The PC Double Standard - 6.1

Published Jun 1, 2018, 10:00 PM

Joe Concha, Media Aficionado and Contributor to The Hill, joins Sean to break down the crazy week of media between Samantha Bee’s deplorable comments about the First Daughter and the disgusting things Keith Olbermann has said on Twitter. Remember when Kathy Griffin gave her severed head presentation? Most of Hollywood's worse offenders have kept their jobs...there is no doubt that there is a double standard. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. If you're like me and suffer from insomnia, you know what, that's not fun. You know I tried everything I couldn't get a good night's sleep. And this is neither drug nor alcohol induced. That's right. It is my pillow. Mike Lindell invented it and he fitted me for my first my pillow, and it's changed my life. I fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and the good news you can too, Lea. Go to my pillow dot com promo code Sean and take advantage of one of Mike Glendell's best offers, his special four pack. You get fifty percent off to my Pillow Premium Pillows to go Anywhere Pillows. My Pillows made in the USA, has a sixty day unconditional money back guaranteed no risk to you, and attend you warranty. You don't want to spend more sleepless nights on a pillow tossing interney that's not working for you. Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to go Anywhere pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recruitative sleep you've been craving and deserve my pillow dot Com promo coach on. All right, what a breaking newsday this is on all fronts. We've got it all covered for you. Amazing numbers on the economy literally is an overdrive, and records of being set. Will go over all of those with you. We've got two big breaking Deep States spygate stories to pass on to you, one from Sarah Carter one from John Solomon, will go over all the details. Even Lindsay Graham now is pressing the ever so conflicted Rod Rosenstein to recuse himself from this whole you know, Russia Gate bologny that we have. So we'll get to that and much more. But it's back on the June twelve Singapore summit with the President and Kim Jiang Un is on. The President literally just got out of the White House maybe fifteen minutes ago. Remember this is the first time in eighteen years a North Korean high ranking official has been in the United States and they've been meeting in New York with Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State, now meeting in the White House with President Trump. President Trump went to the cameras. Here's some of what he had to say. We'll play a little of this and then I'll give you the details. This question will be UH. Meeting on June twelfth and Singapore went very well. It's really it gets to know you kind of a situation. UH. Mike has spent two days. UH who it is. We've gotten to know their people very well, and we will you people are gonna have to travel because you'll be in Singapore June twelfth. UH. And I think it'll be a process. It's not I never said it goes in one meeting. I think it's going to be a process. But the relationships are building and that's a very positive Mr. Per what's your sense of what the North Koreans are willing to do on the issue of the nuclearization? Are they well, I wanted I think they want to do that. I don't I know they want to do that. They want other things along the line. They want to develop as a country. That's going to happen. I have no doubt. Japan is involved, as you know, and South Korea is very much involved. We're involved in terms of getting everything everybody wants the United States, so we're going to help in the process very much. Without us, it wouldn't happen. But I think that you see a lot of very positive things, including with China. I think you see a lot of very positive things happening with President she who is helped me quite a bit with this. So we'll see where it leaves. But we're gonna be June twelfth, will be in Singapore. It will be a beginning. I don't say, and I've never said it happens in one meeting. You're talking about years of hostility, years of problems. He is a really hatred between so many different nations. But I think you're gonna have a very positive result in the end, not from one meeting. Didn't give you that. Ever, you want to appear that they appear to question your question their sincerity in your letter to Kim John last week. Have they gone far enough now? Well, my my letter was a response to their letter. The media forgot that, you know, the media said, oh, you had a meeting, then you cancel. I didn't cancel the MEETIA and canceled in response to a very tough statement. Uh. And I think we're over that, totally over that, and now we're going to deal and we're going to really start a process. We're meeting with the chairman on June twelve, and I think it's probably going to be a very successful ultimately a successful process. We'll see if you remember what I say. We will see what we will see. But I think it's going to be a process that we deserve to have. I mean, we really deserved. They want it. We think it's important, and I think we would be making a big mistake if we didn't have it. I think we're going to have a relationship and it will start on June twelve. Can you get done in one meeting? What can you get done on one? This was a meeting, come forget. This was a meeting where a letter was given to me by Kim Jong Pun. And that letter was very nice letter. Oh would you like to see what was in that letter? Tell you like how much? How much? How much? Give it the labor? It was a very interesting letter and at some point I maybe it may be appropriate and maybe I'll be able to give it to you, maybe you'll be able to see it, and maybe fairly soon. But really this was a letter presentation that ended up being at to our conversation. Why didn't end up point because we found we found the whole subject matter very interesting, and because I really think they want to do something, and if it's possible, so do we put it. I think all we're gonna do is be there on June twelve, and we're going to see what happens. Mike has been dealing very well to have a very good relationship with Mike Puffe or Secretary of State UH. It was actually very interesting because this was literally going to be the delivery of a letter and it ended up being a two hour conversation with UH, with the second most powerful men in North Korea. We old folks. We talked about almost everything. We talked about a lot, and we talked about sanctions. Did they ain't read it? With d A. I don't want to say that we talked about a lot of things. We really did. But the big the big deal will be on June twelve. And again it's a process. It doesn't go We're not going to sign it We're not going to go in and sign something on June twelve, and we never were. We're going to start a process. And I told them today, take your time. You can go fast, we can go slowly. But I think they'd like to see something happen. And if we can work that out, that would be good. But if the process will begin on June twelve in Singapore, do you believe it is committed to be new? Yeah? I do think so. He'd like to see it happened. He just wants to be careful. He wants to be Uh. You know, he's not gonna run and do things. But I told him to be honest with you. Look, we have sanctions on their very powerful sanctions. We would not take sanctions off unless they do that. But the sanctions are very powerful. You've seen how powerful in other ways. You're going to see how powerful sanctions are when it comes to Iran. You see what that's doing to Iran. So we have sanctions on and uh, at a certain point, I'll tell what I look forward to the day when I can take the sanctions off of North Korea. And about human rights today and you effected I did not talk about human rights, you bet to talk about n fall could speak, Yeah, could be. I think we probably will and maybe a great detail. We did not talk about human rights, Yeah we did. We talked about Yes, they asked about sanctions. Excuse me, pressure over the kid's going to remain what it is now. I don't even want to use the term maximum sure anymore because I don't want to use that term because we're getting along. You see, the relationship we're getting along says that a question of maximum pressure staying essentially the way it is at some point hopefully a deal for the good of millions of people, a deal will be work. When you're describe the state of relations now between the United States here, because it gets a little repetitive as it was literally happening just before we're coming on the air here. Um. You know, for all of the destroyed Trump media, this was a breakup letter, um, and all of their predictions that when the President was calling Kim Jong on little rocket Man, when it was firing rockets over Japan and threatening Guam and the entire region in the Korean Peninsula, and and even threatening to you know, nuke the United States, the continental United States and Hawaii on Highler and all that had happened. Well, what did the President do? He puts ancients in place. The President put you know, neighbor navy striker forces right off the coast of North Korea. It was a strong show of our military strength. And even though he was openly mocking Kim Jong un uh, interestingly, look at where we are now. There's no more missiles being fired over Japan. Guama is not in jeopardy, the region is not in jeopardy. Japan is not in jeopardy now. They have literally shut down one of their nuclear test sites. We know that they are willing to talk about d nuclearization because, as you just heard the President say, what was supposed to be a hand delivered letter ended up being a two plus our meeting. You can see that it went very well as the President and the Secretary of State Mike POMPEII walked the delegation, the second highest ranking individual and North Korea right to his car and stayed there the pleasant trees where obvious was on display. They were clearly getting along. And we have three hostages that have been now brought back safely to our country, fellow Americans, And so what are we giving up in the process. Nothing? And you know, it's it's so funny that, for whatever reason, there's still those on the left in this country that they think if you, if you don't get on your hands and knees and kiss the ring or the ass of a dictator, that somehow you're