Toronto Sun columnist Anthony Furey discusses the impact of an electromagnetic pulse attack that could result from a nuclear attack. North Korea could cause a lot of damage but just how likely are they to attack? The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code, Hannity, you will love this pillow. Alright, Happy Friday, and we're glad you with us right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza at eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to join us. Well, the President apparently is gonna go live soon. And I thought this was just supposed to be the big vacation when we've always known it wasn't a vacation because they're redoing the White House and it's gonna take seventeen days. Everyone kept saying, well, the President is going on a seventeen day vacation, and he's been working every single day this week, and and obviously North Korea is taking up a lot of his attention and rightly so. And and I'm feeling more and more confident that we're actually making some progress showing the world that America is no longer gonna, you know, sit around and allow these people to go out there and and threaten the United States and and threaten the free world with uh, well, just brideb us with more money, because that certainly hasn't worked in any way shape out of reform alright eight nine one Sean. By the way, um, you know what's amazing. I know Jeff lord Now has been fired from CNN, and I tweeted this out yesterday. And I've known Jeff for many, many years. You know who the real defenders of freedom of speech in this country art today? It's not the left anymore. The left has been co opted by people that are obsessed with silencing every single solitary conservative voice in the country. That's it. You notice the left whenever there is any effort, you know, when you really look at it, you know, I'm sure that there's silent agreement. They just can't come out and say it. But you never see a liberal defend conservatives and defend their ability to fight by against those that want to attack their advertiser based these phony boycotts. It's sort of like the sunrises the sunsets, and there's a group of people that want to get me off radio and TV and boycott me and get me fired. I've just come to accept it. It is the reality. And as long as I have the loyal support of this audience, I'll be able to stay on the air, thank god. But do you notice that it's the left in America they are silent. I can go back and play tapes for you that the people when Bill Maher was under fire, I don't I don't even like Bill Maher and I hate Bill Maher um. I don't like his opinions. I don't like a show. I don't watch a show. I don't ever want to watch your show. And the same thing goes with Stephen Colbert. Remember there was an effort people wanted to boycott him and get him off the air, and and there's all these other attempts to get others off the year. I don't want to silence anybody's voice because I believe in freedom of speech. And I don't you know any effort you know, you'll say, well, we'll just tell the advertisers, and they start these fake robot campaigns on their on their differing websites. And it makes advertisers, by the way, average advertisers are now hip to everything that they're doing, who they are, what they've said themselves, what they're doing, and it's it's sort of like the Boy Who Cried Wolf. They go at it so many different times, it just doesn't really truly work anymore except depending on where you might work and and what the political agenda of the place you might work for. Like I'll give you one example, CNN for example. You know, Jeff Zucker has a personal gripe with the President, and it's obvious that it's it's flowing over into its programming. And the few people that they did have on the air that were conservative, there was always you know, eight to one during those campaign season debates, and and everybody would turn to, you know, the one conservative and it would be like six on one, five on one, three on one, whatever it happened to be on that particular day, moment or time. And it's like it doesn't matter how bizarre, how awful. What the left says is always tolerable. There's no standard of decency that they're applying to each size equally. They just want to silence conservative voices. And every prominent conservative voice that you know is now come under fire and been under attack, and it's going to continue to be that way because this is the environment we live in. But when Bill Maherr was under attack, it was people like me and Russia Lumba that said don't fire them. When Colbert was under attack, I tweeted, don't fire Colbert. I'm not going to be a part of this, and people were mad at me on Twitter, Conservative other conservatives, this is our chance to get him back. What are you doing. I'm like, I'm not threatened by any of these people. I'm not threatened by MSNBC's opinions. I don't even really think we're competing against THEMSNBC in the sense that I don't know how many people share audience between Fox and MSNBC, but they've They've got their audience ins that loves conspiracy theories and conspiracy TV, and they like to get literally hyped up every night with press breathless reporting that the presidents on the verge of getting impeached and he's not, and they go out there and and the audience thinks, this is the night it's gonna happen. Tonight we got him. I mean, it just doesn't happen. Um, I don't think I'm competing for the same audience. And time after time after time, we've been right and they've been wrong. But do you notice how is it that people conservatives defend guys like mar and guys, you know, and defend the right of NBC to program whatever garbage they want to program, and Colbert to do whatever he wants to do and say whatever he wants to say, and the people make mistakes and they apologize. Unless it's a consistent, horrible pattern of virulently racist and anti semitic, you know, material um, then I think that you're not give somebody right like Congress to revise and extend their remarks and give an honest apology and followed up by a change in their behavior. That's that doesn't exist today. It's an immediate, immediate opportunity that they want to silence people. We as conservatives and media, we have now lived for years years. There are people right now that are paid that will transcribe every word I say. It's happened every day for years and years and years and years and years and years. They're being funded by very wealthy left wingers, and we now know who they are, how much they've donated, who they've donated to, and what they're all about. But in a way, it's it's that's the environment. If you're a conservative you work in and the liberals that are on air, you know, the funny part to me is they don't realize these things that all work and can all work in reverse. I'll be the one out here champion and freedom of speech. But you know when when different things, when conservatives start saying, okay, if that that's how it's gonna be, we're gonna play by the same rules, and they start fighting back like Melanie Morgan and Brian Maloney did. Then I mean, in that sense, it becomes one big no freedom of speech stifling and freedom of speech bought expression. You know, the same thing is happening on college campuses. I don't know I would. I would just prefer to be in a class I'll never forget. When I went to n y U, there was a guy that started a political science class and one of the and I actually ended up I'm pretty sure with Alan Colmes. I had him on Hannity and and I remember he started the class. I'm a Marxist, I'm a communist. Hated Reagan and I was I was a student during the Reagan years, and I started defending Reagan after I got a great mid term grade. I ended up with the lowest grade I ever had in college. I think it was C plus because the guy hated my politics, and the guy was so fixated and focused on that skinny guy in the back at the time, which was me. That's all we all he did. He came in and we we fought all day and everybody in the class was rolling their eyes because that's all I cared about was politics. Even then, it was a love and it was a passion. Um very trying times. It is um if it's sort of like, what how I feel about we don't have equal justice under the law. Why have I spent so much time pointing out that what Hillary Clinton did with her emails was a crime. What Hillary Clinton by mishandling classified information, putting it in a mom and pop shop bathroom, that's a crime, that's a that's illegal, ended up being hacked. We're told nine certainty by foreign intel organizations, foreign agencies. And when I talk about subpoena at emails thirty three thousand deleted and the excuse of flimsy excuses, it's about a wedding, funeral, yoga and emailing her husband who doesn't do email. Okay, I don't believe it. I think if a conservative did it, its obstruction, and if the conservative acid washed bleach, bid it clean, so you can't recover them, Well, that would seem like obstruction. Or if you send the FBI devices that don't have SIM cards, that seems like, you know, obstruction. And if somebody breaks up devices with hammers, be at blackberries or iPhones or the I T guy in the Wasserman Schultz case, as reported he might he had government property in his garage, including hard drive smashed. Well, that would seem to me to be a good strong case to look into for obstruction. It was like Russian collusion with the uranium one, just like election interference with Ukraine and the paid DNC operative, the political reports reports back to the Hillary campaign and the d n C. Just like the unmasking of General Flynn and Samantha Powers. Unmasking what hundreds of people during an election year? Why would you, un ambassador ever do that. We've had hundreds of well, actually increase according to Circuit dot com and Sarah Carter and John Solomon and unmasking during election season. Okay, why how many of those happen to deal with the Trump administration? A very high number. So it's it's almost like we're politicis we're criminalizing in many ways political differences. The left doesn't have a tolerance for free expression of ideas, doesn't matter if it's on college campus or cable TV or They've always hated conservative dominance of talk radio. And and that's why everybody in talk radio at some point in their career is gonna be targeted if they haven't been already. And even now they're going after local hosts on a regular basis, and people are losing their jobs and there are some people that get very, very very skittish. Um it's and I just gotta tell you, it's not good for the country. And people think that this is a real good thing, but it's not good for the country because we are stifling thought expression. One of the things I'm most worried about now with I'm I'm I'm thinking we don't even have equal justice under the law. I'm worried about where where are the liberals and libertarians on unmasking surveillance, unmasking and leaking raw intelligence on American citizenry. Well, that is, you know, politicizing the tools of that we literally have entrusted to those brave men and women that are out there every day on the front lines that are gathering intelligence on American enemies now the great but when you hear the unmasking increases, and then you know intel leaks perhaps by the General Council of the FBI, which there's reports of an investigation, and Susan Rice an investigation, and Ben Rhodes an investigation, and the UN ambassador and investigation. Wow, that's kind of scary. You know, there are certain things that you would you would wish, you would hope that there can be consensus on. You know, my criticism of Hillary taking money from Shariah countries. How many times