The Taliban IS Killing- August 27th, Hour 1

Published Aug 27, 2021, 10:02 PM

President Biden said, a few weeks ago, that "nobody is dying." This disaster in Afghanistan shows just how disconnected he is as people endure door-to-door intimidation by the Taliban. Freedom is not alive in Afghanistan now.

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I day thirteen Americans trap behind enemy lines. Although I'm watching the State Department briefing as we're coming on the air here today, but they've gotten all their State Department people straight to the airport Joe Beyond the utter incoherence, which was frightening yesterday, about as bad as it can get. Even the mob the media, they cannot believe it either, even though they all knew. They've just been hiding that they knew. They protected Biden all throughout the campaign the candidate Protection program now then now it's the presidential Protection program. But they can't even they can't align themselves with this unmitigated disaster. It's amazing if you watch cable news that all these liberal cable channels they don't even want to talk about the issue because they know it's such a disaster. But that's separate and apart it is. It is heartbreaking. And I'm looking at the pictures that have now been released of all of our brave servicemen thirteen of them total that were killed in these suicide bombing attacks at the airport yesterday. New York Times. We told you all throughout the program yesterday we expected the death toll to rise it has. They're reporting at least one hundred and seventy people have been killed and as many as two hundred wounded. I'm reading about the lives of American servicemen and women, and it's every one of them are just the kid next door that went to serve their country with honor and dignity and have been pretty much left behind, left to fend for themselves. The most stunnying thing to come out of this press conference, beyond the incoherence, the mumbling, bumbling, stumbling message of Joe Biden was that now we're sticking to the deadline. Well, if they military asked for more help, I'll give it to them. They haven't asked for anymore help, and so that means that all plans are in place, and it's really it'll be Monday our time when the deadline strikes. So whoever doesn't get out by Monday, whatever hour it is, I forget how many hours ahead of us they are, What is it about eight? I think at that point there will be no going back. He pretty much all but acknowledge that Americans will be left behind. And I don't think I've ever felt this sense of just utter despair and helplessness and that this is just not the country we are supposed to be. We have the greatest military fighting force on the face of the earth, and we never let them do their job. I've been told confirmed numerous reports that on this program, we've had people in meetings described that we had special forces on the ground at Karzai International Airport, ready, willing, able and begging to go out in behind enemy lines to save Americans and escort them into the airport, and they were told to stand down, that maybe we're three efforts total. But it was only after they were embarrassed because the French, the Dutch, the Brits, the Australian. Australian announced they got every Australian out of the country. They're out, they got their people home, and the same with the Brits. I think they're they're done too, and the Dutch's the same thing. Believe the French also, they've gotten all their people out Americas. Just under this commander in chief. We didn't do it. Forget about the Afghan allies. They're going to die. You know. We'll get into all of the information we have about it. I do have one programming note, so we all know that the president of Afghanistan just took off, you know, a week or two ago whenever it was, and apparently with an enormous sum of money. But Afghan's vice president did not leave. And he's now saying based on the president leaving them and that fact that he fled the country as the Taliban insurgents were on the march and took the Capitol cobble, while the vice president is very clear that he stayed and anyway, he will join us tonight on Hannity and talk about the resistance efforts that are built. Again, we don't get any answers to the main questions that I want answered, which is why why when the Taliban was on the march and in March, in April, in May and June July, why didn't they if they wanted to stay with this extraction plan, Why didn't they expedite while we had control the withdrawal of American citizens, American military equipment. Why do we leave it there for them? But it's not the most pressing question we have at the moment, but it's just sad anyway, So that vice president will join us tonight, maybe they'll be able to help us for whatever Americans all going to be left behind enemy lines. Maybe there is hope that they can assist us if we assist them and helping to get Americans that Joe will be leaving behind, which I can't even believe that I'm reporting. You know, one GOP representative else, a former naval aviator, wants to know who's behind the curtain at the White House. He was deployed to Afghanistan three times, as a Navy pilot three times, and a Fox News enemy, so he wants to know who's behind the curtain. After Biden said at this press conference yesterday that he'd been instructed to call on certain reporter, I have been instructed to first, I've been instructed to call on I mean, it's a disaster. The world sees it, Our enemies see it, hostile regimes see it. Jensaki scolding senators calling for biden