The Rise of Senator Scott

Published Apr 29, 2021, 10:00 PM

Kareem Lanier, Co-Chairman and EVP, Board Of Directors, co-founded the Urban Revitalization Coalition and Leo Terrell, Fox News Contributor and Civil Rights Attorney, discuss Senator Tim Scott’s response and the racist reaction to it, Pastor Darrell Scott, who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Urban Revitalization Coalition, Inc. joins as well.

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of you. Empty out your wallets. Joe and Kamala and the socialist democratic radicals, they want every single cent you got left. Um, well, it's the it's it's it's a tipping point, pivotal moment for the country, that's for sure, And twenty twenty two is fast approaching and it's gonna matter more than any other election in our lifetime. And I've said that many times in the course of hosting this program over thirty three years. Why why, what do you mean, Hannity, Republicans barely have a path now to stop this radicalism. They barely have it. They don't have to fifty Republicans if they stay united, that is not a given in any way, especially when you have Ben sas the Jackass and Mint Romney and Lisa Murkowski is part of your coalition of the Republican Party. You know, you don't you don't see Democrats break ranks often. Joe Mansion is trying somewhat, but he's you know, not really succeeding. But Republicans if they did stick together and any of these issues that the Democrats want to push, that is a power grab that Joe didn't spend any time talking about last night and this meandering, dull, boring, ridiculously boring speech full of a socialist wish list. I mean, this speech was this, This is what I would expect from President Acatio Cortesse the squad. He's adopted Bernie Sanders' agenda completely. But that was what the Bernie Biden manifesto was all about. But I would not expect that anybody would would. I never thought in my lifetime we've had such we'd have such a radical list of radical socialist ideas in this country, because this is exactly what it is. You know, just take out a calculator, you don't need an MIT degree, and you're going to add up the numbers and you're going to find six trillion dollars. And that's only just the start, never mind the power grab behind it. HR one on top of the politician's corruption active when you have court packing and then DC Puerto Rico statehood ending, the legislative filibuster and everything in between. The most radical agenda ever. And we'll get into the specifics of this and what it means, but it does make twenty twenty two that much more important. Republicans have a great opportunity to take back the House of Representatives, and the equation would dramatically shift just by that happening. Republicans now they're important center races where we've got to follow. You've got starting with Florida, starting with Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire. Then you've out Ohio, then you've got Wisconsin. Ron Johnson will join us later in the program today, and then you've got Arizona. You're not going to get a bigger bell Weather for twenty twenty four than now, but the choice is clear. You've got radical socialism, statism, authoritarianism, redistributionism, Marxism. I don't care what name you want to give it. They're all appropriate, they all work, They've all been tried before. This is a good point that Bill Maher had made. Millennials. You know, sure, it sounds great, everything's going to be free. They act like this has never been tried before, because it's never happened in their lifetime. The fact is it's been tried many times and it's never been successful. You know, I love how people think that we're not going to tax anybody that makes under four hundred thousand dollars a year. Well, he's screwed up that number again, because that's per couple, he said, individual, it's for couple. That's anybody that makes over two hundred thousand dollars a year. How do you define rich? And then when they raise the capital gains tax, when they raise the corporate income tax that they have to pay, corporations don't pay taxes or they work as hard as they possibly can to avoid them, and they do it by passing on the cost of the goods and services that they offer to the consumer that would be you, we, the American people. You have a group of Democrats Republicans coming to this brilliant idea on how to pay for this infrastructure, and everything is now infrastructure. Childcare's infrastructure, free colleges, infrastructure. I stupid me. I always thought it was roads and bridges and the likes and dams and things like that. Now anything on the Green New Deal socialist wish list is infrastructure. So six trillion dollars, nobody's paying a whole lot of attention. We do have to digress a second. It was Linda, didn't they tell us to follow the science on the coronavirus, right, Joe said, listen to the great doctor Fauchi. Okay, didn't they Joe say again last night, every American can now get vaccinated. You need to get an a vaccination from doctor Joe told us last night. That's what Joey said. That's what Joey said last night. I thought, Okay, so I'm not My years were not deceiving me. Okay, So now, didn't Congress have access to this vaccine every member when it first came out and we're talking back December last year, they had access to the vaccine? Right? Oh? Yeah, and most of them got the vaccine. Right. Well, you know Joey forgot that. Then he remembered again, Okay, well and yeah, I saw that he wouldn't even give a tip of the hap to Operation warp speed in President Trump. All right, now, if everybody there had access to the vaccine, that they're pushing all of you to get it. And by the way, I'm not anti vaccine at all, just the opposite. I believe in science, I believe in all these things. I'm just I just refused to be your doctor and tell you what you should do. I think you have to investigate read research, learn, and I would seek out as many medical opinions that you trust in your life. I don't know your unique health situation, but that's a decision between you and your doctor that should be private. And really it's none of my business. So I don't ask people if they're vaccinated. And now that you have the choice. So if they all had the vaccine, then why was everyone in a mask? And why was everybody socially distanced like we've never seen before chamber that can hold up to sixteen hundred people and two hundred people in it. Now, I did they not tell us that that getting vaccinated would allow us to get back to normal and get to hurt immunities, etc. They told us that, right, not making this up, not at all, right, Just like doctor Fauci said in March a last year, a mask isn't gonna help you, right, He said that, maybe right properly, but that's about it. Nobody should be wearing masks in America. And then that evolved into one mask and now two masks. And now you know you can't go indoors, you can't go outdoors without the I mean, okay, son, why did everyone get the vaccine? If they have the idea of the vaccine that they talk about its efficacy. Correct, that it's it prevents people from getting COVID nineteen. Correct, that's correct. Right. I just would like an explanation. I'm just asking simple questions here because I thought that was a little odd. We'll forget the NIH published that study in January too, that they buried that said not to wear a mask, they don't do anything. Well, that was isn't that Fauci's little group, the NH. I went, that's the last I heard. Let's correct, the great doctor Fauci. Okay, amazing Um. Anyway, before we get to all of this and the insane policies, and we we've got a lot of ground to cover in the course of the program today. It is amazing to me the reaction of Senator Tim Scott. And we've known and everybody that listens to this program knows he's a friend of this program. He comes on regularly, he'll be on Hannity tonight. And you know when he said, and I'll play this for you, America is not a racist country. And when he is, the line of grandfather went from cotton to college and a generation listen to what he said, from colleges to corporations to our culture, people are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven't made any progress at all, by dabbling down on the divisions we've worked so hard to heal. You know this stuff is wrong, hear me, clearly, America is not a racist country. We are all in this together, and we get to live in the greatest country on earth, the country where my grandfather, in his ninety four years, saw his family go from cotton to Congress in one lifetime. Now you notice he said it's not a racist country. He's not denying the evils of slavery. He is talking about where the country the beauty of our founders and framers that I've said so many times, the fact that they designed a system where we can right wrongs and correct injustices, and we have a history of doing so. And he understands he's saying. He's not saying there aren't racist in this country. There are ignorant racist people that no intelligent person wants anything to do with ever, because it's repugnant, it's evil, frankly, if you want my opinion, and it's just fascinating. And what he was saying with that is, that is the imperfect as the human experience is. Is that we've been able to right wrongs and correct injustices because of the system that we have, and that that she's talking about the system that allows for the growth, the progress, the change. Now, do we have far to go? Sure? I agree with that. Have we come far? Yeah? We have? But we have further to go. He's not denying that either. Listen to what he says about how he has been called the N word by progressives and liberals this moment, nowhere do we need common ground more desperately than in our discussions of race. I have experienced the pain of discrimination. I know what it feels like to be pulled over for no reason, to be followed around the store while I'm shopping. I remember every morning at the kitchen table, my grandfather would open the newspaper and read it, I thought, But later I realized he had never learned to read it. He just wanted to set the right example. I've also experienced a different kind of intolerance. I could call it Uncle Tom and the N word by progressives, by liberals. Just last week, a national newspaper suggested my family's poverty was actually privilege because a relative owned land generations before my time. The reaction of liberals to this is fascinating. Weren't gonna actually have a long debate about a lot of this in the next hour with Pastor Scott and A Kareem Lanier and Leo two point zero. Now listen what he said. Now, then you go over to MSDNC. This is NBC News. Listen to joy Read. This was standard Republican pabulum. This could have been delivered by Tom Cotton or Mike Lee. America is not a racist country. There's no racism here. It's I'm not sure what the purpose of this was. His audience, to me appeared to be conservative white Republicans who are angry over certain things of cancel culture and the same sort of cultural nods that we hear on Fox News, and he was out here to throw them a lifeline. It was disappointing. I have never said, hang on, He never