did I say this during the campaign, the millions and millions. I put it up on the screen on TV regularly. She's taken money from countries that abuse women, mistreat them. Women can't drive, they're told how to dress, they can't leave the house of the country without a male permission. That you have gays and lesbians being killed as a matter of law in these countries. You would think these are fundamental things that human beings with a conscience and soul agree on, But you can't even find agreement on that. No liberal criticized Hillary for taking that money. Very few did. Or the persecution of Christians and Jews, and there's all things I talked about during the campaign. There's certainly you would think is an area of agreement, even on North Corea, which is a clear and present danger to every man, woman and child. Any right, At some point, it really doesn't matter that Bill Clinton made a horrible deal. At some point, we gotta deal with the reality, and that is somebody unhinged that keeps saber rattling, firing missiles, has nuclear weapons that can now reach New York City in Boston. It's a little more serious than petty political differences, to be honest. It's it puts everything in perspective. You know, radical Islamist Kim Jong un doesn't care if he kills a liberal, a conservative, a Republican and Democrat. He just hates America and he hates you know, keeps saber rattling and pushing the world to the brink. Here alright, eight nine one, Shawn toll Free telephone number. Right as we roll along on a Friday, Two of our big stories today North Korea and the Battle Mitch McConnell and the President Donald Trump. I also think the President might be speaking at some point today. I thought he was on vacation. I thought he was resting. He wasn't, you know, was wasn't was supposed to be out playing golf and having fun. Apparently he's been working all day every day this week. One last thought on this. You know who talked about the forgotten men and women in this country this year? You know he's talking about the forgotten men and women. Now it's not the left. You know, they've always said they have a monopoly of compassion on the poor and the elderly and the disabled. Every four years, it's the same old playbook. Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, uh, Islamophobics and if I can't even remember all the phobies. But it's the same thing every every four years, actually every two years. And I've gone back and I've given the history and the examples of this many many times. You know, if the left really cared about the poor in this country, they would look at Obama's economic failure and they'd say this didn't work. If with all their resistance, not one Democrat will ever consider helping Donald Trump on healthcare in spite of the biggest lie ever told, keep your or lies, keep your doctor planning, and save on average per family dollars a year. It was reported yesterday six and a half million Americans are paying the fine and and how many you know, on average six eight thousand dollars a year. Premium increases, you know, depending on what state you're living. In some states, this average this year was up thirty. Projected average increase next year thirty. A lot of good resisting fixing Obamacare is doing for the American people now, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, real people, real lives, real suffering, just like real sexism, real prejudice against Christians, Jews, gays and lesbians, Sharia countries that give Hillary money. Such hypocrisy of the left, and they don't support the free speech movement either. Breaking news. Now, here's Sean Hannity right at the president and we were told all week is on vacation, shockingly working another day. Um, he doesn't like to take off. I even asked him about that in my first interview that I had with him when he became president. Um, let's go to him. He's in New Jersey. Were playing this from the top. He just came out about a minute and a a half ago for joining us today and thank you all because we are We have been working very hard on being sure that Americans have the training they need for the jobs in the future. I also want to thank you Vanka, my daughter, for her leadership on workforce training and her efforts. She's been working very, very hard to create new economic opportunities for women across America and actually for women across the world. She's been working with the Chancellor of Germany on helping women all over the world. In the past seven months, we've made enormous gains and getting Americans back to work. The stock market is at record highs, unemployment is at a sixteen year low, and manufacturers have never expressed more optimism about the future. The optimism has been truly incredible. Recently, Fox con announced that is going to invest ten billion dollars to build a new factory in Wisconsin. We want to make sure that every job that comes back to our shores is filled with American workers. We have a lot of companies moving back to our country. You're probably seeing that two major automobile companies just announced them moving back to the United States and they're gonna build major plans. They're looking for the site they're putting it out to seven or eight different states, and they're going to be very happy. Building in the United States gonna work out very well for them. That's why in June we began a historic initiative to expand apprenticeship and workforce training programs in all industries. We're expanding pathways to success so important and apprenticeships are one of the many avenues that lead to the great jobs, completely debt free. And who knows more about the word apprentice than Donald Trump. In fact, under the apprenticeship you earn while you learn so important and so great, and you love getting up in the morning and going to work, and a lot of great things involved here. We're also here today to discuss additional steps we will be taking to expand apprenticeship programs, especially for women and minorities in STEM fields where women have been truly underrepresentative. Really I guess you could say are represented for many, many decades. Technology has become a part of nearly every industry, from manufacturing to retail, and we want all of our citizens, every single citizen, including women and minorities, to have access to high paying tech jobs and other STEM related jobs. American workers are the best there is anywhere in the world, and we're finding work for them. They've built the skyscrapers of our cities, the roads and bridges of course our land, and will be building plenty of new roads and bridges by the way, the technology that has revolutionized the globe, and so much more. As you're well aware, their skills, talent, and grit have always put America on top, and we're going to remain on top, but a much higher level than we are right now. And speaking of now, it is our job to make sure that they have the training immediately to lead us into the future. We have great, great hope. We have a great, great future in this country. There's never been more optimism and again, unemployment at a sixteen year load. So we're honored to have all of you just a sec that chair. Thank you very much. That's suppressible and that we appreciate it. And Ivanka, congratulations are working so hard. We really do appreciate it, and thank you. Any questions since Aposi, what do you mean by the military solutions are locked and loaded as it relates to North Korea, Well, I think it's pretty job. So we are looking at that very carefully, and I hope that they are going to fully understand the gravity of what I said, and what I said is what I mean. So hopefully they'll understand, Peter exactly what I said and the meaning of those words. Those words are very very easy to understand. Any progress on the diplomatic back channel, well, we don't want to talk about progress. We don't want to talk about back channels. We want to talk about a country that has misbehaved for many, many years, decades at truly, through numerous administrations, and they didn't want to take on the issue. And I have no choice but to take it on. And I'm taking it on. And UH will either be very very successful quickly, or we're gonna be very very successful in a different way quickly, Unco says. She says she Unclogal says she sees no military solution to fight with North Korea. Why is she wrong? Well, I think maybe she's speaking for Germany. Let her speak for Germany. She's a friend of mine, she's a very good person, very good woman. She's a friend of Ivanka. Perhaps she's referring to Germany. She's certainly not referring to the United States. That I can tell you that you've said you want to send it strong that says North Korea. What do you say your creates say is actually raising attention? Well, you know, my critics are lonely saying that because it's me. If somebody else uttered the exact same words that I uttered, did say what a great statement, what a wonderful statement, they're only doing it. But I will tell you we have tens of millions of people in this country that are so happy with what I'm saying, because they're saying, finally, we have a president that's sticking up for our nation and frankly sticking up for our friends and our allies. And this man will not get away with what he's doing, to believe me. And if he utters one threat in the formative of an over threat, which by the way, he has been uttering for years and his family has been uttering for years, or if he does anything with respect to Guam or any place else that's an American territory or an American ally, he will truly regret it, and he will regret it fast. Hey, thank you all very much, Thank you, thank you very much. And that's the president. And again, if he does anything in respect or Guam or any of our allies or the United States, he will regret it, and regret it immediately. And he didn't want any ambiguity, and he wouldn't speak about any potential diplomatic solution or back channeling or and just dismissed whatever Angela Merkel had said. I and seen those comments earlier today, Well, maybe she's speaking for Germany. Let her speak for Germany, which she That's exactly right. She can speak for Germany. She's not elected here. Um. But this is just the truth. I mean, Kim John on his father, grandfather before him, I mean they this is now, they have been not part of the world community. There people live in utter poverty and misery. But yet they have enough money for all this nuclear technology, all the weaponry that they're launching and saber rattling that they're doing. And the President went on to say, either way we are going to be successful. Either will know very quickly whether it's gonna work, whether it's not gonna work. And this uh, and you know a lot of people, Mr President, you're being strong with them, will certainly being weak and and trying to bribe them and appeasing them. That didn't work. And the President did say on Friday, in a reference to American weapons is being locked and loaded. And he's been very very clear that military solutions, as he said, are fully in place, locked and loaded, should North Korea act on wisely, which, by the way, is there any American that doesn't want their country defended if God forbid something happens. Is it not a good thing to let a madman know that there are going to be consequence of severe consequences for his actions? And Trump wrote on Twitter that you know, a day after his Defense secretary said the US was ready to counter any threat from Pyongyang. Mad dog maddis so locked and loaded, ready to defend this country, ready to defend the United States? You know you have. I don't know what his position is in whether I guess the Guam Homeland Security team and secretary