Tragedy in Houston - 8.28

Published Aug 29, 2017, 3:04 AM

Sean dedicates the show to coverage of Tropical Storm Harvey and the devastation that has hit Texas. President Trump's press conference is available throughout the podcast as Sean lays out the plan for recovery. Planning has begun and support for the people of Texas is coming together. Learn how you can help by visiting The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast Hey with optimism once again on the rise in America. The working people of this country are more important than ever. On the Job from Hired to Retired also a new podcasts from our friends that Express Employment Professionals that digs into the lives of men and women at work and explores their journeys as they fight to make the American dream of reality. I'll check out the new podcast on the Job from Hired to Retired on I Heart Radio, iTunes or wherever you download your favorite podcasts, or just go to Express pros dot com slash podcast for more information. All right, glad your whether Shawan Hannity Show one that was actually a CBS News reporter saving a driver and giving him a hug afterwards, and we'll get to all of the stories. In the worst of times, you see incredible humanity. You see you know, if you believe that human beings are capable of good and evil, We saw so much good on display this weekend. All the stories we watched out of out of Texas heartbreaking. On the other hand, to see the kind of devastation that we have seen. As of now, we suspect there are six people that have died as a result of this unprecedented flooding that has taken place in and around the Houston area. I mean, uh, but, and I gotta give Joe Bastardi big props. He was the one saying it's gonna be forty seven forty seven inches, talking about the tides, talking about the impact, talking about areas that have never ever flooded before are gonna be flooded. And he was dead on accurate. And he called it way way days in advance, ending out emails to me and my staff that this was coming and this is all gonna happen here. Um. But the rescue continues and the rescue is and have become rescue, recovery and rebuilding. UM. I can't say enough good about You really need three components if you go gonna withstand something like we have witnessed and watched all weekend long, and you need the people first and foremost. The people don't care enough about their fellow neighbors, and they're in it for themselves. You're you're done because it's impossible. There are not enough government officials that you could possibly put on any job site when something is this broad, this big, I mean, imagine a drive from New York to Boston is about what four hours, and you're talking about at least four hours in terms of the actual areas and more where where ground that needed to be covered. So you've gotta have the people as a part of any effort that you're doing. You also need coordination with local officials, state officials, and the federal government. All three of them came together miraculously and they did a phenomenal job. And when you consider the when you consider the land mass that is impacted by all of this, and I know you don't want one death her and it could have been so much more tragic, but for the people of Texas, the spirit of the people of Texas, the great work of the governor, of the Lieutenant governor is gonna join us on the program today. Uh. Neighbor helping neighbor. I mean we saw this in New York on nine eleven. I mean it was amazing. I mean New Yorkers are not they don't care about seemingly don't care about each other. They'll pass people in the streets, they won't look each other in the eye, on the subway or in busses. But when nine eleven happened, it was all hands on deck. It was everybody helping everybody else. And all of a sudden you got corporations setting up free food tents for anybody that was working down at ground zero. You see the same spirit happening here. And then this is not going away in in two hours, two days. The rain is going to continue. Now, I think, what do we have another potential of rain at this point? So that hasn't stopped, and and you still haven't gotten the full thrust of how bad this is gonna be. How many people have lost their homes. My my niece lives down in the Houston area, and uh and she's a doctor down there, And I just I really was inspired watching all of you this weekend. But with all of that said, the amount of damage and the cost of this damage, I would argue right now is incalculable. I mean home damage. So many of these they don't have flood insurance because their area never flooded before. There's gonna be so many people that need to get their lives rebuilt here. And when you think of all of the effort every one of those homes and businesses you see underwater. You just gotta think how hard it was for most of those people to get those homes. Seriously, I mean if they have worked their entire lives to get the down payment, they have worked forever. You know much a cost to furnish your house these days, furnishing carpeting tile, Then you're gonna be dealing with mold. Then you're gonna have to live somewhere else while you're read building. What you're doing there, it is this, This is a life changing event. The trajectory of people's lives now have changed dramatically, and they're all gonna need our help and we will be there for them like we've I worked with Samaritan's Purse and Franklin Graham will check in with us today too, when they had this issue down around Baton Rouge, when we went down there and Samaritans Purse. You know what, if you're an older person, retired and you want to do something with your life, go volunteer with Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse because they will be their building homes for people that can't afford to build them, rebuilding their lives. And it's gonna take years. It's not gonna take months. It's gonna take years to get things back to where they need to be. It's gonna take forever for those water you know, to finally get out of the way. It's not like you can take a wet back and say, oh, let me take it out by wet back. So information on on how to donate will be giving you later in the program. Everything is up on Hannity dot com. Uh, I just work. I prefer Samaritan's Purse. But it doesn't matter who you want to give. To give to any organization you want. I'm not if you can. I mean, some people can't afford it. Don't give anything. We understand it's not but these people are going to need our help. And the first thing, first order of business has been amazing. And when you have people helping people, neighbor helping neighbor, and then you have competent local government and especially and in particularly the governor and lieutenant governor. And then you have the governor and lieutenant governor well working and coordinating with the federal government. And I talked to all my sources in Washington. The minute they got word that this was coming. It was all hands on deck wet. FEMA was down there days before this ever started, and and supplies were brought in days before this ever started. So anyway, it's a lot happening. I'll give you some of the stories that really moved me. Again. The death holl now reportedly is at six. Uh. Here's an amazing fact that most of you won't know. There is a ten billion dollar no pun intended here, rainy Day fund that Texas has put away just for something like this. Ten billion dollars. It's almost more than every other state combined. And you've got to give props to Governor Abbott and props to the former governor Rick Perry that they were wise enough, smart enough to know that they need some type of funding if worst case scenario unfolds in their state, and they prepared for this, and and these people that don't have insurance, they're gonna need every penny of this. I mean, this is this is like Noah's are catastrophic flooding here and areas never before, We've never seen anything like this. It's never been recorded in history. And this is exactly the scenario that job Bastardi was warning everybody about way before anybody else, and that I know of in weather is that the storm is gonna hit. It went a little bit north of the exact local. No, he actually I think nailed the location, wasn't He kept saying Rockport and that it was gonna go in seventy five miles and then it was gonna come back, and it was gonna hover, and when it hovered, it was gonna dump. He wrote us forty six inches of rain. And then we started talking about the high tide on the coastal areas. All of it happened. It's it's uh, it's eerily accurate in its in its prediction. So you know you've got in some place at five ft or rain. These are life threatening floods here, and um, you know the President's gonna go down tomorrow. There are a few people that want to get into politics today. If you want to get into politics, I could talk about the stupidity of the Houston mayor and I'm just not gonna get there. Um, when I saw that elderly couple, that those people in the elderly people's home, what do you call that nursing home? And I saw that it was up to their waste and I'm looking at these open they were Calmas could be the one lady that was knitting. I wanted to I wanted to race through the TV and give that woman a hug. And they were able to rescue all of them. And social media played a big part in all of this in a way that was frankly unprecedented, in ways we've never seen before. I don't know if you saw the case. There was a truck that overturned and a baby in the truck. Every guy that saw that happen race to the truck and save that baby's life. That was pretty amazing. And when viral this dog carrying a bag of food, that was that was Then you got pictures of people that are sitting at their homes everything they worked for their entire life. I mean, when you buy your first home, it's like it's it is a benchmark in your life. It's like, wow, I I own this. It's so rewarding for all the hard work that you put in every day. Even out of case as we played coming into this where News Cruise finally put their cameras down at times, and and that was amazing that they were so helpful. And you got a dog that was spotted, chained up and abandoned in Victoria, Texas. That was saved. Um. You know you've got these ridiculous stories. You know, in the midst of tragedy, sometimes you need just a slight bit of humor. But I mean people catching fish in their house. I mean, that's how crazy this got. Um, look at this pictures. You see this picture of this old man being comforted by his dog as you look at his house. House is rooted, his house is done, and he has no idea. I mean, the guy looks about seventy seventy two years old. Somewhere in there. This guy doesn't know where he's gonna go next. He doesn't know where he's gonna sleep. Now, he's gonna be taken care of. The shelters now have gone up, people are being rescued, people are being moved out. You've got the trailers that will be ready to move in. But we've got to get to that part of it. Because the storm keeps hovering. We haven't gotten to the recovery, rebuilding face. So it's gonna take a little while. Our friends from the Cajun Navy they join us later in the program. We met them down when we were in Baton Rouge and we saw the devastations of the floods there. Well they were up in Houston. They were saving people's lives. The Coast Guard is saving people's lives. You know, you had three Texas prisons evacuated with no incident. Pretty amazing and residents now when you look at the before and after pictures, wow, it is it is incredible. You know how bad this It's everything that we saw in Baton Rouge. It's everything that we saw after Katrina, and it's and actually, I think in terms of miles, it just goes on and on. Alright, one Seawan, We've got a lot coming up. Job as starting We're gonna start with at the bottom of the hour. Then we have the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, uh, Dan Patrick is gonna join us. Reverend Franklin Graham will check in. Uh. The only thing political we're doing today is Dana Ruhrbacher met with Julian Osans. But otherwise it's gonna be topic A and the news of the day, which is all the events down in Houston. Alright, So I have insomnia, but I've ever slept better, And what's changed just a pillow It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. 