Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), co-host of Jay Sekulow Live and author of The Next Red Wave: How Conservatives Can Beat Leftist Aggression, RINO Betrayal & Deep State Subversion and Gregg Jarrett, Host of the New Podcast, “The Brief” and author of two NY Times Bestsellers, the Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt, join us to discuss the impeachment trial.
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All right, glad you with us sign no. Yeah, another shift show charade has just started. Last night on Hannity, I mentioned to my buddy Mark Simone's tweet tomorrow is impeachment Day. Obviously, that's today. The Democrats impeach Trump every February. It's now becoming an annual event like the Golden Globes. Remember last February when they missed the pandemics starting because they were focused on impeachment. Good points. Well, so the Democrats predictable nothing it is. It is an amazing spectacle that is not going to end. Well. My prediction for the Democrats the longer this goes on and they're saying, well, okay, we know we don't have the votes, is this has a predetermined outcome. But the longer it goes on, the worse it gets for them. Because he's not president, there's no removal from office. And more and more, we have the same mob in the media that went along with the Democrats in this snap impeachment having to now report about how the attack on the Capitol was pre planned. There were organizers, there were people plotting, there were people planning, there were people scheming to make this happen. On that day. Now, why is that important? Because it takes the whole January sixth rally of Donald Trump inciting the mob to go and cause an insurrection at the Capitol, and it blows it up. That's a problem for them. I don't even play some of that coming up and throughout the program today and so on top of that, and it gets more interesting. And I didn't pick this up yesterday. I don't know why I missed Maria Maria's show Sunday Morning Futures because I usually don't miss it. But she had on White House former wanhous Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and he pointed out how the President had been very vocal about offering the National Guard and a presence at the Capitol on numerous occasions in January, and he was rebuked every time. Quote, we know that in January, but also throughout the summer, the President was very vocal of making sure we had plenty of National Guard, plenty of additional support because he supports our rule of law and supports our law enforcement, and offered additional help even in January that was a given. As many as ten thousand National Guard troops were told to be on the ready by the Secretary of Defense that was a direct order from the president. And yet here is what we see, all kinds of blame going around, but yet not a whole lot of accountability. Now, this is why where I think we need the whole nine to eleven style Commission report. And you know, look, this is going to go down three ways, one way or another. It looks like that this ends a week from today, and it's gonna be loud, and it's gonna be never ending, and it's gonna be repetitive, and it's gonna be hyperbole. It's theater. This is not real. This is Washington being the swamp. When you have a predetermined outcome and you're doing it anyway, that's called a waste of taxpayer time, money, dollars, you name it. Now, we could be discussing, well, what do we do to get the guys that were working on the Keystone XL pipeline back to work. We could be talking about how to get the guys that were constructing the border wall back to work. We could be talking about, well, how do we better distribute the vaccine that Donald Trump had done with Operation Warp Speed. Because the governors are incompetent at its distribution and how can we fix and solve that problem. We could be working on relief for American families and businesses that have suffered because of the pandemic and subsequent draconian shutdowns of others. We're not doing any of the above. And on top of that, you know, we've got some great ideas for this week. It's going to be fun. I'm excited about it all because it's it's that it's sort of like low hanging fruit going after Democrats and their their rank hypocrisy, because the bottom line is Democrats are focusing on the You know, with all the riots that have occurred in the last year, the only one they cared about is the one in Washington. And we now know that the police chief six separate times called for the National Guard even before they started to be brought in. They knew hundreds of thousands of people were going to march from the Washington Monument to the Capitol, and they didn't have any preparation for such. Now we know that Congresswoman Acacio Cortez has acknowledged she knew a week in advance, she had been hearing this is all going to happen. Well, who knew what and when? And why do we want to know because we need to protect our institutions. And yes, we need to protect every elected official. This transcends any political ideology or philosophy or party. It doesn't matter if you're a conservative or a liberal, or a Republican, a Democrat. They are elected officials. They need to be protected, period, end of sentence. And none of which happened, but the silence over the summer when we had let's see police precincts burned to the ground, and we had what over twenty five hundred cops injured in the course of the summer and the rioting. They would be impelted with rocks and bricks and molotov cocktails and frozen water bottles and sticks and nine, and they were being shot at. Almost thirty people died as the insurrection. There we had entire city blocks taken over, commandeered by leftists and democratic politicians saying this is a summer of love zone, a spaghetti potluck dinner zone, a chazz chop zone, an autonomous zone. Well, the president wanted to send people in and the occupation, but wasn't allowed to do so. And the same with attacking federal courthouse buildings, and the rights that went on in Portland day after day and night after night, and the utter incompetence and unwillingness to stop or even speak out against the violence and the rioting there. And for the record, At a briefing today at the White House, as the second impeachment shift show charade starts was getting underway, Jensaki, the White House Press Secretary, pressed on how the Biden administration felt about the incendiy y rhetoric from Democrats in Congress. Oh, We've been playing a lot of it. And that would be maxim Waters. That would be Joe Biden. I want to beat the hell out of Donald Trump. And that would be Chuck Schumer threatening Supreme Court justices. That would be Kamala Harris. After the police precinct the Minneapolis burned to the ground, saying they're not going to stop. You be where you take note on both levels, They're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop. We shouldn't stop. Okay, in the middle of writing maybe not exactly the right words, and then on top of that, adding it and supporting efforts to bail out those people involved in the rioting from jail Wow, that's great anyway, the attorneys for the president now pointing the comments from twenty eighteen, Maxie Waters is one of them called supporters at a rally, you are to confront them, You're to create a crowd, and you're to follow them into the grocery stores. He's talking about members of the cabinet of Donald Trump. They're not wanted anywhere anymore. Biden advisac Cedric Richmond had even defended Waters, saying she had a constitutional right to express those views. Well, then, all the time Trump said fight like hell at the January sixth rally. Oh, we've played all the montages of every Democrat. It's common term of politicians, go out and fight, fight for your values, fight for this, fight for that. They're not saying to go out and have a physical brawl. And the president. You can't ignore the fact that he said, many of you will peacefully, patriotically now march to the Capitol so your voices will be heard. Well, how do you overcome that shift? Show? Whoopsie Daisy over at NBC they have a report of noting that you know all of these instances, Jensaki, for example, how does this how does the White House view, this is any different what Waters said. Oh, Joe's the press and he's not a pundit. He's not going to opine on the back and forth arguments, nor is he watching them that are taking place in the Senate. What happened to mister Unity. I thought he was going to bring the country together? Or Nancy Pelosi's comments when the Wisconsin State House there was their little insurrection issue going on there, but the President yeah, apparently offered to deploy the National Guards beforehand. It kind of goes away from all the arguments that have been made. But okay, Democrats now want to focus in on only one of the many riots this country has experienced over the last year. Wall Street Journal good piece out too that Democrats already know the outcome, but they think it'll hurt the GOP. Actually, that's beginning to shift. They're beginning to worry greatly because they know that they're now and that this will be so time consuming that it will take away from any agenda that they wanted to push through in the first hundred days of Biden. Then if that's this doesn't work, they're they're thinking about a plan B. Maybe the fourteenth ammm, maybe censure anyway. Trump believes that we'll see what happens, but we already have forty five Republican senators on record believing it's unconstitutional and their right. And the New York Times Tom Friedman, you know, is right in all the wrong ways on impeachment, and you know he's talking about you know, they don't they don't have Republicans in qNaN, in China, And how do we do this week after week, month after month and think we're a serious country. We're so deeply unseerious as a country. Now. We need to put this crap behind us, he says, and get focused on the future, because right now we're going to be falling father and father behind Okay. Daily Caller said that the outburst by Freedman was complimenting China on their on their faster trains that they have in spite of, you know, all the other bad stuff that goes on in that country and all the suppression of individual rights and all the territorial ambitions that are taking place there. So anyway, you know, what you have is probably both sides looking to avoid a dragged