Stu and Cathy Scheller and Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas join today to discuss their son’s hearing yesterday at Camp Lejeune. Congressman Gohmert traveled to North Carolina to speak on
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America Trap behind Enemy Lines, Day number forty eight, forty eight alright, hour two Sean Hannedy's show Toll free eight eight hundred and nine for one Sean, You want to be a part of the program. Forty eight days Americans abandoned by Joe Biden behind enemy lines, their families, thousands of Green card holders, people eligible to live in this country, our Afghan allies that we made a solemn vow to that if this day ever came, we'd get him the hell out of there. There they're they're being killed systematically by the Taliban, and yet there's no effort at all. Joe Biden's turned the page and they're all patting themselves on the back. It's unconscionable to me. Now it's all got started. We have this situation involving Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Sheller, seventeen year veteran, six tours of duty, one for an entire year, putting his life on the line the country. He sees the abandonment of our fellow Americans. He knows, he fully aware of the risk. Seventeen years, he's three years away from a pension, and he goes on social media and he tells the truth, this can happen. This is not an America that I recognize. And here's what he said. People are so upset on social media right now. Is not because the marine on the battlefield let someone down. That service member has always rose to the occasion extraordinary things. People are upset because their senior leaders let them down, and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying we messed this up. If an O five battalion commander has the simplest lie fire incident EO complaint boom fired. But we have a Secretary of Defense that testified to Congress in May that the Afghan National Security Force who withstand the Taliban advance. We have chairmans of Joint chief who the com out is a member of that we're supposed to advise on military policy. We have got Marine combatant commander. All of these people are supposed to advise. And I'm not saying we've got to be in the in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield a strategic air burries before we evacuate everyone. Did anyone do that? And when you didn't think to do that, did anyone raised their hand and say we completely mess this up. I've got battalion commander friends right now. They're posting similar things, and they're saying, you know, wondering if all the lives were lost, and if it was in vain, all those all those people that we've lost over the last twenty years. And he goes on to say that you, we're all part of the chain. While every link may not be tested, the strength of chain is only as strong as each link, and you got to be a good links something like that. And what I'll say is, and from my position, potentially all those people did die in vain. If we don't have senior leaders that own up and raise their hand and say we did not do this well in the end, Without that, we just keep repeating the same mistakes, this amalgamation of the economic slash corporate slash political slash higher military ranks are not holding up their end of the bargain. I want to say this very strongly. I have been fighting for seventeen years. I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders, I demand accountability. Well now they now they have thrown him in the brig and his parents have been unable to contact him. Congressman Looie Gomert, our friend from Texas, was able to go yesterday and see him. Stu and Kathy Sheller, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller's parents are with us along with Congressmanlois Gomert. Welcome both of you back to the program. Let me start with you Stu, and you Kathy, and you still have not had an opportunity to talk to your son. Tell us where the case stands now. There is great outrage now that has built among the American people since you were last on the radio with me and on TV last night with us. Well, I will I will tell you, thanks to the efforts of Louie Gomert, thanks to at least three dozen Congressmen writing in the Commandant, writing the Secretary of Navy, it is working America. Clearly, many Americans have found their voice and they're standing up and they're contacting their congressmen. But I will tell you we are not out of the woods. We do not have an agreement. We have been told by his legal counsel that it be prepared. He could stay in prison for a long time and before this is a result. So we are leaving Ohio and traveling to North Carolina this weekend. His counsel has asked for an open hearing on Tuesday. We hope to see our sun. We hope that they can negotiate navigate a positive settlement between both the Marine Corps and Stewart this weekend. But you know, I gotta tell you, I don't trust go Figure, and so we can't let up. And I'm still Kathy, and I are still asking Americans to keep doing what they're doing because it is working. This audience is fully engaged in this with you. I can tell you that. And I know there's a lot of calls going into Washington. I'll even give out the phone number here in a second, so people can call their representatives. Why don't you give them the name and number of the Secretary of the Navy that helping that individual will have to sign off on this agreement. Two O two two two four three one two one. Okay, that's the number. You call him then and talk. I asked people when they do call, be respectful two two two two four three one two one, and be respectful and say please work to free Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller. Your son, Kathy, let me bring you one on this. He offered to resign his commission under honorable conditions. According to Marine Corps documents, the offer was rejected by Major General Julian Alfred, the commander of the Marine Corps Training Command, and he posted this video in August demanding accountability. Now there is no excuse. I've been showing this map on television, and we saw the Taliban on the march from South Afghanistan all the way up to Cobble. We saw it in March, April, May, June, July. They were taken over twenty thirty forty fifty sixty percent of the country. Now we understand from testimony that the Taliban even offered to stay out a Cobble until everyone was evacuated. You can't have a big screw up than what they've done here, one of