Former Director of ICE, Tom Homan, joins to discuss the solutions being offered to remedy the government shutdown as the left and right battle over illegal immigration. The continuous struggle between the two sides have long fought over the rights of ‘dreamers’ but as the death tolls rise of American victims to these illegal immigrants, many are asking when it is time for us to focus on US citizens? The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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This is not I'm not reinventing the wheel here, but I just came to the conclusion that something very evident is happening within the country, and it's something we're gonna have to get used to, and it's something that is going to have to be dealt with, and that is that there's You've got these forces that wake up every single second, every single hour, minute of every single day, and all they care about is destroying the President of the United States. That's it. And you can see it most obviously with the media. It is twenty four seven. I mean Jill Abramson and the New York Times basically saying they're reporting is abusively biased against Donald Trump. That pretty much speaks volumes, right. But it's every cable network except our little oasis on Fox Hannity nine Eastern. And what you're gonna see is never ending investigations. You know the things that we heard, and I'm going to play all of this for you in the course of the program. But you know, we have a new member of Congress. We are going to impeague them effort, meaning Donald Trump. You've got Alexandria Acasio Cortez proposing, get this, a seventy percent tax rate on the super wealthy. She wants to fund what is known as a New Green Deal, that's what they're calling it. This is the single most radical group of people ever elected in United States history, you're watching the beginnings of socialism rising in America. And what that means. I'll give you an example. If you live in New York City or state, well, that means seventy percent of every dime you make would go to the federal government. Then another ten percent goes to the state government, and then another four percent. If you work in New York City and you live outside the city, will live in this another four percent for them. Then if you live outside the city and counties like Westchester, Nassau or Suffolk County the highest property taxed counties in the entire country. So we start the day with something the media wasn't expecting, and that is that, oh, manufacturing under Donald Trump is the best it has now been in twenty years. In two decades, manufacturing created two hundred and eighty four thousand jobs. In twenty eighteen, were now up to four hundred thousand new manufacturing jobs. And if you go back to the Obama years, those were the jobs Obama said we're never coming back. Well, if you live in western Pennsylvania, if you'll live in Ohio and Michigan, and you'll live in Wisconsin, and you took the chance Donald Trump said, well, you know, what have you got to lose, Well, you had a lot to gain. And it's even better than that. The president now since he's been elected, we're talking about five million new jobs for this country. Five million the president. We know in one of his top accomplishments of last year that nobody in the media talks about. We produce more energy, more oil than both Saudi Arabia and Russia. And for the first time in decades and decades, the United States is energy independent. Now that's good for national security. But it's even going to be better when these pipelines are finished, when anwar is opened up, because those are going to be literally millions of high paying career jobs that are available for Americans. I mean, and it's the lifeblood of our economy. But construction is holding, manufacturing is up, healthcare is up, retail is up, and three hundred and twelve thousand new jobs created just in December alone, not number that was predicted by anybody with all the talk about the stock market and it's more recent decline, precipitous decline. But there, you know, with the balanced off by the fact they never raised interest rates during the Obama years, the Fed was instrumental in helping prop up the economy for Barack Obama, and they never put the pressure of higher interest rates on his economy because it was doing so poorly. But you're still up thirty percent from where we were. I'm not a big stock market person. Then you have all the record low unemployment where Hispanic unemployment in America is now hit another record low in December. We have record low unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, the American people. What was twenty sixteen amount? It wasn't about Russia, but it was out the thirteen million additional Americans on food stamps under Obama. It was about the eight million additional Americans in poverty under Obama. That's what it was abound. So we got three hundred twelve thousand new jobs for the month of December alone, all sectors benefiting. The dao's skyrockets and rebounds as a result of all this. And this is where it gets fascinating, because the Democrats never told you what they really were planning to do. I said, look, you gotta pay attention, because they do have an agenda. There are a couple of people like Maxie Waters that would go out and say, impeach forty five and peach forty five. They've always wanted to impeach. Nancy Pelosi wants to raise taxes. They're in the process of doing such. And they want to raise taxes. If you look at the new rising star in the Democratic Party, Acasio Cortez, again, she wants a se f andd percent top marginal tax rate. With the economy booming and you have a seventy percent taxes, what do you think people that make money, you're going to do well. They're going to do the opposite of what Donald Trump has been incentivizing to do, which is to invest in cities and towns and revitalize the economies in places like Pittsburgh and Wisconsin, in Michigan and Ohio. That's all going to go away because well, maybe they're rich people, and maybe Democrats want to create this this jealousy, this divide. But the divide is going to be, oh, we're taking our money and we're going to invest where we have a better rate of return. So that I mean, she says this on sixty minutes. Now, I predicted and one of the reasons we started Hannity Watch is I predicted that the Democratic Party is going to lose it. The Democratic Party is not going to be promoting policies that will benefit the men and women in this country. And I kept saying to you, well, we're gonna have Hannity Watch on the economy. We're gonna have Hannity Watch on media hypocrisy. We're gonna have Hannity Watch on democratic hypocrisy. Remember they all four years ago they were willing to build a wall in our southern border. We'll have Hannity Watch on indoctrination on college campuses. We'll have Hannity Watch on Hollywood hypocrisy and their radical agenda that they like to push through movies in the public domain. We're gonna have Hannity Watch on the border, Hannity Watch on the rise of socialism. And it's all going to be filtered through a simple question. Is this in your best interests? Is this in your family's best interests? Is this in the United States of America's best interests. So we've got a new Congress. I guess it was their day to be giddy yesterday, and they're all flapping up the new the new power trip that they're on and they lost it. I told you in a hundred days, one hundred days, the entire country is going to know just how radical this new Congress is. Let's start cut one Rashida Clabe and