This Isn't The Clinton Impeachment Trials

Published Sep 30, 2019, 10:00 PM

Former Speaker of the House and Host of the Newt’s World podcast joins to discuss the impeachment efforts, the divisiveness of the left and a time when the conversation did not turn into subpoenas and anonymous whistleblowers. In 1994, the Speaker unified the republicans and negotiated with the democrats. This year celebrates 25 years of his contract with America and takes a look at why it might work today. The speaker feels that these impeachment efforts look and smell a lot more like a coup.

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All right, glad you with us, And I know how many of you are feeling. I feel the same way that you do. You should feel that way. It is what is happening in this country now, is it is so lacking in fundamental truth, such a despicable, repugnant, repulsive double standard. And there's it is such a nothing. And yet there is another case where the very thing they're accusing the president of, they themselves are guilty of. And we play in that quote of Nancy Belos using taxpayer dollars to shake down another country for personal gain, exactly what Joe Biden's on tape admitting that he was doing. Know what, why would any vice president of the United States of America ever demand a prosecutor get fired or I'm taking my million and then brag about it, and son of a bee? And they did it. Look, you know, I spent a lot of time this weekend. I don't watch these stupid Sunday shows anymore. I do get transcripts of them, and I glanced at them, I read them. I just it is so abusively biased, it is so one sided. There's zero intellectual honesty, zero. And now you know the only thing I'm sitting there thinking, well, they've got to know that they're lying. They got to know that they're misrepresenting the truth. They got to know that they've got a political agenda. Maybe they're blind to it, which would probably be worse because that means they're sicker than I even thought. Here's what I've concluded, though, this is an all hands on deck moment for this country. The twenty twenty election is going to be a tipping point election. It is going to have deep, wide, profound, long lasting, long lasting ramifications if America makes the wrong decision. You know, if you love this country, and I know you all do, if you believe in the rule of law, if you believe in constitutional order on our great system, that the capitalist system that is has literally transformed life around the globe where we don't abuse power to the extent that you know, all these other countries, you know, with territorial or geopolitical ambitions that that's never been. The United States were not a perfect country. The left reminds us of that every second of every day. But we are a country that has done an enormous amount of good and lifted more people out of poverty and has created a system where you know, everybody has an opportunity to bring their talents to fruition life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness is real. We have never witnessed what's happening now before our rise. By the way, does anybody even care remotely that the president of the United States of America is being spied on repeatedly? You know, tell me the other presidents, the incidents of other presidents of the United States whose phone calls with foreign leaders or even transcripts are being leaked repeatedly, The Australian Prime minister for one, the the Mexico president for another, Now the Ukrainian president. Now the left is demand they want to see every single transcript of every call, every conversation Donald Trump ever had with any foreign leader. Okay, we're gonna now go back in time, and can we get those conversations with Obama when he finally got a little more flexibility and he got re election. I'd like to hear those conversation. What was he telegraphing to Medvedev to tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility up to the election. How many times did Joe Biden speak to leaders in Ukraine as a surrounding this incident. How many how many other conversations can we hear the mullas in Iran? I really want to hear that one or the leaders in Iran and what Obama was promising besides bribing them with a one hundred and fifty billion dollars what did we get nothing out of the deal? You were dealing in an environment which makes it particularly difficult where the press just lies, the mob lies not. They do this now with regularity. They are incomplete, you know, they're in the pocket completely of the Democratic Party. There an unholy alliance here and they want this man out of office and they don't care how they get it done. There is a clear and present danger to this system of governance that has done so much good for so many, not just here but around the world. You know, he has so shaken them in the swamp and the sewer. He is so has been so disruptive to the way they do things that to them, he has to go. And they're not gonna waste, you know, another three years and get another special prosecutor involved, only to be disappointed again. No, they're going the fast track, and I might go for it. Let's call the role and let every Democrat in the House vote for this. Go right ahead, vote for the inquiry. Then have your in your next witch hunt, because this witch hunt is nuttier than the last witch hunt where there was no evidence. The great irony in all of this is they have no problem. I never understood why they had no problem when Hillary Clinton literally rigged a primary against Bernie Sanders. I'm probably more angry about it than Bernie because it reflects on the country's ability to have peaceful transitions of power. And then, of course the rigged investigation. It's a slam dunk espionage, multiple felony offenses of Hillary Clinton, slam dunk. It's a slam dunk obstruction of justice case. They cared so much about possible Russian interference in the twenty sixteen election. They cared so much about it, they dragged the country through two and a half years of this crap ap when we now have four separate investigations that show no Trump Russia collusion, no obstruction, but didn't matter to them that Hillary Clinton paid for a Russian dossier, you know, the one that was likely Russian disinformation from the start. As The New York Times now tells us Oh That would mean that probably the highest levels of the Russian government knew that they were given dirt on Donald Trump to hell billary and create chaos. Everyone said that was the that was the whole premise here, But they only cared about it if it was Trump. It's like if obstruction doesn't matter unless it's Trump. Cheating in elections doesn't matter as long as it's an allegation against Trump. It's Hillary can do what she wants. But you know, having bought and paid Russian for Russian lies to help cheat and win that election, that's fine. And this is where we now find ourselves a country. This is kind of this isn't really scary stuff. By the way, Lindsay Graham calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Biden. I want to know a few things in this. How did the deep state do it again? How is a CIA guy involved in this? Everyone's like, oh, the whistle blower is going to testify. The whistle blower is meaningless to the facts of the case. When you got the transcript of the actual call, that didn't live up to what they were selling us. When Nancy Pelosi announced the day before the impeachment inquiry without even having seen it. It didn't matter what was in there, didn't matter if there was a quid pro quo, and there's not a quid pro quo. You know, I will tell you I really believe this is a massive miscalculation on the part of the media and Democrats, and this too will boomerang back on them. And you know, Biden can say all he wants and go out there all he wants and says this has all been debunked. No, it hasn't. Nothing has been debunked. Fact, we know his son made millions from the company that was being investigated by the prosecutor that Joe Biden demanded be fired in six hours or he's taken his six billion dollars home. We know that. And we have the whole China issue. And if I'm Joe and Hunter Biden, I wouldn't be so happy about all of this today. You know. Now, then now the Democrats they don't care about national security to the point they want access to all of Trump's phone calls. There was nothing here, Haraldo, of all people, don't this poor president is entire tenure in office defined by snitches and rats and backstabbers. They'll get you six ways. But Sunday, you know, that was one thing that Chucky Schumer actually got right. Oh, now, I love this in the United States of America, where we do celebrate freedom of speech. You know, Biden seeks to bar Rudy Julianni from any television news program ms after Rudy talks about Biden's obvious provable corruption because I don't care what you have to say, it is clear no vice president would ever demand a Ukrainian prosecutor be fired unless there wasn't a real significant issue involved. And by the way, leverage all of the resources of a billion dollars that we had already identified for this particular cause, yeah, that would be yeah, that's yeah, it's pretty bad. And I think that, you know, the Biden campaign demanding that's the network's silence Julianni. I mean, that's that's cracking me up. If it wasn't so serious, what silence many conservative go back to the document, go back to the transcription. Zelinsky the new president in Ukraine thanking the president for doing that which Merkel and McCrone wouldn't do. And then I'd enough for the safety and security, just like they weren't paying enough for NATO, which is, you know, their problem more because of Putin than anybody else, and thanking the president effusive thanks. When when the President and his support of the defense of Ukraine and you know, we're ready to continue to cooperate next steps talks about yeah, we're ready to buy you know, more defense products from you. That's all he said. That's what the president, that president does say. I would like a favor because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what actually happened with the whole situation in Ukraine. Now, a president of the United States has certain constitutional responsibilities, now doesn't he is the commander in chief also a constitutional a constitutional responsibility as president to faithfully execute the laws of the United States. We have cared about interference foreign countries all these three years, but they don't care about it. If it's Trump saying, you know, I'd like you to get to the bottom of it and find out what happened. Now, I go back to Politico one eleven, twenty seventeen. Well, in that Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire. KEYEV officials are scrambling to make amends with