Navy Seal Chief (Retired) Eddie Gallagher and his wife Andrea, join for their first exclusive radio interview regarding their new book, The Man in the Arena: From Fighting ISIS to Fighting for My Freedom.
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Happy Monday. Thank you for tuning in. Glad you're with us eight hundred and nine four one sewn you want to be a part of this extravagant Yes, it's an extravagant Oh, I have the vapors. Oh Humpty Dumpty that nobody watches. Do you realize this? This guy's book which thirteen extra chapters thirteen? Linda, did you read this? It sold Nielsen one thousand and seven hundred and thirty eight. I didn't even know he had a book out. That's it's it's an unmitigated failure. I think against less than seven hundred and fifty thousand viewers on the average week on this disastrous show of his and he's attacking me. You know, this is amazing stuff. This is a part of me that doesn't want to give Humpty Dumpty attention. But it's too much fun. You know, when somebody is failing that bad, it just then becomes fun because it's like it's low hanging. Well, he's mean. That's why it's fun, because he's so mean. They don't realize is they are exactly what they say others are. It's the exact criticism. It's it's actually mind numbing. It's not been a good time for him and his family, apparently as a news anchor, members of his family is now being accused of bullying and creating a toxic environment in the workplaces. You know, and this guy's like they are stalkers. I mean, there are Trump stalkers, there are Hannity stalkers, Fox News stalkers. People. We've chronicled this, this whole canceled culture thing. We live at, eat, breathe, sleep at every single minute of every hour of every day. And all that's really about is is people that just hate the fact that there are Americans that have different viewpoints than theirs, and that yeah, we like the Trump agenda and we like Donald Trump, and you know, Donald Trump's still popular and they can't believe it. And then you get these phony establishment polsters out there. Robert Kaheley blasted this go as pole, which is phony. Um, and you know, you must dump Trump. The things are so bad now. It didn't take long because socialism never works, um. It is. It is stunning to me, just like you know when I when we broke down and we spent years, it took a lot of hard work and digging and I'm peeling every layer of the onion to get to the truth about what happened, this phony allegation of Trump Russia collusion. And we went our own independent path, as we always do on the program, like for example, in twenty sixteen, when I was telling my audience that I love I don't lie to this audience. I tell the truth, and I was I was putting, you know at the time, I guess, you know, twenty seven years on air on the line and telling people, or twenty eight years that Donald Trump will govern as a conservative, And there were many conservatives that were skeptical about me saying this, and it turned out I was proven right. I think he's the most conservative president we even had in our lifetime, even in many ways more than Reagan because he fought more than Reagan. Reagan had a very different style. But Reagan was hated by the establishment Republicans at the time as well. You know, the term amiable Dunce came from Republicans, not from Democrats. You know, a b great actor that a lot of that came from Republicans. He was a great governor in California, and he was a great president. Twenty one million new jobs, created the longest period of peacetime economic growth in history. He built up a six hundred ship navy. Piece through Strength worked just like Donald Trump. It worked. There were no trade wars, there's no protectionism as some had predicted. He kept his promises on taxes, ending the bureaucracy, built five hundred miles of fence. He made us energy independent. He chose from the list that he said he would choose from for the courts. You know, he got us free and fair trade deals. But to get the fair part, you have to make the other side believe that you're willing to walk away from the table and impose tariffs on them. He convinced everybody he would do it. Because he would do it. They believed it. I don't see that respect for Joe Biden these days. And then Piece through Strength and the military love Trump, and yeah, he started pulling us out of you know, these never ending foreign conflicts you know we have. Later in the program, Eddie Gallagher and his wife are going to be on as they now tell their story about you know, the hell he's been through. We send our national treasure men and women out into the battlefield to fight wars bravely for us defending our way of life. The world has got to rid itself of radicalism, whatever manifestation of form. It's in radical Islamic terrorism at the time, and they're willing to do it. And Biden and Obama put handcuffs and rules of engagement on our military and they can't even do their job anyway. We're gonna get to that. We'll get to some of these This issue of this US Olympian turning away from the American flag and covering her hand in a T shirt while the national anthem played. You want to know why people are ratings if you look at them from Major League Baseball to NBA basketball to NFL football, the deteriorating and in large part because they have now taken one of the most unifying moments for the American people. We're gonna people of all backgrounds, all races, all socioeconomic backgrounds, getting together with a shared passion their home team. That's why strangers high five each other. You know, That's why I don't I can't think of a time that I've been to a game and I'm not talking to the people next to me, the people behind me, the people in front of me, celebrating you know, touchdowns or goals or home runs, whatever it happens to be. Now you add politics, Now you put a big wedge in the middle of one of the most unifying moments as country frankly needs and sports. All it does for me is and I'm not telling people what to do. And you want to watch the Olympics, watch the Olympics. My interest just plummeted. I have no interest. It's not not been my favorite thing, the Olympics. But you know, I'd love watching high performing athletes, the people that dedicate years and years of their life every single solitary day to get good at their particular sport. I'd love to watch great athletes. I don't care what the sport is. It's amazing. They're amazingly gifted and talented and it doesn't happen easy anyway. A lot to get to today. Well, we'll get to all of that. We'll check in with Eddie Gallagher and his wife. We'll talk about Humpty later. We'll have some fun with that with Mark Simonal join us on that. Let me just tell you where we are. The entire democratic, radical socialist agenda is failing, and it's failing in large part because it is so radical. They don't know what to do because their hands are tied by the likes of Congresswoman Alexandria Cossio Cortez and the squad members and out. They've got enormous pressure and influence over Nancy Pelosi because if they decide she has to go as speaker, that will happen. And Nancy believes that, and she fears that Chuck Schumer's scared to death that AOC will challenge him in a primary for his Senate seat and that she would win. Whatever the squad seems to lay out then becomes the Biden Pelosi Schumer agenda, you know, and now they're getting angry AOC this weekend, ripping the Senate and the infrastructure that it bipartisan negotiations that were going on for this lack of diversity. That's how you get the GOP on board. I don't know what exactly she means, but anyway, the New York Democrats complaints come after she claimed a GOP minority shouldn't have been allowed to assert its position on the Democrats Voting Rights Bill. Well, maybe she doesn't understand the rules of the Senate or what a filibuster is or cloture is, or maybe she's not been paying well. I think she has been paying pretty close attention because she's already ripped Joe Mansion. She slammed Kristen Cinema's Philip Buster defeatism. Our job is to help people, Okay, but there are very different rules in the Senate then there are in the House, and our framers designed it that way. McConnell is now given Biden an ultimatum on the infrastructure deal. Now, last year, last week, I told you about this trap that was being set by the Democrat for Rhino Republicans, and it was simply that they'll get the Rhino Republicans to go along with the specific infrastructure items that are about infrastructure, including higher taxes, and then they would backdoor through the reconciliation process. I know, we get complicated here, Stay with me. Reconciliation they get one shot at this where they don't need the supermajority, need or need to reach clolture. They would just need a simple majority, which they would have if Mansion, Cinema, etc. Were on board, and and turn around and pretty much do everything else that they agreed not to do in the reconciliation bill. McConnell now gave Biden an ultimatum, and either he gets Nancy and Chuck to abandon plans for the supplemental for trillion dollar infrastructure wish list, or all bets are off. So last week, Republicans hadn't figured it out, and I came on this program, I said, you're I can't believe you people are falling for this because they were about to dive into a big trap anyway, So McConnell today urged Biden to get the two top Democrats to abandon a plan to link this one point two trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal to the larger reconciliation package that every Republican is going to reject. At least now. I can't speak for Murkowski. I can't speak for Mitt Romney again, speak for Ben SaaS the jackass, I can't. So there might be a few Republicans that break away. I don't know anyway, because Biden walked back his initial demand that the two pieces moved through Congress in tandem, and then McConnell said that the president's move would amount to a hollow gesture. I don't know why they didn't see this initially, but apparently they didn't, and the President now appropriately delinked a potential bipartisan infrastructure built from the massive unrelated tax and spend plans that the Democrats want to pursue on a partisan basis. Now, he says he's calling on Biden to engage Schumer, to engage Pelosi and make sure they follow his lead. I don't even think Joe knows what day of the week it is. I'm almost ready. I'm not quite ready, but I'm getting closer to launching why in detail and great specificity, all the evidence that you would want