The Psaki Saga Continues

Published Jul 7, 2021, 10:00 PM

Joe Concha, Fox News Contributor and columnist for The Hill talks about the Psaki sagas from door to door vaccinations to Biden’s Michigan Pie, his latest article for The Hill deals with the false narrative of Republicans defunding the police.

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All right, Thanks Scott Shannon, thanks to all of you for being with us. Right down our toll free number, it's eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We've got a lot of ground who covered today. I cannot believe when I when we showed the tape last night, we played it yesterday. Joe, what do you think about the latest Russian cyber attacks fifteen hundred companies um um? Well, it's the reason that um UM I was late get the most recent by the Russians. Would you say that this means Russians? Okay, I got a brief. I got a brief. Friends, I was on the plane that spires late late. I'll be in better shape to talk to you about it. Stop right there, I got a brief on the plane. Let me let me tell you what's going to happen next. In case you didn't see it, what's gonna happen next is you can start counting one. One thousand and two, one thousand, three, one thousand and four, one thousand and five one. Because Joe just got briefed on it. That's why I was late getting off the plane, because I just got briefed on it. Now, you would think if you just got briefed on it, it would be top of mind awareness after Colonial pipeline and what happened with the shutdown, and what's impacted seventeen states, after what happened to our meat industry, you know, after his big meeting with Vladimir and his list of sixteen things Vladimir don't ever dare. Don't you ever dare attack these? Okay, thanks for the list, Joe, I appreciated. Those are the very things will attack. All right, So now Joe is struggling. He just got briefed. That's why he's late. Now let's start in the beginning. Let's play from the beginning, and then listen to Joe. He has to reach into his pocket even though he just got briefed because he can't remember the answer that the most Russians, which you say that this means for Russians, I've gotten them. I got a brief on them as I was on the plane. That's why it was, lady getting off the plane, were in better shape to talk to you about it, and we can't the whole wall of dog. I'll tell you what they sent to fix. Look, this is what they told me to read. He's reading that fine went ball pen the idea. First of all, we not sure who it is. For certain we read to know And what I did, I directed the full resources of a government to assist in a response if we determine this is I know, I've I've joked about it, Sippi. I'm not doing it anymore. I'm not joking about it because it ain't funny. This is a disaster. This is an unmitigated disaster, and it's beyond cognitively week at this point, it's obvious to our enemies, hostile regimes, hostile states. You know, I told you yesterday was going on. You know, we had the number one ally of Taiwan. We have a pack, we have a promise of pledge that we will protect them against China and militarism. And then President she throughout his big threat about one point four or five billion Chinese that are ready to bloody everybody up around the world. We know about their their territorial ambitions in the China Sea. Now China is threatening to destroy US military bases in any conflict over Taiwan. Because there was a word that the president of China hostile actor hostile regime. I know big business partners with zero experience. Hunter we now know is paying Joe's bills with the money he's making because of Joe's connections. That that little detail came out from Miranda Divine. I can't wait for her book on the tip topic. Now China is threatening to destroy US military bases in any conflict over Taiwan doesn't get much attention, And maybe some of you thinking, Hannity, don't you have anything better than this to talk about. I got a lot to talk about. But this is a big deal, just like Russia and China providing the Iranian Mullah's arms so they can fight their proxy wars. As the number one state sponsor of terror in the entire Middle East. Yeah, that bothers me and concerns me also because this is now what we're seeing. This is what a weak, frail, cognitive mess creates worldwide. It emboldens America's enemies. We now see on full display China's territorial ambitions. Look at Hong Kong, look at Taiwan now, Bill Gertz, I went back and I found his piece from June sixteenth, and it didn't get much attention in the mob in the media. They're too busy hating Donald Trump. Still it's like their daily you know, crack fix it. It's like they're dose of heroin and painkillers. They're addicted. They can't get over it. But remember after member nations of the G seven at summit, they issued a statement in support of Taiwan's independence. Remember now, President, she's talking about reunification. That sounds like a takeover of Taiwan to me. Then retired People Liberation Army colonel who serves Beijing's as serves as Beijing's unofficial military spokesman now saying China should declare that it will attack the United States and Japan in any conflict over Taiwan. Joe, can you find Taiwan on a map? Do you remember when you took Hunter to China? Ten days later got the one point one billion dollars later one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China. Deutsche Bank didn't get it. I bet they would have liked it. Goldman Sacks didn't get it. I bet they would have liked it. Morgan JP, Morgan Chase, I think they would have liked it. I don't even know the names of these big Wall Street firms. But I'm pretty convinced they have a lot more experience than Hunter Biden. You know, just like if a Trump kid was addicted to crack light on a gun application dumped a gun and a dumpster. If a Trump kid was making money from oligarchs in Kazakhstan, no experienced millions of dollars from Barisma and Ukraine and a Russian oligarch former first Lady in Moscow one hundred thousand dollars shoppings free for one of the Trump kids, or one billion later one point five billion dollar deal with the Bank of China. Oh, I bet there'd be different coverage than we're getting now. It's necessary that China make an explicit statement to the world of the consequences the US and Japan will face in the event of their military intervention in a Taiwan straight conflict. You know, China should first target all US bases in the region, including in Japan and South Korea they're talking about and all out assault here, just like as part of their reunification efforts. Next, Japan self defenses forces based you know, their bases used for logistics. They want to attack them next because they supply aid and support for the US military. They would be declared formal targets and destroyed instantly by China. Last, Japanese military forces that support US military forces in the region would be attacked and destroyed indiscriminately. Okay, I'm sorry. Why don't I pay attention to things like this? I don't know, I'm