News. Please say your DVR all right. Lindsey Graham reveals that, in fact, the subsource of steel interviewed in January twenty seventeen, known Russian agent for over a decade, Sidney Powell reveals struck page text messages for her client that would be General Flynn and other notes that have now become available. Peter Schweitzer on The Corrupt Hunter along with Greg Jarrett, John Solomon, The Latest on Louisville nine Eastern Site DVR, Hannity, Fox News, see you tonight and back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us,

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