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I'm not gonna do a lot of politics today, but for Dana Rohbocker is the only day he could do the show, and we're gonna have him on his meeting with Julian. But it really is difficult to comprehend when the mayor of Houston just won't listen to anybody, and the Texas Governor, Greg Abbott begged him to evacuate, and he went out there and and he's defending the decision now, saying it would have been foolish to evacuate the people in Houston, and and so on and so forth. He wouldn't even return the phone call of the governor who was calling to offer help and assistance. It'd be like the governor not returning the President's call when the President called early on to offer assistance. And you know the idea. And I was reading one particular article, I think it was a Wall Street journal piece, and I don't get gambling with other people's lives here. And when I read the comments that it was the right decision telling people when the mayor is going to tell people, don't get on the road, which is what he said. Well, at that point, you you've got to expect, as the mayor, people are gonna listen to you. Now, in spite of all of that, Governor Abbott said, even he said this Friday, even if an evacuation orders not been issued by your local official, if you're in an area between Corpus Christie and Houston, you need to strongly consider evacuating. So at the end of the day, there were twenty four inches of rain in twenty four hours, and the areas that are covered by the Houston Mayor. And I'm sitting here and I'm like thinking, in five fatalities all in Houston. We have a report there might have been a sixth one now but they all came from Houston. And it's very frustrating just to just, you know, tell people don't get on the road. Don't get As I was watching, I gotta be an interviewed. So why didn't you get on the road. Well, the mayor said, don't get on the road, and then he got on the road late. And as a result of getting on the road late, then it becomes problematic and then you still got to rescue the people. You had a enough lead time that that wasn't necessary. All right, how much worse is this gonna get? We'll check in with Joe Bastardi, also the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick joins US Reverend Franklin Graham with Samaritan's Purse. Also, we've got the Waco Navy is here to talk about their efforts to save lives along with all the efforts of all the other rescuers. Amazing stories from this weekend. Congressman Dana Roorbacker are one political issue today as we continue for how long in the dark just just to get here, about twelve miles to get to my dad's house and you rode out the storms. What it was like for you? Terrifying? Man, lost everything and it just will wipe me out. I'm scared. Uh, this is my home. What about your friends and family? Where they at? Man? I don't know. There's been no so service since Thursday Friday. UM haven't gotten a hold of anybody. UM, my mom and dad's watching. I'm okay, there's no telling where my dad's at. Um. I'm here in Rockport waiting on you. There's a lot of people that are finding out about Rockport for the first time. Tell us what we need to know about this place. It's a disaster. It was beautiful. This was a vacation retreat. I mean I got shrim boats everything, and uh, it's like Katrina. I've seen a lot of things, but that that terrified me. But just lost everything. I worked for the only thing alright, guys, the closing my back and hopefully my dad got out somewhere. And I don't know. Maybe I should have loved, Maybe I should have leved Alright, twenty four now ntil the top of the hour. One seawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program. Are ongoing coverage of the hurricane and its impact on the southeastern part of Texas. We'll check in with the Lieutenant governor later in the program. Also, what can you do? The Reverend Franklin Graham of Samaritan's personal check in and I worked with them for years. As a matter of fact, we worked as a show with him for years on the on the different relief efforts he's been involved in. Most recently, I guess it was Baton Rouge when we went down there. Um. Also, you're gonna meet the Waco Navy and sort of like the bat and rouge guys, the Cajun Navy. I mean the number of lives that were saying, we're amazing. Also, the only political thing will do today is Congressman Dana Roharbacher, who met with Julian Osange. Also, we'll be asking him what the federal government will be able to do to help these people will rebuild their homes and their lives and the devastation has been it's incalculable at this time. Uh job is Stardi. I think you first wrote me the weekend before. I'm watching this hurricane develop you know, out wherever it was developing, And when you tell me it's days out, I hardly pay attention when you say, okay, it's real and it's happening, and you did very early on this. Look you, I wish we weren't having a I wish we're having a call tonight where I'd be making fun of you for being wrong. You were pinpoint accurate where it landed, pinpoint accuracy, the time it landed, pinpoint accuracy, how far inland it went, pinpoint accuracy on exactly how much rain would be dumped, how it would circle back, how it would stay in one place for days and days and days. Um, I know probably you wish I was making fun of you at this point. This is unbelievable. What has happened here, Well, it's in the one area where it's hitting. It's unprecedented. In Southeast Texas as storm stalled there and dumped as much rain. But it's not unbelievable if you've studied tropical storm and cyclone tracks, and you know I brought up the example in eastern eastern Cuban floor four days over the island, a hundred inches of rain at Santiago to Cuba. And if you study your tropical cyclone tracks globally. One of the professors I had at Penn State, Dr John Kerre, you know, he made me do He made me go look of Pacific typhoons so I could see how wild these things can actually get in all all across the globe. Because the weather is the weather is the weather. So when you when you see something in front of you and you recognize the patterns to say, okay, well then let me let me let me tap your brain and ask, all right, so how many inches have fallen now by your calculations, and how many more inches can they expect? In these affected areas well. There's thirty five inches of rain. It looks like in a wide area, uh standing northeast to southwest excuse me, a southeast northwest from southeast to Houston to northwest and west of the city. And what's going on now is it's reaching and we sit back on Friday, it's coming back out over the water again and the second leg of the journey starting. So what's happening is we're starting to see thunderstorms begin to band just to the north of the center over coastal Texas, and it's raining very hard in Houston in it in Houston is getting some pretty strong winds and winds augustin an hour around Houston right now. So the big problem we have now is this is going to come back out over the water and be out over the water till Wednesday morning. I think the next landfall is between Galveston and Beaumont Port Arthur, and we're going to have to watch where these bands bands set up, and they may set up again in the area that's been devastated. We have to wait until the storm gets out over the water to see exactly how it wants to start lining itself up. Because now it has to start all over again from where it was. So you're basically saying that they're now going to get another You're basically saying we're halfway done. Well, I think we're halfway. Uh. I think Houston's last rain from this occurs early early Thursday morning. I think it's by them. It goes by to the east of them on Wednesday. I think we're we're six seventy five percent done with the totals and most of the area, but that means that some of some of this more rain and then they can't afford another Trump I Sean, I understand that. That's why. You know, when I wrote that letter last week, I said this was like a catastrophic event coming uh and then at that time it was east of the Yucatan, just some thunderstorms going off and uh so so and you know, we want to also make sure that people on the outer banks in Virginia Beach know that they're going to get tropical storm conditions tomorrow with what should be IRMA going by through there. And it's a it's a kind of pattern folks were in close to the United States, that's where these storms want to want to rev up in fact in ten to fifteen days. Don't be as surprised if there's it's right on the east coast and you can see this stuff coming based on the pattern. So what we're gonna do here is this tomorrow morning, this thing should be located about fifty miles south southwest of Galveston tomorrow evening about fifty miles south southeast of Galveston. So then the question is, well, doesn't rev back up again, because they can rev up very quickly over that water. It had to regain its structure and then it will come in just to the east of Galveston. And that means and here's something I'm worried about that I haven't heard anybody cover. Maybe it's not a not a big deal, but I'm worried about Galveston Bay blowing into Galveston from the north from the unprotected sun. That now raises That now raises a question because you saw the decision of the Houston mayor. You wouldn't even take the phone call of the governor who left several messages on a cell phone and he's out there. He was out there a weekend telling people, um, don't get on the road and don't evacuate. I mean when a mayor says that, I think people tend to be closer to the mayor than the governor, and they're gonna listen. And so the only way that the only way to evacuate people now I'm assuming is by boat or helicopter. Yeah, but I I you know, I don't listen. I don't get involved with decisions on that matter. Flooding is very different. Floodings are very different. But you're described, but you're describing a situation where another hurricane force like story ARM is that it's gonna go out and regroup and they're gonna be fifty miles south of Houston Galveston. Well, what could what could happen is that's the worst case scenario. What I'm worried about Galveston. I'm worried about Galveston, and I don't I don't know what you do with Galveston. Galveston hasn't has not had that bad a storm relative to Houston. Galveston's rain amounts have been I believe six or ten inches I've seen after it goes to Galveston, as they're gonna move north from there, Yeah, it'll come, it'll come north from here. What I'm worried about is all that water that is going into Galveston Bay. Where's it going to go if the wind turns to the north, that comes back into Galveston from behind rather than you know, from the sea wall. So what happens is this Wednesday evening, the storm is up up in East Texas on the Texas Louisiana border near uh the Sabine River. Then it goes over the arcletexts Wednesday night and Thursday on into Arkansas, moves northeastward and will be bringing rain into the northeastern part of the United States later Saturday and on Sunday. That will be that'll be from the remnants of Harvey. Uh, what you're going to get on Virginia Beach in those places because we you know, we have listeners there and they're gonna get fifty wind dust tomorrow and three to six inches of rain. And that's a significant system. If we weren't talking about Harvey, we'll be talking about that. That moves quickly out to see Wednesday, But Texas, you've got another forty eight hours real tough forecasting in front of us. I believe it's it's not a slam dunk. As far as this thing goes the re intensification, I'm worried about it. I was. I was working during Umberto and saw how fast that thing in two thousand and seven red back up in those northwest Gulf coastal waters. And this is an area where even in our preseason forecast on and we said look out in the northwest Gulf of Mexico this year because it had the look of the overall weather pattern that the Gulf was going to be higher than normal activity in this area. All right, let me ask about this because look, we're still in rescue mode and then when we have to rescue, God forbid recovery. I think they did a pretty good job. I were not expect thing the death tolled to go that high, and a number of factors that I contribute to the success, and one is neighbor helping neighbor the first and most important. Uh. Then obviously the governor lieutenant governor is going to join us later. They did a great job, and they coordinated very well and in conjunction with the federal government getting everything, you know, prepared for this. So my next question is now, how long is it gonna take for all this water to recede and and go back, and where is it gonna end up going. Well, I'm not an expert with with hydrology. I do know I've been you know, I remember, I remember when the tropical Storm Abby came in in sixty four the braws is going out of control because I was down in College Station. My dad was down there to Texas A and m but um, and it took a couple of days to get back into its banks. Most of the Texas. The problem is you have a lot of a lot of the rivers out of the you know, they're out of their floodplains. Is a natural floodplain for these rivers, and no one builds in there and they're out of the floodplain. So I can't really answer how long it's going to take to come back to normal. It looks to me like that's gonna take a long time. That's a lot of low standing ground over there. And uh, even though rain amounts to the east of Houston this summer have been above normal, to the southwest have been below normal. Um, you know, it's a difficult question. Its probably probably a month before things really get back into their banks uh and back to back to normal as far as the