Sean breaks down the important races from around the country and looks toward a second half Trump agenda that will be as strong as ever. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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All right, it's game day. Don't you love when it finally gets time? It's the lead up, It's Super Bowl Sunday? Are you going on Sunday football game? College football game? I'm more college now than i am pro. And game day gets here and you're like, finally, let's go, let's get the game. Right now, the game is being played, although it's really not a game. There's a lot more at stake than a football game, and you know you've got to play the game to see what the actual results are. One of the things I'm i am looking forward to more than just about anything else, is how accurate or inaccurate these polls are in the era of Trump. I want to know. I am absolutely positively um fascinated by the turnout this year. So far early voting has been extraordinarily high. Reports I'm getting from all over the country are that turnout is high. Got a call from a buddy of mine that is a friend that lives here in town. He said that you can't believe it. It's a big turnout. We've had team was big, it's bigger now. And that is in New York, which tells me two things. My my guess is is that the resistance, if you will, the people that have been fed two years of lies and distortion and misinformation and propaganda and hate Trump, hate Trump leading out to and culminating and crescendo ing in. You know, and I'm I'm going to now we've been saving these tapes and we just haven't had the time to really take away from the program and the more important pressing issues of the day to just this this year has gotten so bad to chronicle it. And it's real. You know. Ted Cruz was on sixty Minutes and he said they hate Trump. You know, psychosis is real. He didn't say it that way, but that's the way I'm describing it, and that the resistance that you know, Muller, let's get him, Let's get he can't be president. Oh no, we got hes he tweets he doesn't. It's like, every single second, every minute of every hour of every day, your news media is more corrupt than it has ever been, more dishonest than they have ever been. They've always been the biggest donors to all liberal, socialist democratic causes, and they've now just gotten bigger and more involved and more invested. And they listen for that. They all went, you know, all in on this election to motivate the Democratic base. You know, I think Trump has been called a Nazi racist. It just it doesn't stop, and it's daily, and it's so called news channels. We got a lot of evidence. I have a whole pack here that I want to get to on hate um and it exists. You know. Imagine, by the way, here we have Fluist fur Coon chanting death to Amerror in Iran, whining about the sanctions. Oh but two months ago he was sitting three seats down from Bill Clinton. And then the hidden picture for eight years with Barack Obama, now Alan dersh It is it is unacceptable somebody that is that radically racist and anti Semitic and yet embraced by so many in the Democratic Party. Keith Ellison is another one. Look, here's what um, here's what matters today to all of you. And it's cliche. It is not deep, it's not profound. I wish I had better words for it. You know, I always say about radio and TV that you cannot If I could, I would. We don't have this microphone, I don't have that television camera though. Almoays off on Election Night on Fox News have been from my whole career, thankfully, because I'm so neurotic. I am on computers, on text, on phone, watching multiple TVs, and and looking at county returns as they come in, hour by hour by hour. I think I didn't go to bed until maybe eight or nine in the morning the next day, and still got up, did radio, did TV, and it was you know, it just was a magical night because you know, we've had a couple of bad losses. You think about it. I mean, we had some horrible losses two years of Obama. Look when you really look back in retrospect, you can kind of see that momentum and you say, yeah, it was there. There wasn't any way that John McCain was ever gonna beat Barack Obama. I do believe Mitt Romney could have won had he run a better campaign. I don't know, I'll never forget. I think it was the second of the third debate. He went he played it safe, he played you know, prevent defense, and you know, every single exchange, Obama was picking up fifteen yards and it was it was terrible right into the end zone for a big reelection with you know, there's just some things that people don't know about mid terms. Here's the big challenge about today. But again in the era Trump, I'm not sure what rules apply anymore. I don't think the old rules apply. And that's why they got it so wrong in in And you know, I was on last night and I wasn't you know they characterized it on one website that I was. You know, I wasn't making fun of Nate silver in any way. I'm look. I know he he's well respected. He saw the Obama wave when others didn't. I didn't mean to be disrespectful, even for him. I like polling. I like research. I like it enough that I read research about myself about every quarter. And that's people honestly saying what they like and don't like about this radio show. And I think it's valuable to listen to your customers, and your customers give you valuable information. And if I want to do the best job I can and a sir, and patterns emerged not just one comment, but say ten comments that are similar. Then probably people have picked up something that they don't like, and maybe I can pay attention to it. Maybe I can make some changes, and maybe I can be a little bit better of a host, and so I've listened to that stuff, and I it's not about my ego. It's about how to be the best you can be. And that's always what I've wanted to do anyway, if you you know, so there is there's histories on the Democrats side when it comes to mid term elections. Uh, that creates a head wind. You know, if you go back twenty one mid term elections, let's start in four, only twice has the president's party gained seats in both the House and Senate, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first mid term and the next time was George W. Bush's first mid term election, but that was post nine eleven. On three other occasions the president's party gained House seats and once it was a draw, and on one occasion the president's party gained Senate seats. That you know, if you look at some of the worst mid term losses ever, well it was and Democrats lost sixty three House seats, sixty nine seats altogether, seventy seats, sixty three seats Obama lost two years into his presidency in the House of Representatives, and it was a shell lacking. It never had been that bad in two thousand and six. This was in George W. Bush's second term. They lost thirty six seats. UH. One of the biggest election victories I happened to be a part of this history was a Republicans had not been in power in the House of Representatives since the nineteen forty. The first mid term for Bill Clinton was a blowout. They lost sixty seats, fifty two in the House, eight in the Senate. And Bill Clinton was only in office two years. And everybody they'll do the same thing. You know. Let's say that let's say conventional wisdom is right, and I'm not saying it's right. Well, let's say conventional wisdom is right, and that the Senate gets held by the Republicans. They pick up a couple of seats in the Senate, which would be great for them. And let's say that, you know, maybe they pick up some they pick up the House. The Democrats would God forbid, you can prevent that today, you know. And Nate Silver and his piece said, well, it could be anywhere from fifteen to fifty. Well, like Kayana is a little bit too wide a margin, but he is making or eighty six percent prediction that the Democrats pick up the house. It's it's a head wind. But I'm not sure. I don't know. This is my best guest to you. I'm not a believer that polls in the era of Trump work. Um. Maybe they would even work this year. But it still wouldn't necessarily be that it works. It would be the history. It would be the head winds would be the difficulties. Um. To the President's credit, you know, I love I love people that fight and leave nothing on the field and the President. I was in Cape Girardo last night and we did Hannity from there. Um, inspite of everybody's uh conjecture in the press, I did not know that the President was going to invite me on stage. She was not planned surprise me. And I just had a quick cold. Everybody. I will say this, the people in this country are amazing. I you know, I went out. I wanted to go out earlier. I got to the arena early, and I saw that the plays had pretty much been full up. A place was packed. It was a pouring driving rain in Cape Girardo yesterday. That just was pouring, you know. And I went around and I saw as many people as I could and shook some hands, signed all a few autographs. People would give me their maker America Great again, hats the autograph, and they're so soaking wet the pen wouldn't even go in it. And this is like a sharpie. So we have all that against us. We have Senate races that are razor thin and razor type one on one other thing, I want to remind you because after Clinton had a schlacking in ninety four and after Obama had it in twenty times, they both won re election. You want to know who the biggest loser of seats are in hits Obama. Do you know that when he was president, Democrats lost over nine hundred state legislature seats, twelve governorships, House seats, thirteen Senate seats. And after eight years of Barack Obama, the map became read these things. There's an ebb and flow to politics. And people also know when things are beginning to work for them. And that really, to me, is what today is all about. Today it's always about turnout. I can't say this enough. And it's not one state, one county, it's all fifty states, it's all four hundred and thirty five congress sational districts. I know there are thirty or so that I'll mention in the course of this program today that probably will tip the balance of power, specifically in the House. By every indication, Florida is so razor thin right now. When Republicans win Florida, they win it the day of, they win it election day. Rick Scott can pull this out and be the next Senator from Florida. Um, we can have Rhonda Santa's beating Gilham, the so beloved by you know, the Democrat Hollywood, Washington and everybody in between. Because he's a radical leftist socialist. I don't understand when we have so many different people running for office with these radical views. I don't know why, all of a sudden it becomes appealing, especially when you have all the success of the last two years compared to the prior eight years of Obama. White people so willing to go back. All right, We're gonna go over all of these I'm gonna remind you what it was like for eight years. Because people's memories are short. We're gonna go over the key Senate races, one by one, the key House races, one by one. Uh. Some of the latest polls that show just exactly how close things are. We have a poll with perfect accuracy predicting the GOP will hold the House. And this is going back seventy years. Just an interesting sidebar. Doesn't mean that it's gonna hold, but interesting voters decision on the house. You know, who knows how long this is gonna last. Who knows how close it's gonna be, but it's but it's certainly a fascinating day. My advice to all of you is know this. We always get the government, whether we like it or not. We deserve everybody's putting. Everything in every indicator which will go over today is in the right direction. And are you better off? And do you want to continue the prosperity? Do you want to shock the world again? If you haven't voted in Florida, it doesn't matter