Tiger Woods

Published Feb 24, 2021, 11:00 PM

Jim Gray, is a Twelve-time Emmy Award-winner and one of the most legendary figures in sports broadcasting history, his book TALKING TO GOATS: The Moments You Remember and the Stories You Never Heard was just out this past November. Today he joins to talk about Tiger Woods, his friend, and golf legend, who yesterday was in a terrible accident in Los Angeles. 

The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon Gladia with US toll free our numbers eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Well, it looks like kids in cages are back nap cages this time. Not they look a little like a mobile home, but than not mobile homes. You know those big cargo containers, these big shipping cargo containers that you see at the docks wherever. If you've seen images, if you haven't been there yourself, Yeah, the kids are in there with bars on the tiny windows that they have. And the big lie of the media was Donald Trump has kids in cages. The cages were built by Biden and Obama in twenty fourteen. The images the mob the media showed at the time, Yeah, those were images from the Biden Obama administration. Unbelievable, breathtaking, sick, ugly, twisted hypocrisy on every level. More testimony. Oh, the insurrection was pre planned. Okay, that's why you don't have a snap impeachment. That's why you do an investigation first. That's why you get your facts first. We'll get to that today. We're going to go into great detail and what is the radical Democratic socialist biggest power grab, and that is how they want to forever change elections and how they take place in this country. We'll get to all of that, and we have a lot of other details that we've got to get to. The coronavirus. Faucci Cuomo, big trouble for both of them. I've had it with Fauci. I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. I tried. The guy spent decades of his life trying to help save lives. This guy has been more wrong, more often than anybody else. Now he's playing politics and pretty much every interview, and the person that did a lot more right than he did ended up being Donald Trump. The governors that got it right, it wasn't Cuomo with his big power point points and Gavin Newsom. No. It ended up being people like Rhonda Santis in Florida with a much higher elderly population, and he the one thing that remained consistent and he stayed most dedicated to is protecting the elderly. And it worked. Vaccine distribution. A buddy of mine in Florida got it at their local public's grocery store. What the hell am I doing? Living in this state of New York. I don't know out of my mind. I need to renegotiate my contract like yesterday. Um, all right, so we got a lot to get to today. So when when we were in the election season and I started playing these montages about Joe Biden, all these truths to me, stuff I haven't created and women are created, equal and owed by the thing. Oh you know, the thing, the thing, the thing and the thing I think. And then, uh, you know we choose truth over facts. Doesn't that mean the super But Thursday and it just got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. And I said, all throughout the campaign, you know, he's in the candidate Protection program, hiding in his basement bunker. I was telling you the truth. You had big Tech protecting any negative stories. There was a pullout in the last week that showed that about one in six voters that voted for Biden likely would have voted differently had they known what big tech was covering up for Joe and zero experience hunter. Okay, well, that was an effort at protecting Joe Biden because there their one commonality is their rage and psychotic hatred. Of all things Donald Trump. And then I said, this guy he's lost. If he ever had a fastball, he lost it. He doesn't even have a changeup or a slow pitch at this point. The guy that I saw four years ago and left office, or you go back ten years and you play a tape of Joe Biden, it is a dramatic decline in terms of he looks weak. And I'm allowed to have my own observations, right, And they didn't say much during the campaign, as I often referred to Joe as weak and frail and struggling cognitively, and I stand behind it today. All of a sudden, he becomes president, all these articles start showing up the hate Hannity crowd out there, which is pretty much every second, every minute, every hour of every day, which I don't care about. But you know, Hannity, can you believe he called Joe Biden weak and frail. Well, let me be very blunt here, Bernie Sanders doesn't look weak and frail to me. I know he had a heart attack, but you know what people recover from heart attacks. He seems like he's got it all together. He's pushing his radical socialism, redistributionism, statism, authoritarianism, as passionately as he's ever done. I don't see it's single change in Bernie Sanders from ten years ago. None same energy level, same passion. Is He's equally as articulate and and pushing his liberal views. And you know Donald Trump's you know, he's around the same age. This guy's got more energy than than fifty guys thirty years old. It's insane. I don't see that in Joe. I see that he's weak and frail, and I see that he is struggling cognitively. So you know, the latest example, I mean this guy pretty bizarre is you know, he's in the middle of an interview, he loses his place and then it admits that I always carry around to cheat sheet. Listen to this. I promise you we are going to together beat this. And uh and I think that I you know, but the idea that over five hugas have a card. I carry a card on me every day with called number of folks who have been affected by As of yesterday, there are five hundred thousand and seventy one people have died from this. My hand what my handlers give me a card. It's kind of easy to remember the number. We've lost a half a million people in this country from COVID. Just like when he was giving out the statistics by the summer, we're going to give three We're gonna have three hundred Americans vaccinated by summer and over the summer, let me be clear. And then he says it again with the same mistake, that three hundred Americans will get the vaccine. Huh. This is like an everyday event with him. Now. I'm not making a medical diagnosis. I don't know anything about Joe except my observations that he looks weak and he looks frail, and that he's struggling cognitively in ways that I never saw before. I mean, well, what's on the note card? Does he print out his name and address and contact information for Jill Biden, his wife? You know, my address is sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue. If he ever gets lost, you know, it's a little scary to me. And I'm going to tell you something. Don't think for a second. It's a couple of things I'm worried about because there's a lot of evil in the world stage, a lot of hostile regimes, a lot of hostile actors, he could start with Putin and Russia. You can go to President she and China. You can go to the Mulls and Iran and start there. Other countries. We're going to be making these countries rich as we now get out of the energy business. And in the meantime, Americans are out of work. But we'll be legalizing, you know, eleven, twelve, fifteen million illegal immigrants that will be competing for the few jobs that show up that are available as a result of the pandemic and draconian shutdowns and businesses closing their doors forever and rebuilding the economy. So now that's just going to drive wages down. But with such callousness and a stroke of a pen, we're taking away career, high paying career jobs with skills, a skills specific set of trained, you know, into trained fellow Americans. Like it kills me that they're losing their job. It's it just with the callousness by which well, we want you to get another union job with benefits. Okay, where tell me where? It's how do I get that job at the same pay with the same benefits. Now that I've given up working what thirty years of my life and I want to send my kids to college, and I'd like to have a little bit more than Social Security in my bank account when I finally retire. On how crap I just bought a new house and a new truck. It's killing They would just callousness the whole everybody that speaks about it. Oh, the Green New Deal is more important, though it's not more important to them. It's not. And this is now what's happening. You know, Now here's a strange thing that happened. Here. You've got dozens of House Democrats want Biden. Now we have a constitution. I know Joe Biden doesn't even want to factor in that we have supposedly coequal branches of government. We do have this other branch of government known as the legislative branch. He himself had once said, and we played it many times, that he's not a dictator. I need the votes. I got to get the votes. Well, he's not getting the votes with all the executive actions he's pushing forward. And now there's a little thing called the constitution. We have one commander in chief, that's the president. Now, you got about three dozen House Democrats signing a letter asking Biden now I've never heard about this at any point point, and I've been now on radio thirty three years. I met on Fox twenty five. I can't recall a time or even reading about a time where people are saying that that they want the president to renounce the sole authority as commander in chief. You're hearing about the nuclear football, but to renounce his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons, according to these reports, and a promise from the president to give up his nuclear capabilities as commander in chief would take away the same power from future presidents. No, that we have a constitution, you don't get to just shred it like that. But my question is why did Democrats, not even Republicans, why Democrats saying this? I mean, it's getting very, very frustrating. Got a report out today as if the hundred and fifty you know, billion dollars, million dollars, Billy I forget what it was and cashing other current and see that they dropped on the tarmac for the Mullahs and Iran. Well now they want it was. Now they're asking the Biden administration working with South Korea, consulting them so that they will release seven billion dollars in assets to Iranian Mullahs that defied the quote agreement of