gonna cause a war. And in spite of every historical, modern day, historical lesson that is out there, there's still a belief that that somehow we can bribe our way into making dictatorships and and despots and and Malah's and Iran like us if we just give them money. I mean, the President Trump did not fly into North Korea, you know, plain low, it's cargo planes full of cash and other currencies. He put sanctions in place, he showed military force, he mocked little rocket Man. Everybody predicted the opposite would happen, and here we are, and as the President just said, the possibility that millions of people in the world will have a better life, and that clearly Kim Jong un got the message. Now, there's no guarantee that this is gonna work out ultimately, in the end, I would say the odds are a lot higher today than they were than they've ever been. You know, Bill Clinton is a good deal for the American people. When Bill Clinton, in fact, you know, tried to bribe Kim Jong UN's father, Tim Jong O with with what energy subsidies billions of dollars. No, that didn't work out well. Because they have a nuclear program. They started the ballistic missile program. They were testing their ballistic missiles. They were saber rattling around the entire world. You know, a little unknown fact. And and part of this equation that never gets brought up is that, you know, if you go back and look at the relationship that the President has built with the president of China, China is playing a big role behind the scenes here in China. You know, now the president everyone's worried about trade wars, trade wars and and terrorists, and the President slapping tariffs on Europe and in Canada and Mexico. I'm telling you how this is all gonna end. It's gonna end with a better trade deal for the United States. And the President is a constant negotiator. I think one of the other best things he just said there is that this is not gonna We're not signing an agreement or a deal. On June the twelfth, and Singapore. He reminded everybody this is going to now be a process and even said that he sent word back that it could be as fast or as slow as as you want this to be. Where ready to roll. Obviously, Japan, South Korea and China are gonna be playing a role in all of this. And you know the fact that we've gotten as much as we have gotten, the fact that the president was willing to walk away from the deal member the day after he said no June twelfth summit immediately north the way, Well, sorry, we didn't mean that. It is the It is the very definition of peace through strength or trust and verify. It is the Reagan doctrine, and it always works or for Churchill, work for Reagan, It's gonna work for Donald Trump. And don't think that the Iranians and all of this are not paying very very close attention because they know that these sanctions now have been slapped on them, and they know that their younger population is more savvy than than probably ever before, and they would like their chance at freedom. With only a kite, a husky and wet hempstring, Benjamin Franklin captured ening in a bottle over two d and sixty years later, with a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, we're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're starring it, ensuring Americans have the energy they need whenever they need it. Learn more about the nation's leader and energy storage at next Era energy dot Com. All Right, as we roll along, Happy Friday, Sean Hannity Show. We're gonna spend an hour today with Greg Jarrett and Sarah Carter. Why because there's a tremendous breaking news. I'll get into this at the bottom of the next hour. Look, the President announces the June twelve summit is on. There is every indications. Look, the President's already one into a huge concessions. American hostages are back, missiles aren't being fired. One nuclear launch site has been, you know, literally shut down, and they're inviting the Western world to see it. North Korea. And so we're making a tremendous progress. Haven't given up nothing, the president. All right, you they got a little cute with their language. The President says, I'm out. No, please wait. And now, after a week of meetings in New York, second highest ranking official powerful man in North Korea meeting with Mike Pompeo now with the President for two hours today. It's huge, it's and it's good for the world. You know what that means for Democrats. That's bad news for Democrats because the president does well on foreign policy. They predicted he'd start World War three. They were freaked out that he called Kim Jong on little rocket man. They couldn't handle it because he wasn't kissing his ass and kissing his ring and and sending over cargo planes full of cash, which is their predictable way of dealing with dictators. And now we've got a shot at peace in the Korean peninsula. It's an amazing development. Now, on top of that, we had amazing news today on the economy. Let's see job creation beat expectations. Oh, when the president's water. I can't wait for the job numbers today. He may have broken the law. He may he can't. It broke protocol. He didn't give out what the numbers we said, I can't wait for them. You're gonna give any indication he knew. And that's how uptight Frank oh Man that the left is for them for Donald Trump to succeed. I'll give you these economic numbers when we get back. That means political death for them, because after eight years of Obama, he's fixing the economy and he's showing that his tough stance on foreign policy leads to greater peace. By the way, the President now announcing the June twelfth summit. Back off, We've got other stuff on the deep state. We're gonna break as well today. Busy newsday. Stay with us right as we kick off our Friday. Glad you're with us. Such a busy, breaking newsday. We've got the President meeting with the second most powerful man in North Korea today and a hand delivered message from Little Rocketman Kim Jong in the June twelve Singapore summit is on. No other news we have on the deep state we'll get to in a second. And we have the i G Report that we expect now is coming out next week. So much happening, so much now, what is interesting beyond the i G report. Just to give you one little preview of coming attractions. Remember the i G Inspector General Michael Hararts doesn't have the power to you know, convene a grand jury, but there will be criminal referrals. Remember he released the report on Andrew McCabe and Andrew McCabe lying, and that also then became a criminal referral. Well, I would suspect, and I do suspect, and I do believe, and I'm kind of pretty confident that that's going to happen as a result of his report, which comes out next week. I want to go back to some other news. I mean, this is huge on North Korea. It's massive news, and just because everybody has been so wrong. But on top of that, you just you gotta look at these numbers and they are staggering. You know, if you think back in the election, what was I talking about every single solitary day? And if you've been with me that long, you know you probably can recite them. You know, under Barack Obama eight years as our president, we added thirty million more Americans to the food stamp rolls. Eight million more Americans ended up in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the nineteen seventies, the lowest home ownership rate since the nineteen went in fifty one years, let's put it that way. We know that it was the worst recovery since the forties. We know that Obama, who said nine trillion dollars in That is irresponsible and I'm patriotic. Away Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt so that we now have over nine trillion dollars responsible, irresponsible, unpatriotic, unpatriotic. Well, that was him, because he took on more debt than every other president before him combined. That's the legacy of Barack Obama. Now I any time in our history. It's just it's so counterintuitive to what the left believes. Like the left believes, unless you're kissing the ass of a dictator and kissing their ring and giving them money, bribing them, than they're never gonna like you. If we're only a little nicer to them, they'll be nicer to us. That philosophy fails every single time. You know, we've played comparisons of Neville Chamberlain and and Winston Churchill. Now we won't play it. Now. We played comparisons of Jimmy Carter versus Ronald Reagan and piece through strength and Clinton and Obama versus now Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan. This this is so, it is so crystal clear it's the same. On the economy, Larry Cuddler probably wrote the defining book about how the Kennedy tax cuts. Yeah, John F. Kennedy Democrat cut taxes. Talked about the stifling you know, bureaucracy and and and high regulations and over regulation and taxation and the impact that has the negative impact on on business formation and opportunity for people in this country. You know, you had this president. You know, he's negotiating with every car company individually, and he's negotiating with every even air conditioned companies, and he's pressuring them, don't go to Mexico. And we're gonna make the economic environment better, and we're gonna end needless regulation, and then we're gonna and burden some you know regulation ship. And then we're gonna end high taxation, and we're gonna incentivize you to build your factories here. And we have all these people that have been out of work, in poverty, on food stamps, that are dying for opportunities rather than you taking the jobs to Mexico or some other place. And it works. And on the President saying all right, for all you companies that multinationals out there that have been parking your money in safe havens, tax safe havens, Will you bring your money back at a low rate. Well, that means they're not gonna put it in a bank somewhere, they're gonna invest it. Well, Greg Corporation, Oh, I'm sorry, Shell corporations. According to everybody that reports on any LLC, which is ridiculous. Well, those companies hire people. Those company build buildings and manufacturing centers and factories, and the forgotten men and women which the election was all about. They now have their shot at the American dream. Don't they deserve their shot? If they want to send their kids to a better school, they have the ability, the financial ability to do so. You know, most