Time To Save New Jersey - October 14th, Hour 3

Published Oct 14, 2021, 10:00 PM

Gubernatorial Jack Ciattarelli, is running against democrat socialist, Phil Murphy who has done everything he can to oppress the people of New Jersey. His ad about the current governor talks about his failed leadership, and is aptly titled “Failed.”

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A news found up information overload hour eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. So the polls in the Commonwealth of Virginia for the gubernatorial race after that, you know the idiot Terry mccauloff that he is in his comments parents shouldn't be involved in the school system at all. I'm like, that's their job, you know, screaming against him. But you're an unsafe person. You don't have your mask on, are you vaxed? I mean he's a lunatic and he's got to bring in the big guns. You know, Joe Biden's approval rating is in the dirt and Virginia, so that race has tightened within the margin of error. Now recent polls show in New Jersey it's not quite as close. But is it possible because you've had Republicans elected governor in New Jersey, like for example, Governor Christie Christy Todd Whitman. Is it possible New Jersey in this gubernatorial race On November second, can turn red a couple of interesting ads. Jack Chetarelli's the Republican running and he didn't add on how Murphy failed New Jersey And another ad highlighting how Murphy who was caught not wearing a mask and he put out a mask mandate. Still and anyway, he was warned not to send people that have a COVID positive to nursing homes. Over eight thousand people died in New Jersey. Why he got a pass and Cuomo didn't, I don't know. Listen, have you seen the ads film Murphy's lying about me? I would too if I had his record. I'm Jack Chittarelli. Film Murby's failed us in every turn. He's increased, spending eleven billion dollars. Are you better off? Murders and gun violence are way up, The lines of motor vehicles are a joke, and we have the highest property taxes in the nation. Yet Phil Murphy says, if taxes are your issue, we're probably not your state. No wonder he wants to change the subject New Jersey. We can do better when I'm governor, we will, According to PHILM. Nursey, as the temperatures rise, person wants New Jersey sweat rather than force Walt. That's because Formurphy support and people be sub gender that enable to promot to sir fandoms and gourlessness. Session drive race providing your communities for Jose medical safety. They set themselves. Thank you, um, and so get the mark on im me, Dear, I'm gey commitser for help at them, I am not very much. I have a brief question, and that is you ask the patent COVID guide page from the hospital. At the help of the pandemic, Governor Murphy used his power to force Nurcy House to admit COVID positive patients despite CDC GUIDs. Really is an immediate giberty. Uh, we know that it very difficult, um, growed wid to put out guiding on how to do it a focal place. Yet the papers do you understand that? Why add that patients will die that wouldn't otherwise have died. Governor Murphy was warned he sent COVID positive patients to nursing homes. Anyway, now more than eight thousand seniors and veterans are dead, and Governor Murphy still doesn't have an answer. All right, unbelievable. Anyway, Jack Chattarelli is with us, all right, your state has lost a lot of people that a conservative and Republican that would normally vote for you in New Jersey. That's why Republicans have won the governorship many times in New Jersey. A lot of those people have moved. That concerns me because I think that hurt you in this race. Am I wrong? Well, listen, a lot of people have left, Sean. But here's a fact that a lot of people don't know. Phil Murphy lost his mid terms two years ago. Two years ago, Republicans did something we hadn't done it twenty eight years, something we didn't do in either Christie's wins. We picked up seats in the state legislature. Phil Murphy lost his midterms. In my mind, that was the beginning of the beginning of the rejection of the guys whose extremism is just a bad fit for New Jersey. So we can win this race. Yeah, well, listen, I look at the guy. How Come Andrew Cuomo got the hell beat out of him over the nursing home scandal when the exact same executive order was put in place by Governor Wolfe of Pennsylvania and Governor Murphy in New Jersey. How come they weren't held accountable. I'll tell you what really began to Saint Cuomo Sean is when it was found out that his government was lying about the nursing home death numbers. That's what really began the downfall for Andrew Pombo. They were lying about the numbers. Now what's interesting is und Donald Trump, four states were being investigated for nursing home deaths. Four states. Now only one is being investigated, and that's New Jersey. So even Joe Biden's Department of Justice is investigating Phil Murphy's nursing debts. Let's not forget the greatest number of nursing home debts in New Jersey took place in the veterans' homes owned and operated by the state. So I look forward to the outcome of that