where you are, go vote alright, glad you want a selection day, best election coverage available on your radio dial, listen to the If you take anything or glean anything from the polls, this is what you should glean at. Every single race is tight. That there's no such thing as a safe seat, That there is a lot in at play, there's a lot at stake, and that your vote is gonna matter. And and I don't care if you're in Texas. I mean, poor Ted Cruz had a hundred million dollars thrown at him, more close to it, and a race with a guy that does not share Texas values, the strongest constitutional as we have in the U. S. Senates. He needs that that turnout today, as does Florida. And I can't imagine Florida getting at business tax. And Rohn de Santis is right, that's gonna lead to a state income tax because all of the spending proposals of Gillum are so high it's unsustainable without massive high taxes. And the first easiest place he's gonna go, well, we got to join the ranks of other states and we got to become we gotta have a state income tax. I don't think there's anyone better for the state of Florida than Rick Scott and what he's done. Marcia Blackburn has been a strong, solid, steady, a voice of conservatism in Tennessee. We know bretticon doesn't his staff doesn't think too much of the people in Tennessee. Hope you remember that when you're voting today. I think one of the biggest races we all, we all are going to be watching tonight is in Missouri. Where I was yesterday. People in Missouri is so great, just amazing. Um. If that crowd is indicative of what's going on throughout the state, it is going to be a really good night for Josh Holling, who I had a chance to talk to at length last night. He has a great choice for Missouri, and he represents Missouri values. He doesn't have to fake it and in an election year conversion, like Claire mccass schools out there. Well I'm I'm well, I'm uh. Maybe that wall idea is okay, but she's against everything else that mattered, and when it matters, once they get in there for six years, it's a long time. Votes for everything Obama and votes for nothing that Donald Trump put forward of substance. Nothing. Um, you know, Carol, you know I'm looking at a bunch of other races. You know, I'm looking at Dean Heller must win in the uh Nevada. That's an important race tonight. We're watching closely. John Tester is being tested to the limits. Rosendale can win. Martha McSally will check in with her. She's got a very tight race against the most radical Democrat in the country, Kristen Cinema. Then of course Joe Donnally in Indiana. Till the top of the hour, Gladial with us Election Day it's here. What have I said? You're gonna turn on the TV. I've been telling you for weeks this night and you're gonna watch the news come in and you're gonna be like when you're watching kids play sports? You ever do that? Uh? You know my kids would play tennis matches. I'm like, oh, you start twitching, you know when they when they hit the net and you realize you're getting way too into this um and it is um. It's you know what it is. It's a good temperature check see where the country is. One of the things I think I like so far the most is turnout. I mean the fact that New Jersey today, if if people turned out New Jersey, New Jersey could flip. Probably won't, but it's possible Ugan could win. I can't hear what you're saying in my ear, Linda, you have to talk on the air. What is it? What Congressman Dave brad is here with us. I know I'm gonna get to him in a second. Okay, I was just letting you know. And so you get to watch tonight, you get it to hear the result, you do you want to hear Speaker Elect Pelosi's Senate majority Alex Schumer, because that's what's at stake. These Senate races matters so much. Florida matters big time, and there's plenty of time to vote, as does Georgia. That governor's race. A lot going on in Georgia tonight. And Brian Kemp and don't forget Ted Cruz in Texas and what they've tried to do to him this election Unbelievabozo O'Rourke is not somebody that represents those values. And then you've got Claire mccaskell. She's trying to portray herself a moderate, just like Brettison, and Tennessee's trying to portray himself a moderate, just like High Camp in North Dakota, just like Donnelly in Indiana. They're not. They haven't lifted a finger to help the president with all the success that we've had in the last two years. Same with John Tester, He's a Schumer Democrat. All these people are Schumer Democrats. So when I say, if you vote for any Democrat around the country, it doesn't matter what race you're really voting for. Pelosi who said that she loves San Francisco values, and she's picking out the drapes and she's excited. She thinks she's gonna win. You can't shock the world. We will see. You know, we have to three options. It's either going to be Republicans in it all split decision they hold the Senate, lose the House, or it's gonna be a disaster night and a lot of you are gonna be drinking heavily with me. Um. Arizona is a key race. Martha McSally is just a rock star, six years serving her country. You got Kristen Cinema saying it's okay to fight with the Taliban, Americans to fight with the Taliban after nine eleven wearing pink tutus and she's, you know, a fighter pilot putting her life on the line in Afghanistan and Iraq. Amazing disparity. But you know, I hear it's very close in Arizona, just like it's always close in Nevada. Dean Heller is just holding on a very slightly turnout today is gonna make all the difference in the great state of Nevada. By the way, one congressional race, we wanted to check in with a good friend of ours, Dave brad of Virginia. There are a number of seats in Virginia that are up. I know your seat is up for grabs. It's always a tough race for you there. Uh. I also know that we've got others in Virginia. Barbara Comstock, she's always got a tough race, and we've got what Dennis Riggelman, he's got a tough race to right. Yeah. Absolutely, everybody, get out and vote. Spread the words, send the last email blast to your church list, your sports list, get all of us in Virginia. And then General Scott Perry in Pennsylvania is a superhero. Keith Rothus is a Catholic superhero. And Rod Blum in Iowa. They all need your help. Immediately do everything you can or like you just said, Pelosi runs the house. Maxine Waters is the head of financial services. Uh. And we lose all this forward momentum. The Trump economy is just roaring right, wages up, everything good. What's at stake? Socialized healthcare, open borders, my opponents for sanctuary cities, and so just everybody, get your friends out, pull everyone you can out to vote tonight. You've got plenty of time. Get everybody out. All right, Well, we'll definitely pulling for you. You've been one of the leaders. I don't care rayners Shine, you gotta go out and vote. Dave Bratt along with Jordan's Meadows, they're the leading trio that have fought to keep promises that frankly a few other Republicans forgot about once they got into office. And looking for good news on Dave Brett tonight, Dave, thank you for being well. Thou's appreciate it. The funny thing is the balance of power. Actually put it up on Hannity dot Com. It's it may the tipping point might come in a state like California. You've got literally southern California number of districts. Steve Knights District in California, that's their twenty fifth district, Young Kim in the thirty ninth district, Mimi Waters in the forty five. Roorbacher, our friend Daniel Roorbacher in those are all important. You've got Maria Alvirus Salazar, who's doing very well in the in Florida, uh and and a couple of others. But then you've got you know, other states coming into play, like Michigan, Mike Bishop and his race, New Jersey, Tom mcgarthur, Leonard Lance. Those are important races. Lee Zeldin in Long Island, he's a very that's an important bell weather that we should get early in the night. That's an important race. John Fasso is an important race upstate New York. Claudia Tenney is a big race. You got races in in Texas that really matter. Pete Sessions the thirty second district in Texas, that's a big race. You also have if you again, Virginia Dino Dino Rossi in the state of Washington. That's gonna be a big race. You know, here's where we are. It's you know, two years ago we went into the polls and we were all told chance that Donald Trump is never going to be president, no way. The election results came in two years ago. This election day, we were told at five fifteen Eastern time, and I'll get eggs of poles at the same time this year, I'm not even sure if I'm gonna bother sharing them with you because they've been wrong so often, and and people here, and why why am I going to vote? There's no point because they were wrong so often. Two thousand and four, John Kerry at five fifteen in the afternoon, Exapolese come in that showed that John Kerry was the next president of the United States. The Vice president at the time, Dick Cheney, called this radio show on election day two thousand and four and said, uh, get out and vote Florida and Ohio because those two states were needed in mass Well, they're needed in mass now. It never changes with Florida and Ohio. They always play a pivotal role in elections period. They just do you know, you look at the deals that the president has made. You know, think of where we were two years ago and everybody predicted Hillary. They were all giddy in the media when they were reading the exam pose. They were all dead wrong. And the people of this country, the good people that work hard, played by the rules, pay taxes, raised their kids, go to church, cling to their God, gun, Bible religion. Irredeemable deplorables, smelly Ollmark, people like us. You're the ones that shot the world. It's always fun because they think they have all this power and all those influence. It's really do they or do you? Or do you care enough to you know? One of the things that we often take for granted are the many blessings of America. One of them is the ability to change our government. Look at the economy. Donald Trump selected four and a half million new jobs, four point three million fewer Americans on food stamps, all the things I talked about in twenties sixteen. Now we've gone from thirteen million more Americans and food stamps to four point three million fewer. Now we have four and a half million more jobs, we have four point two million lifted out of poverty. We've added four hundred thousand manufacturing jobs, the jobs Obama said were never coming back. Unemployment forty nine year low in America, record low unemployment record meaning never happened before. African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, fourteen states, record low unemployment, historic low unemployment for women in the workplace and military vets. Median household income that's now hitting record levels, record highs. Four point two percent GDP growth in the second quarter, three point five growth in the most recent corner quarter. I mean this remember Barack Obama never got the only president never to reach three percent GDP growth in a single year. You know, this is as the president. You know, you think of all the promises he's made and all that he's kept. He hasn't been able to do everything. Half the time, he's doing it on his own, or he's carrying Republicans that are weak and spineless and oh and him and and halling on his back. But they're getting done. His promise to open up American energy, what drilling in and more? How many years have we been begging for that? It's all up. And now the Keystone pipeline being built, the Code to Access pipeline being built. Taking care of coal miners in West Virginia, Kentucky and elsewhere done an industry that was headed for extinction. He promised new trade deals with Europe. We're getting them. He renegotiated NAFTA that