The Witch Hunt Has To Be Over Now, Right?

Published Jul 24, 2019, 10:00 PM

The Democrats got what they wanted with Robert Mueller's testimony before the House today and one thing is for certain, the President has been completely exonerated of all wrongdoing.  Everyone who watched the gavel-to-gavel coverage knows that but does the media?  Sean has the latest on Mueller's testimony plus a response from President Trump!

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Breaking news now here, Sean Hannity, all right, we're going to dip in. I mean, this is just happening moments ago. This has been an utter complete disaster for the Democrats today. Democrats acknowledge it, the media acknowledges it. Muller is over, the witch hunt is officially dead. Let's just dip in the shift Hearing's newness and others. This is pretty amazing, Director Muller. Given your constraints on what you're able or allowed to answer with respect to counterintelligence matters or other matters that are currently open and under investigation, you're not going to be able to answer my remaining questions. So I thank you for your courtesies in the answers that you have given to my prior questions. And I do thank you for your extraordinary career and record of service and yield the balance of my time to the ranking member. Thank you, Thank you, mister Ratcliffe and mister Mohler. Let me associate my words with mister Ratcliffe. Um, a few more questions. I want to clean up a little bit about the Eric Prince Seychelle's meeting. So Eric Prince testified before this committee that he was surveiled by the US government, and the information from the surveillance was leaked to the press. Did you investigate whether Prince was surveiled and whether classified information on him was illegally leaked to the media. You say, did you or will you? Well, well, I know you can't. I know you're not. I can't. You're not going to join it back up in the ranks. But but did you refer were you aware that you know Prince has made these allegations that he was surveiled. He's concerned that there were leaks about this surveillance. Um, did you make any referrals about these I can't I get it in discussion on it. Come also want to General Flynn. I know you came after the leak of his phone call with the Russian ambassador. UM. Your time at at FBI, it would be a major scandal, wouldn't it for the leak of the National Security Advisor and anyone? Und Um did your report name any people who were acting as US government informants or sources without disclosing that fact? I can't answer that. Come. On a volume one, page one thirty three of your report, you state that Constantine Columnic has ties to Russian intelligence. His names came up quite often today, but your report omits to mention that Columnic has long term relationships with the US government officials, including our own State Department. I can't be I can't get into that. I know it's not in the report, but um, you know if Columnic is being used in the report to say that he was possibly some type of Russian Russian agent, and I think it is important for this committee to know if Columnic hast ties to our own State Department, which it appears that he that he does again in the same territory that I'm low to get into him. Come. Um, you were asked this earlier about Trump. Right, let me jump in. That was Congressman Devin Newness. Um. Just basically final clean up. Um, I am going to tell you what we were told this week alone by the biggest liars in the United States Congress. That would be the cowardly Shift and Jerry Nadler, the biggest those that spread the biggest conspiracy theories. We were told again, expectations were laid out that this ZiT Trump's trouble because now we're going to get to the heart of obstruction. You know, this guy Adam Schiff that I've often four hours of airtime. Now he's already done a total of four hundred and nineteen TV interviews alone, over fifty hours pushing his lines in conspiracy theories. This goes down in history as probably the biggest, most epic embarrassment for individual's, end of party, end of media in this country's history. The I mean it is I never thought it could be this bad, as bad as it was today, and that is saying an awful and the things that we have learned today should shock the conscience of every single American because it is abuse of power, corruption, lying, conspiracy theories all in one. And it's not just Sean Hannity, Chris Wallace, a disaster for Democrats, David Axelrod. Literally no wonder Bob Muller needed his aid sitting next to him. Everybody knew that, Bob Muller. Now, if you want to feel sorry for Muller, and I've seen on social media many people feel sorry for Bob Muller, Okay, feel sorry for him for these reasons. He was never up for this job. Up to the job, everybody around him knew it. We found out just recently Andrew Weissman did all the hiring. Andrew Weissman, with his atrocious track record, the guy that yeah, I got tens of thousands of Americans jobs lost because of his prosecutorial misconducting cases and withholding exculpatory evidence. He ran this show. It's obvious he ran this show. Two weeks after Muller's appointed. He's trying to make a deal with the Ukrainian oligarch on a case that was dubious at best, where he was threatening to put this guy in jail. I'll make all of that go away if you give me dirt on Trump. No better than Adam Schiff talking to a guy that he thinks is a Russian getting dirt on Trump. Also Busaba, Yeah, we'll get what is the nature of the compromising material? The pictures of the naked naked pictures of the naked Trump. Did the Vladimir see him? But of course Bladimir Gladimi see the naked pick the Trump Hill? Yeah, yeah, And that idiot was running the hearings in the afternoon. I mean this performance at times it was painful to watch, I mean beyond painful, because you know that what has happened here is he was never in charge, admitted he didn't know anything about Fusion GP. How could you care about the Trump Tower meeting that we heard so much about but not care about Fusion Gps. Didn't even know about Fusion GPS, which is my numbing in itself, and didn't know Reagan appointed him. That was pretty shocking to everybody. But the fact is they all knew, and they just for political purposes, wanted a problem up anyway and use him for the purposes of their sick, twisted, ugly political agenda, their conspiracy theories that they have advanced, the lies that they have advanced, the hopes that they have tried to pull off the American people. How do you have memory loss on Fusion GPS when he was asked about it this morning. A key player in the Russia Gate scandal, I mean, remember Hillary funneled money through a law firm. Well, that is a campaign finance problem, hires Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS oh meets with the woman that is in the Trump Tower meeting, supposedly talking about Russian adoption and Russian adoption only, but had promised maybe dirt on Clinton. All never happened, and everyone felt it was a waste of time. But how often in two years did the media blow that sucker up? Anyway, he said that he wasn't even familiar with Fusion GPS. I'm like, oh, my goodness, good gracious. Actually I said worse than that, but I won't. You know, when Congressman Chabit says, when you talk about the firm that produced the steel reporting, the name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct? Oh, I'm not familiar with that. And I'm like, if Robert Mueller doesn't remember the role of Fusion GPS or that Ronald Reagan appointed him to a position, who would dare put this man in that position except people that are desperate. And as I've said, every second, every minute, every waking hour of every twenty four hour day, the media mob advancing their lies. They'll do whatever it takes. It is over Muller and his report and this collusion and this Russia conspiracy and this obstruction. It's all dead. Impeachment done, it's finished, it's over, it's out of the way. But I told you that when Lindsey Graham asked the Attorney General Bar all of these questions, Bar predicted this is gonna be a spectacle. Now we understand why the Attorney general, he was asked this week by Robert Mueller, give us your advice, your guidance on what it is that you know, we work for you, We work for the the Attorney general answering, Bart didn't offer that it was. It was asked of Bar's team, and they sent him the written notice that they asked for. They asked for a written notice Bar predicting this would be a spectacle. Now I know why why the Attorney general bailed out Bar bailed out Muller after the nine and i half minute disaster. Muller says he's not allowed to investigate Hillary's collusion with Russia. I'm sorry. He mandate was so broad. He could look into loan applications and tax violations and Farah violations and taxi medallions. But if twenty sixteen and Russian interference, if it doesn't include a dirty, bought and paid for Russian dossier that was used to in a premeditated way to get a FISA warrant, a spy on the opposition party and deny the civil liberties of American citizens, and that spying took place abroad, that turns out to be completely set ups for people like Papadopoulos, Clovis and Carter Page. And you're not allowed to look at that answer at all, because that's what the former Special counsel told the House Judiciary Committee repeatedly that the collusion between Democrats and Russians and Hillary campaign buying Russian lies, or as The New York Times suggests, Russian diston from from the get go. If you couldn't look at that, that that's outside your purview, then you can't make an argument that somebody's loan application is within your purview. And when you look at the differing well explanations and the original mandate of Rod Rosenstein, then you see exactly what was in his purview. And of course it was within his purview. But I don't think it was Bob Muller ever calling the shots. My view, it's clear the person that was calling the shots was Andrew Weissman, and he tried to defend them at one point, and by the way, I think he's gonna regret that, even you know, look at the people. Chuck Todd says it's a disaster. Axelrod says it's a disaster. Wallace says it's a disaster. I mean, I've never seen more muted of you know, fake news CNN than today because they know it's a disaster. And the same at MSDNC. Literally Joy Reid is begging that people will feel sorry for Robert Mueller today and they'll have sympathy for him, and that that sympathy may result in people having a better perception of what it was that he was saying. That's not going to work. Even Michael Avanati said it was a disaster and that well, he says he wasn't allowed to investigate Hillary's collusion. That is nonsense too. All of this from the beginning was predicated on lies. Lawrence Tribe says it was a disaster. You know, he refused to answer Muller one hundred and twenty questions and and then he doesn't remember basic facts, and then he has to be he's reminded, well, if it's in the report, I guess the other than I support what's