maybe I'm just there's concerned citizen world, citizen one big world, aren't we? And you know what, how's this going to end? Not going to end very well? This is a problem we now have, all right to our top story though, the President Donald Trump now taking an important step confronting big tech monopolies that have been banning conservatives from their platforms and openly trying to recollections. Remember we've talked a lot about Section two thirty that provides liability protection for content providers. For example, if you are a news organization, you don't get Section two thirty protection, But if you allow content to be placed on whatever social media site you have, and you're not involved in editorial, then you have the liability protection that you can't be held responsible for what other people put on there as soon as you start editing. You really know, different than fake news CNN or the New York Times or the Washington Post or MSDNC or any of the three networks anyway we saw this play out. I mean, you cannot even begin to calculate how much money in kind donation it represented to the Biden campaign. Hiding the contents of zero experience Hunter's laptop, they bury that story. And now, of course shadow banning, which we've discussed at length, that all happens then of course, just the outright censoring of any conservative if you don't like their point of view. So the lawsuit now is against tech giants Facebook, Twitter, Google over censorship, along with their respective CEOs, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey at Jack and the leader of Google who I don't know how to pronounce his name. The class action suits will allow Trump to represent a larger group of affected people. It's a class action suit. My sources tell me that it is being filed by the America First Policy Institute. I'm not mistaken. I think that's Linda McMahon's group. And also apparently the lawyers that are going to be involved in this case. So the same ones that that argued against the tobacco companies. So you're dealing with serious players here. It should be interesting to watch now. Simultaneously, in the House of Representatives, House Judiciary Committee, Republicans led by the ranking member, our friend, Jim Jordan of Ohio, said their agenda is to speed up and strengthen antitrust enforcement and hold big tech accountable for censorship, increased transparency around the tech company's content moderation decisions. Why is it that you know the last we checked, and it was a little while ago. Granted, the former president of the United States is canceled on social media sites, but Iranian mullah's and propagandists they have free reign. Now tell me what's wrong with that picture, because that's unbelievable. Linda just sent me. We'll get into this later. Man stabbed to death after an argument New York City, Midtown broad Daylight. In other words, a typical day after you defund dismantle the police, and have no bail laws in New York City, and then you want to take away there indemnification or qualified immunity, which means that cops everybody that they arrest will then sue them because they got to hire their own attorneys. That means policing as we know it. It will be reimagined because there won't be any police because nobody will be able to afford to do that job. So anyway, House Republicans are going to move forward with that. We're going to watch this story. There was an interesting piece that I saw. Where was this? It was on Fox News. I think in the Epic Times. I'm sorry. Larry Sanger, co founder of Wikipedia, warned that this that that site is more one sided than ever in light of the website's entries for black lives matters, the twenty twenty election, Donald Trump's impeachment, other topics, and he took issue with how some Wikipedia entries or sourced Linda, how many times have we tried to get the real story of me right and they just lie? And you know, it's like a full time job to try and get them to not lie about you. But because of times V. Sullivan, it's very little I can do. He noted that Wikipedia has banned Fox News political reporting, the New York Post, the Daily Mail from being used as sources. They don't even let you use it. And by the way, other sources on the other sources that can be used, you know, even the Blaze, Breitbart, the Daily Wire, eight Way Pundit, Newsmax all banned, unbelievable. All right, rolling along Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to join us. I know so many on the left and the media and the mob and elsewhere arab sat Donald Trump's tweets offended them. Okay, does it offend you that oil now has reached the highest ice in six years amid low supply and output. We now have a barrel of oil at was trading at seventy six You can check at Linda, I'm sorry, seventy seven dollars and four cents of barrel. Yeah, that's not good. Futures for the West Texas Intermediate. The main US oil benchmark advanced thirteen one point three percent, and when you look at the numbers, it is a disaster. The average price of gas nationwide is now three dollars thirteen cents a gallon, high for the year of forty percent since January first. Fuel costs aren't expected to drop anytime soon. We believe it will rise another ten to twenty cents a gallon between now and the end of August. According to a spokesperson for Triple A and CBS's Money Watch Americans hit the road on the fourth of July. This is what they got. On top of that, I look at the UK Daily Mail, which is a great online site, I mean very very informative. Supermarkets are now beginning in a stockpile to keep up with soaring inflation. They're reporting that the inflation pressure that they're seeing is significant. General Mills, their CEO, said at a recent investor conference, it's probably higher than we've seen it in the last decade. Supply chain issues have been pushing up prices, labor shortages putting wage pressure on the grocery sector. We're paid what I've been telling you, We're going to pay more for everything. Everything you buy in every store is now costing dramatically more, on top of the inflation, and on top of filling up your tank and heating and cooling your home. Thanks Joe, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one shn you want to be a part of the program. Doesn't look as bad as I thought it would originally be. But just a quick update on what has been going on. We got this storm lashing the Caribbean and Florida Keys and National Weather Service saying that Hurricane Elso's packing winds as high as seventy five miles per hour headed toward Florida's northern Gulf coast and then up the east coast of the country. Category one storm. For you, that's like a walk in the park. I mean, you're one of these crazy storm chasers. The official meteorologists for the Sean Hannity Show, Joe Bastardi a WeatherBell dot Com. Hey, I'll tell you what. Last year, I was on the beach at Ocean City, New Jersey for ESAs and that thing almost blew me over. I'm not I'm not who I used to be as far as that stuff goes. Let me explain what's going on with