helps farmers in Wisconsin and Michigan and all throughout the US, you know, even Georgia and Florida where they got hit really hard with the hurricane. You know, that's a promise made of promise keptain. I think this defines what Trump's presidency has been you know, for those of us that always loved Reagan, peace through strength, trust, but verify. Look, the toughest sanctions ever put on the Iranian regime were put on that regime yesterday by the President after he pulled US out of this idiotic Iranian deal, which gave the Iranians pretty much everything they wanted, including a hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currents ease that we put in cargo planes and dropped on their tarmacs so the Mulas could be super rich, making the Mullas rich again. You know, look at the looming crisis in North Korea that stopped. Remains have been sent home, hostages have been sent home. You know, we we've don't have missiles fired over Japan every other day, little rocket man fire and Fury now talks about d nuclearization, which is great for peace in the world. How many presidents promised to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Those of promises made by other people, but they were never kept. This time it was kept. President Obama. I love it. He's out taking credit for all this. You know, the same guy that said you didn't build that. You know, somebody else built that. But now he's out there claiming he built the economy. But his track record, you know, this is why it frustrates me that people's memories are short. It frustrates me that after eight years of Obama, he's out on the road, he's trying to sell healthcare to American voters, and I'm like, oh my god, you can't be serious. Keep your doctor, keep your plans, save less. Millions of Americans lost their doctors, lost their plans, and they're paying two hundred three more in many cases, and so many counties and towns and cities and states even they have one healthcare provider, one choice. There's no choice in healthcare. He put, at the end of his presidency start to finish, thirty more million Americans on food stamps, eight million more Americans in poverty, lowest labor participation rate in eight years since the seventies, the worst recovery since the forties, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, the first president never to reach three percent GDP growth in a single year of his presidency. He you know, once claimed that nine trillion dollars in is irresponsible, and I'm patriotic, and he goes on to double the debt, accumulating more debt than every other president before him combined. You know, there's a lot of stake here. Ask yourself, what are the Democrats offering you to make your life better? And is it worth continuing the success of moving Americans into more prosperity, that's more secure country. If you like safety, security, prosperity, then vote Republican. What are the Democrats plan? They don't have any plan to make your life better, to improve the lives of the forgotten men and women of this country. It was only two years ago. We had eight years of their their whatever their plans were, it failed miserably. You know, they won't even tell us what their plans are. They tell Maxie Waters, don't talk about impeachment. That's part of their plan. Endless investigation is part of their plan. You know Maxie Waters is promising it will do to you what you did to us. Talking with that comes we'll do in the same with the biggest liar in Congress, Shifty Shift, bragging about his plans Russia, Russia, Russia. Good grief, another two years of this. So they want endless investigations, impeach the president. He saw how they feel about constitutionalists on the court. They want to block all presidential judicial appointments. They want to go back to Obamacare. We know they want their crumbs back, the biggest tax cut in American history that they want back. And we also know that they want sanctuary cities and open borders and amnesty, abolish ice. And they don't want to tell you about that because their advisors are saying, just don't talk about to change the subject. Everything's up for grabs, and there's three scenarios, but the most important one is today is the day that you have power. Today means everything. Day of voting, It means every freething, every state matters because every state has a congressional seat. Every American has somebody to vote for today. It's especially important in states like Florida, Tennessee, Missouri today, states like Nevada, states like Arizona, states like Montana, states like North Dakota, states like Indiana, West Virginia, New Jersey, and California, believe it or not, especially southern California. That's what matters. Now. We'll get the results, will live with them. We're not gonna have a freak out like the rest of the people in the news media like they usually do. And we're gonna do our best to help our country. You know, we'll deal with whatever hand were dealt and we'll keep fighting. We'll say this, I'll save this for tomorrow. Coming up, Martha mac sally is gonna step in. We're gonna check in with heart Pam Bondi. The state of Florida ever so close and you get to vote. It's election day. Don't you feel good about that? The powers in your hands. And you know what, voter turnout reports seem heavy all across the country. That's good news. I hope the Trump people are getting out. If you haven't gotten out yet, your friends haven't gotten out, you got plenty of time. Florida, Tennessee, Missouri, Nevada, Arizona, North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, West Virginia, New York, California. We need you all, all right, all four hundred and thirty five house districts. That means every American has the opportunity to ensure that you don't hear the words tonight or tomorrow morning Speaker Elect Nancy Pelosi, that the thought of that is gonna make me drink very heavily. Uh Tonight I never I'm never a part of Fox election coverage. Everybody asked me what time you are in tonight. I'm not. I mean, they just hand it over to the news division and they do their thing, and we're very good at it. And uh. I stay home and I look at computers and TVs and I am a meniac. I had it all set up. I kind of quarter my myself off from the world, and I'm looking at every count Hamilton's County, Kyahoga County, Palm Beach County, what's going on in the Panhandle, and Lee County, Collier County and Broward County. That's what I do. I always have to know what's going on in Ohio and Florida. Florida so close that nobody can pick it. I mean, I actually saw a series of poles one point either way in both the governor and senators raced there, you know, the big Senate races. We're watching Marsha Blackburn um hoping the people of Tennessee show up in big numbers for her Bretticon. His staff caught on tape saying, Oh, we're just we're gonna lie to the people of Tennessee. Another big races in Missouri. Had a great time in Cape Girardo yesterday meeting so many wonderful people in that state. What a warm welcome you gave me. I was overwhelmed, to be very honest, and it was. It was so much fun. Uh, thank you. And and today Missouri is a show up state, show me state, show up day of election day state, as all of them are. I know a lot of states of early voting. Same with Nevada. We have big races Indiana today you're needed big time. You know, don't vult libertarian and in in Indiana or else, you're gonna help elect Joe Donnelly. We know the dirty tricks. He was out there promoting the libertarian because he can't win. He knows a straight up race against the Republican. You know. One of the reasons John Tester is now down by three. The problem in Montana is fifty of the votes already been sent in. So today is the day more people have to go out for Rosendale. One of the races that has caught my attention more than others. In the great state of Arizona. I've now gotten to know Martha McSally, had her on TV and radio a bunch and she is up against the single most radical candidate that the Democrats have put up this year. I mean a person who actually in other states called the people of Arizona crazy and another time crazy, but in a lindsay O hand way, the meth lab of democracy. Martha McSally what twenty six years serving her country, serving six tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq. While she was flying fighter jets, there was Martha McSally protesting the war and pink tutus literally and inviting witches to the party and also saying that and she had an opportunity this weekend to apologize for saying that she has no problem with Americans joining our enemies, the Taliban. Martha McSally is with us for a few moments today. How are you feeling today, heythean good to be back. We're feeling good. We're going strong. We've still got about five hours to fight for every last vote. You know, this election will be decided today, even though we do vote a lot early, vote early. It is all about turnout right now. It's all about people getting off the couch, getting out of work and get into the polls to make sure that their voice is heard for the direction of staying She's gonna go. A lot of the information that I just talked about regarding your opponent, Kristen Cinema that didn't come out, that came out after early voting started, and I got to imagine that some buyers remorse from a lot of people because they had no idea that she was this radical. Yeah, I mean we knew about her radical activist pass. She was a Green Party activists, you know, the Pink Tutu were in protests against our military, depicting us the troops as skeletons on flyers that she handed out at protests saying we're the ones conducting terror in the Middle East, wanting to shut down New Air Force Base where seventy of the world's thirty five pilots or trained. I mean, she has a radical left past, but what has been on Earth over the last several weeks is more and more of her being caught as she really is. You know, with all the things you just said as recently as March of this year, mocking Arizona, that she actually got elected in Arizona, like jokes on us, and we got to make sure that we get the last laugh shan And that's what these next five hours. We think that that you're talking about is key for you out there. And if you're in Arizona, you know you're gonna have to get to the polls because it will decide the race. Unfortunately a lot of that information came out pretty late. But um, I can't even believe it's a race at this point. Are I also heard from a friend of mine in Arizona that the media basically tries to cover up from her out there. Is that true? It's extraordinary, Sean. I mean the mainstream media here, every time one of these new things came out, Uh, they would just make excuses for her or they wouldn't cover it. Uh. And and this is what I mean. Look, we know what the mainstream national media is like. Right. We had CNN break two negative stories on my opponent. We had a front page New York Times article about her lying about her upbringing. When the liberal national media is breaking stories on it, you know it's that. But the Arizona media kept making excuses for like, oh, that's not really what she meant. I've never seen anything like it. People around the country are thinking, oh, this race must be over, and the voters in Arizona. Have you know again for the part uh the persuadable voters, they've been protected from even hearing about it. And she's got this tens of millions of dollars a TV ad portraying her as if she's right of center, as if she's a conservative Democrat, which is an oxymoron. That's not who she is. And she's in the liberal witness protection program right now, just hiding from the other way. All those Project Veritas tapes that we revealed, one on Gilham, one on Brettson, one on Claire McCaskill, one on Heidi hi Camp, and one on your opponent, Kristen Cinema all show the same thing. That they go into