John McLaughlin, Pollster and founder of McLaughlin and Associates & Doug Schoen, Pollster, Author, Political Analyst for Fox News and a Columnist for Newsmax, review the candidates running for office. The democrats have no shortage of empty promises and baseless accusations against the current President. They are trying to out socialize the next. Trump’s latest poll numbers from Gallup, show just how difficult he will be to beat come 2020!
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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. Thousands are joining snippy dot com, expressing their opinions and stirring up lively conversations. Snippy is an unbiased social media platform that's all about conversation and community. Snippy not only encourages freedom of expression, but guarantees its users the ability to discuss topics freely without suppression from administrators. Check into snippy dot com for a quick update on politics, sports, current events, food, fashion, anything. Really, spend minutes or spend hours scrolling through users posts and striking up conversations. Search by topic, browse the newsfeed, and follow your favorite writers. Snippy is a place where everyone is free to express their thoughts, share their opinions, and tell the world what makes them snippy. It's a place where discussion is valued, a place where your opinion matters, and it's totally free to join and open to everyone. So come join us at snippy dot com and let your opinion matter. No shadow banning and no suppression of conservative thought ever. Snippy now has an updated user interface and lots of exciting new features, also available at the Apple and Google app stores. Snippy your new alternative social media all right, clad you with us as we kick off another busy newsday. Right down our toll free telephone number. We'd love to have you join us. It's eight hundred and ninety four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. All more good economic news. Oh sorry to bother you with all that good news. Manufacturers given Donald Trump a ninety percent approval rating YEP. The nation's top manufacturers have for the ninth consecutive quarter, given Donald Trump and his economy a thumbs up, setting record industry optimism of the economy, predicting positive growth unseen during the Obama administration. Obama gave up and said those jobs they ain't coming back. National Association of Manufacturers said big small companies are overwhelmingly optimistic about future growth. In fact, the past nine quarters have seen record optimism average of ninety one point eight percent of manufacturers positive about their own firm. You know that the Pittsburgh Steel Company, they just reopened a plant that they were manufacturing in Alabama, which is awesome. That's serious, good, high paying career jobs. Way do we get these pipelines online and we have jobs people building the pipelines. But once we start producing the natural gas and exporting the natural gas as we have more energy than any other area of the world combined oil, gas, etc. When we now go to Anoir and open up an Noir, one of the largest untapped reserves we've ever seen, been sitting there forever, and you know we've been just fighting about it. It's got to be hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of high paying, career long jobs for Americans that will live better lives, buy bigger homes, safer neighborhoods, and get vacations, buy the nice new truck every few years that they like, and be more comfortable and able to give the extras to their kids, unlike I see. Andrew Cuomo was campaigning for his third term and he pledged to finish his entire term in office. The only caveat is that God strikes me dead. He said, sounds like God put Cuomo on alert yesterday. Anywhere. Cuomo put God on alert because he's suggesting that he's deciding whether to get into the presidential race, and its decision is going to be based on whether Biden rooms. All right, Andrew Cuomo, he is the worst governor. It's simple. No one hunts with an assault rifle. No, one needs ten bullets to kill a deer. No, and then you know he has all the ability to make New York great again. No, No, he has the potential. The potential is right there under our feet and called natural gas, of which New York State has an abundance of. But he won't allow New York to tap into the you know what, will be hundreds of thousands of jobs and literally hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. And he's whining to President Trump that he has a two point three billion dollars shortfall because the subsidies that these high tax states would put on the no tax or low tax states. Why should those states not get the benefit when they elected politicians that don't give them high taxes. And I'm saying this directly against my own personal interest, but if you have a high tax state like New York or California, where you know you're dealing with twelve percent income tax, state, local city, federal whatever, well not federal, but state, local city taxes, income taxes at twelve point, well, we used to be able to deduct that. We can't deduct that anymore. But that was a deduction that people couldn't get in low tax states or no tax states, so they were being favored. People in New York were being favored and frankly reinforcing elections of really dumb people that raise our taxes and do little with it. I don't know, he's so far out there, would be so interesting to see if he really wants to get into that race. You know, it's amazing you got all of these issues involving anti Semitism. You know, we got Omar and to Leib and you know, so funny how the networks are so quiet about rampant anti semitism now when it rising within the Democratic ranks, and even a Kasio Cortez defending Congresswoman Omar's tweets about Israel. I'm like, really, this is the Democratic Party. Where are the leaders of the Democratic Party. Why aren't they outraged about the tweeting that's gone on and the constant attacks on Israel. Remember this is a woman that tweeted out once Israel has hypnotized the world, May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. Al we'll see. You know that she's still on a Foreign Affairs committee, all right, So yesterday. We went over a lot of different things, and it really comes down to this is this is what we're now heading into. I'm looking into my my hourglass here through the prism what do you call that thing a crystal ball? And I'm looking into it and I see the future. This is what's gonna happen. You're gonna watch all these radical left wing Democrats try an out liberal, outgreen, deal out extreme the other one, and the wacky base of the Democratic Party in all likelihood is going to pick the nominee. You know, there's a reason Joe Biden is being hesitant getting into this race because in reality, if it was a fair contest, Hillyary didn't rig the primaries back in twenty sixteen, probably Bernie Sanders would have been the candidate. The fact that that got stolen and nobody seems to care about it is kind of one big, untold story. That's why she tried to rig the general election. That's what the whole you know, dossier, dirty Russian dossier and the lies. You know, we knew about this information because it was all leaked out there, and the whole purpose was to propagandize the American people and make you think Donald Trump had two hookers in a bed and Moscow peeing in his bed and it wasn't true. Among other things, they told lies about everybody in that then it was used as a basis that or the fires are warm anyway, if you really want to break it down to a brass tax cut to the chase. This is now the Democratic Party of today. They're now pushing for dorry and after birth abortion, that's infanticide. They are the party that's now beginning to tell you and apparently in one poll thirty six percent of Americans are buying into this, that maybe it's irresponsible and dangerous to have children, to bring kids into this world. They are now and now it's Donna Casio quartets. These are many of the twenty twenty candidates, Kamala Harris, Kirsten gillibrand Bernie Sanders. And now they want medicare for all, but that also includes you are forced into the government health care system. You will not have any choice or option. I thought liberals were pro choice. In other words, you will no longer be able to have your own private health insurance. Now they're pushing legalized drugs and prostitution and reparations. That's been the last couple of weeks. Then they want massive tack increases of seventy percent the top marginal rate. And then after you pay that top marginal rate, if you're able to save anything, well, they might come back as a means of paying for free childcare and make you pay a wealth tax. In other words, they will legalize government stealing it already is at seventy percent anyway. Now and then they're the party now and this is the choice election. This is what you're gonna get to choose. Then they're the party that even they make you pay to die if after you pay your seventy percent marginal rate, and then after you pay your wealth tax, if you save too much, then if you have anything left at the end of the day, they're going to come in and the federal government gets forty percent of that. If you live in New York State, they got another ten percent of that. In other words, you pay to die in America. That's why they call it the death tax. Now they're the party that is enthusiastically and bracing this idea that in ten years we will eliminate all fossil fuels. There will be no more use of oil and gas. I mean, we're going to eliminate all cars with combustion engines. They will compel you to completely rebuild your home to their specifications. Who's gonna pay for it? Nobody's talking about that. But now the cost of all this, the early estimates are as high as ninety four trillion dollars in ten years. They will. They're the party that literally wants to eliminate they say this. They want to get rid of gas oil combustion engine cows because of the flatulence in the CO two gas emissions airplanes as well, and they're going to replace transportation with high speed trains and plug in stations all around the country. They will also they're the party that wants open borders. They want to tear down the border barriers and walls that we have up regardless of the cost that we know illegal immigrants. You know, it's literally billions of dollars we've paid over the years, and the impact on our healthcare system, our educational system, our criminal justice system. They are a party that is willing to leave us as a country totally and completely defenseless against gangs and cartels, even human traffickers of young women bringing them into prostitution, as we have chronicled. They would leave the country defenseless and the borders wide open