out impeachment battle. Is likely. I can't say for certain, I'd say, ninety five percent is going to be something that's over in a week. And there is some trepidation and fear among a lot of Democrats and apparently Biden deep down. But Biden I don't think has the ability to stand up to his radical base. But if you look at you know, the president now being out of office, as long as he's been out of office, Okay, well he's still take it. He's he's still bringing all the attention to him, insurrection chargers. I'm pretty sure this is going to break down to three separate arguments for the defense, and I don't think it's going to take them the sixteen hours that they've allocated to each side. And I would argue that the big part of it, it's going to be the lack of constitutionality, which would include jurisdictional issues that he's a private citizen, therefore they don't have the jurisdiction for this trial. Second, I think it's going to be argued on, you know, the whole issue of what actually happened, and now that we're learning that it was pre planned and that there are this was an organized orchestrated, preplanned effort, law enforcement is telling us that even the liberal news media mob is telling us that. Even Congresswoman Accio Cortez is telling us that, and everybody else in between is telling us that. So now they've got a problem. FBI investigators, now court documents are all telling us that. So the idea that a spontaneous insurrection, I don't think it's going to work. And on top of all of that, who's presiding. It's not Chief Justice John Roberts. As the constitution calls for, no, they've decided on Patrick Leahey, a guy that is already again this is supposed to be a trial, A guy that has already said Trump should be convicted is presiding over these proceedings. Now does that make Does that seem like a fair trial to any decent American? That doesn't sound like America at all to me. And that's the that's what that's what's unfolding, and your nation's swamp the sewer. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. M glad you with us eight hundred nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. So there's all this going on, This show is not going to spend an entire week regurgitating every single argument that we already know is going to be made when we know what the outcome is going to be, that it's predetermined. I see no point in that at all. Now, when it gets interesting, we'll let you know, because will monitor. Unfortunately, I have now had to task people that work on radio and TV to have to sit and watch this crap. It's it's really a horrible thing. It's like torture. Actually offered a food bonus. You can order as much Uber eat Scrubhub food that you can possibly consume in the time that you you must suffer through all of this. Oh, man, Linda, thank god, it's not us right, thank god. Oh could you imagine? I don't know, it's too much. I think Linda would break the TV. Oh, Linda would break the TV. She still might by the time this is all said and done. I mean, you just have no idea where that's going to end up. Um, all right, but we'll be watching. It's it's gonna get interesting. Now. There's three arguments here. One the constitutional argument, jurisdictional issues included, they don't have jurisdiction. Number two is gonna be oh, the snap impeachment with no witnesses, no defense, no due process, nothing and how they race to get this done because that's what the Democrats do for political purposes. Now it's a political show trial because forty five senators say no, it's not constitutional. Every senator, by the way, I don't care what your political point of view is, you should not be validating this. This is dangerous to validate and legitimize what the House did. Here here's an example. I'm gonna play the longer montage. Pay attention now. Remember Accacio Cortez says she knew a week in advance that this is likely going to happen, and we had you know, the chief of police, Capitol Police, Yeah, asking in advance for the National Guard, Trump offering the National Guard, Mark Meadows saying on Sunday morning, futures with Maria Bartomo over the weekend. So all of that happened. Then now we have court filings, an FBI investigators saying it. And now that has had to result because the mob the media went along with all things Democrats because they're the press office, and even they now know they could not ignore it anymore, especially when the video came out of the pipe pipe bombs actually being planned at ahead of time, which now investigators are telling us believe was a diversionary tactic to inflict even more damage. Anyway, But here's the mob. The media now again going against the very impeachment, the premise of the impeachment, which is the incitement to insurrection. Listen. One of the big questions for investigators has been whether or not whether the people who attacked the capital, whether this was just a mob that just got out of control, or whether there was planning. And we're learning from people who were talking to familiar with the investigation that they're getting indications some evidence that they've seen that indicates that there was some level of planning. They've noticed from looking at surveillance cameras, from looking at some of the weaponry that showed up, that there were people who were at the ellipse where there was a Trump rally earlier in the day. Some people left the scene of that rally early and appeared to have gone to retrieve weapons that then turned up at the scene of the riot at the Capitol. Based on everything the FBI has learned, it was not some sort of spontaneous decision by a bunch of protesters to go up to Capitol Hill and storm Capitol Hill. This was all planned out. I want to get to this issue of coordination and premeditation because only and this is really the leading edge of this investigation. And for the first time today we heard the US Attorney say that he believes the pipe bombs are connected to the riders and that it was a diversionary tactic. So right at the height of this, between twelve forty five and one fifteen, when President Trump is speaking, you have the first group pushing onto the Capitol comp the first pipe bomb is reported at the RNC headquarters here in Washington. Then at one fifteen, the second is reported at the DNC, And the US Attorney said today he thought they were diversionary, which means they were an effort to pull first responders away from the Capitol at the very time frame that they were breaching on to the Capitol, so it would further weaken security at that site. And all of this goes to I'm sorry, it's a long answer. It all goes to the idea of premeditation and coordination among individuals. And now to that chilling new report that there was an FBI internal report the day before the siege warning of a violent war at the Capitol. In new reporting that the FBI received a very specific warning before the riot. Let's bring in CBS as Jeff the Gays, who's been reporting all day, good evening, Jeff or that FBI notice warned a war at the Capitol, but for some reason, security wasn't stepped up there to meet the challenge that that attack would pose on how much of it was was planned, how much of this was strategized ahead of time. People wandering around exercising their First Amendment rights don't bring ropes and ladders and sledgehammers to a spontaneous event. This was a planned assault, as if going after a castle. A week before. One week before the week prior to the insurrection, I started to get text messages that I needed to be careful and that in particular I needed to be careful about the six And those text messages came from other members of Congress. They were not threats, but they were other members saying that they knew premeditated planned attacks. They plotted, they planned, they schemed. The FBI was warned, and nobody did anything. Nobody Why Why that's our capital, We the that's the countries, this is these are our institutions. Why didn't they do anything, you know, a prepared assault. So that takes the entire argument, the entire article of the snap impeachment, and it disintegrates it because that is the argument. So the defense has three arguments, three main arguments, and it really isn't that hard. One is the constitutionality to no jurisdictions. No, there's nobody to remove from any office here. Do they have jurisdiction over a private citizen? The answer is no, because he's not in office. So that is a fairly simple argument. We've we've argued that, we've had on more experts analyzing, analyzing that for you again and again. Now you move, then they'll move to the whole issue. This was all premeditated, that they planned these attacks, that there were warnings, intelligence that was all missed, a planned assault on the Capitol, All right, Now, Well that doesn't get every MAGA person that was at the rally off the hook. Well, if you look at the size of the crowd that showed up at the Washington Monument, it was massive. Now they knew the night before because I remember Dan Scovino tweeting out, we can hear you in the West wing of the White House, they heard all the people that had been there the night before that were there in Washington to go to the rally, so law enforcement had plenty of knowledge that the crowd was likely to be large, while the crowd at the Washington Monument for the rally was huge. And then then they're going to focus on, Okay, well, if this is now the definition and this is where you know, this is the this is the slam dunk end of this case. Forty five senators are voted to end the impeachment show trial predetermined outcome, not constitutional, no jurisdiction over a private citizen. You can't remove somebody from an office they don't hold. And doesn't matter to Democrats because this is cathartic to get out there any remaining rage. It's sort of like the last Rocky, you know, and his brother in law was saying, Rocko, Rocko, clean out the basement, you know, get rid of whatever demons just you still have in there. While they're sort of cleaning out the last refuge of rage, psychosis and Trump hate here, and then they're gonna get into this whole thing about the Democrats and the things that they've said. I mean, I mentioned a number of people. I mentioned Kamala Harris, I mentioned Joe Biden. I think you can add probably shifty, you know, the corrupt congenital liar Adam Schiff. Maxiem Waters has called for harassment and violence against