Tragedy in Berlin - 12.19

Published Dec 20, 2016, 12:25 AM

Rose Tennent fills in for Sean on today's show and is quickly pressed into service covering the tragedy of the terrorist attacks in Berlin.  The Sean Hannity Show is live Monday through Friday from 3pm - 6pm ET on iHeart Radio and  

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You know, it's hard to find a person that doesn't totally love this great holiday spirit we have every year. And while everyone is into the season of giving, don't forget the best way to ring in the holidays is to send your friends, your loved ones, your coworkers a beautiful, vibrant bouquet from our friends at one eight hundred flowers dot com make them happy this year one eight hundred flowers. They have a vast election of elegant roses, lilies, daisies and much more. And the best part is the only so you can deliver one eight hundred flowers seasonal bouquet to any friend, coworker, love one. It's the perfect way to let them know how much they mean to you, especially during the holidays. One eight hundred flowers is the only company I trust to deliver fresh flowers from the field for of course, our holiday gift giving. How to get beautiful and vibrant bouquets starting at just just go to one eight hundred flowers dot com, use your desktop your mobile device, click on the radio icon and put in my last name, Hannity one eight hundred flowers dot com. Don't forget to click on the radio icon put in my last name. Any Hey, this is a Shawan Hannity show. My name is Rose and I'm sitting in for him today. It's my pleasure and honor to do so, thanks to Ethan and Linda who have helped me out here. I'm in New York City and I have to tell you something. If you've never been in New York City at Christmas time, that's something you should really even you're pointing a gun to your head. No, I'm telling you. It's for the throose of us who aren't New York City people. It's really astounding. I mean, I was looking at the Sacks Fith Avenue window display yesterday. It was beautiful in all the lights in the Christmas trees, and it's just it really is a great experience. It it is so I would encourage you to think about doing that sometime in your life. Make a trip to New York City around Christmas time. And I just I love seeing Linda and Nathan. There's so and Linda, you look beautiful. I was sitting here looking at you, thinking, my god, she looks more and more beautiful every time I see her. And that is no lie, my friend, that is no lie. Gorgeous. And the meantime, there's some news. There's news that I just I feel horrible telling you about. There was a terrorist attack in Berlin. I'll get to that in just a moment. For those of you who may not have heard, the Russian ambassador to Turkey was shot dead uh in an art gallery. The man that shot him said this is for Aleppo. He said a lu akbar and shot him and he said, you know what, he told everybody stand back. The only way I'm going out of here is dead. And so then he was promptly shot dead. If we had any more news on that, we will bring it to you. But right now, there was a terror attack that's actually feared. But come on in Berlin after a truck plowed through a Christmas market. It was market, It was in a square, one of their piazzas and their main areas, and market goers were just panicked at the site of it. It plowed through town square. At least fifty people are hurt and they're saying that multiple people are dead as a result. And we know this is nothing new, this has happened before it happened in France. There's been online encouragements for lone wolfs to go out there, get in truck or a vehicle of some sort and run through a crowd. And that's precisely what happened in Berlin. So our prayers go out to those people. Please keep them in your prayers, because you know, here's the thing, though, I couldn't help but look at that news story and think, now, finally we will have someone in Washington, d c. Who can call it like it is. He can talk about who the enemy really is. Hillary Clinton couldn't get those words out of her mouth, and it took Donald Trump no time at all to call it like it was. And I feel so encouraged going into the next four years knowing that there is someone in the White House who understands what the threat is and plans on working together with some of the greatest minds that this country has to offer to strategize against the enemy. He knows who the enemy is. Those he's put in charge know who the enemy is. And I feel so confident going forward. I don't feel that I haven't felt in the last eight years that there was anyone in this administration, the current one that under really understood or at least was willing to say, but what the threat was that we were facing in this nation, And and to make matters worse, it didn't appear that it had any that Obama had any strategy at all to fight this enemy. Going forward, I feel confident that Mr Trump, surrounded by all the right people, will attack this head on. But in the meantime, there are people that are heard we're going into the Christmas season, and people who have been devastated in Berlin, and it's devastating to watch. So I asked that you would send them your prayers. Please. Thank god it's Mr Trump that one, and he did win. And Hillary lost a couple of times. Okay, she keeps losing and losing and losing. My god, you'd think after the first time she just let it go. How embarrassing. Today, five hundred and thirty eight members of the Electoral College cast their votes for our next president. And ordinarily we don't even know who these people are. Ordinarily we don't even pay any attention to this day. Have you ever really thought about the electoral vote in the past, Come on, be honest, you haven't. But this year, however, it's a different story. And leading up to today, families of the electors. The electors themselves have received death threats, They've received harassing emails and mail and phone calls. They've even been followed by people, and we'll get to that story in just a minute. One elector said that he received more than two hundred thousand emails. This is amazing. I just find this so unsettling. Never before have we seen an attempt to disrupt the process, this constitutional process, like we have this time around. It's unacceptable. And if this violence were perpetrated against Hillary supporters, Hillary electors, the media, everyone on the left, they would be so entirely outraged. Where's the outrage one one woman on television looked disappointed that there weren't more protesters where she was reporting from. I wasn't listening, was only kind of watching and reading the you know, the chiron that was going across the screen. She seems so disappointed. You know, the electoral college today isn't exactly the way the original founders intended it to be, but it's pretty damn close. It's so necessary to our freedom that we respect this constitutional procedure. It protects the sovereignty of the state. Otherwise, sit these major cities would be determining who would be our next president. But these electors, God bless them. I am so impressed with these electors. Have you ever seen such bravery and courage before? How would you hold up? Think about it? I think about that all the time. They've had death threats, They've had people following them, and they stayed the course. They stayed the course. Pennsylvania, twenty out of twenty electors gave Donald Trump a nod. Two and fifteen of the electorate so far out of the two hundred and seventy have given Donald Trump their vote. I'll go through all the numbers a little later in the show. I've got two people friends of mine from Pennsylvania who were electors. They're gonna tell you what their experience was like in Harrisburg. As a matter of fact, these were so bad in Pennsylvania that the police had to offer protection to many of the electors. They had protection over the weekend, they had some today if they wanted it, they were issued playing close state police trooper protection. That's astounding, isn't it. The electoral college worked the way it was intended to work. This is what the electoral college was for. You factor out those those boroughs, those five boroughs in New York City. You know that's so weird, isn't it. The votes that she received in New York City from those five boroughs, and then the rest of the states she only went by and some votes, and what happened in California and some cities. This is why we need the electoral College. And these people, I don't know if they're stupid. I was watching the protesters outside state capitals today holding signs stopped Trump, Stop Trump from what he's a freaking He's going to be the president, and he's getting there fairly and squarely, and with quite the victory, to be honest, star Trump. So everyone on the left, including Hollywood, made it their mission to try to stop the electors, to try to persuade them in some way, and some of them. I'm going to play this ad for you that Hollywood put out just to serve as a reminder of what these people were up against. And some of these actors have become so irrelevant over the years. Honest to god, I only recognized two of them, and I only know the one's name. The other one I just recognized by site. Here's that Hollywood ad. Republican members of the Electoral College. This message is for you. As you know, our founding fathers built the Electoral College to safeguard the American people from the dangers of a demagogue and to ensure that the presidency only goes to someone who is to an eminent degree, endowed with the requisite qualifications an eminent degree, someone who is highly qualified for the job. The Electoral College was created specifically to prevent an unfit candid date from becoming president. There are five hundred and thirty eight members of the Electoral College. You and just thirty six other conscientious Republican electors can make a difference by voting your conscience on December nineteenth, and thereby shaping the future of our nation. I'm not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton. I'm not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton. I'm not asking to vote for Hillary Clinton. As you know, the Constitution gives the electors the right to vote for any eligible person, any eligible person, no matter which party they belong to, but it should certainly be someone you consider especially competent, especially competent to serve as president of the United States of America. By voting your conscience, you and other brave Republican electors can give the House of Representatives the option to select a qualified candidate for the President. Ladies and gentlemen, as your captain speaking, welcome aboard Trump FLECT sixteen hundred with NonStop service to Canada. We'd like to lolve them all or celebrity defectors, and we'll get you out of America just as soon as the tower clears us for takeoff. Once we reach our producing altitude flight, attendance will pass through the cabinet, collecting your U S Citizenship renouncement forms and serving complimentary beverages and disposable crying towels. And once I reached the drop zone, you'll be gutted to the exit ramp at the rear of the plane, where you'll take a crash course on parachute folding and be tennis and ensure me thereafter. We'd like to thank you for choosing Trump Airlines and hope you have a soft lending goodbye. I wish I could pack their bags for them, I really do. I do. I'd pack light. I'll handle it for you. Yeah, say