Sean is joined by Judge Jeanine Pirro who made headlines today when Whoopi Goldberg attacked her on "The View" for being a "Trump Defender." Listen as Judge Pirro joins Sean to explain the confrontation and just why the media is so angry at President Trump. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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This would cost hundreds if you went to the doctor or a pharmacy, so go to four hymns dot com. Slash big that's f O R H I M S dot com slash Big for hymns dot Com slash Big. All right, clad you with us right down our toll free telephone number. We'd love to have you be a part of the program eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to join us. You know, there's one thing that I know never works during elections, and that is having no vision to make the lives of the American people better or safer. Peace and prosperity drive elections. That's just a fact. And if I'm right in in pointing out that is the single most important election in our lifetime. If I'm right about that, then you gotta look with great glee at what the Democrats are offering and what they're doing, and the games they're playing, and the things they obsess on, because the last thing that they focus on is the American people. They should be scared to death at the success of the president it in. They should be coming up with a better vision for the future, but that doesn't appear to be in the cards. I mean, I can tell you what's going on in Washington right now. Senate Democrats today are literally turning a meeting on President Trump's nominee to lead the I R Rest into a referendum on Trump's behavior towards Russia, Russia, Russia, and I'm sure it will be stormy, stormy, stormy will be the afternoon session and holds, you know, which is what they sound like every five seconds anyway, and then Senate, you know, is trying to use the nomination as leverage over Trump. The nominee, Chuck Chuck Reddigg, was cruising towards gaining a bipartisan approval from the panel and a vote that was scheduled from the Senate Finance Committee today. Democrats, who acknowledge that he's qualified for the job, they sought to stop the progress based on several of this week's developments related to Russia and their influence in the US. Does anybody stop to remind them or tell them that all of this happened on their watch. This was Barack Obama's election. He's the guy that said no serious person would ever think they could rig our elections. For metal serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved. There's no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. And so, uh, I'd invited Mr Trump to stop winding and go try to make his case to get votes. And of course it happened as it had happened in oh eight and and as Devon Noun has warned, it happened again. So today. The tipping point, according to Democrats, was the Treasury's decision to allow some political nonprofit groups to disclose less information about donors to the i R S that action Democrats argued would allow foreign dark money into politics. I'm like, okay, this is the Clinton's this is you know, you want to talk about the biggest mistake with Russia in the Obama years. Uh, that would be giving twenty percent of the foundational material for nuclear weapons that would be uranium, over to Russia. Even though guys like Muller and others in the FBI, because he was the FBI director at the time, and yet all these agencies, including Hillary Clinton's agencies, signing off on a deal that allowed this Russian company to then get control of of our uranium. And even though our FBI knew because we had an FBI spy within the Putin ring that was inside America, even though they knew that bribery, extortion, and money laundering and racketeering was going on inside America by Vladimir Putin's thugs. So the question is, why didn't anyone bring that up as a big deal. So that's kind of dark money that ended up with of the foundational material for nuclear weapons now being controlled American uranium being controlled by Vladimir. Nobody seems to really want to pick up on that. I'm seeing a interesting piece via the Politico today about Robert Muller. He's remember the President brought up at the press conference in Helsinki earlier this week. He repeatedly has pointed out whatever happened to that d n C server. Remember, the FBI wanted to look at the d n C server to find out who hacked into the d n C server. They wanted possession of it so that they can do their forensic work, well anyway for the you know, because it allegedly been hacked. But the d n C wouldn't allow the FBI into their server. First of all, why didn't the FBI just go in and take it? The idea that you say no, you can't have our server. You're investigating a crime, We're not gonna give it to you. We're gonna hire our own outside company. Well, that prevented the FBI from conducting their own independent forensic investigation determining who actually did the hacking. I still would like to see the server handed over. I have to imagine in this day and age of Hillary that it was acid washwood bleach bit by this time. Anyway, the fake fraud media now has swept that little bombshell under the rug since it first became known in Now the Trump has turned the spotlight on this little inconvenient detail. Considering that's the evidence that would have given US answers a long time ago. The media knows, they kind of now begin to have a problem on their hands because nobody's gonna believe that the Russia hack investigation has any credibility when the FBI never examined the most critical piece of evidence in the entire case, where is that server? By the way, did we ever recover the thirty three thousand emails that were deleted after they've been subpoenaed on Hillary Clinton server in the Mom and pop bathroom closet, where six foreign intelligence services had easy access to it anyway. So now the press has to come up with an alternative version of these events. And according to a new cover story, the d n C supplied the FBI with photos, not the server, what with photos of the hacks servers as they were being checked out by their own bought and paid for cybersecurity firm. So they instead of given the FBI the computers, they gave him a photograph of the server. That's what they did, And the press is now claiming that the giving the FBI the photos is even better that allowing them to analyze the actual evidence. You can't make this up. This is from Politico today their version of the story. CrowdStrike, the company the d n C brought in to initially investigate and remediate the hack, actually shared images of the d n C servers with the FBI for the purposes of an investigation of this type. Images are much more useful than handing over metal and hardware because they are bit by bit copies of a crime scene taken while the crime was going on. Well, what if they're altering what it is that they're finding. What if they're only taking the selective pictures of what they're doing what if certain things weren't found because they're not capable, But the FBI and their forensics experts would be able anyway. Live hard drive and memory snapshots of blinking powered on machines and a network reveal significantly more forensic data than some power off server removed from a network. It's the difference between watching the house over time, carefully noting down who comes and goes when and how, versus handing over a key to a lonely boarded up building. By physically handing over the server to the FBI, as Trump suggested, the d n C would in fact have destroyed the evidence. That's not true, because they handed it over to this other group. How did the evidence not get destroyed that way? Who do you trust more? A bought and paid for a company for the d n C that would would have to would have to honor the requests of the people that are paying them, or the FBI that's supposed to do a fair and free investigation. So then why is it that every time the FBI raid somebody else's home or office outcome, the first thing they do is card off people's computers and laptops. Why do they immediately confiscate, for example, Michael Cohen's computers and laptops. Why didn't they just hang around and conduct the investigation on site, or maybe they could have allowed Michael Cohen to hire an outside group the way the d n C did. Let's see how well that worked out for the FBI or Betty. Yet, why didn't the d n C turn over both the photos and the actual servers. That would have given the FBI the ability to verify crowdstrikes work and it wouldn't look like the d n C was trying to hide something. You know, photos can easily be faked. You can just selectively take a photo of this, but don't take a photo of that. You know, that would have given the FBI the ability to verify all of this various hacking set areas can easily be stage. Plus, the d n C was paying crowd strike, which right from the get go compromises any independence they could otherwise have. And just so you know, you know, that's the new excuse for why the FBI never examined the most important piece of evidence in the whole Russia gate case, the hack d n C servers. The d n C gave them photos of the server which were supposed to we're supposed to believe actually are better than being able to examine the actual servers. That's how dumb. I guess they think we smelly Walmart people. Are we irredeemable deplorables? Are we bitter people that cling to God and guns and our Bibles and our religion? They must think we're pretty stupid. But I think the FBI, the question to them is why in fact didn't they didn't they demand and insist on this. Why don't they insist on it? Now? Where are those servers? It's absolutely ridiculous. Um. We have some other news as it relates to the deep State today, Um, and I think this is getting more interesting by the hour, and it has to do with Lisa Page and her testimony versus that of Peter Struck. And as I'm watching this whole thing unfold here and beginning to think that, uh, they've got a problem down in Dodge for the Deep State players, because it looks like Lisa Page is given a very different story than a former boyfriend. And that story is now I think about to explode. Now. John Solomon as a piece out in the Hill today with new information about pages closed door testimony the other day. According to Solomon, Page told House investigators that even her boyfriend Peter Struck didn't really believe there was any real evidence the President Trump had colluded with the Russians, and Solomon headlines as column in The Hill, the one FBI text message and the Russia probe that should alarm every American. He goes on to right, it's no longer in dispute that Struck in Page held an animus for Donald Trump, who was the subject of the Russia probe, or that they openly discussed using their powers of their office to stop Trump from becoming president. The only question is whether any official acts they took in the Russia collusion probe were driven by those sentiments. I think