that Joe is weak and frail, and the cognitive mess. I'm not gonna lie to my audience. Everybody sees it, everybody knows it. All of America's enemies see it, and all of America's enemies know it. It's not hard to figure out. Now we've got a worse problem because now the Democrats have weaponized the Department of Justice by going after Georgia. George's voting laws are far more inclusive, more opportunities in Georgia than Delaware. Then why is the Attorney General the United States suing Georgia. Georgia has seventeen days or early voting. They have no excuse absentee voting, meaning you don't need an excuse. They have no days or early voting in Delaware. You need to provide in an excuse to get an absentee ballot in Delaware. Every county in Georgia has a dropbox. No county in Delaware has one. You know both states were choir voter I D. So why did Merrick Garland politicized and weaponize the Department of Justice? Because that's exactly what happened. And if you live in Georgia, know that Joe Biden, who has the most restrictive voting laws in his state, Paul's your state, Jim Crow two point zero. I mean it's it's nauseating, all right as we roll along eight hundred and nine for one shaan or number you want to be a part of the program. So, why all of a sudden, if Joe Biden doesn't lift a finger to make voting more accessible in a state that he represented for five decades, why is it now when he never lifted a finger, Why all of a sudden is it? According to Jen Circleback Saky, the Press secretary, why is it the top priority, that he will be fighting the GOP voting bills when all these voting bills are requiring is something that his state has. Because his state has the most restrictive laws, they'll they make it more difficult than any other state. And so, okay, see one voter ID signature verification, chain of custody control. You need a picture ideed to get into the White House, to get into the Capitol, to get into the Democratic National Convention. You need all of this, you know, to buy a six pack of beer or a bottle of wine, for crying out loud, So why is now why are they saying that this is going to be the top priority. It goes back to this is the new Green Deal, socialist top priority. I can think of no reason except those that won't have the farious intentions of one kind or another, that are out there pushing this. There's no other reason. It's never been, ever, not one time an issue for Joe Biden in his political career, not once. If you thought, you know, well, maybe you want to make COVID eradicated for the world once and for all. No, that's not his top priority, or you know, or stopping radical Islamic terrorism or stopping these hostile regimes with their geopolitical ambitions. That's not his top priority. Or getting America's economy back online, that's not the top priority. No, the top priority is battling and then politicizing his own Department of Justice into doing something which they ought to be doing in Joe's home state. But now they're talking instead of going after restrictive states like Joe's, they're going after Georgia. Will continue news breaks. You get the inside story that no one else has and the behind the scenes chatter that the mainstream media doesn't even know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show, right twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. And we're seeing recovery economically, but we're seeing it in red states. We're seeing it in the states that rejected Joe Biden's bonus for not working. Surprise surprise, mccomer pilemember that surprise, surprise, surprise. Anyway, the jobs were plunging in those states that decided to reject the bonus. Biden bonus payments to those that don't want to work. Twenty one states now have ended or will end the beefed up payments by the end of June, which is now coming. It's June twenty eighth. And what we see is that in those states that have done this, there's a thirteen point eight percent drop in since mid May in the number of people receiving unemployment benefits. Those in the Wall Street Journal yesterday the four states planning to end benefits in July. In September, they saw far less of a of a of an increase in employment or a decrease in unemployment. Anyway, what do you want people to get back to work? Look, I know it may sound great to a lot of people. Huh, I don't have to work. Then I get to do this, and I get to do that, and I get how gonna be honest with yourself? There's something that I think is nourishment for the soul, and it's actually called work and the idea it doesn't matter what you do, even it matters that you. I mean you think of you live in a house. What if you had to build your own house, What if you had you build your own appliances, What if you had build your own car, What if you had to so you buy goods and services produced by others, and you also get the money to pay for by producing goods and services for other people. But there's there's a confidence and self satisfaction that goes along with the idea that you're contributing to society, that you are, that you're serving a purpose. I don't care if you're flipping a hamburger, you're working. You're providing people the food that they want to eat. Although Linda will never take poor Liam to ever get a happy meal. It is one of the saddest things I've ever heard in my entire life. Poor kid. I can't wait for my opportunity to bypass and get that done anyway. So you're starting to see the response of these programs. This is a that's good for the country. Joe Rogan he Cray. I watched Joe Rogan podcasts. I think he's really talented. I think he's a great guy. We've tried to get him on. He doesn't want to come on the show, which is fine. I don't care. I mean, I'd like to interview him. But he has a really good podcast. He goes in depth, spends a long time with people. Thought it was funny as hell. When he interviewed Elon Musk is a great interview anyway, he slams Biden and he you know, I don't know why it's so hard for everybody else to say what is so obvious to everyone, and that Joe Biden is out of his mind and everybody knows he's out of his mind. That's an exact quote from Joe Rogan, and Joe Rogan is right, we don't have a real leader in this country. Well, we're unhinged, yeah, in a lot of ways, and we're not anchored down by a real leader. You know, we don't really have a real leader in this country anymore. Yeah, you could say Joe Biden is the president, he's our leader, and you'd you'd be correct on paper. But I mean, everybody knows he's out of his mind. He's just he's barely hanging in there. You know what really offended the media mob? What really offended that? You know, so many woke Hollywood actors and actresses. Do you really mean about this? You learn as a kid, sticks and stones can break your bones, but names will never hurt you. Right, we've all heard that before. So my question is, were people really as offended as they pretended to be. When Donald Trump would tweet out that this is the great lie of Donald Trump, What about the great lie of the mob and the media about Trump Russia collusion. What about the lies of omission by the media mob? How do you possibly say that the Trump Zelinsky phone call is a quid pro quo based on an anonymous hearsay whistleblower, not a real whistle blower, hearsay whistle blower, a phone call that we had a full transcript of that you know, apparently thirty people were listening to in real time. How do you turn that into a circus where you're impeaching a president over this so called quid pro quo that I didn't hear what I heard the tape. Donald Trump is defending himself. And then at the same time you've got Joe Biden on tape bragging that he leveraged a billion US tax dollars to get a prosecutor in Ukraine fired, which is a quid pro quo, And what was the prosecutor? Why would a vice president of the United States want a prosecutor fired? His zero experience son was making millions and he admits he has no experience. I mean, it's just it's so corrupt. The mob in the media is so corrupt. I said, journalism is dead. It is beyond dead. It is the very things that Democrats say they hate about Trump or the medium mob hates about Trump, they are guilty of. You want to talk about the great lie they told, the great lie about Trump Russia collusion, the great lie about quid pro quo in Ukraine, and what really offended them that they thought the phone call did have a quid pro quo, which I don't hear. How are you not equally offended that Joe Biden's quid pro quo that he's bragging about. How is that possible? Because it's not possible because they're advancing a political agenda. It's so obvious, and it's hurting the country. They don't care because they're just nothing but mouthpieces of the democratic socialist movement in America today, even democrats. I told you about this one Democrat about this awkward moment face to face meeting with Biden and Joe Biden. I mean, it cracks me up. Joe Biden is out there and the guy asked him a question and he says, and Joe Biden just stares at me, just stare to me. I'm like, Okay, that's a little weird. Don't you think that's a little bizarre. Anyway, it's crazy. Eight hundred nine one, Shawn is our number. Oh, I'm gonna get it. So let's go to Renee in Florida. How are you? And Renee? Glad you called my call? Big fans and my husband and I were discussing the other day and it just came up again and we were listening to you and wondering when it was going to be mentioned or if Congress is ever going to bring up. I am not an anti vaxxer, and I've taken all my vaccines as a child and everything. I took the flu shot years ago and I almost died. I was in the hospital for about four days, and I had three Sorry, that's scary, thank you, thank you. It's very scary. And I had three infectious disease doctors that told me, Renee, you are never allowed to take another adult vaccine. I have allergies, but I'm allergic to penicillin, ass brand and that kind of thing. But they told me, do not ever take another adult vaccine. They said, okay, got it. Well, now with this COVID quote vaccine shot, I'm real curious the people that have taken the shot and then gone and donated blood, because as we're driving through Florida, I said, God forbid, there's a car accident and something happens with us, and they need to transport us to the hospital and give me blood. At that point, Sean, I could actually die because of whoever gave the blood unknowingly of course that took the shot. Now I get it. Are they going to now even say that I dive of COVID because that seems to be their go