Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of 15 instant #1 books including the #1 “Killing” series of histories, and his latest book on the life of Donald Trump titled “The United States of Trump: How the President Really Sees America” - talks about the first two days of the DNC and his speech by former Factor Fill in host, Governor John Kasich.
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Thanks Scott Shannon. Seventy six days until you are the ultimate jury programming Note, I'm doing another virtual town hall our friends at WPHT twelve ten in Philly. Rich Cioli's going to be hosting that for us. Autograph copies of your interested, don't We have discounts forty percent off Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, Costco's books a million, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Target, all all giving pretty big discounts, which I'm really happy about. And I did the whole audio if you want to get the audio version. I did it all myself, which authors really do apparently. And thank you again for making Live Free or Die than the number one book in the country. We appreciate it. But more importantly, what happens in seventy six days. That's the win that I want. That's why I wrote the book, That's why I am. I'm spending these extra hours and enjoying it. I wish I could see so many of you in person. That was the plan, and hopefully maybe we'll be able to get out of the road before um, before November, after November whatever. Take a you know a lot at steak in seventy six days, I was just watching Fox and they have this Apparently the president is having this big event in Wisconsin, I think today or tonight with bikers for Trump. Now, I remember we met these guys on the road in twenty sixteen, the coolest guys ever. There's a part of me that wishes I was hanging out with them every day right in my Harley, having a great time, enjoying the wind in my face. I envy and admire people that make choices to do, find their passion and love it. And then you get a group of people and I'm thinking, you know, all right, got hardcore guys that love Harley's love well, whatever bike they happen, I don't have to be a Harley look at Sense for example, since they loves his motorcycles, loves them and usually, you know, if I'm on the phone, I hear the roo, that unique Harley sound that only Harley has, and it's very cool. And they're wonderful people. You know, they are the heart and soul of the country. Why because these are people that work hard, played by the rules, pay their taxes, obey the laws, and the ones that get screwed day in and day out by government and their phony promises, ripped off with higher taxes. I mean, it's just it's terrible. But yet, what makes America greater It's people. What has made it's people great the ability to live in liberty and freedom. What's created a standard of living second to none, the envy of the world. That would be liberty, freedom, capitalism, risk, reward, invention and innovation. That would all go away. Watch Acasio Cortez last night. That pretty much sums up where the Democratic Party's taken would take the country. You know, Biden pledging trillions of dollars for this new Green deal. Everything's free, free, free, free, free madness. Think about it's gonna be free. You're gonna get a free government education. Well, how's government education working in states right now that have been run by liberal Democrats for decades? Not well, but it's gonna be free. Now. We'll in doctor tonate our kids from I guess the minute they got out of the womb till the day they die, that cradle to grave utopia. We spend more per capital per student than any country in the industrialized world with the worst results, and the worst results usually are in these big cities run by liberal Democrats. For decades. Well, I'm not sure why some people find it appealing to trust them even more. You know, where is all the chaos happening, all the rioting, the violence that Jerry Adler calls a myth that nobody at the Democratic Convention ever wants to even acknowledge. The reason they can't acknowledge it is that is their left wing coop base, and they don't want to alienate them. That's why Kamala cosponds to the Green New Deal. That's why Kamala Kamala supported defunding the police in LA. That's why Joe Biden said please become the enemy and supports the reallocation moneies away from the police. He's backed off on it, but I don't believe him. You know, That's why Bolshevicbernie. I mean, there's the Bernie. People still don't think he's hard enough core left wing and he adopted the entire Bernie we called. The President calls it the Bernie Biden Manifesto and AOC trillions of dollars for this Green New Deal madness. Kamala Harris thinks it's okay to take away guns based on Executive Order FIAT, just like hell yeah, Beto Boza. What is Lucie Schumer and Biden one hundred and twenty five years of swamp experience. What have they done to make this a better country and help Americans? Because I can give you Trump's record and just three and a half years and all they do. There's not a bit of honesty in the mob, the media, the biggest donator, the biggest donors. You know, if you don't have the integrity to call out premeditated fraud FISA court, to spy on a presidential candidate transition team and deep into the presidency, there's no honesty in you. You can't claim you care about Russian interference and ignore Hillary's dirty bought and paid for Russian disinformation dossier because that's what it was, without which they wouldn't have been able to get FISA. Warrens. It was the bulk of information. They say, you