it's pretty obvious all of them were. Now the Just Department Inspector General is endeavoring to answer that question for any American who wants an answer sooner. There are just five words among the thousands of suggestive texts that Page instruct exchange that you should read. The passage transmitted mayen There's no big they're they're struct texting now. That date is significant because it's two days after the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named the Special Counsel Robert Mueller to oversee the investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and the Russia campaign, and since that text was turned over to Congress, investigators wondered whether it referred to evidence against the Trump campaign. Now this month they finally got the chance to ask. Struck declined to say, but Page, during a closed door interview with law makers, in fact confirmed in the most pained and contorted way that the message in fact referred to the quality of the Russia case. According to multiple eye witnesses, Well, that admission is deeply consequential because it means Rosenstein then unleashed the the single abuse of power, every the awesome powers of the Special Council to investigate an allegation that the key FBI investigator driving the investigation for ten months beforehand didn't think existed. That's problematic for everybody involved. Al Right, eight hundred nine one, Shaun is our number. We got a lot of other news, Greg and Sarah today, Jonathan Gillum and Daniel McLaughlin and oh, Judge Janine pierro It got ugly at the view today. She's gonna join us and tell us all about it all right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine four one, Sean, So as you get to the elections, you gotta ask, is a what is it that is inspiring you accept this hatred of all things Donald Trump. They just don't like him, that they're never going to acknowledge the success or the problem us his cap promises, whether you like it or not. He did make promises on the Supreme Court, people with a judicial philosophy that people like Hillary don't share. He doesn't want to appoint judicial activists. He made promises on foreign policy about Jerusalem, him pulling out of the Iranian deal. Uh. He said he didn't want foreign conflicts. And yes, so now he's met with Little Rocket Man, who's not firing missiles over Japan. It was announced yesterday that the remains of about fifty five soldiers from the Korean War will be coming back next week. That's on top of the other concessions that have been made. The hostage is released, no more, no more missiles have been fired, one missile site has been dismantled, and he's willing to talk about the nuclearization of the entire peninsula. President saying today he thought the summit with Putin talking about radical Islamic terrorism in Syria and Iran and uh nuclear proliferation went really well in spite of what the media said. Poles show the American people are they get it. They're happy with the fact that the President met him on the foreign stage. President clarified that yeah, he supports the Intel community. Didn't support the Intel community of Obama. Well, we know all know they were active in trying to undermine him every step of the way during his electoral process, and that others in the FBI were helping Hillary Clinton stay in the race, stay in the game, even though she had committed multiple felonies. So we hopefully we'll get to the bottom of all of this. Anyway, Shawn, that's our number. You want to be a part of the program, Judge Jenny and Piro joins us. She was literally verbally assaulted, kicked off the show on the view today and behind the scenes, I hear it even got worse. She'll tell us the story. She'll break it here. Greg Jarrett and Sarah Carter are gonna be checking in. We'll talk about these latest developments we mentioned. Jonathan Gillham, Danielle McLaughlin and your call straight ahead, alright now till the top of the hour, one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. UM eighteen is gonna matter a lot more than you think. And it's really because of the stated agenda the Democrats. They they're serious, they're looking, they're saying it, they're whispering it. Some are doing it publicly and chanting it, like Maxine Waters, although she obviously is being told by leadership to stop a few others have done it as well in Peach forty five in Peach forty five, UM. But then the agenda is very simple. You see what they're doing. They're trying to occupy the offices of ICE and eliminate ICE law enforcement that is designed to protect American borders because they want open borders. Democrats have always believed open borders is good for them because it's a constituency. They believe that would likely vote Democratic and would help them uh in future elections, So that's what they want. Then you have some republic Aigans that have always liked the idea of cheaper labor UM and so they've got you know, both sides are guilty in that sense, UH and not solving the nation's border crisis. Uh, the president was happy with five billion dollars being offered for the border today. Um, there was some conservative protesters that descended down on Maxine waters own office this week, and she hit the panic button anyway, warning supporters this week to stay away from her district office in Los Angeles, explaining that she had received word that the Oath Keepers, which is a thirty five thousand member national organization made up of former military law enforcement officers, is planning demonstrations against against her. I am requesting those individuals and groups planning a counter protest to not be bated into confronting the Oath Keepers with any demonstrations in opposition. Such an occurrence would only exacerbate tensions and increase the potential for conflict, she said late Wednesday in a statement that she published on Facebook. And so Maxine Waters doesn't want to exacerbate tensions and increase the potential for conflict. UM. I didn't notice if she stood up for Secretary Nielsen or Pam Bondi or Sarah Huckaby Sanders. I thought the silence by most Democrats was pretty deafening. Anyway. I don't who do we know who this group both Keepers is. I don't recall ever hearing them, or hearing of them or whatever this call to action is. Anyway, they're gonna be hanging around Los Angeles. You know it's it is getting dangerous. I'll tell you the type of person I am. I'm not the type of person to ever go to a protest. I don't know how people find time in their busy days to go to protests. It just doesn't actually fit into my thinking. Um oh, let me go I have a day off, let me go protest, or I go to work when I can go protesting today, Let's go have a party protest. When we were in the middle of the protests in London, the one thing that was abundantly clear is a lot of people weren't there for any political reason at all except that it was one big party. It could smell a lot of weed in the crowd, a lot of people smoking pot. And when I was interviewing people, there wasn't a single person except the little girl that I interviewed that didn't have to me alcohol on their breath. Why are you here today, I'm here to us What specifically don't you like about Trump? I don't like what policy. Tell Trump you got harm, it's not welcome here. We don't want him to wed he Um takes this seriously. To this ignorer hasn't happened. This seems like a party. It doesn't seem too serious. Sign don't you love America? We're not gonna get it. And we've just agreen along. I saw some people giving you trouble. There's money for that. I think America is divided if like Britain, I think part America is deeply, deeply ashamed, and I think part America's been hoodwinks. Do you think that the NATO Alliance that the United States of America's affair if they pay seventy percent of the bill, What are you protesting? Are you here to just you're just here to have a party, Be honest. I can't believe this is tune man. I'm here because of all that hate them Trump. I wasn't gonna come out initially, just because Trump said, and why are you here to protest against the Trump administration and everything else? And what about them? I'm I'm okay not being interviewed. Toad Night there he must be stolen America, wake up, voting out it's been hot this summer for a reason. You know what I mean? Is it Donald Trump's faulter talk. No, but I think you're promoting he's promoting climate. Donald is not welcome and free Millennia. That did test Trump because it's policies, because it's racism and homophobia, missody, and because he's just two faced into the We respect human rights in this country and we'd like him to see that. The way that he acts, in the way that he speaks, we profoundly, profoundly rejected, in a quiet way, the lies that he's told um not to mention the human rights abuses that he's committed in his own country. We don't think he had any place in it. I think a lot of British people are more intelligent than the American film when it comes to voting. I am I'm not quite happy. I don't look correctly. I am quite agree because what I think I think that he represents everything that's toxic about Western culture and Western history, and I fear well, hell, that was a fun. Investors Business Daily raised an important question today, Democrats insisting the Russia plot to hack the d n C email servers is the equivalent of Pearl Harbor and nine eleven and and all these horrific events. So how come they don't seem to care that a foreign entity, maybe it was China, maybe it ran North Korea, apparently not Russia, managed to hack into Hillary's private server and obtain classified and top secret information on her server. Nobody ever seems to raise that question. There's not If that is not the biggest double standard, I don't know what is. It's interesting. The FBI Director Christopher Ray said yesterday that China, not Russia, poses the biggest intelligence threat to America, pointing out that Beijing is hacked into computer systems of just about every industry in the country. By the way, stealing intellectual property is a huge, big deal anyway. In an review with NBC's Lester Holt at the Aspen Security Forum on Wednesday, uh the FBI director Ray described China as the most significant long term threat facing the US today, noting the FBI has economic espionage cases open in all fifty states that trace back to China, covering everything from corn seeds in Iowa to wind turbines and Massachusetts and everything in between. Unless their Holt tried to read direct the conversation back to Russia. But that didn't work out too well. You know, think of all the record unemployment now we're getting, you want to go back to that. And which one of the five items the Democrats are running on is going to help the economy get better? Impeaching Trump, open borders, is that going to help job creation? Obamacare? Really they still want to keep it, keep your doctor, keep your penalty plan, and pay less. That doesn't sound like a good idea, but