river flow goes. I will point this out though, there's two things to point out that the rain amounts in San Antonio that I saw being forecasts, it never materialized six or twelve inches of rain. If that had happened, San Antonio would have been under water too, and you would have had to deal with both Houston and San Antonio at the same time. So so it's fortunate. And of course Corpus Christie, as bad as it was there, you saw that. You saw what the worst was up at Rockport and ranch Rockport got slammed, I mean and again to put this in perspective, in nineteen six and excuse me, nineteen seventy when Celia went into Corpus Christie, Rants Pass had wind us a hundred and sixty one, so you can imagine that that particular storm. But what happened was they kept moving. These storms kept moving. The reason why this didn't keep moving, folks, because the jet stream is that we have a normally cool air across the United States, and so the jetted buckled southwards. The normal ridge of high pressure that's across the southern plains that keep these things moving west northwest, like you see with Carlia and Celia and Gila and all these storms that wasn't there. Instead a big upper trough caught it and it just got stuck. And you see this happen quite off and out in the Atlantic. And so what you do is and what I do is I practice with storms that are way out in the middle of nowhere to see what I'm forecasting with them, to see how they behave. And then if I get one near close to land, at least I've seen the situation. Let me let me ask this because I think it's really really important as we now move forward, and we we still have thirty of the storm that is yet to hit, and Galveston is gonna get whacked again, as you pointed out on Thursday. And I guess the next and most important thing is um in an area like this. I know you know about mold, but all of these homes that were flooded, do you have to gut them? Well? I I can't. I can't. You're getting above my pay grade. By the way, it's Tuesday night in the Wednesday in gay I'm sorry, Okay, that's okay. I don't want to be like the Houston mayor here, I want people to take it seriously. Okay, Well the I I don't know, I don't I don't know what that situation is and how that works out. Molden is gonna be a big issue, and that was a problem when we were down on Baton Rouge with Samaritan's purse. Is you know, if you don't cut it are there's certain things you can do in ways you can treat wood, but then the wood begins to warp, and you know, you're almost better off cutting the whole thing out because at the end of the day, it's going to be cheaper than all the treatments are gonna give it. I mean all of those homes. Uh. You know what though, if it's me right now, I'd fight the battle in front of me, get that battle done, and then moved to the next battle when it comes. Uh. And last question, you saw Steve harrig and nearly being blown away with those wind gusts on Friday night on TV because you were on with us. Just some people understand because you can talk about the fifties, twenties, the Roaring twenties and whatever hurricane happened to any place in the world and give us pinpoint details which we love and admire about you. Um, but you also were a big storm chaser, and you know what that feels like to have a hundred mile per hour wind gusts. We only have about twenty seconds described that feeling to two people. The highest I probably was in was bell uh in seventy six and uh in ninety six and uh standing outside of my my dad whose immediate rologist told me get that, you know what inside the house because he had been through the hurricane is in Providence, Rhode Island, and uh it isn't It's an incredible feeling. You know, the wind is the wind. When the wind doubles its wind speed, it's not just oh it's twice as much force. The force increases exponentially. And the only way to replicate that is to is to be is to be in a wind tunnel. I gotta I gotta role. But job started even amazing. Our audience loves you and thank you for your help, and and we're gonna be praying more because of this thing coming back by Tuesday night Wednesday morning. Uh, thank you, sir, appreciate it alright, One Shan Jobs starting WeatherBell dot Com and a lot on our top story today, the well it's not even over yet, won't be over for a while. We'll get to the latest on what's happening in Houston, Texas and elsewhere. Galvet's didn't get ready about to get whacked again. Reverend Graham Samaritan's purse Lieutending Governor Dan Patrick also be checking in today with Austin Shirley, Waco Navy, the Cajun Navy has been unbelievable, and Congressman Dana Robocker. When we get back, we'll talk about federal funds and his meeting with Julian Osang. Alright, glad you with us our two of the Sean Hannah the Show one Shawn are told free telephone number. We expect the President is going to have more to say on the hurricane sometime this hour. When that happens, we'll bring it to you live. The President did speak moments ago about what's going down in southeast Texas, and here's what he said. You're going to Texas tomorrow. I look very much forward to things are being handled really well. The spirit is incredible of the people, uh, the coordination between all of the different services, as you know, has been going very well. Uh. Great respect for the governor. He's sent an incredible job, and I look forward to the trips. I'll be going there tomorrow. We're leaving at about eight thirty in the morning. Uh. We don't know exactly which sections will be notifying you soon, but we'll be traveling throughout certain parts and we may actually go back on Saturday, depending on where the storm goes. We may also go to Louisiana on Saturday. The biggest ever. They're saying it's the biggest historic Uh it's like texts really like Texas if you think about it. But uh, it is a historic amount of water. In particular, there's never been anything like it. Alright, the presidential speaking moments ago, we think you'll speak this hour. If he does, we'll bring it to you live. We also have the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, is going to join us, Reverend Franklin Graham with Samaritan's Purse. Also, you meet some of the real heroes from this weekend, including people with the Waco Navy just kind of like the the Cajun Navy. Amazing military people that take all their talents and expertise and they go save lives. And so that's all part of the program. Coming up later today. Joining us now is California Congressman Dana Roharbucker is back with us. UH. Congressman, let me start with you about the hurricane relief and and then the President just said, we've never seen you know, this type of flooding and raining in areas that that frankly don't flood and you don't have a problem. I can't. I think it's incalculable the damage that we see. What will Congress do as they get back in session after Labor Day. Well, you have to remember the president. This president as differentiated from the Republican position before, which I have been part of all my life, is that we should focus on building infrastructure. And uh quite frankly, Republicans have been very concerned about balancing the budget and that's been the highest priority, etcetera, etcetera. Well, this president hasn't made that as priorities priority. If you're building the infrastructure means it will make us UH capable of handling this type of natural crisis. So he's actually in a in a good spot right now because he's positioned himself on building the infrastructure we need to keep America is safe even from natural disaster. Yeah, well, said Congressman. Um. Let me talk about this whole issue with Juliana Sang. I think I've interviewed him more than anybody else in the country, and I've had him on radio, and I've had him on television, and I wanted to get your thoughts. You you are the only congressman to ever take the time to go and interview him. And meanwhile, all we have heard is conspiracy theory after conspiracy with no evidence presented. And he's never been proven wrong with wiki leaks in eleven years, not one time. And he was very clear on this program saying it was not Russia, that Russia had nothing to do with the leak. Let me let me, let me play him saying that to you hang on one sec the Russian government. So, in other words, let me be clear, Russia did not give you the podested documents or anything from the d n C. All right, now, you went to meet with him, tell us why and what you learned. Well, I am a armed that we have, for the first time in our country's history, a concerted and organized attempt to basically undo an election to basically steal an election that's already happened, by negating the ability of our president to put in place his policies and to basically undermine his efforts to establish his administration as was given to him. The authority was given to him by the voters. And this blatant power grab has been excused by a the most incredible deluge of of of false information and innuendo about the Russian government having colluded with President Trump or Trump during the election, when there is no evidence to suggest that, and the one piece of evidence that we have that there was uh some something that was released during the during the campaigning. The person who most responsible for that and knows the information, knows how how that information and the DNC got out, he denies, And when I met him, adamantly, as you just played on your show, Sean, the Russians had nothing to do with it. Well, if they didn't, that means that the American people are being it's a con job, being led to a power grab. What I mean, what would that mean? Now? Again, I think this is very important in pointing out here Wiki leaks has never gotten a single thing wrong in eleven years now. If you look at all the coverage of Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Well, the New York Times has been wrong again and again and again, the mainstream media again and again, outright conspiracy theories, tinfoil hat, bizarre conspiracy theories on cable, you know, with me being the exception every single night, The Washington Post wrong, the New York Times wrong. Wiki leaks has never been wrong. And isn't he the one on the face of this earth that would know where he got the information from. Well, here's the irony of it, Sean, is no one is claiming that the information that was released was inaccurate. You know, none of them are claiming, Oh, they put out false information which affected the election. Now, whatever was put out by WEEKI Leagues was had no impact, they said over and over again, they said, everybody said no impact, no evidence of any impact was Well, they had, but it was releasing factual information and the only person. So they're complaining that the Russians colluded with with Trump to release factual information. Okay, now that they had to go in and steal it. WEEKI League somebody stole it from the d n C. But it wasn't the Russians to keep hearing it was the Russians. Julian says it wasn't. And what's more important than my discussion with him, Sean, it became clear that he was willing to to he will be willing, we hope, and we're working on now a procedure of how to move forward and he will disclose exactly who did uh leak that information and it wasn't the Russians. But we already have all and give us proof that it wasn't the Russians, and we can we know that there's been some intelligence of these these veteran intelligence officers have already looked into it and said it's clear just by the fact that this was downloading and not hacking, and thus it had to be an inside job rather than a hacking from the outside, which indicates that it was somebody in the inside and not some Russian hack from the outside which released the information to wiki leaks. All right, if that's the case, sir, I mean, what you're saying is that the whole reason for the Special Council was would really be non existent. Do here's my question, do you believe Julian Assange and do you believe he has the credibility. I'll give you my my opinion is I do but leave him well. I believe that Uh listen, Julian assan Osang is as doing things. He's a moralist, he's an idealist, and he wants to get any information to the people of the world that's that's truthful information that's being kept from them by their government. I have no reason to believe that he is lying right now. There's no means, there is no U say, motive for him to do so, and he will. However, he has the evidence now, he knows who gave him the information, and I believe that if he releases that which he's willing to show how he got the information, it will it will just basically disclose to the American people that they have been the victim of one of the worst and most historic con jobs in the history of our country in order to steal the election results away from Donald Trump, who the voters voted for. Do you believe that Robert Aler has a duty to get his ass on a plane and go over there and talk to him and look for the evidence. Uh you know what, I'm gonna wait And uh, no one was