goodbye. Look, the electors were not impressed, nor have they been persuaded, you know, and I saw a lot of them on cable news shows, and you know what, every one of them was determined to do their constitutional duty, every single one of them. And I was so impressed with that, despite the threats, despite the protesters, they wanted to do their constitutional duty. You know, when I looked at those protesters too, I couldn't think. I couldn't up thinking about how foolish they appeared holding up those signs. He won decidedly, and they don't understand I think the electoral process, or they have no respect for the Constitution. But I was really impressed with those electors who went on the news programs to say, you know what, I am going to do what I'm supposed to do, and nothing, no amount of harassment, no amount of persuasion from Hollywood actors. I don't even know it's going to change that in any way, shape or form. One of those people was Arizona elector Robert Graham. He was on Fox and Friends and he had this to say, you know, we've been talking about electors like yourself have been getting death threats and lousy letters in the mail and email. What's about the worst thing anybody said to you? Well, the worst thing is Probably the most uncomfortable thing is that one day I had a couple of emails from the same person that said they were going to follow me and they're gonna make us very uncomfortable because they knew where we lived. And then I needed to cast a vote for Trump. Well, the next day on the freeway, I was actually looked at my right and I see people following me, actually with their phone up against the window videoing. They slowed down behind, they got in front of my car when I was at a traffic light. They were taking pictures. And that happened two days in a row, and two different people, but again slowly passing in front of our house, same car, same people, And that kind of intimidation. For me, being the state party chair has been not normal, but it's a little bit more, much more public. But the other electors, this is a new experience for them all around. Absolutely. Why do you think the Department of Justice hasn't launched some sort of civil rights investigation into you know, this intimidation, these death threats against people like you, I think it. Well, first of all, the Department of Justice is nothing surprises me when you look at this current administration and their lack a follow through on anything that has to do with content surrunning the law. I mean, our president should stand out and say, hey, stand down, people, this is the process. Hillary Clinton, if she had any class and wasn't such a hypocrite as it related to you know, he's right, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, people should have stood up and said this is wrong. He won Fahren Square. This is this is how we do elections in this country. And no one has said a thing, not one thing. There are two members of Congress that even pleaded with electors to consider Russia's role when deciding on how to vote. You know what, this whole Russian hacking thing. To suggest that this is somehow responsible for Hillary's defeat is simply insane. Hill is responsible for her defeat, no one else and nothing else, and there should have never been even an attempt to delay the process, undermine the system, and deal legitimize this presidency. This is wrong because by doing so, you are ignoring the will of one and thirty million people who followed the election. They heard about the d n C email hack, they understood Benghazi. They're not stupid, and you're ignoring the will of those people who understood all of that. I was going to ask Linda to give us an update on what's going on in Berlin. Do you have any new numbers on that, Linda, what's going on? So? Yeah, so So some of the eyewitnesses, first and foremost are saying that the truck was going forty miles, which clearly indicates that this was not an accident. And police are confirming on the scene that they have up to nine now dead and over fifty injured. So just remember that this is families with their kids out for you know, Christmas holiday stroll. It's just it's just it breaking card. Thank you. I appreciate you doing that. Listen, when we come back, we're gonna talk to Colonel Allen West. Here's what I've been wanting to do. Ask someone what it's like to be in the Trump Tower and talk to Donald Trump and strategize with him, you know, as they go through this transition. So he's going to join me for that. Later. I've got two friends of mine from Pennsylvania, David Urban and Lawrence Tabis. They're going to talk to me about what happened in Harrisburg. They didn't get a very friendly response after they cast their votes. We're gonna do all of this and more when we come back to the Shanity Show. So stay with us, don't go too far away, exposing government waste and abuse of your liberties every day. Sean Hannity is on right now. Yeah, he is. This is a Sean Hannity show. My name is Rose. I'm sitting in for him today. I wish him a very merry Christmas. Would a great for and he is. You can check me out on Facebook it's Rose Unplugged. Does a matter of fact, do more than that? Like me? When you go to Rose Unplugged on Facebook. Also on Twitter, it's at Rose Underscore Unplugged. I host my own radio show, Rose Unplugged out of Pittsburgh. It is a syndicated show. And I have had this person on with me in the past on my show, and I'm so glad to have him with me today. I really am. Please welcome Colonel Allen West. Good morning, colonel. How are you? Hey? Merry Christmas? Rose, how are you? Thank you? Merry Christmas to you, but not to the Mary in Berlin. They're not having a very merry Christmas? Are they? This is so sad to see. It's absolutely sad. I mean, you know, if you go back and remember how the years started out in Germany with the rapes and the sexual assaults of German women because of the Islamic Jahadis the military age Muslim males that Angela Merkel had allowed in. And now at the end of the year you have exactly what Isis had commanded to do, to use trucks and vehicles to run people over. We saw that happened in Niece, France, and that was at the time of the French Independence Day. We just recently had that happen here in the Ohio State University with the car being used as a weapon and then the stabbing attack. And you know, when are we going to have leaders in Western civilization, in Western society that will stand up and you know, stop with the political correctness, stop with the appeasing, the compromise, the acquiescence to Islamo fascism, and starts securing our borders and protecting our citizens. You know what, That's a good question, and I think the answer is now. I mean the answer is in thirty some days, with the with the transition to a Trump administration, because honestly, Colonel I remember Orlando It started with Orlando when Hillary Clinton just could not identify the enemy, and then it's gone on that way. I mean it's always been this way. I've never had confidence in this administration to truly name the enemy and then strategize against the enemy. Well, actually it goes back to two thousand nine, uh seven years ago with Fort Hood, and it is something that the Obama administration still determines is a workplace violence. You think about jess Hanno when she was the head of Homeland Security. We didn't have terrorist attacks anymore, we had man caused disasters, Sam Bernardino, and Orlando was not about Islamic Jahadism and terrorism. It was about gun control. So this is one of these major reasons. Has nothing to do with the Russian influence. Has everything to do with the failure UH progressive socialists, the liberal versus of the Democrat Party to you know, secure and keep us safe from all harm and danger. Because since not eleven, the most, the most heinous and the and the largest terrorist attacks have occurred on the abombent administration's watch. Do you like me feel confident moving forward that we at least have He's going to he has surrounded himself if all goes well with people who really understand what's at stake here, and I think they will advise him properly and he will receive that advice. Well. The thing that is confounding the left is that Donald Trump is surrounding himself with doers practitioners. When you hear the left complaining about a former four star general being the head of Secretary of Defense, When you hear about them complaining about a former three star general who was the head of the d i A, the Defense Intelligence Agency under the Obama administration, now being the National Security Advisor, or a former four star Marine general who headed up the Southern Command now is going to head up homeland security. They're not used to that. They're just used to have political chronism. They're used to having lawyers and people that are part of their corrupt machine, more elitists that they put into positions that they're really not qualified to do. So. Now we have people that have done something, that have achieved something not in the government sector, but more so in the private sector or in a career pursuit that relates to the cabinet position they're going to be in. Yeah, I agree with you. I mean when I when I take a look at all of those that he wants to nominate for appointments, I'm so encouraged. I just across the board. It looks so good and so strong. This administration going forward gives me a lot of hope. And you know, of course that reminds me, Michelle, this is the time of hopeless. Wait, we have that sound bite. Actually, we can play that for you, because I just I almost I couldn't believe he was saying this, go ahead, here's the sound by taking your husband's administration. Everything the election was all about hope. Do you think this administration achieved that? Yes, I do, because we feel the difference now. See now we're feeling what not having hope feels like, you know, hope is necessary, it's it's a necessary concept. And Barack didn't just talk about hope because he thought it was just a nice slogan to get votes. I mean, he and I and so many believe that if what else do you have if you don't have hope? Yeah, yeah, he did that was just a slogan to get elected. Yeah it was. I mean, colonel, honestly, and this is this downeat to me, and this is unprecedented. What you say to have uh, the the the sitting president and the first lady out there during this time of transition bad mouthing the new president. Well, it's very simple. I would ask Michelle Obama, what about the hope for those uh, you know, disadvantaged young children and the in Washington, d C. Who watched her husband take away the d C school about your program while their kids went to sit well. Friends, So hope is, you know, based upon what they determined it to be, which was their agenda, which got completely repudiated with three hundred and six Electoral College votes. But the thing is that as the Obama's are sitting in the nice warm climate of Hawaii while the rest of the United States of America's freezing, they're starting to realize that they don't have a legacy. Their legacy is the person by the name of Donald J. Trump, who will be following along all the things that he did as part of hope and change the fundamental transformation of America. This this way left policy agenda has been canceled out, and so even now you still see him trying to is to executive orders, you know, against the coal industry, which will take effect January nineteen. What person