that's what they're running on. They want their crumbs back. They think the crumbs that you were given in your tax cut, it's theirs. They deserve to spend it. And then of course stopping Justice Kavanaugh from getting on the Supreme Court. That's their agenda. They're not talking about any other things, just anti anti obstruct, anti Trump, feigning moral outrage every day. UH. New claims for unemployment benefits fell eight thousand for the second week of July, Department of Labor reporting this morning, the lowest such rates since nineteen sixty nine. For forecasters that expect to do jobos claims to edge up well to around two twenty thousand didn't happen. Fewer people sought unemployment insurance than any time in forty eight years. Thursday's benchmark is especially impressive given that the labor force is twice as large as it was during the late nineteen sixty nine. We now have more jobs available than we have people to fill them in this country. Uh, let's see, it looks like Stormy Daniels Lawyers says he may seek the Democratic presidential No nation, Okay, I don't care about that. Hillary is still the front runner with Democratic women. I think she really does want to run. I don't think she can get over the fact that she lost. There's something about people that lose, or people that run campaigns and lose, They all end up losing their minds. Back up, you creep from But of course we're just smelly walmart people that are irredeemable, deplorable as clinging to God, our faith, our guns, our Bibles and religion. Um. A landslide of Republicans approved the way of Donald Trump handled Putin. I told you the media is not impacting people anymore. Doesn't matter how loud and hysterical they get, People see through it. Mark. Contrast all the fake news media, all the breathless reporting anyway, Axios now describing a GOP support is quote unbreakable. Does people see right through it? He understand Trump now saying he wants a second meeting with Putin. That's pretty good, uh, Larry Cudlow, Europe is now willing to lower tariffs on US goods. Oh, so we're gonna have free er, fairer trade, better deals for American companies, more money in our pockets. It's all good news. I don't know any Democrat that would lead on any of these issues. All right, let's get to our busy phones. A lot of you have been very patient here. Uh as, let's see we say hi to Philip Is in Pennsylvania. Philip, Hi, how are you glad? You called? Good? How are you? I'm good? What's happening? Okay? So I'm listening and you're saying about the images of the servers that we're being given to the FBI. UM an image and I T terminology means that they take a digital company of the entire drive and not actual pictures of it. So they basically take a digital company of the drive and they send it over which it can be manipulated prior to you taking this digital company and sending it over right, And uh, I just know. Whenever you were saying about them getting the images, you said, we're saying pictures. It's basically more of a all right, they're getting images, But is it better not to have the actual hardware? And maybe they're better at extracting the information that is hidden on that hard drive than than whoever the private company was. Oh. Absolutely, I've been doing i P work for about ten years now, and that's the best way to do is they actually have the physical information. I mean the physical drive there with you. As soon as you start doing digital I can change a file and then send it to you. It's like that's the original, but you don't know if that truly is without actually having the actual hard drive there. Mm hmm. So it's what I'm sure people can do it, but I think the idea that they were allowed to do it when there's an investigation going on and they didn't hand it over to the FBI, And why aren't they handing it over to the FBI? Now? What happened to it? See? I would by myself, if me or you were to do something like this, we couldn't get away with it. And I just don't see how anybody else could get away with doing what they're doing right now? No interesting, right, Yeah, I don't. No, we've been actually I've been. Like I said, what we do is I do part of this for a living. Is we make images of hard drives to make it easier to mass produce things. So basically, you take an image, Yeah, you make an image from America. After thirty years of hacking, we haven't built up the defenses to prevent it from happening again. Why not? A lot of it just seems to be that a lack of interest in us wanting to digitally protect ourselves. It's the main thing I feel, as people are still complacent with technology that they don't care about their digital print that they're leaving out there. Mm hmm alright. And people who do care basically to invest into software and things like that. But that software somebody already in their basement trying to figure out how to hack it by the time it comes out exactly, I understand. But you gotta beat five steps ahead. I can imagine if America puts the their best, brightest minds on this, we should be unhackable. We should be able to build defense against cyber hackers. We ought to have full and complete cyber security, um, especially with our nation secrets, which highlights how dumb it was for Hillary to do what she did. All right, I have a time one quick call Kurt in Wichita, Kansas, the home of Atlas m D and our good friend Dr Josh Umberg. What's going on, Kurt? How are you? Hey? Greetings from a fellow smelly Walmart deplorable. Yeah, I know. I think I'll go to Walmart this weekend as a matter of facto shopping. Say hi to my friends. Hey, real quick? Two things. I noticed that you play a lot of Hillary clips. Do you ever play her clip from I think the third debate where she comes out in says we must accept the results of the presidential election. Um, I think that should be played a heck of a lot more because it's her words, you know. I think we should do that, Linda, alright, we we do take requests. Jason is writing it down. All right, We've got it on the list. We'll get it out for you as soon as we kind of feel like a DJ now wanting to play your favorite songs, we'll play it. That sounds okay. Over on vacation not too long ago, we stayed at one hotel and we're watching Fox News at the end of the day and like about nine thirty, the audio and the video froze and it was done for the rest of the night. So we figured, all right, probably something with the cable system. We stayed another hotel the next night. There's Fox News, there's audio, or there's video and no audio. We stay in another hotel in Oklahoma City the next night, same thing, video, no audio. Every other station, you know, M, S, E, m Z and all the others all the audio and video or sinked no audio for Fox News. I think some cable companies are doing the dirty to you guys. Well, it's interesting. I got to look into that too. Many of the bureaucracies here in Washington know how to wait out Congress. They know to try to plan meetings on a Friday when they know there's not votes, or on a Monday when there's not votes. They've all you know, that's the time that they want to give things. They wait. They know that Congress is gonna adjourn next week, and so the more that they delay for no reason, We're waiting on on on many documents. As you know, we're getting very slow snail pace cooperation that is clearly designed to wait until next week when Congress adjourns. Now, I have news for them. They're still gonna get to come in and get depositions. They may think they're not going to, but they're gonna be coming in to give depositions throughout the summer. And that's part of the forty two names that I sent to Chairman Gaudy and Chairman good Lad. So I have every expectation that there will be many opportunities for these forty two individuals to come to Congress, even though they have tried to wait us out. And I think that I think they're they'd love to see Republicans lose. And and I say that I don't want to. I hate to say that, but I have to believe the Department of Justice and FBI, the people are at the leadership they are they're banking on a loss by the Republicans in the fall, which is why people have to understand how important it's going to be to get out and vote in this election to ensure that the members of Congress are returned that are actively involved to ensure because if the Democrats get control, they're going to drop all of this investigation, there differences in their testimony. In many cases, she admits that the text messages mean exactly what they say, as opposed to agents Struck, who thinks that we've all misinterpreted his own words on any text message that might be negative. Based on everything that's I'm talking about in the public realm that we know about the Muller investigation, the indictments that exists, is there anything that would allow it to be called a witch hunt? I've been consistent. I get asked this a lot. I am do not believe Special Council Muellers on a witch hunt. I think it's a professional investigation conducted by a man that I've known to be a straight shooter h in all my interactions with him in my past life and government, uh and certainly since then. So I don't think it's a witch hunt. Do you think that investigation that has been held to its mandate or was the mandate extraordinarily broad? Well? I don't. I can't really discuss the mandate because the scope isn't a confidential document. But but from what you're seeing, there's nothing that suggests that it's it's running a muck or running around the edges well, as I said, I think Special Council Mueller is conducting a professional investigation. There you have it, and Devin Noodas on my show last night. Yeah, the leadership of the d o J and the FBI are trying to run the clock out and not turn over the subpoena documents for large part because they're hoping the Democrats can get control of the House and these investigations would all go away, dropped by the wayside, and you're going John Ratcliffe saying Lisa Page admitted the text messages meant exactly what they say, and even more troubling, I'm hearing the words again and again of the new f d I FBI Director Ray and he seems like as big a bureaucrat as as his predecessor, and doesn't seem all that inclined to want to get to the bottom of all of this or the truth of all of this. We have joining us Fox News legal analysts. His book is out Monday, The Russia Hoax, The Illicit Scheme to clear Hillary Clinton framed Donald Trump, and can get it right now for pre sale. You'll get it next week in the mail, Amazon dot Com. Sarah Carter's with US Fox News contributor and investigative reporter. I think what Devin Noonez is saying is a thousand percent right. But it's still July. These elections don't take place till November. They still have the power of subpoena. They do have the ability to stop the obfuscation and obstructing that obstruction that's been going on here. We keep hearing that they're drawing up articles of impeachment, but nothing seems to