Tough But Fair -11.8

Published Nov 8, 2018, 11:00 PM

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I'm almost waiting for the countdown cloud. The countdown is over. We're gonna start counting down to the reelection of Trump. Yet, well wait a while, We'll wait. Uh, glad you're with us, Buckle up, um as you as I sit here for hours preparing this show every day and I'm watching what's going on. What we're going to describe to you today is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what is going what the next two years is going to be like the most interesting and fascinating thing. Well, before I get to that, it was so sad this shooting that took place in California, this bar last night. It had hit home very close to me, very dear friend of mine, uh, well known to the Fox News Channel audience, Adam Housley and his wonderful wife. They still have not heard from their niece who was in the bar and grill, and he's been texting. He texted me earlier and I said whatever I could do, and he just he keeps tweeting out to pray and if you could say a prayer for all of these people, twelve people killed in this shooting, this rampage that took place. As an ex marine who has been identified as the subject no incident except that he just basically he would quote he was just trying to kill people. Uh. One of the one of the people who spoke to the man at the grill when the gunman started open fire late Wednesday night, is out on the West Coast, hundreds of people at the venue for a country music night event. Shots rang out, you know, now thirteen people to include the gunman being dead and just walked on the dance floor to the bar, and people are hearing gunshots at the entrance and looking over just shooting people left and right. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the people out there. It is Uh, it is a very ugly, at times evil and dangerous world and we all have to be so so careful and you just never know when these maniacs are next to you, which raises a lot of the issues of what we have going on. UM. I want to start in the state of Florida because it looks like the typical predictable democratic tactics of whatever it takes to win might be going on as it relates to the election of Rick Scott as the new Senator from Florida, and of course Rhn de Santis, the new governor of Florida. I first took note of this when I saw Marco Rubio's tweet from earlier today. Broward election Supervisor's ongoing violation of Florida law requiring timely reporting isn't just annoying incompetence. It has opened the door for lawyers to come here and try and steal a seat in the US Senate and Florida Cabinet. Now, the margin of victory of the Florida Senate race, that's Rick Scott's race, has gone from fifty three thousand votes on election nights to votes and it all seems to be coming down to one county. And that would be no shocking Broward County, home of the hanging, swinging, dimpled, pimpled, you know, Chad uh controversy in in two thousand with Bush and Gore and the Board of Elections that is refusing to now say how many ballots remain to be counted. They don't ever there are laws that they've got to be upholding here. Um My sources are telling me that, in fact, there is a now an ongoing investigation into what has happened down there, and each day more votes are just appearing out of nowhere from Nelson and Gillham. And although others have told me that there's not enough votes there that could change the outcome of the race, but it's not the point. Every other Florida county every year gets their votes in and gets them in on time. We're also waiting for an update at some point today on what the latest is out of Arizona where Martha McSally holds onto a slim lead out there. Um, you know the Trump, the pro what what has happened here is and you can see it. You can see the anger if you watch television last night. How amazing the left wing Democratic arm, propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. They they don't they don't even want to talk about the election because they know that what happened. It's stunned and shot them. I said that there were three possible outcomes before the election. Look, it was not It was never great likely to happen with forty four retirements in the first mid term, knowing the head winds of history only happening three times since nineteen fourteen, you know what happened to Donald Trump and his hard campaigning for these candidates It's Donald Trump that helped win Florida for Scott and De Santis. It was Donald Trump that campaigned hard for Marcia Blackburne and she won. Josh Hawley had so much support from Donald Trump, as did you know the new senator elect from North Dakota who beat Heidi hi Camp and then of course Michael Braun in Indiana and was still awaiting results in Arizona. All of that, don't underestimate, and it it's driving the left. They're angry, they are bitter. Uh. There, I watched the Democrats today. You have Pelosi, Schumer, Shift and Warner demanding that the Department of Justice FBI defy the President's order as it relates to redactions and declassifications that would be of the FISA warrants, the three O two's and the Gang of Eight materials. They don't, they're not even in these positions. And then we got talk after talk of what they want for investigative work. And it is it's getting very very ugly here. We're gonna watch what's happening down in Florida now very very closely. And you know, the the Democrats down in Florida been stunned by the results. They ever saw this coming. The media had it wrong, the posters had it wrong again, and the soul statewide race, you know, statewide elected Democrat Bill Nelson losing his seat, Gill Him losing his seat, and now Gilham tweeting, I, well, we got to make sure all these Broward County ballots that we never knew about before. You know, actually, Marco Rubio now warning Democrats are about to steal the Florida Senate and governors seat. It was on Capitol Hill today and when the polls closed, he had such a big lead, you know, of nearly sixty thousand, and Scott's lead is now down about less than thirty thousand, and Florida's Senate race appears headed for a recount. Now the Governor's race appears headed for a recount. And Proward also is experienced at this you have Democrat leading. I always watch on election nights. You remember in and we're at n forever or and all of us just never came in for hours and hours and hours. It's always Palm Beach, Broward Counties. Broward has quote an unusual undervote pattern. There are now claiming Mark Elias, the lawyer sound familiar, Yeah that, Mark Elias, and data on the County Board of Election site shows that more votes were cast for down ballot offices like governor and Attorney general and even chief financial officer than the Senate race. Elias said he's pretty confident this resulted from a calibration or scanning issue. Now there's no scanning issue. There's a potential in my view, Uh, let's see if we can get votes and dimpled, pimpled, shattered and scattered, smothered and covered anyway we can get them. You know, they just keep adjusting downward the lead of Governor Scott, Senator Scott, because that's what he won this race, and the same thing with Rick De Santis. Um So we're gonna find out. I I have talked to people. This is now being watched more closely than people know. And uh, I hope that Florida law, by the way, requires counties report early voting and vote by mail within thirty minutes after the polls closed. Forty three hours after the polls closed, two Democratic strongholds, Broward County Palm Beach County are still counting, not refusing to disclose how many ballots they had left to count. I mean from three am Wednesday, the slow drip from these two Democratic controlled counties literally cut Rick Scott's lead from fifty four thousand to seventeen thousand votes, and they refuse to disclose how many ballots they have left. And Florida being Florida, you know, okay, you're gonna have now that triggers a a recount, that's more opportunity for Shenanigan's. I don't trust anything that these people down there do anything. And the fact that after two thousand, taking it through December into a Supreme Court decision where George Bush becomes the president, that we are back in this same mess again is in it's It is just flabbergasting to me. And you know exactly what's going on down there. How did they get to just not abide by the law. How do they get to where days out? Now? How do they justify the law? Who's gonna be held accountable for not obeying the laws of Florida. Every other county in Florida did their job. You have the two most liberal counties in Florida again purposely holding back votes. Who knows what? Who? You can't trust them? Now we have another problem that is emerging. That is getting really, really scary. That was interesting when we talked a lot about the mob showing up and and Sarah Sanders and her family run out, and not one restaurant, but two restaurants. And Kristin Nielsen, the Secretary of Homeland Security, she's run out of a restaurant. Pam Bondi, the Attorney General of Florida, she's run out of a movie theater, to cruising his wife run out of a restaurant. Mitch McConnell run out of pretty much everything. I have a guy banging his fist down on his on his table, taking his food and throwing it out the restaurant door. We're calling it a mob, CNN saying, oh, it's not a mob. You can't use the word mob. We're not going to use the word mob. And all these people look at what happened recently to Brian kill Meat, you know, followed into the subway for crying out loud, being harassed by these lunatics on the left. Well, now we have first my friend and my colleague, and I talked to him at length last night, Tucker Carlson. We now had what people right in front of his house he doesn't have a gate he doesn't you know, it's in Washington, it's right on the street. It's a pretty well known area, known known part of town anyway. So they get in front of his seat and and it's far worse than has been reported, is all I will say to you. And she'd been in the house alone, a Tucker's wife, going to make dinner, and there's a pounding on the front door and screaming and someone throwing themselves against the front door, cracking the front door open. His wife, thinking it was a home invasion, locked herself in a pantry out of call. Turns out to be these radical left wing you know, individuals that have been now showing up pretty much everywhere that they can, and it seems it's only happening to conservatives. On top of that, we have an Antifa mob showing up that you know, apparently to say Antifa. I don't know for sure in this case of it is, but we have the Gateway Pundit reporting that people associated with antique or at least saying that they are having confirmed it yet myself, but they're literally putting up the home addresses of Tucker and and Coulter and yours truly, and anyway it's called dock sing and hoping that people will show why what are they trying to create? Year a massive confrontation, just like we saw during the Kavanaugh hearings. What do you think? What? What good is gonna come out of this? There's not been any goal through these incidents that happened way before the election. Democrats were quiet. It's even gone so far. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow guests also angry over the election results, tweeting it's happening. This is the break the glass in case of emergency plan to protect the Mueller investigation, and then listing tomorrow Thursday. Uh, protests are taking place, you know, promoting a move on dot org event that claims nobody's above the law. It's happening to break the glass emergency situation. We knew this would happen at some point. Oh, let's just give out the information to everybody apparently, plus protect Mueller events and protests plan tomorrow already and they're giving out the the addresses of prominent conservatives and you have yours truly in the process. I'm not worried by the way. I am not at all. Um I'm not gonna live my life in fear or be intimidated by anybody ever. Um, but I will tell you they are creating a scenario just like we saw in the Capitol hearing something bad said and I don't want it to happen. Is gonna happen, remember I said, And you know, and then they were on the other hand, while all these people are being chased out of restaurants. You know, if the crowd or a Trump rally says fake news or CNN sucks, this is the President's inciting violence. No, me not, He's just saying your news coverage sucks. I even said at the time, Jim Acosta, we've got some news on him today that if anyone laid a hand on him at at an event I was at, I'd go defend them. I'd stand on his side. I don't want any conservative ever getting violent because of a political disagreement. But now we're gonna have news organizations, Tom Broker, you're proud your news organization. You're tweeting out to break the glass moments in case of emergency. And here's where the protests are taking place tomorrow, Thursday, November eight. We knew this would happen the days arrived, break the glass moment, show up. But they claimed to be newspeople and they criticize me, and I am honest as the day is long. I'm a talk show host. We do news, we do opinion, we do investigative reporting, straight reporting, commentary, opinion, we do it all. We're the whole newspaper. They're supposed to be just the news part of the newspaper, but they're not. They're only the opinion part. Basically an extension of all things Democrat. You know, we always talk about these horrible events, shootings, bombings, terror, you know, and every time I try to think of these are real people, real families, just devastated, just devastated. Adam Housley has been a very close friend of mine report at the Fox News Channel for many years, and his eighteen year old niece was one of the people killed in the shooting that took place in this bar in California. It's unbelievable. I've been texting with them today and it literally just came across the wires. This is why, why is there such horrific darkness evil at times in this world? Nine eleven evil people that shoot innocent people are evil when you look at you know, horrific violence against children and rape. It is evil. Why are people like this so sad? You know? How do we have a hundred million souls die in the last century? Fascism, communism, Nazism, evil, just sad my thoughts and prayers with my good friend. Was at the bar with my buddies and they were all by the bar, and I was by the dance floor. And as I walked over by the front door of the bar, all of a sudden, I heard shooting to my left, and I looked over and he was shooting the people, and then he started gaming it towards the crowd that I was in. So I immediately ducked down and started running toward the wall and me and jumped over it onto some tables. He was in all black and he was um, that's all I can know. All I know is when he pointed the gun at me, I was out of there. He uh started shooting that in my direction, and I could hear the whistling over my head. So I stepped down behind some chairs and tables. It was just aimless shooting in any direction, and he pointed and just started shooting at the crowd that I was in. He was just trying to kill people. That was Tyler Spadey describing the horror that took place. Thirteen now dead. And I found out a very good friend of mine. I him Housley and friends for a long time. He just recently left the Fox News Channel, but one of our best reporters. They're all great, but he's one of the best. And UM, him and his wife, they had their they lost their eighteen year old niece in the shooting. I talked to him and texting with him earlier in the day and it just came over the reports we just saw being reported that in fact, and he has confirmed it apparently. UM many many prayers every time this happens. You've got to remember something. These are these families are devastated, just devastated. I know there's politics. I know people often raised to two one answer in the end, take away the guns. I think evil comes from the heart of some sick, ugly twisted individual. Has nothing to do with politics. We've seen lunatics on the left, lunatics that consider themselves on the right. It doesn't matter. Evil is evil, and uh, the one thing that they have in common is they have no respect for human life at all. I don't know what causes it. I am not a doctor. I can't psychoanalyze it. All. I know people's lives are devastated. I know I've taken a position that I would I'd love to see retired policemen armed, retired military armed around the perimeters. It can be undercover in on every floor of every school. Says ways that you could do it inexpensively. Just let them in, not pay any taxes. For example, you know you work fifteen hours a week, you donate your time and we'll let you get off tax free. For those retired military, retired police, you know, retired law enforcement guys, the guys that spent their whole lives protecting people. That's there. I bet it would be a lot of these guys honor to help out. And you're gonna say, well we can't have them, Well we can have them in a lot of places. But it's not a debate to me. It's just keep people safe from evil people, good people say, from evil people. You know. It's it's interesting now, and to the credit of some in the media, after this incident happened, I know everyone in the White House, everyone's supposed to be upset Jim Acosta. Jim Acosta was rude, over the top, out of control. Didn't want to ask the president a question. He wanted to debate the president. That's not what his role is. He is a hardcore left winger. Uh people see he's agenda driven. Obviously he likes the confrontation because then it gets him back on TV CNN gets to play the victim of the bad old president. But the reality is, I remember saying this during the Obama years that the hardest interview I would ever do is if I had to interview Barack Obama. Now I did ask him request interviews. I never got him, which is fine, and I never got a single interview, But it would be the hardest interview I'd have to do because I just think you have to be respectful of the office of the presidency. You just have to do it. It doesn't mean you can't interrupt, you can't push, you can't ask tough questions, you can't do follow ups. This is this. There is a very fine line though, in terms of trying to get in the second question, third question, you know, and then just outright being mean and debating when the president says sit down four times it's time to sit down. And you know what I know Obama would do in any interview with me would be frustrating. They'd give me a finite period of time, say it was ten fifteen minutes. I'd get three questions because they need filibuster and need and if I try to interrupt, let me finish. And it's the president, what are you gonna do. It's hard. It's a pundit. If it's a political figure, it's fair game. It's a different story. Um. You know, I just think it's you've got to show respects. So he lost his credentials. So I guess that's what the media is all up in arms about. But their tone and conduct has been especially in the lead up to this election. I don't think there's an adjective negative adjective from racist, sexist. I mean that has not been leveled almost on an hourly basis and more against this president. It's obvious that the media is upset. They're angry, they didn't like Tuesday's results, and they're frustrated, which is why they barely talk about it. Now. They're on to Jeff Sessions. Is fired a crisis So the media in the lead up to all this, you couldn't say the word mob on fake news. CNN couldn't say it. But there were mobs surrounding all of these people in restaurants, and I kept saying, this is not gonna end well, Sarah's somebody's gonna get hurt or worse. I said it, how many times Sarah Sanders and her family kicked on one restaurant too? Who Secretary Nielson has to leave, she can't eat her meal. Ted Cruz, same thing, Pam Bondi, same thing. A boulder is thrown through Kevin McCarthy's office window. Then we have Mitch McConnell, guy banging on his table. He's just sitting there with his wife having a bite to eat. Leave the guy alone, takes his food off the table, throws it out the restaurant door, and start screaming at him. We've seen these lunatics that want to go viral. You know, they catch a famous person they don't like in the streets to stick in the cameras right in your grill. Somebody's gonna defend themselves if they feel threatened at some point, then they're gonna want to sue if you defend yourself. So it's a fine line for the people that are being followed, but somebody's gonna be hurt. Now. We have Tucker Carlson, you know, and I talked to him at length last night. It's been very hard for him and his family. He doesn't have any property, so to speak of it. He lives in Washington, d C. North Well, I won't say where, obviously, but he lives in Washington, d C. It's not that you're not like you're buying an acre or two. It's row housing, is what poor wife, The Washington Post reporting, you had been in the kitchen trying to get ready for dinner. She heard a pounding on the front door and all these people out there screaming, and they actually cracked the front door. His wife thinks it's