does that, you know, in the last thirty some days before they're supposedly so. What you hear in Michelle Obama's voice is a disdain because they know that they're no longer going to have the taxpayer down to fly them all over the place, and they're inconsequential. She sounds so bitter. And any legacy that Obama may have hoped to claim, much of it will be undone by Donald Trump. Well, that's what happens when you don't govern, you seek to rule. Therefore, with the change of the ruler, outgo the rules. If Barack Obama had come in with the goodwill that the American people gave him based upon wanting to have this emotional event with the first black president, it took advantage of the American people and it took us eight years. But we have we sent them a very clear lesson that we do not want to be part of your fundamental transformation of our economic systems, of our military or national security are foreign power to see. Uh, And we're gonna hit the reset, but much the same as you all gave the Russians. Uh, you know what I just I'm so looking forward to this new administration. I really am. And I've got to ask you a question because a lot of us out here really wonder what it's like. How is it when you go to visit the Trump Towers. You've got all the media downstairs and a lot of onlookers, and you you go up the elevator to meet with Mr Trump and you sit through some of this this transition process. What's that like? Can you give us just a little window into what that might be like? Oh? Well, sure, you know, And and I know President Elect Trump from the days when I was a member of Congress because he had properties in the district also honored to represent, so I've been up there and met with him before. But what an incredible, humbling experience for a kid born an initiate of Atlanta, Georgia to be invited twice to be able to go up and sit down with the President of LACK and Vice President eLAC and members of his transition team and others. So you know, it's it's an incredible, awesome experience that says, truly what America is about, that no matter where you're born, no matter where you come from, you can achieve whatever heights of greatness that you want as long as you have the drive and determination to do it. I'll bet you never thought this would be happening, did you? When you were that young boy? Were you? Did you? But but the point is that, you know, I had parents that you know, taught me that anything is possible in this nation and and and that's that's what you know. Sadly, my parents have passed away and that they're not here to be a part of it, but they were watching, you know what they are, and I'm sure they're very proud. And you know, the thing is, when we look at Mr Trump, we really do see something that we haven't seen in eight years. We see a man that really loves his country, and he believes in the greatness of this country. And you know, and he and he believes in the American dream, and he wants every one of us to pursue that dream because he believes with with great pursuit comes the actual achievement of that goal. And I love that about him. And I think a lot of people saw that in Mr. Trump. And I'm gonna tell you something, Colonel, some of the people that didn't even vote for him are now beginning to well, maybe maybe he is going to be good for the economy, maybe he will be good for our defense. And I think it's interesting because even what happened to Carrier, if you think about it. I remember the one man that was on Fox News one morning and he said, when I was when I was supporting Donald Trump, and I've been a Democrat all my life, but this year I was supporting Mr Trump, who was running as a Republican. All my coworkers would give me a lot of crap about it, he said. They were constantly on my back. They were disparaging me, he said. But when Mr Trump did what he did with those one thousand jobs and came to speak to the employees of Carrier, those same co workers were in the crowd yelling Trump, Trump, Trump. And I think that that's going to be the case for many people in this country. People who did not vote for Mr Trump will begin to eventually see that he maybe is good for the country and more importantly, good for them. Yeah. It's it's about unleashing that incredible and doable entrepreneur spirit and that work ethic that has made America the greatest nation of the world has ever known. And two hundred and forty somebody years now. They're going to be a contingent of people like the Hollywood bozos that made that commercial advertisement. They're never going to get it because they're part of that elitism between New York and Chicago and California. But you know, what you saw in this election cycle was a person that was able to go down and talk to what I called Joe and Jane everyday American Uh. And they get it, and they want to be a part of it, and they want to be a part of the restoration to this constitutional republic. And they don't want to see our sailors on their knees at gunpoints with the unions. Uh. And then be told that, you know, we have to thank the Iranian's for taking care of our sailors. That's that's a stench in our noses. Uh. And when they hear about, you know, a tractor trailer running over families that are just out there the Christmas bazaar, that's the type of thing they say, you know, there is evil in the world. We got to confront it. We don't want people that cower away from calling evil what it is. You know, I'm glad you brought that up because we're China's concerned in the drone. They're waiting for us to say, oh, they thank you so much for returning our drone. So instead Trump was saying, you know what, we should tell China, but we don't want the drone they stole back. We don't want it. Let them keep it. And everyone was all over that statement and they thought it was just horrible. But you know what it's like that He's right, don't do us any favors. And remember John Carey's you just brought up thank the Iranian government for returning our sailors. I mean, we found out afterwards that they were humiliating that they should have taken the ship in the first place, and they shouldn't have taken the drone in the first place. So now we're supposed to say, oh, thank you for giving back something that was ours to begin with. Yeah, it's the double embarrassment, uh, that we embarrass you on the world stays by taking it while you were watching. And now you know, we sat back and watch you make these quote unquote strong condemnations. Okay, we've done whatever we want, We'll we'll give it back, and you just say thank you to us, and you know, have a nice day. See look, well we should have done as sent you know, a naval fleet, but of course the Barack Obama, but we can't conduct a blockade around these man made islands. And think about this, Rose, How when was the last time you her from the environmentalists because China was out there dumping sand on good system? Good point, exactly right. You know what, I don't. We don't need any favors from them, and I like that Donald Trump understands that, and I think that you'll continue to receive good counsel. We're China is concerned and Russia and so forth. But correct me if I'm wrong. I mean, we're like four percent of China g d P. There are one percent of ours. We can hold our breath longer than they can, right, yeah, absolutely right. I mean we do have a sense of the more high ground. But if you don't realize that, if you're just so used to being on your knees, which is what this administration has been. When you look at Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Islamic Jahadism, Uh, they don't know how to stand. But I think now America, come January to twine will start standing again, I agree with you. You know, it's always great to talk to you, and I do wish you a very merry Christmas and God bless you. Thanks for joining us this afternoon. I really appreciate it. Colonel Allen West. Thank you. Same to you, Colonel Allen West. We're gonna take a break care and we'll be back with lots more or of the Sean Hannity Show. We'll take your phone calls, and remember my Facebook is Rose unplugged. Like me when you go there. Twitter is at Rose Underscore unplugged. We'll be back with more of the Shawn Hannity Program and the latest of what's going on in Berlin right after this. Okay, we're back. This is the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose. You can like me on Facebook. It's Rose Unplugged. Twitter, It's at Rose Underscore unplugged. I will get to the many phone calls that have come in. It's eight hundred nine for one Sean. But in the meantime, I've been promising you this. We know that today that twenty of the twenty electoral votes went to Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, my state. I asked two of my friends to join me this morning. One is uh the who was the senior adviser on the Trump campaign who worked in Pennsylvania and Indiana for the primary. I went to Cleveland for almost three months for the campaign to assist on the convention, then came back and worked with the rest of us in Pennsylvania. And by the way, he's a West Point grad and the president elected Donald Trump in his box during the first half of the Army Navy game where Army beat Navy for the first time in fourteen years. Maybe he had something to do with it. Please welcome to the show, David Urban. Hi, Hey Dave, how you do it? Rose? Thanks for having me. Great, Absolutely good to have you one. Also, the other guest that we have is Lawrence Tabus. He is the counsel to President elect Donald Trump in the state of Pennsylvania. As mayor fant he played a very significant rule and the recount. So we have him joining us as well. Are you on the phone with us now, Lawrence? Sure, I am, and I'm honored to be with David on the phone. Oh, I know, right, David's awesome. We love him. So okay, guys, you gotta tell you listen. I've got the sound from what happened in Harrisburg. Let me play that for both of you real quick. So the crowd is chanting, chanting, shame on you. What was it like to be there? Guys? Let's start with you, David, You're the head teller. What have been? Yeah? Rose, So it was, uh, it was a great honor. I will tell you that, m uh you. As you know, I got to talk to President elect on election night and tell him that he had won Conwealth Pennsylvania was gonna the next president United States. And then this afternoon, after the electors, Lawrence and this fellow electors voted, I got to tally those electoral votes, and what you didn't hear their roads was the following thank you, Mr President. It was my pleasure to announce you to the member of the College. The tellers agree in their account the electors of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have cast twenty votes the Honorable Donald J. Trump for President of United States and votes the Honorable Michael R. Pence for Vice President. I just got the booing was so loud from the gallery and the protesters that that was drowned out of dropped me out a little bit. What a shame but well, what a what a historic moment for you to be part of. Honestly, Lawrence, did you feel the same way? Lawrence, You are an elector, is that right? In the state of PA. But I was one of the electors. I also served as the parliamentarian. It was an extremely historic moment. It's it's really today was election day and it was just an honor and privilege to be there. And I did feel bad for David because they would not let him get those words out. We all knew what it was and we were