happen. Sarah, what's the latest, Well, the latest is that they're the serious threats that they've been pushing from Congress UM need to be taken on by all congressional members. We've seen a failure on some of the congressional members, particularly those that have played significant roles like Treyoudy and others, back away from the enforcing impeachment on Rod Rosenstein. Remember I said before Sean that Rod Rosenstein was waiting this out. He was gonna, you know, hedge his bets. Congress wouldn't do anything, and there's a failure in Congress to work together. I think Newness is doing the best that he can do. Um. I agree with him wholeheartedly that they're waiting until November. But let's just look at the people that he is calling on um that he will be subpoena ng to speak before Congress. When you think about this, Joe Pianca, remember he was the second FBI agent that was with Peter Struck when they interviewed UH Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, who was a former n S a national security advisor to President Trump. They really need to speak with Joe Pianka because he's the only other person that was in the room at that time that can talk about what happened, particularly with General Flynn, both during the interview and afterwards that FBI headquarters when both he and Peter Struck confronted McCabe and other leadership about that interview. Other people that are really interesting is to Sina Gohar. She is on the list. Nunez is subpoenaing her. She's a name that we don't hear about much. She is basically the right hand person to Rod Rosenstein. And why is she important Because to Sina Gohar actually worked for Sally Yates. She was working very closely. She was saliates right hand person at the Department of Justice. Now she's with Rod Rosenstein. She has a lot of information both from the time she was with Sally Ate up until now that she is with Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein. And I've also been told by a number of sources that Rod Rosenstein considers three essential to his investigations, considers three essential to the Department of Justice, in fact, somebody that he can't do without. But I can tell you this, there are a lot of people interested in the role that she played, the access that she's had to a lot of this information, the role that she continues to play right now at the Department of Justice, and they want to question her now. Whether or not the d o J will allow the questioning of people within the d o J is another battle altogether. But the over forty people that News has put on that list are very important people, all of them. It's unbelievable. Let me move on to the story broken by our friend John Solomon, and a couple of very key points we discover in this piece. According to Solomon, Lisa Page is telling and you reported this to Sarah that House Investigators that her boyfriend the FBI's most vehement anti Trump or biggest Trump pater, Peter Struck didn't really believe that there was any real evidence the President Trump had colluded with the Russians, and the one FBI text message on the probe should alarm every American citizen. And the piece goes on to say it's no longer in dispute that Struck in Page held an animus for Donald Trump, who was the subject of their Russia probe, or that they openly discussed using the powers of their office to stop Trump and then the insurance policy, but stop him from becoming president. The only question was whether any official acts they took in the Russia collusion probe were driven by those sentiments, and the Justice Department Inspector General now is endeavoring to answer those questions. But anyway, he points out, there are just five words among the thousands of suggestive suggestive text of Page and Struck that were exchanged, and there's no big there there, and and the date of that text has been of intrigue to many investigators because it's two days after Rod rose in Stein named the Special Counsel Robert Mueller to oversee an investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and the Russia campaign, and since the text was turned over to Congress, investigators wondered whether it was referred to the evidence against the Trump campaign. Well Now, according to reports were Getting Paige, during a closed door interview with lawmakers, confirmed in the most pained and contorted way that the message in fact referred to the quality of the Russia case, according to multiple eyewitnesses. In other words, the admission is extraordinarily revealing and consequential, because that would mean Rosenstein unleased the most uh awesome abuse of power investigation of a special counsel to investigate an allegation that even Trump paiding FBI officials thought there was no they're they're on and they're the ones that have been investigating it. What does that mean legally? Greg Jarrett Well John Solomon's rights. And that's consistent with other reports were getting that. The Lisa Page testified in deposition that some of these Peter Struck messages sent to her meant exactly what they said. No, they're there. That's exactly what I argue for three D pages in my book that this is a an investigation in search of a crime, which the law, by the way, does not allow. There was never any evidence of a crime, there was never any intelligence to justify a counter intelligence probe, and they knew it. They knew that dossier was completely fabricated, but they decided that they were going to use it anyway as a pretext to launch this dilating probe of Trump to prevent him from becoming president, and then when he succeeded, they continued with it to try to destroy him. That's exactly what happened. And you know, no, they're there. Peter Struck knew that there was no legitimate evidence evidence against Trump. Rosenstein knew it. He appointed Muller anyway, how many of all of the people that have been indicted have been indicted for collusion zero because there never was any evidence of collusion. So this is all these other indictments are all smoking mirrors by Muller and Rosenstein to try to justify themselves. Where do you guys see this investigation if you had to make a prediction Today, reports in the Washington Posts say that, well, now Mueller's team wants to begin to wrap up. They'd hand anything else that was left over to the Department of Justice. What would that mean that ends up with either an interview or no interview with the president. They write a report it sounds horrible, and then Rudy Giuliani writes a counter report. Is that how it ends? Or does Muller want to keep this alive for another three years? Well, all he has to do, Sean, is create a disinformation campaign. It's the same type of campaign that we've seen coming from former CIA director John Brennan. The same type of campaign that Comey has been a part of, and all of these other ex Obama officials that they've been pushing out their rumors and live not based on facts, which is so interesting because their job required them to be all about fact based findings, but instead they utilized rumors and innuendos to spread lies about their own president, about the president of the United States. What was really interesting to me I spent the day with UM talking with George Papadopoulos's wife Simona, and uh, you know, talking about what they've been through as a family and how the FBI handled them well in order to get that guilty plea. I mean, they threatened Papadopolis with almost everything they could. I mean, the family is pretty much bankrupted because of this, and they then threatened him with being an Israeli spy. Uh, they said, you know, well, we're going to bring charges against you that you were an Israeli spy. I mean, it was just one thing after another after another until he finally played guilty, you know, to one count of lying because he didn't know where to go. His sentence. The hearing comes up in September. So these are people and you have to ask yourself this, just like Greg said, if they knew there was no there there, why did they keep pursuing it? What were they trying to achieve? And if their ultimate goal was to achieve either an impeachment of a president, a duly elected president of the United States based on fault lies, or in an attempt to stop this person from ever becoming president, then you have to ask yourself, what is that on the big grand scheme of things? Is that a soft coup? Was that what they were attempting? Talk that we we already know the answer that they had a favorite candidate that should have been indicted, that they saved from indictment by rigging the investigation, and then they turned their sights to malign and smear and even even use Hillary Clinton bought and paid for Russian lines to even get vizor warrants that there was no level of no level of the law was followed. It was all hands on deck to electillery at any cost. And they just can't believe they lost because if she won, none of this would have come out. It's not like she would have been mad. They did all this to help her. So if if Devin Newness is right, and now the Department of Justice is looking at the hopes that the Democrats will have this blue wave that seemed to be receding, But I guess anything can happen in an election, and I don't count my chickens before they hatch. But if they got control of the House of Representatives, every one of these investigations would die. That would happen. In other words, the Democrats would bury at all and that means the deep state would get off the hook. Yet once again, is that what that's what they're now delaying for? And why would the Republicans allow them to delay that long? Greg, Well, this is the old Muhammad Ali rumble in the jumble jungle. You know, you you put up your fists and you try to draw the opponent with exhaustion and fatigue, and they're running out the clock. And that's exactly what they're doing. But you know, Frankly, one of the reasons why I published my book. I worked very hard to get it done so that we would get out by next week, is because I want people over the next month or two to read that book. And I'm convinced that if they do, they will realize that Donald Trump was completely victimized by the FBI and the Department of Justice, that he is the victim, not the villain here, and they'll be angry about it, and they will not want to return to Congress. A lot of Democrats, uh, and you know, the Republican red wave will consume the blue wave. It's going to be interesting. Final thoughts, sir well, I certainly hope that that doesn't happen. Seine. I think we need answers. I think the American people deserve those answers, and I'm counting on Greg's book to make that happen. It's we all are. It's out next week. You don't want to miss it. The Russia hoax, the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton frame Donald Trump. Bookstores everywhere you can get it now and I'm Amazon dot Com. It's out Monday, all right, thank you both. We'll take a quick break, will come back. Judge Denyn Piro thrown off the show