said that there's no racism. That's not what he said. Now, this is the same joy Read call Clarence Thomas uncle Clarence, the same joy Read that called Tim Scott a token. Listen to this. If somehow they managed to stumble into the Supreme Court to any of you guys, trust Uncle Clarence and Amy Coney Barrett and those guys to actually follow the letter of the law. No where. Your appointment is seen by some as a measure of progress. Others have called you a mere token, elevated only to show that the GOP has gotten the diversity memo it missed this past election. But I do hope that as a senator you'll prove those who call you a token wrong. Gotta love Tim Scott standing there to provide the patina of diversity over that round of words, that basketful of words. That's NBC News. NBC News is allowing that in this day and age of cancel culture, wokeness, sensitivity. Wow. I wonder how Savannah Guthrie Lester Hope feels about their Big News brand. Began McCain had a good line and she said, don't talk to me about racism. If you think these comments about geared towards Tim Scott are okay, it's a pretty good, pretty good analysis. I thought, Um, you know Twitter allowed Uncle Tim to trend on Twitter the same you know every conservative that I now know is either band suspended or suspended temporarily then permanently banned. How did your friend at Jack allow that to happen? Ndo you know at Jack? Because he still respond to your your emails. I could doubt it, you know, after he started growing his hair along and uh showing up looking like a space cadetic congressional hearings, we stopped really talking. I gotta be honest, Yeah, I'm not surprised, UM, but they let that trend now, I finally, I guess stopped it eventually. But I thought they had people that monitored this every day. Wasn't it a big complaint about um, some of these other alternatives out there, that they don't respond quick enough to pull down things that are deemed inappropriate or whatever. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't. There shouldn't be some standards. I just I mean, they blocked Trump and Kaylee mcinanni and left up the supreme leader of IBROUN. So you know, I think that sends a clear message. It's it's an amazing American success story about progress we've made. Nobody's saying we have to make. We don't have more progress to make as a country anyway, Tim Scott said earlier today, said, intolerance so often comes from the left, with words like uncle Tim or the N word being used against me. He said this last night, what was trending in social media was uncle Tim. They doubled down on the concept of liberal oppression. It was stunning in twenty twenty one that those that speak about ending discrimination want to end it with more discrimination. He said. They've doubled down on what they're going to make. Not attack my policies, but they're literally attacking the color of my skin. He added, and he said, yeah, racism, discrimination is real, but it's pushed further and further into small corners of our nation. Remember the moment with Clarence Thomas high tech lynching, powerful moment that was and I'm just, you know, I just I'd look at you know, how does Joe Biden, who represents Delaware for over fifty years, as a far more restrictive voting system than George's new law which seventeen days early voting drop boxes everywhere, none of which they have in Delaware. Both have voter ID as a requirement. You need a reason to get even an absentee ballot. But he says, Jim Crow two point zero and that's Okay, the media doesn't call him out. I'm twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program if you didn't think you needed to know more about cigarettes? Now, this is very strange to me, Linda, correct me if I'm wrong. Aren't they kind of legalizing weed and most states now for recreational use? Right? They are? They are, and they still allow the smokable version. Correct, although I guess they have the famous or infamous gummies and all the other stuff, right, Yes, okay, so they But now they announced that the FDA that they're beginning the process of banning menthol tobacco cigarettes and all flavored cigars. Now, I'm just wondering, does nicotine alter to the extent that THHC does one's consciousness and make one hide? I don't think so. Is it a stimulant? Sure? Is it like a cup of coffee? That I would say it's probably like a cup of coffee or let's say an energy drink. Was that a fair assessment? I would agree with you a thousand percent on that. Okay, everybody you think knows this point in life that smoking is bad for you. And there's enough warnings on a pack of cigarettes that this could be dangerous for your health, could cause lung cancer. Right, most people don't. Okay, So why do we need the government telling us what we can and cannot do in our lives? Wait? Where are the libertarians and the freedom where's the freedom wing of the Democratic Party? I mean, first they tell us they don't want us to buy a big gulp, and then we can't have salt shakers on a restaurant. You have to ask for salt. I can't eat anything without putting salt on. I put salt on ice cream, for crying out loud, I don't, but I'm just making a point. Um do I put salt on pretty much everything I eat? Yes, everywhere we go. How much salt do you see? Me? Use? A lot? Right? I mean, considering that people gave you salt sticks for a Christmas, I think it's something about you. I think I think that Ethan gave me salts from around the world, all different colors. Yeah, but listeners have sent in salt sticks like that you give to deer, you know. I mean, is this really what we need our government to be part of? Well? I have a theory on this, but I think that people are excited about getting their stimulus checks and getting their government handout, and while living on the government though, they don't want to disrupt the handout, so they'll just do whatever they're told. And that's what's happening. That's why we got robots. Was that McDonald's that was paying fifty bucks a person to just to come in to get interviewed for the job. It's insanity. The whole park ethic is gone. It's disgusting. You know, I can't. I'll tell you the worst thing that can happen in life. Everyone says this, you know, oh, be great, if I could just go fishing every day. I know more people that have retired and regret it in my life than people that people that pass away because they feel like they go right after four. You know, it's it's pretty unbelievable. They're even if you're retired. The people that seem to do best, or those that stay active and that those that stay that have a purpose, those that volunteer at a homeless shelter or you know a lot of places now food shelters are local food shelters need to help all the time. And and that stay active, or go help old people or whatever, help vets, whatever they happen to do. You have a sense of life's purpose. You get you know, the idea that you just get to do everything you want all day may sound great, but once you're doing it, you're gonna get bored pretty quick. It'd begin to suck after a while. UM. I don't know what else that I can really add to what is the obvious about about Joe Biden and his radical agenda and the things that he didn't mention. I did think Congresswoman Bobert, who's out there, she had one of those those space blankets that we see in Joe's cages for kids down at the southern border. I thought that was pretty clever actually, and pretty funny. Um. I saw Liz Cheney racing over to elbow Joe, the ever frail one, and people say, see, Hannity, he got through the speech. How could you not get through a speech like that? When when you look at the actual time that he speaks, it's not very long, and it's stopped every five seconds for applause, And they think they stopped at fifty seven times in sixty whatever minutes that he gave the speech last night. You know, if the idea that you think Joe Biden is a moderate, if you had any questions that last night, that should all go away. You know, Joe Biden pushed his hard radical left, socialist redistribution, Marxist leftist, statist authoritarianism agenda that's top to bottom, starting with pre k ending with college free, free, everything's free. It was the squad's agenda, the new Green Deal socialism that we warned you so much about. Now. It didn't have anything in there about packing the courts or the crisis at the border. It didn't seem to want to talk much about ending the legislative filibuster, didn't want to discuss the things they're really trying to do to grab power and get these things pushed through because they know that the odds of maintaining power in twenty twenty two are low. But I'll tell you what the danger is that nobody will talk about, and that is that there is this appeal to the idea that all the stress of life is going to be removed by big government for you. Now, keep in mind the same big government that has bankrupted social security. They promised us it would be put in a lockbox. There is no lockbox. They've rated it. They put all that money in the general fund. It's now Bernie Madoff had a Ponzi scheme well kind of similar and moneys that never should have been separated. They took all that money for people's retirement and they spent it, they squandered it. Same Medicare is going broke two the same government the promised you get to keep your doctor, keep your care, and the average family will save on average twenty five hundred dollars per family per year. We were all paying now close to two hundred and fifty percent more than we were paying before Obamacare, followed by millions losing their doctors, millions losing their plans, and almost forty percent of the country only having one Obamacare exchange option available to them. How did that work out? How is the issue of law and order in democratic cities and states working out? Not too well from what I can see. I don't see a lot of law and order, and I don't see a lot of safety and security in any big city run by Democrats for decades. How's it working out with the public school system spending more per capita than any industrialized country in the world. Well, the same people that are promising now pre K and free college and loan forgiveness and guaranteed wage and guaranteed government jobs and guaranteed government healthy food and guaranteed government and pretty much everything. Yeah, why would you put your faith, your hope, your trust in this? Why would you believe them? Took about an hour, you know, for Biden to talk about the border and any you know, it's just pushing for citizenship for illegal immigrants. Nothing about the border search. Joe Biden calls on Congress to take action on immigration. Well, why bother take an action because you're not You're not abiding by the laws that we currently have in the country. He's just decided to either rule things by executive fiat stroke of a pen, bypass a coequal branch of government, or just ignore the laws that he doesn't like. I don't recommend you do that at home, because there'll be a pre dawn raid at your house with men in tactical gear, likely guns, and fake new CNN cameras. If you're a conservative. Former Acting Ice Director Tom Holman, you