this storm. It's made landfall. The problem here is we have a situation where it is likely to be stronger from Virginia northward into southeast New England than it was in Florida. Now, it made landfalls, a fifty five sixty mile an hour storm. And I'm going to give you these times because I know Sean's got a lot to talk about today, So I'm going to get through this real quick. And plus or minus three hours. When I call out your town plus or minus three hours, you're going to get the maximum wind gust. Okay, and you know with the rain and all that stuff coming through, So it's a three to six hours storm Augusta, Augusta, Georgia. Okay. So that looks to be like to be a four or five am in the morning, and the highest wind gusts there I think will be fifty miles an hour. You get into Columbia, South Carolina and down towards Charleston, it looks to me like between eight am and ten am tomorrow morning, that's when you see wind gusts forty to fifty miles an hour. There's a thread of tornadoes. Two. Now you're saying, okay, well we can handle that. The interesting thing about this Sean and folks is on a south and southeast wind, the trees, if you ever look at your trees, they lean towards the sun where the sun is in the southern part of the sky, and a lot of times the trees cannot take a south and southeast wind the way they can the northwest wind. And this is what we saw with easta Es last year. So we continue northeastward. We get into Raleigh tomorrow afternoon between three and six pm. Wind gust fifty sixty miles an hour, and that includes Wilmington and down towards the coast. So you can hear where this track is going right and all the strong wind is to the southeast to the center, all the heavy rain is within northwest of center. And now things start getting a little bit more dicey as it approaches the Chesapeake Bay between midnight and two am Friday morning, wind gus near hurricane forests if possible. Over the southern part of the Chesapeake Bay, I'd say sixty miles an hour Norfolk, perhaps sixty miles an hour in Richmond. It continues northeastward, and once you get the center over Dover, Delaware, remember what happened with easta Es last year. That's when you may start seeing hurricane force wind gusts on the coast. Currently, I think the center moves from Atlantic City in the morning on Friday to about Providence at three o'clock in the afternoon. If you live north and west of that track, folks, you're going to get a lot of heavy rain and wind gusts probably thirty forty fifty miles an hour. But if you live on the Jersey Shore, and this is going to bisect Long Island, so we're talking about the Hamptons and places like that, you could have hurricane force gusts. When you're looking at the ninety five quarters southeast New England, those big cities of Providence in Boston. Again, from those cities Southeastwood toward the Cape at Nantucket, you could have wind gusts the hurricane force here and what happens with that on the south to southeast wind again, those trees it's raining out, they can't take it down, they go and the power goes out. With that type of situation, if we shift the tracks fifty miles northwest, then you're talking you know, New York City seeing the same kind. To remember, etha Ees was the third biggest hit to con Ed's grid on their record. People don't realize what year was that e was last year? Was that storm that came up in August last year? Okay? I want to talking about Yeah, So I just all right, well listen, I urge everybody you know, always take this stuff seriously. That's why we bring you on because you you're greater at what you do jobstartie official meteorologist WeatherBell dot com and you know, check the site out often. He updates it all throughout the day and night. He never sleeps. He's greater what he does. Thank you for being well us all right, thanks a lot, and enjoy the weather. It's the only weather you got. Yeah, thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. Another great holiday weekend weather. Um so oh, now we got fresh off missing his fourth of July vaccine goals. Now they're going to go knocking on doors to convince Americans to get vaccinated. I mean, okay, I'm listening to this. Where did this vaccine hesitancy come from? Oh? Conservative Today said they wouldn't say what they do. I'm saying, I am telling people to take this stuff seriously. You've got this delta variant, this lambda variant from Peru. You know it's you take it seriously, do your research, talk to your doctor, make the right decision. But we were also told, well, you know, if you get the vaccine, you're going to be you know, protected. Now we keep hearing that might not be the case. Now we're getting into issues involving This is from medical Express dot commerce or website a medical one apparently the compulsory you know, jabs. The pressure is growing on people that are making their own medical decisions based on their unique medical condition. In consultation with the doctor, one hundred and fifty three medical workers that worked all throughout COVID or fired from this Houston hospital and I interviewed one of the nurses and she was willing to share that she had COVID. Now, if we're going to follow the science, less than what two weeks ago Cleveland clinic is saying, Oh, if you had the virus, you don't need the vaccine. Isn't that following the science? But she got fired anyway, She went in every day, risking her life all throughout the pandemic. They had the Canyon of Heroes march in New York City today for first responders and all those people that worked so hard to keep people alive during the pandemic in New York. They deserve to be praised. You know, I love that. You know, in New York, if you did come from outside New York to help New York and its time of need, they did hit you with the tax bill for the state. You do pay your state income taxes even though you were here to offer emergency help and risk your own life. I'm not in favor of compelling people to do this. This has got to be a decision between a doctor and a patient based on the patient's individual health needs. I'm not and all those people that were putting pressure in unity, you need to tell people. I'm not a doctor. If I did tell people and something, for example, if I told everyone get even if you had to get it anyway, well, the Cleveland clinic would have just told me I gave out the wrong advice. It's not my area of expertise, you know. And a lot of by the way, tech CEOs, they're wary of these mandates. Large tech is encouraging but not requiring employees to get vaccinated. Now was what were we told? We were told that if you got vaccinated, you were protected now with these variants, and I warned very early that we would see varying manifestations and mutations of this virus. And I wish I was wrong, but I wasn't. COVID case is now on the rise again, and now the Biden administration is saying lockdowns can be back on the table circle back. White House Press Secretary Jensaki said that Joe Biden certainly would support states reimposing coronavirus