the view earlier. She'll give us a front row seat at what went on. Wow, this is gonna be I missed it and apparently was cursed out as she was walking out. We'll get the details up next. B d P under Obama was barely one. We're going up to four, so I want to talk about him to tell I also think it's important. As we said, Republican Party still surpwards him. He still has a huge popularity in the country, and if Democrats don't get there, you know what, together, he's certainly going here. Use my question for you. Use my question for you, because I'm talking about talk. I am not nobody. Did you just points at me? Yeah, listen, I don't have Trumps arrangement. Let me tell you what I have. I'm tired of people starting a conversation with Mexicans of liars and rapists. I'm tired of people started the conversation. How about this, funny Listen, I'm sixty two years old. There have been a lot of people in office that I didn't agree with, but I have never ever seen anything like this. I've never seen anybody whip up such hate. I've never seen anybody be so dismissed and I and clearly you don't watch the show, so you don't know that. I don't suffer from that. What I suffer from is the inability to figure out how to fix this. That's my issue. But one of the things that you talk about a lot, and I'm curious about it is the deep state. How long has the deep state been there? And who's running it? Well, I won't answer your question because you get you for opening statement, which is how horrible it is Donald Trump that's talking about all of them. That's what you said. You said, you know, you said that it was here and murdering the children of Americans. You know what's hard when the president united sanctuary people to feed the hell out of That was what went down on the view earlier today. Judge Janine Pierro uh, I guess got thrown off the show and it got worse behind the scenes. All she was doing was pointing out, no, the president doesn't refer to all immigrants as racist or or murderers and rapists. Um, but we've given you the statistics we brought on guests on this program. Yeah, families whose children have been murdered by illegal immigrants, and it's a reality. We've met the angel Moms and the angel mom groups and they do exist. But the President does not speak with broad sweeping generalizations. He's talking about some and has been very clear and made that determination and distinction many times. Judge nine Pierrol has a new book out, which I guess brought her to the UH studios of the view. It's called Liars, Leakers and Liberals, The Case against the Anti Trump Conspiracy. All right, you gotta you gotta tell us what happened? Holy moly, Well, Sean, thanks, you're absolutely it listening to that. I haven't watched it and i haven't looked at what happened. I'm still reeling from it, to be honest with you. I went on thinking that we would have a discussion about the book. The truth is that it was an attack on Donald Trump and then on me. I sat there is WHOOPI Goldberg anticipated about how horrible Donald Trump was, and at one point I said, you know, I'm here to talk about the book, and then she went ballisted and the say that she said, that's it, I'm done. And what people didn't see who were watching the show where she get away from the death or where we were all sitting, and she decided, uh, that she was gonna end it. No one saw that, but it got worse when I went off the stage, Sean. I was walking downstairs, uh, and I said something like, Whoopy, I thought, for victims my whole life. And she came at me as I was leaving, and she said, f you in my face, literally spinning at me, F you, get the f out of this building. And I said, through, didn't just say that. She said, that's what I said, get the f out of this building. And she was screaming at me. And I'm walking out of the building like a dog who was just picked off. So forget about what she did to me on set, which was horrific in itself. But the treatment by uh Whoopie Goldberg is typical of what is going on in this country. The less they invite you on to talk, they doesn't let you talk, They throw you off the show and then throw you out of the building. Here's the problem. The problem is wants start doing it, going to start doing it, but it's already happening. I mean, it's Secretary Nielsen, it's pam BANDI, it's Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Uh, it's now Stephen Miller. I mean they're outside of people's homes. You got it. They didn't listen. She wanted to get away with saying something that is absolutely provably false, that the president refers to all immigrants as rapists and murderers. That's not true. And you know the fact that the president is real policy is to build a wall to vet immigrants from other countries, but have a big door in the wall. And once we vet you, we find out you want to be a part of our family. And it's it just as it's much easier to go with the emotional talking points and the facts be damned. And one thing you have on your side is your keen intellect. You study this as well as anybody I know. And she wasn't gonna be able to hold the candle to you actually debating her. And as you were beginning to tell her she's wrong, that's when you know she threw you out. But with Sean throwing me out and these people on the left, and I said in the first segments on and I can, I have to look at it. I said, we need to start talking about this stuff. You know, we need to start with recognizing that it doesn't matter if it's Donald Trump or if it's a Democrat. One thing. We've got to have a Department of Justice, and that's the ies that is not corrupt. And it was. I'll tell you, Sean, I've been a prosecutor a judge Yates for thirty years. I've sat on murder trials. I can go toe to toe with anyone. I tried murder cases. I've gone against drug cartels. I have ever been treated like that in my life. I was stunned, you know when and if you would think if they would at least do a little bit of research in your background and your experience as a prosecutor, um, you are a strong defend your entire career for women's rights and the rights of children. I mean that was, you know, some of the cases you took on and the rights of systems of hate crimes. I thought for a hate crime law. I testified people are Congress on a hate crimes law. I testified for the silent victim of crime. I protected the illegals when they were victims of other illegals. I mean, I don't know what you can't say anything. How dare you like Donald Trump? How dare you stand up for the president of the United States? How dare you say that when he met with Putin that wasn't treason. Well wait a minute, for seventy five years presidents and met with the head of the Kremlin. They they lost their mind. And the way I was treated and thrown out at the end, first of all the set up, they never said, by the way, we're gonna have CNN co host this uh, a contributor from CNN, Anna Navarro uh. And then it was just the whole thing was Sean, you know what the White has got to learn that there is no way we discussed it. These people are out. If you would have asked me ahead of time, I would have told you not to go on the show. You didn't ask me, um and I had. I had a similar experience, except at that time it was with Rosie O'Donnell and it was a knockdown, drag out shouting fast. Barbara Walters could not shut either one of us up, and it just got it. It's I just was not going to be shouted down by a lunatic, and that's what they try to do. And they told me, you don't go on the joy. Did you know what? I got a book? You know, the book is based in fact. There isn't any question I can't handle. But I'll tell you what they can't handle five on one and ending an interview and being cussed at as you walk out the door. It's not you know, in that case that they couldn't handle the fact that you did have arguments to the back of what theyre said. They have a predetermined narrative and it's very comfortable in that studio with the liberal audience of people that worship them, and they're gonna clap at everything they say. They can't handle the fact that you do have real substantive answers, researched answers to their to their talking points that they spew every day that are not rooted in truth. So and you know the book. That's why I wrote the book. But the book is factor liars liberals. That's why I wrote it. I want to talk about what is going on in this country, but they don't want to talk about it, Sean. And that's why I mean, people like you and me are are demonized by the last Let's go over the two points you were gonna make. The first was about her statement that any president that refers to immigrants as rapists and murderers, you are about to say, no, that's not true. Well, first of all, the first point was, you know, let's talk about the rapists and murderers. And the second point is that's not what he said. I didn't have a chance of say, und Donald Trump. For thirty years, I've seen him with with UH minorities and by the way, minorities today, Hispanics, African Americans have never been better off in terms of the employment, in terms of the economy, in terms of the ability to provide for your Family's ever been safer than we are from isis? I mean, you know, and this whole idea that um, you know, beauty with Putin makes some treason us. Well, you know what Barack Obama said there. While Putin invaded the Ukraine, Volley annexed the crimea and did nothing, Barack Obama hoisted up a faithfully a make believe counter intelligence investigation as an insurance policy to shut up Donald Trump and make sure he was a piece. I mean, this is about right and wrong and justice. Lady. Justice is supposed to be blind not with them. Right now, she's peeking through those bandages and looking to balance the scales on their side. You know, this is this is what there is. An other part of this is that if somebody could calmly, intelligently and with the facts to bunk all the the all the narrative that they spew every day, it then becomes a problem for them because now the audience that just maybe watches them, and maybe just CNN the few that do, then they begin to realize, wait a minute, there is a whole other thought process out here that's different from ours and and the daily dose of propaganda we're being fed, and that becomes a threat to them and who they are and what they've actually been telling their audience. And they get exposed as not being telling the truth. And and the amazing part of it is that it is a live example of the the the effort on the part of the left to take away our free speech rights. They will advite you on to talk with them and answer their questions. Then they'll they'll pontificate, they won't let you speak, they shut down dorfulst amendment right, and then they pull the plug, curs you out. It was a lot of the building. You know ever in my life, Sean, and you know, And I'm hoping that people will read the book Liars, leakers and liberals and get what's going on? Does I'm here to tell you I've experienced