these campaigns and when they talk freely and they don't know they're being recorded, they all are honest, saying, oh, we're just saying these things to get elected. She's really really, we promise she's like a Schumer liberal. We promised, but you know, we can't tell anybody that because it seems that they can't be honest and who they are and ever win an election. That's pretty sad, it is that. And and this came out with her as well, I mean, she's Chuck Schumer's topper crew. Don't be fooled about that. She would vote no on Brett Kavanaugh. She voted no on our tax cut bill that is putting the economy into after burner. You know, she voted with Chuck Schumer and the Schumer shutdown, you know, choosing illegal immigrants over our troops. Uh. I heard she had like an election eve conversion all of a sudden on immigration. What this weekend? Oh man, give me a break. I mean, look, she used to be an activist, handing out or you're helping people cross illegally. And when she was asked about the troops going to the border, I mean she she told Fox Business, well, they should stay hydrated. What I answered was, thank you for your service. Border security is national security. As a veteran myself, I know the sacrifices you make. This mission is so important. Welcome to Arizona. We're glad to have you because we care so much about her troops and care much about border security. So she just doesn't even know what she's talking about. And she voted against cutting off funding for sanctuary cities, and she voted against Grant's law named after Grant Ronaback right here in Arizona. Who she had. We've had, We've had Grant rotten Backs, Dad, Steve roughnen Back on this program many times to see you. This poor kid was working in a you know, one of those convenience stores overnight, you know, trying to get money for his college and his future and building a life from somewhere. I think he was twenty two at the time, and you had a guy that had already been a criminal alien that was let loose serious crimes and the just for a pack of cigarettes. He killed this poor kid. His father's a wonderful man. He is, so Steve and the other angel families, they've endorsed me, uh and Cheerson Cinema. My opponent wouldn't even meet with Steve and his family. And then when the vote came up on Grant's law, named after an Arizona who is no longer with us because of the failed policies on immigration in the lack of border security, she votes. Know, so she's trying to fool people that she's saying something that's her security, but her you know, her record and her views are dangerous on this issue. Well, I think yours is one of the more important races in the country. Um, I know that there was unfortunately took while people way too long because the media doesn't do its job in vetting Kristen Cinema and yeah, she like Heidi hi Camp and Claire mccaskell and Phil Pretticon and uh Bill do nothing else and they try to portray themselves every six years as as moderates. John Tester does the same thing. Donald he has done the same thing, and they're not there anything but um, anyway, we wish you'd listen. You have served your country with great honor and great distinction. Um. I know people put a lot on the line election day. You put a lot of line on the line for your country. Turnout is the answer to everything today. Every state needs turn out, every district needs turn out. That is the only way to overcome the historical trends, the head winds that face any administration in their first mid term election. And uh, I hope the people of Arizona recognize your great service to your country and and we'll give you a shot at the U. S. Senate and I'm sure you'll do a great job. Thanks Son, I really appreciate it. Tell people get to the polls. When the Vice President called me today, he said, lots of people praying for you. I said, people have been saying that to me all day, and I said, pray for the voters, pray for people praying for country. My part, Pray for the voters. They need to get up and do their part right now today, in the next five hours in Arizona. That's so well said. You got to do your part. Thank you, Martha McSally. Uh, I can't believe this race is tight by every poll, every measure, it's tight in Arizona. So that vote out there, today's vote will decide the winner, not early voting. Today's vote is going to decide the winter. Same with Florida, same with Missouri today Missouri's all day of same with New Jersey. You know, some of these states have large percentages of votes in ahead of time. Montana had fifty in before the libertarian candidate dropped out, and it was a fair one on one race. And now Rosendale is beating Tester. So you're gonna need a big turnout in Monte To if you want. If you want to put a Trump supporting senator from Montana in the in the US Senate, same thing with Donnally in Indiana. Not Only's team is caught, you know, cheating, trying to trying to put out ads supporting oh votal libertarian who's the real conservative in this race because he doesn't think he can beat the Republican Mike Brawn one on one. It's unbelievable, so typical. Look the think to yourself, what is the what are they going to do for you? I mean, what is government really? What do we need government for? You know, the great Thomas Payne once wrote that government in its best form is but a necessary evil, in its worst form an intolerable one. And you know where the guides and dictates of human conscience, meaning our heart, our soul, our connection to God, irresistibly obeyed. There'd be no other law giver, but knowing the weakened human condition, the flawed state of human beings, governments of form to protect that which we would otherwise protect if we were perfect people, but were a fallen race for fallen people, every human being. And then he goes on to talk about the formation of government. You know, but government is supposed to be about serving people. You know why am I a conservative and a conservative? Its conservatism when applied works. It's not an accident that Ronald Reagan created twenty one million new jobs and gave us the longest period of peacetime economic growth. It's not an accident. This economic boom we're having under Donald Trump wasn't an accident. Two years into Bill Clinton's presidency, when Newton got a hold of the Congress Republicans for the first time in forty years winning, I was there that night. I was m seeing that event that night that all of a sudden America moved in a much better position. We actually got to a balance budget, and we did it using real numbers and real discipline. And at that point Clinton had no choice but to go along with the new Republican Congress, and the people benefited. That's why voting is everything. Day of voting. As soon as I'm done with the show, I'm getting out and I'm going voting. So don't just like everybody else. Well, my vote is not gonna mean a whole heck of a lot, probably, but I'm voting anyway. I usually I think I missed one in my adult life along Sean Hannity Show eight nine one Shawn toll free telephone number, just to give you some idea. And again, only one poll matters, and that's if you're gonna go out and you're gonna vote. Turnout in the New York area, I can tell you is registering pretty heavy across Long Island in parts of New York. New Jersey getting mixed answers about New Jersey. Um, a lot of people in New Jersey have just had it with Bob Menendez that that number is gonna be interesting. Bob Hugen has run a really good campaign. It will be interesting to see if, in fact, uh, there is a chance that flip. That's certainly an outlier, not one you'd expect, but I mean the people in New Jersey have done it many times. Christy Todd Whitman, Governor Kane, Uh, Governor Christie for example, not exactly states that you think are gonna win. Oh. Now we have Kristen Cinema, by the way, saying she supports Trump's decision to send troops to the border. Yeah, that's unless she wins today, then she'll change the change your mind. Um. We have literally every pole in Florida is so neck and neck. It's unbelievable how Florida is always like this and that would mean, you know, for conservatives, you've gotta really watch Southwest Florida, Fort Myers, Sarasota, Naples, very important districts Lee, Collier counties down there. And of course you're looking at the Panhandle. You wonder if there's any difficulties people getting to the polls in the Panhandle, they get an extra hour to vote, don't forget that. And other parts of the states. The I four Carridor she always plays a big part. Tampa to Orlando and back and forth. That's gonna play a big role. One interesting thing, um, somebody where this was in the New York Post. They actually wrote a piece out today that it could take weeks for all the mid term ballots to be counted in California, which means it could take a long time to determine which party wins power. Remember I keep warning you that these five seats in California mean everything in southern California. I mean they they're gonna play a big part in this, especially if it's close tonight. Um, oh, get this one. You know we love John James from Michigan. He cut the lead down to three in the final days. Makes me wonder if they've been purposefully floating those polls up to the flate turnout. Oh, by the way, I don't think that doesn't happen. Uh, There's been a lot of cheating in a lot of elections over the years. And anyway, um, all right, when we come back, we're gonna hit the phones. Later on, we're gonna go to Florida. We'll check in with Pam Bondi in the Secretary of State. Up more election coverage, go vote turnout is everything today? Now till the top of the one. Sean, all right, let's go to some calls here, A lot of you being very patient. Gary is in Indianapolis, big Senate race there. Joe Donnelly is a Schumer Democrat, down in the polls. Mike Braun. The only fear I have in Indiana, it's only one, is that you've got a libertarian that is siphoning votes from the Republican. How are you, sir, I'm great, Sean, thank you for taking my car. Its great to talk to you before I start. Can I thank you and lending your staff from the bottom of our hearts for all of America for your hard work to save this country. Thank you. Well, listen, thank you but the real truth is it's you know, every single American. I'm being very honest here. We all are spokes in a wheel and you need every spoke, you know, like I can only be one voting spoke today. Everybody else has to vote. And you know, I just hope that people understand the stakes are high, all the things that we've been talking about, all the things that have been accomplished, where we were, and what it's gonna look like. You know, we know what's gonna happen. It's listen, it's not anything we can overcome. Let me be very blunt. We can overcome Nancy Pelosi, trust me. And if anything, it makes a little more fun. But I'd rather have the progress an American success over the fun part of dealing with, you know, the Democrats melting down every day the shot. Can I give some evidence that tell you about those great spokes today? The last four days I attended from Braun rally in Indianapolis, Indiana, which is now a Democrat stronghold. Well, well, the fifteen thousand people and attendance, it was wonderful. Yesterday I attended to Fort Wayne Rally. This is Joe Donnelly's backyard the rally of the President Mike Braun over thirty thousand people by source. As an employee at the Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne. Today, I went by my church. It's a polling place, and south of Indianapolis, over a hundred people were standing out outside the church to vote, many and wheelchairs. The movement that the President talks about like two thousand sixteen is alive. I think it's even greater. So the Americans are stepping up. You're affirming the President's agenda and supporting the Republican candidates throughout the country. And I