Total Recall? - September 14th, Hour 1

Published Sep 14, 2021, 10:02 PM

Sean kicks off the show with a recap of the California recall election and just what's at stake.

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Trapped behind enemy lines. Day number thirty one, thirty one Americans held hostage to the whims of the Taliban behind the enemy lines. We don't have an exact number even yet. And Lincoln making a total, complete, utter fool of himself all day. But don't worry, Joe, Biden has just pled sixty four million dollars in aid to Afghanistan. Huh aid to Afghanistan. How about they return our military equipment before we give them everything? How about they return every American citizen and their family members first? How about all the Afghan allies that you abandoned? How about everybody that Joe abandoned? Before we give one penny to a country run by a terrorist organization, they have to comply with our rules. Where's all your leverage, Joe? Because this looks an awful light to some sort of we're gonna call it aid. Sounds like ransom to me because when it ends up in the hands of the Taliban, I doubt the money's gonna make its way and trickle its way down to the people of Afghanistan. We have a major breaking story as it relates to the Joint Chiefs Chairman, General Mark Millie, the headline here in now numerous stories all over the place, is that General Mark Milly quote protected nuclear weapons from being launched by a rogue Trump. Apparently this is going to be in Bob Woodward's new book, and he took the steps to prevent now that we have one commander in chief, we don't we don't have commanders in chiefs. We have a commander in chief that is a duly elected president of the United States our constitution. This is not an issue that is ambiguous in any way, shape or form. And you know this would result almost immediately if this all turns out to be true, is that Millie going rogue. It's called in subordination. He'd be court martialed, probably spend time in jail. And we're going to see what happens as this goes forward. Anyway, Woodward, writing with his Washington Post colleague Robert Costa, the name of the book is Peril. That's coming out, I guess in a week or two. And apparently Woodward and Costa report that Milly took top secret action to limit the President of the United States, Donald Trump, from ordering a dangerous military strike or launching nuclear weapons, so like a coup against the sitting president in the United States because he didn't like his views on the election results anyway. They write that Millie was deeply shaken by the assault was certain that Trump had gone into a serious decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials, constructing his own alternate reality and endless election conspiracies, and Milly worried that Trump would go rogue. According to the authors, you never know what a president's trigger is, Millie told the senior staff. And then Millie apparently took extraordinary action and called a secret meeting in the Pentagon, his Pentagon office, to review the process for military action, including launching nuclear weapons, and speaking to senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center, the Pentagon's war room, he instructed them not to take orders from anyone unless he's involved. He's not the commander in chief. That would be completely unconstitutional. That would be reason for court martial and a trial. Rogue in subordination, what we're just going to hand it over to this unelected general. He takes the reigns of power away from the president unilaterally. That might be called a coup in other places. Anyway, no matter what you're told, you do the procedure, You do the process on part of that procedure, he's telling the officers. According to this book, he then went around the room, looked at each officer in the eye and asked them verbally to confirm that they understood. Since leaving office, so you know, there's been a tough relationship here, but the chain of command is clear. The commander in chief is the duly elected President of the United States. Now they have a process called the twenty fifth Amendment, may have to invoke it one day sooner than we think. Who knows, anyway, it would be all of the things that I'm saying. And then it even goes further in this book, and that is that Milly intended to tip off China, the communist Chinese and an enemy, a hostile regime, a hostile nation. Now this book claims according to these reports. Now the Washington Post is now reporting it. That's Woodward's paper. So I assume it's correct that Milly promised his Chinese counterpart that he would tip him off ahead of time if Trump ordered a nuclear attack. Okay, that would be so explosive that that would result in a mediate resignation, court martial, etc. And probably more. Woodward apparently, you know, he's made some pretty incredible claims before, but the Washington Post is reporting twice in the final months of the Trump administration, the country's top military officer was so fearful the president's actions might spark a war with China. I don't even remember Trump talking about China during this time that he moved urgently to avert armed conflict. Pair of secret phone calls, General Millie, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, assured that China, his Chinese counterpart of the People's Liberation Army, that the United States would not strike. According to a new book by Woodward and Costa, one call took place October thirty, twenty four days before or the election, and one on January eighth, two days after what had happened on January sixth. The first call was prompted by Millie's review of intelligence suggesting the Chinese believe the US were preparing to attack. I believe the author's right was based on tensions over military exercises in the South China Sea and deepened by Trump's belligerent rhetoric towards