all proud, uh for the election of Donald Trump. Today, Well he got those words out today on the Sean Hannity Show. So they're I'm really glad you had that opportunity. You know, Lawrence, you told me earlier that you're still getting phone calls from people trying to phone. I'm getting roads. I've since it's over, I've been getting phone calls. In fact, about two minutes ago before I spoke to you. Now I got calls. I'm getting emails still. Um, they just don't stop. Yesterday a woman came to my apartment building and tried to get in. Oh my God, to see me as well. And U but here it is the Electoral College has met, it's done, it's official, and they're still trying to get me to switch my vote. But there's no get back, no no returns. This is not like a Christmas layweight programs. Right, We're going forward, baby, it's done. She lost over and over and over again. This is a complete embarrassment. David Irban, You've been around a long time, my friend, in politics. Have you ever seen anything like this? No, not ros And you know it's kind of a sham, the Lawrence points out. Um, you know, the past several election cycles weren't very favorable for the Republican Party. Yet I don't believe anyone sat in the balcony of the General Assembly in Templvan and shouted down the head and teller for then President elect Obama a little bit. You know, it's a little bit of star grapes on their part. But we we're gonna show we are going to make America great again. Um. The President elect putting together an offen team. Um, some of the best, brightest, most qualified people in America. And uh, and I think after a few short months, people are gonna start seeing some really really amazing results. Oh, I agree with you. And that's what they're so afraid of. You know, there should have never been an effort, guys to delay this process. I mean, they're undermining the system. It's a constitutional election, the process is constitutional. They were trying to delegitimize this presidency, and they were ignoring the will of the people. I mean, the people voted in this election, and we had the results, and thankfully we will we will move forward with a Trump administration. But this was just really this was an outrage. It was it was just so embarrassing. And I agree you see it with the with the you know, the alleged Russian packing, you know of of of the d n C and of the Clinton um the infamous Clinton server and all those things, trying to trying to somehow say that that the president elect is not really the president elect and just a bunch of monarchy, oh yeah. And just suggest that the Russian hacking had anything at all to do with Hillary's defeat is simply insane. She's responsible for her own defeat and there should have never been a delay in this progress. There should have been no undermining of the system. And and that's what really upsets me. It's her fault. She lost no one else's fault, Lawrence, you were going to comment, go ahead. And also because at the point is that uh President elect Trump is going to improve this country for everybody, including those who voted against him, who tried to delay the process, who were out there protesting today, those who are trying to drown out David Urban today. He's going to make America better for them too. That's the sad thing is that this is a president who's not just going to work for the special interest bops vote for him. He's helping everybody. So there was no basis in the law, and we had a lot of very good honorable judges, both Democrat and Republican, an independent who saw their way. And the fourth election for donaldsonp occurred today and he won all four. That's exactly right, my friend. And David, let me tell you something first. I want you to explain to us what it means to be a head teller, what that means, because you know what, many of us have never given much thought to the electoral process. I mean, we've gone, we voted for a president and it all happened without even paying any attention whatsoever to the process. This year, it's completely different. So I want you to explain that to us. But and then after that, before we go, David, I want you once again to say on the Sean Hannity Show what you should have said without interruption in Pennsylvania, in Harrisburg. Okay, go ahead, hit it, baby, tell us what it does it mean to be a head teller? So so so is uh is you allerg to Lawrence and and nineteen others were the members of the Electoral College from Pennsylvania. Um. They UM went to the General Assembly body this afternoon at noon has prescribed, and then at and they voted. UM, they cast their votes. They cast their ballots for president and vice president. And my job as head teller was to tally those votes, to certify those votes of the other tellers, and then to read the results. And uh In Rose, I can tell you that twenty out of twenty UH Electoral College members in Pennsylvania cast their votes for Donald J. Trump, and twenty out of twenty cast their ballots for Michael R. Pence. And so what I had to say after we certified that was the following again, thank you, Mr President, my pleasure to announce to you the member of the College to the tellers agree in their accounts. The electors of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have cast twenty votes to the Honorable Donald J. Chunk for President of United States and twenty votes for the Honorable Michael R. Pence for Vice President United States. It was, you know, a smattering of clapping, cheering and uh and and booing there from the protesters, but it was an unbelievable feeling where I was just unbelievable and the great honor. I'm so proud of both of you, I really am. And I want to tell each of you, David, to you the work that you did in Pennsylvania. It was an honor for me to work with you in Southwestern day. To your listeners, Rose Rose Tennant played no small part as well, and the election was there by our side um at rallies, at UH at office openings, and it was tireless. It was a tireless advocate for the president of elect. I will tell you on a personal level, when she wasn't on the radio, she was out there. She was she was not just talking to talk, but Rose Tennant walks the walk. I tell you, you tell your listeners that that is so sweet of you to say and listen to it. As soon as I heard David that you were going to be part of the Trump team, I called you, I think the next day, and I was so thrilled And honestly, David, it was an honor to work with you. You did an outstanding job. What you did in the state of Pennsylvania, it was I mean, it hasn't been done since nine You have everything to do with that. A little credit that should be given to the guy at the top of the ticket. Yeah, I guess so right. He made it easy for the rest of us. I'll say that for sure. And Lawrence, and and and David, I'm sure you agree with me when I say this, Lawrence Tabus, thank you for what you did. You served as counsel when they were going through the entire recount process in the state of Pennsylvania. You've handled that beautifully professionally. And I am very, very proud and honored to know you as well. Well. You brag on Lawrence again, the humble, humble guy, but but he's the best lawyer. And uh. I will tell your listeners, Rose and you that the Commonwealth and the President elect lucky to have Lawrence Tabs serving the role that he did, and uh all throughout the campaign and then just most recently beating back Bogus. Jill Stein recount claims, So Lawrence and America was a dead of gratitude to Lawrence Tabus as well. We do. Indeed with Pennsylvania was an interesting day, was it not Lawrence the last words? Yeah, I'll just say, Rose, I'll second that emotion that David said about you. You got the message out on Donald Trump early. David was great to work with the military precision. We did, We really did. He was like he was like my boss, even though he was and was like yes sir, yes David, Yes. A couple of times I screwed up, but okay, I'll get right back in line. David. It was fun working with both of you. My pleasure working on both of you. You know what, guys, God bless you. Thank you for your courage, Thank you for your determination and your consistency throughout the entire election process. We all give you just a nod of thanks and gratitude. Thanks so much, guys. Thanks for Rose, my pleasure to be with you, and thanks for all you do. Thanks, thank you all right, guys, talk to you soon, but by now, Hey, we're back. This is a Sean handity show. My name is Rose. I'll be sitting in for him today. As you can tell, my Facebook is Rose Unplugged. My Twitter is at Rose Underscore Unplugged, and I do a daily talk show Monday through Friday, of course, eight until ten out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and it is a syndicated show called Guess What Rose Unplugged. All right, we want to have fun today, but we also do want to take a few moments out of each hour and just talk about what happened in Berlin. And the incident in Berlin is not unlike what happened in July in the city of Nice, where that cargo truck deliberately drove into a large crowd of people. Thousands of people were there attending the fireworks show and they were they were celebrating their that France's national day, and six people were killed that day in that attack. Three others were injured. It was the worst attack since the Parents attacks in November two thousand fifteen, and that attack was carried out on behalf of Isis. So now today in Germany, in Berlin, we see something similar. I mean, they choose these days with deliberation. They know exactly what they're doing. They have a strategy. In eight years we have not. They have a strategy, and thank god that Mr Trump will be occupying the White House with his own strategy and I trust that. I believe that will be the case, particularly when we consider who he has to nominate to positions where national security, where security at home is concerned. I have confidence going forward. I had none in the last eight years. Linda. I was wondering if you could give me an update on what's going on in Berlin. Right, yeah, you got it, Rose. So basically we're still at nine dead, fifty over fifty injured. What we do know now is that German security sources are confirming that the incident is now being investigated as an act of terrorism. Additionally, what we know is that the truck that was used, the Lorry as they call it there, was registered to a Polish driver UM. Some of the family members have spoken out saying that they don't know that this driver was affiliated in any way, but it did leave Poland earlier this afternoon and it lost four pm local time contact with the with the delivery company that it was associated with. UM. The mayor they're saying that this is very dramatic and traumatic. They're asking people to stay indoors, but they are saying at this time that they don't think there are any more imminent threats UM happening, and they don't they hope that there won't be any more attacks this evening. But the last important part is that the uh, the attacker has been found and has been brought into custody. He obviously had an accomplice. There were two attackers. The second accomplice has died. UH. They are not specifying how he died or in what fashion or form, but we do know that one is in custody and one is dead. UH. Nine victims dead and fifty plus injured. So we'll keep you we'll keep your breast on this. Thank you, Linda. I mean, it's so sad any time to hear these stories, but when it's