the president, his staffers, his abinet, and others talk about I'm gonna take Trump out tonight. All of these these moments. Well, now, if this is the definition of insurrection, then that that same standard has to apply to everybody. Chuck Schumer threatening to US Supreme Court justices, Corey Booker go to the hill, get up and please get up in some of the faces of some congress people you know who talks about taking a president behind the gym to beat the hell out of them. You imagine if I ever said that about any Democratic president. I never, by the way, I never would never ever. Political differences are different, are quite different. In the context of the precinct burnt to the ground in Minneapolis, that goes to the Kamala Harris part. You know, nearly every media outlet now and the FBI end court documents, and Congresswoman Alexandria Cassio Cortez that this was all premeditated, pre planned and they're giving the details of such because that would then mean there was you know, and you can go to the president's words. They're going to spend a lot of time. The President said to fight, like hell, are you're gonna lose your country? Okay, I got a montage of Democrats saying fight, fight, fight. You want to hear them, I'll play it again if you want to hear it's Congress about this weight. We keep fighting. We're going to keep fighting and fighting and fighting for this. That doesn't mean we don't fight. I think we have to fight harder than every We know. This is going to be a hard fight. It's going to be a competitive fight. We should dream big, fight hard, and take back our country. This is the fight of our lives. Stand up and fight for the best of who we are. And I'm prepared to fight, and I know how to fight, but I'm ready for that fight. Increasing numbers of people are ready for that fight. Stand up and fight for democracy. Will fight every day until he is in peace. There's only two ways to win a fight. You can win a fight through submission or through exhaustion. We can't just imagine a better future. We've got to fight for him. We continue to fight for a progressive agenda in our future. That's what we're fighting against when we fight Republicans and Congress who don't want to pass legislation. Now, this is time for every single one of us to get up and fight for our country. This new a freshman class in Congress has got to come in and really set the agenda and fight fight, fight, fight, fight fight. Well, authorities, the FBI will warrant about an impending war at the Capitol that was being planned even weeks in advance. How did they miss the intelligence? Why didn't they react to the intelligence. Why didn't they accept the president's offer for National Guard troops? Why did they deny the Capitol police chief the guard groups that he asked for before? And Dorry, you know you've got a new network now, this comprehensive analysis. New York Post had a story today a sprawling network of federal and local law enforcement across the US is designed to stave off these terrorist threats. They failed to protect the capital. We can't have that in this country in a post nine to eleven world. I don't want anybody to have to live through any of these moments. Again, we need to secure our institutions, and yes, every elected official you know, and the idea that officials didn't act on intelligence. Why not? The Wall Street Journal said yesterday intelligence that they had included warnings from federal local law enforcement quote fusion centers around the country warning of protesters traveling to DC with weapons. The Wall Street Journal reported, citing internal documents viewed by the newspaper, FBI Field Office was warned by federal and local agencies handling security for the protest and demonstrations, sharing maps of the capital, and that the actual call for war. Despite the warnings, the intelligence arm of the Department of Homeland Security route, well, there's nothing significant to report in the January fifth memo to law enforcement. As a result, security forces in DC were not prepared for what was we now know premeditated and planned that day. We know, according to the Journal, that the heads of these fusion centers as they call them, where local law enforcement share intelligence with federal authorities. They hosted a call on January fourth warning about the number of participants planning to bring weapons. The intelligence was shared with the DC Fusion Center, and in turn, the offices were tasked with providing the security for January six, Department of Homeland Security didn't answer the journal's questions if it took any action based on the call, while the FBI said it held a separate call to brief other law enforcement officials. Why didn't they bring in all of their guys and insist the National Guard needed to be called up. They also pointed out and highlighted our the FBI Field Office Norfolk, Virginia pointed to a message board where one user was urging protesters to go there quote ready for war, sharing maps of the Capitol Complex. That intelligence was shared with the Joint Terrorism Task Force in DC, not acted upon by the FBI. According to the report, this is this is. You know, we have a lot of enemies as a country, may have a lot of disagreements as Americans, but we're one America, We're United States of America, and one thing we need to agree on is we need to keep our country safe. And all these other battles become quite insignificant when you have people that are planning such an attack. I glad you with us our two Sean Hannity's show, David shown, friend of this program, who is the President's lawyer, has now begun. The arguments now that the first part of this is arguing over the constitutionality. There'll be a motion to dismiss after this, and that will represent the floor of where this will ultimately end. In other words, if you get the forty five votes that Rampaul's motion got prior to this, that would mean that forty five Republican Senators, which we would expect, vote again after the motion to dismissed, not to impeach the president. Then that would mean that this is an exercise and futility with the complete, full, predetermined outcome. Before we get to Jordan Seculo and Greg Jarrett getting the legal arguments here, let's go to our friend. You recognize his voice. They it shown who just started turning up the heat pretty early. They tell us that we have to have this impeachment trial such as it is, to bring about unity. But they don't want unity, and they know this so called trial will tear the country in half, leaving tens of millions of Americans feeling left out of the nation's agenda as dictated by one political party that now holds the power in the White House and in our national legislature. But they're proud Americans who never quit getting back up when they're down, and they don't take dictates from another party based on partisan force feeding. This trial will tear this country apart, perhaps like we have only seen once before in our history. And to help the nation heal, we now learn that the house managers, in their wisdom, have hired a movie company and a large law firm to create, manufacture, and splace for you, a package designed by experts to chill and horrify you and our fellow Americans. They want to put you through a sixteen hour presentation over two days, focusing on this as if it were some sort of blood sport. And to what end for healing, for unity, for accountability, not for any of those, for they surely they are much better ways to achieve each. It is again for pure, raw, misguided partisanship that makes them believe playing to our worst instincts somehow is good. They don't need to show you movies to show you that the riot happened here. We will stipulate that it happened and you know all about it. This is a process fueled irresponsibly by base hatred by these house managers and those who gave them their charge, and they are willing to sacrifice our national character to advance their hatred and their fear that one day they might not be the party in power. They have a very different view of democracy and freedom from justice Jackson Vance. At one point, David Shown just leveled them and I was actually surprised by this. Came out with, Yeah, okay, what does impeachment basically mean to the Democrats? Nothing, with dates starting from pretty much day one in January of twenty seventeen, just as small. We have a big montage we use, but it's small montage of impeacham, impeacham, impeacham, impeach is all they've ever wanted to do. Country knows this at this point, but let's play that part assident. In snap impeachment process, the House of Representatives denied every attribute of fundamental constitutional due process that Americans correctly have come to believe is part of what makes this country so great. How and why did that happen? It is a function of the insatiable lust for impeachment in the House for the past four years. Consider this. I want to say this for Donald Trump, who I may well be voting to impeach. Donald Trump has already done a number of things which legitimately raised the question of impeachment. I don't respect this president, and I will fight every day until he is impeached. That is grounds to start impeachment proceedings. Those are grounds to start impeachment. Those are grounds to start impeachment proceedings. Yes, I think that's grounds to start impeachment proceeding. I rise today, mister Speaker, to call for the impeachment of the President of the United States of America. I continue to say, mpay tub M page forty five and pay forty five. So we're calling upon the House to begin impeachment hearings immediately on the impeachment Donald Trump, which you vote yesterday? I would vote yes. I would vote. I would vote because we're gonna go in there. We're gonna impeach some other. But the fact is I introduced articles of impeachment in July of twenty seventeen. If we don't impeach this president, he will get reelected. Most requires me to be for impeachment. Having impeachment hearing that he's the scarlet pilt his chest. The Representatives should begin impeachment proceedings against this president. It is time to st impeachment charges against him, bringing impeachment charges. My personal view is that he richly deserves impeachment, me Ley, and we already to impeach the It's been four straight years of this. I assume emotion to dismiss follows, and we will then get what will be a floor meaning then not going