The Truth Behind Big Tech Censorship

Published Jan 18, 2021, 11:00 PM

James O’Keefe, Founder and CEO of Project Veritas, releases the next installment of big tech censorship from Twitter and Jack Dorsey. 

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All right, glad you with us. I gotta tell you these are trying and chilling times and it's kind of now. Wherever I go, people are like, what are we gonna do? You gotta tell what are we gonna do? And I understand why people are feeling this way, not only that we've got an outline of what the agenda of Biden Kamala Harris is going to be, and it's you know, I don't want to sit here. I told you so, but I said, live free or die America in the world on the brink. It is as bad as radical has ever been stated before an election, and it'll be worse when it's implemented, much worse. I mean, this whole cancel, silence, shut down culture is getting insane. I can't even believe that this is the America now we're now emerging into, but it is. You know, the UK Independent Today, editors, publishing agents, authors have all signed up to a letter in the hundreds demanding that their industry, the publishing industry, deny Donald Trump the publication of any post presidential memoir. Letter titled no book Deal for Traders. I guess you know, if there was an interesting piece by Miranda divine, you know, comparing this to the quote adjective of McCarthyism, which is a separate issue in and of itself. But you know, it's it's but she's right, she says, a feverish mood is a foot, evoking the spirit of McCarthy ism in the Salem witch trials, in which irrationality and hysteria points fingers at the innocent. I mean, it actually took Bill Maherd this weekend on his show. I didn't watch, but I read about it, and then then I heard it, heard the audio, you know, to say, yeah, excuse me. Let me be the first to say, five thousand people that enter the Capitol don't represent seventy five million Trump supporters. Well, they were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people that showed up at the rally and they did not invade the capital. And now we're also learning about those people, agitators, the warnings that were ignored, etc. That we've been going through in somebody to nobody wants to hear about facts now. It's Look, it's everything that we in talk radio and a few of us on Fox have experienced for years. It's been decades for me that I've experienced this efforts to silence, shut down conservative viewpoints. Now it's just expanding out. I mean, you don't have to buy the book. You don't have to buy it, just like you know. I want everyone to listen three hours a day, every day. It's all I ask, not a lot one hour at night TV. I'm an independent island here. We do a lot of truth telling that the mob the media will never do. We're proud of the work we do every day and we stand alone independent as ever. Trust me, it's never been easy to get attacked all the time. So we have a letter now from writers and editors, no book deals for traders. What you don't like what they say, nobody's telling you to read it, signed by more than two hundred and fifty editors, authors and publishing agents. Last week. How many times I can't even name the amount of times things have been written on social media, things that have been written in books, things that have been set on television that has been absolutely libelous, full of slander, smear, besmirchment against me. And not one time I can say with all truth that I ever say. They need to be shut down, they need to be silenced, you know, I always knew where this was eventually gonna head. I've always known it, and all these efforts where I've never supported a boycott. A boycott's the roundabout way of you know, if you make a show financially impossible for any show to make money because you demonize it. You take a word, a sentence, a phrase, or an opinion that you don't like, and you pressure advertisers don't go on that show. I mean, it's the same thing as a silencing speech. There's a fortune that has been spent to shut down conservative talk radio hosts and a few of us on the Fox News channel. I've lived through this and I don't like it's I find it chilling to me. And now cancel culture is now at a point where you got writers and editors of all people, you know, and it's not unlike what we see at college on college campuses, is it. It's really not. You can see it everywhere. Michael Baron on an interesting piece on this too, fears for the future of freedom of speech, and like, yeah, there's a lot of fears. Now, you don't have to agree. I've never agreed or even liked Bill Maher, but it wasn't liberals that wanted him canceled from police. Correct, it wasn't conservatives. Rather it was liberals. It was conservative voices that stood up and said, no, don't cancel it. People don't want to watch it, don't watch it. And even at times when they were conservatives, they wanted to silence Howard Stern. Why if you don't like it, you don't have to listen, and he was, you know, probably smart, I mean, best movies ever made, going to serious XM financial reasons, but more importantly got people off his back because then people then if you wanted the service, you have to pay for it, and people did, and people want that filter. You got people over there at the biggest lying network, fake news CNN, you know, literally trying to get hosts fired because they don't like what the opinions are. Totally oblivious to all the lies they told about Russia and Ukraine and all the vitriol and hate that they spew every day against any and all things Donald Trump. We've seen this on college campuses for a long time all around the country. They don't even want conservatives to speak. Havid didn't want last year any Trump administration officials to have the right to speak. Now, Harvard is circulating a petition signed by thousands that they want to take away the degrees of conservatives like Ted Cruz, Kaylee mackin any they got degrees from Harvard. This is nuts anyway, It's this is modern statism, authoritarianism, liberalism, and it's manifesting itself a way after way. It wasn't enough that social media platforms shut down the president and shut down conservative voices. Now and now they got to go join together and shut down their competitors. I think Parlor's back up. I don't know for sure. I heard it was. I read somewhere it was I don't even use this stuff because it just drives me insane. You know, even even high profile figures like Michelle Obama took the lead in urging the permanent ban of Donald Trump on Twitter. With all due respect, I mean, Barack and Michelle Obama were friends with the Reverend Jeremiah Right, the Church of Ged America that they went to for two decades. Nobody ever said they shouldn't be allowed to go listen to Reverend Right. They hung out and started Barack's political career in the home of unrepentant domestic terrorists, Bill Airis and Bernadine Dorn Did anyone forget that part? I don't know any conservative that said they should be shut down, canceled in silence, and not get a book deal. You got? You know this? Uh Andrew Yang guys calling for cable news channels to be required to give the appropriate alternate viewpoint. Well, that would be ninety nine percent of the media, Andrew that slants solidly to the left. We are the few other voices out there. I mean, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Google, big tech giants. I mean what they did to Parlor is unbelievable to me. You know, there was a teacher I forget which school it was, and I think it was in the rust belt. Some college did not rightly condemn what had happened at the capitol because they didn't know they'd been out of pocket fire. That teacher, he said, I didn't even know what was going on. I have no idea what you're talking about. But they just label at his hate speech and they just move on from there has long been protected First Amendment, long standing Supreme Court precedent. I wonder what's going to happen here? You know, how far is far enough for the left. Michael Barone quoted Rodrer as a great writer. I predicted the left and liberal establishment would use the the failed beer belly, you know, as an opportunity and you know that caricature, as an opportunity to begin to implement and the rudiments of social credit system to otherwise marginalize and suppress writer centered discourse and people. Well, here we go, and that's all true. You don't like what President Trump says, don't like you can't say that. You can only say certain things certain ways. Now the president no book deal. We want to totally silence it. That's why we're gonna and any Republican let me be very clear about this. In the United States Senate, you ought not be part of a post presidential impeachment circus shift show charade. And my advice is, don't go work on the people's business. Let them put on their show. I wouldn't even the files the president. I wouldn't even bother to put on a defense. And then when they're gonna have the final vote, every Republican should walk in the chamber, vote to a quit and move on to like important issues that matter to people. Now, you just want to shut the president down wherever, so we could never run again. And the saddest thing is is, I don't even think I can't say with certainty we'd even get a five forward decision that would shut down what is unconstitutional. According to Jonathan Turley, Alan Dershowitz, Mark Levin and judges that sat for decades on the bench all saying the same thing, it's pretty unbelievable, and this is what they want to do. I never thought i'd read what I read today, the AP reporting that apparently deep state Democrats are so worried about the support that the president enjoys from the military, they're now vetting members of the National Guard assigned to inauguration day they might stage an inside attack, Like what didn't you effect people ahead of time? You got one Democratic congressman saying Trump voting white males in the National Guard post a threat to Biden's inauguration. Where were the people over the summer when we saw these radical left wing groups burning down cities and hurling molotov cocktails, bricks, frozen water bottles, bats, even guns and knives, injuring two thousand police officers and killing a couple of dozen people, They weren't Conservatives, they weren't MAGA people. And you know now, you know I thought this was a joke last week or when Project Veritas they have new tape out today, when they found this tape of the MPR lawyer saying, yeah, we ought to empower the Department of Homeland Security to take children away from their parents so we can send them to re education camps so they can watch PBS all day. It didn't sound like he was kidding. Katie Kirk attacking anybody that disagrees with her Republicans in Congress, the President. How are we going to really