know, said that Biden has sold out our border security to win an election. I don't disagree with him at all on this, even Mark Kelly of Arizona Democrat. Now, he's only saying this because he's up for reelection in twenty twenty two, so they don't get fooled out there in Arizona. While I share the President's urgency in fixing our broken immigration system, what I didn't here tonight was a plan to address the immediate crisis at the border. I will continue holding this administration account. He doesn't believe any of this. In my opinion, he's saying this to get reelected because the people of Arizona are feeling the impact of open borders by Joe Biden, and of course Biden, it's a laundry list of leftism, including gun control and gun violence, which he calls an epidemic, and it goes on from there. I didn't understand why people were, you know, if the vaccine, and again i'm listening, I'm reading. Read a lot on the vaccine, read a lot on the science. We've got three of them. Every American can get vaccinated. All the people in Washington did get vaccinated. And my question is, if you're protected, why didn't we have a full room last night? I think that's a fair question. Hannity's an anti vaccer. No, I'm not not at all. Actually, I'm very proscience. Of all my best friends are in medicine. It's crazy, we talk about this stuff all the time. I'm fascinated with that. Or a friend of mine's a brain surgeon. Let me watch him a live brain surgery. If I see an operation going on TV, sometimes you'll see like a knee replacement, hip replacement. You watch it, I can't turn it off. I'm just like mesmerized by it. I love how the president takes credit for the you know, distribution of the vaccine that Donald Trump created, but don't mentioned Donald Trump. Don't ever, mister United. He has nothing nice to say about anybody. You know, he talked about rooting out our systemic racism. What I don't understand about Joe Biden is how come Joe Biden gets a pass on the issue of race, because if it was Donald Trump or any Republican that had his history on race praising the guy that philipbus did the sixty four Civil Rights Act and partnering with such former klansman to stop the integration of schools. Because he says he doesn't want schools to become racial jungles. I'm not so sure a Republican or a conservative would ever get that passed. But I'm the only one that keeps saying it. And that's why I don't stop saying it, because I know they don't like to hear it or be reminded of it. Because it is true. And you know, we'll go after Senator Tim Scott, who's talking about well in his family, a country that rights wrongs, corrects injustices and and and directly impacted his life and his family. It's a compelling American success story, you know, to become a more perfect union, right wrongs, correct injustices. You know, I've listened to his you know, trillion dollars jobs plan to challenge China's ambitions. I tried to look at this last night when he was especially when he's going after Putin, and I'm thinking, if I'm Vladimir Putin, am I afraid of this guy? No, not at all. And you can see it because they're military is on the border of Ukraine again because they know they can get away with it. And you know, he tells a lie about the seventeen hours with President she I'm not sure they got rid of the fact checking section of the Washington Post. Now because it's Joe Biden, it's not a Republican. You only have such things for Republican presidents. You know, we're dealing with the America, an American idea with regard to Russia. I know it's concerned some of you. I've made it clear to putin We're not gonna seek excuse me, escalation, but their actions will have consequences if they turn out to be true. And they turned out to be true, I responded directly proportionately to Russians interfere. What did you do? Anyone know what he did? I'm not sure what he did. I don't think the Mullahs are too afraid of Joe either. They're just thinking, all right, how much can we get this time? We're doing nothing. You know, it's looked. The media reaction is typical. It was make America feel good night, media fawning over Biden's beautiful address to Congress. Astonishingly, How how this presidency has changed lives? I'm like, how and and this idea that people are drawn to socialism. I look at people's track record. Democrats have not done well with social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, law and order, safety and security, or schools. Why would we believe the rest of the lives they're now peddling to us. You know, it's one of those foolmy ones. Shame on me things, fool me twice, Shame on you. Um now you had that backwards. Yeah, foolmy once, fool me once. Whatever, don't pull joey on us, come on poor lyon Brian over at MSDNC on Biden was robbed the majesty of the job. Something to think about when we do see Joe Biden come down this aisle again, thirty six year veteran of the Senate. But so far because of the pandemic, and he's never used terms of victimization. He has been robbed of so much of the majesty and pomp of the job. He's been robbed. Poor Joe's been robbed of the majesty and pomp of the job. I feel so bad for Joe. Um. You know, I liked what Ted Cruz said last It makes Obama look mild and moderate. Jim Jordan's socialism presented in slow motion. There's some funny stuff, you know. Stephen Miller on the show said on how Biden can't copy President Trump's charisma. There's just there. I will tell you this, and the media would never admit it. I've just got some headlines. I haven't really looked at it yet, but I'm told that the ratings were a disaster across the board. I mean compared to a Trump speech. It was like a disaster because it's dull. It's it's clichde. It's all the old talking points. It's the bumper stickers, it's the slogans, it's the laundry list of you know, all things radical socialist. There's nothing interesting about this man. There's no energy behind anything. Like a corpse up there. Yeah, thank god, the clapping. I get to breathe, I get to take a break. All right, I'm gonna act. I practice this over and over again. Let me put more energy in now, I'm gonna act really outraged. I just I don't know. It's like a Manchurian candidate. It's like, Wow, who's really who's in charge here? Because I don't even know if Joe knows what day of the week it is. Yeah, he can get through a State of the Union address or joint address to Congress yeah, he can do that all right, an hour two Sean Hannity Show. Thanks for being with us eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. So as dull, as boring, as also chilling and frightening and radical as Joe Biden was last night, the star of the night clearly was Senator Tim Scott from the great state of South Carolina. And he said a lot of things and took a lot of unfair comments, frankly, repulsive comments, abusive comments, and I would even argue racist comments from members of the media mob and others. You know, you think in this day and age of woke cancel culture, you can't say anything about anybody in any negative way whatsoever. How is it that the left in America feels that they can call any conservative African American any name they want and insult them at a level that is stifling and chilling and frankly at times even just evil, just vicious, just just horrible. Anyway, here's Tim Scott from last night. America is not a racist, racist country. Grandfather and from Cotton College and a generation and America's best future will come from the American people not Washington, DC, And then what he had to say about how he is treated in the names he has been called, from colleges to corporations to our culture. People are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven't made any progress at all, by dampling down on the divisions we've worked so hard to heal. You know this stuff is wrong. Hear me clearly. America is not a racist country. We are all in this together, and we get to live in the greatest country on earth, the country where my grandfather, in his ninety four years, saw his family go from cotton to Congress in one lifetime. Our best future will not come from Washington schemes or socialist dreams. It will come from you, the American people, Black, Hispanic, white, and Asian, Republican and Democrat, brave police officers, and black neighborhoods. We are not adversaries. We are family. We are all in this together, and we get to live in the greatest country on earth. All right, joining us now to react and respond. Kareem Lanier, co chairman and executive vice president, board of Directors, co founder of the Urban Revitalization Coalition. Leo two point Terrell Fox News contributor, civil rights attorney, Pastor Darryl Scott, chief executive officer of the Urban Revitalization Coalition, thank you all for being with us. And then you get the likes on NBC News and the things that they say, and you know, Twitter goes out there trending, you know, with the uncle tim Lyne Leo. I mean, it's repulsive. This is Leo Trull. And let me simply tell you Sean, Tim Scott and black conservatives is the greatest nightmare for Democrats. Why because they are a threat of having blacks leave the Democratic Party. If there's no black vote, there's no Democratic Party. And so they went after Tim Scott when he told the truth and said America is not a racist country. I've been on your show. I've been telling you there's no systemic discrimination, there's no institutionalized racism. But that's the Democratic card. And Tim Scott said it eloquently if they're not interested in resolving the issue, because they keep the issue alive to brainwatch their people on that side. And Donald Trump, when he was president, led a lot of black Americans like myself away from that Democratic plantation. And what is the Democrats best argument that Tim Scott's truth named calling, name calling because that's the only way they could demonize him. Tim Scott rep then independent black Americans who are breaking away from a Democratic party and telling the Democrats and the white liberals, I don't need you to take care of me any longer. And your take, Pastor Scott, well, I'm gonna say this, and thanks for having me on and Leo, I'm an agreement and in disagreement with you at the same time. Tim Scott was right and wrong at the same time. I think he needed to clarify his statement because America as an ideal America as a principle is not racist. I mean our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, as a statement on human rights. It says we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by our Creator with certain invailable rights, that being among them, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All of that is great. America as an ideal America and principle, it's not a racist country. But in practice there is racism in America, evidence by the response to Tim Scott's statement. Tim Scott said there's no racism in America and the response to that is an outpoint of racism. And so, you know, I think he needs to clarify our America's practice does not match up to America's principles. And that's where we have a problem. We want to make a blanker statement and say America is not