China. Well by the way, that belligerent rhetoric resulted in the best trade America ever had with China. Sorry, just to be honest. Anyway, I want to assure you the American government is stable. Everything's going to be okay. We're not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you. Millie went so far as to pledge he would alert China in the event of a US attack, stressing the report they'd established through a back channel. You and I have known each other for five years. If we're going to attack, I'm going to call you ahead of time. It's not going to be a surprise. Wow. I want to get the I want to get the evidence in details in this book. That's a hell of a tease for a book coming out. But we'll see. If we're going to attack, I'm going to call you ahead of time. Now it's going to be interesting. The media is probably going to love this. The mob, the media, liberal Democrats, they're not going to care because as long as they do it to Donald Trump. Now, let me ask you, what if there was a military member that said that Joe Biden is so cognitively, such a cognitive mess, that they do that to Biden. What does that do to the stability of a country? Do you see how deep and profoundness gets very quickly? All right, that's something we're gonna be talking a lot about. We've got a lot of ground to cover. Oh did you see AOC's dress. We'll get into that today too. Biden is now giving sixty war million in aid to Afghanistan. I would call it ransom money. But what do I know? I was born in New York. Why would you give sixty four million without any conditions? Demand the release of every American still trapped behind enemy lines that you abandoned, Joe before you give a penny? Why don't you demand our military equipment back that you stupidly left there before giving sixty four million of our taxpayer dollars? You know, why don't you give us answers? You know? Was the New York Times in Washington Post? Right? Did you kill an AID worker and lie to the American people and say you've got a member of isis that you wouldn't give us the name too? I was on his way to commit an active terror at Cobble or Carsi International Airport. I mean, do you see how off kilter this all gets in more damning evidence Biden's not in charge of his own presidenc I can't answer the questions because they get mad at me and everything. It's I won't get my ice cream before I go nightnight. Anyway, the viewers, apparently of this briefing and idaho about fires out there, were perplexed because the White House, whoever controls whoever the puppeteers are, we don't know who they are, cut off Joe Biden's mid sentence as he was about to ask a question. As you know, apparently the National Association State Foresters allowed the President to ask his question, but as he was preparing his question, the White House cut to a screen thanking people for watching. Viewers were clearly confused why Biden's question was cut. You know, I was cut because his staff knows he's a cognitive mess, and they're trying to hide it and cover it up as best they can and then not doing a very good job of it. I mean, earlier today, another cognitive of mess and coughing fit from Biden out in California. You know, even by the way, this is amazing. Joe Biden's media protectors, they won't call the Americans he abandoned in Afghanistan hostages. Now, we had darryl Issa on last night. I said, do you stand by your belief that they are over five hundred Americans behind enemy lines hostage to the whims of the Taliban. Yes, yes he does, and he is up to his eyeballs this much I can tell you in efforts to save Americans. This guy's not sleeping. There are a lot of them. I'm talking to all of them. There's going to be stories of heroism that you will hopefully here soon. But there are people that are risking their lives that we can talk about. But forty five residents of Connecticut trap behind enemy lines. They say, that's exactly what they feel like. They feel like hostages. It's from the Hartford Current. You know, I bet you haven't heard about the forty five hostages from Connecticut who've been held against their will for nearly a month now because the Biden media, they're all pretending this is not happening. From the Hartford Current, top officials called Monday for the State Department to help free forty five Connecticut residents stuck in cobble as they seek to flee Afghanistan. Now we know why Richard Blumenthal was so outspoken and mad because it's from his state. He said, he will continue to push State Department officials to seek the at least they have no leverage. Senator, they abandoned your citizens, They abandoned people from your state. You ought to be pissed off, Blumenthal, who's going to continue to work with the state State Department? Did you not hear this? Guy? Blincoln will go through this later as an idiot, a blithering dope. The group includes American citizens Green card holders traveled to Afghanistan for family weddings, funerals, unaware the country would fall into the hands of the Taliban. It's harrowing, it's horrific. It's increasingly urgent and desperate. These folks have been in hiding, he said in an interview. The whole country's running out of food, but especially people in hiding. The delays in their departure are due because the state of confusion in the Taliban, and the forty five Connecticut residents could represent an even higher number when extended families are included. That's just one state. Taliban adopts these you know, you know, rub out their US allies strategy. Now they're also conducting door to door searches for US passport holders. And every day now we're getting reports of women being beaten and people being murdered every single day, including the beheading we talked about yesterday. The four others that were beaten. One of the four actually tortured, had their fingernails ripped. They shot him in the head. Of course, the