China and Russia are on the march. Welfare payments have 4 million people quitting their jobs and heating costs are expected to reach record highs. How is President Biden doing? Well, winter will be expensive.
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Where coming to your city, saying you a confide, We'll all bes are and if you want a little banging again, ain't come along. Sometimes if you don't come to the realization that it is good for yourself, for your family, and for the communal good, then mandates or requirements become necessary. Violent crime and proper crime, for examples, higher in Texas than it is in California. I don't see that. On Fox News, a man says, we're in a situation where we've known that our infrastructure had problems from long long time. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, where I'm coming to your site? You want to play our get time, I'm saying. New Sean Hannity Show more behind the scenes information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one seventeen. Day one seventeen Joe abandons Americans. One hundred and thirty days since he promised not to do it over a hundred days now one hundred and one days since Joe has mentioned the Americans he abandoned behind enemy lines, military family members, hundreds of Americans according to his own administration, thousands of Green card holders and tens of thousands of Afghan allies. Now women are being beaten in the street. They have lost their their rights to go to school and work, They must dress a certain way, they can only travel with male relatives, etc. The old Taliban is the new Taliban. No different, no plans to get Americans out, no discussion, nothing. Joe turned the page. The mob and the media turned the page. And you might say, Hannity, how long are you going to keep counting this down till our fellow Americans are home? That's my answer. Somebody's got to remember them. Nobody else talks about it. I refuse to abandon them or forget them, and I do hear from some of their family members. Wish Donald Trump could figure out a way to get in touch with these people and say I'm gonna be back in three years. You better let them out now. Now it looks like fourteen senators are going to go along with week Mitch McConnell with this scheme of his usual band of suspects, a one time only, special occasion rule where Democrats don't have to use the reconciliation process to ray. Is the debt ceiling something that McConnell said he wouldn't do the first time he did it. Last time he did it with Republicans voting with him directly to raise the dead ceiling. This time they just vote for the one time exemption that the Democrats will vote to raise the deat ceiling. But the vote for the extension is the same exact thing. And then they tell you, well, we kept our promise. We promised not to vote to raise the debt ceiling. No, you vote to create a special rule to allow the Democrats to do it and not have to reach cloture of sixty votes. It's unbelievable. Joe Biden's poles are imploding. Nancy Pelosi and her house is in the midst of a civil war. Politically, Chuck Schumer is scared to death of AOC. Inflation is through the roof. Way do we get new indicators on inflation tomorrow. We're also going to get a CBO score tomorrow on the build Back Better, New Green Deal socialist madness, and this score will eliminate the account gimmicks used by the Democrats, which is oh no, no, These policies are only in place for one year. We're only funding it over one year, and we know damn well that it's going to be for ten years. It's it will be between four and five trillion dollars as my estimate, as every other estimate that is, we're you know, they're salt like Penn Wharton for example, once they abandoned the accounting gimmicks of the Democrats. You watch now Russia, China are on the march, inflation through the roof, and the media is stepping all over. The gas prices are down two cents to all cents. I'm fake, Nucien and Jena Nickel. Now that's it's down to nickel. We're saving in nickel on gas. Joe's helping us by releasing the oil reserves, which is not good for our national security. Don't listen to Deroy Murdoch, who knows what the hell he's talking about. In a thirty eight percent reduction and energy production in this country, well that has now created a world decrease in the supply of energy. The demand remains constant. Thus you're paying more almost a buck fifty a gallon more to fill up your tank for every gallon. Twenty twenty five thirty bucks. More people are buying wood, you know, so that they can build fires to heat their home as a means of mitigating what it will be the highest cost increase in heating a home. This winner. Unless you live in a climate where you don't have to heat your home, good for you. All of this is now happening Russia, China on the March homicide rate, defund dismantle the police. Nobel has done such a great job is off the charts. Biden's expanded welfare payments now have four million workers quitting their jobs and seemingly never wanting to go back to work. Twenty seven percent of the American people approve of what's going on. In my lifetime, I've never seen a political party that has a bleaker prospect than these Democrats right now. Well that was until today because of Mitch McConnell and his usual band of suspects. You know, they did what they said for two long months they wouldn't help the Democrats raised that that's the only why should they. The Democrats have control of the House, the Senate, in the White House, they don't need that. They've totally they've totally eliminated any Republican input as it relates to the budgetary process totally completely eliminated it. Now Mitch McConnell for the second time. This is why he has no business being the leader in