people there wants. Their desires, their needs are pretty simple. I think we're all the same in this regard. We want a nice house in a safe neighborhood, um, you know, with good schools. And if we don't have good schools, we want the opportunity to send our kids to a good school, maybe a private school, you know. We we want to be able to take a vacation at least once when your kids are young. You you want to take that dumb, horrible vacation to Disney. But you know, you gotta do it because every kid wants to go to Disney, and you want to be able to go out to dinner and not say I can't afford a cheeseburger. You know, maybe just once a week, once a month, once every two months. You don't want to say I can't afford it. And we we ought to be able to deliver that and more for people. This is the United States of America, that's supposed to be the land of milk and honey. An opportunity. Well, it's now happening because as it worked for Kennedy and as it worked for Reagan, it's now working now. Job creation for the month of May we added two twenty three thousand new jobs. Unemployment rate fell to three point eight percent. We have not seen a rate this low since nineteen sixty nine. That's the year the New York Mets won the World Series. I can tell you the whole line up if you're interested. Jerry Grody was the catcher. They're the best pitching staff. Jerry Kuzman, Tom Siever, Race the Deckie, Tim McGraw or Tug McGraw. Tim McGraw's father was in the Bullpen and cream pool Wing Garrett, but Harrelson, I mean Cleon Jones and uh uh Tommy A. G And I just Ron Swoboda. Now that's how far my mind goes back. African American unemployment decreased now from six point six percent, which is already a record low, to only five point nine percent. It is the first time African American unemployment has ever been recorded under six percent in our history. Thank God? How great is that? These are amazing numbers. This is this is you know, for all the talk by the left, how many times have I said this over the years. Liberals in this country they claim a monopoly of compassion for the poor, for minorities, for women, et cetera. Every four years, every two years, that race card is pulled out. I've played it enough, you know, Al Gore Republicans, you know it goes before a predominantly black audience changes his voice, cadence tone. Republicans don't want to count you in the census, just lying, you know, James Bird add in two thousand and I could trace the history of it. I've done it. If you like, Republicans, crosses are going to burn. Add by the Democratic Party of Missouri. Look at this. Yeah, it's a Republican president that is now creating record low after record low as it relates to unemployment for African Americans, the first time African American unemployment has ever been recorded under six percent. Consumer confidence continues to climb a seventeen year high. Sixty seven percent of Americans now believe it is a good time to find a job. They're right. Since Donald Trump was elected and all these swamp creatures and sewer creatures thought, you, the American people, we were stupid in picking Donald Trump, and we shocked the world because here's a guy. He doesn't play by these idiotic, ridiculous politically calculating you know, one party resembles another party rules. And he's rolled up his sleeves and he goes from issue to issue to issue to issue to issue, to promise to mus to promise, and he checks him off his list, including the largest tax cuts in history. Tried like hell to get rid of Obamacare repealing or a place you can blame Republicans and the Republican Party for that, but even still got rid of the individual mandate. That's partly there. We expect a new plan again introduced presidents fighting like hell to build the border wall. We are now on a path we're producing more energy, more barrels of oil than we've ever produced in our history. We now have literally the opportunity with all the opening of the Dakota pipeline, all these other pipelines, we now have an opening to drill in an moir the forty eight states off the coast of the Atlantic Coast, Pacific Coast, Gulf Coast. Well, it also means high paying career jobs for Americans. And if we add fracking to that and the President saving the coal industry, well, we're doing amazingly well for so many people that are are either in the industry or want to be in the industry. Remember when we partnered drill here, drill now pay less, and we partnered on this program with some of the energy companies in North Dakota. And what do we do? We people were able to transform their lives. Why do you think OPEC, you know, conspired I think to artificially drive down prices because they know we have more natural gas, more energy resources than they do. And when the new Saudi Prince, the Crown Prince was doing is you know, okay, we're gonna be different tour in America. I went on sixty minutes, etcetera. You notice that he's saying, Yeah, we're trying to transfer quickly out of an energy only economy because we see it's coming to an end. I mean, this is an incredible story. I mean, unemployment now has at three that even Trump haters, you know, at cnnner swooning and at the New York Times, they can't believe it's all happened. And I'm not I'm not making any of this up. They literally have to acknowledge that which they have been saying has been wrong. New York Times literally admitting the economy is so good it defies description. Quote. We ran out of words to describe how good the job numbers are. The economy is in a sweet spot with steady growth, broad improvement in the labor market. The senior New York Times economic economics correspondent, Uh, they did not want to write that they've been They have been part of the overall corrupt, destroy Trump media to bring him down. CNN as a headline up, unemployment rate matches the lowest point in a half century. Oh, I mean, why don't they just put in Trump was right, Guys like Hannity were right, and all you never trumpers, all you haters in the media, We're ang. You didn't think he could win. We did. He didn't think that he would deliver on his promises. He's delivering. You know, it's funny not only you know, look at the African American unemployment rate. I mean it's now at a record low. And uh, you know, I would think that maybe people that maybe it convinced themselves that conservatives, you know, they believe the slye that is told, this false narrative that is told every four years. Maybe they don't look at it and say, you know, this is good for the country. Maybe the Democrats have lied to us only these years. How many times have Democrats gone to the black community and election years and you never see him again until the next election, and they got nothing done. You know, President has brought African American unemployment from seven point eight to five point nine percent, first time ever under six percent. Unemployment benefits fell more than expected as well. That's more good news. Look at the jobs created beyond expect patients. You know, it's um this month's unemployment numbers being called incredible. Great. We ran out of words the New York Times to describe how good the jobs numbers are. The economy was an overdrive in May. CNBC says it's on fire and you know it just what what? He can't even lie and say it's bad anymore. Consumers confidence seventeen year high, historically strong levels of consumer competence, and the increase in consumer spending is also now setting you know, new new bars of success. You know, forty percent of small business feel good about their local economies. That's tying the highest level in the history of that index met Life US Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index and another record high in May, driven by confidence in local economies of small business owners expect higher revenues one year from now, and owners remain optimistic. And I can go on, I can go on. You know, it's an amazing thing and we ought to be very happy about it. But it's bad news for the Democrats. All of this is bad news because as the economies is successful, you know, if the if everything now continues to to move, oil input, I'm sorry, oil output now jump to a record high. It's amazing, all right, We're gonna get to that now. Um. We have two massive stories. One from Sarah Carter, one from John Solomon and analysis with Great jar We're gonna do an hour on this because there's so much news will break that coming up, or full coverage of what happened the June twelve Sumone is on the Great Economic News tonight. Will also be talking about Wow, how the deep state is now being exposed in the House of Cards is falling in and so much more. Wow, what a newsday. Incredible. I mean, this is history in the making. The June twelveth summit is on President very clear though they're not going to sign an agreement in Singapore on June the twelve, and it probably will take a number of meetings to get there. But yes, the nuclearization is the top priority. And apparently in the North Koreans wanted massive economic growth. And we have two big, huge, breaking news stories on the deep state that is now crumbling in the House of Cards falling Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett. Next, there's another narrative, which is what I'm interested in, has been reported in the Guardian and and in the Observer here uh in the United States that in fact the the your interest in this and that be the real roots of this counter intelligence operation. Our investigation beget earlier than that with signal intelligence that was brought to the United States by some of our allies, particularly Great Britain, but others in Western Europe. Can you can you tell me which one of those narratives is right? Well, I continuously shake my head at how much fabrication is going on. People make things up out of whole cloth. The one report you're referring to, UH says that Robert Hannigan, the head of g h Q, which is Great Britain's n S A equivalent, came over and delivered information to me that involved the Trump campaign. No such visit or meeting took place. I didn't put eyes on the Steel Dozier until December of sixteen, after the election. But yet people claim that I was the one that was sharing it around town and briefing it. That is not true. And so I think what it shows that Mr Trump, with his continued emphasis on lying and fabrication and untruths, falsehoods, it