racist. No, America is not, but a number of Americans are. And so he's getting the backlash because I think he should have clarified that statement more. It was an offensive statement that those that have been on the receiving end of racism. I look at America and I know the difference in the human experience is that I believe all people were created. I believe a natural law by the same God. Has discrimination occurred and racism in this country? Yes? Are there racist people in this country today? Yes? There are? Is it? Do we have systemic racism that prevents people from achieving their dreams? I would argue that anybody can achieve anything in this country. Well, let me say this once again, as I stated before, in principal, America is not racist. In practice, it is and it runs both ways, and it's coming from both sides and left and right. Leo, I have a problem with the term that the right users all the time when they say that black Democrats are slaves on the plantation. That's racing, that has a racist connotation of racist over talk to it. But we liberally use it on the right, and we feel justified in our use of it, and then we find ourselves offended when we when when we want to hide behind certain terminologies that the levels users against us. To me, calling him Uncle Tim is just as bad as us calling them slaves on the plantation. I remember I had this const call. I had this conversation one time with the RNC, and I said, I wish you would stop having your spokespeople use that terminology, because if I told a Jewish Democrat that the Democratic Party was the Holocaust and that voting Democrat was like being in a concentration cap, I said, they would have an offense to it. What slavery was our holocaust, the plantation was our concentration caps. We cannot continue to lose that type of terminal, use that type of terminology of sending a whole block of people to take it as a racist over tome and then say that there's no racism. It's running along at on both sides. Pastor. Let me ask you a Kareem, one thing. Just please made me an institution right now that is systemically racist. Let's forget the name well. I will love to answer that question, Leo Terrell. I would love to it. Here's the deal. Tim Scott is a good man. I'm not saying Tim Scott to that person. I've worked with Tim Scott on criminal justice reform and we got it passed. I worked on with Tim Scott on opportunity zones and they help. We work with Tim Scott even on this police reform stuff. But the fact that we have to work with him on his legislation lets you know that they're systemic race and otherwise we wouldn't have to do this stuff. Why woun't we need to put opportunities isn't isn't the beauty of America though, Kareem, the idea that our framers and founders, knowing the original sin, the evil that was slavery, that and the battle that began even in the founding days of this country. I want every American that has gifts and talents from God, so you understand my view of natural law created by the same God, to have the opportunity the rungs in the ladder that they can pursue happiness because they live in cities safe and secure with law and order, and they get a good education with good schools. And from that point, I think there's there's no dream that no American can achieve, whether it's owning banks or credit unions or whatever other business they want to get into. Koreem Okay, So this is Kareem again responding to that number one. You're right, God gives right, but legislatives make a legislation and a lot of the systemic issues are Let let me let me give you a full time to respond. We're heading up on a break here eight hundred and nine for one Sean told free telephone number if you want to be a part of it. We'll get to some of your calls next half hour. We'll give final comments from everybody to here right as to continue Kareem Lanier, Leo Terrell two point zer past the Daryl Scott with us. I think one of the most divisive, repulsive things that I hear the names that if you are conservative and African American are used to describe you. And you know, how is it that you have Twitter as it is and NBC News that it is. You know, the references go back to Clarence Thomas, Uncle Clarence, or I hope he eats a lot of eggs and bacon and gets heart disease like a lot of other African American men and dies young. I was USA Today at the time. I mean, he actually said, I get called uncle Tom and the N word by progressives. He went on to say, um, you know then then you got MS, you got NBC News, MS, DNC, you know, trashing Tim Scott. I'm embarrassed for embarrassed for what that he doesn't agree with you, that it's open season. You could say anything and everything that you you you want, you know, because he said he does and believe America is a racist country. He didn't say there aren't racist in America. In America, he said that it's not. America is not racist. Look at the strides that we've made that we talked about, starting from a civil war that was fought to the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act that by the way, Joe Biden praised the guy that filibustered that nobody ever seems to want to talk about that and a nation that's seeking solutions and success for every man, woman, and child. And that can happen in this country if in fact, we would get serious about law, order, safety, security, and education, and every town and every city in the country were touched a little bit on the issue of natural law, that rights come from God and in a free environment, the talents put in every individual get to come to fruition. And that is the beauty of America and a system that where we can right wrongs and correct injustices. And we have but yeah, we have far. We've come far, and we have far to No one's disagree with that, Kareem here. The problem here is you're making and a lot of people are making the mistake of taking an issue that the human rights issue, humanitate crates is just going on in America right now with black America. And you're saying, uh, and I'm talking about white black people reacted while we reacted. And I wouldn't call Tim Scott uncle Tim. Tim Scott a good friend. We've worked with him on a lot of things. But the issue here is, at the end of the day, there's been a lot of things that have had the fact that we're still dealing with some of these things meaning that we've dealt with them for a lifetime. Top did the first step back, which is amazing. We did that with Tim Scott, but that was to undo systemic racist things. That was lack enough, and he also did. He also did criminal justice reform. He also he also he also funded historically black colleges more than any other president. And I'll tell you the biggest accomplishment is he set record low after record low after record low unemployment for every day a graphic including African Americans and African American youth unemployment. Donald Trump did that, not Obama, not Biden. He did, but he did that in two thousand in seventeen, between two thousand and seven ten and two thousands point. Why are we still dealing with these issues that they're not systemic. I'll let Leo and Leo, yeah, I'll think a crack at it, But I don't think you know. This is why this term systemic discrimination, systemic racism is a legal term. I know what it means, no disrespecting anyone listening. You need to understand what that term is. But when you have minority run cities like Chicagos in Washington, DC, in Baltimore, Maryland, where all the people of color are running and you're saying you're systemic racism. Respectfully, you don't know what you're talking about because it's people who are just like you and I making decisions to have an adverse impact. To learn what the term means before you use it, because I know what the leo leo, that's what I've dealt, what Trump had to do with it on the federal level. I just tom Dell with it on a federal level, leof not on a municipal or local level. Hit that with the criminal justice and that what is that? What systemic and the federal and the federal prison system. So you're talking it's a legal he that a federal level, no term. Respectfully, you guys, you need to understand what that word means. That term means and how it's applied. It's being used like like like like like food, like it's meaningless. You don't know what it means. I know what it means. A subjective term. What does it mean of it's a legal term. Systemic discrimination is a legal term. Okay, break it down then no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not gonna even try it. Legality of the term, no, no, But but I'm asking you, guys, it means it means, Hey, we know what the word systemic means. We know it's the word racism means. It's a legal term, racism term. Sorry, I'm not in the system. No, that's raw, okay, but what does it mean? All? So, so, what we're saying is that some systems that are aside to tell you once, once you learn what that term is, you understand what I referred to it, we need more time, Leo. That's like, unless you know what the theological term is, I can't explain salvation to you unless but you know what the theological comes of theology is about. You can't do that, man, Reverence of times, break it down for us. Since you the lawyer, then know tell us what it means. Say, I'll try to tell you right now. Systemic discrimination is where an organization, a governmental entity, has implemented policies and procedures and the employees implement that policy and procedure to disadvantage one group of another. So if you have that on the national level, the city level, the school district, you have to show that they're motivated by that person's rate. It just shows that there's policies and principles implemented for that specific purpose. Okaytive affirmative action systemic? What was affirmative action systemic? Oh my gosh, you know what let mean? I don't Jim Cole systemic with red line systemic of those justices systemic was the nineteen eighty cracklass systemic. I mean, come on, Leo, we're heading enough bout a break here, We'll come back more with Kareem Lanier, Leo Terrell two point zero past the Daryl Scott on the other side, Quick break right back nowhere? Do we need common ground more desperately than in our discussions of race. I have experienced the pain of discrimination. I know what it feels like to be pulled over for no reason, to be followed around the store while I'm shopping. I remember every morning at the kitchen table, my grandfather would open the newspaper and read it, I thought, But later I realized he had never learned to read it if he just wanted to set the right example. I've also experienced a different kind of intolerance. I could call it Uncle Tom and the in word by progressives, by liberals. Just last week, a national newspaper suggested my family's poverty was actually privilege because a relative owned land generations before my time. Our constitution opens with words as trade as it sounds, we the people was time. Remember that we the people are the government, You and I, not some force in a distant capital, not some powerful force we have no control over. It's us. It's we the people. Our best future will not come from Washington