investigation, which continues. Well, was it going to be before the election, because we were supposed to get the Durham report before the twenty twenty election. That never happened either. Well, Sean, you and I both know that that probably won't happen. But you know, it really bugs me about the Democratic legislature. We had a scandal of years back in New Jersey called Bridgegate. Nobody died and there were investigational hearings with subpoena power. Here we've had nursing home debts that lead the nation and the most of the debts were in the state owned and operated nursing homes. And there's no investigational hearings with subpoena power. Smells like election year politics to me. Yeah, all right, so now let's talk about voting laws in New Jersey. By the way, I did get a kick out of Murphy saying, oh, if you don't like high taxes, you can pretty much leave. Is that's who we are. I'm like, whoa, Okay, if you're not well, if you fight against higher taxes, get out of That's like Andrew Cuomo saying, if you're a conservative and you're pro life and pro assault weapon and anti gay, Okay, I'm a conservative. I am pro life, i am pro Second Amendment. I'm not anti anybody. You don't belong here because you're not a New Yorker. That's not all who New Yorkers are. I mean, I'm like, this is what are these governors saying? You know what ended up happening, Jackie, You'll get a kick out of it. Governor's from all around the country started calling my radio show and saying, please come here. We'd love to have you in our state. You bet they did, and Listen, this was the ultimate insult. But you know, one way Seanny revealed and revealing himself to us, he did us all a favor. You saw his soul. He stood there and said, if taxes are your issue, we're probably not your state. But then he topped that when he said he wanted to make New Jersey to California of the East coast. Listen, we know our state's broken, but we love our state. We don't want to be any of the state. We're New Jersey, damn it. And we don't need any governor telling us to leave over the taxes. Do something about the taxes, and we don't need anything. I admire that you running. Look, I want Curtis Sleewood to win. I want you to win. I'd love to see I got We have a primary. Andrew, Julianna, rob Astrino, Les Eldon are running for a Cuomo spot. I got it. I admire all of you for doing it, but it's an uphill battle for all of you, and and I hope you're successful. I hope the people in New Jersey will look at the disaster that this guy created during COVID, you know, look at the facts, look at their life, look at their high taxes and take the opportunity to right the ship in the state of New Jersey. I don't know. It's an uphill fight, but I really admire you for doing it well. I appreciate that, Sean. But listen, know this, We've won six and the last ten governor races in this state, and over that same four decade span, every time a Democrat took the White House, guess what New Jersey did the very next year elected Republican. And then I'll repeat this guy lost his midterms two years ago. So we're right where we need to be, all right. I appreciate you spending the time with us. Jack Chedarelli is the gubernatorial candidate for the Republicans in New Jersey. Eight hundred nine for one. Seaan is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. Jason is in Ohio. Hey, Jason, glad you called, sir. Hey Sean, thank you for having me on. How are you. I'm good? How are you, sir? I'm doing well. So it's my understanding that the CDC explains a free COVID vaccine it provided through the hard earned taxpayers dollars, right and eligible regardless of your insurers or immigration status is free and you can get tested for free. Right, Why is the flu vaccine not free? Why has this COVID vaccine been free from the get go? Like a mandated agenda almost if you will, It's now become like a religious fervor for people. And its that And you know the fact that nobody ever talks about now that we have breakthrough cases, very few people. I wish I would name I can, I can, I can tell you a name you would instantly recognize. A public figure that had a breakthrough case calls me, I said, have you talked to you a doctor about monoclonal antibodies and therapeutics? He and the person says to me, yeah, I heard about that. What is that again? This person, I'm telling you, this is a person that you would think knows this backwards and forwards and doesn't have a clue about the antibody. Not a clue, not a single clue. And it may be a hunch, you know. And I'd hate to look in the thoughts doctor Fashious or whatever you want to call him, his portfolio to see perhaps if maybe Moderna or Fiser are listed in his Uh uh, what's the word. I'm looking for investments, if you will, so you can't dig that deepest out public by the way, flip flop, the you know, the lying, ever wrong, always wrong, doctor Fauci. All right, I appreciate it. Jason, thank you eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Jeremy new Hampshire next on the Sean Hannity Show, The Live, Free or Die State. I hope you don't mind that I stole your motto for my book. Not a