resignation. That list is growing by the second Congressman A succeeds in rescuing the California families that were in Afghanistan. There have been some real heroes here that we don't know about, even elected officials that haven't slept the entire week because they and their staffs have been up late navigating specific roots. I mean, for every single person they possibly can get out of there. I announcing today that the rescue of two additional San Diego families who were stranded in Afghanistan. He was able to get him out. All credit to him. Catherine Herridge reporting that the Department of Defense is now say they authorize three more installations for Afghans in the US, bringing the total to seven. But they're actually putting people on the plane and they haven't vetted them, and yet they're bringing them to the United States. I'll get into more detail about that. You know, one question came out, Jennifer Griffin, how can you say with such certainty, how can General Mackenzie say with certainty that the Taliban were not involved in the suicide bombing. The Taliban and these terror groups are tied at the hip. So stop, Let's stop the game that they're playing and the lies that they're telling. The great truth is is that our intel did not fail us here. You know, I've talked about the deep state. They're not at faultier. This information was passed on regularly with urgency to the White House and the State Department, and they did nothing and I'm not sure what agenda you know, Millie is working on as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. I have no idea, but this also happened on his watch as well. Biden admitting that he gave the Taliban the list of Afghanis that we want out of there. Now. When you couple that with the fact that we left all the data behind that has all the names of every Afghan ally and they're now going door to door, this is the Taliban doing it. This is not isis k. The Taliban's going door to door and they're killing every single Afghani that they know that helped the United States. Well, it didn't help that Biden admits that they gave what is ostensibly a death warrant, a kill list to the Taliban of all the people we wanted out. So the Taliban is killing them. They're not helping them. They've closed off any avenue for any Afghani to get to the airport period end of sentence. Now they know who they are, where they live or if they got themselves got out early, and their families will be on that kill list. I mean, it's so basic and fundamental. It's just an unmitigated disaster at an embarrassment at a level that I can't even describe. We're gonna play our interview with President Trump all so today herschel Walker's running for Senate. He'll join us today, and a lot of a lot of stuff we have to get to that as an effort by a woman in Oklahoma to save the lives of two hundred female judges in Afghanistan who actually, you know, sentenced Taliban members. They're walking dead. They've got a death sentence on their head. And the efforts by this woman in Oklahoma to help save them. She'll tell us about them. Biden then yesterday blaming major military personnel for the decision to withdraw from Agram Air Force Base. You know, the comments contradicted the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, which is General Mark Millie. And this is what we've gotten the whole week, all week long. You know, congressmen and women are being brief they're told being told four thousand Americans, forty one hundred Americans, forty five hundred Americans are still trapped behind enemy lines. Then Anthony Blinkoln goes out and tells the American people a fifteen hundred, but we think it's way less than fifteen hundred, probably under a thousand. So we still to this day, we can't get an accurate accounting of how many Americans are trapped behind enemy lines or what the plan is because now the State Department has moved all their personnel to the airport and the military they're not Joe Biden said he's not sending any more military. He's sticking to this artificial deadline, all but acknowledging that Americans will be left behind, and even saying so in the press conference. I won't play it again because we aired it live yesterday, but now Biden is saying, as for tactical questions on how to conduct an evacuation or war, I gather up all the major military personnel that are in Afghanistan, the best commanders as well as the Pentagon, and I asked for their best military judgment what would be the most efficient way to accomplish the mission. Well, we're now discovering that, in fact, the military didn't screw this up as bad as he's portraying it, because apparently the military repeatedly telling him not to do it. Now, President Trump was very clear, we'll play the interview later in this program today the second hour, he was very clear to me that his plan was quite different. They would never give up. We would keep in perpetuity for Graham Air Force Space. We built it, we own it. Strategically, we were going to hang onto it also based on conditions on the ground. But the most important part was the reason an American had died in eighteen months and the final year of the Trump presidency is because Donald Trump told them repeatedly, I'll obliterate you like Baghdaddy, like Solomani, like the al Qaeda leader in Yemen, like I did the Caliphate. I will obliterate you. Do you understand, Confirmed by Mike Pompeo, Confirmed by Mark Meadows. Release that call, I want that call, Release Joe, We're gonna leave Americans behind? Does doesn't that hit your solar plexus hard? Because it