the President elect after quietly working to bluestillery. Ukrainians admitting even the mob picked up on this that they tried to help quote in the piece, Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Donald Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aid in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. They helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisors. A Politico investigation found a Ukrainian American operative who was consulting for the DNC met with top officials in the Ukrainian embassy in DC in an effort to exposed ties between Trump top campaign ad Paul Manaford in Russia. According to people with direct knowledge of the situation, Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force manaforts resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump's campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine's foe to the east Russia. And it goes on from there. It's a thirty minute piece that takes to read this thing and really absorb it and understand it the way you need to. You know, it's if we cared, we how to stop allowing people to be spying on our president. We've got to stop this madness. This is not safe for anybody. How can any president fulfillo's constitutional duty. President was faithfully executing doing what I would think Democrats wanted getting to the bottom of twenty sixteen election interference by a foreign country. So Zalinski, the president of Ukraine, says he wasn't pushed by Donald Trump. He said the President didn't discuss the aid on the call. There there was no pressure. It was a friend you read it. It's a friendly conversation, free flowing, no agenda, stream of consciousness. Yeah. And the President did say, look, you guys are right in the middle of all of this, by your own admission. And he can now quote the quote Politico and their investigation one eleven seventeen. Then they realized, oh, we back to Hillary Clinton. You can do all that. You know, now we're finding out the whistleblower. We've got to protect the whistleblower's identity. Why is this whistleblower more important than the actual transcript? Except for the fact we added the whistleblower, get the leak from because the leaking has to stop. The spying on a president of the United States, it's got to stop. And it's not just for Republican presidents. It would be for Democrats too, because they can't govern. Now we see, we'll get into this with Sean Davis, co founder of the Federalist. Looks like they added a box according to all these reports about Oh, I've heard it from others. I know about the information I am disclosing here and I have direct personal knowledge. I heard about it from others. August twenty nineteen. They're changing it. That sounds a little odd. Let's find out the truth about that, and we will check on the whistleblowers raising money. You know it's raising all the money though, Donald Trump. The American people are disgusted by literally this unbridaled personal attack and hatred. All right, glad you with us eight hundred ninefold one show. By the way, congrats to our good friend Scott Channa and just killing it and doing the mornings here in New York City number one. There is apparently a documentary being made. I don't know if Linda you know about this about Scott last to first where he literally took a radio station. This never happens. He was kind of like the founder of Morning Zoo Radio I do not know about, which is a very popular music station in New York anyway, So he took that station from last to first place. In one reading book, that is like an impossibility that doesn't happen. Listen anybody who talks to Scott for the first time. I'm telling you right now. First time I met him a PLJ and I was an intern and I walk up to him and I'm, you know, being shown around. I don't know nothing and unity and I didn't even I was a worker for you yet nothing. And I walk over to him like, how are you doing, sir? And he starts talking like, go oh my god. And he goes, what what I said? You actually talk like that? And he goes, and you talk like that? I said, you know, you just assume like some part of it is just on the air, you know what I mean? But it was full on man. No, Well it's look. I love him to this day. I mean, Annity Shannon, I didn't know that guest's name. Why didn't you reintroduce them? I didn't know who it was. I need to know who it was when I'm listening to your show. I mean he needs He holds nothing back and he's listen of the time. He's right. Um. He actually does the drops for the show early, early, early, first thing in the morning when he wakes up, because his voice is a little has that morning voice deepness to the grog is. I get the emails from him before in the morning, I'm like, oh my god. As soon as he weighs up, Annity, Sean Hannity is on, I mean, who Rush Mball? Now I can do right, Sean, that was rudy. No, this is rush Sean Hannity, how's that? No, Yeah, it's the exact same as one you just did. No, it's not yes, and and and and here I can do the who can do the great I'll say it. Nobody else will say it. There I said, that's actually very good. And oh yeah, Bob Grant is very good. Uh, ladies and gentlemen, it is sick. It's getting sicker. I'd bless him. No, by the way, it's getting sicker than it's ever been. What else do I do? You like my Marl and Branda to guy, Oh your Marlin Brando is the best one you got. It hurts my voice to do this one. For some reason. It just hurts up. I made him all I wanted. I did not want those life but Michael Sonny, he's hot. Yeah, I wanted a life for I didn't want a better life for Michael. Uh. I make this. I will agree to the piece we've made today. But if something unforeseen had ever happened to my son, a terrible accident, I'll tell you we're gonna we'll listen. I think that there's gonna be a lot of doors opening for you because we can't use the narrow anymore. He's lost his mind, So maybe you could take all those roles. He's an embarrassment. He's an embarrassment to himself. He's ridiculous. All right, let's get back to saving the country, all right. You know there is a treaty between the US and Ukraine, a cooperation agreement for prosecuting crimes. How is it that they claim they cared about election interference? Ukraine is admitting it dramatic levels of interference that impacted the race, and the President is saying, can we get to the bottom of it? Because it's good for our country to know, although it was always a crock. They never cared about election interferences. They only cared about Trump election interference. You know that Obama, you know, had his te team trying to defeat Prime Minister net and Yahoo in an election our ally. That's how involved, deeply involved he was. Even tax dollars, State Department dollars spent on the endeavor. They didn't care about that. They didn't care about the Russian dirty dossier, and they got there there that was then used to bludgeon President Trump and spy on him, and then they spied on him through contacts with Europe, and then they abused the intelligence tools. We give these the intel community. Well, it looks like it's been used again, and that shouldn't surprise anybody. Anyone even care that the president Foreign Minister Ukraine saying no, we were not pushed by the President on any of these issues at all, and they had a cordial, friendly call what not, Every word was prepared. But the president does have a constitutional duty, you know, to faithfully execute the laws of this country. Now, I guess in this day and age where the Democratic party laws don't matter to them, Let's said Levin nailed it a long time ago. It's a postconstitutional America. You know, they will are perfectly fine aiding and abetting law breaking and and literally helping people break laws because they don't like the immigration laws in the country, so they just do what they want. And even though ICE wants to legally deport people, they won't cooperate. At what point did they become culpable for what they do? You know, at what point we have letters of Democratic senators, we have an admission of Chris Murphy, then you got Lahy, then you got Derbin, then you got Menendez. Yeah, basically, we're going to withhold aid to you. Uh yeah, we're not gonna We're not gonna give you the aid money unless you keep open the Trump Russia collusion investigation and help us. Okay, the very thing they're accusing Trump of, it's the same with the Russia witch hunt, the Ukrainian witch hunt. What they accuse Trump of, they themselves are guilty is hell about. But they the media just here no see no evil period, and this unholy alliance they are the great protectors, you know, the role that the intel community played in all this. We better get to the bottom of it because We're never gonna be able to There will be no president that can function and do his job if they get away with this, you know. Liz Cheney called out Pelosi and a tweet saying, Ukraine, this whole issue involving the president starting to seem like a political setup. She cited Pelosi's interview at sixty minutes and then she's acting like on these calls, we must be prayerful, we must, you know, do this with a sober not anything we want to do. It's just it's a cruc anyway, the speaker said she talked to Trump about the contents of the phone call with the Ukrainian president before it was relieved. This is starting to seem like a political setup. So, Madam Speaker, what did you know and when did you know? What the tweet said, he told me it was perfect. By the way read it, it's perfect. It is a friendly phone call. It is trying to deepen relations the president, trying to get to the heart of what really happened in twenty sixteen. Ukraine has admitted again go to the political article from one eleven, twenty seventeen, they admit all of it that they helped Hillary Clinton. What is the role of the intelligence community that you know, this whole issue, and it's really interesting when you read into this and you're beginning to see that the intel community was secretly changing the whistleblower rules. Now, the person that blew that wide open is Sean Davis. He'll join us later in the program today and raising questions about the intel communities role amid the whistleblower complaints abmitted against Trump. The whistleblower has nothing to do with it except okay, who are you? And you didn't hear this yourself and this is hearsay? And oh, did they in fact change the requirement that whistleblowers have direct knowledge, firsthand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings, Well that would be a pretty big deal if, in fact that was needed. And they changed it somewhere between you know, May of twenty eighteen in August twenty nineteen, which required the whistleblowers provide firsthand knowledge. You know, they could have put in a secret you might