that's how you say her last name. I think so, and we are going to impeach the m effort. Impeach the m effort talking about the President of the United States. People love you, and you win, and when your son looks at you and says, Mama, look you won. Bullies don't win. And I said, baby, they don't because we're gonna go in there. We're gonna impeach the other. Well, impeach the m effort. Okay, then let's take it to alexandrias Acasio Cortez proposing the seventy percent tax rate. Again, that's not something they ran on. This is what she said. There's an element where, yeah, people are going to have to start paying their fair share and taxes. Do you have a specific on the tax rate? You know, you look at our tax rates back in the sixties, and when you have a progressive tax rate system, your tax rate, you know, let's say from zero to seventy five thousand dollars may be ten percent or fifteen percents, etc. But once you get to like the tippy tops on your ten million dollars, sometimes you see tax rates as high as sixty or seventy percent. That doesn't mean all ten million dollars or taxed at an extremely high rate, but it means that as you climb up this ladder, you should be contributing more. You should be contributing more. Okay, what does she think? Though? I've never got a job, and I know many of you listen to the program for many years. You know my jobs. Bus I was a paper boy at a dishwasher at twelve, cook at thirteen, bus boy, waiter, bartender, house painting, contractor wallpaper, hanger, frame or roofer, ship building. I mean, I did it all, and it was two decades of my life. I actually loved it in many ways. When I worked in restaurants or I did remodeling work, I kind of became and involved into a finished specialist. I had a good eye for detail, and I never worked for a poor person. They were not able to afford the services that I'm provided. I never got a tip in a restaurant from a poor person and the idea, I know, I got to a steakhouse in New York. I go to Del Frisco as a ruth truth. And these guys work really hard serving customers in the hopes that they're going to get good tips so that they can pay their rent and pay their car payments. So now she wants to confiscate what would be the equivalent if you lived in her state of New York of eighty five cents of every dollar. Well, that means the rich people won't be buying boats that they like recreationally, They're not going to be taking expensive vacations anymore, and they probably won't be investing their money in America anymore because it won't be profitable for them. Okay, how does that impact people in the restaurant business, the hotel business, the travel industry, the building business. If they're going to pull their money back, that is the rise of socialism. That is the false promise of government saving you from every aspect of life. Then you got Nina Turner, another new member of Congress. Republicans need to change the presidents of the United States diapers. Here we go. President. He's a whiner. He whines like a baby. He's a liar and he's a whiner, and I think what needs to happen is the Republicans have got to go over there and change the president's diapers done. That's what this is coming down to, so that he can cut it out, so that the grown folks, the big girls, and the big boys can go around the table, sit around the table and do what is necessary for this government. Number one is to do away with this shutdown so that those eight hundred thousand folks that you talked about, some of those are our neighbors, our relatives, our friends, and even strangers who definitely need their paychecks that they are not getting. So the winding and the line must stop. That's my memo to the president. Okay, former, by the way, Congresswoman eight hundred nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, we have more insanity. But the amazing thing about today is Trump took it over. The amazing thing about today is Trump has the better argument on the government shutdown and on the issue of border security. The President said, well, if we have to, we'll keep the government shut for a year whatever it's gonna take to stop drugs from being brought into this country, drug trafficking, human trafficking, the dangers of potential terrorists crossing our borders, the danger of gang members and cartels crossing our borders, and having a legal immigration system that keeps every American secure. Now the wall can have a door, it can be a felt high fence that people cam climb. But I don't see the President giving in. And while Nancy Pelosi can say she's only going to offer a dollar, that deal's never gonna happen. Nor is Mitch McConnell going to bring up any of their bills in the Senate. So it's very different than the way the media is portraying things. They don't have the juice to get anything done unless they go through the president. And the president they made that very clear today. Smoking is not about politics, it's about people. There are thirty four million Americans that smoke. For me, Jewel was a game changer because you switch to Jewel, it's simple, it's satisfying, and no more smell. I watch people all the time they run outside and the freezing coal you could be grabbing their cigarette. Well, with Jewel, you'll take a quick puff and you're good. That's it. Now, Jewel is designed which smokers in mind. From its form to technology. It's easy to use, no buttons, no switches, and the goal of Jewel is to impact the lives of adults smokers by providing a satisfying alternative. Switch to Jewel. You'll wish you had done it a long time ago. To discover the smoking alternative that is nothing like any e sig vape you have ever tried. Go to this website Juul jewel dot com slash switch America. That's Juul dot com slash switch America. Warning, this product contains nicotine, and nicotine is an addictive chemical. Juul dot com slash switch America. All right, as we roll along, Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one Shaun Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of this, this extravaganza. This is one of these things. Everything the Democrats are doing is not They don't have the juice and the power to go anywhere. Now if the President decides that because of national security, and this just crossed the wires because the President just said it in his recent press conference, and I think the President is right about this. He is now considering declaring a national emergency to build the border wall. I can do it if I want, he said during the press conference in the Rose Garden. We can call a national emergency and do it very quickly. Well at that point, I would believe that makes the military defense budget money available. But think about it, it is a national security issue. Ninety percent of the heroine coming into America. And you know what's happening with the opioid crisis. These kids are getting addicted and even older people to vike it in and percocet, oxyconton, and then they can't afford eighty dollars a pill on the street if they can't get a doctor to prescribe it for them, and then they're you know, they seek other forms to fill their addiction than they're getting ten dollars bags a heroin that are often laced with fentnol and that results in a death sentence for you know, over one hundred thousand Americans every year. That's why this is a national security epidemic. That's not your heartbeat. Troubled. Join Sean's army on Twitter. Where we get back to conservative values. All right? The President considering declaring a national emergency as it comes to the border. Democrats are losing