The One and Only John Rich

Published Jun 19, 2020, 10:00 PM

John Rich, of the legendary Big and Rich, founder of RedNeck Riviera Whiskey and host of “The Pursuit” on Fox Nation. He is bringing a Father’s Day Concert to our audience today via FaceBook live. He will be reading some of the awesome stories about Dad. 

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All right, gladuate with us. It is Friday, eight hundred and nine four one sean. You want to be a part of the program. One hundred and thirty seven days until you, we the American people, get to decide, you will be the ultimate jury. In my view, I can't overstate it. America, the country we love, we grew up in. Everything is on the line, and it is a tipping point of all tipping point elections. Everything on the line. You see what the twenty twenty radical extreme Democratic Party agenda is all about. You know, I go, I go into this. I can't wait. I'm getting out on the road. I made a decision. A lot of people were saying, yeah, you can't go out on the road and do with your book events. I said, well, we'll figure it out. We're a smart country. I go through all of this because this is what I believe is true. I believe that if we don't understand the principles of what built this great country, if we don't understand deeply what they want to do with this country and to this country, it will be unrecognizable if the radical, extreme socialist Democrats get in power. If we don't understand socialism and the failure of socialism every single place and time it has been tried, and the resulting lack of freedoms. If we don't understand completely what the Democrats have put this country through pure hell over lies meres Slanders, conspiracy theories and hoaxes, from the Russia collusion hoax to their failed attempt to undo an election when that failed with the Ukrainian b as taking on the most breathtaking hypocrisy. If we don't understand that the mob in the media is nothing but the extension of of all things that their Pravda, that's all they are. They're an extension of the Communist Party Pravda. They're the equivalent of that for the Democratic Socialist Party. If we don't understand what this means in terms of limiting your freedoms, your choices, and you're giving up control and power and everything pretty much you earn to your government. If we don't understand the choices and understand the presidents beyond successful agenda, then we're gonna lose the country. It'll be unrecognizable to our children and our grandchildren. That's just a fact. That's why I'm excited about getting back on on the road. The release of the book is in early August. It's called Live Free, A Die, America and the World on the Brink and it's true. And in Latin night I added live Free or America Dies. Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. If you want to especially boxed edition for Father's Day can get one. Why did I write this book? Why you just want money handed? I don't need the money. My last book, I gave every penny away, the profit everywhere. I didn't take one penny for myself in the last book. I didn't do it. I was conservative victory. It was twenty ten, and I did it because that moment called for what we needed in twenty ten and we boy, we won. This country stepped up, this country woke up, this country came alive. We now need to wake up as soon as possible. And you need knowledge, you need information, and I've laid it out. I hate writing books. This will be my last book. I'm not writing another one. But it's comprehensive and it is as timely as it could possibly be. And I'm just saying we better. If you need, if you only vote, we gotta. Everyone has to be deputized and be as spoke in the wheel. All the forces are against reelecting Donald Trump. The media, by far, universally, they are the greatest campaign propaganda uh contributors to Joe Biden. This is not a joke, This is not a dress rehearsal. They mean what they say. They used to try to hide it. Not only have they put it on steroids, in human growth hormone, their their agenda, but now they're just saying it and they think that, you know, they're convincing some people. Oh, everything's gonna be free. Yeah, let's let's not have oil and gas and cold. Wow. You know, and let me tell you another thing. You know, while their their main target are conservatives, their main targets the President. Let's be honest. They they've they've hated him the moment he came down the escalator. It's been never ending, unfair, unrelenting attacks. You know, you kill Solomani, you can't get a good word out of out of these these anti Trump people, never Trump people, the democratic radical socialist you killed Baghdaddy, you don't get a good word out of that. You kill the al Qaeda leader and Yemen, you don't get a word about that. You know, you literally defeat the Caliphate in Syria because you take off the handcuffs that Barack and Joe put on our military and you let them do their job, and they won. But he's also saying, we don't want any those wars, we don't need them anymore. A lot of our conflicts in the Middle East, but for the exception of our great relationship never better. No president's ever done more for Israel than Donald J. Trump. No president has ever done more for religious freedom and Christians in America than Donald Trump. You know by their fruit, their actions, you shall know them. And is he Is he anybody the perfect vessel? Nope, nobody's the perfect vessel. But he fights and he needs help because he can't do it on his own. That's why I think when I see a million, two three hundred thousand people in Oklahoma already on a massive line to go to Israeli, he's doing two of them now in Oklahoma on Saturday, I would say that where there are enough of us. But you know what, that's why I wrote the book. I'm not selling it here. I'm just from I will go out and I will meet you, and I will anybody that wants to come see me and I'm gonna do as much work as I can possibly do, but I'm just warning you, one hundred and thirty seven days is gonna fly by. And if you think the lying and the smearing and the slander and the conspiracy theories and the hoaxes, if you think that it's going to let up, think again. They will not stop. It is a full on effort to make sure this man doesn't win. And if they win, that will be a guarantee that America becomes unrecognizable if that agenda is ever adopted. And if you're gonna vote for Trump, you might as well vote for the Republicans who won't be impeaching him and dragging the country through hell another four years. Same with the Senate. Martha McSally, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Will Corey Gardner. All these guys have tough races. Not Lindsey Graham, I don't think. But you can't take any election for granted. It's already hard enough for a Republican to win a national election. It's hard. You gotta win Florida, you gotta win Ohio, you gotta win Georgia. You gotta win North Carolina. You gotta, you know, you gotta win those that's off the top. Then you gotta hold the states that you usually hold. Then you gotta take Arizona. Then you gotta get in there and fight and hopefully take Pennsylvania with that idiot governor that you know, like Cuomo put COVID nineteen patients in nursing homes. A governor wolf, you know. Then remember they start off with New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and California. Yeah, the worst run states, run by decades of liberal madness, highest taxes, worst public schools, worst safety record ever, that's what That's what they will bring to the entire country. You know, that's what's at stake. And you know what you like fracking Pennsylvania? Has it been good for your state? Guess what it'll be in jeopardy if Joe Biden wins. And Wisconsin. Do you like the President sticking up for farmers, dairy farmers and others in Wisconsin right the jobs that weren't coming back in the industrial Midwest. Do you like what Donald Trump did in Michigan? Do you like what he's doing in Minnesota? Minnesota, how are you feeling about Minneapolis. How do you feeling about out the lack of law in order there? Michigan, how are you feeling about you know, Governor Whitmer. I think she put in more draconian measures, but she was out protesting with the protesters. You don't hear anything about protesting. You don't hear one word about COVID until Donald Trump says he's going to do a rally. All he needs to call it is a political protest, and I assume all the criticism will go away about what happened in Oklahoma. Now we have the Tulsa Now police have imposed a curfew in downtown area there because in place of the President's rally, and the police posted on their Facebook page as part of our preparations for the President's rally, we're working on making the area secure for everyone's safety. And they go through the curfew, restrictions, etc. Etc. And they put them out there. You have more supporters lining up outside this center where this is taking place, you know, fifty sixty hours ahead of the event. One once that I came here, you know, Sunday, last Sunday at nine am for a rally this Saturday. Unbelievable. And you know the Tulsa mayor declared the civil emergency ahead of it because they think that some of these radicals are going to be out there, you know, and it's it's just an amazing time. All the president needs to do, I guess, to say it's a protest, then everybody will be fine with it. In the mop in the media, because they weren't talking about COVID dangers and the lack of social distancing, even with the peaceful protesters, never mind the not peaceful protesters, the anarchist and those that were burning down police stations and looting and arson and bricks and bottles and rocks and molotov cocktails and herding over eight hundred police officers didn't seem to say a word about it. Now, Trump to forget it. By the way, I just did this. This was on the Daily Wire John zogby a thousand seven likely voters, fifty five percent said they think the former vice president is in the early stages of dementia. Wow is an article on Business insider. Joe Biden worried in nineteen seventy seven that certain desegregation policy would cause his children to grow up in a I don't even want to say it. I don't even want to say it. Polls show support for Biden about reparations as radioactive because he said it in a town hall, an NAACP town hall last Thursday. Anyway, So we have an ABC News poll that chose three quarters seventy three percent of Americans think the federal government should not pay money back to African Americans. His ancestors were slaves. His compensation by the way, Democrats split four percent yes, forty five percent no, Republicans ninety four percent no, independence eighty two percent no. We have