almost deep program these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump? What is this? Now? Are you or have you ever been a supporter of Donald Trump? Let's play, Katie Kirk. It is so shocking. Not only are they not conceding bill, but there's thoughts that there might have been some collusion among members of Congress. Some are refusing to go through magnometers or whatever you call them to check for weapons. They're not wearing masks during the siege. I mean, it's really bizarre, isn't it When you think about how a wall so many of these members of Congress have gotten. But I also think some of them are believing the garbage that they are being fed twenty four seven on the internet by their constituents, and they bought into this big lie. And the question is, how are we going to really almost deep program these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump deep program take children away re education camps. Wow, now they're talking about the fourteenth Amendment to remove Josh Holly and Ted Cruz. What did Josh Holly and Ted Cruz want attend the audit? You don't have to agree with it. It It wasn't even gonna pass, but they were fighting for what they believed in. Now you have to think a certain way or they're gonna throw you out bypass the will of the people in their states. That would be their job, that would be their job. Unbelievable. They have one Marjorie Taylor Green. Twitter suspended her account. Who wants to be on Twitter anymore? Let's bet the National Guard they may be Trump supporters in there. Where was the passion this summer to stop the violence and the burning and the looting and the rioting and arson and everything else. Unbelievable. MPR attorney, We need a government to take your children and send them to re education MPR camps. Katie Kirk, we got to learn to deep program those who signed up for the cult of Trump. Joe Mansion. He wants to consider removing Josh Holly and Ted Cruise under the fourteenth Amendment. They wanted a ten day audio. May not like it, and I'd agree with it, but it's the free and clear. I thought America was about debating these issues. Unbelievable. Never mind in twenty seventeen, I didn't hear all the people that opposed Trump's election and the electors then, oh, he didn't say a word such hypocrisy. It's just unbelievable, unbelievable. You know. Then you got anybody who doesn't have the right views thrown off Twitter, and while we're at it, we'll all unite as big tech companies and will silence all the competition for Twitter. You got a squad member Pressley, Congresswoman Pressley, congress members who didn't wear face mask or committing kim nic warfare. Unbelievable, you know, aoc erupting far left Democrats say Trump voters have drank the poison of white supremacy. Sounds like Don Lemon last week demanning taxpayer dollars to deradicalize white supremacists. Their world will never exist if you believe that every Trump support is a white supremacist, and they can't exist anymore, even though the whole premise of it is false. It's pretty unbelievable, pretty unbelievable. I just guy, these are scary times, I'm telling you. By the way, Rampaul had a dire warning about the future of the Republican Party of the Senate Republicans go along with the charade post impeachment trial of Donald Trump. Yeah, that's the end of the Republican Party. I agree with him. Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to take a second to hear the immortal Bob Grant's thoughts about the world today. Hey, ladies and gentlemen. It's sick and it's getting sicker. Now back to the Sean Hannity Show. And that's never been more true. Sick and getting thicker. I's just read reading Miranda Divine's piece in the New York Post today, which, by the way, you'd never get on Twitter, I guess because they just decided, no, we don't, We're not going to run this true story before the election, about zero experienced Hunter in his laptop, even with a picture of Hunter fallen asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth. Why would we ever want to talk about that? But it never happened, She writes. There's a reason why blameless Republicans Trump voters are being tarred with the same brush as the Capitol rioters. And I was kind of shocked, Bill Maher, You have five thousand people don't represent seventy five million. They just don't. But they would have you believe that it's not enough just to arrest and prosecute the actual law breakers who smashed their way into the Capitol. Well now we know too that they had warning signs that we need. We need the equivalent of a nine to eleven Commission report. Every one of our enemies around the globe saw this of vulnerability. I never thought would be possible, And I'm not blaming. We just can't allow it to ever be in place to happen. That can't happen, unbelievable, So we better get to the bottom of it. And now obviously they are for the inauguration coming up. Talk to my friends, it's just crazy. No one who's supported the president voted for him, worked for his administration. Now they know now they have to be hunted down and purged. In there a movie, the Purge, something like that. I think I watched it. They're losing their jobs, having their insurance canceled. Well, I think she wrote this before writers and editors joining a push to deny Trump getting a book deal post presidency. Banned from being or flying or banking. Can you imagine no fly list for Ted Cruz and Josh Holly. Josh Holly's book canceled, canceled culture. Now let's throw them out of Congress, throw them out of the Senate. Use the fourteenth Amendment. Joe Mansions, the one that said that petition at Harvard even demanding Trump staffers have their degrees revoked. She writes, a feverish mood is a foot, evoking the spirit of McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials, in which irrationality and hysteria point fingers at the end innocent. This has been the world we've lived in and talk radio in my years at Fox. For some of us, it's not just an emotional overreaction to the frightening events of January sixth. It's a deliberate tactic designed to intimidate conservatives and silence their protests when the Biden administration radically meet remakes the country as it's promised to do from day one. And by the way, everything I told you they're going to do, they've already now confirmed they're going to do it. I told you they meant it. Democrats their allies in corporate America, preemptively taking out the opposition because they know that their prescriptions don't work and are opposed by a majority of Americas. We're not a socialist, left wing country. They didn't win that argument that I can tell you. Can already see opposition growing in this country. Everything that they're outlining, which i'll get to in a second, is more frightening than the previous one. Of control of both houses, they'll have one party rule, stacking the Supreme Court, DC statehood seems to be on track, and it's just the tip of the iceberg, dismantling border protection, tip of the iceberg. They're going to give amnesty to millions of people. Tip of the iceberg. And we'll talk about the caravan here in a minute. That's coming our way. Even if Biden delays his promised implementation of immigration reform. He signaled his intent. Caravans of hopeful souls in search of a better life already are on the movement Honduras, what the Washington Post likes to call a super spreader event. Now, in light of COVID, would it be fair if somebody's coming from another country to make sure that they don't have COVID? Just a thought? Would that be terrible? These HR one reforms of Nancy Pelosia or just downright scared Now they want to bake in mail in balloting, same day registration, weakened voter ID, if any requirements early voting. They want to Nancy Pelosi's all in HR one. That's the first item agenda item. Bake in all the COVID changes on elections, no voter ID, limited voter ID, very weak ID requirements, early voting in perpetuity. Might as we'll start voting now. Unbelievable, she writes Miranda divine does. The aim is to entrench the election rule changes made under cover of COVID last year, which benefited the Democrats, led so many Americans to lose faith in the elections and ultimately fed the environment we're now living in By the way, I guess she'll be canceled too. She can't have this opinion. It's, you know what you call pouring fuel on a fire. Pelosi has added statehood for DC to a progressive wish list, and as she says that, look, people are afraid. You do know that they really want to shut us down. It's it's she's right. What do you think the whole effort to silence the president on Twitter? Now silence any book deal they might have, any future they have. What do you think the post impeachment trial shift show would be all about? Crackdown on free speech big tech. It's not enough that they just ban conservatives they don't like, or ban the president because they don't like the speech. Now they're going to use it to go after they use their power to shut down any potential alternative that people would choose to use, you know, a guilty by association. Don Lemon. Seventy four million Americans voted for Donald Trump with the clue Klux Klan and the Nazis his comparison. Last week, Wow, Katie kirk, a programming NPR lawyer, re education camps, take the kids away. You know you had corporate America. Now they've better follow the message too. First they canceled apparently Lows over the weekend caved into some activists canceled Josh Hally's fundraiser in one of their hotels, after Simon and Schuster had already canceled his book contract. It's pretty unbelievable. Some musician I don't even know who Ariel pink Is had his recording contract canceled because he was at the Trump rawley on January sixth. He didn't go to the Capitol, he was at the Trump rally. Forbes warning companies that if they hire you know, Trump officials Kaylee mcinaney, Kelly an Conway, they will be blacklisted. Jack Dorsey, tip of the Iceberg. We have new tape out today Fourteenth Amendment, Ted Cruz and Josh Hally's Joe Biden comparing those two senators to Nazi propagandist Joseph Gables. Unbelievable to think the same way. Now, with all that said, you would think, well, probably now people that's supported the president. No, ninety three percent of Republicans would vote for him today. And I do believe Rand Paul is right. If the Senate Republicans if they go along with this post election impeachment trial shift show, that's it. That's probably the Republican Party will fracture, it will splinter. And I don't think you ever, I don't. I don't know how they get back on track. Eight hundred and nine four one sean is our number. I think Mitch McConnell really cares. He just got reelected. What does he care? They don't seem to care. Wis Pete. I thought that Joe Biden wanted to