restrictions, Like, what now, we're going to go door to door and tell people. Biden administration appears Bloomberg News reporting that they've hit the panic button as COVID cases exploded the border. Well, that would be their fault. They're the ones that ended the stay in Mexico policy. They're the ones that are just processing anybody that comes in from any country without any background or health check whatsoever, and then transporting them to other states and telling the states you've got to provide healthcare and education and shelter and food for illegal immigrants. But now apparently a promise of amnesty down the road. US Health Department Health and Human Services, they're reallocating eight hundred and sixty million of funds appropriated to the National Institutes for Health to cover the increase in pandemic related costs with unaccompanied children at the border. Maybe Joe shouldn't have been busy building the cages for kids and putting them on top of each other in the middle of a pandemic, and then of course the media not even caring that we weren't given access to such places. Well, more than seventy five hundred new coronavirus cases have been reported at this tension centers just between April and last week. According to the New York Times, rising COVID cases were more than forty percent of all cases reported in ice facilities since the pandemic began. Great job, Joe, Now we're gonna have what more shutdowns? US COVID cases on the rise, Infection skyrocket at the border. It's all at the border. Well that was caused by Joe, you know, it's it's pretty unbelievable. Then you've got doctor doom and gloom flipplop Fauci. We now know new on January thirty first that the genome and this virus was likely gained a function related never told us, tried very hard to cover it up. Was very panicked at the idea that the nih might have even funded some of this. It's unbelievable. Biden missed his second major COVID vaccine goals. Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he got all the pp you know, all of the supplies he needed when New York couldn't get the job done. We never ran out of ventilators. He built the hospitals manned. The hospitals provided all the therapeutics and everything in between, and even converted them for COVID patients. They remained eighty percent empty because well, the patient we're being sent back to nursing homes to die and anyway. So Biden missed his goal of eighty million COVID nineteen vaccines to other countries by the end of June by more than half. Less than twenty four million doses have been distributed to ten countries. Biden failed to reach his fourth of July goal of seventy percent of America getting vaccinated. White House saying Biden would certainly support reinforcing these restrictions. Now they're launching a door to door push. What does that mean, Hi, I'm from the government. Oh, you know, give me your arm, let me jab you. Everybody now understands masks, social distancing. Everybody knows that there are three vaccines available. Now, the question is do we believe in this country of medical privacy? Now, the question is do we believe that doctors are better able to make the decision for their patients than some government official? You know, are we going to follow the science of Oh, prestigious institution like the Cleveland Clinic. And what about the fact that many parents are concerned about vaccinating preschool and kindergarten kids and young kids in school. Considering that younger people the one thing that remained constant. They're not as susceptible to the worst reactions to coronavirus. The older people were more susceptible. Now it was different with H one N one, the swine flew that impacted younger people more than older people. Why I'm not into virology, I don't know. Maybe we can ask the experts at the Wuhan Lab of Horology that apparently our taxpayer dollars went to. Are you following the looting that's going on in these high end stores like Neiman Marcus and San Francisco? Are you following the violence in broad daylight and cities like New York. How is this reimagining of the police eat thing working out for everybody? How is the funding working out? How is this mantling working out? How are no bail laws working out? Literally they're saying in San Francisco, you know, as long as you don't steal over a thousand dollars, they're not going to prosecute you, well, that would be called a license to steal. We could maybe make that a James Moomb movie, because that's what it is. It's like getting rid of indemnification or qualified immunity for cops. They're not going to be able to afford attorneys every time they get sued. Policing will end just like the stupidity of no bail laws. I mean, this is this is where. But by the way, if you're part of the Biden family syndicate, you get in trouble with none of this. Joe Biden meets with Hunter Biden's business partners. When he said three times I've ever met, never talked to him about his foreign business dealings. Now we have pictures of it. Now we have Hunter whining and complaining that he has to pay his father's bills while he's vice president. Now we have Joe Biden having to deal with Russia and China and all these hotspots around the world. But you have to then ask what do they have on the Bidens. Do you think that when Hunter went over and was doing business with the Chinese that they probably spied on him the whole time. Do you think when he was doing business with the first Lady of Moscow that they probably spied on him the whole time, or the Ukrainians probably spied on him the whole time. You don't need this doesn't need to be a Bond movie to figure any of this out. It's pretty easy. I was pretty surprised that the American thinker I've not gone this far. I'm just saying that Joe is cognitively struggling and weak, actually have an article out that says President Dementia's is getting worse. It's now going mainstream. But the worst part of the equation of Joe's struggles, as our enemies see it right, News round Up, Information, overload, our gladu with us. Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. News you'll never get from the medium mob, the big Tech mob. Now, before we get back to our top story, which is Donald Trump's suing Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. For and Google for censorship and the House Republicans announcing their plan to break up Big Tech, I want to go to another story. And then it is you know I brought this up with O'Reilly earlier that if your name is Trump, you get one set of standards applied to you by the mob by big tech. If your name is Biden, you get a pass. And the lead up to the election, Hunter's laptop from Hell, the medium mob just decided to censor it, and then later, oh, maybe we should have put some of this in there. There's still a lot on that laptop, according to my sources that has not been revealed yet. Hopefully Miranda Divine in her new book will shed some light on some of the other things that people are telling me are in there. I can't get my own copy of it, but anyway, it's when you see the difference. And this is the question I asked, O'Reilly, So let me get this straight. You got Hunter Biden buys a gun, lies on a gun application, puts the gun in a dumpster, and gets away with it no problem. Now we know Joe Biden three separate times the night ever talking to Hunter about his foreign business dealings. But we actually have pictures of Joe Biden as vice president meeting with Hunter and those foreign business partners and restaurants and crickets from the media mob. You know, now, what if it was a Trump or what are the Trump kids getting a one point five billion dollar deal with the Bank of China with Chinese military ties, or Chinese national taking one of the Trump kids on one hundred thousand dollar shopping spree, or one of the Trump kids getting three point five million dollars from a Russian oligarch the former first Lady of Moscow, or a bank transfer for an expensive sports car from an oligarch in Kazakhstan. Then of course the whole barisma, you know, energy and Hunter admitting had no experience and anything to do with energy, oil, gas coal, anything, or even Ukraine and Joe leveraging a billion dollars, all of which we've talked about. You know, we've got literally legalized corruption. You know, it's if you're a Biden, you get a pass. If you're a Trump, you get the book thrown at you. Now we know that Joe Biden met with Hunter's farm business partners. He lied to us. Why doesn't the media care about that? Wow? How was that even possible that they don't care about that? You know, does anyone examine the first brother, Jimmy Biden, because that's also in there. Now we got Now, we got Hunter complaining that he's paying daddy's cell phone bills and his other bills. Oh, the big guy, as Tony Babolynski says, got paid a lot of money. Nobody says a word, you know, and then you go to the mob and the media, and then you look at the way they treated Kaylee mcinanny and Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders to the way they treat circle back, Jen Saki, you know, Jen Saki is literally telling Fox News, is Peter Doocey that defunding the police as the Republican's plan. Okay, we all know that's a lie. We watched last summer that Joe Biden never mentioned the riots that were going on all summer long. Kamala Harris was advertising for a bail fund for people arrested during the riots of Minneapolis and not held accountable. Now now they're trying to tell you, and the media won't correct them that in fact, it's Republicans that want to fund the police. Listen to this exchange, and I will note that while the president ran on and won the most votes of any candidate history and a platform of boosting funding for law enforcement, after Republicans spent decades trying to cut the cops program, which again is public record. We don't need to undervalue the intelligence of the American people. The President ran on increasing that funding. It's in his budget. In President Trump's budget, he's significantly cut that. So that's a change. And the American Rescue Plan had a great deal of funding for local and state authorities. Something that can support funding for local police and communities across the country, something many of us. Doesn't require me telling you names of individuals who opposed the American Rescue Plan. Every Republican opposed the American Rescue Plan, and I don't have time to read out all their names today. Now we can play that and butted up again. Remember all the talk about defund dismantle the police, remember all that reimagine your need is an up farmer and hum v coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody, they become the enemy. They're supposed to protecting these people. They're folks in law enforcement that share the goals of reimagining police. We have confused the idea that to achieve safety you put more cops on the street. Reimagining policing in the twenty first century, My push is that we defund our police departments. And I know people don't want to hear. Oh, we don't want to talk about defunding, rethinking and reimagining policing. I don't believe that officers need to necessarily have weapons. You know, every time they they they're making a traffic stop. Community efforts to reimagine policing, to reimagine policing, all right, joining us now, he's actually the only honest media observer in the press today. And it doesn't mean he always agrees with me, as a matter of fact, he doesn't. But he's the only one that's not part of the cult of the blue check mark, Medium mob, Twitter brigade, Joe Concha, you deserve your own show. I mean it on Fox. I hope you get it anyway. Glad you with us, Joe, So, Jen Saki's lying. There's a headline in the Hill Jen Saki professional gaslighter on defunding the police. I don't even think most people know what gaslighting is, do you. It's lying, right, It's it's an elaborate lie that that it's so creative. It's like gaslighting. I don't know what the term comes from exactly in terms of its genesis, but it basically means lying, and in this case, it's it's very simple to disprove this. And the Washington Post actually did a fact check on Saki in saying that Republicans are responsible for defending the police, and she got three pinocchios. It's kind of like cancer. It's like a stage three of cancer. There is no stage five cancer. There is no fits pinocchio. So when you get three pinocchios, that's pretty bad. They're they're even they're calling her out on this. But look, all I did was I went back and looked at three of Joe Biden's biggest speeches of his life. Okay, the first one was at the Democratic National Convention last year, and during that, which was watched by something like twenty seven million people, he doesn't mention the word even the word police or crime once. Then you look at his inauguration address, which was watched by something around forty million people, and he doesn't mention police or crime even once. Then his State of the Union, which is called the Joint Session to Congress, and when you're a president in your first year, he does say the word police once, but only to say that we need police reform in the name of George Floyd. He does say the word crime three times, but he's actually talking about hate crimes, not about actually reducing crime or fighting crime. So when Jen Zaki says Joe Biden ran on fighting crime being a law and order candidate, I believe that was the other guy who got the seventy four million votes, who was the law and order candidate, and certainly not Joe Biden who wanted to to your Montag's point, reimagine what policing means. In other words, that means reallocate funds away from the police, so then police can't actually have the tools they need to fight crime. And then showing by the way, there aren't a lot of police left. Resignations are a forty five percent this year. That is a number we've never seen before. Retirements nineteen percent. Because the media portrays cops over and over again as the bad guys, as racist, and if you keep getting your throat stepped on by the