to all the time. But the fact that I literally cannot have this and will not have this. My doctor has written me a formal letter which I carry with me everywhere because he told me, Renee, I took a hippocratic oath that I will protect my patience, and he wrote this letter to me a couple months ago, and thank god I have that to carry because it's just like the Penicillian bracelet. Renee, this is why I refused. And I don't know how much you might have picked up on the pressure that was being brought on me to tell people what to do with the vaccine. Yes, and I tried to be responsible, but I'm not. I'm not a doctor. You're describing a medical condition that I know nothing about. And let's say I'm on the air saying everyone needs to get the vaccine. Go, get the vaccine, Get the vaccine, get the vaccine. Go. Okay, I'm telling people, take this this this thing. I have seen this thing reek havoc and misery and pain and death, and we all know the numbers. Take it seriously. Do your own research, Consult with your doctor or doctors and other medical professionals you trust, and based on your unique medical history, call morbidities or pre existing conditions or compromise immune systems. You know, I mean, you have to. You have to make that choice. I wish I could make it for you. And then everybody wants to know what I did, and I'm like, you know what, I probably would have told people, but it's not even business. I'm not telling anybody, that's right, serious, I'm sorry. I might believe in medical privacy, yes, And the fact that Fauci went from making four hundred and sixty five thousand dollars a year to getting a two point nine million dollar bonus after the vaccine stuff came out and now he's not even talking about people that might have an allergic reaction. It's like, no, you won't, but if you do, we'll deal with it. Then when is someone going to confront him about reality? And what if this is your child, fauci, what if this is your mom or dad? Well probably maybe as kids now at this point to get a little older. But that's what I'm saying, it's it's until now. Let me be clear. I did suggest to people that I that are close to me or people that I feel I trust when they really pushed when they asked, I gave them my advice what I think. But because they asked, and um, and I've told close friends and my family, I've told them what my decisions were. And but I'm not I'm not in the position. You know. One of the questions that have been most revealing to me is I asked doctors that are on this show, are there certain people, based on whatever medical condition that you advise not to get the vaccine? And almost without exception, they all say that, yeah, there there are certain people. It's very small, it's very tiny number that they would maybe put in your category. And that is that that that you have a specific condition. Now what does that mean for you? Off the top of my head, renee, It probably means, especially with this new variant, the delta variant that's out there, I want you to be very careful, you know, social distance, masks, the whole bit, whatever you have to do, I would I'd take extra care um talk to your doctor about that. We do have now incredible therapeutics that are getting widespread use, including Regeneron and yes, and I have them on hand. I got them from my doctor and I have them on hand as I'm actually going to Sarahsota for the Trump rally on the third. And because I know that if I take my hydroxychloroquin, my Z pack, take all my vitamins and keep healthy, I'd go to the gym every day that I pretty much have a good shot. I don't look into id Mectin would be my advice. Look into Regeneron would be my advice. But but again, do all of that with the consultation of your doctor. A thousand and I just I'm waiting for them to mention the blood supplies as far as four or what happens with people like me. And but I'm just at you know the FIZA Maderna vaccines, the mRNA as they call it, right, versus the more historically versus say, Johnson and Johnson, which is more of how do I say this correctly? The more traditional vaccine of way of making vaccines. This, this is, this is newer technology, the mRNA. You know this, This is out of my league. I wish I could go deeper and further. Have I read a lot? Yes? Though I think I know a lot enough to make my own decisions and tell my kids what the hell to do if they're going to listen to me anyway. I mean, you know, what are the odds of that? Anyway? God, bless you, Thank you real quick. I want to grab Susan in Ohio. Susan was at the rally with the president. We have about a minute, Susan, it's all yours. I had never been to in the more electributed in my whole life, A count of five thousand people Ohio. There was at least forty thousand plus people at this event, and I I give me hope that I haven't had in a long, long long time. And I don't I don't know how to talk to liberals. Do you have any advice avoid them. I don't, you know, it's you know, it's it's funny when I leave outside New York. When I leave get outside of the New York area, it's amazing the difference how I'm treated versus how I'm treated in New York City. You know, I've literally been told by friends of mine. They one friend invited me over. He's a member of some stupid club, right, everyone joins these clubs. And you know, he goes, why don't you come over? And I'm lunched. Then I get a call back. Uh, I hate to tell you this, a very embarrassed call. Yeah, they really don't want me to bring you. I'm like, is there a particular reason? Yeah, because some people might might feel uncomfortable if you come to eat a hamburger. I mean, that's New York. That's why I'm getting the hell out of here. I'm getting out. I'm leaving the state. I'm leaving. Don't don't they want us to be divided? Well, I mean I am canceled, and Linda, how much worse is it if I would tell all these stories? How much worse is it? We need a separate podcast for that. Yeah, a separate podcast where I can just unload, you know, real truth. Yeah, I mean, and I'm not offended. Um, you know, I'd rather know if i'm I don't want to be where people don't like me. I'm not going to force myself on people. I don't know if they thought I was going to get into the dining room and pull out a bullhorn and tell people to vote for Trump. I don't know what these people is, what's wrong with them? Anyway, I gotta run, Susan glad you had a good time an hour two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one seawan or number you want to be a part of the program. If you are and have been a regular listener to this program. You've heard the name Eddie Gallagher before. We talked about it a lot. Navy seal actually now retired. He was put on trial for murder and other serious crimes that he was accused of by committing of committing by the US government during his last deployment, which was imosal, and it captured national international media attention, and it became a polarizing issue. Why. I'm not fully completely sure. I think there was some politics involved in that was always my personal opinion, ultimately acquitted of the most serious charges. Anyway, he's now telling his story. I want to go back first before I introduce him to you and play his brother. He was actually on this show. We follow this case closely from the beginning, and it's Eddie's brother, Sean Gallagher talking about his brother. My brother represents what is best about this country. He fulfilled a family tradition that we have of joining the service, like his father and uncles and grandparents. Enlisted at a high school and became a medic, then a Marine scout sniper, and then a Navy seal, which he's been for fourteen years. It's been an eight combat tours, like you mentioned, racking up accolade after accolade. I mean, if you were to literally create or imagine what a modern day war hero would be, it'd be Eddie. Now, he's just like any other special operator. He's humble. He would say that I'm just like the rest of the guys. But even among his peers, he stands out. So my brother was in charge of his platoon. Trump and the President tasked him. Almost the impossible to clear out isis from Mosul. They're deeply embedded. There is in ten weeks of heavy firefighting of combat of the grueless CALIBERNIA and my brothers called me on every single one of his eight combat deployments, every single one, and hardly as he described and endemy as cruel and as violent and is just disgusting as isis. And so in this incident in question, and I want to state from the beginning that everything that's been said is and if I can use this phrase, it's fake news in a way, it's just complete fabrication. It's rumor. And what happened is that these rumors grew and then snowballed where investigators took them and believed them at face value. And so for a year now our family has finally been able to get the truth out. At this moment time, we've been silent for a year, and so finally we're fighting back. So in this incident that you mentioned, quite literally, the accusation is that a wounded Isis fighter that he and his platoon were working on that was already shot in the leg a severed artery, and they had been in a building that Iraqi special Forces had shelled. They brought him into the seal compound. They're treating him and then he expires, and the accusation against my brother is that this already dying fighter my brother killed, which did not happen, but is insane just at the outset right that a US Navy seal trained to fight the enemy brings in a wounded guy to save him so that they can interrogate him, and they say, oh, he killed him, and now my brother there's facing quite literally life in prison without the possibility of parole. Justice for Eddie dot Com it's the site that we have set up from my brother. You can donate. But the one thing that we're asking most supposed to do is we're really thankful at this time in history that we have a president that we're hoping can come to our assistance that would look at the grievous nature of his treatment of the abuse of power by ncis and prosecutors and come to our age. Justice for Eddie dot Com all right. Joining us now is Navy Seal chief now retired to Eddie Gallagher's wife, Andrea joined us their new book, It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot Com and now in bookstores everywhere. As they tell their story, the man in the Arena from Fighting isis to fighting for my freedom. Welcome both of you. You knows, as I watched your story unfold, and it became very odd to me because apparently, I guess there's a I guess they're a political