just feeds this and it encourages others to do it. And this is what I think is really so corrosive on our country in our government today. Well, my response to you was related to that one specific story. Um CIA during the course of sixteen worked very closely with our domestic partners, and if there were opportunities to work with the foreign partners to try to understand what Russia was doing, not what US persons, US officials were doing, but what the Russians were doing to try to undermine US. And I shared information with Jim Comey and with the White House as well as with the folks on the Hill to make sure that there was a complete awareness of the things that we knew in terms of what Russia was doing. So but again, I keep reading stories that are fiction, and that's what they should be titled. No, I think the Mr Trump has demonstrated a paranoia and insecurity as well as a real concern about the investigation that is underway. Certainly, his tweets do not seem like they're coming from a person of innocence and confidence. I don't believe that are speaking out feeds that narrative among those who understands that the Department of Justice and the FBI and the CIA are the institutions that the American people rely on to protect our freedoms and our liberties. Mr Trump is going to promote his narrative, he certainly is going to continue to try to discredit the FBI and the CIA and others. But I think, make no mistake about it, the American justice system, I think is going to prevail UH in this endeavor to get to the bottom of who might have been collaborating and working with foreign actors to try to undermine the integrity of the election. There was concern on the part of the president himself because of the allegations of rigging which the kennidate Trump was then espousing, UH, that anything that the president did would be viewed as political and he would be putting his hand on the scale in favor one candidate to the disfavor of the other. So I think Ben's exactly right, and my book course with his account, he says, but not for Mitch McConnell, iss that a majority leader, perhaps there would have been more said. Did Mitch McConnell stand in the way well, the Republicans in general, did we encounter reluctance on their part to enter into a very aggressive statement about the Russington Alright hour to Sean Hannity Show here on a Friday eight nine one, Shawn toll Free number you want to be a part of the program. All right, So that's John Brennan. I didn't put eyes on the Steel dossier until December of twenty sixteen. Okay, then who did because a lot of people did put eyes on it, because it was used as the bulk of information for a FISA warrant. I don't believe a word that comes out of Brennan's mouth. Brennan has been caught lying, as Clapper has been caught lying. And then Brennan saying in sixteen, the CIA working with parign and domestic partners to study Russian undermining of elections, not Americans sharing infot with quote. Why didn't they then, therefore, at that moment in the spring of s bring in the Trump campaign and say this sky loosely associated with you, we've got an eye on because it was they, because they used it, like everything else, as an opportunity to undermine Trump, and Brennan saying Trump has shown paranoia insecured. You know, this is classic spy speak, this is classic diversion. It's one oh one read a book many years ago, a synthesis of Russian mind control techniques, and Clapper, you know, saying Republicans stood in the way of efforts to war in the US and then on the view bragging, Oh yeah, if you should be happy we had spies in the in the campaign, all right, we have that. And of course I mentioned in the last hour Sarah Carter's breaking story which is out today and she joins US Investigated reporter and Greg Jarrett Fox News legal analysts upcoming book, The Russian Hoax, The Illicit Scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. Sarah, how are you? Let's start with your story today. I'll let you sum it up in your own words, but um, this is pretty blockbuster as everything else you Oh, thank you so much, Sean. I'm I'm actually thinking about what you just said about John Brennan, and what comes to mind is admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter accusations, which is, you know, what he was trained to do and uh, and that's what he continues to do as an operator. You would just never think it would be against uh, the actual legalities of the United States and the mouth decent that probably occurred and allegedly occurred within his organization, as well as the you know, probably the d n I and the FBI. So this is why they're fighting so hard tooth and nail to get this thing varied and to move on or to make people who are investigating to minimize them. And we thought that was Clapper statement that but the more they talk, the less people aft are to believe them. And so what the story that I was focused on is putting together this timeline of event and talking to people within the intelligence community, former and current, as well as people within law enforcement, is to the event of spying that occurred. You know, we're so focused on what just happened in the United States, which is which is extreme and extraordinary in a sense we've never seen this in history. But what was happening overseas? I mean, the bulk of this information that they say they gathered on the Trump advisors, George Cappadopolis carter Page, look at Sam Clovis, um other people that they were looking at at the time, was all overseas. A lot of this, a lot of this occurred in England. A lot of information was being shared as early as two thousand, fifteens. So we know that you know, m I six or g h Q, which is like the United States and s A is collecting data and information on people consistently that are overseas and that means Americans. I mean, they have the full authority to spy on Americans. My question is what were they sharing and how were they cooperating with the United States on this investigation because it is a counter intelligence investigation, and if it is a counterintelligence investigation with with this much sensitivity because they were looking at the Trump campaign, that means Brennan absolutely knew about it and what was going on. So Brennan lying again, We've known lied before. Absolutely. I have spoken to people who have sat on principle committee hearings with the nfc UM National Security Council. This is definitely something that would be in the purvy of the CIA because they're dealing with overseas information. If if g h Q, if other entities, people in Poland, in other parts Hungary are sharing information about particular members of the United States political apparatus, if one of the Five Eyes, which those are our partners out there, you know, Great Barit in Australia, New Zealand, if they're sharing information with us, they're sharing it with our intelligence, they are sharing it with the people that are running those operations. Who would those people be James Clapper Rennan. The questions we have to be asking ourselves, and the questions that aren't being answered to it is did they ask for this investigation? Were they asking for information on particular Russian that they already knew would be connected or particular people that they already knew would be connected with members of the Trump campaign, or for some reason being when you put them, when you put all this timeline issued together and and coupled with John Solomon's release of this struck page text about that this was being run through the White House other than Liz, I'll quote it, this is August. Other than Liz, the White House, that would be the Obama White House is running all of this. And you know we've you know that to me is staggering, because you've got FBI, You've got people within the highest ranks of the FBI. The attorney for Andrew McCabe, Peter Struck that as in the forefront of all of this, they're the ones. Let me bring Greg Jarrot in that would know, oh absolutely, um. And John Brennan has almost no credibility. I laugh every time I see him on the air now because as he spews his hatred towards Donald Trump. He's he's simply exposing his own motivation for being the instigator of the Trump Russia collusion hoax. Uh. He senior aide of the House Intelligence Committee who deeply examined what Brennan did involving the dossier said, and I'll quote John Brennan did more than anyone to promulgate the dossier. He politicized and effectively weaponized what was false intelligence against Trump. That great any other people, you know, the great challenge in a story like this that is so multifaceted because there's so many different angles, the Clinton crimes, the Clinton exoneration, no investigation, and rigged investigation, rigged exoneration. Uh. Then of course you've got all of the FBI corruption propping up one candidate not another candidate, abuse lying of visa court judges, the dossier being used as the bulk of application. So the challenge at least from my point of view and our point of view as a legal analyst, Gregg as an investigative reporter, Sarah me as a talk show host, which encompasses pretty much all the above to the extent that I'm it's possible, you know, is reminding people of this, and and it's you brought it back up to me last week or the week before, and I've been saying it ever since. We had discussed it many months ago, and that the interrogatories in Great Britain, Christopher Steel himself said it was raw intelligence, maybecent chance of being true. Yeah, I mean, and he was forced to admit the truth under penalty of perjury. And his admission was, you know, my dossier ain't worth the paper it's written on. It's sort of at g it's only raw intelligence. Think about this. I mean, this is the guy who came up with a phony document that was used as the pretext by the FBI to investigate a presidential candidate that then morphed into an all encompassing you a special Council probe that has dogged the president United States. And at its core it was a piece of fiction. That that is its core. It was disinformation, possibly spewed out by FSB agents working for the Russian government in order to so chaos in the United States. It's really a frightening time for the country. It really is. All right, I'll tell you what. We're gonna take a break. We have plenty of time today. We are gonna keep Greg and Sarah