another poll out ABC poll that most Americans double digit margin overall opposing changing US military bases named for certain Confederate leaders. So you know, these are the these are the controversies that that people want to drag into the campaign, and they are obviously, but um, you know, it's all on the line here, it's all on the line, and you know it probably won't impact those of us that are a little older. They'll just take everything we have when we die, and which is part of their plan. Tax you to death, then double tax you with a wealth tax, and triple tax you with the death tax. You have to pay half your income of your new York or fifty three percent of your wealth, whatever you've saved, after you've paid all the taxes in your life on then you give it to the governments. Federal government forty said, state government in New York ten percent city. I think it's three percent. Unbelievable. You already paid taxes one hundred times on that money. You can't donate it to charity. Can't do that. I mean, what if you want to just give it to your family, What if you want to just print it out. It's your money, it's your money, it's not their money anyway, Hannity dot com, he didn't get a gift for Dad. All you do is printed out. You can do it like an hour before you see Dad on Sunday. By the way, that's who I am. I'm the I'm the late person all the time with gifts. It's all on the line. I can't wait to see a lot of you on the road. Remember Hillary Clinton, irredeemable deplorables? Remember dot comment. Do you remember Barack Obama? They're angry, bitter people in Pennsylvania that cling to their God, guns, Bibles, and religion. Remember Joe Biden said ten to fifteen percent of the American pop elation, which is just really sick by the way of Americans are just not good people. He also said about Trump supporters, you know, he went out there with this stain. There are certain people who support this president because the fact that he's engaged in the politics of division. They support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are racist and all Muslims are bad and dividing this nation based on this is he and race, and they'll put you all back in chains. He once said, Now this is you know, now we got Susan Rice. Listen to Susan Rice. This election and whoever Joe Biden chooses among many very talented candidates is about getting Joe Biden in the White House, somebody who can heal and unify the nation and remove Donald Trump and can sign him and those who supported him in the Senate to the trash heap of history. So, yeah, you have, then Joe Biden say this about ten to fifteen percent of the population. You have the other things that he has said. Then you also have them saying, for the first time ever, somebody's bright, cleaning, articulate, you know, an African American, first time ever, right, clean articulate a storybook. Man can't go to a seven to eleven Nnonnownas without a slight Indian accent. Gonna put you all back in chains. This is a guy that you know was against you know, oh, disegregation of schools. No, but Hillary, Barack, Joe, Susan Rice. You know they really hate Okay, they take all their anger out of Trump, but they hate we the people. They think they're smarter than you, we the people. You know. That's why I guess some deep staters thought it was well within their rights. They knew better than we did that they rigged the election four Hillary and then they tried to undo the election of Donald Trump with what they had their insurance policy. How does that make you feel? One hundred and thirty seven days before the election day? All right, thanks Scot chatting twenty five till the top of the hour. I got to remind you I'm sleeping better than ever thanks to Michael Lindell my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. I just want to remind you is buy one, get one free deal continues. And by the way, they have deals deep discounts all their products. When you go to the Sean Hannity Square at my pillow dot com. But now especially buy one, get one free duvet covers their bolster neck Geeza Elegance pillow, a new product they have. Also remind you that they have at my pillow dot com both reusable and disposable face masks. If you haven't been able to get them, find them where you happen to live and you need them, want them, you can get them there great offers. Just go to the Sean Hannity Square promo code Hannity my pillow dot com and you'll get to sleep. You've been craving knee deserved, want the best, the best things on her So glad I've found them. So Hillary irredeemable, deplural, back bitter Americans that cling to their God, guns, Bibles and religion. Gun would be like the Second Amendment, just saying, you know another way to say that. Then you've got Joe Biden. People who support this president because they like the fact that he's engaged in the politics and division. They really support the notion that quote all Mexicans or rapists, all Muslims are bad and dividing this nation based on ethnicity and race. One of the few presidents succeeded by deliberately trying to divide the country, not unite the country. Now, the Trump campaign fought back, said, Biden reveals his disdain for certain Americans, kind of like what Hillary said. And you know, remember he said xenophobic hysteria, that the president was hysterics, hysterical, xenophobian, fear moony. Remember he said, you're gonna put your all back in chains. Remember Joe Biden. You know, you look at Biden's positions on the issues over the years. We're gonna start doing next week in expose on Joe Biden. His words. If you look at the headline in Business Insider dot com, we worried that certain desegregation policies would cause his children to grow up and a racial jungle. Those are his words, you know, from nineteen seventy seven. Other things that he has said are as equally as shocking. The fact that he is such an admirer of the former clansmen. You know, all of this is going to come into focus. Joe Biden wants reparations. Okay, Well, if you look at the latest poll and this was out by ABC, americans don't support it. Seventy three. All you know, and Joe Biden, you know, he got a lot to answer for. Can't go to a seven eleven or nunnnous unless you have a slight Indian accent. Bussing comments he's made, praise of former you know, segregationists, is comments on desegregation. It's all going to comment to play. Then you got Susan Rice. I'll play it again. Here's the Tump supporters belong in the trash heap of history. This election and whoever Joe Biden chooses among many very talented candidates, is about getting Joe Biden in the White House, somebody who can heal and unify the nation and remove Donald Trump and can sign him and those who supported him in the Senate to the trash heap of history. Oh you get you get an understanding here. There is a deep contempt. Now, I always talk about every two years, every four years, what happens. Republicans are called racists, they're called sexist, they're called misogynists. They are called homophobes, xenophobes, islamophobes. They want dirty air and water. Their plan is for dirty air and dirty water. That's what Obama said, lie then of course, they want everybody to die, Grandma and grandpa in particular. And they have commercials with whoever the politician is at the time, throwing granny in a wheelchair over a cliff. This has played every two and four years. It's predictable as the day is long. What they're saying about Trump's supporters is not true. You know, the idea that you're a conservative most I don't know conservatives that support racism, I don't. I don't know them. And if they call themselves conservative, I want nothing to do with them. I want nothing to do with any of the descriptions of people that they're describing, none whatsoever. You know what I want. I want a government that believes in a smaller government, and I want one with limits on it. That's why I've been very reluctant to say, yeah, you know, the president should get involved in Seattle. Why because that's the job of the state. That's Governor Innsley's job, that crazy mayor's job. They want to allow parts of their city to be taken over and negotiate with the anarchist to try and get one or two of the six city blocks they've taken over. You know what that's really their problem. If it gets to a point where and we'll know in that moment is and I hope we never get there, then the president has all the constitutional authority to restore order, which they should be doing. That's their job. But at the end of the day, you know, for all the talk about Joe and Barack, the facts are the facts. They had eight years they left with thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, that they had eight million more Americans in poverty. That's that's their record, the lowest labor participation rate since the nineteen seventies. You know, there's there's something you know, I saw this on one of the social media sites. You know, Donald Trump gets blamed for everything. Donald Trump is new to politics. He didn't get into politics. That they came down that escalator. That wasn't very long ago. What five years ago, wasn't that long ago. Joe Biden, Okay, he entered politics in nineteen sixty nine. He's been there fifty one years. Chucky Schumer forty five years, Pelosi thirty three years. Let's see for Patrick Leahy fifty four years, for Maxime Waters forty seven years, Diane Feinstein sixty years, what have they done? What have they done? You know, unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable. And then this gets said all the time, Donald Trump. Okay, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, lowest home ownership rate in fifty years. We had the worst recovery since the forties. They accumulated more debt than every other president before them combined. Then, of course the foreign policy tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the election. Did they stand up to any country and their trade policies? No, Donald Trump. Did Donald Trump beat back the Caliphate? They dropped cash on the tarmac of radical mullahs and got nothing for it, one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currencies. You know, I just the facts are the facts. That's why I wrote this book and put it all in there. And I'm now at the point where I am I am now this is it. Let's lay the truth out and make sure everybody's informed when they go into the ballot box in one hundred and thirty seven days. Now, I have this problem in life. It's called urgency. I have a deep sense of urgency about all of this, because no president has had to deal with all of this crap, from this phony Russia hoax, to this phony impeachment hoax, to the never ending smear besmirchment, slander, to the outright