know, it has to be verified. None of it was verified or verifiable. And they knew in August to twenty sixteen, They know weeks before Comey signed the first FISA application and lied to Trump. Trump Towers that it's salacious but not verified. And of course the subsource of steel in January of twenty seventeen. None of this is true, and they continued to spy deep into the Trump presidency. As the Attorney General has said, it's unbelievable. You know, you got people they're they're on the sidelines throwing you know, they're they're typical attacks at Trump over coronavirus. Okay, the hysterical xenophobic fearmongering of Trump ten days after the first identified case that travel band saved in calculable numbers of lives. What was Joe saying? Calling a xenophobic hysterical It's sad. And then, of course the rest of the Democrats are too busy with their impeachment hoax trial. Of course, breathtaking hypocrisy there too, ignoring quid pro quote Joe and zero experience Hunter in a billion taxpayer dollars, leveraged to Ukraine, fire the prosecutor in six hours or you're not getting them money. Zero experience hundred made millions. It's like the Bank of China. They traveled to China, made what got a one point by billion dollar deal? Bank of China, not Goldman Sachs, not Deutsche Bank, not any of the big financial firms. No Hunter, Biden unbelievable. You know, we see a lot of good news the mob won't tell you about. Now, what were we hoping when we saw these hot spots in California, Arizona, Texas and Florida. Okay, Remember I always said it's a matter of when, not if you're gonna have hot spots, you're gonna have resurgence. You know, China did this to the whole world. And again the president put the travel band. Subsequent travel bands, in effect, had no support from any Democrat. The first quarantine fifty sixty years, largest fastest medical mobilization in history, save Cuomo and Murphy and Wolfs you know what, and Whitmer's you know what, as they were prepared for nothing. Clomo's speech was pathetic. Now he's writing a book on this. It's just pathetic. On leadership, AP yesterday said that his one executive order decision, followed by Wolf and Murphy, to put COVID patients in nursing homes. Remember Clomo didn't use seventy percent of the beds. Trump built for him and manned for him, and converted to COVID nineteen capabilities for him, and provided every bit of ppe and every ventil lator and they let stay it empty. They blaming Trump crazy. But anyway, the new data is what do we hope for. You hope for a flattening of the curve that has now happened in those four states. And then you see slight increase in the death an increase in the death toll. Then that drops, then it drops slightly, then the drop off, which is the pattern that has now happened from the Northeast now down through the sun Belt states. And the good news from JOHNS Hopkins is is that the thirty five thousand, one hundred and twelve new confirmed cases for Monday of this week, it's the lowest number since June twenty ninth. So the pattern is holding, or therapeutics are better. Younger people got us far fewer people died, and yet you know, we shut down the economy. By the way, Golvin Sachs Is is projecting as high as a twenty seven percent increase in GDP for the third quarter. Remember I told you when the main numbers came in, I was shocked because I didn't think we'd see these jobs coming back until August the earliest. I was shocked. And then the same with the June and July, and it never got as bad as in an hour down to eleven percent unemployment and headed downward. The news out today, Target hit a you know their words Target stores in the second quarter, an explosion of online shopping led the department store giant to a record sales growth. Anyway, Target, the chain reported a twenty four point three percent spike in comparable seals for the three months ending August, one biggest quarterly increase on record, driven by one hundred and ninety five percent surge in digital comparable cells and targets set. Its stores played a key role in the blowout quarter, fulfilling more than ninety percent of total cells. Even as consumers were struggling to show a preference for alternatives to in store shopping. Walmart, their online sales nearly doubled as lockdown consumers armed with a stimulus package, they stocked up on everything they needed. The world's biggest retailers. Online spikes went up ninety seven percent in the most recent quarter ending July thirty one, when customers increasingly picking picking up their web ordered groceries in the store parking lot. I mean, imagine if the packers didn't pack the truckers didn't truck, The farmers didn't farm, right, we were screwed. The medical equipment manufacturers didn't work. Unbelievable. You know, I'm watching this. You know, disaster ratings just came in for the night, two big networks. They're down forty eight percent from just four years ago. That is and I've never seen anything that dull, that boring, that ridiculous. How do you ignore what's happening in major cities and the murder and the rioting and the mayhem and the looting and the arson, and then they just ignore it. I think Michelle Obama mentioned it last night. I'm thinking, excuse me. And nearly thirty thousand people, over twenty five thousand people shot in the eight years that Barack and Joe were in the White House. I used to scroll the names of these people that were shot, the names of the people that were killed. I was doing that in the in the Barack and Joe years, saying hello, what about these these names? These are Americans, they're getting shot. What are you