the last time and are back to enriching uranium and they're gonna we don't stop them, soon, they're gonna get nuclear weapons. Why do you think that Donald Trump was able to get all these peace deals in the Middle East with the UAE and all the Why is there an alliance that five years was unthinkable before with the Saudis and the Egyptians or Jordanians and America and Israel and UAE. Why because all of them see the existential threat that is Iran and all fear Iranian hegemony in the region, and all know that the Iranian Mullahs, Yeah, they're a convert or die group of people running that country. That's why they're all aligned and partnering even with Israel. Alliance as we never saw possible before. And now we're going to pressure the South Koreans to release seven billion dollars to the Mullahs in Iran. This is insanity, ap reporting that their early efforts they'd want to resurrect the deal that gave them one hundred and fifty it's billion and cash and other currency unreal and Biden can't even approve a statewide disaster for all of Texas. You know, we will only do seventy of the two hundred and sixty four counties, maybe add an additional thirty one. Big deal. It's the whole state that needs assistance. Anyway. They want Biden to relinquish sole control of the nuclear arsenal, Why don't we just take the constitution and shred the thing, because that's pretty much what you're asking them to do. He's the command We have one commander in chief one. What do they know that we don't know? Why would Democrats want that? It's bizarre. I had le we roll along Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, we'll call Peter Doocey a Fox devastated Jen Saki, I'm gonna get into this whole immigration issue. On the other side of this. By the way, T minus nine, John Kerry saying nine years left to save the earth and there's no new timeline for the apocalypse. Rry says, humanity has nine years left. Well, maybe he ought to communicate that to China, India. You know, people that aren't a part of this ridiculous Paris Climate Accord because they're viewed as developing nations, and we bear the brunt of financing this to the tune of hundreds of millions and millions of dollars. You know, we end up paying China pay next to nothing, next to nothing. Why would we? Why why did they get developing nations status when they're the by far bigger polluters than we are here in the US. As we've actually done a good job according to the scientists, the experts. Unbelievable, unbelievable. I'm looking at all of this, I am I just can't get this out of my head that Democrats don't want want Biden to unilaterally and mean think about this, unilaterally give up his role as commander in chief. By the way, they're also Joe Biden way in executive order on on gun control seven billion in Iranian assets they're pressuring South Korea to hand over to the Iranians. There was a Washington Times piece how the Biden team colluded with Iran to foil Trump diplomacy. I've been reading the out this for days. I just haven't had time to bring it up that while the President was trying to pressure Iran into giving in and sanctions, et cetera, et cetera, and get the UN to have sanctions John Kerry apparently and some people in Biden's team. We're meeting with the English speaking Foreign Minister of Iran, Muhammad Zaief. Meeting with Robert O'Malley, Obama's Middle East advisor, John Kerry apparently part of all of this. Well, that's the direct undermining of an Erican foreign policy. If it happened under Donald Trump, guess what that would be viewed as, you know, some type of illegal contact contact and they would be consequences. All right, we're gonna get to this devastating question by Peter Doocey next twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of this extravaganza, top of the hour, All things simple, man, Bill O'Reilly will join us. Now. Is this what's now developing on the southern borders is extremely serious and significant? Now, all of these policies, first and foremost, you must understand, Oh, we'll get people pretty much the Biden plan will try and get as many people as citizens. They'll have eligibility within three years. Wow. What happens in year four, that would be an election. How convenient. But that's just a cynical part of me. I'm sure there's no connection at all whatsoever in any way. Now we have ICE and border patrol. Literally they just stopped construction, more by the way, more people out of work. So then you're gonna legalize millions and millions of people that didn't respect our laws and our sovereignty and our borders. And that's part of the plan, the catching and releases back. Ice can't even detain people the way they euston. But so it's all basically everything that we thought would happen. You got the House and Senate gop Is, you got Biden's I guess what's this guy's name? The former California Attorney General, Xavier Bessierra is going to be Health and Human Services Secretary. Yeah, he voiced his support for taxpayer funded healthcare benefits for illegal immigrants, as if we can really afford that, on top of the horrific pandemic pill that they're they're ramming through moneis of which won't be spent till twenty twenty two or twenty twenty four. And every liberal, pet socialist Project Dream is included. I mean, it's just it's just an atrocious pill, waste, fraud, and abuse, not earmark for the people that desperately need help, that have been waiting for the help, that aren't getting the help. I mean, what has Biden really done in the first month in office. Not a whole lot except sign executive orders put in front of him. So you've got the situation now unfolding at the southern border. You've got the head of Ice and others now warning to expect a massive influx of illegal immigration into the country. We don't have to stay in Mexico. Policy that's being cast aside with everything else you're going to now Biden vowing to allow more refugees into the US, all in the middle of a pandemic will millions of Americans desperately need jobs, And with the stroke of a pen, he's eliminating thousands and thousands of high paying career jobs in the energy sector, taking away jobs from the people that are actually involved in building the border wall. They're now there. They've got their pink slips too, and you know illegal crossings are way up now. This also includes children under the age of eighteen, which is forcing the Biden administration, they now have had to open what they're calling an emergency facility for children, or as the media used to call it under Trump, kids in cages. This time, they're not even in a way. They look like a mobile home, and some mobile homes. I've been in mobile homes, so it can be actually very very nice, but these aren't mobile homes. They look a little bit like them, but they're not. They're shipping containers. You know, big shipping containers. If you go to the docks in New York or any of the ports of entry where ships bring in whatever they're whatever supplies or products that they're going to be selling in the US, those big ones they use the big crane, they lift them up to put them out, unload them, etc. Yeah, So they've taken those shipping containers with the tiniest of windows that they have bars on the windows, bars on them, and the Washington Post just refers to them as a migrant facility for children. Migrant facility for children. What if Donald Trump put kids in cargo ships with bars on the windows. Do you think that's how the mob and the media would react. Now, when they were talking about Donald Trump and kids, in cages. Remember that all started. Those cages were built by Biden and Obama. That was twenty fourteen. They were the ones that built the cages for kids. And that's when Obama encountered them. At that time a massive wave of caravans, etc. Unaccompanied miners, and then to process and house these migrants, well it was Biden Obama that acquired a warehouse and they used chain link fence cages to divide children from adults. Then in the following years, Donald Trump becomes president, he inherits the cages. Anyway, they continued to use the facility that Biden Obama built for unaccompanied miners. Well, that temporary in other words, the exact same thing Biden and Omama did their parents would being in many cases prosecuted for crimes. It was a temporary holding facility. Children were housed, usually for less than a week. Then, all of a sudden, in twenty eighteen, even though they were built in twenty fourteen and used by Biden and Obama, in twenty fourteen, the mob and the media, well, they unearthed photos and started circulating them showing children behind chain ling fencing. As it turns out, many of those photos were from the Obama Biden era, not from the Trump era, built by Biden and Obama. Truth doesn't matter. The media mob went nuts because if they could smear, slander, besmirch, attack, scratch that psychotic itch of theirs to hate Donald Trump every second, every minute, every hour of every day. You know Donald Trump is putting children in cages. He's been mean spirited, hateful, Republican the same playbook every two four years. Republicans racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. They want dirty year in water and to kill Grandma, throw over a cliff. Washington Post wrote that the chainling fencing was a symbol of mistreatment of Donald Trump. Kamala Harris called it immoral and wrong and unnecessary. Why didn't you say that about Biden and Obama? Biden said, it was one of the darkest moments in our history. You built the damn thing. Congresswoman Acacio Cortez visited one of the facilities in the Trump years at the border. She cried in front of a photographer while clinging to a chainling fence. President Trump then mug okay, it's all was going on. Ended the child separation policy, closed the South Texas facility for renovations. Now, thanks to the Biden administer dration, they build a new facility for children cargo shipping containers with bars on the windows. Imagine if Donald Trump built those tiny shipping containers housing underage kids. But the Washington Post praises the facilities, highlights all of it and the great amenities, you know, and has it's a colorful trailer at the entryway where flowers and butterflies and handmade posters hang on its walls. Oh, that's how we're gonna describe the shipping