there's a political side to everything, if that's a good way to put it. And some people made allegations against you in the irony is based on all the evidence I saw is that this guy that was injured, it was actually you that was trying to save his life. Is that correct? Yeah? So I mean this whole story is, you know, the trial and everything is started based on just a bunch of white lies that some guys told. And then once those white lies got in the hands of MCIs, which is the Navy's version of the FBI. You know, they're supposed to the investigatory body, those people believe those white lies, and then the day themselves were forced to lie, and everybody that got involved from that point on had not you know, they were lying, cheating, stealing to try and put me away for life. And yeah, it all started from three guys who decided they didn't like me. They were in my platoon and they wanted to start rumors to ruin my reputation. Now, what really happened in that fight for Mosol. Let's let's go back to this this horrific time and how and why. There were these few people that apparently in the seal platoon, one that actually, if I recall correctly, even recanted the story, didn't he yep? Yeah. So basically, these three guys that were in my platoon, they were very green, which means they had no real combat experience, and this was their first combat deployment. And what they found out is this job is not for them. During that deployment, it was very chaotic and very busy. I had twenty three guys in my platoon, and these three individuals decided that this job wasn't for them, and instead of choosing to leave the community, they tried to say it was my fault that I pushed them too hard on deployment, that I was dangerous, and they managed to wrap up about two other individuals into their into their little circle. But you know, once their story got put to the test, you know, buying investigations, and then when they were told they had to go to trial, two of those individuals decided that it wasn't worth going forward. And you know, they actually told the truth. So so how many years of your life though then are hanging in the balance and your wife is home with us Andrew as well. I'm sure there's put you in your whole family through hell the whole time. Yes, we definitely had a very tumultuous couple of years. The deployment he's speaking of was in two seventeen. The allegations started to escalate in twenty and eighteen, and then we weren't even in trial until twenty nineteen, and that's when President Trump had intervened. Just previous to his trial, which would have been in June twenty nineteen, President Trump really interacted with us and basically freed him to be a part of his own legal assistance. At that time, he had been incarcerated for a new nearly nine and a half months, and we had just a horrible time. Our family was definitely targeted. We feel like we were almost char rised by NCIS and the government, and then we did become sort of a political football for the media because when President Trump got involved, that got very tumultuous. So there was a lot of vilification of Eddie and even our family. That's unspeakable. That we kind of talked about in the book. Is there any any way to get compensated for the fact. I mean, you had one witness in particular, again, if I recall correctly Eddie that said that they were depending on their star witness said no, he didn't kill them at all, and it blew the whole case wide open. Yeah. No, And that's the crazy part of the story. You know. Me. Once that witness the prosecution's witness fest up to the murder, they still went full steam ahead at me. They you know, called I mean that's he actually said, well I did it, isn't that true? Yeah? Yeah? Uh, he admitted to doing it, and the prosecutors then called him a liar, still went full steam ahead at me. It's like if he had never said it. And so no one, no one has been held accountable at all that was involved on the Navy side and the government side for what happened. How was it possible if this star witness admits to being the person that's guilty, Well, number one, there's no testimony from that individual that's going to impact you or your life at that point. Then that he's saying that he did it, I guess at that point he had immunity, And they said, well he did it because he had immunity. But it doesn't matter. At that point, their witness is gone. It's over. Yeah. Then it becomes a witch hunt, to use a familiar phrase. I mean, it was a witch hunt from the beginning. You know, they had no evidence at all. Even all the evidence they had was just hearsay from these certain individuals, which those stories, all their stories didn't align up. They all contradicted themselves. I mean to put it blindly. You know, the jury members had talked to my lawyers afterwards and else they talked to the prosecutors and they said, we believe you even brought this to trial. How how did it come to this? Um? That's how much of a joke it was. UM. And you know a lot of taxpayers dollars were wasted on it. UM. And then I think the Navy is too ashamed to actually admit that they made a mistake. UM. And they've definitely shown their arrogance thus far by holding no one accountable for all the lies and deceit that happened to our family. But you know we are That's the reason I wrote the book is do do you have any legal recourse because here you are a highly decorated combat vet with deployments and war zones all over the world Kosovo, Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, you know, and and they put you through this. Is there any recourse available to you? Um? We for the damages that they've done to you and your wife, Andrea and your family. You know. We uh, when I was getting out or finally retiring, we filed some ig some complaints against the Navy, pretty much showing them all the evidence they needed, but that there was deceit and lies and everything else. And of course they reviewed it and said, nope, we did nothing wrong. You can go on your way. And so we are in a lawsuit with them right now for leaking all of my private informations to New York Times during my trial in order to try and smear me. And what were you thinking, as Eddie's wife, You've known Eddie, you know for all these years, Andrea, and here your husband's being falsely accused and even at one point exonerated in the which home goes on. Yeah, it's really hard to put into words. But when it all originally started to happen in twenty eighteen, what people will get the final picture of when they read the book is that these allegations that were originally leveled against him had nothing to do with war crimes. They had nothing to do with anything that he ended up going to trial four. They were all very petty, juvenile complaints. And then the escalation of allegations kept moving forward and then was kind of cauterized when we had a very very criminal NCIS and investigating agent named Joseph Orpinski who kind of came onto the scene and he started to collude with these people. He started to get them together, get their story straight. They would all talk and be in communication. It's basically everything that you can picture that you would not do in an investigation he did in order to get a win. So to answer your question, Sean, I mean, it's unthinkable to me that someone can serve so diligently as a special operator for our country and every single major battlefront in the War on Terror for twenty years and then really they tried to dispose of my husband. They tried to put him away for life. And that's why we really want to kind of blow the lid off of this story for people so that they understand the truth of what really happened, because most people read either a click the headline that was just igniting the fire against most of it was lamb punning, present it at Trump. But we got really kind of you know, vilified in all of that as well. So our story is very very skewed and misunderstood. So this book will hopefully go to set the record straight, and we do hope it'll go back to restoring some of the rights that have been stripped away in our military justice system to the individuals that have been fighting for twenty years quick break right back. More with Navy Steele now retired Eddie Gallagher's wife Andrea. The new book out today. It's called Man in the Arena From Fighting Isis To Fighting for My Freedom. I'm more with Navy Seal chief now retired Eddie Gallagher and his wife Andrea. Their new book is out. They tell their side of the story in this big nationwide case, the Man in the Arena From Fighting Isis to Fighting for My Freedom? Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere in my family growing up. So both of you know, Eddie and Andrea, you know, to be a law enforce nor the military was like the highest most respected profession ever. And I find myself at a point today where, you know, for whatever reason, people ask my advice. Young people seek out my advice about what they should do in careers, and I always tell them, find your passion and don't do things for money. Do it because you love it, because you're going to be doing it your whole life. And I don't know if I can in good conscience advise people in the circumstances that we now see in cities across the country to get into law enforcement or you know, hearing cases like yours and knowing that there's there's now politicizing within the military like in your case, it scares me to recommend that noble career. And I mean noble, yeah, I mean it's definitely getting a you know, quarder for me as well nowadays to see, you know, just the way that the current administration is pushing our military in, you know, with all the I guess they want to be for progressive and whatever else instead of focusing on war fighting. It's it's definitely different. But at the same time, I still recommend any anybody that's going that wants to go in the service. It is a very like you said, noble job. It's a righteous job. They just have to go in with the awareness that sometimes whatever is being pushed down to them from you know, higher up as may not always be the right thing. I'll add one thing. If we're going to send our national treasure like you out to fight wars that they start, then they better allow us to fight and win them and win them quickly. That's that's got to be our military moving forward. It's a great book, a great read. It's just out today. The Man in the Arena from Fighting Isis to Fighting for My Freedom. Retired now Navy Sealed Chief Eddie Gallagher's wife Andrea joining forces. They'll join us on TV tonight. Thank you both for being with us. So we wish you the best Amazon dot com bookstores everywhere. Hannity dot com. Thank you, Thank you, John eight hundred and nine for one. Shawns, you want to be a part of the program, Quick break, right back, more Hannity, Last Big Government. This is the Sean Hannity Show, All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls in just a second. Here, I wanted to do a quick hit and update you because I believe that this is the first Senate candidate that is primary and incumbent that Donald Trump is now endorsed. She was on a program a couple of weeks ago Kelly Chubacco's taken on Lisa Murkowski. I mean Lisa Murkowski, frankly is her cylons has been deafening on almost every issue now that is having a great impact on the energy sector in this country and anyway. The President at his rally this weekend, Donald Trump talking about the failed policies of Biden, including yeah, energy as a big one. After just five months, the Biden administration is already a complete and total catastrophe. I told you trying to surging. Murders are soaring, Police departments are being gutted. Illegal aliens are overrunning their borders. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. Our poor borders. They were so perfect, they were so good. Drug cartels and human traffickers are back in business like they've never been before. They're doing numbers that they've never even thought possible. And just a few short months ago, drugs were way down, Human trafficking was way down. It was all way down. It was all they had to do is go away for a little while it was beautiful. But the schools, when you take a look at schools and you look at all of the things that happened, left wing indoctrination camps, critical race theory is being forced on our military. Gas prices are spiking, inflation is skyrocketing, and China, Russia and Iran are humiliating our country. Joe Biden is destroying our nation right before our very own eyes. All Right, speaking of the mid terms in twenty twenty two, it's getting closer than it will be here faster than you think. Kelly Chubaka is back with us. She is challenging Lisa Murkowski for the nomination to be the Senator from the great state of Alaska. I think you're the first candidate taking on an incumbent for the US Senate that the President has endorsed. Is that correct? Yes, that's correct, Sean, And it is such an honor to have his endorsement. Well, a lot of this goes to the one big issue, and we talk the last time you're on the program about what I love about Alaska and Alaskans and their rugged individualism, but also the fact that the vast resources of this incredible state, especially energy is shared with the citizens of Alaska. The government views it as their resources. And when you cut back on energy independence, that has a direct impact on every single citizen that lives in Alaska. And I've not seen Lisa Murkowski out there leading the fight to stop the Biden administration from what they're doing. She's not only not leading a fight, but she's been complicit in helping them in their attack and assault on us. She was the Senior Republican and the Energy Committee when Joe Biden's nominee, Dev Holland for the Secretary of Interior came before them, and Dev Holland has a demonstrable track record of wanting to end fossil fuel development in America, and despite that, Lisa Murkowski was the deciding vote to let Dev Holland's confirmation pass through the Committee and go before the full Senate for confirmation. And since then, Dev Holland has led the attack for the Biden administration to stop fossil fuel development and resource development in Alaska. It's been crushing our workers, killing our economy, and stopping our resource production up here. And it's had an effect not just on us in Alaska, but like you said, Sean on all of America and our ability to become energy and dependent, because we're just shifting that need for energy over to our enemy countries like Russia. It's that bad. And what's really unique about the energy sector and when I loved about reaching energy independence, it's something that I've talked about for now decades on this program. I mean years ago, you know, new Gingridge started an effort. We partnered with him in that effort. Drill you know, baby drill was a phrase Governor Palam made very popular. You know, pay you know, drill now, pay less. We'd all pay less. Now we're all paying about a buck twenty five more per gallon. But it's even worse than that. It costs more to heat your home, cool your home. It costs more for every single product you're buying in every single store because those products get there usually by eighteen wheelers, and they're now paying a fortune more for the energy to ship all of these goods that we purchase every single day. So everything's costing more. That's just part of the inflationary pressures that we're feeling. How bad do you see this getting? Now? We're gonna be begging Putin and the Middle East for the lifeblood of our economy. Again, Sean, you're absolutely right, we already are baking them. Remember it was Russian cyber terrorists who attacked our gas line just a couple weeks ago that caused our prices to skyrocket along the Southeast Corridor, and we know as Russia behind it. And what did Joe Biden do but go and give them a list of what were the okay things that they could attack and what weren't the okay things to attack. So we're literally negotiating with terrorists now as part of our sanctioned diplomacy. You know, Trump was the best president Alaska's had and the reason he won by double digits in both elections. He allowed us to responsibly develop our own natural resources and that helped all of America. But it was more than that too, Sean. He knows that we're owed federal lands and were owed it from before statehood. This is a challenge that we have in many Western states, and he was transferring millions of acres back to us. We've got the Biden administration trying to take more than forty four million more acres from us. These are some of the challenges that we're facing all around Alaska, and no state but Alaska has been targeted directly and in the middle of the crosshairs of the Biden administration. Like Alaska, they've set their sights on us and they're targeting everything about us from our resources. Murkowski cast the deciding vote in committee to advance the nomination of this radical Interior Secretary Haylan who's leading the charge and eliminating Alaska's ability to explore for oil and natural gas on their own land. And she's the one that cast that deciding vote. Yes, that's right. And Lisa Murkowski's partnering with them in so many things. She even cast a desiding vote for Benita Gupta, who's to defund the police associate Attorney General. And we are one of the top states in the nation with the public safety problem. So we've got a lot of challenges with Lisa Murkowski helping the Biden administration. That's why I'm opposing Lisa Murkowski, and so is a lot of Alaska. This is why I received Donald Trump's endorsement. We have a twenty point lead in the polls right now over Lisa Murkowski. The Republican Party has censured her up here and said she doesn't represent us anymore. But we all our prediction is she'll bail out. She's not going to continue her The way she's voting now gives us every indication that she's going to bail out. And then of course giving a waiver to Vladimir so he could build the nord Stream too, he could build his pipeline while simultaneously canceling pipeline jobs for Americans, high paying career jobs Keystone XL pipeline. But all right, we're gonna keep in touch with this race. Kelly Chewbacca now taking on Lisa Murkowski officially endorsed by Donald Trump. Anyway, people can get in contact with you if they want to read your platform. Yes, we are at Kelly for AKA dot Com, Kelly for AKA dot Com and Sean. When they canceled the Keystone pipeline, Canada turned around and killed our cruise line industry. So we need all the help we can get. And thank you so much for having us on your show. I so appreciate it. We'll glad to have you and wish you the best. I think there's a very winnable primary and very winnable race for Republicans, and this is again twenty twenty two is a very very important year. Kelly. Thanks for being back with us. We appreciate it. I mean, not only is the house up for grabs. I keep naming the states. They all matter, including Florida, including Georgia, North and South Carolina, Alaska, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Ohio, Arizona, and I can keep going, very very important. All right, to our phones we go. Let's say, Hi, it is John and Florida. John. How are you welcome to the program. I'm doing well, Sean, how's everything? I'm good, sir? What's going on? So I put together a border clean up that's taking place on September tenth, eleventh, and twelfth down in Dalverde County, Texas. We're gonna be picking up trash along the border from obviously from all the illegal crossings that are happening. They're leaving behind landfill's worth of trash, and no one really talks about that. So I put together a trip. We're going to be leaving from Jupiter, Florida. I own a blue I'm moving down here. We're going to fill up my truck with canned goods, basic necessity items. And deliver that to the local community that's hard hit. The food pantries are overrun, the jails are overrun. I've been working with Frank Martinez, the sheriff down there, actually just left the border this I was there this weekend. It was complete madness, total insanity. We did a border cleanup, not a border clane up. We did a clean up in Baltimore in twenty nineteen in the Easterwood district of Baltimore. We picked up twenty five tons of garbage in three days, just off the streets. We were inspired by President Trump when the whole rat infested city was coming along, and I just couldn't believe my eyes when I saw how bad Baltimore was. I felt like I had to do something. So I got together with a bunch of my buddies and we drove from Florida up to Baltimore. We got city approval and we went up there and did that cleanup, and it was just it was just a mess up there. So we were gonna think it's great, you're doing it. I think it's great that Rhonda Santis and I think other governors have following suit now is they're helping out border states secure their own borders. Considering Joe and Kamala are facilitating the law breaking, be careful when you're down there. I think it's extraordinarily kind and generous of you to involve yourself in