schemes or socialist dreams. It will come from you, the American people, Black, Hispanic, white, and Asian, Republican and Democrat, brave police officers, and black neighborhoods. We are not adversaries. We are family. We are all in this together, and we get to live in the greatest country on earth. Talking about Tim Scott and the incredible reaction he's gotten for most people except from the mainstream media, anyway, more with Kareem Lanier Leo two point, Terrell passed to Darryl Scott. Kareem, I'm hearing you talk about a lot of these things, and if that's your belief system, okay, We're welcome to have any belief that you have and make the case. But I'm listening and I don't hear you criticizing Joe Biden. Yet I don't hear a word out of that. This is a guy that praised This is the man that praised the former clansmen that Philippus did the sixty four Civil Rights Act and sixty five Voting Rights Act, who partnered with Joe Biden to stop the integration of our schools because he didn't want our schools to become racial Jungles, and I have yet to hear a word. You want to go after Tim Scott and what's comments. No, no, no, I want to know your thoughts on Joe Biden's past, and I want to know why you think that he gets a pass. I've said it's on the record about Joe Biden. Joe Biden has been one of the most racist, historically racist people in the history of this country when it came to racism. I've said that many times. But here's the problem that you guys are conflating here. You're conflating a human rights issue with a political if you're making a political right now. So now, if you want to make a political let me just be flat out with you guys. It's the GOP and US and we're all GOOP Republic. We represent this side. If we want to get the black vote, and get black even we want the black voter, we don't. At the end of the day, you cannot take a humanitarian issue like what's happening with Blacks in America and what's happened if with black in America and making a political what's happening right now? What part be specific? What's happening with who and where? At the end of the day, we have a human humanitary crisis. Has happened with black Americas right now? Are you're not being specific? Because I would argue, I think I can make your argument better than you're making it, and that is to hang on that is the fact that in many big cities where you have higher populations of African Americans, I don't see the law and order and the safety and security that every American deserves that they're not getting. And I can give you the statistics after any weekend, how many shootings took place in every big city and how many people were killed will never whose names will never know or hear about, people shot whose names will never hear about. I could look at big cities run by liberal Democrats for decades, and I look at we spend money on education, but we come in you know, close to fortieth. We spend per capita, the highest amount on a student than any industrialized country with the worst results. Again, democratic cities, democratic states for decades. So that's what I'm looking at, Kareem, and and I don't see why you don't. You know, that's if you want to solve problems, that's where you gotta go. Safety and security, law and order, and education. Okay, I can look at big cities ran by whites and they have the same issues. I mean, you can't have it both ways. You can't have Listen, yes, you're still trying to complate a human rights issue, which is Blacks are still dealing with systemic racism. And here's the problem. And this is why the Democrats are are winning this and making us look terrible. They're dealing with it like as a human. Joe came out and say, hey, let's we're gonna deal with systemic racism. What what? What's wrong with that statement? When I'm just telling you here we have nineteen black on thanks right now out of five thousand and two under banks. That is systemic. That's legisla leo. According to your definition, there's legislation that is hinder black from owning banks because I know a lot of black people that qualify for owning banks. Well, then slow down, hang on a second, hang on, hang on and saying well, Daryl Scott, by the way, I would like to see more ownership uh an entrepreneurial ship for every American regardless of race, including banks. Absolutely, I agree with you, m Pastor Scott. How many times did you meet with Donald Trump? How many times did you have access to him to work with him to solve these problems? And has there been a president before in your lifetime that is has has listened and done more than that than Donald Trump. No, listen, I think you guys have misunderstanding what kareems him because everything every time I went I think so, I think I hear Kareem loud and clear. No listen, every time I had access to the president to work on this, he was working at Kareem is right there working with this side by side. He's everything you're saying. He's an agreement. He's an agreement with me. God him, Donald Trump. Donald Trump did what he could. Basically, he worked miracles because his hands were tied. But he did what he could in the face of all the opposition. Eddie, why didn't you tell him to fix this one? You have access to him. We did. We talked about that once again. I said he had his hand side. It was only so much he could do in the little time he had to do it. President Trump was very I said it, he's the most pro black president. You touched specifically to Donald Trump about these issues and he didn't get it done, because that's not the guy that I knew. Actually, the banking issue was on the table, which was the result. What's the Platinum Plan was an outgrowth of it. The banking issue was on the table, but the election, the election came around. Was Joe Biden going to give you the same access to Donald Trump gave you. I tend to doubt it, No, Joe Biden, I ain't look president something the greatest president that we had in history. That's I voted for Trump, I advocated for him. I got attacked. I got called Tom calls and Uncle Thomas and everything. Tim Scott's being called for our advocacy for Donald Trump listened. Republican Party needs to bow down and thank Trump fall he did because as a result of a lot of the efforts that we did, he got twenty four percent of the mail black vote. And so this is not a Trump issue. Trump was the best thing that happened to America when it came to Black America when it came to these issues. So what, but you're making it just partisan. Listen, if we could have Trumping right now, he would deal with it right. But we don't have Trumping office right now. But you're blaming the black Black people are reacting attempt Scott the way that reacts to them because people are like Leo tell the other things, there are no systemic racism, and that's a lie. It's not alive. We're still dealing with it office. We need Trump back in office right now to deal with these things. Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable for this man to say there's systemic racism. He didn't even know what It's just. I'm not saying another word about this because I'm heavy discussion. Respectfully, you don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what I'm done with that. We didn't know what it meant. You didn't Oh my god, you don't know what it means. You assumably didn't know what it meant. Okay, okay, fine, Well then you and I have a different opinion as to what it means, because as a lawyer, I know it's a legal term and no rescissrespect. I'm the only lawyer in this conversation. I know what it means. I've been joined it for thirty years. There's a legal definition for it. Get a federal judge on tell me if you're right, all right, quick freak lay Kareem Lanier, Leo Terrell two point zero, Pastor Darryl Scott. From colleges, to corporations, to our culture, people are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven't made any progress at all, by dumpling down on the divisions we've worked so hard to heal. You know this stuff is wrong. Hear me, clearly, America is not a racist country. All right, As we continue with Kareem Lanier, Leo two point zero Terrell, Pastor Darryl Scott, what percentage of the American people, I'll ask all of you the same question. Get me a number. What percentage of the American people do you believe a racist? We'll start with Kareem. I believe it less than five percent and Leo, I believe it's less than probably less than ten percent, And Pastor Scott, I'm gonna go in the middle between. Leo said to Queensip, I'll say seven and a half percent. But we're all okay, So, so that would mean well over ninety percent of Americans find racism repugnant. Is that true? Absolutle I agree. We're not talking about the people that we're talking about the system, Okay. So so now the question is if that's true, and if the Republican Party criminal justice reformed historically black colleges, opportunity zones, etc. Etc. All the things that Donald Trump did when he was president that no Democrat Joe Biden and Barack Obama never got that done. And I just I don't remember hearing h And I've known you for a while, Pastor Scott, I don't remember you a kareem out there when Democrats were in office saying this about Joe and Barack. And I'm just I'm just curious why, given all the access that you were given in the last four years that I know about, which was extensive, that these specific issues weren't doworth So I owned my own radio station, I have a radio station and I shouted against Barack Obama loud and long on that radio station. I've known Donald Trump since twenty eleven. He was gonna run in twenty twelve. I was with him then. But you have to have the platform in order for the noise to be heard. In my benu. Yeah, I was very outspoken against Obama. Have I not shared my platforms with you? Anytime you want to be on this show, all you need to do is callmat you have, but listen. In two thousand and eight, I took a lot of flat because I said, people, if the only reason you're voting but Barack Obama is because he's black, then you were saying he's unqualified. I made that statement. I said I wouldn't hire somebody to cut my grass just because they're black. They need to know how to cut grass. And I said, so, if your only reason boaps Obama is because he's black, then you stated the subdomands I qualified. So I've been very outspoken against him. We all have Korean ass to we. We didn't bot to go Obama all. See. You know I've said this to you the last time you were on Pastor and I said that the only way I think you're going to solve the problem is I love my idea. We discussed the idea that in a lot of cities, a lot of towns, you have a Christian church predominantly African American, you have another Christian church predominantly Hispanic American, another Christian church predominantly White American. Is that true? Yeah? Okay, So why don't why don't the pastors get together and adopt a church and you come to our church once a month, We'll go to your church once a month. There are a lot of churches that do things like that, and I don't I haven't seen it. Those aren't racial issues. Those are cultural issues. I'll say this much. We proposed that