unite US, comparing Republican senators to Joseph Gebel's is not exactly uniting. Truth doesn't matter now what is this in pursuit of why? Is it all because they don't want opposition voices to their agenda? Item Biden article today on the Blaze to sign a dozen executive orders day one in office or verse Trump's travel ban rejoined the Paris Agreements, the transition team saying over the weekend they'd sign executive orders regarding climate change, immigration, student loans, coronavirus pandemic. I told you it was the most radical socialist agenda ever stated, and they meant it. Memo goes out from Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klaine ten day Plan of Action memo to the new White House staff, Biden's administration would address for overlapping compounding crises, the COVID crisis, the economic crisis, the climate crisis, the racial equality crisis, all crisises. By the way, Joe Biden said, there wouldn't be a miracle when we have a vaccine. Thank you Operation Warp Speed and Donald Trump, but everything basically that he said. Now day one, he's going to sign the Paris Accord Agreement. Why now, why is that a bad idea? That's a bad idea because it puts burdens on American business and energy and manufacturing that China won't have to buy into for what ten twenty years. They're viewed is in this deal as a developing country. Meanwhile, they're the biggest polluters on the planet. And you're not going to convince me that they're a developing country either. Then, of course, Joe Biden wants to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit on day one. By the way, if you work in the Keystone pipeline, Keystone XL pipeline, and you have a high pink what you thought would be a career job and energy. You can forget it. Your plans just got erased, just like they want to erase voices they hate and disagree with. Then we got the travel band. We're not gonna have any travel bans. You come from Libya, Somalia, Syria, you have in North Korea? Is there going to be any vetting of people to come into the country at all? It's gonna have a break when they're calling a ground breaking legislative agenda, I bet, including amnesty for an estimated eleven million illegal immigrants residing in the US, and they're going to have the one hundred day mask mandate. How are they going to pay for all this? They're gonna pause repayment of an interest on any student loans. That's going to lead to free money. Why that was I stupid enough to pay off my student loan? It took me ten years. I paid it all off. Canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. Shail producers lock in future sales as oil prices rise. Yeah, of course they're taking advantage of the oil markets rally. But let me tell you what's happening. I didn't you know when now at the point we're energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. Let me tell you who's doing backflips and celebrating today. That would be the hostile actor from the hostile regime of Russia. That hostile actor being Vladimir Putin, because now he gets to provide all the natural gas to all of Europe. God forbid if he has a fit one day and decides to turn off the spigot, and what's gonna happen. They're gonna make Russia's economy strong and great again. China is now building pipelines. What would they care if Joe Biden's stupid enough to go along with the Paris Climate Accords. We're not the big polluters that China is or Russia. We haven't needed oil from the Middle East. Now we're gonna have to import oil again. What do you think that's going to do to the prices supplied? The man dictate crisscross dictate the price. And if we take ourselves out of the production business, which will kill off hundreds of thousands of high paying career jobs for Americans, well that means that there will be less production. That allows hostile regimes and nations towards us to take advantage filled the void and create also geopolitical alliances we probably can't even imagine today. That's how bad this is. It was a foxpiece that came out and made me laugh. Los Angeles Times ran a headline Sunday, make America California again. That's Biden's plan, like great, tax you into oblivion and of course screw everything up and take this isn't going to end well for the country. Have a whole chapter and live free or die socialism and its history of failure. But this is their ten day plan. That's only the beginning of this whole thing. Biden transition officials tell the migrant caravans, this is I found interesting. Now is not the time to come. The situation of the border is not going to be transformed overnight. You can come later, but not now. Well, when we got nine thousand migrants. By the way, from what I read today from NBC News, apparently they're having a huge COVID outbreak there. He assured us during the presidential campaign that his absolute top priority would be to defeat COVID I. And is it wrong that like we'd check and see if anybody coming into the country they have any radical backgrounds or associations. Would it be wrong to see if they're eight COVID positive or would that be viewed as unfair? I wonder if the caravan's going to have Joe Biden's mask mandate, nine thousand Hondurans marching towards our border. I would imagine a few of them, just a matter of simple math, probably are COVID positive. Right in fact, that whatever you want to call it. Anyway, So that's now, what are they gonna do? Honor its commitments? They're actually the migrants are saying to the bidenmision, honor your commitment to let us in. I didn't know they had a right to come. I thought you had to come in legally. But that's really how stupid to me. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, news round up, Information overload, Our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of this extravaganza, all right? We got Joe Kamala canceling the Keystone XL pipeline permit on day one, joining the Paris Accords on day one, raising taxes and pushing the rape day one, New Green Deal day one open borders pretty much. Day one mask mandates shutdowns. Yeah, day one, first ten days of office, President elect Biden will make decisive action or take the size of action to address these four crisis. Goes on to say, the economic crisis, COVID nineteen, the climate crisis, the racial equality crisis. Anyway, here is Joe Biden transitioning away from oil. This will be by the way, if you're working on the Keystone XEL pipeline today, have but you're not having a good day knowing what's coming, if you haven't already gotten your pink slip, would you close down the other A transition from the oil industry. Yes, transition. That is a big statement because I would stop. Why would you do that because the oil industry pollutes significantly. I said, here's the deal, but if you let me finish the statement, because it has to be replaced by renewable energy over time, over time, and I'd stop giving to the oil industry. I'd stop giving them federal subsidies. You won't give federal subsidies to the gas. I would shoose me to the to solar and wind. Why are we giving it to oil industr We actually do that's maybe the biggest statement in terms of business, that's the biggest statement because basically to destroy the oil industry. Will you remember that Texas Week, Remember that Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, US shale producers they've locked in future sales as oil prices rise to a one year high. We're beginning to see the impact. It's just the beginning, anyway. Steve Moore's with us. He was on the President's Economic Recovery Task Force UH and author of Trumponomics, inside the America first plan to revive our economy. David Bonson is with us, founding and managing partner of the Bonson Group. UM. Both here to discuss what's coming. So between the trillions they're gonna have in stimulus, the trillions on the New Green Deal, shutting down oil energy gas, the lifeblood of the world's economy, creating more dependence, and by the way, a foreign policy vulnerability that we we don't need to have. Steve Moore, how bad, how south will this go? And how fast they had shutdowns to it on top of it? Well, Sean, I think I warned about three or four or five months ago on your show that anyone who thinks that Joe Biden is going to be a moderate president should have their head examined because this is not a moderate president. This is a fire left agenda that Joe Biden has put forward. And I got to tell you when it comes to this Keystone pipeline. You know, Joe Biden says we should have a fifteen dollars on our minimum wage. Wait a minute, Sean, you know how much people get paid on these pipelines. They're not fifteen dollars an nour. These are fifty sixty seventy dollars in our jobs. The unions are all for it. In fact, I mean the unions want the pipeline. They don't want to cancel the pipeline. But of course Biden put his radical green agenda ahead of ahead of the workers of America. These are unionized workers who are going to lose their jobs. And I got to tell you one more thing, Sewan, because this has not really been reported much by the media. We're shutting our pipelines here in the United States. And yet as we're doing that now with Biden, China and Russia have a ten billion dollar project to a pipeline that oil and gas from Siberia to China. So wait a minute, what's wrong with this picture. We can't build pipelines here in the United States. We have more energy than any of their country. But China and Russia have a deal. If you think that they're going to stop using fossil fuels, Joe Biden, if you do, you're a fool at this plays right in the hands of our enemies. If you want to make China and Russia great again, this is probably the single best best gift they could ever have. David ben Bunsen and I'm looking at this and I'm thinking, Wow, Vladimir Putin is just doing backflips because this means this will revive his failing economy. The communist Chinese that have already been showing more hostility towards US and geopolitical ambitions at a scale that ought to put a chill up the spine of every country, now they're gonna They're now getting in the game too, knowing that there's going to be avoid in the marketplace because of Joe Biden's insane policies. Well, what I think you have to hope for is a kind of hypocrisy from Biden. And it's not often I'll ask for hypocrisy from a politician, and I think Steve would agree me on this. Barack Obama did a pretty good job of saying one thing and doing another on energy. I don't like the fact that they limited drilling and fracking on federal lands, but they really did allow fracking to expand and if they got because if they hadn't, there would have been even worse economic results throughout the administration. But the factor matter is we talk about putin and some of the global landscape for energy in this Keystone pipeline. The