in the report. Is it in the report. It's in the report, I'll support it. And then I think the disaster for a sixth time, even twice in the hour when he goes from one committee to the next, he's interviewed by Ted Lew of California and he says, no, definitely, the consideration DJ policy U can indite a sitting president was a factor in why we didn't you know indict? Well, he had already taken the other position at first with Attorney General Barr, then he flipped in that nine and a half minute press conference, then he flipped back, then he flipped with ted Lu and now for a fifth time, he starts out the shift session say no, I was wrong in the last hour with ted Lu and no it was not a factor. He doesn't even know what's in his own report what joy Reid was hoping that Muller's feeble performance will make him, will make it that America feels sorry for him. But that's not what the rule of law is based on. And people's lives have been ruined by this. And by the way, at the bottom of this is a predicate to literally overturned first stop of presidential candidate by abusing power with corruption. And then secondly the single biggest attempt to undo the will of the American people and perpetrate lies in conspiracy theories and the biggest hoax possible. And have your friends in the media mob help you so that you can remove a dulia active president of the people, the smelly Walmart shoppers, the irredeemable deplorables, those that cling to God, guns, Bibles and religion people. In other words, us, we the people. All Right? Where does it go from here? I think that question is simply answered, or has already been answered by the Attorney General? Did bob did the attorney Did Robert Muller have all the resources he need? Yes? Did he do a good job? Yes? Was it thorough yes? Did he have access to everything he needed? Yes? Do you feel that he did a complete and thorough job. Yes? Okay. Now, are you as concerned about I am about a rigged and fixed investigation? Yes? I am. Are you concerned about fiser abuse and fraud committed against FISA courts? Yes? Are you concerned about the misuse of intelligence? Yes? Are you going to be investigating all of these matters? Yes? So now we're in a whole new direction. This is over. Mueller's done, It's finished. This is not going to lead to any impeachment. The disaster of what today was. It won't and it can't. If it does, it will guarantee the single biggest massive landslide in modern presidential history, including massive upticks and seats in the House of Representatives in the US Senate, which might be actually a good thing. Maybe we can really fix the country and elect people that actually have backbones and can stand up with things. Although I was pleasantly surprised by Republicans today, they all did their job, They were all prepared, and I did have my doubts, but they came through all right. Twenty five down till the top of the I scared you guys in there, didn't I hit the wrong button. I'm talking to myself there for a second. Twenty five till the top of the hour. Are you having a Muller moment? I am not having a Muller moment. That's going to be the new thing. You know, Well, I won't know. I'm gonna tell a senior moment. Well, I will tell you. There are some people that felt sorry for him today, and I am. I only feel sorry for him because I know more than other people. And if you want to feel sorry for him, that's fine. But he was engaged enough to know a lot more than he clearly knew, and that I put on his shoulders completely. And if you want to feel bad for the right reasons, well then feel bad for the people that used Robert Muller. Now, I will be the first to say I've known about his background his career, and it is extraordinarily impressive. It was used numerous times to prop him up, clearly from the bad, horrible showing that was unfolding before the Democrat's eyes. They kept reminding people about his service to his country, and then at one point he just even in trying to prop him up. Who appointed to that position? Bush, No, it was actually Reagan. It didn't work out the way they wanted. The fact that he's given Ted lou what was now the fourth separate answer on this issue of whether or not on part two of his report on whether the consideration of DJ policy and constitutional considerations prevented him from laying down charges against Donald Trump, and he said, well, yeah, that would be the case. Well, he originally told Attorney General Barr and Rod Rosenstein and numerous other people that that was not the case, and as John Ratcliffe pointed out, there is no such policy in this case. Putting all that then, of course, then he backtracked and he went on his nine and a half minute disastrous pressor where he basically I told you at the time, he was begging Nadler and shift, don't call me, don't do it. I'm only going to refer to the report. I'm only going to refer to the report. I mean there were times that he literally said, do you agree with that? And he said, well, I guess if it's in the report, I agree with that, yeah, And I'm like, wow, I mean, you just knew he was not familiar with the report, which is why I felt he had so many people there surrounding him. You want to feel bad for him. He was used today by Democrats that wanted their lies, their conspiracy theories, and their hopes and their hopes of impeachment confirmed. And it was never gonna happen because the facts never bore out the lies and the conspiracy theories they were spinning, the lies that they were telling. It was a task impossible. And then you've got to look, now we look a little bit more deeply into Andrew Weisman's role the first hire. At one point he started to tell us how great Weisman was. I like, oh boy, you ever gonna make the mistake of your life here and somebody, thankfully from Muller cut them off and just moved on to another topic because Weisman, we now know, did the hiring. Weisman was at Hillary's victory party, the same Weisman. Yeah, that was cited numerous times on issues involving prosecutorial abuse withholding exculpatory evidence in cases. You know, there are good prosecutors out there, you know. One of the dangers for prosecutors is if they if they forget their humanity, if they are involved in a case and they're more concerned about the win or in this case, a political win, or they want to get a high profile person, you know, to put it on their resume because they got future political ambitions. It's a trap that many prosecutors fall into, and in the process of supposedly enforcing the law and following the constitution and the rule of law and so on and so forth, their blind ambition causes them to basically run a muck and they'll do things that are themselves even criminal. When you withhold exculpatory evidence, you want somebody guilty so bad, and you've got evidence that would prevent them from being found guilty, and then you're gonna use that evidence any you're gonna not tell the defense that you've got it, meaning that the odds are higher that you're gonna get the guilty verdict you want rather than what is justice. Well, in other words, if you're gonna put your own record, your own future ambition, I had that that is a big problem. I've said many times throughout this whole process. We better get ahold of this, that what is a basic standard prosecutorial tactic, which is offering people something of great value to say what is wanted to be said? This happened numerous times in the last two and a half years. Well if you just tell us this, well, we're gonna give you a get out of jail free card. You know, Rick Gates, you know, turned on Paul Manafort. What does he get in exchange for turning on Manafort? Well, the incentive is pretty high because the incentive is you get limited or no jail time, and all the penalty is going to be put on his shoulders. That's a pretty big incentive. You know, if they're sitting down and they're you know, as Sidney Powell on a recent filing pointed out, they tried to get apparently General Flynn to say certain things that General Flynn could not say in truth, you know, General Flynn. Yeah, okay, they got a guilty plead for him for lying to the FBI, But the FBI didn't think he lied. So what really happened? Why would he? Why would he? Why would he ever plead guilty to something that they didn't even think he did. Well, he did it because number one, he's going bankrupt. Number two he has to sell his house. But I think more importantly, he was probably told, you don't tell us what we want, you don't plead guilty. Well, we're gonna your son was in your business, going after your family. How many other times do they say, well, we'll just have to go after your wife and kids. Now you're sitting there, and I frankly to be very blunt, Even if you're a criminal, any guy worth anything is going to fall on the sword for the sake of his children under those circumsances. All right, fine, what do you want me to sign? You're gonna leave my family alone? I'll sign it. That's what they'll do. You can't offer people get out of jail free carts like this anymore. Weissman has a history of prosecutorial abuse, including withholding exculpatory evidence. And now we learned he did the hiring. He was in charge of this operation. We learned two weeks after Muller's appointed, he's trying to He's involved in a deal, a prosecution deal with some Ukrainian oligarch. He actually goes to the oligarch. It says, I'm gonna make all your criminal issues go away if you just give me dirt on Donald Trump, and the guy to his credits said no. There's been a lot of people that have said no to these types of deals because their conscience forbids them from doing it, and others forget it. They'll take any deal they can get. The lie he did it, Yeah, what do you want me to say? I'll say it. If I say that, I'll get more time off. If you give me more time off, I'll say whatever you want. That's a problem here. You want to feel bad for them, all, Okay? He was used by the entire hyperpartisan team that apparently was hired by Andrew Weisman, But he allowed it to happen. You know, the fact that he didn't show up for the interviews, the fact that he didn't know about Fusion GPS, the fact that he just ignored the dirty Russian dossier that we know was leaked prior to the election in twenty sixteen. The lives that were told and leaked to conspiracy theorists and hacks that never did their due diligence, lead among them Michael Izakoff, and you got David Corn, then you got you know, of course, the ever so liberal Washington Post leaking dirty dossier information. It's spreading like wildfire, rump sex hookers, urinating bed Moscow ritz you know what? Who knew? What? Win? That was the type of crap that was in the dossier. And then the dossier gets him. We find out it's unverifiable, a Russian dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, the same Hillary Clinton that we know because the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible, violated the Espionage Act with top secret classified emails on a private server in a bathroom closet. That's a clear if we have Christian Saucier went to