want to talk to so and so. A lot of ways to do this, but you know, why change the rules. It's being reported by everybody. We're gonna have the guy that broke that open, Michael Goodwin over at the New York Post say, and Trump is now has to battle CIA spies in this war against him. What president has ever had to release information in the past, released documented phone calls. Now now Democrats they want every phone call. Well, we've already leaked the Australian Prime minister call, and the Mexico president call, and now the Ukrainian president call. You know another thing that the Federalist was raising in their questions, did the Inspector General's office help the whistleblower try to frame Trump? And what's interesting is, you know this plot is now beginning to sort of crumble a little bit that. No, Trump did not offer a quid pro quo. He didn't condition foreign subsidies on Ukraine and on whether or not they would investigate Hunter Biden. And as it relates to Hunter Biden, that's an awful lot of money if you don't have any experience and energy, isn't it, And you don't have any experience and natural gas, and you don't have any experience with Ukraine's We're talking millions of dollars here, and you're going to say that, oh that Now we have the video of Joe Biden saying I'm taking my billion dollars. You got six hours fire that prosecutor, didn't that seem on to everybody except the mob and the media. They're just running interference for all things Biden. And I'm sure that at the end they're gonna be willing to throw Bide overboard because they don't think he's got it that he can cut it against Donald Trump. Fine, now they're gonna they want this power for what So they can pass the New Green Deal, so they can put activists on the court, so they you know, ninety four trillion dollars and get rid of you know, that entire sick maddening plan, and then Medicare for all, no private insurance. And while we're at it, maybe we'll stack the courts with liberal justices that legislate from the bench and those that well will cite foreign law to justify their insane rulings. And let's get rid of the electoral college while we're at it is because then any any president now will be impeached if this is the standard. And you know, Pelosi wanting to rush it through so it doesn't interfere with the twenty twenty elections. You know, she realized last week she couldn't contain the squad and the base of a party any longer. She gave him the green light. They just had have been searching anything. But they're not gonna They're not gonna let this linger and get a bad result after the next two and a half years. So we're not gonna have a special counsel. We're not gonna make that mistake again. And Democrats, they they're bent under pressure, but they didn't know what they're gonna do, and they're using the biggest liar in Congress, Adam Shis's been telling us forever he has all the evidence on Russia collusion. Well they never had anything there either, nothing I mean, and they hypocrisy from him. He is the guy on tape colluding with Russians or somebody thinks is a Russian that has dirt on Donald Trump. Wow, I thought that was bad. If you sought information from Russians about about your opponent. Wasn't that what the Trump Tower meeting was all about? Or how about the former UN ambassador Samantha Powers, what three hundred on maskings in her name alone, and she's saying this week at Trump was blatantly extorting Ukraine. The only one that is shaking down Ukraine is Joe Biden, and he's buying the basically firing the prosecutors who investigating his son. It doesn't get any more corrupt than this. It doesn't get any more twisted and sick, and up is down and down is up, and it's like the media is just in a trance and they can't even discern reality anymore. Even Pelosi now is echoing Acascio Cortes, it doesn't matter if impeach. Impeachment costs Democrats the House. Okay, keep doing that, So I would argue she's they're going to regret this. But I will tell you that this is a very This is a clear and present danger between everything that has happened with those that abuse their power, were as all things related to the Russia investigation, the deep state operatives, the fact that they literally rigged Hillary's investigation. Every other American would go to jail, not Hillary, obstruction of justice, espionage, everyone else would go to jail. You know, it's supposed to have a verified information to apply for a fish art. It's unverifiable. They did it four separate times. Whids buy on the Trump campaign visa v by taking away the constitutional rights of Carter Page. They did it four separate times. We had four investigations. It still didn't turn out the way they wanted. And so this all right, Let's move on to the next one. We'll find a reason. We'll make one up if we have to. But you know, we'll ignore what Joe Biden did just local. We'll ignore what Hillary did. You know you got to leave defending impeach the MF for shirts that she's selling. Oh okay, and Pelosi is you're just I am going to tell you something. If this stands and we don't get justice on the deep state, and we don't reign in the spying on presidents and candidates and unleashing the most powerful tools of intelligence on the American people, we don't get to the bottom of this, you could kiss the United States as we know it goodbye. If they get in charge and this ever pans out in any way, then I will tell you you're going to lose the country you think, you know you love your country. This is a tipping point moment. This is an all hands on deck moment. I know, listen, it's if you want to preserve the rule of law, constitutional governance, and you want to protect against the socialist, insane agenda of the left, You better now stay engaged because this is real. This is a sick, twisted, ugly, corrupt, abusive use of impeachment. We have criminalized differences, and they'll make it up, and they're the ones guilty of that which they say they're so upset about. We seem to be moving toward a place where impeachment may be inevitable. The damn really seems to be breaking wide open. The substruction point is also impossible to look away from, because I think what he was really saying is Congress has a job to do. They now have the green light if they want it. From Muller's statement that it's the ball is in their court and now they've got to pick it up and run with it and do the right thing. A Democratic controlled Congress will have no choice but to open an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Every single day that the President sits in that office, he's obstructing justice. Right, So the train whistle's blowing and Pelosi has got to make a decision. And I think that's the tough question for her. It's always been are you to say no to impeachment, and I think it's Stoway up in there. What she's going to do arise today, mister Speaker, to call for the impeachment of the President of the United States of America. Trump would like to redefine the law the way that he wants to redefine it. But he's wrong, And yes, I believe that he should be impeached. So I really do believe that we have learned that there is now evidence that the President of the United States engaged in a felony to obtain the office of president. The Constitution could not be any clearer. Impeachment is the appropriate remedy for bribery, for treason, for high crimes and misdemeanors. And your son looks at you and says, Mama, look you won Bullie stolen, And I said, baby, they talked, because we're gonna go in there. We're gonna impeach them. Every single colleague of mine agrees there's impeachable offenses. Impeach forty five and peach body bye, and peach body bye. They've been saying all of this from the get go. I mean, it's insane. We'll have a timeline stamp tonight on television. Where do you see this? They've been saying it from the get go. I go back, Congressmanal Green, Oh, we better impeach him because we're not going to be able to beat him in the ballot box. Congressman, are you concerned and impeachment talk may actually help the president's reelection? I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re elected. If we don't impeach him, he will say he has been vindicated. He will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and they didn't take up impeachment. He will say that we had a constitutional duty to do it if it was there, and we didn't. He will say that he has been vindicated. All right, Joining us now is former Speaker of the House, Nuke Ingrich. And by the way, it's twenty five years, if you can believe it, since the Contract with the America. The night that Newt became the Speaker of the House, first time in forty years, Republicans took power in the House of Representatives. It's hard to believe, isn't it. Anyway, Ever since then, it has been transformative, and I would argue that there are three huge conservative movements in our lifetime that have have dramatically impacted the country for the better. One would be Reagan's presidency. The second would be the Contract with America and Newts, you know, balancing the budget and even getting Bill Clinton to say the era of big government is over, in the end of welfare as we know it. And I would say it's happening now before our eyes, as evidenced by the Trump phenomenon of success. It is now. I guess the Fox News Channel is broadcasting this. I think you're going to do it on Fox Nation on demand, but also on the Fox News Channel. Correct, that's right, Nation was including a whole lot of extra material and then the basic programs on Fox Channel. But I have to say you, well, you didn't tell the audience, Sean, is that when that big night occurred, when we made history after forty years. Guess who the guy was right in the center coordinating the whole evening. It was Sean Hannity. I was then there. You're You're a part of history, you know, and you were gracious enough to allow me to be a partner. I'll never forget. We didn't have cable TV news like we do today. I mean, Fox was two years away from going on the air. And what's so funny about it is I walk into this room behind where it was a huge celebration. I lost my voice that night. I barely could talk the next day. And you. I walked in and there's ABC, NBC, CBS and your tape and interviews. And in I walk I said, um, hey, new is it okay? Um? I guess mister speaker, is it okay if you do my radio show tomorrow. The whole room turns around and like, who is this kid? Who is this person? And you are great? You came on the show. It was amazing, and our lives have been going very parallel lives the whole time. Yeah. Look, I would argue that you and Rush were two of the key reasons we finally won. And so you know, we go back a long way, and I think what's interesting about where we are right this minute? And