their mind. And all of this is predictable. You know, what did I say they're doing. I said they want their crumbs back, They want impeachment. Right, they moved on impeachment. They want to get rid of the electoral college. Now that's part of their legislation. Now they their House Democrats announced a bill to force Donald Trump to disclose his tax returns. That's not gonna happen legislatively period. There's going to be endless investigation. And the Democrats, those seemingly seem fearful. And I have to wonder because when Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Gerald Nadler all simultaneously are saying, well, we don't really see a path to impeachment, it sounds like they've gotten either insight or advice about going down that road. Now we pick presidents. We have a process for electing presidents, and they're called elections. And when the American people decide on a president, even in spite of all the forces that were again the president, including the deep state, including Russian lies and interference that were paid for by the president's opponent by literally trying to delegitimize him two full years and now doubling down on one investigation after another. None of these things are helping the American people, and yet the president has successfully navigated. Look at what we had. What I discussed with Mike Pompeo. Last night with Mike Pompeo, we discussed, Oh, North Korea, little rocketman, fire and fury. No more rockets fired every other weekend over Japan, not threatening Guam, not threatening the entire Korean peninsula. Talks now of denuclearization. That's a win for the president. Is supposed to be soon to be announced, a second summit meeting with Kim Jong un. Then you've got China, where the President has been negotiating hard. It has had probably some impact on the markets, but were still up thirty percent from when the president took over. That'd be a fifteen return a year if you're averaging the two years that he's been elected, So not a bad return. Although I'm not the biggest fan of the stock market, I always feel a need to tell you that I don't trust it, and I think a certain amount of it is gambling. But putting that aside, it's still up. It's still a considerable return, especially if you're considering like something safe like a treasury or immuni bond or whatever else people buy. Then you've got the president keeping his promises with the largest tax cuts in history. Then the president has gotten rid of more burdensome regulation than any other president in history combined. And he did it in a year that has opened the door where now these pipelines, the code of pipeline, the Keystone access pipeline are being built. Now. America in the last year has become the number one crude oil producer in the entire world, passing Russia and Saudi Arabia. And we've only begun the process because we're only talking about crude oil and we haven't even touched anwar, because they've got to get their equipment and build out their wells in anwar, which we're told has decades worth of oil. We now record low oil prices. I mean, it was getting up to eighty five dollars a barrel again and just dumped down to the forties. And maybe some oil companies don't like it, but too bad for them. They're also going to have future competition because all the natural gas resources we have and so all of these things are happening under the president. Presidents put two originalists on the Supreme Court, two names he gave us before he was elected. And the President has kept his promises on every major, big issue and didn't have a lot of help and support from some Republicans that just don't know how to handle working at the speed of Trump. Now, we did get rid of the mandate as it relates to Obamacare, we still have more work to do on healthcare. The president wants free market solutions. Now. The President is doing what he was elected to do, and that is to fight to secure our southern borders. We know what's going on down there. I've been there now for years. I have reported up close and personal all of the problems we have at our southern border. Our producer Linda and Sarah Carter put together a nonprofit documentary about the opioid crisis. Tell me if I'm wrong. We're losing over one hundred thousand people a year. If I remember from the documentary, right, because the opioid addiction about Yeah, it's one hundred and seventy two people a day. Yeah, I mean one hundred and seventy two American people a Day's and a lot of them are kids. And a lot of the drugs, especially the heroine, and a lot of the heroine now laced with fent and all that three equivalent grains of fent and all the size of three grains assault can kill a two hundred and fifty pound man that's showing up all across the country. The epidemic is destroying small towns in big cities. Ninety percent of that heroin after people transition from you know, these pain pills that they can't afford at eighty bucks a pop on the street, then they get in ten dollar bags at heroine, you know, made in these god forsaken places. I mean, watch the show Trade or Drugs Inc. On that geo and Showtime has the Trade show, and you're going to see exactly what's going on at the southern border. Then there's human trafficking. Then of course there's potential terrorists that want to cross the border. Then there's criminals that want to cross the border, gang members that want to cross the border. Now I acknowledge that ninety nine percent of probably good people that want a better life for themselves and their families, But I'm not worried about them, and if they want to come in, they're just going to have to follow the process like officers Singh's family did, and he was killed by an illegal that was in the criminal justice city them beyond violating our immigration laws, and of course sanctuary laws protected him, and that allowed him to go out and kill an innocent person, a father of a five month old kid. And it's not the first time we had were a dozen Americans. It was an article yesterday. That's what they're living through. So you know, when you see the president fight, to me, this was his day. To me, this was the president and the power of the bully pulpit to me. Today, the President saying, well, if I have to, I'm going to declare a national emergency, which will then empower him to build a wall, and that would that the moneies are already dedicated because it's a national emergency. And asked if he would do it, he said, we can do it. I haven't done it. I may do it. And the government has been partially shut down for fourteen days and most Americans don't particularly care. Now, I do care about people that have mortgages and rents to pay and car payments, and you know, they shouldn't be caught in as political cross fire. And even though they're not working, I suggest that they get their back pay, because, through no fault of their own, they probably all want to go to work, although I'm sure they're enjoying their time off, but you know, they need the money, and if the government was open, they'd work with That's something that could be done fairly expeditiously. The Democrats show up in Congress and their new membership is referring to the President as a m effer and we're going to impeach this effer. When Nancy Pelosi is asked about it, she's fine with it. Apparently doesn't have a problem with her new colleagues. She didn't win by a particularly large margin. Why did she win by a two vote margin and then like three people change their vote or something, So she's not in the strongest position at all with the new members of Congress. They're