doing about it? They never mentioned it, never talked about it rarely, like three times. What It's inexplicable to me? It's Barack and Michelle's home city watching this this absolute shift show in New York. It was an interview that was given by the former NYC New York City Police Department Commissioner Bill Bratton. He's saying, this city's not going to recover from anti anti cop crime wave in our lifetimes, he told our affiliate New York w R. Scary stuff, unbelievable one of the Actually, I mean, well, look, the whole thing is an absolute boring mess, worse than an infomercial. I've actually purchased things. You ever watched infommercial, Linda and purchased things I have, um, yeah, a lot. Actually, I know, I got pots and pans once and I think I got a George Former and grill. I have two of them now, love that girl. I get a lot of cleaning products, like all the new vacuum cleaners. Like, yeah, okay, I'm not into cleaning products. Um. So AOC gives this speech. First off, she only has a minute. That's number one second of all. Uh, no mention of Joe at all. Now, when she got to the end of this speech and she, you know, did the second of Bernie Sanders, I'm like, whoa, what was that? Now? It turns out, I guess it's procedural, procedural, they should have probably told people ahead of time. But at least that's what she's claiming. And she's mad that the media mob has gone after this, but you know, And she then goes on to talk about exactly what this new radical extreme socialist party is all about, and what what her vision of twenty first century social economic human rights. Guaranteed healthcare, guaranteed higher education, guaranteed living wage, guaranteed labor rights, of movements striving to recognize, repair the wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny, homophobia. Is there anything America did good? Have We freed the world from communism, fascism, Nazism, imperial Japan, and more recently radical Islamism. We not created the greatest standard of living in the industrialized world anyway. And she goes on and I'm proposed to build a reimagined systems of immigration that means amnesty, open borders, foreign policy that turn away from violence and xenophobic are xenophobia of past, of our past, that realizes the unsustainable brutality of an economy that rewards explosive inequalities of wealth for a few at the expense of the long terms to build. This is like the this is the manifesto, should be calling it the Bernie Biden AOC manifesto. And because it sounds like every socialist utopia, did the whole chapter and live free or die. This is the same rhetoric, the same false promises, the same them against us, will take from them those evil rich people. Give it to you. Never works out, always fails, no matter what form. Name. Manifestation all right in bookstores everywhere, including discounts at Books a Million, Barnes and Noble, Costco, Target, Walmart, and Amazon dot Com forty percent off, live free or dief you haven't gotten your copy. I did do the whole audio book myself. Most authors do not. They might do the chapter two chapters max, But I did the whole thing. I'm glad I did. It was hard worked, though, I'm not gonna lie nineteen straight hours. And then from there we're gonna do you know, a few fixes here and there. Um. One of the things, this whole thing with Goodyear Tires. Now it's an American manufacturing company, and what I am shocked about is they banned people from wearing make America Great again at tire they allow Black Lives Matter gear again is a distinction. Black Lives Matter the group what do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? And pigs in a blanket and frying like bacon and at one of the leaders of Black Lives Matter on Martha's show on Fox saying some pretty outrageous things also and those that you know um use the same words but are not part of the organization and the radicalism of the organization. And it's like, why are they getting involved in politics? Presidents on a fine don't buy we won't buy Goodyear tires. I'm like, why is Goodyear doing this? Good Year needs to say how about freedom of speech and let everyone go to work and wear whatever they want as long, you know, unless you want to put everybody in a uniform or whatever. Unbelievable, just a double standard anyway. Notorious anti Semite Linda told the Democratic Convention caucus, this is absolutely our party, notorious anti Semite, anti Israel activists. Linda Sars said, yes, she feels completely at home in the Democratic Party. Well, why not. We know where the squad is. We've discussed that in great detail. Congresswoman Omar and others. Anyway, they feature the Women's March. Now it's funny because Biden had to immediately distance himself from this and also the Women's March leaders in the DNCS Damika Mallory remember her, she broke She spoke briefly during a meeting of the Black Caucus. This week, Linda Sarsar appearing and after eighteen eighteen months after seeming to pull their sponsorship of the Women's March due to allegations of anti Semitism among the group's leadership, it appears the DNC welcome to the organization's controversial leaders back in the fold. Biden, in his campaign other than later disavows Sarsore, and there's a backlash over that appearance. Well thought out, just like a well planned, just like well produced, not on any level, absolutely our party, she says, you know, DNC chairman Tom Perez actually using Herman Kane's death to score cheap political points. By the way, we have the DNC Native American event included Elizabeth Warren and apparently there's so many people going on they were forced to