container with bars on the windows for kids. Oh, I'm sure they would treat Donald Trump the exact same way. Peter Doocey had a chance to ask the White House Press Secretary Jen Socking about this. This is how it went down. It's the same facility that was opened for a month and the Trump's administration summer twenty nineteen. That is when Joe Biden said under Trump and horrifying scenes at the word of kids being kept in cages. Alla Harris said, basically, beaties and cages is a human race abuse being committed by the United States government. So how is this any different than that? We very much feel that way. It's not under Trump, it's Undervioment. This is not kids being kept in cages. This is kids. This is a facility that was opened that's going to follow the same standards as other HHS facilities. It is not a replication, certainly not. That's that. There's never our intention of replicating the immigration policies of the past administration. Now listen to the media mob again, spokespeople for all things liberal, radical, democratic, socialist. President Trump, as you know, is facing an onslaught of bipartisan outrage over his administration's new policy, which is resulting in hundreds, if not thousands, of children being taken from their families if they cross the border illegally. As the country sees the startling images of children being taken from their parents and put in chain link pens of sorts, well, the images just those of concentration camps, Families being cut apart, and no children are being marched away to showers being told they are just like the Nazis. Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these into concentration camps. David joins US Now, David ChEls, what did you see you know, we saw people in cages. They looked like cannimal kennels. They were changes, but they looked like kennels. If you will, that animals would be him. What's happening is very American in that this is how the country was founded. This is what happened seventy six years ago to Japanese Americans in internment camps. All of us are so concerned. We see these heartbreaking images and it's so awful. The president has taken hostages. Essentially in both a sort of metaphorical and literal sense, twenty six hundred children separate from their parents through an act of the president his administration, and now is using that as a leverage. How to interrupt this only because I could play it for the rest of the show. That's how add the coverage was. Now we got shipping cargo containers described by the same mob as colorful trailers at the entryway where flowers and butterflies and handmade posters hang on its walls. Shipping cargo containers with bars on the window. I wonder if I wonder if Donald Trump did, how would that being described? They're beautiful, the best shipping containers money can buy. Bars on the windows, Butterflies on the walls can't wait for Jensaki that circle back on this phone with whatever spin that the media, of course will pick up and echo as their own. I mean these open border policies green light. You know that means it's just gonna get worse and worse and worse. Now, now, what's gonna happen in wages? Have you happen to be one of those guys that had a good union job. What's gonna happen to you? You're gonna get a new new, great junior, great new job, union job that pays well, that has great benefits retirement, healthcare. No, you're not, because now you're going to be competing against all the people out of work for the pandemic, and all the businesses that close the put people out of work because the draconians shutdown measures mostly of Democrats. And then you're gonna have to compete with illegal immigrants in expensive labor. It's gonna drive wages down. You'll barely be able to afford to put food on the table when all is said and done. It's unbelievable. You think the power of grab is that bad? There? I keep warning you about HR one. They the Democratic Party, they call it for the People Act. It's not for the people for the Democratic Radical Socialist HR one. Section four Clause one Our Constitution says the times places manner of holding elections for senators and representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the Legislature thereof. But the Congress may at any time, by law, make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators. Well, you know what that means. There's some really bad things in here. They will now have. They'll create automatic voter registration all across the country. They will expand early mail in balloting. They will get rid of they want to restore the rights of felons to vote by mail. I mean, it's insanity. Democrats will swing every election they possibly can with these new COVID inspired voting methods, including oh nothing such as a voter ID like you need to get into a Democratic National Convention, or would need to get into the capital fascinatingly enough, which is surrounded by a wall with razor wire on top. Democrats told those balls don't work. It work, small enough to use it the Capitol, which I'm not against because we got to protect her until we come up with a better answer because they had the intelligence. We're now learning, oh, is anything but spontaneous that they had intelligence. The FBI had it days before, and nobody listened to the police chief who's begging for the National Guard begging. Couldn't I couldn't understand why they wouldn't listen to him. Each state restricting what happens in legislatures following census years. They're trying to make it so that they'll never lose another election. That's what what do you think DC statehood is all about? Puerto Rico statehood is all about. You know, they're gonna they're gonna force quote honest ad policies. Okay, who's gonna be the honesty police, Nancy Pelosi, Acasio Cortez, Joe Biden. You know. Then of course they want to get rid of Citizens United. Well, that's called the free speech issue still exists last time I checked. And they want to expand out all of these issues for registration. That is basically, the Republicans never win another election. People's Act, you can call it that, that's what it is. Democrats call it the People's Act for the People Act for the liberal socialist people. Everyone else, forget it. I'm not gonna work for you anyway, eight hundred nine for one Sean toll free telephone number. It's worse than I thought I would be. I wish I could be a little bit more optimistic, but I'm just not. I'll let it. Skinner's simple man. It can only meet one thing, all things. Bill O'Reilly dot com says he's a simple man, not exactly how I would describe him. I still got a kick out of it. I think he really does believe it, mister O'Reilly, sir, how are you well? If I'm not simple? What am? I am? Very complicated? Just the opposite. Let me play something about Joe Biden. Now I'm getting the crap kicked out of me. Even though I said at the entire campaign, Joe looks weak, he looks frail, and he's obviously cognitively struggling. Everybody I talked to, even medium mob people and Democrats, privately, they tell me he every time he opens his mouth, they're like on pins and needles. So he's in this interview yesterday. I guess he admits that he has a card that he carries around him so he could remember, you know, certain little things and let me play it for you. I promise you we are going together. And I think that I you know, but the idea that over five hundred niggas have a card. I carry a card with me every day with a total number of folks who have been affected by the As of yesterday, there are five hundred thousand and seventy one people have died from this. So everybody knows that it's not like something that's hard to remember. Bill. And what else is on the card? His name, his address, sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue, contact information for doctor Jill Biden. I mean Hunter's speed dial number. What I mean, that's a little scary to me. My off base here you can tell me. Oh no, I mean also on the card. And I don't think anybody knows this is what time you're on the Fox News channel every night. Yeah, that's no No M. Eastern timey on the card, so it doesn't miss it. Bill, he's gone, he's got warm milky at at seven lights at seven thirty. I don't know lights that he's in his jammis, but I mean maybe he's, you know, on the phone. But people get mad whenever I talk about this it cracks me up. No, I'm not. I'm not talking about Joe Biden because I don't know what his circumstances. But my mother experienced cognitive decline and she was in Levittown in her final years, so I know what that is. And what happens if you don't have full blown Alzheimer's or dementia is that when older people get tired, all right, they become a little be funneled. Now I'm generalizing here. Some older people are very sharp. I mean, look at mil Brooks, the guy like nineties three and he said, hey, look at Bernie Sanders for crying out loud. I'll be fair. You know it was communist socialist that. I mean, he's got a ton of energy, and he's cognitively, you know, you know, the same as he was. I just noticed the decline. I'm not making a medical no. No, I think when he gets tired, When Biden gets tired, he gets be fuddled. And I mean you could say on that sound by he lost his train of thought. He couldn't recall the five hundred thousand deaths from COVID and he was probably tired. Now is he unable to function? No, he can function. But here's here's my analysis of by it, and you can really take this to the bank. He is not at this point in charge of the presidency. He's not in charge of the executive branch. He isn't he being told, Look, mister president, this is what we have to do today, here's how we'd like to do it, and here's why we're doing it. This is what he's being told by his staff. And he's very compliant. He was in the campaign. I mean, this guy ran a campaign that no other presidential candidate, with the possible exception of William McKinley, the immoral William McKinley, who didn't move off as Ohio porch. The guy just wouldn't campaign. But Biden just wouldn't go out. And that was by design. So make it all about Trump. Trump's running against himself or for himself. I'm going to stay in the basement. What other presidential candidate would have done that? And the reason that that happened was because this staff knew on a daily grind basis