a home invasion, has to call. Thank god none of the kids were home at the time. All it is is a protest. According to a The Washington Post, they describe it as a now deleted social media post shared by smash Racism d C, a local quote anti fascist organization. Really, those members have been tied up with other demonstrators, prominent Republican groups, etcetera. Etcetera. Want to go after if you don't agree with Tucker Carlson. So what When I ran into Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut during the cavit On hearings, I said hi, and like a thing he says, or don door did. Now we have Gateway pundin also reporting I'm gonna get to our guests here. I don't have my screener up, so I have no idea who it is, um, but my you know now, d c Antifa, according to the Gateway Pundent, is doing what's called dosing, and that's publishing the home addresses of Tucker Culter people like me and others. And what they're saying is well, will not be naming the account or linking to it. Blah blah blah blah. This account is over three thousand followers. The docks of right wing media figures was posted along with the message asserting the politics affects people's lives. They're demanding that the people are harassing stop promoting racism and fascism. I despise racist, racist and fascist, and I wouldn't promote them. An hour before Carlson's thing, the leftist mobs showed up, chanting now this time, finally people did speak up, and they didn't speak out about all the other incidents before the election. Then it's gotten so bad. Now we've got MSNBC host Rachel Manow, this is a break glass in case of emergency plan some nine protests are supposed to take place. What is today today? I don't want to give too much. Apparently move on dot org according to some reports as part of all of this, and it calls what indivisible guide and now we have that, you know. Then on top of that, nbcars are losing it. People should take to the streets, streets as we approach a constitutional crisis and national emergency, take to the streets. It is Jeff Sessions resigned and was asked to move on. It's happening today. It's no surprise Heilman, that idiot that he is to be at thirty thousand feet about this one thing which the president is moving rapidly to shut down the Mueller pro president sent in the press conference Yesterday's not doing that. They break the glass in case of emergency. People are gonna get hurt here. It's not good by the way, uh Tyler Spadey is with us. We just played witness the shooting. Tyler. First of all, I'm sorry nobody should ever have to go through that and have to witness that. Um a very close friend of mine. I hear his niece, eighteen years old, was killed in the shooting. Tell us what happened? Well, I mean, I'm just in it's starting to really hit me. I'm just an under disbelief that had happened. Uh. We were me and a couple of friends decided to go to Borderline that night. I think we usually do on Wednesdays up and go in there for two and a half years. It's a really nice area. We never thought that something like this could possibly happen. And Uh, I was just standing by the dance floor and started making my way to my friends and he started shooting. Did you get a good look at him? Um? I, once I did see where he was, I just saw him in all black, And once he started shooting into the crowds that I was by, I just turned around and started running. But I saw that he was an all black and had a pistol. I'm sure it's just surreal. I mean, I know that we all like to think we're gonna do this or that. If we ever find ourselves at a position where there's an active shooter. But I just have to believe you first instinct is just to get to a place where you think you're gonna be safe, and I don't think any place is safe in that environment. Yeah. I just immediately tried to get behind some cover, and then I when I heard that there was nothing, no, no, no more shooting, I thought, okay, he must be reloading, and I took off for the door. Yeah, um did did people? How fast forward law enforcement on the scene and how quickly were people able to get help? It must have been within thirty seconds that I hurt sirens outside. I'm not quite sure how quickly they were on the scene, but um, I took him out pretty quickly, though the shooter, I believe. So I was out of borderline within two minutes of the shooting beginning, and then I was in a neighborhood with a few people that I had followed me. Um, within a four minutes of it, and the cops by that time we're surrounding the building. I'm so sorry you went through that, And I just ask everyone that just their prayers, their thoughts, their love to these people that have lost loved ones and suffered horrible injuries. Twelve people dead, thirteen if you include the evil shooter. It's unbelievable that kind of evil exists, isn't it, Tyler? Just unbelievable. Oh it's it's it's sickening that that it exists. But in this moment of horror, there's there's some incredible people that um have done the most amazing thing you can do, and is lay your left down for a friend and uh no great o love hath a mantle than to lay down his life or another right exactly nine eleven you're describing. Nine eleven, everyone's coming down the stairs, racing out, and all these other guys doing what is instinctively the wrong thing to do, but they do it for others. And let's go up the stairs. I understand your father, David is with us. We David, how are you? Thank you for joining us, Thank you for Sean. It's uh, you know, a very difficult day for this. So sorry, yeah, I'm so sorry. Well, we live in one of the safest, you know, communities in America according to FBI statistics, So you just don't anticipate something like this happening, and you know, This club where it happened is not a rowdy bar. It's a place where they have underage kids there from the colleges and it's about having a good time doing line dancing and listening to music. And it's not a place that you know, you would ever dream you you'd get a call. We feel our kids are very safe when they go there, and uh, yeah, it's like a country music place. And they have these clubs like that may be sort of alcohol, but you have to shoot. You have to have a special stamp or a special tag or something, and the kids that are under age don't get served. Yeah, and it's not a dark bar, it's you know, well lit as many of these country you know bars are and clubs. So well, it's a shocker, and and the whole community is in shock. It's it's almost like Thanksgiving or Christmas Day when you when you go out on the streets here and even to the grocery stores, everybody's just home, you know, the schools have have closed for the day, and it's it's just a whole community that's grieving in in shock. I know Adam Housley, who I worked with for years, and we've become particularly close over the years. He's such a good guy and his wife is wonderful and they lost their niece, Elena, in their shooting last night, and um, I just it's so painful. Well, thank you both for giving us a report, letting us know evil exists. And um, this guy got what he deserved. But maybe I don't know, Maybe I don't what motivates people to do this. There's all sorts of sick things that motivate people. All Right, we got a lot more to get to. Eight D Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back. We'll continue, all right, our to Sean Hannity Show Gladiate with us eight nine one sewn told free telephone number again, our thoughts and prayers. Twelve people dead, the shooter being thirteen California. It's like a country bar apparents like one of the nicest places kids can go. Um, but it's younger kids go as well. And there's this music and and dancing and a lot of fun. As shooter walks in there literally about eleven thirty last night, California time, it was college country night. Country music was playing. They do some line dancing and stuff like that. A lot of kids apparently from Pepper Dying, which is a beautiful campus, beautiful university, and this guy walks in and just just starts firing people. One good thing that was six off duty officers at that bar last night, which kind of explains how quickly we just had. A nyewitness tells us that within thirty seconds. The sheriff got thirty seconds, and that's how much damage can be done. And would imagine if these guys weren't there and couldn't get there that fast. Unbelievable. Thanks to all of them. They put their lives on the line for us all of the time, and so many of our thoughts and prayers are with the family. We are watching the Shenanigans. This is unbelievable that it keeps happening, but it does, and that is Broward County, Palm Beach County. Well, guess what the Florida Senate race with Rick Scott, Well, he was up by nearly sixty thousand votes on election night. Now he's only up to seventeen. Marco Rubio has been tweeting out feverishly the Broward election supervisors ongoing violation of Florida law requiring timely reporting isn't just annoying incompetence. It has now opened up the door for lawyers to come here and try and steal a US Senate seat in Florida cabinet seat. And Marco also warning you know, he's being very upfront about this. It was Rick Scott was up by nearly sixty thousand. Now it's like down to seventeen thousand. How do you find these bounds? How come every other county in Florida every year is capable of doing their job except these two predominantly radical Democratic counties. Now means that they're gonna have a recount. Recount you know, then it's who's going to have the machines? Who's gonna play with the machines? You know, it's um unbelievable. And so we'll be watching this very very closely, um, because you now have rix lead down to seventeen thousand, three four? How does this happen every single time? How do you go from that? Remember it can happen, and nobody's telling anybody, Well, how many ballots are left account? We don't know. Just keep counting until you get to the number you need. Is that how that works? Anyway? It is headed for a recount, so that means that the machines will be recounted again and probably even in the governor's whereas with Rohn de Sanders, I do not expect the change, as I'm being told by others on the ground that this is going to meet any If there's anything going on, they're gonna find out about it. We have the issue now of a mob once again, this time gathering outside of Tucker Carlson's home. I forgot to read this part to you. We know where you sleep at night, saying that to Tucker Carlson. His wife is in the house at the time, nearly breaking down the door. You know. I this has to stop now. Before the election, and all of this was open in all