problem. What's going on? He thanks for taking my call. I just want to richly know. So I went to my doctor. I'm trying to save my job here. I'm in I'm in the aerospace industry and I've been here fifteen years. And uh, my doctor, I said, look, and then the nurse answered, and I said, look, I'd like to get an accommodation because of my my heart history, with my medical history, with my heart condition and things like that. And uh she said she I said, a need accommodation. She laughed at me. She said the doctor's not going to do that. And I said, what do you mean, doctor is not going to do that? She said, well, he's very poor vaccine. I was like, well, that's his choice. She's like, well, fall we'll fall in the CDC guidelines. And I'm like, well, I don't trust the CDC. She said, well that's your problem. I was like, well, take me off your list. I don't want to be your patient anymore. She said, okay, no problem, click hung up on me. And then a friend of mine just told me yesterday. My best friend told me yesterday his doctor brought him in because he's had cancer. And the doctor brought him into the room. It was just them too, and he said, look, I would love to give you this accommodation, but there's a memo sent out about two months ago, and they made it very clear to us as doctors that if we give anybody any accommodations that you can see yourself fired on spot. Well that you know, I will tell you if it's a legitimate. Now that the New York Court has ruled this week about medical exemptions, and I'm sorry faith exemptions, and you know, I think there should be medical exemptions. When I interviewed this eighteen no, I'm sorry, nineteen year old girl, or I forgive me when she was eighteen or nineteen, she had had a vaccine. I didn't ask her which one. I didn't feel it was an appropriate question. Anyway, had a very bad reaction, was paralyzed for over a month, and her doctor says, you can't get the vaccine. This is what her doctor saying. I didn't go to medical school anyway. It ends up her dream school was BYU in Hawaii. I didn't even know there was a BYU in Hawaii, but there is. Apparently it wasn't BYU. I want to be very clear here. It was Hawaii that wouldn't allow her to go to the school because of the one size fits all medicine that everybody wants to practice, and most of the people practicing medicine don't have a license. You know, these idiots on the radio, these idiot podcast people, these idiots on TV, and those idiots in Washington. You know what medical school did they go to? You know, I, frankly, you watch I would not be surprised if at some point people say, you know, you're practicing medicine without a license. Don't beat watch the legal side of this, it's going to explode. And frankly, rightly so in many cases, and it was very very encouraging the decision that came out of the New York Court this week allowing for you know, if you have a religious exemption and that that is a legitimate reason. We have something that every law is based on. It's called our constitution, and you haven't. We have freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom, you know, where all the my body, my choice. People, you know, no, this is insane to me, but I urge people to be very careful. I meet it with all my heart. I don't want you to get this. My heart broke when I heard somebody I know it's vaccinated, got the virus today. And they asked for what are those things you talk about on your show every day? And I gave i'm a list and then I said, call your doctor and make sure your doctor agrees with this, or or just ask your doctor about these specific things. Took notes, called the doctor. The doctor sent this patient to get an infusion of regeneraon The doctor decided not me, not Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity's not going to practice medicine without a license. So it's trying to give you information that will be useful to you, But ultimately it's between you and your doctor. At the end of the day, we'll continue, all right. So many Americans now they understand what defund and dismantle the police is all about. Now a lot of police departments are going to be losing workers, many of them because of the Biden vaccine mandate. This is going to be a disaster all around the country anyway. So you know, you always got to count on yourself. God forbid, somebody breaks into your house, what are you going to do to protect yourself and your family. I believe in the Second Amendment, just like my friends at Henry Repeating Arms. The best firearm I've ever used is a Henry Now they're made in America, or they're not made at all. A rifle, a shotgun. Henry Repeating Arms, you get them right out of the box. They're accurate. That's not the same with other manufacturers. Trust me, I have a pretty big gun collection anyway, so I own a number of them. That craftsmanship is the finest I've ever seen. And there's more than two hundred different models to choose from. You've got a wide variety of calibers and finishes. They've got a beautiful website. You can look yourself at Henry USA dot com. You'll see their entire line available. Their customer services insanely great. All their Henry's are backed by a lifetime satisfaction guarantee. 