around the holiday season where we're celebrating life, we're celebrating restoration, we're celebrating, you know, so many positive things, and we see something like this happen and it just it breaks our hearts. And I just asked that all of you would keep those people in prayer, the families in prayer, and also as we go through this holiday season, be grateful for the protection that we have, but also be ever mindful that at any time, you know, something like this could happen anywhere. And and and again. That makes me just so thrilled to know that Hillary Clinton will not be in the White House. I mean, I can't say that enough. I'm so pleased to know that we have someone who will have our backs, who understand who it is that's behind all of this. Listen, the Coulon numbers nine for one, Sean, My Facebook is Rose unplugged. My Twitter is at Rose Underscore unplugged. Coming up next is my dear dear friend Jeffrey Lord. I love him, I really do, and he'll be with us very soon, So don't go away. We'll be back with so much more to coming up in the program. Yeah, listen to this show one time and you're hannitized. Sean Hannity is back on the radio. Jo, I didn't know he was here. Geoffrey Lord. Oh he fights so hard. Ah, that's Jeffrey. It's so unfair. They stack up seven to one, but he handles at CNN, they stack it up against him. They stuck. They are not happy with the results of this election, and it was a stampede. Hey, there he is President Lad Donald Trump talking about our buddy Jeffrey Lord. My name is Rose. I'm sitting in for Sean Hannity today. My Facebook is Rose unplugged. Twitter is at Rose underscore unplugged. Will still try to take your phone calls eight nine f one. Sean joining me this afternoon is the former associate political director and the Reagan administration columnist and author of the book What America Needs, The Case for Trump, and boy did he make a hell of the case for Trump. Uh. He also got a personal shout out from the President in Hershey, p a, my friend Jeffrey Lord. How are you Jeffrey? Hello, Rose, Hello are you? I'm good? What a great day in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I was listening to Uh he talked to our friend David Urban and uh, I've since caught up with the video of it, and and uh, wow, he really did. And h Lawrence Tabus was on with me. And Lawrence, as you know, played a big part in the recount in Pennsylvania, serving as legal counsel to Pence and uh Donald Trump, So yeah, you know it seemed to be about p A today, but let's be honest, Pennsylvania played a huge part in this election process and there's much to talk about where Pennsylvania is concerned. And so it's been pretty exciting. We have, uh the latest Electoral College results. Um it's so far, it's two fifty six. Uh and uh to one thirty nine. So to fifty six Donald Trump, one nine Hillary. There was another faithless elector, but this was a surprise one. This elector switched from Clinton to her primary challenger, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. So we had that happen. That was kind of a surprise, wasn't it. Yeah, Yeah, I think that's somewhat humorous after all the attention. Uh, maybe Martin Sheen had more of an effect than he knew. Yesh's exactly. You know. And Jeffrey, you were on my show a couple of days ago and we talked about a recent article that you had in the American Spectator. And I have to tell you, if I hear the words one more time, voter suppression, vote suppression, if I ever hear that again, I'm going to dream. I mean it, because we have electors who have been harassed and threatened, and that to me is voter suppression. But you have a story not too long ago on the real suppression on what we really need to be concerned about. If you want to talk about issues with voting, there are some real issues and real concerns that we haven't even focused on at all in this country. Well, that's right. And the point I was making is it was a letter to, as it were, the Senator McCain, who who wants to have an investigation into the Russian hackey. And my point was, well, that's fine, that's far an influence in an election attacks the case. But there's also UH who have over the years had plenty of reports of the illegal immigrants voting, of UH non citizens of the United States voting in American elections. The US Government Accountability Office identified a number of them back as far back to have bot. So my point is, if if these folks want to investigate it, let's let her rip. Let's get the whole thing out there and see how many people in this country are voted who have no right to vote. Yeah, you're absolutely right. I mean, let's talk about that, because it really is an issue when we go forward. Jeffrey I think that each state is going to have to take a really close look at how the elections are done, because not how they're done so much as how the voting process works. Because I know in Pennsylvania we've had issues in the past. We are fabled in story and song where voter fraud is concerned. And I think that before the next midterm election, because you know, the Democrats are going to try again to pull everything out of their hat that they can. We've seen it here. I mean Hillary had to lose not once, not twice, but four times. You know when you consider all, you know, everything that we have all been put through, Pennsylvania being one of those states where they wanted to recount, they demanded a recount, where Podesta wasn't going to, you know, give it up that night of the election, and we've got the Russian hacking. Now, I mean, she just keeps loose thing and losing. But I'll tell you something, as determined as they were through this process to delegitimize our president elect, they are going to be even more determined going into that mid term election because that's gonna be very important for them. And I have great concerns about what's going to happen, and I think each state needs to take a real close look and make sure that they have safeguarded as much as they can against fraud in the future. Well, that's right. Uh. I had a chance the other day to talk to a former state senator from Philadelphia, a Republican, And what was interesting was that when he ran to the state Senate a number of years ago, he lost the race to the Democrat. The Democrat was seated, and they discovered massive voter fraud in that state Senate race. And it was so bad and so obvious that a federal judge throughout the election and and uh had the Democrat unseated and sat the Republican God because uh, he in fact had actually won the election. Uh. That's what the kind of thing that you really got to worry about here. Uh in every election, and they just every state government, and it is the state government that's got to be in control of this makes make sure that this process is erect. I mean, and I'll say the same thing that I said before the election. When I vote in East Pennsborough Township in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, I touch a screen, there's no confirmation to me that because I touched the name of candidate X, in this case, Donald Trump, that the vote actually went to Donald Trump. You know, the day and age of paper ballots, there was a paper ballot, so I would just hope. I mean, I don't think there was anything of this. Uh, but I do think that you know that the possibility is always there, and I think they've got to get a grip on this. Yeah, I really I agree with you. I think that we all, you know, need to encourage our state chairs to take a really serious and very close look at at each Each state needs to do this. And I am concerned about the next next election, the mid term, only in terms of what they might try to pull off. You know, these people are there not go ahead. I think it's I think it's very important to note that this protests today, Like was there in Harrisburg today when the electors voted, and I'm sure was around the country in different state capital. This attitude is going to go on for forever here. They as long as Donald Trump as president, they are going to try and disrupt. I mean, you know, the next obviously target is the inauguration. And I saw my sparring partner from CNN former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich proposing that because the Trump inaugural hasn't not yet announced the slate of entertainers or they're supposedly having difficulty getting entertainers for some of these inaugural cosserts that, uh, they have a quote unquote Freedom Concerts uh for the inaugural sponsored bar you know that features people like liberals like Bruce Springsteen and Madonna and uh j as as a count to the Trump inaugural. So this is just gonna go on. It is going to be a thing that he proposes to do that is not going to be protesting. Yeah, it really is. And we have to be ready for this every single day we do. I'm telling I mean, the moment I heard that he was renting that what is it a nine or ten bedroom mansion in Washington, d C. I think it's a seven. I don't know how many bedrooms. It's got a lot of bedrooms, all right, I know this, It can accommodate up to ten cars. I don't know what the hell is gonna be going on there every day, but I will say this that this guy is never going to allow Trump to get away with anything Obama will be standing by to comment on, to criticize, eyes and scrutinize every single thing that Donald Trump does every single day of the next four years. And I for what I mean, I have never We've never seen anything. I mean, look, you know political history, when was the last time you saw a president? You know, not only do that stay in town and you know that he's going to act as a spokesperson for the d n C and for the for the party, but in addition to that that he would be out there right now during this transition time with less than a month ago. We're about a month ago before Trump takes the Oval office, and he's out there disparaging him. His wife is out there disparaging him. Has this ever happened before the last president that I recall? Not at our lifetime? Uh, historically staying in Washington after he was after he left office with Woodrow Wilson, the whole different, you know, and had a stroke at the latter at the end of his towards the end of his term. He was not a well man. Uh. He was by no stretch of the imagination into actively protesting or or plotting strategy against his successor Warren Hardy. Uh, that just was not you know, it wasn't done. So this would be a first in this in matters of this sort. And uh, you know the good thing. I remember interviewing Donald Trump in and I said to him that one of the problems so many grassroots conservatives had with Republican nominees was that they didn't fight. And he said, oh no, no, noways believe me. If I if I run to this and I get nominated, I will fight. Well, of course we now know he has. That's exactly what he did. That's why he said, I would suspect that he would not be uh staying quiet. Just if Obama is going to come after him. I don't think he'll just sit there. Oh, I agree with you. I don't think so neither. Yeah, thankfully is right. And then when consider what happened in Berlin and we and when we consider what we might have had in the White House, a woman who can't identify our enemies, a woman who had no stret and this this administration had no strategy at all in terms of fighting our enemy. I just I shuddered to think how it might have played out. But I do go in to the next four years with a certain amount of confidence. Yeah. Absolutely. Uh. There's