of course you lived through our whole impeachment process with Clinton. You saw how different it was from what's going on here. You balance the budgetments the speaker, we haven't done it since that's right. Well, we had four straight years of a balanced budget for the only time in the lifetime of anybody listening to the show. We also reformed welfare and more people went back to work and more children left poverty and the three years after we reform welfare than any time in American history. So I'm very proud of what we accomplished. And I think we also proved, with the Contract of America that you could run a positive, solutions oriented campaign offering really big changes and you could win without having to do the stuff that all too many of our consultants to nowadays. But I also want to point out and then this is part of why I was so glad we had a chance to get together today. I think everybody who is concerned about what's going on should drop the word impeach or impeachment. This is not an impeachment process. This is a Koudi file. This is a deliberate effort which goes back to election Night two sixteen. Their first trial run was the Russian conspiracy, where it was the FBI who are breaking the law. Their second run now is this totally crazy Ukrainian problem where it's the intelligence community breaking the law. But the patterns are so similar. I mean, nobody should kid themselves. This has nothing to do with impeachment. It has nothing to do with the rule of law, It has nothing to do with facts. You have Chairman Chef opening his hearing by reading two paragraphs of what he wished Trump had said, which he himself says he made up and knew or lies. You have Speaker Pelosi calling for an impeachment before she met the whistleblower so called and I think fake whistle blowers the right term, and before she read the transcript of the President's speech, her phone call with the president of Ukraine. So what you and I are living through right now is the most honor constitutional in anti American effort to replace the President of States with the choice of the left wing bureaucracy, news media and Democrats in the Congress. It's it's extraordinary that it's going on. You called it a coup and a coup attempt. I have read, and I have read, read and reread again this transcript for all of the discussion about what I want to favor from you. Now. This is after the Ukrainian president is thanking President Trump for doing what the European Union wouldn't do and helping on defense issues, and then he mentioned that you know, oh, we're about to place another order. He wasn't asking the president permission. Sounded like it was a done deal. And the President says, yeah, you know about this whole mess, CrowdStrike, all this, Well, Ukraine is at the epicenter of a lot of this. I keep going back. There is a January eleven, twenty seventeen article in Political It's very long, where Ukraine acknowledged that they were involved in election interference in the twenty sixteen election. They acknowledge it, and the President is said asking, hey, you know, a lot of this happened with you, and we also knew that, in fact, there were DNC operatives that we're trying to get Ukraine to dig dirt. They admit that they did it, they have the evidence that they did it. Now, to me, that's the President faithfully executing the laws of the United States of America and getting to the bottom of what I thought the media cared about foreign election in appearance. No, but if the media doesn't care about that, the media cares about destroying Donald Trump. I mean, look, it's amazing to me when you look at this whole story, and I watched it for when I saw the Sunday morning shows, and I realized that every major news network was totally in the tank. They were committed to destroying Trump. Their questions were disgustingly one sided, their assumptions were totally false, and they literally couldn't deal with it. And then example that I find fascinating is that we have Vice President Biden on videotape, in his own words, speaking to the Council and Foreign Relations saying proudly, I told the Ukrainians I had a billion dollars at foreign aid. I was going to take it away from them unless they fired. The prosecutor, by the way, has since said he was investigating the company that Hunter Biden was employed by, which was paying Hunter Biden six hundred thousand dollars a year. And I look at that and I think, does it sound like a takedown to you? Doesn't it sound like he was that? The truth is he did everything that the Democrats claim they're worried about Trump doing, and Trump did none of the things that they say they're worried about Trump doing. That's what makes it. And that's when I realized that we're in a situation where the fixes in the the pro coup group include the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABCNBCCPS, and the Democrats in the House and elements of the senior bureaucracy. I mean, the parallelism between the way the deep state and intelligence they're trying to just Trump and the way the FBI tried to destroy Trump for a year ago. The parallels are just unbelievable and well, you couldn't the parallels. Everything boomerang back. There was Russian interference in twenty sixteen, and you know what, it was likely Russian disinformation from the get go. As the New York Times said with Hillary thirty doss, they didn't care about that Russian interference. There's only if they can bludge in Trump. There's no eye believers for the lieutenant governor, incredible charges made against him, a rape and violent sexual assault, none of them, No, iye believers, only if you can bludge in Trump. They don't care about foreign election interference unless they can bludge in Trump. Ukraine is offering us the evidence that they helped Hillary. Nobody wants that information, right. I mean, one of the things that the Republicans should demand in Congress is that they bring over the prosecutor in Ukraine, who has said, yes, I was investigating the company that was paying one hundred biden six hundred thousand dollars a year, and yes, that's why I got fired. Well, let's have him come over and let's see the Democrats in the Congress cope with the Ukrainian who's prepared to serve there, and say to them, you know, everything you just set as false, it's not true. It's not what happened. Yep. I had the great honor of having a front row seat that night and was them seeing the event at the Cobb Galleria in Georgia the night the new became speaker. And really we've been friends for a long time and close friends, and you know, there's very little I think we disagree on over the years, and you've been a mentor of mine and somebody that has always gone out of his way to help me anyway you could, and I appreciate it. But I will say I think it is time for another contract. I think it's time to nationalize these elections in twenty twenty thoughts. I think that's right, and I think that starts, excuse me, with the state of the Union. I think the President should outline a big, visionary set of proposals that will truly move America and of the twenty first century. I think that'd be a brilliant thing for him to do, to draw such a sharp contrast with the left wing cuckoos or running for the Democratic nomination. I think that the country is ready for a very positive, optimistic vision and a program that would get us there. So I agree with you entirely, and I think it's a very very big concept. Yeah, so if you're the president, how would you handle this today? Because I just think the president would just say I thought everybody in the country cared about election interference. I was asking them to get to the bottom of their election interference. Everybody, you know, all of these things, but I wouldn't know I would. What I would do is I would back out of the entire current news media conversation. Somewhere in the near recent past, they changed the rule deliberately, I believe, to set up what we're now living through. And I want to know who initiated that, who approved it, what was their reasoning. I think I think we should go on offense and say, look, this entire thing is a trap. Everything from the New York Times and NBC News and others, and they're totally false coverage to the Deep States, false leaks, and false reporting to the Democrats in Congress. This is not something you want to fight one step at a time. You want to lay it out of the country and say, look, these people now, for three solid years have put destroying America and destroying Trump ahead of doing anything positive. And if you think that's a good basis for a political party, then you've got a bunch of folks out there you ought to vote for. But that's right, mister speaker, go to Foxnation dot Com. It's going to be on the Fox News channel as well. The twenty fifth anniversary of the Contract with America changed history. And yeah, they actually balanced the budget and got things done. And it was it was rough and tumbled, nothing like today, and it's gotten worse. Mister speaker. Thank you. You changed history, one of the one of the market, one of the most pivotal moments in the advancement of conservatism in the history of this country in modern day. Great job, and we should learn from it again. All right when we come back, Congressman Jim Jordan and your calls are much more straight ahead. Sixty Minutes has obtained a letter that indicates the government whistle blower who set off the impeachment inquiry of President Trump is under federal protection because he or she fears for their safety. When mister Trump visited America's un staff, it appeared he threatened whoever revealed the callers the game, whistle blowers, the person the game, the whistle blower the information. Because that's cuspie. You know what we used to do the old days, where we respire the spies and trees. We used to have a little differently than The President's remarks prompted the whistleblowers lawyers this weekend to send a letter to the acting Director of National Intelligence. They thank the director for activating appropriate resources to ensure their client's safety. They write that certain individuals are offering a fifty thousand dollars bounty for their client's identity, all right, that from last night. Look, they're so corrupt over at sixty minutes. I mean, it is so frankly despicable. You know, whistleblowers under federal protection because he fears for his safety. Okay, well, it's not a whistleblower number one, It is hearsay number two and the fact that we have the transcript means we don't really need the interpretation of a so called whistleblower. It's ridiculous. That's that the whistleblowers hearsay interpretation based on what other people told me. So important, No, because we've got the transcript, and when you go through the