does mine the thought, the idea, the concept is. It goes against every single belief system I have. You don't leave Americans behind ever, under any circumstances. You stay and you fight. Even Obama Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is urging Biden to launch military strikes. Now, that was one of the questions. You know, the Jensaki got whatever happened in the quick military response if any soldier is armed, I think the President addressed that earlier. I'll give you more details of this. He promised a swift and forceful response if any US troop were attacked. Where is it, Joe? Now, you're just gonna try and get out the final few people by the end of the weekend. My prediction is we're gone. They will be gone by Sunday. And any American is in Afghanistan is now trapped behind enemy lines, ostensibly a hostage to the whims of the Taliban, and isis k that the Taliban released will continue broadcasting coast to coast, Morning to Mortar and all or America. This is a Sean Show. If you missed any of Sean Show Today, catch up tonight on demand at seven ten wore dot com slash podcast. Oh. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's all there is, So here we go. Jensaki saying that the President is advised that another terror attack in Cobble is likely. It's pretty scary. God help everybody there. Pray for everyone that's behind. So another terror attack in Cobble is apparently likely. According to the press, Secretary on the President Vice President's meeting with their national security team in Afghanistan. One thing I will say, the intelligence has been dead on just prior to these attacks yesterday, people that were getting either the Facebook post or the text or the emails or the Twitter following that they do were told that an attack was imminent, and sure enough it happened at the airport. Kirby took a question in a briefing right at the end and confirmed some reports are true that Afghans are waiting ten hours on a plane vetting at Dullest. The Pentagon apparently is clueless on the number of Afghan refugees that they've already brought into the country. Over one hundred apparently have been identified, according to Pentagon officials telling Defense One this week that up to one hundred of the thousands of Afghans evacuated as prospective recipients of special immigrant visas seeking permanent resettlement in the US have been flagged as potential matches to intelligence agency watch lists. And apparently I've been told by my sources that they're actually doing the vetting after the people are up in the air on their way to the United States of America. A little late at that point to start doing the vetting. Anyway, US forces now are bracing for these additional terror attacks. Washington Post reporting on that part of this, that they're bracing for more ISIS K attacks and other terror attacks, car bombs, rocket fire, one of the great fears or these shoulder powered missiles, if you remember, they were big when the Mujahadeen, the Stinger missiles that can take these planes out of the air, very very effective, and apparently the Taliban and other terrorist groups have access to it. But remember it was the Taliban that released all of the ISIS prisoners that were in the jails all throughout Afghanistan. They're all out on the street now back to doing what they do, what they love to do, kill innocent people. Will continue twenty five to the top of the hour. Now that Biden pretty much says no, I'm not bringing in any more military, Now that the State Department has evacuated all of their people to the Karzai International Airport for now their trips home. Now that it appears that this is over by Sunday and Joe's not extending the deadline, what about Americans that will inevitably now be left behind One thing I can tell them a little glimmer of hope, which is why I'm doing this interview tonight with the Vice President of Afghanistan, and I also will be doing it in conjunction with Senator Lindsey Graham and Congressman Mike Waltz. Congressman Waltz on this program this week saying that what the White House is telling you is completely and totally at odds with what they are being told behind the scenes, and that they're just outright lying and misrepresenting the truth. But they say that they spoke to Ahmad Mussad, the son of the fame Musjahadeen commander who led the fight to drive the Soviets out of the out of Afghanistan in the eighties. These leaders chose to stay in fight for freedoms of the Afghan people and oppose extremism. They have They are establishing in the safe haven four Americans inside of Afghanistan in what's known as the Panshir Valley for Americans that are left behind, others left behind, those seeking freedom from Afghan Taliban rule. So we'll bring on the Vice president. There is the opposition. They are armed, not now, they don't have the eighty three billion dollars we could have given to them, but there we've got to look for some other possible, you know, line of hope for fellow Americans other than being trapped behind enemy lines hostage to the Taliband. And this appears to be one of the only options that I can see emerging. UM. I want to address this issue of the thought and we'll play the my interview with Donald Trump and then we have herschel Walker and this woman that's trying to get female judges will have a death sense. They're like the people on the list that Joe Biden gave the Taliban. Would you please release these people that helped us anyway. The AP has released this UM document where it says US officials made clear at the time this is about