disable the chat room. That went so well a lot of us I've been watching, you know, the moment that Biden officially was nominated. He was like, oh what am I up? Am I here? It was so weird. This is just getting more bizarre by the second. Does he have the strength to stamina, the mental alertness and acumen for the hardest job in the world, the leader of the free world. I don't see it. I see frail and week Joe Biden. Republicans came out with a good ad what happened to Biden? It's more visual, I'd otherwise I'd play it. And Deblasio says he didn't know the Democratic Convention National Convention with this week, Oh he knew, trust me and we got Russia Gate figure Sally Ates, Oh yeah, knowing what I know now, I would not have signed the fies the application a spy on the President a little late. You know, it's the post office conspiracy theories that's reached new levels. You know, we have one Democratic lawmaker chaining himself to a mailbox in order to defend it from Trump. Well he could have done that when Barack and Joe were in office, because they took go away, fourteen thousand of them, and that's how nuts it is. Then you got the madness. We'll get to this later you got over at MSDNC Joy read along with Ben Rhodes floating the idea of a Biden administration and paneling a Trump crimes commission after the election. Well, I guess Trump, if he wins, could do the Biden crime commission. Two can play that game. And you got quid pro quo Joe leveraging a billion bucks. You got the trip to China, the one point five billion from the Bank of China. This is a radical democratic party which brings me. You know, by the way, I forgot when I mentioned Target Walmart. Lowe's now report records record sales booms Lows. They're sales for the second quarter twenty seven point three billion, literally almost seven billion dollars for the second quarter, comparable sales increased thirty four point two percent. You know, say the same thing to Target. They set a record for the third quarter twenty four point three percent hike. Walmart sales more than doubled. This is amazing. We have another indicator for the economy. Another signed the President that we're getting that. And I don't think you get a full V shaped recovery, but we'll get the final third quarter numbers before election day. We can't even have a debate one debate before if they start voting in sixteen states. I don't like that at all. Anyway, We're now looking at market Watch today, housing starts rise a whopping twenty two point six percent in July. Americans now re entering the housing market in droves. The only place it's not happening as big cities. New York is an unmitigated disaster. I mean occupancy rates. You know, we haven't seen these highs in twenty five plus years. Sale prices in the in the dump you have, movers can't keep up with the demand to empty out apartments in New York. Anyway, Americans demand for homes was at a fever pitch before the pandemic, and now returned. Low mortgage rates have made home buying a more affordable proposition for millions of Americans. By the way, I urge everybody if you can in my humble my two cents, if you can, you know, if you can muster up and save the money to get the down payment to get your own place. I don't care if it's bigger, small, doesn't matter. I think I paid one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars for my first house in Atlanta, and well actually Roswell, Georgia actually sold it at a profit when I left a couple of years later. And I loved my little house, loved it well, it was the greatest thing in the world. So happy. So anyway, so I just was mentioning before the break about what Acasio Cortez is saying and her sixty seconds and what she didn't You didn't mention Joe Biden at all. And then she, you know, she's talking about what twenty first century social economic human rights, Guaranteed healthcare, guaranteed higher education, guaranteed living wage, guaranteed labor rights, that means guaranteed government job, guaranteed wage, to recognize, repair the wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny, homophobia proposed and builds reimagined systems of immigration and foreign policy. Let's appeasement and that would be open borders and amnesty. Turn away from the violence, sin xenophobia of our past. A movement that realizes the unsustainable brutality of an economy that rewards explosive inequalities of wealth for the few at the expense of long term stability for many. And who organized the historic grassroots campaign to reclaim our democracy in a time when millions of people in the US are looking deep at deep system solutions to the crisis of massive victions on employment, lack of healthcare, and out of all the people are here. By second, the nomination of Bernie Sanders for President of the United States now became a big controversy. They gave her one minute. That's the party, but they're not talking about that. They're not talking about law and order, their amnesty programs, but they've stated it many many times, or defunding the police, that stated that the New Green Deal, Biden's pledged trillions, Kamala's there was this co sponsor in the Senate Bolshevik Bernie, the economics are aoc, the New Green Deals are it's a little scary. Michael Goodwin and have really he's been doing great columns in the New York Post and you know, not ready for crime time. And he points out that, you know, the Democrats are making a huge mistake by not bringing up the issue of law and order, ignoring it. You know, he points out starts talking about old young progressive, super progressive left, far left, talks about identity