transcript, well, it sounds to me like the president was doing everything the corrupt mob media said they wanted done. They wanted to end foreign election interference. And yes, I'll go back January eleven, twenty seventeen Politico. What was in that article? Oh, the admission, yes, by Ukrainian officials with evidence that they want to give us that they were actively involved in undermining the twenty sixteen elections and tipping the balance towards Hillary, as I've gone through in chapter verse in detail. But I guess it only matters just like oh, Russian propaganda paid for dossier doesn't matter in terms of as long as it's Hillary Clinton. But phony Russian charges of collusion that were debunked four times, But that matters, just like obstruction doesn't matter, because otherwise the same people in the Mob and the Democratic Party would be saying, yeah, Hillary needs to be charged with obstruction based on the way she treated this obedient emails joining us now the one and only Jim Jordan of Freedom Caucus member, former president up until a couple of weeks ago, there was a coup with inside the Freedom Caucus and Andy Biggs, our friend from Arizona, took over. You know, I am watching this and it's actually I'm finding it chilling because I'm watching this country. First I read this and it's like, oh, the president is faithfully, faithfully executing the laws of the United States. The President's trying to get to the bottom of that which we now have been engaged in for three years. We now know the Ukraine government admits, they openly admit that they interfered in our twenty sixteen election. He's asking the new president to get to the bottom of it. And while this is happening, impeach, impeach and peach simultaneously, We've got a videotape the vice president of the United States bragging, bragging about a shakedown with taxpayer ye dollars for the personal gain of his family. Why would any vice president of the United States ever want a Ukrainian prosecutor fired? Or I'm not giving you the billion dollars you got six hours. Do you know it's like a mob movie to me? Your thoughts? Yeah, no, no, Sean, You're exactly right. You had the Clinton campaign hire a law firm who hired a foreigner who talked to Russians, who put together a fake dossier that was used as spy on the Trump campaign. But somehow it was Donald Trump concluded with Russia to impact the election. And now you have evidence in that article you sit, Shan is so good. I was just rereading it today as well, that article from January eleven, twenty seventeen, Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire, that they were involved in this too, and so on that phone call. Remember the sequence of the phone call. This is the other thing. You're Democrats always you always take everything out of contact. The sequence of that phone call is congratulation. The president of the Ukraine says, we're going to drain the swamp here like you're doing there, mister president. He says, great. I want you to look into what happened in the twenty sixteen election. House. There was Ukrainian efforts to influence our election in the Russia and the Maru. Remember this is the day after More testified. And then and only then the presidents brings up Giuliani, and he says, in addition to that investigation, referencing the Russian investigation in twenty sixteen, he says, all other investigations are going to be done openly and candidly. And then and only then did the President sort of been passing say, oh, by the way, I heard about this Biden thing, you might want to check that out too. That is the sequence. When any American who's objective and have common sense reached through that transcript, they reach the exact same conclusion that you went on to reach, which is, this is ridiculous what the Democrats are doing. What do you think at the heart of this now, Lindsey Graham, I think rightly wants an investigation into Biden, a special prosecutor appointed. I'm listening to Biden say, oh, no, real journalistic outfit, whatever, whatever, consider this a story. I'm like, Okay, did your son have experience in Ukraine that justified barismholding a gas and energy company from paying you millions of dollars or the Bank of China paying you and your friends one point five billion? Now, They could have gone to Goldman Sachs, but they decided to go to Whitey Bulger's nephew and Joe Biden's sons firm for the billion five um. But they did with no experience there either. Are you kidding me? And the meeting just dismisses it like it's nothing. I've never seen such pathological hatred and lying in my life this. Yeah, yeah, no, I mean yes, just the facts on their face. You know. So he gets hired fifty grand a month. I mean I've said this, I said this, yes on the show I have. There are there are folks that I get the privilege of representing in the fourth District of Ohio who don't make that in a year. He was getting that much a month, and as you point out, for a company in an industry he had zero experience in. And then there's this connection with the prosecutor and Biden. All. I don't know what all that was motivating that, but just the facts on themselves clamp for Hey, something doesn't smell right here. And you're right, the press is well unwilling as to even examine this. Teams kind of strange to me, but it just shows you where the Democrats are where menstream presses. If this is one more ridiculous effort. We always got to remember the sequence here. Remember the Michael Cohen hearing didn't work for him, That John Deane hearing didn't work for them. The Bob Mueller's Special Council investigation didn't work for him. The Bob Mueller hearing certainly didn't work for him. The Corey Lewandowski hearing didn't work for him. So I know what, Let's say, this call for ends script shows that the president was somehow working with Ukraine, when anyone who reads this is that's not there at all. But they're bound and determined to go after this president. It is sad for our country. It really is. What the Democrats have put our country through over the last three years, going back to July thirty first, twenty sixteen, when they opened an investigation and fight on two American citizens associated with that campaign, and what they've continued to do just shows that they are never going to stop. And it's not about the fact, you know, I don't know really what to make of where this all ends up. I'll tell you this now. They want every conversation of Trump can you think of in your own long, illustrious career of every other president revealing the contents of phone conversations with world leaders like the Australian Prime Minister, of the President of Mexico, the president of Ukraine. Because I can't recall a time, and even worse than that, the idea that yet another backstabbing leak. Now, I don't find one thing inappropriate about the President wanting to get to the bottom of Ukrainian election interference. I know the fact that the President, Yeah, he saw the tape like everybody else, and I think he was thinking, why did Joe Biden demand leverage tax dollars and demand that a prosecutor in Ukraine get fired? Why would a vice president ever do that? Jim Jordan, I because I can't come up with a good reason except yeah, the kid was getting a lot of money, and it sounds like the very thing that Nancy Pelosi said about Trump that well, Joe Biden was using our tax dollars, a billion of them, to shake down Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son, who's making millions on the deal with no experience. That would be personal gain for him and his family. Yeah. No, Look, the double standard everyone, everyone in your audience sees it. People across this great country with common sense see it, and that they see so many things. Think about this one, Sean. The Democrats bring up this more classified server that the White House put the transcript on. Do you realize there was a Senate study done in twenty seventeen, and here's what the Senate study said. It is the fact that the Trump administration has been besieged by leaks, just what you were talking about at a level that parks's that a previous presidentees within just the first one hundred and thirty days of the administration. So the real question we should be asking is why aren't they putting every single transcript, every single communicational on that secure server because of all the leaks of the people around in the bureaucracy who are out to get this president. Does this is scary what is happening? And so this president who have had the amazing three years he had in spite of everyone being against him, the mainstream class, the Democrats, the folks within the bureauc bureacratic state, all throughout the federal government. It is truly phenomenal what he has had to fight against and still accomplish the thing that he's been able to accomplish. And I think in the end, I really do. I really think in the end, the American people are going to be disgusted by this, and they're going to remember the positive things that have happened under the leadership of presidential you know, at the end of the day, it's you know, look at what Democrats are now fighting for. They're fighting to eliminate oil and gas and the combustion engine. And if they get power, I mean, every presidential candidate is a version of this madness. And everything is free, and you know, jobs are guaranteed, healthy food is guaranteed, vacations are guaranteed, healthcare is guaranteed, but you can't get your own you won't have that option. Retirement is guaranteed, ninety four trillion for that, thirty six trillion for Medicare for all. And I'm and then of course they want to alter everything constitutionally. Let's get rid of the electoral College, Let's stack the US Supreme courts, Let's use the weaponry of impeachment because as well Kyras Vnal Green said, we better impeach them, because I don't think we're gonna be able to beat them. This is all about what they want to take away from from American people. They want to they want to they want to take away your your health care. They want to take away your drinking strolls. They want to take away your electoral College. They want to take away your firearms. They want to take away your Supreme Court justice and justice capital. They want to take away your president. That is what this is about. Everything the Democrats want to take away from the hard working people of this great country. That is what this the next thirteen months are going to be about. That what Democrats in the end want to take away from you because they don't trust regular American They're all about the elite, the folks who live in New York, the folks who live in Washington, DC. All these people who think they're so much smarter, so much better than us regular common folks who out there