of these women, you know, because we reap maxim waters now in power create a crowd. And I want you to follow them into grocery stores and department stores and gas stations, and I want you to tell them they're not wanted anymore any They're don't want it anywhere anymore. You have members of your cabinet that have been booed out of restaurants. Test he's taking up at the house, He's saying the things no sleep. And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a casolate station, you get out and you get a crowd, and you're just back on them and you tell them they're not welcome anymore anywhere. I welcome anymore anywhere. Create a crowd, Well, they created a crowd. I call it a mob. Nobody in the liberal media talked about it until the pipe bomb thinking. Then they started blaming Trump for that and the synagogue shooting, the ne blame Trump for that. Now that the election is over, now they say, well, maybe maybe this is going too far. Where were they before as all of this was happening. You have the Gateway Pundit. Hours after this mob showed up at the home of my friend and colleague Tucker Carlson, an affiliated Twitter account published his home address the address of his brother, along with the addresses of Van Coulter. Daily callers Neil Patel and Sean Hannity. Will not be naming the account or linking to it, meaning the Gateway Pundent, but it is not being removed by Twitter at the time of his writing, Linda, maybe you can do something with that. You're the one person I know they could probably get that done. The account has three thousand Flower followers. It's called doxy giving out information or quote right wing media figures, and it's posted along with the message asserting that politics affects people's lives, demanding that people are harassing stop promoting racism and fascism. You know, the day we heard about these bombs, what did I say? I don't want this in our country. Let me say this as a conservative leader in in on talk radio and on the Fox News channel and cable. If you're a conservative, if you like what I say, if you agree with what I say, and you see any public figure that you don't like that you don't agree with that you have differences with, say nothing at all and leave them alone. If you want to say hi, say hi. Disagree with you very politely. This is not how this is not how good people behave I remember, you know, I ran into Senator Bloomenthal during the middle of the Cowl Kavanaugh hearing, Senator, how are you what's going on? Had a discussion. It was respectful. I don't agree with the thing he says, But if you ever want to come on the show, let me know we'd be glad to have you on as our guest. It didn't work out. I don't know, I don't know why. I don't even remember, but you know, I'm looking at what these other cable channels are doing. This is you know, they call themselves news. You know, the rhetoric leading up to this campaign has been, you know, the president's a Nazi and a racist. You know, if you demonize people that way, you're basically saying what that you're dehumanizing them into something they're not. I've always talked about the horrible danger, horrible danger of you know, calling people racist and sexist and xenophobic and homophobic and islamophobic. And then they want dirty year, and they want dirty water, and they want to kill children, and they want Granny thrown over a cliff. And this year it's about Nazism. MSNBC host Rachel Mannow it's happening. There's a break the glass in case of emergency plan to protect the Mueller investigation. Five pm local time protest tomorrow, Thursday, November eight. We knew this would happen at some point. This day has arrived, according to this report on Fox news dot com, and she went on to promote a move on dot Org event, and we have evidence of move on dot Org's radicalism, Winda and the things they promoted over the years. I mean, yeah, we have a lot of print things for nobody is above the law anyway, leftist activists, she was in charge of their coverage. She says she's a reporter. I'm a talk show host. Let me be very clear. What is the talk show host? Talk show hosts. Sometimes I'm reporting on this terrible shooting. I'm just giving you facts, reporting on straight news. That's part of my job, and I can give commentary about it. It's evil. There's evil in our time. It's sad. We've done a lot of investigative reporting over the course of my career, and that would be vetting Obama when nobody else would telling you how bad the Obama record was, when nobody else would. That's investigative reporting, investigating the deep state, investigating the corruption at some of the highest levels. Not rank and file guys in the FBI, they're great, but the FBI, the abuse of power, the real Russia dossier that Clinton bought and paid for that the media ignored, and of course the FISA court fraud that many ignored. And then of course the dissemination of the phony, unverified Russian dossier presented as gospel truth to the FISA corporate also disseminated as propaganda to the American people to help Hillary get elected. He did that too. And then sometimes we just interviewed, do straight interviews, debate interviews. Sometimes we talk about sports. That's a talk show host. Where the whole newspaper. You ask these people what they do for a living, they will tell you they are journalists. Well, journalism is one job description of mine. Investigative journalism, opinionated journalism, advocacy journalism. I'd like to describe what we do as the whole newspaper. You know, there are people that just do news. I couldn't do just news. I mean, I like to do news, but I like to do news, opinion, commentary, do it all. I'm a talk show host. People hate the fact that that's my job. Here it on a journalist, you know, And the way I am do you think this is? Let's play Jim Acosta from yesterday. Jim Acosta. If as one of the question, are you worried? That's enough? Heard me, ma'am, I'm president. That's enough. This President one of the that's enough, put down the mic. This president, are you worried about indictments coming down in this investigator? Mr President, I'll tell you what. CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn't be working for CNN. Ahead, Please thank you, Mr President. I'm not I'm not responding. I'm responding. Excuse me, I'm not responding to you. I'm talking to this gentleman. Will you please said that? Would you excuse me? Excuse me? Would you please said that? Please go? How many more times does the president have to say no, there's a point where it gets it's way, it's not He didn't want to answer from the president. He wanted to have a battle with the president until the White House took away his credentials. Now, I don't know. I've always said that it would be tough to interview Barack Obama for a lot of reasons, because you have to respect the office, and at some point when you don't, there's gonna be paid back. You know, it's really sad. This is how twisted everything. Remember Lender sar Sore. Remember she was campaigning with Oh the likes of Kristen jilla Brand and during this midterm election and Alexandria Acasio Cortez and Rathshiba Clabe, both of whom won House races, and Kristin jilla Brand hinted after a re election night that she might run for president. She's that's a dream anyway. One of the women that Jillah Brand praises, Lenda Sarsar poses the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, tweeting in October, there's nothing creepier than Zionism. And yet, even when sar Sores anti Israeli history has pointed out to Jillah Brand by Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Weisenthal Center, who asked the Senator to reconsider her endorsement of Star Sor Jilibrand stuck to her guns. Well, Now sar Sore is blaming Israel for the Democrats election losses on Tuesday. Wow is it now reported in the Daily Wire? It's pretty sick. Oh. Louis Farrakhana is now saying I never led the death to America chant and Iran I I just asked how to pronounce it. There's a picture of him in Obama a couple of months ago, he was three seats down from Bill Clinton. Well, by the way, Keith Ellison, Yeah, that Keith Ellison, who was given the presumption of innocence and due process that they never gave Kavna. He won his race and Minnesota unbelievable. That's another bit of election results one, Shawn. By the way, none of the above is what tops the list of potential Democratic presidential candidates according to a poll. That's so bad. And uh, liberals are blaming quote white women for democrats failures in the mid term elections. Quote they're vicious. That was a headline on The Blaze today. Jamil Hill says the election of results prove more white women are not the real face of feminism. Wow. Right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show eight D one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this program, Um, what I now see happening, and you can see it in the media. They're angry. You can see it with these radical leftist groups. They're angry. You can see, you know, if they're now talking about resistance and you see Jim Acosta's you know, handling of these things, and you see the Shenanigans always going on in Florida after it like they're all angry and it's it was not the result that they expected or wanted. When Obama lost sixty nine, they were hoping for a hundred seat blowout against Donald Trump and his hard work pulled out Florida in spite of the Shenanigans, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Texas, Georgia, and hopefully Arizona, which we're expecting an update on at some point. And when we do get that, we'll get it for you. But I'm gonna tell you one thing. You're gonna watch, and we're gonna be all over and you watch. You know, all the things that the liberals are now saying, and all the investigations they they want to get into, and and they're gonna bring Obamacare back and all of this nonsense. The House better be prepared to defend from the radical left. You got senior Democrats indicating they want to impeach this president. As I told you before the election, we will be holding people accountables. That Jerry Nadler tweeting following the Attorney General Jeff Sessions resignation. The president has the right to hire and fire whoever he wants, and they don't deserve even an explanation. They don't have to give you an explanation. And House Democrats already have a list of Trump scandals that they're prepared to investigate. We'll get to all of this because we continue eight nine one, Shawn, your call is also coming up. All right, glad you with us busy breaking news day as we're following a lot of stories out there, the terrible