seeming to move forward on that Julian was was there all this time? Not even any members of the Congress and investigative committees. Now let me just note this so people will understand. People say, why is Dana Ruhbacher. Uh, he's so in touch with these Russians? Here and here and here Sean, I am the chairman in the United States Congress, and I chair the committee that oversees our relations with Russia. So when people when people are trying to say, oh, my goodness, there's something sinister going on, when Dana Rohbacher, this is your job. This is what you're supposed to do. None of those stories mentions that. Let me ask this, did Julian, according to reports, gave you a specific message to give the president? Is that true? Uh? Let me just put this. We discussed what I would tell the president. And have you spoke, Well, I know you just had I think you just had a big anniversary, so you're away for a week, so you wouldn't have been able to get in touch with the president. Are you planning on telling the president all of this? Uh? From it is my understanding from other parties who are trying to arrange the uh, the rendezvous that a rendezvous with myself and the President is being arranged for me to give him the first hand information. Uh. Do you believe the American people have a right to know this information? And do you believe if the information comes out, the American people will conclude that the news media has been purposely lying to them. Yes, and there's no doubt about that. And if the information comes out, Uh, well, there will be an outrage among the American people that their time has been wasted. They've had this story over and over and again shoved down their throats as if the Russians colluded with Donald Trump. And this is an attempt, as I say, ton gave their vote and in the ballot boot and then when Mary people realize that this is a con job, and Apolomy asked, this is it? Is it in any way in your mind related to Hillary's desire to to to erase thirty three thousand emails? That is it? In your mind? There were subpoenit emails and then bleach bit acid washed the servers and and hard drives and destroy with hammers all of these devices. Is it in any way related to her or to Debbie Wassonan Schultz and and the controversy with her I T guy that she kept working after it was proven the overbuild and had relatives that worked at McDonald's on on the payroll and uh and that also had government hard drives smashed in a little pieces in his garage. You are absolutely right in your an implication of your question that this this has all been a huge effort on the part of of a powerful liberal left establishment in this country and around the world to divert the attention of the American people from some of these horrendous things Hillary. When you talk about collusion, where where's all the stories over and over again about Hillary raising tens of millions of dollars or at least millions and millions of dollars for the Clinton Foundation and her husband being paid uranium one million dollars. Sir, right, and let me and let me note Sean, I'm trying to get this out in the public now where we can get this Julian Assange thing straightened out so that people know that it wasn't the Russians that that that ACKed into this system, and that's not how this information was released. But after that, I am going to be calling on on the United States Congress, and my fellow members of Congress, my Republican friends, we need to have a hearing specifically on Hillary and Russia and the pens of millions of dollars a good that went into the Uranian one. Yeah, the Clinton Foundation. Let me ask this question of that. Yet, are you convinced maybe that this was by design? I mean, based on your conversations, do you think that this false Russian narrative, that they're top American leftist democrats, what liberals that knew what they were doing, and that they purposely, you know, manufactured this. Do you believe that I think that they took advantage of of of what was a negative and turned it into a positive. The negative was they got all this information they were trying to keep secret from the American people. It was disclosed through this WEEKI leaks establishment uh that that that serves as a vehicle to get information to the people. And once the information was and made them look really bad and and helped lose the election. So they created a red herring, and they created the big bad Russian wolf, if you will, all on the purpose of distracting. And then the narrative got bigger and bigger with their helps in the compliant media. Well, once the information was out, they've tried to turn a limit into lemon aid by saying, oh, we're reading hurt by this information. But let's let's take a look. We can say that this was collusion on the part of the Russians and will blame it on the Russians. So what they did is repeat over and over and over and over again and attempt to divert the American people from any Look, how certain are you negative? How certain are you everything you're telling me and my audience right now is true? How certain are you that laws were broken? Um? Well, I'm not certain about that. Well, I'm certain. No, I'm not certain about that. I'm not certain what we certainly know that you can't. You can't mishandle classified information and destroy classified secret and special Access program information. We know that you can't smash government hard drives. We know that something's under subpoena and you don't hand it over. That's called obstruction, isn't it. Yeah. I have not analyzed that part of this, of this scenario yet, and uh that I think that you will fall Congressman. I I just gotta let you go. But I'm gonna have you back. Would you come back with us later this week on radio and TV anytime you want me? All right, thank you, Dania Roback. I want to take the President speaking on those epic flood President Show for our stations along the Shawan Hannay Show Network. We're not going to be taking this break at a very positive meeting, and I want to begin today by extending my thoughts and prayers for those affected by Hurricane Harvey and the catastrophe of flooding and all of the other difficulties that they're currently going through in Houston, in southeast Texas, and now it's looking more and more like the state of Louisiana will be also affected. My administration is coordinating closely with state and local authorities in Texas and Louisiana to save lives, and we thank our first responders and all of those involved in their efforts. We're working directly with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who by the way, is doing a fantastic job and his entire staff likewise, as well as with Governor John Bell Edwards, who's very much involved in starting the process of Louisiana. We've pledged our full support as Texas and Louisiana battle and recover from this very devastating and historic storm. There's probably never been anything like this. Under the supervision of FEMA Administrative brock Long, there has been a tremendous amount of work done. He has He has been so outstanding in so many ways. More than eight thousand five federal workers are involved in the Texas effort alone. I've also today declared emergencies in Louisiana at the request of Governor Edwards. Recovery will be a long and difficult road, and the federal government stands ready, willing and able to support that effort. Right now, the single most important thing is the safety and security of those still in harm's way, including the first responders who have been so terrific and brave. Protecting the lives of our people is my highest priority. Every asset at my command is at the disposal of local officials. Tragic time such as these bring out the best in America's character, strength, charity, and resilience. Are those characters we see neighbor helping neighbor, friend helping friend, and stranger helping stranger, and you see that all over you watch on television, you just see such incredible work and love and teamwork. We are one American family. We hurt together, we struggled together, and believe me, we endure together. We are one family. To the people of Texas and Louisiana, we are one with you. We're praying for you. We're working closely with your leaders and officials, and I will be visiting the impact zone tomorrow to ensure that you're receiving full support and cooperation from the federal government. And on Saturday, we think we're going back to Texas and also we will be going to Louisiana. Nothing can defeat the unbreakable spirit of people of Texas and Louisiana. Right now, every American heart sends its love and support to those whose lives have been upended, totally, upended, totally by this very horrible storm. We asked God for his wisdom and strength. We will get through this. We will come out stronger, and believe me, we will be bigger, better, stronger than ever before. The rebuilding will begin and in the end it will be something very special. And I just want to thank everybody in the affected area because it has been absolutely incredible to watch the spirit, the cooperation and the love. I would also like to share a message to the people of Finland who have recently suffered a terrorist attack in Turku. We stand in solidarity with you against the terrorist threat. We must all work together to deny terrorists safe havens, cut off their finances, and defeat their very wicked ideology. Mr. President, Americans are grateful for your steadfast support as an ally in the fight against terrorism. Appreciate it, including your membership in the Coalition to defeat ISIS. Finland makes important contributions to the coalition and its effort in Afghanistan, and has troops on the ground in Iraq training Iraqi soldiers in Afghanistan. Finland provides troops and financial contributions to support the Afghan National Defense and Security forces on a modern day frontier between barbarism and civilization. That's what you have. It's barbarism versus civilization. We are particularly grateful to the Finnish citizens who have sacrificed for our mutual security. Finland is a leading expert in cyber security. In fact, we should be calling you pretty soon. You do do a fantastic job with cybersecurity, and I congratulate you. And uh, I think in avery short period of time. We're going to be right there with you. Believe me. The United States is very proud partner of Finland's European Center of Excellence to counter modern threats, including cyber attacks. In addition, we look forward to your leadership as chair of the Arctic Council. The Arctic region has strategic and economic importance for both of our nation's very much. The foundation of our friendship is our shared love of freedom. On behalf of all Americans, I congratulate you and the Finnish people on the one anniversary of Finland's independence one years fantastic in honor of Finland's all right, that's the pro sident he is with the is that a president of Finland and UH and they recently had a terror attack, the President saying over federal workers in Texas in the effort down there alone, the President said, everything at his disposal is now being made available to local authorities. He'll be headed to Texas tomorrow. He's declared Louisiana, which will be hit next, also a disaster area, and they will have all the federal help and assistance. First order of business people's safety. When we come back, we will get to the President and n Q and I you won't miss anything important that I can promise you. And then you're gonna meet one of the heroes from this weekend as we continue on the Sean Hannity Show and take this hard break. You don't want to talk to Sean Hannity, check him out on Twitter. You can find him under at Sean Hannity. Alright, until the top of the our top story remains the tragedy the flooding. What is the worst in the history of Southeast Texas. Now, the President is doing a joint press conference. We just gave you the president's statement while we were away. The President of Finland gave his statement. So we're just gonna pick it up with the first question just literally one minute ago to the President. So we'll take a couple of questions. How about we go to Texas? Uh Todd Gilman, God, thank you. President. UM. I'm wondering what you can tell the people of Texas to expect in terms of long term recovery efforts, and in particular, you have been feuding with some key congressional leaders. You've also threatened a government shutdown potentially next month over border wall funding. Um, are these going to hamper long term the funding that will be needed long term for recovery. No, Judd, I think that you're gonna see very rapid action from certainly from the President, and you're gonna get your funding. It's a terrible tragedy. Your governor has been absolutely outstanding and the job he's done in his entire staff, and I will say that I just spoke with Greg and he is working seven. We expect to have requests on our desk fairly soon, and we think that Congress will feel very much the way I feel, very in the very bipartisan way. That