for the full hour because there's so much breaking news on all of this, so uh we we promise we'll get it all in right as we continue. Sarah Carter out with a breaking news column today and John Salomon all will lay all of this out on Hannity tonight. But we want a great thing about radio. As we have a little bit more time here, I want to go through this timeline issue and why this timeline is so imperative. Sarah, you you go into great detail here about the timeline. Yes, well, I start in late two thousand and fifteen, because what we know now is that according to sources that I've spoken with, as well as is being reported now in England, that it appears that the British UH, specifically g h Q, which collects that raw intelligence those communications UH, was already looking apparently at people connected to the campaign or people who would be connected to the campaign. And this is really really important because we have to ask for ourselves who and how did this all begin when they were collecting that intelligence? Was that just on their own? Were they being asked by the US to collect this intelligence? We also know that not only g h Q, which was in England, was collecting intelligence raw intelligence, but that other our nations we're collecting that intelligence. And it's not just Australia, Canada and New Zealand, which are part of the Five Eyes, but it was other groups that were collecting the intelligence of The Guardian reported that Estonia was one of the countries collecting intelligence, Poland was collecting intelligence, and even Germany was collecting intelligence. And then all of a sudden, I had one of those light bulb moments and I was thinking about this. They're collecting intelligence. And we know that there's nothing private anymore, that everything you write, that every phone call you make, that everything you do can be collected by someone or something. It doesn't have to be the United States, that could be somebody overseas. But then what happens to that intelligence when it's part of an opposition party? So they collect intelligence. And what I mean is here the Obama administration, you know very much behind everybody's believing Hillary Clinton is gonna win, we know what's happening at the time they're trying to shut down this Hillary Clinton investigation. All of a sudden, their gathering intelligence on the opposition or they have access to this intelligence which actually should be very well guarded and protected. And by the way, the CIA should in no way, no way be involved in any kind of US politics or US investigations. They are there, Pervy is outside the United States, and that's by law. Stay there. I want to I want to get Greg's take on the timeline. When we get back, we'll take a break, we'll come back, we'll continue on the other side of this half hour. May put a few calls up. You know, we have Greg and Sarah on a lot, and if you have any calls, comments, questions, we'll try and squeeze in a couple of calls on this Friday edition Sean Hannity Show. Right down our toll free number, it's one Seawn if you want to be a part of the program. Top of the next hour, Joe Consco, what do we do about all these crazy comments you know by the left? Then they all keep their jobs. If you're conservative, you're gone. No apologies, no forgiveness, no whoopsie daisies. Uh. It's a double standard that we've been pointing out all week. So we'll get to the at quick break. Right back, Hannity, We have an amazing show tonight at nine on the Fox News Channel, Big Breakthrough, obviously with North Korea also straight ahead alright to the top of the hour on this Friday. Uh, we have North Korea news. We'll get to that. We have corrupt media, bias, news double standard in the media news of course, the absolute hatred and vile comments on the left seem to never have any repercussions. We'll get to all of that and uh much more. But first, you know, we continue our study of Spygate, the deep State, and what is now the single biggest corruption abuse of power scandal in American history. There's no ambiguity anymore. It's not an issue in question. It's an issue of how it's going to be resolved. We're expecting the ig report to come out sometime next week. We'll get to that in a second. As we were going to break we continue with Sarah Carter, investigative reporter, Fox News contributor Greg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analysts, and his book is out in July. You can go to Hannity dot com and get it now and preorder it so you're the first to get it. It's called The Russian Hoax, The illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and framed Donald Trump, which pretty much sums up exactly what this abuse of power is all about. And not only do they want to frame Donald Trump, they would like to remove them from office. Um. Anyway, let's go to the important timeline. Both Sarah John and and they're breaking news articles today, Greg and we've been putting it together. But now the interesting part is these new text messages released put it right up into the upper echelon of the Obama administration. It's now to me, it's it's a question I've asked before, but I think now has the greatest amount of urgency and legitimacy, which is, what did they know and when did they know it? And I mean Obama, and I mean Valerie Jarrett, and I mean uh, Samantha Powers and Ben Rhodes and Susan Rice and a lot of others and Clapper and Brennan. The sequence of events goes like this steal the x M I six British spy and by the way, he's not really X because you're never x Uh. He's still involved with British intelligence. He comes up with this fictitious dossier June twenty contacts immediately the FBI, they traveled to London meet with him. Three weeks later, they opened officially the Trump Russia investigation. Five days later, Peter Struck, counter intelligence chief at the FBI, sends a text to his girlfriend. The White House is running this, and that means Barack Obama, because he's been briefed all along, nearly every day by John Brennan, the CIA chief, who is, as I mentioned earlier, the chief instigator of all of this, pedaling the fictitious dossier. But I think Sarah is right that we will find out in the months to come that this actually began before the Sea, that foreign agents, British agents, together with the intelligence agencies of the United States, we're spine on the Trump campaign, and that they were setting him up. They were the ones in their confidential informants who were feeding information, false information by the way, to people like Papadopolis, Sam Clovis, uh and Carter Page and then trying to entrap them with that same false information. It's a hideous, obscene plot, but that is likely what will be of eventually revealed, you know, and then again and that's that's it's sort of almost now becoming overwhelming and incontrovertible. Let me look ahead a little bit too next week. And I was a little piste off when I heard that they might release the IG report as late as Friday of next week. Now that is going into a weekend, and then that's also rubbing up right against the President UH and his trip to Singapore, which makes me think that, Okay, they're trying to bury the IG report. But now I'm hearing it may come out as early as Tuesday of next week. Sarah, Yeah, we're hearing two different stories here, we know, and I heard just I was contacting people about the IG report because it is very important. It's a four d page. Remember I had reported several weeks ago that it was a very long and thorough report. I mean, that's the most detail I was able to get on that i G Report, other than what had already been reported out there about um Abadeen and or emails. But now we're actually hearing that there is a hearing, that the hearing had been postponed from the fifth which was next week by the Senate Judiciary Committee, to the eleventh. So the hearing has now been postponed with the Senate Judiciary with Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General to the eleventh So it seems more than likely that the i G report will not come out until at least the end of next week or right before that. Okay, before the end of next week, if you had to predict, Because what I'm hearing is there's as many as twenty eight FBI agents and other people involved, investigators that are willing if if they are in facts opinioned by Congress. They can't talk otherwise legally, but if Congress brings them in. And apparently Congress has now identified many of who these people are, and they're chomping at the bit to confirm. Yeah, the fix was in. Hillary Clinton committed felonies. It was taken out of the hands of the of of Special Agents UM boots on the ground, if you will, rank and file, if you will, UM and field offices around the country, and they took it and put it in a special category. And they are aghast at the at the at the at the at the handling of this by the upper echelon, and how we don't have equal justice under the law, and how if they did anything remotely close to what Comey Clapper, McCabe and and the rest of them may be involved in or struck in page at least then they know they would be fired, and they want to tell the truth. You don't want to tell the truth. You know, from my book, I interviewed a half a dozen top former officials with the FBI. They all reached the same conclusion, uh, that high ranking officials at the bureau put the fix in at the behest of the Obama administration. And they were aghast and they're still angry to this day as the damage that James Comey, Lauretta Lynch, and Barack Obama has done to the integrity and reputation of the FBI. They're absolutely convinced, all of them that they fixed it for Hillary to be exonerated. And they imagine on the hills early targeted Trump and the IG report the i G. You know, he doesn't have the ability himself to subpoena a grand jury. Now we saw in the case of Andrew McCabe, the IG report comes out and there's a criminal referral. And now apparently earlier this week, Comey is throwing McKay down the stairs. And you've got now a circular firing squad emerging amongst the deep state actors, which is going to be interesting to watch. Um. So the problem with the i G is that he has no ability to force people who have left the government service, um to speak, people like Comy and and McCabe and you know Baker and RUBICKI in the whole gang Lisa Page. Um, He's got to rely