politics. Everybody having something to say. But if there were a theme running through the night, I couldn't find it. There was. There's not a theme except they hate Donald Trump. There's their theme. And let's not get too specific about what we're gonna do because it'll scare the crap out of America. I'm looking at Wall Street and I had a friend of mine. I wrote, why is Wall Street rallying this way? And he's convinced their competent Trump's gonna win. That was his best analysis. You know, Nude had a great piece out, and you know, the presumptive Democratic nominee is clearly incapable of functioning as president. Everybody comes out of his basement bunker. It is. It is embarrassingly clear. He can't be negotiating with the Chinese Communist Party General Secretary President g or Vladimir Putin. And he's getting weaker and weaker. And I agree with Newt every single time he makes an appearance. You know, I've received an email Biden Harris headquarters showed a Biden Harris coming out of the doorway. Then they haven't answered a single question they're doing. I think People Magazine their first interview Americans. He rights are picking up on the implications of Biden's hiding. Thirty eight percent of American voters think that they thought the former vice president was in a cognitive decline. It was an one that said fifty four percent or something to that effect. You know, you have six out of others is the one the six out of every ten Americans think he's not likely to finish a four year term. Now you can raise the question the age question about McCain. You can raise it about Reagan, Reagan in nineteen eighty four, McCain in two thousand and eight, but we're not allowed to talk about this. Fifty nine percent Rasmussen report likely voters believe Biden's vice presidential choice will become president during the next four years. That's forty nine percent of Democrats, fifty seven percent of Independence. And you know, he predicts that Harris is going to turn out to be a disastrous vice presidential nominee and the worst since Eagleton had to resign from the McGovern ticket, and he goes on to Paris. Has wavered between embracing the most radical positions and then opportunistically changing to more moderate positions when she gets blowback. She got two percent of the vote. The radicalism is going to matter. The American people are not going to know about this as much as the mob and the media is trying to hide it all, and they are trying to hide it, and you know, so they just it's all, Hey, Trump, pay Trump, pay Trump, Paytrump. The AOC grabs the spotlight the more. In sixty seconds. Ari Fleisch had a great analysis on this. It matches the exact language in her Green New Deal. Yeah, that's what well. Biden has already pledged trillions to this, and Republicans have got to shine a powerful light on how bad these policies. Already said that too. I agree with him and Bernie Sanders plans to mobilize the left. A lot of Bernie Sanders people don't support him. John Kerry, We're gonna listen to that idiot on foreign policy. It's not even worth the time of day. Just lies about Trump's foreign policy. By the way, when he took off the handcuffs of our nation's military, you know, they beat back the caliphate in Syria that Biden and Joe and Barack they were incapable of stopping. Remember Biden was the one that didn't even want to take out Ben Lauden, and it was against what they did to Solomoni Baghdaddy and associates Al Qaeda in Yemen. Well, I prefer peace through strength. President has committed more money to build up our military defenses to defend the cause of freedom and liberty worldwide. And I really don't care about John Kasick or any you know John Kasick. He's got sore loserrtis. What is it four or five now presidential candidates that Colin Powell has been for the Democrat. It's he's a Democrat. Fine, he's entitled to his views. I have a lot of respect for his service. I don't agree with his politics at all. But you know, all these guys, they all think they're gonna win. Al Gore lost his mind when he lost. Hillary Clinton lost her mind, Kasick apparently lost his mind, gone against everything he said he stood for. And you got, you know, the late John McCain, same thing, angry, bitter, so sad at the end you'd been an American hero. Romney, same thing there too. By the way, it's discounted Amazon dot Com, huge discounts at books a million, Barnes and Noble, Costco, Walmart, Man, every pretty much everywhere UM eight hundred nine for one sean. If you want to be a part of this extravagant another town Hall virtual seven pm tonight. If you want to join us, just go to Hannity dot com for details. Well let me hear that music? Was that? Was that the music I thought I heard? Leonard Skynyrd and simple Man. Well that means only one thing, means all things. Bill O'Reilly and Bill O'Reilly dot com. Mister O'Reilly, sir, how are you? I'm bored? Annity. By the way, that is the first time you've actually given a simple man analysis because it is gnoring as hell and nobody's watching it. The networks are averaging two million viewers, I know, two million, And to put that in perspective, you could have a chimpanze, oh boy, been down for an hour and get three million easily. Shark Week does better. Bill people would go, you know, they watch it literally two in they come back, what are you been doing something different? And you're gonna get them any you know? I mean. So it's it's basically, there are three hundred and twenty million people in America and on each network, UM they're watching in prime time now there's prime time. Two million are watching, so that and the reason this