going to be pulling her to the hard left. You got never trumpers like Rick Wilson out there slamming the border as a con for Trump's you know what, Route ten tooth basses whatever he's I mean, it's just insanity. So is she right Rick about the president's motives here. This wall is just to keep his base attention. The wall has always been a con for Donald Trump's credulous, rube ten tooth base. The wall has always been a scam. It has always been a lie. Nothing about the wall has ever been real, and Donald Trump knows it. He is a guy who has a long history in his career as being a con man. He is conning these people who believe he's going to build a two thousand mile, thirty foot high concrete wall with laser moats and alligators in it. It's just crazy. It always has been. I wonder how many times Rick has ever been down there, and he's one of the never trumpers who's been against the president from the beginning. Look, none of what the same matter to me. It just doesn't, because if the President continues on foreign policy. Let's go back. I mentioned the President keeping his promise confronting fire Fury, little Rocketman. We get hostages back, we get remains of our soldiers from the fifties back. We get a halt to the missile testing programs of Kim Jong un and talk of denuclearization on China. The president firmly battling a trade deficit that's turning this country. The trade barriers that have been put up by the Chinese. Well, now they're talking about removing the tariffs on American automobiles and cars. Now they're talking about importing American agricultural products like soybeans and broccoli and all the things that our farmers are making. Then the President keeps his promise as it relates to the embassy move to Jerusalem. And then the President keeps his promise and gets us out of that horrific Iranian deal and has put a stranglehold now on the Iranian economy, which will bear dividends in the end. And whether you like his position on Syria and Afghanistan and the timing of the pullout, and President hasn't given a timing deadline of any kind, just saying that he doesn't want to stay in these countries forever. And we can provide. Now, we have to be careful because the nine to eleven Commissioner report always said they were at war with us. We weren't at war with them. You don't want the re emergence of al Qaeda. The Isis Caliphate has been brought to its knees because of the president's change and shift in military policy, which is to win wars and remove the absurd rules of engagement that were in place under the Obama years. And I'm watching Chuck Schumer and company, and I'm thinking, you know, this is pretty amazing stuff. They thought they were going to roll over Trump. I really believe, I personally believe that one way or the other, the President is going to get this wall money and get the wall built. Ideally, he's doing it the right way. You know. The first thing would happen, and he mentioned this at his press conference, will play it later, is that there's going to be some judge shopping that goes on. They'll file a lawsuit somewhere in California where we know the appeal will go directly to the Ninth Circuit. The Ninth Circuit, even with its history or being overturned, you know some eighty percent of the time, it just it slows down the process that can take years. So the President is anticipating such and he's waiting. He got some congressman repeatedly comparing the president, wasn't this the congressman I was talking about this last night, that thought that if we had too many soldiers on Guam that we tipped the island over. Who is that, Congressman, Yeah, Hank Johnson, Right, Okay, Now he's using analogies comparing the president to Hitler. Listen to this. Americans elected an authoritarian, anti immigrant, racist strong man to the nation's highest office, Donald Trump and his make America Great Again followers, who want to return America back to a time when white men and white privilege were unchallenged and where minorities and women were in their place. Hitler led a political movement of anti education, anti science racists who focused on nationalism, with rhetoric about making Germany a strong country which would result in prosperity for the German people who were hurting due to the disruption caused by the Wall Street Crash of nineteen twenty nine and the effects of the Great Depression. Familiar the America is gonna know in huge numbers, mark my words, that the House of Representatives now controlled by the hard radical hate Trump left. But with that said, they've got some questions, They've got an answer. They've got constituents that I'm sure want border security. They probably in their districts have issues involving opioids and drugs that are destroying families, and a lot of those drugs where they coming from the southern border. They probably you have constituents that maybe don't have the job opportunities at the pay levels that people want, in part because of the cheap labor that crosses our southern border. Maybe they want some controls over that because that's impacting a lot of communities. So the President is saying, well, if it takes a year, I hope it doesn't. I hope I can get it solved quickly. I was here all through Christmas and New Year's waiting to negotiate. They weren't. They were in Hawaii and the Bahamas. And the President came out today met them all and said, all right, let's do a deal. Um, what do you have there, Linda, you're talking about you have Hank Johnson talking about the cap sizing. It's from twenty ten, if you want to remind your audience. He really didn't say this thing. No, No, I have the tape. I just found it. He said, So, this guy, Hank Johnson, said that if we put too many trips on the troops on Guam, that the island is going to tip over. He said that here we have the tape of it. Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and and cap size. We don't anticipate that they Oh man, you can't make this up. Wow. Anyway, So the president today, you know, the president's approval rating hasn't shifted much. Think about this president's approval rating. His stayed solid. The American people have voted for him, love that he fights. They elected him to fight. They elected a disruptor, they elected a iconoclass. The only thing you hear from some Republicans Mitt Romney's upsetting over his style. Oh, Mitt Romney style didn't get elected. Mitt Romney could have won in twenty twelve. These are all conservative solutions that he's implementing, things I've advocated thirty years in my career. Schumer came out and said that the meeting, from his point of view and speaker Pelosis, was contentious. He also said, you said in the meeting, this is him quoting you. I just want to check that the shutdown could go on for months or even a year or longer. Did you say that is where we are? Absolutely? I said that I don't think it will but I am prepared, and I think I can speak for Republicans in the House and Republicans in the Senate. They feel very strongly about having a safe country, having a border that makes sense. Without borders. I've said it many times, we don't have a country. I hope it doesn't go on even beyond a few more days. It really could open very quickly. I told them at bring who you want. We have three people. You can ideally bring three, but you can bring six, you can bring nine, you can bring twelve, and they're going to be working over the weekend. I think it may have been somewhat contentious, but I think it was very productive. I have to say that, and I think he said that too. All right. That was the President