The Red Wave Can Happen - 8.9

Published Aug 9, 2018, 10:00 PM

Michigan's John James won his primary this past Tuesday and joins Sean to discuss what Republicans will need to do in order to create a red wave this November. President Trump's agenda has driven a strong economy and that remains the main path to success in just 89 days. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on

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Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean, and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recrupitative sleep he've been craving and deserve my pillow dot com promo coach on alright, eighty nine days the most important midterm election in your life. You know what this is about. We've got our grand plan that we have now put in place and really will be moving right after Labor Day. Uh full boar, when everyone gets back on their normal schedules. Full attention. One of the real stars who the President actually tweeted out and called the future star of the Republican Party, future Senator John James. This guy's an amazing background. Flew eight hundred hours in theater in Iraq or in Operation Iraqi Freedom, sorted eight years in the military, has more awards than uh, you know, just an incredible list of awards that he has. Then he takes a business and quadruples its wealth in a short period of time. Is a job creator. And I gotta tell you everything that I hear, in see and read about this guy. He's unbelievable. He's gonna join us later in the program today. I think the President's right. I think we got a future star in our hands. Although I did make a mistake once with Sassy Ass. I thought, you know, I thought he had the potential of being somebody that could be a real breakout star. I hope his days in Nebraska are are soon numbered. I'd love to see him get primary. He deserves to be out. I mean, he's he offered so much hope. Anyway, I was listening to a tape of John James, and I was I don't get impressed with politicians very often. This guy's life, his background, his experience, his success, his service. I mean, it's an amazing life story. And I love to see that that's what it should be for all of us here in America. Uh, in my opinion, all right, we got we got so much deep state news. We're gonna get to I promise, Uh, I'm not gonna get that deep into the election from the other night. I do have a couple of sidebar notes on that. One is pretty funny. You know, the win or of tuesday nights primary Democratic primary in Michigan, you know, widely celebrated as somebody that was going to be the first Muslim woman ever elected to Congress. That's fine, that's great. Uh, But that was before She told a TV interviewer today that if she wins, she intends to vote against Nancy Pelosi to continue as the House Minority leader. God forbid, never speaker anyway. I need someone who's connected with different levels of poverty going on in her district, she said, adding that Pelosi's troubling support of big banks wouldn't put her people first. And asked if she thought Pelosi was a Democratic sellout, she responded, well, I don't know, but all I can tell you is she doesn't speak about the issues that are important to the families of the thirteen congressional district, and they are a priority for me. They're the ones that put me here. They're the ones who put faith in me, and I have to listen to them, and I have to make sure I never back down and don't sell allow personally. You know what good for her? I mean? And I know she's a Democrat, but I love the fact that she's you know, starting So many people say the right things. They get to Washington, and it's like the culture shifts dramatically and changes, and they want to be you know, this is a lesson for life. Don't want to be like that much? What do you mean we all want to be liked? Of course, I'm in a business where if enough of you don't like me, I don't have a microphone on this on your radio station, and I don't have a camera in front of me every night. So do I need people to like me? Yeah, but I'm not gonna sell my soul to be liked. And there's a difference. You know, I watched um all of these people that once claimed in their careers to be conservative and they end up on you know, fake news CNN or conspiracy TV, MSNBC. They end up there and they become huge, huge, massive liberals. They don't even, for example, put labels aside, but label like all of this talk about Trump is a nationalist. No, he's not governing as an a nationalist. He's not governing uh in that vein what do they also say about him? And a populist? He's a populist. He's and you know, okay, saying American first or America first, Well, every country does that. Actually, I think we're the only country that doesn't say, you know, our country should come first the American people. How do we help people around the world. We don't help our own people first. It's another way to put it. You know, We've got to get every American working. That's why I keep pointing out all these economic numbers matter so much because they're millions of real people. Are American family, American jobs. This this is American kids were raising. That's why I'm hoping the President does something In Chicago. I'm praying to God we don't have another weekend like last weekend. People shot twelve dead. I don't know if anymore passed away. Others were fighting for their lives. This is one city, you know, this is American treasure. Rama Manuel actually said it's up to the communities to fix this, and I'm like, no, the communities have police that protect and serve the people. That's why we pay all that money in taxes in Illinois, in Chicago in particulars up a highly tax city. And we're not protecting the people of Chicago, and all these people are dying and we're not doing anything. And I you know the fact that state representatives in Illinois are saying, all right, forget Rama manual. He's an idiot. They're asking the president to go in I hope he. I don't know if he's heard. I hope he does, and I hope when he does that he gets in there. It can help out, help to say we need to create safer neighborhoods for our fellow Americans. Is an American city, but the president does govern to me as a Reagan Conservative, which I have been my whole life, but again it's labels. He believes in originalism in terms of judicial appointments, in other words, not legislating from the bench, not getting, not doing, and the judicial branch that which you could never do with the ballot box or in the legislative branch, which is what liberals always hope for because they can never run on what they really want to believe. Um, he is a believer in limited government, ending the bureaucracy, tax cuts to stimulate the economy and and create jobs. You know, a nation without borders is not a nation Reagan. Reagan said he believes in securing our nation's borders, but he even talks about a big door where we want to be an inclusive society. There's also you know, countries like New Zealand and Australia, they have merit based immigration. If you have particular skills that are necessary that are gonna help create jobs that are gonna that are needed for big business in the country, so we can be more competitive. Yeah, I think they should get a top priority. So what other countries do. I don't think that's necessarily a horrible thing. And then if we ask people, if you're gonna come in, you gotta be able to take care of yourself. That's not that much to ask for. Don't ask the American taxpayers and just do it legally so we know you want to be a part of our family. I don't really give a flying rip where you come from. My grandparents, the eternal the last century, came here with nothing from Ireland. They were literally dirt poor, nothing, you know, ten bucks in their pocket, good luck, have fun in America. They didn't have the greatest lives. They didn't have, but they were happy. They wanted to build the future for their children. They did, and then their children wanted to build the future for for me. They did. I'm trying to build the future for my kids. I'm I'm hopefully succeeding on some level, and you know, we all stand on on the shoulders of those that come before us. I want everybody in the world to have that opportunity. But you know, think about this too. If America's economy recovers and comes back, it benefits everybody worldwide. The world benefits when America is standing tall and strong economically and on foreign policy. I mean, whether we like it or not, you know, we are the greatest, last, best hope for man on this earth, and we better remain moral and true. And we're not perfect. We all know that. We had a president last time that apologized, you know, daily for America, went on an apology tour. We're not perfect. But you know what, if America is strong, if America's economy is strong, if America is strong militarily, and and we can stare down threats from rogue nations like Tehran, which we're doing and is working well, the world is gonna be better off. It means the people in other countries are gonna be better off. We get trade deals that that have reciprocity, everybody does better. Anyway, back to the election for a second. It's funny to watch Bill Nelson down in Florida. He's actually getting ready now to create an excuse about why he's gonna lose down there to Governor Rick Scott. Rick Scott is a rock star. I really got to know him. Rick Scott was up here with Bobby Jendall and Rick Perry. They're always up in New York? Like, what why are you guys? Always here? They call and say, you know, we'd like to come on the show or we're available if you need us. All right, come on, I'd look to have you. Why are you here? Oh, we're here to steal New York businesses. We're here to entice them with with less regulation, lower taxes, and we're gonna show how it's worth their while to move to our state to great jobs in our states. Wasn't that kind of what Trump is saying? You know again the label nationalist, populist, whatever. You know, these are conservative principles. And if you have a better economic environment for business, and you're telling business is a meeting with businesses, and you're like, well, you would have made another fifteen million and you could have hired four more people if you came to our state. Uh. I think if I'm a businessman, I'm gonna say that's a good idea. Oh in the weather is better. Oh and the home prices are cheaper. Oh and uh yeah, we got a thriving environment. Anyway. So yesterday Nelson telling the Tampa Bay Times that Russian operatives have already penetrated certain counties in Florida and that they now have free reign to move about. He's lost his mind. And then Nelson said something similar earlier the day in Tallahassee. That's classified, he said, and he outlines a scenario in which which Russian entities have stripped voters of their registration in order to cause disorder with American democracy. He's scared. Bleep