that Joe Biden could not stand up to campaigning. He couldn't. They kept him away. And that's what they're doing in the presidency. It's exactly what they're doing. This is the danger. And this is what I tried to point out during the pain that you can't have. I called it the candidate protection program, and that that protection was provided by Democrats what I call the medium mob because they have a mob mentality and big tech companies that wouldn't even run a real story as it relates to this laptop, which has now been confirmed. And they protected him, and when he did come out, it was pretty obvious. I feel, I would say it this way that whatever spring in this step that he had ten years ago is gone. And even I would say I see a pretty dramatic again, not a medical diagnosis in any way. He's just he's he's lost a lot of energy, and he looks so frail and weak and confused to me so often. And I do agree with you that his staff is putting stuff in front of him, signed this, sign, this, and this, and I don't think that he is as engaged as I would like an American president engaged, even though he's adopting, especially as he's adopting every radical socialist policy that he can. That's because he's doing what he's told to do. And this is what they're telling him to do. It's not that he if they told them tomorrow, you know, it may not be really good to destroy the American oil industry and the fossil fuel industry because this summer we're gonna have blackouts in all these states and they're gonna blame you, mister president, which is absolutely going to happen. Okay, so maybe we reverse your executive order about the Keystone pipeline. Biden sign out in five seconds? What did you think? Now? Do you think there's any connection to this? I don't know what to think of this. You have all these House Democrats calling on Biden to give up full control of nuclear weapons. Now, the commander in chief, it's very clear, is the president of the United States. It's say that that power is given to one person. Well, you've got three dozen House Democrats calling on Biden to relinquish that sole authority if he wanted to ever, God forbid, I mean that sincerely launch a nuclear weapon. Well, I mean, I don't know what the motivation for that is. Why they want to take that power away from the executive branch. Again, Joe Biden's not gonna launch anything unless Barack Obama tells him to. And you know, people go Riley. You know, I don't have any problem with Barack Obama. I covered him fairly. He did some good things, he did some bad things. But if you don't think Barack Obama is running a show, you're crazy. I mean, Susan Rice is his best friend, and that's Biden's top domestic advisor. You don't think that there's stuff going on every single day from Barack Obama to Joe Biden. Come on, what scares me is if you look at his chief of staff, this guy Ron Klein. He's got an agenda. There was a report of all the people that he's talking to. He's talking to Bernie Sanders and AOC in the squad and the hard radical left. Look, there's never been a political party that ran on a more radical agenda than this current Democratic Party. And you're you even see now with all these executive borders, the implementation of everything that we predicted they would do. But that's probably good for many of the listeners of your program today because the overreach into these radical left precincts is going to come back in two years. It's going to be pretty apparent to everybody that the Biden administration is afraid of the radical left. That's gonna be pretty apparent because we're already paying attacks that every single working American is paying. It's fifty cents a gallon more right now on Long Island where I am and you are. That it was when Biden was inaugurated for gallon of gasoline. It's terrible more. You know what the most, you know, you know what offends me the most of all of this, and there's a lot. I mean, now they're trying they're forcing South Korea to give up seven billion dollars so they can give even more money to the Mullows in Iran. That infuriates me. But it really infuriates me the casual way that they have sent pink slips to people that work in the energy sector. Keystone XL pipeline, They'll cancel the Dakota pipeline, cancel all exploration in a more. These are high paying, highly skilled career jobs, and they nonchalantly just go on and say, oh, but you'll get another union job. Yeah, while they're also having, you know, legalizing eleven plus million people competing for any job that's available. Well. Governor Christie Gnom of South Dakota wrote a piece today saying exactly the same thing you just said. And the governor is a legitimate contender for the Republican nomination for president for four years from now she'll run, I think. And she basically said, look, my state is getting destroyed by this theoretical there was no reason for him to do that. What was the reason of him suspending the XL pipeline? For one reason? That oil is going to be exported to countries that have to have it. Like, who's going to sell it to him? Now? Maybe Ron, maybe Russia. What do you think They're not going to buy the oil in Nigeria they have their own oil, but they're not going to buy it in Thailand. Billies are making you know, high the regimes like Russia and the Mullahs in Iran and countries in the Middle East that hate US and China there, these policies are making these countries rich again. Every American, you rightly point out, we're paying a lot more already at the pump. We're gonna pay a lot more to heat and cool our homes. Ye, every American is going to be impacted greatly by all of this and this these jobs we tried this bill, it's called Celindra and other green energies, and they don't work. If they make them work one day and we can get inexpensive, cheap energy that is reliable, count me in. But as of today, the lifeblood of the world's economy oil, gas, coal, and nuclear, but we can't even touch that. You can do this simultaneous development of alternative canules and not you know, have people freezing a death in Texas and this is you know, but they're afraid. They're afraid of the Green New Deal people day being the Biden administration, they don't want to have to fight that war. They want to just capitulate to them. Now, if you had a president who was you say, I'm a simple man who was simple common sense, he would say, you know, I don't think I'm gonna wipe out ten thousand jobs in the fossil fuel industry in the first two months. And I don't think I'm gonna make Americans pay a buck more for a gallon of gas. I'm gonna ease in. I'm gonna get there in a methodical, disciplined way. Are we seeing that? But again, this overreach is going to allow the Republican Party. I think that still exists an opportunity two years from now, because even the dimmest American is going to know I don't have as much money as I used to have because I'm paying so much for energy, and I can't really find a job because the job market is going to shrink. Well, they's one other factor here, and that's HR one and I know you're familiar with it. You know this is this is now. The Democrats, for example, including UH components that would, for example, create automatic voter registration, they don't want any voter ID at all whatsoever. Um, they don't. They want more mail in balloting, which even the New York Times acknowledge lends itself to corruption and so many others. That's what they want. And they want to silence voices like ours that they've always wanted to do. But now you've got little the CC has to come out and say, uh, canceling voices you don't like, that's not the United States of America. But they are pursuing it. A couple of congressmen and more than that, I mean the corporations. That's where they're They're never going to get legislation to take conservative voices off the media air that'll never happen. They can intimidate corporations, and you know in Silicon Valley they don't have to be intimidated because they're all in that left wing precinct and they're more than happy to silence people they disagree with. No real they're gonna be on our rocking chairs one day and we're gonna be in cognitive decline one day. Bill O'Reilly dot com, you've been on your A game all day today, Mister O'Reilly, you brought you brought your A game. Good job, Thank you, Thank for you, and I really appreciate you having me on chun Thank you every time. We appreciate it. Eight hundred nine four one, Sean Tolfrey number. We'll get to your calls next. Jim Gray will get an update. He's known Tiger Wood since he's seven. We'll talk about that, other sports news, and a lot of your calls coming up in the final hour and a half of this show. I had twenty five till the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, So everything we've been telling you about immigration is true. And a lot of this now is coming to the consciousness of the American people. Now, remember when, for example, Democrats, they were all over the media, mob all over Donald Trump because he put children in cages. Well it was actually the videos they often used were videos that were taken when Joe was vice president and Obama was actually president, and you know, the Trump's kids in cages. Well, excuse me, that was never accurate, that was never true. We have video going back to twenty fourteen when Biden Obama encountered a massive wave of migrant caravans with a lot of unaccompanied miners, and yep, they put them in those warehouses. They used the chain link fence, the cages to divide children from adults. Now, it did continue in the Trump years. In the beginning, by the way, Donald Trump stop that it was a temporary holding facility where kids were housed for less than a week, and the media became, you know, all against Donald Trump, as if he had created the policy. That wasn't true. Well, now we have the chain link fencing. Well now we've they've they've taken it to another level. We and even it got the attention of Congresswoman Accio Cortez and that is that they've got these I don't even know if you want to call him a mobile home, but they've got bars on the windows, let's put it that way. And yeah, the child separation policy is back, and we have ICE leaders now saying you better buckle up because there's going to be mass migration into this country, and then of course orders