Donald Trump in twenty sixteen, that we have a race summit and sit down and have frank discussions, going to rate. Donald Trump was all for it. He was excited about it. We're gonna have Jim Brown model read it, because nineteen twenty sixteen was dud. The anniversary says Jim Brown had a racial summit. The president was excited and wanted to do it. The people around him didn't want to do it. So when I say he had his hands tied I know what I'm talking about from the inside out. The people around him didn't want him to do it. I don't want to call names, but I can. I don't care if you call names. Go ahead. The greatest president he was, he was the greatest president of Black America by far. Don't fight the whole thing. So if my just let me wrap this up, because we were way over time here now, um, but let me just say this, if the majority, overwhelming majority, ninety whatever plus percent of Americans find racism and repugnant and an art racist and want nothing to do with ignorant people that are, and the American people believe in natural rights, god given rights, not government given rights. And we now have a society that is committed to writing wrongs and correcting injustice, which we have a history of. Not Joe's mentors and the people that he praised, but but but certainly many people have over the many you know, hundreds of years we've been in existence a couple of hundred years plus now. And I would just say to both, to all three of you, that that there is the answer, right there is that the majority of people in this country unite around something they agree on, and that is ending racism in whatever form, whatever manifestation, and I would charge you, Pastor, I think you should you should lead the way you should have the adopted church program. You should lead it. I'll help you as much as I can. I'll donate money to it. We can't, we can't fix something that we deny exist. You're saying that you put on the if you're saying ninety plus percent, if you're saying ninety three percent of America is not racist, you know, okay, you're talking about seven percent that are against you and with you. America is not racist, but Americans, some Americans are. And Tim Scott received an overwhelming racist response, where over time I gotta run. I want to thank y'all. Kareem, thank you, Leo two point zero Turell, thank you, Pastor Daryl Scott, thank you. Quick break, We'll come back, Senator Ron Johnson, Our posters, all straight, ahood, all right, news, round up information overload hour, six trillion plus dollars. And that's just the down payment New Green Deal, socialist madness, spending, the false hope, the false promises, the squad's dreams coming true now. Steve Rattner was a former Obama economic advisor says Biden's plans will cost seven times as much as Obama's stimulus package from two thousand and nine. If you look at this chart, Joe, you can take the numbers you were just talking about and see it all put together. You can see the one point nine trillion from the rescue plan to a quarter trillion from the Job's plan. Now another trillion eight so it's six trillion dollars in addition, as you pointed out to last year, And just to put this into some perspective, which you can see, all the way over on the right is the Obama stimulus plan, which was eight hundred billion dollars, So you're talking about something like seven times the size of that, and you're talking about comparing it to four point four trillion a year at the government spends on everything. This is over a longer period of time, and fairness. It includes some tax credits and fairness, but you're talking about almost fifty percent more than the government spends just in one year on its normal activities. Pretty unbelievable, right. That's from Obama's former economic advisory later went on to say the potential for failure for biden spending plans is very high. That probably is the big takeaway, and that and of course Senator Tim Scott and reaction around the country. Matt Towery, John McLaughlin both with us. We did have polls. I think there's a thousand people surveyed on CBS and I think like under like thirty seven or Republican and they actually got caught, which is pretty funny. But anyway, let's go to Matt Towers and start with you. Okay, I'm listening to this. We know socialism, whatever name it's given in this case, the Green New Deal, socialism, whatever manifestation it takes, it always ends in broken promises, undelivered promises, poverty, which will grow. In this case it will grow. Massive redistribution has never worked. And then it's a matter at the end of the day calculating how much freedom you gave up in the name of false security. But is there an appeal when you look at polls, people want everything for free, and we're going to take it from this group of people and give it to you. Matt Well, unfortunately, there is at sort of the base level. Let me just to your point earlier, Sean. Let me let folks know they can go to an article on Politico, which is a left of center the quote mainstream political online news source, and today they unabashedly say that last night's speech by Barack I mean by Barack Obama. Well may have been by Barack Obama, but by Joe Biden was the most liberal, far reaching liberal speech from any American president, probably since LBJ. They don't mention LBJ, but it goes back that far. So no one, it's not a secret in DC that this is the most liberal, left of center agenda of any American president in our lifetime. And when you start with that, and then you realize that you have a combination of polls, some of which are just genda up or the one you just mentioned where you just have a small number of Republicans. I don't know which group did it, but you have those all the time. You have some others that will show support even when the when the polls done halfway correctly. But the truth of the matter is until the message gets out to the public and you know, I talked about this all to the election last year, until the public sees the reality rather than the phrases that are used catch phrases that are not designed to make them feel in favor of everything that we're not going to see some massive American revolt against what is clearly a plan that is so outrageous and so far out of what Americans are used to that they're going to be shocked when it's actually implemented. But no, it's going to take some time, and the Republicans have got to do a better job with their messaging and your take, John McLaughlin, I'll tell you you started off exactly right that those media polls, the CBS poll eighteen percent Republican, they are sam banging us. I mean, last night's speech was surreal. It was like a hostage taking where they're sitting there with their masks on, spread out around the Congressional Chamber and Joe Biden is reading from a teleprompt there. It was the most boring. It was worse than the oscars. I mean, it was unbelievable. The ratings must be a disaster. And when you look at it, those polls that are coming out now with so few Republicans. We've talked about it last year that they were rigging the polls to suppress our vote. Now they're rigging the polls to fool us. On these fake poles and like, for example, ABC came out of a poll twenty four percent Republicans Saturday and barely had had a positive job of rule for Biden. Then you had NBC twenty five percent on Sunday. And I tell you what it's about is we were thirty six percent of the electorate last November and they're trying to lower the polls because Donald Trump sixty nine percent of the Republicans want him to run again. They would support him if he runs again eighty two to fifteen, and nobody mentioned his name last night. That was a missed opportunity for Tim Scott. But all Joe Biden had to do is say I thanked Donald Trump for the vaccines. I thanked Donald Trump for the growing economy, and he would have somewhat been perceived as uniting the country. Instead, he's Sambagan saying that if he spends in taxes seven trillion dollars, it's going to create jobs. Nobody believes It's It's pretty amazing that I don't think any of them have ever thought to take out a calculator and start to do the math of what this is all costing. And you know the fact that we're calling infrastructure. You can define infrastructure is pre K education. You can define infrastructure is free college. You can define infrastructure as child daycare. You can define infrastructure as anything you pretty much wanted to define it as. I always took it to be roads and bridges and the like. Matta Towery, Well, look here's the problem we have. It depends on who's defining what. And the problem that we have right now are that the Republicans have no message and no megaphone to explain exactly what you're pointing to in that is, infrastructure used to be bridges and roads, and now they're taking it to all types of programs that have nothing to do with infrastructure. To John's point, where is Donald Trump's name? What you have going on right now is a huge struggle between the Republican National Committee and the Republican Senatorial Committee and all of these staid organizations that want to think they can redefine the Republican party without Donald Trump. This is the party of Donald Trump. This is what the Republicans want, and he's the only messenger right now who's really pushing back. I saw Thomas Scotts says speech last night. I thought it was okay, but I don't think he did the right thing. I think he should have mentioned President Trump or the President went on this morning on television on the Fox, and he actually made it very clear where these things are headed. He's the only person who articulates what they are doing to this country. And if the Republicans keep running away from him, they won't win the House and they won't win the Senate in twenty twenty two. I think the agenda is clear, and I say it every day the Republican Party. It's not hard to figure out. And I'll ask both of you if the polling bears this out. You got to be the party of liberty, freedom, and capitalism, the party of our Constitution, including the First and Second Amendment, the party of law and order and safety security for every town and city and every American. You've got to be the party that believes in school choice, healthcare, free market solutions, Yes, protect pre existing conditions. You got to be the party of less bureaucracy, lower taxes, secure borders, the party of energy independence, free and fair trade, and piece through strength. What am I missing? John McLaughlin, You're hitting all the bases, and by the way, that's how the Republicans win again. But it won't be the Republicans that figure it out. I'll be conservatives that win primaries this year and next year that actually moved the agenda on those issues. Because those of us who remember, you know, those of us shown you too young, probably you, Matt. But those of us who remember when we when we worked for Ronald Reagan back in seventy six, we sat back, we organized, We elected people who believe in what we did by winning primaries. And guess what, as Jimmy Carter failed, we won in a landslide. We gained a seventy eight, and then we won in a