to get seventeen Republicans to go along with this. Joining us Greg Jarrett, host of his new podcast The Brief, author of two New York Times number one bestsellers. Jordan's Seculo, executive director for the American Center for Law and Justice, co host of The j Secular Live, author of the best seller of The Next Red Wave. Thank you both for being here. I'm watching David Shoam. We know him well on this program, Greg Jarrett, and pretty powerful open so far from what I see, I can't really watch the rest of it. David has really put the matter in proper perspective and done so persuasively and compellingly. And he needed to do that. I mean it, you know. Jamie Raskin and the lead house manager on behalf of Democrats, took just three minutes into his opening argument before he queued up the graphic video of the mob and blamed it on Trump when Trump, at one point in time said, you know, we need to fight like hell for our country. Trump was using the term figuratively, not literally, and Askin knows that Democrats know that. And they, by the way, greg I just played in the last hour for this show a montage of Democrats saying fight, I'm gonna fight, We'll fight, We'll fight. You know common term. I mean, how many times have lawmakers on the floor of Congress said we're going to fight this, We're gonna fight that. And of course they don't mean it literally, they mean it figuratively, So they're taking it wholly out of context and conveniently leaving out of the cliffs what Trump really said to the crowd that was gathered, act peacefully and patriotically when you march down to the Capitol. So it was a setup. It was cleverly put together by a movie company. And this is all intended to stoke and gin up emotion. Why because they lack merit on the case in earnest, you know, Jordan Seculo adding to that, you know, there are three aspects of this, and today's argument is the constitutionality. Although David Shone did discuss the fact with a snap impeachment that had been no investigation, we now have all of the details of a massive intelligence failure that occurred. And in other words, we know this was premeditated. These were plans attacked. There was a plot, scheme planning. The FBI, they go in a great detail, had been specifically warned and didn't do a thing about it. And even a New York Post piece today that you have an admitted Black Lives Matter of supporter John Sullivan just got slapped with additional charges. We're playing a primary role in instigating violence during the January sixth Capitol riot, according to their reporting. So you know that's aspect number two. That well, the snap impeachment, but it was preplanned. It wasn't a spontaneous quote insurrection incited by the words of Donald Trump. And lastly, what about the insurrection as language that I play often of the Democrats themselves. Yeah, well, I mean, Sean, this is a continuation, this impeachment. And I was on the floor the first one on that legal team of what is we call in law, especially in international law. But it's certainly been experienced by this president as laws there and he's going through it right now. And it's not just the impete the second impeachment Maller, the first impeachment of a phone call that thirty five other people are on. He's got das, he's got the Georgia's Secretary of State referring a phone call to a DA. There, he's got tax. You know, the tax issue still is in question. The New York DA, the New York Attorney General Florida is going after for where he lives. I mean, it is non stop. They cannot let go of a former president. And you know that that again, I think plays into the argument of he's not looking too. It's not like you can escape the legal system by leaving offices president. In fact, when you leave offices president, the legal system can come at you one hundred miles per hour quicker than it could before because of the protections you have while you're president. And this idea that he's this January exception, I know they wanted to, you know, do something that could give it a hashtag going. That is not the case. If the president is even believed to be guilty of inciting insurrection, as David Shone said, he should be in handcuffs. You know, he should be he should be getting knocked on the door. None of that has occurred, even because all those prosecutors know, even the ones that hate him, that they're not going to be able to meet any of those standards in a court of law. So they're trying to do an impeachment by arguing they have a constitutional authority to try a private citizen, but that they can ignore it First Amendment rights. I mean, that's going to be part of their second argument here is that it's really the First Amendment doesn't apply. When you're president. You're held to a higher standard, and no one has helped to a higher standard than the Constitution itself, including those members. And so yes, they can try to show video. I think it shows desperation. The House managers have gotten caught. And I think you already hear parts of how they're going to take part their entire article of impeachment. That it was written wrong, they didn't actually lacked the process, that they rushed this, that they a month and a half later, this is not the same and the people don't feel the same. And why are we talking about you know, Donald Trump every day now for the next week and a half and in the whole lead up to this instead of what the Biden administration is trying to accomplish. And it's because of that fear the President Trump and his supporters and I think the word was used cancel out the cancel culture. They want to cancel this president and they want to somehow cancel the supporters. You know, you could shut down his Twitter account, but you can't shut down seventy five million people and their views aren't going to change, and in fact, you're reminding them about why they have these views so constitutionally. You know, It's like even Senator corn and Center, I keep going back to it. They go down this road and they they'll hold this vote today and yes, it will show that the president cannot will not be impeached, He'll be acquitted again, he'll be vindicated again. But they will go down a road that now opens the door for Republican Center to say, you know what, and the you know, a Republican House to say, you know what, Barack Obama with that test and furious where people got killed, is he directly responsible? What about the i RS targeting of conservative groups? That's that's certainly a high crime and misdemeanor. Do we now impeach him for just the purpose of going through it, and maybe then we get a vote on so he can't hold office anymore. To take the advance, take away all his advantages of being a former president, like his security. You know that's an issue here too. Take you away your security, take you away your your ability to keep your family safe. Uh. That that is that that again will be part of the I think the bigger argument here, but today all about the zop that happens. It seems like both sides now we're shunning witnesses. Yeah, there woul any live witnesses. They're simply manufacturing a case of emotion via videotape by a professional film company. That's that's what democrats and the house managers are doing. They're playing to emotion, not to facts, not to evidence. Now we know that there is compelling evidence that the attackers plan their assault days and weeks in advance. This is evidence collected by the FBI. It's impossible for a person to incite a pre planned event. And so this just underscores how Nancy Pelosi hastily crafted sloppy article of impeachment charging Trump with incitement where there's no actual evidence of incitement. Nowhere to the president advocator direct to supporters to launch an assault of the nation's cattle, to attack police, to threaten lawmakers, and commit destruction of property and looting in vandals. Nowhere, show me where the president said that. And Democrats will say, well, you know there are clips of people who say they were inspired by the president. Well, that's irrelevant. This is a specific intent crime called incitement. You have to intend it. Nowhere did the president intend that? Look at his words. It's not how people perceive the president president's words, but what he said and what he intended. There is no incitement case. Yeah, your take. How does it end? Jordan's secular all right, it ends with the president being acquitted and vindicated. Yet again they're trying to tarnish him and his supporters. They don't really care about the end game. I think they care more about just showing the videos, trying to tarnish him for the mid terms and the effect he could have on that. They're barely hanging on to power in the House of the Senate and and so I think tho, again, it's going to end in acquittal. We're going to see that base vote, Like you said, very soon if the forty five remain the Democrat the house managers know they've lost already. That's why I think that that the witness issue is probably not going to happen because neither side wants, especially the Democrat side, that were Honestly, I think the presidents I could call a lot of witnesses to talk about exactly what Greg just said. Is it all this was pre planned? That we had all this intel is a failure by the Sergeant of Arms, the failure of these other policing departments to put enough security in place. And for God's sakes, if we had to ban if we can't use the word fight in political rhetoric, then none of them read all of the fundraising emails you get from both sides of the aisle using that kind of language. And if I say, well that that encouraged media. That's the reason why I punched my neighbor who's a Democrat, or that's the reason by democrat neighbor punched me. That is not the country we want to live in when we care about the freedom of speech, which they are trying to trample on him. That's the second part of this trampling on our first amendment. Right, Yeah, no, you're right on all points, as are you. Greg. All right, Jordan's seculo, Greg God Jared, thank you when we come back. Congressman Andy Biggs on this shift show sharade as we continue all right twenty five till the top of the hour, impeachment Shift Sham Sharade Show. And it's everything we predicted with the predetermined outcome. It's pretty amazing the underlying seam of the impeachment charge of inciting insurrection. We're spending a lot of time on this because the Democrats they're