issued a fact sheet on you know, don't look at a flash or a fireball. Well that's not reminiscent of the Cold War and kids in school practicing getting underneath their death. I don't know what is. But you know, even the New York Times at a piece out today, not that I'm particularly fond of the New York Times at all. Wrestling with North Korea, Trump finds perilous options and the options are not great. Actually in the next hour. There's always been a topic of interest. It's the stuff of spy novels and and you know, over the years you've heard about electric magnetic pulse, like electric magnetic pulse and and issues like this. Um And the fascinating thing about it is it really is a possibility, and it's something if you look at the history of it, it's pretty fascinating. It's more for me, a topic of interest, but it's also you know, a real threat. We're gonna have somebody who studied and written books on and join us later in the program, New King, which is also going to join us. He actually said something today I really disagree with new but he said something about the president and his comments about Mitch McConnell, which I found genuine and sincere, expressing of frustration about Mitch McConnell and how they can't get a seven and a half year promised one and the expectations are too high. I mean, it just sells. Sounded so swampy to me. I don't it's pretty amazing. Um. So. On the other front, as it relates to North Korea, we've got thousands of North Korea's top military officials marching in support of Kim Jong un as if they had any choice, with Pyongyang warning it could reduce the US mainland to ashes at any moment. Well, now we know they're full of crap, but mad Dog maddis the Secretary of Defense. He's saying that, um, the solution is in place to address it. And they're on the same page. And you've got the U. S And Japanese troops now beginning joint military exercises amid this threat. Chinese newspaper has weighed in and says China should stay neutral if North Korea attacks first. Now was pretty interesting, basically signaling in North Korea you're on you're on your own, warning both, you know, asking the United States not to do this, and telling North Korea we don't have your back here. We're not getting involved in your stupid war. You know, we've got to you know, look, who wants nuclear war, who wants incineration? Who wants thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands more to die? What? No no rational person is insane. As some of the former Soviet Union leaders were, they they understood mutually A short destruction. I'm not sure that that this guy understands this. I really am not. I think the President has been so on his game lately as it relates to both McConnell and And here's my take. This is where I go. We'll get into this with new at the top of the next hour. But I watched the president guys seven and a half years and then you say when you can't pass it, I'm giving up and I'm moving on. That's not how that That's not how the real world works for most people. You don't get to say to your boss, Okay, I'm gonna get this done in seven and a half of hours and then say, oh, I'm sorry, I'm going home now. That doesn't work. Oh. I meant to bring up one other point on Guam. Those North Korean missiles can reach Guam in fourteen minutes. It's pretty scary. We better be beef up our missile defense system. And now you know, now you're talking about an escalation arms race that's probably gonna emerge in the region as a result of all of this, and that's not good for anybody that cares about human life. Uh. That then becomes an unmitigated disaster and I just because I can see that, I just don't see that anything is gonna end well here. It just the options are so bad unless Kim Jong un backs down. We have some other news today. One thing is the president's approval rating, as he's been working his whole vacation, has now taken another big jump. Last Friday, rascution showed Trump at thirty nine percent. Now he's at that's matching the Zogby poll that came in this week. Everyone in the media he's down. They won't report. I guess when he's up. Now. We also have the remember this author of this anti Trump dossier, you know, the infamous, discredited anti Trump dossier, the guy that James Comey wanted to hire that was used, apparently, we're being told, as a blueprint for Robert Mueller's Russia Gate investigation, is now being sued for libel. Lawyers for the British author of the intelligence dossier at the center of this controversy or fighting an effort to force him into a deposition in connection with a libel suit stemming from Buzzfeeds publication of the salacious document. Now, the attorneys for this British m I six intelligence officer Christopher Steele asked the federal judge in Miami not to grant the request. Steals lawyers filed the motion a couple of hours after a district court judge issued a formal request for Steele's testimony. Anyway, there were quest was signed by the judge, sealed by the court clerk. It's unclear if it was formally delivered, but obviously it's a possibility. That would be a good thing. Just like Fusion GPS, they need to start talking to well, um, what else have we got here today? GOP House member wants to grow Muller in an open hearing. That's pretty interesting development. Anyway, Texas Republican Brian Babman wants to do that. You got a former Mueller deputy predicting Trump is going down. Mhm. I mean it's eight to zero Democratic donors and Hillary's attorney to no Republicans. Anyway. The guy's name is Phil mud served as deputy director of the FBI under Mueller. Let me give you one bottom line as a former government official. Government is going to kill this guy, he said. He said it on the fake news network CNN. The judge who authorized Mueller's grand jury helped the Hillary aid hide how actually helped Hillary hide her emails. We got another conflict of interest with this old Howell. So you have eight Democratic donors, no Republican donors, and now the judge worked for the Senate Judiciary and helped Hillery. Uh, let's see what else do we got? Um. I guess that's about it for now. All right, we'll have New Gingridge when we get back our two top stories today that we're really following, and then we'll get into the electronic magnetic pulse issue and uh, and New Gingridge is gonna join us and much more. Also author that has taken some shots at me, people saying you're not having enough enough opposition on Hannity. We'll get to that trying as we roll along on a Friday, bomb shelter sALS Washington Examiner booming in California. Well, Jonathan Turley blasting Muller for his pre dawn raid. Very troubling, very gratuitous, very excessive. Yeah you think. And the Paul manaphor case, New Gingridge when we get back and electro magnetic pulse, what is it? Will explain ask for sure, Avance. But I know everybody think been there haven't done anything, which I find extremely irritated. And I'm gonna tell you why a comngress goes on for two years. And part of the reason I think that the storyline is that we haven't done much is because in part of the President and others have set these early kind of lines about things need to be done by a certain point now our new president. Of course, I've been in this line of work before, and I think had excessive with expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic profit and so part of the reason I think people feel like we're under under performing isn't because too many kind of artificial deadlines on unrelated to the reality of the complexity UH legislative may not have been fully understood. And of course our polutical advers he loves and that any time. So when I'm asking to view is to judge this commerce when it finishes. How much have we done to make America competitive again and to roll again? And that's part of America again. Whiss what the president off about so much? I just wanted to get repeal and replaced done. I've been hearing repeal and replaced now for seven years, but I've only been doing this for two years, and I've really only been doing this for six months, but I've been running. So now it's almost two years. And all I hear is repealed and replaced. And then I get there and I said, where's the bill. I want to sign it first day, and they don't have and they passed repeal and replaced, but they never had a president, frankly, or a Senate. I was going to do it, but they never had a president, so it didn't matter. So I say, very simply, where is repealed and replace? Now? I want tax reform and tax cuts. We're gonna reduce taxes for the people. We pay more tax than anybody in the world, and we're gonna reduce taxes. So I say, tax cuts, tax reform, and I want a very big infrastructure bill where we're working on that very hard already, and we can do that and we may even get bipartisan on infrastructure, but we want to have it. But I said, Mitch, get to work and let's get it done. They should have had this last one done. They lost by one vote. For a thing like that to happen is a disgrace, and frankly, it shouldn't have happened that. I contend you it shouldn't. They're attending now and then or here, they're not con curative empire. Well, I'll tell you what if he doesn't get repeal and replace done, and if he doesn't get taxes done, meaning cuts and reform, but if he doesn't get a very easy one to get done infrastructure, if he doesn't get them done, then you could ask me that question. All right, now, we are to Sean Hannity Show as we continue our top two stories today, the battle between the President the Senate majority leader, and the ongoing hostilities and threats going back and forth with North Korea. Former Speaker of the House New Gingrich is with us, Mr Speaker there you have excessive expectations versus get the job done, and Mitch McConnell saying well now we're gonna move on to other things. He just basically throw up his hands after that last vote on healthcare. Um, I guess I was surprised to read you read that. You said on our friend Marias Show this morning, you disagree with all of the strategy. What does that mean? Well, first of all, who were sixteen Democrats voting no for every Republican. So if people want to get mad, the first place to look is the forty eight Democrats, and in particular the ten Democrats who are from states Trump carried, including somebody who's from the state that is pro Trump. So I started with the idea, I mean, Ronald Reagan would have figured out the real opponent with the Democrats, but to repeal and replace the Republicans did, And and you got forty nine out of fifty two. And and people that attack quote the Republicans. Well, if I'm one of the forty nine, I'm standing there gonna wait a second. I did everything I could, including trying to carry these three guys whouldn't go with me. But the deeper thing here is presidents have to focus on being effective as a team. I'm one of the reasons I spoke out today is the president's gotten the cycle now of what Mitt Mitch has to do, he has to do. The president is not an owner sitting up in a box somewhere that the president is the biggest player on the field. We need to we need to get back to using the words we. What is it that we have to get done? How is it that we failed? Because we all fail that one, just miss McConnell. Every single one of us who wanted to repeal have failed. So what do we learn from that? And how do we move on as a team. And I'm saying this stuff as strong as I do because I lived through the Reagan years. I lived through the Contract years, I know, and I lived three years when Republicans failed, and Republicans failed when they decided to commit civil war against themselves, and they forget that, the Democrats of the opponents, and they forget