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M He does long form interviews, and he asked very probing questions and you know, believe it or not, Linda, you're gonna laugh at this. He was interviewing Miley Cyrus and I was fascinated by the interview. It's not something I normally would be interested in. But I know her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus. I'm fond to him. I've met her sister, I met her mom. They're just nice people. It's just it's very honest. I don't for example, I don't agree with him on I know he's he's really into marijuana legalization. For example. I think Elam must just lit up a joint right on a show. It's hilarious the way people are with this. I'm just very anti drug. I don't like any of this stuff. But anyway, that's a side note. So when he announced that he had COVID, I believe it came out in the day a day or two later that he was getting monoclonal antibodies. Correct me if I'm wrong, HCQ and the human ivermectin. Okay, that's all his choice. I'm not getting into the medicine of it. This is. I'm glad Joe Rogan is alive and survived and is doing well. And I'd say that about any liberal as well. This is not political for me. Even if you're a liberal that hates me and wants wants to get back to living a normal life and try and get me fired, I still want you to live. I believe in life. I believe in freedom. Anyway, So, uh, CNN has this, I guess medical contributor doctor Sanjay Gupta Rogan is pissed off because they accused him on fake news CNN apparently of using the animal version of the drug and not the human version of the drug. Listen to this exchange. Do you think I want it's a problem that your news, Well, I don't. I don't, dude, what did they say? They lie when they say I was taking horse. First of all, it was prescribed to me by a doctor of other medication. If you got a human pill, because there were people that were taking it the veterinary medication, and you're not obviously you got it from a doctor, so that it shouldn't be called that. Ivermect them can be a very effective medication for parasitic disease. And as you say, it's probably you know, I think what the quarter billion people have taken it around the world that way more so, way more killions of people have taken it. Okay, can I just come back to the one I want to talk about it you have before we get to that. Does it bother you that the news network you work for out and out lied, was outright lied about me taking horse de Warmer? They shouldn't have said that. Why did they do that? I don't know. You didn't ask. I didn't think that you're the guy over there. I didn't ask. I should have asked before they did such Glee no show I watched, Oh man, did you? I mean that was? That was the thing of beauty? Honestly, I think in your next life the podcast that you should do is something like this. I first of all, you love confrontation. I love confrontation. It's amazing and there's nothing better than being right and being able to have an argument and saying okay, I don't know, I have no idea. The best part was his response. He's like, why aren't you the medical Like doesn't it bother you? And he's like, uh, I'm like the thing of all right, I want to play two other cuts of this, because this is this was very interesting too. Now we have talked a lot about the NIH, and in fact, the NIH funding the Wuhan virology lab where they knew gain a function research happened, where they knew Corona viruses were being studied, and why one American taxpayer dollar went there is an absolute disgrace, just like Joe Biden now is planning to exempt Taliban era Afghans and allow them into the country. How stupid is this, man? I mean, there's there's things that you know you scratch your head and you say to yourself, you can't be that stupid. Now we know that gain of function research. July thirty first, twenty twenty, the day that Donald Trump put in his hysterical xenophobic racist travel band, ten days after the first identified case of Corona in America. Well, it so happens that Dr Fauci and his emails, we now learned, got an email saying, yeah, it looks like one of the genomes. As you break down, the sequence of the coronavirus was manipulated in a lab. January thirty first, the very beginning, ten days after the first identified case in the US, and then we start. Then then you see a flurry of activity, and that is doctor Fauci with other NIH officials. Do you think our money went to go fund the gain of research? Blah blah blah blah. And then he lied to Rampaul. As far as I'm concerned, Rampaul is correct. I believe he was lied to as he does. And if any trust me, if it was any Trump doctor, they'd be in jail by now. There's always that double standard. Um. Anyway, So listening to Sandra Gupta talk about we may never know the origins of coronavirus, that's a lie. But the bigger question is, and this has cut thirteen discussing NIH funding and gain of function research? Listen, how many how much evidence did they delete in twenty nineteen, some stunning amount. Well, the entire day at a