only singularly focused on, well, only one riot that they cared about over the last year, and the only one they cared about. There were a lot of them last year, but the one they cared about was in DC. And their argument is an incitement towards insurrection, And well, we had riots all summer in the biggest cities run by liberal Democrats. Homicides were up thirty percent last year in a period over the summer. We had police precincts occupied and others burned to the ground. We had city blocks occupied, chaz chop autonomous, Summer of love, spaghetti potluck dinner zones where people died New York City, a portion of which, yes, would be rep all of which is represented by Chucky, and part of which is represented by say Congress Homan A Casio Cortez, the real speaker of the House. Yeah, they recorded a record four hundred and sixty two murders last year. That's up forty five percent from the prior year. They had a ninety seven percent increase in the number of shootings last year. We know in New York, for example, ninety six percent of people shot were African American or Latino. And if the people shot, you know, by it weren't being shot by the comps. But the thing is, so they care about Remember, the silence was deafening. The comments of Kamala Harris the insurrection in citing comments they're not gonna stop. They shouldn't stop. They won't stop. You better be where you better take note on both levels. It's not gonna we shouldn't stop. That was after the police precinct that Minneapolis was burned to the ground. That's that's after the writing that was going on there and elsewhere, you know. So let's just take a little bit of some of the incitement insurrection language of the hypocritical democrats in terms of all of the other riots that took place in the last year. And then we'll dovetell it into the sounds of what actually happened as during and after the rhetoric was being used by them. And you decide, let punch some people in the face when they sit to the store and people start doing no white House, Your white house must die, the white House, White House, President, Bernie. They must go the house now more than ever. We must choose to fight. We must choose to resist. We must choose to stand up. Who are we believing teacher kids to throw that cup part in the garbage about to go, that has about to go. This fight will be long, This fight will be difficult. And so I call on everybody standing here, those that can hear my voice, that we now must be determined to fight to the long hall. All right there it is, Oh, you have a direct reaction response to the incitement, the insurrectionist language of the left and the riots that they ignored, that they never talked about, that nobody ever got impeached over. That was going on pretty much most of the summer anyway. Congressman Andy Biggs is with US CO chair Border Security Caucus representative from Arizona. By the way, we'll get to some of your calls this half hour. Eight hundred and nine for one. Sean is our number, and Congressman, I think we could have the exact same impeachment for Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, who wants to beat the hell out of Trump when he's the president, Chuck Schumer threatening Supreme Court Justice Kamala Harris. You know, after the police precinct burn and the rioting, they're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop. We shouldn't stop. Nancy Pelosi. We could take her back to her Wisconsin days and her support of the rioting in that capital. And Maxie Waters that takes the cake. I'm going to take Trump out tonight. So I think we have a lot of hypocrisy on display here, Pushan. There's never a shortage of hypocrisy in Washington, DC. But you're seeing the two tier system. I mean that what this is all about is nothing about January sixth. That was the pretext to do what they've always want to do. They just want to continue to hassle Donald Trump and they would like to racist legacy his good policies, everything, And you're right. I mean we hear, we have heard language all summer long. Don't forget. You've got the new representative from Missouri who says that the prison right, the jail right, was just a bunch of her constituents and she wants to get in there and help them out and make sure they're all right. That's the type of a thing that's going on up here constantly. So so we can't be surprised at what we're hearing so far in the in the impeachment hearing. It's just not a surprise at all. And it's the double standard is hobbyists. Now, I don't think that the president and we already know what the outcome is. It's a predetermined outcome. So they're putting on a show and they've got their tapes and they got their pictures. But now we know something that's very critical and factual and relevant to the whole snap impeachment. Why you don't have a snap impeachment, you actually need an investigation, and that is that we now have all the evidence. We have court documents, we have Congresswoman Acasto Cortez for that matter, We now have FBI, we have investigators and intelligence and videos of what was a pre planned an event that was planned and plotted and schemed way in advance and then orchestrated by those people responsible. Now other did some people that went to the rally, did they join in? Yes? Is that Donald Trump's fault? Well, he said to peacefully, patriotically march to the Capitol so your voices will be heard. I don't think you have a case to make there, So you're exactly right. I mean, they we had two hours of debate in the House, and that's we need to find out what Nancy Pelosi knew, what Chuck Schumer knew when they knew it. There there's not been a complete investigation here, and so what we have found out is that there were I mean, you don't have a pipe bond that just shows up hours before President Trump speaks as part of this coordinated attack on the Capitol. I mean, and it was coordinated and the President was still speaking when the capital is already being breached. So so to say that he incited something, it's against the standard that we know is the law, and it's also against the timeline and the facts and the reasonable standard here. So in reality, what you've got is you've got people who rushed to a judgment, and they rushed to a judgment because they hate this former now former president Trump so badly that they're willing to say or doing anything, and they actually hate those of us who support Preston Trump as well. How ironic is it that they have a guy leading their impeachment team from your body, the House of Representatives, Jamie Raskin, who is a very guy who challenged the results of the twenty sixteen election. And then you got a guy that sits on the House Intelligence Committee, Swalwell, that we now know had a long term relationship with Fang Fang, the Chinese spy. How does he how does he manage to survive all of this? You know, Sean, it would be laughable. But in order to really appreciate irony, you have to be able to know shame, and these people don't know shame. So so you're right, Raskin was the was objected in twenty seventeen to one of the States certifying he got Swalwell and his issues. You've got other people on there on that committee that just really don't have any business being there. And the reality is it is ironic. It is laughable. But they don't know that because they don't know shame, they're not embarrassed by it. They should be embarrassed, but they're not. Well, I don't think that's the case. All right, So Democrats from all my sources, they're more afraid of this, seemingly than Republicans. Doesn't look like witnesses on either side are going to be called. So at that point, is this all over? Because I understand Tim came maybe Susan Collins and others say well, we might move on to the fourteenth Amendment or censure? Is that dead on arrival? Also, and what's the process for that? Well, I think the impeachment is going to be Uh, that's a company. It's not going to happen, no conviction, but the censure, um, you know that that might happen. That that might happen because it takes my understanding, it takes a smaller vote on the majority. Uh. They a lot of people say well, we should, we should come after him for some reason. I do think though, that they're going to be swimming upstream at that point because the tide and momentum will the tide will have gone out on him. This is the this is their big moment. It's failing and it will fail, and to do anything more would just make them look even more petty, even more amazingly weak than they already appear. And Sean just never forget I never forget this. How would it be to have Donald Trump living in your head every day so that you know you're going to lose this, but you say, okay, well we'll try something else. That's that's kind of what's going on. And the tide is going out on him. The momentum is lost. Well, I think the country is going to see this and they're gonna say enough's enough. But okay, thank you, Congressman Andy Biggs Arizona. We appreciate you being will US eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Joe in the great state of Ohio. What's up, Joe? How are you glad you called? Sir? Good John? How are you doing today? I'm good, sir. What's up? Hey? Two things real quick? First of all, about the election, you know, completely unconstitutional. I don't understand how they think they're gonna impeach a guy that's already out of office. Best president ever in my opinion. Anyhow. Secondly, you know, I'm real worried about our country. We're essentially teaching the next generation here that it's okay to lie, cheat, and manipulate the system. We have a guy in office that you know, we don't know if there was fraud. We don't know for sure because nobody investigated. Our government didn't investigate. And I think it's a shame. It's really a shame. It's a it's just a how do you have a snap impeachment? And now look at what's coming out? A snap in thing about this? A snap impeachment where you don't even do you do no informational background, there's no research whatsoever. Now we're discovering that all of this apparently there were organizers that plotted, planned, and scheme the whole thing. Come opening videotape. Then you listen to Trump's words, not the distorted montages that they're putting out or putting up. Well, his his tweets that he that he had out there and saying, well he said that the election was stolen, or the president said to fight like hell. Well, we've