for the ninety percent of heroin that's in America coming across that southern border, and the same with fentanyl. The party that would leave us defenseless against those criminal elements that would have white access to the borders and commit murder and hamas side and sexual and biolent assaults. The party that would eliminate all of this, and the party that would nationalize industry and eliminate corporate monopolies. That's the very definition of socialism, the nationalization of industry, and that would mean when you can't buy private health insurance. That means they have taken over entirely the healthcare industry, and that would include taking over the energy industry. That would destroy the light blood of our economy. They're the party that them would turn around and make the broad promises that they're gonna give you a job at a sustainable wage, medical family leave, government guaranteed vacations. You're gonna get their healthcare system, whatever form it ends up taking, they're gonna get. You're gonna get their retirement system. You're gonna get K through twelve and also college and trade school. That's going to be free. You're gonna get everything that they offer is gonna be free the party, and when they're gonna add daycare to the list, there won't be a single thing you have to worry about paying for. The party is going to build high speed rails, but probably that's going to take a few thousand years. So in the meantime, I guess you can take a rowboat over to Europe and maybe a paracel your way over to Australia somehow. Good luck flying to Asia. This is you know, this is so sick. I can't even believe you got a hundred congressmen and women and senators supporting this crap. This is not a game. This is it. They will They're now going this is the party that will spend the entire Trump presidency, as they have now committed this week to abusing all of their power, not serving you the people, and try to undo duly elected president and put the country into total upheaval. That would literally gain their power to advance their new Green Deal by destroying the current president that they think you mistakenly voted for. That's what that is. What they're going to do. This is who they are versus and I'll leave it this way. The president that has gotten more done in a shorter period of time, with more records set on the economy and more promises kept than any president in our lifetime, and it's all working anyway. That's that's your choice that is now emerging for the twenty twenty election. You know there were more than thirty four million American smokers. I bet that finding a satisfying alternative to cigarettes is at the top of your list if you're a smoker. Look, I've been there before, but after many years of smoking, I only made the switch to Jewel. Is no more worrying about the way my clothes smell, worrying about what people are gonna say. With Jewel, everything is so much easier Now. Jewel is a vaporizer that contains nicotine for a satisfying transition. When I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer. L Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers to be an alternative to cigarettes. From it's simple to use interface to its clean technology. Well, Jewel has no cigarette ash, odor or mess. So if you're one of the thirty four million adults who smoke know that there is an alternative to cigarettes. How to discover the smoking alternative? That's nothing like you've tried visit Juul dot com slash switch America. That's Juul dot com slash switch America and warning, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is an addictive chemical. So the path that they have chosen, the Democrats to get into victory is non style. They're gonna use eight congressional committees. Just one of them has now subpoened close to one hundred people. You know what it's like if you work in Washington and you get a subpoena. I don't care how much you get paid. Now you got to pay the high hourly Washington DC legal rate. You're not gonna get anybody that sucks. If you do, you're stupid. So now you can't go before the committee without talking to a lawyer. So Gerald Nadler begins this by saying, yeah, the president obstructed justice, and I guess somebody can't sent the memo and said, well, if you're starting an investigation, maybe you shouldn't declare him guilty ahead of taught. So anyway, so Nadler was on take new CNN last night. You say the president has obstructed justice. You've been clear about that, and then he goes, there's certainly a lot of evidence that he has, but that's exactly the kind of thing we have to look into. Hey, he had already claimed and proclaimed guilty that he obstructed justice. Yes, it's very clear to the present instructing justice, very Clinton. Now he's saying, so now you're not sure he is obstructive justice. Well, personally I think he has. But we have to look and see. Well, that's how we do we How much is this going to cost? All this stuff, David axel Rod of all people's called out the Democrats for what they're making these investigations look like a witch hunt. That's stating the obvious, David, But at least you said it. Quick break right back to America's a big electoral choice, perhaps the biggest in your lifetime. Coming from award winning film and TV star Gary Sines, comes Grateful American, A Journey from self to service. This powerful memoir chronicles the inspiring, never before told story of Gary Cinese's journey from aimless teen to theater student to critically acclaimed actor and director, including his portrayal of Lieutenant Dan and Forrest Gump, which led to his life changing mission is advocate and supporter for the men and women who put themselves in harm's way in service to our country. Read Grateful American, A Journey from Self to Service by Garrison East, available now wherever books are sold. You ever wonder where your state ranks in terms of those states that pay the highest amount of taxes versus the lowest amount of taxes. Let's see, what state do you think pays the least amount of taxes? Just something you may want to think of. Well, the state that actually gives pays people to be in the state Alaska. The taxes paid is a percentage of income is only six point five percent income per capita fifty seven, one hundred and seventy nine, the tenth highest. And then you got South Dakota, Wyoming, Tennessee. Look at Tennessee, they only pay is a percentage of income seven point three percent, Louisiana seven point six, Texas seven point six, New Hampshire seven point nine, Nevada eight point one. No income tax there either, South Carolina eight point four, Mississippi. And then it goes in between there and you know all the states you would think of in the middle Florida taxes as a percentage of income eight point nine percent, sam in Colorado, Georgia nine point one, Iowa nine point two, Nebraska nine point two, Idaho nine point three, Missouri nine point three, Virginia nine point three, Washington nine point three, Michigan nine point four, Kentucky. I was surprised at nine point five, Indiana nine point five, And you go to Kansas and Utah nine point six, North Carolina nine point eight, West Virginia nine point eight, Ohio nine point eight, Arkansas ten point one Delaware. Now we just start moving down Pennsylvania at ten point two, Maine. I'm surprised at Maine at ten point two, even a why is at ten point two, Argon ten point three, Vermont ten point three, Taxachusetts ten point three, Rhode Island ten point eight, Minnesota the same, Maryland ten point nine, Wisconsin eleven, Illinois eleven, California eleven. And let's see New Joysey twelve point two, Connecticut twelve point six, and coming in number one, taxes paid percentage of income twelve point seven. You know, and I guess that includes everything. So that's basically what they stand for. So, now, how do the Democrats everything I just went through there in time, every starting with during after birth abortion, no cows, no cars, no planes, you know, rebuild your home. Everything's free. And the party that wants to raise the top marginal rates to seventy percent at a wealth tax only everybody has to be in the national health system. They'll take over all of healthcare, They'll eliminate oil and gas. That's their system. Then we begin the process of well, how do they get to this point? How do they get the power back so they can implement the agenda? Well, you have Gerald Nadler that we got eight committees. Now the Democrats are being forthright. This is now going to be the single widest net ever cast to destroy any single elected official. And they're going to use the power of the government to look for any and everything possible to destroy Donald Trump because apparently none of them are confident that the Muller Report is going to give them what they thought it was going to give them. I don't expect that you're going to see on the news, sorry we've been wrong for two years, or that you're gonna hear from Democrats sorry we've been wrong for two years. But you know, Nataline, they're gonna look into everything. They're gonna investigate. They are looking for a crime that they have no idea what it is at this point and what they'll move from issue to issue to issue to issue. They're not it interested at all in any truth. They just want to destroy Trump. Hopefully they can impeach him, but if not, they bloody him with death by a thousand cuts. But this is on. This is how they think they're gonna get their power back. I don't even think it's good politics, because maybe if they would convince people that their ideas were superior and they had a plan to make the country more save more secure, and make the country more prosperous and create more jobs. But they just had eight years of Obama, and as bad as we thought he was, these guys are far worse. Obama wasn't radical enough for them. You know, Trump could quite conceivably be added to the Ivanka Trump now they might want to add to the probe. Now, let's go after the family. See if we can piss off the president more, then he will get mad. Nadler. We have to make sure this is not a dictatorship. What does that mean? First, he said he was guilty of obstructing obstruction. Well, I believe that, but I don't know yet. Maxie Waters is back out there going after the president. Lying. Trump came away from the fake summit with terrorists and killer Kim Jong un and nothing because Kim never intended to offer anything. Don the Khan man got Khan. Hey forty five, You're still in love with Kim. No one can believe this unworthy president is the most prolific, consistent, good for nothing liar this country has ever experienced. Tell that to the five point three million people that are back working at jobs they didn't have when Obama was president. But that aside. Then she reacted to reports that the