in the Rose Garden after meeting with Democratic leaders, day fourteen of the government partial shutdown continues and the battle over the border funding as well. Nancy Pelosi thinking she's being really, really, really strong. I'll give him a penny. You're not getting your wall, miss the president, all right, So she's dug in the President also saying that he might declare national security emergency down to the border. And you know the behavior of Pelosi in Schumer and their need now to tend to the radical element that has been elected in you know, in the Congress as a real problem for them. That's a very big problem. And the funny thing is is all these Democrats we've played for you many times or on record saying that they want the border wall. If you go back to the end of last year, what do you say to the twelve Americans that were killed by illegal immigrants in twenty eighteen alone, Or what do you say to the family of officer saying a legal immigrant who was a five month old son that will never see his father again, Or what do you say to the families that have been ravaged by the opioid epidemic and heroin addictions that have been going on, and fentanyl problems, ninety percent of which is coming across our southern border. What do you say about those people that you know, the government aiding and abetting further criminality when illegal immigrants create crimes and then they're protected by so called sanctuary cities and states that refuse to work with ice and follow the legal process and the national immigration laws, and that is to hand them over to officials when their time is served in jail for whatever local crimes they may have committed, sometimes violence, sometimes not, and that these people then go on to commit other crimes, which seems to be the case, and an officers saying, and the person this individuals involved in the criminal justice system. You know, what do we say? Democrats were never going to identify what they really wanted to run on. Well, now they're identifying it. They've already filed articles of impeachment. They want endless investigations. Now they're trying to pass a law. They get Trump's tax returns ten years and they're going into his family foundation. Then they're going to stay on Russia, you know, add nauseam for the next fifty years if they can. It's nothing that they're proposing that would benefit the American people. They want to get rid of the electoral college. They want to make DC another state that they're proposing a Casio tz she's talking about a seventy percent federal income tax rate. And by the way, if you live in California New York, that's eighty five percent. That's eighty five cents of every dollar. But the bottom line is, we have a crisis at our border. It's not the majority of people that crossed the border. Many of them risked everything. They risk their lives. They crossed the border in the hopes of a better life for them, their family, their children. But in light of the drugs that have been crossing the border, infiltrating small towns in big cities across America, in spite of the human trafficking aspects, in spite of terrorists even being arrested, and people with terrorist ties being arrested working their way in with the general population of people that just want a better life. Well, that's a threat to every American and that is a national security issue, as is gang members and cartel members that have been literally profiting off the demise of many Americans by bringing their drugs and expanding it through every part of the country. And wall's work. Barriers work where we put them up, they're effective anyway. Joining us now, I'm glad you're with us. Our two eight hundred nine for one. Shaun is a number is Former Director of ICE Tom Holman is with us. How are you, sir? Well, I'm a little scared now listen to you for last ten minutes. I think it's incredible when you think about what's going on in this country. You know, I hope your listeners are listening. I hope they start making phone calls. Well, I mean I hope they start making phone calls. I know that we're going to talk to Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows later in the program today, and they put out a new ad. Will play that for people, but they want the country to know. The amazing thing, though, Tom, is that the Democrats that I'm mentioning, that would be Obama, that would be Hillary, that'd be Chuck Schumer, Durban others, they sounded more like Trump and their desire to build a wall than Trump does. So it seems the only reason that they're against it now is because they don't want the credit going to the president. I guess. I mean, I can't think of any other reason. Absolutely, that is absolutely you are accurate. That's what I've been saying for a few weeks. This isn't about order security. This is about not giving this president a win for her first year. Under the first year of the President Trump and I was Director of Vice illegal immigration on the Southwest borders at a forty five year law. That's not coincidence. That's because he sent a strong message he wanted to forced laws and on build a wall. It wasn't until they became aware. While the Democrat it's not gonna let them build water, they don't push back on it. They sent Democrats want to expand to sanctuary cities. The Democrats want to abolish ice when they hear all this stuff that in places more people to come to this country, which she said at bank rolls crimal organizations, and bank rolls are criminal cartels. If we're going to save lives and we're going to prevent again, let's assume for a minute that ninety nine percent of the people that want to cross into the country illegally or people that just want a better life, they don't want to go through the legal process. Let's assume it's but the other one percent of the drug cartels, the ms at thirteen gangs, the people that have terror related ties, the traffickers and human traffickers, drug traffickers. Well, you know, we keep losing Americans. Some Americans are dying as a result of open borders. And I think there are some things tom and life that are worth fighting for, and I think this is one of them. And I think it's a big reason why the president got elected. And I think the President needs to hold firm here and guarantee that he gets that money. Now he's saying he can get in other ways if he declares a national emergency. But then I think we have a legal court battle, and I think Congress should step up and do what's in the national interest, national security interests of the United States. Absolutely. I talked to the President I don't know about six days ago, and he's I think he's going to stick by his guns. And the other night on Fox or New shows. On the other night, I preaud with the President what he needs to do. Sean, he needs to go around Nancy and Chuck at this point and speak directly to the American people. The Secretary try to give them a briefing a few days ago, and what exactly the numbers look like, Secretary Nielsens are coming across the border, how many King members, Secretary Nielsen the President, I'll have a primetime news conference with America. Put those charts up there, saying, okay, MS thirteen arrest on the sun board have double which they have a one hundred and eighty three percent of opioids a fat knock that is that seventy two thousand people type this year from is increase one hundred and eighty three percent. They rest over seven thousand people coming across the board. They're already criminals, hundreds of people that are known suspected terrorists. Put the charts out there and