montaged over and over again all the Democrats saying fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, so that's kind of a common term used in all of politics. And yeah, they'll waste our time, they'll waste our money. But there looked even the Democrats sense deep down inside. The longer this goes on, the worse it is for them, and especially because everybody knows the outcome. So why are they doing it? Because they want their lad They want to squeeze their last bit of rage and spew it on him as But they're not governing the country, they're not making there's a nine percent poll out today that people only nine percent think that the economy under Biden is getting better. Okay, I think the American people are speaking loudly. Fix the economy, get aid to people that need it, open up the economy, start distributing the vaccine in an organized fashion. So that's on them they, you know, if they want to be small, if they want to be petty, as predictably is usually the case, and then let them go do their thing. That's their thing, that's what they like to do, that's what they're good at. Let me come back, News rounds up, information overload. All right, we'll get to the legal arguments, which are really weak, pathetic, The pure hypocrisy, double standard that we've been watching unfold as the beginning of what is now I guess, I guess this goes on to Monday on study the night, maybe next week into the They say the sixteenth is the vote. So not exactly a long period of time the last impeachment at this time last year. Remember, they weren't focused on coronavirus when Donald Trump was. And I guess this be just their annual event, Republican President February impeachment trial, because this is the Democrats. They're doing so much to help your economic situation. They're doing so much to help your personal income. They're doing so much to help workers by firing everybody and sending out pink slips and promising billions of jobs in the New Green Deal industry. No jobs available, but they're going to focus on this, all right, So we'll get to that. Also. Mark Hemingway, investigative reporter, Real Clear Investigations is here. We'll get to that and your calls next hour eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern the News and Information. The media mob will never give you quick break right back. Investigation at the deadly insurrection at the US capital a week ago at new evidence that it was planned. Also shocking new We're pointing that the FBI receeemed a very specific warning before the riot at I notice warned of war at the Capitol, but for some reason security wasn't stepped up there to meet the challenge that that attack would hoax. That there was an FBI internal report the day before the siege warning of a violent war at the Capitol. The FBI admitting that it had intelligence before the insurrection that people were planning to travel to DC with the intent to cause violence. All right, there you have it. Yeah, all of a sudden, we're finding out, Oh man, a lot of this happened ahead of time, and a lot of this, well I can't believe this, but it looks like people plotted and planned and schemed and orchestrated an attack on the Capitol. Now, did some the one percent, as I say, of the people that attended the rally, join in and violate the law. Absolutely, those people are going to be in trouble, yep, every one of them. But the fact is that there were warnings left and right, and we now know that the Capitol police had requested how many six separate times that the guard be called up. We also know we've also learned that in fact, Mark Meadows saying that the President, the President Trump at the time, offered to deploy ten thousand National Guard troops ahead of January sixth. He said that to Maria on her Sunday program Sunday Morning Futures, and he said, yeah, yeah. Trump had been vocal about offering Capital police and National Guard presidents at the Capitol on multiple occasions last month. He was rebuked every time. We know, not only in January, but throughout the summer. The President was vocal of making sure we had plenty of National Guard troops and additional support because he supports the rule of law and law enforcement, and offered all the additional help, and in January offered as many as ten thousand troops and they were told to be on the ready by the Secretary of Defense, a direct order from the President. Well, that puts a whole different spin on things, and you know, so I think that kind of lays out and kind to bear all of the things that the Democrats have been arguing. Joining us now is Mark Hemingway he's a senior writer for real clear investigations. We'll get his take on this shift show, this show trial with a predetermined outcome. The rest of the nation's trying to get back to work, trying to pay their mortgages, their rent and deal with draconian shutdowns and get a hold of the virus that's been mismanaged by many democratic governors around the country. Mark, thanks for joining us, glad to be here. Let's talk about your take on this about democratic impeachment managers suppressing witnesses and other tactics to protect Biden and allow you know, his media supporters to later cast allegations on some other things. We'll get to that, but what's your take on this on the current impeachment. You know, well, it ties into what happened with the first impeachment. I mean, part of the problem we're dealing with right now is that by violating so many standards of process and transparency with the first impeachment, we have a situation here where Democrats have politicized and cheapened this second impeachment proceeding to the point where, you know, we have a situation where most modern Republicans in this Senate are already saying that this is a farce and we know that there's no point in going through this because he's he's going to be acquitted. But you know, secondarily, the impeachment was one of our most solemn processes for holding a democrat of the elected leaders of accountable, and now it's just being seen completely as a politicized process that doesn't mean anything. You know, you've written extensively about, for example, the first impeachment, and what I could never understand in all of that, with all of the witnesses, they were all hearsay witnesses. Has all started because of not a real whistle blower, but a hearsay whistle blower that was anonymous. On top of everything else. Meanwhile, the whistle blowers post election that saw irregularities with the election process were completely ignored by the media, which I think is a double standard. But all of the you had hearsay, a hearsay whistle blower anonymous, You had hearsay witnesses, and you had opinion witnesses. You had only one fact witness correct me, Mark Emmingway if I'm wrong. And then one fact witness that talked to Donald Trump said no quid pro quo, none at all, he wants nothing. That was the exact phrase. Now, Joe Biden's on tape leveraging a billion US tax dollars to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor that he knew, we all know now was investigating his zero experience fifty year old son hunter who was being paid millions. Now, why didn't that rise to the level of impeachment. Well, that was a key aspect of the first impeachment and why it was such a farcet in so many ways, which is to say, if the Biden family had corruption issues, then you know, the truth would have been a defense for Donald Trump in the impeachment proceeding, would it not have? I mean, it would have been perfectly reasonable for the president, under national security grounds to ask, you know, whether or not you know Joe Biden and his family were leveraging their political connections to engage in corrupt financial dealings. But that was never allowed to be a question that was addressed in the first impeachment, and in fact, they specifically went out of their way to hide in in questions about it. Adam Shift deposed all of the witnesses except for the first one that you already mentioned who you know, sort of embarrassed Shift by establishing that there was no qui pro quo and quite convincingly. And after that first witness, Shift deposed every person in the House impeachment trial in such a manner that it was done under a secretive testimony and Republicans could not talk about what was that witness said under questioning without facing ethnic charges when it was over. Meanwhile, they were leaking the one sided testimony transcripts they were giving beforehand, so the press could run wild with this one sided speculation. I mean, impeachment, like I said again, it was supposed to be a solemn process for holding people accountable and it was completely non transparent. I mean, who could trust that after what they had been through? And now we're a situation here where Democrats are demanding more accountability, but the well is still poison that there's no reason for Republicans to go along with because they cannot trust Democrats to run a fair impeachment process. Well they can't, I mean, if we're going to be honest about this, And I just got into this in the last half hour or the last hour, my friend Andy Biggs, and then the point that we were making with him, is that when you take the language of the left and the utter silence of the left in terms of the last impeachment, it is kind of amazing because there was a lot of riots that took place in the last year, and this seems to be the only one that they really cared about. We had police precincts burned to the ground, We had police officers over twenty twenty five hundred or so injured. We had nearly thirty people dead as a result of the rioting. And what did we hear, you know, people like Kamala Harris saying you better beware, you better take note. On both levels, they're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop, and we shouldn't stop. Is that insurrection as language? You would think? So? Um, there were you know, you forgot. There were sixty Secret Service agents injured in a single night of writing at the White House trying to protect the president. The president had be moved to a secure location. That was not a cause for urgency, That was not a symbolic attack on a few of democracy. You know, that was never regarded as anything. You know that that was not regarded as a crisis, and it perhaps it should have been you know, certainly by the standards of what we're treating would happen on January sixth, which you know, I agree