lying of the mob and the media, their hoaxes, their conspiracy theories. They've never apologized for being wrong. We've been right, they were wrong. We get attacked. They never attacked each They just love each other and protect each other. It's pretty despicable. And you know, it's it's just, you know, unreal. You know, it's like Mike Pompeo gotta love. Mike Pompeo actually released a statement last night about John Bolton. It's sad and dangerous that Bolton's final public role is that of a trader who damaged America by violating a sacred trust with its people. And you know, it's like, I don't know what did John Bolton forget that we have something called the Internet? You know, because I have him praising Donald Trump saying in China that he's never seen an American president as tough on China as this one. And he didn't say it just once, he said it over and over again. Same with Russia, he said it over and over again. He said the same with Iran over and over again. He said it out everybody. Then he writes a book and says just the opposite. It's not gonna go anywhere now. But that's just, you know, this is what the President's had to deal with. Pretty unbelievable. But you know what, it's something that I see happening, and it interests me and I think we might look back in retrospect and say, Okay, it was all there right in front of our eyes. We just you know, and you get kind of the the fog of a political election, if you will, and you don't see things clearly. Joe Biden when you have his best supporters saying yeah, no, no, no, I'm fine with him in the basement because he's he only sees two people day and there's body mentally, the show's finding the basement. Believe in the basement. The Zogby pole. Can you imagine if it was about Trump, it would be everywhere, be everywhere, John Zogby, did you see that? Paul Linda? Sure? Did you know? Fifty five percent they see it doesn't have a fastball. I'm being generous about this. The issue of whether or not he is the mental alertness, acumen, strength, stamina needed for the hardest job in the world. You know, Pole shows that Biden's support, you know, on a lot of these issues is just out of the main street. I actually talked to a few experts we've had on the show, doctors and brains. Okay, I don't want to go into the We're not going to diagnose him on the show about let the American people decide if he has the mental alertness, strength, stamina, acumen. I'd like to see six debates. I think Rayne's previous is right. I'll just see seven debates. I'd like to see even more. You know. Um, you know, we had record low unemployment and that was because of President Trump's policies. We've had, you know, African American unemployment the lowest ever, record after record after record after record, the Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. You know what he beat the Caliphate, took out bag Daddy and associates, took out Solomony, and took out the Alqaeda leader in Yemen. And yeah, he has not been afraid to take on any country ever. And he's actually shown more restraint than I think I would have, and a lot of these things onto some other issues. This is getting scary. We have the New York Post saying that there are flyers making the rounds among the NYPD encouraging them to call out sick on July fourth. Wow, just stop for a second. That happens. What if it happened nationwide? What if the sick out went on for more than a day. What if a sick out? Because I'm telling you these broad sweeping generalizations because of the actions of one percent a few bad apples, I only talked about the one percent when I was talking about the deep state. I always reminded people the ninety nine percent of good people, because it's not fair to have broad sweeping generalizations of everybody. Everyone's responsible for their own actions. Most cops I know protect and servant. It's a dangerous job. And cops are being sick of bottles, bricks and rocks and Molotov cocktails being thrown at them, shots being fired at them, and knives being shoved into that neck. All that has happened in the last couple of weeks. They're sick of it. In New York you have a twenty eight year old man. I want to know why a group of people and the brons were eyeing him aggressively was disemboweled. I'm reading from the New York Post when one of the people slashed him in the stomachs? Who are you gonna call? Next question? Right, who are you gonna call? Who's grandma and grandpa gonna call? What about moms with young kids? Who are they gonna call? Eighty percent of voters in this country now want order restored in this country. Seventy seven percent of this is mclaughlan's associates. Likely voters said it's time to restore law in order. Oh, the president keeps offering to do it. Everywhere he did do it. It worked these liberal states decades run by liberals, the worst schools, the most violence. They don't want any help. Pretty bad. There's a lot at stake in one hundred and thirty seven days, I'm feeling the urgency. I'm feeling the sense that we better get this together as a country. We got a lot on the line here, all right. We have a lot of updates as it relates to the new events. We have new information. The lawyer, for one of the cops in Atlanta has spoken out, and we're gonna play some of that for you. We have Horaldo and Leo Terrell. We'll even take a couple of your calls with them. This is not when you now look at the new developments in this case. When you now know that the very same Fulton County da Paul Howard just said two weeks ago that a taser is considered as a deadly weapon under Georgia law, and the fact that in this case went at right after, right after the encounter, that mister Brooks was literally turning around and firing that at the at the police officer Rolf. It's not as cut and dry. We're gonna compare it to the law that both lawyers Leo Terrell and Horaldo. We'll get to that next. Also, Devon ends up taking out his taser and yelling at him stopped fighting, stopped fighting. Mister Brooks grabs the taste from him and shoots Devin. Devin gets shot with the taser. He then fall over and lands on his head on the pavement. Think gets a concussion. And we have the medical records, which the DAA just had no interest in seeing. We've got the medical records, the show that he has a has a concussion, he's got bruises on his legs, on his knees, are injured on his arms, and we are being fully cooperative. We're going to answer all the questions that they have or the GBI has, and we've already arranged to have the GBI interview next week. But he's not a state's witness or defense witness. He's a witness. He's going to answer anybody's questions accurately, and if and if Officer Ralph subpoenas him, he'll answer his questions. Right now, the DA has charged him with a crime, so he's a defendant man, and he's not going to answer, you know, the DA's questions, you know, while they bring these false charges against him. So, you know, I regret that the distric attorney apparently was given a misinformation yesterday. And Officer Brasston is not going to be a quote state's witness, which is you know, kind of TV talk. He's either going to be a witness and describe the facts or he's going to be sitting next to me a council table. He's not cooperating against anybody. He's going to. He's going to provide accurate information about what happened. He's going to describe what's in these videos and in these body cams. He's going to describe what he had, what he saw, what he heard during these events. Um, you know, witnesses or witnesses, they're not They don't belong to either party. They don't belong to the prosecution. He doesn't belong to the state, and he's not going to testify against someone. Right now, we are focusing on, you know, the defense of him, the false charges that the disc attorney brought against him, which by the way, have nothing to do with the shooting, but the you know, the allegation that he was too slow in rendering aid, which is just preposterous. If you look at the videos, Officer bras and the DA says Officer Rolf kicked mister Brooks twice after he was shot and on the ground. Did you see that happening? I did not. If you look at the video, you know what happened after the scuffle is that is that Aricer Broston got a concussion, he was thrown to the ground, he was shot by his own taser, and he walks up and starts running up and here's the shots, and is disoriented not only from the concussion book, but the crowds that have already started yelling, and he is disoriented and doesn't know he doesn't even know who shot the gun. And he actually hides behind a car when he hears the gun shots and then walks up to the scene. So he didn't see, you know, Officer Roth's first encounter with Brooks, and so he can't provide any information about that at all, one way or the other. If you just look at the video, you'll see that he knows very little about what happened during the initial encounter. And he certainly rendered aid as fast as he could. There were other officers there who also were standing there. He you know, Uficer Broston with a concussion, is the only one, not the other officers who show up, who actually starts rendering aid and doing CPR and putting coadulent in the in the wounds and the compression bandages. And he gets charged. He gets charged with failing to render aid where all these other police officers are just standing there all right, our two Sean Hannity show. And as you can hear that it is the lawyer for the for the second officer who says his client suffered this concussion. We didn't know that. The prosecutor didn't tell us that when he went out with the charges. He said, he's not a state witness. The DA's charges against his client, he says, are false, and that Officer Brosnan cannot recall Officer Rolf's initial encounter with Ray Schard Brooks because he was he had a concussion, and he'd been tazed. He was the only officer there rendering aid to Ray Schard Brooks from the beginning. In other words, this is not what the DA said in any way, shape, manner, or form the other day. Now we get into the issue of all right, this happened in first Guson my sources very early in Ferguson said that there were numerous minority witnesses that would corroborate Officer Darren Wilson's story as it relates to the events that were unfolding there with Michael Brown, and that the initial encounter in fact did happen when Michael Brown reached into that car to try and grab that officer's gun, and that's when a shot went off. Nobody was injured with that shot and in fact, it was Michael Brown racing towards Officer Wilson who said to stop, stop, stop before deadly force was used there. That's why it didn't come out the way that people thought it was going to come