hope and pray and you have helped this. Send Mike Braun to the Senate. Well, I couldn't agree with you more. Um, I've gotten to know a lot of these guys. He seems like a rock solid. I don't want to go too into anybody because they can you know, right, Linda, they can become Ben sass on us. But short of that, the nicknamer now sat Yeah, but you know, it's so funny. Ben's hass I looked the second week of his book, he sold less than three thousands. I told everybody wasn't gonna sell yeah, well yeah, well no, he wanted to start a fight with me so I would promote a stupid book. Yeah, all right, Gary, thank you for voting in Indiana. We need you out there. Eric is in Pennsylvania. Eric, Hi, how are you glad you called? Sir? What's going on? Hey, Sean, thanks for taking my call. Hey. I'm in the coal industry and I just want to get everybody, encourage everybody to go vote. I have worked forty four hours since Sunday. Throw miles, and I'm on my way now from eastern Kentucky. Yes, sir, Washington, Pennsylvania. Don't vote. Wow, I gotta pick up my beautiful wife and hopefully I have time to get to the poll. Well, I hope you make it, especially with that drive. They do have something, it's called an absentee ballot. Maybe next time you can take advantage of that instead of doing the round shrip. I was supposed to be uh supposed to be off my day Tuesday because of the voting. But I think change and you know you need to work. And since Trump's got in, I can tell you it's NonStop in this industry. I'll tell you one thing. The President didn't leave anything on the table. President put her all out there. Now he can't go campaign for all four and thirty five members of Congress UM, but he went out in all these important swing states like the ones we've been talking about Florida and Tennessee and certainly last night in Missouri, crowd was you know, pumped up and excited about getting out there to vote. And you know, I can feel an energy out there. I hope it's it translates into the votes that take place today. Every state will be to save. This is the thing that people forget. And I know a lot of you vote early, but the wind comes today. It's all about turnout on election day still, even in states with a lot of early voting, a lot of people at mail, for example in my Inntana. Today will be decided in Montana and Indianapolis and Missouri and Nevada and California and Arizona and New Jersey and West Virginia. It's all happening today. So, UM, I really admire you. And so what is specifically what do you What do you work? I worked at IT critical industry. I just cover multiple states and uh uh, we have a product going on here now we have to be everywhere. It seems like and uh, and that's what they're doing. I mean, we're pushing and I'm just hoping everyone that's uh it's just sitting at home or or or worked a little, you know, eight hour day to day that says they can't get to the polls. You know, I'm driving three seven miles right now to try to get home in time to vote. And uh, I just I just want everybody to at your vote counts. It really really does. And this election, with this kind of turnout, I don't want to forget our friend Ted Cruz in Texas either. I mean, the amount of money they've thrown at this poor guy, We've never seen anything like it. And these are not people that really that you know, how much of you know how much outside money by these left wing billionaire groups. I guess Bloomberger is one of them. George Soros has won, some guy what's his name, Stire, what's his name, Tom Styre, whoever he is. We're all the Republican billionaires. Why aren't they ponying up the same amount of money Republicans almost everywhere being outspent. And I'll tell you though, that the president, it's not the referendum that everybody thinks, and I want to go back to where I started at the beginning of the show today and because I know how the media is, anything that is is that they want. And you got to remember, they're invested in Trump losing. They want the president to lose, they want Pelosi to win, they want Schumer to win. They don't even really hide the fact of who they are and what they want. But people forget the history of midterm races. There is a lot of perspective here. I can go over every single mid term election um when when one party comes to power and takes the presidency, the mid term seat loss average is thirty seven percent, thirty seven rat thirty seven seats. And you know, you can look at the numbers and you see them and you say, okay, now that that makes sense, and you begin to understand it. For example, and I have not heard anybody in the media talk about this. You know, you start in you know, Bill Clinton, he did terribly in his first mid term and he lost what fifty three net seats? Fifty three Obama lost what sixty three? Obama lost another thirteen. So you know, if you want to look at somebody that had a devastating impact on the Democratic Party more than any other president in history. It's Obama and it's not. It's in large part because of his failed policies and they never translated well outside of certain big blue liberal states. And he lost over nine state legislative states, twelve governorship, sixty nine House seats, thirteen Senate seats, and his first mid term was by every measure and unmitigated disaster. And the same with Bill Clinton. So the media says, wow, this is a reflection on well, just look at the presidencies of Obama and Clinton. If in fact, things don't go well for Republicans tonight a lot of times too. You know, you have some bad candidates out there. You also have some reciprocal or residual better is a better word, anger towards Republicans because they didn't keep their promises on a lot of things. All right, back to our phones, as we say hi to Madison, Virginia. A couple of key house races we're watching. They are, including our good friend Dave Bradis in Virginia. Barbara Comstock District in northern Virginia is a tight race all the time. What's going on, Hey, Sean, how are you today? Thank you so much for taking my call. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you, sir, absolutely so. UM, two things real quick. The first one is said, there was some information that was sent out about there was some problems with pulling in Missouri. Um. There were two lines set up for people to go in and to uh to vote, and somehow people were standing in the wrong line for hours on end and then ended up finding out that they were in the wrong line to go get a ticket. So that'll be interesting to see how that ends up coming out. UM. And then the second thing is is that, UM, since my daughter has been born she's five years old now, every year I take her with me to go vote, and I try to make sure that every single time that I do it that I'm constantly telling her that if she wants her voice to be hurt, she has to go out and vote when she is of legal age. This is how you make change. You make change, and you you support the changes that are made by going out and voting and voting for what you believe in your heart is the right decision. And uh so I've I've continued to do that over and over again. My dad taught me at a very young age, like, you know, you can't complain about something until after you've already done it. Uh. So that's what I do, is I go out and make sure that I vote, and everybody, please, Virginia has got to turn red. We've got to get this done. It's getting harder and harder in Virginia because all the DC bureaucrats have moved into the northern Virginia and it just makes it that much harder. Um, look, I think it's good advice. Let me let me give people one recommendation. One year, I went in and I voted, and I I kind of took a shot of my ballot and I tweeted it out. That was dumb. Apparently all these people you can go to jail for this. I'm like, oh, good grief. The best part was I think who was the famous The other famous person that did it the same year was a Beyonce. It was somebody Blenda. You were remember that years ago and I got in trouble for that. I gotta look at that. I don't remember. You don't remember. You never remember when I get in trouble. That would be you have to remember every single day. Well, you and I have different versions of what's you know, I just um, it should be easy. We've never had two years of a transformation like this economically. Now. I know, maybe stylistically some people don't like the president, but look at two years, four and a half million new jobs, four point three million fewer Americans on food stamps, four million of our fellow Americans lifted out of poverty. We have a million more jobs available in this country. Then we actually have people on unemployment four thousand manufacturing jobs, the jobs that Obama said they're never coming back, they're back. You know, unemployment claim himes a forty nine year low median household income, the highest level ever recorded. Look at the records in fourteen states, demographically African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, vet's youth unemployment all record lows, record low unemployment for Americans without a high school diploma. You know, vets are going back to work. You know, we have all these people out of food stay off of food stamps, and out of poverty. What did I talk about in sixteen That's all I talked about, the forgotten men and women. It's working. We're the biggest tax cut in American history of manufacturers in this country. Now are optimistic about the future. The highest ever retail sales have been soaring the last year, you know, the biggest tax package and reform package in history. After the tax cuts, over three hundred billion dollars poured back into the US economy in the first quarter. He alone four point two GDP in the second quarter, three point five in the third quarter. It was Eric Trump. What's up? He tweeted out his ballot when he voted on election Day. No somebody else, Well, I'm reading the article Trump. Well, he might have done it too, but I think I think anyway, Look, how often have I talked over the many years I've been on radio about the lifeblood of our economy? Energy? Yeah, well, the Keystone XL, the Code of pipelines and war, all the regulations eliminated. Well, now we're the biggest oil producer in the world. Nobody beats us. Obamacare, individual mandate penalty gone, you know all. How about even little things like I love the fact that the president is partnering more people. I love the fact that the President says, hey, guess what, you know, what right to try? You're dying? You want to try experimental drug to save your life. You have the right to try. I love that freedom, you know, opioid epidemic, border security, all of these things that we've fought for. We wanted that. You know, we know what the Democrats want. They want higher taxes, they want their crumbs back, they want open borders, amnesty, sanctuary cities, no wall. We know they want to keep Obamacare. Good luck with that. And we know they want to investigate and impeach the president. That's what the fight will be if they win. And by the way, I'm gonna come out and they don't want conservative justices on the Supreme Court. And we're out of the Irbian deal and the US embassy it's moved to Jerusalem, with so many others, all of that, and there's a lot of success and that doesn't come easy, comes through hard work. All right, really short time here, Tyler, Atlanta. It's all forty seconds of you go. All right, man, just want to say I love the show. It was Jessica Bill and justin Timberlake. They were taking selfies and video and posts online when they were voting for Hillary back a couple of years ago. Why don't think I'll google that in a minute, um, all right, well, thanks for telling us Tyler at WSB, we appreciate it. Eight dying pool and Shawn, We're gonna go to Florida when we get back. All indications are Florida's tight, George's tight, Missouri's tight, Indiana's