what the real source of the problem is. The real source of the problem is not Mitch McConnell. The real source of the problem is Chuck Schumer and forty eight Democrats who spent all spring and summer trying to screw up this administration every single way they could, and they were successful. But you know, I rarely rarely disagree with you. I mean, and I'm sitting very closely for clues because because I know you so well, and with all due respect, I don't think we can compare this Republican Party to the New Gingridge Party in nine and ninety four that had a vision that actually made promises and kept promises. As a president like Reagan, you know, it was very successful at legislating. But this is from let me give you my perspective, and I really want to dig into this in get your answer, and I want to listen and I want an answer because I want these things solved because the country needs it. You know, I watched Donald Trump yesterday and there's what I sensed. I sensed a real sincerity in him. He I saw the guy that was the real person, being totally blunt and honest, not understanding how people can promise something for seven and a half years and they have the majority and then seemingly have zero really big ideas. I mean, what they what they failed on was the skinny repeal, which was nothing like repeal and replace as they promised. They don't have urgency, they seem McConnell seem to accept failure by saying, let's move on, and then McConnell lecturing the president first in fairness to President Trump about well he's not from here. Uh he's not. You know, I'm a bit irritated over this. He doesn't understand the complexities of of legislating. And I'm like, really, this is nine months into the guy's presidency and you you guys are eight years into this promise. This is ridiculou us. Well, look, I'm going I'm not to defend what Mitch said the other day. I think it was on wise, and I think looking back, he probably agrees it was unwise. But but I just want to point out, Okay, you're at a point in time when the objective fact is your three votes short. Now one way to react is decide, let's, you know, let's find some way to attack ourselves. So we're not gonna have a huge fight, for example, taking on Flake in Arizona, because boy will sure teach him. Well, we could also end up losing the seat. We're gonna really have a big fight with Heller and Nevada will teach him. By the way, both these guys voted for repeal, but we're going to teach him. I see these Conservati groups already out raising money. Good chance to then lose the seat. We're gonna be back where we were for the last few years, except now it'll be Schumer instead of Hanry Reid as the majority leader. I don't think that helps Trump. I don't think that helps the country. Listen, I'm not disagreeing that we got to come to an answer here. The only thing I will say is that I'll look, I'll concede a point to you agree. Of course, we can always go back and blame the Democrats. But give us the House, give us the Senate, give us the presidency. Will do this. There's not one Democrat, not even those from from states that Donald Trump won, that ever made that promise, and nor do I think any of them are. It's a hopeless party at this point. I mean, Joe Manchin, I know, has been reached out to time and time again, and he is absolutely impossible to deal with. At the end of the day, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats control. But but the fact is to the degree that that's true, then there is a long game. And the long game is called the two eighteen election. And you go to the country and you say, you know, we have a couple of people who are weak, so our fifty two votes really isn't reliable. We need to be at fifty six or fifty eight. Who are we going to beat so we can get the fifty six or fifty eight? Is this for the for the average person out there that's hurt? Since give us the House, will repeal and replace. No no, no no, Give us the House and Senate will repeal and replace. Give us the House Senate, the White House will repeal and the replace. Give us the House, Senate, the presidency. But now we need fifty eight votes and then we'll repeal and replace. And I'll tell you why I don't I don't believe that's true. Is you know there were sixty votes in the House to repeal and replace Obamacare show votes. They never used the power of the purse. That was an early indication they didn't mean it. There were a hundred House Republicans that never, we learned, didn't have any intention of doing that. And then we also learned that even the Senators have voted for a straight repeal bill. In three of them that voted for well, actually more of those, like like six of them that voted for the straight repeal bill, and they didn't mean it either, because when they had their shot to get it past, they didn't mean it either, and they voted against the straight repeal. I'm irritating today, I know, I'm just not No, no, you're not irritating me. I mean this is actually a very important, I think, very healthy conversation, not just tun you and me, But for the entire conservative movement. Okay, we're faced with the reality. The people who had a good press release when it came down to in real legislation Sunday discovered, oh, this is really a lot harder than we thought it was. And that's really what happened. But you were always politically courageous, and let's be honest. I mean, you got the House for the first time in forty years with a vision, a strong, active, uh participating, you know, contract bold and aggressive. You did your job. You kept your word. Well, why don't the Republicans just do that now in the next from now until January one? It should. But my point is when you say that, Sean, it has to include the president. This word Mr conn made the first mistake by going on the word we is really really important here. I went out and you're right, we put together. It took us twenty four years because you were there and you saw it, and took us sixteen years after I had election. I loved it. It was a good time. But remember I went to every moderate and I said we. I went to every conservative and I said we. And I worked very hard to make sure that we were on the same team, So I should say, Mitch, can we work together? Pretty pretty pretty pleased with sugar onto there? Yes, Look, I know it's it's not it's not as much fun as being angry. I'm not. What I want is effectiveness. I want effectiveness, not emotion. I want I want a president's fascinating about this. We so rarely disagree and and I know you're deep down as as as piste off as I am, except I'm just more blunt about it, and I wear my emotions on myself. I know you, I know you, But the biggest difference isn't how. And I agree I'm probably at least as frustrated as you are because I'm older than you. I've been doing this longer than you have. That drives me crazy than when I watched the Republican Party forget every single lesson that we learned from Reagan and every lesson we learned from the contract. And I'm very worried they're gonna do the same thing on the tax bill, and so trust me. I mean, my fuse is very short. But here's what, here's what tempers my my voice. The key is to be effective. Okay, what's gonna get the job done. Now, what's gonna make me feel good? Do you have extra time today? You're busy because I gotta keep you from one quick segment? Do you want to stay another half hour? Or no? No? I can't say that. Okay, I quick break. We'll come back. Final thoughts with new King rich don't forget his book on Amazon dot com. It's suspend now what ten or eleven weeks on the New York Times best seller list. It's called Understanding Trump. We'll get his take on North Korea when we get back. Right. As we continue with former Speaker of the House, author of the New York Times bestselling book almost three months now on the best seller list, Understanding Trump, New King riches with us. All right, I know we don't have more time. This is a discussion that I think we're gonna have to have moving forward. And I'll just say, I'll concede this to you. Blessed are the peacemakers. You shall inherit. I believe the earth because that's you. That's not me right now. And I think let's plan Monday to get back on this topic. And I'll come back on the show if you want me to. I do, I do, but I I'd be negligent if I didn't ask you about North Korea. And I do like the President's strength. I like as resolved. It is such a refreshing difference from the appeasement policies that got us here, and that means Bill Clinton he is he has done exactly the right thing. It's a perfect example. There's a teamwork underway. You see the you see General Maddis, Joe, General Kelly, you see uh General McMaster, you see Tillerson, the whole and you see the UN Ambassador NICKI Haley. The whole team is moving in the right direction. I think what the President's been saying needs to be as vivid and as clear as he has been. I think this is a critical period for us. I did write my newsletter today, which people can get for free at Gagwig Productions dot com, on what is the value of an American city. I think we have to take very seriously what's at stake with nuclear weapons, and I'm will be writing several newsletters the next week on what we need to do to have a much deeper and more effective defense system against nuclear weapons. But I think the President is moving in exactly the right direction and he's doing it as a team, and they're mutually reinforcing. When the President says something strong and rhetoric matters, comes along and says, by the way, we can back it up militarily and make it happen. All right, based on an earlier discussion and based on what you're saying here, I mean, have you spoken with the president? Have you spoken with Minch McConnell, I mean, have you have you? For example, I think you would be the perfect person to bring together I wouldn't be that person. Well, I don't. I don't think I am in a position a broker between two people who are extraordinarily powerful personalities. These guys are adults, so they'll they'll figure this out and get around to it. Um you think so? Do you think? Well, do you think that by by December, by by January? Do you think we'll get a bill to fund the border wall? Do you think we'll we'll get the President's economic plan pass? Do you think we'll get some version of their promise repeal and replace? And do you think we'll get everything we need to get energy jobs up and moving, which I think will be the single greatest That's what I think is the biggest focus on their future. I've been talking with the hight House, with the House and the Senate. I am very concerned because, as I said earlier, I can watch these I can imagine these guys sliding back and making the same mistakes with with the tax bill but they made with the health bill. You cannot do something that is too complicated and get it done. We don't have the right sized majority, we don't have the right communications capability. They need to have a simple, clean, clear tax nice if they were ready for it, but I guess that's in retro but they weren't, and the same thing is true here. They need a simple, clean tax cut by Thanksgiving if they're going to get the economy growing enough next year to win the election. All Right, we'll have you back next week, Mr Speaker, congrats on the book. Have a great weekend. One Shawn told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, check out the show twenty four seven downloaded to your iPod, be a Handity insider at Hannity dot com. And I will tell you this. If North Korea does anything in terms of even thinking about attack of anybody that we love or we represent or our allies or us, they can be very very nervous. I'll tell you