will be nice. But we think you're going to have what you need and it's going to go fast. Texas is a unique place. It's a great, great state, great people, and I think you'll be up and running very very quickly, really very quickly. So uh yeah, I think you're gonna be in fantastic yep. I've already spoken to Congress, and everybody feels for you and feels for what you're going through. But at the same time they have great respect, even additional respect for the state because you've handled it so well, so brilliantly. But it's a long road still pouring, still a lot of right, nobody's ever seen anything like it. They've I've heard the words epic, I've heard historic. That's what it is. But you will have what you want. I think very very quickly. Uh and Todd, you can ask a question to the president. Thank you. Does this situation make you reconsider the possibility of a government shutdown next? I think it has nothing to do with it. Really, I think this is separate. This is going to go really very very quickly. Again, I've spoken to many of the people were talking about and everybody feels the same way I do. And thank you, and Mr President, I wanted to ask you your neighbor Russia has meddled in US politics. They have a military exercise coming up in the next few weeks in the Baltic their tensions over there. What kind of advice have you offered and can you offer to the United States in dealing with this adversary. So we are not feeling all thoseselves as advice as but we are feeling ourselves as doing all what is possible to maintain peace. And that is what we are doing in politics see area too with the Actually you refer to a different kind of military training which is going to happen there. I have to tell you that a couple of weeks ago I met President Putin and there were media interested in why Chinese navy is having a training together with Russians in Boltics Sea area. Putting answered that it is not a block, it's not against anybody. My answer was that we are also training in politics see with the United States and Sweden, and it is not a block. It's not against anybody. So we have to be very careful that this huge training, huge military trafficking over politics doesn't cause any accidental problems because we know that from accidents might grow whatever, and that is why I think it's important that we continue to work with NATO to enhance, like I said, dialogue between Russia and NATO, and it is going forward. Good question finished broadcasting company? Where you are okay? Thank you, Mr President. I have a question to our President Trump, if I may, as a president. Minister told he's been raising the easy about the security situation in the politics region and this politics See specifically, and has been concerned about the Russian planes flying there without transponders on. So my question to you, Mr President would be Mr Trump, would you consider RUSSA as a security threat? Thank you? Well, I consider many countries as a security threat. Unfortunately, when you look at what's going on in the world today. As you know, a few weeks ago, our great Vice President Mike Pants who's right here, was in the region and spent quite a bit of time there. We consider that a very very important part of the world. We have great relationships there. We have a great relationship with Finland, and so I would consider many countries threats. But these are all threats that will be able to handle if we have to. Hopefully we won't have to handle them, but if we do, we will handle them. Can I have a follow up? As he had also? So if the situation in the Baltic were to escalate, what would the US be ready to do in that unfortunate circumstances. We are very protective of that region. That's all I can say. We are very very protective. We have great friends, they're great relationships that were extremely protective. Ok, thank you, sir. Um a question for the president? Yes, no, sometimes do you have a question for the president? Do you have a question for the president somebody else? Can you don't have to? Mr? President's landon media from Finland, did you speak about climate change at all? And what about your Mr President needs to initiative about cleaning up the Arctic and doing it together with the United States. What kind of response did your idea receive Here in Washington, d C. We discussed a lot about black carbon, and to explain to everybody what happens is that from atmosphere black carbon covers the Arctic, and we know what happens when sun shine meets black it melts the ice. And the problem is not only Arctic. If we lose the Arctic, we lose the clobe that is reality. So we must fight up against those emissions spreading black carbon. I understood that the United States is going to put it in half, and we know that black carbon sources are a lot of them in Russia. They are old fashioned energy plants producing heating. The other problem is flaring. You know that in oil fields they flare up the extra cars and the amount is huge. Yearly they flare forty times more than finland spent cars. So if we can and here comes also a business to picture, it would be a good business to renew those old fashioned plants to make more with less energy. It would be a business to stop flaring, to take use of that gas which is now burnt. For Wayne and I think that these elements are shots that we can continue discussing in Arctic Council. We have herited the chairmanship from United States and we continue the work. We had a very good discussion in particular on the Arctic and black carbon, and I think we have much an agreement. One of the things we also agree and we want crystal clean water and we want clean air, the cleanest ever, very important, So we have a lot of agreement. John Roberts, yes, h, Mr President, thank you so much. President need you still have a question for you as well, But if I could start with President Trump, in the middle of Hurricane Harvey hitting on Friday night, you chose to pardon former sheriff Joe R. Pyo. I wonder if you could tell us what was behind your thinking for issuing the pardon for the sheriff, and as well, what do you say to your critics, even some in your own party who say it was the wrong thing to do. Well, a lot of people think it was the right thing to do. Joan and actually in the middle of a hurricane, even though it was a Friday evening. I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they would be normally. You know, the hurricane was just starting, uh, And I put it out that I had pardoned as we call, as we say, Sheriff Joe. Uh. He's done a great job for the people of Arizona. He's very strong on borders, very strong on illegal immigration. He is loved in Arizona. I thought he was treated unbelievably unfairly when they came down with their big decision to go get him right before the election voting started, as you know, and he lost in a fairly close election. He would have won the election, but they just hammered him just before the election. I thought that was a very very unfair thing to do. When I mentioned him the other night, you saw the massive crowd we had. The people went crazy. When I said what do you think of Sheriff Joe or something to that effect. The place went absolutely crazy. When I was in Arizona last week. And as far as Pardners are concerned, I actually did this just before the minute because I assumed that somebody would ask me the question. I didn't know it would be you. As you can attest, you didn't even know you're gonna be called, but I thought I would. And you know, Sheriff Joe is a great veteran of the military, great law enforcement person. Uh, somebody that's won many many elections the state of Arizona. But I wanted to look at some of the other people that were pardoned over the years. And if you look at as an example, President Clinton pardoned Mark Rich, who was charged with crimes going back decades, including illegally buying oil from Iran while it held fifty three American hostages. Wasn't allowed to do that, selling to the enemies of the United States. He was pardoned after his wife donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clintons. Then you have dangerous criminals. President Clinton pardon Susan Rosenberg, a member of the Weathered underground charge as part of a bank robbery that led to a guard and two police officers being killed. Drug dealers. President Clinton commuted the sentence of Carlos Vignali, a central player in a cocaine ring that stretched from California to Minnesota. Uh. Criminal leaker, You've heard the word leaker. President Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, who leaked countless sensitive and classified documents to Wiki Leaks perhaps and others, but horrible, horrible thing that he did. Commuted the sentence and perhaps pardoned. President Obama commuted the sentence of Oscar Lopez Rivera, who was charged as part of a violent independence group from Puerto Rico responsible for twenty Chicago area bombings and many deaths in the nineteen seventies and nine eighties. Sheriff Joe is a patriot. Sheriff Joe loves our country. Sheriff Joe protected our borders, and Sheriff Joe was very unfairly treated by the Obama administration, especially right before an election, an election that he would have won. So and he was elected many times. So um, I stand by my pardner of Sheriff Joe, and I think the people of Arizona, who really know him best, would agree with me. Thank you very much, Mr President. I'd like to claim pressions that you did all the research, but I'm afraid I have to confess the question was fairly obvious and President Nina stuff. I'm sure the President Trump either briefed you today or you're aware of his new plan for Afghanistan that really relies at its core in bringing the Taliban to the table for negotiations. Given the history and the ideology of the Taliban, do you ever believe that they would honor any kind of an agreement that was ever made, or would they when the United States, in Finland and other countries leave Afghanistan reneg on that deal. Yes, First of all, I want Landhaspin involved from the very beginning to all the attempts to solve the citation in Afghanistan. We have troops there, we have also financial aid going on all the time. We have to try, we have to try in all possible ways to solve the situation in Afghanistan. It has been ongoing quite a long time, for decades. But a right to the stations along the Sean Hannay Show network, we are going to continue with this reminder that the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick joins us. Reverend Franklin Ram will be joining us in the last hour of the program. Will continue with this press conference, giving stations now an opportunity to break away at the usual time. These elements has to be all the time present when you discuss with which ever party in Afghanistan. Okay, I know there might be a couple of more questions, but do you want to take one more? Would you want to take one more? Go ahead? Pick please again, but you're going to give her the same one. No, she's not the same. Go ahead. They're sitting at blood women in Finland. Mr President Trump, what kind of role do you see as Finland having in the US Russia relations? Do you think Finland could be of assistance helping us get better relations with Russia. Well, I hope that we do have good relations with Russia. I say it loud and clear. I've been saying it for years. I think it's a good thing if we have great relationships, or at least good relationships whether Russia. That's very important, and I believe someday that will happen. It's a big country, it's a nuclear country. It's a country that we should get along with, and I think we will eventually get along with Russia. Finland is respected by Russia. Finland has been free of Russia really just about one of the few countries in the region that has been for a hundred years. And Russia has a lot of respect for Finland. That's always good, but I think Finland is doing fine with Russia, and I hope that the United States will someday be able to have a very good relationship with Russia. Also. I think that's very good for world peace and for other things. Thank you. As a follow up, if Finland's relationship with Russia were to deteriorate, right, would the US What kind of assistance would the US be willing to give to Finland bilaterally if we needed it? Well, as I said before that you know, our relationship with Finland is a very close one and we're always ready to help Finland. One of the things that is happening is you're purchasing large amounts of our great F eighteen aircraft from Boeing, and it's one of the great planes, one of the great fighter jets. And you're purchasing lots of other military equipment. Uh, and I think purchasing very wisely. I know all of the military equipment, and I actually agree with everything you purchased. We talked about it before. I think Finland is really a respected country militarily. It's got large armed forces for its size as a country, really proportionately, probably one of the biggest in the world. If you think of it, but they're very respected