big question is is Joe Biden really crazy enough to hurt the progress we've made towards exporting natural gas? The prices right now in Asia and Europe, and they're paying for the liquefied natural gas that only we can make, that only we can export, and as American industry to capture that margin. I think it's entirely possible that Biden cancels things like Keystone, which is really actually kind of an older story in the grand scheme of things. But if he actually hypocritically allows the terminals and the ports and there's other LLERG development to go, it could end up helping the economy. But it's totally hypocritical to what he's saying is energy agenda is Well, it's gonna simple supply and demand criss crossing dictating price now that the US is is going to reduce its energy production. Steve Moore, I can only imagine the net result is everybody pays higher prices. And I'd be negligent if I didn't mention the next beneficiary besides Russia and China, with the Biden policies on energy and of course the return to the Climate Accords in Paris, which is really dumb because the same standards. How does China get off as a third world country. We pay all the money and put all the restrictions on us when we were reducing more more carbon emissions than any of these countries in recent years. Now that's going to be in a place now Now he'll revive the Middle Eastern economy as well as again a limited supply because we're taking ourselves out of the competition and we're all going to pay more, a lot more, and Americans will lose millions of high paying career jobs. Well, we've we've replaced you know, put America first with put America last. You're right, who are the beneficiaries of the Biden administration's coming war on American energy. You mentioned it. It's the oil sheiks in the Middle East, it's Russia, it's China, and they cannot believe they're good luck that we're doing. I've always said, John, the only way that China can replace us as the world economic superpower if is if we impose negative policies on ourselves. And that's what's happening here under. One of the things that I think if Trump could run that election again, I think I wish he had emphasized is more. You know that we have the lowest gasoline prices we've had, you know, in a long, long long time in this country, and there's I do believe, David that I think that these gas prices are going to go up. I think the left just in the ten years since Obama was president, I think they have turned so far out of the left on climate change that they are willing. I do think they are willing to decapitate our oil and gas and coal industries. And by the way, the United States has more oil and gas and coal than any other country in the world. Shown I know you know that, I know so I am very worried about it. I think you are going to see prices rise. And I think that anyone who believed that somehow this is going to reduce global warming. If the Chinese and the Russians wanted to reduce oil and gas development, why are they building these pipelines because they're going to use way more of it. China doesn't even have to comply. You've said as many times on your show, but it's worth repeating. China doesn't even have to comply with the Parist Climate Accord for another ten year, and they're the biggest polluters by far, and it just is unfathomable to me. But all right, quick break Moore with Steve Moore David Bonson on the other side, the economic well apocalypse coming our way. And as we continue Steve Moore David Bonson, eight hundred and nine for one, Shaun, we'll get to calls here in a minute as well. This whole Green New Deal movement, David has taken hold and there they have been able to successfully indoctrinate even young kids in school, so many into believe, you know, though, this is necessary to save the planet or we're going to die. We're all going to die, you know, go back to Acacio Quartez or prediction I think was twelve years and I'm like, well, i'll live it up. Then if we only got twelve years left, we're gonna go anyway. None of it is true. You know, the apocalypse is not coming. They speak in apocalyptic terms, and yet Americans have been scared into thinking that we're the greatest polluters in the world. That's not true, and that somehow oil gas and coal are bad for us when we can't compete in a world marketplace on any level of where that dependent on foreign energy. Well, Sean, you know the reason I use natural gas when I talk about this conversation. It is not that I disagree with you or Steve on crude oil and coal, because I completely agree. However, with natural gas, even the left acknowledges it's a cleaner fuel. And the reality is that apart from you know, the environmental movement has moved so much, as you point out, that I think we can win on their terms when we talk about natural gas. And that's the issue is you cannot get natural gas in the volume we need apart from tracking, and so one of the staffs when you're talking about the lower prices. He was talking about lower gas prices at the topic. Nobody has talked about this, and I think it's perhaps the biggest statistic we can say about energy of all of them. The United States did not import any oil from Saudi Arabia in the month of November twenty twenty. For the first time in thirty five years, we had no imports of oil from a Middle Eastern superpower like Saudi Arabia. The ability, by the way, I did not know that, And Linda isn't like she looks like she's in a state of shore. I don't think anybody knew that. Well, people who read my investment commentary and doing, oh geez, here we go. We gotta get a plug in now on top of no, I don't mind at all. But in all seriously, I did not know. That is an amazing accomplishment. But we reached energy independence, David. That's why that's exactly right. And I think that when you look to the cleaner alternatives for burning going forward, for how we're gonna heat homes and how we're gonna generate electricity, natural gases ban the great solution. Now, of course, we are cleaning, we are burning crude oil in a far cleaner way than ever, and carbon emissions are much lower, and the apocalyptic testimony in the left has been severely undermined and by the COVID year where ninety nine percent of their predictions did not come true. So I tend to lean more optimistic that there's a sort of fatigue in the society across the doom and gloom political agenda of the AOCS. Can I just say something to that trunk, which is that? Look, David, I agree with your analysis, except I think that the left is more sinister than you do. I think they are against capitalism, they are against economic progress. Many of the more radical clean, you know, green energy people. Look, if you really wanted to replace fossil fuels, which I think is a crazy idea, would you build, you know, hundreds of thousands of windmills and solar panels? No, you know, the solution obviously would be the use to move to nuclear power. But of course, Chuan, the left is against nuclear power too, which omits no pollution whatsoever, because they want to use the form of energy that it's the least production. I mean, my goodness, Mills, does anybody really think we're gonna we're gonna be able to power a twenty two trillion dollar industrial economy with windmills. I mean, it's insanity, Sean. The only way you can do that is by swallowing economic growth, which increases poverty. And incidentally, Joe Biden lied, and I'm gonna use that word he lied in that clip you said, he said, we don't subsidize solar and wind power. That's all we've been doing for the last twenty five years. He wants to provide one trillion dollars of subfacidies for wind and solar because the only way it can be competitive is to throw government money at it, just like Obama did with Celendra and all these other failed projects. But Steve, this is a really important point because you're one hundred percent right. It's just that when we talk about how it's going to benefit Russia and benefit Saudi Arabia, the reality is Joe Biden has to be called out for how his policies are going to also benefit Exon and Chevron because the subsidies, the deregulation and so forth the Trump did helps smaller energy players, the democracy str industry in Texas and Oklahoma, this is there's a reason why x On supports the carbon tax. It's going to take away their competitors. And I think the Biden has to be called out for the chrony capitalism that he says he's against the clarity of policies would bring about well, obviously for it, all you need to do is talk to the first Lady of Moscow, the Russian oligarch transferring wire transferring three and a half million one Hunters company, and the kazakligar transferring money and Brisman, Ukraine, and of course the hundred thousand dollars shopping spree Steve. And of course I'm sure you've checked out his credentials. I'm sure he probably has more economic credentials private equity, in private equity than you do, Right, Hunter Biden, it is well, what really troubles me We've been talking about the economics of this, which are crazy, because look, David is absolutely right. One of the cleanest forms of energy is natural gas. It's a it's a wonderfuel. It is, it is abundant, it's made in America, it's efficient, it's cheap, and it's clean burning. So you would think the environmentalists would be in favorite natural gas, but they are against it. Now, if we shut down our pipeline so we can't transport our natural gas, guess where Europe has to get its natural gas from Sean from Russia? Now, why would we want to do that? Why would we want to make our European allies dependent on Russia when we have cheaper natural gas than they do. Thank you, David Bronson and Steve Moore, eight hundred and nine four one, shawn, our number wide open phones when we come back much more quick break right back all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of this extravagance. And now we got the mob, the media, they all want to They want to make sure that Donald J. Trump supporters are reprogrammed and that they stay silent when you accept the radicalism that's about to be stow this country on so many fronts, and you know it's it's gonna get worse. And I have a list in front of me of everything that Biden wants to do. It's everything we told you he would do, climate change, immigration, student loans, mask mandates, shutdown orders, all of it. And then some Paris Accords day one. Now, what's fascinating is the media can't seem to understand that pole after pole after poll. Yeah, ninety three percent of Republicans would vote again for Donald J. Trump. But they can't even keep their own messages straight. Here's Biden and Kamala Harris on the issue of fracking. They can't get it straight. Am not not not fanning fracking, period, But kiddo, I want you to just take a look. Okay, you don't have to agree, but I want to look in my eyes. I guarantee you. I guarantee you We're going to end fossil fuel and I am not going to cooperate with Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden administration. Nou, We would work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those. Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office? Adding the United States the list of countries who have banned this devastating practice. There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking. All right. There you have the mixed messages Anyway, Trump retains overwhelming support among Republicans As we now head into the ever week frail, cognitively struggling Grandpa Joe in the White House with the most radical agenda ever put forward by any major political party in history. We welcome back to the pro program or official posters. John McLaughlin, Matt Towery with us. Oh and by the way, Joe wants to eliminate on top of the Paris Accords, the XL pipeline, keisto XL pipeline not good either. Anyway, guys, great to have you back, Matt. I look at these polls and I say, Wow, Donald Trump's popular. Now, the question is if Joe Biden obviously is not going to go against his left wing, radical base, and that means that Joe Biden is going to implement this radical agenda, nor is he going to stop the Democrats from their impeachment madness. What about Republicans that go along with this insanity. Well, you know, for every action, there's a reaction. I think right now, as I look at the polls, probably no one pole is going to give us an exact view of where Republicans are on Trump. It's been a traumatizing last two weeks because of a lot of the interpretation of what took place on Capitol Hill, and the goodness knows, it's dreadful to see and we all are saddened to see the loss of life and the light that took place. But the President's been through a lot, and I think what he's done that has been very helpful is that he stayed quiet. And many people say, oh, the president can't possibly stay quiet. Well, he's been quiet for the last week week and a half, partially because has been silenced by the technology companies, but that haven't been said. His numbers are stabilizing, and we're beginning to see that the overplay of impeachment, the overplay by the tech companies of banning him, are having an effect and they're actually helping President Trump consolidate and get back to his numbers that he had pre elections. So I think in the end, your question was what will happen with these Republicans who end up going against them. They're going to find out very quickly that they're going to be just as unpopular with their base and they're going to have just as many problems going against him in the coming weeks and going into a month if we do have an impeachment trial as they had going into the election when they miscalculated and thought he wasn't popular and then realized all of a sudden, g our Poles are right, the others weren't right, and Trump was on the verge of winning or did win, depending on who's interpreting it. John my argument or Republicans says, I would not touch this unconstitutional post presidential impeachment trial. Madness. I don't think one Republicans should she even show up to this circus of Schumer and Pelosi and the squad. And I don't even think the president should send one defense attorney either. And I think when they're done, then they can have a vote, and then I think the Republicans can vote to acquit. Your advice is right on. They should be paying you to be the consultant because the media right now and they're biased poles, the same ones that told us there was going to be a blue wave and a Biden land flight that were wrong because it was a very close race. Again, they're trying to sucker GOP senators into voting for or a trial and conviction of the president before it even started, as you point out, unconstitutional and it would be suicide. Because we did that Battlegram survey for the same American pack last week, eight of Trump voters are less like could have vote for any Republican who voted for impeachment. Seventy six percent of Republicans are less like could to vote for any Republican who voted for impeachment, and seventy four percent of all voters said that Pelosi and the Democrats are doing this just to prevent Donald Trump from running again, and they're sam bagging it with a lot of bad media poles. I mean the Pew poll that said the president's job prule was only a twenty nine percent. They only had thirty percent Trump voters in the poll. It was forty seven percent on election day nationally, and we won the popular vote in the battleground states, So they're trying to sambag them with bad poles. And like the NBC poll over the weekend only twenty seven percent Republican. We had thirty six percent in the media exit polls on November third, So the president's approval rating is more like the rast must than Paul where's forty eight percent and a pole had forty nine percent, and the Republicans are about to make a grave error if they would go along with this totally political impeachment. And like you said, they should take your advice, throw it out and let Joe Biden, you know, tell us about how he's going to wreck the country with bad policies. And the other thing is is the left is already overreaching. I mean, I think people are now going to see just how radical the left is. And if they go in and they want their you know, they want to keep this still about Donald Trump to gin up their base some more and distract away from their radical policies. Matt, I don't know how this ends well for them, because I don't think anybody's really thought through how much trouble hunter Biden is with his laptop problems. I've been briefed by numerous people that actually have seen it. They've got real issues about to hit them. Well, you know, there's always a honeymoon with any presidency, including there will be one, certainly with Biden because he has the press very much in his corner. So from a Poeing standpoint, I don't know what an effect that's going to have. And I think these Republicans who are leaning going against the President are making a huge mistake because they're not calculating the fact that, as I said at the start, for every action, there is a reaction, so to the extent that the administration when it begins goes extreme to the left with it, either executive orders or whatever they try to do in Congress. Very quickly, that's going to have a stinging effect for Republicans because the Republicans who right now think the President is in trouble will come to realize very quickly that you know, but this is the easiest out in the world. Mitch McConnell looy here is he was willing to make a deal with Schumer, put this thing on trial and play right into the circus Act of the Democrats. But don't we think there's other politics that play there. I mean, McConnell, there's something else up with McConnell being willing to have that trial. And I think in the end we all think possibly it's that they want to borrow Trump from running for office again, which again I think would be a huge mistake. So in other words, the most popular guy in the party that has not after everything that's happened with all the post election whatever and all of this happens, and he's as popular as he's always been, especially with his core base seventy five million Americans. I mean, it's kind of sad that it took Bill Maher to say, you know, don't don't make five thousand people that joined in with whoever the people were that we're learning about. Maya organized a lot of the stuff at the Capitol in with seventy five million people, and that's what the Democrats always do. Yeah. It also tells you that McConnell probably isn't planning on running for re election again in Kentucky because he just got his six years. What does he care Yeah, exactly, But I tell you what what he's going to care about is they want to take back the Senate majority, either next time of the special election or two years from now. And this will turn off the donor base in the party. This will turn off the rank of file based in the party. And I can tell you last week, Sean, besides being your polster on these regular radio appearances with Matt, we most of what we do is campaign polling. Last week was a very busy week for US fielding calls from Republicans out of the woodwork who want to either primary establishment Republicans who are against the president or want or take out Democrats who voted for this impeache. So the outside the Beltway, the president is popular, his basis rock solid, and now they're white hot energized. Well, I mean what happens. I mean, you see the backlash you know, against Liz Cheney and some other people in their home state's home districts, and people are livid and furious about it. Right, And I'll tell you what. Well, I was go ahead, Matt, but I was going to say, it's the backfire against social media and big tech. It's unbelievable. And then Ram Paul says, guess what. That blows up the whole Republican Party. I don't disagree with him, Matt Towery. If and if the President decides not to run one day, is there anybody either one of you, Matt Towery sees that is going to step up and be able to fill that void. I'm not sure I see anybody. Oh, we'll see people. I think first we'll have to have a decision of whether the President decides he's going to run again or not. Because he's going to be a huge issue until such times he decides to run, and if he doesn't decide to run, you'll see people emerge. I think you've seen some people who have been defending logic and reason on television. Members of the Senate, members of Congress. I think they have a chance to pick up the mantle of what Trump has done and try to expand on it. So I think there is a future. I want to say one thing about the wiz Chaney types, though, that's the bubble that they live in the DC media bubble and they're hearing nothing but negative and they just assume that the voters who vote an inn feel the same way, and they don't, to John's very point about these polls. But it's all going to be crystal clear in the next few months, because, as I said, every action there is a reaction, and the reaction will come very quickly when people start to realize what they're missing now, when they have a new administration and when President Trump is an essence been silenced. I don't think that. I don't think people fully understand how radical Joe's going to be, how many ethical issues Joe is going to end up having and I don't think they understand the hunter Joe Biden foreign sendic kid, you know, financial syndicate that they've had, and how much money we're talking about here. Well, I'll tell you what. Around the outside of the belt Way, if you're paying for gasoline, it's gone up twenty five or thirty cents of gallon last week. And if