was a very serious thing. But so you're absolutely right. The duplicity and the double standards here again make it very hard for the average citizen to look at what's going on, to look at the process and say, you know what, this is fair, and they're probably concluding the opposite. You know, when when riots happen, when Republicans do it, it's it's the end of democracy. When you know, the entire media establishment buys in and the entire corporate establishment buys in, it supports ongoing riots you know across you know, dozens and dozens of US cities that you know, do billions of dollars in damage, you know, you know, killed dozens of people. Um, that's okay, um. And I just don't see how we get through this current impeaching process about people, a significant number of voters being discussed by the duplicity at least. Yeah, I mean, it's it's pretty an amazing it's really an amazing time, you know, And you can add some other issues here that begin to flow from all of this. The double standard, the hypocrisy, which is pretty breathtaking. Um, then you go back to the first impeachment. Now you've got a federal criminal investigation for possible tax fraud as it relates to you know, fifty year old to Biden. Then yeah, big tech censoring the New York Post story, you know, with accompanying picture. And I'm told other far worse pictures, but the one that they printed had a hunter asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth, barely a word about it. And it's it's pretty amazing to me that that goes under the radar by so many others. And you know, here you are an investigative reporter and you do the comparison objectively. You tell me, am, I being too conservative here to prejudice in my outlook in life. Well, you know, I don't think so, I mean. And again it goes back to the first impeachment. You know, we weren't allowed to ask any questions publicly about Biden impeached abou about Biden corruption and whether or not this was a problem. No, we didn't have any sort of like public hearing on these issues. And not only not be public hearing in these issues. Once we got through impeachment. Basically, the word had gotten out. These Democrats suppressed asking questions about corruption. By the time the New York Post runs around in the heart of the campaign, everyone's decided that the questions about Biden corruption have been and asked and answered. So they completely suppressed the New York Post story to the point where they think the you know, absolutely stunning, you know, move where they censor it on social media online. Biden eats out the narrowest victory of forty thousand votes spread across three states, and then, you know, barely two months after election, we come to find out that, oh, by the way, there has been an ongoing Justice Department investigation in Joe Hunter Biden's corruption for years. And oh, by the way, you know, we we already had, in the heat of the campaign, knowledge of one man coming forward and saying that Joe Biden is personally involved in this, you know, and even now no one's asking any questions. He's the president now. So if you if you were at least gonna, you know, pretend to, you know, try and swing the election for Biden, you know, you could at least, you think, take a breather and go back to doing your regular journalistic responsibility of holding the guy in power responsible. Now we have a serious, you know, interest in knowing whether or not the President of the United States is in any way beholding to these business dealings that Hunter Biden was making with foreign governments, including China. You know, this is a very very serious matter, and journalists need to take the responsibility to getting to the bottom of that very very seriously. Let me ask you about another real clear investigation that has to do with how Democrats crafted the first impeachment helping, you know, and the impact it had on twenty twenty in the in the help of the media, and more specifically, you know, if you look at the razor thin swing state margins. Perhaps am I wrong in thinking that if the American people had access to a lot of the information that was suppressed on behalf of Joe Biden by big tech, by the news media, the mob as I call them, Is it a leap to think that that could have swung the election in Trump's favor? Oh not at all. I mean, there's been polling that has shown basically that there's a you know that almost certainly Biden would have lost if it had been sort of widely discussed. You know, there were polls that showed the huge numbers of Biden voters weren't even aware of the Hunter Biden corruption stuff. It was so successfully blocked out by this you know sort of you know, hit huge word but collusion between the Democratic Party and the media. And I have no doubt that it would have made a massive difference in the election if the press had been fair and in terms of you know, covering that stuff. And we all know if there had been this kind of corruption involving one of the Trump kids, you know, the media would have you know, gone overboard on top of that. You know, in November, just at the election, we had reporters like Sam Stein, who I believe is now the White House editor for Politico, like literally spiking the football online and saying that the difference between the Biden story and the Hillary Clinton laptop story. That was the big October's pride of Anthony Weiner back in twenty sixteen was that we made sure that in the media, we made sure that the Hunter Biden laptop story didn't spread out into you know, the mainstream news, and we deliberately made a choice to call it Russian disinformation. And that must have been the difference in the Trump's narrow victory in twenty sixteen and Trump's narrow victory in twenty twenty. He may not have been wrong, but you know, learning just a few weeks later that they had suppressed the true story, you think that would prompt some sort of you know, dramatic reflection upon the media establishment that they went out calling a story that turned out being mark I'm kind of laughing about media reflection or introspection or an examination of their practices. These are the same people that spread nothing but a pure conspiracy theory for three straight years, and they never retracted, They never apologize, they never corrected the record. Yeah, I mean there obviously it's not just the impeachment or Biden corruption. There are any of these number numbers wild good spaces of the media covered at nauseum, Russia being the chief example where you know that might have been the difference in the election too, Wayne, What if they hadn't spent you know, four years saying that Trump was increasonously colluding with Russia. With that of Swan forty thousand votes, I mean, we could just go down the line here, but yes, it is truly alarming. I think the way that the media have decided to basically, you know, cheerlead and you know, compete for Democrats essentially, well said all right, Mark Hemingway, Senior writer, Real Clear Investigations. Thank you, sir for being with us. We appreciate your insight. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, and glad jore with us. We'll get to your calls. Eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, you know, I love taking little trips down memory lane to listen to Democrats and their rank, hypocrisy, the double standard. You know, let's take a little trip down memory lane. Democrats defending Bill Clinton during impeachment. Listen, they aren't driven by hatred. They hate Bill and Hillary Clinton so much they will stop at nothing to bring him down. Because we are here as we are here today, because the Republicans in the House are paralyzed with hatred of President Clinton. And until the Republicans free themselves of this hatred, our country will suffer. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing is that they are ripping from us. They are ripping us under our votes. They are telling us that our votes don't count. This is their president we are talking about, and we in Congress had better be very careful before we upset their decision and make darn sure that our decision to impeach him was based upon principle and not politics. My theory is that when a Republican wins the White House, Democrats will demand payback. All right, let's get to our busy telephones here. Let's say hi. Two, let's see EWA is in Florida? Ewa, Hi, how are you glad you called? Thanks? Sean? I'm Sean. I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions real quick. Number one, why is our taxpayer dollars going to try to impeach somebody who's not even in office? That's number one. Number two, that money could be used for the people and their constituents, and they're wasting all this time on all the circus and they're not helping the people. I mean, what is this really? They should pay the people back for the four years of sham impeachment and pay the people back for what they're trying to do right now. This is coming out of our taxpayer dollars, and it really upsets me. It should upset you because listen, look at all the people they got pink slips thanks to Joe Biden the fifties some odd now executive orders. This is not the people's business that's going on here. You know, this is irrational, psychotic rage, just outright hatred. You know, the danger to the constitution, the whole snap impeachment. Why they would ever validate, legitimize what the House did is unbelievable to me. And because it's not a legitimate process, they race through it in record time. Anyway, I share, I share your feelings. Yeah, I just want to say one more thing before I get, before I go and into You're a busy man, But listen, Trump said I'm going to do these things if you elect me. He has checked off almost every box except draining the deep filled swamp. What has what has the Democrats done? Where's their checklist? What have they checked off that they've done for the people, for America, for our freedoms? Nothing excepts the press on Listen, you're you're right. Every American should be angered at all of this. You know, That's why I keep saying, and people are like, what do you mean you want it to go on for long. Let it go as long as they wanted to go. Let him impeach every day. Let's go for ninety nine more by the time they're done with this one, because every day they do it, that's less damage that they're doing to the American economy. Now, they should be doing things like COVID vaccine distribution, helping small businesses that have been struggling, shut down draconian shutdown measures that have been in place. They should be worried about. Oh, those oil workers, the pipeline workers. No, they'd rather listen to Leonardo DiCaprio now shut down the CODA pipeline. Well, obviously he doesn't have to worry about it himself. It's just sad and anyway, thank you for the call. And then on top of it all, then you got the mob the media now after the snap impeachment. Oh, this was all pre planned? Oh my goodness. Hoof well, I guess the incitement to insurrection charge spontaneous nature of it can't be true if it was pre planned. I got a long montage here. Just listen to the media, you know, having to report on this being pre planned. I want to get to this issue of coordination and premeditation, because only and this is really the leading edge of this investigation. And for the first time today we heard the US Attorney say that he believes the pipe bombs are connected to the riders and that it was a diversionary tactic. So right at the height of this, between twelve forty five and one fifteen, when President Trump is speaking, you have the first group pushing onto the Capitol complex, the first pipe bomb is reported at the RNC headquarters here in Washington. Then at one fifteen the second is reported at the DNC, And the US Attorney said today he thought they were diversionary, which means they were an effort to pull first responders away from the Capitol at the very time frame that they were breaching on to the Capitol, so it would further weaken security at that site. And all of this goes to I'm sorry, it's a long answer. It all goes to the idea premeditation and coordination among individuals been Now to that chilling new report that there was an FBI internal report the day before the siege warning of a violent war at the Capitol. In new reporting that the FBI receivemed a very specific warning before the riot. Let's bring in CBS as Jeff, the gays, who's been reporting all day, good evening, Jeff, or that FBI notice warned of war at the Capitol, but for some reason security wasn't stepped up there to meet the challenge that that attack would post on. How much of it was was planned? How much of this was strategized ahead of time? People wandering around exercising their First Amendment rights don't bring ropes and ladders and sledgehammers to a spontaneous event. This was a planned assault, as if going after a castle. Such rank hypocrisy. All right, let's get back to our phones. Robert, Texas, what's up, Robert? How are you glad you called? Sir? Glad you're in a state that has a well a good decent amount of common sense and decency. D Bless Texas. I got a question for you, God Bless Texas. I agree. So, how is it or why is it that Chief Justice Roberts is not proceeding at this kangaroo court? That's part one. Part two is why doesn't the judicial branch grow a spine and stop this travesty with a nine to zero vote about its constitutionality. You know, they all took an oath to protect, defend, and follow the constitution, and right now they're lying to three hundred and thirty million Americans. They you know, you raise an interesting point. The Chief Justice isn't there for a reason. Now, how would you like to have a quote, impeachment trial or any trial? And the judge is already determined before the start of the trial that you're guilty as hell. Boy, that sounds like the American way, doesn't it. That sounds like a good old American way to me. Unbelievable times. Robert Yep, God bless Texas. Moses Knew Joyce. What's up, Moses? How are you? I'm doing great, Sean. Great to talk to you, my friend. Thank you for taking my call. Thank you all right, So a couple of comments don't want to make Sean, and it's I've seen it, especially after like you know, the events has happened in the last couple of months. But I understand even more clearly now why Trump got elected. It's because of Republican weakness and inaction decades of it. You know, the Republicans don't have to fight back. All they have to do is just simply respond in kind. We've now had two unconstitutional impeachments. We've had Adam Schiff completely destroyed presidents when he comes to impeachment, release phone records of sitting members of Congress, release phone records illegally of lawyers like Rudy Giuliani and other and other private citizens, you know. And now the hypocrisy. You have Alsie Hastings. They're talking about impeachment, right, you have Alcie hey Things, congressan from Florida Democrat who was a judge that was impeached for bribery, and he sits on the Democrat Rules Committee, is the vice chairman. But yet they want to go after but you want to go after Donald Trump, Republicans. What they need to do is attack the establishment, you know, obviously peacefully. Of course. Let me just make that very clear. And I've said this for years. You're onto something here, Moses, and that is yeah, weak Republicans. They helped create Donald Trump, and a lot of them still didn't learn the lesson of Trump. Now, you might have personality differences or stylistic differences, but you can see the passion for the people that went out and by far, record numbers to vote for him for president, and it's fair that you get that much more in terms of voters the second time around. And the reason simple is he made promises and he went literally every day, rolled up his sleeves and fought to keep the promises. Now, can you argue that maybe shouldn't have fought so much on Twitter? Stylistically? You know there is America knew they were electing a disruptor and an iconic classed and frankly, it is probably the cleaning out that the swamp needed. But with that said, do I see Republicans in the House and Senate as willing to fight as he is? No, I don't some, I do see some. I don't see enough. Yep. And that is the problem, you know. And let me tell you something, Sean. You know, I'm a former marine, and it's just like you said, never a former marine, semplify, I've never. Here's the thing. I don't approve of all of the former president's you know, style, his approach. But guess what if I was overseas in Iraq right and our embassy which it was attacked, was attacked, I would rather have President Trump as the commander in chief than any other past president, because he responded within hours with an entire battalion of marines and several helicopters to make sure that there was never going to be another Benghazi. And at the end of the day, it's results that matter, not style. Who do you think if you had the guests, we have a hostile actor, Vladimir Putin, hostile regime Rusher, you have hostile Iranian mulas, you have hostile regime China President She. Who do you think? And they're paying very close attention to America, they're s buying on all of us in all likelihood. Who do you think they fear more? Fear Trump or Biden? And who do you think they think is is the two? Which would they view as a pushover? That's not even a question. You know they fear Trump or more, and they're even bragging about it. What is the last month? You know, your network reported you have Chinese academics right now and the video got taken down a couple of hours later, bragging about the deals that they already put in with Hunter Biden. You know, So whether Joe Biden knows or not, you might maybe he forgot, like legitimately he probably forgot, but he is compromised, you know, and you have to give it a score, if you have to give it a waiting. Joe Biden is far He's done far worse than I've done, far worse that can be proven than anything in Donald Trump has ever been accused of that's not proven. All right, appreciate the call. Thank you very much, Moses Leo in Massachusetts. Leo, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Sean, thank you very much for taking my call, and thanks for being the patriot you are and truth teller. I think I offer a pretty unique persive and for previty fake I'll get right to it. My heart breaks for this country. I served forty years with this government, twenty two reactive duty combat that eighteen with civil service, and I think, thank you, by the way, thank you, thank you for all you've done. No, it was my pleasure to serve. But I will tell you my brothers and sisters right now, we feel like we're being sold out. When did the word patriotism become a dirty word? When did freedom become some kind of invasion technique as as described by the left. When did the woke media come all together with this unholy alliance Dorothy Zukerberg, Bazos Pachai, the whole system to I mean, what I feel is going on is that they're trying to degrade and destroy the will of the American people. And let's face it, we're not represented by our representatives anymore in Congress. They're too worried about their next seats that you know, the very insurrectionists in this country are sitting members of Congress right now. There's a real insurrectionist. Look at this farce that's going on. My heart bleeds and my heart breaks. My brothers and sisters who I'm still in contact with, and the ones I've lost overseas on many many deployments for this country, we all feel the same. We feel like, you know, we've first taken ourselves for a country that doesn't appreciate us, for a government doesn't support us, and for a Congress and administrative branch. It's selling out this country and selling out the very ideal that I and every one of my brothers and sisters stand for. And we all bled the same. When you see a man's legs drifted off, or eyes damned out, or a head explode in the blood, there's no race overseas. There's no race overseas when you're sitting next to a guy defecating in his pants because he's still afraid of what the town's going on, the next roadside bomb that's going off. That's what I want our members of Congress to understand. The millions of us whose heart, whose hearts are breaking to I can tell you this, you speak for a lot of people. What I see saddens me as well. And I worry about our children and our grandchildren. I don't like the road we're going down. It's not gonna end well. I hope I'm wrong. That's gonna wrap things up today, all right. Full coverage opening arguments and the latest impeachment shift show charadeed on Capitol Hill. Chad Program, Alan der Schwitzgraig Jarrett Don Junior Senator Ted Cruz, Tammy Bruce, Joe Conscha, Pete HEGSETH nine Eastern, Set your DVR. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us,