it. Well. I can't wait to show this video of you. Maybe you can give us a play by play tonight on Hannity. Uh, we'll continue, We'll have born with Judge Jennie Piro Liars, Leakers, Liberals, the Case against the Anti Trump Conspiracy. And as we continue with Judge Jannine Pierro, the host of Judge Jenny Friday Saturday nights at nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel and Number one showing a slot by far uh frequent filling guest on Hannity the nights that I take off. Her new book is Outliers, Leakers, Liberals, the Case against the Anti Trump Conspiracy. And she made the mistake of going on the View today and got thrown off the show and then got kicked out in the door with a few choice cuss words from Whoppi Goldberg. Um, well, let me ask this. You going to explain to her what the deep state is? She said, who is? Who is this deep state? I know you have a good answer. I have a good answer. How much time does she have? Exactly? Yeah, the world. She didn't want to know. What she wanted to do was make an opening statement on what a racist Donald Trump is. Not let me answer, then throw me uh in This segment is you know on the television like you obviously Sean. And I'm saying of myself as I'm sitting there, Jamine, is this really happening? The segment isn't over yet, it just started, and she stormed off and they immediately put my uh book up so people couldn't see her storming off. Although she ended up I understand apologizing audience. But when I wrote off stage and she was there as I was standing down, she she got in my face and she was so close to me. She said, ask you as you get the f out of this building, you know, get the f out of this building. And I could just you just say that to me, and you know, get the out And I'm rolling out of the building and I'm saying, I've been a question to a judge this you attorney people used to live when I walk into a room and I don't need that that that formality, but I have never been asked to come somewhere, try to answer a question and then post uck and thrown out of the building. I've never been treated like this in my life, and it's worked. The left doing people on the right to shut them down. We can't deal with it, and I think that Americans need to recognize in if we don't make sure that we keep the house in the Senate, I was gonna end up being not just foster sized, but thrown out on a larger scale. The way they're stated to me today, it was outrageous, outrageous. Sean, Well, you're obviously somebody that I know well. I know it was uncomfortable, but I know if anybody can handle it at you, you handled it perfectly to me. I can't wait to show this video on TV tonight, So see later and hang in there. It's a sign you're effective. It's a sign they don't like how effective you are. They're just they're just angry, and you know you're bringing in a dose of reality that they really can't handle. All right, Judge Denean, fars Leakers, Liberals, the case against the anti Trump conspiracy and Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. If you want to get a copy. We'll take a quick break. We'll come back on the other side. Our News round Up Information Overload hour with Jonathan Gillham Danielle McLaughlin is coming up and much more straight ahead. Stay right here for our final news round Up and Information Overload. But first we want to start with this week in Russia game. Donald Trump is afraid political hurricane is out there and see for him. We'll call it Hurricane Vladimer, if you will, the whole Russian thing. It is as if there are no shoes on the Trump human centipede that are not about Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia, that's cloud about collusion with Russia. We'll hang over him no matter where he stands. Certainly feels like we're in the opening stages of a devastating political chapter in American history. Evidence is mounting for the president's meddling in the Russia probe. Is any day to be watching ari and it's today Russia, Russia, Russia. I'll say it again. This Russian connection just teached building and every time it builds and expand you have to wonder if Trump himself isn't worried about what's swrowing around under the coverage has learned new details of the FBI investigation into potential links between individuals associated with the Trunk campaign and the Russian government Specifically, Willie, I think what it means is that a federal judge found that people in Trump's organization were colluding with the Russians. You fallout tonight in the Russia investigation. Russian Russians, Russian Russians, Russians, Russian, Russia, Russia for Russia, Russia and Russian, Russian and Russia and Russia and Russia, the Russian, Russia, Russia, Russians, Russian, Russia, Russia, Russia and Russia, Russia, the Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Rusians, the Russian Russia and the Russia, Russian, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russian. If it's not that is hull, you know what year from the media or stormy stormy, stormy, stormy stormy. Meanwhile, a comparison of the Obama administration, all the annexation, crimea, Eastern Ukraine and other actions. So much for the little button reset that they had during the Obama years as things got progressively worse. Oh and I guess Russia probably got the best deal ever when they were able to manipulate of America's uranium away from US. Yeah, the foundational material for nuclear weapons that nobody seems to remember but I do. And many of the people involved in that deal will throw money back to the Clinton Foundation, massive amounts of millions of dollars, which I'm sure we're going to get back to because we've only been too busy with the deep state arguments, uh as they exist in the country. But the media who's been tougher on Russia, well it's been Donald Trump, not not Vladimir Putin's uh best friend Barack Obama. Hey to meet, let's like covoting. I am the summach. I submit to Vladimir. I will give to him anyway. Here to sort through news, round up information overload our Jonathan Gilham, he wrote the book and Sheep No More. Danielle McLaughlin, attorney, constitutional expert who co wrote The Federal Society How conservatives took the law back from the left from liberals, which we're seeing because now we're getting real judges, not well an extra judiciary and a super legislator, which is what the left wants. Um who's been tougher on Russia. Has it been Is it Donald Trump or is it Barack Obama? Simple question, Danielle, It hasn't been Donald Trump, and all want to see good afternoon, Sean. Hey, Jonathan, this is I think this is the issue. Why has the president been so has equivocated so much about Russian middling Two weeks before his inauguration he was giving unequivocal evidence that Vladimir Putin ordered election interference. It should have been really easy for him to come out against it, and I think he should have. You know, that's different from the collusion. That should excuse me. I have to correct the record because our audience is too smart and knows better. I have a montage that he has said over and over and over again that Russia interfered in the election, as did others. He said it at least uh fifteen times. Let me play a few of them for you. As far as hacking, I think it was Russia, but I think we also get hacked by other countries and other people. And I can say that. You know, when when we lost twenty two million names and everything else that was hacked recently, they didn't make a big deal out of that. That was something that was extraordinary. That was probably China. We had we have much hacking going on. Well, I think it was Russia, and I think it could have been other people in other countries. Could have been a lot of people interfered. I think it was Russia, but I think it was probably other people. And to our countries, it was Russia, and I think it was probably others. Also. The Russians had no impact on our votes whatsoever, but certainly there was meddling, and probably there was meddling from other countries and maybe other individuals. I'm with our agencies, especially as currently constituted, with their leadership. I believe in our intel agencies are intelligence agencies. I've worked with them very strongly. Uh, there weren't seventeen as was previously reported. There were actually four, but they were saying there was seventeen. There were actually four. But as currently uh led by fine people, I believe very much in our intelligence agencies. So he said it all those numerous times four and reference to the election. It also happened in oh eight, it happened in twelve. Devon Noon has warned about it in UH. So, Well, let's give you some examples. Um, For example, Barack Obama, he promised in an open mic more flexibility. That seems like colluding with with Vladimir to me. Unlike Obama, Trump sent anti tank missiles and serious military aid, serious amount of it to help the Ukraine thwart Russian aggression. That happened under Obama. Obama did nothing. Under Trump, NATO forces conducted military exercise near Russia's border with Poland and the Baltic Nations. Trump has imposed multiple rounds of sanctions against Russia. Give you the specifics if you want them, Danielle. When Russian led mercenaries approached US positions in Syria, Donald Trump authorized our forces to defend themselves and dozens of, not hundreds of Russian mercenaries were killed. And when Obama, I'm a hobbold the American energy industry. Trump now has unleashed the American independence and energy production, which is now undercutting one of their main sources of income in Russia. And after years of declining defense spending under Obama, Trump just pushed through the biggest defense increase for national defense in our history. So I agree with you on U S energy. I think it's great that what's happening, particularly in Texas with the oil sands that we are leaching out. CRIMEA didn't happen under CRIMEA didn't happen under his watch. The Trump people watered down our position on Ukraine on the GUP platform in two dozen and sixteen, making it seem like out of the GEOP support would be less. Trump this week had a meeting with Vladimir Putin with no records, and now the Russian prison is talking about some agreements that were reached that the American people and even I see doesn't know what that is. You know, the possibility that Michael McFall or Bill Browner Americans might be handed over to the Russians for questioning is really something that I think every America should scratch their hits about because we shouldn't be doing that sitting aside diplomatic community from Michael mcfull which is a principle of law that has existed for hundreds and hundreds of years. You know, we know that who hates the magnet skiat. We know that Bill Browder is a big pusher of the magnet Skiak. We need the President to really stand up I think for people like Bill Browder and Mamma coming forth. Mm hmm, Jonathan gillum at just as a talking point, when you add to the uranium one