media by Democrats being told that no, you are the bad guy, you say, you know what's screwing. I'll take my pension and I'll get out of here, because I want to be a little bit appreciated if I'm gonna do this job or I'm putting my life on the line every day, and it's just not happening. And it's being led by, unfortunately, the media that is in lockstep now with Democrats in terms of talking points. They never wanted to call it riots. I mean, one of my favorite things to play, not really favorite, it's just one of the things that I think just exposed the corruption of the media. Mob is mostly peaceful protests. And then we have a still shot of both a CNN fake news reporter with a city in the background burning to the ground. That was the image mostly peaceful. That's the message. I'm like, Okay, this seems to be a synapse collapse within the mind of this reporter because what I see on the screen is very different what that person is saying. The same with remember the Chop Chaz Summer of Love, Spaghetti Potlug, dinner Zone, autonomous Zone. Yeah, it was sort of like an MSDNC reporter saying, you know, there's mostly peaceful in here, and the people that are actually taking over city blocks say no, it's not, you know, and the reporters scared out of their mind, right, and the thing is. You see these images, right. You see an MSNBC reporter saying that these are mostly peaceful protests, and behind him it looks like the closing scene of die Hard, but the knacka Toy plaza completely on fire. And you see the stats right, millions of dollars in damage you see across the country in these crime stats which blow my mind. In New York you have murders up nearly fifty percent from pre pandemic twenty nineteen, Atlanta sixty percent, Portland up eight hundred percent. How's that even possible? Eight hundred percent? You mentioned Seattle before the Summer of Love, the city of chop they're seeing their highest homicide rate in nearly twenty six years. Overall. Last weekend, right supposed to be Independence Day celebrations, it was more like the Civil War, Shawn. We had nearly two hundred and fifty people shot and killed in this country, more than four hundred shootings. And I turned on the evening news thinking, well, that's going to be the lead story right now. Of course it is, and it's something else that people don't aren't impacted by like they are crime. And that's why we're seeing Joe Biden, even Joe Biden, even with favorable polling and favorable media, he only gets something like thirty eight percent approval. And I got to meet these thirty eight percent sometime. We'll have to go bowling with these people who say that he's doing a good job on fighting crime. That means that the rest of the people that were polled in that thing, he's doing a very bad job in terms of fighting crime. And you look at the border as well. Now fifty seven percent of Americans. You saw the Trafalgar Convention of States polls. I don't even think this guy is running the show. All right, quick break more with Joe Concha on the other side. Then we'll get to your calls. We'll look at New York crime over the holiday weekend. And why is the media ignoring the Republican candidate for mayor in New York? It's well abusively biased. Quick answer, right, more with a media commentator. I think he's the best in the business, and that's Joe Concha. This is a big lawsuit that the President laid out today. President Trump towards confronting big tech monopolies and simultaneously, House Judiciary Committee Republicans led by Jim Jordan announced their agenda to speed up and strengthen antitrust enforcement and hold big tech accountable for censorship, increase their transparency around the company's content moderation decisions. Yeah, where is this headed? Maybe where we disagree. You talked about this before. I don't think it's truly going anywhere, because right now as it stands, it's going to be different after November twenty twenty two. But Republicans don't control anything. They don't control the House, they don't control the Senate. They would need Democrats to go along with them on this, And Democrats they're thinking, Okay, why are we going to do anything to hurt Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon, big Tech when they serve as our biggest superpack. So why would we ever hurt these companies that help us so much during elections like we saw in twenty twenty And then as for Facebook and Twitter, they are private companies in a sense where they can operate however they want. In terms of free speech, the First Amendment only applies when you're talking about the government. When we're talking about actual private companies, there's not much the former president and Trump can do here. And then you look at Facebook, stock. For example, it's up one hundred points just since last year. Twitter stock has doubled since the last year. Business is still good. So they're not going to change anything at this point because they figure, why do we have to There's nothing that has to compel us to put Donald Trump on our platform because we control who's on there. So it's symbolically I agree with them completely, and he shouldn't be banned from these platforms. It's totally ridiculous the type of thing you see him pinyang, right, pion yang. I get to say that word, right, but overall I just don't see it going inywhere. But I think it will rile up certainly his base, and it does kind of indicate maybe shows that he's thinking seriously of a run in twenty twenty. P Well, I think that's that's pretty clear by every objective measure. You know. But we're at a point where the media is so corrupt that they'll cover everything for the bidens. I mean, you know, think about this, if fifty seven percent of Americans, including fifty eight percent of Independence, a third of Democrats and most Republicans think that this president is not fully in charge, and then and they see it well, so to do the enemies of America see it. That also means the media sees it, but they refuse to talk about it. You know. And remember they're not running the tape that I run on my show every night and every day on radio. They're not running these tapes of Joe with buying the cherry pie. And you know, asked a simple question question and it's like about the Russia and the latest cyber attack. And his answer is, oh, that's the reason that I was late getting off the plane. And they gave me the answer and hang on, let me let me look in my pocket. Here they wrote it down for me, and then he asked to read it. You have twenty seconds. Okay, we saw a president to this. Unfortunately, FDR the media covered his health problems, John F. Kennedy. You remember he would sometimes have to use crutches to go to certain hearings, to go out in public, and they made sure they cropped out the crutches from any shot behind the president. That was a different media back then. Of course, Joe Biden will continue to get a pass, but after a while, Americans are smart enough sean to find other news sources, other ways to get information, and they