lists, you know that that the governor did a great job in Florida's I can't see Rick Scott not winning. He deserves to win. Look at his hands on approach when the hurricanes came down there. Well, by the way, there is a NewsBusters article about how the media blaming climate change for California wildfires, but of course ignoring forestry policy and land use factors. You know, of course, first it was global coolly, the ice age is coming. I was in the seventies. Then it was global warming, and that didn't work out so well with the statistics, then they just say climate change. So if it's hot, it's where our fault is your human beings. If it's called our fault, it's capitalism's fault. I guess we should all, you know, live in a I don't know, a tent in our backyards, right, bicycles to work every day. The planet has a fever, Yeah, has a fever. Fever. Crazy insane politicians like Al Gore, every single president chill candidate that loses, they go nuts. They all think they're gonna win. You know who else goes nuts? The people that ran their campaigns, they go nuts too. They can't believe they lost. Back up, you creepy whoa, whoa? What's the uh? Well I'm gonna get Nancy Pelosi tells audience vote Democratic to give illegal aliens leverage. That's also part of it. Uh, We've got a lot on the deep state. Mueller's case against Manafort apparently now is on a little bit of jeopardy. New emails showing Christopher Steele colluding with Putin, connected Oligarch and Bruce or the fourth highest ranking remember the Justice Department, both before and after the election. Um by the way, so he isn't interesting New York Times piece. You know, Mataport's being prosecuted for tax evasion. Where's the prosecution of alh Arpten. I'll give you the details. And we've got also uh, Trump rules now with bar welfare payments to new immigrants, which you know what, if you're gonna come here, we want you in the country, but you gotta be able to take care of yourself. Oh and Sharpton says he may actually run in I'm not making that up. Uh. Oh. And you got one New York Times columnist urging colleagues to conspire so they can torpedo Trump. That would be called their newspaper on a daily basis. That's all they do. All right, we'll get to all of that and much more one Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Uh, A lot of news breaking on the deep state. Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett, who the President said is the next rock star the Republican Party, John James Michigan Senate candidate. But alright, as we were all along Shawan Hannity show, Uh, so much happening with regards to the deep state. I want to just give you some headlines on it before we get into some more of the details, and we'll have Greg and Sarah joining us as well. You know, we've been outlining now for a couple of days. How these new emails and correspondence between Christopher Steele and of course Bruce Or, the fourth highest ranking member of the d o J and Nellie Or, Bruce's wife worked for Fusion GPS. That's the group that put together the Hillary Clinton bought and paid for phony dossier with Russian lies from the you know, foreign agent. Uh, Christopher Steele, who himself doesn't even stand by his own dossier. Now we've got new emails showing Christopher Steele colluding with Putin, connected with a Putin connected oligarch. It's just what's happening here is every day now it's getting worse then I thought it was going to even be. I knew there was a lot more coming, and I'm told there's really a lot more coming, and there's gonna be a pretty big bomb dropping tonight at nine PM My show. And emails in team between you know, Christopher Steele, top Justice Department official Bruce Or, suggesting Steele was deeply concerned about the legal status of a putent link Russian oligarch and at times seemed to be advocating on the oligarch's behalf. Meanwhile, they're conspiring to spread the Russian lies before the election that Steele even knows are just b s and then right after the election, which we all know is BS so they could destroy the president that they were held bent on stopping with their insurance policies. I'll explain all of this as we continue. Eight sean is our number now till the top of the hour, eight nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. And noticed there's a story on the Blaze and the headline is the n double a CP calls the president of race sist after its own poll shows improved UH Black approval rating. Remember Matt Rasmussen had the president last Friday at African Americans approval rating up from eight percent during the election. Anyway, So there was a poll that the n A a CP put together that shows that the president's approval rating among Black voters is nearly three times higher than the percent of African Americans the vote of Verman. Now, again, we have record low unemployment in the African American community, Hispanic community, Asian community, um. And you know, for whatever reason, you know, they're saying that the new poll actually confirms Trump's racism and trying to understand this. The report accompanying the poll results, Trump's improved approval rating among black voters doesn't override the perceived negative impact the presidents have on race relations. Anyway, the polls showed Trump's approval rating among black voters, that's on Rasmussen. He only got eight percent of the black vote in the election. And by the way, I pointed this out often during the Obama eight years of economic disaster, if you look at the people that disproportionately were impacted negatively by Obama's policies, it was minorities in America. And I pointed out the disparity that was in Bloomberg is lower than it's it's been since nineteen seventy two in terms of percentage of of demographic communities and and and getting work in the country. You know, I think most I can't stand every election year because it's the same playbook. Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, zenophobic, Islamophobic. They want dirty air and water, they want to kill children. They want children to die and breathe dirty air and dirty and drink dirty water. And Grandma, We're gonna throw her over the cliff. It's insane because none of that is true. But the policies of the president, lower taxes, ending the bureaucracy, is hands on approach, incentivizing businesses to build and invest in America is resulting in a resurgence in jobs for all Americans. In other words, are our family, our American family? Put all demographics aside? Don't we want everybody in America to prosper? I do. Every American should have their shot at the American dream. And if we get to that point, you know, we're gonna have a better, stronger country. And it's amazing what economic success us in this country for everybody. I mean, it's you know, literally why you know why every single American I believe we could get to the point that able bodied obviously I think, can have a nice car in a nice safe neighborhood, with a nice house, two car garage, that can afford a family vacation every year, that could afford to go out to dinner, that could save for their retirement years. You know, if we continue to really focus in on building up America's economy. That one of the best things I think we're gonna do, and we haven't done for years, is that I think we've not tapped in our energy resources. I keep saying it. You know, drill here, drill now, pay less. We've been talking about this for years. All right, I'm not gonna stayed, but listen, we do that. Everybody benefits a man egine revitalization in great cities. We're gonna have in the next hour the Michigan senatorial candidate that the President says of the future star of the Republican Party, John James. You know, imagine if we he's from Michigan, if we could revitalize Detroit. One of the saddest things I saw the last time in Detroit. We've talked about it. You can go on at one point, you can go on one of these websites Craigslist or whatever places you go to buy stuff eBay and buy a house for a dollar. I mean, you have entire neighborhoods abandoned. And now they're talking about and have been talking about, bulldozing entire neighborhoods to consolidate services because of the massive population loss because of the loss of opportunity in manufacturing jobs and factories that were once vibrant in all of Detroit that made it one of America's greatest cities. It's sad what has happened there. It reminded me of my time down post Colt Arena in New Orleans. It was so bad. You know, why can't we talk about revitalizing these cities. You know that's only gonna happen if we get rid of all the bureaucracy, lower the taxes, created a friendly business environment. We entice businesses to spend trillions that they parked overseas, which we're doing now, so that they can invest in in all of these centers here in America and put Americans back to work and build American products, and then we can, you know, build out from there. We can get better trade deals. The better trade deals result in our products being sold two countries that want to partner with us in a free and fair way. This is not complicated. It's you know, it's it's frustrating because it can happen, and you know, so you know, I know everyone breaks things down to the Democrat. Let's get every American the best job we can, the best career job we can, so that they can build their future with confidence that they can have their peace of the American dream. They can create a better life for their children and their grandchildren, that they get some of the benefits that that you know, literally have been ripped away from them in large part because of government failure and failed government policies. Government policies destroys the incentive of businesses to literally want to do business in our own country. That's now changing. It's not an accident that we've turned the economy around from the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies to now the highest labor participation rate ever. You know, it's not an accident. In fourteen states have record low unemployment. It's not an accident that we have record low unemployment. With the varying demographic groups. Women in the work force, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans, UH, veterans are now getting back to work. That's good for the country. The sixteen election was about the forgotten man and forgotten women in this country, and that's why I was beating the you know, pounding it daily. You know, the the thirty million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. You know, you know these statistics because I purposefully say it. Because the policies failed the American people. You know, we can fix all of that, and it's beginning to happen. That's why this election in eighty nine days matters. It's like what Reagan said back in four stay the course, let's not go backwards here. Unfortunately, people's memories are short. I don't think they remember how bad it was under Obama. It was bad. His policies did nothing to help people around the country and create jobs and opportunity and incentivized business. It was just the opposite. Anyway, let me go back to this Byron York piece in the Washington Examiner. And now we got these emails in team between Hillary Clinton's British by buddy that got us the Russian lines. He doesn't even stand by his own dossier and uh the fourth highest ranking Obama Justice Department official, Bruce Or, whose wife Nellie worked for Fusion GPS. Anyway, they suggests Steele was deeply concerned about the legal status of a putent Link Russian oligarch and a time seemed to be advocating on the Aligarch's behalf. In the same time period that Steele was working on collecting the Russian related allegations against Trump, known as the Trump Dossier, which all turned out to be lies, unverified, uncorroborated, which by the way, was designed to manipulate and misinform you the American people the lead up to an election, and then even in a more sinister way, became the basis and the bulk of information for fis A warrants, and that fraud was committed on a FISA court four times absolute information withheld till repaid for it. They ever told the court that we never independently corroborated this. They just handed it over because they so desperately wanted to get Trump now. These emails given to Congress by the Justice Department began on January twelve, sixteen. Steele sent Or a New Year's greeting, Steel brought up the case of Russian illum some aluminum magnet guy old leg Derrek Posca, referred to in various emails as O D or O v D at the time seeking a visa to attend an Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in the US. Years earlier the US provoke h derres Posca and his visa, reportedly on the basis of his involvement potentially with Russia organized crime. The email shows Steele and Or we're in freaking frequent contact. They intermingled talk about Steele's research the oligarch's affairs. Glenn Simpson, the head of the dirt digging group Fusion GPS that hired Steele to compile the phony dossier, also part of the conversation, and Steal emailing again on February alerting Or that are old friend. O D apparently has been granted another official emphasis in original visa to come to the US later this month, and Steele wrote, as far as I'm concerned, as as good news all around as before, it would be helpful if you could monitor it and let me know if there are any complications that arise. Or replied that he knew about the visa to the extent that I can. I will keep an eye on the situation. And by the way, Steele again asked to meet any time Or was in the UK or Western Europe. Steele wrote again February twenty one in an email, O v D visit the U s Steele told Door that he had talked to Waldman and Paul Hauser, who is Derek's Derrick Posca's law London lawyer, and Steele reported that there would be a US government meeting on Derra Pasca lat week quote an inter agency meeting on him this week, which I guess you will be attending. And then Steele said he was circulating some recent sensitive you know orbis reporting on Tara Posca, suggesting that he was not a tool of the Kremlin. Sounds like Bruce Oris colluding with Russia and somebody of questionable character. And Steele said he would send the report to a name redacted in the email, as he has asked for legal reasons. I understand for all such reporting be filtered through him to you at d o J and others. And Derri Pasca's rehabilitation was a good thing. Steele wrote, we reckon therefore that the forthcoming O v D contact represents a good opportunity for the U. S. G Or responded by saying, thanks, Chris, extremely interesting. I hope we can follow up in a few weeks. These incriminating emails go on and on. If Muller had an ounce of integrity this would be what he's investigating. It's insane, absolutely insane. What is going on right now with this deep state investigation? You know, what do we learned yesterday? Uh, we learned that steal and Or we're communicating to to hurt Trump before the election. His wife working on fusion, GPS and the dossier. They're meeting there, talking constantly before the election. They talked then about how frustrated they are with the long reengagement after Steele got canned by the FBI. Remember we learned last week that the FBI had been paying Steel eleven separate payments. And then he's asking, well, you know, from Steele to Or, why can't I get him with the Special Counsel? What's taking so long? Well, his entire dossier, he himself under oath in Great Britain said was raw intelligence that he couldn't verify. Heard nothing back from the Special Council. Colleagues. They're feeding this crap, these lies, just like they fed it to four separate visa court judges. Now they're trying to feed it to Muller to take down Trump because they didn't succeed in stopping Trump. So now we're at the insurance policy phase of all of this disappointing. We would risk everything to help them reach the truth. What part of his Dacier's truth? None of it? And what's really even more astonishing, documents showing Steel was a confidential human source for the FBI seven months before the FBI officially and formally launched their investigation in the Trump brusha collusion, and almost immediately the FBI news Steel was untrustworthy, formally admonished within a couple of weeks, ten months later fired for lying to the FBI. But they're still paying them, and you know both the Bureau of the Justice Department should never have relied on him for anything, nor should they have signed off on his pony dossier to get visor warrants. You know, records showing that Steele telling Bruce or just before the election that he was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president. And then afterwards they're colluding. How can they you know, how could they possibly stop him now that he is elected. All of this is illegal, by the way, and it's conspiracy, and it's Russia. It's so sick and ugly and twisted and despicable that all of this information exists in your media doesn't do a darn thing about it, and they don't follow it, and they purposely don't report a lot of it, and they go with their lie and their narrative. It's just it's so despicable, so corrupt. You said Bruce Or was not working on the Russia investigation. Let me ask you, here's the knowledge to your knowledge, did you not know that Bruce Or was meeting with Christopher Steele getting the information about the dossier and supplying that information to the FBI at the same time his wife, Nellie was working for Fusion GPS that was helping Hilrick Clinton. Did you not know he was doing that for the FBI? Correct? You did not know that? Correct? Okay, so he officed a couple of doors down, but you had no idea that he was actually the go between to get that information. Our two Sean Hannity show GLADU with us eight hundred ninefold one Seawn, if you want to be a part of this program, as we have massive new developments to this deep state story that we have now been uncovering layer by layer by layer, as we now see that in the last two days and there's gonna be more news tonight as it relates to this go you know, Deep State go Between as it the plot thickens with Bruce or Christopher Steele. Two columns won by John Solomon, one by Sarah Carter, now showing the depth and the length and the breadth of which there were contacts with Christopher Steele. And remember he's just like Struck in page he wants to defeat Trump. The most stunning admission he had was in Great Britain when he actually said, oh, this is raw intelligence, and there's raw intelligence, has not been verified and corroborated, and there's raw intelligence. I don't know if it's true, maybe fifty fifty. But not only were they trying to use that phony unverified Clinton and by the way, the FBI was also paying Christopher Steele used that dossier to undermine the president and his hopes and his chances in the general election. Now we're seeing the depths to which they have gone and what they were doing in terms of meeting and seemingly conspiring to get all of this phony information into the hands of Robert Mueller so that Robert Mueller can use the lies again to sabotage Donald Trump's presidency. Number one, it's an attempt to rig and steal an election, and then it's to undermine a duly elected president. A lot of details as it relates to these Bruce Or documents raising really really serious questions about the connections involved in all of this. Uh. Sarah Carter, Fox News contributor, investigated reporter Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analysts. His book now two Weeks in a Row, number one on the New York Times list the Russian hoax and that is the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and framed Donald Trump. Welcome both of you. Sarah. Let's start with the new news here that we have, because I think this is now We're getting even deeper into this the weeds than we ever thought possible. We now have the fourth highest ranking member of the just Department. His wife helped put together this Stacier Nelly or we're told, and that he is selling and meeting with Christopher Steele was fired by the FBI, plotting to bring him back. And also the emails revealing that they want to meet with Muller and feed him this debunked information. Well, I think it's incredible because I think for a while we've known that Or played a significant role in what happened during the two thousand and sixteen FBI investigation into this alleged collusion Russia Trump collusion, and I think there was a lot of concern that how expansive the players were not just Bruce Or, but there were people within the State Department. We know that, we know, uh, there were high level officials like Victoria Newland, Sidney Bloominhaal who was friends with Hillary Clinton, Cody Sheer who was also very close to the Clintons. And how all these people intermingled and shared the same information, all the same information that Christopher, by the way, like you rightfully said, Sean wasn't able to prove he got this disinformation from Russian sources and from other European sources, and he was not able to prove the majority of it. But it spread like wildfire among these people that wanted to actually stop President Trump from ever becoming president. And if you did become president, what we see what's happened now and now what we know is that Bruce Or was in communication with Christopher steele Um consistently explain the nature of these communications, though I mean we went over some of us last night. But I mean as you, as you look through the depth of all of this, I mean we can start. This is both before and after the election. Before the election, Steele rights to Or. Remember Ellie nor worked Ellie uh Nellie your works for Fusion GPS. She seeks Russian. She's a Russian, right. She was