deal, you pretty much have total complete Russian capitulation under the Obama years. Yeah. And and here's something absolutely, uh, we forget about all the UH and the media never reports all the collusion or the UH the relationship that Clinton's and UH and Barack Obama had with Russia and other, um, you know, evil empires like Iran for instance. But you know, here's the thing, Sean that I love Danielle. You know, and I say this all the time with people in the media that are not in the know, but they have an opinion about what's being reported. What's being reported is being reported from a leftist narrative. The reality when it comes to UH whether or not Russia tried to meddle in our election UH. Process, here's the facts, yes, but so does everybody else. That's counterintelligence. That's why we have groups like the CIA, That's why the Russians have THEIRS, That's why Cubans are trained. Uh. People would be surprised how elitely trained the Cuban Intelligence Agency is and how much spying that they do on the United States to try to affect elections and political outcomes. That's what they do. And guess what our allies do it as well, because if they can affect a political outcome, they can affect their standing in our economy and make more money that way or gain more power. And that's counter in intelligence. That's what happens. What I see from an individual who's you know, been in the FBI, who has been the military and seen the way they have been read into these programs. What I see when I uh analyze what's going on right now with Russian uh collusion if you will, and Trumps. I see the media and politicians on the left talking consistently about Trump, Russia, Trump, Russia. And what they've done is that the old Soloinsky playbook, they have convinced everybody without any proof, without ever mentioning that these other countries are involved in the same type of counter intelligence. They they have not talked about that. They just completely continue to say Russia Trump, Russia Trump, and that's what people here, and that's what people think is the truth, when the reality is it's not Russia Trump, it's Russia and every other counterintelligence agency trying to affect what the United States does on a yearly, daily, monthly basis. Yeah, I know, Jonathan, I don't disagree with you. Um, I do understand that sort of modern day warfare. We think about it in terms of economics or a geopolitical influence and intelligence gathering, and I understand. You know, we have allied relationships like the Five Eyes, but even our allies have an interest in what happens in our domestic, you know, political situation. I think part of this is that there wasn't a clear enough message from the get go that just basically where Trump put the hammer down and said, look it was Russia. I accept it. We had to move on. I think there's the equivocating and all the language about well other people do it too. I think that leaving that open has been been a problem. And I take no position on collusion because there's no Let me ask you this. Let me ask you. I'm sad. What what has Russia done that affected our election? They've done nothing, They did nothing that was effective. Well, what about hacking? Okay, I'll give you an example. Goose of for to point North was gr U officers. They hats into the DNC to hats into John Podesta, and you and I in Francy Sean. You know how damaging those emails were, wickily sleeking. You think that Russian state sponsored operatives left footprints and and showed the world that they were hacking the d n C. Well, the words, I have an indictment against Russian Russian agents who are buss the point to who Rotton was looking to. By the way, here's the key. Here's the key to what Putin said that everybody missed. He said that Russian state sponsored operatives did not do that, and he's right, it was Russians. And I would uh theorize that it was Russians that were hired, owned and paid by the d n C. I mean, I just think that you've gone down the rabbit hole, honestly. I mean, we gotta take a break. Welcome back more with Danielle McLaughlin and Jonathan Gillham. In You with Jonathan Gillham, author of the best seller Sheep No More. Danielle McLaughlin, attorney and liberal and still a friend of the program. Uh, you know, I just sens from daniel I sense from Danielle today there's she just wants to buy the narrative and the facts are meaningless. In terms of how tough Donald Trump has been with Russia up to this point, especially compared to Obama. And by the way, we didn't hand over of our uranium to Russia the way Hillary did with massive kickbacks to the foundation. That was the biggest win I think he got during the Obama Clinton years. Jonathan, Well, yeah, yeah, I was waiting for Danielle to come back on that one. You know, she had nothing to say. I was buying her time, letting going to you first, you know, one of the one of the other things. And I gotta say, because I haven't really been on any program since that. The Trump Putin meeting and press conference, is that, um, you know, this is uh. We're looking at a president that sits down with people that are are causing issues in the world, and he approaches them and gets close to them, and he's handling them, and it's he I've not seen him do anything wrong with Kim John Earn with Putin. What is the problem is the media and Sean. It has gotten so out of hand between the leftist Democrats who are going further and further left. They make Danielle look like a far right wing Zella. They are going so far left and working hand in hand with the media. I saw a report today by Wolf Blitzer on CNN with a congresswoman. The entire thing was, what's your opinion on this? What do you think about this? H how what do you think has happen here? There was no facts, no facts whatsoever. And wolf Blitzer puts himself up there is this great uh journalists, fact driven journalists, and not one single thing was a fact. It was all them just blows eating And that's the biggest problem. Nobody is praising this president for the fact that he's stepping forward and handling the troublemakers in this world. Last word, Danielle, I just want to make it really clear. You know, I love coming on the show, and I love you beat me up, and I you know, I'm right here standing waiting for it. I'm not going to take a position on pollusion. I want to make that very clear because there are no facts. All I'm talking about are the facts that we've seen in the behaviors that we've seen. You know, the presidency. He's our president, he's my president, he's your president. It's very important that we respect the man in the office. I just wish there'd been less equivocation from the get go on what the Russians did and as we're seeing from the Muller investigation, because I honestly think it would have helped the president. All Right, thank you both for being with us. When we come back, wide open telephones, eight one sewn. You want to be a part of this program. We have a lot of breaking news. Will be bringing to you a new news on Deep State struck and Page interesting developments in that case, and much more. Ninetiestern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Your calls coming up next. Alright, another action packed show. Glad you're with us? Sorry, time for you to take over. One Sean is our number. You wanna be a part of the program. We're gonna start with Joel. He is in Long Beach in beautiful California. The Supreme Court put a stop on the proposition that was to go on the ballot. They have a referendum system out in California that would have broken the great state of California into three. Can you imagine now you'd have six senators from California. Not a good idea anyway, Joel High, how are you glad you called? I'm good. I'd like to give it a little bit bit of a short background. I was brought up as a nice democratic young man um and as I grew up as a teenager, I was noticing, you know, just how things worked. And it seems like, no, I'm an independent, I don't call myself any party, but it seems like the Democrat or left oriented people, if they don't get their way, they want to legislate morality, legislate everything, or change the constitution to fit their own needs, and you know, they get kind of vicious. A matter of fact, I just had a terrible event happened. I forgot ben Ghazi, the word ben Ghazi, and I called a friend of mine, said, when that that fiasco Hillary was involved in? What was it called? Again? He was, why do you want to know? And I told him why, and you know, I'm gonna talk to you. I decided to call you, guys say, and he flipped out on me, hung up the phone. And he's a Democrat. Okay, I mean, I'm shocked at the viciousness of it. Anyway, Anyway, uh, you know, moving forward, because I have a lot to say in a short amount of time, I guess I'd like to create a distinction between the term strategy and tactics. Most people don't know. Strategy is we need to cross the river and uh and you know, and invade the town. Tactics as your manner of how do you get there? And that's up to the arms. The problem is is today's culture, this this instant instagram culture. They want to see an event and they will see a part of an event, and then they want to see a resolution within twenty four hours or two hours. I mean, it's insanity because things take time when you mount the strategy. I mean, for example, what if Trump wanted to appear week in front of the Putin. The truth is they're definitely afraid of Trump. Trump is a hard ass guy with a finger on the trigger and they know it and they're gonna abide by it. But our own country doesn't see what if his intention is strategic and tactical approach was to create a certain there's only one thing that Donald Donald Trump has a pretty sound doctor and if you will, he doesn't want to drag America into these foreign conflicts and wars. And his belief is through economic prosperities wind wind deals could fair fair trade, free and air trade, and economic openness and opportunity, etcetera, etcetera. That that is going to create the most hope for the world in terms of peace because of the prosperity that would go along with it. Um. I don't think America, you know, for all the saber rattling by everybody, Um, the last thing the America needs is a war here. And you know, I forgot who said maybe it was judged nine. I don't know what the expectation was that he was going to go on stage and and start a fist fight with Vladimir. It's naive, it's silly, it's it's immature yet to you know, take Putin for what he is. A hostile actor. But Putin was willing to sit and talk about nuclear proliferation, radical Islamic terrorism, a horrible civil war that is taking the lives of men, women and children every day in Syria, and how do we deal with the number one state sponsor of terror and all the proxy wars that the Iranians are fighting, so all significant issues. No, do we want put meddling as he has in the past and American elections. No. But at this point I'm actually depending on our own i T capability to prevent that it's up to us to build the defense system to prevent them from having any shot at doing it. The greatest incentive that we could create to stop them is having a system where they can't possibly ever do it, and we haven't built that system, even though they've now gone gone on and done this for decades. So that's the answer to me. I believe in being self sufficient anyway, Joel, appreciate it. Let's keep the phones going. Here. Susan is in Omaha in Nebraska. Hey, Susan, how are you glad you called? Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. I'm doing. What's going on? Well? I had to call because I had made up this thing about Ben fast. Um. First, I apologize for him because I'm a Nebraska and I apologize for Ben. But trus what I have to say about him. Ben, you think your next presidential wonder, But that would be a great, big blunder. You are great at spouting words against Trump. When it comes to substance, you're in a real slut. Start putting your words into action. Staff Otherwise, get off the stage and kissed my and you finish it. That was pretty good. Really, he irritates me and he's not what a lot of Nebraskans are. So I actually did a lot when he was running for office. We put him on TV a lot, uh and radio a lot, and I actually said, Wow, this this guy's a potential future rock star and yeah, and he's become He was probably one of my biggest disappointments that I ever endorsed. Uh the Senate and uh, I don't know when is he up in a few years? Two years? Yeah? Yeah, Well let's see if some good, smart Republican challenges him in a primary so I can make up for my mistake for the people in Nebraska. But he said all the right things at the time, seemed like a good guy. And then I had an interaction with him once. I was doing some show with Glenn Beckett's Sea Pack years ago and he comes up to me and he goes, stop lying to the people of my state about me, And I'm like, who are you? I don't know who you are, and he's I'm I'm Senator Ben Sass And I said and I said, well, what do you What did I say? And he goes, you said that I'm voting, I'm telling people to vote for Hillary. No. I said, no, no, no, I said, if you vote for Hillary, if you don't vote for trumpet's a half a vote for Hillary, I said, and I stand by that today, right here in front of your face. It was a half of vote for Hillary. Yeah, but you're leaving out some of the particular details there, Sean, Okay, you go ahead fill in the details, so you know. First of all, I just want to say. First of all, I want to say, Susan, I just love your poem because my nickname for him is Ben Sass the Ass, and I will say the ass for you, you lovely woman that wouldn't say it, but I've been I've been calling him Sass the ass for a long time. But anyway, I go ahead, I know. But Susan was so sweet. It was a part of her poem that she's from Nebraska. She doesn't say as it's fine anyway, so I'll have to say though, when he came over to he was all ominous and leaning over and trying to be a real tough guy and got up in your face. That was a big part of it. You know, we're at sea pack, it's supposed to be the land of open conversation, and he was a bully. Yeah, you left that part out trying to be a bully. But I take these, I guess because I take these conversations or or moments with such ease and no fear that I just stood up and got right in his face and I just have an ability to be really common those moments. No, I think the funnier part was that you turned around. You're like, well, who are you? Why are you this close to me? I don't understand what's happening? Was who are you? What could I do for you? It was pretty funny awesome. Um, he's like a lot of these guys reminded me of Rod Rosenstein, a guy with a vicious temper. Seems like I have a horrible temper, and he sweats a lot because he's always lying. Yeah, he was sweating, and he was sort of like pacing back and forth and moving his feet real fast, and I'm like, okay, why don't you take a show. He sweats even during the press conference when he's got a script in front of him, he's still sweating because he's lying. Well, look, um, I could see him losing that seat easily. I'm sure who would you like to challenge? If you can pick one person today, Sue, and who would you like to be the person to challenge him for that office next time? Well, I would say, you know, Keete Ricketts. But I don't think she's gonna I don't think he's gonna move from what he's doing now because she is making progress. So I don't really see anybody else in Nebraska right now. Gotta be somebody, somebody needs to step up that has the gravitas, the vision, and the fight in them to go and bring a message of prosperity, hope and peace to the great people in Nebraska. That's what I'm hoping anyway, Susan, Thank you, Rockport, Colorado. Ben is on the Sean Hannity Show. What's up Ben? How are you great? Sean? How are you doing? Hey? First of all, the guy from California, what a wonderful It's always a great day in the market when you hear a conversion story of a guy who woke up out of the leftist fog. So that was that was wonderful to hear. Hey. I just wanted to say, uh, it's I find a really ironic that the guy who won the toss uh at the Hellsinki Press conference, the gout got to ask the death blow question that Putin put it right in his face and said, uh, you know, after all, I was an intelligence officer myself, and I do know how dossier's are made up. So you know, don't forget this whole Russia deal hinges on that dossier, and everybody around the world, even Putin himself, knows that it was a bunch of bologney. It's it's kind of funny, you know. And then but but then you've got conspiracy theorists all over TV and in Congress. He must have, Leon Panetta suggested at Nancy Pelosi. They're all conspiracy theorist. Now, you know, he must he's got to have something on Trump. You know, it's basically the whole lineup at and MSNBC. They're all advancing the big conspiracy. Now what does he have? What does he have? Um, it's a level of insanity, and I gotta be honest, it's actually embarrassing to the country. I'm sure Russia is looking at this. They're looking at each other, and they're saying, this is one messed up place. They allowed Hillary to steal an election, they allowed an investigation to be rigged that's pretty corrupt to keep her in the race. They did everything to undermine Trump, including led to judges and get warrants to spy in his campaign, and nobody really seems to pay attention. And we're gonna lecture them on honesty and integrity and elections. I don't think they're gonna take us too seriously after all that has happened in this country by the left. You know, you've said a recently a lot that the journalism is dead and these guys on the left are lazy. I don't think they're lazy, Sean. I think they're all got blood on their hands. They're all in on it. They know exactly what's been going on because they've been a part of it from the very beginning. I just think they're all ideological hacks. In other words, they are advancing their ideology. They're talking points every day, which is why they sound the same all the time, the same words, the same phrases, the same arguments, the same stupid arguments. And that's why they keep cycling the topics, which was a point I was trying to make on TV last night. They're gonna go from one crisis, one amount of outrage and hysteria to the next amount of outrage and hysteria because they need to feel justified in hating this man every day, or otherwise they'd have to actually look at some truth and reality and realize all of their predictions about how what a horrible president he'd be are not coming true. So they just try to justify every day the decision they made a long time ago that Donald Trump can't be president. But yet it happened, and he's doing good things in the country, is doing better. That's a hard that's a hard thing for their bruised little egos to ever come to a reckoning with. Anyway. Eight nine for one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. We got Jeff is in Portsmith in Arkansas. Jeff High, how are you glad you called? I'm just great, man, Um. I listened to your show. I saw an interview on TVs Nates how dangerous it was for your report, the way you were, and I've been watching ever since. I love you, man. Well, what what I've got a question about is is all right, We've got Debbie Scholes. Okay, she was like a badger getting this dad gum um laptop back. So she could give it to the end Wan brothers so they could take it to Pakistan. Now, I think this whole ordeal, it's not that Trump has anything or Putin has anything on Trump, as that Putin and its oligarchs have got everything on the Democrats, especially with the uranium one deal. They don't want Trump to get anywhere near that because they know that it's just sort of stirrup for horness nest. You know, um, if you look at why Russia invaded primea Um, I'll challenge you to look into that, he had a very good reason for doing that. You know, it's just it's let me let me tell you something. Though, there's never been this much corruption. I do think we're gonna expose a lot of it. I do think. Look, they're doing every thing they can do to bury it, stop it, to lay it get to the election. Hope the Democrats. They'll help the Democrats. They'll undermine the President, and they'll try and spend as much money as they can to convince the American people that impeaching Trump is a good idea. Taking away people's tax cuts is a good idea, Open borders is a good idea, Obamacare's a good idea. You know they'll do. That's the only game they've got. They'll demonize them, they'll smear, slander, besmirched, typical phrases, typical arguments. It's not that hard to figure out what they're gonna do. They'll try and silence other voices in the media, like mind as a means of shutting down dissension or debate or open dialogue, and and uh, you know they do it. This is what they do. It's not hard to figure out. The one thing I promise you they won't do is come up with a list of ideas to make the country a better place, because they can't do that. That's something they're not capable of. They're just against, against, against, and we don't like him, and therefore you got to vote him out of office. And they'll lie about him in the process. It's just like they lie about every Republican in the process. Anyway, I appreciate the call, sir, thank you for being with us. Eight nine one Seawn Haven tonight nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel, New breaking developments as it relates to Lisa Page and Peter Struck. John Solomon broke that story. He will join us. Michelle Malcolm. In tonight, poor Janine Pierro was beaten up by the women of the view. It got vicious, it got nasty, and then she got thrown off the show. She'll explain. We have Jesse and Jessica Tonight Sewn Spicer, Dan Mongino, Nine Eastern Hannity, and the Hannity Monologue. Set your d v R. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow.