Sean spends some time digging into the attack, this morning, of a New York City subway station by an ISIS-inspired attacker. "This is the third successful attack since Mayor De Blasio ended the terrorist surveillance program," offered Hannity, "So there is that consideration." Sean sits down with a few terrorism experts to discuss. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. So, like many of you, I have trouble sleeping. I have insomnia. No matter what I tried, it wouldn't work until I met Mike Lindell and I got my very own my pillow. It has changed my life. What makes my pillows so different is my pillows patented adjustable fill. In other words, you can adjust the patented fill to your exact individual needs so you get the support you need and want to help you get to sleep faster and stay a sleep longer. Just go to my pillow dot com or called one six zero nine zero. Remember used the promo code Hannity. When you do, Mike Lindell will give you his best off forever by one pillow and get another one absolutely free. My pillow made in the US a ten year unconditional warranty and it has a sixty day no questions asked money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose. So it's time for you to start getting the quality of sleep that you've been wanting and we need. Just go to my pillow dot com or call eight D zero nine zero promo code Hannity, take advantage of Mike's special two for one offer my pillow dot Com promo Code Hannity. All right, glad you with us right down our toll free telephone number. Happy Monday. I hope you all had a great weekend. Um, it was great until we had another terror attack at least attempt today in New York. And we've got some other new information regarding this. This is just breaking. The Department of Homeland Security can confirm now that the suspect was admitted to the United States after presenting a passport displaying in F forty three family immigrant visa in twenty eleven. And the suspect is a lawful permanent resident from Bangladesh who benefited from the extended family chain. Migration keeps coming up again and again and again. Uh. And you know, if we get more information on this, we will let you know. Look, it's very hard. I know that when we play some reports later in the program. And I know it's hard if you don't live in New York City to understand that this is a city that transports largely underground. Now, you wouldn't know it if you ever sat in traffic in in the city. Itself. You would think, oh, most people must be up here because you can't move, you can't budge, And especially during the Christmas season, because so many people come to New York and they want to see the tree, and they want to see the skating rink, and they want to stop by Fox News and and what you know, find the E I B Building. That was always a fun story. Remember James Golden would tell us people would actually come to New York in the early days when Rush launch to syndicate a show, and they'd be like, when you tell this point to where the E I B Building is that there really wasn't an E I B building except the building that Rushed broadcast from. There was a building I know where a broadcast from. It was actually too Penn Plaza at the time. Um, which was funny. That's very funny. I'll ever tell you this a quick digression. So when I first came in nineties six to do Fox, I got hired by the X Life over the other radio station, and I did eleven to two in the morning, and I couldn't believe that rushes lines would ring all day and night. And then I would sometimes start welcome to the EIB network. This is a whole rush ball and I would do it and I put and then kick. Carston got really mad at me, and I'm like, yeah, I didn't mean any harm. I was just kind of having a little fun and I put, Hey, rush megadettos. It was hilarious. It was really fun that we did that. Um, but with that, Kit put a pretty quick end to all that. Uh. And we love Kit and we miss him dearly too. He was a great guy anyway. So let me not digressive. But you don't understand that the whole city is pretty much underground and for a lot of people, if you don't live in a city like this, you're like trying to understand. So at seven twenty in the morning, when something like what happened this morning happens, it is total chaos for anybody that's trying to get to work on time. We literally hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people are in the varying subways all around town trying to get to work. And it happened at a very highly trapped in a haidely trafficked area, the the subway corridor near Times Square. You've ever been to New York, that's where the ball drops on New Year's Eve. That's where it looks like Disney at night with all the lights up and by. One thing people should do is go back when I was a kid growing up in Long Island. I would go into New York City occasionally, and it's nothing like it was. It used to be bad. I mean it was all you know, X rated movies, peep shows. It was. It was like a decade in sodom and go mora. And the person that cleaned it all up was Rudy Giulianni. And it remains clean today, not to the extent it was. You still have some dangers there, and I want to scare people that are coming, but there are a lot of dangerous anyway. So crude pipe bomb was strapped to this guy, apparently inspired by the Islamic State group isis UM, went off in this crowded subway corridor near Times Square. He got injured, three others were slightly injured. It snarled this rush hour commuter traffic now for hundreds of thousands of people trying to get to work. Uh, there is this. There is a surveillance camera that captured the man walking casually through the crowded passageway when the bomb suddenly went off at seven twenty am amid a plume of white smoke, and it was clear to show that the man was sprawling on the ground and commuters were fleeing in terror. And investigators said it was not clear if the bomb was set off intentionally or went off prematurely, but by the sounds of it, it sounds like it could have been a lot worse in every way. Shape Manner informed, so, um, it's a little scary. What frustrates me is as somebody that believes, you know, anytime we find out, oh, it's it's it's related to our immigration policies, chain migration. In this particular case, it just makes me say, why would anyone oppose making the country safer and vetting people who come here and knowing who people are and that you just don't get in because my great great great great great great great dead uncle uh used to live there and it really is that bad. But you now have the New York City has been hit by three successful terrorist attacks since Comrade the Blasio It's mayor ended the terrorist terrorist surveillance program in New York. Now. There was a daily mail piece that reminds US that ISIS had warned of a Christmas attack on New York City two weeks ago, and ISIS issued that attack on New York City, complete with a graphic of a Santa terrorist bomber staring right in the Times Square Mira coincidence. I don't know. Is it always going to be a big target? Absolutely, you know, And the s the scariest thing is and I think it's something we're gonna have to get a hold of. Every single time almost this happens, we find out things, and what do we find out. We find out that usually the people involved in this have a long track record of telegraphing their radical views and we don't pick it up. In other words, they're putting it all over Twitter, all over Facebook, all over Instagram, all over social media, and then we find out, oh, it seems like it's so and so new, and was telegraphing and sympathies for ISS and al Qaeda and and Hamas and all these radical groups. We just never picked up on it. And my question is why don't we ever pick up on these things? That's something that I think needs to be answered. Um, all right, we got a lot going on. We have the most corrupt media. I think that has ever existed in our lifetime right now. And I'm this is not hyperbole on my part, this is just factual information. I just have never seen a media this corrupt. Later in the program will have Joe Concha and he said, the past two weeks where two of the worst ever for American political media, all things to a rush to be first. Uh. That easily trump the priority of being accurate. It's even deeper than that. To me, if you had any doubt about media bias, look where we are with the media today. You know, look at Brian Ross, look at the Deutsche Bank Robert Muller's subpoenaing uh information from Deutsche Bank on Trump and his family. That means he's getting close. Or if Flynn says he lied to the FBI, that means that Flynn is flipped. Flynn is gonna flip on Trump and he's gonna do something that's just total speculation and the people don't know about or Wiki leaks reporting that you know, senior Trump campaign officials. Donald Trump himself received an email from some unknown sender September the fourth, and and it linked to what could have been the unreleased wiki League's documents, and then they find out it was September fourteenth, when it had already been released. Another hoops, black iron on the media's head shouldn't surprise anybody, you know. I think what we're looking at here. You have these networks they called themselves news outlets. It's beyond an information crisis. They are just propaganda arms in an extension of of the Democratic Party. And it's now at the point that it's so agreed, just so transparent, so damaging that the American people. You know, now, as the President said over the weekend, it's a stain on America. The thing that's missing here is a desire to find the truth. You know what, we'll talk to Sean Spicer about this tonight. He had to deal with all these idiots every day for however long. But I've been saying now since two thousand and seven that journalism in America is dead. Media is dead. What I mean by that is they're so abusively biased, and you have the fake news, liberal destroy Trump mainstream media. You know, they literally hyper ventilate. It's like effervescence coming out of them, bubbling and fizzing like alka seltzer and water when they think, I out, we got it right now, this is it, And there's a breathless hysteria every time they think they've got a little nugget that moves them just a hair closer to getting this president out of office. That is what they do. That's and forget the facts. You know, here's a big story. James Comey had the fix in as it relates to Hillary Clinton, and Peter Struck had the fix in, and they wrote her exoneration on the email server scandal before they ever did an investigation. Is that is that? Is that worthy of news? I think that's newsworthy. Where's the charges of James Comey or the fact of everyone's saying this weekend this is outrageous. Look at Hannity, Fox News. They're trying to de legitimize the special counsel. All right, Let's let's flip the cards for a second. Let's say Hillary's president. Let's say you bring in a special counsel and the only of the sixteen people he brings in, eight of them are big donors to Donald Trump and Republicans and George W. Bush, but no owners to Hillary Clinton on the other side of it. Then let's figure out that some of the people involved in every aspect of the investigation. That would be this guy, you know, what's his name, Struck. He was involved in interviewing Cheryl Mills Uma Aberdeen. He's the one that changed the wording from gross negligent to extreme carelessness to get the legal definition out of the exoneration of Hillary before the investigation that he co authored with his buddy Jim Comey. I mean that to me is obstruction of justice. And then he interviews Flynn, and then he interviews