is happening isn't because they don't like the Democratic Party. I mean, many people don't, but the party will get millions of votes in November. The reason is it's so boring. So the main theme that has emerged in Simpleville, where I live is that, by the way, I can't take it. You don't live in simple Ville. You are. You're one of the most complicated human beings on Earth. Your analysis at times boards you know, that's simple. I like that part, but you're not simple. That's the whole irony. Simple Ville is a new incorporated village anyway, you're Basically the theme is that Joe Biden has empathy, has empathy. He's empathetic. Word of the day. All right, good, that's fine, great, he is empathetic. Do you want? Is that what we've come to? I mean, so if he's empathetic, then why don't we just put Phil Donohue in as president. Phil still around, he's up and get etiquette. Let's just get filled in. But the thing that jumped out of me, and I don't know whether you saw my analysis on Bill O'Reilly dot com last night, was Michelle Obama. And Michelle obaum is a star. I mean she I think you're out selling her book, but it's it's close. I mean she sold a ton of books and a lot. We've been number one for three weeks in a row. I know that. But anyway, by the way, thank you to this audience. But go ahead. So she gets up there and she says, quote, all right, our children should not have to go to the movies and should not have to go to math class with the threat of them being killed. Remember that, all right? When I heard that, my head just snapped and I immediately did my research. In the eight years of Biden and Obama, twenty five thousand people were shot in Michelle Obama's hometown of Chicago, more than twenty five thousand. That is staggering. And then I did more research. Did Joe Biden or Barack Obama go to Chicago and hold a press conference about this? No, they did not. Then I did more research and found out that about ninety eight of the twenty five thousand who was shot in those eight years were African American. So I'm saying to myself, all right, you're addressing the world, missus Obama. And I have respect for you. I mean, I think you conducted yourself well as the first lady. And you're telling the world that under President Trump, children of color are afraid to go to the movies or a math class. Yet under your husband, twenty five thousand were killed and he did nothing. Can I can I can I pat myself on the back and say, simple minds, you know, great simple minds? Thing alike you doill. I used to scroll the names of people shot every weekend in Chicago, the long list of names. They barely ever mentioned Chicago. That's their hometown. As you point out, they did nothing, they said nothing, They ignored it. And you're right that you know to listen to this now, Oh, this is a crisis. Excuse me, was a crisis when you both were in the Oval office, Thank you very much. Why didn't you do anything right? And that's the point. So when you have, you know, a smart woman like Michelle Obama and she is all right, and a speech written for her, she did not write the speech, by the way, written two weeks before Kamala was ever picked. She never mentioned her. But that's all right, I mean, Kamala is not to Michelle Obama means nothing, all right, and Bill, Bill, I know that. Bill. If let's say, you know the former first Lady and okay, and all the adjectives that you have bestowed on her, and you're not gonna acknowledge the first African American vice presidential nominee in history because you didn't. You have taped. You taped the speech before the announcement was made. You you can't even go they had edits. If you noticed they had different camera angles, would have been simple to edit it in. But what I'm trying to tell you, in my simple way, is they don't care. I don't care about Kamala Harris. Not about Kamala Harris, all right, it's about Joe Biden. And I don't believe. And I could be wrong on this. Oh I hate saying that. That's just a pain in my chest when I say, hey, I could be wrong. Yeah, I mean, I don't even think that Barack Obama likes Joe Biden as far as a president is concerning He likes him as a guy. Maybe they'll have a Miller Light together, but as a president, I think Obama goes, I don't know about this guy. So I don't think there's a lot invested in the Obama is up there in Martha's vineyard right now, having a swell time. They have to do what they're doing, and Michelle Obama, I wouldn't beet surprised if four years from now, particularly if Trump wins, you see her arise as a candidate. I would not be surprised. Okay, so all of this set up is all right. You gotta like Joe because Joe's empathetic and I'm going I need more than that. I really need more than that. And there is no more Politico this week. I'm not sure if you saw it. I know you read a lot. I read a lot, but we don't read everything. Um, don't underestimate Joe's ability to f things up. Barrock said that, yeah, and you said, by the way, Joe's probably a good guy to have a beer with. I think he wanted to have a beer with me more and I got the evidence, simple man. Would you like to hear it? Sure? Think about it, hateful if you were watching Sean consistently, he's a comic. Would these guys They've given me a hard time with respect to Sean Hannity. I didn't know that he had invited me for a beer. Um, you know, but I will take that under advisement. Jen. Generally, his opinion of me does not seem to be very high. But uh, but I'm always good for a beer. Is Sean Hannity suddenly gonna get on the airways and save You know I was wrong about this Obama guy. He's he's my man. No. I mean, I think