landslide in nineteen eighty. Well, guess what. There's so many issues there. It's bigger than the New Gingrich Has Contract in ninety four. It's bigger than that. There's so many issues here that the Republicans and Conservatives will lead them there. We'll get them there if those people will read your book showing they'll see all these issues. But it's about freedom or government control. Okay, But Matt, we're talking about and I'll bring Matt back in. And Matt, you were saying, Okay, if they run away from the Trump agenda. What I just outlined is the Trump agenda. It is the conservative agenda. It is what work for Reagan, what work for New work for Donald Trump, and we'll work again, which is the antithesis of where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Democrats are taken the country. Now, yeah, I agree with that, And let me go back to a point I made earlier, and you know I said this also the last election cycle. I've always believed that the only way you get people to embrace the policies that they really need and that that really helped their life is to understand what's really going on around them. Now, when you have a vacuum of news, when you have polls at a rigged when you have a news organizations selectively reporting and not reporting news, and thens lanning at the way they want putting editorial and as news back, and then when you have the big tach organizations deciding what can run and what can't run, you're at a pretty bad deficit in terms of people having a perspective. It is critical, it is critical that the Republican Party learned to start buying ads, putting digital ads, out ads on cable television, television, even if you don't get the lowest unit rate, which is what they all sit back and wait for an election. Side to educate the public about what's going on around them. You can't just gear up for a war like they do now six months before the election starts and think you're going to win. There's one other thing that has to be fixed before that, too, and that's election reform. And that would be voter ID, that would be signature verification, that would be chain of custody, partisan observers allowed to observe. All of these things I think matter, and that has to happen at the state legislative level. But at a point, Sean, you've got you've got this bill that last night they ended the speech with, and everyone thought it was just so oneful. They would basically nationalize our elections and take all the authority out of the states that have any control over elections. That is so against the bounding of this country, what our entire federal assistant is supposed to be. It's absurd. But unless you educate the public and get out there and talk about it, they're not going to know about it, and then there won't be this epidus to fight this bill, which most people otherwise would, so we've gone a huge educational job in front of us. John, absolutely, you know no, this HR one, the Corrupt Politicians Act, It's going on right now. Where we get polls in February, most voters don't know what's happening. Seven out of ten voters didn't have a clue. It's going to repeal voter ID for ballots and absentee ballots, and seventy eight percent of all Americans support that. Plus they're going to allow taxpayer funding and campaigns to the point where members of Congress can pay themselves a campaign salary on top of this salary. It is so corrupt, it is so bad, and it is the epitome of Joe by corruption because if they allow that bill to pass, we will lose our freedoms and liberties, and they will enable fraud and these and these non citizens coming into the country they do legal immigrants will get to vote and cancel our votes out and they're doing it in the light of day. As we continue with our posters, Matt Towery and John McLaughlin, do you believe any of these polls that suggests although your friend Scott rasmusm had him underwater today at only forty eight percent approval fifty two percent disapproval. That oh, that that everybody in the country, if you can, if you believe the polls are just fawning over all things Joe Biden. I don't think that's the case at all. I think if Joe Biden has done anything, he successfully stays out of the news completely and the news media fawns over him the few times he does come out and does zero analysis or fact checking or simple math in terms of what it's going to coust we the people. Matt Well, I think this. I think that with Joe Biden, you have someone who generally is likable in the sense that he you know, he doesn't come across as being as as tough as one might think, and so that they're able to present what little information they do through an individual who comes across, as you know, fairly likable. It's sort of like your great grandfather at this point. But truth be known, even if he's likable, his programs that he's bringing forward, like for example, the border, there is a massive deficit in terms of his approval how he's handling the border. But the media covers up for it and they don't focus on it. I think his approval ratings are not terrible. I think Scott's probably right about where he has in Scott Rescues and where he has him right now. But I think you're going to see the tipping point in the next few months. We're either doing this, find out that the media and tech organizations big tech covering for him and him just coming out occasionally as you just alluded to, whether it works and it carries him with momentum going forward, or whether at some point this gig starts to get old with people and people start realizing that they're not getting what they what they're voted for. But there is an appeal of socialism. We have to be real about this, and that is that everything's free, and we're going to take it from this group of people, We're going to give it to this other group of people, and there's a lot more people that will be on the receiving end than on the giving end of it, and that seems appealing, especially to millennials. It's called socialism, redistributionism, authoritarianism, statism, marxism, whatever name you want to give it is um and there is that appeal. Okay, every fear I have will be taken away. John McLaughlin, what what what is your polling show that appeal is at Well, I'll tell you what all these polling numbers have inciting. We did a poll that was released this month over a week ago from McLaughlin online dot com. When you put the word big government in front of socialism, people don't like It's six out of ten Americans prefer free market capitalism over to like one and five who prefer big and socialism. What about? Millennial wrote about younger people that are now they don't know what it is unless they're Hispanic and they came from a country like Mexico or Cuba or Nicaragua. The older the older millennials, the gen Z's and were skeptical. But the older millennials they've been sold to bill of goods in college. They don't know what socialism is. And we've tested that in focus groups. Now they're going to get a taste of it because they're saying they're gonna take from the rich and give to you. And why do they find out they're all rich Because the government's going to control their income. They're going to control what they get paid. They're going to control where they get work, where they go to work, and the prices are going to go up. There's gonna be shortages, and every bill is going to pay more. Okay, listen, corporations aren't going to pay higher taxes. They'll pass it on the higher energy costs. That'll that'll hit every American on every level. All right, John McLaughlin, Matt Towery, thank you both our posters. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin's next, All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. Let's go back to last night, Joe, six trillion dollars man, massive spending and yeah, let's hide all the power grab moves and maneuvers or are doing behind the scenes. And it didn't come up much last night, or did the border come up last night? Either? Very interesting, but six trillion dollars and that's just the down payment for me. I think climate change, I think jobs. American Jobs Plan will put engineers and construction workers to work and building more energy efficient buildings at homes. Think about it. There is simply no reason why the blades from wind turbines can't be building in Pittsburgh instead of Beijing. No reason, none, no reason. There's no reason why Americans American workers can't lead the world in production of electric vehicles and batteries. May mean there is no reason. How we pay for my job as a family plan, I made it clear we could do without increasing the deficits. Let's start with what I will want to I will not impose any tax increase on people making less than four hundred thousand dollars. But it's time for corporate America and the wealthiest one percent. Americans have just begun to pay their fair share, just a fair share. For Wall Street didn't build this country. The middle class built the country. And unions built the middle class. So that's why I'm calling on Congress to pass Protect the Right to Organize the Act the Proact, and send it to my desk so we can support the right to unionize. And by the way, why we're thinking about sending the things to my desk, let's raise the minimum ways to fifteen dollars. No one, no one working forty hours a week, no we're working for hours a week, should live below the poverty line. We need to ensure greater equity and opportunity for women. While we're doing this, let's get the Paycheck Fairness Act to my desk as well. Equal pay. They spent much too long. And if you wonder whether it's too long, look behind you all right? Joining us now, Senator Ron Johnson, great state of Wisconsin. Now, I keep talking about twenty twenty two. Republicans are very close to getting a majority in the House. A lot of Bellweather Senate races around the country, and that would include Florida and Georgia and North Carolina. That would include New Hampshire, that would include Ohio, Wisconsin, and Arizona among them, and South Carolina. Tim Scott is up, by the way, one of the races. Democrats have clearly said they want to target one guy that Senator Ron Johnson and the state of Wisconsin, who's done a great job of the state of Wisconsin. You've not, officially, from my last reading, announced that you're running for reelection? Have you? I have it on? Hello? And and by the way, didn't Kim Scott do a great job? Is great? Last night? By just a great job? The contrast is just so stark. I guess you can say, Joe Biden's speech was great. If your goals are bankrupt this country, a turn America into socialist basket case and make every American depending on government, then I guess Joe Biden's speech was good. But but Tim Scott laid out a vision for America that I think most Americans can embrace. Yeah, you know, I look at your state of Wisconsin, and I think of the people of the state of Wisconsin as salt of the earth, Midwestern, great values, god, family, faith country. They work so hard every single day. They obey the laws, played by the rules, pay their attacks, raise their kids, work there fourteen hours a day, and there is this appeal. It