what, and they should be very nervous because things will happen to them like they never thought possible. Okay, he's been pushing the world around for a long time. And I have great respect for what China and what Russia did and those fifteen we got a fifteen to nothing both. I have great respect for China and Russia what they did on sanctions. I believe that will have an effect. I don't think it will have the kind of effect even though I was the one, We were the ones who got it, and NICKI Helley did a great job. We all did a great job. But I have great respect for what they did. I have great respect for the fifteen to nothing, but probably it will not be as effective as a lot of people think it can be. Unfortunate kind I think JOHNA can do a lot well, Yes, China can, and I think China will do a lot more. Look, we have trade with China. We lose hundreds of billions of dollars a year on trade with China. They know how I feel. It's not going to continue like that. But if China helps us, I feel a lot differently portrayed, a lot differently portrait So we will do. I think the people of our country are saying, are allies to say, and I will tell you this, North Korea better get their act together or they're gonna be in trouble like a few nations ever have been in trouble in this world. Alright, twenty four now till the top of the hour, the President speaking out about North Korea, and so he's incent his words may start something horrible. And I'm sitting there and I'm thinking, really, guys, is you know we tried to bribe the guy Bill Clinton assured us this is a good deal for the American people. They're never ever gonna get nuclear weapons, and lo and behold way here today, just like I'm telling you, we're gonna be here tomorrow somewhere down the line with the RAND and that horrible Obama deal a hundred and fifty billion dollars to mulas. But of course they get twenty five days inspections notice not by Americans either, and they get to continue to spend their center few, just as like North Korea was able to keep their the nuclear rods that are needed and necessary to make nuclear weapons. And by the way, Hillary gave twenty precent of our plutonium to uh Putin and Russia. But that's not a conspiracy in any way. You know, as we've been talking about in the last few days, I've been telling everybody and asking generals and people in the know, is there any good answer here? And many people that I know love and respect, and people that have been in warfare and studied warfare their entire lives all say there really isn't any good answer. I mean, even under a best case scenario, if if Kim Jong un is dedicating himself to creating mass destruction and continues to saber rattle and continues to build his i c b M s and the world can't face such a threat, and if the world has to act, then we find ourselves in the difficult, precarious position of having to act. Even if China joins US. China said North Korea, you are on your own if you strike first, have also saying to the United States urging us not to do it either. But if in fact something happens, or we we feel that this guy is too unbalanced to have missile technology i c b M capability married to nuclear weapons, especially weapons with a range that could reach New York City or Boss Town, and we feel that we have to act in China joins US, and Israel joins US, and even Russia joins US, and Western European allies join US. Okay, then, okay, what are we gonna do? Okay, you're gonna incenterate North Korea? Does he launch weapons a Guam, South Korea, Soul, China, and Japan before our weapons actually even get there. Does he have any any pre strike plan in place if he senses he's under attack? And what does the nuclear fallout? Now there's another scenario as well. The former Speaker of the House, knew Ingridge, was talking on TV the other night that Okay, you know if three nuclear weapons, if in fact they ever exploded just above the United States in the atmosphere of the United States, well the US, Canada would be vulnerable to a catastrophic attack. In other words, there is there is the possibility in electrical electromagnetic pulse and I just out of sheer interest over the years, and they've been the subject of of spy novels and and doomsday novels, etcetera. But just launch from the atmosphere an electromagnetic pulse would literally shut down the electric grid in this country, dismantle every appliance, water systems, food distribution, and much more. But not just for hours, not just for days, but for weeks, months, and the possibility even longer. Anyway, a person that has caught my interest, he works with the Toronto Sun is a calmness. Anthony Furies is with us and he actually wrote the ball book about pulse attack, the real story behind the secret weapon that can destroy North America. How are you, hey, Sean? I'm great, great to be back on the program. Do you get do you come under fire for for writing and talking about these things where people find it as interesting as I do. Well, I get under a little bit of fire because you're right to when you teat up saying people have expine novels and it's in a couple of movies like a James Bond in the Ocean's eleven. So people think it's science fiction. They think it's entirely relegated to the tinful half brigating, and I gotta be honest, I sort of kind of did when I first started researching this, Sean, and then I found out why I thought that way. Well, why so did I I thought it was nut talk, totally completely off the rails when I first heard about it. Well, and the reason that's the case is because it's been classified information, so all the serious people haven't been able to talk about it. What happened is back in the sixties, both the US and Russia, we're doing their atmospheric tests, and they were doing them atmospherically, not because they wanted to do them in the atmosphere, because you can't detonate them on the ground you're going to create a big crater. But when they did this, they launched them up in the sky and then they realized five kilometers away various sort of street lamps and so forth went out and short circuited, and they thought, hey, had a second and they sent technicians to have a look, and they thought, oh, there's a connection here, and they realized, you debtonate one of these up in the atmosphere sends a big high energy wave form around that can fry pretty much all electronics. JFK brings in the Partial Test Band Treaty in the early sixties, which I think we can agree is pretty much a good thing. But downside is it halted you being able to do that learn more primary source information. So that's what shut it all down, Sean, And that's why when it gets classified and when you can't do more tests, it's not really you know, a sexy thing to do your PhD. And you can't get any funding to pay your mortgage on and so forth, so kind of a cone of silence. This was something that the former Soviet Union and the United States we're testing and maybe still kind of behind the scenes, are working on that we just don't know about. Well, yeah, exactly. In my book Pulse Attack, I talked about how Kazakhstan actually had one debt NATed against that when they are part of the USSA. Russia. Oh, we'll do a test over Kazakhstan. See what happened. They got rid of all the electronics there. They fried so many of them, they even took out part of the power grid. So when there are these rogue state actors run North Korea, they're looking around, they're going, wow, this is kind of great asymmetrical wear warfare. Here. The basic idea that we could maybe just us a little North Korea Kim Jong, and we could take out all of the eastern seaboard in the US and Canada and so forth. That's an amazing power to have, well, I think so, all right, So describe the threat that might exist for the US and other words of and is it a possibility? In other words, new Gang which was talking about, he wants a strategic defense initiative that has the redundancy of let's say the North Arians, God forbid, they launched an i CBM with nuclear weapons. It's headed towards the United States, the continental United States. He wants a redundancy factor that we have ten forty shots from from space at this weapon to take it out. In other words, you have the fat anti missile defense system. Now you've got the Israeli system that's on the ground. It's done a really good job for them and keeping the Israeli safe. But it's probably got to be a lot more advanced. If you go to a space based defense system and let's say a laser type of system that could explode it in the atmosphere, depending at what point in its trip that it got shot down, what would happen or what could well if they succeed in the detonation, you can shoot it down at various levels and it and it won't actually happen. And I should add that they could detonate this from a satellite. North Korea has a k s M satellite that flies over the middle of the US pretty much every twelve hours. We don't know what's in that thing. I'm sure there's not a nuclear weapon you know right now, but there are many things you know shot six months ago. People who have told you and me there's no way North Korea will get I CBM, now they have them. If they do successfully do this detonation, it very well could take out all of the electric secret And that doesn't just mean our iPhones and our fancy gadgets. It means my son born premature a couple of years ago on a life support machine. Oh that's going off grandma's dialysis machine. Wait a second, go past a few days there, we're talking weeks. The water filtration systems aren't working well. We all need water. We can't get clean stuff up. Even the sun pumps in the country, you can't get those going the regional food terminals. How much food do we actually have stored to feed our cities. All those things start to spoil and you start to realize why this can end up looking like you know, the Walking Dead minus the zombies. All right, but you've got to admit it's fairly remote, right, I mean you have For example, do you ever read any of these these magazine pieces of stories about cult preppers. I mean they're always they're always being portrayed as the nuttiest people around. And you know, I have extra water at my house, I have some extra food at my house, that prepared food like they like the astronauts seed. Um, I have a big generator at my house. I've I've I've taken some preparations, but not for the long term like this. Well, first of all, to the people who say the odds of it are happening are pretty low, NASA says the odds of a naturally occur in EMP attack happening a solar flare is around about ten percent per decade. Ten percent per decade. Okay, well those aren't very high odds. Well, hold on a second. There, folks buying tickets for the power that, yeah, they have way less of a of a choice of winning the lottery, chance of winning the lottery. We take an insurance on our home even though we know a fire most likely isn't going to happen. But but the odd thing about all of this shown is the mitigation strategy for it is really quite simple. There's been a number of statewide initiatives and even a couple of federal initiatives that want to bring in legislation and regulation on this, and it's really a two step thing. One, let's learn a bit more because right now, of course, the worst case scenario is popular because nobody's done any recent researcher investigation to really exactly authoritatively tell how bad this thing will be a fettle hit. And two, as you're redoing these parts in your various election a grid system, put in a regulation that just says, as you're replacing those costs over the years, over their life cycle, replace them with e MP compliant parts. And this is not a tinfoil hat thin sean. There are