Hillary. Then he interviews all of Hillary's friends, and the only one that gets caught lying to the FBI is the Trump guy. Well, that seems a little bit odd. And then you hire a guy Andrew Weissman. Let's see destroyed destroyed what up to eighty five thousand jobs after he falsely went after a company Arthur Anderson, accounting eighty five thousand jobs lost by some estimates. And then he goes out there and and goes after Merrill Lynch in there and Ron Deal and and Merrill Lynch employees go to jail for almost a year. And then you find out never mind, you have a Supreme Court decision in the one case nine zero overturning the obstruction of justice. And you got a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals same thing. And you got Wiseman, who withheld exculpatory evidence that would have helped the defendants. Who acts that way, that's unethical. You've got examples of Andrew Weiseman making up crimes. This is Mueller's team, and people saying that, Wow, what Hannity's doing is disgusting. You know what it's you know what's disgusting. How lazy people in this industry are. You know, I was gonna take the Twitter over the weekend and really rip a few of these, you know, these people that work at Conspiracy Theory TV, MSNBC or Fake New CNN, And you know what, I figured, They're not worth Why should I have to educate them and do their job for them. They are dumb, they are overpaid, they are extraordinarily lazy. And if you really get to the heart and soul, a lot of these quote Republicans they get hired by MSNBC, all they have done is they have sold their souls for a paycheck. It doesn't matter how extreme their counterparts on their channel are. Just by being a little less extreme, they can be called the Republican and it's it's just non stomp anyway. One Shawn is a toe free telephone number. We're loaded up today, a lot of news to get to. We'll talk about the media, We'll talk more about the double standard. We're gonna get to the bottom of what happened in this case in Times Squared today, and uh we have Greg Jarrett and Sydney Powell will break down exactly what the media is missing. You know, there are not many memories that top the excitement waking up Christmas morning. Well, now that we're a little bit older, well you can still capture a piece of that joy and surprise everyone on your Christmas list with peppermint roses to make their home festive and bright. Thanks to one flowers dot com and right now, when you order twelve peppermint roses, one Flowers will give you an extra half dozen roses an a vase absolutely free. That's up to off the original price peppermint Christmas roses. Well, it's perfect for the holiday surprise on anybody on your list. Twelve peppermint roses only plus another half dozen roses an a vase for free in an unbelievable deal. When it comes to life's most important holiday moments. Trust one eight hundred flowers dot com and to order twelve peppermint roses plus another half dozen roses and a vase for free one eight hundred flowers dot com. Click on the radio icon enter my last name Hannity. That's one eight hundred flowers dot com. My last name, Hannity. All right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, you know what happened what we told you about Friday? Fake news CNN. I mean, you see the breathlessness of the coverage every day, the hysteria with any new little factoid, and the race to to get it out there, breathlessly reporting on a story. Has happened a number of times last week where they just utterly and completely and I gotta argue it on some level, I think it's just anything that they can do to try and make Donald Trump look bad and contribute to a negative perception is what they're gonna do. I mean, you just look at how the media covers them every day. It's seven I hate Trump seven stop Trump. You know the names he's been called, from liar to I can't even go through them all and called every name and then some. And Friday, fake news CNN wall to wall breathlessly reporting their next nugget that turns out to be a big, fat lie, falsely claiming that Donald Trump Junior received an email. The email was received on September four. It gave him special access to the hack d n C emails that hadn't yet been released by Wiki Leaks. One problem as the day went on, turned out that, like other news that they breathlessly report, they got it wrong. The email that was sent I didn't know who the sender was to Donald Trump Jr. Was actually dated September that's the day after Wiki Leaks put out the d n C documents. But you have fake news hyping it and hyping it and hyping it and hyping it and hyping it as as the big smoking gun about Trump Russia collusion, and you know it claimed that that they had it, and then they didn't. You know, Oh, but they say, but two sources verified. Well, maybe you need better sources besides whatever democratic hacks you're dealing with on a regular basis that are feeding you information. And the same thing happened with Brian ross Over at ABC he's no longer allowed to cover Trump. I think if you make it that nobody that anybody that's unfair to Trump on fake news CNN, that they'd go dark because that represent it's their entire lineup. I can't think of a single host on that network that is pro Trump. The same thing on MSNBC, I can't think of. And you know it's funny because they go after Fox. I can tell you a ton of people on Fox that are not big Trump fans, and a ton of them that we have the Christmas party later tonight for the Fox News Channel. Chef Smith and I are giving the toast together. Uh do you think it's symbolic maybe we have different political views? Yeah, I think so. I saw Ebony Williams this weekend. I love Ebony, I love being chef. We get along great, you know, But I just but there are people there that have tons of views that differ from mine. Believe me, believe believe me. I'll get about it quick break right back to the top of the hour. You know. The other thing about the sheep news media is this and then this is important. It's like one of them reports fake news, then they start then they start reporting each other's fake news. So as soon as like MSNBC reports something, or in the case of CNN on Friday, well then it comes MSNBC and they just spread the fake news and joining the fun. And then the New York Times and Washington Post they don't do their own fact checking. They're just a bunch of sheep that follow and it's you can see this on unfolding a lot. If you ever look at Twitter, which I'm kind of spending less and less time on for a lot of different reasons. I mean, there's so much hate on there. I mean, it's just gotten to the point it used to be fun and I love I love starting fights and I love fighting I do. But then it's like then you got all the trolls out there, and then you got people triggering their their bot systems send this. It's just like Hannity tweets and this. It's just ridiculous. So anyway, so the fake news story from Friday by fake news CNN, then it goes out there. Now where's the chief of fake news, Jeff Zucker? I wonder if he's proud of his network today. By the way, Sucker's name keeps coming up in in the sense that he was close to Matt Lower and he said, I didn't know anything about this. I didn't know anything about this. Well, now NBC is coming under heavy fire that they did know, and they knew a lot, and they knew a lot for a long period of time, and that they didn't do anything when they knew a lot. Up to see what happens there, anyway, Zucker sent his stenographer Humpty Dumpty out to try to clean up the mess this weekend, and instead of profusely apologizing like he should have, you know, he tries to use the networks complete and utter fake news failure of course, to attack Tunnald Trump Donald Trump's fault. It's Fox News his fault. They've literally got a team over there of of Humpty Dumpty and Humpty Dumpty wannabes that sucked. They actually suck up to Humpty Dumpty because their goal in life is to be Humpty Dumpty, and Humpty Dumpty in his mind, thinks he's a prime time cable host and he deserves prime time. You can just see how hard he's working, so he thinks the way to get there is to be the most pro Jeff Zucker CNN stenographer he can be on any given day, and then all his little sycophants that work for him, that want to be him, uh, that are hoping he gets in prime time too, because then they can take his weekend show. And it's these people are It's so transparent, it is so obvious. If it was Fox News making a mistake, I can tell you it would be days and days and days and days and weeks and weeks of coverage. It's pretty pathetic, even by fake news standards. And then not alone, I mean the Washington Post reporter. He was forced to apologize this weekend after tweeting out a a misleading photo about the crowd since a crowd size at Donald Trump's rally, and it turned out the image was taken well before the president ever stepped on the stage, and when the President actually got on the stage, the place was packed anyway. Uh. Then the President tweeted out, I guess the guy's name is Day we goal. They have a whole bunch of Washington Post people that apparently hate my guts. I don't even read it anymore. What was the other guy's name that was a studd? No, not not him. Um he's a media reporter over there. I forget friends with Humpty Dumpty. I'm not sure, but it's like, if you watch these guys on social media, will you tweet me and I'll tweet you. You retweet me, I'll retweet you. You tweet Oh yeah, Eric Pimple, that's guy. That's the one Whimple, you know. I love all these media guys and it's hilarious. Those that can't in media comment on those that can. And this guy, I'd love to see him host the TV show one day. That would be highly entertaining, sort of like Alec Baldwin hosting a radio show. Alec Baldwin really really wanted to host a show. I mean, this was serious. So one day there's a buddy of mine out in California. He hosts a morning show out there, Brian Whitman, and he used to also be at the Ex Wife anyway, So one day Brian Whitman brought in Alec Baldwin to audition for a talk show. Now, if you're remember years ago, Rush did a parody of what the Tom Dastionll Show would sound like. This is real, this is not make pretend. That's interesting, interesting, No, play the whole thing. Um, when we come back. Uh, we got some time? Oh great, we're gonna h When can we take some calls? I'm whenever we want. Do we have calls that are on there? Now? Calls yet? What number do people call to get on the air? I mean, do we have that number? It's right there, you do. I have a cool number in front of me. Oh, I'm so sorry. That's interesting. Interesting at twelve ten at PhD. Of course, any other questions you have, any other comments you have, call us um to the what else? H call us please at now? Um. If you don't call, we're gonna keep reading from the Scientology manual. You might not feel it. You might not feel the energy right now, you might not feel the swell of what's happening Herebody calls you out there? Ivant, no cost, let's spead some more about scientology. Is Sean Hannity a scientologist? Alec Baldwin posing the big questions tonight? Here? Do we have any calls here yet? Ivan? None? Boy, it's just incredible, unbelievable. Well, you leave us no choice listeners. That was real. That was him. So he does this one show and then it bombed. He got so angry walked out of the middle of the show because the Great One and I called up at the same time and went on the air with him, And so he sneaks into this other show. Now, apparently Alec Baldwin, Father of the Year, is working on his own TV show after quote the success of his podcast. I never even knew he had a podcast anyway, He's