out. Remember, the person involved in the robbery with Michael Brown, was the one that came out with the phrase that everybody then repeated, you know, hands up, don't shoot, or whatever that phrase was at the time, And the same with Ferguson, As with Ferguson, same with Baltimore. I knew early on that there would be no convictions there, and I said so at the time, based on all of the fact finding, we were able to do fairly easily by just making some telephone calls and talking to people. I'm working some sources, etc. So now we have the issue of overcharge. Now we have the issue of okay, you can indict a ham sandwich because you only hear one side of the story from a prosecutor, from a DA But then we go back to where we were yesterday, and well just a couple of weeks ago, we know that, in fact that the very same prosecutor said that a taser is a deadly weapon, as it relates to the use of force laws in Georgia. Anyway, Leo Terrell's with US civil rights attorney Haraldo rivera Fox News legal analyst, author of of Course, the bestseller Haraldo. And you know, Leo, I look at this case and I'm listening to this defense attorney and this is only you know, stage one in what is going to be probably a long analysis of every single frame the video, that every single angle that we have what eight different cameras. Now, John, you just laid out the beginning of the end of the prosecution case. You know, when a prosecutor presents a case, he has to present enough fact to consent not only a court but the public. As this prosecutor came out a couple of days ago, and to omit the information that you articulated to concussion, the fact that he was disoriented, the fact that he was injured, the fact that other officers render aids. How can he honestly expect the public to accept what he was bringing as charges and been the very key clear statement that this officer is testifying as a witness, not a state witness, but a witness, and it would be a conflict of his own interests to be a state witness when the state is bringing charges against him. It just proves one point which has been clear from the outset. This prosecutor is trying to win reelection. He is being he's playing politics, He's using these two officers Sean as part of his campaign strategy. And there's no question the fact that you know they want this black white scenario. These officers were black. I don't think it would be overcharging, and I would see some of these claims charges against the officer eventually being dismissed. You know, Horaldo, I know you take a little different view, but you you also, like Leo, believe that this was way. This was an overcharge in every particular way, correct, Oh, yeah, absolutely sure. And this was a preposterous over George. There's no way that this was the kind of premeditated felony murder that you would need to invoke a possible death sense. I think it is when you think about, you know, a child killer that cuts a baby's head off, or a mass murderer, or you know a terrorist, you can think of places where the death penalty is arguably appropriate. In this case, it is absolutely preposterous and extremely unfair to both of the cops involved. I think that this was a very tragic incident. And from looking at the tape myself, we all you know, we have we all have the advantage now with all the body cams and dashboard cams and surveillance video from the establishments, you know, the Wendys and so forth, we know pretty much what happened. I think the case will boil down. It won't be Boss and it'll be Rolph, and it will be whether or not he was in reasonable fear of his life when he fired the fatal shot. It's a very, in a sense, a simple case. When he shot mister Brooks in the back two times, was he in reasonable fear of his own life or reasonable fear for the life of some other innocent third party? And that's what the case will turn on. It'll be a question of fact. It'll the jury will decide, you know, if the attorney for Ralph is as good as the attorney for the other fellow. I think that the officer has a reasonable chance of of a of a positive outcome. But you have to remember, and Leo hinted at it, and Childan, you've been talking about it a lot. This case is not happening in the vacuum. This case is happening on the most public but that can't be Listen any good defense lawyer, Haraldo, I know you agree with this is going to remind this jury that their duty, their swore oath, will be not to think about what the public thinks, not to think about what other events might be going on in the country. This is about facts, and this is about a standard of facts presented it to the jury. And in other words, will twelve people find this officer guilty of what would be a death sentence murder if, in fact, when they are presented with the evidence. Because Georgia law is clear, if the police officer reasonably believes he is facing imminent danger or serious bodily harm, he or she can use lead the force. Now it just so happens. It was only a couple of weeks ago that we know. The district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, guy by the name of Paul Howard, who laid out the case the other day, had said just a couple of weeks earlier, as you many of you know, a taser is considered as a deadly weapon under Georgia law. Now the fact that you have mister Brooks turning around and firing the taser at the officer. Not only would it would that then meet that legal standard in my mind, but then it would also answer the question, well, why did you shoot him in the back because the only halfway turned around? And do I think there might have been other options week a Monday morning quarterback all day? I actually think there are. And the prosecutors also saying that he knew that the weapon had been fired twice? Did he did? He? Did he know that for sure? Are you sure you know that he knew that? I think that'll all be brought in. I would have preferred they just keep running and tackle the guy. But I'm looking at a very different scenario here. That is the law. Leo on the law. What do you see, Oh, Sean, you laid it out like a lawyer. Let me just simply say this. There could be other option of options available, but was it reasonable? The district attorney can no longer go into the court on the opening day when he gives his opening argument, he cannot say that teaser is not a deadly weapon. He has to concede that and based on the reasonable objective standards, the standards very clear, and author can respond with deadly forth if he felt an imminent threat to himself or to others, And I would submit to you. You know, we talked about those free frames that the DA show. This guy is at the inn real time and split the second decision, and he's going to have fifty seventy five police experts begging to testify on his behalf to say his conduct was reasonable given the totality in the magic work, so totality of a flea fell inspiring a deadly weapon at him. This is going to end up bad for the prosecution and for that family. For that officer's bell should be reduced. He should be released on bill. He's not a flight risk. And I'll say one last point, Sean. You know, I don't want to mention any other cable network like CNN, but they wanted a George Floyd Part two and they used this case and they were dead wrong. And this officer, this officer is being victimized by a desire by a particular network to have a George Floyd Part two and this is not the case. Gotta take a quick break. More with Horaldo, More with Leo Terrello on the other side. We'll get to your calls as well. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program, all right? As we continue, Leo Terrell and Haraldo Rivera, they both agreedst stay with us a little longer. Maybe we'll take a couple of calls. Because I guess, Haraldo, when you get into the legal aspects of this, and you have a good defense attorney, and nobody followed the OJ Simpson case more closely and you, it becomes very different in a courtroom. And that is that these any good lawyer is going to remind the jury of their duty. They're going to point out who started initiated the resisting the hitting of the cops. They'll go frame by frame, Uh, you know, stop fighting, stop fighting, I'm gonna have to tase you. Get your hands off my taser. Takes the taser. We find out later that one of the cops was tased, he also got a concussion. Other cop follows mister Brooks in this particular case, and and the guy turns and points what is now we now know to be a taser is a deadly weapon under Georgia law. That is a very high bar. Now to get twelve people beyond a reasonable doubt. You know, there's no way you're going to get beyond the reasonable doubt on a premeditated felony murder capital case. There's no way. I think what will happen Sean is quietly they will add the char manslaughter as a less included charge because there's it is an impossible burden for the prosecution. It's one thing to do it in a splashy press conference, but to do it with the meticulous recreation that a good defense attorney will mount. It's going to be painfully clear, very very soon that that best it is. You know, he did not intend to kill this person, but it happened. He was felt provoked. You know, I don't have the manslaughter statue in front of me, but it fits much more closely, if at all, if any criminal liability attaches it is manslaughter. He did shoot this guy in the back. But there's no way it's going to be the the the death penalty case that the prosecution, in its wild ambition covets. I got it right. We'll take a break. We'll take a break here. I'll tell you what I know, because it gets a little complicated on the legal side, and Leo and Haraldo are both lawyers. Will take a few calls for them on the other side of this break quick break right back. We'll continue on this Friday. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Officer the DA says that you are being hit with the assault charge because you stood on mister Brooks's shoulder while he lay dying. If you look at the video for as Officer Broston approaches and Officer Ralph is already there, he doesn't even know that mister Brooks has been shot at first. He doesn't even realize that first. Devin and he goes up there and he's trying to figure out is this scene secure? Is it safe? He knows that his taser has been taken from him. You can't see any blood at that point to be overly graphic here, so he puts he puts his foot and he told the DA this. He puts his foot, he thought on his hand or on his arm to make sure he couldn't get a weapon because he didn't know what the situation was. So literally, for a matter of seconds seconds, he puts his foot on his arm to make sure he can't grab a weapon. Then he realizes what's going on. He can see his taser is off to the side because it's got a flashlight on it, and he can see the taser, so he gets up and he Officer Roston goes and gets the taser, puts it in his holster. Other officers are now arriving within fifty seconds, and Officer Ralph runs and gets his first aid kit. He was not standing on his shoulders. This description by the DA is completely belied by the video. If you look at it, it's all on video. It's all on video, and the distric attorney just kind of exaggerates this and makes it look like some terrible event where he's standing on his shoulders. It is preposterous and it is not true. And all you gotta do is look at the video and it'll show that he didn't do anything like that. And they try to quite a long time, whether two minutes a long time, somebody isn't. The DA is saying it's two minutes, and he's wrong, as somebody is. He's wrong. He's wrong. And this is why we have a system of law is based on a constitution we have we're supposed to have. Roger Stone didn't get it fair and impartial juries that here all of the facts, make a determination, look at the law, and then based on the law and whatever evidence exists in this case, they have the benefits why I love body cams, This is why I love squad car cams, because we can see. When you can see, when you can hear, you learn more and it's not just one person's word against another. You get to get a fuller picture of the events as they have unfolded. We continue with Leo Terrell, silver Or Rights attorney and Haraldo Rivera. Horaldo. I didn't want to cut you off making a point as it relates to now this new information, the law, the comments of Officer Braston's attorney, your thoughts. I think that Prosten's attorney is excellent. I don't think that Brosidens should be, you know, cooperating at this stage since he has been arrested. But I'm telling you, Sean, unless this prosecutor quietly adds the lesser included George of manslaughter, he's facing a herculean task. I don't I don't know how in the world unless you get a highly George political jury, which you would think that in the what deer process, the defense attorney for raw pointsure against He's going to have a very very tough time. It's a very simple case to me. To me, it's a question of it. He shot the guy in the back. Okay, that's horrible. You start with the horror. He shot the guy in the back. Now you have to back up and say, what's the law? The law says when you do, you back up to just seconds before when the guy does a slight turn and fire as a taser of that. Yeah, sure, I think which which under Georgia law, according to this da is considered a deadly weapon. I hear you. That could be the start of the episode. But you got to look at the how the other circumstances, you look at what every one point. Leo, let me just make this one point. You have you have to you have to start with the drama, the dramatic. The the guy is dead, he was he whatever he had done before he got to Wendy's uh or in his life or you know, whatever misdeeds or however he from that. You know is that you know that nothing is relevant. All it's relevant. No one's talking about that. We're talking. Let me talking Leo. Leo, a young lawyer named Leo Terrell when I was covering O. J. Simpson, and I just heard that Ford is coming out with a Bronco, a new Bronco on OJ's birthday at July ninth. I don't know if that's true. I got to check that out, but that's why I discovered Leo Terrell. But the whole thing will boil down to Ralt's state of mind. Did he reasonably fear that his life or someone else's life was in danger when he fired that shot? Uh? You know that's it was? It a just a liable homicide. That's that's the whole case, Leo. Let me just respond, it's the totality of the circumstances. You know, of those defense attorneys are going to focus on the assault that Brooks made against these officers that led to the concussion, and then he became a slean felon and he shot the stun gun the taser at the officer and you keep saying he got shot in the back. Okay, it looks like that it may be the case, but my point had you wait until the forensic experts slow that frame by frame and give testimony as to when those shots were actually fired. And what the officers who were looking at. But I want to go back to your point and what Shaunaston's saying throughout this entire ordeal. All this information had been made available and was available at the time the prosecutor presented his dog and pony show. And my question is if he knew all this and if he has any intention on reducing the chargers or including Lester included charges he couldn't do that later, and why did he do it now? And I would submit to you it's all political and that's wrong. You don't manipulate the judicial system for political games. Because all the stuff that Sean's been talking about, the concussion, the admission that the teams are the deadly weapon, the prosecutor knew all this before he did his dog and pony show. Well, I don't disagree with any of that. I think that the prosecutor was a politician rather than a you know, a sincere prosecutor. I think he was playing to the mob, and I think the charges were to placate the mob and to uh, you know, burnish the political ambitions of Howard, the district attorney who's embattled on many fronts. We understand financial legal political Uh. I you know, I admit I submit to all those things and seed every one of your points. Leo, I still come back to my point, was the was the fatal shots? Were the fatal shots? Well that's the jury's decision at this point. This will go to a jury. Shooter thought his life was in danger. That's by the way, Horaldo, when you did your show, uh and you had Leo on, did he ever get mad at you and take off his piece and throwed down his microphone and walk off the show me the take, show me, take to let me take Leo, Leo, I have the tape. Do you want men to really show out? I have it. I'm just asking Horaldo if he ever did it to you? Did you Haraldo? Did he ever do that to you? Uh? Leo is Leo was a bundle of emotion but wrapped in a brilliant legal mind. So I didn't. Okay, no, listen, I'm just he used to get mad at anytime I mentioned Simpson. He got so mad at me. All right, let's go to our phones here. Joe is in Georgia. Joe, you're on with Horaldo and Leo Terrell. Thank we're taking my call. Sean One of the things I want to say is I've been a law enforcement for local law enforcement for four years and I love my job every day. But one of the things I would encourage every single one of my brothers and sisters out there in law enforcement to do is make sure you have a lawyer. I pay monthly to have a lawyer on standby, and I've thankfully never had to use any of their services. But you need a lawyer in this day and age. But a lot of cops can't afford a lawyer on retainer. You know, I don't know what haralds about an hour, and I don't know what Leo charges an hour, but it isn't cheap one. But there are a number of programs out there dedicated specifically to law enforcement, and it's very affordable. For instance, I won't say obviously the union I use, but I pay thirty dollars a month and I have a lawyer. There are programs out there specific to law enforcement, and if you're union or whoever you work for does not have it, encourage them to seek out the legal assistance to help you. You have to have a lawyer in this day and age to help you out because you may have done everything absolutely, but you need that lawyer there to help you through that process. Leo, I don't know how the average couple, I know. I don't know how the average I know. I don't know how the average police officer can afford a lawyer. But I'll tell you right now, he needs to be legally protected. Lawyers give good advice, and I'll tell you right now it does not hurt to have a lawyer as a friend or either on a retainer. All right, let's get back to our phones. Jerry's in Washington. Jerry, You're on the Sean Hannity Show with Leo Terrell and Haraldo Rivera. Glad you called. Good to talk to you. Twenty six years law Enforcements Day of Washington. I want to discuss the concept of oudeloup. That's observe, orient, decide and act. It's a concept that we train under and it applies here. It applies to every traumatic situation that play. Everybody would go through. But basically what happens is these two officers are going through the udeloop it when they're fighting him, and then when you watch the officer pursue, he's going through a new udeloop when the suspect turns and points that taser. His training is the taser is a lethal weapon. You see the officer transition to the handgun. Okay, So that process goes from the brain down to when you make the decision to pull the trigger. And usually the force law enforcement doesn't have the decision making or the control of what the suspect does. And what you see in this situation is after the suspect has already fired, that officer has made the decision to shoot. What you've got is a reaction from the suspect and his choice was to turn and start running away. So that's why you're probably going to see the glancing blow or like they're saying, shots to the back. But the decision was made for that officer at that time. I am streaming because it is And what do you think of his choice at that time in that split second? That's the thing is we have to make these decisions in split second. He made the decision. I am an a leapal encounter. According to the DA that taser is a leapal force. Years he made the decision that he was shooting. That's why he fired his rounds. It's again like I said, we can't control what the suspect does. They can either give up, laid down, or whatever. In this situation, the suspect chose to turn and continue to try to run. The officer had already made up his mind. You think the officers justified In his response, I do, okay, yeah, we appreciate the call. Haldo, Well, I think that number one. I admire the quality of your callers through on their expert witnesses, every one of them, at least so far. You know, I agree with everything. It seems to me that the last caller could be an expert witness for the defense in laying out exactly how he laid it out. Once the UH, the decedent turned and fired the taser, then it was all automatic pilots. The UH. The pursuing officer rolf knew that he had to use deadly force. That was the transition from taser to the to the glock. But you also have to put it in the context of today and the real world. And this is a very charged atmosphere we're all living in right now. And you know, you're in a you know, in a town that's had some issues with race, relations, with civil unrest, with the you know with the police, uh, you know, controversies, and this case will be tried in that atmosphere. I think it's entirely by the way. You just made an argument