jail for a year for six photos violating the Espionage Act of his working area in a submarine that he shared with nobody. A year in jail away from his mom, his wife, and his kid, really he's that equal justice in America, Is that equal application of our laws in the United States of America. I don't think so. And really, now we're going to have a situation where, you know, we're going to talk about obstruction of justice. Really okay, but we're not going to have an opinion on whether subpoena emails that are purposely deleted after they're subpoenaed. Hang on a second. I'll get to that in a second, Linda, thank you. But subpoena emails that are deleted, subpoena emails that are wiped clean with acid wash, bleach bit where an aid busts up the devices with hammers. By the way, the lawyer sitting right next to for the for the buster upper, you know, next to h. Muller today. It's unbelievable. And then he doesn't know about that. Then the dirty dossier used as a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, Trump transition to bludgeon then President Trump for two and a half years, and he doesn't know about fusion GPS, and he doesn't know about it, had no interest in the Russian dossier that the FBI figured out ninety plus percent of it was false in their own spreadsheets, and they knew that. In early twenty seventeen, James Comey signs it. It's unverifiable, but it says on top of the warrant verified. Now we know why the nine and a half minutes I told you were a disaster were so bad. Now we know why he didn't want to testify. You know, I'll play this later. It's like a scene from my cousin Vinny. You know, how many fingers am I holding up? What is that in front? What is that on your windows? Dirt? What is that in front of the windows? Bushes? What is behind the bushes that you can't see, but if we walked out you could see that would be the convenience store? Checkmate. It was that dramatic today, you know, an unmitigated How do you not know fusion GPF? How do you not know in the middle of rehabilitating Robert Muller, he didn't know Reagan appointed him. How do you repeat the question? Can you repeat the question? Repeat the question? How many times did he need repeated questions? Now, if if it's in the report, I guess it's okay. I agree with it. If it's in the report, do you don't know if it's in the report. You didn't write a single word of the report. You never sat in on the witnesses being grilled by your people. You know, it's Trump's Donald Trump's saying to fire out of anger, but nobody gets fired. There's no underlying crime like Hillary and the Espionage Act. Trump had the fire, legally had the power to legally fire Muller. To say to Don mcgainn, why Don McGann ever testified his nuts to me? You know, it's like saying, I want to punch someone in the face, but you don't punch someone in the face. He didn't do it, He had the power to do it, still didn't do it. You know, you've got you've got now the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the OLC. No obstruction. Then you got the big ted lu lie about oh yeah, yeah, that's why I didn't, you know, consider indictment because of the Department of Justice guidelines. Then an hour later, no, I misspoke on that thing again for the sixth time. I mean, Louie Gomert destroyed no interest, So did Jim Jordan destroy them? No interest in Steele who put together these Russian lies. That is an inexcusable, flagrant double standard because that evidence actually exists. We have that proof, that evidence, we know it exists. We know who paid for the Russian lies, we know it was spread before the election. We know is the basis of a premeditated everybody who was warned lie perpetrated on the FISA court for separate times. We know, think of this another Hillary win here. Hillary's team rigged the primary. In Bernie Sanders case, she rigged the investigation. She should have been, you know, charged with the Espionage Act, multiple felonies, and obstruction of justice herself. They rigged the primary, they rigged a criminal investigation. She tried to rigg the general election with the Russian dossier and the line she paid for Hillary supporters and donors, you know, literally led by mister Victory Party Weissmann in this whole investigation. So they rged this investigation, and two and a half years the media goes along with it. The biggest conspiracy theories that have been funneled to the American people and fed as a diet every single second hour of every twenty four hour day, and they're not held accountable even yet. Muller, you know, didn't sit in on the interviews, didn't know what was in his own report. His desire not to know what happened before and after the Trump Tower meeting with Fusion GPS, that is insanity to me. His unwillingness to even look at the dirty Clinton bought for Russian dossier is a failure, epic failure of incalculable magnitude. Why he made two Democrats read from his report because I don't think he felt comfortable reading it, because he didn't read it before. People behind him looked like doctors and nurses ready to jump in to save this poor guy. Neither Democrats or the media mob once again got what they promised, and they were setting us up for today. And let's make sure we are clear on the issue of law which matters here. Not exonerated is not a legal standard. Either you indict because you have the evidence to indict, which he had the power to do, or you don't. They had no obstruction, and sure Donald Trump was pissed, and you'd be pissed two if you were led about for two and a half years and there's no underlying crime. But your opponent did have Russian contacts, Russian lies told about you. I bet you'd be pissed. Two, I bet everybody and want the whole thing to go away. But he didn't do anything. But I'll tell you the ignorance here in Mueller's own case shocks the conscience. It should shock then, because they tried to literally have a soft coup in the country and nobody wants to talk about it right hour. To Sean Hannity, should we expect this hour the president is I think headed to marine one, which usually means he stops and he answers questions of the press. I would imagine that could be a strong possibility, he tweeted out. Truth is a force of nature. I'd like to thank the Democrats for holding this morning's hearings because after all these hours, Muller has to subject himself to the shifty shift and embarrassment to our country, which he is right about. This week alone, we are allied to by Nadler and shift and expert expectations. Again, we're set that we're never ever going to be fulfilled. Now some people are writing, he said, Hannity, why are you saying, because I've been reading what people say, and why are you saying that some people feel sorry for mull because some people do. This was not a good day for Robert Mueller. He telegraphed it wasn't going to be a good day, and obviously other people knew what was going to be a bad day. I think the person that probably tried to save him the most in a gentle way was the Attorney General of the United States, Bob Barr. It was Bar that came in and ran interference and allowed the Attorney General's office to send out a joint statement with the Special Counsel's Office after the nine and a half minute disastrous press conference of Robert Muller where he changed what his opinion had been that no Department of Justice policy constitutional considerations were not a factor in his decision not to indict Donald Trump. He messed it up again end today and then had to correct it again today. I'm sorry Bill Barr, attorney with Bob Barr used to be a Congressman from Georgia. Bill Barr a pet And you know it is in the sense the people around Muller knew it, and the members of Congress all knew it. The Attorney General, Bill Barr knew it. That's why I think he bailed him out. The last time and said that, well, I just think that this is not going to work out really well, and I think it's gonna end up being pretty much like a circus. And you know, he doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to do it. And the assent, the demand of Nadler and Schiff to do this, that's on them knowing what the outcome would likely be. And the same was with Weissman. I mean, some of the things that we learned today. Mueller admits he went to very few witness interviews, very few. Mueller claims he had no idea he had hired Hilary's lawyer to investigate Trump. Well, who did the hiring. It was Andrew Weissman. I mean Barry Farber, the great talk show host, used to say that Mueller came apart today like Alka Seltzer tablets under Niagara Falls. It was that it was that bad for him, and you know, and you saw it. Look, I'm gonna make a suggestion because I read social media and I don't like conservatives. I know people in social media, you know week you know, keyboard warriors, think that they're funny, etc. I'm not in this gloating mode about Robert Muller having a bad day. I'm more in an outrage mode about the lies that have been told, about the conspiracies that have been spun, about the fact that you know, and this actually exonerates at a much higher level the president and everybody else in this because Weissman ran the show. Weissman, we now know, did the hiring. I mean, that is a stunning admission that we had last week that he didn't know Fusion GPS, he didn't remember that it was Ronald Reagan that had appointed him, and they let this man go through this. I mean, that's who we ought to be looking at, you know, I mean Washington examiners, Keith Conflert sending out a tweet, I guess you know, Democrats inviting Mueller to testifies working out about as well as the prosecution asking oh J to try on the glove. And I've just would urge you, I've read some things. They might be funny, but they're not funny and kind of on the mean spirited side of it. This is more important than that. This is about making sure this never can happen again. And this is about the Constitution, about the rule of law. We get it Muller was propped up. Muller was used and abused by people with an agenda. Muller was about as disconnected from this. I mean, it's on a level that blows me away. And I've been following this, but even still, when the show's being run by Weissman and Weisman, with his atrocious track record of prosecutorial abuse, withholding exculpatory evidence, losing tens of thousands of American jobs in the Enron accounting case, losing nine zero in the Supreme Court read Sydney Powell's book License to Lie, sending other innocent people to jail like Merrill executives for a year. Fifth Circuit overturns that multiple cases of prosecutorial abuse. He ends up doing the hiring. He two weeks after Muller's appointed, he's investigating some Ukrainian oligarch and goes to the guy and says, I'll get rid of all of it. Just give me dirt on Trump. He sat in on the meeting with Bruce Or when Bruce Orr told everybody that the dossier is dirty, it's Clinton bought and paid for, that the dossier, I'll think about this is not verified, and that we don't know if any of it's true. Well, we've learned it's unverifiable, but it was still used