the Trump Pompeo agreement, made clear at the time that the agreement was conditions based, which we've been telling you, and the failure of intra Afghan peace talks to reach a negotiated settlement would have nullified the requirement to withdraw well. One day before the deal, a top aide to chief negotiator Zalmay Kalizad said that the agreement was not irreversible, that there is no obligation for the US to withdraw troops if Afghan parties are unable to reach an agreement or if the Taliban show bad faith during negotiations. Those negotiations were intended to begin with a month of the deal being signed, but were delayed a mid disputes between the Taliban and Afghan government over prison release issues. Amid fits and starts, the negotiations had not produced any outcome by the time Biden announced his withdrawal decision in April, nor have they done so since. So that's a lie. It's been a lie, it remains a lie. So you know, all this claim that they were so duty bound by the Trump Taliban deal has been and continues to remain nothing but a big lie being told by the Biden administration. Now they're just telling Americans. Yeah, by the way, another attack on the airport is inevitable, POTUS has advised another terror attack, and Cobble is likely. US forces in Cobble bracing for additional terror attacks, and that's what. Then we're vetting people Afghans on planes on their way to the United States, And apparently Pentagon officials are quoted as saying up to one hundred people have already been identified or flagged as potential matches to intelligence agency watch lists. That means we until there is a full, complete vetting of every single person, you cannot release them into the United States period. In the sense is why, because then they'll bring their radicalism with them. Simple easy question to have answered. Let me go to Leon Panetta, former Defense secretary under Obama himself a former CIA director. I never disliked Leon Panetta, had political disagreements with him. I mean, on a scale, he was probably the most moderate in the Obama administration. Not saying much, one thing I will say is he's not stupid, He's smart. He's seen the worst of everything. Based on those positions. If you're the former Secretary of State, Defense secretary, CIA director, you've seen it all. And what they see on a daily basis would shock the conscience and soul I'm sure of most Americans. But anyway, he's now urging Biden amount a swift and forceful military response after the massacre of these thirteen Marines on one hundred and seventy others, and of course over two hundred people injured in these attacks. Today, he's not buying Biden's claim that the Taliban can be trusted and to protect US troops, saying instead they were directly implicated. And this is what Biden refused, admitted, He just outright refused yesterday, which makes no sense at all. Biden is just he doesn't care who's left behind at this point. I'm just getting out. I'm getting out. I'm done, I'm leaving. Okay, well you're leaving Americans behind anyway. Leam Panettas's troops will need to go back in to combat now in Afghanistan. We're gonna have to go back to get Isis. He's saying, We're probably gonna have to go back in when al Qaida resurrects itself, and they will with this Taliban. They gave safe haven to al Qaida before they'll do it again, he predicted. He's right, He's not wrong. Panetta said Biden's sudden withdrawal of troops left a very dangerous, difficult situation and thousands of our troops located in a very limited area in unfriendly country, insisting the Taliban, despite claim of peace and a new leadership era, they are terrorists and supporters of terrorists operating checkpoints for the terrorists, and he said the US appeared a pretty good intelligence on the leadership of ISIS, the terrorist group who's Afghanistan based affiliate. Isis K took responsibility for the attacks. They were all released by the Taliban, and he's now predicting the US will have to resume combat operations as a result of this disaster. Mat Pelosi's totally completely numb yesterday, missing in action, tweeting about women's issues. Kamala Harris, Oh, she just canceled the campaign event for Gavin Nusop, who's in trouble out in California, which you can't make up either. One thing that we also are following too. There's now calls for Biden to either be impeached, resigned, removed from office, the twenty fifth Amendment, you name it. It's all out there. And if yes today doesn't prove to you that little o. Sean Hannity, the talk show host, was unfortunately right, and my assessment about how weak, frail, and what a cognitive messy is, I don't know what will. Lara Logan, who's been on our program a lot this week, tweeted out only the most evil people on earth would do this. It is unforgivable to deliver your allies to your enemies. There's a special place in hell for these people. And make no mistake, they knew what they were doing. Don't think that you know all indications I'm getting now, Remember we got the Trump Russia conspiracy hoax exactly right about the Intel community, about top brass, the one percent FBI, not the ninety nine percent of the Intel community, not the ninety nine percent of the FBI. Was very clear because there's so many good people that risk their lives to make our lives safe and then we can live our lives in peace. And I'm not going to disparage good people because of the actions of a few, but everybody in the intel community it is. It is universally known now that the intelligence here did not break down. That even the military