hired for that specific purpose and also for the specific purpose of her connections inside the d o J. Well, well, these people were working in concert with one goal in mind. Okay, So before the election you got Steele writing to Or. I spoke to my old colleagues last week and they assured me that they would not stand in the way of our re engagement with the bureau. Or text back, great, I'll pass us along to my colleagues, thank you. And then right after the election, nine days after the election, uh months after the Mueller witch hunt was underway, Steele rights to Or, I am presuming you've heard nothing back from your special Council colleagues on the issues you kindly put to them for me. He's already fired by the FBI at this point, he is, and his phony docier that he says he has no clue if it's true now debunked. He's pushing after the election. And then Steele goes on to say, to say this is disappointing would be an understatement. Certain people have been willing to risk everything doing age with them in an effort to help reach the truth. But there's even more than that. I mean, they literally were trying, I'll go to Greg now to use the Russian lies, that sheet that Hillary paid for to lie to the American people and rig an election, not unlike what you did to poor Bernie Sanders. And then after the election, Steele is still involved with top d O j FBI people, and they're trying to undermine the president with something we now know not to be true. And I haven't even yet mentioned how that phony dossier that they never verified or corroborated, it has since been debunked then is used to get not one but fortifies the warrants and lying to fights the judges on fourth separate occasions and putting forth a fraudent, fraudulent document and also purposely withholding other information like oh Hillary paid from it for it, which would have sunk it from the beginning. And I just shows it shows you how devious and corrupt. James Comey and others, and Bruce Or at the Department of Justice were in their efforts to try to destroy Trump, to frame him for things he didn't do. The FBI knew that dossier was fabricated, they knew the steal was a liar, and even after they were forced to fire him and could no longer use him under FBI guidelines, they used Bruce Or as a conduit. I mean, talk about an underhanded scheme. And even after Trump is elected and is sworn into office in January of two thousand seventeen, they keep at it. Why well, in addition to wanting to undo the election results, they knew they'd broken the law because they used this unverified dossier to the FISUC court and they were desperate to try to verify that which was unverifiable. Let's explain because in your column yesterday you bring in the fact that the struck in page or even connected to this. Sarah, Yes, and I think this is really important, and what what Greg said right now is even more important. I mean, they were using it as a back channel. They were or as a back channel. They were picky backing off of information, which is what they did in the foreign intelligence surveillance application that they took out on Carter Page. So basically without verifying anything, what they did was they just picky backed off information that Steele was leaking to the media. And now, according to documents that I have seen that I have, I've obtained a series of them, we know that Or had actually met with In his notes, it appears on November twenty one, after the election, several weeks after the election, he had met with none of the struck Lisa Page, Joe Pianka about what about the probe? He talks about Christopher Steele in these notes. He also talks about Paul Manafort, which I found very interesting. You know, they're gonna push forward. There's no prosecution yet moving forward with m which is referring to Manafort, got to contact Steel. And I think this is incredible because the FBI, just like Greg had said and established, the FBI had let him go because he violated all of their laws. They knew it, so they had to have this back channel. And the back channel was Christopher Or so in Christopher ste I mean Christopher Steele. And what they did was they used Bruce or And we have the Department of Justice, the s I and all and the Department of State all working in concert during the Obama administration to investigate President Trump for none other than Hillary Clinton, and which by the way, paid for the Christopher Steel dossier. And we know that Glenson now is very well involved with Bruce Or as well. He was in contact with him. Uh, it wasn't just through his wife, They had direct contact. And it's all becoming very murky. All right. So now there are other handwritten documents that I hear are coming out. Do you know anything about those? Yes, there are a number of handwritten documents. Um. Some of those documents actually, and these ones I have not been privy to. This is according to sources that I've spoken with, actually have Peter Struck conversations with with Bruce Or. So. I think that's very that will be very interesting to see what was Peter Struck saying, what were they conversing about, How were they involved together in this investigation. Another I think very important point here is that Lisa Page, remember was the general counsel of Andrew McCabe. She had no business really being involved. And I've spoken to a number of people about this. In a national security investigation such as Trump at the time. So what was Lisa Page's rule? What was McCabe's rule. I mean, McCabe has been fired since, but what was his rule during this investigation? How did he handle this? Was it Jess Peter Struck or was Peter Struck reporting to others like Bill Preestapp who was above him, we don't hear much about. And then McCabe above Bill Prestapp. So these will be very interesting notes to look through to find out. I've heard that Congress has received a few thousand documents, some have said two hundred between text messages and emails and other documents related to this case. All right, let me let me go back to Greg on the legal side of all of this. You know, we do have the Boughton paid for Russian lies that was used and disseminated by people like Brennan, and and we know Steele was briefing the press. We now know he didn't even believe his own dossier. Uh, that's all a lie to the American people to swing an election on a lie that is based on Russian lies that that Hillary paid for. He got shiftless shift breathlessly talking to a Russian Hoaxter who's out there telling him I've got na good pictures of Donald Trump. I give it to you, I give you know, tell Vladimir I will meet him after the election, when I have more flexibility. All these incidents and we never get any movement on the law here, the level of a double standard, it takes my breath away, and I repeat what I've been saying, Greg. If we don't have equal application of our laws and equal justice under the law, we don't have a constitution, and our constitutional republic crumbles. Yes, and all of these are felonies. One of them is abusive power eighteen USC. Two forty two. You know it well. Sean major fraud against the US is another felony, conspiracy to defraud the U s. If you're using a position of power improperly, you're defrauding the government, especially when you're violating somebody's constitutional rights called our pages constitution rights, President Trump's constitutional rights. The law enforcers were act to leave the law breakers in this particular case. They were so determined the frame Donald Trump for crimes he didn't commit that they themselves, the top d o J and FBI officials engaged in corrupt acts that are crimes, and the irony, of course, is that Muller is investigating Donald Trump for nothing, when in fact he should be investigating the original investigators who broke the law with impunity. That's call investigating the investigators, the term we used almost from the beginning. All Right, Bold, you stay there, Greg Jarrett, Sarah Carter. We'll have a lot more on Hannity tonight, nine Eastern. All right, as we continue with Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrel, Right, we don't have a lot of time here. What do we know about three O two's that show that Steele kept feeding the FBI allegations after he was fired after Trump won? Uh? Sarah, Well, what we know is that this is one of the biggest things that Congress have been beating over to try to get the three O twos, the interviews with Bruce Orr and that is the most that is going to reveal. The most important and most pertinent information would be all of those three O two's. They would contain all the interviews with Bruce or how he got the information, particularly on from Christopher Steele, how that was passed over to the FBI to the bureau, and how he moved it. What we do know is that and this was. Thankfully, Devin Newness had it in his Russia report. If you go back to that and read that again, it's even more true today than it was then, now that all this information has come out, the fact that Christopher Steele himself adamant about not having about not having President Trump when this election was very telling. And I think that the three O two's will be very revolutionary as far as like this is really about to explode wide open yet in and it gets deeper and deeper every time. I'm just out of time, though, Greg again, congrats, two weeks in a row New York Times bestseller List. Sarah will see you tonight with your breaking news, John Solomon, Tonight, much more nine Eastern on Fox, will take a quick break, will come back, and we will continue. And the person that the President says is the rising star of the GOP next. Stabenow's numbers are ere plummeting because she's associated with resistance. Debbie Stabenow cares more about resistance than results. She cares more about obstruction than economic opportunity. And having someone like me who gets results from the battlefield to the boardroom. I'm a combat veteran who got the results of bringing all my aircraft and all my men back home safely. I'm a business leader who got the results of growing my company from thirty five million to hundred thirty seven million and improving the economic situations of over a hundred families in Michigan and east of the Mississippi. Debbie Stabenow votes with Chuck Schumer at the time. And there are people home in the state of Michigan who are wondering if their life is gonna get any better by having somebody who's obstructing the president and not bringing opportunities back home. How important was the president's support in your victory? The President's support was amazing. Was icing on the cake of the people of state of Michigan came out, But the President really took a leading effort in getting the word out, helping us get the vote out. And I'm grateful for the President's endorsement and also Vice President Pence, who I am actually gonna be running into in Grand rapisent alright. That