you are on the Keystone Pipeline job, you trobably just got a layoff notice from Joe Biden. So Americans are about to see maybe gasoline go three four dollars because he's ending the Keystone pipeline deals. They're re entering the Paris Accord, which is a bad deal for the US. They're talking to a ran again. I mean, they're going to cost us, you know, millions of dollars and millions of jobs if he keeps going the way he's going, and the spending in this new stimulus plan, it's a bailout for a lot of states and local governments, etc. It's going to lower the value of the dollars. So you know, we're gonna ender paying prices for this. You know, in our daily lives. America is going to learn what real socialism is and that's where I think they overreach, as they always do, and Matt Tower, I just don't see them, you know, I just see nothing but long standing overreach that will result in predictable failure because these policies have been tried again and again and again and they just never work well. And they're going to be amplified this time. So we're going to get a chance to see an amplified reaction. I want to say one thing, Sean. This caravan we have headed towards the US right now will be the first big test of the Biden administration because if you let this group into the US, then you've got the issue of the COVID response, which, of course the COVID response has then you know, everybody has to be massed up and locked down and the like. So this is going to be a very difficult decision for the Biden administration to deal with because if they let everyone in, they violate their COVID position. If they don't let them end, I violate the statements they've made about letting folks into the United States and changing our immigration policy. Very interesting and symbolic to begin this new administration, We've got time for one quick call here as we say hi to David is in the great state of South Carol line of David, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hey? Well, thank you for having me. I'm a long time listener and first time caller. I had something that I thought about I'd like to discuss with you. Where have you think about using the power and influence of your office to have Mark Levin defend President Trump in the impeachment trial. It's a thought I had, And who is a great thought? Do I think he's going to do it or be able to do it based on his work as the job? I don't think so. But there's no more brilliant, you know, constitutional attorney than Mark And you know it's Look, it's people like Jonathan Turley, it's people like Mark Levin. It's people like Alan Dershowitz. I mean most former federal judges and people that have served on the bench. They all say the same thing that this post presidency constitutional shift show that they want to put on as garbage. I take the position, don't show up, don't defend anything. Republicans ought not show up. Let them, let them have their witch hunt, and they can go out and tell the American people what they're working on in terms of our economy, our future, national defense, COVID response, getting the vaccine and to as many people as want it as possible, the Trump vaccine, not the Biden vaccine. Anyway. I hope that answers your question. Quick Break News Roundup, Information Overload. When we come back, James O'Keefe with the very latest on his undercover operation against Twitter. Tape you'd never heard before, coming up next, exclusively on the Sean Hannity Show. All Right, News, Round Up, Information Overload, our Sean Hannity Show. Last week, Project Veritas had their undercover video at Jack Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, and oh, this is just the beginning. We're focused on one account now, but we're going to be focused on everybody's accounting in the year to come. Well, as he usually does, and as he promised, now they have more information about big tech Twitter, Jack Dorsey, A lot of the work that we've been doing over the last week is work we've built on in other places. What does that mean, especially since other big tech you know, came to the rescue to silence their competitor. They're you know, their competitor like Parlor anyway, and it goes on. They have a Twitter Legal Policy Trust Safety lead. One of the interesting things is that a lot of the work that we've been doing over the last week and they go on from there, is work we've built on in other places around the world, and we've seen the violence unfold as a result of either mislate leading information or coded rhetoric, and then a lot of the leadings here in the US have come from other markets. So in that sense, uh, you know, we do feel like it's our global approach, let's play it. We do intend to do the full retro. As I said in my note, it's going to take some time, and then the other thing just to just to close out a little bit. We you know, we are focused on one account right now, but this is going to be money bigger us on account, and it's going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, the next few weeks, to hang go on beyond inauguration. We have to expect that. We have to be ready for that. So the focus is certainly on this account and how it ties the real world violence, but also we need to think much longer term around how do these dynamics play out over time? I don't believe this is going away anytime soon. And the moves that we're making today around you and on for instance, one such example of a much broader approach. Beyond the amplification, we are going to conspiracy years. We are going to be permanently suspending those accounts, whether we believe Trump's tweets or inside violence and having real world farm I think we've seen that. In fact, they are since coming back from the time out to de escalate the situation in other places around the world where we've seen violence unfolds as a result of either missly information or coded phetoric. Um. So a lot of our learnings here have come from other markets. So in that sense, um, you know, we do feel like it is it is, this is our global approach. We need to be very focused on being able to enforce any of these policies or enforcement decisions we make at how pricing long term we want to be in terms of building trust and enforcing policies consistently and providing out of notice before we take a very aggressive stuff like a permanent system. There's also been a lot of questions about retrosum and uh, of course we're going to do a retro. I mean we're we're in the midst of a retro around the election. Generally this will be most definitely folded into it. When we saw when day morning was really concerning to us, obviously, so a small team gathered from Trust and Safety. We were discussing the potential for violence to happen, and we decided to escalate our enforcement a specific integrity policy, use a label disingled engagements to stop the spread of potentially inflammatory content, which is the content around election interfering, selection, fraud, stealing the election. Point to converse here, as we are going to be im permanently suspending those accounts, we are doing everything that we can to in Twitter is being used in a positive way, a positive way in fact society, all right. James O'Keefe, founder CEO Project Veritas. This and as late as to installment as it relates to big tech and social media more specifically Twitter. You know, on the surface, people may not understand what they're actually saying here. The fact that they're admitting that they've taken on these policies of silencing opposition voices around the world, and it's part of an effort that they've made elsewhere. That kind of scares me a little bit. And I want you to from your perspective as you're hearing this in the context of what you're released last week from jam at Jack, how do you see it? Thanks Sean. This is the second installment of the whistleblower recordings inside Twitter, and I think the most shocking thing from this new tape is this is Vishayakade. She is the head of the Twitter's Orwellian sounding Trust and Safety Council, and she says, quote, we decided to escalate our enforcement of potentially inflammatory content. Not just inflammatory content, Sean, but potentially inflammatory content, including content around exposing election frauds, that type of thing. So I find that to just be shocking that it's not just about what is inflammatory, but even indirectly or and I want to know how they define this, you know, potentially inflammatory content they talk about taking on a global scale around the world. It's more of what we've suspected, Sean, but now we have it out of their own mouths. What they won't say publicly but they'll say in their staff meetings. So what do you think that they've done and what have they learned that they're going to be implementing everywhere. But one of the things that they she explicitly mentioned in the video is you know this this QAnon content that they've that they've retroactively or they're they're starting to ban on Twitter. But in the first tape, I know, the whole QAnon. Who have they got this big conspiracy theory? I get it, I understand it. I don't understand what the theory is. Every time somebody's trying to explain it to me, it makes no sense to me. Is there anything that you see, that you hear, that you read that is dangerous or threatening to anybody with it? Well? I don't. I'm not that I'm aware of Sean and she but the VISIGAE, the Twitter Legal Policy, Trust and Safety lead, it says that they're going to go beyond the QAnon. They're going to enforce things beyond anything that's conspiracy theory in nature. But as we're well aware that, how do you define that? What is the conspiracy theory? I mean? Have we had people in Texas in Minnesota who we're on tape, you know, paying for votes, paying for they were even arrested in Texas recently, And this Twitter official is saying that anyone who exposes voter election fraud it could be potentially inflammatory. So the implementation of this is very concerning, and they're going to and as in the first tape, the CEO of Twitter says, they're going to take it well beyond the president, well beyond inauguration day. It's going to be every day, every week moving forward, to eliminate this quote unquote misleading information. I mean, that's what disturbing to me. I mean, at what point, I mean, you got it. It's a very fine line when you're dealing with with freedom of speech. It just is. And I will tell you this, and think of it this way. If we're to go to talk about racist Verry len Andy semitic rhetoric, of course everybody wants nobody wants any part of that. Or I don't know or understand completely you know what is acceptable and what's not. Now. I don't know if you've ever scoured Twitter or social media or Facebook or any of these other companies looking at comments about you, but I would assume