that they can't do their job and fulfill the law of the land. You know, the Washington Post. I mean, you can't make this up. They're actually praising the facilities with bars on the windows where you could barely see out to begin with, calling them color for colorful trailers at the entryway where flowers and butterflies and handmade posters all hang on the walls like you gotta be kidding me. Now, it's interesting about this. This came up yesterday with White House Press Secretary Jen Saki and she was asked about this by Peter Doocey, and she defended the reopening of these facilities for unaccompanied migrant children, the very thing liberals, the mob the media complained about in twenty eighteen. It's the same facility that was opened for a month in the Trump administration summer twenty nineteen. That is when Joe Biden said, under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes at the border of kids being kept in cages, and Colin Harris said, basically, babies and cages is a human race abuse being committed by the United States government. So how is this any different than we very much feel that way trumpets under bid. This is not kids being kept in cages. This is this is this is a facility that was opened that's going to follow the same standards as other HHS facilities. It is not a replication, certainly not. That's that there's never our intention of replicating the immigration policies of the past administration. They built cages, you know. They used to say I built the cages, and then they had a picture in a certain newspaper and it was a picture of these horrible cages, and they said, look at these cages. President Trump built them. And then it was determined they were built in twenty fourteen, that was him, not they built the cages. They who built the cages. Let's talk about who built the cages. Joe and Obama built the cages. I'll answer the question for Joe. And it's not even We're not even talking about mobile homes here. You know those shipping containers that you see at at docks and ports of entry when when big ships dropped their deliveries. That's what they are. They're shipping containers. And the windows are tiny, and the windows, by the way, have bars on them. That's what they're now doing. Even Congresswoman a Cascio Cortez was at least fairly consistent until she backed away blasting the Biden administration. And it's just to me. If Joe does it, it's wonderful. If Obama does it, it's wonderful. If Trump does it, it's evil. It's horrible. It's so disgustingly nauseatingly sick, how twisted and backwards, and the hypocrisy and double standards and the mob and the media. They have no shame to the media mob, no shame at all. All right, let's get to our busy telephones here as we say hi to Brian North Carolina. What's up, Brian? Glad you called, sir, Hey Sean, thanks for taking McCall, thank you for calling. Hey. I just wanted to basically kind of talk about the spinelessness of the Republican Party and even conservatives you know, it seems like we never stand up for ourselves, Like we're more concerned about what is the liberal media going to say about us than we are about what are my constituents going to say about me? So what I mean is, you know, anyone of our Republican representatives can get attacked by the media. They can get attacked by another senator, a liberal senator, or even a Rhino senator, and our guys, I'll call them our guys, their first instinct is to go to the either apologize or oh, you know, you're making a big deal out of nothing. That they don't defend themselves. They try to make sure that they look good when they get put on liberal media shows. So they're more worried about what the what is the liberal side to think about me, than they are worried about what is my side think about me. So it's like we have absolutely no backbone to stand up and say, hey, you know what, that's the way it is. None of them have learned from Trump, fight back, give the truth. If they punch you, punch them back harder. Okay, well that be careful now, now you're gonna sound like Eric Calder when they're you know, down kick them. No, look you're talking about you're not talking about punch back hard, meaning you fight politically. You're not talking about a physical altercation. I got it. I understand. Look, let me let me tell you how I've been going over how simple conservatism is. What the things that I want. If it's a Republican Party or Conservatives, I want them to fight for because it's good for the country. Peace through strength is good for the country. Free and fair trade is good for American workers. Getting rid of burdensome regulation allows economic activity and manufacturing jobs at home. Lower taxes benefits everybody because it stimulates economic growth and job creation. Secure borders, so we are the masters of our own destiny. Okay, we can't take in the world's population. And we were allowed to have standards or merit based immigration policies, were allowed to protect our borders and our sovereignty and the laws of this land, energy and dependence, for national security reasons, for economic reasons. It benefits everybody. I want people that believe in the Constitution on our bench. I believe in the First and second Amendment of our Constitution and every other one. And my point to you is that's it. It's not more complicated than that. That pretty much sums up what conservatives and what the Republican Party ought to stand for and the policies they ought to be fighting for. Why did they try to make themselves look good, as you say, and suck up to a media that hates them. I don't know, but that's who they are. We now have and I was talking a lot about this in the lead up to this past election. We have powerful institutional forces that are aligned to stop any Conservative from ever implementing the policies that will be successful. So they can take what is by far the most radical, extreme socialist agenda and shove it down our throats and make promises that will never be fulfilled, that will result in more poverty and will result in our freedoms slowly being chipped away until they're you know, we don't have the freedom we once had. That's what matters to me. That's why elections matter. That those policies implemented in fought by everybody Trump, they were successful. Why can't they just answer that way? I don't know. I'm not There's not brain surgery, Brian. I'll give you the last word. I was just going to say to take an example, I mean what you just said about, you know, the border and illegal immigration. You know, we have this wave coming. And what happens You go on TV and you see these Republicans getting hit with questions, Oh don't you care about the children, Oh don't you care about these illegals who've come over and who've been here for five years and they've they've been good citizens and blah blah blah. They should say instead of saying, well, you know, I agree with you, and yes they've been good people, what they should say is, excuse me. We have laws. We already have an immigration system. There are legal ways of coming here. We need to enforce that and stop right there, stop worrying about Oh, well, the liberal side is going to look at me as oh I don't care about children, I don't care about families, I don't care about blah blah blah, the Ecuadorians, I don't care about Paraguayans. I don't know. That's not what they're saying. And they need to stop worrying about that. And they need to understand too that when they do kind of cow tow to the liberal side and say, well, no, of course I worry about those three year old children who are coming in getting put in KG just no, they should say, that is not what we're discussing. What we are discussing is the American law, the legal system, and the legal system says that you come here legally, we have a process, you apply for citizenship, you go through that process, just like everybody else who came here. You know, forget the emotional side. That's what they allow themselves to get trapped into the emotional side of it. And because all they're worried about is what is the other side going to think about me? And the funny thing is they need to understand, just like Trump did, he's not going to win people on the other side. The people on the other side are on the other side for a reason because they think that way. You're not going to change their minds. You're not, but you are going to lose people on our side. If you keep saying, Okay, well i'll give up this, I'll give up this. It's kind of like saying, hey, I'm going to give up my principles because you don't want me to do something, so I'll meet you halfway. Listen, this is a philosophical divide. There is a great divide there is, and I'm gonna let you go because we have a lot of people standing by and I appreciate a thoughtful call, but I will tell you there is the left wants no part of conservatism. The left doesn't understand conservatism, They've never wanted to understand it. And at the end of the day, statism, socialism always becomes authoritarianism. You know who's trying to cancel everybody. It's not conservatives, it's the left. In America, we live in a world of nothing but pure propaganda, lies, conspiracy theories, agenda driven opinion that is cloaked as news. It's not news, it's lies and propaganda and conspiracy theories. And then we we're the ones that get attacked. Where the people that they want off the air forever and you know, never to be seen or heard from again. Let's get back to our busy phones. Long call, but I thought we're while with Brian. Let's say hi to Natalie's in Utah. Natalie, Hi, how are you? Hi? I'm good? How are you Sean? I'm good? What's going on? Thank you? Shaking my call? First of all, can I just real quick say how much I just want to put a shout out to Rush and my appreciation for him. And I didn't know it until he died. I have listened to him ever since I was a little girl with my mom. And when Catherine came on and announced it and I was listening, I've just cried because it hit me what a big loss we've experienced. Anyway, that's all I want to say, you know, going forward is I keep saying nobody can replace him. Nobody. Yeah, And I've been saying to everybody though that it's time for all of us to up our game. Well, what I wanted to say today was just I talked about my frustration with how things just seem