an article of the American Spectators to Day as a matter of fact, by a former Defense Department official, Jed Babbitt, and he talks about Obama's dealings with Russia on this and how uh he said back in September when he was actually on site with Vladimir Putin that well, there was no sense getting into the cyber version of warfare over this. This just what wasn't going to be done. And now his account of that same meeting is that he really gave it to Putin, weld them, you know, they were going to take action. And and the point is is that Plutin has nothing but contempt for him. I mean, you know, the whole red wine and serious thing. I mean, people all around the world while watching this and concluded he was weak. Yeah, I mean, yes, you're right. And let's say about this and the way they feel about Hillary Clinton, how would have been much better with Hillary Clinton in office? That's absolutely right. I mean, And for her to say it's all for Ladimer foot because he didn't like her. She's the one who was the architect of the so called Russian recess. I mean, Yeah, let's not forget about that. I mean, I do think that Buddiman Foot is a thug, and hence I think he had no respect for these people because they liked with weakness and his uh uh Jed Babo points at you know, God Rumsfeld always used to say that that weakness is provocative. That is correct. Yeah, you're absolutely right about that. That is correct. I just saw two come across that it looks as though Trump will cross that two hundred and seventy electoral vote threshold. So um, good news there. But we don't think any of us expected it to be any different than that. Really. But I have to say, but I have to say, Jeffrey, I these people and this and and I'll ask you this to you about Mr Trump because you you know him. You you've had various opportunities to speak with him, uh to one degree or another. When I consider the courage of those elector that the electoral College, when I consider how brave they were, when I consider how they was stood the threats that they receiving, the threats their families were receiving, where people were actually showing up at their homes, following them in their cars, and I think you know what, when I when I went to this rally and there's a Thursday night in Hershey, I met one of the electors was there, and she came up to introduce herself. She was a sheriff, and she pulled out her iPhones and showed me she had got something like six to ten thousand email Mike that day. Oh my god, that poor thing. Oh my god. You know what, here's what I would say to Mr Trump. So many people have endured much to support him. Case in point, the electors being the latest group of supporters who have been harassed and some of them receiving threats, and many who were supporting him all throughout his campaign. I would believe, I believe, and I hope I'm right that Mr Trump will keep that in mind, those people who suffered and endured much to remain faithful to him. And I do believe that he will remain faithful to them and to all of us. I pray that he will, and there's a part of me that truly believes he will. I'm sure he will. Rose, I'm sure he will. And you know, it's been the thing that you have to worry about it and I've written about this is the past is that violence is in the DNA of the American left. This is who they aren't yes American history and whether it was labor riots and in the late eighteen hundreds or early nineteen hundreds or Vietnam or for this, uh you know, or the Kupplux client which of course we're progressive under those white hoods. Uh. They that is always their first go to if they don't like something is to hit the streets and get violent. Uh uh you know. It's something that we have to guard against all of the time. This is everything they accused Trump supporters of and worse all throughout the election. Thank you so much, Jeffrey Lord for joining us today. Merry Christmas, my friend. Good to have you on. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I am Rose sitting in for him. My Facebook is Rose Unplugged. Twitter is at Rose Underscore on plugg Junko away. We still have lots lots more for you coming up on the program and read back. This is the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose, my Facebook is Rose unplugged, and Twitter is at Rose Underscore unplugged. When you go to Facebook, like me, please, it's a pleasure and an honor to sit in for Shawn Hannity. I'm gonna take your phone calls in just a minute. Also reminder that we are still monitoring what happened in Berlin. We just asked that you continue to keep those people in your prayers. You know, there is a there's a song that's always been my favorite at this time of year. I loved it. I think it's so damn sexy. I just I love it. Take a listen, you know it too. It's Lesser's song Baby it's cold outside. I really can't a fact to be my mother? Will? I just love that song. It's so sexy, right, I mean, it's a duet. It was made famous by Frank Lesser, and this guy is trying to persuade this woman to stay the night. Honestly, he makes such a passionate plea that if he were singing it to me, I'd stay. I mean I would totally stay for that. Okay, sexy as how, it's one of my favorite songs of this season. I know that sounds kind of weird Christmas song, but whatever, I love it. Okay. So now, now there's a couple from Minneapolis who have remade this song. If you can believe it with the intent to drive home the importance. Are you ready for this consent? They are very concerned that this song done in was about date rape. I'm not kidding you. I Am not kidding. So the stupid couple who have way too much time on their hands, they probably need to start having sex together or something. I don't know, maybe that will. They've got an issue here. There's something that's that's lacking in this relationship. Okay, and he's lacking something too, if you know what I'm talking about, and he's not getting anything from her. But I digress. Okaylet's so, let's get back to the story. So this couple, Lydia Liza and Josiah lama Ski dating each other, both hated this song so much that they've decided to remake the song. Now. They say that they've always had a big problem with this song. It's so aggressive and inappropriate. These people are like in their early twenties, right, and they started thinking that the song had this open ended question, like you never figure out if she gets to go home, what you think he's going to tire her up and keep her there. And by the way, it's a song it's not real. Okay, it's a song. She's safe because it's not real. Okay, all right, she's okay, don't worry about it. So here is the ridiculous, emasculated version of that song that this couple that needs to start having more sex or something or better sex, needs to that they made. Okay, take a listen to it. Baby. I'm fine with that, baby. I'm cool with that. You get home. I'm glad you had a real good time. Stop call us that you're come better? Get your car? Yea, which one are you? I want to throw up? Stop that? Stop the music, stop it. Okay, this dude is so strange. If I'm that woman, I'd be trying to get out of there too. And if he's that guy, oh my, seriously, people, this is what people who don't have anything better to do sit around and think up. Honest to god, it's insane, it really is. I'm gonna take a call from Jason, who's calling from Pennsylvania. Good afternoon, Jason. How are you hi? How are you good? It's so great to talk to you. Um, I am very happy, very very happy today. Um I'm a truck driver. But I'll just get right to the point, and that's the holidays. Um. You know, there's gonna be a lot of angry people. There has been a lot of angry people. What everyone must realize and everyone who's listening, is that even though we're angry and and and upset about how the left and um sort of the sore losers in this country have been treating the fact that our hero, the person Donald Trump, who is gonna change this country. Um, at the same time, we have to also realize that these people were duked for eight years old that everything was gonna be free, and they got it lock stock and barrel. And all I'm gonna say is this when this economy, and I believe this economy is going to take off, I'm a truck driver of ten years of haliver eight million pounds of food a year. Ye, thank you, love truck drivers. But when this kind of when this economy takes off, we do need to realize one thing. If we can get to these people, the people who you know are are down and out and and have no hope, because now Michelle Obama is telling them that we've lost all hope. If we can get inside of their heads and let them see what happens when true capitalism takes charge in this country and the ideas of what's behind being an American, which is productivity and and and having hopes and dreams within our own abilities, within our own hearts, and are you know, are how we care about everybody? If we can bring everybody and unite to get everybody together, and that type of idealism as opposed to the socialistic mind state, we will never I believe truly we will. We may very well be able to conquer this, this idea that the greater good through the collective could be completely eradicated forever. And every one of these cities who are hurting and are sad and who are hungry, can see just what happens when we become umu captains of our own destiny. I mean, because that's what he said, he said in one of his speeches that we will be the captains. Americans will once again be the captains of their own destiny. He said that we have a lot of challenges and that it's an exciting time to be alive. He said there's been no other time like it, and he's right about that. But what I love is he said the script is not yet written. We know not yet what the next page will read, but I'll tell you it's going to be a great page. And he said that those pages will be authored by you, Jason, and by me. We will author those pages of the script that's yet to be written, each one of us. He said, Americans will be captains of their own destiny once again. People believe that, and I believe even people that did not vote for him, people like the workers at Carrier who were disparaging their coworker because he's support a Trump throughout the election. But suddenly when Trump showed up and saved the thousand jobs and was speaking to them at Carrier's location, they were suddenly in the crowd yelling Trump, Trump Trump. I believe there will be many more people who will begin to yell Trump, Trump, Trump in the coming days because they will see the changes that someone like Trump can bring when you allow the people of this great country to be in charge of their own destiny once again, without regulation, without all the red ink, I mean, the red tape. This this he has given us all. Jason, thanks for your call. So much hope again, we he really has because look, if you take a look at the current state of our nation. It is clear that we we bear the scars of neglect, many many years of neglect, and those very people that had been charged with the preservation and protection of our constitution have failed us, There's no doubt about it. And those people in d C so any of them, care more about their status and their payoffs than they care about representing you and me, Jason and the rest of us. And they care very little, it seems, about safeguarding our constitution, There's no doubt about it. Government is an industry. It's become one anyway, and with all industries, it