seems like to millennials that oh, no, no, everything is going to be free, free, free, you know, free pre K, free daycare, government sponsored of ours, free college, government paid for, free student loan forgiveness, guaranteed job, guaranteed wage, guaranteed government healthy food, guaranteed healthcare, guaranteed retirement. And don't worry, We're not going to run a deficit to pay for it, is what Joe said last night. Senator No, and that is the concern You're going to take stay like Wisconsin, And you're right hard working, just common sense, kind Americans, Okay, kind Wisconsinites. And over time you start making them dependent on government, and you keep growing government, and you grow these massive debt, these defice and these massive amount of debt. And by the way, Sean, this debt already is having a really harmful impact. Well, let's see your retiree on a fixed income because this massive debt, we keep infestrates artificially low. Where can retirees on a fixed income get a fair way to return on their savings? And if we if we monetize, if we turn this debt and we fixed the problem by inflating, uh, inflation is going to wipe out retirees and people and fixed income and it's going to really harm people below end of the income spectrum. And that that's the little secret story that the Democrats will never tell you, the horrible consequences of all this out of control spending. You know, I look at all of this, and what I see is that hard working Americans, most that I know, are not looking to the government to hand out things that they want freedom, they want liberty. They believe in capitalism, you know, not not big spending, deficit spending, radical socialism, but yet there, how do you possibly explain the appeal this the biggest lurch in the history of this country towards socialism. I would say one word COVID. And so you know, because of COVID, you know, we had all these shutdowns. You know, Congress was very generous. We certainly wanted to help people full in need. We all do. But when you start going out, for example, six hundred dollars just flat increases to state unemployment benefits and you continue to extending it is Laurence Summers economists stuff that helped the Obama in the Cline administration. He said, basically, if you when you extend unemployment benefits, you extend unemployment. And that's what's happening. You know, at six hundred dollars, there's something like five out of six workers made more unemployment than the made working. Right now, I think the figure is still about forty three hundred dollars plus up. And so that is how you addict Americans to government. You pay out all of these direct payment checks. At the depth of the COVID recession, we were down about twenty five million jobs from the record created under President Trump. Twenty five million jobs now were about ten million jobs, and we sent repeatedly stimulus checks I guess, direct payment checks to one hundred and sixty six million Americans and a certain percentage of Americans that unfortunately may be a growing percentage. Can it gets used to that direct payment from the government, they realize, well, why is it going to work when I can make more literally sitting on my couch. And that is how Democrats historically have addicted a larger and growing percentage of Americans to government and to them. And of course that's what this is all about. For Democrats, dct Americans to government, make they depend on the government, and then they will vote for the people that will guarantee you more benefits. Yeah, you know, why do you think it is that? And I've noticed that you're a senator that rolls up as sleeves goes in, keeps your promises, works hard every day, and Democrats seem to have a target on you more than other people. When do you think you're going to make your decision about running for reelection? And one of the factors in your decision, well, I don't have to make it anytime soon. Honestly, I want to see how things play out. A big factor is how much of a threat do I think America faces, and truthfully, do I really think I am the best candidate to ensure that this seat does not get turned over Democrats. That'll weigh heavily on my mind, even though and I meant it when I pledge I really was only going to run, only going to serve for two terms. I mean, I meant that that would still be my preference. But I'm not going to step away if I think America's future really hangs in the balance, and that that I really am the best person to ensure that this seat stays Republican hands. I mean that that will weigh heavily on both my wife. My wife's mind is my mind as well well. I certainly hope that you stay in there, because we need people that are going to fight. I think that the agenda for the Republican Party, I think there's some that there is. We're in the middle of a political shift and I don't know how it's going to shake out. And I see the Democratic Party now has become the party of coastal elitism and radicalism and radical environmentalism and redistributionism and statism, socialism, all of that and we were getting to this point where Republican policies that were about liberty and freedom and capitalism and protecting the first second Amendment and law and order in every town and city and educational choice. But you know, the Trump policies to make America gritting in policies of low taxes, limited bureaucracy, secure borders, energy and dependence, peace through strength, trust but verify, and free and fair trade and healthcare solutions to free market solutions to healthcare. I thought were was a perfect agenda. Is that the agenda that you think is the winning agenda for Republicans to take back the House and take back the Senate. Yeah, you pay attention to the forgotten men and women the President Trump focused on and that was his appeal. He understood how you know, so many of these trade deals were not particularly fair and that had a real impact on normal American's life. In your right, Sean, the Democrat Party is really becoming deep party of the elite, and you know, there's there's really no better evidence of it. And what's happened the border right now? You know, one thing I try and point out to the peoples that Kamala Harris, who was on my community when we held something like thirty hearings on illeal immigration and our unsecure border, and also President Biden. They know full well the depredations of the human traffickers. They know that their policies was going to blow a hole in the border and create a surge of people putting their lives and their children's lives in the hands of some of the most evil people on the planet. And still they're doing it and completely ignoring the impact that will have on not only those illegal immigrants who are going to be abused by those human traffickers, but also ordinary Americans trying to work hard. You know, the impact the impact of that out of control flow of illeal immigration in this country as well. So President Trump understood that, and he appealed to those forgotten men and women. And that is a coalition the people that truly love this country, that know exactly what made it great. That that's that coalition. I think any smart Republican will pay a great deal of tension too and make sure we try and keep that coalition together. It's a winning coalition, particularly when more Americans have their eyes opened up of exactly what the Biden and Democrat agenda is socialism out of control, spending in debt that will totally ruin this country. Well, the thousand people estimated be coming into this country illegally a day, and you've seen the videos, the images of kids in these Biden cages as I call them, and in the middle of a pandemic, with no health checks whatsoever, and then apparently transported and taken to other states all around the country. Who's going to pay for housing, Who's going to pay for food and healthcare and education? And why did I think that if I ever aided and embedded in law breaking that I'd probably be handcuffed and taken off to jail. It seems that, well, you have the Democrats have just decided to ignore the laws they don't like. I didn't think that's how the process works, but apparently it does work that way. Well, as it's always the case, it will be the forgotten men and women of America that work hard, they'll pay, They'll foot the bill, not not the Democrat elite. It will be the forgotten men and women. But Sean, it's you know, I keep very close track of this is former Chairman Homeland Security Government Affairs. The average over the last twenty eight days. Is fifty nine hundred people being apprehended at our southern border per day, per day, fifteen nine hundred people. That's a large caravan every day. It's completely overwhelming. But they're being allowed to stay in, aren't they? Oh yeah, you know so yeah, the Biden administrations telling CVP process them in eight hours and disperse them, no COVID tests and not even a notice to appear, so they don't even have an obligation to go through an immigration process anymore. They're just being dispersed and so there's not even a court day given. It's it's even more extreme than catch and release, and of course eliminating the stay in Mexico see on top of also eliminating the policy, which is to build the wall. You know, who's keeping track of them though, the human traffickers. You know, the border is a hundred cents secure on the Mexican side. Nobody crosses without either paying the human traffickers or being indebted to them. How do you think a young, pretty little girl pays off the four to five to ten thousand dollars of human trafficking fee? How how do you think that happens? What does she do and again, Kamala Harris. President Biden knows exactly what happens, and they are allowing it to happen. They're insteativizing it to happen. They blew up just mapped all the successful policies or President Trump that stop that flow, that prevented so much human depredation in the hands of human traffickers. You really got to scratch your head and ask yourself, why is the media covering this crisis. Why aren't they pointing out the depredations and really the inhumanity that the President Biden and Vice President Harris's policies are creating. All right, we're gonna let it go there, looking forward to your decision. Senator Ron Johnson. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. But we got a great Hannity nineties turn tonight on the Fox News Channel. Senator Tim Scott will join us. Will also have a debate over his comments that have gotten so much attention, the vicious treatment by liberals, the left, social media, big tech, and all the names he's been called. And that Idaho police officer, you know, the one that did the video saying there's a stabbing going on Lebron, What do you think I should do here? How should I handle this? He actually got suspended and you're gonna talk to us tonight exclusively on Hannity, Dan Bongino, Haraldo Rivera, Dana Lash, much much more, the latest on Cuomo's cover up with Johnisteine Fox News nineties turned see tonight. Back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us,

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