to never change, especially on the left, but both sides. I mean, they've you can trace everything back all the way to Karl Marx back and then to the feminine mystique, saw Lensky, Frank Marshall, Davis the way to Obama. Who's now I feel like pulling the strings of Biden and his administration. I mean, it's all they've renamed it progressive movement, social justice, but it's all just going back to communism and Marxism. And Lennon himself said the goal of socialism is Marxism is to achieve communism, and so I don't understand how people aren't seeing this. Their goal is to divide us as a nation, to destroy morality, Christianity, everything, miscounting Father's built everything you list every day on their show. They're all against it. They just want to destroy it. And they're coming for our First and Second Amendment rights, and they want to take away and indoctrinate our kids. I don't know how people can't see what's going on. And I'm glad that maybe they're doing They're going so far with the overreach that people are waking up, but I'm worried that it's going to be too late by then, by the time their damage is going to be real. The damage Look at the COVID bill that we've been exposing and all the waste, fraud and abuse and corruption involved in that. I mean, the damage will be real undoing the damage. At some point we get to a point and overturn Natalie. That's what scares me. Yeah, people will wake up and say, oh, I guess socialism doesn't work as promised. I guess these promises. I mean, did people ever really wake up and understand completely that millions lost their doctors and plans and everybody's paying two hundred percent plus more. Did they ever just acknowledge that failure, that they can't even educate our kids, democratic run states and cities, they can't maintain law and order. Why wouldn't we trust them with anything else? Anyway? Eight hundred ninety four one sewn When we come back on the other side, Jim Gray's known Tiger Wood since he's seven next scored one h six and routes trapped close in the ls Now versus trapped triff On seen Hawthorne Boulevard. Fella's Freddy's driving Norris Big off the side of the road. Yeah, man, we have a rollover with someone night dropped all right. As we heard yesterday and mentioned at the top of the program yesterday, Tiger Woods. Turns out that he literally shattered his tib and his fib and an ankle, I mean pretty significant injuries and it needed rods and screws and and even the doctors and others said it was a miracle that he survived this crash. Um. You know our friend Jim Grace, I mean twelve time Emmy Award winner. That tells you everything you need to know about our friend Jim Gray. He's written this great book. I've read it cover to cover, Talking to Goats, the greatest of all time, likes of Brady, the likes of Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson. He's friends with you were friends with Tigers. You first met him when he was seven. You told me last night. I know you told me in the past, and you write about it in the book. That's correct, Sehn, Hey, thanks for having me on non Tiger virtually. Uh, you know, since he was just a youngster coming up on forty years he'll be forty six, so thirty nine years and just so thankful today really that he has survived this crash. And while his injuries are significant, they're not life threatening. And while the surgeries may I peril of us seeing him play golf anytime soon, if if again, we just don't know. But at least he's going to be able to hug his children and and and be able to be alive and continue to contribute to in other ways. And from where we were yesterday at this time Sean to where we are today, things have gotten a whole lot better. Oh, thank God. And I only wish him and his family, the best. You know, there is this this dark side of the human experience that people seem to revel almost in other people's pain. When the story broke about the accident the first time and the dui the first time, and all these stories start coming out about Tiger, and I just I stood back. I watch I kind of stay out of people's lives, that part of or portion of people's lives. But and I don't think people will really understand this. If you're the greatest at anything, really the greatest, there's enormous pressures that I would argue, and I'm just is not excuse making. We're all responsible for our behavior, our choices in life, and you can't blame somebody else when you make bad choices, right. But at the on the other end of this fame, I don't think it is cracked up to what people think it is. At number one, being the best at anything a lot of pressure that a lot of people might not be able to relate to or understand. Now they're well compensated for the great talents that they show us either on the football field, baseball field, boxing ring, octagon, or golf course. But there's there's is a real underbelly of difficulty he's associated with all of that, all of those gifts. Does that make sense? You're absolutely right, And the pressure is external and internal. The external pressure is now the social media age that we live in, where every single movement is documented. You're basically on camera for your entire life, or you are subject to having things said about you and people relating instances that were never public before. So you know, every single thing that you do is being viewed through a microscope, and then it's being transmitted amplified, and every pimple becomes a mountain. Then there's the internal pressure. Shaan Tiger Woods has been tormented for years by perfection because he's touched it, but he can't grab it. So he's had the perfect ground, he's had the hole in one, he's had the perfect tournament, he's one fifteen Majors, but he wants to do it again and again and again. So part of that torment of wanting to be perfect creates joyless experience. So for the fourteen of the fifteen major championships, it didn't look like he was having any fun. Finally to come back after not having one since two thousand and eight, all the way untill twenty nineteen a major. He finally let everybody in. So I write in the book Talking to Goats, how a legend became a human. Okay, how a legend came back and let everybody finally share in his joy, share in that experience. And if you saw the fans, the patrons at Augusta National when he won that tournament, all the backs at the ball in the water on twelve and he put it up there on the green and the pressure and he just knew how to do it and came up there and celebrated and then hugged his son Charlie, just like Earl that hugged him. And then he walked down to the clubhouse and everybody was lined up, and he was raising his fists and high five and he hugged his competitors. Used to be he resisted his competitors because they were competitors. Now he brought them all in, so everybody shared in that. So there had been a change in the way that Tiger had approached things, having gone from the peak to the ultimate valley and then back up to the top. So you know when we see this happen to him yesterday, and you talk about pressure. Yeah, there's been a lot of internal and external pressure, and it's hard to live. Julius Irving said this to me, the great Doctor j thirty five years ago, Sean. He said, do you know anybody who is truly successful or at the very top of their profession that doesn't have one major quirk or flaw in their personality? Wow, that's such a profound thing to say. I say it a little differently. I look at the best in these industries and look, I'm gonna be honest, you're the best of what you do. Also, and you've had a phenomenal career. But I see a lot of the most talented people their blessing is their curse. And you might say, well, come on, you got, you got. I don't know planes, trains, automobiles, a big house, blah blah blah. But there's another side of it, you know. I've also learned in my life too that I don't care who you are, where you come from, you don't go through this life and this this transcends socioeconomics in every way without struggle life. I believe we're all created by God. I believe in natural rights. I believe that that these gifts that we all have are God given a good education, Lets us flourish and and let that lets that natural talent come out. And then beyond that, it's it's what we choose to do the choices we make thereafter. And a lot of people make a lot of bad choices in the course of their life. Well, when you talk about the blessing and the curse, you know a lot of people say, but why couldn't he get that aspect of his life right? Or why did he venture off into that? Or why is she doing this? But guess what, if you alter the makeup of the brilliance and the genius, and you try and tone down something or change something elsewhere, then you're not going to have the same result in the area which you love, in the area which they have excelled, in the area where they are now excellent, because if you do that, then you've altered the makeup of what they are that are allowing them to achieve that excellence. So, you know, everybody doesn't always have the entire package. Who does who with who? Who out there isn't is perfect? Well, none of us are. We all have quirks, we all have laws, we all have warts, we all make mistakes, and we try and become better tomorrow than we were yesterday. Okay, So what's going on here? And in every single case and every person that you profiled in You're a great book, talking to goats greatest of all times, all these incredible experiences you've had talking to the greatest athletes ever in their entire of their profession. It's interesting this other side of them. I mean when you tell the story about Mike Tyson, and Mike Tyson, you know, you write him when he's in jail and he sends you back this letter that he allowed you then later to reveal you didn't know if it was a private letter or whether or not you could disclose it, and he let you disclose it. It's pretty profound. Well, when he was convicted of rape and he went for his sentence, he wrote me a five page letter. It arrived at my house inexplicably, it was opened by the Indiana Youth Penitentiary because all of the mail that is sent out, they check to make sure that while it's sent out that it's okay to be received. So I got the letter obviously opened, and I got to the second page and written letter and that