a humanitarian effort. But I'll tell you, unless our own government enforces its own laws without picking and choosing the laws they like versus the laws they don't like, I don't see how it's a win at all for anybody. You know, if any of us did any of the things they're doing, we'd be put in Joel all right, back to our busy phones, justin Ohio? What's up? Justin? How are you, sir? Now? I got a question with Biden and Putin's needing and Biden giving a list of sixteen locations not to attack. Wouldn't that be considered a form of espionage? Giving your enemy information that you shouldn't have. How about the messages? If you attack us one more time? This is what the consequences are going to be. You know, I'm not in the mood of with negotiating with a hostile actor like Vladimir Putin. Oh please, Vladimir, if you're going to attack us, just don't hit these sixteen areas. Do you mind? No, thank you, That's not the way I roll. Debbie Texas next Sean Hannity Show, How are you, Debbie? I'm fine. I hope you're doing well too. I'm doing well. Thank you. Question. Am I the only one that feels that Joe Biden is letting himself be controlled in order to protect Hunter. I mean, it's very obvious a Hunter is in a lot of trouble with the money, and you know, referring to Joe Biden in a different name. I I just can't believe this man, as old as he is, has had these beliefs for all these years, has turned around and thinks totally different. Now. There's no doubt in my mind that as Hunter did business with China and Russia and Kazakhstan and with Ukraine, and that the amount of money is breathtaking with zero experience by his own admission in the case of Ukraine and Barisma, and him being a crackhead. You know, um, I cannot believe that there has not been you know, if you will, the dossier's and they know Hunter, chapter and verse. You know, the Hunter laptop ignored by the mob of the media, the you know, it's the it's the Biden you know, family syndicate protection plan of the news media. You know, if any of the Trump kids made millions from Ukraine, made millions from Kazakhs and Russia and China, and if any of the Trump kids light on a gun application through a gun in a dumpster, if any of the Trump kids smoke crack and hired hookers, if any of them use the N word or or or made numerous Asian American slurs, I doubt any of them would ever get away with it, and it would be news that would be NonStop by the mob and the media, probably for months at a time. But that is now how fake and phony and how dead so called journalism is in America. And that is my point. I'm FAMILYSS so well connected and has plenty of money. Why in the world would they that the head is their family, go on TV in front of millions of people and make a fool to himself. Well, I guess they get away with it. Debbi. I gotta run out of out of you know, time, because I have time restraints. But you know, it's sad. We don't have equal justice under the law. We don't have equal application of our laws. That that is the current state of America, sadly, and it's been that way for longer than you think. All right, News Round Up, Information Overload eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Uh, you know, it is interesting when you're attacked by a nobody And this is kind of the story of our life. I mean, for whatever reason, look to call the media mob out as the corrupt liars that they are. Is it's actually fun to do because we're telling the truth. For three years, the mob in the media, they lied, they created this narrative, it turned out to be false, and with breathless, hysterious psychotic rage against all things Donald Trump, they they breathlessly were put it every day, stormy sturmy, stormy, oh my, Trump, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia. You know, the same thing goes on and on and on. And I've been trying to put out questions to the New York Times about the issues that they now that we all know they now got wrong. And they even got Pollard surprises for it. And you've got over there at fake News CNN. Humpty dumpty, humpty, Dumpty. He writes his book. You know, he's a he's a Fox Hannity full time stalker. I mean, this is all he reports on and he ignores all of his own hypocrisy at his own fake news network CNN. And the first book bombs. Now, well, now we got an additional twelve thirteen chapters or whatever it is the first week. When you look at Nielsen book Scan, it was one thousand and seven hundred and I think like sixty eight, and you can't get any lower than that. And on Amazon I think it was ranked four thousand and one anyway, So that's what his job is is to just hate Fox twenty four seven. And so you know, I just reported it was one seven hundred and thirty eight and four thousand and seven on Amazon. I have it here in front of me, and now we're being told that members of his family are now being accused of bullying and creating a toxic environment in the workplace. So I report this truth. This is all true about Humpty Dumpty. And I'm like, okay, well, Humpty Dumpty, tell the truth. Your book bombed. You suck, nobody really cares about you. And his answer was to go on fake news CNN and accuse me of not giving opinion but spouting poison. All right, let's listen. You have to hear the poisonous propaganda that the GOP's activist base is listening too. You have to really hear it. It's coming more from Sean Hannity than from Trump right now. So that's what we did this week. We watched every episode of Sean Hannity's show. We color coded it as you can see it. We focused on his language, the insults and phrases that it repeats every night, nasty little words on Hannity, the media is the enemy, even though Fox is the media. Here's my point. Don't get numb to this abusive language, because it is through these insults. It is through these attacks that Hannity wield's power. This dark, dire language is fundamentally authoritarian. It softens the ground for a movement like stop to Steal, you know, Trump's employ to actually steal the election. It portrays anyone who disagrees as not legitimate, as not American. That's not true. Okay, let's supply the hump the standard to fake news CNN, shall we and their incendiary rhetoric is this president trying to impersonate Hugo Chavez rescept tie up Ernawan Vladimir Putin? So you are going to sit and listen to the Senate impeachment trial of the former president of the United States who has been impeached for inciting the erection. What a great case officer, Vladimir prudent is. He knows how to handle an asset, and that's what he's doing with the president. Me Daniels, it's causing stormy weather. Foreign stars Stormy Daniels claims President Trump broke the law, had or bullied. Does Stormy Daniels have the President's number? It sure seems that way. It's not clear what he meant by whole countries. We are not all created equal, at least not if you were born in as the President put into a whole country. The word house instead of whole, as in house countries, not whole countries. I guess he's a boler Why is President Trump showing sympathy for white nationalists and other hate groups. The biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalize to the right. We can surely say his words have absolutely emboldened white supremacists. He has given oxygen to racists. He is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country. There's a sign out there that's been hungout and we're outside the White House saying if you're not white, you're not especially welcome. These are the messages from a person who is not well, from a leader who is not fit for offense. This was a white lash. This was a white lash against a changing country that tail from the border. Didn't just border on bs, this was USDA grade a bullet and the reporter who wrote the story resigned, claiming she was forced to make it up, but the damage was done. Pumped out over the airwaves at the Bullet Factory also known as Fox News. All right here to this actually cracks me up a little bit, I mean, because it's like a full time obsession. Our friend Mark Simone, he's the host of a highly rated, successful morning showing our New York affiliate wo R in New York. It's you know, now, by the way, here's a guy that got a mere seven hundred and fifty two thousand total viewers. This is a show that's lost seventy two of its audience because I guess they don't have Trump to hate anymore. Over there at fake NOOC and not that it did that well even went their hatred. Um, what's your initial reaction all of this? To me? It's amusing. You know, you're never supposed to if you're the number one host on cable news, you're never supposed to attack the little guy in the feud because it only helps him. But in this case, it's fine, he's in two hundred and fiftieth place. What could happen he goes to two hundred forty eighth place? You know if I is rating so, but and he thinks he's like really important. That's the funniest part about him, does it? Nobody really cares about the guy. Could you imagine one thousand and seven hundred and thirty eight books sold in a week? I mean, oh, you can't get any worse than that. Well, I'm on Amazon right now checking his book. It is in nine thousand and seven hundred and sixty third place. And that's even after the promotion I gave him on Twitter. Um, yeah, it was actually Look you have one tweet It has more likes than he sold books. That's hilarious. Well, I don't have you know, our mutual friend Linda took away all access to my social media, so I have to mail in request to get things posted at this point in my life. You know, if I do these media people really, are they that blind to who they are? Or do you think that this is just a show like they claim their journalists. I'm a talk show host. Yeah sure, I do straight news, investigative reporting, culture, sports, and when I'm up front that I do opinion. I'm a full newspaper. I'm a member of the press. I'm like the full paper they claim their journalists. Is nothing journalistic about CNN. No, you always say I'm just an opinion, And a lot of times I've heard you say, well, you know what do I know? This is my opinion that they act like they are just the mean, the ultimate definitive ruler on every day. They're the ones that have been authoritarian. You know, if you got a billion liberal news channels and networks and newspapers, you'd think you'd want one one network somewhere that just gives a different point of view. They want to crush that one network. They don't even want any voice of opposition anywhere. That's the realist. Mark Fox is not not everybody at Fox