The World On The Brink - March 9th, Hour 2

Published Mar 9, 2022, 11:01 PM

Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of 15 instant #1 books including the #1 “Killing” series of histories, and his new bestseller, “Killing the Mob” discusses his perspective of a world on the brink. 

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All right, Leonard Skinner's simple man. That can only mean one thing on this show, and that is all things Bill O'Reilly, all things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Uh, mister o'reiley, so great to have you back. I have a question. I hope you have a simple answer to it, because it's not a simple question, Um the Biden. And by the way, how are you doing, um celebrating the funeral of Joseph Stalin today, sixty nine years ago? So I'm very very happy today, Okay, a dead dictator. Thanks for reminding us, Bill, Well, we should learn from the past. It was interesting to watch Zolensky quote Winston Church before the British Parliament yesterday and Putin learned very well under Stalin. He's got an amazing quote. I'll read it to you later. But I'm curious about your question. So my question is this issue. We now know that we that Joe Biden inherited and America that was energy independent, on America, that was a net exporter of energy. On day one, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. He paused new oil and gas leases on federal lands. He had increased dramatically the environmental restrictions and rules on emissions, and then he rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, which recognizes China and India as developing countries, meaning we pay all the money and they pay next to nothing, and ended what I think was his biggest mistake, exploration and drilling in anmir. Now the administration is claiming, so long, I gotta set this question up. They're claiming, well, we already have nine thousand, he says, go talk to them. Well, the American Petroleum Institute has given us their answer. They said, we're at a two decade high for the percentage of leases that are in production, meaning of the nine thousand, with nearly two out of three leases producing natural gas and oil. Leases are issued prior to exploration, and not every acreage of lease land has the resources to tap into, which is why it's a boom and bust industry despite substantial investment by developers. Now, with productions still below pre pandemic levels and an imbalance between supply and demand, what is being exacerbated now by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it's time for the administration to support domestic production, etc. Now here's my question. So they put all of these restrictions on the energy sector. Now, Joe Biden, up till yesterday, was importing oil from Russia. Now we'd learned that they sent an embassy or an emissary rather to Caracas, to Venezuela to discuss the possibility of importing oil from that murdering dictator Maduro. Then we now know, and I have before me a report that Iran, this new irandal, would give the Mullahs in Iran access to ninety billion dollars of sanctioned money, seven billion for ransom, and that America would then import energy from the Ayatolas, the Mullahs that want Israel and the US wiped off them. Hap. Now, mister simple man, break that down for me. How any part of that is intelligent. Biden knows you can say anything. So last night, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, none of them covered None of them covered Biden's most outrageous statement, which was in my first year in office, I pumped more oil than Trump did in his first year. Okay, that was an incredible slight of hand. And I called it, I'm you called it as just gross propaganda. And I'll give you the stats at a moment. They're very short, but Biden knows he can say the stuff like that, and the Associated Press, the New York Times, Washington Post, nobody's gonna say anything, even if they fact check them, they're not going to say a word. So he can get out there and he can say, I, you know, I love oil. I didn't do anything to inhibit oil production in the USA. That's a lie. I did not, And that's exactly what he's doing. That's exactly what he's doing. So here is the key stat and this is on my message today on Bill O'Reilly dot com. I hope everybody goes there every morning. You don't have to be a premium member. It's there for you to consume. So when Trump left office, the average price of the gallon of gas in the SA was around two dollars and fifty cents. Okay, and now it's four dollars and twenty five cents. But before Putin did anything in Ukraine, the average price was three dollars and forty seven percent, up a buck under Biden in thirteen months, up a buck a dollar a gallon. So he Biden's blaming Prutin for all this. Yet in his thirteen months first thirteen months, it went up a dollar. Why would it go up a dollar? Because he made it so difficult for the fossil fuel industry. And I'm not just talking oil, I'm talking cold fracking natural gas. They slapped so many regulations the federal government on these companies that their cost basis increased, and so the companies became more conservative in their harvesting of their product, as any company would. And they saw that Biden was going to increase the regulations and all the exploration was going to cost ten times as much as it did under Trump. Final answer, and I think, I hope this is simple enough for you, Hanny, you follow me here. No, actually, I'm very impressed. Well, besides myself, you seem to be one of the few that actually understand this. Yes, well, you know me. The only thing I agree with when it comes to Lisa Murkowski, the senator in Alaska, who