shooting out in California impacting a very close friend of mine, Adam Howsley. Many of you know him from the Fox News Channel and all the years we've worked together. And his niece, sadly, was one of the victims, one of twelve that were killed in this shooting that took place overnight. It was a it's basically a fun country place for young people. A lot of kids from Pepperdine University, great school, great great school, um were there. And uh, we're following that the shooter was killed. No indication. One report I saw and I can't corroborate confirm. I don't want to get into the speculation um that there was some mental illness issues involved, that he had been cleared at some point in April. I've not been able to independently verify it. We'll we'll just watch, wait and see. We are watching an unfolding mess as far as I'm concerned down in Florida. And there's something really really wrong that this is allowed to happen year in and year out in the state of Florida. And now we just see again Broward County, Palm Beach County, unlike the rest of the state, cannot get their votes counted as is required by law. And now the margin in the Senate race I think I said seventeen thousand is now down to for Rick Scott, who was up by sixty thousand. Nobody in Broward County is answering any questions about, well, how many ballots remain. The erosion is largely coming from Broward as well as Palm Beach County. Marco Rubio, we're trying to get on the phone about the has been saying. He's tweeted out Broward election supervisors. Ongoing violation of Florida law requiring timely reporting isn't just annoying an incompetence. It has opened the door for lawyers to come here and to try and steal a seat in the US Senate and a Florida Cabinet seat. Apparently this may now also trigger a recount, which shouldn't be a problem those of the machines down in Florida, but you never know. In the de Santis Gilham race down there, we still all of a sudden, how is it possible every other state can confirm their election and Arizona now still has five thousand votes to count. How come every other state can count their votes and fairly expeditious, organized manner. You know, it doesn't instill confidence in the American people that every other state, every other county in Florida can do their job. But they can't anyway, Marco Rubio, you know it's gone on to say, and you know when it ended, he was down, it was up by about sixty thousand. Now it's like twenty eating. Rick Scott in Florida's Senate race appears at it for a recount, as well as maybe the governor's race with Rhonda Santis, and uh, you know, one has to ask, how is this even possible? This is the same county, by the way, that brought us swinging hanging, dimpled, pimpled, Chad's that literally had the presidency hanging in the balance up until December. After the November election in in two thousand. It's uh, just something doesn't smell right here. One account has it down to seventeen thousand, three hundred and forty four. Marco Rubio said, latest polls, latest ballots dumped by Broward and or Palm Beach flip, the A G Ray, the the A G. I Guess com race to Democrat shaved another four thousand from Scot's lead in the Senate since three am Wednesday, A slow drip from these two Democratic controlled counties cut Rick Scott's lead from fifty four thousand a little over seventeen thousand. Wow, how does that happen? How is it possible that they can't give anybody a straight answer about how many ballots are left and what took them so long, and why they didn't follow the law that every other county in Florida has to follow. You ever noticed that equal applications of our laws, equal justice under the law, that it doesn't apply for so many people, you know? And then this is the thing we got, Jeff sessions retirement, which has now activated the resistance over in the media. I Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson is just the latest victim. Now finally, now the media is realizing this is a mob, but they're in the election. They didn't want to call it a mob because it would have hurt the chances. They only wanted to blame Donald Trump for the later incidents where they could say, well, the guy that that mail bombs to these people, you know, that's inspired by Trump and hate and talk radio and Fox News, and they said the same thing about, you know, the synagogue shooting. This is the one thing, the shooter and the synagogue, and our prayers still go out to these families that are just suffering. It's it's it's unimaginable pain and all these families. And then to say, well it's Donald Trump's Donald What the guy hated Donald Trump? Why did he hate Donald Trump? Because Donald Trump has this been the single most pro Israel president in our lifetime. So many people had promised that they moved the you know that the capital is Jerusalem, and move the mbascy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This president did it. Others promised never delivered. President's comments about you you try to destroy are Jewish friends and family, We will destroy you, which is as it should be. Our closest ally in the region, always been there for us, the tiniest country the size of New Jersey, and for most of their existence have been surrounded by nothing but hostility. And we have a moment that had been emerging until the murder. Looks like by the head of the Saudi family, the crown Prince, I don't know to the extent of his involvement, doesn't look good. Does they go into the council in of Saudi Arabian Turkey? This guy never comes out. Before that, there had been an emerging alliance between the US, Israel, the Saudi East, the Jordanian Egyptians against Iranian hegemony. And I gotta tell you something. I'm staying here and I gotta tell you something. It is pretty unbelievable that they would that that was the type of garbage we heard Sarah Sanders, Kristen Neil's all these people, you know, literally run out of restaurants. So what happened to my friend colleague Brian kill me. It's just horrible. Now they're now they're targeting the homes of people, They're dosing people. You don't know what docksing is well, that means that Antifa put out a the addresses of Tucker, of his brother, culter Neo Patel, Sean Hannity. That would be me. It's not the first time this has happened to us. You know, they go to people's houses. I'm telling people what I've been saying. I even said the day that I think the first report was that the day before the other but we thought were bombs were mailed to people's homes. I think the first one was George Soros. What did I say on the ear that day? I said, and I said, good God, we can't live in a country that does this. We gotta protect every citizen. He's Allowedly, an explosive device was found near at George soros his home in his mailbox. The New York Times reported, you know, billionaire leftist globalist George Soros doesn't like Sean Hannity, and he funds a lot of groups that would love this show to go away. I want to be clear with everybody, this crap has gotta stop. It has to stop. And I'm saying that if you're a conservative, you don't support this, that's that we fight. And you know, in the we have elections I would elections before. I didn't get everything I wanted on Tuesday, but I'm pretty happy with the results. It's it's over at MSNBC. This is break the glass in case of emergency plan protests tomorrow, of them organizing street marches. Wow. And I get criticized because I say I am a conservative. I don't know, pretend I am a talk show host. They say their newspeople. Look at this idiot over there, the host of the circus. Yeah, it started out great and it became what happened to one of the guys because of me too issued in John Heiliman. You know, the firing of Sessions. It was inevitable. They don't get along. It happens. But their reaction is to be put thirty thousand feet above this one thing. The President is moving rapidly to shut down the Muller pro The President is not said as much yesterday. The Mueller Probe is winding down. Looks like they may They're trying to get Oh, Roger Stone, good grief, And I'm sure, what is it? What is it gonna be about taxes? Again? Maybe he wrote something wrong on a UH bank lawn application. Again, we've not mids words. This is have clarity, ambiguity, were hurdling towards a constitutional crisis. Well wait, they don't want to talk at all about the election over there. They want to talk about it at all the same people they act like they care about Russian interference, not a word, not a peep. We actually have real evidence of Russian interference in the election. Hillary paid for that dossier they never talked about, they never mentioned it. It's not Russian interference they care about. It's political cheap political points. It's not the truth they're pursuing. It's it is the literally the extension of all things leftist, socialist, democratic. That is what is represented as news today. That's who they are now. It's you know, President said mob versus jobs. Well, the mob gathering outside of people's houses is getting extraordinarily dangerous. D c Antifa publishing the home addresses of me and others is pretty dangerous. If I ever told you the story about how much, how many threats, the kind of threats, the things I've dealt with in the thirty years I've been doing this, you don't even think you'd believe me, as don't go out there and talk about it or whine about it. Pretty sick world out there, I will tell you that pretty twisted, pretty ugly. As we saw in Thousand Oaks last night. Evil can represent itself in many, many different forms. Unfortunately it is um You know, we're gonna watch and see. I didn't finish my thought before. You know, with this new Congress, we pretty much know what they want to do and where they want to go. How much do you think of their agenda? Is ever gonna be about you? We the people. You're gonna be very glad when you get an opportunity to see Pelosi Nadler, the liar, shifty shift, Maxim Waters in Peach forty five reclaiming my time. You know we're gonna do to you what you did to us as the head of the the House Finance Committee, which deals with Wall Street. By the way, an exit polls it showed that as it relates to Robert Mueller and we must protect Robert Mueller. It's part of the midterm elections. Several news organizations conducted polls asking voters what they did and what issues they cared the most about. Lots said healthcare that was their top issue. Uh, immigration reform was a top issue. The economy was a top issue, gun policy was a top issue. You know what came in and more than a dozen issues pulled one percent. Russia collusion in Muller