that there's a certain segment of hardcore Sean Hannity fans that probably wouldn't want to go have a beer with me. There's no doubt about that. Bill. I offered to have a beer with him, and h I even offered to pay in the spirit of spreading the wealth. You know, I think he would enjoy having a beer with you. I'm serious. He didn't like you as a commentator. But if you and I were to go out with Barack Obama, if we were to take the ferry from Woodsholl, Massachusetts and somehow sneak onto his property and sneak onto his property, Okay, yeah, without gonna shot it, he'd enjoy it. I know. I've been enough time with him to know who he is. He doesn't like criticism, I mean, isn't like the fact that you don't like the liberal precincts because he lives there. But so what I mean, that's America. I don't have a beef with that. Listen. I I've said I think he and Michelle are good parents. I really believe that. I think they did a good job with their kids. And we said that. Kim Will asked me one time. You know, he's trying to bade me into saying something bad about Obama, and I said, listen, I think Obama is a patriot. He just sees it differently than I see it. Nah, this is where you and I are going to go our separate simple ways. I think Barack Obama and think about this bill. The party's gone so hardcore radical, leftist, socialist and extreme. Remember he was for building a wall, he was not for gay marriage, he was not for reparations and talking about But I think his background with a Lynsky and Acorn and community organizing and black liberation theology, right airs and Dorn showed me and I think he hit it. And that was what the Democrats used to do hide it. Now for the first time they take it on full on socialism. That's the difference, isn't it. Yeah, but he's an opportunist, just like Kamala Harris and Biden, to a lesser extent, combids a swamp creature. Do you I say that movie swam thing j that I don't remember it. I don't you know. I can only imagine starring Joe Biden. He's gonna be in the remake. He's been there forever. He's gonna be in every you know, he's a swamp thing. Bill o'reiley, you can steal this for your newscast that combine the years in the swamp Pelosi, Schumer and Biden. Guess how many years prehistoric levels one hundred and twenty five years come by swamps. But you're on your game today, You're so on today. Well you know I'm usually on, but you just don't notice. I'm just not aware enough. You're very aware today. I need a chuckle today, and it's one of those days. Bill, It's uh. I'll stay right there. All things o'reiley and Bill O'Reilly dot com his no Spin news you can get, of course, and everything else. O'riley's got a book coming out soon, which we're gonna do. I think the first interview with Bill I'm actually gonna go on his podcast and giving him a non cupcake interview. I'm going hard at Bill O'Reilly. This is payback, I warned him. It's coming. All right, all things up, Bill O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. As we continue with him, all right, give a big picture. We're now seventy six days away from election day. I don't think this convention's going particularly well for the Democrats. I think New Gingrich had a great column today and he pointed out that Biden is clearly incapable of functioning as president, and we see it every time he comes out of his basement. He's performing weaker and weaker with each passing week. I agree with him, and I think now the American people have picked up on that. And Harris is, I don't think it's going to turn out to be a good choice in the end. I agree with him on that point, and I also believe it's it's not gonna just not gonna end well. And the depth of radicalism exposed, the American people aren't going to buy this. A couple of things. Do you know what Biden's doing right now as we speak, sleeping? He's taking a nappy. No he's rehearsing, of course, and I have I have this from very good source. I hate to use anonymous sources, but I have to in this case. So he's rehearsing today all right for his speech tomorrow night. And the rehearsals are not going well, and he's got to read the prompter. He's got to read it with some authority, and that's what they're trying to get to. So they announced the Biden campaign. He's gonna do it live. But now there is a segment of advisors to say, you know what, we're gonna have to take this. I think in the end he will do the speech live, and I am the king of do it live. As you know, I think he will do. By the way, for people that have no idea what that's about, Oh man, you are missing. That was Bill O'Reilly's greatest joke on history. Yeah, I yelled, we got to do it live, and that got out on the internet and maybe even more famous version of it. But go ahead, okay. So I wrote a book called Killing Reagan, and after Ronald Reagan was shot shortly after he assumed office in nineteen eighty one, his mental facilities declined drastically and he was still president in the United States, and the Reagan team kept it quiet. They never knew what day, what was going to happen that day. Now, Ronald Reagan made a tremendous comeback. I have never seen a historical figure come back. He was almost dead on that operating table. So it's all chronicled in killing Reagan. So I would just caution everybody to say, look, Biden is obviously befuddled. That's the word I use. It's an accurate word. He looks confused many many times, but there are times when he doesn't. And in order for his campaign to fall apart, as new Gingrich predicts that confusion is going to have to be demonstrated in one of the three debates, and that will tell the tale of the