can see what they could see with their own eyes and hear what they could hear with their own ears, and they know that this is a president that clearly is not in charge right now. All right, Joe Concha, best media guy out there by far, Thank you for being with us. Quick break, we'll come back eight hundred nine four one, Shawn as our number. We'll get to your calls. We'll get an update. By the way, Curtis Sleeway, nobody talks about the Republican running from mayor of New York. It's not fair. At twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, I mean. The voting in New York City was an unmitigated disaster. The Board of Elections in New York they actually counted at one point one hundred and thirty four thousand votes that they were using to practice getting the vote tallies prior to the election. Now there's about an eight thousand vote margin and it has as the Democrat winning. Eric Adams, he ran on law and order. I'm not really sure that he's the guy that's going to get that job done because New York City. We now know a billion dollars cut to the NYPD. No bail laws in New York. Criminals basically go in, you can rob a bank, get out because there's Nobel, rob another one, get brought back to the precinct, get let out Nobel, and rob a third bank. You can do that all in one day anyway. Curtis Leewa is the Republican candidate for mayor in the City of New York. Friend of the program for many years. We worked together a long time. He's been the leader of the Guardian Angels for decades. I've seen this guy more often every time I used to ride the subway, and I haven't been riding it in recent years, but when I did, i'd see him. It didn't matter what time of day or night it was. I would run into Curtis or run into the Guardian Angels. And when passengers on the subways would see Guardian Angels that were there, they felt better because they don't feel protected in the subways in New York. And now it's even worse than ever. You see the videos people being attacked, you know, kolcock from behind, even old women in the streets of New York in broad daylight. We see what's going on in San Francisco. You know, people, Oh you can, as long as you don't steal a thousand dollars, We're not going to prosecute you. You know, we have all the people involved in the rioting from last summer, those throwing bricks and rocks and bottles and frozen water bottles and Molotov cocktails of police. Yeah, none of them are going to go to jail, even though we've got incontrovertible evidence. We got their videos of them doing these committing these crimes, and burning down a police precinct in the process. Anyway, Curtis's motto for this campaign so far and when we support as candidacy is refund the police. Great idea, Curtis Leewah, my friend, welcome back, my brother and solid any Sean Hannity, I remember those days when you would fucking me writing the subways, and Sean, I'm the only mayoral candidate who's writing the subway morning doon tonight. As you know, that's how you meet millions of potential voters who would never have access to any office. Nobody's gonna outwork you. I know you well enough to know that that's the case. Nobody will outwork you in this. Here's the problem. And I love that you're running. I've told you on primary day, I had no worries that you were. I knew you were going to run away with the primary. I told you that day. And now the challenge is this New York City is a city full of Democrats, liberal radical AOC democrats. Now there's a model that you are running on that you would follow, and that is the one that saved lives. When we were at nearly three thousand murders a year, Rudy Giuliani was elected to clean it up, and lo and behold, the number was driven down about three hundred, even less than three hundred in years that followed. And so we know how to do this. But the media almost wants to annoint Eric Adams and ignore you. And that really is me off as it shits John, because they basically they want a coronation. Let's look at this past week. Comrade build the Blasio, the part time mayor, the dope from Parts Slope who sent a drug induce psychosis, was offered millions of dollars by President Joe Biden and the President said this mayor and other mayors in blue states, in urban areas that are afflicted with crime, you can use the money to go out and hire police. Go out, hire police build. De Blasio twice refused to accept the money to hire police. Just yesterday and to evilize, Clomo declared a state of emergency, claiming gun violence is now the number one problem, no longer the pandemic. It's been all over the newspapers. It is undeniable. It's so bad that when you look at the recent numbers, more people are dying of gun violence than of col people are dying every day out there. Time is not on our side. Begin by acknowledging the problem. And you know what the problem is. It is a statewide problem, and it is an emergency. And I want the people of the state to understand that, and I want them to respond to the emergency for the way it is. So today first state in the nation is going to declare a disaster emergency on gun virus. He had seven points, and he never once mentioned hiring more police. Now, Sean, these are cop haters, and they are so fearful of the number one cop hater, AOC all out crazy alex ad Videocasio Cortez and her acolytes that they are afraid to take her on, and the Democratic Socialists of American and the justice warriors who want to defund the police by even three million dollars more closed the prisons. Have everyone not paid rent till the land was free. They want everyone moving south to the Mason Dixon line to turn the red States purple. Meantime, this state and this city becomes solidly blue, but a Democrat Socialist of America blue. It's all a part of this plan. And I'm going to stand and fight for what I know is right, John, You'd seen me do that before, and I'm going to take on AOC and the Democrats Socialist of America every step of the way. Eric Adams would never do that. He will not conflict with members of his own party. I don't see that he would govern any differently. And you're right, when did he ever say he'd refund the police replace the one billion dollars? Has he ever said it in the course of the campaign? No? And probably the worst thing is he has been the leader in the effort, not just here but all over the country. It affects your entire audience of law enforcement men and women. He wants qualified immunity removed from men. So that means every what's in the right they put on their bulletproof vest and go out and risk their lives for us. They are culpable for any action they take. They will have to defend themselves. They'll have to get their own lawyers. They'll have to get their own personal police malpractice insurance policy, which means they're going to continue to be reactive, not proactive. As Mayor, I am going to say, no qualified immunity is returned to you. All elected officials have it. Judges prosecute his civil servants. We cannot continue to vilify the police. Do you know today we