has its own special interests. And just like industry, they have a desire for growth. The government. That government has a desire for increased power, and they have a desire for more influence. But unlike industries in the private sector, the government does not produce wealth. So it has to take wealth by force from you and from me, and it does this through taxes and regulations, assets, asset forfeitures, and then it redistributes that wealth. And when they redistribute the wealth, it's with the purpose of political outcome, not for beneficial economic outcomes, but for political outcomes. And and that's why Jason and the rest of us out here are encouraged because when you think about it, what are the organizing principles of our constitutional republic? Think about it, church, family, community, and in that order, the only thing that stands in the way of government becoming the organizing principle of society and culture, because believe you me, they have made every attempt to be so. But the only thing standing in the way is our constitution. That is why progressives hate it and why they seek every way possible around that constitution. While they are seeking every way around that constitution, we on the right, we who who who voted for Donald Trump? We are seeking ways to preserve and protect that constitution. And guess who won. Guess who's winning, and guess who's really ticked off about it? And they make every effort to just throw a wrench in it to delegitimize this president elect. It's not working, though, is it. And I guarantee you and Jason is right, and I guarantee you this that as time goes on, more and more people will jump on that Trump train. If you will that never ever, if ever expected to get on that train. You know, it's interesting. Michael Goodwin had a story in the New York Post. I'm just gonna read a little bit from it because you can go check it out yourself. It's an amazing it really is very well written written. But Michael Goodwin says this, So this is how it ends, in a whimper, wrapped in self pity, and with President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference. And and he's right about this, and Hillary Clinton's last campaign event resembling awake, because if if you heard about it, they said there was just a whole bunch of people standing around looking like they were at a funeral while a band played. Okay, the Democratic part is limping off the stage and into the political winter. And Goodwin went on to say, but a funny thing happened on the way to one party dominance. The people who work for a living said, no, hell no. Their revolt brings Donald Trump to the White House amid hopes of a revival of the economy and of the American spirit. And that was part of Donald Trump's speech, the American spirit. He is, he is, He's setting it on fire again. He's reminding us what it is that made America great in the first place. And how has Donald Trump has said America can be great again. You know, and I said earlier today that we are seeing something that we haven't seen in eight years. A man that simply loves this country and believes in the greatness of this country. A man who makes no apologies for America's exceptionalism, because we are exceptional. You're damn right we are. And I'll tell you this, there's not going to be an apology tour once he gets in. You remember that, don't you. Obama went around the world apologizing for America. No, we're not going to see that. So yeah, we're encouraged. You know. Someone said to me once I can't remember who it was. There was a guest I had on my program, and he said, Rose, it's like you do a focus group every day. Because I knew. I knew that Donald Trump was going to win. I told his son Eric on three different occasions when he was in PA, We've got Pennsylvania for you, We really do. I even told Mr Trump that himself it and and what I was seeing it wasn't anecdotal, not in any way. There were Democrats that were listening to my radio show that I've been doing for twenty years. I never had Democrats listening to my show, and certainly not in the numbers that I was receiving them that they were tuning in during this political season. I had Bernie Sanders supporters who had nowhere else to go, and they started listening to the show. And then I take the same route to work every single day that I have for twenty years, and those homes that had Obama signs up both times had Trump signs up, and I thought, oh, this is interesting, this is very interesting. So all of this may seem anecdotal, but when you put it all together, and the fact that talk radio hosts basically do perform focus groups every single day, we saw what was happening. We understood what was happening. Hillary Clinton never had a clue, She never had a message. She never had a clue. Michael Goodwin went on to say in The New York Post, instead of analyzing what went wrong and trying to find new organizing principles, party leaders and activists are pointing fingers at the FBI and Russia and engaging in a mad bid to overturn Trump's electoral college victory because they are doomed to fail. We could be witnessing the death rows of the Democratic Party as we know it, you get a chance read the whole story, I would encourage you to do so. It's at the New York Post Michael Goodwin. But he's absolutely right, He's absolutely right. They want to point the finger at everything else. They want to blame everyone and everything they can think of. They will do anything they can to delegitimize this presidency. But I don't think they're going to be successful, not ever, not once in the next four years, and even with Obama camping out right outside the White House, I do not believe they will be successful because people will begin to have that hope that Jason talked about. People will begin to go back to work. I'm looking forward to the next four years and hopefully the next date you're listening to the Seawan Handity Show. My name is Rose. You can check me out on Facebook like me while you're there Rose Unplugged at Twitter. It's at Rose Underscore Unplugged. Joining me right now is the founder and poster of McLaughlan and Associates. And we're easier to go over this crazy push from the left against the Electoral College didn't work. Didn't work, just like the rest of their attempts didn't work, so Hillary has lost over and over and over again. Welcome to the show. Jim McLaughlin, Hey, Jim, how you doing. Thank you? And Merry Christmas, Rose, Merry Christmas to you too. And I'm in New York City and I'm loving this at Christmas time. It's like one of my favorite places to visit at this time of the year, no question about it. And you know, we're actually based out of New York and you're right, this is the best time of the year in New York just as long as it doesn't get too cold. And why I think it's too cold already today it was pretty darn cold. It's freezing. It really is cool. Hey, listen, let's let's talk. I mean, it's it's we're done. We're basically done here. It's all over. There was nothing to see. Everybody can go home, right, yep, you know what it's It's another example of how the media got it wrong when it came to Donald Trump. I mean, they were just flat out wrong. They were trying to create this um narrative that somehow the people were gonna, you know, that were committed to Donald Trump, that we're going to vote against them. And I think you were talking about it before. It's just another example of how the left and how their friends in the media are trying to de legitimize the Trump presidency. And I gotta be honest with you, I think in a lot of ways this is really backfiring on them. And I think it's backfiring them in middle class America, in mainstream America, in those very same states that Donald Trump wanted, you know, places like Ohio and Pennsylvania and Michigan, etcetera. It's it's just utter nonsense. Jim. That's an excellent point too, because when you think about it, I mean, the left wants you to believe that Russia is now the reason why she lost. You know, before it was James Comey and you know, but it's really Russia. And then you think about it and you're still right because those very states that he did well in are the states that she completely ignored Middle America. You're you're exactly right. And remember what they were saying right after the election when they were attacking Kelly Anne and they were saying, oh, you ran a racist campaign, that's why you won. I mean, come on, America elected Barack Obama, the first African American president twice, and you're trying to say it's racism. Yeah, come on, I think that what they found out it was backfiring on again. Then then the funniest one, though, was when the Clintons are trying to say that it's the press's fault and that's why, that's why she lost. Well yeah, really really, I'd hate to see if they were on her side, what would have happened exactly. Even in the great part was we did a national survey um a Postal Luxe survey about among the people who actually voted, and by a three to one margin, they sat there and told you that the press was biased against Donald Trump by a three to one margin. Actually, there were a lot of Hillary Clinton voters that even said, yeah, the press, Well, they had to be right if only one in for trust the media didn't believe that he was, that they were biased against Trump exactly. I thought that was astounding. I remember seeing those numbers and just because you're right, it has to be some Hillary supporters. Look, the American people are not stupid. And while they may have still good for Hillary, which suggests that they might be a little stupid, but while they may have still voted for Hillary, they knew that a lot of what they were hearing and being spoon fed by the media was not necessarily true. They knew, they understood and you know what they're saying. It's racism, and its suppressed his fault, and it's Comby's fault. And now it's the Russians. All of a sudden, did it? You know what? Hillary Clinton lost? She lost because two thirds of the country said the country was going off on the wrong track under her leadership and Barack Obama's leadership. And then, on the three most important issues of the day, according to our post election survey, Donald Trump had significant advantages on those issues. On the economy, he had an eight point advantage over Hillary Clinton on the economy and jobs. On national security and terrorism, he had a six point advantage. And on that big issue in the day, bringing change and reform to Washington, d C. He had a fifteen point advantage. And you know, this is the thing, and it just goes to show you and how the press and how the Democrats are so out of touch. The reason they lost this election was because they were wrong on the issues, and and and some of the smarter Democrats are saying, well, we had a messaging problem. Well, and not just the message, it's the it's the policies. The policies failed. They failed on terrorism, they failed on national security, they failed on immigration, and they failed on the economy and jobs. And that's why, by the way, you're already seen, even before he's taken office, Donald Trump's having success. He's already created and saved, you know, probably more jobs than Barack Obama at this point, and he's not even the president yet. That's exactly right. I mean, it's so impressive and exciting to watch what's been going on even during this transition period. And one of the things I wanted to touch on too, that you just