as a as the foundation and bulk of information to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. You think about that, and then Muller saying you didn't know who Fusion GPS is. How do you ignore real Russian lies that were leaked by members of the intelligence community, that were signed off on as verified, leaked to the American people to impact the outcome of the twenty sixteen election, then used as a backdoor to spy on the Trump campaign because James Comey signed it, it's unverifiable. Then in January twenty seventeen denied he ever signed it as verifiable or verified. He said it's unverified and salacious. Jim Comey's in trouble as well as others. McCabe saying, uh, no dossier, no FISA warrant, and then they use it to spy on a presidential transition team than a president. That all has to be gotten to the bottom of how did Hillary rig of primary against Bernie? How did Hillary rig an investigation had her supporters everybody from Loretta Lynch, her husband James Comey struck in page all working together to exonerate her from what is overwhelming evidence of multiple felonies, violating the Espionage Act and the biggest slam dunk obstruction of justice case in history. The way she treated her subpoena emails by de leading them, etc. All of this happened, nobody's got This is where Barne now has said, this is what I'm going to look at. Well, I'm gonna look at the exoneration of Hillary Clinton and whether she did violate the law, and whether that investing was rigged, and the and the docier she paid for that was disseminated by conspiracy theorists and the media that do no fact checking like Michael Lizzikoff, Washington Post, David Corn and then of course then used to spy on the Trump campaign, and then the other spying that took place abroad, and then the outsourcing of intelligence gathering so we can circumvent laws in America anyway, joining us two guys that were phenomenal today, Congressman Andy Biggs Arizona. Tom McClintock, California. I just what are your general impressions, because the specifics would take me ten hours, Andy Biggs, Well, Sean, my takeaway is that Democrats who were anxious for impeachment had a wet blanket thrown over it today. And you're right. I mean, your monologue was brilliant because it iterates what's going on in quite frankly, this is corruption that we sow at the highest levels. And you know, mister Muller clearly was not able to give us the answers that we needed and we have to keep going. Thank goodness for ag Barr doing that. But I will tell you I believe wholeheartedly is my line of questions when he had mister Muller was hopelessly conflicted to begin with number one and number two. They knew months and months before they ever issued that report. They knew that Donald Trump and anybody on his campaign did not collude with the Russians, but they withheld it, and I believe they did it for political purposes, and that makes this corruption so horrific in a free, constitutional republic. Tom McClintock, I thought, both, by the way, you guys did amazing today. I will be honest. I had I know that guys like yourselves would do great. I knew guys like Devin Nounez and Jordan and Collins and Matt Gates. I knew, I knew that you guys would do great, But there were people I was worried about. Your fellow Arizona congresswoman. She was phenomenal today, Andy Biggs. I thought she did a great job. And then Muller had to correct what he ended up saying to Ted Lew and what she had rightly pointed out was the joint statement of the Special Counsel's Office an Attorney General Bar's office. So she did, she did a great job. Tom mc clintock, your thoughts, Well, I think it's a great, big fizzle for the Democrats. I think they were trying to breathe life into an impeachment effort and it fell completely flat. I think that the whole demeanor of Muller, he confirms the fact he was at best to figurehead, not in control of the day to day operations of what Greg Jarrett rightly calls the team of partisans put together by Andrew Weiss's and it came through loud and clear today. Well, I mean, but we do have work to do, and the work is there really was Russian interference wasn't there. There really was a dirty dossier that Hillary paid for, wasn't there? Well, yeah, and that's something that specifically did not look into. And how did he not look into? How in good conscience is that even possible? How did he not know who Fusion GPS is? How would he be interested in the Trump Tower meeting? And everybody's interested, but he wasn't interested in the in the set up with the Russian woman meeting with Fusion GPS, both before and after that meeting. How is it possible she didn't care, He didn't care about dossier full of Russian lies. Because their obvious objective from day one was to try to make a legal case against the present They couldn't do that, so they ended up trying to make a political case. And it's all unraveling on them. And when the Inspector General's report comes out into wrongdoing at the Department of Justice, when the US Attorney's report starts to come out on skullduggery not only in the Department of Justice but in the intelligence agencies, and as Lindsey Graham's investigation through the Senatessary Committee unfold, we're going to get a much clearer picture of what was going on. And the fact is you're right. There was more than one government trying to involve itself in our election. And one of those governments was the American government under Barack Obama that tried to not only influence, use the most terrifying powers we give to our justice agencies and our intelligence agencies to undermine the election itself. And when they failed to do that, to try to undermine to do an elected president. That's what's happening, and that's the fall picture that will come out. Trey Gawley had a great line. I wish I'd thought of it on Fox, which was unfortunately, the person who learned the most about the Muller Report today was Bob Muller. Last word, Tom, Sorry, last word Andy, I forgot it was talking last word Andy Biggs. Yeah, you know, Trey's exactly right. I thought that the mister Mueller was surprised over and over again, and it indicates very clearly that he wasn't the guy. He was a figure hit. It was Andrew Yasman running this thing and Zelie who was sitting right next to him, both really strong partisans, one represented Hillary Clinton and Weissman. You know, a big supporter of Hillary Clinton as well. This was a political hack job, and it's unraveling on the Democrats end. It's quite frankly, mister Muller, well, it's a fascinating time. Do you believe that the people that were responsible for this abuse of power and corruption will be held accountable? Do you both believe that the McCabe's, the Komis, the Brannan's, the Clappers, the you know, everybody else involved in this struck page and at Lauretta Lynch whoever knew? Are they gonna be held accountable? Yes? Or no? Tom Sean the long Fellow put it best. The wheels of the gods grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine. What do you think, Andy, Yes, I think I am trusting a g bar. I really believe in him. All right, thank you both of being will us eight hundred nine four one Sean, all right, glad you with a so much more ground that we have to cover. And also, well, the reaction is pretty much universal that this is a disaster Lawrence tribe, I mean, the media. It's almost like a funeral on these conspiracy theory channels. When Chucky Todd has to admit it's a disaster. When Lawrence Tribe has to admit it's a disaster. When the guy doesn't know about Fusion GPS, when Chris Wallace and David Axelrot admit it's a disaster. When he can't answer one hundred and twenty questions, when he says, well, I guess if it's in the report, that's okay. When he flips and flops and flails again on the question of DJ policy and constitutional considerations of whether you can or cannot indict a sitting president. It's a disaster. When he doesn't remember who appointed him, that it was Reagan, not Push it's a disaster. Or not knowing fusion GPS is a disaster. Not caring about what happened before and after the big Trump Tower meeting with Fusion GPS is a disaster. When you have people at ms DNC praying that people will have sympathy for Robert Muller and his performance and that the American people will feel sorry for him and that might help them, that is a disaster. You know, there's only but the disaster. The problem with it is the following is the disaster became a reality. The lies they told were real the conspiracy theories they spread for two and a half years were real. The the outright hulks they tried to perpetrate was real. The attempt to rig a presidential election was real, the dirty Russian dossier was real. And the attempt to undo a duly elected president and do him in and what would be a coup is real. So I'm not really feeling sorry for those people that knowingly light to us and never did their jobs. All right, Glad you're with us twenty five now until the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, I think that I am very impressed. Linda said to me yesterday, You're not gonna be very blunt. And what she said to me, she goes, you know, I know you've been working on this for two and a half years. I know that really it's our ensemble team. We're so invested in this. And you know when you say you're gonna have to educate some of these Republicans, and I was very clear I wasn't talking about Nunez and Jim Jordan obviously, or rat Cliff or Doug Collins or Matt Gates or you know, the people that we know are good, or the people that we just talent out on BIGS or McClintock. But there's some other I just I just always worry that Republicans are weak, And she goes, you sound a little arrogant when you say that you're going to tell to give them a deturn. It wasn't set out of arrogance at all. It was set out of a real passion that I didn't want to have to come on the year today and say why didn't I at least assume that they didn't know as much as we know, because this has been you know, our heart, mind and soul that we've thrown into getting to the truth here. But I've got to say, in retrospect, I think everybody did a pretty darn good job today. What, Linda, is that a fair assessment of what you were telling me yesterday? Yeah? I think that's fair. Yeah, I think that's fair. You sound a little arrogant when you say, well, you're going to tell them what to do. It's not that I was going to tell them what to do. I just, you know what, it makes me fear Republicans. They're weak, They show weakness constantly. You know, I don't think that's a Republican trade. I think that's a lot of Congress people. They get the little soft and comfortable. Well, but yeah, but the project is the same because they have a terrific Jim I here. Okay, there were sixty five show votes on repeal and replace. That's all I need to say. And then when the real deal, with the real moment of truth came and they had the real opportunity to do it, what did they do? They they had no plan, They were not prepared, and you begin to realize they didn't mean what