Washington Post journalist Kashogi and Trump, God will never forgive you for siding with the Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad been solemn MBS as they call him. And then she goes into her typical you know in Peach forty five. In Peach forty five, over one hundred Democrats now support banning all private health insurance plans, as one hundred Democrats now support the New Green Deal. By the way, Acasio Cortez is in troubled and her chief of staff could be facing jail time if their control over the Pack was intentionally hidden, because the problem is according to archive copies of the group's website, the two appear to retain their control of the group. According to corporate filings obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. If the FEC finds that Acasio Courtz and her Democratic campaign manager, if they operated an affiliation with the Pack, which has raised more than one point eight million before our primary, well that would open them up to massive reporting violations, probably at least some illegal contribution violations exceeding lawful limits. According to the former FFEC commissioner Brad Smith, Jazio Cortez never disclosed to the FEC that she and her campaign manager, who served in that chair, controlled the PACK while it was simultaneously reporting the primary campaign, and former FEC commissioners say that the arrangement could lead to multiple campaign finance violations. The group back twelve Democrats during the twenty eighteen midterms. Acazio Cortez was the only one of those to win in the general election. By the way, it's a little scary. A third of Americans share Acazio Cortez's worry about having kids because of climate change. It's a scary Paul. Anyway, Acasio Cortez's mom, she's getting with the program. Good for her mom, because she left New York to move to Florida, and the reason is to pay less in taxes. And she was interviewed by The Daily Mail about the financial difficulties after her husband passed away and how she faced foreclosure twice, saying it was scary and I had to take medicine and I was scared. I had to stop paying for the mortgage for almost a year. I was expecting someone to knock on the door and kick me out at any time. There were even some real estate people coming around to take photos of the house or when it was going to be auctioned off. The worst is that I thought I only had fifty thousand dollars left to pay on the loan. She eventually made a deal with the bank to avoid eviction. And anyway, then she decided to move to Florida to save on taxes. And they also have an anti Semitic problem, which we'll get into later in the program. So you got Maxim Waters, you got eight committees, Errold Nadler, you got Adam Schiff either way. Um, I'm looking at Adam Shif. We've invited him in him on this radio program. We're offering him three hours. Bill Maher suggested it, and I said, that's a good idea. I'll offer him an hour on TV. We've chronicled we have an archive just of Adam Schiff and his lies that he tells all the time. He's completely full of Schiff, Adam Schiff, completely full of it. Um, But that's how they plan. Again, did you want me to contact his office for you? You've already contacted his office. How many maybe I should do it again? How many times have you contacted his office? Clearly? Not enough? How many times? No? Five have ever called you back? Not yet? Maybe I'll call now, all right, call him now? Oh, call right now? All right? Now, see what they have right now. Hannity's offering him one hour TV and one and three hours of radio. And we want to talk about his Russian collusion that he has on tape and I have on tape. Okay. And so Bussava met with Trump in New York at some point after the twenty thirteen Miss Universe, Yes, pageant absolutely, and she got compromising materials on Tramp after their short relations okay, and what's the nature of the compromise, Well, there were pictures of naked Trump. This being home was made aware of the availability of the compromising material. Yes, of course, Buzava shared those materials with sab Sharking subsharct shares those materials with Putin because she's a god daughter of Putin, and Puttin decided to press on Trump and the materials that you can provide to the committee or to the FBI. Would they corroborate this allegation? Sure, of course. When they were in Ukraine, we got their conversation by the phone where they're discussed to those compromising materials. We are ready to provide it to FBI. So you have recordings of both soap Check and Buseva where they're discussing the compromising material on mister Trump. Absolutely, what was the nature of the compromising material naked picked at mister Trump. Yes, he was colluding with the Russians to get dirt on Donald Trump. And it's all caught on tape with Robert Muller. Thought that's what it was investigating, to impact the elections, to impact the presidency. Thought that was wrong. Ohay, New Green Deal. Do you have almost one hundred people in the House and Senate now supporting this madness? Nearly a hundred. You know, there was an article in the New York Post that I loved, you know, all these millennials that I'm gonna send our Lawrence Jones out on the streets today and we'll show it on Hanniday tonight. You know, remember the adage of Churchill, If you're twenty and not a liberal, you don't have a heart. If you're forty and not a conservative, you don't have a brain. But millennials are so completely ignorant. They don't have they have no clue what socialism is. Reuters does a piece that they're ignorant. It's appalling economic, human rights history, increasingly embracing something that they know nothing about. I guess it's the cool hip thing, is that what it is? And a growing number of veteran Democratic politicos should know better, but are clearly terrified at the star power of Bernie Sanders and Acasio Cortez. That's true. Nancy Pelosi fears Acasio Cortez. The Casio Cortez says no to Pelosi, Pelosi's out never mind speaker Pelosi's warning that this is not a bumper, stick or war anyway. Gallup reports fifty seven percent of Democrats have a positive view of socialism. They have no idea what socialism is, they just have a positive view of it. Same Pole shows respond in supporting small business and free enterprise and rejecting the idea that government is doing too little. I mean it, it's unbelievable. Then I will tell you there's a percentage of the population wants free everything. New York Magazine has a cover piece out when did everyone become a socialist? Because they don't know what it is? Anyway? That's her. That's the news from Lake Socialism. This is a complaint that a Casio Cortez and her aid hit nearly a hundred a million bucks. That's a big deal. So I had this guy on Hannity last night and he was pretty interesting, called the Casio Cortes, he's one of the founders of Green's Peace, and he called her a pompous little Twit don't play later in the show. I like the reaction to yesterday. In the announcements, Sarah Sanders put out a statement today. Chairman Nadler opened up a disgraceful, abusive investigation into tired false allegations already investigated by the Special Council and committees in both chambers of Congress. Chairman Nadler and his fellow Democrats have embarked on this fishing expedition because they are terrified that their two year false narrative of Russia collusion is crumbling. Their intimidation and abuse of American citizens is shameful. Democrats are harassing the President to distract from their radical agenda of making America socialist country, killing babies after they're born, and pushing a green New deal that would destroy jobs and bankrupt America. The American people would deserve a Congress that works with the President to address serious issues like immigration, healthcare, infrastructure, and the Democrats are more interested in pathetic political gains and catering to a radical left his base and on producing results for our citizens. The Democrats are not after the truth, They're after the president. It's all true. Thank you, um. You adequately informed the court about about the about the about the origins of the origins of the Steel dossier. And do you think Stue Evans, who's the chief of the intelligence officer when he took it to the court was fully informed. I do. I do believe that we adequately notified the FISA Court of the information we were using and what we thought about that information. M I think the the In fact, in my experience with PHISI packages, I've never seen a footnote like the one we included in that package specifically for that purpose. Foot this is like on page sixteen. It's about a page and a half foote itself. It goes into great detail about our previous relationship, what we thought of the information we were getting from him, and kind of where how we understood his involvement or interest in this stuff that was in the niffies A package. So I do think we represented it adequately. I know that's a matter that's currently under investigation. Be anxious to see what they have to say about it. Well, I'm not going to go into the details of the conversations I had with Sue, But at the end of the day, we put forth a package that to my understanding, people in my building and the department were satisfied with so to the extent that there were any concerns about how we represented what we knew about the informant and his potential how he came involved in acquiring this information, and what his background might might say about his involvement in that collection. I think everyone was satisfied that we had represented that accurately and adequately in the package. The court was obviously satisfied. They signed it. What three or four times? All right? An hour two Sean Hannity Show or Hannity Watch on the deep state. There's been a lot of new developments, new news coming out almost on a daily basis. We've been so wrapped up in other issues, including the now planned non stop, unlimited, wide open broughtest widest net possible search into anything in all things Donald Trump. And if it means we're just gonna force people to pay for lawyers in the process, well that's just too bad. Forget about governing the country, forget about safety and security and prosperity of the American people. No, this isn't now Trump Russia collusion is not working. What's planed? B and it goes from there. That was Andrew McCabe in an interview that he did on c SPAN and saying how that they adequately informed the FISA Court as to the origins of the Steel dossier. Well, that doesn't say you verified and corroborated what was in the Steel dossier, because if you had done your job, you would have come to the same conclusion Christopher Steel himself came to later in an interrogatory in Great Britain, where he himself admitted that this was