been doing it apparently for isn't NYC Public Radio in New York. I don't even know is it anyway? So he's got here's the thing with Alec bolder. Here's the thing. He's an Emmy winning actor, already hosts ABC television panel The Match Game, and is set to expand his relationship with ABC and blah blah blah, blah blah blah. All right, well we might get some good material out of that every week. I'm kind of hoping. Jeff Sessions has spoken out, he said the following He said this Friday, the American people have a right to be concerned that Obama holdovers in the deep State of working against the Trump administration. I don't know what to glean from all of this, he says. I do feel the frustration, and I do think people have the right to be concerned. He said he was on with how we car in Boston. But often we're not able to do something the very something that it the very day something hits the newspapers. We've got to work at it a little bit and make sure that we know what we're doing. And addressing reports of political bias within the Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's Russia Gate investigation, all Sessions told car I do feel responsible for this department to make sure that there's no double standard. Will work to be worthy of the confidence I've been given, And the Attorney General said the Justice Department is reviewing reports that Associate General Bruce Orr met with Trump dossier and author Christopher Steel during the presidential campaign, adding that Or could be fired or for that offense. We're gonna go back and look at that. It's being looked at, and if it requires discipline, it will be carried out. Okay, does that mean Comey is gonna be disciplined in some way any crime involved with him and Struck putting the fix in for Hillary on the email server investigation, And we're gonna take it a step further. You know what did Robert Muller and and Rosenstein and all these other people know about Putin having a network in the United States eights and two thousand and nine involved in bribery, extortion, UH, kickbacks, and money laundering, and what they did UH in the lead up to the siffiest decision by Hillary and Eric Holder to give Vladimir Putin of our Urania. We're gonna look into that too. And then the money that floated into the Clinton Foundation from the very people involved in that deal at varying times, We're gonna look into that. Are we gonna look into, you know, real collusion as it relates to the dossier that Hillary bought and paid for. Are we ever gonna find out if a FISA warrant was issued based on those Russian propaganda lies. I mean, it seems like we're the only ones doing the work here. At times, there are others Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett, John Solomon, there are a few others of us, you know, banging the drum every day here to try and get to the truth. It's not happening in the fake news media. I can tell you that. I'll tell you another thing. They're all going to be proven wrong. They are all gonna have to eat their words out of very high level just a matter of how much saying how much they're going to have to shove in there, but they'll be eating their words, all right. Let's get to the phones. Uh, let's say hi to Lucy and McKinney Texas. Lucy, Hi, how are you? John? Thank you so much for taking my call. I had a question for you, and you were actually just talking about our attorney general. My question is what none of this could have happened if Jeff's Sessions had not recused himself. That's correct, This never would have happened, right, So what would have How would this have manifested itself? Because everything that's being done now is all linked back to that um you know, to when Attorney General Sessions was being interviewed for his um for his position. And I think it was even Al Franken that asked him the question that caused him to say that several times that he was going to recuse himself. So did the left to know that he was going to do that? Or I'm just I don't I don't know, I don't know, but I will tell you this president needs a strong attorney general. He needs a strong attorney general at a time where we have what is an unprecedented assault on the executive branch in this country. Make you have no doubt in your mind. There are people working every day and I've told you that the list of enemies the president has. Yeah, Jeff Sessions is right. The deep state is an enemy of the president. So too is the Democratic Party. They want him out tomorrow. Let me tell you that the elections are gonna be very important. That's why Republicans showing weakness, not getting an agenda done. Oh, it's it's hurting everybody. It's gonna most hurt them at the polls, but it could hurt everybody, and it could hurt the country and send the country into a tailspin. If you want to know the truth, you know they're gonna put us through an impeachment hearing over nothing. Impeach forty five and peach forty five. Um, you know the fact that we're not investigating the real things that need to be investigated, the surveillance, the unmasking, the leaking of raw intelligence that needs to be leaked, the fix in on Hillary that needs to be investigated. With James Comey, the relationship with Comey and Rosenstein. Rosenstein things Mueller is doing a good job. We got to investigate Mueller's team that he's put together a team of Hillary lovers and Trump haters, people with questionable ethics and failed records. I mean, we gotta look at the uranium one deal. Then we got to go back to the email server scandal. If we're gonna have equal justice under the law, we need a stronger attorney general than ever. You know, one of the most pivotal players in the Reagan years was Ed Mease, the attorney general. You know, in that time, the executive deputy was Mark Levin. People may not know that history. They fought every day in that office. Should hear some of the stories that I know unbelievable. Back to our phones as we say hi to Sean is in Sioux City, Iowa. How are you? Hey, how's it going with Sean? What's going on? I'm sure I'll be out there. Let's see two or three years from now, every election we're out there. Hey, that's fine, welcome up. You guys are always welcome. He or no problem. What's going on? Isn't it funny how kind of the clown news network always comes out they say, you know, they have this big bombing in that guy only happened long. But then they all of a sudden they turned right around and they say, oh, President Trump, do you drink? And he watches eight hours of TV a day? How is it getting work done? Ye? How is that even news? I mean is it my noting something? Look? I'm you know, they're just pathetic. Um. You know the CNN does reports, Well, Trump's gas get one scoop of ice cream and he gets two. And that's fake news too. And look at this dog. The inner ear of the dog, it's like a image of President Trump has an uncanny likeness. Apparently the president gets two scoops. You know, everyone or else around the table gets one. Uh no word, if there were sprinkles at the dessert course, he gets two scoops of the no ice cream with his chocolate cream pie and the single scoop for everyone else. You know, CNN has botched seven times this year in terms of reports, and this is supposed to be a news network. You think they'd fix their problems. But in their seven blunder this year, that report on Friday, Now that's the report Donald Trump JUNR. The Trump campaign received advanced access to stolen emails that were soon to be published by Wiki Leaks. They must be tied into Julian Assan. Who's really tied into the Russians? Although Julian Assange told Sean Hannity numerous times that it was not Russia that gave him the emails, why doesn't Robert Muller, if he's supposed to do Trump Russia investigation, why don't they go to the source Julian Osange and asked him, you think he would be the one person that knows, and he said he has the evidence that he'd be willing to share. In his case, he wants to be able to leave the Ecuadorian embassy in Great Britain. Well maybe if it gets us the truth and we get to move on as a country and work for the common men and women that need jobs, that are in poverty and out of work and food stamps on food stamps, it would help anyway. So they botched the whole thing. The Daily Caller debunked the story. Then they tried to step all over themselves all through the day and night and weekend, you know, to say we really didn't mess up. It was really Trump. Trump is far worse than we are. Let's blame Trump. It's always Trump's fault. The dog bites, the beasts things, you're feeling sad, it's Trump's fault. You know, I don't get credit for one thing. It always bothered me. I spent a tiny fraction of what she spent, and we want you know, the old days, if you spend less and you win, that's a good thing. Oh but here you don't get any credit for it. We spent she was at what number, two point two billion? I understand two point two billion. Do you think do you think those consultants made a couple of bucks on that election? Didn't he spent twelve point four million or a dacier That was a total phony tulp point form madier. Boy So. So we spent a tiny fraction think of it, a tiny fraction of the money, and we won. But we won because of people like you. That's what we're actually correcting. A story that we have been reporting throughout the day today about an email that was sent to the Trump campaign to then candidate Trump Donald Trump Jr. Uh and others during the heat of the campaign season. This email included a decryption key and also uh in something a link to where they could access some of these hacked Winking League documents from the Democratic National Committee. Now, we've been reporting that this email came on September four, that was for some of these documents were publicly available, but we have just received obtained a copy of this email. Uh and instead we now learned that this uh, this email was on September four, So that is ten days later than what we originally reported earlier today. And and this is appears to has changed the understanding of this story because initially it seemed perhaps they were being offered access to documents that were not yet publicly available. But in this email from an individual named Michael Ericson, they do direct the Trump campaign to some publicly available documents, hacked documents from wiki licks as well as from the former Secretary of State Colin Powell, saying that those documents are indeed available. And now our initial reporting on that September four date was based on two sources who had seen this this email, but that information was incorrect now based on the copy of the email that we have obtained this afternoon. So so Brooke, it just shows that perhaps the initial understanding of what this email was perhaps is not as significant as what we know now based on this email books. More fake news shouldn't be a shock. Our two Sean Hannity Show eight d nine for one Sean is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. I don't think now. It's every day pretty much the the fake news industry, the destroy Trump media comes out with something wrong the president. Yeah right, he didn't spend as much money as the Democrats are Hillary Clinton, but it was Hillary's campaign. They are the ones that paid Fusion GPS, that paid Christopher Steele for the phony, lying Russian propaganda dossier that was cited so often in the campaign. It was designed to pay for it so they could influence you, the American people during the election and the lead up of the election. And it's something we need to pay attention to. Greg Jarrett has written a column saying Robert Muller and his politically