showing the American people what really going on Southwest board. Then the second part show them the charts or here's how many people enter to Yuma without offense and here's a drafted declinans we put offense up to it for San Diego Yuma, l Passo. Show the American people that the Democrats were lying to you. There is disease come across the border. There's criminals coming across that border. And every place they built a barrier, it has worked. Because the Democrats like saying they're ineffective, they're in moral It works one percent of time wherever they built it in the disease, just disease. Our director of we got with hundreds of TB cases. There's one case I remember, Sean, there's there's an adult with TV it was drug resistant. We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars kept in detained for a month at a time, working with the CDC and the Department of Health trying to find out how to treat this gentleman. Now what would have happened if he would have got out into society. And so those that get around the border troll, who steak by the bordershrop border troll. There is no wall, that's what's coming into this country. So I hope the president speaks to American people, gives them the truth and numbers on the border becauld. I even think a lot of Democrat voters don't they really know what's going on there and they can get the truth from disadministration. I think even may are going to be concerned what's going on that border, and hopefully they will call the representative to say get that border secure. Let me ask you about because we've now seen recent incidents wondering the caravan and one on New Year's Eve where ICE agents were being pelted with rocks and bottles and people trying to break down the wall to get into the country illegally. And you had a you were being grilled by Senator Kamala Harris of California on the issue, and she tried to say that there's a perception problem them with Ice being akin to the kool Klux Klan. Let me play it for you. The clan was what we would call today a domestic terrorist group. Why why why would we call them domestic terrorist group? Because they tried to use fear and force to change political environment? And what was the motivation for the use of fear enforce based on race and ethnicity? Right? Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ICE is being used to enforce the laws? And do you see any parallels. I do not see any parallels between I'm talking about and agents. I'm talking about perception. I do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as as it relates to enforcing the law. Are you aware that there's a perception Are you aware that there's a perception ICE in the same category as the KKK. Is that where you're asking me, I don't even know what to say. Your your agents put their lives on the line enforce the laws, and she's she's saying that there's a perception between ICE enforcing our nation's laws on anybody who's breaking them with the Ku Klux Klan. What were you thinking? Well, look, when I saw that the bottom line is if there's a bad perception, there's a perception being pushed by the Democratic leadership, is being pushed by the left media. Because all ICES does every day the minimum of ICE. They protect, They put themselves in harm's way to enforce the laws enacted by Congress. So if ICE is doing a wrong thing, then if the Congress through the wrong thing when they enacted these laws, I USU isn't making this stuff up. ICE is enforcing the laws enacted by Congress. But what her You gotta remember the things she said about ICE, Nancy Close. She made a comment on ours director saying that ICE agents raw terro writing innocent immigrant communities. I used, doesn't arrest innocent people. I used to arrest people who violate the laws of this country. So the perception they want to push out there is that ICE is a deportation for us. They're they're separating families all over the nation. All you gotta do is look at this year's numbers. ICE released a few weeks ago eighty seven. If everybody ICE arrested in the interior United States had a criminal convisition or painting criminal charges, that's nine out every ten. That's prioritization. But did you never hear the last talking about that? So I said the other day, I arrested in the in the United States last year one hundred and thirty eight thousand criminals. I want you to hold that thought there and wanted to give them work. All right, Tom Holman is with us, former director of ICE. I just want you to give the numbers so people understand what we're talking about it and how many people were talking about. Tom Holman is the former director of ICE. I just spout the numbers. Let people understand what we're talking about. Drugs, arrests of gang members and cartel members, and firearms and potential alleged terrorists or people would ties the terrorists. What do we got coming across the border, not the ninety eight percent that want a better life. Look if we look at look with the boer Chrochs recently year stats the rest of the MS thirteen members double. If you look at the criminals that now Boracho arrested almost seven and legal aliens tower, they were already criminals. You already had serious criminal convictions and that's just once they caught. We don't how many entered. And if you look at you know fentanale. We know that fentanale is a dangerous issue in this country. There's seventy two thousand overdose deaths last year. The seizure of fentanale's double between the ports of entry. So it's not just about illeal immigration, it's about it's about drugs. And to put this perspective, Ice this year arrested one hundred and thirty eight thousand illegal aliens that were either had already had a criminal conviction or painting series charges. That's one hundred and thirty eight thousand people. They just didn't miraculously a peer here in Nited States. They enter the country illegally, and you said it yourself, And we don't even know what that real number is going to be because when Saint Stuary City started, Ice was kicked out jails York, kicked out of Alida County, San Francisco, Rikers Island, for God's sakes, where we used to wrest a lot of dangerous illegal aliens that were painting criminal charges. But when they kicked Ice out of the jails, now Ice, when they run fingerprint, if you get arrested, they run your finger springer. Princes who Ncica pounces against the HS databases and Ice nil up there in the jail, so we send a detainer. But when Ice used to be in the jails, we would identify those foreign born nationals. They had no fingerprint records, so they can be fingered from Now legally, you can't do that. You can't do that in California, can you. No, We've been kicked out of California jails. Look, we got kicked out of Rikers Island jail in New York City, but California has been part of the worst they have. No California Sheriff's Association joined me and asking Governor Brown not to find the Saint Stuary lob but he did it anyw Well, we heard, but you heard from the sheriff out where officers sing was killed, and he said, thank Stuary City laws helped this unfortunately tragedy murder. All right, thank you, Tom Holman. More Hannity, last Big Government. This is the Sean Hannity Show, All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour. Toll free telephone numbers eight hundred and nine for one Sean. There are things that are worth fighting for. There are battles worth worth engaging in I don't know why there is this mysterious fear and reluctance and resistance and concern and worry and anxiety among Republicans when they