maybe fifty fifty it's raw intelligence. I have no idea if any of this is true, but they presented it to the FISA court as though this was factual, accurate, and true. They were also warned by Bruce Orr, according to his testimony in August of twenty sixteen, that Hillary paid for it, that Steele hated Donald Trump, and it was unverified and uncorroborated. They did not heed that warning, and then they used or abused and committed a fraud on the Phizer Court and abused the constitutional rights of one carter page for the purposes of having a backdoor entrance into all things associated with the Trump campaign. So they can say all they want that everyone was satisfied, including the Pisachord, about the package that got us the FISA warrant. Well, I think when you hide the fact that Hillary paid for it, which you did, and you don't verify because you can't verify something that we now know, according to the author, is not true. So they didn't verify it. Now did they do a cya, a cursory some kind of Well, is this true and not true? If we talked about Christopher Steele's history, Well, in the middle of all this, Steel gets fired before the signing of the next three FIS applications. He was fired for lying and leaking. So that doesn't buy you any justification for the three renewal applications in that case. Anyway. Joining us on this and all the other new and latest developments, we have John Solomon from The Hill is with us. Fox News legal analysts, author of the number one bestseller of the Russia Hoax, now out in paperback, Greg Jarrett is with us. I think they're lying, Oh, yeah, you can't verify something they purposely withheld who paid for it. That's true. They also can't verify something whose own author announces his own work, right. I mean he actually says in court records that the document is unverifiable, and we know that to be true because COMI admitted they never verified it. And so when you listen to that SoundBite, you just played a Vandrew McCabe with NPR saying, oh, you know that we this was the most forthcoming and honest document application I've ever seen. That is just preposterous. Almost nothing that comes out of the mouth of Andrew McCabe bears any semblance to honesty or the truth. You're right, they did not tell the court the salient facts, that Hillary Clinton had commissioned it, that Christopher Steele, who composed it, had lied and leaked. But most of all, they didn't even follow their own procedures. The regulations on special counsel as well as the FI Succort are very specific you may never submit unverified information. They did precisely that lyne to the court in deceiving the judges. It is interesting that we learned Christopher Steele, who authored this phony Russian dossier that Hillary paid for by funneling money through the law firm and then Fusion GPS, apparently was scheduled to appear at a pro democracy conference in Baltimore next week, and that planned appearance by video would have been Steele's first public appearance since the dossier was published. Nor will he apparently speak before any congressional committee. John Solomon, Yeah, no, I don't unless Lindsey Graham goes full bore and tries to get him to comply with the subpoena overseas, which is very hard to enforce. We may not hear Christopher Steele in an environment where he can be questioned honestly. And I think that you know, he is going to go down as one of the great enigmas of a lot of spf GI misconduct. It's obvious, isn't what his motives were, It's obvious who his employer was. These things, as Greg so eloquently described, were kept from the court. But there's another thing that we don't talk about a lot yet, but I suspect we will very soon, and I'm working on something on this in their future. There's another thing that the FBI overtly kept from the court, and that was exculpatory information, not derogatory information about the source against Steel, which they clearly had to disclose and they didn't. But what if And I have strong reason to believe that Carter Page and George Papadopolas were intercepted by FBI informants and recorded, and we've heard members of Congress talk about these transcripts nebulously. What if in the course of those conversations, and I believe this has absolutely happened, they said exculpatory things like I didn't meet with those Russians, That's not what we did. We didn't change the Ukraine platform because of Russia or any of those things, and those don't get put into the FISA warrant. When you add that to what we already know about the omissions about steel, you start to see a criminal element to how they taylor this FISA. They left everything exculpatory, everything derogatory about their sources out to try to Railroad through a FISA warrant. And I think Andrew McCay's words that this was a thorough process will be laid bare when when these declassification documents come out and we see how much I mean, what the option does he have at this point to say, well, we were confident we did our work on this, because then otherwise he would admit that he was just going along with something that is now proven to be false, and that would mean that it was a Look, at the end of the day, there's no doubt in my mind, and I'll ask both of you, this was a purposeful conscious fraud on the court. They knew what they were doing, they didn't care. They knew they were lying to the FISA Court judges, they knew they were omitting certain things that were pertinent that would have impacted the decision of the judges, No doubt about that in my mind. Greg, Oh, You're absolutely right. And the great tragedy is that there are on average per week, twenty nine FIS applications presented to one judge, So they can't possibly that judge that rotates in a new one every week can't possibly hold twenty nine hearings. So what they do is they take the vast majority of them, this one in particular, on paper submissions. That means they are trusting the veracity the honesty of the FBI and the Department of Justice when they present it. And it requires a very discerning judge to look at that footnote number eight that obliquely refers to an opposition party, your candidate at presenting you know some of this evidence. You would have to be clarivoyant to understand that that was Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee. But since there's no adversary in this secret court, this star Chamber, they simply accepted it. Well, we have two developments on that point. Number One, the Attorney General bar the new Attorney General has refused to recuse himself from the investigation. He has no intention whatsoever, thankfully. And Devin Nunez is urging the new Attorney General. All of us want to see equal justice under the law. He says, I believe that if the new Attorney General and the Department of Justice don't take all of this on, if they don't do a full scrub, have full accountability and transparency for the American people, You're going to see generations of Conservatives who will not trust the Department of Justice, they will not trust the FBI, and they for sure will not trust the FISAL process. I don't want to gloss over it because it's important. The FISAL laws were first written in the seventies. They need to be completely rewritten because of what the Clinton campaign and former people of the DOJ and FBI were able to do. Well, what's going to happen with William Barr And I know that you have some sources inside of Mueller's camp. What's going to happen with the Mueller report? When's it going to be released? And do you think we'll ever see the light of day? Will it see the light of day? John Solomon, You know, I think a summary of it, of the key important decisions that we're made, will be made available by General Barr to the Congress, as he has indicated he would. I don't think the full report will ever see the light of day. I think there's impossibility the President could claim executive prom which over it. I think the Democrats may even be disappointed with what's in the full report, which is there's just not My understanding of this report is going to be fairly sparse. It's not going to be a multi volume narrative of what they thought should have should not have been proven. I think what you've heard from the people in the know, Rod Rosenstein recently, General Barr. I just saw one of the Trump attorneys, former Thay Cobb talking. Everybody expects Bob Mueller to be rather narrow in his view. I charge these people because X, and I charge I didn't charge these people, and I'm done and see you later. If that becomes the record that Bob Muller leads behind, Democrats are going to be very apparently that's what they're expecting though, isn't that why we now see, you know, a shift in strategy away from it, and now they just want to write they want to rewrite the Muller Report and put their own twist on history here. And that's you know, two years ago they were cheering Bob mulleran, Well, now he looked at the facts, he may have come to the conclusion that we all predicted he would come. So you don't expect even the innu window about Donald Trump that well, maybe shouldn't have fired Komey, or maybe he shouldn't have said. Uh. I hope Michael, I hope General Flynn doesn't get in trouble, you know, or something. I think. I think you look at the instructor. I think the most instructive comments made in the last week were those of Rod Rosenstein, where he said that in the Justice Department, we don't talk about things we don't do. And I think that that was a clear signal from the Deputy in General who oversaw the investigation, that this report is unlikely to do. What about these people? Shouldn't they be worried now because we do have evidence that they committed a fraud on a FISA court. We have more evidence, as a matter of fact, that they rigged the investigation into Hillary. General counsel under Komey James Baker wanted to indict Hillary for violating the Espionage Act, which was something we all talked about. And that's information that will come out once the witnesses who testified behind closed doors, once the transcripts like Bakers that you just mentioned, become public. Wait, so, assuming everybody that is on the left that we're expecting these big things as it relates to the Muller report, assuming that it doesn't come out the way they want, then I guess the next step for them is what we see Nadler doing and eight other House committees doing. They're basically have cast the whitest net of investigations I've ever seen in my life in the hopes that they'll find something that sticks and some reason that they can remain on this obsessive, compulsive path of destroying Donald Trump but not serving the country. The Russia hoax begat the witch hunt, and now since that part of the witch hunt appears to have failed, both with House and the Senate