was the big winner in Tuesday nights Fright primary in Michigan. Uh, and that is soon to be Senator John James hopefully for a lot of people's sake. The President tweeted out, congratulations future star the Republican Party, future Senator John James. A big and a bold victory tonight in the great state of Michigan, and the first of many November cannot come fast enough. As you just heard, he has a military background here as a business background, has created jobs. He served his country and Uh. Anyway, he joins us now as we now are only eighty nine days from what I am calling the single most important midterm election in our lifetime. Uh, and John James joins us now, Sir, how are you? Congratulations on your big victory on Tuesday night. I'm doing I'm doing wonderfully well. Thanks for having me on. But I gotta get all the glory to God. We worked hard, we prayed hard, and the President came through for us, and we're gonna make sure that we come through from michiganis for the American people when don't get to the Senate next year. You know, I look at your background and I'm I'm extraordinarily impressed. And I've had people, you know, getting in my ear. So you gotta look at John James. He's a rock star. Uh. The President obviously getting behind your corner and I look at you. You're a veteran, you're a businessman, your pro Second Amendment, UH, you're a pro business conservative. We see the benefits under the president's economic plans. We've had a dramatic economic turnaround in the country. And tell us a little bit about who you are, where you serve, what you did. I know you were a part of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and I know you earned a Combat Action Badge and two Air Medals, among other awards. I know you logged in almost eight hundred hours in theater flying UH leading to APACHE platoons. What can you tell us, Well, I can tell you that I'm no star Sean. I'm just a servant. I left my home when I was seventeen years old and listed in the Army for a year. I went to West Point and graduated in two thousand four. As you mentioned, I became a ranger qualified APACHE pilot in blue seven fifty hours UH combat in Operation Rocky Freedom. But actually, one of the things that I saw over there that disturbed me the most, on top of being in combat was the fact that during the Great Recession UH ten years ago, I came back to the dining facility and I was watching UH news on the Armed Forces networks, and they were showing UH shots back home Flint, Detroit, Saginaw areas of my home Michigan that looked worse than the bat zone I was flying in. And that that really kind of threw me for a loop because I'm over fighting for a rocky freedom and I didn't feel like there are enough folks back here fighting for Michiganist And so I got out of the military and UH and enjoin my family business as as you also mentioned, but it's a it's a logistics company, automotive logistics company headquartered in Detroit. And I took the leadership lessons that I learned at West Point, the leadership lessons that I learned in the Army, and I was able to get results in the business world because I made no excuses and I recognize that leaders eat last, and I also recognized that mission first, people always, and I was able to help grow my family business from thirty five million to a hundred and thirty seven million a little bit less than five years. I believe that as your leading alluded to, having somebody who recognizes, UH that we need getting results from Washington from our elected leaders, understanding what it takes, UH signing the front and the back of a check, understanding that we need more servant leaders in Washington who understand what it's like to be a veteran as the world becomes a more and more dangerous place. I understands like our own capital at risk and create economic opportunity, not just obstruction. That's what we need them for the US in And I'm honored for the opportunity to continue my servant leadership and UH and it'll be exciting your background in the military now, you served eight years by the way that you serve this great country of ours, and you've got all of these distinctions and awards and and you can't minimize those because every one of those hours, nearly eight hundred of them in theater, was a risk to your life. And we can't thank you enough for your for your service to your country. I'm very angry how we fight wars now, and that is that you know, we start out we're all gung ho Vietnam. We lose fifty eight thousand guys, we lose fifty Iraq, Afghanistan. Many get their legs and their arms blown off, and and literally they're they're disfigured for the rest of their lives, and then we say never mind because the war becomes politicized. We cannot do this to the military anymore, sir, we can't do this. It is morally reprehensible to me that if we're gonna send these brave men and women like yourself into theater and then say never mind because it's politically expedient at that moment to pull out and not win the war, why are we starting it? You know? Um, it's classic by having career politicians in a position where they're making decisions that are gonna send our boys and girls off in a harm's way. We need to have more combat veterans there who understands what that exactly means. You know, we're really good, we're really good at creating veterans in this country, but we're not so good at taking care of them. And that's gonna be one of my very first priorities when I get to the United States Senate, to make sure I support our president's agenda, making sure, um, that we uh support our veterans. That's a very that's one of the highest parties for me. But my opponents Senator stabb and I was using veterans as a prop. Right now, she's going around talking about roundtables, and she's talking about improving way times as a v A when she's been an elected to forty three years and she's been washing for twenty and all she's done is past five bills renaming buildings. If she really cared about veterans and anything other than election a year, she would have done something. When we've been at war for the past fifteen years and been elected official for forty three. She doesn't care about veterans. She cares about getting elected. But I care about veterans because I am one. We still have to address the veterans suicide. We have a quarter of a million guys with PTSD. Yeah, you're right, And I can't tell you how many times people have called me they know somebody in trouble, and I literally Ali North gets on the phone with these guys and and he is spectacular. He is personally say people's lives were not doing enough. We're absolutely not doing enough. And that's the thing our veterans deserve more than than going off and putting their lives on the line and then coming back and being forgotten and abused. I believe it is morally reprehensible. We all are veterans better and the best thing we can do is make sure that we have folks out there to make sure that they have the funny they have support, UM, both when they go and when they come home. The toughest battle that our veteran space should not be when they get off the battlefield. And I will make it. I will be duty bound to make sure that I continue my service to our veterans. I consider my eight and a half years just a down payment on the freedom that I enjoy as an American citizen, and I will spend the rest of my years making sure that veterans have the benefits and the support that they deserve and enverroned Listen, and unless it's gonna hurt you, I would love to endorse your your candidacy. I am. I am so impressed with your life and your background and the things that you're saying. UM. And what's even more interesting is that after your service to your country, you worked in the family business. It's called the James Group International, I believe, and you're the president of this this company, and you have led the company from thirty five million to a hundred and thirty seven million dollars in revenue. You've created uh over a hundred additional jobs in Michigan and around the country other jobs. Last time I was in Detroit, I've got to be honest, sir, it broke my heart. One of America's great cities. I mean, you have neighborhood after neighborhood after neighborhood just empty, and and they're bulldozing those neighborhoods and consolidating services. And it's like, well, the the manufacturing jobs that Obama's that are never coming back, then now coming back, I want them to go to Detroit and cities like it. Well, you know, that's one of the biggest reasons I came back. The Democrat model relies on victimhood. He relies on the government being the solution and the provider. And Michigan has a has a rich heritage of folks who embrace capitalism and who embraced the American dream. Michigan is the birthplace of the middle class. It's the home of the American dream. It's the place that people immigrated to from all over the world and from all over the country. People like my dad who came up from the Jim Crow South born in nineteen forty one and start with Mississippi and couldn't go there because he was black, but he refused to accept dependency as his destiny. He served his country only in Vietnam and then he came to Detroit for that opportunity working in the automotive industry. He started a trucking company with one truck, one trailer and no excuses, and he was able to hand his son a thirty five million dollar company that I then grew into the thirties, one thirty seven million dollar company and now knocking on the door of the U. S. Senate. That is only possible in this great nation of ours. We need to have somebody who understands what that takes to grow a business and bring Detroit, bring Michigan back to economic greatness. And if you like to learn more, please go to John James cor Senate dot com, follow me on Facebook and Twitter at John James And I you know, I I want to say this. I mean, I love everything that you're you're saying. We know that Michigan can elect Republican statewide, but it's not easy in Michigan. UM Debbie Staban, now I I can't. She supported the entire Obama agenda. We had thirteen million more of our fellow Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. We had the lowest labor PARTI A patient rates since the seventies, worst recovery since the forties, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, and he accumulated more debt than every other president before him combined. Now fast forward, we have the the largest labor participation rate that we've ever had, four million new jobs, three million fewer people on food stamps. You see what the President's done with tax cuts and how it's helping working men and women in this country and families in this country. You see what getting rid of burdens and regulation has done. The president personally lobbying for for companies UH to build their factories and manufacturing centers. Here were nearly a million