second page that I will never admit to this rape. If I was to admit to it, they will let me go tomorrow. But I will never admit to something I didn't do. The next paragraph, he said, however, mister Gray, that's what he always called me. There are four or five other things that I've done throughout the course of my life that are worse than what I'm accused of. Therefore, I I'm at the right place at this time. So I asked him about that when he allowed me to do the first interview with him when he came out of jail, I said, as a private letter or a public letter, so you can ask me anything you want. So I asked him that question. What was worse? Well, he looked at me, looked over at his lawyer, and then he said, right into the camera, he said, it's probably best not to answer this on national television because I don't know the statue of limitations. However, what I wrote you is true. What are the common themes? You see? And all of the goats, all of the greatest of all time, they all have a my opic view, They all have hard work and dedication, but they all are determined to be the best They all go about it in different ways, but they will not ever stop until they achieve what it is that they want to attain. Many all of them will go forwards and backwards as many of the super Bowls as Tom Brady is one, he's also lost super Bowls and not gotten to the super Bowl. Well, yeah, he's been a starting quarterback eighteen years, played in ten Super Bowls one seven of him lost three. Those other eight years he didn't get there. So you know, it isn't always a victory that you learn from. You can learn a lot from your defeats. Okay, look at Michael Phelps for example. Michael Phelps Sean spent his entire adult life staring at a black line underwater. How try and figure out how to have a fingernail touch before some guy someplace else in the world does crazy. It's insane the amount of work that goes in to be at the highest level, or even a high level at any sport. It is a by the way, who wants to jump on a cold pool every morning could grit and spend hours going back and forth and back and forth. I could never do it. But you know, when he's winning all his gold medals, I'm like, yeah, it's awesome. I love winning, you know. And yeah, he talked about mental health issues HBO documentary and he's very involved with that now. And you know, you have to have tremendous compassion and understanding because he's the most decorated Olympian in the history of the Games, the most gold medals in the most medals. Crazy, but it's some price to be paid for being great. All right, quick break, We'll come back more on the other side with a friend, Jim Gray, twelve time Emmy Award winner, amazing, his best selling book Talking to Goats, all the greatest athletes in their day, in their time, and people we all admire and respect. Quick break right back more with Jim on the other side. And as we continue, broadcaster Jim Gray, his best selling book, by the way, Talking to Goats, greatest of all time and he knew Tiger Woods since he was seven. Let me ask you go back to Tiger for one more minute. I watched that two part series episodes on Tiger that everyone talked about. I watched it all. I have my own thoughts on how I interpreted some of that, but I don't want to taint your opinion I want to hear your raw, unadulterated, straightforward opinion on what you thought of the series and what did you learn about Tiger that maybe you didn't know. I didn't like it either bothered me to It bothered me tremendously, and I didn't like that happening on national television. I mean, you know, it was just so uncomfortable to see, particularly the second part where they're following Tiger in a parking lot to see what he's doing, you know, having an affair with somebody. You know that should be between him and his wife and the other woman who's who he's having the affair with. So it was just extremely uncomfortable. I'm not sure that it had anything to do with his golf prowess or his greatness. Um, it was. It was. It was voyeurism, and it was It was very uncomfortable to me. Some of the things in the first episode were interesting about his father and Earl a lot weird. Did you think of that part? That part intrigued me a lot. Some of it was quite interesting. Um again, I don't think you know, him having a camper outside at the driving range where he's doing whatever he may be doing, is you know, necessarily germane or have you know, it's just uncomfortable. I just I just didn't I didn't like it. It's so funny because I walked I watched it, um because I really want I was fascinated by it, and I was sorry I watched it. That's actually a good thing. I actually feel the same exact way. I didn't want. I wish I didn't see what I saw. It includes the young years, and that includes the older years. Although if you see the young years, you begin to maybe have a little more nuance in your brain about things that transpired when he got older. And I also think it's very very hard. I mean, we're all helicopter parents today. It's not like when we were kids. I come home, My parents had no idea where I was ever. And as a kid, when you got in trouble as a kid, how are you punishing what happened? Oh, my father, I got the belt, he beat the crop out of me. And I'll say, and let me add this, I deserved it every time, every single time. It's not like it's not like he had a bad temper and he'd always say the same thing afterwards. I think he feel terrible and be like, I don't want to ever do this. Why don't you just listen? The next day, my mother would say, don't leave this house, and I turn around and say, you can't stop me, and I leave. Wait till your father gets home. You know, I mean, I was incorrigible. You know what they say in the South about you. You lived in Georgia. You're a tough dog to keep underneath the port. Well, I know you'll talk to Tiger in the coming days. Just just say that. You know, there's many of us praying for him, praying for his family as kids and everybody in his life, and we only wish him the best and hope we have his speedy recovery. In his case, we sure do. He's given us so much and now we can give him our prayers, our thoughts and just hope for a full and speedy recovery. Jim Gray, you're a good man, by the way, talking to goats. If you haven't gotten it, it's such a good read, you're gonna learn so much. I loved it. I couldn't put it down. We'll put it up on Hannity dot Com at twenty five to the top of the hour eight hundred ninety four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. So Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, Um, well, I mean she bragged about the fact she didn't vote for Donald Trump, and November she of course went against the president and impeachment. Donald Trump, through his energy policies, created energy independence in this country with high paying career jobs that go along with them for the first time in seventy five years. Now energy is crucial to Alaska. It's critical to Alaska, and Lisa Murkowski is now you know, remember she bragged she didn't vote for Trump. Okay, now she's sounding the alarm about Biden's oils restrictions and pressing his Interior Secretary nominee deb Holland as her name or Hayland as her name on an executive order she says, targets her state. Quote, when we see these executive orders coming out of the White House, well that not only impacts a resource based state like Alaska, but actually calls us out by name. She said during this confirmation hearing. We're one of only two states in the nation that were specifically targeted by Biden's Day one executive order. It's not just your state. It's let's see, it's a lot of states and a lot of workers and a lot of people in the energy sector out She didn't seem to be referring to Biden's executive order directing the Interior Department a place a moratorium on oil and gas leasing activities and exploration in the Nanmoir, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. She goes on to say that she didn't think that Biden was out to get Alaskans, but she does think there's a definite threat to the resource industry that our state is blessed to be able to host. And then ask point bless So, if you're confirmed to this very significant position, what will be your approach going forward with regards to oil, gas, mineral resource development within a state like Alaska. Well, she got the response and said she would like to continue working with Murkowski and alp Alaskans get the opportunities quote they need. I know that President Biden doesn't want to cripple any state. Well, he's crippled how many people that have been fired from high paying career jobs in the energy sector. Lisa Murkowski not that she's listening to the show. Your lack of a vote for Donald Trump resulted in what will be a lot of economic pain for your state. And okay, it's a half of vote for Biden at least if you didn't just outright vote for Biden, which I wouldn't be surprised if you did, you have yourself to blame. Let's get to our phones. Alex is in North Carolina. Alex, glad you called. How are you, sir? What's going on? Doing fine? I'm a retired sergeant major with thirty three years in the military. I just recently retired. We lose twenty three veterans a day to suicide, and it's just a national treasure that we're losing. That's so sad. The problem I have right now, mister Hannity is I mean, a lot of them it's jobs. They can't get jobs. And now it's it's even worse because now because of the President and what he's saying right now, it seems as if they're a national security risk, and I wish they would talk a lot better about our national treasures and what they do. Well, I'm going to tell you something. You know, you're you're bringing up a lot of good points here. And first of all, God bless every man, woman, anybody that serves in our military, all the people that have served in our military. The costs that they have paid for our liberties and freedoms is so high. And that's why it's so frustrating to see. We're gonna now see a dramatic you'll witness dramatic cuts on the military suspending side of the budget. You already see that Biden is positioning now to get another seven what billion dollars out of South Korea to give the Iranian Mullah's. We're back to appeasement of the mullahs and Iran again. I mean the person that defeated the