major engineering firms out there which have patents through these types of products. So mitigation is available and surprisingly quite simple. All right, when we come back, I just want to ask you, based on your knowledge or experience, your study of what an a MP attack is and and people, I bet you some people are hearing this, probably for the first time, and they're probably thinking, is this guy, real, can this really happen? And what they should do or what you'd recommend they do. I mean, I want you to send me that NASA report. I really like to read that. Um, this is just one of those topics that I read like at three in the morning when I can't sleep because I didn't have my pillow. But um, it's something that I just find a real interesting because it's kind of scary and it's like a novel, but yet it's got some some truth and it's rooted in in a reality in many many ways, especially as we become so electronically dependent, and especially power grid issues, which is a very scary scenario, and of course water filtration issues and stuff like that. Stay right there. We'll take a break, we'll come back, and we will continue with Anthony Furies wrote the book Pulse Attacked the real story behind the secret weapon that can destroy North America. The final hour of the Sean Hannity Show was up the next hang on for Shawn's conservative solutions, Right as we continue with Anthony Furies with A Toronto Sun columnist wrote the book Pulse attacked the real story behind the secret weapon that can destroy North America and uh, a lot of people haven't even heard about electro magnetic pulse and what it could do. And you mentioned that Russia performed in an attack in the past. Where did they do it. They did it over Kazakhstan when they were then part of the USSR SO Sean. They were looking at basically testing this out. They weren't really being the furious about it, you know, trying to blow Kazakhstan to smooth rings or anything. But they thought, we'll do a test, We'll do it over this area, and they did it, and they took down a lot of the grid in Kazakhstan. We're talking millions of people who lost power, part of their power plants actually went down because of it. That was back in the sixties when they hardly knew anything about this technology. So you think if a country like North Korea also wants to just sort of lightly poke around in the same way Russia was doing it, they may have some success. Yeah. Well, I mean it's a pretty scary thing. You say North Korea may already have this capability to perform this type of attack. Why, well, basically, it's about how high up you can get the missile. It's a really low kilotungue yield that's needed. When you look at the actual arsenal North Korea has right now. The size of their nukes are nothing compared to some of the bigger ones that Russia and the US have in their stockpile. But you really only need the smallest of nuclear detonations to trigger this sort of gamma ray reaction in the atmosphere that sends out this electromagnetic wave form. So the simple fact that they have the nuclear capability, the question is just whether not they want to detonate it atmospherically or not, or whether their plannings are some sort of ground launch. You talk about the North North America, you talk about Canada, the US, etcetera. Being vulnerable to this um Is there any work being done to protect the grid, to protect the water, to protect America if such an incident ever occurred. You know, there are a handful, just a handful of politicians in the US advocating for that. As you said earlier, New Gingrich is talking about this issue, yes and no. Sadly, in Canada there's even much less going on. I've been talking in our parliament buildings to the legislators about giving speeches there and as you know, we're not east west, you know, Canada the US. When it comes to electricity, we're north south. There's practically no borders when it comes to the energy industry in North America. So you're looking at the eastern seaboard going out the western seaboard, there is not much of admitted gration strategy. The only good news I have to tell you, Sean is that a few years ago money was released by the White House to harden Cheyenne Mountain the Nora at facilities where Canada and the US work together to monitor the sky. So they want to protect the military assets, and the military talks about it. I mean, it's no conspiracy theory to the military. They take it quite seriously. The only problem is great, so we get an MP attack. Military assets are still there, which I guess they can stop us from being nuked on the ground, but civil society still goes out. People are still without water for weeks or months. So we still got to get civil society on board. And Sean, you know, just as much as anyone, Paul takes its downstream from culture, and people just aren't talking about this right now. So they've got to get a cultural movement to this. Yeah, well said, um, look, I really appreciate all you're doing. And if people want to get the book, I guess it's on Amazon and in bookstores and Amazon. It's at pulse attack book dot com as well. Yeah, you're not scaring the crap out of people, are you? You're not scaring the living crap out of people. You're just you're just yea, just that's the word, that secret behind the weapon they can totally destroy North America. Don't worry everybody, It's fine, Everything's fine, all right, We appreciate it, Anthony. Thank you. Going up next our final News round Up and Information Overload, our right news round Up, Information Overload hour on the Sean Hannity. So many of you have you have been saying, Hannity not putting enough opposition on the program. Well, we're trying to get out news and information every day that that we argue that you don't get elsewhere anyway. Um, this is a person that frankly has been at times a little rough on me and her columns and whatever else she's tweeting out there. Olivia newtzees with us, she who are you with your with the Washington Correspondent for New York Magazine. Right, why are you laughing about that? Because you like taking shots at me because you just figure I'm gonna bubble and fizz like Alca Celzer and fight back. I think it's fun when you fight back. I don't know why you have to be so sensitive about it any um, anything but sensitive. And I honestly don't care at all. You know what most people don't understand about me and Twitter and like when I start these little fights with like Humpty Dumpty and all those other people. But although he's not really worth my time, but it's just for me, I'm laughing. For me. It's fun. Like you just did a big profile on Liberal Joe and Mika. I mean, I think I would argue two of the most unhinged people I've ever met in my life. I thought, listen to this is their music, the Monkey House. Do you ever hear that? I did as he watched him perform it, uh from the green room on the Pulp Show, and he was, oh, so, what did you think of them behind the scenes? You will want to share that. Yeah, you know, I thought they were they're very unusual people. Um, well, you know they're they're they're just unusual. I don't know, they kind of they sit together in this weird way. It's very difficult for me to imagine them apart and talking to them separately, you know, if the other one wasn't right next to them, they almost they seem like different people. Um, they're very different apart than they are together. That that's interesting. It almost sounds like, oh, they get relief and now I can be myself when the other one is thought around. That's what it sounds like. And I do know couples like that radio talk host, and you know, he's one way when he's around his wife, and when his wife's not around, he's the most irreverent, politically incorrect person in the world. And around her man, he's buttoned up tight. Are you talking about yourself? All right? You're so no, I'm not talking about myself. It's not a biography here, Thank you very much. The autobiography go ahead. Um. They you know, they were they were nice. They'll give them credit. They were sports They answered you know, pretty much everything that I asked. Um, but they're they have a very very tightly controlled image and and I almost was never around them. If they were not surrounded by pr people, uh and other people from MSNBC and you know, in contrast, I interviewed Rachel Matto for Glamor magazine recently, by you know, tells me she's the nicest person in the world. Now, I think she's the biggest conspiracy theorist in the country. But you know, you're allowed to have different opinions. And Sean Hannity, I think conservatives are bigger on freedom of speech issues now than liberals are. But um, regretive ancestran swear she's the nicest person on earth. Yeah, I mean, she's very nice. And you know, in contrast to Joe and Nika, she we did our interview with nobody around. Uh. There was very little dealing with any pr people to talk to her. UM and it required basically no, you know, no gymnastics that might part at all to get her to any sense that she cares about fighting other cable hosts. Um, nobody cares, he said, Yeah, I get the sense she doesn't care. Oh, I don't know. I mean, I think you know, she's been doing pretty much her arguments that she's been doing pretty much the same thing on that show for years, and just now in the political climate, it just so happens that it's a popular tactic to sort of explain things the way that she does, whether or not you agree with how she explains them or the conclusion she comes to, do you agree with me that you know, for example, over the years, I remember when Bill Maher was back on his politically incorrect days and he ended up getting fired, and it was people like me and Rush Lumbaugh and other conservatives that said, don't fire them. And I have been a steady, a steadfast, if you will, supporter of freedom of speech. And I have spoken out repeatedly against you know, people ask me, you're going to join the boycott against this and a boycott against and I said no, because ultimately it's like a weapon to try and silence opposition voices. And I'm confident enough as a conservative that if I make a good case, a strong case, that that people will be brought over to my side because of the appeals of the argument. Right Well, I mean, I agree that it's absurd to, you know, in most cases, to fire people for their opinions and for things that they say. Um, And I think it's you know, the way that speech is being sort of weaponized right now by the last in college campuses. Things like that I completely disagree with. There was a great Vice episode about this recently about one college campus where it's just gotten completely out of control. Um. But I don't know if it's like exactly falls along these political lines where everybody on the right is, you know, pro free speech and everybody on the left it against it. I think that people who understand the First Amendment, uh, and understand it's important and are intelligent in that way, are are in favor of freedom of speech, and people who don't have a very sophisticated understanding of it aren't. I don't think it's think a simple thing. The left is one way and the right together. So where would you put yourself on the political spectrum? You know, I just think everyone is an idiot for the most part, and I hate everybody almost equally. I mean we've talked about like you're calling me an idiot? Is that what you're saying? No? I mean I think you know. I I don't agree with any party completely. I don't vote in presidential And you watch my show at times when you say that guy makes a lot of sense, and sometimes they say he's making no sense at all, which is you know why we've gotten into debates before on Twitter, and you