new manufacturing jobs that Obama said, we're never coming back. Um, how do we particularly help your great state of Michigan? Well, I love, I love how uh how you brought that up? Don Lemon UH mentioned a couple of days ago all my election night that Donald Trump uses race to a divide America. When you take a look by the numbers. The liment rate amongst minorities is at his at his lowest in decades. You're taking a look at the fact that among African Americans, particularly in Detroit, Donald Trump's numbers have gone up and he's now at twenty nine percent and growing. Because people don't care about what the pundits in New York say. They care about their quality of life. Slow down here. I happen to live in this this city and pay these ridiculous taxes because my job mandates it. It's not by choice, I promise you. Well, I I you might be one of the exceptions. But what I mean, I might be one of the exceptions. I am the exception. You are the exception. Well, you know better than anyone that uh that there is a massive uh lack of objectivity in the in the liberal progressive media that we refuses to give our president the credit for reviving our economy. Say, I'm old enough to remember a couple of years ago when the previous administrations that we just needed to accept two percent growth, where our president said that three percent table steaks. Are presidents that we're going to take the shackles off of American industry, and we're going to allow access to the American dream for everyone, regardless of what you look like. And so it's not about black and white, left and right. It's about red, white and blue and making sure that we have economic mobility for everybody to enjoy. Moving plants back in from Mexico rather than sending them out, saying that manufacturing is going to be at the center of Michigan and that you know what President Donald Trump is Russ Belt, Robin Hood. He's the one who came back and said, and that's why people regardless of race are saying, you know what, somebody who cares about us cares about putting money back in the in the hands of people who've earned it. That's what people truly care about, because there's growing economic insecurity in our state. And regardless of what you look like, people just want to be able to take care of their kids and take care of putting food on the table. And that's what I gotta take a break. We'll come back now with Republican senatorial candadate. Amazing life story. John James is with us and Shawn A Tolfrey telephone number. All right, as we continue with John James, he is the Republican senatorial candidate. Extraordinary background uh as relates to serving our country and his business background is incredible. UH and now he's taken on Debbie Stabbin now in uh Michigan. What a rock star he is for the future of the Republican Party. We hope he can win. The president first congratulated him on his win as the candidate for the Senate in Michigan. Uh and literally said that you are a star of the Republican Party in a future senator. I'm gonna tell you something. And and I only watched you from a distance. Haven't talked to you before that I remember. And here's the thing I want to say. I have never interviewed a politician or somebody getting into the political world that has as much has impressed me as much as you have. Debbie Stabbin now, for whatever reason, she supported every failed policy that is hurt Michigan, and now she's not supporting the policies that are helping Michigan. I hope the people in Michigan understand this is about their lives, their families, their future. And uh, I honestly think that you have an amazing future. I love everything you've been saying here today, and uh, I wish you all the best in the election. Will have you on television if you'd like to come. And you welcome on these air waves anytime you want. Sean, you offered your endorsement earlier, and I would be honored if you would extend that. You are a paper there and uh and I'm looking forward to being on your show. Alright, good to talk to my friend. Thank you, Thank you, sir. Take care alright, News round up, Information Overload our Sean Hannity show. All right, so fake news, conspiracy TV. Uh over at NBC News met Tom Brokaw, so proud of his cable news network, which is not news at all. It's just a bunch of political hacks. They think they got deva newness. They they think this is it for Devin Newonness. This is a big smoking gun. Let's play what they think is a big smoking gun. Their sessions won't use more or won't suit of the president or the only one which is really the day. That's why then they keep the saying it. By the way, I mean, we have to keep all these sweets, we have to keep them over if we do not keep the ability all of this goes away. They know it's ridiculous. We got to tressid for a fresh and justice. But if they tell them lie often enough and then put it out there and they say, oh, we we're looking at the tweets, because you know you've got a big stack on the tweets right about the Sometimes you love the presidents tweets. Sometimes when we crea presidents weep. But they're trying to make a political this is all ways. Why that's where you're gonna in the time of tweets. So many things that that might hap these campaign is polluting of the Chinese or the naming a country they could pass could be a very bad day, which compeople's getting secrets from the fortunee that say, just now, let me tell you what Devin Noon has. It's a little difficulty here. If Mueller, who we know is abusively biased, if Mueller won't do his job, and that is he's involved in the witch hunt, he doesn't care that Adam Shiftless Shiff is on tape colluding and conspiring with Russians to get Donald Trump. We got the tape. If he's not going to act on the killer he bought and paid for phony Russian dossier that was literally spread to misinform the American people with what they knew or lies and then used to light to four FISA court judges. If he's not gonna do his job, Yeah, Congress needs to do they job. We have separation of powers, coequal branches of government. And Noona is saying that, yeah, if mother doesn't do a job, we are the people that will do our jobs. And then he'm saying that, yeah, okay. Well, sometimes Trump's tweets make us cringe because Trump just speaks his mind, is iconoclastic, and he fights back. That's a good thing. I think the American people now respect Donald Trump for who he is. It's criminal for one candidate to release stolen emails on another and then on impeaching Rod Rosenstein. Rod Rosenstein has been ignoring congressional subpoenas, purposefully obstructing. Here's the point. You have the craziest lunatics over at fake news, CNN, conspiracy TV, MSNBC. Let me just play some of the low lights highlights of of guys like what's the guy that's named at eight o'clock? Chris Hayes, All right, in Matdow, Okay, let's play some of and the me it doesn't care. You can be a total conspiracy nut job. You know, Chris Hey is suggesting we might have a president that is a Russian agent. By the way, they call that news, Tom Brokaw, Yes, listen, I bet you're really proud of the brand you spent your lifetime working on. Does Russia have some kind of leverage over Donald Trump? And a new cover story from New York Magazine, writer Jonathan Chait argues, we have not allowed ourselves to consider the full range of possibilities. Chaint Ley's out what could be considered the worst case scenario for Trump Russia, inclusion that Donald Trump has been a Russian intelligence asset is when he went to Moscow and he's fitted by the Russians and mentors Moscow, and then he comes back, then he starts talking about running for president for the first time, and then he starts talking for the first time about how our allies are a bunch of freeloaders and we should kick him to the curve. So it really dovetails with Russian foreign paul futures then and now now again, that's probably a coincidence, but it might it might not be, and at the same time we're oddly influential with the guy who wants to kill us. Can you imagine in any other presidential administration the news breaking that the White House Council was notified weeks in advance that a National security advisor candidate was under federal investigation, and the White House then went ahead and made the higher That would be a bigger scandal than almost anything we've ever seen in any other presidential administration. And having been involved in a lot of different liberal groups over time, as somebody has left directly to the left of now, we have never thought of ourselves as a country. We're like rude and kus get to be ministers or whatever they want, right. We don't think of ourselves as a ruling family kind of place. But now now that's what we are. Let's compare the Trump kids to ooday and who said you now Saddam Hussein's kids. Oh, and let's suggest we don't have a Russian agent that the press president. And don't forget the big announcement of the Trump taxer. Got it right here, forty five minute built. Oh, Trump paid his fair share of taxes, but I got it he paid. However, many millions and millions of dollars. We got it. Yeah, and oh in Trump noticed the words wants to kill us, the press wants to kill us. Okay, self described as left of maw Okay, General Flynn the biggest handling presidential history. And it just goes on and do we have so much more we could play? And this is now Obviously they don't know what the Constitution is about over there. They don't understand checks and balances, They don't understand the concept of separation of powers. They don't seem to understand that when you're rigging investigation right and exoneration before an investigation. Oh and then, by the way, you're you're pushing a phony Russian propaganda dossier on the American people the light of them and manipulate their vote. It's in the lead up to the election, and you don't verify it or corroborate it, and you don't tell the FISA court that it's not verified or corroborated. Then you don't tell the courts that oh yeah, one other little etsy, Betsy detailed. Hillary paid for the thing because you want the the entree into the Trump campaign and their email system. Uh so you could literally destroy than candidate Trump. And then that doesn't work out, then we now know the same people like you know or and steal and uh even they wanting to get to the Special Council defeat him more lies, even though Steele admits that he's never verified his own dossier that Hillary paid for. You can't make this stuff up, and it's all happening in America, but you won't hear about it. This is what fake news is, This is what lying news is, this is what conspiracy TV is. And the Left they get all jacked up, hyped up because Devin Newness is demanding proof and documents as part of our checks and balances system. Devin Newness, it is his job, his role, it's Congress's role. It's called oversight. And they're finding the