for a change in venue, you know that, which which I would not be surprised to move it to. Where could you move it? I mean, once you're into, in other words, outside of that particular county where it took place for one, um, stay right there, Heraldo, Leo Terrell. Final moments that we have our news round up information overload hour. Our friend John Rich will join us in the next hour. Final moments Leo Terrell, Haraldo Ravera. Now we're again We're in the very early stages here. It seems like it was not as we as was laid out by the prosecutor, the Fulton County DA Paul Howard. Now that we know a taser is considered a deadly weapon under Georgia law. From his own mouth and now one of the defense attorneys speaking out very loudly that the DA has it wrong. Leo, how does this end up charges being dropped on the officer accused of the assault as far as a felony murder? I agree with Haraldo sooner or later, charges will be reduced against the shooting officer, and I hope for that particular officer, bill is reduced so that he can walk the streets and prepare for trial. And a change of venue will be a hammer that the defense will use over the execution. Horaldo, how does this play out in reality? Not how you want it to play out? I good, well phrased. I think sadly the jury will split along racial lines. It will be a hung jury. At the state level, they'll take it to federal court civil rights case against the officer for denying mister's civil rights. You'll they'll be a negotiated settlement and the officer will do five years. I'm gonna mark this down here as you all say, all right, Horaldo, thank you, have a great Father's Day. Leo Terrell, have a great Father's day. Thank you both. When we come back, speaking of Father's Day, we'll talk about it with John Rich. We'll get some of your calls in on this busy wow, crazy, nutty, insane at times depressing. Newsweek, straight ahead, stay, no reading, We're all in is together. No friend, you ain't a long oh you gotta do to stay pick the living room, some good stream. Stay stay. No reason in the world for you to run. We're on this together, all right. Round up and information overload. Our our friends Big and Rich releasing their stay home well tune that they put out. I don't want to stay home, John Rich. I want to go out. I want to go out. I want to go to a baseball game. I want to go to a football game. I want to go to a big and Rich concert in some outdoor amphitheater and how a few beers and maybe a little bit of that old Oh there's a special whiskey that I know I've recently got. I can't remember Grandma Rich's recipe. Man, I'm right there with you, Sean. I can't wait to be out there giving those concerts and and mixing it back up with it. It's got to be killing you, right because this is your busy season, oh man, right now, you know we would be This is one of the busiest months of the year. Is June, July, August, September. Obviously, we were going to do about seventy cities this year, and so far we haven't done one, and we're not really sure when we're gonna get to do them. So I don't know, man, We're crossing our fingers that there's some kind of breakthrough out there that makes people comfortable a vaccine, a medication, something like that. But listen, think the good news. I can. I can report this. I mean, we do know that they broke the sequence of this virus down faster than ever in history. It took weeks, usually used to take years. They've now gone. They've now literally whittled it down from one hundred or so possibilities to fourteen clinical trials taking place. They're saying anywhere from September to January a vaccine. But more importantly, there was a British study Doctor Oz told us about earlier this week that people that I have in severe respiratory distress that there's a steroid treatment that's helping them and saving thirty three percent additional lives on top of all the other treatments that they've had. Other we're getting better at dealing with hot spots. That's good. The one anecdote that I used, John, is I lived right in the epicenter of this. I went grocery shop, but every week I went to my drug store every week, and where I would go, which is very busy there. I see the same guys you know, packing the shelves every week, and the same cashiers cashing people out every week. They used the plexiglass, they all had masks, they all had gloves, and not one person, not one in any of those stores got sick. The masks work. I mean, that's I'm just telling you. It would be impossible for all of them not to get this virus if the mask didn't work. In some way, we've come a long way. I mean, you know, I think it now, we're kind of at the point all the things you just laid out. I think Americans should be allowed to make their own risk assessments. You know, in Nashville, it's pretty crazy. We have a really liberal mayor here who all the neighboring counties, for instance, have Little League Baseball going on. But for my eight and ten year old boys who have been waiting all year to play baseball, he still won't let them play baseball. But the Walmart or the Kroger, or the home depot or packed to the brim with people, but the kids can't play baseball. So you know, there's some really parallel universes going on in midst this whole thing that I know a lot of people are in the country are dealing with the same thing. I will be honest that that gets pretty Dad gumager eating when you're eight year old, asked you, daddy, is the mayor gonna let us play baseball this weekend? As you're walking into a pack Walmart store. It doesn't make any sense, does it. Now? You know, it's funny because the people have been pounding the president having they had like a million two wanting to go to his rallies too. He's now holding two of them in Oklahoma tomorrow and they're gonna do temperature checks. Everyone's gonna have to wear a mask. And you know, it's funny because in the middle of all the protesting, and there they were peaceful protests, there was universal agreement and outrage and indignation over the video of George Floyd. Nobody, I know, disagreed that that can't happen in this country. But then the ensuing riots, the looting, the arson, the taking over a city streets, burning a precincts, not the peaceful protesters, those anarchists. Yeah, America's outraged, and the politicians didn't say a word about COVID nineteen and social distance and sing either. So but if it's if Trump calls it a rally, now all of a sudden, COVID's to top of the mind news again. My suggestion is he just called it a protest, and well, everybody will be fine with it. Well, I mean, isn't a rally a form of freedom of speech? I mean the president has a right to speak, and people have a right to be there to hear him speak and voice their opinion by being there. I mean I would look at that as freedom people, you know. I mean, you know what, John, I'm tired of being told what I can and cannot do. But I've said to this audience, I'm going to wear a mask when I go out. You know, I was in the epicenter of this. I have no problem wearing it. You know why I want to wear it because I don't want Grandma to get sick. I don't want Grandpa to get sick. I don't want moms and dads to get sick or kids to get sick. But for my own personal self, I wouldn't otherwise wear the mask, but I'll wear just in case for other people. Sure, why not? Doesn't really that big a deal. It's not that big a deal to me because it's only going to be over a short period. I'm the same way. You've mentioned my Granny Rich earlier. He's almost eighty nine, still runs her own business. You know, she's she's a she's a stud man. See something else. But that's what's on my mind too. If I go somewhere is okay, I'll pop a mask on because I don't want to take anything back to Granny Rich. So run the same page Redneck Riviera Whiskey Granny Rich Edition. That's right, man nationwide, Redneck Rivia dot COM's got all the stores. She's doing great, by the way, and said to tell you, she said hello, Tell Granny. I said hello, and we send our love and our prayers to her. U. And now your dad was a preacher, right, Yes, he lives. I mean, okay, but you told me once and I might be wrong, it might be the wrong words, but you kind of said he was. You know, he's like a fire and brimstone guy. Yeah, he's more of a revival style preacher. So my dad is actually priest in prisons. He went to thirty two Mardi Grass in a row and priests on the streets and Marty grasvery here. I mean, he's that style of a of a preacher and not not really the kind of guy congregations would probably want to hear every Sunday morning. But you know, we can't say that about your dad. That's horrible. If he'd be the first to agree. Now, now he's there to preach to people, as he says, needs to hear it the most. It might be the only time they ever hear that message. So he's always laid it on him, laid it on him hard, and still does so. Yeah, I grew up with a dad like that. Father's Day's coming up. You know, I asked a question about Marty grow sure. Did people ever, you know, in the midst of the madness of Marty Grod go over and talk to him and say, hey, I think you're right. Absolutely, That's why he kept going back. You know, he would have hundreds of people that would throw stuff at him, spit at him, throw beer at him, be nasked to him, and then you would have one person out of out of maybe a hundred that would come up and say, tell me more about what you're talking about, And you know he people got converted to Christianity in the middle of Marty grow from my dad's standing out there being a witness. That's a fact. Well, I guess we know where you got your got your you know you got that that big and rich, you know, bigger than life personality. I think I know where you might have gotten it from. You might have gotten it from Granny rich and your dad for sure. All right, So what are you doing on Father's Day? How old are your kids now? Two sons, they are eight and ten, And that they grew up fast. It seems like yesterday going up fast. Yeah. The only good thing about not doing concerts this summer, it'll be the first summer since they've been alive that dad wouldn't out doing concerts. So I get the whole summer of my kids, so that that's actually a great thing. And we're going to go out and see my dad, who we were just talking about. You know, great fathers. Being a great dad is probably the most important job a guy has. Be a great dad first, you know. Um, I told the story earlier in the week. So so I lost my dad six months after I started at Fox. My mom not that long afterwards too, But um and I had been gone out of New York for sixteen years, and you know, I come back. I mean it was he was aware of was what I was doing, and you know, but then he started to be able to I