tight, and Nevada is tight, and Arizona and Montana are all tight. That's that's the word I'm getting on the ground from everybody. We'll have more information in the next hour. Coming up next our final news round up and information overload, our alright, news round up, Information overloaded. It's an election day and what what? What? Why are you starting in? What? No? I just you know when you're right, you're right, Sewan, so you know it's the one is right about what. It's like a Fox News alert. I need to let you know that you're right. I gotta tell the last night hold. I'm still hitting the Sanda. Um. The best part is, so people meet you last night and you start talking and they go or Linda, it was really funny. It was what are you talking about? How did you know it was me? Well? The whole thing too, is that after we had the conversation about Missouri, Missolura from I used to having Ann Elizabeth, you go, cousin Bobby from Missoura and who my, it's my it don't ask, it's what was my father's sister, lovely lady, really wonderful woman, and you know, but she was older growing up, and she always at Missouri. I said, it's Missouri, It's Missouri. Don't you know? Not to argue with you. Why do you think I became an incorrigible talk show host. I can't imagine why um so much at steak It is the day you'll tune in tonight. I've been warning you for weeks watching coverage. Some points she'll be happy, some points you'll be sad. It's an emotional roller coaster, tough races in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee with Marsha Blackburn. Marsha Blackburn's gonna be a great senator Tennessee. You won't regret that Brettison what a phony. Look what he thought of you. Look at those tapes by Project Veritas. Look at the tapes in Missouri about Claire mccaskell. You know, I I agree with Obama. You know once every doesn't tell the people of Missouri that she wants to do all these things, but she just she had his votes for everything. Obama wants, nothing that Trump wants. But she says she's a moderate, you know. And then all these campaigns, Bretticon, mccaskell, High Camp, Um Tester, Cinema, all these people, what do they do? They all are on tape lying, Gill him all lying. Gilham had to fire that guy. What do you say? There's a cracker state guy working in the Guilham campaign. Like good Grief project Veritas did a lot of work. But here's what I've heard now as I have used the last two breaks to make a lot of phone calls, and basically every single thing that we thought coming into the election, including Texas, Ted Cruz, everything take nothing for granted. Today all of you have time to vote. All of you in New Jersey have time to vote. West Virginia, Indiana, North Dakota, Montana, Nevada, Arizona. All of you have time to vote. Missouri is a day of voting. State. You have time to vote. Marcia Blackburn Florida, Texas. Look at ported Cruise. Ted Cruise has been I've never seen that much money thrown against one man in my life. And the voting is very high. We're told almost the levels we expect that to continue. We have a lot of key toss ups. All four and thirty five House seats are in play the balance of power. And the weirdest thing is, you know, the balance of power is gonna maybe be tipped in states that we're not paying a whole lot of attention to. But I've been talking about at length. You know, states like California. California is a big state in terms of there's five southern California House seats that could tip the balance of power anyway. One of the states we always know is close, always tight, always tough, always difficult to read, is the great state of Florida, the Sunshine State. The Attorney general from that state, Pam Bondi, I wanted you to run for the Senate and governor. Why didn't you run? Thank you, my incourageable friend. We've got right now, We've got Rick Scott, he's going to be our senator. And rotten boy, you really dodge that question like a like a liberal Democratic senator. Hillary Clinton could have danced around that question any better. Hey, we've got two great men out there, and people, please, just like Sean said, this is what we've been doing all day, telling everybody get out and vote. If you're driving home from work now and you voted, call your stouf, call your friends, call your co workers. This race and I hope we're wrong, but this is going to be a close race. So people, you have got to get out and vote. Please. What did you think of the early voting numbers based on previous years, Well, you know, we I think we're doing okay so far. On election day, the GOP we had over a hundred and fifty six thousand people ahead ballot lead. So that's a plus. Usually Republicans in Florida are behind on election day and make it up on election day. Isn't that true? Uh? You know, I can't explain Florida and Republicans, but people, I think we have a lot. Well, we have so many great retired folks here and people just love to vote on election day. I voted this morning and there was a line out the door. Um, I haven't voted yet. I'm voting right after this program. So so so so anybody who hasn't voted, go vote. Please, even if you have to wait in line. It's worth it because they do souls to the polls. We know that the other side. We just have got to get out there. Especially can I talk about Florida for ten seconds, to talk about him for ten minutes, whatever you want, Thanks, Okay. So, so we've got we've got Bill Nelson, who has been in office his entire adult life, basically for forty two plus years, who has voted for higher taxes over three hundred times. Only one percent of his bills had passed less than I believe. And that's when he happens to show up versus Rick Scott, who has turned our state around. I mean, he knows Sean, everybody wants to move to Florida. We have low taxes, We've brought in way over a million jobs with Rick as governor. He this man has done so much for our state. He works tirelessly, and he's going to do that for our country and he's going to support President Trump. And that's why we have got to get him. And the thing is, Pam, and I've gone through there's a number of times during the program. I mean, there's so much success in two short years, and we had eight years of failure, and part of that failure was somebody like Bill Nelson. You know, I saw the President giving a speech down in Florida this weekend. I think you were in the crowd there, and he started saying, I've never heard from him. Now I can tell you how hard I know that Rick Scott were for the people of Florida because I got to know him personally. I actually think he's a friend at this point because he was up in New York constantly, him, Bobby Jendle and Rick Perry always up in New York. I'm like, what are you guys doing up here all the time? You got a girlfriend? What you know? Something going on? Something something, there's some scandal here. No. Well, now, they were stealing companies from New York, and by the way, they did it successfully. And they were all fighting against each other to bring big business down to their states. And they did it because of minimal regulation, low taxes, a better better weather, a better lifestyle, and they were successful. They were up here all the time. Rick Scott was here lived a period times and he was successfully bringing jobs and businesses and investment down to Florida. Sean. He was all over the country. I would tell him to say, hey, Rick, I had a rumor where this business is looking at relocating demand would be on a plane the next day meeting with the CEO of Income to Florida. Smart I mean, I mean and Gilham wants who would want a tax? They ended up all the spending that Gilham is proposing in Medicare for all and of course impeaching trumps. Horrible record on law enforcement, by the way, the single worst city Tallahassee in terms of crime. Thank you very much, Andrew Gillham. Um, but you've got all this outside money that's poured in. You know, the two guys that the liberal media have wanted to prop up the most are Andrew Gillham and boz O O'Rourke in Florida and not Texas Texas. Mhmm. That's right. So so we've we've got Gillham who and Stacy Abrams, I should say, in Atlanta, right, But let me talk about yell him. This is a guy who, again Tallahassee was a disaster. His opponent okay, who worked for him, not his opponent, I'm sorry, the guy who's running to replace him as mayor, who used to work with gill Him says our cities on paraphrasing and shambles our crime rates through the roof. You need me to fix it. The guy running to replace Gill him from mayor who worked for him. So that's how bad he was, you know, versus Rhan DeSantis, My gosh, there's no comparison. Yeah, like number one, a JAG officer, you know, forget that. He is a war veteran and he's he's an he fought for our country. He loves our country. He will be a great governor. And he's going to follow what ricks Gott has done and not raise taxes. Well, lose all the businesses. It's going to set us back year. I don't know how we can recover if Gilham gets elected. And that's why people, you've got to get out and vote and the whole Republican ticket. This is why Florida has been such an economic paradise for people because of the the incentive of living there. Like for example, there's a New York state income tax, three city tax. I got a county tax, and I live in the second highest property uh property state county in America. Because I don't want to live in New York City. I mean, if I told you what I pay in taxes, you would it boggles your mind. And if I die in New York. I love when my financial guy tells me, whatever you do, don't die in New York. And I'm like, I'll really try and manage that. If I'm about to die, I'll tell you somewhere else. Yeah. Well, no, I have to be able to survive six months. I have a big heart attack, I get cancer. I have to live six months down in Florida in order to qualify. Otherwise New York comes in and rubs. They'll take the gold out of my teeth. If I had and I don't have, Why didn't you run? You would have you But you're one of the most popular political figures in Florida. Why didn't you run? A buddy? And Mi Mike is asking why you should have run for one of these positions? You know. Adam Putnam and I worked side by side for eight years together, and we had a conversation six years ago and he wanted to run, and I told him I wouldn't run. And I keep my word. I'm loyal. And now Ron is our dominie and I've been traveling with Ron and Casey de Santis for the last two days and Rudy Giuliani and Laura Trump. And we've had a great crew going top to bottom South Florida to the Panhandle. We've been going all over the state and with Rick's God, of course, and we've got a great ticket now, and that's what matters and getting these two great men elected. Hey, I love my office. You know how much I love the attorney generalists. Frankly, I'm sad today because I'm I'm gonna have to leave a job that I love. But Ashley Moody is going to be a great Attorney General. And I wanted to be a better attorney to the role than I was, because that's what you want when you love an office. We've got Matt calledwell for our advocate Commissioner, Jimmy petronis chief financial officer. We've got to keep let me let me say this in the next I guess the polls closed. What at seven in Florida? What do they close? Hand? We've got a different honestly, and this is just the truth. The people that vote and go out, especially Southwest Florida, the ip Ipour, Carter, the Panhandle, the villages, I know those. It's it's cocktail hour down there. Now. Everybody down there needs to go vote because this is this is where this election is going to be one in the next two hours. This is it. That's right, it will be, It will be. And if people can't take anything for granted. You know, folks at the villages, we love you, get out and vote. I know they do though sun City Center. Um, this is all I four corridor. Everybody in you