take a stand for speci cific promises they have made, because I think it's just the opposite will happen what they think is gonna happen. Well, we can't shut down the government. We're gonna be blamed for it. Well, they send that in twenty thirteen going into twenty fourteen when Ted Cruz took a stand on Obamacare and said, well, we have the power of the purse constitutionally, and we can shut down. We could literally defund Obamacare if only the Republicans had the spine in a backbone to fight to keep that promise. Now, we made progress or in the negotiations on the President's tax cut bill, and we got rid of the individual mandate. And that's a good start because that takes out a big chunk or big heart of the Obamacare premise, which was keep your doctor, keep your plan, and save less. But there is a real fear. I don't know why politicians don't associate keeping a promise, fighting for what you said you would do, and the electoral success that would inevitably follow now and by the way, maybe you do lose your job. Is it worth that much to you that you're willing to sell out compromise? Does the word congressman, senator, governor is it that important to you? You know, this is not a complicated issue when it comes to the border. It really is not. And what you're watching President Trump is something that we don't see in a lot of politicians I'm watching. I don't tweet and do my Instagram or my Facebook, but I'm very aware of what is in my timelines, and I'm very aware when people call me, and I'm very aware when I meet people, and I'm very in tune to what people are saying and thinking. And everybody that I know that's a conservative is watching the president in this fight, and they're saying, keep it up, don't give in. They don't want people to give it because we've had this problem forever. It's obvious the Democrats have supported all of this five years ago. Are only playing politics because they don't want the President to get the win. It's should it be about winning and losing Republican Democrat, conservative liberal, or should it be about well, what is in the best interests of the American people. And this is what I keep telling you. I mean, you know, we've got new Congress members that are saying that Orana impetue the m effort, talking about the President and advocating openly for a seventy percent federal income tax. They want their crumbs back, and then they want a hell of a lot more. They want full redistribution and medicare for all. And you know, we can never afford the things that they want. A promise, just like that, the promise of Obamacare was never going to be kept. You know, it's a winning issue to say that we want to stop the drug trafficking, the human trafficking, the violence at our borders, that we want control of our borders. We want legal immigration, we want to be able to vet people to know they're not associated with violent gangs or even worse, terrorist groups. We are sympathetic to people that want what we probably all take advantage of and maybe don't give enough thanks for, and that is the liberty and the freedom to pursue our happiness and our dreams and our God given talents. I mean, stopping drugs, human trafficking, gang members, potential terrorists from entering the country is a pretty strong hand from my perspective, and with the death of officers seeing it just highlights he's just the latest person to die in part, as the sheriff out there said, because of sanctuary policies where ICE is not allowed to go into and to identify those the illegal immigrants that had commits at other crimes, some violent and say enough is enough, you're going back. You're deported after you serve your sentence. How many more innocent people have to die before some of these politicians are willing to protect the border. We have this insidious, evil opioid crisis in the country all over the place. One hundred and seventy two people are dying a day. How many more people have to die of a drug overdose when ninety percent of the heroine which is used to replace the purkose at, the OxyContin and the vicodin that people get addicted to. You know, how many people have to die before we take notice that maybe we ought to secure the border for that reason and prevent these drug cartels from targeting every small town in big city in the country. How many more people with terroritized are we going to catch at the border, and even worse, how many get through because we've caught people with terrortize and violent gang member tie. I've been down there thirteen times. What about fair wages and saving American jobs? You know, we had great job numbers today, but and for the first time in over a decade, you know, we've seen rising wages for the middle class in America at a significant rate. President was touting that today you'll never get any of the success from the corrupt media. That even it was funny listening to you know, Joel Abramson, former New York Times executive editor, saying that, you know, basically her newspaper and their so called news coverage is biased against the president. I mean, I can go through a whole series of stuff going on over at fake news CNN suggesting they're actually blaming Trump for illegals attacking border patrol agents. Why because they didn't let them in and they didn't open the borders. You know where CNN's Nina Turner saying that Republicans need to go change the president's diapers. This this, this is news in America. There is no news there. We have an information crisis, all right. I want to get to our busy telephones. Now this is who I think it is, right, Linda on my Fallow all right, so a distant relative of mine. If you've ever heard me talk about my family, I've said my mom was worked in a prison, my dad was a family corprobation guy, and I've talked many times how I stand on the shoulders of my all four my grandparents because they came to this country with little or norm money. Legally, by the way, I have the papers through Ellis Island. And my grandfather's name was Cornelius Flynn and his brother's name was David Flynn. And while many members and extended family members became cops and worked in law enforcement to two, there were two members that made it to the upper echelon of the FBI, and I think this is one of them. On my newsmaker line, is this Bill? Is that Bill Flynn? Is this you less? My brother Pat dashed away in twenty twelve. You're probably hurting the family I did. But I'm so sorry to hear that. You You know that, especially your mom and dad. I used to make your mom gin and tonics, right, that was her favorite drink? Yes, indeed, and you can imitate my father's smoking all the time. Yeah, because your father was smoking, he gived he pucker his lips, he'll and he'd smoke the pipe. Tell me how he gave up smoking, you know. Um, well, let me tell you. You know, when I think back to those days and people like your dad, your grand your dad, and my my grandfather and his brother, your your father, I mean, these were incredibly brave people that literally, you know, slaved away their entire adult lives so we could have a better life. You know, Seuan, it's funny you say, I of course I feel that way too. But your mother was something special too. It was one number. I really admired her. He's tough as nails, except she couldn't control me. That was I was the biggest disappointment in her life. You know what shot I Well, you were a little lever. Why did we call your your mom birdie? I'm trying to remember. Why did we say that? Yeah? Yeah, her name was Bridget and they would they'd call it Brady, but some people didn't get the Brady pot