mentioned, when you think about how the left was making every attempt possible to ignore the will of the people. A hundred and thirty million people, uh suppose lee followed the election, right, Maybe some more than others, but one million people voted in this election, and they had to have known or heard at one point another about the d n C email hack. And if they hadn't, shame on them. But I mean it's not as though they were living, you know, some in some remote area just came out to vote, so so to to to blame it all on on that or to suggest that people didn't know enough about it. We need to really learn more about this hack, you know, going forward or before maybe, I mean two congressmen suggested that we shouldn't even hold this electoral college vote until we've looked into it further. Anything to delay the process, anything to disrupt the process, is what they were all about. It's it's just flat out silly. And I think some of the Democrats were remembering back to when they tried to be legitimize and discredit George W. Bush back in two thousand on the whole Florida recount. That's that's the RNY. Every recount even back then, showed George Bush winning Florida, just like the irony was the recounts that they just held in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. When you look at the totality, Donald Trump actually wound up getting more votes he did after the recounts. And this whole silliness about oh, well, you know, Donald Trump lost the popular vote and he didn't and you know, we should get rid of the electoral college. That's utter nonsense. The reason why the founders did. This was because they wanted to give Americans from all over the country a say in this election. And it's funny the Democrats never had any problem about this. Before the election. They were talking about how they had an electoral college a walk. Remember how they were talking about the law. Yes, yes, you're the only person who's mentioned this. I thought i'd remember them warning us against the popular vote because they were afraid, based on the number of people showing up at the rallies and so forth, that perhaps Donald Trump might win the popular vote. Do you remember that? Exactly right? And what they were talking about was their supposed blue wall, you know, the blue wall in places like Michigan, uh, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. And you know there was oh, there's no way Donald Trump could win those places. And you knew it. I remember listening to your show. You were talking about this months ago, how Donald Trump was gonna win Pennsylvania. I was working on the superpack. And this is the interesting part about working on the superpack. Where we spent the most money in the last couple of weeks of the campaign, where in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Because our polling was telling us to go there because it was showing us on those most important issues of the day with the voters, the economy and jobs, national security, immigration, and bringing change. The voters were telling us they wanted Donald Trump on those issues. By the way, another another issue which you saw in our post election survey was remember how the press was telling us, you know, Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly won the debates. And this is in spite of the press telling us, you know that she those debates by by actually a point. Voters said they agreed with Donald Trump on the issues more than the debates than they agreed with Minillary Clinton. Even it's and again it's how your frame in the issue. The press was telling you she was winning on style, but the American people were tuning into those debates like never before, and they were more likely to agree with Donald Trump on the issues. Yes, you're absolutely right, and that's why a couple of times I was so angry that the debates really didn't allow for the candidates to talk much about their position on the issue on the issues and policy. And because here we had what record breaking numbers watching those debates, people who had never watched debates before having the opportunity to hear so really important, you know, policies and and strategies, and never really getting to hear it completely, but enough so that people did like what they were hearing from Donald Trump. You know what, it's it's it's amazing. One of my big gripes with the media is right now is and look, you gotta give I think one of the biggest mistakes folks make is that they underestimate the intelligence of the American people. The American people were saying out there that we've got real problems. We've got real problems with the economy, we've got real problems with jobs. We've got real problems when it comes to terrorism, national security, and immigration. And they were listening. They were listening, they were watching, they were getting up on the internet, they were going on social media, and they were picking these issues and they were saying, you know what, I don't like the direction of the country right now. I don't like where Barack Obama's taken the country. And I kind of you know, I was asked by a reporter not too long ago, you know, they said, how did you guys, how were you able to predict that Donald Trump was actually gonna win? I said, what numbers made you made you think that Hillary Clinton was gonna win in a landfall? Was it those two thirds of the voters that said they want to change? Was it those voters that said, we have real problems with the economy and real problems with national security. They were the ones telling us that, you know what, Donald Trump was gonna win a thing. And they voted, and they knew exactly what they were voting for. And that's why they voted for Donald Trump. I'm telling you, Jim, you are so right, excellent point. And you know, sometimes I think about Donald Trump and how he would He really is the only candidate or now president elect, that could have withstood everything that the left and the media had to throw at him. And I don't believe anyone else could have with withstood that, and and and going forward, having Obama right there in the backyard, I don't think anybody else could handle it. But Mr Trump, really, you know what, And again I think that's another mistake. I'm not in the I'm not in the business of given the democrats um advice. But when you look at the classy way that you know, whether it was Ronald Reagan or the Bushes went off into the sunset after their presidencies, whether you read with them or not, they both became significantly more popular. And one of the other numbers that we consistently saw in our polls, and we saw it not just in the in the polls you know, for for Donald Trump, but we saw it in the holes for our other candidates and send it in congressional races, was that by about a twenty point margin, voters wanted to move away and they want to change from Barack Obama's policies. It was usually about a fifty five to thirty five margin in our interesting where they were telling you they want to change direction, even though they'll tell you they like them, and he wasn't a target and he got to look a little bit more presidential and his favorables went up. They were telling you, on the issues that mattered most of them, they want to change from Barack Obama's policies. Very interesting, Jim, thanks for sharing that with us. Well, look, Hillary lost over and over and over again, and we have to remember she ignored the Midwest, she had no clear message, she had a trustworthy issue, the private server issue, Benghazi issue, and they just can't accept the outcome. And my message to them is get the hell over it. Just get the hell over it. And it's done, thank God, finally. And I want to make two quick points on that is, Hillary Clinton never had the ability to connect with working class voters, especially in the way Donald Trump, and everybody know he was. He was a wealthy man, but you know what, he was also speaking to working Americans. And you know, everybody talks about Donald Trump and they talk about Trump Tower in Manhattan. He's a guy that grew up in Queens. He was literally a city guy. And and and even though you know what, he grew up as a working class guy, and that's why he was he was able to connect the other piece of that too. And again I'm not in any in the business of giving advice to the Democrats, but let me tell you something. If Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton continue to hang around and hover over this, I think it's going to really backfire on the Democrats. And I think it's a big mistake on their part. They need to create some new stars, They need to create some new messengers, and they need to create some new messages if they're going to connect to those working class people in any way that the way Donald Trump did. You know what excellent point, really excellent points. And thank you so much for sharing a lot of the knowledge things that I didn't even know about. I'm so glad to hear you share those today on the show with me. Jim. It's it's so nice to talk to you and keep up the good work. It's always a pleasure, Rose, and you're terrific. Take care, Darling, I think you are as well. Merry Christmas to you as well. All Right, you can call it. It's eight hundred nine for one Sean. I am Rose. My Facebook is Rose Unplugged. Please like me when you go there, and my Twitter is at Rose Underscore Unplugged. We'll be back with a little bit more right after this. If you miss one day, you'll be out of the loop with someone. Please tell me what is going on here? This is the Sean Hannity Show. Yeah, Ethan, Linda, thank you so much for allowing me to be part of the Sean Hannity Show today. I really appreciate that. Also, I want to mention that Ethan and Linda and Lauren they had a lot to do too with they were supporters of Trump. They were very, very very supportive, and I really appreciated having them. Can I think of another word aside from very No, not very much. Okay, So anyway, listen, I just want to say to all of you, Merry Christmas and happy Hanka. I hope you enjoyed this time off with your family, with your friends, those that you care about. It's been a pleasure to spend these these moments, these hours with you today. You know, and you know when Jason called in about that speech that Trump gave, you know that we are now captains of our own destiny. I swear to God when he was giving that speech that day, I just stood up and saluted the TV. I mean, I just I felt good about being an American and about pursuing those dreams once again. And I felt good for the rest of the country. I really did, even for those people who didn't vote for him. Oh and I still have more time. I'm like, Okay, see you guys later. And we're praying for Germany. Keep them in mind, those people in Berlin, please, the families that were there to celebrate the season. I mean, they need your prayers. My Facebook is Rose Unplugged, Please like me when you go there, and Twitter is that Rose Underscore unplugged. God bless you. It was great being with you. It was I had so much fun. You guys are awesome, you really are. And my book is Thinking our Soldiers. You can get that on Amazon. It's always available to you right there on Amazon. I hope all of you have a wonderful, wonderful holiday season. I really do. And I love that everybody's saying Merry Christmas today. That was kind of fun too, But I want to go out and look at all the lights. Have fun, guys,

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