the worst foreign policy debacles in the history of this country. Your son, speaking out as a patriotic American and a Marine and a serviceman, is repulsed by abandoning Americans behind enemy lines like this. I think it's warranted and justified. He was willing to again resign his commission, and now they throw him in the brig and are threatening, you know, threatening perhaps to keep him there for a period of time. Well, the days were looking dark, but things look I have a little bit of hope after yesterday's hearing that charges weren't slapt on him right away. And I guess we can thank the great state of Texas for that. And by the way, we do have four grandchildren in Texas, so thank you so much. No, it's awful. All he did was asked for accountability. He know he broke command, but what our senators did was a with broken command as well. And if you're going to punish one for breaking command, the others should probably be broken or punished for breaking commands. So whatever they I feel they have done this hypocrisy there, it's this hypocrisy. And he did, he knew, and he had said in a subsequent video, I know that I broke command. All you had to do was take accountability. It mattered, and I would have gotten back in rank and I would have submitted. Let's not forget. I would have submitted. He asked them, and they said, no, Louis Gomart, you got a chance to spend time yesterday were Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Scheller, how's he doing well? Yesterday he was doing much better, and like Micheller said, he there was hope. Yesterday it looked like, you know, there was an agreement they were going to allow him to resign instead of having a court martial, and that it would be under honorable conditions. And today things have changed, as I understand that Major General Offered now is saying no deal. He wants to nail stew to the wall. I can't help, but wonder, do you only have courage to crush people under you, or have you stood up to Milly and said, Milly, what you did was wrong? Sir? Have those conversations been had? I doubt it. I don't think so. I don't think Milly would have called the Chinese military and said, hey, don't worry about Trump. You know, I'm going around him. I'm taking charge, and I'll let you know if he's going to do something stupid. Some of us think that's quite a crime that he committed. But so where was Major General Offered and standing up to the people above him as they were what many of us think was betraying our country. Did you only crush people that are underneath your command, or do you have the courage? Apparently not, but the courage that Stu has to say, look, this is wrong. And Sean, I've been saying for a long time before this horrible thing happened where they just pulled out and surrendered. Never lost a battle in Afghanistan and yet surrendered to the Taliban. And my concern especially was I didn't think we'd leave people behind like these military people did, and the president did. But but for those like Stu who had fought over there, and if you read his Bronze Star award, what he did, he didn't as a captain. He didn't just send people out, you know, go do this. He was leading them being fired at, you know. And that's why he got this medal for his courage. This is a guy that will take an order and follow the order. But then when he sees that commanders are just violating everything he was trained to understand, it's it's not good. And I'm quite concerned that we have people that served in Afghanistan, Marines, Army, Navy, that an air force and they saw their friends die and they are suffered from PTSD And I'm quite concerned that the way this has been done, they're being triggered. And so with people that have struggled, they fought, they're honorably courageously that people like offered. Really, this is what you want to do. You want to crush them. Why don't you pick up your glove and slap them around like Patton did. Why don't you just go ahead and do that. But somebody like Stu, he stood strong and courageous in the face of fire, and he's continuing to do that. But he is behind bars. Yesterday afternoon it was looking good. Today You've got people that they won't stand up to the people above them, so they're coming after Stu. All I gotta take a break here. We're going to continue more on the other side. We've got Stu and Kathy Scheller and Congressman Louie Gomert. Will give them an opportunity to ask Louie who was with their son yesterday. They've not been able to see their son. A few questions when we come back on the other side. As we continue. Last night in Kabul, the United States ended twenty years of war in Afghanistan, for longest war in American history. We completed in one of the biggest airlifts in history. With more than one hundred and twenty thousand people evacuated to safety. That number is more than double what most experts so were possible. No nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all of history. The only the United States had the capacity, that will, the ability to do it. We did it today. The extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill, bravely and selfless courage in the United States military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals. Three possibilities here. Either the President lied to the American people, or he legitimately cannot remember the council of his top military advisors and winding down the longest war in American history. Or you have not been fully accurate under oath, General Mackenzie, I'll ask you, which is it. I want to be very direct. I cannot share advice I give the President, and I will not do that. I will also tell you, though, that it's been my consistent position throughout this earring and the earring yesterday that I believe the appropriate level of our forces in Afghanistan should have been twenty five hundred. Is the war on terror over General Millie. Absolutely, No, General McKenzie, the war in terror is not over. In the war in Afghanistan is not over either. Has the exit from Afghanistan made the war more challenging for US? Are less challenging with respect to continuing to try and protect the homeland and US interest abroad. Senators made it more challenging, General Milli great, absolutely. All right. On the other side, remember we're going to talk to We're gonna allow Stut and Kathy Sheller. Remember their son, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Sheller is in the brig for daring to tell the truth about