the Senate for the second time. Now he has now bailed Joe Biden and Schumer and Pelosi out to give them more time to get their build back better New Green Deal socialism up and running. Fourteen out of fifty Republican Senators look like they're going to vote voted with Mitch on this debt limit deal. With with Mitch. It was really between Mitch and Schumer and Pelosi. You know, it's just it's so sad to me. You know, Tom tillis, Richard Burr, who's leaving, John Cornyn, really John, you know, Mitch McConnell has his favorite little senators. They have their little you know, club together. This represents the swamp Republican attitude. You know, John Roy Blunt is leaving. Barosso's involved in this. Apparently Joanie Earnest, who's also in leadership, she's gonna go along with this crap. You know, Lisa Murkowski, big shot there, Mitt Romney another big shock. Portman Wicker, you know, I just it's the same predictable people, same thing every day, and none of it is You know, if Republicans would just have a spine and a backbone, a lot's gonna happen. Tomorrow. We're gonna get indicators on where inflation is, and we're gonna get that score from the CBO. And I want to see, once you take out the accounting gim how much build back better New Green Deal socialism. We just need to rebrand it and repackage it is going to somehow convince Americans to support it. I want to see what Joe Mansion does, because that would be an off ramp. Tomorrow. I predict there will be an off ramp for Joe Mansion. He's been talking about the negative impact on inflation, the negative impact of raising energy prices by artificially reducing the world supply, and that's what we're doing Americans. Now. The Associated presses even reporting this Biden inflation thirty one year high, forcing tens of millions of Americans now to cut their budgets trim their lifestyles to keep pace with the soaring cost of living. Two thirds of Americans now say their household costs have risen since Joe Biden was elected, with only about twenty five percent who say their incomes have increased, According to a poll AP and the Center for Public Affairs Research, Half say their income have stayed the same. Twenty five percent say their incomes have dropped. The fast rising prices that have been surging through the economy have forced many Americans to change their spending habits. About one third say, for example, that they're driving less often. Three in ten Americans say they're buying less meat than they normally and usually would, And the past year, gas prices have jumped nearly fifty percent. The cost of meat is up dramatically, and the cost of pretty much everything we buy in every store we go to is costing more. Even the dollars store is now the dollar twenty cent store. Most people say the higher prices for goods and services have had at least a minor effect on their financial lives. For intense say the hit has been substantial. Who's this impacting the most? The poor in the middle class. I thought the Democrats had a monopoly of compassion for the poor in the middle class. Maristt NPR poll. Only thirty eight percent of amacrats approve of Biden's presidency. That's it not exactly good news for Joe. This on top of you know, other news that we have, by the way, a double digit margin. Americans now say Donald Trump handled COVID better than Biden. You know, Joe Biden in large part in the medium mob big tech mob protection program, hiding in his basement bunker most of the election, you know, you know, blistering Trump every day. Somebody that loses two hundred and twenty thousand American lives, there's no business being remaining president. Well, we've lost three hundred and sixty thousand under Joe Biden, and the number rises every day. And the latest signed Biden is falling out a favor rasmusse and reports. You now have double digit by a double digit margin, Americans are saying that Biden has done a worse job than Donald Trump on the issue of COVID. Well, then we could say the worst job on the economy double digits. And then the border is that it's kind of a no brainer on energy, that would be another one. I doubt Americans like the idea of abandoning Americans behind enemy lines. We can add the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan to this mess. And then of course, now we have one hundred and seventy five thousand troops of Vladimir Putin, who's getting rich again because of Joe Biden's waiver on the Nord Stream to pipeline. They're getting ready to invade Ukraine. That seems somewhat inevitable. Just like probably after the Olympics, I would expect that China is going to push forward with their reunification efforts of Taiwan, in other words, a takeover of Taiwan, because Russia is determined, China is determined, the mullahs in Iran have determined, Kim Jong Lun have determined that America has a cognitively declining, precipitous decline in the president week and frail and out of it. And will play some tape that proves at all later in the program today. If you look at the poll I mentioned yesterday in the Boston Herald, twenty two percent of Americans support Biden's reelection. That's it, Only twelve percent support Kamala Harris's election. Rasmussen shows that half of all likely voters have a quote very unfavorable view of Kamala. Now if in fact, you know, if I'm right in my observation, Joe's decline seems to be accelerating. That's what it looks like to me. And it's not funny. I know him. For a while I joked about it. I'm not joking about it anymore because it's too serious. You can see that this guy is like a robot the way he walks. Where am I? What do I do? Oh? I'm not allowed to take questions. They don't let me. They get mad at me. And everything. I mean. He cannot put sentences together. He's not in a strong