actually believe in the Constitution, believe in the Electoral College, believe in the Second Amendment, believe in this president, believe in That is what this election is going to be about over the next thirteen months. Mark my words. They're gonna They're gonna try to hide it, but it's all about what they want to take away from the American people, and they're starting with the guy we elected. Prison They want him out of office period, any which way they can, and they're manufacturing it. They've telegraphed her from the get go. More with Jim Jordan, Freedom Caucus member, former president just recently stepped down after his term and he joined. Thank god for the Freedom Caucus. We're lost without these guys. I don't know who else is going to fight these fights in Congress. Too many other Republicans are weak and pathetic and spineless and lacking any vision at all about the direction of the country. Quick break right back, More with Jim Jordan, and we'll have the legal aspect of this coming up with Greg Jarrett and Sean Davis, who's writing great pieces on the Federalist. He's the co founder of the Federalist. Straight ahead, all right, as we continue, Jim Jordan of Ohio congressman, Well you just what is there like you? I don't know you term limited out as president of the Freedom Caucus or what you know? Two years? And then of course, my best friend in Congress, Mark Meadows was has been our chairman. He's done an outstanding job, and he did two and a half and now it's, uh, we just sort of have this idea. We think it's good to bring in someone new and Andy Biggs is going to be an outstanding chairman and continue that tradition that Marcus had over the last couple of years. All right, let's talk about going forward. Where do you see this going? Do you think they're going to impeach? My attitude is sure, call the role Nancy Belosi speaker in name only. I want, I want everybody on record, and they want to expedite this. Okay, go fast track it, fine, move it along. And had all those congressmen that are in Trump district's good that are on Democrats. Good luck to them. Yeah, no, I think I think they they are. I think when she did the press conference and announced that they were moving forward this with this strange inquiry, but this impeachment inquiry, when she announced that, that just indicated they were doing it, because remember she announced before the transcript was even out there, so that sort of indicates this is not about facts, This is not about truth. This is about going after the president. Sean, understand, we had a bureaucrat who doesn't like the president. Remember, indisha of arguable political bias, that is Washington speak for this so called whistleblower doesn't like the president. Of bureaucrat who doesn't like the president files the complaint. He wasn't on the call. He files to complaint about this this phone call. He wasn't on the call, so something some other bureaucrats told him about the call. So then the White House does something that's never been done. They release the transcript. We all get to read the transcript. Who said, that's it, that's what you're doing. You're gonna peach on that? And and Nancy Plosian Democrats says, yes, this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna impeach on this transcript of this phone call. And it just shows they don't they don't care about the facts, because the day before she announced they were moving ahead before she'd even seen the transcript. So I think they're gonna do it. I think they're gonna have the votes. But again, the vote accounts is the one that will be in next November when the American people re elect Donald Trump. And I think I think there's a chance now that we can actually win back house representatives as well. I agree with that analysis too. I think politically it's not going to work out the way democrats think. All right, thank you appreciate it. Jim Jordan, Freedom Caucus. When we come back, Sean Davis or the Federalist, he's the co founder. Greg Jarrett will join us and your calls eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all of this we will break down tonight. We'll do the mob's job completely because they're gone. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. I think we have to stay focused as far as the public is concerned on the fact that the president of the United States he used taxpayer dollars to shake down the leader of another country for his own political game. Is there a gossip element to this sort of thing or is it just trouble you look it's you know, when you step back from it, this is not about me and my friend. There's not one single solitary legitimate journalists in the world has given any credibility this. They've debunked all of what he's had to say for the past since Giuliani started this a while ago. But there is much more at stake than than whether or not he's acting. So bizarrely, this is the idea that someone would call a head of a foreign state ahead of time with whole significant military aid that's badly needed in order to prevent the Russian separatists who are in in Ukraine from taking over Ukraine. Um and uh, and then ask basically, too, can you cooperate with Rudy Giuliani's coming over? And uh and uh and I And the thing I learned we learned we all learned recently is that statement that the two thousand words statement released was that talked about getting the Justice Department engaged in this. I mean, it's it's such a blatant abusive power that it's it's just I don't think you can stand. Said, I'm not going to give over, and we're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority, you're not the president, the president said, I said, calling them, I said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was what six hours. I look as I'm leaving six hours. If the prosecutors not fired. You're not getting the money. All son of them got fired. Well, son of a b the prosecutor got fired. M it's fascinating to us. And by the way, news round up information overload. Glad you are with us eight hundred and nine four one Seawn you want to be a part of the program. I know many of you, very patient. Will get the calls um Pelosi say tax dollars, shakedown for personal gain. And this this has all been debunked by every credible news agency. Why would a vice president of the United States of America say, fired this prosecutor in six hours and threaten a billion dollars. You're not getting the You're not getting the billion dollars. So Biden is using the billion dollars tax dollars to shake down the Ukrainians in forcing them to fire a prosecutor that is looking into the very company that is giving his own son millions of dollars. Yeah, that would be taxpayer dollars used to shake down for personal gain. And nothing has been debunked here in any way, shape, manner, or formed. Nothing. Now there are at the crux of all of this, we go back to where we began earlier today, which is it's a very simple what is the president's constitutional duties? Well, the president of the United States, Yeah, he has a lot of constitutional duties, and one of them is to faithfully execute the laws of the United States of America. We now have spent three years almost on this Russia, which hunt Russian interference? How night, How many times have I said this is selective feigned moral outrage because we had real Russian interference. What was a dossier paid for by the candidate that had a rigged investigation that would have put the rest of us in jail? And at the heart, they didn't care about Clinton's dirty dossier, or, as The New York Times says, was likely Russian disinformation from the beginning. They didn't care about Christopher. Still, they didn't care about using it to spy on the Trump campaign, transition and then presidency. Now we've got a deep state operatives yet again. You know, same tune, same old cast of characters, except now there's no way in hell they're ever gonna waste three years and put a special counsel in place only to be disappointed again. Now we're just gonna impeach him first. You know, you gotta pass it to find out. What's it? What did the president do? We have an agreement, we have a treaty with Ukraine. Did you know that's as far as cooperation? The president when he says I need you to do a favor of this whole election mess, he's talking about the election mess. Joe Biden's tape of him bragging about literally holding out a billion tax dollars hostage to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor. Wouldn't do vice presidents ever do this or act this way. Sean Davis with us. He's been writing some amazing columns, co founder of The Federalist, and he's here to talk about, Okay, the change in the whistleblow laws, deep state operatives that are involved in all of this. Thank you for being with us. Greg Jarrett also with us. His new book is coming out in a week, witch Hunt, The Story of the greatest mass delusion in American political history. By the way, this might even top that. Greg, Yeah, you know, one witch hunt after another. I wrote a column on Foxnews dot Com and I go through all of the witch hunts that have been undertaken that are unquestionable evidence of impeachable offenses from the moluments to come. He's firing to the Trump Russia collusion hoax, to the General, Michael Flynn conversation, obstruction of justice, Storney Daniels, white nationalism, Michael Cohen's testamon. All of this were allegedly impeachable offenses, and they weren't, and they still aren't. Let me go to Sean Davis. Now people are refuting that this there was ever a change in terms of whistleblowers. In other words, to add the well, if it's secondhand information or hearsay, that's okay. In August of twenty sixteen, you don't believe it was by accident and in other words, eliminating the requirement for first hand information to be involved in whistleblower complaints. You add to that that we now know it was apparently a CIA guy, a plant, a deep state operative inside the White House of Donald Trump. Thoughts, well, so I'm going to read do you hear the exact language from the whistleblower form that the ICIG put out as a last may and in bold all casts underline writing, it says firsthand information required in order to find an urgent concern credible. The ICIG must be in possession of reliable firsthand information. Similarly, speculation about the existence of wrongdoing does not provide sufficient legal basis to meet the statutory requirements of the Whistleblower Act. So people who say that that firsthand information was never required, they're being deliberately honest. And people who claim that that requirement was not secretly gutted are being deliberately dishonest, because revisions were made to that form to eliminate that requirement is recently as August, Well, they're claiming that