Afghanistan. Anyway, they're gonna have some questions for Congressman Louis Gohmert, who was with their son yesterday driving the liberals nuts. John Hannity is back on the radio right now, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, continuing our conversation with Stu and Kathy Scheller and Congressman Louis Gohmert. As you know, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Sheller has been put in the brig for daring to tell the truth about the disaster that is Afghanistan. Now we have a lot of congressmen speaking up. Many of you are contacting your members of Congress two O two two two four three one two one. Please be polite, that's the only thing we ask or senator and demanding that he'd be released from prison. We got this hearing on Tuesday. As lawyers are asking that this hearing be made public, Let's see if they allow. That. Doesn't seem like they want that. Stu and Kathy, I know that you had an opportunity to kind of bed briefed by by Louie Gomert, But if you have any questions you want to ask him, you know, please do it. This is your son. You're worried about Louie. You did emphasize that he's being treated well in the brig and he's in good spirits. Yeah. Well, they like it because they know everybody that I know it serves in the military. They know he told the truth. And everybody that I know that served in Afghanistan and Iraq, they're disgusted. They find this repulsive. They find this, you know, a debacle of monumental proportions. And many that have the most severe injuries are asking themselves, what the hell did I do this for? And many that lost loved ones they are apoplectic that we had full control of this country. And this was not Donald Trump's plan. Donald Trump's plan was predicated that he would obliterate them like he did the Caliphate and Solomoni and Baghdaddy. That he would keep Bagram Airbase forever in perpetuity, and that if the Taliban moved, if they violated one period, one comma, one dotted I or cross tea, they would be they would pay the price immediately. And Joe Biden let them march all the way up from the South, all the way up through Cobble and didn't withdraw our fellow Americans and their families and Green card holders and allies and equipment while they had full control. There's no excuse for this, Stu, you wanted to say, Louis. Louis, I'm going to ask you. I have been Kathy and I have been calling for Americans to pray. They've been calling them, We've been calling them to call their congresspeople to vote in twenty twenty two. But if this were your son, and I would ask you, Louis, what action are would you be asking Americans to take today on Friday, October first? And where should they take that action. And I'm the wounded veteran in Omaha, Nebraska, or a veteran in Tampa, Florida. What should I do today? Well, ever, through the yeah, I would say, let's see what's going to happen Tuesday. But let's just have people burn up the phone lines to General Alford and to the staff judge advocate. His name is not Shelly but Schueler there at kemp lea June, and two members of Congress and senators, so that they will place a call to these commanders and say, hey, you look really bad. It looked like you'll crush a guy underneath you, but you won't stand up to the people who've lied and help the enemy above you. Why don't you just stop looking so bad, do the right thing, and let him go. I think we would get some action pretty quick if enough people burn up the lines and burn up the email line send a messages. I think that's what needs to be done. But let me also make this point real quick. One of the things I've been fighting for. Having been an army for four years, I've seen injustice. I've seen justice, but man Sean, since I've been in the things that were created so that military could have trials in combat theaters and cut through a lot of red tape, cut through a lot of due process. We're at a place now it's so badly abused that most people don't know the convening authority who signs the charges sending a guy to be trial. Try to the court martial. That's also the same guy that picks every one of the jurors that will sit on that panel and sit in judgment. And the military doesn't require a unanimous verdict in order to find somebody guilty and send them to prison for the rest of their life. Doesn't have to be unanimous, and they can control whether the defense even gets to call a single witness in their number of cases. They bring them back from Afghanistan trial here in the US and they don't allow any of their witnesses to come back, and they go, oh, well, no, they can't come back there in a combat theater. It has been being accused and it's time and I've been pushing for a few years now, and I've got Derek Miller on the staff helping. But we clean up some of these things that prevent our military members from having fair trials, from having due process, and it allows somebody like a gutless commander to crush people under them because they they are basically the judge jury prosecution, and the judges they are evaluated by the command and or that sends these things to court. And if you're a judge and you want to stay in the military, you've got to please the commanding general. If you rule some way that takes him off, you're not going to get another promotion, and you're not going to get another job. You're going to end up out of the military. So there are a lot of ways that a military commander like General Offered can crush military members that are just concerned and they're devoted to their country into the United States Marine Corps, and those things have to be reformed. They've got to be But for now we're dealing with meet. Let me give them the last word amount. Yeah, please, just to stew and Cathy, I'll let you have the last word here today. And I know you guys have to run, but I want to give you an opportunity to. I know people can help. I know voices help. Giving out this number helps two two four two two four three one two And so I'm what I'm anything else that we could do in the intern to help you. I'm dathy, heartbroke. I don't know. I'm just heartbroken. We're both heartbroken and we're sad. It's a been a roller coaster. I'm asking every veteran, every veterans family, every citizen. Stewart said it best in one of his posts or one of his videos. We are not that divided, and as divided as they want us to think we are. We have had an outpouring from veterans, civilians, republicans, democrats from all over the world. Keep it going, Please