biggest abusive power scandal in our history. And as Rod Rosenstein, oh, he's just not listening to Subpoena's kind of like Hillary who obstructs justice the leading subpoena emails using bleach bit to clean up that hard drive and busting up those devices. Good luck to anybody that's listening to this program that ever tried that on their own anyway, joining US Now News round up information overload Our Jonathan Gilham, author the bestseller Sheep No More. Danielle McLaughlin, attorney, constitutional expert. Uh, welcome both of you, and all right, why don't you get a little nicety out of the way, Danielle. I know you try and sound so pleasant so that when I asked you the first question, you're not gonna answer it. Go ahead, It's so great to be here. How are you doing? Showing how you doing? Jonathan? Um ways, wonderful to jo any one a sasday. It is so is so disarming when you do this. But that's okay. Now do you think I don't agree with you on anything? But I genuinely like you? How about it? Well? I like you too, I mean, but I think your views are absolutely off the charts nuts um you Actually I might agree with you on something. Listening to that incredible lead in, it's possible to respond to anything. But I do think this type of newness is a nothing burger. It's not only enough, it's not only a nothing burger. I mean, it is their job to do oversight. And you have to admit, as a constitutional attorney that Congress has a constitutional role. It's their job to perform oversight and when they send out subpoenas and the subpoena is that not adhered to? If anybody in America tried to do what Rod Rosenstein and the d o J is doing, you and I both know they'd end up in jail. Sure, And you're absolutely right, And I do believe in separation of powers. I think it cuts both ways here. You know, Number one, Rod Rosenstein and his his folks have turned over about eight hundred thousand documents so far. They're not sitting on their hands, and he's testifying under oath that they are doing everything they can to to to respond to Newness and others. I think people are concerned about what what Newness said in this tape, because of course, Congress's job is to keep the executives in check and to make sure that they are exercising there. I guess their own powers and equal way, we have three equal branches of government. I will say that the things he said on the tape but basic politicking. And I would have expected the same thing to be said by Democrats. Uh, this is their president. Newness obviously supports him, His Congress and Corpus support him. Um I don't think this is any great conspiracy. I also believe it's against order tape somebody in Washington, and there's a problem. Obviously, it's got a Jonathan. I mean, you know, the way they are, you you would think that this is a Watergate tape. But this is what they do every day. They don't report to the American people the abuse of power, the abuse of power at the highest levels of the d J and the EPII. And now we see that you know, Bruce or Christopher Steele would trying to not only not only de rail the Trump candidacy, but when that failed, then they were trying, you know, to get phony, lying information that Hillary paid for into the hands of Robert Mueller. That's how deep this now goes. That's how deep it's gone. That's the thing, Sean, you gotta remember is if we learn things about this and through this investigation or whatever you want to call it, the reality is we're seeing we're peering into things that they're going on forever. That's important for people to remember because when we look at um, what is happening now in the media and the montage that you played there at the beginning, the reality, Sean is that in Daniel, please pay close attention to this. The reality is that they are probably I would I would hypothesize and I said this last week right in Media Matters. You know how they always jump in and do stuff. I said that that the majority of these things that they're talking about are bought and paid for by the d n C, not not the Republican Party, not Donald Trump. It's the d NC that has their hands in with the Russians. It's the d n C that was colluding with an operative to write at fake Gassier. It was the d n C that was doing all these things to get a susday against them, a man that was going to become president and defeat the establishment person Hillary Clinton that they assumed was gonna win. And when we look at what is unfolding, we were able to look at the family tree of this leftist movement, not just in the United States, but globally. It's not just the American media, the global media is doing the same thing. Sean. There's a family tree of leftists in this country. They finance it. They are activists, quote unquote community activists, whatever that is. Because I never see him cleaning up the or city or reestablishing the family unit. They are the media personnel that spew wise and then when you tell the truth, they go after you and try to ruin you. If uh, it goes on and on into politicians. And what you see is this well oil machine that is doing its best to spend something up to ruin this present. Now that at first they were trying to do it immediately to get him impeached, Now they're looking at the long term. And that's exactly what you see. I think Nunius is a great American. Listen. I gotta tell you, he's shown great courage. He's brought us the truth, and he's doing his constitutional duty and he's getting, you know, the same liberal crap that everybody gets that tries to tell the truth. Will take a breakball with Danielle and Jonathan on the other side as we continue on the Sean Hannity Show. Right as we continue, daniel McLaughlin and Jonathan Gillham News round up Information Overload our I guess at the end of the day, you don't seem to care all that much that a Russian dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton not only was designed to lie to the American people and affect the outcome of an election, and that Bernie Sanders had a primary stolen, and that a phiser court was led to it. You don't have a problem with a phiser coorpian purposely misinformed. It's really clear this once and for all. Number one, court knew that this was opposition research. No wait, whoa, wha wha, No, you're not being you're not no, no, no, the FISA Court was not told that Hillary Clinton paid for this op research on Trump, they said, And then a tendem that there are at the end of the document. It may have a slight political taint to it, that's all. Now, that's a big difference from telling the visor judges the truth is that Hillary paid for this and and and not telling the court judge, Oh, we never verified this on our own. Look. Number one, it was a page full of explanations about the source. She was not named because that would be unmasking, and that is not not unmasking anybody, because we're not talking about surveillance here. She paid for it. Number one. Number two carter pages twice a warrants started a month after he lift the Trump campaign. It doesn't matter that gives him a backdoor into Trump campaign emails and everything else, because it goes back to im perpetuity. And you know, and how do you get how do you get to present to a judge, a viser judge, in particular in Afiser court information you have not verified that we now know has been debunked. Well, think about number one and number two, Hey, Danielle, Danielle, if all the if they had evidence of Hooker's urinating on Donald Trump's bed in the Rits in Moscow, we would have known by now. Maybe, but maybe moll is doing a good job and keeping it under its And honestly, I don't think any very really cares about that. The last thing I'll say, that's the that's a that's part of the crap that's in there. It was not used to the American people. It was used to lie to the American people. They never verified it, and under oath, Christopher Steele disowned his own dossier. And you have this before. They all knew about it before the election, which is my point. I'm Jonathan's gonna hate me because we're out of time, But I love you both, Jonathan Cheap no more New York Times bestseller Danielle My blood Pressure is up alright now till the top of the hour. We are getting closer to being able to confirm that we have a huge development tonight on Deep Stategate that we will be breaking nine Eastern on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Uh so, we hope you'll tune in. All right, as promised. Let's get to our busy phones and we'll say hi to Tricia. She's in Texas. Tricia, Hi, how are you welcome to the program. Thank you so much for taking my call. Thank you for everything you've sacrifice on behalf of this nation. Listen compared to others, I'm we're spokes in the wheel. We gotta remember that, Tricia. Everybody goes out and vote. We win everybody. That's a big spoke. If everybody could just vote. Hey, I wanted to discuss Bruce Or with you for a moment, if I could. UM, I spent forty years in the executive branch. Please don't hate me for that. Why would I hate you? Serving your country? But there are good people in government. There are there a lot. I spent twenty years specifically in government ethics. UM. What Bruce Or has done with respect to UM fusion, GPS and the Dussier and Steel is an absolute violation of a criminal conflict of interests all and punishable by five years in prison for each offense. Fitt, Dows and are find the facts are just right there for any prosecutor to pick up and take. Um. Main justice will not take the reins on that. As a general the U S Attorneys will run with a case like that, but effectively, as federal employees, we cannot work on any latter that we have a financial interest in, and our spouse's employment is interest for us. Absolute conflict. Well, I gotta be honest, You're right, you have high ethical standards. There are many people in government to do but there are other people. It is so obvious, so transparent what has gone on here that you know it kind of is a little shocking to the conscience that they refused to do their job. And I gotta tell you it's um. You know, this is now what has become a real crisis tipping point for the country, because if we don't have an equal if we don't have equal justice under the law and equal application of the law, then we're all in deep trouble because that means you've got the state now favoring some over others, using the power of the state to go after some because of their political views. It's it's even beyond criminalized political differences. You know, say what you will about the Manifort trial and whatever the vertical ends up being, because remember, these federal cases end up in guilty verdicts. Uh, it's just the way the federal system works. But they dug this case out of mothballs because they wanted to put the screws to Manifort. It has nothing to do with collusion Russia, the campaign Donald Trump. It's a two thousand and five case. And then