Intelligence committees, and apparently not much with Robert Muller in terms of collusion. Now a new avenue of the witch hunt is being launched, this time by the likes of Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler and Elijah Cummings. Nadler in particular, when aren't we gonna investigate Adam Shift because he's on tape coordinating with people that he thinks are Russians to get dirt on Trump. But all right, I gotta thank you both, John Solomon and Greg Jarrett, thank you both. Will continue to follow the story as it unfolds. Eight hundred and nine four one shun. If you want to be a part of the program, We're gonna look at the polls. Yeah, Donald Trump holding steady shocking. What will this new radical departure of the former Democratic Party into this new extreme radical hate Trump, no Agenda, new Green deal? What will that party? How's that party going to fare in the polls? We'll get into that than our news round Up hour coming up as Wells and Poles. Palisindevi Greek, the river to the sea Palisindere. The river Palisinde will be Greek to the Seine Creek. Creek. All right, there it is uh. You know, this is your modern Democratic Party and it's getting worse. The rise of anti Semitism within the party, in the party leadership's unwillingness to deal with it is really getting out of hand. And you know, especially amid the latest Congresswoman Omar controversy, and I know Democrats are finally why they're going to draft a resolution condemning not her, but anti Semitism in general and introduce it on the House floor. But you know, you look at the networks and it's very interesting because you know, if it was a Republican there would be far different coverage. But the Democratic Party internally is afraid to go after Cacio Cortez, who supports Congresswoman Omar and Congresswoman to Leib and Nancy Pelosi can prepare all the resolutions that they want. But Omar saying again last week talking of Jewish influence, I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it's okay to push push for allegiance to a foreign country, and some people said it was anti Semitic. The ADL has called for this resolution, and more importantly, why does she sit on the Foreign Affairs Committee at two? Israel has hypnotized the world, Omar said, May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. That's pretty chilling and pretty frightening. And that's not all that this woman has been involved in. And there you have the new leader of the Democratic Party, the new Green Deal leader, Acasio Cortez, defending Congresswoman Omar's tweets and the things that she has said. And she went to Twitter herself to defend the Minnesota congresswoman over the commons she keeps making about Israel, which so many sea is clearly anti Semitic. Even some fellow Democrats are now speaking out again against their Congressman Angle from New York has spoken out about it, and a few others. Where's Chucky Schumer? Why isn't he spoken out? Where's Jilla Brand Why isn't she spoken out? Anyway, But if you look at this, I should not be expected to have to pledge allegiance or support for a foreign country in order to serve my country and Congress or a committee, and yet the Democrats are afraid to deal with that. But it's only one of the many problems they have now. The President, on the other hand, while he's creating five and a half million new jobs and bringing back manufacturing jobs, and keeping his promises on trade deals with Canada and with Mexico and soon to be with China. And he's negotiated better deals with our European allies and friends as well as NATO. And the President has made us energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. And as you can see, the President is fighting like hell to get the wall built because he made that promise to build that wall. And even though ten Republicans and the Senate will go against him, that won't be able. There won't be enough votes in either the House or Senate to override his veto, which is certain in this case. What does it mean for the American people? It means peace, prosperity. You know, if the Democrats, if their main focus of attention is Michael Kohn instead of the President trying to denuclearize the Korean peninsula, I think that shows you where their priorities are. You look at the fake dus cable channels CNN and NBC the night that the President was meeting with Little Rocketman Kim Jong un in Vietnam. Well, they spend twelve minutes in all the prime time covering that over almost five hundred minutes covering Michael Cohen that a strategy the American people are going to buy into. I don't think so anyway. John McLaughlin McLaughlin and Associates is with us. How are you, sir? And how do you read these numbers yourself? You've got your own internal numbers that you're looking at. What do you see right? I mean the president is definitely moving up in in terms of this job. For what's amazing is I mean you you're talking about Congresswoman Omar and congresswomen to leave. They just there. They are the gifts that don't stop giving to the Republicans. I mean, they're clearly anti Semitic, they clearly detest Israel, reliable democratic ally in the Middle East, and you wonder about what they think of the United States. But they really have the Democrats out there where I mean you said it, where's Chuck Schumer? I mean, where's Senator Gillibrand? I mean, you know, Elliot Angel is probably going nuts because his party, the party, the Democratic Party that we all grew up with, where uh, you know, partisanship ended at the at the country's borders and overseas, where were United on things like Israel and about fighting for our democratic allies or supporting our democratic allies. Here you've got Democrats playing partisan politics. The President is trying to negotiate a nuclear agreement with North Korea and they're personally attacking them, trying to undermine at the same time. And these are the same Democrats who voted for the horrible Iran deal that allowed them to keep their nuclear program together. And you're seeing that now even in Israel. You know, I worked for Prime mister Yahoo, I mean the the the leading opponent, General Benny Gantz and uh Lapide year Lapide, and they support your Ran deal. So the stakes are really high where when you think about where the world is right now, and the president's numbers, his job Afroual numbers are going up after the State of the Union's State of the Union address was really good. We did some internal polling for the for the Trump campaign and among ticket splitters in battleground states only, which in our sample he had thirty eight percent had actually voted for us. Because he's a ticket splitters, it wasn't our base. But if they saw the speeches, job APRUL rose to fifty forty six percent. If they watched it live and not watched the news reports. He was actually a plus four fifty one forty seven. And when you're reminded him of the things that he wanted to do, that he wants to cover pre existing conditions, that he wants to have paid family leave, that he wants to decrease the price of drugs, that he wants to basically end HIV in ten years, and do childhood cancer research, etc. When you saw all those things, the president's job approval rose to fifty nine percent with those voters. All right, So that what you're saying there is better communication on the president's part. Now, let's let's juxtapose. We now see what the Democratic strategy is, never ending investigation. They want to bludgeon death by a thousand cuts every minute, every second, every minute, every hour of every day. Haition Trump, What does that get them two years from now? And when you couple that with the Green New Deal, which we know is going to result in you know, misery, you get you know, they're the party of afterbirth abortion. Now there, maybe we shouldn't have kids party, no private health insurance, party, legalizing drugs and prostitution party. Seventy percent marginal tax rates, and then you pay a wealth tax. If you save too much money to pay for free childcare, then they want to. By the way, you get another forty percent taken away just to die, to have the honor of dying in America. They'll come back again, the party that will eliminate gas and oil combustion engines, Uh, compel you to rebuild your homes, get rid of airplanes and cows and uh, and I can keep going and everything else is free. How when when people this is going to be a choice election, When people look at that choice, what are the people in this country are going to decide? I think? Is it's obvious and easy. By the way, it's it's it's obvious and easy. And President Trump's bass solid and they will and they will be there from But we have a gift this year, as during twenty nineteen. To win their primary, they have to be the most deranged in this crowded field. So that's why you have somebody who might be a reasonable Democrat, like like Bloomberg is down in two percent in the polls. Well, today there's a morning Console poll that Sanders is at twenty seven percent, within four points of Biden. I mean Bernie Sanders is an admitted socialist. He I mean, he supports he support who be the toughest for Trump to go up against London things? Biden? Who do you think? You know what? I think Trump can beat any of them, I really do. And it's because of the issues, because of the policy successes. If he gets out there the State of the Union, forty seven million people tuned into that, his poll numbers were going up after it. It's because his policies are succeeding, and when he can talk to the American public directly, besides these rallies, he should be doing a series of regular policy speeches where he gets out and he creates contrasts with the Democrats. I mean, right now, the Democrats are so crazy that if the President goes out there and does a speech on curing and doing research for childhood cancer, the Democrats will be in favor of cancer. I mean, we're dealing with a party that has forgotten all semblance of reasonableness and bipartisanship and is only driven by their emotional response to beat this president because he not only beat them badly to years ago, but he also basically he basically is beating them on policies where he's getting things done. He's all the things that you went through, the five million new jobs, the low unemployment rate, the America being strong and secure in a dangerous world. He's accomplishing things and he's doing it well. Let me bring in Doug shown, because this is his party. But I mean, you know, the wide net, endless investigations, coupled with the new Green Deal that the Democrats are pushing. I'm kind of suspicious that you may want to keep your card let you have and keep America on gas and oil. And I think you probably like a good steak once in a while, Doug shown. And I think you'd probably like to travel by