just folks that love to vote on election day, get out and vote because the other side they're voting. I gotta let you go. But uh, Secretary of State Florida, Pam BONDI. When we come back, we'll take a lot of calls closing arguments. It's election day. We the people, you, the people still have the power. Every state is open, the polls are open. Shocked the world. We get the government we deserve, whatever it happens to be. And as we roll along Shawan Hannity Show, one Sewn Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Look, all these Senate races are gonna matter. I mean, I want to go over some of the history of what I was talking about before. Um, because history really matters, especially when you're talking about you know, mid term elections and it's it's kind of hard to understand and wrap your your arms around. In twenty one mid term elections held for only twice has the president's party gained seats in the House and the Senate. FDR's first midterm election and George W. Bush's first mid term that was right after nine eleven. Three other occasions president's party gained houses in the House, uh once it was a draw. One occasion, only the president's party gained seats in the Senate. You realize if the president gained seats in the Senate will only be the second time. And since you know, if you go to twenty ten, you know, Democrats, this is the first midterm of Obama. They lost sixty nine seats, sixty three in the House, six in the Senate. That's Obama's first mid term while Obama was president. And right after, of course, the healthcare bill. If you go to ninety four, this is Bill Clinton's first mid term. Democrats lost sixty seats, fifty two in the House, eight in the Senate. Bill Clinton. Both Clinton and Obama went on to real action fairly easily just two years later. I don't know why the history is that way. In some ways, it makes sense. Maybe it's always you know, the party that's pushing driving the agenda, you know, and and all the negative pushback, especially that it's been against Trump. It's been you know, fairly remarkable. But you know that history is that history. Anyway, the push for the Senate is where it really is tonight. Wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats took the House. Um. That's why voting in Florida, Tennessee, and North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Missouri very important, Nevada, Arizona all matters, even New Jersey and West Virginia. We'll get to more of that information when we get back quick break, right back. We'll continue alright to the top of the hour. It's election day, every state in play. I'm getting some data now in all of these breaks. Is we come back from break Listen, Florida is as tight as it can be. I am being told it could go either way. The Panhandle Southwest Florida are crucial unless you want Andrew Gilham and do nothing. Bill Nelson back in the Senate. Tennessee, Marcia Blackburn, get out and vote. Missouri. Day of state, everybody, it's all about today. If you want Josh Holly to win that race, which he should win against. Claire mccaskell is just pretending the last two weeks to be a moderate when she's anything. But if you look at the state of Nevada, so important Dean Heller get reelected in Nevada, then you've got you know, war hero Martha McSally going up against the single most radical leftist on any ballot this year. Oh, it's fine to join the Taliban Kristen Cinema. Going into today, Cinema had a lead, So day of voting means everything now in Arizona, Montana is totally in play now that the libertarian has dropped out. John Testa last Pole is down by three to Rosendale, but about half the votes were in before the libertarian dropped out, which means that you need a lot of day of voting and the same would go for Don't take North Dakota for granted either where Heidi high Camp remember, you know, just a full on total Chuck Schumer Democrats. They are Joe Donnelly. If you're in Indiana, don't fall for his trick. He's urging people to vote libertarian because he knows he can't win straight up against the Republican In that case, Mike Brawn would be a great senator. Then you got West Virginia and even New Jersey. Day of voting, all day of voting in New Jersey and Bob Menendez one of the most corrupt senators in Washington. Anyway, Lindsey Graham, the great senator from South Carolina is with us. How are you you know what kind of um information you've been all over the country in the last couple of weeks. What kind of information you get him from the states you're talking to? Very good? Uh, fourteen states and ten days. Number one, the president has been all by the way, you sound like Trump. You said, I don't think you have as nice and Playton. No, I don't, and I didn't do as much as long as he did. But no president and probably the history of the Republican Party of the country has done more to help in the mid terms. Holds with the Vice president yesterday. So there's three sets of threes. If you haven't voted in the states that you just talked about, you better go vote. If you're a Republican and you're not voting based on Kavanaugh, the caravan, and this economy, you're legally dead, so go out and vote. Uh So, here three sets of three Tennessee, Nevada, and Arizona. I am highly confident Tennessee We're gonna win. I think Big Heller has got the best operation of anybody I've seen out west. McSally's in a dog fight. Is the fighter pilot versus the you know, the sympathizer. Yeh. By the way, how do you get away with saying not? And by the this weekend she had an opportunity to correct herself and apologize, just like she did in one of the debates. Yeah, how does kristin cinema get away with saying the people Alabama, Alabama, Arizona are crazy? The people of Alabama is a meth lab of democracy. They're crazy. In a Lindsay Lohan way, she wears a pink to to why Martha McSally's flying, you know, bomber bombing flights over Afghanistan and then she says it's okay for Americans to join our enemy the Taliban after nine eleven. Well, it shows you high end the tank, the media and in Arizona is for cinema. None of this is really you know, in the urned media. We had to report it ourselves. Thank god for talk radio and in McSally's campaign. So I'm just going to get to the bottom line. I think it's a big night for Republicans in the Senate. I think we pick up three, three to five seats. I really believe that. I think we're gonna win Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota. I think Rick Scott, you know, I know what you're saying about being close. I have utmost confidence in him. So I'm saying, uh, three to five at the minimum, three to five. Alright, so we broke it into threes. Do your threes again. Let me say all right, so all right, just just remember this. So you got Tennessee, Arizona, and Nevada. What do they have in coming? They're all Republican hells. We have to hold the right. Let's just say, you know, I think we're gonna win them all. Let's say you win two of the three that takes you to fifty. Then you got Missouri, Nevada, Indiana. Trump won big, great candidates on our side. I think we sweep those three that takes you to fifty three. The next three or Montana, Florida, and West Virginia. Trump is one big and all those three states. Of two of the three states, Rick Scott's won twice as governor. Even if you did one of the three, that takes you to fifty four, We're gonna win Texas. I'm feeling good about it. Just remember those three sets of threes. You know. Um, look, people don't understand. Why do you think it is? And I've been going through the history of this. If you go back to this is the first midterm of Obama, Democrats lost sixty nine seats, sixty three in the House, six in the Senate. If you go back when Bill Clinton was president, it was another disaster for the for the Democrats. And that was and in that year what we had, uh what fifty to build the Democrats lost sixty six two in the House, eight and the Senate. So that's when I came in. There's only two times. Do you realize this that Republicans actually one time that Republicans have actually a president's party has gained a seat in the Senate only one other time since nineteen thirty four. This would be the second point. Well, a lot of it is to do with President Trump. Two thirds of the people voting in the exit polls said it was about President Trump. The economy is good, jobs are growing, wages are growing, We're safer. Okay, why would people want to stop that? In the unemployment rate was over ten, the Republicans had a wipeout year. Obama got, you know, Shell Act, as he said, the economy was bad, we were going nowhere quick, Obamacare, the stimulus package, dot frank look at two years into the Trump presidency, historically low unemployment. Jobs are growing at a very fast paced GDP is beyond what anybody believed. And we're safer. So here's why I think we're going to do well. You'd have to be sort of crazy to want to go backwards. But you know, you say that, but there isn't een flow to political cycles. You know, I actually went back and I looked at all of the mid terms that have ever happened in this country. I can take you back to thirty four and I go there, Uh, Franklin, Delano, Roosevelt did well. But you move further up and you got don't look at for example, Clinton, he lost fifty two House seats, eight Senate seats, and then Obama sixty three House seats and six Senate seats. That's seven, that's sixty nine. And I'm thinking, you're telling me we have a chance to pick up seats in the Senate the houses. You know, I don't know what your prediction is on the House. I can't read it. Well, well, let me tell you what I think is gonna happen. Now, what's the difference between ninety four who had a big Republican wave. Clinton was a very bad president in his first two years. We made him a better president after we got got control of the House. Statement well, and and Obama was a disaster. Dot Frank Obamacare and the stimulus that you didn't even get a T shirt for where his first two years? Look at the unemployment rates and just look where we are today. So the House, the problem we have is that forty four Republicans retired. This is the biggest problem we have is we got so many open sea from retirement. If half of those people that stayed in their job, we would keep the House. But we do have a lot of open seats. Suburban areas have kind of gone the other way. I think we're gonna surprise people. I don't know what it's gonna be like in the House. But the better we do in the Senate, if we have fifty four senators, which I think we will, the losses in the House are gonna be a lot less than what people predicted, and we might actually hold onto it. That's pretty amazing. Look, I don't know what's gonna happen tonight. I don't have a crystal ball. I will say this, I've gotten um. Look at where we are. Four and a half million new jobs, four point three fewer million Americans on food stamps, four million Americans out of poverty, those manufacturing jobs, over four hundred thousand unemployment, forty nine year low, record low unemployment for Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans. Women in the workplace are vets. Youth unemployment, median income is all time records four point two percent GDP three point five third quarter of GDP. I mean. And by the way, the President keeps promises slashing regulations. I says, uh uh, just about destroyed, right, pretty much, That's what I keep reading. I hope, I hope to forget the sake of going to keep them destroyed. But we're the military is stronger, our enemies are weaker. The Rhon deal, we got out of it. You know, we're breaking the runs back. The problem is that most people don't know everything you just said. You have to actually literally listen to your show to get this because if you're wanting the media to tell you this on the other side, they'll never tell you. Know. They are fake