I believe is going to lose her seat, is that Alaska alone alone could provide all the oil the United States needs if the federal government would allow drilling in anwar and other areas. Now you say to yourself, well, why don't say, no one lives there? Are they going to scare the caribou. Are the polar bears going to be upset? There's a little known facts in the polar bears like the pipeline because it keeps them warm. It keeps them warm so they don't have to buy coats. I don't know why. That's just Gods of my funny bone. Good job, bell O'Reilly all right now. It's even more interesting than that too, because we actually sent a plane once to look at the vast wasteland. It's all empty space of anwar. It's massive. The oil reserves there are massive, um That's why we secured that land so many years ago. Believe it or not, it was Jimmy Carter. What's fascinating is the oil companies. I've done a deep dive on this over the years. Oil companies say that they can go there in season, not when it's snowing heavily, and they can have heavy, quick extraction, and by the time they leave and pick up for the winter, they won't leave a single footprint there. That's how easy it would be and how it would not in any way impact the environments. Okay, because of global warming, there'll be a shorter winter up there that broil down. Yeah, the way it's snowing in New York. Yeah, I want everybody to just step back. The important thing here, more important than Ukraine, if you can imagine, then that's a vital news story. Is So we have a president of the United States who goes out and actively misleads the people, and the press does not hold him accountable for doing that. And the third thing is, and I could be wrong on this, I don't think Biden even knows what he's saying anymore. I don't think well, I don't say I don't think he knows that it's Wednesday. That's how bad I think. So you and I concur word of the day on that. So, when you have the leader of the free world, the most powerful man in the world, um Buddin doesn't think so. But Biden's it is not knowing what he is saying. See if you were to have Joe Biden on your program, on your radio program today, Biden would look you in the eye angle I'm not I'm not misleading anyone. I'm not distorting the facts. I no, No, We're pump more than on my previous uh, the previous president Donald Trump. We did more in oil and he would actively believe that I did more in my first year than he did in his first year. That's the statement that you're right. It's beyond a slight a hand. It's an outright lie. Well, no, that's true though, if you look at the if you look at the barrels. Okay, because Trump inherited Obama, try inherited Obama took Trump a year. Okay, thank you, another intelligent comment. Now I am the hard question comes in Bill. Okay, hold on, let me give one more stat Okay, one more Biden. The United States harvest seven hundred and fifty million barrels less a year than it did under Trump. I'll give you a couple of stats. Last year, Joe Biden imported over two hundred and thirty two million barrels of oil from Russia. He even took in a million barrels of oil believe it or not, from Iran. That was the first time since nineteen ninety one. Also, Joe Biden took in over six hundred million barrels of oil from OPEC nations and five million from the from the South. All right, so here's my question. I am very very concerned about a president that is going to do this ninety billion dollars in cash deal by lifting sanctions on the iranium mulas and doing it and negotiating a deal that would include importing oil from Iran to make the mullas rich and richer than ever, and then thinking and contemplating and sending emissaries to negotiate with Venezuela with that murdering dictator thug named Maduro. The same with Joe. Biden has been begging OPEC. It's embarrassing and humiliating. Up to today, they've been rejecting him. Bill Yes, so he don't even take his phone call. But I think if the Republicans win in November, which they overwhelmingly will now and I'll give you another thing in a moment, they can block a lot of this stuff. So Biden's going to have a hard time buy an oil from Venezuela and Iran. He's basically trying to convince them to sell oil to other people than the United States because they know they're not going to get this in. So what do you know is a test a quick test question. Do you know who's negotiating and bartering that deal between Iran and the US? Joy Behar No, No, No, it's Russia. Russia's judges. They're advising Iran. I know, I know, I just know they're bartering the deal. They are brokering this deal, not for us. Yes, it's course and them. Um, we don't have anybody over there that's got khonas. I mean, they're gonna, They're gonna sign a deal no matter what Bill Boodha Judge said. They're very close to a deal, of course, And how stupid can we be? And people get angry? You know why the Muellers want to do this deal because they fear pe Boodha Judge, I mean makes them cremble h quick freak. We'll come back more with Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly, simple man at Bill O'Reilly dot com. As we continue your calls at the bottom of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one, Shaun is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. Our friends at Tunnel to Towers the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. 