militarily and they're respected beyond militarily, so hopefully it will never come to that. Thank you, and President Minista. President Minister, did you discuss Russia and uh did you offer any assistance to the US with their relationship with Russia? Well, we, like I said earlier on, we did discuss about Russia. But actually I don't feel myself for Finland being any advisor to anybody, but we try to do our best and hopefully we get also results from that. I want to remind you that in NATO needing a year ago approximately it was eight by all NATO countries that with Russia, you have to be deterrent spots, you have to exercise dialogue to these two way elements have to be there. Yeah, go ahead, thank you. Mr President Trade inks with One American News in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Do you believe that cutting FEMA's budget is the right thing to do now? I think what's going to happen is the FEMA money is relatively small compared to the rebuilding money. So FEMA right now we have the money necessary for Texas and Louisiana if we need, but the all you know, the real number, which will be many billions of dollars, will go through Congress. I think it will happen very quickly. It will go very fast. And I want to congratulate you on the network. It's a great network. Thank you. If I may follow up on one other question test earlier, the Southern border wall. Is your plan still to have Mexico pay for the wall? Yes, well, one way the other Mexico is going to pay for the wall. That's right. It may be through reimbarrassment, but one way the other Mexico will pay for the wall. Where right now? Negotiating NAFTA h In my opinion, Mexico has been very difficult, as they should be. Why wouldn't they be. They had a sweetheart deal for so many years. It's one of the great deals of all time for them, one of the worst trade deals ever signed. I guarantee you, Mr President Finland, would never have signed NAFTA with Russia or whoever you wanted to. This is not a deal that you would want to sign, and this is not a deal that Finland would know about. Uh. NAFTA is one of the worst trade deals ever signed at any time anywhere in the world. And I can understand why Mexico is being difficult, because why wouldn't they be They've had it their way, But no, Mexico will pay for the wall, and maybe through reimbarrassment. We need the wall very badly. As you know, Mexico has a tremendous crime problem, tremendous, one of the number two or three in the world. And that's another reason we needed and the just to add on, tremendous drugs are pouring into the United States at levels that nobody's ever seen before. This happened over the last three to four years. In particular. The wall will stop much of the drugs from pouring into this country and poisoning our youth. So we need the wall. It's imperative. We may fund it through the United States, but ultimately Mexico will pay for the world. If I may follow up on Tuesday, you said, if we have to close down our government, we are building that wall. Well, I hope that's not Let me just have our government. Yeah, I hope that's not necessary. If it's necessary, we'll have to see, but I hope it's not necessary. The wall is needed from the standpoint of security. The wall is needed from the standpoint of drug tremendous, the drug scourge, what's coming through and the through that area, through the areas that we're talking about. As you know, I have General Kelly here. We stopped traffic coming through. It's going to be I think this quarter, which is a record in other administrations. If they stopped it just a little a bit like one or two or three percent, they consider that a great thing. We're up to almost will soon be over. But you need the wall to do the rest, and you need the wall for the drugs. The drugs are a tremendous problem. The wall will greatly help with the drug problem, and ultimately that's a good thing for Mexico. Also, we have a very good relationship with Mexico. But I will say that dealing with them, I've always said I've talked about and after You've heard me many times, and I've said that we will either terminate it or renegotiate it. We're in the process of renegotiating right now, renegotiating the deal. I believe that you will probably have to at least start the termination process before a fair deal can be arrived at. Because all right, that's the end of the press conference actually right there timed out perfectly. When we come back, the Lieutenant Governor of the Great State of Texas, Stan Patrick, talk about the coordinating of efforts and support and help and rescue and of course rescue, recovery and rebuilding. Reverend Franklin Graham, Samaritans, purst what they have in store to help all of our friends in Texas in need. And your calls eight one, Shawn our number as we continue, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Uh. He called and said, Governor, whatever you need, you've got uh. And this is the quickest turnaround I've ever seen from the time that a governor made a disaster declaration to getting that granted. What that means for the late person out there is because the President so swiftly granted my application for a disaster declaration, that means it triggered all the resources of FEMA to help Texas. And what you will see over the coming weeks and months is a tremendous rebuilding from all this damage and a large part of that will because of FEMA helping out. And so we are very appreciative of the way the President and the White House has responded to this catastrophe. All right, that's the governor, and obviously things are top story, news, round up, information overload. Our here on the Sean Hannity Show, what is happening down in Texas. Amazing inspiring stories one after another that we've been following today. The Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick of Texas is with us. Lieutenant Governor, first, our thoughts and prayers go out to our friends and neighbors and fellow citizens down there, and I know, like me, many are going to be donating and offering whatever you guys need. Let's first talk about people's safety and where we are at this moment because the rains continue. That to Sean, always good to be with you. Uh I wish it were different circumstances this time. Well, first of all, we are as uh as the governor said that we are in a rescue to save lives right now. You know, you do three steps. You know, it's first of all, it's rescue, and then it's rescue and recovery of lost lives, and then it's rebuilding. So we are still still in step one, Sean, because this storm in essence is still kind of in the first phase. You know, the hurricane hit Rockport, as you know, um, and and think about this, Sean, that would be like hurricane hitting New York and then Boston gets flooded because we're about the same distance close from Rockport as Boston is to New York. And so that's the breath of the storm. And there are hundreds of thousands of people who are displaced from their homes. It could be close to three quarters of a million when it's all said and done. Either it's a famili's home or friends home, or a shelter somewhere. And so right now we're still looking for lives. We're rescuing people off of rooftops and balconies and trees and Shawn, every story is the same. Every story that you see is people just grateful to God for their life, grateful that their families are buy, grateful to either the first responder or the volunteers that help them. And they and because they realize when it gets down to these moments in life, Um, the stuff doesn't matter. You can buy a new TV and more furniture, you can get the sheet rock repaired, and it may take six months or a year to get all of this done or more, but it's your life that matters, and they're so grateful. Sean. These stories are incredible. I don't have enough time to tell you all of them, but it's incredible. And we are sewn in a country that is so divided in so many ways. Right now, Texas is one. No Democrats are republic and no Liberals were conservatives, No black, white and brown. It's neighbor helping neighbor. Volunteers. You know, this movie Dunkirk is about the great uh you know, volunteer effort when when the Armatta went to France to save the soldiers. Well, we have in Armada, not quite as big as the Dunkirk, but we have people bringing both from everywhere just jump in the water or getting their high wheel trucks and rescuing people. And it's just in this terrible time, it's so uplifting to see Texas come together as I knew they would. You really need as you deal with the three phases, Lieutenant Governor, you talk about rescue, rescue, recovery, and of course the rebuilding is going to take an awful long time. And it's look, it's heartbreaking because you know what it's like everybody in life, they work their hardest to maybe get a down payment to buy the first home, and and everything they work their entire lives for, you know, now is just gone. And and that's the least of the story when you're talking about saving human lives, but they really to have a successful rescue. I think you've got every component in place, and that is you've got neighbor helping neighbor, which is amazing. You've got local government, state government doing their job. Coordination seemingly to me with the federal government has been amazing. Also. Is there any one component that has gone shy short of the Houston mayor defending the decision not to evacuate, which I know has become a big controversy. Yeah. Well, first of all, let me thank our mutual friend Donald Trump. Um, he has uh. He responded not just like a president would sean, but like the CEO of a company, would you know. And that's how he thinks, and that is he's all a problem. The governor contacted him with our needs. He contacted the governor. They talked several times early on, and we got out in front of this. So the THEEMA, the FEMA, and the federal government. We're ahead of this. By days instead of trailing it by weeks, which we haven't seen in the past. So first of all, you've got a president who thinks like a business guy, tell me what you need. He is an action guy. Get it done. Uh. And he's coming to Texas tomorrow. The next thing is the governor and at the state level, we have done the very best weeken getting ahead of this storm, even though it was a short noted storm, a weak or less, and they got very big. And then you have the local officials. You work in tandem, um and and for the most part it's working well. The biggest issue, I would say, Shaun, right now, there's so many people needing help. Yesterday the system just in Houston had over fifty thou calls. I had a neighbor this morning and I'm in one. I'm in the northwest corner of Houston has been hitting one of the hardest and right now, as I talked to you, I got out yesterday. I'm surrounded by water right now. But one of my neighbors down the street, their eighty four year old father to list with them, had a stroke and they called one and there was just no answer because they're overwhelmed with calls and doing the best they can. And so it was, you know, getting someone with a high truck to get this eighty four year old fathers had a stroke out to a hospital and thank god, he's doing fine. But it's all of these, all of these issues that you right now, it's not the burocracy that you count on. It's just people doing instantly the right thing at the right time. But it starts at the top. The President has jumped out there and been a significant help to We're very grateful. The governor's doing his job. I'm doing the best to do my job, all the all the local lifted officials. But it's the people. It's the fireman, it's the police, it's the coast Guard, it's the bottom. What about these guys. The Cajun Navy is out again and forced these people are amazing, right, Yeah, Well that's why I say it to me. It's it's like it's like our Dunkirk. I mean, it's it's a flotilla. I've got a friend of mine bringing a twenty six boat down from from Dallas today driving down here. Now, it's funny, you know, it's gonna be hard for me to get to him. But I'm gonna be out. I'm driving. I'm going out today with a guy who's meeting me yesterday. Out did your did your house get flooded? Did your house get flooded? Did your house surrounded? Yeah? Right now the water is happy to my door, over the mailbox, and we are surrounded by water. My daughter's house, if it's not flooded, has water at the door. Um, my son is dry. But look this this storm took in everyone shown. Um if you look, I guess finish your story? Any want I want to hear the rest of that story? Go ahead? Yeah, Well the rest of the story said. Yesterday, I'm out because my son in law had tried to get to his house. He had to walk about a half a mile through water. And I see this big army truck come by, and and there's a road close side, and this big army truck comes by. He's got all these people in it. I mean, some big army truck, big World War two, you know, big army truck. And I and so I get out and you know, walk through the water. And I said, hey, whose truck is this? And a twenty