base went down exactly. Now, I said what I said to him, you were part of the WHO investigation. Did you see the database now it's been over a year later, he said no. When I said, is that not of concern to you? He said, look, he goes it was a public database. They were worried about hacking, and so that's why they took it down. I said, if it was a public database, why were they worried about hacking? You know, what were they or were they trying to hide? You know? So I don't I don't know, Joe, what to make of it. It's there's clearly as you said earlier, I think he said where there's smoke, there's fire, probably, But can I say conclusively no, And and part of me things we may never know. We don't have a system in place at a at a sort of global level to mandate that these things actually come to light. Yeah, we don't treat this like we treat Department of Defense issues. We don't treat you know, we should be thinking about this more from a defense standpoint rather than a public health preventive standpoint. That's interesting. Yeah. Yeah, But if the NIH was was giving funding to Eco Health Alliance, and Eco Health Alliance was funding that kind of research, I think that the ALCHI is not being honest about that. I think I think the NIH is clearly funding Eco Health Alliance, and Eco Health Alliance is clearly giving grants to Hunt Institute of Virology. Here's how they answer the question when I ask them, including Francis Collins, who's the head of the nih they define gain a function research is this, you have a known bad contagious pathogen and you're going to essentially do it, you know, use the backbone of another known bad pathogen and you're going to splice them together. Essentially, you're taking one thing that you know to be bad and contagious and splicing it with something else that you know to be bad. That is, you're expecting this to be worse than what you started with. If you're taking a novel virus and you don't know how contagious this is, and you're basically saying, look, I want to I want to isolate the spike protein on this new virus. I'm gonna put it on the backbone of something I do know and make it contagious to humans. We'll see how it behaves at that point. Does this actually or to behave as something super contagious or not? The possibility is that it could, but they're not sure. So this is nuanced, and you know a lot of people have taken issue with and including scientists who work in the field. But the strict definition is that you got to know. For gain a function research, you know that it's going to lead to gain a function so maybe the problem is using the term gain a function. Yeah, if we instead abandon any sort of nomenclature that might be problematic and say, were they doing experiments to make viruses more contagious to people? The answer of b s Yeah, were they doing experiments that could lead to viruses being more Yes, yes, I think that that's right. And remember it wasn't that long ago, in twenty twelve that doctor Fauci supported gain a function publicly, even stating that even if it resulted in a worldwide pandemic, actually said this, he still supports gain a function research. I mean, how this guy still has a job as unbelievable. And Linda, you know what, we was so fair to doctor Fauci. I'd been over backwards that I tried to factor in that. Okay, they didn't know what they were dealing with. Nobody knew at the time. Now we know these things, you know. The The Intercept released all of these documents, nine hundred of them on Fauci. His emails have been released. The frenzied back and forth about funding the virology lab in Wuhan and possibly gain a function that led to coronavirus COVID nineteen you know, and then him just lying outright about it. But there's two points that are really critical to what you're saying. The first one is he asked to come on the show. He wanted to come on the show. He said that he wanted to share the information that it wasn't a political issue, it wasn't a partisan issue, it was a human issue, and he needs to come on. Okay, fine. The interesting part about it is that Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci were lying from the beginning because the fact that they worked through the Eco awfulliance. We saw on the nine hundred documents very clearly that they had the pathogens, that they worked it into humanized mice, that they were starting the virus from which it was constructed to that they could demonstrate more path intogenicity. This was their goal from the beginning. So they lied from the beginning. So they were being untruthful, and the documents clearly show that the problem is that most people have no idea that nine hundred documents were even released that showed that they were untruthful, which clearly shows also that doctor Rampaul was correct. Putting all of that aside, Collins isn't even there anymore. Collins was the one that said that SARS COVID nineteen was completely transmissible in the air by a ten percent ratio. It turned out it was point zero one. And then he goes on to Fox News and says, yeah, I'm sorry about that. That was just a misunderstanding. I'm like, you