that it's similar to the comments I get about me, And a lot of it is vile, hateful, full of slander, lies, smears, But I never once in my life, James O'Keefe ever ever thought that maybe I want to shut these people down and shut them up and silence them. Well, and this is the quote from visage quote, we're going to actually be more aggressive in our enforcement beyond de amplification that we're de amplification. And now, Sean, they've said that they don't shadow ban, but we've caught them on tape in previous expose's admitting to shadow banning people they don't like. So we know that they're a private company, we know that they're you know, the first time it doesn't apply to Twitter exactly, But we just want them to be honest. We just want them to tell the truth to the people about what they're doing. So this is the first time we've heard this word. I think the amplification come out of the President's mouth and it's kind of an admission that they're going to be more aggressive in the shadow banning, deboosting accounts that they don't like, going well beyond the Q and on accounts that they that they purged from Twitter last week. You've all seen your Twitter followers go down by ten percent or fifteen percent. But how they define this as critical and uh, you know, it's it's great that this whistleblowers has come forward and give us all this tape. You got a statement from Twitter last week, Sean, you aired that on your program. Well atle interesting to see how they respond today. It's amazing. It's how common it is when you have people, you know, literally talking about re education camps and how do you deprogram Trump's supporters. I mean they're literally saying this, and it's a lot of people on the left saying it. Yeah, I mean they're they're saying things that we've all suspected to be the case. You saw last week Baritas released that tape showing the PBS lead lawyer saying that they're going to kids away from their Republican parents. DHS is to take the lead. Um, you know, it's very Orwellian, straight out of nineteen eighty four. What Visa Gatti is doing. Even the whole Trust and Safety Council label is Orwellian. But they're they're clearly going to go on a massive censorship campaign. Is their their future policy? Jack Dorsey to see off Twitter is currently vacationing in French Polynesia, which is where this was recorded. Meditating every day. Is that true? And yes, we believe in a yurt in French Polynesia. He's on vacation and he did this emergency staff meeting on January the eighth. His employees on this recording, he's almost apologetic to them. They're demanding more censorship. If anything, Jack Dorsey is probably more First Amendment than all of his staff which are begging him to be more aggressive. But this Visia Gatty individual takes a very important role in the censorship, again emphasizing the amplification quote unquote potentially inflammatory content. Not inflammatory content, but but what could probably be that content around election fraud? Sean, I don't know who's going to be doing any journalism anymore, aside from you know, in citizens not that you can't depend upon NBC News and CNN, So it really depends upon the independent people, precisely, the people that Twitter are going to be centering. All right, Is there more coming tomorrow? More coming this week? There's always more coming, I think, as I said to you on there's always more coming. Of course. There are tips at ProtonMail dot com. Everyone send us your tips. We've got a dozen insiders working with us right now. All right, James O'Keefe, CEO, founder of Project Veritas, eight hundred nine four one sean. If you want to be a part of the program wide open phones when we get back, all right, then's promise. Let's get to our busy telephones here. Eight hundred and nine four one sean. Our number, Debbie is in North Carolina. Debbie, Hi, how are you glad you called? Are you sean? Thank you for taking my call. I had just had a few really quick things I wanted to pass along as my own thoughts as an American citizen. First of all, please play for the president, play for the nation. We are in very tumultuous times, and I just feel like this is the greatest crime that was ever perpetrated against the American people to have an election like this stolen from us. The The second thing I'd like to ask is that everybody pressure their state legislatures to have clean elections from now on going forward, We've got to be able to have faith, trust, integrity, confidence, and election and election results. End of sentence. And I think what we all learned here is well partisan observers didn't observe Wisconsin's law. Michigan's laws were ignored Pennsylvania's constitution was ignored. The consent agreement Georgia was horrible. And I think it's an equal justice issue myself. And with that said, it's going to be up now to the state legislators to get movie and the idea that we're just going to wait and forget about it and say, oh, how are things for the next election when that election comes up, it's too late at that point. And if it's not the top priority of every state. I mean, we've proven we can fix things when they go wrong, right in Florida. Look at Florida twenty twenty sixteen. They fixed it and they we had no problems in Florida at all, No Broward County, no Palm Beach County problems this year. So I just think it's pretty simple to me, all right, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, it should be a top priority, Ethan in Louisiana, Ethan High how are you? Oh, thank you for having me, Sean. It's good to talk to you. If I may, I'd like to for you to declassify this irregularity. In my mind, being in the position that you are, constitutionally, how can a candidate such as Joe Biden be sworn in as president of the United States under a Bible, knowing that he was not legally or legitimately elected by the American people. Biden was casted as the winner because the news media, including Fox News and the other liberal outlets, they clared him the winner. But legally it was President Donald Trump who won with over seventy five plus million votes. And you see liberals here you say this, and they're like, they can't explain the kid. They're like, oh, their heads are going to explode. Now. It's not a know in terms of the if you look at the American people in polls and Republicans and many independents about thirty percent of independence and a poll I saw this weekend and even fairly decent side considering of Democrats, don't think we had election integrity. And for all the reasons that I just laid out in the reasons, you know, me following the law Wisconsin, the law of Michigan, Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Pennsylvania, and there's an idiotic consent decree, two varying standards on signature verification in Georgia, for example. And then look at Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is now she's got her agenda, and as part of it, what she's sneaking in is, oh, they want to keep the new COVID standards in place, in other words, more mail in balloting because they know it works in their favor. If that's the case and Republicans don't step up nationally and on the state level, then Republicans could probably kiss a goodbye. I don't see how they can win another election. I just don't. You don't have oh voter ID, simple thing right? Well, yeah, I mean, under again, under constitutional law, how can the people of the United States, except Joe Biden as the legal president quote unquote, well a lot of people do, I mean. And that's the reality of Wednesday, And you know, it's um you know, but the president hasn't lost any support. And I think that there's going to be You're going to see a nexus here, and the nexus is going to end up being the radicalism of Joe and the and liberal Democrats. I think there's going to be a lot of controversy surrounding Joe and his you know, foreign financial corruption syndicate Hunter, A lot of trouble probably coming down the road coupled with what we might finally ever get out from the Dorham Report, coupled by you know, all these all this radicalism. It's American people are not a radically left socialist country. They're not going to respond the way democrats think they will. Anyway, I hope that answers your question. Eight hundred nine four one sean are toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, Your calls coming up straight ahead, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Many people, by the way, maybe some of you that don't always get a chance to listen at least in real time to the program. Maybe you check out our podcast on Hannity dot com. Maybe you're joining us today to Martin Luther King Junior Holiday. You know the amazing thing about well, there's so many things amazing about Martin Luther King. You know he gave this speech. Well at the age at thirty five, who's young. He was the youngest man who have received the Nobel Peace Prize. He got the selection. It was over fifty four thousand dollars, a lot of money back at the time, and he immediately donated it to the Continuance furtherness of furthering the civil rights move an agenda and anyway, and then of course he was assassinated in the balcony of a motel room in Memphis, Tennessee. And he was there to lead a protest, march and sympathy of striking garbage workers of the city. And it was a horrific day. I'll never forget the tape. You can watch it, pull it up. Maybe there'll be some commemorative pieces on TV. Robert F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy announcing what had happened. And it just and this was after the assassination of his brothers. Just tumultuous times. But I've never ever, nobody could ever match a speech like this. Just amazing. Let's play a little bit of it. So, even though we've faced the difficulties up to day and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dreams. I have a dream. But one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its screen. We hold these twos to be self evident, that all men are created. I have a dream that one day on the Red Hill, to George sons of Farmer slaves and the sons of farmer slave owner will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream, but one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into any waces of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today this will be the day. This will be the day with all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning my country tears of the sweet land of liberty, of dr sing Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride. From every mountain side, let freedom ring and of Americus. To be a great nation, this must become true. And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening alleghanies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow cap rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the