they said. And I don't like being lied to. And it's one of the reasons I'm not a registered Republican. It's one of the reasons that I am a conservative, and it's one of the reasons why I get so frustrated. And then when those seven senators twenty fifteen, they voted just for a clean repeal of Obamacare bill, and seven of them then the same exact bill when it mattered, they didn't vote for it. So I think I have good reason for suspicion that some of these people that run for office have no backbone, no spine, their knees buckle and wobble, and their principles go out the window, and they're always calculating what's gonna get them elected again, etcetera, etcetera. I'll tell you where the Democrats did better today, did better some very New York ri very. They did a few things really well. Number one, they had visuals and agreed check Republicans haven't quote onto that. It's a shame. Two and Ethan brought this up earlier, and I thought it was a spot on. They would say all this crap. They would just fill the room up with crap and then end the crap with a real question like so did you write the Mola report? And he would say yes, you say Mola like you say golf, say golf. But I'm telling you a senior moment, I'm replacing him at Mola moment. Yeah, especially after the Welch bit. We haven't played the Welch bit. Can we play it please? Before the president? All right, why don't you play that? I know the president we're expecting to take questions, as you know, if he's going to take questions, we're hoping well, I mean, I mean, yeah, I kind of know Trump. My bet is he takes questions. But anyway, all right, go ahead, the director Muller, did you find there was no collusion between the Trump campaign in Russia? Well, we don't use the word collusion. The word we usually use is uh the uh, not collusion, but one of the other uh terms that uh that fills in when collusion is not not used. In any event, the we decided not to use the word collusion inasmuch as it has no relevance to the criminal law arena. The term is conspiracy that you prefer to you, that's a conspiracy, exactly right. You help me, I'll help you, Thank you. It's an agreement. Thank you. That's interesting. Interesting. Look, I'm gonna tell you something. There is a part of me that is so angry and that every American ought to be angry here at what has gone on here. And if you now see the man behind the curtain and everybody knew about it, you know, it's so funny. My instincts were right about the Attorney General bar bar was trying to send this man a lifeline. He warned it would be a spectacle. He warned that you don't have to go. He didn't offer advice. Mueller sought it. He gave it only afterwards, and the media ran wild with Oh, he's telling him what to do. No, he did not, and bar the Attorney General, did not have to bail him out the last time he did a nine and a half minute press conference. Bar knew that this was problematic and to be blunt the man's career to end this way is it's unconscionable. But I will tell you where the anger comes in. Is they that the Democrats they're out there, and they knew it the whole time, and they still sent him out there because hating Trump. It actually eliminates any sense of humanity. Any decent person would have known forget it. He's telling us he doesn't want to go. He messed up bad in nine minutes. What is five hours going to turn into? They could have figured all that out. And more importantly now, on the other hand, it is amazing that while Muller was not at all in any way prepared to or up to the job of being a special counsel, now we know just how little evidence they really had because it was Weisman running the show, and Weisman two weeks in he's trying to make a deal with an oligarch. Get out of jail free card if only you give us dirt on Donald Trump. You know the I don't know what Fusion GPS is. I don't know that Reagan appointed me. I don't really know whole lot about No, that wasn't in my purview, the Clinton Russia, the connection and the dirty dossier. Of course it was if FARA violations are in taxi medallions are in loan applications, or you certainly could have found room for a presidential candidate that paid for Russian disinformation to impact the twenty sixteen elections, and that everybody knew about it. It was spread to the American people. How many Americans knew about the story of Hooker's peeing in a bed in Trump's room and the Moscow ritz before the twenty sixteen election. Okay, well, you got conspiracy hacks, Guys like Michael Isikoff will print anything fed to him and hate an he did. I mean, he has the nerve to call anybody else a conspiracy theorist. I mean just part of this compliant media mob. And the media in all of this has shown nothing but their utter absolute agenda, driven in sad, y raided psychosis against all things Donald Trump, and it's almost like Election Day twenty sixteen. Remember we get the eggs of Poles five fifteen. I'm reminding everybody what happened in two thousand and four when Dick Cheney called my radio show at five to thirty five because the eggs of Poles showed that John Kerry was president. Well, the eggs of Poles in twenty sixteen show that Donald Trump didn't win a single state and that it was gonna be a disaster. And the media kicks in and they've read it all, and their coverage starts at five or six Eastern, and they are giddy, and they are happy, and they are uplifted and they feel, you know, like all their dreams are about to come true. And it's just a matter of a few hours and we get to announce that Hillary Clinton is the forty fifth president of the United States. And nat didn't work out the way they wanted. What has happened here, if we don't get to the bottom of it, it's everything that I've been warning about becoming truth and becoming reality. It was a big deal what Hillary and the Democratic Party did to rig the primary where Bernie Sanders never had a shot if you don't believe me, asked Donna Brazil, who talks about dreading and crying and have to make that phone call to Bernie and saying, yeah, it was kind of rigged. Asked her about it or the fact that you know she was able to because her supporters. How does she have all these supporters? Every single sign was there that the investigation into her email server, the mom and pop shop server, the ones with classified top secret information on it, was being rigged. When they wrote the exoneration in May of twenty sixteen, they didn't interview her to July second of twenty sixteen. In that interrogation, unlike General Flynn, who he was told, you don't need a lawyer, and I'm taking advantage of the chaos, something I wouldn't do in the Bush or Obama years. But it was Peter Struck company that well. They interviewed Hillary and allowed other people in the room at the time to help her out. Three days later, Comey goes out there and says, yes, she did it, she did it, She did it, she did it, she did it, but we're not going to charge her because no reasonable prosecutor would. Because that was his chosen favorite candidate, just like Page and Struck were now saying that she should win a hundred million to zero, and that same cast of characters then get involved in Yeah, well, but he came known as Operation Crossfire Hurricane, which we now call Operation Crossfire Boomerang. And then, of course, so she gets to continue on as a candidate when she otherwise should have been indicted. She gets to then purchase the dirty Russian dossier full of Russian lies by funneling money through a law firm to a Fusion GPS. Robert Muller doesn't know about Fusion GPS, never heard of it before seemingly today, and they hire a foreign national, Christopher Steele, even though everybody is warned in a multitude of ways. Bruce orr in au to twenty sixteen warns the DOJ, the FBI that Hillary paid for its steel hates Trump and it's not verified. And of course Kathleen Cavalac two weeks before the first FISA application, the bulk of information was the Clinton bought and paid for Russian lies and disinformation you want to know about Russian interference, warned that it was disinformation, Warned that in fact Steel had a political agenda, and then they still signed the FIES warrant anyway, so that they could spy on the Trump campaign while simultaneously spying on the Trump campaign in a multitude of other ways in foreign soil. Then, of course then we have the issue of surveillance, on masking, leaking raw intelligence, like in the case of General Flynn, who had to plead guilty to something that he didn't do and that the FBI didn't think he did and sell his house and go bankrupt, and he's put in a position, well, if you don't tell us what we want and you don't say you lied, the FBI didn't think you lied, then we're gonna go after your family and your kids, and we're gonna go and put them in l Okay, good father falls on the sword. That's how we treat a thirty three year veteran. You don't need a lawyer. We're going to take advantage of the chaos. We know everything you said because of illegal surveillance, leaking, raw intelligence leaked, and we're gonna set you up what is a perjury trap of all perjury traps. And they still didn't think the guy lied. And now this disaster that unfolds today because Muller knows nothing. Muller hired nobody. But it means that it's an even bigger win for Donald Trump, because that means it was really Weissman and the partisan hack that he is running the show. The guy that was at Hillary's victory party, the guy known for prosecutorial abuse, licensed Lie Sydney Powell, the guy known for withholding exculpatory evidence, losing tens of thousands of jobs. This is where we are. You've got you know, Fusion, GPS, Christopher Steele, all of all of the absurdities that could happen in the United States. All first is stop Trump, save Hillary, stop Trump, use lies to stop Trump, and then spy on Trump, both as a candidate, then later as a transition team and then even as the President of the United States. And then we'll set in motion of conspiracy theory that the media spreads like it's pure gospel truth straight from the book of Matthew, Mark Luke and John and then the former FBI director he's up to his eyeballs in all of this as well, that being James Comey. James Comey signed the first fives application. The bulk of information coming from the paid unverified Russian dossier, and then of course he tells Trump months later, well, it's unverified, but he signed in October twenty sixteen that it is verified, and then he renewed it and signed it again, knowing it's not verified, knowing it's unverifiable, never even talking about Bruce or who's wife is working on this op research for Fusion GPS. Robert Muller never heard of this anti Trump operation and feeding steals, you know, lies that he himself. He doesn't even stand by the information and the guy's own dossier. He's feeding it to the FBI, and he's still trying to feed it to Robert Muller after he's fired for lying in Leaky Nobody asked that question today. I would have liked an answer on that. And then we've got this whole five eyes intelligence issue where oh, well, we can't spy on Americans, but we can outsource it to Great Britain in Italy and Australia and they'll do the dirty work for us, because it would be illegal for us to do it ourselves. And then of course we've got oh yeah, this guy Joseph Misfood, who is often portrayed as a Russian agent turns out to be a Western intelligence official, and they knew it, and they're sending this guy. Stephan helpered us buy on Papadopoulos Papadopolos, but they wouldhold the exculpatory information. He thought it would be traitorous if anybody sought and got Russian information for the Trump campaign. Never did it. He went to jail. There was still after carter Page. Carter Page had a long history of decades of supporting his intelligence community and our intelligence agencies and our law enforcement agencies. But I mean, that's how deep this went. If we don't get to the bottom of it, we can basically kiss this country. Goodbye the rule of law. Good Bye equal justice under the law, good Bye equal application of our laws. Goodbye. Good news is the Attorney General said, Muller's over. It's done. Now. We're looking into all the things that Hannity's been telling you about, and we have real evidence here that wasn't arrogant that I said that, right, just checking, not at all. It sounds like you had a lot of coffee today, though I did black rifle coffee. Breaking news. Now here's Sean Hannity, all right, the President stopping for the media as he heads to Marine one. Linda, do you even know where the president is heading right now? I didn't check his schedule. Do you know? I actually do not. DA doesn't know. You should we hit the breaking news sounder again. No, occasionally both of us get something wrong at some point. But anyway, let's take this from the beginning or just a couple of minutes behind. We won't carry it for the conclusion orders about all these developments. So we had a very good day today, the Republican Party, our country. There was no defense of what Robert Mueller was trying to defend. In all fairness, Sir Robert Mueller, whether his performance was a bad one or a good one, I think everybody understands that. I think everybody understands what's going on. There was no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt that's been going on for a long time, pretty much from the time I came down on the escalator with our first lady. And it's a disgrace what happened. But I think today proved a lot to everybody. In fact, some of my biggest opponents wrote things today that I wouldn't have believed they would have written, and I appreciate that they did that. This has been a very bad thing for our country. And despite everything we've been through, it's been an incredible two and a half years for our country. The administration, our president me, we've done a great job. We've got the strongest stock market, the best unemployment numbers, the most number of people ever working in the history of our country right now, almost one hundred and sixty million. Our military has been rebuilt and getting even stronger. We've done a great job, and we've done it under this terrible phony cloud. A phony cloud, that's all it was. And they should be ashamed of themselves, absolutely ashamed. And you know who knew it was a phony cloud more than any one else's Chiff and Madler and Schumer and Pelosi, every one of them. They all knew it was phony stuff. And you look at the polls. The polls are showing it, maybe more than anybody else or anything else. And I've had my best polls. And I don't say why, but people see what's gone on in our country with this whole thing. I've been going through it for three years, for three years, all nonsense. So this was a very big day for our country. This was a very big day for the Republican Party, and you could say it was a great day for me, but I don't even like to say that it's great. I'll tell you what, I very much appreciate those incredible warriors that you watch today on television, Republicans that defended something and defended something very powerful, very important, because they were really defending our country more than anything else. They were defending our country. But they were warriors, and they've been warriors for a long time. And everybody knew it was a hoax, especially the Democrats. I wish we could be a fly in the wall in those rooms where the Democrats would go in and talk before and after meetings and they'd be laughing and smiling and say, can you believe that we're getting away with this? But in the end they didn't get away with it. Yeah, so there is no such a thing. He didn't have the right to exonerate. And you know, it's very interesting people mentioned exoneration. That was something where he totally folded because he never had the right to exonerate. And it was covered very well by Congressman Turner and put to a conclusion. We were if you take look at not only the report, beyond the report, take a look at not what he said, but what he was forced to say. And even your networks and your network and your network and you and every one of these networks they put up their hands. You know, we had a couple of cases with actually we had about six cases where they asked, our people are representatives television networks, please don't come in tonight. We're not going to be doing much on it. And the reason they're not because it's over. Go ahead, we're having a night. Are you been duringing to being native mothers? Don't let me down. So Wiki leaks is a hoax, just like everything else, and all of those problems having to do with crime were the biggest hoax of all. It was a witch hunt, a total witch hunt. And when you saw Robert Muller's statement, the earlier statement and then he did a recap, he did a correction later on in the afternoon, and you know what that correction was. And you still asked the question, you know why, because your fake dues, and you're one of the most and let me just tell you the fact that you even asked that question, your fake dues, because you know what he totally corrected himself in the afternoon, and you know that just as well as anybody. Caitlyn, Caitlyn, I don't know whose answers weren't. I guess his answers weren't, because if you look the whole report, you take a look at what they did, some of the things that he didn't even know about, some of the things he didn't even know what was going on. But you know, in the end, what he did, he absolutely probably came through for himself. The performance was obviously not very good. He had a lot of problems, but what he showed more than anything else, is that this whole thing has been three years of embarrassment and waste of time for our country. And you know what, the Democrats thought they could win an election like this. I think they hurt themselves very badly for twenty twenty. Did I watch? I don't know. I really don't know. I'd never had don't know. Yeah, go ahead. I mean, frankly, whether or not he did it wouldn't matter to me because he did nothing wrong. He did nothing wrong because it's so unimportant. It was always a very unimportant meeting. It was only important to the fake news. Go ahead, he started, No, he didn't say that. Again, your fake news, and you're right at the top of the list. Offer. Let me just tell you go back to what it's not what he said. Read his correction. Read his correction. If you read his correction, you'll find that's why people don't deal with you, because you're not an honest reporter, John, John. They are devastated. The Democrats lost so big today. Their party is in shambles right now. They've got the squad leading their party. They are a mess where even you take a look at scribe and you take a look at so many of the people that were the most outspoken, and they say, this was a devastating day for the Democrats. And you know it, John, and everybody else knows it. This was a devastating day for the Democrats. Not a very dumb and very unfair question, because if you look at his correction, he took that totally out of play. He made his decision based on the facts, not based on some rule. So you shouldn't even ask that question, because you know it's a phone. The Democrats had nothing and now they have less than nothing, and I think they're gonna lose the twenty twenty election, very big, including congressional seats because of the path that they chose. Now, who knows where it goes from what I hear, they're giving up, But I just say I know them too well. They'll never give up. They'll go back into the room and they'll try and figure something out. This whole thing has been honestly, it's been collusion. It's been collusion with the media. It's been collusion with the countries. This has been a disaster for the Democrats, and I think we're gonna win bigger than ever. Now. I'm I'm going to West Virginia, one of the great states, a state that's doing if you look at percentage up, I think it's number one or number two in the country. And nobody would have believed that West Virginia is doing great. So I'm going to West Virginia. We did have a big case today. You know, we won the asylum case in Washington, which, frankly, you should be asking about that, because that's the real deal. I can't believe how nice you are today. Go ahead, give me a question. Must that back from it? No, because we did nothing wrong. The answer is very simple. Nothing was done wrong. This was all a big hoax, and if you look at it today, nothing was done wrong. Now, I believe what you're gonna find. You're gonna find a lot of things that were done very wrong. But that's going on now, that's something you haven't been writing about, and that has to do with the other sides. That has to do with the thing called investigate the investigators. Let's see what happens. That's gonna be very interesting. Robert Mueller did a good job, right eye. Look, I think Robert Muller did a horrible job both today and with respect to the investigation. But in all fairness to Robert Mueller, he had nothing to work with. You know, you can be a builder, but if they don't give you the right materials, you're not going to build a very good building. Robert Mueller had no material he had nothing to work with, so obviously he did very poorly. Today. I don't think there's anybody, even among the fakers. I don't think there's anybody that would say he did well. I looked at your people. They're saying it was deviating for the Democrats, and even I will tell you the two most nauseous and nauseating networks whose ratings had both gone down, way down. Even they said, this was a really bad day for the Democrats. So Robert Mueller did a poor job. But in all fairness to him, he had nothing to work with David. We regret hoping the Mother money. But after look, I told what he did to people, how he ruined people's lives because they didn't remember a date or something very minor. He ruined people's lives. The Democrats, they took people and they destroyed their lives. They went bankrupt because they couldn't afford the legal fees. And they were good people, many many people. So when you ask me that question, all they have to do is see how nice this weather is. If I made a mistake, he said, I was talking to the media and it was a little bit rady, a little bit overcast, they'd say, well, we have to do he lied. All right, We're gonna continue with the President and his first comments since the disastrous hearing today, and we'll got a lot more on the other side of this break as we continue our coverage stations along the Sean Hannity Show Network. If you need to take a break, we understand, We love you. Anyway, I've seen what they've done to people. I've seen how they've destroyed people like General Flynt and so many others, what they've done to people. No, I did the right thing. Well, Mueller had no material. Sure, Mueller had no material to work with, and he did a horrible job. Obviously his presentation was way off, but that's okay. It didn't matter. He had no material. There was nothing done wrong. In fact, things were done right. There was nothing done wrong. And certainly, I mean, look, I read the papers that I read the press, and I read the internet, and if you see what's going on the internet, if you listen to the internet, this was one of the worst performances in the history of our country. So you know that, you know that very well. But I don't think anybody could have done a good performance. He had no material. It was a fake set of facts that the Democrats used to add others to try and do really an illegal overthrow. But we're going to find out about Well, the asylum is a big one, say it a quarter them all. So the asylum is a very big ruling. How was a tremendous ruling. Today we appreciate it, We respect the courts very much. That helps us very much at the border. The numbers are way down at the border, which is a good thing. Apprehensions are way down because Mexico has now twenty two thousand soldiers and there they mean business because they know what happens. The alternative is not good for them. It's also good for Mexico what they're doing, because the cartels have been running all of the border for years and years, and Mexico is saying, and the president is saying, we got to clean it up. So they've got twenty one thousand soldiers have probably put up more, but this ruling today, an asylum is a tremendous ruler. So Guatemala gave us their word we were going to sign a safe third agreement, and then all of a sudden they backed up. They said it was their Supreme Court. I don't believe that, but they used their Supreme Court as the reason they didn't want to do it. So we'll either do tariffs or we'll do something. We're looking at something very severe with respect to Guatemala. I've already cut all payments. I did that a year ago. I cut all payment's going to Honduras, help Salvador and Guatemala. We used to send them five hundred million dollars for nothing, but nothing. They didn't do anything except set up caravans. So Guatemala we're gonna take care of and it won't even be tough. We're gonna do. We're looking at a couple of different things. One of the things very heavy is, as you know, Mexico has put six thousand people on that border. Let me let me just tell your something. I know you're always you always have a question. You mean my white house age live? What about his age? What about what about mother's age? He didn't say that at all. You're untruthful when you ask me. You are untruthful when you ask that question. When you ask that question, you're untruthful. You know who else is untruthful. You know who else is untruthful. His aids and Weisman was untruthful. And Weissman got caught just like he did with Arthur Anderson where he lost in the Supreme Court nine to nothing. His aids were very untruthful, and they put Muller, and they put Muller not at all. They put Muller in a very bad position. His aids put him in a very bad position. And if you were ever truthful, you'd be able to write the trip. All right. That was the President his first comments after what was a disastrous hearing obviously all day long. And you know something, it's a really sad, sad state of affairs when you have people that are willing to lie at this high level, and even this week, as I mentioned earlier, you have had the cowardly shift. I guess we know, Linda. Why, by the way, you'll have to tell me, oh, twenty nine twelve, I've got it, all right. You just you have to understand that this guy, these two people, they desperately raise expectations of people. And this is what fake news CNN does, This is what conspiracy TV Roswell Rachel Maddow's network ms DNC, because they're nothing but an extension of the DNC. This is what they've done for two and a half years. They have they have created false narratives and a false impression and outright lies and such disrespect to their audience and the country as a whole. You know, we spend a lot of time behind the scenes on this show making sure the things that we're reporting are accurate and true. Occasionally we get it wrong. Occasionally we have to say we got it wrong, Masari, not that much, you know, But there's this track record, there's this history now where look at how often they're wrong and how spectacularly wrong they can be. Richard Jewel is the beginning. I learned my lesson there how wrong an entire media can be, and how devastating it is to one man or individuals that are being lied about. The fact that the President has been able to accomplish all of this under these conditions is amazing. But then you have Cambridge Police, and then you have of this narrative that results in the end of a career from an innocent law enforcement guy by the name of Darren Wilson and Ferguson Missouri they shot him in the back. No, it was honest neighbors eyewitnesses that exonerated Darren Wilson and corroborated everything he said as being true. The media portrayed otherwise. You know, how do you have Duke Lacrosse spin out of control the way that did and how wrong they were, or UVA in the rape case, or Ferguson Missouri and Freddie Gray, those cops are all going down. We were the only ones to say no, they're not it's not going to happen. In Duke Lacrosse's case, I actually went to Garden City, Long Island, met with some of the kids and some of the families, and actually did my own digging in the Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman case. I actually went down to Florida and interviewed people myself. You know, as it relates to what we have been reporting in the ensemble team, it's not a point of pride. It's it's what we do and what we're supposed to do, and that is get to the truth. And I can't imagine where my career would be right now, or if I had been wrong on all of this, what would be said about us every day. But we now know for a fact a lot of things happened here. We know that, yeah, Bernie Sanders, that was a rigged primary. We know that they rigged the criminal investigation into Hillary. The evidence is so overwhelming, nobody cares about it. Nobody cares about Bernie. Bernie doesn't even say him to care about Bernie. Bernie got screwed over royally, and then, of course, so we rigged the investor. She gets to stay a lot and then she produces a Russian dossier full of Russian lies, or as The New York Times finally calls it, and they even said, just this month, oh, it looks like it was the basis of the FISA applications. I'm like, oh, my gosh, you're really two and a half years that late after spreading lies and the answers. Yes, but they did it knowingly, They did it daily. They did it with a certain breathlessness in their reporting and their hysteria. Nothing but lies, conspiracy theories, and a hoax. And the idea was to destroy then candidate Donald Trump. They didn't want him to win. And if it means leaking lies about Russian and the Russian lies paid for by Hillary, to Michael Izikov, let's do it. He'll he'll print anything. He's like Mikey Mike, He'll try anything, you know, a David Corner, the Washington Post. These outlets have forever damage themselves, fake news, CNN forever damage themselves, ms DNC, Roswell, Rachel's Network, forever damaged any credibility they could have. And yet they just won't let it go. They never accepted Donald Trump's victory. They can't accept that there really is a Russian impact on the twenty sixteen election that we will get to the bottom of. Now, all the pieces are in place, all of it will come out. It's all coming out. We have an Attorney general, we have a prosecuted dorm, we have an inspector general, and others that will get to the bottom of those that abuse their power and those that were involved in what is the biggest corruption scandal, abuse of power scandal in American history. All Right, when we come back, we'll get reaction. Greg Jarrett, David shown Manny Alecandro will join us. All coming up on this busy breaking news day. All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one Seawan is our number. I hope that what Lindsay Graham asked the Attorney General bar is now the new normal, the new reality, because that's where the truth is. It is beyond any comprehension. I have the events that have unfolded in the last two and a half years in this country, the amount of lying that has taken place, the conspiracy theories that have been universally pushed, the expectations that have arisen because of these lies and conspiracy theories. It's not just a hoax, it's an attempted coup and a bunch of people that could not accept that, the smelly Walmart shoppers, the irredeemable deplorables, the people that cling to God from above that created all of us and our Bibles and our guns and religion, that we actually won in November of twenty sixteen. And yeah, in spite of all of their efforts to undo that election, that effort is officially dead as of today. It's over. I don't care what book Andrew Weissman rites. Andrew Weisman needs to be investigated now. Those that abuse power, those that were corrupt, those that had nothing but a disdain for the president have been exposed the media. How do you ever trust these liars? Ever? Again, how do you ever trust you know, the Shifts and the Nattlers and and the Maxine Waters and Pelosi's and the squads you know that exist, You can't. And all of it happened in the United States of America, and Robert Mueller allowed it to happen. And if you if you want to have so many saying I felt sorry for if you want to feel sorry for Mueller, go ahead, but feel sorry for the right reasons, and that is that his team, led by Weissman, knew he wasn't up for this job, and they they used him as a figurehead and did everything they wanted around him. But they still couldn't get Trump because he didn't do anything wrong, you know, And then the same goes for you know, you know all the other people. Why else should you feel sorry for? Feel sorry for the Democrats? They knew what was today was Mueller's team was telling the Democrats he's not up for this and that he's just going to stick to the report. But to have but to put him through that is that's where you need to look at the blame. I didn't want Muller to testify. Thought knew it was going to be a waste of time and a spectacle turned out to be it. All right, we're gonna go called to call to call to call to call, thirty seconds each. All right, let's go to Mary Beth, Arkansas, Mary Beth, We're giving everybody thirty seconds. Here's yours go. I can't believe these guys are getting ready to go on a six week paid vacation. And I don't think Mueller knows his name and his birthday as of right now. This has just been ridiculous, But thank god, the president of our great country has gone on like all this stuff wasn't going on, and he's made America great again. I you know, listen, with all this hanging over the president's head, he still accomplished more than any president modern times, and records have been sent and now what are what are we going back to? What? Stormy? Now we're gonna go back to shole. We're gonna call him a racist for another four hundred days. You know, what ideas do they have? They don't have any. Back to our phones. Guy is in California. Guy, we're going quickly your comments, Sir Sean. Is there any legal repercussion for Mueller other than just embarrassing himself on TV? The guy looks lost. Rackless Kneil that at the very beginning and said, you know, you have specific instructions to do, and you didn't follow him, You didn't make a decision, and now we're in this mess. You know, I don't know I can say this. There were so many moments that if it was Muller's team interviewing or the FBI interviewing somebody and they reacted and responded the way Muller did, remembering next to nothing, not even remembering that Reagan appointed him. Not you know his answer, not knowing about Fusion GPS, saying, yeah, the Trump Tower meeting was important, but not the fact that Fusion GPS met with this woman before and after exactly. Yeah, not knowing that, not knowing or caring about the dirty Russian dossier that was really used to influence the election. Yeah, that's a problem. And my point the selective choice of what they're pursuing and investigating and what he convenely does not remember. But if it but remember if it was if it was any of Trump's team and they gave answers like Mueller gave, I promise you, they'd be brought up on charges today. Let's say hid to Riches in South Carolina, Richard on the Sean Hannity Show, Hey, Sean, thanks a lot, appreciate. I've been watching Bob Mullis since eight dirties. This morning, the guy comes across as a feeble old man. He can't understand the questions. And the other thing is that the he doesn't even know what's in his own report. It's like everybody else wrote it. He just signed his name on it. I know the answers to questions that he doesn't even know I that is mind numbing. Didn't even know really who Fusion GPS is. That's how bad this is. It is and you're unpaid twenty three one h three that's correct. Volume two. When you talk about the firm that produced the Steel reporting, Uh, the name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct. I'm not familiar with with that. I it was, It's not It's not a trick question, And it was Fusion GPS. Now, Fusion GPS produced the opposition research document wid widely known as the Steel Dossier, and the owner of Fusion GPA was someone named Glenn Simpson. Or are you familiar with that's an outside my purview? Okay, Um, Glenn Simpson was never mentioned in the four hundred forty eight page more report. Was he? Well, as as I say, it's outside preview and it's being handled in the department by others. Okay, Well, he was not four hundred forty eight pages the owner of Fusion GPS that did the Steel Dossier that started all this he's not mentioned in there. Let me move on. At the same time, Fusion GPS was working to collect opposition research on Donald Trump from foreign sources on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It also was representing a Russian based company, Prebazon, which had been sanctioned by the US government. Are you aware of that? That's outside by ProView? Okay, thank you. One of the key players in the I'll go to something different. One of the key players in the June twenty sixteen Trump Tower meeting was Natalia Visignetska, who you described in your report as a Russian attorney who advocated for the repeal of the Magnitsky Act. Visignyetskia had been working with none other than Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS since at least early twenty fourteen. Are you aware of that? Outside my purview? But but let me tell you something. Weissman knew the guy that was at Hillary's victory party knew the guy that we learned last week hired everybody knew a guy that has been cited for more prosecutorial misconduct than any person that I can think of in America right now. The guy that literally withheld exculpatory evidence, got tens of thousands of Americans fired, lost nine zero in the Supreme Court, put into some people in jail before, only to be overturned by other courts. He knew the rest of that team of Democratic donors, knew. They all knew what they were doing, and they didn't care. He Sean. Can I ask you a question, Sean, real quick, the how comes these Republicans don't ask questions like you did last night on TV? Did you do this? Did you know that these Republicans don't know how to ask questions? Well, I'm I'm gonna tell you something. I was pleasantly surprised, and I want to be very clear about this. That's right. Well, not rat Listen. I knew Ratcliffe, I knew Nunez, I knew Doug Collins, I knew that you know, Matt Gates. Um, I knew Jim Jordan. I knew that all those guys would be fine, and they all did amazing and better than I could do. But I will tell you there were a lot of Republican congressmen and women what was the woman's name that was asking about the bar Special Counsel Joint statement after the nine and a half minute disaster press conference by mother. I think she's from Arizona. She was amazing today. And I'll be honest, I didn't see one Republican do a bad job today. I was pleasantly surprised and and my help was not needed to be very blunt, and I'm glad it wasn't. What's Linda, what's the woman's name? Aza from Arizona. She was great today, didn't you think. I mean when she took on Muller on this issue of well, you said this, then you change and you said this. I mean the fact that she said that all before ted Lu and then he said, gave one answer to Ted Lou and then goes before the Shift committee and then says, let me correct the record about what I just said with Ted Lu. That's five separate flip and flops. I don't know. I like Mike Johnson. He was my favorite today. Mike Johnson was great today. And by the way, Louie Gormer was so Louie usually doesn't go in and grill the way he did today. He said he grilled first and then he saved his comments for last, and I thought it was very powerful. No it's good about Louis. Louis a JAG officer. Louie was a judge. Did you ever order anybody to investigate the deletion of all of their techs off of their government of phones? Once we found that Peter Struck was an author of did you ever may I finished order what you're not answered my question? Did you order an investigation into deletion and reef we're adding of their government phones? No, there was ig investigation ongoing, Louise Gray. A lot of people forget that anyway, Rich thank you. My friend Elizabeth is in Florida. Elizabeth, Hi, how are you welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hi am fine, Sean, thank you so much for taking my call. So my impression of the Mueller questioning today, even though I wasn't able to hear the entire thing, unfortunately, it reminded me of different religious leaders, Democrats. I'm specifically talking about democrats, different religious leaders trying to prove that their religion is true by parsing different passages from the Bible. That's what it reminded me of. You know, maybe that that's what they were trying to do, and thread the needle and I will tell you at the end of the day, it was a disaster. And the reason I'm gonna tell you the real reason it was a disaster is because it never was true. It was always a lie, It was always a conspiracy theory. You know, I often say, and I'll kid Linda about this, all good humors rooted in truth. Well, all good arguments are also rooted in truth. And the fact that we had I mean, it's it is. It is almost like you can't write a story, a novel, a narrative like this and ever believe it where you have one party being accused of something the very thing that the other party is definitely guilty of. I think that had a missed opportunity. You know why boy I was new in this today, Right after Shift gave his opening statement, I would have been like, excuse me, ranking member Schiff, I'd like to talk to you about Olga Buseva. Yeah, exactly, How did you feel about your interactions with Olga Busseva? Well, hang on, now, I did have as one of my questions yesterday. You're right, there's only one person we have on tape, CONSPI hiring with Russians, and I don't know if this is my favorite tape or Alec Baldwin trying out as a radio. All right, this is now. Remember this is the chairman, Adam Schiff, thinking he's getting dirt on Trump from a Russian. He doesn't know it's a Hoaxter, but he thinks he's getting real dirt and he totally gets bamboo. Listen to him doing the very thing that he says Trump did but didn't do. That is wrong. Okay. And so Bussava met with Trump in New York at some point after the twenty thirteen Miss Universe, Yes, pageant absolutely, and she got compromising materials on Troup after their short relations okay. And what's the nature of the COMPROMI Well, there were a pictures of naked Trump, okay. And so Putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material Yes, of course, Buza shared those materials with Soft Checking substruct shares those materials with Putting because she's a god daughter of Putting, and Puttin decided to press on Trump. Um and uh. And the materials that you can provide to the committee or to the FBI, would they corroborate this allegation? Sure? Of course. When they were in Ukraine, We got their conversation by the phone where they're discussed to those compromising materials. We are ready to provide it to FBI. So you have recordings of both soap Check and Booseva where they're discussing the compromising material on mister Trump. Absolutely that compromise. Ye. Then so you have come on materials, compromising materials. But the course, uh, what is the nature of the materials and fixed the naked Trump? Naked Trump? Yeah, pictures whatever, see it, but of course comment blad he see the naked picks at Thrump. Please see it? A picture. You can't make it up and that embodies this entire despicable saga. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Full complete coverage of today's Muller disaster. The witch hunt is officially dead, the real investigations officially begin. Everything the media has told you, democrats have told you for two and a half years, have been lies, conspiracy theories, and hoaxes. We lay it all out. We'll give you the day's news in comprehensive fashion that you won't get from the media mob nineties From tonight Hannity on Fox. Thanks for being with us. Back here tomorrow,

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