wasn't even one of those, not even one. And everybody is upset that the acting Attorney General, Matthew Whittaker is not going to recuse himself. Why should he? And anyway, The Washington Post reported, according to people close to him, Whittaker has no intention of recusing himself, meaning he doesn't feel the need. He's the one that makes that decision. Rod Rosenstein, he didn't recuse himself, and he's involved in the case. What he wrote a letter to fire call me. That's part of the investigation. And he signed the fourth and final fights a warrant. Nobody cared about that either. Nobody cared about when conservative women and Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz and his wife were getting run out of restaurants, but only cared about it if they could blame Trump in the case of the guy that was sending these bombs and thank god none of them went off, or the shooting up of the synagogue, which they could politicize anyway. He wrote in seventeen that the Mueller investigation has gone too far. Yeah, I would argue that mandate, which is pretty much if it can go from Russia two the Ukraine to alone application to lying under oath, even two though two FBI agents think you didn't lie under oath. Yeah, I would say the mandate is too far. And all these people on the left that wanted Sessions fired didn't want him in there. Now they're upset that he's fired because they liked the fact that he wasn't doing anything. Great guy good Man, wrong job. Maxie Waters. Trump is trying to stop the Mueller probe. He does what he wants like a dictator. John Brennan, it's constitutional christ every day it's with him, it's a constitutional crisis. I can't wait to get to the bottom of what Brennan knew him when he knew it. I wonder when we're gonna get to that. They have a list of scandals that they're going to be investigating at the latest of the Democrats. Subpoenas are coming. Trump's answer to that is yes, exactly, we can do the same thing. Maxine Waters is promising it. Anti Pelosi is promising it. Adam Schiff is promising it, Gerald Nadler. You know Democrats will impeach Kavanaugh and investigate Trump. Democrats, this is what they go. What are they going to do to help the American people? You buckle up, because this is going to be We're going to expose what they do on a daily basis, or rather what they don't do to help you, the American people, because that's that's what it should be about. The supposed to be public servants. Talction by the President of the United States to fire him is directly connected to the investigation that is being led by Molar. This president is interested in undermining that investigation, stopping that investigation. He has threatened to fire him. Of course, many of us have been opposed to Jeff Session for a lot of reasons, his racist background, etcetera, etcetera. But this president is focused on him and fired him literally because I think he's putting into action the plan by which to stop the investigation. But this is very dangerous. He wants to act like a dictator. And so here we are. We find ourselves at a point in time where there are a lot of people who really believed that we could work together. So now he's talking about investigating those who would in any way be involved in an investigation that is ongoing. What's your reaction to Jeff Sessions being fired today? It's a break the glass moment. Our democracy is under attack because the president has completely broken the norms of the normal succession process. It's a kind of slow motion Saturday night massacre has occurred under President Nixon. And the man he's chosen is someone who provided a roadmap for how to stifle and strangle the Special Counsel investigation. He called it Mueller's lynch mob, and he said the way to do it was to in effect an eye funding stifle it that way, or cut authority or disapprove indictments. That clearly creates an imperative for recusal by him and if not actioned by the Congress. Well, there's a law and there's a test that applied to what he just did, the laws, the Vacancies Reform Act. You can argue that it's ambiguous whether he could do what he just did. There's a test that is very unambiguous. It's called the smell test. This doesn't pass the smell test. Alley, the common practice, the custom, and it was well informed, was when an attorney general left, you had a Senate confirmed person in the seat so that you couldn't have something happened like this. At a certain level, this is worse than water because this Area Night massacre. He kept firing Senate confirmed people until he found Burke, who was a Senate confirmed person to do this. All Right, News round Up, Information Overload, Sean Hannity Show eight nine one, Shawn Maxine Waters, Richard Blumenthal, Tom Perez, the you know, the the great irony here is all of the people on the left that wanted Jeff Sessions fired and not have him as Attorney general and have him recused, etcetera. Now they're all saying the same thing, and they all love Derek Holder was the most political a G in history. All Right, we have libertarian criminal defense attorney Uh, David Shona is with us, Greg Jarrett, he's been calling for Sessions to go for a long time. His number one New York Times bestseller of the Russia Hoax. Thank you both for being with us. Um, let's break this down. All of a sudden, Sessions finally gets out of the way. Um, what bothers me about this? On a personal level, And I'm very serious about this, Greg, I had no sessions for a lot of years, knowing them to be in nice teas and men um, a solid smart conservative former a G of Alabama. I never recognized this person as the a G for President Trump. I don't know what he did. I have no idea what he was, why he recused himself. We're not telling the president ahead of time, before he took the office and the job he was going going to do that. I think that was wholly unfair to the President and I, you know, and all the other crimes we talk about, from the Hillary's rigged investigation, exoneration without investigation, you know, to starting up the Russia investigation under false pretenses, and then of course the fraud committed on FISA courts, the dissemination of propaganda paid for by Hillary by high ranking members in the intel community. And then you have of course Lisa Paige, Paige saying just before Muller's appointed, we had no evidence. Peter Struck said, there's no there there. Well, then it fits into a media leak strategy where they had circular reporting but one source to light of people um leading up to the insurance policy, which seems to be the appointment of Mueller in these false charges of Russia collusion and also ignoring the real evidence, which is Hillary bought and paid for Russian dossier. Well, I agree with you, and I wrote a column. It's on Fox news dot com. And you know, I go through the long, exhaustive list of Sessions uh, incompetence, in ineffectiveness. He really is the personification of misfeasance and nonfeasance. He was missing in action. And and Trump said it best in a recent interview. He said, I don't have an attorney general. And that's why he was finally, if belatedly, shown the door yesterday. And it should have happened a long time ago. But I understand that he was unwise politically, uh and electorally imprudent to do it. But look, Sessions refused to present the compelling evidence of Clinton's criminality to a grand jury. He never looked into her role in pain for Russian information that was said to the FBI for the purpose of damaging Trump. And when evidence emerged that people at the FBI the Department of Justice had launched an investigation without reason, without evidence, without probable cause, he should have turned that information over to a grand jury to look into the actions of James Comey, Lisa Page, Peter Struck, Bruce Or and others. He never did it, and so you know, he committed multiple mistakes and he deserved to be fired. But the worst mistake of all was concealing his recusal from Trump and betray their trust from the moment Sessions was sworn in. He poisoned their relations. You were the first one to figure out that he even cited the wrong statue as a as a justification for the recusal. That was a big deal. Yeah, I mean it's absolutely true. You know, you refuse yourself in criminal cases under federal regulations. At the time he recused himself, it was a counter intelligence probe, so recusal and disqualification had no relevance or application. He was snookered by Obama holdovers at the Department of Justice, or he just wasn't smart enough to comprehend and understand the federal regulations. And but for his mistaken recusal, there would never have been the appointment of a special counsel and this nightmare that Americans and Trump have endured for the better part of two years. You know, the one thing that I don't understand in all of this David shown and I know the Democrats are all giddy. They think they're gonna have well, uh, one one basic I don't investigation after another. As it relates to Donald Trump, now that they are the head of these committees, Donald Trump says, well, we could do the same thing back to you too, and that Adam shift leak confidential information to the news media. That could be a separate investigation, and the Senate can finish the job of what the House has been doing. So all of their giddiness that they might have that Oh, finally, the the investigation into the investigators is going to come to an end. I don't really see that happening at all. And I could actually see the appointment of another special counsel looking into the Clinton Russian connection and dossier. And I can see an investigation into why they exonerated her. And we're writing an exoneration before an investigation. Uh, the abuse of the intelligence community, and that would be surveillance and I'm masking and leaking raw intelligence. That would be the case of Michael Flynn and to semon aiding, you know, an unverified dossier, uncorroborated dossier and presenting it as fact to afise the courts on four separate occasions, I would think a lot of people would be in legal jeopardy. Yeah, I think that's right. Listen, you know, people have been walking on eggshells even within the administration until the mid terms. All of the all of the very strong reasons for the appointment of a new Special counsel UH, and all of the other steps the Department of Justice really needs to take, they all apply in full force now mid terms are behind us. If the Democrats intend to start h more and more witch on by congressional committees, UM and trying to spy me any action by this administration by doing so, the Department of Justice