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Look, you can help out people that laid it all on the line for us. They're asking for eleven dollars a month. That's it, a commitment from all of us. And they set up a website T the letter T the number two, the letter T dot org. That's T the number two, the letter T dot org t t t dot org for Tunnels to Towers Keeping the Truth alive. Hannity is on right now. I would continue with simple man All things Bill O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. All right, handy one morning. This is very important for your audience, and I appreciate you having me on every week. UM. I want everyone to know that. UM, what's next is food prices. So I'm telling my audience stock up now, um, because food prices are going to explode. They have to because transportation companies that get food from um, the ground or wherever to the grocery store are paying a dollar a gallon more and that's going to be passed on. Now. What the food companies are doing deceptively because they have to rise prices if they want to keep their stock price up, is they're cutting down the amount of food in a package. So for example, Briar's ice Cream, we reported this on the radio today, has cut its little pub of ice cream by about twenty five percent but charges the same choice Bell's. I understand that, but people don't know. It's not like designs. Let me ask you a question, does Bill O'Reilly you have people that do your grocery shopping. I'm just betting you don't do your own grocery shopping because I go grocery shopping everybody. Every week you tell me you go grocery shopping and everybody in the country rolls prize. Okay, I go every week, Bill, and I can afford it. It was a time of my life camera in the grocery store. So when it's now, my point is built. The prices are dramatically higher, and I remember what it was like living paycheck to paycheck. There was an article today people are gonna say goodbye to even chop me from crying out loud. It's back to Hamburger Helper. Okay. So when you it's mid March, the election mid term is in early November, things may improve a little bit. This recrane thing is not going to be, you know, going on to that extent, and it's not going to extend into the fall. I don't know how it's gonna people ask me, and I said, I have no blanket idea how this is gonna. Basically, there will be a ceasefire at some point. There are so many people that do not understand the severity of all of this, and it's really dangerous. Bill O'Reilly all things o'reiley, Bill O'Reilly dot com. Thank you, sir, quick break right back your calls on the other side straight ahead, all right, twenty five down to the top of the hour eight hundred nine four one show on if you want to join us. There was a hell of an exchange with Fox News Channels, White House correspondent Peter Doocey and Circle Back chief propagandas for the White House Jen Asaki and I mean Doocey, I mean just absolutely destroyed her in this mini debate that that broke out between them. Listen, you and the President are both talking about producing energy here saying that oil and gas companies have nine thousand permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now when President Bidens touch red tape. Let's make that possible. What red tape needs to be cut? When they have the permits, they have the capacity to do it. What's holding them up? The President Biden think that each of these nine thousand leases that are available have oil or gas in that because industry experts are saying that that accusation is a complete red hairing some permits or bible in summer nine, when you say that this represents a fundamental misunderstanding as to how this process works. Well, First of all, the nearly sixty percent of least acres remain non producing. That's a lot in the range of twenty million acres. So there are nine thousand unused approved permits to drill, and they should not require that. Should not require us inviting them to do that. They should do that themselves. The additional permits, the would press what additional permits do they need? There's no they have. The leases are there, the permits are there. I don't think they need an embroidered invitation to drill. That is they are oil companies. Is what is happening. What has happened, But what is the permits have been granted, Peter, is what is happening here is that we are seeing these are private sector companies. We recognize that many of them are making record profits. We see that that is all publicly available data. They have pressure to return cash to investors and their shareholders. What we're saying right now now is there is a war. We're asking them to go use the approved permits, use the unused space, and go get more supply out of the grounds in our own country. I'm asking you it is kind of option you guys say all options are on the table. Is restarting Keystone construction one of them. If we're trying to bring about more supply, that does not address any problem. It's supply from Canada, a friendly ally, and so that's already that we're already getting that oil Peter. It's the pipeline is just a delivery mechanism. It is not an oil field. So it does not provide more supply into the system. It does not adjust the people. Is it possible that Joe Biden will ever say they're just can go ahead with construction of Keystone LP. There's no plans for that, and it would not address any of the problems we're having currently. None of that. What she's saying is true. The fact and the reality is they did cancel the Keystone X pipeline. They did grant Vladimir putin a waiver in nord Stream two. They did pause new oil and gas leases on federal lands they're unwilling to change course. They did put very restrictive new environmental restrictions on exploration and drilling, new rules on emissions that may give far more difficult for oil companies to do the very thing that she's dictating they need to do. And of course then they of course ended and