honored the essential workers today up the canyon of heroes. I did not see a great round of applause for the police, who before the lockdowns were surely heroes. Then they were turned into zero's last summer, and they've not been elevated back and put on the pedestal they rightfully deserved. When I'm mayor first day, I'm shaking the hand of every police officer I can in every precinct in New York City, building up their morale and taking the handcuffs off the police and putting it onto the criminals and then battling Cuomo in Albany and saying they needs to be bail and these criminals, these predicate felons, need to be remanded to jail. Let me let me put some emphasis, add emphasis to what you just said about qualified immunity. Let me explain what this so people really fully completely understand it. In every case police officers, if they get sued, the city, the town, the municipality backs them up, hires their lawyers, they get a defense. If you create a scenario where cops have to get their own insurance and they have to pay that out of pocket and they're no longer indemnified by the cities that they serve, that means any criminal ever arrested, will sue that cop, and it will policing will then become impossible and defund will be meaningless. That will dismantle every police department in the country. Now you also added to that this whole nobail insanity. How many times had that one guy that was highlighted I think in the New York Post. How many banks did this guy rob and they kept letting him out again and again and he kept saying to the governor, governor and the mayor, thank you very much for letting me out so I can rob another bank. Well, I'm bat shown. He came up from South Carolina. He hit lotto, he hit powerball in New York City, he said, in South Carolina, when he tried to rob a bank, he's looking at five years and more. He came up to New York City. He got a disappearance ticket that meant he slipped through the cracks, released into the streets, and he goes, they can't believe this. All I gotta do is go out and get another gun and rob another bank. And he did it five times, gone five times, and he kept being released until finally they charged him with a federal climb and they obviously there's bail at the federal system, and they reminded him to a federal jail. I mean, it's so bad, Curtis that you see these videos of I mean literally older women they're just getting coal cocked in broad daylight. You know, the squeegee men are back. For those that live outside of New York City, you may not know what squeegee men are, but in heavy trafficked areas in New York City. You drive in your car, you stop at a light, you have cars in front of you, cars behind you, there's no place for you to go, and people will come up to your car aggressively, usually with dirty water. They will take a squeegee, they'll start cleaning your windshield and you better fork over some money or often there's a confrontation. Correct. Correct, And that's when I'm mayor. It's quality of life again, just like when Rudy was mayor. It's zero tolerance. It's a broken windows story. It's getting things back on track because we will never recover as the city. We will never resurrect ourselves economically unless we have safe streets, safe subway, safe parts, and safe schools for our children. And sean to all of your audience wherever they're listening, the help I need from all of them is that Democrats have millions of dollars in the award chests and they're going to drop it on my head. You know they're gonna call me a racist, a massogynists, that setsist, a hope off, you name it, what they do to all Republicans. So people would be kind enough to go to Curtis flewa formaya dot com. Curtislewa formaya dot com. See what I stand for, what I intend on doing for the city that birthed me, New York City, and I am New York. But to help me raise the money necessary to defend my honor and the positions that I take, they can get this city back on track. I really really hope that people go to your website, Curtis Sleewafamayer dot com. I hope people go there. I would like to think that New york Ers can put aside petty politics. And you're also running as an independent, and I want people to know that there's another way that New York City can recover. I always said, how many years, Curtis, did you hear me say the greatest city in the world. I don't believe it is anymore. Unfortunately it hurts me to say that. But I don't believe it, and and but we but it's possible to reform New York City, bring it back to the safe days of Rudy Giuliani. You know, Rudy Giuliani. Throw the first rock he had arrested, throw the second rock he had arrested, throw the third rock he had arrested. Then people stopped throwing rocks, pretty simple, basic principles. Certainly, stop and frisk worked, all of these things you want to bring back to the city. And I don't see You've never been somebody that's big into social issues, you know. I know they'll try and say, oh, Curtis Slee was you know, racist, sexist, homophobic, Zina. You're none of those things, but they'll make these false accusations. I just hope that New Yorkers are understanding what is at stake here. It's their entire way of life. You get the last word, my friend. Well, remember also the exodus continues, as so many of our New York City residents queede to Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Texas. If you don't want all the New Yorkers coming into your Harris turning red purple, now, they can come, as long as they don't bring their stupid politics with them, right, make me Mayor, and I see them to improve and not moved, and I will stop AOC in the democratic social South America here before they spread who at the United States. I promise you all of that. I hope people will go to your website. We're going to follow this campaign closely. It's possible. It's an uphill battle. I admire your courage for taking it on. Anything we can do to help you, we're here, Okay, You're always welcome. Thanks. Thanks for all your support, Jean. I hear from people in the streets and subway. I could even see Ron Kooby supporting you and I and Ron even though we disagreed with Ron. I mean we all liked them. Yeah, But you know what would help me if he would actually have a press conference. Now you might do it as a favor for you anyway, whether whether you like it or not, he might do it. Definitely, Thank you, Sean, all right, my friend, eight hundred nine one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program that's gonna wrap things up at today, let not your hearts be troubled. Hannity Tonight nine Eastern on Fox, Greg Jarrett, Alan Dershwitz, Laura Trump, Senator John Kennedy's become one of my favorite guests. I can listen to him all day. Leo and Larry Attorney General Bernovich of Arizona, Jesse Waters say a DVR nine Eastern, Hannity Fox News. We'll see you then, we'll be back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us. You make this show possible. We can never thank you enough.

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