get into a one sided debate but that's okay. Oh please, You went on a whole ranch against me when I was at a different publication. I don't even remember, all right, but you have a tell us about the background. I remember reading a New York Daily news piece about you and Anthony Weener, and I guess you were on his campaign and what happened. Well, so I would say a political columnist when I was in high school and New Jersey where I grew up for an all weekly, and I sound like you're from New Jersey. I'm from Long Long Island, New York. What are you doing? Don't you know? I think I have like a nineties actent more than I have a geographical accent um. But I thought perhaps I wanted to be a speechwriter. And you know, I was writing this column and I ran out of ideas because I ran out of opinions because I was, you know, eighteen, and I thought I should get some political experience. And I thought it would be very funny to be a communications intern on the Anthony Wiener campaign, because you know, where could you learn more about communications than on something like that. Right, it was going to be insane and probably a disaster no matter what. And I was shocked when they agreed to let me intern for them because I I said in my application that I wanted to be a journalist and I wrote for different publications and I thought that they might be too smart to agree to that. But it turned out that they were not smart at Hall, and they let me come onto the campaign and I was there for about a month, um, and I you know, it was a terrible intern. I like hardly ever showed up um as I you know, I never did really was supposed to do. And then when it started to fall apart, I wrote about it for a magazine I was working for called Not Safe for Work Corps. And then the Daily News asked me to write a follow up um, And they ended up putting me on the cover up the paper without without my knowledge, and it turned into by Fire. That's got to be pretty rewarding, all right. Well, I I mean initially it was very upset to be on the cover because it looked like I had sold my story. It looked like I didn't write the story myself. Uh, and it looks like, you know, I just thought it looked bad. It looked like they had photographed me, and I was trying to be this this tabloid personality, which is not what I was trying to do. But you have to understand what I was growing up. My dad would always bring home the New York Post and the Daily News every day, and comparatively, the Daily News seems like a very serious sort of calm. No, it's a very liberal newspaper, and it's gotten more liberal over there. You know. I used to deliver the New York Day only news in the morning before I went to school. I delivered Newsday when I was eight years old. I delivered the Long Island Press when I was like ten, and I delivered a lot of papers before I got a promotion to a dishwasher by hand in a restaurant at twelve years old. Now you could never do that. You have to have the chaperon and trailing you on your bike. That's you know. The cool part though, is I was twelve years old and I had worked on two or three in the morning, and at thirteen and became a cook, fourteen fifteen, a bus boy, waiter, bartender. Then I went into construction for ten years, but when I was twelve years old and I finished working at two or three in the morning. I mean, imagine riding home on your bike at two or three in the morning. And these days, but you know, I literally have one or two Sat Pauli girls and I'd be flying home literally, I mean you know. And meanwhile, my kids have never been out of somebody's site at at any point in their lives. Are you a helicopter parent? Well, I can't because I worked too much, but I I try and and I try in helicopter Yeah, actually do to a certain extent. And I'm not gonna lie, which is funny. Problem what you're part of the problem? Then, well, wow, listen, you can't this. This is such a different day in age um and you're in a different generation than I am. Anyway, I can't talk about this at all. I'm just that's ridiculous. I used people used to say that to me because I used to always say, I'm never gonna hit my kids. And by the way, you don't have to hit your kids. I don't hit my kids. I never hit them either. You just take away their iPhone or their iPad, or their PlayStation or their Xbox, and you get full compliance within seconds. It totally works Korea. Well, just what we're gonna take away Kim Jong uns? What his his ability to kill his cousins and brothers and step sisters or whatever, take away his choice, take away his ability to play basketball or something. With Dennis Rodman, what do you think? I mean, I've been saying I don't think there's any good options here. And I can play at the tape of Bill Clinton when he made this deal and he tried to block bribe Kim Jong ill his father, and you know, I told the American people, this is a good deal for the American people. Somehow of a good deal trying to blackmail a rogue dictatorship out of building nuclear weapons. I think Obama just made the same mistake with Iran, and we'll be dealing with that in a few years. I mean, I would never know purport to have any special insight into what we should do militarily with North Korea. But are you ducking the question? What do you see any good options? I don't know what the option movie I'm you know, I'm a twenty four year old writer. No one's coming to me for advice about what's to do? Is I never got on the front page of the Daily News to knock on wood. All right, stay right, there will continue. Olivia Nutcy is with us and she has taken horrible, mean, awful shots at me on Twitter, and she's a Washington correspondent for New York Magazine. Will give her the final word when we get back. I don't want to remind you. All right, as we continue. Are your calls are coming up? Next half hour? Toll free one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. Olivia Nutsie is with us and she is with the Washington corresponding for New York Magazine. You want to take back any of the awful things you said about me on Twitter, so you stand by the malls at what you're saying is that I want to stand. You don't like alternative voices on the program, and then you just being nice And that's the things I get great. I don't remember what I said, but I stamped by whatever it was. Have you ever gone back on your opinion? Have you ever thought one thing and then said I was dead wrong? Because I have of course, yeah, all the time. You know what the biggest when the fact change, you change your mind. Right, there's just that old saying. So all the time, I'm you know, involving on what I think about things. You know, everyone says that if you have a opinions, you never have an open mind. It's so not true that one of the bigger cases, remember the Elian Gonzalez case, and and they went into this young kid and they dragged him back to Fidel. You know, part of me was thinking, all right, well, he's got a father, the father has writes too, and and probably the father misses his son, etcetera. And then I interviewed this woman and wrote a book, The Kids from Pedro Pond. And when I read it and I talked to her, she convinced me that, well, okay, yeah, he's gonna be with his father, but he's going to be an indoctrinated robot by the end of the process, and he's gonna be basically a propaganda tool for Fidel, which he became. And so I switched my opinion. Don't you think that people should have more open minds? Don't you think it's more bitter than it's ever been? Do you like it or not like it? So I like the current state of things. Well, I mean, obviously it's very interesting time to be a journalist. But it's impossible to say anything basically without people ripping your head off. I mean when it comes to you know, it's like last week I was the liberal shill according to my critic because of my cover story about Joe and Nika. This week I interviewed somebody who was formerly with the alt right and now I'm, you know, a Nazi propagandist. I don't even know what it means. Could you tell me, because I keep it's a new term relatively, what is it? Well, the alt right? I mean, initially the term was defined on Breitbart. Actually you know, it's being just an alternative to conservative, to the conservative establishment, just you know, an alternative right basically exactly what the title says. But over the last year or over the last year and a half, um it sort of became synonymous with white nationalism as people like Richard Spencer latched onto it, and then you see people distancing themselves from it, so milogistens themselves from it. Mike Serna bitual I interviewed this week, and as a conservative every election year, every four years, where racist, sexist, misogynists, the comophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. I resent it because I am a Reagan Conservative. I still am, and I think Trump is far more than people ever give them credit for. And I can go over policy details in at another time. And every election year, that's the playbook of the Democrats every four years. I'm sick of it. Well, I don't remember, and correct me if I'm wrong. I don't remember there being Mit Romney rallies where skinheads showed up. But I'm not saying that the wait a minute, mit Romney was accused because he had women's resumes and a binder of being a sexist. I'm like, he wants to hire people. Want to think to think about that today, that he got in trouble for saying that he wanted to hire women. Basically, it's completely ridiculous, especially given what politicians can get away within seventeen Yeah, it's completely ridiculous. But I mean to that point though, if you can't say anything now basically without people screening at you from one set or the other, and oftentimes, you know, I don't think that it's just oft times it is from sound true. If the sun rises in the sunsets, there's going to be a boycott, fire hand care, but I get it all right, Olivia. Thank you God bless you have a great weekend, and thanks for being on the program. I hope you'll come back. We come back wide open telephones on this Friday, Seawn is our number. Pannity uncovers the real truth about the politics of d C. He's your watchdog on Big Brother. Every day is on right now, altil the top of the hour. Right it's Friday. It's time to put your party light on. I can't tell you how many people come into me, how much fun Florida Georgia line is, how they all become fans, and how they look forward to Just sad because all of these weeks are hard, none of them are easy. It's amazing anyway. Time to put your party light on the fire, a few bullets at the moon and have some fun hammering a nail, stagging them bail. I'm balked by the five o'clock car, but I'm reading and raising mail. Jessy's getting reading. I'm gassing at the city. I'm gonna figure the six I hold. She's gonna wear jeans with the tears that her MoMA never fixed. Girls up and the cellin goes down. We find only in ten twist, I said a little blassing around dancing the dast turn to you that five always ski with his first tilt shut in my ears to feel it all Saturday night. And that's how we do it around. Yeah, that's how we do it around. Flat Bill, sit back here, you can find us where the party's at. This is how we rule. We hang uncing down everything on the maid you we lighted up with our hands a little. This is how we rule. This is how we do if we're running down the night set and bullets at the moonday is this is how we rule. Yeah, maybe this is how we roll. We rolling into town and nothing else to do. We take another lap around? Yeah, high lack you boy if you need to right, if you roll with me, you know, were rolling hop on in thirty seven metos windows tin in hotty. See though, how fresh my baby is