caliphate, that was Trump. The guy that took out Solomani, that was Trump. Baghdaddy and associates, that was Trump too, and the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. Now, what's the what was the big policy ship? One? There were a couple of them. Trump built up our military, devoted the resources necessary to have the best equipment available for our men and women in uniform. The second thing he said is no, we have new technologies and we're going to use a whole new Trump doctrine. And as much as we're not sending kids door to door in Bagdad anymore because there's no need to, because the technology is so sophisticated and advanced. We can press buttons in Tampa, Florida, and in Tampa Florida, we can hit the head of a pin with the kind of accuracy we need to take out the enemy. And that's how he was able to do it. They took off the rules of engagement handcuffs that Biden Obama put on, and these guys did their job. These young soldiers, if I made mister Henry, they don't make much money. They rose a right hand and took a pledge and hold to that pledge more so than most people in Congress. Most of them have secret, top secret clearances to get out of the military. They can't find jobs now. They're looked at even dispariently. Some of them not even put they shoved in the military on their resumes, and it's it's said, we pass them on the streets. They're used US photo ops. You pat them on the back and then they move on. Our soldiers need to be I haven't heard that part of this. Because if there's anybody that's discriminating against any any vet or any military member in any way shape or form. I think the overwhelming vast majority of Americans would stand up and say we're not going to tolerate that. That is true, because they sacrifice a lot anyway, Alex a good reminder, my friend, Thank you Florida A man that next Sean Hannity Show, How are you, Amanda, Hi, Sean, thank you so much. I'm calling in to let you know. I live in Orange County, Florida, and since the start of the pandemic, we've had a musk mandate and I work with children with developmental disabilities, mental health diagnosed, and in that they also have different medical diagnosis. And there are as a whole population of children and young adults and any people that literally cannot wear the surgical style face masks, and unfortunately they're being discriminated against right now because they can't go anywhere, they can't go enjoy their memories, they can't go make memories, they can't do anything. And I definitely respect the right of private business, but it's a merror. It's amazing to me is that you under ada or anything like that, but there is no accommodations for these individuals, when in fact, the CDC recommends that persons with disabilities, nonverbal, or don't have the motor ability to remove a mask, not wear a face mask. You know, it's funny you're saying, and it's a little bit different. But I was at Walmart two weekends ago and I was there to pick up specific items that I was given a list to pick up stuff. And I said, okay, I'll go. No problem for somebody that I know and a neighbor that needed some help. Anyway. So I go to the Walmart, a super Walmart, and I go there and place the first of all, it's packed, the I mean it is packed. When I finally get to the checkout line, it's a twenty minute wait. So I watch ahead of me and you have kids here there everywhere, driving their parents nuts, and it brought back memories. I'm like, okay, I'm glad I'm out of that stage of my life. And there was this one woman right in front of me the whole time, and this kid reminded me of me, you know, kind of a little hyper and not very focused. And the poor mom was trying the whole time to get this kid to wear the mask. And I'm watching it and I could tell that she felt a pressure to get the mask on the kid because somebody's gonna say something. So finally I just kind of gently said, he's such a Craig kid. What a beautiful child you have, And I said, he's not going to wear the mask. Don't worry about it. Nobody's gonna say anything. And if they do, I'll stick up for you. And I could tell, like h because she was trying so hard to keep the mask on, and it was it was an impossible task. This kid was not going to keep his mask on. It wasn't gonna happen. It wasn't. And but you're right, I mean, it's restrict there's got to be common sense behind every quote law. And we don't use common sense. You can't apply common sense. And that's you know, that does get frustrating at times. And I bet it's been very difficult for the kids you're describing. I'm sad to hear that it has been and for you know, the some children that are verbal. You know, it's not that these families don't want to comply and not be safe. They just want another option. They want to be able to go to see Christmas lights because they you know, because they want to enjoy memories of the family. They're trying to make do with what we can right now with COVID in a safe manner. But because they're you know, a child cannot wear loop around their ears, you know, covering nose and mouth, and there's no other option. You know, these families and these children are missing out. And I hear Biden say we're going to be in mask till twenty twenty two. And then I hear Fouc doctor Fauci and Biden say, well, now we need to double masks. And these children are not only I mean, they're going it ain't gonna work. I'm just listen, what was the point of the vaccine? This is why I've had it with Fauci. I tried to give him the benefit of the debt. I really tried, but everything with him now is political and he's been wrong pretty much on everything. The guy they had a lot more right than doctor Fauci was a guy named Donald Trump who enjoys beating up. But you know, you're calling our attention to something important. Amanda. I wish you the best, God bless you. I mean, I'm sure you have a heart of gold and the patience of job. It's very hard to be a teacher and uh and do what you're doing, though, So thank you for what you do every day, loving on those kids. I appreciate it. Thank you. Now. Linda has five year old Liam, and I'll tell you why I love Liam. Liam is all boy? Liam is I mean? He throws snowballs at mom. Mom says no, no, no, no no, no, Liam, no no, don't don't stand on top of the couch and jump. No. I told you not to jump, is mine describing this this kid the right way? Yeah, I think so, you know what, And he reminds me of me as a kid. So I have a and you have a lot of patience. You don't have patience for people adults, but you have a lot of patience for Liam. Um. And it's just when I you know, when I would hear conversations, I'm cracking up. I think it's the funniest thing ever. And I'm like, you know, I'm on speaker phone one day, Liamma, Mommy's on the phone. Mommy's on the phone, Lee one two oh. He listens to the one two three. Now, though, when did that happen? That's a I don't I don't actually know, honestly, you never got to three. That was the that's the point. You're not supposed to get to three because three weeks. But you'd go back and then you say, Liam, I told you what happens again? I never went back and you're going from one two again? And that Liam, what happens at three? One? You would always go to one, two and never get to three. Well, lucky for him, he listens to two. He's a good listener. It's cool. It wasn't you would go back and recount. It's like, oh no, no, no, no no, that just when he did something else wrong. It's a new thing wrong. So you start over, you know, start at the beginning. But I just I just love kids being kids. Yeah, well now they're not. Now they're trapped in masks for eight hours a day for a disease. How's Liam doing with the mask? It's horrible. You know what he said to the other day that broke my heart. I was showing him a picture or something. I said, oh, this is snow too by, maybe we should try that. There's just a picture on a website. What do you think of this? And I'm showing it to him because he's kind of young, and where are their masks, and I thought, oh, dear God, Mike, Yeah, buddy, you know this is uh is this what we're doing is what's sad? I mean disgusting. It's child abuse. Look and one of my kids cases, you know, all the friends they lost their senior year of high school, in their freshman year of college, and it's you know, it's just that part saddens me. Look. I the one thing that we got right and throughout all this and Faucian Company got everything wrong, is that the one thing that never changed is older people. If you're below seventy and you get this thing, it's ninety nine point whatever percent, you're not going to die from it. It may suck for a while, but you're not going to die. Older people, pre existing conditions, compromised immune system, comorbidities. Now, are there exceptions, Yes, there are exceptions, but that was mostly that. That is the one thing that they actually it never changed. And these young kids are there exceptions, They are rare exceptions. But like the college kids that come home from school, I mean, you know what it's like to try and keep masks on these kids just forget it. They're not I believe me. I've tried and there's only so much. There's only so far you can get it anyway. I agree with us wholeheartedly. Yeah, but I just kids, it'll be forgotten. It'll be long for you. I hope so, because I'm telling you one thing. Me and lots of other parents are at our end, and I've had just about enough. The lady was such a nice lady. And when I when I finally said that, I kind of I totally get what you're going through. Don't worry about it. Oh, people know better. People look at me. If my son takes his mass off, God help you. If you say something to keep them moving, there's no conversation happening here. You don't need to look at my child, keep going, Oh my gosh. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Herschel Walker Willie run for Senate. I'm trying to lead that campaign, but don't tell him. Leo Terrell at the Leo Terrell two point oh, Laura Trump will join US Governor Christy nom Dana Lash, Matt Gates, and much more news you won't get from the mob. Set your DVR. Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern. As always, thank you for being with us. We'll see you tonight. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

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