is going to have to take a stand that should have been taken a while ago. And I have to say one thing. You know, we listened to some of the recordings from lunatics, frankly bemoaning a constitutional crisis so called with the resignation of Mr. Sessions. They're absolutely wrong. Of course, the constitution iCal to permits the President now to designate for first mister Sessions. And now there's several bases for him to appoint this acting eternal General. This is his agency, UM. And again there are a number of you know, some people are saying, well, he didn't follow the norm that the DOJ succession Statute or the executive order on it. They're just wrong. The executives a Presidential executive Order exactly on the succession in this circumstance, and it says, notwithstanding the provisions of the order, the president uh has the right to depart from the order designating his own acting Attorney General. Um. The Federal Vacancies Reform Act permits it. Someone's going to raise a question, Well, Whittaker wasn't a person confirmed by the Senate, and that's really what's anticipated by the Federal Vacancies Reformat Uh. You know, that may get litigated. The president has every right to do what he did. They're wrong that this man should refuse themselves simply because he wrote this op ed piece. He wrote an op ed piece as a citizen, and he's right on the issues. We're going to take a break hanging on them right there, Greg jareded David Shone more on all of this Hannity tonight nine eastern on the Fox News Channel. Uh literally calls by quote news organizations to organize, and you know, the mobs now showing up at any conservative house they want, Antifa giving out the addresses of prominent conservatives, including yours. Truly, we'll deal with the sore loser mentality, the attempt at trying to It looks like make up votes in Broward County down in Florida and not abiding by the law down there. It shouldn't work. It won't work. We'll get to all of that tonight nine Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Right as we continue, Greg, jareded and David Schoner with us. You know, the acting Attorney General, Matthew Whittaker. The more I read about him, the more he seems to be somebody that believes in equal justice and application of our laws. And while Rod Rosenstein was busy appointing Mueller to investigate the Russia Gate hoax, a Whittaker was arguing that Hllary Clinton should have been indicted for compromising US national security with her illegal email server. In other words, he was interested interested in prosecuting genuine criminal behavior. While rosen Stein Mueller, and by extension, I guess Sessions because he recused himself, we're happy to let Hillary slide on these issues. Um, what do you think that means the Hillary Clinton, is there any statute of limitations, Greg Jarrett? Where there are some statute limitations, However, she hid evidence and destroyed evidence which could arguably toll or extend the statue of limitations on many of the potential charges against her. Some have yet to run. So I think that this is a man, Matthew Whittaker, who wants to uphold the rule of law and the important principle that nobody is above the law, even those who are in law enforcement like Comey and McCabe and Struck and Page and or uh And certainly you don't get a free pass or get out of jail free card simply because you held public office as secretary of State in ran for president, which seems to be the argument of some. I'd just like to say that for those who immediately, like Schumer and Pelosi, said oh, Whittaker has a conflict of interest, these are not lawyers. They've never bothered to read the law. I read the law. It's in my book. And a conflict of interest that's disqualifying is when somebody has a personal or professional relationship with a person involved in the case that you know, making a comment about a case is not a conflict of interest under the law. So as usual, Schumer and Pelosi and many in the media who said the same yesterday and today don't know what they're talking about. Their ignorant of the law. The new Attorney General won't recuse himself from the Russia gay probe. He has been firm about that. What about what Pelosi Schumer's shift Warner demanding of the d J and the FBI that they defy the president's declassification order and that would be on the FISA warrant's Gang of eight materials and the three O two's um and they would be unredacted in the American people get to see whether or not a fraud was committed on the court once and for all. David Joe, Yeah, I mean, they're just dead wrong again. You know, uh that that kind of talk is a kind of talk that raises the spector of a constitutional crisis. It is clear under the Constitution and under all of the relevant statutes of National security and otherwise that the President is the ultimate arbiter of what gets declassified. He has every right to do it. Here. The American people not only should allow it, they should demand it. The American people must know what these documents say. There's no ongoing investigation that just could disrupt or put at risk. The President wants the truth to get out. President wants the American people to have all of the facts. That's what they deserve. That's what an investigation or to wire. Um. The last thing I would ask is is it so it is now possible that everything now gets on the table. How would that work? Because obviously House Democrats leading committees aren't going to do it. Would it take a special counsel appointed by the interim Attorney General? Would it take looking specifically into the issues of the corrupt abuse of power investigation that we have all been calling for as it relates to you know, Comey and all the top brass at the FBI, and you know all these people that have been that we have been talking about d o J. I mean McCabe, come Paige, Struck, Bruce or etcetera. I mean, is that all a possibility? It is a possibility. Is very simple could have in a couple of ways. First, the acting Attorney General Mark Whittaker, Matt Whittaker, excuse me, could uh simply um present the evidence that has been accumulated, and there is a lot of it that the b I and the Department of Justice. We're using phony, unverified, fabricated evidence to spine American citizen that should be presented to a grand jury. Indictment should be rendered if there's sufficient proof. All Right, we're just out of time, guys, Thank you for being one of us. Wish I just didn't manage my clockwell this half hour, Thanks for being one of us. David Shoon and Greg Jarrett quick break right back to the media coverage set a new record and a new standard one. I was tempted to ask you why you like Oprah so much? But I think I'll go on to the question that why do I like? What kind of a question is just asking, just curious, but the real question comedian here. Thank you as president. I wanted to challenge you on on one of the statements that you made in the tailing of the campaign, uh in the mid terms, that here we go that well, if you know, miss President, that this caravan was an invasion, as you know, consider it to be. As you know, as president, caravan was not an invasion. It's a it's a group of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border with the US. Why why did you Why did you characterize it as such? Uh? Because I consider an invasion. You and I have a difference of it. But honestly, I think you should let me run the country. You run CNN, and if you did it well, you're ratings. Let me ask you if I may ask the question, President, If I may ask that question, are you worried? That's enough that ask one of the other folks. That's enough. Pardon me, ma'am, that's enough this president at one of the MS. If I may ask, I'll tell you what CNN should be ashamed of itself. Haven't you working for them? You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn't be working for CNN. Go ahead. I think that's under a very rude person. The way you treat Sarah Huckabee is horrible, and the way you treat other people are horrible. You shouldn't treat people that way. Go ahead and go ahead, Peter. In Jim's defense, I've traveled with him and watched him. He's a diligent reporter for Bustles. I'm not a big fan of yours either, So to be honest, right that was part of the president's press conference yesterday, some ninety minutes sixty questions. The hostility in the room was beyond palpable. Uh, this is it's now reached a level of hatred, bias, um, almost psychosis in the case of many. You know, I keep saying that they're really journalism in America the way we knew it is dead. It is gone. Uh, there's a pretense. They call themselves news channels. They don't like the fact that I say that I am a talk show host, talk show host. I have many roles. I'm honest about my roles. Sometimes we do straight news. We just talked about whatever whatever that news happens to be. God forbid of shooting like we saw earlier today. I covered that as a straight news story until we have more information. Other times we do investigative journalism. We've broken a lot of stories about Obama, his background, his radical ties that the rest of the media ignored. We also broke stories about the deep state, the abuse of power, the corruption at the bighest levels of the d o J and the FBI. Those stories were broken a lot of times. I give very strong opinion. I don't hide my conservatism. I don't hide that I support the president and really want him to succeed. But these guys claim that their journalists, they claim they work for news organizations. But it's now become every second, every minute, every hour of every day. It's just a palpable, outright hatred, contempt of Trump, married to and coupled with an agenda that is all things Democrats. Anyway, Bill O'Reilly joins us. Uh, now I think his fourth week number one with his brand new book that is out there. I've read it cover to cover as part of his Killing series. And Bill O'Reilly, congratulations, what is it four weeks now? Number one? Killing the ss is uh, you know, befuddling them at the New York Times. It will be number one on Sunday again. And uh, I appreciate all your help getting the word out about the book, Sean. And now I'm gonna tell you what I really liked about the book, and then we can go back to my question in a minute. I really firmly believe that most Americans, the overwhelming majority of Americans, are just good people. And these are people that work hard, played by the rules, pay their taxes, raise their kids, obey the laws. They do everything right, and they end up getting screwed a lot of times by government. But what I have discovered is it's really