five year old guy gets out, Um, and he says my truck and he has U K K, I'm sorry, three P off road and he has a card business in a place called tom Ball, Texas. And he said, I bought this truck to help out in storms like this two years ago when he was twenty three, because we had big floods here too, and last year and so he has been. In fact, I'm joining up with him shortly, and I'm going out going out with him, um, and We're gonna go neighborhood, the house by house and see who needs help. And and he's just been doing that on his own. And Um, yesterday there was this there was this young man who got picked up by the coast Guard off of balcony and we landed on the ground, reporter asking the question, and he had his small sun with him and he said, and all they have with their backpacks. And I never forget this kid, John, because the kid had one of these cartoon backpack, you know, the character on his back as he walked away. And the man said, I've lost my car, I've lost everything. I don't have any clothes. My son has nothing for school, no clothes. But we got but we got our lives and we're grateful and thank God, Thank God. And so this is when we as a Christian nation are tested to help each other. And this is when we as a Christian nation would really say to God, Um, it's in these times when it's tough that we look to you, uh, and we know it's in all of your will and that we will be fine. And I just see that spirit coming alive. And you hate to see things like this happened to bring that about. But you know better than anyone, because I know your heart and I know better than anyone that's who we are as a people. And sometimes we let politics and we let you know, headlines of the day and and and the haters out there try to divide us. We're not a divided country. We we have a common bond that we love and we want to help each other. Lieutenant Governor, I was here in New York on nine eleven, and we saw the same thing happen. I mean instantaneously, people just came out to help their neighbor. They weren't asking what their political orientation was either, you know, I remember, I just it sticks in my memory. I mean, Campbell's Soup set up free food immediately for everybody that was working down a ground zero? Um, is there anything now? I'm wiring money to Samaritan's person. I've worked with them for years and they are there specifically, yeah, I mean, they're specifically targeting the people in Houston. You know, but so many people I've watched on social media and there are a few haters out there that just want to turn everything into politics. But they're the minority. And you know, but everybody, those of us that are not there, we kind of feel helpless and we want to help out our friends in Texas. UM, what do you recommend we do? Uh? Well, First of all, our prayers are and never never undermis estimate the power prayer. But number two, money is needed. You know. Look, we will have female dollars and that's why the President has already been so helpful and that will help us in the rebuild and the state we have, Thank goodness, we protect our any Day Fund, that's the Economic Stabilization Fund. We have about ten billion in it, which is more than most states combined. But that will deck depleted. That's depleted quickly in times like this. UM. And then many people have insurance and many people don't. But when you send into money to Samaritans Purse or you're sending money to red Cross dot org. You're helping the people like those I talked about who have nothing left, and there will be some government assistant, but they're gonna have to be people who to rebuild their lives. And so give now as much as you can give your audience. I know it is a very generous in giving audience. Sumaritans Purse again is awesome? Or red Cross dot org and help our folks here. And then you know what, people who lived nearby, um uh that they've got a vote and they can come here and help. I gotta take a quick break. We'll come back more with the loot. The governor of Texas, he's in Houston now as we speak, still unprecedented rain as we uh as we continue our coverage, and that's Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick of Texas. Then Franklin Graham of Samarian's person will join us. All right, glad you with us snooze round up information overload hour here on the Sean Hannity Show. Our top story is the flooding, the disaster. This is beyond anything they have ever seen down in Texas. The Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick is with us as we continue. But how many people still are out there that you need to rescue? Well, yesterday, just in Houston, we rescued I'm told the numbers and won't be official till later rescued about eighteen hundred people. Yesterday we had fifty six thousand phone calls that I may have mentioned. Into nine eleven yesterday, we still I mean into we still have people on rooftops, We still have people on balconies, and Sean, are we getting them food and water in the meantime as the rescue effort moves forward? Nobody? In other words, we don't expect any more fatalities here. Um, are we able to get these these people in these situations the food and water they need to just hang in there till till the will help rise. We're doing our best, you know, from a state level, we're doing our best. Volunteers are doing our best, our churches are stepping up. But this is an ongoing issue, Sean. This is not like Look, nothing like this has happened in American history. You think of the great disasters, the San Francisco earthquakes, fire, the Galveston flood. But this is going to be sadly maybe at the top of the list, not even when it lost lives, but in terms of economic damage, and it's it's incalculable. It's incalculable. And and the and the stories you're right about humanity are amazing. Are you glad the President is coming tomorrow? Absolutely? Look, you know, um, I think this president has done a great job as president, and and he cares about people. And I know that he loves Texas as he loves every place else, but he's got a fondness for Texas and and he was on the phone right away with the governor. And um, I last talked to the President three weeks ago before all this happened. But I know he's a person of action and he wants to make get this done and and he'll put the right resources in and he'll do all I can. So no, we're we're happy to have him. He or Texas loves him. He loves Texas and and it will be but it will be I opening for him until you can. It's like nine eleven, Shawn, I was not there, and the New York many times in my life, but it was not there at that time. And I did the pictures to ever tell the story and uh, you know what I don't understand, don't tell the story here. Listen. I saw these elderly people and this goes back to the evacuation and show. I just don't I'm not in a mode where I think anything should be politicized right now. But you know, listen, I understand Texas, and I understand it's hard for government to tell anybody they want to stay in their house. If you're an adult and you're capable and you want to take the risk. My attitude is government shouldn't have the right to do that. But when I saw all these old people in a nursing home, they at that point, we've got to make decisions for people. And I saw this poor woman knitting and she's up literally up to a waste and water and understand that part of it. Why did why did they not in that instance when they were given an evacuation ordered by you and the governor, that the local people didn't want to do it. I don't understand. Uh, it always happens. Um. There are there are people who just decide they don't want to leave because that's their possessions. There are other people who can ride it out. And you know what it is, so happened so often, Sean. Unfortunately, well, I guess fortunately is the right word. Big storms are predicted, that nothing happens, and after a while people get a little with jaded. Well, you know, it's really not going to be as bad as they say, and every now and then it is. And this is one of those times. And the thing that concerned the governor and the reason he said, I think appropriately a few days ago before the storm hit, that you know, if you had a few vacation days, get out of Houston, get out of Corpus. And Corpus was spared for the most part because the storm moved a little to the right in the last minute. But Houston, it was clear Sean. It was clear that we were going to be hit with with somewhere between fifteen and of rain. But there was the penchil is to get forty or more. And now we're in that potential. And I note to my own son and to my own daughter. I said to that five grandkids, and I said to them, look, you can't risk you can't take a chance on the worst won't happened in this case, because if the meteorologicists are correct, and if this storm stalls and we get of water, that's unprecedented. It's never happened, can happened. And my my my niece is a doctor and she lives down in Houston and she's sending me pictures. I mean, everybody's home is underwater. It's unbelievable. Well listen, Mr Lieutenant Governor, we will, we will take you up on your challenge. The country's with you. We are sending our our many thoughts and prayers to our friends in Texas. And you guys hang tough as I know you will under very difficult circumstances and you have our many prayers, sir. Thank you Sean. It's the Texas size the disaster, but we'll have a Texas size effort. We've got a Texas size as far as joined by America will get through to alright. Thank you so much, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick of Texas, stay in touch with a Handity Faithful joined the message board at Hannity dot com. The National Weather Services at parts of Texas might be uninhabitable for weeks, even potentially months after the hurricane. Are you prepared as FEMA prepared to be there for months? On end uh FEMA is going to be there for years, sir Um. This disaster recovery, this this disaster is gonna be a landmark event. And uh, we're already in the stage as. While we're focused on response right now and helping Texas, you know, respond, we're already pushing forward recovery housing teams. Um, We're already pushing forward forces to be on the ground to implement National Flood Insurance Program policies as well and doing the inspections that we need. So we're setting up and gearing up for the next couple of years. Chase and his friend Brian Breeze helped a family of four evacuate their flood at home Sunday night. The family had been calling nine one one since six am. Putting yourself in harm's weight, help others is It's awesome. Chase is just one of hundreds of people who showed up wanting to help. When this big rig drifted into danger, Civilian Samaritans grabbed some rope and pulled the driver to safety. Spirited Tits and that's what is all about. We found Denise Lucille holding her six month old son wading through waste high water. You have a place to go. Yeah, it's in my ms house right here on there. And watch watched the water, watch the water man, watch lift took the baby, little bag. And Sue Madison has four ft of water in her home. When we found her, she was just looking for a place to sleep. So the house is total on my furnitures total. But what's the smile? Alright? Could be worse. You're here, all right, good luck, all right? Twenty four now till the top of the hour one show on is our toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. Amidst unbelievable tragedy and loss, Now News is reporting that six people have died and will continue to update you throughout the day and tonight on Hannity at ten Eastern. The President Willem Facco down and and visit Texas tomorrow. Obviously FEMA is working now, they're going to be on the ground for years. When you look at the damage and destruction and loss of property, it's incalculable, how big and massive this is never before seen in Texas history, you know. But during the worst of times, you see the best and and the capability of the best and humanity. You see Texas men rushing into flooded waters to save a a baby after an overturned truck truck you know, went down in front of them. You know, amazing stories about even a news crew stepping up, putting their cameras down and saving a man's life while covering the hurricane. You've got people in their efforts to save their animals, one story after another. Um, you've got heartbreaking videos of people at their homes and tears that just breaks your heart. And then there's the Cajun Navy again. We met these guys down in in Baton Rouge when they had experienced the flooding. We also met down there Samaritan's Purse and the Reverend Franklin Graham and uh, I'm I'm literally wiring money today because they have a special earmark just for hurricane relief efforts that are going down in this southeastern part of Texas. And Reverend Graham your back with us, and uh, you know it's so sad on you know everything that we're witnessing, and Samaritan's Purse is always there. And you guys, I've seen the efforts. I've worked with you now enough over the years to