on obtaining documents and public records and speaking to others who spoke to them. That's the flaw with the Inspector General. Having said that, I am optimistic that he has uncovered some of this you know, odious scheme and will wait and see when the report goes out. And now that that basically now lays out a lot in terms of people's expectations other things I'm hearing. So let me go back to you, Sarah. Do you think it's Tuesday or do you think it's Thursday or Friday. I think it's going to be later in the week. I I don't think they're going to really sit that soon. Um. I think there was a reason. So they're literally are going to do a weekend dump of an i G report that has gone on nearly eighteen months, and they're gonna dump it on the eve of the president's trip to perhaps the biggest summit and his presidency with Kim Jong Un. That's what they're gonna do, That's what I suspect. Now the ICE sounds like they want to bury it well, and that's exactly what I think they're hoping. Uh, they can't bury this. So this is just too big. So regardless of if they release it on Tuesday, regardless of they release it on Friday, it's still going to have enough steam. It is going to take a little bit of the wind out of the sales, you know, but it's still going to have enough steam because this is a huge report that journalists all across the country are waiting to see. They want to know the extent of Komey's involvement, particularly and of course McCabe, Peter Struck, James Baker, Rebecky, you named them all, Lisa Page, And remember Peter Struck. It's still employed by the d I and he was interviewed, according to all of the sources that I spoke with, by the i G as well as Comey, as well as many others. So there is going to be a lot of information in that report and a lot of questions that we hope will be answered with regard to the Hillary Clinton investigation. Unfortunately, though it was moved up. Um, and and that's something that now we have to wait for. Okay, now let's go what we think we expect in the IG report. UM. I expect James Comey is gonna get hit hard. I would have suspect that we're going to see a lot of Bruce Or and Nelly Or's name in there. Struck in Page obviously are going to be in there. Are we going to get all of the struck page text messages now, many which have not come out. I think we don't have possibility that that many of them that have been withheld for so long, notwithstanding Congress's demands, may actually be revealed. But I think the important ones so far we do know about Uh, that that this is a guy who was heading up both investigations for the FBI and harbored a deep seated hatred for Trump and an adoration for Hillary Clintons that by itself smacks of insidious corruption. Sarah, Yeah, absolutely, I mean, I agree. I don't think all of them struck and page text messages, though, will be uh redacted or the unredacted so I think that what's going to happen here is there's a number of them that are considered classified. I think that Congress will and has been able to view them behind closed doors. There's still more that they need to view. There's more documentation than just these text messages, although they're very very important. I think what we're gonna see here and what we're seeing right now, just like you said, Sean, is this battle being waged between these players. There's a struggle. There's a sip ship that is sinking, and these wraths are climbing on top of each other and throwing each other into the water. So I think we're going to see a lot more of that in the upcoming days. And I actually believe that once this report comes out, there will be criminal referrals like we saw with McCabe. I'm not certain of what those will be or who those will focus on. I had to guess we're pretty your as close to this as anybody who would you say should be very worried or concerned about it? I would say James Comey should be very worried. Um, I know that that can I just say one thing before he went out on his book tour and wrote his book and his I am great. I am so much superior to everybody else. Tour I did warn him, and I don't know who. Well, we now know who. His three attorneys are, the three people that he leaked the FBI information government documents too. How interesting he chose all three of them to be his attorney. Then he would then have attorney client privilege and apparently I'm the only one in America that doesn't have it. Um, just to make a point, I mean, go ahead, yeah, you know, UM, if I were to make a guess, um, I would think, just based on the law and the fact that Comy should have a criminal referral leveled against him. Um. And I you know, I make a powerful argument for that, uh in my book. I mean, Comey is a guy who stole government documents he had no right to do. He leaked some of those documents to third parties. Uh. And according to Chairman Grassley of the Judiciary Committee, at least one of those documents was classified. This is exacly what Hillary Clinton did. Uh. And and so I would expect a criminal referral on that basis alone. Greg Jarrett and Sarah Carter with us, all Right, I promised a couple of calls here. Let's start with a carry in Orlando Carrier on the Sean Hannity Show, Say hi to Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett, and your question, um thought about death Sessions? It makes no sense the way he's acting or that he instantly refused himself. So I want to know what your thought is. Is it possible they have something on him, they're blackmailing him, that that's how they've tied him up. Anybody want to venture? I guess so you're asking, do you think that you're wondering if the AG is compromised? Anybody want to weigh in on that? My my impression is that he's simply not very smart and not very skilled, and he was snookered by career officials on the first day that he became Attorney General and they convinced him uh to recuse himself by using the wrong regulation that calls for recusal in criminal investigations and prosecutions. This was neither one. This was a counterintelligence pro that that Sessions didn't know. The difference speaks to his competency, which is not very high. So that's something that I heard. Yeah, that's something that I've been looking into as well or even over the past year, and I've heard from a number of sources, uh, even in the d o J that he accepted advice from somebody who basically led him down the wrong road. Uh, and that he refused himself. But look, there's no excuse here. You're the Attorney General of the United States of America. You are the Attorney general. This is the most important job in the country by far, I mean, one of the most important positions. And he's basically been refused of everything. It appears that we don't see a lot of him. And and your question is one that everyone is asking. Believe me, even here in Washington, even people who know the same information that Greg and I know, are asking the same thing. I'm gonna let it go here. Thanks for and formative our We'll have more. Both will join us tonight. Two big breaking news stories, one from Sarah one from John Solomon. Great analysis, well, so have David Limbaugh. Greg Jarrett will join us and much much more. That's nine Eastern tonight. When we come back. The media and the double standard, which is if you're a conservative, you're fired. If you're a liberal. Oh, it's okay. We'll explain that. We'll get to your calls much more. One Sean on this Friday edition Sean Hannity Show, All Right, News, Round Up, Information Overload on a Friday toll free telephone number eight one sewn. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. Well, what a week we have in terms of okay, double standard in the media. I mean we'll just start with ABC. I mean they got Keith Oberman, you know, the single most vile texting against the president, against the first daughter that I've ever seen in my life. He gets hired by Bob Iger. Let's see Jimmy Kimmel. Oh, that's right. He dressed in black face and we showed you this week what he did with Karl Malone and just absolutely disgraceful. On top of him walking around with cucumbers in his pockets and telling young eighteen year old girls, uh oh, just feel around my private parts, tell me what you think is in there. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. He works every night for ABC, and then on top of that and Alec Baldwin, Father of the Year, he works for ABC, and of course over a conspiracy theory TV MSNBC they're they're doing an entire hour on the issue of race. And right there on the panel is the Reverend Al Sharpton. Okay, tell me how that makes sense. And Roseanne Barr, we know what she said was wrong. She rightly, rightly apologized, profusely and repeatedly, and she got fired. Okay. I don't call for firings. I don't call for boycotts because it's always thrown in conservatives faces. And uh, and I don't even know if Roxanne was really ever a conservative, And I kind of felt she was more libertarian, left middle maybe maybe more nationalist. I don't know. Um, But with that said, that all went down, and then you have Samantha b Now, just to give you a quick history lesson on the vitriol of the left, we have a montage we put together, and then Samantha Bee's comments and she's working there over a turner broadcasting the home of fake news, CNN, and her show continues after using the C word against the first daughter. Let's play it. It is a weird tension. I think we're the dangerous time for the First Amendment and for the free press in this country. And at the same time we're oddly influential with the guy who wants to kill us, and to our detractors that insist that this march will never add up to anything, Thank you you, but this is the hallmark of revolution. Yes, I'm angry, Yes I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. You know, I had a dream the other night about that. I was playing golf with Donald Trump, and I was standing beside him with a club in my hand. I was, you know, considering my options when I suddenly woke up. You know, it was one of those dreams when you want to just get back to sleep so you can finish it. You know, that was pretty good. I might have to put Mr Burgess on Fox News. I'll put I'll put I'll put Mr Burgess up against Sean Hannity. I'll tell him up. I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to him, whether they're independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with him and get in their faces. Press always ask me, I don't I worsh I were debating him. No, I wish you were in high school. I could take him behind the gym. That's what I wish. What we've got to do his fight in converse, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box. And now there's the momentum to be able to do this. This is a death panel bill because people will die. This is deadly. This is deadly. You can't standing. I am Your president is a dishonorable, lying man. Ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals. Who have made the difference. They've marched, They've bled, Yes, some of them have died. This is hard. Every good thing is we have done this before, we can do this again. I don't respect this president. I don't trust this president. He's not working in the best stenches of the American people. His motives and his actions are contemptible. And I will fight every day until he is impeached and peach forty five and peach forty five. As far as I'm concerned, that TEA Party can go straight to hell. In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin's pulster. How long there's going to be our saving grace. You know, when he's about the new Finland or something, she's gonna walk into the bedroom and you know, daddy, daddy, daddy. I mean, he's so blatantly stupid. He's a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig, he's a con, a bullet artist, mutt who doesn't know what he's talking about, doesn't do his homework, doesn't care, thinks he's gaming society, doesn't pay his taxes. He's an idiot. Colin Powell said it best. He's a national disaster. He's an embarrassment to this country. It makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool, this bozo has wound up where he has. He talks how he wants to punch people in the face. Well, I'd like to punch him in the face, and I might just killing isis with the same ice pig that a murder Donald Trump, in the same night with which enemy are you most proud of? Probably the Republicans. Ivanka Trump, who works at the White House, chose to post the second most oblivious tweet we've seen this week. You know, if Anka, that's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practices. Effect listen to I'm counting tight and little cut and tell your father to stop it. Tell him that was an Obama thing, and see how it goes. Okay, we'll be right back alright here to weigh in on all these developments. He is the media reporter officianado contributor to the Hill. Uh, Joe Concha is back with us. How are you, sir? That's my new title. I'm longer reporter Commas. I'm the aficionado. Baby, listen, whatever makes you happy, I listen. I have. I have other words for other media people, and I can put you on that list too if you want. And I think you know some of those names. That's a list I don't think I ever want to be on. That's uh, you know. I've actually what nobody knows is I don't have Twitter on my phone anymore. They haven't figured it out yet. The last Twitter fight I had was with Kimmel, but I had to actively put it back on the phone and then actively take it off when I was done. And you in a better mood now because that you're not in that swamp all day because well, the reality is I just don't need a fifth job. I mean, I feel like I'm working enough now as it is. And while in the beginning it was fun and I love fighting. I mean obviously I do m m A, you know, mixed martial arts training every day, so I'm I'm obviously in verbal combat, often with the left, so I have no problems with it at all. A lot of these people can't take a punch, which makes me laugh. They just bubble and fizz like alka Seltzer. But yeah, the answer is one less job on my plate. Yes, sir, you are the Cobra Kai of Fox News and the radio. There's no question. Congratulations. A lot to unpack, right, I mean, this was one of the craziest weeks if you're a media reporter or columnists, I'm telling you, I mean, I've never seen so many stories rapid fire of just people shoot themselves in the foot. I mean, like Samantha B. Let me start with her. Okay, Samantha B. People want to go off on her, and yes they absolutely should when you call what she did Ivanka Trump effectless crime that words with bunt uh. Look if Laura Ingram or Michelle Malkin or Katie Pavlick ever ever said that a conservative woman ever said that about any Obama woman or any Clinton woman. They get fired. It's not even a thought process around there, just like Rosanne did. I think so many conservatives. Sean saw this happening and said, wait a minute, Roseanne gets fired, but Samantha b is at an award ceremony on Thursday night getting an award for advancing social dialogue and she doesn't even get suspended nothing. No. Her comments Sean, we're in a teleprompter, which means that that's the whole Yeah. I mean, that's an amazing part of it. I mean I look ambient, took a big shot at Roseanne and saying, well, it's not one of the known side effects to be you know, bigoted. Um, and I get it. I don't know what time did she send out her tweet? Do we know what Roseanne? Yeah, it was at night. I don't know exactly what time. I have to look it up. But this is a good point excuses, whether it's amping or not. I don't think anybody should make it. Look and do is am I right? If you know Bob Buyer's sending out statements, this does not reach Disney's standards. Okay, there's Jimmy Kimmel, Alec Baldwin, Father of the Year. What about the tweeting of Keith Olberman. And I want to be clear, I'm not I don't want Bob Buyer to fire these people. I'm not asking. I'm not telling people not to watch these shows. I mean, if you want to watch somebody who's really not funny and kind of vile and means spirited and nobody really watches her anyway. And I don't know a whole lot about Samantha be except that I think she's trying to gather some attention for herself and doing it in every dumb way possible. Yeah, you're gonna go watch the show, Sean. Hannity's not going to stop you, right. I mean, look, you don't want to start calling for firings and boycotts and all that, I don't know, silencing people, then good. Let the free market decide whether these people stay on or not. Ratings do that or right. Uh. Look, Oprahman is the best example here, Sean, because Disney owns a d C. Right Eiger. Ultimately, it was Roseanne's boss, and it was his call to cancel the show. But then how could you cancel her? And then in the same breath, higher Keith open him for the six times when he sends out, I want your audience to be clear, this is what he said, just in one tweet, just quoting it, and I can't say the words, so I'll just you know, paraphrase here, F you at real Donald Trump, Nazi, Nazi F Nazi, Nazi F Nazi, Nazi racist Nazi. Biggett go f yourself Nazi effing Nazis. Wait a minute, that's it. One tweet that's got to be a record. And then Bob Ogger says, yep, that guy Disney standards and but but Roseanne doesn't. It's probably that one tweet and there I have pages of them of him, very similar tweets, and probably and probably is one of the reasons the guy cannot hold a job. And I think, what is this say is fourth or fifth attempt at ESPN was a time when he was working with Dan Patrick and Sports Center. Look, I'm not gonna deny that the guy I think had encyclopediccknowledgist, sports, witty, quick, funny, and and had talent. But he's gotten so angry and so bitter and and really kind of a little weird too in the process that it's he's kind of lost it. But Bob Biger just hired him. So Bob Eiger, you know, I think he's got a need in need of a little self reflection time himself. Here wins and all this, believe it or not, President Trump wins in all this because when these people are acting so unhinged and say all these things, it only benefits him because it's showing just how crazy people have become. And the mean, while they look at the progress of the nation's making. I mean, look at that jobs report today, I mean two or twenty three thousand added or down, the three point eight percent unemployment and everything that media can concentrate on is a President Trump. He tweeted out about the jobs numbers before they came out, and they focus on the negative again when people in in Middle America and Michigan. Was consequent Lavaniel Iers saying, hey, things have never been better. The New York Times, of all places, says we are running out of great things to say about this economy. That's when you know that came right out of the New York Times. Mountain, and look at where we are. It looks like the June twelve summer's gonna be a goo. Maybe maybe not. The President said it may not be one meeting. You know. We had the North Korean delegation departing the White House earlier today. Seemed like I'm very extremely friendly terms and the letter delivered to the White House and the President directly from Kim Jong un um. Who would have think that when the President was calling him a little rocket man and and putting fleet of the U. S. Navy ships Striker Brigades right off the coast of the peninsula, and of course everyone was predicting, oh no, this is gonna start a nuclear war. Joe Concha the hill. Thank you, my friend. We appreciate it. My buddy John Gomez just walked into the studio. Um, I'll talk to him in a minute and we'll get to your calls at the bottom of this half hour. All right, we roll along on this Friday eight dying for when Shawn is a number of My buddy John Gomez, Uh, I don't know what business you have in the city today, walked into the studio. We've been friends from third grade. He he said, you wanted to write a book about me. I like, really, what about what? What are you talking about? Well about you, obviously, but I mean all the things we used to do. Why we're friends? You know, why you are who you are? That's a good question. Why are we friends? How did this last stop? It's question number one? Why are we friends? Yeah? I actually I think you said that at my wedding. You know, you can you get up there to say something, and you said, you know, I don't even know why I like you. I never said that, that is an absolute. I never said, do you have it on video? Have it on video? Folks? Not. Also, we'll be in the book. I will say this. When we were growing up, I got it in a lot more trouble than you did. I don't know what's true. No, but the problem is you were sneakier than I was. You were better. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you were so much better. Not me, yes, oh no, please not me. While the rest of the school was at rehearsals for the Christmas Carol concert, Gomez was back at the school vacuuming the entire school. You mean the day I got suspended. I don't even know how I got that deal. Well, there it was. We were in sixth grade. My father was never more mad, and my well, now that's true, he was mad a lot of times. I don't remember you being suspended. I don't know why you weren't allowed to go to down to the washing in d C eighth grade. Oh no, no, my parents like you the only one in the class that I didn't go to Boston the year before either. Now I didn't, but because my parents said, you're gonna get in trouble. They had such they were like you in d C for three days with Gomez is a bit and John and Chris is a bad prescription. That's that's trouble. Actually, the way I kind of saw it was every single time I'd come to hang out with you on the weekends, Friday night, Saturday night, your mom knew. My mom was a prison guard for twenty five years. By the way, go ahead, your mom knew that the chances of you coming home in the backseat of a patrol car went down tremendously if you were hanging out with Gomez. You know this is the thing. You You're like Eddie Haskell and leave it to be. You're like hello, Mr. And Mrs Hannity, it's such an honor to see you again. And they thought, why can't he be more like John? And I'm like, he's worse than me. Why are you believing this? Anyway, you're not allowed to write the book eight hundred nine for one, Shawn. When we come back, your calls much more Friday, eight nine for one, Sean told free number. We're gonna get your calls in a minute. First, I want to say hello to Jeffrey. Aaron Hunt and nine Line and he have teamed up and they're backing this Memorial Day which is just passed, and those who stand up for the families that are left behind when a soldier pays the ultimate sacrifice. You know, we had a great weekend last weekend. Why because so many people put their lives on the line and many lost them and so many others were wounded, all in the name of liberty and freedom. One of a why it's so important to fight for our constitution every day. That's why. Anyway, they have joined together Jeffrey Earnhardt along with uh, you know, he's a stock car racer and he literally you know now competes part time in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series. And by the way, my brother in law Tim is probably as big as fan. He joins us now, and how are you? I'm doing pretty good? How about self? I'm good? What's going on? Oh? Just uh, you're gonna, We're gonna you let me, gonna let me ride one of these cars at three hundred miles an hour, two hundred miles an Come on, come on, I'll put you in the passenger side and take you around. You want to you want to know something. I didn't grow up with Nascar. Grew up as a big hockey fan, right I was. I grew up in New York, and I played a lot of hockey and a lot of baseball. Just it's a little different than then. I lived in Alabama for a while, I lived in Atlanta for a while, and all my friends were NASCAR fans, every one of them. And uh remember Eli Gold used to do the announcing of all these races. I mean I got I met him once, amazing guy, and I used to run the board. All of a sudden, I became I just started to become a NASCAR fan. And long story short, when I finally went to the Daytona five D, I was shocked at how amazingly, amazingly fast, you guys go And what a real sport this is in the sense that you know, it's a little it's obviously different than football, basketball, baseball, and you know what, it's a dangerous sport as you know, as your family knows. Yeah, it's uh, it's definitely a different sport. You know. Still you still all about being competitive and stuff, but it's uh a little different. You know, you get to go to our ire and um it takes uh, it takes a lot of money. But yeah, that's why it's good to have uh, good partners that you're involved with, you know, make the whole picture go around. Yeah, we'll tell us. You know, you are actually said over this past weekend, I don't think I've ever had to hold back tears so hard in my life as you were participating, you know, in this Memorial Day weekend honoring U. S Service members and their families that gave it all. Yeah. No, I mean, you know, for one, just the opportunity to be partnered with such an awesome company like Ninline of Parel that uh, you know does so much to give back to all different kind of foundations is just a great opportunity and then uh you know this past weekend at the Charlotte Race, we uh we helped raise money for uh foundation called Angels of American's Fallen and uh you know they continue to take care of the family members who have lost the loved one, uh you know in in the military. And um, we had a couple of families there that you know that you know, had had lost a loved one that you know paid the ultimate sacrifice. And um to sit there and see uh see how excited the kids or you know at the at the event was was pretty incredible. And then um, you know when when the family broke down and started uh started crying at the beginning of the race when they started playing taps, man, it uh that'll kill you. Look, my father served to World War Two and at his funeral they did it and it just kills you, It just breaks you up. Um let me bring in two for a second. We had Tyler Merritt and he's also on the line from the Nine Line Foundation and uh, well, I want to thank you Tyler for all you do and uh you know, how did you get Dale Earnhardt's grandson to participate obviously such a big name in racing well, thanks for having me on, John, I really appreciate it. And uh, Honestly, Jeff and I became friends a few months back, and I've had the opportunity to make some incredible friendships and partnerships in the last couple of years. Uh. We just partnered with Black Rifle Coffee, got their first franchise location. Aren't they the people in the world. They are an advertiser on their show. Isn't that the coffee is amazing? That the coolest guys I've ever hung out with. Honestly, they're they're they're good friends, and I like partnering with friends. It's all business, but it's you got like minded organizations that really just like to get after it. I spent the majority of my career in special operations, obviously, that's the majority of their senior leadership, and they're just give people. And when Evan and I talked about, you know, buying a car and getting the right driver, we wanted to make sure we got the rape one. So one of the questions I asked Jeff was, Hey, Jeff, how do you feel about taking a knee from the national anthem? Jeff, how do you feel about that? Jeff? How do you feel about that? By the way, before you before you answer, I'm gonna help you out, you know, just be careful. No, I don't think you've ever seen me taking knee, or anyone at a NASCAR event taking knee. That's uh, not gonna see Sean Hannity take one either. By the way, I'm not even I won't support the New York Jets anymore now that the uh the car you know, president of the Jets to say, oh, we'll pay the fine, I'm like, you know, I'm not accepting that. So, yeah, that's and that's ridiculous. And that's why we decided, you know, if we're gonna be endorsing sports, uh, you know, we're we're one fascist trying to teacher out a Caperrol companies. I'm blessed to have been able to not only you know, return from uh words of a dozen deployments, but you know, we're we're just growing like crazy, and and to enter the NASCAR with Jeff it's an incredible human being and a partner with people like Black Rifle, And we decided rather than having our logos on the hood, we wanted to pay respects and a lot of our friends I want that handy logo on the hood. What are you talking about? Black Rifle Company, coffee company and Hannity together. I think that's an awesome combination. And we'll put nine Line too. We'll do it. We'll do like a heart combo. Hey, I got I got you covered. You know what? Hey, Jeff for your race in fourth of July and Daytona. What do you think about putting Hannity's name on the side of the car. Will you throw it on there? But either way, those cars are covered in these in these decals, and I bet people pay millions to put it on there, and I'm gonna get a free one because you're my friend. Well, I'll tell you what, though, I'll be glad to donate to your cause. And uh, listen, it's very important. We cannot forget these families. And I know the President feels the same way about it. And if you, if you guys can give out any way that this great audience of mine can help you, please tell them, because then we'll put it up on my website Hannity dot com. What's the best way to do that. Yeah, if they go to nine Line Apparel dot com, they'll see a bunch of landing pages. They're talking about our upcoming race fourth of July. All the money will go to the Nine Line Foundation. I get Bernie Carrick Hughes on my board, uh, and we're raising money to take veterans off the street to support homeless veterans in a sustainable project in conjunction with the v A. By the way, then everybody needs to know, because I'm worn't and a lot of that charities, that PTSD is real. You know, these guys multiple deployments, you know, living under the most stressful conditions imaginable, and you know year after year it's rough, and we gotta help these guys out. Anyway, we'll put it up on the website. Thank you, Tyler Merritt, and uh, we really appreciate it. Jeffrey Earnhardt, thank you. You have a legendary family, and uh, I have nothing but great admiration for you and and all you're doing here. We really appreciate you taking a time. Alright, guys, thank you. All right, that's gonna wrap things up today. Alright, amazing stories. Yes, the summit with North Korea back on. This is history in the making. We'll have all the details. Historic incredible economic numbers. I doubt the destroy Trump media will be covering we will. And two massive new breaking news stories, one by Sarah Carter, one by John Solomon. That's right, the deep state, the White House, they were in control from the beginning. All evidence seems to point in that direction. We'll explain news information you won't get anywhere else. Set your DVR, we'll see it tonight at nine. Have a great weekend. We'll be back here on Monday.

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