got him a satellite this show. He can watch Hannity and Combs in the day. And then I did a late night radio show at a local station I called The Ex Wife in New York. And he would stay up eleven or two in the morning and listen to the whole show. And whenever I'd see me, goes, where did this all come from? How did this happen? You know, he couldn't understand it. Grew up in the depression, four years in the Pacific World War Two. My mom grew up poor. She was a prison guard all her life, working double shifts, and you know, and I just you know, my father just I said, Dad, you used to scream at me. You used to yell at me to turn that stupid radio off because I was listening to the early pioneers of talk radio all night long. Right, I was a lunatic. It was doing it. It's your pursuit of happiness, man, and you did it, and you're great at it. I'm sure, your dad is so proud looking down on you. No, it's either that or he thought I'd be seeing my mom every day in prison, so it was not much of an option. He's going to go one way together. Yeah, so you know, yeah, listen Linda and you, Linda, put on your mind because you gotta get in this. Yeah, we were talking about this yesterday. Mother's Day is like the holiday. Let's be honest here, right, Father's Day we kind of get short changed a little bit because Mother's Day you gotta go all out right. And now Linda thinks that I'm wrong in this and for me, you know, my birthday presence Father's Day just to call say hi, I'm good. First of all, you can't even be a part of this conversation because you're not a normal person. Nobody can give you a Sean Handley show. Oh okay, I can't be a part. You go go, well, you asked me to participate, So here I am, and you're welcome. Hi, John, how are you so in all series? And so today we're doing something really fun. You know, we're giving back to the audience. And you know, John was so gracious. You know, we started talking winning he sent me this funny song that him and Kenny did and I was like, dude, this is hysterical. I'm like, we gotta do something about it. When we wrote about it on the website and talked a little bit about it when it first came out, and I was like, you know what, it'd be so great to do like a Facebook Live because John, you've been doing a lot of these Facebook lives and they're super fun, and I was like, why not do it on ours and you know, kind of give back to the audience and all the dads. So today, right after we go off the air at six a little over half an hour from now, we're gonna go right on to Facebook Live on Seawan's page, and we're gonna feature John Rich and all you people who wrote in those awesome stories about your dad. John's gonna read a few of them in between doing some songs. So it's gonna be a lot of fun. It's a nice way to do something positive in this crazy time. Thanks for letting me do that. I put together a list of some of my favorite songs from country music that talks about Dad's Conway. Twitter had one called That's My Job, which is one of the greatest songs ever. I'm gonna sing that, and yeah, Lynda, I'm gonna read some of those stories. Incredible what you sent me. Yeah, people, our audience is amazing. Are you gonna do it from the John Rich bar down on the basement. Well, I'm not in a basement, but I am in the house. It will be right here from my house at Nashville, and you know, it's gonna be great to sing to folks and interact. I wrote a song about my grandfather in World War Two called the Man. I'm gonna sing that and you know, really just put a big, big emphasis on how important it is to be a great dad. You know, I'm a singer, I'm a songwriter, do all kinds of stuff, But to me, the most important title I have is dad. Somebody calls me that, you know, somebody's looking to me to be a great one. So I've spent a lot of time and energy doing the best I can at that job. And I know We've got millions of guys just like that around the country. All right, stay right there, John Rich Facebook Live on my Facebook page. He's going to be doing a live show at right after this show. Most of them die in the one seventire on them as a Gary Brother down hell all around there all right. Eighth in November, one of my favorite songs, John Richards with us Big and Rich and he's going to be doing a Facebook Live special Dad's Edition. He's going to take some of the notes you've sent in about your father's and he's going to play some songs for us on our Facebook page Facebook Live and you can link it to Hannity dot com. Also, you've thought a show on Fox Nation. I want to give you a chance to tell us about it. Yeah, thank you. It's it's called The Pursuit, and I'm having a blast doing it. It's it's based off the phrase that I've said a lot of times, which is our country doesn't guarantee us happiness. It guarantees us the right to pursue happiness. And the fact that we have the right to even go for our wildest dreams should inherently make us happy because we're the only country in the world that has that right. So on this show The Pursuit, I search out people that have chase the American dream, that have been through a lot of obstacles to get there. They continue pursuing that dream and we hear their their inspirational stories. It's everybody from you know, rock stars and country singers to inventors to olympians and then even some people you've never heard of before, but I know about them and their stories are so incredible, from from being a homeless gown the streets in LA to now being a television host. Stuff like that and talking. You're talking about me again. Why why do you have to talk? A book? John Rich? Love it. Facebook Live John Rich will be there. You can catch them also on Foxnation dot com. Happy Father's Day, my friend, My best to your father and your family and your kids. And yes we have the right. We live in the greatest country God ever gave man. Live free or die, John Rich, because we have an election in one hundred and thirty seven days and everything's hanging in the balance. Hey, amen to that. Happy Father's Day to you as well, sir. You have a great evening. I'll see you all your Facebook page. You're in a few all right, that's John Rich. It's on our Facebook page. Quick break right back. Your calls are next at twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean if you want to be a part of the program, Linda. Did you notice our friend Jimmy Kimmel, by the way, do you see Jimmy Kimmel tweeted something nice about me that not that long ago. Oh yeah, that he agreed with you on some of the every thought i'd say that, I thought I agree with Hannity. So he announced he's taken a summer off to spend time with his family. Oh. One more thing regarding my future, I want to say tonight is my last new show for the summer. I'm taking the summer off to spend even more time with my family. I've been doing this job for almost eighteen years. I've done three thousand, one hundred thirty shows, and there's nothing wrong. My family is healthy, I'm healthy. I just need a couple of months off. So while I am gone and Cavalcade, a very kind and capable people will be filling in for me. I think you're gonna be very happy with them. They will be guest hosting the show. Garmel, You'll make sure they steal any of my stuff, right, okay, Jimmy, Okay, thank you, Giamo. As of Monday, our show will be on vacation for two weeks and then we will have new shows with a variety of guest hosts. And boy, I love I love that idea, he said. After eighteen years and three thousand, one hundred and thirty shows, he goes, there's nothing wrong. My family's healthy, i'mhappy healthy. I just need a couple of months off. You think I can take off the rest of the summer. Would that be allowed? I remember I remember saying to you, I'm more than one occasion. Oh boy, but I think that you should take a few weeks off, not like two because you only take two a year, and actually take a little bit more time off so that you can actually travel and do some stuff. And you looked at me like, I've been to a rack. I've been to vehicle No, no, I've been to Singapore that I've been thinking big you know a U? What is the came in idea? What am I going to do in Fiji? What am I supposed to do? Nothing? That's the ball? Why don't you oh someplace in fish? You like the fish? I could fish right in now my house. I don't need to go all the way to Feo. It absolutely when I think about FG, I immediately think Long Island. It's like totally synonymous. You're right, what am I teles It is an inside joke both on with my radio team my television team, and they made fun of me because that's my list. Let's see I've been to Well, we did go to London, but that was work related. Also. I thought London was gross. I wasn't a fan of it either. It was there twice now, um, and we were doing the show and the only place we could eat after the show because it's you know whatever three in the morning four in the morning was a casino sports bar and it was great. We actually ended up loving the place. And but you know, it was crazy outside. There were million, you know, people doing drugs and I mean, yeah, it's pretty It's a lot of debauchery there. It's pretty good. It was pretty bad, um. And you know it was funny. We came out one day, you remember, I don't know a few with us or not, and this person begging for money for food and I said, well, we got a ton here right here, take it. And they didn't want the food. They wanted the money. Um. But which is sad, of course and tragic. And you know, I hate seeing the human beings reduced to that that's what drugs those two people. But look, we've been in a rack. We've been to hell Sinky, Singapore, Vietnam. Now these are places I never really dreamed of going on vacation. Um, and a bunch of other places wherever Summits are there, we are with him. But um, yeah, you know, all my staff, they all go to these wonderful places. You know, look at Kristen for example, She's been this beautiful place in the Greek blah blah blah blah blah. And I'm like, really, what do you do there? Everybody says the same thing. They look at me like I have ten heads on. What do you mean? What do you do? You go? Sightsee? I think the biggest problem. Walk around Paris and look at that I walked on anywhere. I mean, I remember being with you. I think it was Vietnam and we were in Vietnam or Singapore, one of those places and where you know, there's a group of us we go out and you know, you're like, how long is this going to take? How far are we from the hotel? When do we get back? What's up next? How long are we staying? I'm like, you know what, why do't you go back? Did you just take a load? That's not true? Temple. Yes, you went to the Temple. Do you want to tell aboy what you did the Temple? Do you want to tell everybody what you