cognitive state. He's not capable of even simply communicating by reading off a teleprompter successfully. As we saw yesterday, this is now getting dramatically worse. We now have a president that is clearly in severe cognitive decline. You know I said this yesterday. Is there not anybody in the White House forget about what this means to the world to have the leader of the free world in this state, forget about what it means for the country for a second, because those things obviously matter. Is there anybody in the White House that looks at this guy and says, this just isn't right? He's not up to this job, because if it can, if this decline continues, we're gonna have to have a hard discussion in this country about whether or not he can continue in this capacity. Well, Hannity, you're talking about the twenty fifth amendment. Yeah, that would be the twenty fifth amendment that the mob and the media were constantly talking about. With Donald Trump and his cognitive state, Well, he took a cognitive test and he aced it thirty out of thirty. I'd love to see Joe take the same test. You think that's ever gonna happen. I tend to doubt it. I went into this Wall Street Journal poll a thirty point massive swing among Hispanic voters, and a majority of voters are pessimistic about Biden on the economy and pretty much every other key issue. In other words, it's some of the worst polling of any president in modern history. And their answer is what, we just need a better marketing campaign and a better slogan. They're starting a new one, build building a better America, Build back better. Well, no, we're gonna call it building a better America instead. And we're gonna see this now every time Joe talks about his great achievements. Can you name one? Ask yourself this question, Can you name one? And if you can, call us, I'd love to know what it is. Eight hundred nine one Seawan And as we roll along, Sean Hannity Show peers that Vice President Kamala Harris held a private meeting with an African American feminist activist. I guess it's the wife of late DC mayor Marion Barry made these comments on a public zoom call, saying f white women. She said this last year. Anyway, she attended a meeting with Harris yesterday. Kamala Harris also coming to the rescue to confirm Suffolk County DA Rachel Rollins as the next US attorney from Massachusetts is a fifty fifty party line vote, and she then declared her the top federal prosecutor for the state of Massachusetts. And anyway, new tape of hers emerged. That is beyond controversial tonight. If you need any more polling and warning signs, MPR and Marist have a poll out. Americans did not feel the direct payments or expanded child tax credit are helping them much at all. They don't see this build back better, new Green deal socialism as addressing their top economic concern, which is inflation. They're down on the job that Biden is doing. They don't give them much credit for pretty much anything. And this comes now as the Democrats prepare their big nationwide push for new Greendale socialism. Americans do mostly endorse the new infrastructure law that was the bipartisan bill, but none of this is going well for them Monmouth. You know, disapproval rating for Biden is now sixty seven percent. Direction of the country, wrong track, sixty six percent. Economist YUGA poll President Biden approval. Yeah, disapprovals at fifty three percent, an unmitigated disaster, and almost a majority of Americans thinkers, policies, heard America holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress all right, twenty five to the top of the hour after deciding to stop. I mean, he's trying to cooperate with this January sixth committee, and it needs to be said every time. When they kicked Jim Jordan and Jim Banks off the committee at that moment, it just became another partisan witch hunt. To fifty point version with a predetermined outcome. They're not going to listen to the whistleblowers that say that they were told in the National Guard to stand down when the events of January six were unfolding. They're not going to talk to the chief of the Capitol Police who days earlier, and on six separate occasions, had requested National Guard troops knowing that there were large numbers of people that were going to be marching to the Capitol. They're not going to want to hear Mark Meadows say that the President himself requested that the National Guard be called in knowing there were large numbers of people marching to the Capitol. They're not going to say any of this. Remember, they resisted all of this in the summer of twenty twenty. You have over five hundred and thirty riots in the summer of twenty twenty. I mean, is it fair for one to perhaps conclude, what are they saying that only one riot is important into them now? Over the summer of twenty twenty, dozens of Americans like Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior, who was killed in the Chop Chaz Autonomous Summer of Love Spaghetti Potluck dinner zone, and we were the first people to call and reach out to the family and talk to his father who lost his son. You know the videotape of you know, the police, We're just here to help in an emergency, to offer medical care, medical attention, please let us through. We had to beg to get medical care to those involved in the shooting, you know, a seconds matter to save people's lives in those moments. But city blocks were allowed to be taken over. He had dozens of dead Americans, thousands of injured police officers, you know, billions of dollars in property damage, arson and looting. But I know that they were described by the mob and the media, the big tech mob and the Democratic Party as mostly peaceful. They were not mostly peaceful. When you have thousands of injured cops, that's