media is not covering that. Great job, Joe, But they're very professional and business like. That we know because they keep telling us that very professional and business like Taliban terrorists. Lincoln has got its head handed to them today in the Senate. We'll be playing some of them throughout this program and tonight on Hannity. Daily Mail report Taliban is carrying out reprisal attacks against former soldiers and government workers. We've been telling you they're actually murdering them. We have more video emerging Islamist fighters forcing young men into car trunks in the capital of Kabble. Let me make a prediction they'll never be seen or heard from again. Other footage showing militants beating whipping people on the streets, especially women. It seems as report submerge of targeted killings and fighters going door to door looking for blue US passports. Even the Human Rights Council officials who work for previous administrations, their family members are being arbitrarily detained, she said. In some cases the officials were released and others they were found dead. Everything we told you, footage emerging of men who appear to be Taliban fighters bundling other men into the car trunks and cobble. Everything we told you was happening, was going to happen, is happening. You and staffers also reporting about the increasing attact them. Why are we giving them sixty four million dollars? How stupid are they? What are you getting in exchange for your sixty four million? Blincoln had to admit after, you know, we got hammered by Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and Rampaul today, Lincoln admitting, yeah, we didn't see this coming. The only reason they didn't see it coming, as you had to be blind and stupid, because they'd been on the march for months, taking over large portions of the entire country. You know, I keep showing the day with the time laps, and everybody knew what was going on in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. So now we're going to send them basically ransom money and get nothing in response. Then Lincoln tries to blame Trump, Well, we inherited um, we inherited a date, but not a plan. Well, you inherited energy independence and you blew that. And now you're begging OPEC. You inherited secure borders and you blew that too. You inherited a good economy and you blew that. Also, you inherited strength and a perception of American strength around the world, and you totally blew that to pieces. So don't blame Donald Trump because you, you know, made an complete Adam shift out of this. That Adams shift show there. Thanks to all of you, Sean Hannity, always concerned for our country, always honoring our servicemen and servicewomen, and standing up for liberty. Every day twenty five to the top of the hour, will law. It is a newsome recall day. I don't think we'll have any results, probably for weeks. I guess that they allow what an extra nineteen days for people to correct their ballots and just insane laws. I'm telling everybody you need to insist that your state adopt election integrity laws, voter id signature verification, chain of custody controls, updated voter rolls every election, and partisan observers get to watch the vote count up close and personal. Start to finish. Just let's start there, Lincoln. Just you know, this whole blame game is just based on a lie, which is we inherited a deadline. We didn't inherit a plan. Well, the deadline was, may you extended the deadline. You own the deadline. That's your deadline. Because the Taliban, you know you want to blame Donald Trump did have a plan to keep the Graham air based which you gave up. His plan was and again, release the calls. I'm urging on Joe Biden and blinking and the rest of these idiots, the gang that can't shoot straight, the dummies that have no business being in control of anything. You want to blame Donald Trump. Put out the transcript of Trump talking to the head of the Taliban, because I have more sources confirming to me again and again and again and again that he said, understand before we even talk about a deal, if you don't follow every dotted I cross tea comma and period, I will oblitterate you. Do you understand, and it came up again and again and again, and that's why not a single American died the last year of Trump's presidency in eighteen months actually total and anyway, but this is the mantra blamed Donald Trump, blamed Donald Trump, Blame Donald Trump. Was he was faced the choice between ending the war escalating. No, wasn't when you had control of Cobble in March, April, May, June, July. Instead of lying saying, this is the best trained military, you could have easily safely, securely evacuated every American, every Afghan ally, and all of our military equipment, the eighty billion dollars that you admitted to Ron Johnson that the Taliban now has. So stop making excuses. Donald Trump's plan was also based on conditions on the ground, and if those conditions were met, Biden extended it, you know, you know, choosing September eleven so he could deliver his peace in our time. Neville Chamberlain moment speech on the twentieth anniversary of the nine eleven attacks, where he ended up getting booed along the way. He ignored a question from Greg Meeks of all people, on how many Green card holders are still stranded in Afghanistan. Lee Zelden pushing him later saying, what's your best estimate, and he said, well, several thousand Green card holders. That's several thousand Americans. You wait, it's just it's all going to get worse. Couldn't answer what they did in response to the so called State Department dissent cable from July warning Afghans government could collapse quickly, while Joe Biden is saying this is one of the best trained armies in the world. He couldn't answer whether the US government is negotiating with the Taliban to allow flights, you know, believed to be carrying