advising Biden, that didn't really break down either, except maybe with a few exceptions. General Millie just basically saying yes to anything Biden wanted. That's the only criticism I've heard. But they were giving the press, they were telling the military was saying it. In the intel community is saying don't do this. This paperwork will come out one day probably not for many years, but it's the paper trail is massive. I am told Biden didn't deny the report. The US is handing over the names to the of Americans to the Alaban, and we're handing over the names of Afghanis to the Taliban. That is basically signing their death warrant. Pentagon saying thousands of isis K prisoners they were all released by the Taliban. You know the people telling you they're carefully vetting refugees, they're vetting them on the planes going to the United States. A little late, they have a lot of Republicans either calling for resignation the twenty fifth Amendment. I he's just not up to the job. That's all there is to it. I wish I could say otherwise, I really do. I mean this moment yesterday in this exchange with Peter Doocey where Biden is like his head is hunched over the podium and he's clinging to his notes that they leave before him. It's like it just captures the moment where America doesn't have a leader. Then listening to Trump last night, how many people hope me? All day my phone has not stopped blowing up James Grisham's phone has not stopped blowing up. I don't have email. Most people don't have my phone either, because I have to keep changing it. Unfortunately, Biden says, no one's being killed in Afghanistan. Can't recall advisors telling him to delay withdrawal. Okay, because the reports that are out today say the top generals told Biden to leave the troops in Afghanistan. Biden's answer, I don't remember. He's vague on the endgame, promising what we will hunt down cobbled terrorists. Will you send him more troops? Well, if the military tells me, but they've not asked for any. Are you sticking to the deadline? Yes? Does that mean you're acknowledging Americans will be left behind? Well, that's that's what happened sometimes. That was pretty much his answer yesterday. Now we're gonna have a new war on terror, and the base of that war is going to begin in Afghanistan or the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. If I'm gonna beletely accurate, I was, um, ladies and gentlemen. They gave me m um a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on um oh, Kelly O'Donnell from NBC. That's how he kicked off that disastrous press conference incoherent mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, ladies and gentlemen. He gave me a list. Here, they gave me a list. The first person I was instructed to call on list person Kelly o'donald NBC. Donald instructed to call Linda. Who's the who's the head of this program? I know you think you are, But who's who calls the final shot? Well, you're the talent a day, but you're the talent for the purposes of this conversation end of the day. Who makes the final call? And then you do such a great job. I I rarely bother anybody the boards for me. Is that true? That's very true, very true. I like to leave people alone, letting new to their job, and I count on them to do their job. But everybody has responsibility a call or not going to go to a call, or if I'm going to do a monologue, or if I'm going to play us you know, a sound on tape or whatever. I mean. I say lots of things. I don't know that you're listening. Is a thing that happens all the time. No, exactly, I do. At the end of the day, I'm not going to say, uh, hang on, Linda instructed me to take a call, let me take From time to time, you will. You will say things like, you know, if you're noticing something that I didn't pick up on, you absolutely will tell me. Yeah, I will tell you. The idea that US officials gave the Taliban the list of names of American citizens, Green card holders and Afghan allies. Wow, we're giving the lists, the kill list to the Taliban. They will be hunted down and they will likely be murdered after Joe leaves them behind. Now you know, the thoughts will be going out left and right. Yeah, I mean, the dumbest thing I've ever heard from a so called commander in chief. You know, it's it's sad to see all of this unfold. It is a nightmare. And it's by the way, I'm not going to tell you not to watch it this weekend. It's it's not going to be pretty. I hope to god I'm wrong, But I don't see how political called it the darkest day of Joe Biden's presidency. It's what they called it, hardly right wing conspiracy theorists. I'm instructed to take calls. He has every right to feel bad about losing his son from cancer or I can't imagine the pain, and I really do feel sorry, But that's not how his son died. These guys died in a terror attack that could have been prevented had they had the insight to see the Taliban on the march and moved up or delayed one or the other. You had two choices here, but the Trump plan was to obliterate the Taliban if they were on the march. The Trump plan was conditions on the ground based it was based on keeping but Gram Air Force Base would have been enormously helpful here. So sad, I am not confident about what this weekend will be like. I pray to God I'm wrong. Hope everything goes smoothly. I hope every American gets out, Hope every ally gets out. How many of you think that's likely to happen, because I don't think that's likely to happen. I hope I'm wrong. Kick Cuik will continue. John Hannity

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