did? God? You're a version of the Temple. Now we've been to Israel. First of all, I like going to Israel. I did love the Old City, but Israel is beautiful. That was like the one place that we went on a tour with Dori Gold, you know, another tour with Ron Dermer, and I mean it was amazing. And then I flew a helicopter all the way from the Mediterranean up the coast right into the Old City. I did that too, But you used all of that for TV. It wasn't like you just did it for different No. But I'm saying all that footage, all that stuff that we did when we did that tour, we were filming the whole time, right, but I got to see the whole country. Okay, you're clearly not understanding what I'm saying. Moving on, No, listen, I did nothing wrong at the Temple. Just for the record, Oh, I did nothing wrong. Oh that's an interesting record. As a matter of fact, I was standing next to a monk. Yeah, yes, I was. Okay, And what did you do with the tumble? Do you remember you mean with the with the incense? M yeah, I just wanted to smell it. Okay. Do you know what the incense was? No idea what the incense was? Okay. So those were people's prayers, Okay, well I double prayed for them. Now, oh my god, a prayer or disaster. I have no words for you. I literally don't. Well. You know, look, I do love the fact that I do have this little problem. It's called stopping. I'm not good at it. And that's why you need more time off, because it's gonna take a whole week to take off. There's an election and the entire country, the future of the country, is on the line. I'm not going on vacation, you know. I want to be that tiny little spoke. Okay, So can we make can we make a deal that you take off the month of December after Trump maybe maybe a couple of days. Maybe I'll take a few extra days. How's that? Oh it sounds great. Yeah. If I ever accumulated all of my days that I haven't taken off, in radio and TV. I'd be able to take off a year and get paid and maybe they listen. Probably Jimmy Kimmel smarter than I am. What can I say? I hope, I just hope everything's you know, as he said, definitely interesting. I agree with you. Um well, what else was oh? For Father's Day? All right? I gotta I gotta tell you something. If you're like me, you procrastinated. And if you procrastinated, that means you didn't think about that. But I have a last minute gift that our book now will be released Live for You or Die, America and the world on the brink and in Latin Live for Your America Dies. And I started this project because I just knew, I saw the building and building and building, that this is going to be the tipping point in our lifetime. This election. Everything is on the line, and so I wanted to put on paper every single solitary bit of information that I know you'll never get from except for a few of us on radio, few of us on television. And that's it about what is at stake here. I have a history of what makes the fundamental founding principles of this country that made us the greatest country God ever gave Man. I talk about in detail what the twenty twenty Democrats agenda is. You know, they talk about the New Green Deal and getting rid of oil and gas and socialism, while I also give a whole chapter a chapter on the history of failure socialism. We go into how awful Democrats have been with their lies and conspiracy theory and their hoax and the Russia collusion hoax to hoax of the century. We go into their impeachment, another attempt to literally undo an election and unfairly unjustly removed Donald Trump. I talk about the complicity of the mob and the media that hate Trump, media mob. I talk about this this new stifling environment, the canceled culture, get rid of any speech you don't agree with, and how destructive a force it will be to this country. And I also give chapter in verse and compare and contrast. This is what they stand for? Is what Donald Trump stands for? And Son, you know, I think the audience would love to know. I mean, you're writing a book is not easy. It's very difficult, and so it's it's a huge undertaking. It wasn't something that you took lightly. It right, It has been ten years since conservative victory and it's a tipping point, right. So we have people that are marching for peace, we have others that are protesting and causing a lot of destruction. We have people that are looking for change and solutions. We have others who are just looking to make noise. You know, there's there's a true dichotomy in the approach of how people are reacting to things that are happening in our society. But I think one of the things that your book really points out is that we have to look back to our history to learn from all the things that happened so that our founders and framers imperfect, but they got it right. They and they also paid attention to what they were doing wrong. And that's what we're trying to do now. And that's what you're saying with this book, you know. And that's why the father to become a more perfect union and ways to right wrongs and correct injustices and our history of doing so. And it's a nice And let me say one more thing because you won't say it, you know. You know, your your biggest most important part of your life is your children. And I think this week, as people got to hear you talk about your father, the bond that you have with your dad, and how hard he worked and how little he yea, yeah, well you deserved it. But every time, by the way, guilty, every time I deserved. I'm sure it pained him to do it and he felt. You know, that was like the old school. Why do you make you do it? If the horrible, can't you just listen and behave? And that was the way they were raised from the old school. You know, you come here from the other country, you got nothing in your pocket. You're trying to do everything you can for your kids. Your kids aren't listening, but you know, and listen. You don't listen to me. So I feel them all that to say, you know, oh, I didn't know you the boss. Yeah, well so most of the time. But on Father's Day it's a good time to start a conversation with your dad, right because we're all caught up in our lives. Everybody's got their head in their phones. You know, they're not paying attention to this moment. You know, even in the protest, you see everybody doing selfies and videos. They just want to be a part of the social media movement of I'm here. I'm a part of it. Well, why are you there? What does it mean? And your book is you know, especially on Father's Day, sit down with your dad, talk about history, talk about how we got here and where we're going. And by the way, if so, you forgot to get a present, you go to Hannity dot com. We have a first a special only, limited number, first edition specially box set of the book, special case, and you print out the gift certificate and in a few weeks when the book comes out, the book arrives at at dad's desk. But you say, here, Dad, I got your special first edition run of Hannity's book. Here's what I recommend to all of you that have your parents alive. And take this from somebody who's lost his father over twenty four years ago. Whatever you want to say to your parents, because I realized now, you know, I look it back at my mom's life. Poor, you know, prison guards, sixteen hour days, she worked every day. My father poor bedsties. Mom died for complications from his birth. You know, depression, I mean, and real depression, real poverty. And then eighteen signs up, four years in the Pacific, face World War two and you know, becomes a family corprobation guy waiter on the weekends all that, and I just I didn't appreciate their lives. And now that I'm older, I wish i'd told him I appreciated it more. And I didn't. I did it at the end, but it was too late. I should have. I should have understood. I was just, you know, I was just very kind of independent. I was like out of my own since I'm young, I mean, but the biggest problem is my parents never knew where I was ever, and you know, but they let me be free. And you know, my father at least got to see six months of the TV show. But whatever you want to say to your mom and dad, and you could say it to mom too this weekend, just and learn from them, because you know, now I remember that why my father thought the way he thought. I understand it. I understand the depression better. I understand fighting a war for four years in the Pacific and what that means. I understand poverty. I understand he grew up without a mom, died, you know, just a couple of months after he was born because of the complications of birthing him. And you know, whatever you want to say, you know, act like it's the last time you'll see them. That's my humble advice, and let it come from your heart. All right, Hannity dot com. If you need a last minute gift, I'm very proud of the book. We will be announcing a book tour coming up in the days ahead Amazon dot com. Also, if you want to get an early copy, all right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. Look, Father's Day. Told you father's out there. I want to wish you all a happy Father's Day and your dad's and Grandpa's and everybody else out there. I hope you get some quality time. Just call tell him, thank you, love you, thinking of you, whatever it happens to be. If you need a last minute gift, I'm very proud. We have put everything our heart and soul into the new book, Live Free or Die. And if you want a last minute gift, you get a beautiful gift certificate. Give it to dad, give it to Grandpa, and it's it's going to be released soon, as I said, and it is a warning to this country and all that is at stake are founding principles, the failure of socialism, the twenty twenty agenda, how awful the Democrats have been with their lies and conspiracy theories and hoax the attempt to you know, take out this president, how the medium mob is the worst, and how Donald Trump and his reelection means so much for our kids and our grandkids. Just go to Hannity dot com. Just click on the special book offer that we have there. You get a gift certificate, you print it out. You can even do it Sunday just before you see Dad, and then they will get a copy on our soon release week. Oh don't forget. Right after this program on Facebook Live, we have John Rich and he's doing a special on singing and notes that you have sent in about your father's It's gonna be really cool. Facebook dot com. A link on Hannity dot com. Hannity dot com for Live free or Die for Dad for this weekend a special commemorative box set, first edition. All right, have a great weekend, Happy Father's Day. See you back here on Monday.

The Sean Hannity Show

Sean Hannity is a multimedia superstar, spending four hours a day every day reaching out to millions 
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