whistleblowers secondhand. You can be a whistleblower even if it was here, say in secondhand, but they just didn't have the box. Then they just added the box. And this was more of a box issue than what reality and the law stated. Now, that's simply untrue. The guidance provided by the inspect Sector General of the Intel community specifically said, as of last year, your complaint is statutorily deficient if it does not include personal, direct, firsthand information. And so what I think everyone ought to know is who changed that, who eliminated that requirement under the cloak of night, When precisely did they do it, and why did they do it? And it's interesting When I asked the ICIG to answer those questions, they said, you know what, we're not answering any questions about this whistleblower, which was an odd response because I never asked about the whistleblower. I specifically asked about changes to the guidance, and they refuse to answer it. Why would they refuse to answer that? And then you explain that on Fox and Friends? And that was a weird answer to me, Greg Jarrett, you're the legal expert. Your take? Was this done by design? This evidence perhaps of yet another deep state attempt to take out a duly elected president. I think a common sense in logic tells us if this was no coincidence. Just days before the whistleblower, who's not really a whistleblower under the law, files his complaint, they change the form to say you don't have to have firsthand knowledge, you can have second and thirdhand multiple hearsay, that's no coincidence. Come on, we know what's going on. Somebody changed it so that this whistleblower is still unidentified, could file his complaint to try to damage Trump, to undo his presidency in a drive to yet again try to impeach President Trump. You know Bill Maher occasionally gets something right, and he sees that on I mean, if if Don Junior did what Hunter Biden did, it would be a media frenzy to impeach Trump about the actions of his son. So all of this is rooted in politics. Now for Joe Biden, the cavalier lea go out there now. Now Lindsey Graham is calling for a council prosecutor. It'll be interesting to see if that happens, to look into the actions of Joe Biden and his family and whether or not this was about Enrichmond. Why Sean Davis, can you give me any reason, any imaginable reason, why a vice president of the United States would say, you've got six hours fire this prosecutor or I'm not giving you the aid that we had previously promised and appropriated to you. Right. It was an incredibly odd exchange that Biden was apparently so thrilled about that he thought it he thought he needed to brag about it. I think even more concerning, though, is that in his phone call, Trump said to the Ukrainian president, I need your help with this investigation into foreign election meddling and Ukraine under that mutual legal assistance trees required to offer it. So it's extremely suspicious that right as Durham and Whorwitch, the IG and bar and Trump were getting to the bottom of actual election interference in twenty sixteen, which is suborned by the DNC, that's when they decided to go to war against Trump yet again. He may be the first president in history who will be impeached for the crime of trying to get to the bottom of foreign election interference. Well that's that was the original point I made on the air earlier today, which is that the president has a sworn constitutional duty to uphold the laws of this land. And everybody that was so upset that was citing one law after another if Donald Trump had colluded with the Russians outside interference campaign finance laws. They were looking for any way that they can nail this guy, and all of a sudden, I go back. If you look at January eleventh, twenty seventeen, the political piece the Ukrainians admitting that they actively sought to help the Hillary campaign and undermine Donald Trump. Now, if the president is going to get to the bottom of the issue that so many said they cared about but they really don't, I would think everyone would be happy that he's asking Ukraine to do the right thing. I wrote about the treaty. I talked about it for the first time on your program last week. It's called the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters. It obligates Ukraine to provide, upon request by the United States the President, cooperation and assistance in connection with an investigation. This is an official investigation that was launched by the Attorney General William Barr. It's headed up by John Durham. Ukraine is obligated to comply with the treaty. So what do we have. We have the President United States trying to be nice on the phone and asking politely, in a friendly manner, Zelenski, the Ukrainian president to please help with this investigation. As for Joe Biden's boast of a quid pro quel, my goodness, that is compelling evidence that he may have used his public office to confer a benefit of billion dollars in exchange for something of value, shoving down about protecting his son to help rom then exactly, all right, We'll take a break, we'll come back. Greg Jarrett, Shaun Davis. All right, if we continue with Shaun Davis, co founder The Federalist. Greg Jarrett. Next week is sequel to his number one best seller is coming out. It's called witch Hunt, The Story of the Greatest mass Delusion in American political History. Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com in a week bookstores everywhere. All Right, So now the question is you have this fever pitch to impeach. This is doing great harm to this country. There's nothing the president did wrong here, and now they want every conversation with every foreign leader. I can't recall, and maybe one of both of you can recall an incident where let's see the Australian Prime minister talking to a president, the Mexico president, and now the Ukrainian president. All of these conversations are now being listened to and leaked than a president's spite on, which is another aspect of this that I think is kind of important. Can you sean think of any incident where a president has had to go through this, And if we're going to look at conversations where world leaders, I like to look at Obama's eight years and Biden's eight years, and I'd like to look at maybe Bill Clinton's eight years in office. I have a lot of reading I'd like to do right. You know, we've heard a lot from the left and the resistance about how Trump is destroying norms, He's destroying institutions in this country. But when you look at their actions, both the left and their media allies, you can tell that they are the ones looking to actively destroy our institutions. They hate the electoral College, they want to destroy it. They refuse to recognize the legitimacy of our elections. Last November, they constantly leaked classified information, even if it damages our national security, in order to get Trump and this ongoing temper tantrum from people who are absolutely incapable of accepting the reality of what happened in twenty sixteen. That is so much more dame risk at the fabric of our republic then anything they have even come close to accusing Trump of. You simply can't have an operating, functional order when you have half the country who it's the first sign of losing an election, decides to overturn the tables and declare all rule of law debt. Last word, you have about twenty seconds, Greg Jarrett, Well, I agree, they've they've weaponized our justice system. They have abused the political process, and their goal is to remove Trump from office, drive him from the White House. Ukraine is just another incantation. Well said both of you. Thank you both. Sean Davis, Federalists, Greg Jarrett new book next week which Hunt eight hundred and nine four one Sean Tolfree telephone number. We'll get to your calls some of the other news of the day next as we continue. You now know who the whistle blower is, sir. We're trying to find out about a whistleblower. Have a whistle blower that worts things that were incorrect. As you know, and you probably now have figured it out. The statement I made to the President of Ukraine, a good man, a nice man, knew was perfect. It was perfect. But the whistleblower reported a totally different statement like the statement it was not even made. I guess statement you could say with the call I made a call. The call was perfect. When the whistle blower reported it, he made it sound terrible. And then you had Adam Schiff, who even worse made up my words, which I think is just a horrible. I've never even think to see the thing like that. Adam Shift Representative Congressman made up what I said. He actually took the words and made it up. The reason is when he saw my call to the President of Ukraine, it was so good that he couldn't quote blown it because there was nothing done wrong. It was perfect. So Adam shift decided, I can't let this happen, so let me make out. Do you ever hear of this one gene? Do you ever hear everyone like this? So Adam Jeff made up a phony call and he read it to Congress, and he read it to the people of the United States. And it's a disgrace. This whole thing is a disgrace. There's been tremendous corruption and we're seeking it. It's called gray swam. There's been corruption on the other side, there's been corruption like you've never seen. The new President of Ukraine ran on the basis of no corruption. That's how we get elected, and I believe that he really means it. But there was a lot of corruption having to do with the twenty sixteen election against us, and we want to get to the bottom of it, and it's very important that we do. Thank you for that is exactly what the call was about. All the people election interferer can't have election interferre. We have an election interference. All the president yeah, is saying, let's get to the bottom of it. And why on earth would somebody bragging you out six hours? Man? I told them, you get six hours, you're not getting You're not getting the money, You're not getting the billion dollars six fire the prosecuted. Why would a vice president ever do that? It is It's never been this despicably repulsive and disgusting. I started the show today, all hands on deck moment for this country. You love this country. You believe in the rule of law, you believe in our constitution. You no president has ever had to go through this like Donald Trump. He has so shaken up the swamp, the corrupt, ugly sewer that is Washington, d c. It is a sewer. And you know press is driving this in a way. It is so transparent, the unholy alliance that now exists with everything Socialist, Democrat and the press in this country. They are corrupt, they are liars. They there is no such thing as as journalism on any of these networks, in any of these papers. This is a bigger witch hunt than the