they a guy that's gonna get over a hundred years in jail for the embezzlement, for the corruption, for the tax fraud, uh, for the lifestyle, the cheating and everything else. He's gonna get a hundred years in jail. And then they said, no, you just talk about that guy and we'll give you a get out of jail free card. That's not justice in America because anybody under those circumstances probably would blame their mother for whatever they're being accused of to get out of jail. Because remember, you're not talking about honest, ethical people here. So he admits to all these felonies, all these crimes, all this embezzlement, all this stealing, all this corruption, you know, and then he Okay, you're you're grow facing a hundred years in jail unless you say this about this guy. That's you know, it's like Sammy the Bull nineteen murders. You get to go free. We'll give you a new house in Arizona, witness protection program, new life. But just we need you to testify against him. Forget about putting you in jail for the nineteen murders. You're committed. It is. It's basically bribery. You're bribing one person to say what you want him to say, because in this case, they want Manafort to sing or compose so they can prosecute or impeach Trump. It's sick this, you don't. We are on the verge of real trouble emerging in America and chaos ensuing, and a real, true, clear and present danger to our constitutional republic. And the fact that few liberals have the courage to stand up for what's right is even more frightening because for them, it's all about politics, criminalizing political differences and meaningless to them. Rogue prosecutors meaningless to them. Kind of scary, Tricia, you know you've been there. Uh, thank you, Mike and Santa Barbara, California, my old stomping grounds. What's going on, Mike? How are you? I'm fine? Thanks to Uh. If you go to the end of Chappola Street, I forget the number many years ago, the last building on the left right at the end of Chapolo. Then if you make a left and the right, you're right at the Chubby's Hamburger Place, which was delicious. But I mean I was in that last building at the end of Chapolo Street. That's where I used to live. Alright, alright, well they're still in town and they're still doing great business. Oh listen, when I was there, I think, you know, cheeseburger, one of their burgers, and coke and a French friends like three fifty. I don't know what it costs today. It's a little more, is about four, but it's still pretty good, that's it. Yeah, well four fifty cent in that neighborhood. Yeah, it's probably closer to six, but that's all right. What's going on? Oh? Well, um, you know, as as sharp as you and a lot of your guests are I think you're completely missing the vote on the dossier because they thought Hillary and her team thought they were going to win that election in a landslite going away, they didn't need the dossier for the election, or I disagree from being they were using that dossie. Listen, you're in an election, you know that things can change. They were using it to literally lie to the American people, to steal as many votes as they can and rig it in their favor. You know, the Clinton they have a history of that, Yes, But I think the actual purpose of it was that they did not like Trump saying lock her up all the time, and they knew they were gonna win, and they were setting this thing up so that when they won, they were going to arrest Trump and nobody would know. I don't doubt that there's a possibility that they were thinking that deeply because they were overly confident. But at the end of the day, you know, when Trump said I don't feel like going after the Let's just move on, and he was trying to be gracious, I think he regrets that moment now. I would bet now knowing what we know. But yeah, they listen, then listen they just ask Bernie Sanders how honest the Clintons are, except he doesn't have the courage to even tell you the truth. That's true, That's true. Alright, my friend, thank you. Uh back to the phones. Ron is in Oklahoma, Wagner, Oklahoma. How are you, sir, Sean Hannity, You're a great American. Uh, you're a great Americans sir? What's going on? If you would indulge me, I'd like to make two comments. I picked her this whole Russian debacle as being a wheel, and all these various actors represent the spokes. But I keep seeing the Fives Accords as the hub. And I'm wondering that if you could use your considerable influence to perhaps subpoena these judges, bring them in, put them under oath, perhaps we'll find out whether or not they were just poor lied to judges, or if they are in fact part of the swamp. You know, well the fies that judges I don't know. I mean, every judge that I've ever known has a real sense of confidence about them, and judges I know and they just listen. They've earned they earned that respect. They've been a law school, they know the law they got a very important position. Judges that I've met, they expect to be called your honor. They expect yes, ma'am, no, ma'am, yes, your honor, no, your honor, yes, sir no, sir uh. And they deserve the respect. And if you don't give it to them, let me tell you something, you make it a It's like, but when a cop pulls you over, I didn't do anything, what are you doing? Good luck with that? Instead of saying, fall on your sword. And the first thing I always say is I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention. I apologize, I'm wrong, You're right, I'm sorry, sir. That's it. And if I happen to be carrying my firearm, which I'm legally allowed to carry, I will put my hands outside the window and literally so on the outside way outside, and when the policeman comes, I said, I will say I have a firearm in the car or on my waist and give them fair warning and keep my hands out. I just give them a maximum respect. And and first of all, I do respect them. I mean, it's not it's it's not contrived, it's real. I love cops. I respect police officers, but whole family was in law enforcement, you know. So I don't think these judges like being lied to, but they're not in a position yet where they can talk. But things don't work the way they are supposed to a lot of times, and so I think that they really need to be interviewed under oath. My second point, sir, if you'll agree with you, yes, sir, go right ahead. I want to encourage all American loving conservatives, Republicans, patriots to stop for a second and realize just how important these mid term elections are. We could lose everything that we have lived for these last eighteen months or two years. We got a man in the office who can do the job. Let's not forsake him, and let's get off the couches and get out there and put the right people in office. And I called for all the fellow combat veterans out there and tell them this mission has just started. There's still a long way to go, and there's battles to be won. Listen, you know, I love what you're saying. You're obviously a great patriot who loves this country. And this is what I want to say to everybody. Look, I'm gonna be honest. People get me, you know too much praise and credit. I don't on praising credit. I'm just telling everybody we're all spokes in a wheel, and those of us that see that, that do see what's happening. Whatever part you can play, you're gonna you're gonna be a spoken that wheel. I'm one spoke, and you know if you're all if you just say, I'm gonna vote this midterm to stop these people from rolling back to tax cuts, keeping Obamacare, firing Ice and open borders and impeaching Trump and ending these deep state investigations. You are helping on a dramatic level. Don't diminish how important that will be. I appreciate the call one Sean. All right, let's go to Lucy and McKinney, Texas. Lucy, you got about a minute, go ahead, it's all yours. I have a very quick little thing. I just wanted to say, the enjoying listening to your playing the stuff about Adam Schiff in the Russian DJs. That's been hilarious and it has inspired me to come up with my own little funny thing for you. So I figured out the problem with the Democrat Party is that it's full of shifts. Yeah, no it you know, you know how risk it is on live radio and TV to say shiftless shift and then I'll say five times in our own I'm I'm even shocked. I don't even mess it up, but it's got one day I'm gonna mess it up. Uh, you know what, I think what you're saying is true. I think we need to play this more often. Let me play it now. Thank you for reminding me. I think you're right there, full of shifts. But this is him gleefully talking or Russian about naked pictures of Trump. And we also know who was a mediator between Trump and Russian government who met with ex advisor of Trump, Mr Flynn. It was the Russian singer, very famous singer, Arcadio Koupnik, who met with Mr Flynn on Brighton Beach in Brooklyn in the special Russian cafee langer On. What's the name of the langer On Langeron? Yes, it's an on the Brighton Beach, Okay, and it's a special right, it's a Russian district in Brooklyn. And do you know what was discussed? They discussed many things, but the most interesting thing is they use the special They used the special password before before their meetings, when they met each other, they said, whether it's good on Jerry Basso scare, whether trains is good? And where? Whether it's good on Jerry Basosca. There is a name of a street in Odessa. Did you did you hear? Yes? I did so. It's a stream in Odessa that the code word is weather. It's good on zero Basta Jerry Basovskaya, Jerry Basovskaya. Okay, And I'll have my staff all up to get spellings and more detail. Yes. And the second part of their Best World was it rains again on Brighton Beach. It rains again on Brighton Beach. Yes. On that meeting, Coopning told Flynn that all those compromising materials will never at least if Trump will cancel all Russian sanctions. Okay, Um, well, obviously we would uh welcome a chance to get copies of those recordings. Um. So we will try to work with the PI to figure out, along with your staff, how we can obtain copies of those This is very helpful. I appreciated anything else you wanted to to add today. Well, I hope that my information will will be useful for you and your comedy. And I also would like to advise you when you or your colleagues will meet Mr Trump, I advise you to tell him the first part of the past word on the weather is good on dry book, and look how his face will change of color. Colluding and conspiring right, breaking news tonight Kennedy on the Fox News Channel as we get even new information. This is pretty blockbuster and we'll be checking in with John Solomon, Sarah Carter, Gregg Jarrett, Joe Degenneva, the great One, Mark Levine, and much more. Kennedy, say you d v R nineties, turn on the Fox News Channel. Thanks for being with us. See you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow

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