agrees with Sean Hannity by any stretching, starting with my good friend Haraldo or Juan Williams or plenty of people again, and you always have people on to disagree with. You'll never see that on CNN because they go nuts if you disagree. Remember one of the greatest moments ever. You can watch this on YouTube. It's Ted Copple being interviewed by Brian Stelter and Copple tells him off, saying you the worst thing for journalism. You're the worst. Watch Stelter go ballistic when he says that. But give Stelter credit for one thing. He made it the hard way without any talent whatsoever. It looks like, you know what, By the way, the couple screwed me over once. I give the guy an hour right uninterrupted, at one straight hour of an interview, he breaks it down. I think, what was it in the seventy seconds and it was only him attacking me and then and he literally cut it off right when he attacks me and didn't play my answer. I mean, that's that's why when sixty minutes was begging me to let them do a profile on it, I'm like, no, unless you do it live to tape. I'll do it live to tape, or I'll do it live. You know, I don't care. But they but they want the right to edit. That's the way these networks are. That's the little game they play. Or even the Spelter book, it's called hoax. So I figured, this is about Russia, this is about Charlotte. You I can't believe it. Look we do have a problem here though, and that is they got away with lying. I could play the montage, it'll take too long. Of all of the lies that they have told over the five years that Donald Trump has been president. This is not a news network. This is a new Green deal socialist activist network. I'm fine with that. I just wish they'd be honest about it and own who they are, or is the famous now woke phrases own your truth? Why don't they own their truth? Why are they so afraid to admit a simple, fundamental, a piece of information that everybody knows already. They have an agenda, just an angry agenda. You know what's amazing. They're making up stuff. They're over the top, outrageous, crazy saying everything, and they still can't get any ratings. They're still the third place and slipping. You know, Stelton took a week off the fill in host got higher ratings than he did. Wouldn't let me so that happened. Oh boy, that's not good for him. When did that happens? Happened a couple of times. Actually, well, I think he's just basically the stenographer for mister potato head, his boss Jeff Zucker. I mean, Jeff Zucker hated Trump every second, every minute, every day. Project Veritas exposed that, and I think he hates Fox just the same way. I'm not sure you know why he even cares, but he does. And that's the thing. I don't watch these networks. I don't watch these shows. The only reason I know about it is because I have a team of people that have to watch it for me and report back anything that might be worth talking about, which is very well. I watch him all the time. I love to you know, I couldn't wait to see Jake Tapper this Sunday. He actually asked the beginning exclusive interview with Mitt Romney exclusive. Nobody else asked it. Who else should have made him it's exclusive? Where do you think this ends? You know? I did a report last Thursday on TV, and this kind of scares me a little bit because we're seeing a lot more of it. I lived in Atlanta. I did my radio show from a section of Atlanta that's known as Buckhead. Buckhead now wants to separate from Atlanta and be able to form their own community, their own county. They want their own police force. You've got now at least what anywhere between five and nine counties now talking about leaving the state of Oregon and joining the state of Idaho. Texas apparently, in their constitution has an ability to separate into five individual states if Democrats go forward and try and create DC in Puerto Rico statehood. I mean, at this point now we have irreconcilable differences, but I also still want to be the United States of America. But how do you solve these differences? Well, it always goes in cycles, and we've seen it gets a little worse each time. But we saw something very similar sixty seven sixty eight riots all over the streets in America. Black panthers running a campaign against the police. They didn't say defund but they were trying to stop the police. Everywhere. You had Democrats over the top liberal crazy, and every TV show made fun of the Republicans the conservatives, but turned around. That's when it helped Nixon get elected on Law and order. And usually when the Democrats have their moment, it lasts about four years and then we go to a long, long stretch of Republicans. I think in twenty two this ends when they lose the House and Senate and realize we went way too far with this stuff. So nobody knows New York as well as Mark Simone. This guy knows everybody. Every event that ever happens in New York, you can pretty much count on Mark being there, usually as the MC. And he's one of the best mcs I've ever seen. And so now it looks like it's going to be Eric Adams versus Curtis Sliwa and Curtis has been a mutual friend of ours for all these years we've known Curtis. I work with Curtis for many many years in radio. You work with him for many many years. He's saying he wants to refund the police. Eric Adams ran a lot on Law and Order. The biggest problem an obstacle I see for Curtis is that what it's eight nine to one Democrats out register Republicans in the city of New York. What happens. Yeah, I remember Republicans have won five or the last seven mayoral races, So it's very possible Eric Adams got the denomination, or looks like he got it by saying all the right things about fighting crime. But go back two or three years and he was saying the opposite. So a lot of people don't know whether we can trust him on that. You and I know Curtis. He's been a crime fighter from the day he was born. Nobody's been hit by more nightsticks by the police. He's been arrested, I think eighty seven times around the country. He's been shot five times by the mafia. He's the toughest guy in the world. Nobody's fought harder. Even in the riot flash year when the police weren't there, Curtis was there. He got a jaw broken in one riot, so he'd be the perfect guy, right the Curtis was like a crazy khat guy. He's got fifteen cats, he told me last week. Fifteen. Yeah, he was in a studio apartment. He says, it's three hundred and fifty square feet. Well, that eliminates the corruption allegation. I don't think yeah, that's true. By the way, that's about the size of the average department for any young kid that wants to begin their life in New York. All Right, the great Mark Simone, Thank you, sir, appreciate you being with us. Eight hundred nine four one sean our number. We'll get to your calls when we get back twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sean if you want to be a part of the program. A lot of news was made this weekend over this US Olympian Linda I'm sure you saw this story that turned away from the American flag, covering her head with a T shirt while singing the national anthem. And I'll tell you know, look, I don't I'm very consistent. I don't support boycott's I don't support efforts to silence people. But I have said this before and I'm going to say it again. When I see this, my interest in sports, it it just deteriorates down to nothing. You know, I love watching sports. I'm not watching them like I used to. You know, what I've been watching is the greatest although heartbreaking games Islanders and the Tampa Bay Lightning. Islanders lost one nothing but Game six. Every game the Islanders played this wonderful woman. I forget her name. I think it's Nadine something, and she's got a beautiful voice. She'd start the national anthem and then the crowd would take over and it would be loud, and it would be proud, and it was. It gave me goosebumps. I kept playing each rendition because they did it every game. I wish it would catch on everywhere. Now I'm not gonna tell this Olympian what to do, but I'll tell you what. My interest in the Olympics are zero. I don't have any interest in the Olympics. You know, kind I kind of got a little. I did not watch last year's football season until the end when it was Drew beat Brees versus Tom Brady, and then when it was Aaron Rodgers versus Tom Brady. Then it was Tom Brady playing for Tampa Bay now for New England and the Super Bowl. I was interested, so I watched those games. But I don't care if if this politics being brought into sports, it is killing athletics. You have ratings for the Major League Baseball, NBA, NFL all time lows. People aren't watching, and that's not because Sean Hannity's telling them not to watch. Watch whatever you want. I believe in liberty. I believe in freedom. I don't believe in Boycott's I just it's not how I roll. I believe that you do have their choice every time you're watching TV or listening to the radio. That's why we try and do a compelling radio show every day, every minute we're on. So why we try to do a great TV show for you every night so you will watch. We have a great show tonight. I hope you'll watch. But it just it takes one of the most one of the most naturally uniting moments, and it destroys it. People want a break. You go to an athletic event and you have a shared passion in the case with most of the other fans that are there. It's it's if it's college football, or it's basketball, or it's baseball, whatever it is, you have a common passion with strangers. Every time I've ever been to a sporting event, without fail, I'm talking to people in front of me, talking to people behind me, talking to people next to me, and it's it's you don't know anything about people. You get people of all backgrounds, of all races, socioeconomic backgrounds, and it's naturally uniting, and then adding politics just divides it. You know, I saw this and I just said, I can't take it. I have no desire to watch it. And it's maybe not fair for all these Olympic athletes. I mean, to be a high performing athlete, I don't care what the sport is. You got to dedicate, you know, years of your life hours every day to get to the top. And I'm inspired by anybody at the top of their game. But it's the politics is turning people off, including me. I'm not as interested Linda makes it. You don't know much about sports, so I'm really asking the wrong person. First of all, the Olympics are something completely different. So as far as I'm concerned, you can have whatever beliefs you want, but when you step up there to represent your country, this isn't about