know that this is money that goes directly to the people. Thank you, and uh, you know, we appreciate everybody that that donates, and we appreciate everybody who prays. Um that we can only respond Shawn is people support us, and uh we'll have right now, uh five we will set up five different locations in South Texas that we will work out of, and we'll have thousands of volunteers. And we need probably right now, Sean more than anything else. We need people to call who are willing to volunteer. We need we need people who are willing to be the hands and seat of the Lord Jesus Christ in these next few months because well it's not just a few months on and we'll be down there. Um, we'll be down there probably for two years. Uh. When you have this kind of damage. Right now, the first thing is helping people to dry in their homes at the at the roof blew off, will come tarpet. If you've got flooded, we will come in and we'll we will drag your your wet furniture and carpet and bedding and stuff like that out to the street. Will help you take the dry wall off the wall so you can your house can dry out. And then when all that's done, then we come back and we find the people without insurance, we find the elderly, and then we'll come back and we'll help rebuild those homes at no cost. And all of this is at no cost to the to the to the individual. We look for those that are uninsured, those people that fall through the cracks, and try to help them first. You know, Reverend, I've just known you over the years, and I've seen your work up close and personal, and when you make a pledge like that, I know you follow through. And I just look, I just have so much love and admiration for all the work you do, and you do a lot of other great work around the world. I mean, but people can specifically I know right now, these are fellow Americans, uh Texas in need, and they can earmark the money specifically for what you describe right right, and it will go to that and they can go to our website at americans person dot org and they can find out how to volunteer. But also if they want to make a donation, they can do it right there. And I've watched I actually was able to work with your group of people when we went down to Baton Rouge and I remember then President Trump or candidate Trump or I guess he was elected at that point, I don't even remember, but he went down there and he was handing out water and he was donating money. And I know, I just I think it's incalculable how much money you're going to have the need for this. And when you talk about the volunteers, I've watched the efforts of Samaritan's Purse over the years. You you will find those people without insurance. You will find those people that literally have lost everything in this world that they have, and I've watched you rebuild people's homes and lives in the process, and uh, and that's that's why I have such admiration for you. Well, so I'll appreciate that very much. The people of South Texas right now, if you'd like the Houston area where uh, they're just innovated with water, that water isn't going to receive for several days. In matter of fact, you will probably keep rising, maybe for the next twenty four hours or so, and we can't do anything in that area until the water goes down. But when it goes down, what happens is the mold. Everything that gets wet, every house that gets wet, every car that gets wet. Uh. In those in that warm temperature, the black mold starts to grow and it is extremely dangerous at that point even to go into work in these people's homes that where the mold is. And so we just need to pray for the protection of these volunteers. Um it's uh, it's tough and it can be dangerous. And you also have to understand just things like snakes when when you have floods like this, these snakes are trying to survive too, and they crawl up in the rafters and get up into the houses and if that's another issue. So just we ask people to pray, pray for our teams as we go in, and we thank everybody if for their financial support because there's a lot of people want to help and every dime counts. Even if a person makes just a small denimation that that is something that that helps and it all it all goes to helping the people of South Texas. Well, you're going to be headed down there yourself. I know you often actually get go down to these projects that you're involved in to help people and you do as much as you can. Obviously you have to run the organization, but I mean, I know I've known you to go down and do a lot of the work yourself. I'll be down there probably next week and right now, you know, I just want to maybe I'll come down with you and we'll we'll do everything we can do to make the country aware of what the losses are and what the needs are. And UM, I've been on a few trips with you in the past. I've watched you up close and personal, and it's amazing. You inspire me because I'm I'm the horrible sinner and you're the guy that's getting to heaven. So I'm trying to hang onto your cotails were all sinners, and uh, we're gonna make it to heaven and just safe like God's grace and faith in this. Uh you say that to me every time, you know I'm giving you a hard time. Um. Well, but in all seriousness, UM, I just urge people to go to Samaritan's Purse, and UH, I actually need your I usually send the routing number, but we'll send it whatever way it works out best. I'll have we'll get that done for you today. And uh, I just uh, our prayers are with these people. I've seen so much good come out of other people and moments like this, and we see it down there in Texas. It literally takes my breath away. How good people can be, considering people. People can be horrible too, And this, this is in the worst of times. It seems to bring out the best in humanity. And and I've I saw a lot of good on display all weekend. Um, Reverend Oh, by the way, I heard you saw my movie. Did you like it? Yes, very much. I like it a lot. I'm glad that you got a chance to see. Well, it doesn't come out till October, but I wanted you to get an early Kite is a faith based movie. And um, you just inspire me. You and your dad and your whole family, and our thoughts and prayers are with Houston today, sir, Thank you for being with us. God bless God, Bless you. Two eight nine one, Shawn's a toe free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, All right, let's go to Katie Texas Billy standing by Billy, thoughts and prayers with the great State of Texas. My friend, what's going on? Hey, sean, Well, the waters are still rising and um, we are pretty much rained in, but um, somehow the power and the cable is still on. Well, there are some reports of power outages in the wake um of Hurricane Harvey, so we've got to be clear about that. But Center Points serves two point four million people customers. Ument of those people still have power, which is you're right, that's a bit of a miracle in and of itself, right, absolutely, yeah. I mean we've got three little kids in the house, and you know, just being able to have cartoons on and cook some hot food is great. Um. Yes, we really really appreciative of that. Um, talk about small blessings, right, you get your lights on, you can watch cable TV, and you can cook for your kids. That's very helpful. Actually, absolutely, yes, sir, Yes, sir, We're we're pretty well stocked up on everything else. I mean, if the lights were to go out, we've got on a food and water and seal and all that other good stuff. Isn't amazing how how incredible this entire group of people come together and all the stories that we saw over the entire weekend of of people stepping up and helping out their neighbors and government not screwing it up as badly as they usually do and botching it. They're just seeing my neighbors come together. We've all got each other's backs. You know, we've all were sharing whatever we need if we meet, extra water, candles, baby formula, diapers. You know, everybody's really fonded together. And nobody's asking anybody today what they're political, no value, kind of refreshming, It doesn't matter. We're all Americans today. Yeah. Absolutely, Well, I know the President's going to draw attention when he goes down there tomorrow. And I look, I just say this because I've just talked to people on social media and everyone was saying to me, well, what can we do? What can we do? What can we do? And and I just happen to know the great worker Samaritans person. I've worked with them over the years, and I know how they literally turn over every dime you send them, and uh so it's uh I know they're going to help those people that are most in need. And and so whatever you do donate to, whoever you donate to, it's extraordinarily appreciative, appreciated by all the people down there. I can tell you that, and this is not gonna end when this rain goes away and the sun comes out. It's not There's there's gonna be a lot of destruction and the billions and billions of dollars it's gonna cost to rebuild. It's just too massive even to think about right now. But we've got to get it done. Absolutely. Yeah. They're they're saying that we could be effective for at least three months with standing water. Um and of course long term there's gonna be a lot more consequences to that. So a lot of it for us is just keeping a great face into been the kids happy, understood, they're concerned. It's like a snow day. You know, that's kind of cute. Uh. You know when I see people fishing in front of their house or a guy catching a fish inside his house. I don't think that's the kind of play date that anybody really wants. But um, amazing stories, amazing courage of the people of Texas. You're in our prayers, my friend, God bless you. Thank you for checking in with us. Eight nine for one. Sean, Uh Michael Phoenix kf Y I, what's up, Michael? How are you? Sean? Thank you very much for taking my call. You're a great American. Thank you so welcome to the program. To UM. First off, prayers to Texas, God bless him, hope all as well. UM. First thing, I see, I see some light at the end of the tunnel for these people. I see a public works program to make I see where he could take this disaster and move it in a great direction, to make our country and bring industry back to these areas. You know, look, look, I mean I guess at this point, we're just still focused on all right, the rains still coming down, the flooding is in, the waters rising still dramatically, there's still rescue operations going on, and then we're gonna have rescue and recovery. The death toll right now is about six uh And when you think of the magnitude and the distance we're talking about here, I mean, you're you're talking about a drive from New York to Boston, which is four hours. That's that's a long distance. So there's gonna be a lot of people that need our help and need our assistance. And you know what, Texas has always been there for the American people, and we'll be there for them. That's just the way we roll. Well, I think I think President Trump is is two steps to everybody else at that point that he's already putting something in the works of that end. It's being a smart businessman that he is. He was two steps ahead of his uh own side. And this is where the lieutenant governor who we just had on and this is where the governor deserve a lot of credit. They were all coordinating as soon as they know the storm was coming. They did everything they could do possibly do. And it's it's kind of refreshing to see government not screw it up can because they screw everything else up and and they actually did their job this time. Let's hope that the left doesn't swing it and uh, you know, the hurricanes moved to the left, and let's just hope that doesn't happen that way again in our government. Let's hope for those people that I saw on TV over the weekend, I will get to them. I have a lot to say to them. But it's not today. You know. Today is about let's rescue everyone that needs rescuing. Let's let's offer all the recovery that we can. Let's get people settled into their new lives or temporary lives and then let's rebuild. But I do have things on my chest that will be coming out about how people have politicized this tragedy is typical, you know, knee jerk, arrogant, hateful selves come flying out of some. But to the credit of many, it was not even close to the majority. Most people understood the magnitude and the needs should transcend all of politics. Anyway, Thank you, God, bless you, Michael, appreciate the call. All right, that's all the time we have for today, Hannity Tonight, TENNY Eastern Fox News. Hurricane Harvey now makes its way back to Galveston. It's not all over. There's still more rain that's gonna be dumped there, and we'll have the very latest major ANTIFA protests out in Berkeley, and we'll get to the double standard of Democrats and liberals on pardons. All right, So Hannity ten Eastern Tonight, Fox News, and our thoughts and prayers obviously with the people of Texas back here tomorrow and always thank you for being with us.

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