in the shotguns. See though he kisses off for me though automatic lack of free tho, it's like I live. It might not be for you, but it's for me though. It's this is how we rule. Who we hanging man singing down everything on the gad you whoa we lighted up where our rands up. This is how we rule, But this is how we view in the world turns to le. I just turning look at you, and this is how we rule. When the sun is lovel and the winter came, and the sky fall only bring the rain, I said in hardness, all broken herted, I couldn't find a day. I didn't feel alone. I never meant for Christ thoughted, losing whole. Somehow, Baby you broke through and saved me or an Angelil till me you never leaveing because you're the first thing I knew. I can't leave me. Your holy, holy Holy Hi'll loving you. You're loving you, Your holy holy holy holy High. You're loving you, loving you mean to britest days from the darkest night. You're the river bank where I was BAPTI eyes cleans on the dam that was killing my fred On. Let me lay you down, give me to you, get your singing vain hollel. Yeah, we'll be touching. We'll be touching ever Renaineail till me, you never leave because you're the first thing I know. I can't believe your holy Holy Hi. You're loving you. You're loving you, Holy fly. Don't loving you be kind? I loving you. I don't leave these gys because you shine from me makes you feel good. On a Friday, eight nine for one, Shawn Tolfree telephone numbers, promise, let's get to our busy phones. Will say hi to Tracy. Liberal North Korea wants to talk about that from Katie Texas. What's up there, Tracy? How are you doing down in Texas? What are the liberal doing down in Texas? You know your vote is canceling out the vote of all those good people that are keeping Texas, you know, free and and a constitutional republic. Wait, wait, sorry, if you can hear me clearly, I'm not a liberal. I'm more of an independent that I gotta. You're casting me for people to be negative. But says that on my screen. So my call screener, who's rarely wrong, says that, let's let's give you a little know you. You've always cast me as that, and I understand it. But I voted for Obama. How many times one of the times did you vote for Obama? And then about Trump and North how many times did you vote for Obama? Well, listen, yeah, I did both, Bible, but that doesn't make me live there. Just Hillary or Trump? Hillary Okay, what he is a disaster right now, so I would have bet it. I would have did better. But they when it comes to North Korea, I have to admit this. I am somewhat on board with Trump's position because as far as I'm concerned, North Korea is doing like a high school kids. You know, you don't want to be picked on, so you go up to the biggest guy. You're the biggest bullying and you try to fight him. North Korea knows it couldn't stand a chance against it to get popularity by talking against America. But I do take down the Trump position because America needs to respect. You don't just talk about destroying America. We're too big for that. Russia don't do it. They have respect and they're much bigger than in North Korea. China don't do it, Pakistan don't do it. So you do have to give United States its respect, and that's the reason why we'll go with Trump. I don't you don't threaten because of issues involving respect. I mean, it's sort of like, no, it's not and somebody says, well, that's respect. On the street. You don't go threatening people because as soon as you threaten somebody you might get something you can't handle. You a person who's smart, don't threat you do. But there's nobody I'm one of. I'm a person that has trained in in very very violent street martial arts for six years. Um. I've had a concealed carry permit my entire lobe. Do you know what the last thing I'm ever gonna do is, I'm I'm gonna walk away in any time I can, and I'll take any name. So, and I want to say this about you, and I gotta address You're gonna let me address you on some issues. Okay, So you want to slam me and you want me to be quiet as you do it. Go ahead. Well, No, here's the thing that worries me. Sean for me. When I'm looking at our politics lately, I've been noticing what's right it's not wrong, and what's wrong is not right. But you's m I wonder I know that you're close to Trunk. Yeah, you love this disability to get the presidential interview and you got you know you're there. But my thing is this, I wonder when are you gonna call him out? I saw you as a part of his propaganda arm. When you did this Mark Rich story, and then y'all got burned on that. And then you don't talk about the Trump son son in law being a backchatter. You don't talk about Jump Tump Trump Junior trying to set up something. You classify this fake news, but you and I both know a lot of those things did transpire. Manifold on the investigation. Michael Flinn on the investigation. Everybody talks to the Russian, but you act as if nothing's there, like it is a nothing burger, when in fact, if you really slow down, even in back of your mind, you have to question Trump. But you don't question Trump. And I feel you let your listeners down because every single day it's something Trump is being wrong, just like when it was Obama, every single thing he did was wrong. Everything Trump does can't be right. And when are you going to really be a chine yourself. I've taken I've taken your criticism and to heart, and I've given you a fair shot. Let me let me answer your question. I report the agenda I support. He has not wavered, he's not changed, He's not a different person. He said the same thing in West Virginia that he was saying out on the campaign trail. I was out on the campaign trail with him, and nobody's perfect and everybody makes mistakes. And I would argue that that at times politically the president, you know, has had to learn on the job. But he's not Mitch McConnell's right in the sense he's not a professional politician. I actually view that as a plus. What I like about Donald Trump is it's not about what you suggest, it's not about access. It's not about um um knowing the person or the personality at all. Although I've known him for for a couple of decades and I do like him. I I happen to be fond of him, and I love the fact that he's courageous and strong, and I thought we saw that yesterday. I love the resolve that he showed yesterday by calling out the Republican Party to keep their promises. But when he talks about the forgotten men and women, which he related to, I really I identify with the forgotten man and woman. But all those people out of work, in poverty on food stamps, they can buy a house, all of those Americans left behind. And I see him ending Obama era regulations so we can be energy and dependent good for national security, and it will create millions of high paying career jobs. I support it when he talks about middle class tax cuts. I support it when he talks about corporate tax cuts so we we get jobs and manufacturing centers and factories built. I support it. When he talks about repatriation of of trillions from multinationals. I support it. When he talks about building the wall for our safety and security so people don't steal our jobs. I support it when he talks about free and fair trade. I support it. When he talks about identifying evil isis in our time and and not being so politically incorrect. I support it and the evidence that I believed all of these things long before Donald Trump ever got into politics. And I'll put it back up on my website if you'd like, But go look at my I put it up in, talked about it in, and I've talked about it, frankly my entire career. Everything I just mentioned to you is what a Reagan Republican would do. Everything I just mentioned to you is what I've always believed in. And my agenda leading up to the Conservative Solution Caucus in is the same one, and I'm gonna be honest, I really don't care. I've been to the White House during the Bush years. I've interviewed President, secretaries of State, defense, and and the likes and candidates my whole life. That's not what motivates me. What motivates me is I see fifty million of our fellow Americans on food stamps, fifty million in poverty. Obama put thirteen more million on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. He doubled the national debt. He gave us the lowest job participation rates since the seventies, and the worst recovery since the forties, and the lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years. So if you're asking what motivates me, it's not access, it's not Sean Hannity, It's not money because when I started in radio, I didn't make any money. I worked for free, and then I worked for a little and no money, and I took a huge pay cut, and I never thought i'd be successful, to be blunt, So you know, if you you can make these accusations and it's it's I guess maybe from your side that's how you see it. But if you really know me, if you've listened to me over these many many years I've been on radio, it's like my thirtieth year. Then you know it's total bologney because I've been saying these things for my entire career, just with different news and different sources and different information every day as I get smarter, hopefully, wiser, hopefully, and as I see things a little bit better and brighter, as I get older and more, a little bit more insightful with a little bit more life experience. So you know, I can't convince you that this is true, but there's evidence, empirical evidence that proves what I'm saying is true. I'll give you the last word to refute that. Go ahead. It's not that Sean. Main thing is this Trumps up front. I call him Trump shady and like the Trump University, Trump will. Trump has promised everything bigly, bigly, just because and he's been fronting. He'll tell you, like you said, he's made the statements. He You know, I don't have a lot of time. Listen, there is so much evidence of success. We now have a million jobs. We now have fewer people on food stamps than in the last seven years. We have more economic growth than anybody ever imagined Obama never got to three percent GDP in all the years he was president. I if he ever gets his agenda done, which I put on the on the Republican Party shoulder in Congress, if he ever gets that done, I predict, like in the Reagan years, we're gonna have an economic boom when jobs created. And I like that he's tough on national security. Short of that, personalities don't matter a whole lot to me in politics. Truth, fidelity to promises, a vision, principles that guide you. Well, I've seen a president that hasn't waivered since the campaign, and I was out there with it, um, but I can't convince you. Look, you're you're gonna believe what You're gonna believe. It is what it is. And I accept that there's a lot of people that I think this is very different than what reality is. But I'm never gonna be able to convince you otherwise. So I'm not gonna try. I'm just gonna explain it to those people that do have an open mind to hear it. Alright, have a great weekend, appreciate it. Thank you, Tracy one seawan. Our number of quick break right back will continue and that's gonna wrap things up today for this week and letting not your hearty trouble. Will be back on Monday. You know, I don't think this news cycle is ever gonna slow down, and just as insane. We'll be watching very closely, monitoring very closely, all of the events coming out of North Korea, will be monitoring very closely whether or not Republicans can get their act together. We'll have a lot more on all of these issues on Monday, as whom the President will make news this weekend, concern ring he's not on vacation. Have a great weekend and we'll see you back here Monday, and hope you get some rest.