have people wearing masks and open air telling them that's transmissible by ten percent, and you're totally lying. It's wrong. So these are the people that are the head of the NIH, you know, the NAI. Look and then all they do is they take down one set of guidelines on the CDC website. Then they put up a whole different, contra dictory set of guidelines, and you know, vaccine hesitancy. I didn't finish my thought earlier when I was talking about Jimmy Carter and the visit by Joe and Jill Biden, fully vaccinated, socially distant masks on outside, go into the Carter's home ninety six ninety three, respectively. It's so ridiculous to take the mask off. They get right on top of the old people. You know, it looks kind like why you wearing the mask outside? Just like this idiot governor in New Jersey. He's not wearing a mask. Pelosi, he's not wearing a mask as you're getting her hair done. Um. Yeah, that one congresswoman saying, I only wear this stupid thing for show. Yeah, himself AOC. They're all just wearing the mask for the pictures. And look at Newsom. Newsom is the most egregious of all the guys out to dinner. His kids are in school. But people in California. You got all these people in the streets. They're taking massive dumps in the streets, in the middle of doorways. Your kids can't go to school, but the ones that they're in the school, they're fine. And you can't go to Walgreens like you were talking about before with the San Francisco at the Walgreens. I mean, it's insanity, it's it's nuts. Yeah. By the way, this in the Walgreens, they're closing six of them because if you steal less than a thousand dollars worth a crap, it's fine. They won't arrest you, they won't charge you. You heard what happened in New York today, right I did. It's terrible. They're vandalizing all that. People can't keep their businesses. You want to vaccine people who don't want to be vaxed. You want to create a federal police department because our police don't want to get vaxed. Because the information, like doctor Tyson gave out today, and we know there's other options, why can't we do things like other countries. You can get tested, you can have anybodies from having COVID, you can try something with your doctor. You can do regenera, and you can do monoclonal antibodies. Like why we're not telling people what to do? No, And the reason we're trying to inform you is God forbid detest positive. Right, Okay, I've had in the middle of this show today, I got a text about somebody who happens to have a very compromised immune system because a cancer. And you know, immediately, you know, I go into action and I say, well, you might want to talk to you doctor about this, this, this, this, I mean, I should make one generalized note, but you have to make it personal because it's an individual case. I didn't tell them what to do. I gave them the information so that they can ask smart questions of their doctor and get I get the crap kicked out of me for doing that. You need to tell people. I'm like, no, I don't need to tell people I didn't go to medical school. I mean, how are irresponsible would that be if I start telling people what the hell they ought to be doing with their bodies, and to your credit shown you haven't. To your credit, You've asked a lot of questions. You've interviewed, how many doctors, You've had how many people on about this? And you're asking the questions. I don't know when it became wrong to ask questions. No, no, no, that's not allowed anymore. It's really it really frightens me. I just thought that Joe Rogan and a very like he used a scalpel. He just tore gooped off. Well, can I tell you my favorite part of the whole interview when he called him dude, because you know I say do it all the time. He was like dude. Seriously. I was like, yeah, your six year old son, dude. I'm like, dude, come on, dude, man. It was the great best thing ever. Can't wait till he repeats dude and some of the other one at home. First of all, I don't use those words on Mary Poppins at home and I keep it paid. There's no way you can turn no. Yes, no, yes, you're incorrect. Just like we don't eat McDonald's at home, just like we don't say bad words at home. Everything. I'll tell you what. We'll take a quick break. We'll come back. Man. We got a great Hannity tonight. I'll tell you about that in a minute. All right, we are loaded up tonight, I mean loaded up tonight. Scott Brown, Jason Chaffitz. We're gonna look at the disaster that is the supply chain and the Biden economy. We'll check in with Griff Jenkins on the disaster on the border. Then we got Greg Jarrett Louie Gomert. He's gonna update us on the court martialing of Lieutenant Colonel Seller and give us an update on that situation. Leo two point zero, Terrell, Dave Ruben, nine Eastern Say EDVR Hannity on the Fox News Channel. All right, that's all the time we have for today, say EDVR. We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow. Thank you for being with us. We never forget you make this show possible, and we are very humbled and grateful. See you tonight back here tomorrow

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