airplane, and you don't feel like getting in a rowboat to go over to Europe. And I suspect that you might want to go to Asia one day, or swing on out to Australia. And if you do, the idea that high speed train that's going to be built sometime in the next four thousand years is not that appealing to you. Well, my party, I wish I could say it had not gone almost the rails as John and you suggest, but it has. The Green New Deal makes no sense. Menic care for all makes new sense. A guaranteed job for everyone makes new sense. And if this continues, and I'm afraid you'll hold me to this, Sean, but I have to agree that if this continues, we will see a reelection of Donald J. Trump. Yeah, but what's so bad about that? Look at the economy. You got to admit, he's creating jobs and the economy is thriving. We're now energy independent. We'll now have better trade deals with all our trading partners, probably China soon to follow. The world is a safer place just with North Korea. But I think he's developed good relationships with the people in the Middle East and China. Obviously he's got a pretty good relationship. Nothing's ever going to be perfect because you know, these evil regimes in some cases, but you got to deal with the real world. The real world has evil in it. Quick Break would Doug shown and John McLaughlin eight hundred nine for one Shawn as a toe free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program right as we continue with John McLaughlin and Doug shown. And it looks like you know, you've got like one hundred Democrats now supporting the New Green Deal. Then you've got the endless investigations. Why would the Democrats, and I'll throw this to Doug first, why would the Democrats allow themselves to go full head on into the biggest fishing expedition. It's as close to the McCarthy hearings as I've ever seen in my life. Are you or have you ever been a Donald Trump supporters so we can subpoena you. Well. I think it is that the Democratic base is so far left and so anti Trump, and so are there members of Congress that they are really playing to their own worldview and to that of their supporters, to their own decks, to their own detriment. They will lose as a result of overplaying their hand. Is there anything that they're standing for that's going to make us safer, more secure, more prosperous. I haven't heard it. Maybe you can help me so. And John McLaughlin, let me ask you, because I know you worked with the Prime Minister of Israel and he had this incident after three years. I think he took cigars as a gift and didn't report it, and of trying to blow this thing up into something that it's not. But you have elections? What and how many weeks? Five weeks? How popular? Who is the most popular figure in Israel these days? Is it President Trump? Because I saw a billboard with Prime Minister Netanyahoo and President Trump. President Trump is very popular in Israel because when you think about it, they live so close to Iran, and they're surrounded by people that want to wipe them off the face of the earth. And President Trump has stood up for them, He's moved the m what's his approval rating, it's six out of ten Israeli support support the president. Would it help if Donald Trump went there and campaign with the Prime minister? Oh? Absolutely, I mean it's it's the president. And and when would be the best time to do it? Now or closer to the election? Well, anytime would be good. That it fits into the President's schedule. But certainly it's only five weeks away, so and the Israeli Israeli electorate is fairly uh. You know, they can they can move around, they can be volatile because it's a multi party system. Yeah, well then you have the look, you have the coalitions that are built. But I gotta let you both go. We'll forgive you for being late Dugshell and don't worry about it, Thank you very much. All right, eight hundred and nine for one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number, News round up, Information overloading your calls. Next hour, Hannity tonight at nine. We got a great show. We'll tell you about that in a minute. But you said you can't envision a scenario where you run again for a third time. But can you tell me, now standing here one hundred percent that you've rulled it out. I'm not running, but I'm going to keep working and speaking and standing up for what I believe all of you ended up being Hillary voters. So does Hillary have a role in twenty twenty? Should she campaign? Stay away? I love you, Hillary, I love you, I love you, but stay away. We're so divided right now that anything that has Hillary on it is automatically going to separate us again. I just think her time is done. I think it's been it's done. We do need something new, A right news round up, information overload our I mean, why is it even being put out there that she would even consider running. The other one that is not doing well in terms of focus groups and people polling is Joe Biden, crazy uncle Joe, and you know, I actually would love Joe Biden to run because Joe Biden represents everything that was Obama and where you're going to stay the course and that is the Trump's success or are You're going to go back to the economy of Obama. But it's gonna be worse because the Democratic Party he has become even more extreme as we've been discussing, and you know, this is now a party that doesn't care at all about serving the American people. As I've been saying, I disagree with you. I think I think biden't gonnahoop some as you think he'd be Trump. Listen, Biden is synonymous with Obama and all those Obama lovers they see I'm telling early polls indicate he's leading. He's not even in stream American who is articulate and bright, clean looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook three letter word jobs, jobs, job. I don't think he's got the energy. First thing, that was my favorite cut. Can we just talk about the three letter word? No, My favorite one is he's nice, he's clean and articulate. Wow, storybook about talking about Obama? Book man, storybook man, It's storybook, gonna take Trump outside behind. You can't go to a Duncan Donuts or a seven eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a Duncan Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. Romney wants to let the he said in the first one hundred days, He's gonna let the big banks once again, right through rules, un Chain Wall Street. You're gonna put y'all back in change. And you don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is aiming from a northeast liberal state. All right, Let's go back though to Hillary for a second. Hillary the Southern accent thing came back when she gave her speech this weekend. And I'm watching and I'm like, there it is again. I don't know what it is. Because al Gore, there is like this phenomenon. Let's take a listen to it. Well, let me let me say, well, well, let me set it up first. There is a phenomenon among Democratic presidential candidates when they get before predominantly African American audiences. Al Gore would go into his preacher mode, and the glory of the Lord to benniplory of the Lord shall be revealed. Stand with me or the economic empowerment that is the next great civil rights the frontier beniplory of the Lord shall be revealed. Don't kill me. We live in a color bland society. The Republicans know that there's is the wrong agenda for African Americans. That's why they don't even want to kill you in the sense that all right, So that's a gore. Now remember I don't know this is a Loli cookie monster. So remember Hillary, I don't feel no ways tired. I don't feel no ways tired. If I are from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me and the chair of all the mayors in the country, Mayor Palmer from Trenton, New Jersey. Yeah, okay, Mayor Palmer, I mean, come on, all right. So she was widely criticized for this, and I've spoken to many people and they think it's one of the most insulting things. All of a sudden, you're gonna change, You're gonna change your tone your pitch, your cadence, your delivery, and for whatever reason, I guess you're trying to you know, you're pandering to an audience, and you know, but it's a phenomenon. She did it again this weekend. Listen to this, Reverend Green. When those bones get up and when that spirit is breathed into them and they start climbing out of that valley, the first place they go is to register to Wow. Pretty amazing. And then she claimed she lost Wisconsin. I love the sore loseriism of Hillary in twenty sixteen because voters were turned away because of the color of their skin. Okay, let's listen to this. And then it gets up to the Supreme Court and they say, oh, you don't need that anymore. We don't need that voting right stuff. You don't you don't have to hold states and municipalities accountable. We're beyond all that. Now. What nonsense, absolute absurd nonsense. And what was the result. They gutted the Voting Rights Act. I was the first person who ran for president without the protection the Voting Rights Act. And I will tell you it makes a really big difference. And it doesn't just make a difference in Alabama and Georgia. There we go. It made a difference in Wisconsin. We're the best studies that have been done. Said somewhere between forty and eighty thousand people were turned away from the polls because of the color of their skin, because of their age, because of whatever excuse could be made up to stop a fellow American citizen from voting. You know's know what's amazing in this And I've noticed this as a phenomenon. Al Gore loses and then he lost his mind. Hillary has lost her mind. I mean, listen, I thought John McCain was never the same after he lost it. Just it bothers people. Mitt Romney, I think has changed too in a lot of ways. And the reason is is you're not running thinking you're gonna lose. I can't tell you. Havn't been now on radio for thirty years covering elections. And you talk to these candidates. It says a week before the election, they're down fifteen sixteen points in the polls. And I'll say, well, you're down fifteen sixteen points. What makes you think you could make up that difference? Oh, the polls are all wrong. Now. Polling is especially in this day and age, I can accept that polling is definitely off. I think Donald Trump is the one person you can never get an accurate read on. Now, one thing that we do get is a consistent base that he does not lose high forties or right at the fifty percent mark. And the reason for that is his base is not going to leave him, and he's kept his promises. I mean, the single best thing you can do for your political career, if you want one, is to keep your promises and work hard and fight for the things he said you were going to do. Nobody ever thinks of that part. So why Democrats, you know, going after