biased team of prosecutors need to go. We have gone through in great tell who these people are Democratic donors, and we learned a lot last week about people like Peter Struck, a guy that is sending texts that he loves Hillary, hates Donald Trump and Peter Struck is up to his eyeballs and everything, the Clinton email server scandal, the docier. He's there interviewing Cheryl Mills and Uma Aberdeen and Hillary Clinton and General Michael Flynn. And yet he's got a built in bias Andrew Weissman, you know, because of his tactics and and unethical practices. All tens of thousands of people lost their jobs at Anderson Accounting when he was involved in that case with Enron. And then of course a number of Merrill Lynch executives went to jail and two decisions go against him that were massive nine zero. The U. S. Supreme Court ruled against him, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals showed he was wrong. He has a history of not passing on exculpatory evidence, making up laws, and other unethical behavior. Anyway, joining us to go through all of this, Greg Jared is with US Fox News legal analysts, Sidney Powell, oral appellate attorney, former federal prosecutor, author of the book License to Lie. Thank you all. Let's start with you. Greg Um. I don't even know where to begin here, but between the media going off and telling one lie after another breathlessly hysterically and then having a pull back day after day. And this team that Muller has put together, it's I can't believe it's happening in our country. Mueller sabotaged the credibility of his own investigation, and he has only himself to blame for what might have been a probe that was viewed with trust and confidence by the American people. But Muller chose to assemble the team of incredibly biased people to go after Donald Trump to try to undo the election and remove the president. Look, there are plenty of qualified, uh skilled lawyers across America who do not have a political acts to grind. Muller should have chosen them. Instead, he chooses people like Weisseman, who was there celebrating the night Hillary Clinton was supposed to win at the Javit Center and was defeated. He hires Genie Ray, who once represented Hillary Clinton in her email scandal. Uh And then, of course Peter Struck. Is Peter Struck the only FBI agent in America? How is it possible that this one guy was the lead investigator in both the Combing investigation of Clinton and the Mueller investigation of Trump? With incredible now declared bias. It's there, the evidence is there, and he's been kicked off the case. How do we get this entirely possible that Struck is the person who presented the fiz of warrant to the FIE the court. Have we confirmed now that the fies a warrant that they used the information that Hillary Clinton and Hillary's d n C she was running in According to Donna Brazil, do we now know if that dossier for a certainty was used to get a warrant against Donald Trump the candidate and or Donald Trump the president elect and maybe even as president. Do we know if that was used in that case? Nobody's seen the vice of warrant application, at least nobody that I know of, but I think they've admitted to some extent that the dossier formed some sort of basis for it. Congressman Jordan's questioning of Christopher Ray the other day was very telling, mainly in what Mr Ray would not answer. And one thing I'd like to point out too, is that Mr Ray was actually Wiseman's supposed supervisor in the Department of Justice overseeing the en RHN Task Force investigation after two thousand and three, when Mr Wiseman sent the four Meryl Lynch executives to prison on an indictment that didn't even state a federal offense, while he hid the evidence that showed they were innocent. You know, I just I just all of them. I'm having a hard time because a lot of your book, License to Lie, is about Andrew Weisman. It's a chapter in verse about how unethical this guy is. Why would Robert Muller, knowing this background, choose this individual because he likes him and trust him, and that's the kind activity he wants conducted in this case. That's the only possible reason the book has been ouncedin I didn't write this book to help President Trump. I wrote it to sound the alarm because of what I've seen as a practicing lawyer. I never intended to be an author, So the bottom lines all was so egregious I had to write it. Basically, You've got Mueller's team covering for Clinton and that means comey, you know, writing an exoneration before he investigates the email server scandal, and then persecuting every Trump associate with with varying standards of intensity. All these guys are thick as thieves. They have been together and work together. They've been friends and allies and partners. Weissman, rosen Stein, Mueller, Comey. It is bewildering to me that the Department of Justice would allow this to unfold in Congress needs to take action. They need to put a stop to this, and Jeff Sessions in particular needs to stand up and stay in order to restore integrity. I'm stepping in. I'm going to unrecuse myself to reorder this, and then I'll recuse myself again. But he needs to replace Mueller and the team of partisans that Mueller has put together and replaced them with people who are Rosenstein, who made the appointment because of the recusal of Jeff Sessions. He said he's he's happy with the way Mueller's conducting this investigation. What does that tell you? I tell you he's happy with the indictments so far and the guilty please. And Rosenstein likely knows that these guys are going after the president to undo the election, so of course he's tickled pink that it's going that way. Sydney, let's talk about the go ahead, Rosenstein, Muller, Wiseman, and Comey go back twenty to thirty years together. You brought up a case once and that was the Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee for the first Department New York, Bronx County. These and uh, there's a whole background about the Enron task force and the Meryl executives and all of the people from Anderson Accounting. So maybe five thousand people I believe lost their jobs there. What was your involvement in that? I was co author of the grievance filed with the New York Bar against Andrew Wiseman. Bill Hoads, one of the leading legal ethics experts in the country, took the laboring oar and filing the grievance, and he did at pro bono because we were both so outraged by the prosecutorials conduct we saw in the Meryal Lynch case. And what was the outcome of that? Oh, you're gonna love this Seawan. The Department of Justice was defending Mr Wiseman on the grievance because he was Muller's general counsel at the FBI at the time. The New York Bar, without even telling us, held it for about four months, then sent it to Department of Justice Office of Professional responsibility to decide the grievance. So the same entity essentially defending Weissman, decided that he had committed no wrong. Did you see the report this weekend Greg Jared about Fusion GPS trying to tie Donald Trump through the dossier and other means to this guy Epstein. Uh and this Orgy Island mess. Did you see that? I did see it. Yeah. Rowan Scarborough. The Washington Times has a piece out on it today. Yeah. Look, um, Fusion GPS and and Simpson who helped fund it through the Hillary Clinton campaign and the d n C UH and Christopher Steele. I mean, all of this violates federal criminal statutes. Uh. You know, you cannot give money to a foreign national during the course of a political campaign. Uh. And and why is it that there isn't a Department of Justice investigation into that. I'm hoping that there is and they're simply keeping its secret. There's another Department of Justice connection to this whole thing too, and that's the Deputy Assistant Attorney and Bruce or who was recently demoted within the Department of Justice because he had met with and has ties the Fusion GPS and that Trump Dostier and why he wasn't fired instead of demoted is beyond my comprehension it and oh he had his office four doors down from Rosenstein. Stay right there. We'll continue, Sydney Powell, Greg Jarrett eight nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. And as we continue, Greg Jarrett and Sydney Poweller with us. All right, so we're both all three of us seem to agree that there's nothing but a group of if you talk about Bruce or and you talk about Lisa Page, and it's Peter Struck and Genie Ray, and you talk about all these people and Weissman, uh, straight on down the line. You know, I was watching all weekend and the coverage seems to be, Oh, the president's defenders are out there trying to discredit the special counsel. And my argument, Sydney, is they he discredited himself by putting in a team of people that are abusively biased. He did. These are all people with very strong and deep time to the Clinton campaign, and there is no way anyone can have any confidence in the veracity of what comes out of this investigation the way it's headed. Here's what I think happened. It led by Peter Struck, the FBI agent who who you know, apparently made incredibly disparaging remarks about the president and correspondingly supportive comments about Hillary Clinton. He decided that if Hillary Clinton were indicted as she should be for the email scandal and the Espionage Act, she wouldn't be president of Donald Trump would So he and others set about conjuring out of there a way to exonerate her. And they went about and they accomplished it. It made no sense to any lawyer in America, but they did it. And then when she didn't once ag hold on to the then she didn't win. That now means that we didn't have a fair investigation. So it should start again, shouldn't. The statue limitations has not run yet, and they need to move very quickly to reopen and reexamined the evidence. The evidence is there, a fair minded lawyer would say, all right, let's give it to a grand jury. So when she didn't win on election night, the same people then decided, out of retribution and revenge, that they are going to do whatever they can to kick Donald Trump out of office. And if that means manufacturing crimes where crimes don't exist, so be it, and that appears to be what they're doing Sydney. There's irrefutable public proof that Hillary Clinton committed to one thousand one violation, which is what they've charged General Flynn with and what they charged Mr Papadopoulos with. It's in her testimony to Congress where she said there was no classified material on her server. I mean their YouTube clips of it that people have tweeted. I mean, it's evidence is right there. So there has never been a fair investigation of the Clinton situation, and there's nothing fair about the investigation that's going on now. It's very troubling. I told somebody the other day, it's not we're not just playing whacka male. We're playing lack of hydra these days. Well, what what do you untangle this mess? Greg? Well? I think the only way to do it is to have Attorney General Sessions bringing a new special counsel and a new team of prosecutors free of conflicts of interest, who will conduct a fair and unbiased, objective investigation. Justice requires it, and you cannot expect Rod Rosenstein, who's already deeply conflicted, to do it. He is the acting Attorney General and the Trump Russia investigation. He needs to be removed. Mueller needs to be removed. Weissman, Genie Ray, Aaron Zebli, Uh, Peter Struck has already been removed. Andrew Weissman, all of them need to be been removed from the investigation. He should be removed from the FBI. I agree, all right. I want to thank you both for helping us go where no one else, apparently