last witch hunt. But they're not going to leave anything to chance, like getting a special prosecutor to investigate it now, only to be disappointed much later. Um. The only antidote to all of this is and on top of it, by the way, if if they get their way, good luck with your new green deal. Good luck to the greatest system ever designed to advance the condition of mankind, the standard of living of an entire world, our system of capitalism. Because that they want that out the window, and that's that's who they are, and they want this power so bad, and they want to implement this agenda so bad that they will even overlook Hillary. Let's see rigging a primary against Bernie and Hillary violating the Espionage Act, I mean choppter verse, and Hillary obstructing justice with subpoena emails that she deletes and everything else involved with that. And you want to talk about Russian interference, We had the dirty dossier, and then that, even unverified, becomes the basis of Faiza warrant four times to spy on a president. It first is campaign, then transition, then a president. And now the other question that nobody's asking is, Okay, how did this get leaked? How come it has not happened in other people's presidencies, and if the Democrats really want to play this game, okay, let's let's release the conversations of presidents with foreign leaders. That doesn't provide an environment with the free, open exchange to maybe thread some needles and bring some peace. I'd love to hear the conversations with Biden on with Ukrainian officials. I'd love to hear the conversations with Obama and the Iranian Mullah's I'd love to hear what he said after he had more flexibility after the election of Vladimir Putin. But usually we wouldn't do that because then it makes the world less safe, less secure, and that's not good for this great republic of ours. All right, let's go to our busy telephones. Here, Dan is in Michigan. I'll tell you this, if this does not motivate you, if you don't get engaged here, if you don't see the importance of being engaged in this election, this moment in history, it is deep, it is transformative, it is profound. What will happen if this is allowed to stand, If they are rewarded for this and this behavior, it will I really shudder to think about the country We're gonna handle off to our kids and grandkids. Uh, the all important state Michigan. Dan. Next, Hey Dan, how are you good? Sean? How you doing? Um? Sean? By the way, you cannot retire until after the two thy twenty elections because we need you. Okay, so well, I don't have plans, but there there's a lot of deep state operators that would love me off the air. And by the way, that is not Linda true or false? Is that statement truer than anybody would even imagine? Oh, it's beyond true, beyond true. The the you Meania and one day I'm gonna tell the story. But go ahead, Yeah, okay, Oh hey, someone, I just wanted to let you know. I was told a friend one time that I said, poor Linda. I said, Sean's always picking on her because of her accent. And my friend said, quote, I think her her voice as sexy as hell. Oh my god, I love your friend. Yeah, I don't. So you call the program and to flirt with the with the with the producer. I encourage this behavior. I thought you'd enjoy that show. I do. Indeed, thank you. It's very important to the you know, I'm giving this talk about you know, the America's hanging in the balance by up well, Sean, if there was more love in the world like this gentleman wants to clearly share with me, than we'd be a happy a nation. So thank you Dan that hey, Sean John, Yes, sir. The main point I want to make is that I mean it for perspective compared to the Muller investigation, where they were using the Justice Department. It had power in the Justice Department, and they framed with charges and they could have framed him with the dips. That's history. That was their big gun. This is kind of a joke because he can just say, you guys are idiots. The Justice Department is not going to get involved. There's no legal jeopardy for him and the impeachment of things the joke because there's en an arrival in the Senate. It's going nowhere and maybe you know, half the country needs to realize, Hey, this impatience stuff that is going to make the Democrats look like idiot and it's going to be dead and the arrival, he's not going to be dooted and he's likely going to win in twenty and twenty. So we got a lot a positive compared to the mule thing when they were using the Justice Department. I will tell you that all I want the Attorney General to do, all I want the Inspector General report to show is the truth. And if we get that out there, the case is overwhelming about abuse of power. And the irony is is that everything they're accusing Trump of is everything they themselves are guilty of in both cases Russia collusion, Ukrainian collusion. And the media is so corrupt, this unholy alliance Democrats and the mob. That's what we've got going on here. There's no truth. There is no objective truth anymore. There's no adherence to truth anymore. They just lie, and they lie with abandon and they'll make they'll make the flimsiest excuses for why a vice president is involved in firing a Ukrainian prosecutor in six hours or I'm taking the money home. Wow, that's a conspiracy theory that has not been proven. No Joe's bragging about it anyway. One more thing, Sean real quick, Well, okay to what you just said there, it would be nice. And again they don't have any just department behind him. As a joke. Now they're just put the last buddy. It would be nice if Attorney General Barr would announced a criminal investigation into Joe Biden. You know, why don't you help us out once in a while, Uh, you know, mister Barr and and go after Biden because they would be going after Trump and down or if it was them. Yep, you're right, all right. And even Bill Mars said that amazing and he's right. Ohio, another swing state, Jim Sean Hannity Show, what's up, Jim? How are you glad you called my friend? I'm great? How are you? Um? Two important questions that everybody seems to be dancing around here they're related. The first is are the Democrats suggesting that a presidential candidate gets automatic and complete immunity from an inquiry by the sitting president of a foreign leader? No matter what the presidential candidate has done, no matter what he's guilty of, does he get complete and absolute immunity from any inquiry by the president on foreign soil? And the second related question is question are the Democrats suggesting that not only is the quid pro quo irrelevant to this, but are they also suggesting that the Biden's guilt of what they've been accused of is absolutely completely irrelevant to this inquiry. That's absurd the level of bias in just in this case, but we saw it with the Russia witch hunt, the same thing. I mean, Hillary paid for a Russian dossier, likely Russian disinformation from the get go. Then it's used as a warrant to justify spying on the position candidate. I mean, all the things you just added together, the Hillary list, it is they don't care. Either they're just so blinded by this rage of theirs that they just don't see it, or they don't care and they're just that blatantly political and they're just hacks. I'm having a hard time believing they don't see it. I'm having a hard time. You know, you're so upset about election interference. Donald Trump's asking, hey, can you help us with this election interference thing? Because you guys were in the middle of it and you admitted to it. Trump and the Republicans should call them on this. The way to handle this situation is to say, you need to table this impeachment inquirity until the Biden underlying crimes and the president is nobody has any say except Nancy Pelosi. The squad and the Democratic Party, and I'm all for an up or down vote. Let's get the vote on let the role, make them say the words, make them say the words. Biden's guilt doesn't matter. They have not made them. Listen, They're already saying, oh, there's nothing here. It's only a conspiracy theory, that's what they're saying. I mean, they're just denying simple, basic, fundamental truth. Anyway, I've got to run. Thanks for a really good call. Oh, by the way, I gotta say happy birt JC owned. His birthday was this weekend? How old are you this week? His birthday's today? Oh, stangers was this weekend? Yours is today? I know they're around at the same time. What do you do for your birthday? Handsome? I drank a lot on Friday and then I relaxed on Saturday and Sunday, as is my want, and I of course have to work Sundays to get the audio in this fine program. Well, happy birthday. You didn't go to your favorite hang out, Well I was there. I was there on your birthday. Well on Friday, today is my birthday. I will not be going down there on a Monday night. It's a school night Jesus. But we gave cupcakes. We sang, I didn't sing. You know, well, we don't include you one those things. You're are busy man, you know you're trying to save the country and stuff. Well, I pay for the cupcakes, so I mean, let's be real. Actually this time I paid for them. Well, don't pay for them. That's my job. I take care of my team. We go out for dinner a couple of weeks to let you pay for it. All right, that sounds fun. You want to go out for dinner, Let's take everybody, and you wish you only just paid for the cupcakes. After you see that bill? Right, Ethan's birthdays next week. You know it's like twenty four years. Stanger has been with me twenty four years. Can you believe that? No, because he's only twenty four. That's poll. I both remember where you two when you were younger. I remember me. My hair was not as didn't have as much white in it. Um, you can't say that I'm heavy anymore because I lost my weight, which is good. Too skinny, I'm not too skinny. I'm too skinny. Let's put a pole on handy dot com. Now, let's not put a pole on Handity dot Com. Yeah, because you know what the ants is going to be. Hannity is the pole at this point. That's right, you are the pole. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. All right, a big Hannity tonight. Oh Joe Biden wants Rudy Giulianni to be quiet and not have the right to go on television and talk. Yeah, we do have the first Amendment. We'll tell you the story that nobody else will and the duplicity, the backstabbing, the double standard, the use of intelligence against the president, de spying on a president, and then of course, yeah, the double which they accused the president of they're guilty of. Jay secular Rudy Giulianni. Lindsay Graham called Rob Ryan's previous Sarah Sanders all coming up tonight at nine. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you tonight. Back here tomorrow.

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