not peaceful. Billions of dollars in property damage is not peaceful, Nor is dead Americans peaceful by any definition, you know. So then they bring in Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, and Liz Cheney's yet to bring up any of the other riots that took place in twenty twenty. Why aren't we investigating them? Where's the committee to investigate that? And the government's respond response to it. And Kamala Harris's support of a bail fund for people that were involved in the burning down of a police precinct. And where is where's the equity here? Or is your real goal just to purge the party of Donald Trump and Trump supporters, Because that's what's happened. That's what it seems like to me. Otherwise, you know, if they wouldn't have kicked off Jim Jordan and Adam Kinzinger and put in the two biggest Trump haters in the Republican Party in the House of Representatives. By the way, the latest poll has Liz Cheney in her home state of Wyoming down by eighteen points to her challenger. Sounds like this is Liz's last gasp, as she has now partnered with the people that called her father a war criminal, called her father a murderer, called her father a crook. And you know, the Chinese seemed to always care about foreign policy and national security and advocated for such, and now they have joined with the people that are the biggest appeasers the country's ever seen. So I guess they hate Trump more than they care about national security. Anyway, Mark Meadows Attorneys, you know they were originally cooperating with the committee and trying to cooperate now Nancy Pelosi is is demanding that the phone companies released White House phone records. In what universe is that not legal search and seizure? I think challenging this in the court of laws. The Right Decision civil complaint filed yesterday by Mark Meadows lawyers said that the Select Committee does not have the authority to issue the subpoenas directed at him or obtain phone records from a third party, and that President Biden's refusal to assert executive privilege opens constitutional questions that need to be decided through legal action. The lawsuit says Meadows believe that the committee would act in good faith until he learned over the weekend that lawmakers in fact had subpoened Verising for his personal phone records. The telecommunications company told Meadows in a letter dated Saturday that it would comply with the committee's subpoena by December fifteenth, the less a court ordered otherwise. Pelosi's office is not responded when asked for comment. Up to now, Mike Pence's declining to cooperate with the Pelosi Liz Cheney's show trial with a predetermined come. I mean, it's all of this is just predictable. Seventy one percent of young Democrats say they wouldn't take Republicans. I guess there's a great divide in the country. Nearly forty percent say no to a friend zone. I don't know what that means four days. This four day work week now is gaining support among progressives in Congress. Linda, do you want a four day work week? I would love it? Jason, you want a four day work week? What do you think? That's not the worst thing I've ever heard. Katie, what do you think? Four day work week? I would love it? Eat it? What do you saying? Sweet baby? James? You wanted Uncle James? Everybody wants a four day work week? Okay, Now, how many of us on this team have only ever worked eight hours in a day? Is there anybody? Can you think of one day when you only worked eight hours? Linda, I have never done that my whole life. I can't think of one day of my whole life i've ever worked eight hours? Can anybody? Nobody's raising their hand, nobody, I don't know when you were here. No, when there's a guest host, that's a little easier it's yeah, I speak for yourself. Yeah, I mean okay, so it's a little easier because we're not doing as much production. Is there's you know, there's less hassle. I'm I'm a bigger pain in your ass than the guest host. I got it. No, that's not true, not for me anyway. It's harder for you. It's all the same. It's the same amount of hours. It's just at all the same. All you want to our people of the same the talent. The talent takes time. Talent takes time. Is that what it is? It's always alleged talent, always alleged AOC taxpayers should pay her seventeen thousand dollars student loan even though she makes one hundred and seventy four grand a year. Why should I pay for I paid for my student loan. I had no more money, which is why I had to leave college. I was broke, could barely pay my rent for years, and I got to pay her student loan off. Oh okay anyway, So January sixth, Committee has responded to the Meadows suit saying that they will refer him to the DOJ for prosecution. Okay, so now you're gonna go after and try and prosecute Mark Meadows, you know, calling it flawed, and say they plan on referring him to the Justice Department for prosecution. You see what's going on. You see how this now is becoming authoritative. This is authoritarianism, authoritative state, call it whatever you want to call it now when you think about it, and then you compare and contrast this too. Let's see Hillary Clinton destroying her phone records and the leading thirty three thousand emails and having aids, you know, bust up devices with hammers and removing sim cards. And then Hillary, you know, you care about Russia collusion, and she pays for a dirty, disinformation Russian dossier and even though they're not able to affirm anything in that dossier, they go forward and without which they get these FISA applications to spy on a candidate against Hillary Clinton. I mean, how come those people never held accountable? I mean, we do have, sadly, and this does sadden me because it shouldn't exist. We have a dual justice system in