hard for good people to wrap their arms around the fact that there is evil. The former Soviet Union under stalin evil, communism, fascism, Nazism, which your book goes into in in deep, deep detail, and finding these people years after the the murders and the atrocities and the evil is per perpetrated on their fellow man. Our modern day evil is radical Islamist al Qaeda isis there is evil, but most people don't want to, you know, wrap their arms around it. We look away, and they did in Germany. And we're seeing a rise of evil in America. Okay, look at the shooting out in California today. I mean, it's like every week, and this is evil. And you kill somebody like that, you're evil. You're right, yeah, I mean. And and so there's the OA cliche. If you see something, say something, um, And that's how everybody can fight evil. You see evil, find somebody to tell, whether it's the authorities, whether it's somebody's parents, what it. Maybe, don't turn away from evil as the Germans did with the s S. Seventy five years ago. Before I get into the issues of the press, and you spent a big portion of your career working in the media. Uh, you know. I look at the history. When Bill Clinton had his first mid term election, he lost eight Senate seats and he lost fifty two House seats. Barack Obama lost six Senate seats and sixty three House seats, And I kind of like to look at things through the prism of history a little bit. And the thirty Semond seats that the president lost in the House in his first mid term, and it looks like three Senate Sea pickups on his part seems to me to have really bucked a trend in the states where he campaigned. Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, North Dakota, Indiana, Missouri, Texas in particular did really well. How do you interpret these results? I think he said it's gonna be fifty four Republicans and um, so obviously that's a victory for the Republican Party. And my analysis on Dolo riley dot com was that people didn't vote against the House candidates for policy reasons. So the economy is good, strong, everybody knows it. Foreign policy pretty robust. You don't hear about isis anymore. That's a huge victory that. Uh. I think Mr Trump should tatt a little bit more than he does because on policy basis, both Obama and Clinton had big problems in their first terms. Uh, Truma pretty successful in policy, You've been pretty successful. So if he can moderate his personal um agenda a little bit, then that will he'll be a stronger candidate two years from now. So look, there's been a lot of people. Everyone seems to think, well, Hannity, you have so much influence with the president and if I did well way early in the campaign when he was running. I said at one point, this was during the primaries, I said, you know, you need to stop tweeting. Yeah, he doesn't like you anyway. He told me that he didn't like you. I don't blame him now. He just knows you have the highest rated show when I had the highest rated show on cable like me. By the way, I want to bring you back. It's a lot easier being number two, o'relly. I just want you to know that I listen. I know, I mean, I'm watching what's happening to you and the other successful uh Fox News people and look, but that happened to me, as you know for fifteen years. Happened to me. It's happened to all of us. But anybody that is different because and this is what I really want to get into. You know, I'm looking at these articles today and these tweets. Look at Rachel Maddow. She's giving out information and resists it's happening. This is a break the glass in case of emergency plan to protect the Mueller investigation. Five pm Local time protests tomorrow. She's talking about nine protests around the country. You saw. I'm sure what happened to our our friend and our colleague, Tucker Carlson, and what happened at his house. I know you've been through it. I've been through it. I've been through it for twenty years. Things that I can't even mention on this radio program. Um. I've had white powder sent to my office. I had an assistant of mine literally eleven hours in in isolation thinking it was anthrax because that's what they said it was. We've had rice and sent to the President's Secretary of Defense, FBI director. We have all these people confronted in restaurants now, Tucker Carlson's home and family are being threatened, right, They're getting right up in our face, right where we live, and something's gonna happen. Well, look, they're inciting violence as a crime. So I that some of those people are prosecuted by the DC Authority's federal offense in the district. And my house, it got so bad I had to have people live in inside my house. Security people actually sleep in my house, and people say, hey, O'Riley, come back to TV. You know, we miss you all a you know what I don't miss that. I don't miss having people, security guards, arm guards sleeping inside my house. I've had the same thing. It's horrible. Yeah, you know, my kids are looking at me like, is this Uncle Fred? You know? Come on? Uh it is so out of control. Yet, Uh do we see a New York Times editorial on that. Well, mostly we keep it private, means yeah, but they know it's happening. They know Antifa, who got these groups, and they're on the net and they put out something me and so and so's house at three o'clock or hey, uh, senator cruises in a restaurant. Everybody get over there so we can't eat. I mean who's doing that. Who's doing that? It's on us, our left, that's who's doing it. And it's like we were just talking about it. That's evil. You don't turn away from that. So I hope these people who are inciting violence, I hope they're charged. That's the only way is going to stop, you know, I said recently, and I know the media that ignored all that was happening to Secretary Nielsen and Sarah Sanders. Sarah Sanders has her kids with her, and Ted Cruz, Pam BONDI couldn't even go to a movie by herself, and all these other incidents, Mitch McConnell, all the rhetoric leading up to it's it's the mob mentality and people feel free to really get in your grill. We saw it happen on our other former colleague of yours, colleague, you know, Brian kill Meade, Tucker Carlson. Our home addresses are now being plastered all over the internet by Antifa and other groups. Uh. You know a lot of these people were talking about have families, they have children, they have wives, and it's it's extraordinarily dangerous. And I remember when, for example, people were complaining that the crowds at the Trump rally say you know, CNN sucks and they do or fake news, and they said that's going to lead the violence. I said, wait a minute, I'm the first one. If I'm there, I will jump on stage in the crowd and I will fight for you. And I don't particularly like them individually. I would not let anybody lay a hand on any reporter. Ever. I stand behind that. And you know, with the Acosta thing, I wrote a column Bill O'Reilly dot com. And I didn't like to write this column because I've been, as you point out, around for a long forty five years, forty five years in a journal and industry. I don't want to encourage anybody lose their credentials. I said yesterday right after that display, that the Trump administration should pose credentials. And here's why. His job is to get him information to the American people. All right, That's the job of the White House correspondence. Prestigious job. I think John Roberts the Fox, is the best of them. Okay, but it's an important job because you don't get constant access to the president. So when I saw a Cassa jump up and then give his opinion, that's the first thing he did. He didn't ask a question. I said, you know, this caravan, they're not an invasion for us, even though that like, you're a liar, you're an idiot, okay, and you know that this is a fallacious situation. Well hold it. That's at your job, all right. Your job is if you want to get that a point. You say, some people believe you've overstated that the caravan is an invasion for us. Um, do you see their point? That's how you asked that question. Let me ask you this, because, um, you did get interviews with Obama. How many times did you interview three? I said at the time when he was president. For me, that would be an almost impossible interview because you respect the office. Let's say I asked him about Bill Aires, Bernadine Dorn questions. I would have asked that I felt he never really got questioned or pushed on, or I asked him more about Reverend right or if you ever met fari Con. It turns out there's a picture eight years later. It was hidden from everybody. I would not have the luxury of really being rude to the president because I respect the office. It's the hardest you could have as these questions, and you would have, but that would have in a way that was certainly appropriate. When I interviewed five prisons, all right, and I asked all of them very tough questions. You can google O'Reilly Obama, Riley Bush, the younger O'Riley, Bill Clinton, and you can see because absolutely you just hit it right on ahead. You respect the office. Every and every journalist is trained to do that. So a consta knows that, I mean, he's not an idiot, but you hear the language on but he doing liar. I've heard, you know, racist, liar, liar, racist, you know every day. Yeah, and and but I want to I want to just so your audience understands is crystal clear. Acosta knew what he was going to do, and that is provoke Donald Trump. He wasn't there to ask a question or elicit information. He was there to provoke him. He also knew that his masters at CNN wanted that provocation. They wanted hit all right, So he knew he was going to get uh lauded, and he knew that the club was gonna stand behind him. The club is the other White House correspondence and which they absolutely have so he knew that by provoking the president rather than trying to do his job by getting information about the caravan all right, would get him on Colbert on the View, would get him a raised at CNN, and maybe a book deal killing SS number one in the New York Times. Lest Bill O'Reilly, thanks for being with us a right Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. The mobs now sending out addresses of conservatives and news so called newspeople NBC helping to organize resistance rallies? Are the Democrats trying to steal the election down in Florida. Rick Scott will join us, Also Mike Huckabee, Jim Jordan's, Dan Mongino, Greg and Sarah and Matt slap All coming up tonight, Hannity, Fox News, ninet Eastern. We'll see that in an important show tonight, and we'll see you back here tomorrow

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