more drilling, or we have vast amounts of resources that can easily be extracted very quickly and brought to the marketplace, and that's not under consideration either. On top of them ending the re entering the Paris Climate Agreement. Look, as the Petroleum Institute said, we're at a two decade high for the percentage of leases in production. That's the nine thousand that they talk about. But they also point out all these leases are issued prior to exploration. In other words, it's not the case that every single lease granted gives them the yield that they anticipate or expect that it will happen, and that's why they need more land and leases and far less, far less restrictions. Anyway. Peter Doocey, White House correspondent for the Fox News Channel, I thought you just absolutely destroyed the argument that they've been making for the longest period of time. Good job today, thanks Sean. And ultimately it is it goes back to the first day of Biden's terms. He signed an executive order that remains in place today that bands or they use the word pause, but it's the same as a band any new oil and gas drilling on public lands until a lot of these guys they've got the oil and get area the range great, they don't know if there's anything underground, and they can't go ask the Interior Department for permission because the President said no, they are. They are putting a priority on climate change and moving towards the fossil fuel free country rather than address the major spikes in prices right now due to the limited supply. And then we get advice from the likes of that ever so experienced former mayor of South Bend, Mayor Pete when they fired these guys working on the Keystone XL pipeline. No, well, we want you to get another high paying union job. And I'm like, where's that available? This is a very specific skill set in the oil and gas industry. Then he's saying, we want you to go buy an electric car. Okay, most people don't have fifty grand laying around for their brand new electric car if you can even get them, because you can't even get the semiconductors, and most car companies don't have inventory available. And did they answer in any way today why it is that the US is going to do a new Iranian deal that would allow the portation of oil from the number one state sponsor of terror. Why they're negotiating and sending emissaries to Venezuela to deal with that murdering thug Maduro. Any explanation as to why the Saudias and the UAE have no interest in calling Joe Biden back, any of those questions come up. So they claim that the Saudias and the UAE leaders are not just letting it ring when Biden calls. That's what the Wall Street Journal says, that's what happened. The National Security Council claims that is not true. As we're doing the Iran deal, they are putting a priority on preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon. But at the same time, as part of this process and I get that it's all this tangled web, they might be rewarded with some new contract to export oil either directly or indirectly to the United States. And the reason that they are a state sponsor of terror. You know, these are leaders who are blamed for directly or indirectly murdering American citizens over the last several decades. And if you look at some of the reports, though, we're talking about sanctioned money that had been frozen from the Iranian mullahs. I guess that weren't part of the first awful Iranian deal that could be as high as what ninety billion dollars I read. And now we're going to help make the number one state sponsor of terror wealthy again and part of the world community again. Now, the last Iranian deal did not allow any place anytime inspections. It did not allow a single American inspector, and it also would allow the Iranians in twenty twenty five to then begin the process of building a nuclear weapon anyway, and we still did that deal. That was not a good deal. Right now, it sounds like the Russians, as a way to kind of punish the U might be thrown a Rangian thing. It might be. You know, we've heard reports last week, in the week before, we're within twenty four or forty eight hours of a new a RAN nuclear deal hadn't happened yet, And so we're in business with these people. We're asking them to help us making a RAN nuclear deal, but so far our helpers are not being very helpful. Well, then now raises another great question, and that is okay, so we finally Joe implemented the one sanction that would have an impact. But if Europe and A NATO countries and Western European countries are still relying on Vladimir Putin and Russia for their energy, and Putin is now even threatening to cut that off. And now we have Vladimir Putin and China on the periphery negotiating a deal between the US and the number one state sponsor of terror. I wonder whose side Vladimir Putin is going to take in those negotiations, and why wouldn't they walk away from the table at this point considering the invasion of Ukraine by Plutin, right, And there's a new analysis that is part of plutin calculation potentially, and that's how he could wait out the WET to team up with China, make sure that all these assets that they've been moving around because they knew thanks and for coming are protected, reinvested with the Chinese, and then they can wait out the WET. So we'll see if that's what happens. But I know the Keystone XIL pipeline issues come up a lot. Have they ever given an answer besides the talking point about the nine thousand leases on whether or not they will lift the pause that they put in place on new oil and gas leases on federal lands. Will they lift the environmental restrictions and emissions rules that they put