America. If you're a public figure and you are conservative or Republican, you're treated one way. If you're a Democrat, you get away with everything everything, deleting emails subpoened, destroying devices subpoened. None of this would ever happen to me. Ever, this only happens to Republicans. You know, Mitch McConnell gets fourteen fourteen Republican senators to support him. Apparently. Anyway, there's another poll out. Democrats are closing out the year with these atrocious approval ratings. You know, even shift goes, he said on fake News CNN. Even though there are many discredited claims in the Steel dossier, it's all been discredited and debunked. Anyway, he says, it doesn't change Donald Trump's corrupt behavior. You without the dirty dossier, you didn't get to spy on the guy. You didn't get to ruin Carter Page's life, You dope anyway, So we'll see. I'm interested in this meadow suit against Nancy Pelosi and against every single member of the January sixth Committee, saying it's unconstitutional. By the way, Hillary Clinton is doing this masterclass speech. I thought Greg Jared brought up a good point. What kind of person would do something like this? You know, all these years later yearned for relevance, that she is going to break down and read her victory speech from twenty sixteen, which she apparently kept even though she lost, and Greg Jared last night reminded everybody, well, remember what difference does it make the comment about what happened in Benghazi abandoning Americans there. She is the author of the Russia hoax. She's the one that paid for the dirty disinformation dossier. You know, she is the one. You know, she's insisted she did nothing wrong deleting subpoena at emails. You know, every time, for example, I have to save a document or whatever, a text because I don't have an email account anymore and having for a long time, I just hand it over to my lawyer. Here, you take it. I don't want to be responsible for this. You take it. You take it, You take it. You follow the law. I can't. I don't have the ability to not follow the law anyway. Are so called charitable foundation We were able to spell that out. Remember the sale of what was that called yellow uranium one, that whole incident we had spies inside and nothing ever happens, nothing happens. You know. Jim Jordan, by the way, is now fighting back investigating the Biden administration's plan to target parents to show up at school board meetings. That would be the job of local police. Good grief, parents yelling at a school board meeting. Oh okay, we'll make that a federal offense, hate crime. You know, if you look big picture Afghanistan, if you look big picture, now, this poll that shows by a double digit margin, Americans see that Donald Trump handle COVID better than Biden. Well we can see that by the number of deaths and operation warp speed. Really, what did work? How come nobody ever mentions monoclonal antibodies. Later on we'll get into Apparently Fauci wants to change the definition of fully vaccinated. Now, I guess you're gonna need another vaccine passport, another vaccine card. You know they're making five year olds in New York. You want to take a kid in New York to a restaurant, Comrade de Blasio is insisting that the kid be vaccinated. That's how's that following the science? Because the CDC says, you know, we have a rate similar to the rate of children dying from the flu dying of COVID. Kids are not that they don't have the reaction that older people do. People with compromised immune systems, comorbidities, pre existing conditions, and you're going to do this to kids and forced parents if they ever want to go out. Northeast governors now have had to deploy the National Guard to help with hospital staff shortages because they're firing the nurses that were dry that we're diving on COVID grenades every day? Are you kidding me? These were people that were the heroes of the pandemic, many of whom got natural immunity and got covid. Are we going to follow the science in Israel, the showing that with the delta variant, natural immunity was twenty seven times more effective and fighting off of infection or contracting natural immunity working better as I hope. For so far, the early signs with amicron are that it is more contagious. It is, but it has milder symptoms than other variants that We've had Senate voting to repeal Biden's vaccine mandate for businesses. So we'll see what happens around the country. It's never going to end, you know, when this ends in twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four. This is why I keep saying all hands on deck. This is why I keep saying this is a critical moment. We all have to be spokes in the wheel. This is why I say get in touch with your state senators, your state legislatures, your governors, and make sure you have election integrity laws in place for twenty twenty two. So laws are followed like partisan observers observing the vote count, voter ID, vote of signature, verification, chain of custody controls, updated voter rolls. No illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote. Simple stuff. This isn't complicated. I will often talk about the majesty of creation, and you know how you can think that this just formed without a creator or god anyway. Scientists discovered a giant planet orbiting a massive pair of really hot stars and environment previously thought too inhospitable for a planet to form it anyway. Research article published in the science journal Natures said the discovery of the planet name b Centauri, I think is the name just proves the belief among astronomers anyway, just decide. Note when we come back Nuke gingrich on Biden and the state of the election for twenty twenty two and the medium mob protecting Biden straight ahead,