news. I say it every day. It's it's actually sad. They're not only fake news. I don't know if you watched any of these other channels in the last week, they've gone insane. They literally racist, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi Nazi racist, you know, and it's like they're the anyway, Lindsey Graham, now you're up in twenty right, yeah, yeah, And I want to be chairman the Judiciary Committee. If the Ristly moves over, he's done a great great this. Let's just think we pick up a couple of Senate seats whereft like I think will be. That means that there's gonna be more conservative judges. We can miss a one or two votes and still get somebody confirmed. The biggest winner of the Senate majority Republican majority growing will be the Judiciary. That would be a huge deal. If I'm chairman the Judiciary Committee, We're gonna keep you know, confirming judges. We're gonna look at the FBI. We're gonna look at d o J in terms of what they did in the election. You know, Mueller is doing his thing. Somebody's gonna look at the FBI and d o J. We got a real opportunity here if we keep our majority to set the table for uh. Well said, and we saw what they did to Brent Covanaugh. Honestly, he wouldn't have gotten through but for your moment where you just had had it and you just laid it out, and that was a powerful moment for you. And thank goodness you did what you did. Und South Carolina is great. You know there's a teakhouse down there. I was down there once at Hall's Steakhouse. Yes, people are amazing. I was in Cape Girardo last night. The people, you know, the people of this country are amazing. I know you just got back. You're on tour and I've been on all around the country. The people that they're so wonderful, that people in this country, and they deserve the government like they're getting now. They deserve success, they deserve opportunity is working. Keep it going, and I'll talk to you later. Thanks all right, Lindsey Graham, thanks for being with us. Eight hundred nine one Sean. Look, every one of you has the opportunity still devote everybody that I've talked to, I've in the course of these three hours, I have talked to people in every key state, every member of Congress. That race matters Democrats. I have friends in newsrooms. They're they're they're preparing the time that they can tell you tonight that Nancy Pelosi is speaker. That is the absolute you know, some of these liberal news networks. I have spies. They are preparing to announce chief Speaker. And I asked, well, do you have any exit poll data. No, they're just assuming that the polls are right, so we don't know. Two years ago, you shocked the world, and as a result, we have now taken this country from a horrible trajectory. Thirty million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate and since the seventies home ownership rate, lowest and fifty one year's worst recovery since the forties, more debt than every other president before him combined, never a year. Only president in history no three never, never to reach three percent GDP growth in a single year, in less than two years. Maybe you don't like Trump's style, but his policies of cutting regulation, red tape, burdensome regulation for business, fighting to get businesses back, new trade, the lls with Europe and with Canada and Mexico. What does it resulted? Four and a half million new jobs, four point three million fewer Americans on food stamps, four million Americans lifted out of poverty, Manufacturing jobs came back, four thousand unemployment forty nine year low, record low unemployment African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans. You know, historically low unemployment for women in the workplace, vets, youth unemployment, median income record highs. Four point two percent GDP growth in the second quarter of three point five in the third quarter. This is the President's slashing regulations and keeping promises, the biggest tax cut in history. You know, opened up energy, Keystone XL Pipeline, Dakota Access Pipeline, and war save the coal industry. You know, new trade deals, NAFTA, get us out of job killing Paris accord. You know, never mind, what he's done with Isis and with the one sided nuclear deal with the RAN and we're not dropping cash on their on their tarmax or what we did with Little rocket Man. No more rockets being fired over Japan. All of you hearing my voice now have the ability to get up, get out and vote. You have time. I'm about to finish this radio show in eleven minutes, and my next stop will be to vote as many of you are. We'll talk about the results tomorrow. We'll get the government we deserve. We can handle anything. Yes, Linda, Rhonda Santis has decided to call us in because the panhandles so important. We got a couple of minutes. Get Rhonda Santas on. Rhonda Santas, our good friend here. How are you, Rhonda Santis? Yes, sir, we need you in Florida. How's it going today? What are you looking at? I'll tell you what you know. We started today from the early and absentee voats, eighty thousand Republican ballot ahead of word. President Trump started when he won Florida, and we are seeing huge Republican turnout. I would just say anybody listening, get to vote before seven o'clock because you can help power a real red wave in Florida. That will bring me as governor, and we'll bring Rick Scott to the U. S. Senate. So we are really the panhandling Southwest Florida turnout Sean Southwest Florida is just totally off the hook. I mean, I it's a presidential level of Republican turnout and Callier in Lead counties mean part of that is, um, you know, the President did an event there recently. I've been helped. And then the Panhandle, Um, as of like three o'clock today, Bay County, which was the county most affected by Hurricane Michael, they had already exceeded the total votes cast in all of the election. So they're gonna have record mid term turnout. These are people who had to deal with all this storm and yet they want to vote. And these are Republican voters who are coming out. We're gonna have a historic mid term turnout. I think we may have over eight million votes when all of a sudden, is going to be slightly below the presidential turnout, but it's gonna be way higher than Yeah, So anyone that's still out there, get there because your vote is gonna matter. And this is a really really big deal. Remember the pan Handle if I mistake and then polls closed there an hour later at eight correct, that's right. So if you're in the East Easter everywhere else outside the Panhandle, you got an hour in ten minutes. Just get to the polling place. You're there in line. If you're there in line at sixty nine, you can you build. Yeah, you get to vote, and then the Panhandle obviously that's the same thing, six fifty nine Central time. So you have two more hours, few hours and ten minutes. Yeah, absolutely so and work. But we like what we're seeing, and um, look, this is gonna be a good success story, Sean. You ticked off everything, and what it's showing is even though the Democrats are charged, and even though they turned out a lot more people partially because they're upset at the president, the voters appreciate the direction Florida and the country's going. And there was fond into that. And I think it's a really really good could be a great story, you know, if we're able to bring up I think we will. I saw the liberal media go so all in on your opponent, Gil him, even with the corruption, even with his police comments, even with his plan for a forty percent business tax, and that would probably lead to a state income tax. And here you are, you know, Harvard Yale, you served in Iraq jag officer. How many years did you serve? Five years active duty and then reserve since then? Yeah, and it's amazing because you know, you're right. Governor Scott did a great job. I think he'll make a great senator if he can pull this off against Bill Nelson. And similarly Florida, I hate I shudder at the thought of a forty state income business income tax down there. Oh yeah, and he would. He wants a state income tax. He's not willing to admit that, but that's when he wants. He's a Bernie Sanders guy. And once we do that, Florida done. Um, guys like you are gonna want to ever move down here. I mean, you know, Mount totally ruined the state exactly. So if he for some business tax, I'm done. I'm out. And when I once on, we once we bring this home tonight with the help of your listeners, um, and I get in as governor, will make sure that the next time Sean Hannity is voting, it's going to be down in Naples, Florida rather than in New York, so your vote will actually matter. Listen, I'm going to vote anyway. I'm doing it. I can't tell people to go vote and stay home and put my feet up and you know, drink a beer and watch the coverage. I never worked on election night, but um, it's just a tradition of mine. And just look at returns. I'll be looking heavily at the panhandle Southwest Florida. So important, the I four card are so important. And uh well, I just want to thank you, run to Santa's good luck. Looking forward to you and and and Rick Scott winning tonight. That would be awesome. If you pull that off, that's gonna be awesome. That's gonna be Thanks for all your help, Sean. Yeah, absolutely, take care, all right, my friend, Thank you, Sean. Look, everybody's got time, everything is made, everything is you know, there's um I will tell you there is a chance. Now. It's it goes against all what the prognosticators and experts and pundit say that the world could be shocked again tonight. And there's so many ways to define victory tonight. But I will tell you, if the Republicans hold the Senate and pick up seats. That is a massive win. It will only be the second time that's happened. Since the states that matter the most right now, they all matter Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri, Nevada, also Arizona, Montana, North Dakota, Indiana. We need you Indiana bad. We need you Missouri really bad, really really bad. You know. Then we've got West Virginia, maybe even New Jersey. Day of voting, Day of voting in Missouri. Turn out is everything in Missouri today, and and so many of these other states. Look, there's a lot at steak where Americans were tough. Will survive anything, But wouldn't it be more fun to survive winning. I'm not sick of winning yet. I do think we've got a lot more to do. I love that we I love to see all these Americans millions of jobs, millions out of poverty, millions off of food stamps. Energy independence is the future. We're now the biggest producer of energy on the planet thanks to the president deregulation, and we have all these manufacturing jobs coming back. I look abroad and I see, yeah, isis defeated, and Jerusalem is the capital. Promises that so many other presidents made couldn't keep I look at what's happened with North Korea, little rocket man, fire and fury, and now he's sending back remains of Americans from the fifties hostages. He's knocking down, you know, so of the plants where he's using to build nuclear weapons and talking about d nuclearization. The Iranians now have the toughest sanctions ever, new trade deals, NATO's paying more of their fair share. We've got a lot done in two years. Let's not go back. Are you better off than you were two years ago? That is what today is to me. Are we better off than we were two years ago? Well, this is the day we wait for. This is game time. Every state. You still have time to vote. God bless you. We'll talk about the results tomorrow. I'll be watching it with you as well. I never work on election night, Thank God, and put it on my contract. Alright, have a great night, quick break right back, we'll continue. Oh actually I'm out of time. All right, have an awesome election night. Let not your heart be troubled. Will square it out? Allowed for you tomorrow and go vote, vote, turn out