a media wants to go, and that's towards the truth and fighting for equal justice under the law. Thank you, Sidney, We are appreciate it. Greg We'll see you tonight on Hannity nine Eastern. When we come back, we have Patrick Pool, National Correspondent, PJ Media Lieutenant retired lieutenant with the n Y p DY Bill mcgrarty is with us, and we'll talk about this terror attack that took place earlier at Port Authority in New York City earlier today and what it means for the coming holidays. Eight one, Shaun is a number. We'll take a quick break, we'll come back. We'll continue straight ahead the New Sean Hannity Show, talking about what's right for America, whether renewed commitment to keep you up to date on the breaking news stories. The preliminary information from police sources and emphasized world my former world preliminary subject to change. UH. It is a man in his middle twenties, probably possibly from Bangladesh and in the country about seven years who supposedly was setting the device off in the name of ices. So definitely a terrorist attack, definitely intended. As to whether the device malfunctioned or didn't function correctly, that will have to be determined. UH. As of the moment, he is apparently the only injured person in terms of from the event, possibly others from the noise the explosion, maybe ear issues. UH. Police have him in custody talking with him. Again, this information is all preliminary. UH. There will be a significant investigation of the area in question, as you might imagine that bomb squad has set up. There will be delays down at the Port Authority throughout most of the day while they conduct that investigation. It wasn't a passageway between the subway system and the port Authority between seventh and eighth Avenue. Any evidence that there's an uptick and in attempts are clear evidence that we had the bombing the night after I left my term. As Commissioner Jimmy O'Neill's first night in office, we had just of weeks ago the attack along the Hudson, the Pike Wick, and then we have had this one. That's three attacks, uh, definite terrorist attacks. The pace is quickening. As we have been indicating that it would uh that New York continues to remain the focus of interest because of what is happening right now, the intense publicity that anything that happens in New York brings about, and so this is something that we can anticipate these attacks are going to increase. Let's be clear, as New Yorkers, our lives revolved around the subways. When we hear of an attack in the subway is incredibly unsettling. And let's be also clear, this was an attempted terrorist attack. Thank God, the perpetrator did not achieve his ultimate goals. Thank God our first responders were there so quickly to address the situation to make sure people were safe. Thank God. The only injuries that we know at this point we're minor. These are the preliminary effects. So just just it just happened a couple of hours ago, so you have to understand these are preliminary effects. At approximately seven twenty and a below ground walkway which connects the I and D line at four two and eighth Avenue with the I R T line at four two and seven, the next shuttle at Times Square and the one two and three. Trained police were called to a reported explosion. Responding units found an injured seven year old male. We've identified him as I k U A k A y E d U L l A H. He had burns and wounds to his body. Preliminary investigation at the scene indicates this mail was wearing an improvised low tech explosive device attached to his body. He intentionally detonated that device. Looks like there are three other people in the immediate area, also stained minor injuries, but Dan I gros gonna talk about that. The subject was placed in custody and transported the Bellevue Hospital. Immediate police response to the scene included members of the Transit Bureau, Emergency Service Division, Bomb Squad, counter Terrorism mt A, Police, State Troopers, and the FBI's Joint Terrorist Task Force. In addition, the NYPD Strategic Response Group a Critical Response Command were assigned to other key transportation hubs and other locations throughout the city as a precautionary measurement. This incident was captured on transit system video. A further review when interview witnesses is underway. A thorough background investigation into a ka edula is being conducted by the Joint Terrorist Task Force. We're asking anyone who may have any information about this individual or incident to call the terror hotline NETS eight NYC. Say all right, you heard from Bill Bratton, Comrade Mayor the Blasio of New York, James O'Neill, New York City Police Commissioner UH and uh also saying the Port Authority m or of who he is identifying him, there is some background on this there. The destroy Trump media insists that today's attack in New York City and the subway system was carried out by a lone wolf uh and no coordination. How they could jump to these conclusions so fast, It's always interesting to me. Uh. Two weeks ago, we know that Isis issued a direct threat to New York City, complete with a graphic of a Santa Claus terrorist bomber staring in a Times Square. And for those that don't know the New York geography, the Port Authority subway station where the attack took place just a few blocks from Times Square as you're leading up to it, and the Daily Mail had pointed out that ISIS fanatics shared the disturbing propaganda image threatening a Christmas time attack on New York City just weeks before this explosion early this morning. A little more background, New York City now has been hit by three successful terrorist attacks since the Blasio ended terrorists surveillance program in New York. Just if anyone's keeping count or whether or not there's any connection, but you have a crude pipe bomb literally strapped to this guy inspired by ISIS went off in a crowded subway. This was in a card or near Times Square, injuring that man, slightly wounding three others and literally right in the heart of midtown traffic, uh and subway traffic, which became a big burden for hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers. Bill mcguarty's with US retired lieutenant with the m y p D, worked ten years in the counter terrorism unit. Patrick pool Is with US National Security correspondent for PJA Media. Thank you both for being with us. Bill, Let's talk about what you're gleaning from today's attack showing again it's not to be on the radio with you and Patrick again, but it's also said at the same point, and here we are listing two months later talking about another attack that happened in New York City. And it's my belief, or my personal belief, this is as a direct result of the policies put in place by this maya that we have in charge. Now. I mean, we have a person able to build this bomb by himself or if maybe coordinated with other people unknown at this time, and then walk in rush hour traffic and thank god that this bomb was either poorly dish uh, you know, constructed, or he didn't detonate it right, and thank god that nobody was severely injured. Can be a lot worse. You know, they do have, you know, materials out there and years ago I actually did a show on it in a Hannity and Colmes day on Days and Fox News and it's called The Anarchist Cookbook, and it gives you a play by play on how to do all of this. I mean, it's not a surprise Patrick Poole that you know people have the information because it's all over the internet. If you want to get at it. Shot absolutely. And you recall here several years ago one of the Alcada magazines put out, you know, how to how to build a bomb in your mom's kitchen. Uh So, so this information is proliferated out there, and they've grown more instant in how they build explosives. You know, as Bill said, you know, just thank god that um, you know, the recipe or whatever they were using that that it wasn't successful because just even watching the video of the incident, there could have been a lot of people killed. Well, I mean, that's the thing now. It raises questions. I'm a big believer in the First Amendment and freedom of speech, what about people? And the thing that frustrates me is we almost always go back after somebody's involved in an incident and we can find out that they were telegraphing via via social media loudly what their intentions and beliefs are. So I don't think there's enough, you know, Lieutenant, I don't think there's enough monitoring of social media and the lead up to these things. We haven't gotten much yet, but we will be getting information about this guy. But then it's like, okay, should people be allowed to share information on how to build suicide bombs on the Internet or is that a violation of free speech? Well, I person, we I don't believe they should be able to share this information, but if it falls in the realm of free speech, then what we have to do is and I said, hey, I hate to be cliche about it, but you know, the police depointment has not taken a proactive stance as it relates to these individuals since the blas it was taken office. They've taken a step back. They're afraid to do the things that they do. The way you need to find these people and Patrick, you I guess you can agree with me on this is you need sources out there given you information, looking for indicators on these people when they change. And you also need investigators looking in these chat rooms in these social media areas to try to pick up on certain things or indicators that are going to lead you to these people so you can investigate them. And it's it's it's not being done it as aggressively as it should be in today's age. And it's said, it really is said. I mean I think that if nothing else, I think we should be able to monitor and I think as a result of monitoring. I mean, this is all public what we're talking about, and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and whatever other social media people are using. And I think that one, I think there ought to be a certain way to mark, you know, those people are identified, those people that are involved in talk that seems to sympathize with these radical views, and I don't think we do enough of it. No, the same as if you would open up a regular criminal case on somebody. If somebody's actions are doing they're they're acting as if they're doing something criminal, you open a case and you investigate. It should be the same way that that it should be done with them on social media. If there's talking about it or indicating that they're they're showing allegiance to to ISIS or showing interest in producing these bombs, then they should be looked at thoroughly through the Internet and physically through human sources. And how many times are we going to have to sit back and here we responded, We responded to this, We responded to that. We shouldn't be responding, because if we respond to these incidents, that means we failed at our job of trying to find them out before they commit these acts. I think that that has to be job one for everybody. Um, and you've got to imagine or in certain times of the year that you know, the threat is greater than others. I am not confident though, you know. The one good thing that I was reading today is even our own generals now that the handcuffs have been taken off of them. You know, remember the rules of engagement by Obama were so restricting that you know, literally that have to be you know, twenty yards away shooting at your head for you to have the ability to defend yourself. But we've been able to degrade isis at a at a very rapid pace that we've never seen before because we're letting the generals and the people on the ground do