you. This is about all of us. There's plenty of other countries that choose from if you don't want to stand for this one, the fine one that suits your beliefs. As far as i'm concerned. This is the land of allowing everybody to have their own beliefs, and you're standing up for all of us, or at least you're supposed to. And she's making it about her. It's not about her, It's about America. By the way, the woman sang so beautifully for the Islanders, her name is Nicole or raviv. I mean, it just was. It was inspiring to see that. I hope this catches on around the country. You know, players, you know we're gonna wait in the locker room until the national anthem is played. We're gonna take a knee. And then if Drew Brees says, well, the reason I don't take a knee is because my father or my grandfather fought into that flag, gets the crap beat out of him, and then he's groveling for days and weeks afterwards as if he can't have his own opinion. I'm sorry now. The irony is is because people look up to great athletes. If if the athlete, independent of the day of the game and the sport, would reach out to their many fans and say, hey, would everybody help me with this this great charity, you know, maybe it's a safer schools for our kids or whatever happens to be. And if you could just donate, if everyone could donate, you know, five bucks. I bet people would would love to help out the athlete. We look up to athletes, so they're they're most talented, the most gifted, the best of what they do. It's fun to watch it, you know. Now you're taking moments where okay, well half half the people in the stands are gonna sympathize with the guy taking the knee or staying in the locker room, and other people not. It takes this unifying moment and it destroys it. So stupid, but that's where we are in America today. It wasn't interesting. We didn't spend enough time on this last week the Supreme Court's First Amendment ruling, and it dealt with a fourteen year old cheerleader who failed to win a spot on the varsity high school cheering squad and then posted online an image of a well let's just say the middle finger to two hundred and fifty friends on Snapchat with the caption F school, F softball, F cheer, F everything. And the message was sent after hours, after school hours from an off campus location When other cheerleaders then complained to the coaches, the schools suspended the unhappy teenager who was on the JV squad for a year. And anyway, this student and her parents filed the lawsuit alleging violation of First Amendment rights, and they won. Supreme Court had previously held in the sixty nine Tinker Des Moines Independent Community School District that the public school could not constitutionally limit on campus speech unless it would substantially interfere with the work of the school or impinge upon the rights of others. In the current case, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Tinker case standard allowing school discipline for disruptive speech should not apply to off campus speech. The Supreme Court affirmed, but they did on different grounds, hold that the First Amendment allows schools to regulate some off campus speech, but that the authority is more limited than in schools regulation of on campus speech. Anyway, So the Supreme Court could be an important precedent, and that is that students have First Amendment rights, which I never want to take away. Well, you want to say, but in schools, as far as I'm concerned, you're there, and you know, look up. I'm so old fashioned. I guess I'd put every kid in a uniform. I don't think it's a bad idea to have all boys schools all girls schools sometimes and parents can choose. You can have co ed schools, and then parents can choose that. I'm a big believer in school choice. I put kids in uniforms, and any kid that is disruptive in any way gets thrown out of the classroom. You keep disrupting, you get thrown out of the school. And that we start with reading, writing, math, computers, science, the basics. Considering we spend more per capita on education per student than any other country in the industrialized world. Tim is in Utah. Tim, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you call. I was wondering ten of your take on how the big corporations are now going after individuals to get the shot and though it gets federal law to coercer incentivize, who do you think it's going to be able to stand up to them. It's a great question. I mean, I interviewed last week on TV and nurse that that was on the front lines during COVID the entire time. At some point she contracted COVID nineteen and we asked her ahead of time if we could ask her that question. She was fine with it and anyway, and she's now fired along with one hundred and fifty three other people at this hospital in Houston, Texas, because she refuses to get the shot. And we've been lectured now to follow the science. Follow the science, follow the science. While the Cleveland Clinic in the last two weeks came out with a study that said if you had COVID, you didn't need the shot, but yet they're still pushing it dinner one's throat. I mean even radio stations, airlines, you know, all this coercion, but yet it's against federal law to do that. So I was just wondering if you had one. I don't think anybody should have to disclose. I believe in medical privacy. I mean, we're gonna have to disclose, you know, hand over our health records to the press next. And the second thing is is everybody knows now that the vaccine is available in every state. Anytime you want it, you can now get it. And if people, for whatever reason make a decision that they don't want it, that's up to them. I would encourage them to talk to their doctors, to take it seriously, to do a lot of research, you know, and work with the medical professionals in their life that they trust, and then make their own decision. But we were also told that if you got the shot, if you got the vaccine, that you're gonna be okay, and it shouldn't matter what other people do in terms of what their decision happens to be. I mean, you know that that's what makes it so ridiculous that, you know, Joe and Jill Biden and Nancy Pelosi even last week indoors, they're still wearing masks even though they're fully vaccinated, you know, and then then they scratch their liberal heads and they wonder, why, why why is there vaccine hesitancy? Well, maybe you're causing it. Is there something about the vaccine you didn't tell us about. I'm gonna I'm not going to tell people what to do. I think that there is a lawsuit in the making for any any place of business that is insisting that people get the shot. I think they're they're in for rute awakening, and I think that they themselves are not following the science as they've been lecturing all of us to do well. You're a great American. I appreciate all you do for us. I you know, I have friends of mine that refuse to get vaccinated and we just talk about it. I mean, I'm not I'm not their doctor. I'm not going to play doctor. And I do like to have discussions about important issues with my friends and I'll ask them why and they give me their reasons. You know, in some cases some had already contracted COVID, survived it. They have maybe even if their antibodies are low, they still have t sell antibodies, which we had Rand Paul and a number of other doctors talk about. But they don't have to get it. And I'm not going to sit there and tell people what they do or need to do or not do. If you choose not to get it, that as a level of risk you're taking on on your own. Everybody knows. Now you can't say, well, they probably don't know. They everybody knows. And if you don't know that, I guess we have a bigger problem anyway. Brett in Texas, Brett, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. How you doing, Sean, I'm good, sir, how are you pretty good? Yeah, I was listening to last Friday. You talked about Fashi and gain a function, and I've been hearing a lot about that. I also know that Foshy back in twenty seventeen in January called out Trump before he was inaugurated. He talk about doctor Fauci route right, Yes, that is right, and he called he called out Trump three years ago or a little over three years and now four years ago, back in twenty seventeen January, before he got inaugurated. He went ahead and he said that President Trump, when he becomes president, would be hit with a surprise pandemic or surprised as he didn't say within four years as presidency. He said three years from now. And if you actually watched the video from Georgetown University, he kind of pauses for a second. And I really wonder if Foshy knew something about when this would happen, if he was part of the game of function, did he have control? I've not seen this. Littleston, be careful with the Internet. There's a lot of fake news on there. A lot of people make stuff up. So you know, look, there's information that we get every single day that we vet that's not true. I mean the idea that every conservative is saying Trump is going to be president in August. I don't know a single conservative, not one that believes that. In other words, an outspoken, legitimate conservative that believes that's going to happen. And the next Republican president earliest that's going to be is January of twenty twenty five. And you know, for all these people, and then when I say that, there's other groups of people that get upset with me, Well, Hannity, you're not looking at this, and you're not looking at that, and you're wrong. I've looked at all of it, and I'm also looking at something called the Constitution and something also known as the political reality of the day. And I'm not going to create false hope in people and lie to my audience. That's not who I am. That's not who I've ever been. And even at times when it gets a little uncomfortable, guess what, like when I defended Trump that he'd governor as a conservative, and not everybody believed me at the time, but I knew it to be true. So I told you the truth. All right. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Big Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern News. You won't get from the mob. Our friend David Webb at the Trump rally also will update you on the tragedy that happened down to my emmy. We'll get to that. We have Ari Fleischer, Kaylee mckinnaney, Kevin McCarthy, Pete Haig said, Leo Terrell, Eddie Gallagher's wife Andrea, and Curtis Sleewa nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News, set you DVR. We'll see then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.