pavish as slumps of California. But not only that. Let freedom ring from stone mountain of Joy. Let freedom ring from lookout mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and mole hill of Mississippi, from every mountainside, Let freedom ring and windows happens. And when we allow freedom ring, when we met a ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all about children, black men and white men, shoes and tin clouds, Protestants and Catholic will be able to join hands and singing the words of the old Negro spiritual Free at last, Free at last, Thank God a matter we are freed last? All right? That's emil kay. I have a dream. Don't we all have a dream? I hope so we need one now, big time a j Houston, Texas. What's going on? Baby? How are you? Big time? Sne Hey? What's going on? You know? By the way, I have a lot of I have a lot of family moving down to Houston, Texas around where you are. We'll tell them to come on down because we opened and ready to rock and road. We ain't gonna let them liberal democrats destroy us. Like they destroying everything else and they talk about China being a bad guy. What about them Democrats is in that White House and some of the Republicans that ain't fighting for we the people. I mean, what we saw in the last eight months, I've never heard nobody talk about it. The Democrats didn't say nothing. Then then look at all the barb wire they got going around you know, our ramble. They got the bob Ryde going around the White House in the wild or Washington and what about them other cities that people lost their businesses, their lives and everything. Why they didn't do the same thing for them cities because of the Democrat governors didn't want that to happen. Now, everybody should see what's going on, Sean, look at the double standard we're watching. They protecting that, but they didn't protect the people. Didn't they take an old shun to take care of the people or what was the old for? I mean, this is Martin Luther King turning in his grave. I don't want hear him another word about what Mark Luther King said from the Democrat Party because they just went against everything he stood or even Kennedy. The Democrats wouldn't have Kennedy and the regime, regime or whatever you want to call it, because he didn't stand for what they stood what they doing. Now, I mean, look at why would you shut the pipeline, why would you shut the jobs down? What is these people trying to do? Sean's I mean with somebody tell the media to do their job, Sean, somebody, you know the media I'm talking about. You know who I'm talking about. They AJJ. I'm like an island. There's a few of us on an island, not many of us. And talk radio there's a few of us on Fox, There's not many of us. You know, what did I tell you? During the whole Russia Russia, Russia Ukraine and Ukraine Ukraine, all those four years psychotic rage and hatred. Um, It's not just Trump. They always hated. They hate we, the people, the smelly Walmart shopping people, the irredeemable, deplorable people. You know that that's that's really at the heart of it all. And now it's remember I wrote the book aj you know it's uh America and the world on the on the brink. Here we are live, free or die. And listen, what I'm saying to people is you can't leave the fight. You just can't. And I don't know. Some people get deflated, some people are unhappy. I get it. I totally understand it. I'm human, I bleed, I'm not spock. I feel the same thing as everyone else's feeling and the frustration. I look at these policies as an unmitigated, addictable disaster for the country. And you know, our job is to be out there and provide a path, an alternative path to take the country in the future of the country we love. We don't have, we don't have the luxury just sitting back saying now, okay, well, just that's it. You know, it's we're not gonna We're not gonna keep fighting, fighting and battling for the principles that we know, uh make America great. And then you just, you know, you stay in the political arena. You Trumpers ain't going nowhere, so they might as well forget it. We know they showed the election. Everybody know what's happened, and we got we're gonna stand strong. And I hope Trump stand in there, even though he might be gone for a few if we gonna stand within him all the way, and we ain't gonna clip the wings of the American way. If you have a different view, though, think about what you just said that when people you can't even say that you believe there was corruption in the election without them now wanting to shut you down completely, silence you that and just erace you cancel you shut you up. Now, you could intelligently talk about the signature verification consent decree in Georgia. You can intelligently talk about the Pennsylvania Constitution and the law passed by legislators in the state. You can intelligently, like the Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, you could lay out how they did not follow election law in the state of Wisconsin, and that you can point all these things out. But no, they most venues want to silence any opposition voices. Now they want re education camps and they want, well, how do we deep program supporters of Donald Trump? I mean, you can't make this stuff up, Katie Kirk attacking Republicans and the president. You know, how are we really going to deep program these people signed? Are they not conceding bill? But there's thoughts that there might have been some collusion among members of Congress Summer refusing to go through magnoters or whatever you call them to to check for weapons. They're not wearing masks during the siege. I mean, it's really bizarre, isn't it when you think about how a wall so many of these members of Congress have gotten. But I also think some of them are believing the garbage that they are being fed twenty four seven on the Internet by their constituents, and they bought into this big lie. And the question is, how are we going to really almost deep program these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump? What about the cult of socialism and radicalism? See, I just there's this, there's a level of arrogance and breathtaking eliteism among I don't care if it's the New York DC, LA San Francisco elites and we the people, and they don't even want to understand. I mean it took Bill Mahrt I actually say, well, you can't blame five thousand people that participated in what happened at the Capitol and associated with seventy five million Trump supporters, but most would want to. It's actually a little shocking and surprising. But um, look, he himself has been an effort over many years of people to silence him. And it's not been the left that have stood up for him. It's been more conservatives. Same way, Sean, Yeah, the same way. This is crazy. We ain't gonna stop fighting though, we're still gonna fight. Well, you know, there's an eben flow to these things. I wish you weren't so, but it is. And um, but if we don't get certain things right, if we don't, you know, I don't know if there becomes a point of no return because they're pushing this radical agenda as hard as anyone I've ever seen in this country ever stated or even stating it. Thank you big time. John is in Tennessee. What's up, John, How are you hey, Sean, good afternoon. Thanks for taking the call. Thank you. Listen. I want to I want to preface just by saying I'm I'm a retired veteran, disabled veteran and also a retired New York firefighter that just woke revocated to Tennessee. What a life of service. Thank you well, I appreciate it. But I say that as I lead into my question and wanting an opinion from you on something. For the past several months, we've heard yourself and several other personalities talk about how dangerous a Biden election is, and even more so, how dangerous flipping the Senate is going to be for the future of this country. And now that that has taken place, what is on the mind of a lot of people is that we have no hope anymore. We know that the Democrats are going to try and pack the Supreme Court, They're going to try and put Puerto Rico and DC into statehood, and they're going to try and give eleven million illegal aliens to vote overnight. What can we do? What's your opinion? What can we do? I know you've said that we need to be strong, we need to vote, but they're taking our rights away. They're also almost with HR one, I mean close is trying to bake in the coronavirus voting changes in perpetuity as well. I mean, look, you have two choices here. You just sit back and watch a deteriorate and do nothing, or you do everything you can do to help elect people that will have the backbone and the strength and the principles and the views that will make this a more perfect union and get us out of this mess that we're now in. Now, I can't guarantee success. I could just guarantee you that it's a critical moment because if this cements itself in, these changes cement in be it on the economy or energy or foreign policy, I mean pretty much everything, and the speech police and the cancel culture, and it just gets worse and worse and worse. We don't do anything, and that will be the country we're left with. Too many people have sacrificed for us. For us just to lay down and not continue in this ongoing pursuit of liberty, freedom, capitalism, free markets, risk reward, ingenuity, innovation, we just can't. We just gotta keep up the battle. Now they're they're overreaching already. They're going to continue the overreach, and the consequences will become apparent. Socialism always fails and all these promises are never going to be fulfilled. And at the end of that process, you know, we'll be there to implement the changes, clean up the mess, fix things, and adhere to principles of liberty and freedom and and but I just don't know how much damage is done in the intern. These are bad policies, this is a bad agenda. This is not going to work. And why people put the faith, hope, trust, and government. I don't know, I really don't, but stay you just you stay steady. It's day by day, it's not you know, Let's do everything we can do every day we can. And there's there's more of us that I think people realize that understand the dangers of radical socialism extremism. All right, that's gonna wrap things up with today. A busy Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern Fox News. It is getting chilling in a welly and nightmare that is now hovering over the United States. Never thought it would happen. Representative Madison Cawthorne, who got kicked off Twitter, joins us. The CEO of Parlor, John Matts joins us Miranda to divine Pete Hegseth, Matt Gates, Larry and Leo, and Ken Cucinelli. Nine Eastern Say DVR, Hannity, Fox News, see you tonight, thanks for being with us. Back here tomorrow,

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