their job instead of managing them from Washington. Oh. Absolutely. And what's happening is we're winning on the ground overseas in the Middle East. But what's happening now is in this this lone wolf term is kind of old because we're winning on the battleground, but they are pushing their ideology over the Internet, and kids are sitting at home, young individuals either playing video games and radicalizing themselves through these chat room, social media video games, and they even though there's no command and control center that's that's pushing these people out, there's still a group that has to be you dealt with as a as almost an army of individuals radicalizing themselves. Yeah. Uh, Patrick, Well, Bill's old unit UM was taking a lot of these proactive measures, and in fact, they produced a report on radicalization in two thousand and seven, I believe, which ended up getting withdrawn because of UM pressure from groups like Council on American Relations and and these other groups who didn't want these proactive measures taken. And Bill's absolutely right. These these attacks, uh, you know last year in New York and New Jersey, the Pathway attack here on Halloween, and then today, I think that these are reflections of the fact that that we've lost the the initiative at the very same moment that the tempo of these attacks is increasing rapidly. All right, stay right there, we'll take a break. We'll come back and retired Lieutenant with the m y p D. Bill McGarty's with us also, Patrick Pool, PJ Media is that national security correspondent. And as we continue after a terror at TAPPA and this guy in the New York City subway system at Times Square, the subway station seven. This morning, we have Bill mcguarty's with US retired Lieutenant M. Y P dear M I p D. Ten years in the counter terrorism unit. Patrick Poole, National Security correspondent. There seems to be this this lack of desire to take on the enemy the way they need to be taken on, I mean, Patrick, and I think the answer is if we don't get more preemptive, if we don't get more engaged earlier, then we're just one by one, these attacks are just going to continue, one right after another, and it's not gonna stop absolutely. Uh. You know, as you're going back to sun Zoo, one of the things you have to do, as you have to break the will of the enemy. Um. And you know the sons who said, you know, these things are one in the temples before they even fought. And here, you know, we're we have uh, this discourse in our media talking about how how basically we're to blame for a lot of this stuff. We've brought this on ourselves. Uh. And and it's you know, no surprise that in some respects they're winning. Yes, I mean, we've we've degraded isis UH in Syria, in Iraq. But let's not forget that the precursor to isis al Qaeda in Iraq. When George Bush left office, there were thirty members UH, and within a few years they had reconstituted and taken over a third of the northern part of Iraq and major parts of Syria. So I'm a little bit cautious about, you know, declaring the war over, as some of our generals have done here over the weekend. Um I I think we're going to see him adapt and they can reconstitute as a conventional force. Again, last word, Lieutenant, I think the more that you bring it out and on that we need to be proactive and and and put the word out there to put pressure on the Blasio that the two biggest things that hurt the city the most was was the article of the ap article that Mattapuzo put out that Patrick talked about. And this mayor has definitely did it has this service to this city definitely. All right, I want to thank you both for being with us. Unbelievable eight d nine one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. So how bad and how corrupt and how dishonest and how dangerous is the news media in this country. Well, we'll get to that when we come back. Also, your calls eight hundred nine one, Shawn Toldfrey telephone number Hannity tonight, nine Eastern Sally you about the great show we have coming up and much more straight ahead. He's prepared to testify, we are told by a confident against President Trump, against members of the Trump family and others in the White House. He's prepared to testify the President Trump as a today, Donald Trump ordered him directed him to make contact with the Russians, and David a clarification tonight on something one of Flynn's confidence told us and we reported earlier today he's had the president asked Flynn to contact Russia during the campaign. He's not clarifying that, saying, according to Flynn, candidate Trump asked him during the campaign the fine ways to repair relations with Russia and other hotspots, and then after the election the President elect ask him and told him to contact Russia on issues including working together to fight isis viginal contact with fugion GPS with from with the Republican who asked for confirmed. No, that's not been confirmed. So there's been no confirmation from from Fusion GPS show US records. No, no, no, that's not been preformed. But you didn't. President Trump himself the other day said yes, he thinks he knows. The President says he thinks he knows who that republic it is. He's not releasing the name he's He repeatedly says he thinks he knows. He's conferred that the original contact with Fusion GPS was with a Republican later after the President got the nomination. All right, more fake news. Glad you with us. It is the final hour free for all. We'll get to your calls at the bottom of this half hour nine four when Shawn is our toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. Joe Kancha, who writes for The Hill, he is their media writers, probably one of the few media writers in the country that doesn't, you know it, doesn't hang out in the same circle of of sycophantic UH left wingers that want to be part of the destroy Trump UH media cabal. He's not in it, and I guess for those reasons, he's probably not particularly liked by some of those people. But um, he writes in his new column, Media's botched Trump attacks are a reckless attempt to undermine the administration, and he talks about what happened when the Flint testimony came out and they reported that former National Secure the Advisor General Michael Flynn was prepared to testify the President Trump all a candidate directed him to contact Russian officials. Well, then again, the Brian Ross report got retracted. Later in the day, a clarification was forthcoming that the direction came when Trump was the president elect. A big distinction, which would mean he's telling his National security advisor to reach out to his counterpart to be in Russia. Smart thing to do. And we had the Deutsche Bank debacle by Reuters and Bloomberg, both reporting the Special Council had subpoenaed bank information and records relating to President Trump and his family members. You know, the Wall Street Journal ended up diffusing that bombshell. They did a follow up report saying that the subpoenasm fact never existed, never happened, and whatever ones were out there dealt with people or entities close to Trump, but not as reported, A big, big distinction. And then you've got fake news CNN reporting that senior Trump campaign officials, including Trump himself. On September four, they got an email unknown sender and it was giving them a specific link for information that hadn't been released on Wiki leaks. Well, they had to withdraw that lie as well and say, oh, poopsie daisy. It was a lot of oopsie daisy and going on out there. Joe conscience with us. You say the past two weeks were the worst ever for American political media and thanks to a rush to be first, uh, that easily trump the priority of being accurate. That is correct. We used so much hyperbole in this business. You host people all the time. There's a lot of exaggeration and there's not you. But I'm just saying in general, we we over exaggerate things to draw attention to ourselves. I don't like saying things like that, but this was I mean, think about it, ABC with Brian Ross he suspended for four weeks, Bloomberg and Reuters like you talked about not just CNN last week, but somehow CBS and NBC confirmed the report. Who did you confirm it with? Probably Sean the same source that bought CNN that information went to CBS and went to NBC. And that's why I say, you gotta burn that source. Okay, But the point is this, though there is a certain breathlessness to all of this reporting, there's a certain atmosphere that I argue has taken place in media today, and that is that you know, every time there's a new thing, Trump frush at Trump Prussia, Trump pressure. Well, we don't have any evidence of Trump Russia collusion, and the man of Ford indictment isn't about Trump Russia collusion. Nor is you know, admitting to the FBI that you didn't tell the entire truth when they interviewed you, and you didn't even know they were interviewing you for a legal matter that was post election, right, So if we're investigating collusion during the campaign, why is everything I'm seeing after President Trump was elected? It's it's gone off the rails. But yeah, all these stories have three things in common. One they're all based on named sources. Two they're all based on Russia. And three And I'm gonna I'm gonna feel like a Rick Perry here for a second. I'm gonna for at the third. I forgot the third. But the point is that, oh that's sorry, I got it. I got it, got it back. I got it back. It's amazing how the brain works. I lost it, I got it, I lost it. Let me go back at my computer. Go ahead. What is They're all negative towards the Trump administration? I would ask anybody out there, can you remember the last time positive information was leaked about this administration? Or can you remember the last time there were so many negative stories about the Obama administration? Everybody got it wrong and it's just a mistake. It's it's like I wrote, it's it's a rush to be first instead of to be accurate. It's quantity over quality. And the problem is outside of Brian Ross, I don't see any accountability the CNN reporter. He's a good reporter, admittedly he doesn't he hasn't made too many mistakes, but you still there's still it's got to be something that you do to reprimand in this situation. But they said, now he followed our editorial standards. It's what they report, and it's also what they don't report that is bias. Um. For example, a big narrative this weekend where people like me that are we're attacking the Special Council because of the Special Council is getting close to getting Donald Trump. Well, I'm pointing out and I think any Democrat, if they're gonna have any intellectual honesty in their heart, mind and soul, would agree with this. And that is that if we had a special Counsel and it was a Democratic president and the Special Council only, we're only hired Republican donors, no Democratic donors to do the investigation. If they hired people that had been overturned by the U. S. Supreme Court and an obstruction of justice case, that means everybody was innocent. Eight thousand people lost their jobs at Arthur Accounting, UH Anderson Accounting, and four Meryal executives went to jail because a Weisman. It was proven that Weisman also held back exculpatory evidence. He's been using and known to use tactics that are extremely unethical. Just look at what happened to Paul Manaforts, you know, home being rated and his wife being frisked and Clinton election. He did he went to the Jabbt Center to celebrate with Hillary her great oh sorry loss. Yes, shouldn't that be an automatics qualification? Yes, it should investigation. So where's the media discussing the things that I discuss. Where are they discussing Comey exonerating before Comey investigates. Where are they investigating this team that Mueller has put together. They're too busy putting out photos of Donald Trump's rally on Friday night in Florida, which was supposed to show an empty arena. And think of the logic here, and that was Dave Wiggle from the Washington Post. Think of the logic here? Do you really think that if Trump held a rally that no one would show up? I mean, that's one thing. And too he just throws the picture out of there with snark. Everything has to come with snark. If you're gonna report something, you want to show an empty arena and you get the picture on. That's one thing. But Weigel puts out and packed to the rafters because, like you said, I don't have a lot of friends in this business. I don't. I'm like you ever see die Hard to But Bruce Willis and he's on the plane, he's fighting John Amos. He was from good Times and Amos goes, shame, I have to kill you McClain. And I was just starting to like you. And then Bruce Willis before throwing him off the plane and him landing, and the propeller says, I got enough friends, and he kicks in, I got enough friends. I don't need to have any friends in his business. And that's the problem now that we we have too many people here that just want the adelation of their peers instead of informing their readers and their viewers. And and that's that's a big problem, and it's not gonna go away. And well, they want to take down this president. Is there any doubt in your mind that they work every day and their whole obsession is to take down Donald Trump? Not my mind, Uh, it's every I read a lot of studies and a lot of polls and a lot of analysis. And the bottom line is that Trump supporters believe that they agree with him what he said in February, that that the press is the enemy of the people. Half of voters overall, forget Republicans feel that the press is fabricating stories about the administration. Forget misreporting mistakes. They're actually making stuff up. And the reason why they believe that is because of this complete and utter reliance on unnamed sources. And as we saw with the CNN report with wicked leaks and Don JR. What happened there is exactly why that source needs to be burned because that was a political operative or even a lawmaker that was in that room when he was testifying before that Democratic Intelligence Committee. So if that person is feeding bad at nation, he needs to be exposed. I don't care if it's a congressman or not. Think of all that they don't care about. Think of the fact that the Fourth Amendment has been stomped upon and is basically being shredded with UH surveillance, not minimizing, unmasking, leaking intelligence. All the information they got on General Flynn was obtained illegally. That's point number one. Who are the deep state leakers? There was a leak a day for the first hundred and thirty days of the Trump administration. Then you've got I'd like to know why Samantha Powers as a U N ambassador whatever leak basically a person a day, or Ben Rhodes or Susan Rice or any of the other people. Those things need to be investigated. Hillary Clinton was exonerated on her email server scandal as a means of helping her get elected by James Comey and by Peter Struck. Where the investigations into that, you know, or the team that we have, you want to look at collusion. I see plenty of Russia collusion. That would be the Trump dossier, full of Russian lies and propaganda paid for by Hillary to influence the election. That's ounds like collusion. To make Joe that was complete collusion. I'm surprised that doesn't get more. I'm not surprised at it. I feel like I'm the only one shouting this from the wilderness, and all I get is, well, you're number one in cable news, but who cares about the rest of it. There's a lot of times Hannity's ahead of the curve and will never get credit. David From, he was on a show this weekend ironically called reliable sources in this context, and David From is a conservative at least that that's how he was presented. But he's completely anti Trump. And here's what he said. When asked, what advice would you have for people that don't trust the media anymore, he says, well, this is quoting. The mistakes are precisely the reason people should trust the media. Astronomer has made mistakes at all the time, because science is a process of discovery of truth. Astrologers never make mistakes, or at least they never grown up to them because they are offering a close system of ideology and propaganda. In other words, you should trust the media because they keep presenting false and misleading information. That's actually the argument. That's that's not even jumping the shark. You're going over the whole ocean with that comment. All right, more with Joe Contrapt, media writer for The Hill. One, Shawn is our number. There is no way for Donald Trump to get two hundred and seventy there. We heard that for week after week. What they're doing is the fake news. It's called suppression, just like they give the fake poles. I call a fake news fake poles. A pole came out today on CNN. Such a fake a pole came out. They'll have to apologize for that one. Another one came out that was through the roof. But it wasn't unseeing then. But but I will tell you, look, look, we need, honestly, we need some love in the country. I'd love to bring both sides together if that's possible. There's a lot of hatred out there, but I would love to be able to bring both sides together. All right, there's the president, you know. I think the funniest moments the president has on the campaign trail, or when he's out giving a speech and somewhere or whatever rally of some kind when he points to all the media in the back Joe conscience with us from the hill and he goes, you see them, they're all fake news. These people have come to hate him. What did you think of that rally in Frinday? Do you seem like he had a lot of energy, a lot of a lot of spunk. It seemed like it was tired. I thought it was I love every minute of No. No, that that can't be right because on Morning Joe on Friday, Steve Schmidt, the former McCain presidential manager, said that the president clearly had a physical impairment based on one speech about Jerusalem, where or at the end you got a little dry mouth and we've all been there, or maybe you had a little trouble with his teeth. I don't know who cares but to jump that. This is what I mean about recklessness and media that you can't just sit there in a studio in New York commenting on a speech that happened in Washington based on what you saw on television and suddenly become My wife's a doctor and she went to school for many years to get to get to uh, get where she is now. You can't sit there in the middle of the studio and say, oh, you know what, I just watched that speech and I've come to the conclusion that our president has a physical impairment, like as if he's like having a stroke. It is ridiculous. Did Schmidt apologize today, No, Willie on Twitter? No, That's the thing. There's never any accountability. And that's why this is going to keep happening in over, over and over again, because management doesn't do the right thing they should do with people that make reckless comments that have no business being in the public dialogue. You know, it really is sad that I said in two thousand and seven and eight when I was vetting Obama. Nobody else would. I said, journalism is dead. They never vetted him. Even this campaign year. We have eight years of Obama's record. We could go over an abysmal failure. I repeated it every day and every night. I did because somebody needed to do it. Somebody needed to talk about Airs and Dorn and Reverend Right in the church at g D America and Olynsky and Acorn and Frank Marshall Davis. I don't know. There weren't many other people besides me and even some friends of mine and said I was probably gonna ruin my career because I was going too deep into my vetting of Obama. You really have to work in your confidence more. We've talked about that about my confidence. It's a matter of you know, what's right is right. I mean, we're right so often and they're wrong so often, and I'm the one that gets beaten up all the time. You get beaten up, but you have the most viewers, right, so people are listening. Crime are of her? Is that what you're saying? Too bad for you? Hannay, Like I'm supposed to care. When Bill Clinton left office, he had something like a seventy approval rating. And the reason why it was because only ABC, NBCCBS, Washington Post, New York Times were your options as far as getting news. Fox was in his infancy, it was it was still up and coming. Uh. Now there's at least a balance where you have Fox News and you have online conservative media and other voices are being heard. And that's why those particular outlets are so successful, because half the American people just weren't liking where they're being fed, and now at least they have that option. So you say you're not being heard, No, you're you're You're being heard completely. You're just not being accepted by the rest of the media. But the good news is if you're you, not a lot of people are accepting the media now either, because I remember, I think I've cited the stat for you before. Before the election, the Hill compiled all endorsements of the two candidates across the country and we narrowed it down to fifty nine major papers, and fifty seven went to Hillary Clinton to to Donald Trump. You know what that got or Shawn that got her an acceptance speech. So we could talk about the media and how cless they are. But the thing is, their influence is one tenth of what it used to be because they keep getting things wrong. All right, I gotta let you go, Joe cont God, Well, why don't we invite you if you're gonna be such a crowmudgeon on my show? Now I'm in my forties. Yeah, all right, Joe concha. Thank you eight nine for one, Shawn toldfree telephone number. We'll hit the phones when we get back. Glad you're with us. All right, If you missed the president's speech on Friday night, it was pretty amazing. And we're gonna play a few highlights here and and I want you to listen to all this, especially in light of the media criticism that came out last week about the president. Oh he's slurring, Oh he's there, always got the early signs of dementia. I can't believe the media gets away with this crap. But you decide for yourself. We'll play it for you. So tonight we're going to speak straight to the American people and cut right through the fake news media, right right right through. We're going to speak the playing true and really the truth that you just want to hear and you have to hear they don't want to hear. But and and by the way, did you see all the corrections the media has been making, the saying sorry we've made They've been doing that all year. They never apologized. Maybe that comes with being the president. I don't know. I don't know. They've been apologizing left and right. They took this fraudster from ABC. They suspended him for a month. They should have fired him for what he wrote. He drove the stock market down three hundred and fifty points in minutes, which, by the way, tells you they really liked me, right when you think of it. And do you know what he costs people? And I said to everybody, getting yourself a lawyer and sue ABC News so so and then seeing then apologize just a little while ago, they apologized, Oh, thank you, seeing then, thank you so much. You should have been apologizing for the last two years. Total unemployment is now at a seventeen year low. Thank you. That not bad. Not bad after ten months. It's only going to get better. Listen to this one. This is to me, maybe one of the most important because it's all psychological to a large extent, and that's what creates greatness. Consumer confidence is at a seventeen year high. Think of that. It was not like that in your last administration. Economic growth last quarter surge to three point you know what, you know where it was right when we started. You know where it was dingo three point three percent. That it's going a lot higher. You know, you stay here, you'll never hit three you'll never hit two and a half. You figure maybe two point three, two point four. If we didn't have the hurricanes last quarter, we would have hit four, and everybody back there would have said, that's impossible. The stock market is hitting an all time high record for another, and think of this, eighty six times since election Day, eighty six times it hit a record eighties six guys, and we're gonna keep it going. And then you look at all of the money you folks are making. A I wish I could take ten or fifteen percent, but I think you're not gonna do that. You're not gonna do them. But it's getting better and better. Your pensions are getting bigger and bigger, your pension funds, all of those things are happening. Oh, these resistors resist Hillary existed, and you know what happens, you lost the election in all landslide. But you know what they're really resisting. They're resisting the will of the American people. That's what they're resisting. Look, it's being proven we have a ricked system. Doesn't happen so easy. But this system's gonna be a lot of changes. This is a rick This is a rigged system. This is a sick system from the inside. And you know, there's no country like our country. But we have a lot of sickness in some of our institutions, and we're working very hard. We've got a lot of them straightened out. But we do have, we really do. We have a rigged system in this country and we have to change it. Terrible, terrible their resisting progress, their resisting change because the only thing they really care about is protecting what they've been able to do, which is really controlled the country. And not to your benefit. By the way, wages starting to go up the first time in twenty years, starting to go up. That's all gonna happen. You know, I don't get credit for one thing. It always bothered me. I spent a tiny fraction of what she spent and we want you know, the old days, if you spend less and you win, that's a good thing. Oh, but here you don't get any credit for it. We spent five or she was at what number, two point two billion? I understand two point two billion. Do you think do you think those consultants made a couple of bucks on that election? Didn't he spent twelve point four million or a dacier there was a total phony fuel point for million boy. So, so we spent a tiny fraction, think of it, a tiny fraction of the money, and we won. But we won because of people like you. I took this job on behalf of the forgotten men and women of our country. But guess what, they are forgotten. No more people came out of areas. You know, they didn't think you existed. You know that, right, Remember? And you remember the word deplorable. How brilliant was that. I was watching her with that speech, and she was reading a teleprompter yet and she said deplorable, And I said, huh, that's not nice. She's talking about a lot of people. Little did I know I was right. That thing blew up. That was one of the reasons she lost. And now we're all proud. Deplorables were proud, topor very proud. Your voice will never ever be do it again. They're all gonna be coming after you for every election from now on in this country. You will never be ignored again. Your dreams are my dreams, your hopes are my hopes, and your future is what I'm fighting for each and every day. We're just getting sorry, all right, Let's get to our busy telephones here as we say, how did Joe? He's in Boca Raton in Florida. What's up, Joe? How are you glad you called? Sir Hi Sean the pleasure to speak to you, and congratulations on your good work keeping everybody informed about this terrible coup that they're trying to put up put on us. There's no doubt this is what they're trying to do, no doubt they want to take this president down, no doubt they want to overturn a duly elected president and an election. And that is that is treason and sedition by doing these things. And uh, we need to get Jeff Sessions on or to get these people under oath and subpoena and flip some of them, same tactic you know that the prosecutor would do and get to the root of it and make the charge them and get them, get them charged with crimes. I believe a lot of crimes were committed. I lay them out. The fact that the media ignores all that we put out on a daily basis is criminal, uh neglect on their part. They literally have no credibility left and they get every single thing that they touch basically now wrong we live in the world of phony NBC and ABC and CBS and fake news, c and in conspiracy theories, and there's a lot of us out here now that have gotten very very close to truth that I'm only telling you because I know more than I can say at this point that will validate all of the work we have been doing this year and last year. And I'm very confident that they are more wrong than they ever knew, and that there's no way that they can now undo the damage they have done. Oh ironic, Sean, that this boomerang is coming back at them, Well, it is a great irony, and frankly they deserve it to whack them up the side of their head. Exactly. All right, my friend, Thank you, Jordan and Valdosta and Georgia. Jordan, Hi, how are you glad you called? I'm doing just fine. So I just wanted to ring in on something that's being extremely extremely overlooked here by the media and by a lot of people. Um, as a Jewish American, it's it's a big stigma to say that you know, you are a liberal, or you're you're a Democrat, You're you're going with Hilary, or you're going with Obama, which most of us do. And and that's that's pretty accurate statement. Now these days, we got something really big in history that happened with Donald Trump declaring that the embassy is finally going to get moved to Jerusalem. This is a promise made by Bill Clinton and and it's just been passed. The buck has been passed all the way until Donald Trump finally followed through. Now you're not hearing a lot of it on the CNN or on the MSNBC, mainly because they don't they don't want to give the boon to Donald Trump that that he's done something significant. But so many of the American Jewish population are taking a look at this and they're taking stock in in what the you know, what what the liberal left has done for us, and what the you know what the Democratic Party has done for us, and what Donald Trump has done for us. You know, I think all across the board though that's that's true too, because I know a lot of Jewish Americans historically they vote Democratic. Um, I don't think there's been a president that has been more brave, that has done more for our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, than this president. And what he did, well, we will look back through Israel history. This is a defining moment like the you know U N partition plan. This, this defines that state at this point and Ben Gurion becomes the prime minister. Uh, this is a historic thing. This president did and so many others promised and wouldn't do it, didn't have the courage to do it. But that's the same with a lot of his other promises. As President's really you know, been clicking them off one after another after another, and I feel at times I'm the only one that will ever discussed exactly what his record is and what his promises were and keep it in check, you know, just like Democrats will never face the reality of how bad Obama's presidency was. They don't have the intellectual, honesty and capacity and the willingness to do it. Maybe it's too hard for them to realize everything they bought into hope and change and Yes we Can was a total failure. Maybe their egos would be far too bruised to face that hard truth. I don't know. Roseanne is in New Hampshire, Roseanne, how are you? I'm fine? How you doing? Love your show? Like? Thank God for you? People. Let me tell you thank you. You know, I had a quick question. If if the cops broke into my house without a warrant and we found we were doing something illegal here, they can't use that evidence in acquittal law to indict or convict me. If the Fizer warrant was issued on a phony dorsier, that should be illegal. It's worked basically, you go to to the judge and ask for a warrant to so called why a tap? If that was based on something phony in illegal, how can any any information discovered from that, any evidence, be used to convict anyone. It should make this whole Fueler investigation null and void. Let me tell you something. This investigation needs to be null and void for various reasons. Number one, that never was. We've had a year of Trump Russian collusion and the only thing we've ever discovered is the only person that colluded with Russia was Hillary Clinton. You know, with the help of Fusion, GPS and an m I six agent. They're the ones that paid for fake phony, Russian salacious lies, and propaganda, all in an effort to to swing an election their way. We found Russian collusion, We found it, and Hillary bought and paid for it, not that anybody seems to care. We also found collusion and corruption as it relates to an investigation into Hillary are given a pass so that she could run on to become the president of the United States, where so they thought when they wrote her exoneration, James Comey and and Peter Struck and all these other people, you know, there was never a real investigation. That's why I'd sit there every night and say, Okay, thirty three thousand emails deleted, bleach bit, acid wash, breaking up, busting up with hammers. Those are crimes, every one of them. You know. Putting top secret, classified special access information on a mom and pop shop bathroom closet server. Uh, that's mishandling classified information. That's a felony. And then destroying classified information similarly a felony, and and bleach bit of felony, and breaking with Hammer's devices felony. That's called obstruction. And that's only the tip of the iceberg with them. You know, we've really we have it all. But we have the case set and ready to go well, and obsessions doesn't come up by the end of January. With some indictments are arrest warrants, he should be by it. This is this is with the evidence out there, it's it's irreputable, absolutely, and they all got to pay the piper. And I hope Devan Noonan's gets the the warrant to see if Fizer was used, if to with the the illegal document. If if that's what they used to get the FIZE warrant, If that's the case, we're gonna find out very soon. And I believe it very likely was the case, as Jim Jordan's made a great case the other day on that last week on that anyway, thank you, Rosanne, appreciate the call. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up today. We got an amazing Hannity tonight. America's information crisis, fake news crisis, what the President calls a stain on America. We have Sean Spicer is gonna check in. That's my opening monologue. Among other things, the terror attack in New York. Will get the very latest with it, Henry and Sebastian Gorka way in again, we'll have the very latest on Mueller's partisan team of Democrats and Trump Paters, Dan Bongino, Austin Goulsby. That's tonight. Set your d v R Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Thanks for being with us, See you tonight at night.