dozens of Americans and other Afghan allies out of the country today. Couldn't even answer it. Whether the US will recognize the talent a band as a legitimate government. Well, they're very professional and business like. You mean, like the people they're beheading and holding up the heads and the other people that they're pulling out their fingernails and killing, or the women that they're beating in the streets that we have videos of. Is that professional and business like? He couldn't answer whether Americans left behind were being mistreated, And I have no idea. Well, watch Hannity was showing it every night. State thirty one. You abandoned our fellow Americans and our allies behind enemy lines, and those allies are showing up dead every single day, and it gets worse and worse and worse. We inherited a deadline. We didn't inherit a plan. You inherited secure borders, You inherited energy independence, you inherited a good economy, You inherited low energy prices. So you don't cut the crap, just a line of total Adam bulls Shift said it right. Notice how I started there a little blanket amidst this Taliban is holding one hundred Americans against their Okay, now everybody else says that's wrong. Mark Meadows said it right. This is a hostage crisis. Secretary of State is acknowledging the charter flights are still being prevented from leaving. They have been charter flights that have been there for some time. They're not allowed to leave, and blink and acknowledges it. So, okay, we have one hundred Americans at least. I'm not even talking about the people from Connecticut or the others, or other family members or the thousands of green card holders, so those are American citizens that wish to leave the country and can't. That is called a hostage crisis by a very definition. He's getting killed before the Senate today. Where do we get to the tape pipe tonight on hand and he will turn it around for you. You know. Then he's got tongue tied over the Hunter Biden question. I showed that last night. This guy does not This man is honestly so all equipped to be a Secretary of State. It is. It's shocking, just like Fauci is a disaster. Oh, I think we're no, we're never gonna mandate vaccines, but yeah, I think we're gonna have to mandate them. Unbelievable. And here at home, we see what's going on every single day. You know this this Bernie Sanders, remember the Bernie Sanders Biden manifesto. Again, this is now the reality that's going on here. You got Congresswoman a Casio Cortez, the real Speaker of the House, at the met gala, wearing a beautiful dress that reads tax the rich. Well, apparently I gotta find this in my pile here. Apparently this gown is worth between thirty and thirty five thousand dollars sounds like a gown for rich people. The American theme met gala individual tickets with thirty five grand and tables started a two hundred grand. Who paid for her ticket? Did she paid for a ticket? And she paid for a ticket. She was complaining that her mother doesn't have enough financial support. Why didn't you give the money to your mom? You know, tax the rich thirty thousand dollars a ticket? Well, how I run a tax? The rich, tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the riche. Pretty soon the rich don't have any more money to a tax. Socialib isn't great until you run out of other people's money. And Biden now looking to sell his climate agenda. Now he's looking to go back to the whole filibuster deal and eliminate the filibuster because it's not going very well. And both Mansion and Cinema seemed to be holding the line. But I wouldn't count on that in any way. Then you have the Senate parliamentary and pushing Democrats for more details on their immigration plan because they're trying to shove amnesty in this ten thousand page monstrosity. And I mean ten thousand pages, and why did they cut off the Biden feed when he was asked about wildfires In the briefing that he had there, Biden claims his first job offer was from an Idaho lumber company. They checked with the Idaho lumber company and apparently it's news to them. Linda, what happened when I said I worked at the Blount Marine in Warren, Rhode Island? Didn't the Blount Marine family get in touch with us and said they said, Holy Adam Schiff, he really did work here. I don't know that they said that, but they called the show. Let's send it one way. Inflation expectations continue to climb, according to the New York Fed. That's bad. That means you pay more for everything. Top earning New Yorkers now will face sixty one point two percent combined tax rate under the House plan. That's let me explain living in New York. That's sixty one plus cents out of every dollar I make that goes to the government. And that's only the taxes that they're calculating, not the hidden taxes. I want to talk about elitism. You know, thirty thousand dollars to step in the door and we got all these extravagant gowns and tax the rich? Who paid for Who paid for Congresswoman Acascio Cortez's a ticket? How did you get in? Was it a gift tax the rich? You know? Oh okay, but we're gonna party at the most extravagant, over the top party of the year. It's unbelievable. I thought they I thought they hated capitalism. You can't afford thirty thousand dollars a ticket. How many of you would ever spend thirty thousand dollars a ticket to go to a gala. I paid thirty thousand dollars not to go to the gala and put on that stupid, you know, tuxedo they want me to wear. House Democrats are unveiling their plan to raise taxes on everybody and everything that they can get their hands on, you know, literally, you know, we're going to increase the corporate tax, We're going to increase every single tax out there, sur tax, tax, the rich tax, you know. And we still have a three trillion, well two point seven one trillion dollars deficit just for this year, and the school year doesn't end until October. So now they've proposed three trillion to new taxes on working families and small businesses. When you actually break it down, because I hate to tell you, the corporations don't pay taxes. I keep telling you that. By the way, US federal state tax rate under the Democrats plan is thirty one percent. You know what it is in communist China and communist China, Yeah, twenty five percent. You think corporations are going to just take on that tax. They're going to increase the capital gains tax to nearly thirty percent. There's sixteen point five percent global minimum tax. It's still going to be worth while for businesses to bring their business abroad. They're going to increase the death tax. Family owned businesses and farms will be lost, a ninety five percent excise tax on medicines and social healthcare eighty billion. By the way, they pay an eighty billion for new IRS agents. Don't worry. You don't have to worry. I'm already covered on that part because I just have my I have my oh Hannity Bingo pull it pretty much every year it gets pulled. So I have my first accounting firm that does it. Then I send it to my lawyer's accounting firm. They redo my taxes before I could ever sign my taxes. I can't do it because I don't have a clue out and do taxes. Is that true or false? Linda, you know for a fact, Yeah, it's pretty true. Pretty true. You know it's true. You're a very smart guy, like you're good at business. But you know we need professionals. Okay, but it's not that. Is that my own accounting firm isn't good enough. Then they bring in a second accounting firm to double check the work in the first accounting firm and make sure every eye is dotted t is crossed. I wonder who Hunter Biden uses. Well, you have the Chairman of the House way, he's a means committee. This was a great moment of clarity. He said, publicizing tax increases too soon gives the opposition time to build. Now that the details are out, we see what he means. Mansion confirms he won't vote for Biden's three point five trillion woke infrastructure bill. And there's a big fight within Democratic ranks now that they're gonna have to lower this. Apparently, Kristen Cinema is running around with a power point trying to show every person possible that you know, you can't raise it at this kind of rate. By the way, Kamala Harris tweeted out, we'll get into this later in the program today with doctor Joel Zenberg. She put out there a tweet. By vaccinating the unvaccinated, increasing or testing masking on protecting the vaccinated, we can end the pandemic. Excuse me, maybe this is a dumb question. Wasn't protecting yourself from COVID getting the vaccination? Wasn't that what the vaccine was supposed to do? I mean, just you know that what they told you was going to do. Now we have people all over the place, CDC and elsewhere. Now they're resigning because they don't agree with these booster shots. Nobody seems to want to cover that little nugget in the news. Why are they resigning? Former Harris advisor criticizes the White House COVID procedures. How come you never hear about that in the media. You know, it's quite the headline from the Atlantic. Our most reliable pandemic number is losing meaning a New studies suggest almost half of those hospitalized with cod have milder asymptomatic cases, but there's a still a three hundred percent increase in cases from last year. It's just unbelievable. Fauci on the threshold for her community. You'll know it when you see it. Oh, okay, that's very, very comforting. Here's an interesting nugget that I found. Well, first, Congress has exempted themselves from Biden's COVID nineteen vaccine mandate. Of course they're going to exempt themselves. Why would they put the same burdens on themselves that they put on us. Now, there's a guy by the name and I saw this in the Epic Times, Robert Malone. I found this article fascinating. He actually invented the mRNA vaccine tech technology, and the headline is natural immunity longer lasting than protection from COVID nineteen vaccines. The guy that invented that's Fiser. That's the Maderna vaccines, Jay and Jays, the old style Johnson and Johnson. Anyway, the immunity, this article goes on to say, by recovering from COVID, in other words, you got COVID, you have natural immunity is better than the protection afforded by COVID nineteen vaccines. According to the prominent vaccine inventor. In other words, and he cites Israel research that found people in the country vaccinated with Fiser's COVID nineteen shot were thirteen times more likely to contract delta the delta variant and twenty seven times more at risk for symptomatic disease compared to those that actually had natural immunity and had contracted COVID nineteen. And it goes on to say, quote has now been shown in that paper and others, the breadth of that immune response in terms of Tea and Befell memory populations is more diverse, more long lasting than the breadth of immune response elicited by the spike based vaccines alone doctor Robert Malone, inventor of the mr NA vaccines. I mean, he actually said it on Epic TV's American Thought Leaders. But again I always go back to please talk to your doctor. I'm not a doctor. I'm just passing on information. Do you research I put on people of all different opinions, so you get to decide make good decisions for yourself and your family. Take this sucker seriously because it's it's I've seen the worst of this thing. Biden, by the way, was just greeted with booze in California while campaigning with Newsom. How funny is that it is dump Gavin Newsom to day out in California. I know the odds are not in favor of question one, but don't give up. It's worth a shot. Leo two point Terrell gives us what's going on in the ground. Doctor Joel Zenberg on the creator of the mr NA, saying natural immunities better. Also coming up

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