right and they'd call it Birdie by mistake, you know, So it was almost a joke in the family. When you wanted to tease a you'd call him Burdy. You know, I'm so glad you called because you know, I've been in the forefront on this program of doing something that I find is tasteful. Um because and you know my family, you know our background, and I mean it, I mean I got this. You you were years ago. I remember you'd have you look like a hippie with long hair because of your job with the FBI. And I did, yes, yes, and you and you very courageously. We did infiltrations and and did really tough, dangerous work. And I've had to now go over what I think is is some really only at the upper echel and I don't talk about rank and file special agents, the guys in the field offices, but some top guys at the FBI did things that were horrible. And it breaks my heart because of my deep respect, in part because of you and your brother and my whole family for law enforcement. It is in our DNA respect and be thankful for law enforcement. Absolutely sure. Let me say my vintage. I've worked for you know, Jim Calstrom, I love him, love him. Yeah, yeah, Well I worked for Jim for about ten years, so I'm over that vintage I've been out of there twenty years, but I can honestly tell you I don't know anybody in my vintage who who does not understand exactly what you said. And they are absolutely disgusted by what's going on with the Comy era people. It's just sickening to us. And I don't understand why they haven't reached back at some point and really go in and special Prosecute will get a good look at what went on under call me in the Justice Department. They totally absolutely embarrassed the bureau. Could you imagine. I'll think about this and think of your years in the FBI, UM, and I'm so glad you called the program. I'm going to get your numbers, and I want to reconnect with you because I have a lot of stories to tell about your dad and mom that are pretty funny. But you and Jim Calstrom's a dear friend and I love him, and he's been on the program programs a lot. And I will tell you, I mean imagine getting a warrant and not verifying or corroborating allegations and not telling a FISA court judge. Oh, the opposition party paid for it, and we didn't verify it, but we're signing our name to it that It blows my mind that that could happen in this country. It's totally unacceptable. And then they take that thing and they use it as a weapon against President Trump during the election, and when that doesn't work out, then it is the information they got from it took away after him when he's the president. It's at third it's criminal why these people are getting away with it makes the rest of us guys out there the old time is shit around scratching out head saying what's going on? You know? You know, I have friends of mine today that are in the FBI, and they actually say things like, we feel embarrassed, And I keep telling them, you'd have no reason to be embarrassed because you didn't do any of these things. And you every single law enforcement person in our extended family, including you and your brother when you served in the FBI or I think you remember the Kerwins too, right, and my cousin Billy and Maureen, I mean they were them. I didn't know them personally, but I knew who they were. The greatest gift I ever got was a cop had a Billy club, handcuffs and you know, when I was five years old, I thought I was a cop. I really believed it. I have used to arrest with everyone on the family. I'm surprised I didn't put the cuffs on you. And you know, there's a picture. There's a picture of you and that thing floating around somewhere. No way real. No. By the way, there's no posting any pictures by family members. It's a rule. Yeah, well, you don't want that thing online. Listen. I don't want I don't want a lot of things online about my past. So tell me, what are you doing now after all those years you served in the FBI, And how's your family doing? How's everybody doing? Everybody's fine. My wife is doing terrific, Linda. When I got out of the FBI, had like three careers. I got involved with the anti piracy stuff for the recording industry. A friend of mine and I had another friend of mine worked for Chubb Insurance and I used to do a little stuff for them. And then I got involved in an anti money laundering compliance situation. And I don't know how much you're familiar with that, but some of these financial institutions got got themselves in trouble for not doing correct vetting of different things, so they'd have to bring in companies to come in like myself being hired in, and go in and go through the money laundering stuff to make sure that they're up to snuff and find out just how corrupt they were or weren't, you know, but definitely was doing. But you know I'm old now, you know. So I'm just I got my my my feet up and enjoying life, Sean, and a part of which is you every day. And the only other person was a bigger fan than me was my brother Path. You know, it's funny. Have you heard me say that I have members of my family and the FBI that were considered deity. You knew I was talking about you, right, Yeah? I did, And I swear every time you did it, I get it absolutely tickled inside. I really, I really am. And continue on, feel free to throw my name and if you're like too, but I'd be glad. I sit there holding hands smiling when when I hear that stuff, and I think Calstrom's gonna get a big surprise when he realizes I'm calling Callstrom tonight. I'm gonna give him a buzz and tell him by the way you know my buddy, You know, your buddy, Bill Flynn is a close relative. Listen. I have really fond memories your your father and my grandfather. They were brothers, and they came to this country. And I got the documents. They had ten dollars in their pocket, that's it. And they you know, they lived through the depression. They never had much of anything. It was a big deal for them to even get a decent apartment in a nice place for us, for us, and raised us with I think the best value. So many of our family went into law enforcement. I have such a deep respect and and how you guys made it to the upper echelon was such a tribute to you, you guys, and it was a it was the pride of the family. It really was. Now I'm the black sheet, but you're you guys were the pride of the family. Un yeah, you had I don't know if you remember Francis Mason. Of course I don't remember Francis Mason. Yeah, of course. So well, Francis was a cop as well, you know, and I think Connie Flynn was a cop at one point. You mean my my grandfather, No, no, you would be his Oh no, no, yeah, before well that was his that was my uncle Cornelie. So then got really wealthy and then he was crazy and he died at a pretty young age. He died at forty eight. I think he was a cop for a short period of time. It might have been you know what he might have been. I was closer to the Kerwin's and you know, sadly, uh Billy who I loved was you know, he got he got leukemia at a really early age and that family went through a lot of tragedy at the time. And then his father died the next day. It was unbelievable. All right, look all listen, I'm gonna get your numbers. I'm gonna put you on hold. And I'm so glad you checked in. And I'm glad that you you picked up my messages to you because it was well deserved and it's a family truth. And hum. I'll be checking in with you and Jim in the next couple of days. So thank you so much for checking him. I appreciate it. Man. See, I tell I have the greatest family love law enforcement. We were brought up that way. It was in our DNA period.