turn it up. You deserve that. He deserves that he risked as for all of us, and now we ought to protect his right to freedom of expression. And if the military doesn't appreciate it, they don't have to keep him. He offered to resign, but to put him in the brig is beyond repulsive. And he spoke the truth. That's the saddest part of this. Are this commander in chief let down this entire country by abandoning our fellow Americans. And I know the rest of the meeting he's not talking a whole hell of a lot about it, but I'm not going to stop his Council asked for an open hearing on Tuesday. What are the chances of that happening, Well, it should happen. You're going to take a guy's liberty away with a star chamber where you don't even let you the parents are the public know? If they're going to have this massive injustice, then somebody there ought to have the courage to say, we're going to open this up and let the public see. Just want to hide it, Louie, Louie, this is not our first rodeo, Louie. They want to hide it. They have a hearing and not allow the parents of Lieutenant Colonel Seller he You know, we do have something called due process and the presumption of innocence, or at least the last time I checked, we did, sir. Well, there's a lot less in the military than there used to be when I was there, and it's got to be corrected. But the only way that's going to happen is if people make enough noises. All right, you counter pars are with you and everybody listening to this program. I ask you to be polite. Call you Congressman, call you senators two o two two two four three one two one and ask them to speak out on behalf of Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Sheller asked that he'd be released from the brig that he's now currently confined in allow that his parents get to see their child. This guy served, all of us, risked his life, six separaturs, won for over a year, and all he did was point out the truth. That's his that's his crime. Here. Remember the scene with Jack Nicholas. You can't handle the truth. A few good men, they can't handle the truth. Millie admitting this week that in fact he told the Chinese, his Chinese counterpart, he would tip him off, you know, getting loyalty oaths from other top military officials, inserting himself in the chain of commander, surping the the constitutional authority of a president. God only knows what he would conspired with Nancy Pelosion speaking, spending his time, you know, gossiping about his boss as commander in chief, with every Trump hating author in America, it's he, it's these are unbelievable times. And while we're talking about this, yeah, forty eight days America is left behind enemy lines. Each day it gets harder to get them out. And on top of that, it's thirty one day since Joe Biden's ever mentioned them. He's turned the page. Mister Seller, Stu Kathy, thank you, Louie Gomert, thank you. We appreciate both of you very much. Thank you. God Bless America. Quick break right back. The final hour of the Sean Hannity Show is up next. Hang on for Shaun's conservative solutions. Your time's advisers warned against with drawing in this timeline. They wanted you to keep about TWI. They didn't. It was split. That wasn't true. That wasn't true. My assessment was back in the fallow twenty and it remained consistent throughout that we should keep a steady state of the twenty five hundred and it couldn't bounce up to thirty five hundred maybe or something like that. So no one, no one told your military advisors did not tell you, no, we should just keep twenty five hundred troops. It's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that, we can continue to do that. No no one said that to me the not can room call Jenner McKenzie. Did you receive advice from General Miller in the end of twenty and early twenty one related to troop levels in Afghanistan, I recomember I did what was that advice? The advice his view and my view were essentially the same view, and my view was that we needed to maintain about twenty five hundred. The extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill, bravely and selfless courage of the United States military and our diplomats and tellers is professionals. People are so upset on social media right now. Is not because the marine on the battlefield let someone down. That service member has always rose to the occasion extraordinary things. People are upset because their senior leaders let them down, and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying we messed this up. If an O five battalion commander has the simplest B fire incident EO complaint boom fired. But we have a Secretary of Defense that testified to Congress in May that the Afghan National Security Force who withstand the Taoban advance. We have Chairman's of Joint Chief who the commut is a member of that we're supposed to advise on military policy. We have at Marine combatant commander all of these people are supposed to advise. And I'm not saying we've got to be in the an Afghanistan forever, but I am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, the strategic air burries before we evacuate everyone, Did anyone do that? And when you didn't think to do that, anyland raise their hand and say we completely mess this up. I've got battalion commander of friends right now that are posting similar things and they're saying, you know, wondering if all the lives were lost, and if it was in vain, all those all those people that we've lost over the last twenty years. And he goes on to say that you we're all part of the chain. While every link may not be tested, the strength of chain is only as strong as each link, and you gotta be good links something like that. And what I'll say is, and from my position, potentially all those people did die in vain. If we don't have senior leaders that own up and raise their hand and say we did not do this well in the end, Without that, we just keep repeating the same mistakes. This amalgamation of the economic slash corporate slash political slash higher military ranks are not holding up their end of the bargain. I want to say this very strongly. I have been fighting for seventeen years. I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders, I demand accountability. Pretty sad what this poor family is going through, and I'm hopeful that they release Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Sheeller. Your voices are very important in all of this. We'll keep you updated regularly.