Donald Trump? You know, for you know, I don't know, urinating on the floor in a bathroom one day. I mean, that's how absurd this whole thing has gotten. Is it's not going to serve them well to be it's gonna look David Axelrod even said he called out Democrats because saying these investigations look like a witch hunt. And he's right, because that's what it is. But all these candidates, I've even known people and I won't mention names because I don't feel like mentioning them. People that ran against Trump in the primary are so devastated that they lost to Trump. They're not the same people. And but you'd say to somebody down sixteen points, no, you should see the crowds like crowds are just a small microcosm of the general electorate. That doesn't it doesn't mean a thing, all right, Anyway, eight hundred nine one sean as at free telephone number. Let me get back to Acasio Cortez, who I think is fascinating because Acasio Cortez now has about one hundred Democrats in the House and Senate supporting her insanity new Green Deal plan, and what they're really afraid of there is a fear of Acasio Cortez. And a closed door meeting last week, she was warning Democrats who vote with Republicans that she's putting them on a list, Acasio Cortez list. Now that was interpreted as a primary challenge list, and she has since downplayed the comments of that, and I don't think it's productive. Others the same Nancy Pelosi is afraid of Acasio Cortez because Nancy Pelosi as the thinnest margin. And you know, with the Democrats, as I've been saying now that they have decided they're going to use eight committees. They're going to do nothing to make the country safer and more secure or more prosperous. It's going to be endless investigations. It's the broadest, most sweeping generalized investigation into anything in everything Donald Trump, because apparently the Trump Russia collusion narrative not coming out the way they thought. Nadler starts out with, it's very clear the president obstructed justice. So he's already come to his conclusion, and we have to make sure this is not a dictatorship, he said, And he says Ivanka Trump could quite conceivably be added to the Democratic probe. Now they want to bring everybody in. Well, apparently I'm off the list. I was on the list. I'm off the list. I know. The first thing I want to do? Can I be your plus one to that hearing? Is there such a thing as a plus one at the hearing? Got it? Let's start it, starts Piper on the back like, yeah, that's right, Seoane delay for that hearing. No, I want Adam Shift to go before. I want Adam Shift to come on my TV show for an hour and this radio show for three hours. You know, I think he's being a little chicken shift. Wow, plate John, a little chicken shift. Fourteen years together and you'll finally catch it to act like a Russian show to get him on a radio program. Yeah, I mean. And the first thing I'm gonna do is I want to thank you for your hard work and to looking into Russian collusion, because I have it right here in my hand, if I may play it for the committee, and I'm gonna play Adam Schiff talking to somebody he thinks is a Russian about dirt on Donald Trump that he wants to get. So he's colluding with the Russians to get dirt on Trump and it's on Hope. And then the irony of this is this is supposedly what he's looking into, what they have been looking into. So Nadler's already declared that Trump is guilty. Now he had to back off of that comment because he might be perceived as being biased that I'm like you think maybe yeah. Oh, and Clapper goes, I didn't lie to Congress about surveillance. I simply didn't understand the question. As far as the comment about the allegation about my lying, Yeah, I didn't lie. I made a big mistake, mistake, and I just simply didn't understand what I was being asked about. I thought of another surveillance program in the form what a Republican Why don't they ever get an opportunity to make mistakes? Remember Sandy Berger, Hold on a minute, this is the former form mactor, the real intelligence. Yes that's correct, National Intelligence, Yeah, that's correct. But he didn't understand, no, the question. That's called a lie. And he led under oath as so many others, the only ones that get in trouble. I'll never forget. This is the greatest, one of the greatest lies and excuses and cover ups ever in the history of politics. And it was if you remember Sandy Burger. Sandy Burger went in after nine to eleven into the National Archives and started, it's illegal to do the stuffing documents in his pants, you know where his private parts are, where his uh, right in the back of his ass, you know, sticking them in his socks, stealing the National Archives. He wanted something out of there that bad. And then everybody said, after he stuffs you know, if he stuffed papers down your pants, I guess it's not comfortable. I'm just assuming because I haven't seen he was trying to impress another staff. Maybe maybe you're right, I have no ideas. Really good thief is that that's what you meant by that? Um? But then everybody went out and said, no, no, no, he's stuck the papers in his socks and his pants. He was just being sloppy. He just think he meant to put them back. Sloppiness. I'm sure it was a careless caress. Sloppy. He admits it. I'm sloppy too, so I can appreciate sloppy. Obviously, the sloppiness was not something that we're going to regret later, and it was a case of sloppingess sloppy, sloppy spy. They're also on the noise too when you walk in with the papers between your legs. Oh, I'm sure you didn't even feel it as you're walking out. How do we know paper cuts? I wonder if you got any paper cuts. It's a good question, and everyone bought that. BS he took something out of the National Archives. I am certain that would have been damaging in terms of the Clintons and nine to eleven, because that's what it was in relation to. All Right, as we continue on final half hour. By the way, we're going to be taking your calls eight hundred nine for one Sean Big Time, Ay j Houston, Texas. You get the final minute this half hour. What's going on? Big Time? How are you Fay don't be They are Wake up viet now, Wake up America. So baby, what these idiots trying to do, lap President is unusable. This is unbelievable. What were watching Big Camp John? Where we know who the cooks are. The only thing they need to do is go to the dams Department. When is the Republicans? Listen, tell these people, God, we're gonna save the country somehow. And let me tell you the one thing that's gonna happen over time, the American people, they're gonna see all of this for what it is. The American people are gonna see Donald Trump works for them, Donald Trump's successful, Donald Trump fights for them, keeps his promises. And all they care about is hating Donald Trump. And that's not an agenda that people are gonna be inspired about. That's what that's And the New Green Deal is a absolute unmitigated failure. In the future if we ever get that stupid say bye bye American pie. All right, big time, we love you. Thank you. When we come back, wide open telephones as we continue the Sean Hannity Show Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel twenty five. Now to the top of the hour. All Right, we're gonna get to your calls. I want to play two clips for you. First, last night on Hannity, we had the head of Green's Piece Canada. Now, the guy's name is Patrick Moore. I mean, everybody knows about Green's Piece. Anyway, he ripped Acasio Cortez on Twitter as being a little twit. I mean it was really rough on her. And let me explain how ridiculous it was her proposal a green deal. And here's what he had to say. She's talking about climate change, of course, and saying that we have to eliminate fossil fuels, all fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas in ten years. This would be basically a suicide pact. Over eighty percent of the US and the world's energy comes from fossil fuels, and the only reason for banning them is the so called climate apocalypse or climate catastrophe. I see AOC recruiting young teachers and whole classes of young children against the apocalypse. They're saying, they're telling these children that there's going to be an apocalypse in ten years if they don't save the climate. I think this is child abuse myself. The whole climate change movement has now reverted to using kids as a front for not only climate change and ending the use of fossil fuels, but the whole bolowax about socialism. I think that's really what they're trying to sell. So when he said that, I thought back, because Sunday night, I had sixty minutes, I was on the phone, I wasn't watching the I wasn't watching that attentively, and I just I perked up and looked a little bit. You know. I was sort of interested when Steve Croft talked about this young eleven year old girl. Absolutely adorable kid, and but he involved in a lawsuit against the federal government over these issues. And I was listening to what Patrick said, and I think there's a lot of truth. We're scaring the crap out of kids. The world has gone in twelve years. Maybe we shouldn't have children. We've got to do the New Deal and no oil, no gas, no planes, no cows, no cars, nothing, and it's all nonsense, and it's all based on this agenda that is just the radical socialist agenda, and it would destroy all wealth in like the matter and a matter of a year would it would be a catastrophe worldwide. I just want to play some of the sixty minutes part that will come back and take your calls. But it just struck me after he said that, Yeah, what do you think these kids are learning in school? Remember my kid was in great school and they wanted to play Earth and the Balance al Gore's stupid movie. Now, I called the teacher and I said, well, you're gonna play anything. You're gonna give another point of view when we start arguing about al Gore. And so I think my son's gonna miss that day. When is that day? He's not gonna be there. You're not gonna hold You're not gonna punish him with his great are you? Because he's not gonna I'm not gonna allow you to propagandize my son. Because my son's rolling his eyes saying that there's this crazy talk show his dad. But like, why you you have a captive audience of kids, and you're scaring the living daylights out of them. The planet has a fever, all right, So I want to play this from sixty minutes and then we'll get to your calls. Did you get a sense of how much they really understand the science here? They understand the danger that that's for sure, you know, Jaden Foytland told me. You know, and it rains at night, all I can think about is that storm in August of twenty sixteen. As she puts it, she woke up and she set foot, put her ankle in climate change. Basically, I was never expected dean to have my house flooded, So to have