in place? Will they open up Anmar again, it's a vast wilderness. We have tons of energy resources there is that even under consideration, or no domestic drilling whatsoever. Every question like that, the answer has been no to date. But we had also been told that they weren't going to ban Russian oil imports because it was going to be too disruptive. So it's no until maybe it's not down the line. I'm having a hard time grasping why we're dealing with some of the world's worst terrorist supporting nations, the worst murdering dictators as a means of getting energy when we can produce it all here and we could do it very cheaply, and we could do it very effectively and efficiently, and we could be a net exporter again of energy. Now, that was another claim that Joe Biden made yesterday in his speech. The fact is this year we will be a net importer of energy, not a net exporter of energy like it was when he got into the White House, right and they're kind of approaching this. It's this huge global issue. There are a million different ways to attack it. The way that they're trying to attack it today is they've got him sitting in at an event about my conductors, which is part of it. That is a problem that we can't get them. But is it the problem right now for today? I don't know. Peter Doucy have been doing a great job. I don't think they could pay me enough money to do your job. I think you need a race. What do you think. I think you're doing okay, Sean, So do you think? I don't know. I don't know. I know your dad's really proud of you. I've known you for many, many years. You have worked so hard to get this position you have. We're very proud of you. You're the only one. It's must see TV watching you and Jen Saki. I mean, you got should do a show together, and I'd watch like four hours straight every day. Well maybe someday, but usually they kind of thought at about four minutes of questions, so I got it. Maybe tell the ap reported is sit down and be quiet and stop bailing out Jen Saki. Like happened earlier in the week, well today, Yeah, today, it was another short one, but it was because they had to rush this off to this semiconductor event, which unfortunately, the president could not answer any questions that I'm so shocked. My favorite is I'm not allowed They told me not to answer, and I'm not allowed to answer. Um. He said that, though I have figured out how to how to get his attention. So I figured it out one time, and I think he called you a stupid son of a bitch, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, he did, just the one that didn't hurt your feelings, didn't. Oh no, he called me after, actually right before I went on your show, and we had a laugh about it. So hard feelings. Let me ask you this, have you ever asked for on one on one interview with Joe. It's been a while since I had for that. They've got all new people in UM, but you know, they haven't really done He doesn't do a kind of one on one interviews period. So here's my prediction, Jen Saki, your debate partner is gonna end up at either MSD NC or Fake New CNN. Any thoughts. I saw some reports that a couple of different networks are looking at her I have no idea what she actually wants to do. I haven't asked there. But now if she needs advice on where to go and what to do, the two most logical people to talk to it would be your dad and me because we've been at this the longest. I think that's right. Yeah, can I give her your cell phone? Love to hear from Jen Saki? Right? Uh? Yeah, Well I'll have her touch base just as she updates her LinkedIn. Whenever she decides to leave, you could ask her say, um, I did get a request from Sean Hannity if you'd ever consider going on a show, and you can, you can report back an absolute hell no, never happened. Tell him I said, he can drop dead. That's what I bet. I bet that if you guys had I doubt that it would be that much of a no that I'm and I'm saying internally inside her mind, she will look at you like you're insane and say, we'll take it into consideration, and I'll circle back on that. Peter, thank you for the opportunity. Next question. Yeahs of people look at me like I'm insane. Soul in that room, that's a badge of honor. I've been in that room during the Trump years and it's like, oh, oh, he's here. I'm like, yeah, I'm here, aren't you glad to see me? I have fun with it, But it is an important time right now, and you know, these issues as they evolved, they really do affect everybody. And I'm just trying to ask questions that people listening in their cars right now are thinking of. All Right, Peter Doucy, we're gonna show this exchange on Hannity tonight and you'll be joining us. Always great to have you, Peter Doucey, Fox News White House Correspondent, eight hundred nine for one, Shaun is a number you want to be a part of the program Next Star, Final round Up and Information Overload Hour far Hey, if you're like me and I don't know any longer, but I did suffer from insomnia. If you are suffering, I've got the antidote. I have the answer, and it's all things my pillow dot Com. Now, my pillow dot Com has been built into this huge company. Why because their products work and they're incredible. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. You can too. Right now, Mike is offering Mike Landells is best deal on his Giza Dream sheets. I've been raving about them. They made from the world's best cotton, Giza, the softest sheets you've ever slept on, breathable, durable, and right now you can get Giza Dreamsheets the lowest price ever, sixty percent off thirty nine by going to the Sean Hannity Square at my pillow dot com. 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