that whole thing happened, it really just felt like it was a dream, or as if I was like just going losing my mind. They're going like crazy. So when it rains at night, she's thinking, well, what am I going to wake up too? There's real fear there. There's real fear, and there's real fear, you know, with Levi Dreheim, who lives on a Barrier Island in Florida, and he's very concerned that one day that highland will be uninhabitable because of storm surge, rising sea levels. And none of them pretended that they knew or understood what's going to happen next. In this case, the government knew that it was a problem, but they're still taking actions so to harm our environment, such as supporting fossil fuel industries with subsidies English English subsidies. I mean, they give him packs, breaks, they give them favorable treatment. I don't know. None of them pretended to know any of that type of stuff, but their fear was I thought, very authentic. You know, there are going to be a lot of adults out there watching this saying, ah, these kids are just being brainwashed by lawyers and environmental activists to them, what do you say, I still know science. I still trust science more than I trust old, older generations that tell me that I'm wrong. Although I am fifteen, science my age does in discredit science. I'm forever going to know what I know, and I'm forever going to trust science in that way. I mean, it's fascinating that he said that, and then that happened on sixty minutes this week. And what I have a friend, you know her, She'll remain nameless for you see this segment was that girl. It was unbelievable. She's like off the charts, cute, you know, great kid for herself. Yeah, I love the mania. Well, I mean she had a different point of view, but it didn't matter m and I thought it was. I like when when kids are involved, even if we disagree. I think kids being involved in politics is good. But I do think there's a fear element in this indoctrination for kids. So my friend's son goes to a private school in Florida, and they pay a lot of money for this private school education. Long story short. They were talking about immigration and he cited some statistics that he had gotten from the Center for Immigration Studies in your show. Teacher flips out, says, Sean Hannity is not a reference. Meanwhile, every single stat that she had used in the class was from CNN or MSNBC. So he's like, well, I don't think yours are good references. I don't give a crap with Cuomo says, I don't care what this one says or that one says. Now, my friend is meeting with superintendent and the school principle and the teacher because the kid was held after class for being an obstruction to the learning capabilities for the other children by providing this alternate view whatever, he's eleven. Whatever happened that schools were so supposed to be a bastion of free thought and the free and open exchange of ideas and ideals and opinions, And you know that you would reward outspokenness, whether you agreed or disagreed. Now, my son's taken a communications class right now, and it's interesting because of the topic that was selected. I don't I don't want to give too many details. I don't. I just don't want to, but can you give us the clue? Well, it's about immigration, and I just think that it's going to be interesting. Now in this particular case, I'm told that the teacher really really encourages the kids to go really develop strong opinions. Do you work and then back it up whatever it happens to be. Now, this being what I do for a living, of course, I want to weigh in, but I'm not allowed to weigh in. I just keep my mouth shut. Okay, good luck. If I can help you, let me know. You know, nobody wants my hope anymore. Dads are irrelevant at this stage. Dad's are like, you know, hopefully when the dumb college, if they go to grad school, whatever, maybe they'll come back and want to talk to dad and hang out with dad again. What are you laughing at? You know, I went to grad school, and I will tell you that it's a complete waste of time. But hey, you thought they were trying to indoctrinate you in undergrad. I know my kids aren't listening, thank god, because they don't want to want. I wouldn't want them to hear this. I think they might be listening. No, I don't think so. I think so, then don't listen. They've got more important things to do. But I am telling you a lot of college is a total colossal waste of time, unless it's just true. I went there and I got good grades in the time I was there, but you don't use any of it in real life. I did learn a lot about I'd like learning about. I had a dual major of economics and policy, and I did love learning about economics applied demand. Criss cross didn't tell you what I think the problem is with school? What just my real shorthand I'll let you get to your calls. What did you say? Okay? Then people in the studio they think they could just comment on whatever they want. You know, it's a problem, and then not following mom's lead. Here. Oh listen, I've been here a long time. You know you were the one who told me it was an open mic policy. I've restricted that numerous times on my time. Thank you. I claim it. See, but I will tell you I went to school at night and I worked during the day for all of my degrees. And I will tell you the students they go to school at night have a very different perspective. They're more they're more serious now they're paying taxes. Yea that they're working. These kids during the day, they're they're a mommy and Daddy's money. They don't they don't have a clue. It's so funny because I used to like to take the night classes because I never liked getting up early. But because of my hours, I've never been an early morning person. Well, I want to get up at six o'clock. That's why I hated high school so much. Yeah, I got up at six o'clock. Hated it because I'm up all night listening to the radio and doing the stuff that I want to do. I like to be up all night and I like to sleep. I'm not late. Eight o'clock would be awesome. All right, let's get to uh Ronda in South Bend, Indiana, home of Notre Dame fighting Irish. What's going on, Randa? How are you hi? Sean? As a mother of four boys, I have really been putting attention into what this Aoco has been saying. She's videos and my oldest son and I really believe that she's a product of this. Everybody gets a trophy, everybody's wonderful style of parenting that this generation has been raised in. It has created a flaw sense of self esteem in these kids because it's not based on real accomplishments. I think it has dumbed them down. They haven't learned how to think, and so when they go off to the universities like you've been talking about, and as my third son is experiencing, they're totally susceptible to these dangerous ideologies that they're teaching. So this I think of it as a kid's centric way of parenting. We have not allowed them to suffer hardship to develop character that they can only get through life experiences, and that means trying, failing, trying again, and overcoming. And so they they're now coming into leadership and they do not have the character, the wisdom, or the chop to be leaders. Look, I can only tell you I try and stay out of all things with the kids in school because you know, I was free enough in my life. My parents didn't tell me what my interests should be. My interest when I was young with sports, and I then became in love with the radio, which led to my love of politics and the economy and history and all of the things that we talk about every day. I think every every person, every individual, has to figure it out. But you know it is true once you get into the real world, like Linda was saying, those people that go to night school, they have they're more rooted in reality than the kids that just got out of high school that get the trophy, as you say, and they didn't have to for it. And uh, we're all equal, and it doesn't we don't notice what the score is. But as if kids don't keep score, it's just not realistic. Ronda, thank you. Back to our phones. Uh, Tony is in Delaware, Tony. How are you glad you called sir? Yeah, so, Sean, I just wanted to chime in about you know, these never ending uh investigations and hearings, committee hearings. Now what I think about it is all this is is free advertising for these Democrats when they run for whatever office they're running, And I mean, they get all this time, uh no charge, and that's what they're gonna do, and they just want to have a you know, a continuing investigation so then the next election they can be like, oh well, hey, uh Trump's under investigation, just like Hilary was in in twenty sixteen. So it's really you know, I mean, I don't know what else to call it, but it's a it's a goat rodeo, and the Democrats are you know, they're playing. They're playing America and getting free advertisement all in one. Look, Erican people are going into the biggest choice election cycle that I've ever seen in my life, and I don't think it's going to be that hard to get done. All right, back to our busy phones. Michelle is in North Carolina. I am Michelle. Glad you called. Thanks so much, Sean. You know, I have to agree with the caller you had on earlier that was talking about taking over the minds of children. There's someone else that did this and his name was Adolf Hitler and he said, if you wanted to change a nation, then you needed to go through the children. And back about sixty years ago, I think it was, there was something called the port Huron Papers, and in that it was it was, you know, the blueprint for how we were going to make the United States of socialist and then a communist nation. Because we all know that that's I just don't like the Hitler analogies because I just don't because listen, and yeah, I know what you're saying about the Hitler youth. We know that Palestinian children are in school, they use cartoon characters to indoctrinate them into hating the Jewish people in Israel. I just but I'm gonna tell you something I hate when it happens in America. You have a captive group of kids and these professors, these teachers take full advantage and they advanced their worldview, political agenda onto these kids. It's disgusting to me. Anyway, Good call Michelle Quickbreak eight hundred nine one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number. Great, Hannity Tonight. I'll tell you about that next. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel Now the never ending widest net investigation in the history of the country. Is this any type of political strategy that will ever work? Democrats hate Trump, New Green Deal doesn't work. Eraldo Rivera battles Dan Bongino, also Jannim Piero, Alan Dershowitz and a deep state investigation, John Solomon and Moore, Nine Eastern Tonight Hannity on Fox News