election. Because of COVID, it's not an election that's based on issues anymore. It's all motion. It Biden falters in the three debates, or doesn't show up, or something happens like that, I think Trump will win. But if he can hold his own with Trump, then it's going to go right down to the day of the vote. And that's how I see it. Bill O'Reilly, all things Bill O'Reilly dot com, simple man, We'll be watching your newscast and thanks as always for being with us. And maybe if you set up and arrange the beer with Obama, I'll pay. All right, We'll do it, and I will be and I will be respectful, and I'll be friendly and charming and nice and all the things I'm capable of being. Might have some spirited discussions, but that's up to him, all right, Bill O'Reilly, Thank you. Don't forget Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com forty percent off now, live free or die. You haven't gotten your copy. It is your guide. All you need to know to inform yourself how high the stakes are in seven the six days, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, Amazon dot com forty percent discount. If you do want an autograph copy, We have another virtual town hall event starting at seven tonight and just click in. It's our Philadelphia a huge affiliate w PHT rich Ceoli, great guy. He's gonna be hosting it for us and it's gonna be a lot of fun. But it's for signed copies. And yes, I signed them all myself, people, I honestly it was one of the biggest downside in this is we had big plans to travel the country. I mean, we were gonna be everywhere. We're gonna be at the Nixon Library, at the Reagan Library. We're gonna be at Crown Burger in Salt Lake City with our friend Rod our Cat. We were gonna be in Dallas. We were gonna be in Atlanta. We were gonna be in Orlando. We're gonna be in Jacksonville, We're gonna be in Michigan. We're gonna be everywhere. And I wish I could have gotten out there. Um, it just is what it is. All the I will say from a COVID updata. I'll give more details later in the next hour. But the cases now have hit another new plateau low in terms of the pattern, hole is holding. You peak, then you have you flatten the curve. You have an increase at that point in the death toll. Then you see a slight decline than a rapid decline in new cases in death period. And that now has been its pattern as best as in layman terms as I could possibly say it. I know schools, certainly UNC and Notre Dame have made a lot of news, but in terms of the actual count around the country. The US daily COVID cases and death numbers have tumbled really dramatically, with John Hopkins recording thirty five thousand, one hundred and twelve new cases confirmed for earlier this week. That's the lowest since June twenty ninth. And if that pattern holds again, and where we made our greatest amount of improvements, well therapeutics won You don't have the higher death rate than the York had I told you about the APE study as it relates to Andrew Cuomo. I mean, I just can't even believe this guy is out there promoting a book, American Crisis Leadership Lessons from the COVID nineteen Pandemic. Well, the APE said that well, the reported six thousand or sixty four hundred elderly people, frail people that died in New York in long term care facilities and nursing homes, they said that numbers closer to eleven thousand. No mention on whether it would include the governor's bungling response when he sent COVID nineteen patients and he left seventy plus percent of the beds that Donald Trump built manned converted for COVID nineteen capabilities and the mercyship and providing all of the PPE because this dope didn't listen to his own health task force that said he'd be short on peak week and a pandemic which will happen, not a matter of if, a matter of when fifteen thousand and seven hundred eighty three screaming I ain't need ventilators. Well he got all the ventilators thanks to Donald Trump. Why would you, why would you put COVID nineteen patients and the nursing homes were saying, don't do this, we don't have the ability to care for these people. He did it anyway. Now hep and their investigative reports saying many is eleven thousand maybe more? Well, is that going to be mentioned in his brand new book? I mean, I just I watched it him the other night. I just couldn't believe how delusional he was. So let me get into this issue of the age question once more. Look, I'm giving you my layman's analysis, and I think the Trump campaign ad if we can pull this up, they have a before and after Biden in the past and Biden today. It's a great ad. And the Democrats had no problem talking about John McCain's age in two thousand and eight. They had no problem talking about raising the age question when Ronald Reagan was seeking re election in nineteen eighty four. But now any one dare mention this, it's it's off limits. I don't think so. I think the person so far that's given the best speech at the DNC and the one that had the most amount of energy, passion, enthusiasm is Bolshevicberney. He's a year older than Joe. You know what, I'll strongly disagree. You know who the right person was. Let me tell you, everybody, that guy who tested the mic before any of them spoke, that guy, that guy's my hero. Would you like us to play it the version that we can play. I mean literally, that's how bad they are. I'm like, could the guy who's saying check one two come back because he made more sense than any of you? No, that's probably true, but okay, in terms of so in other words, there's a big difference in terms of strength, stamina, energy level, mental alertness, mental acuity between Bernie Sanders and Joe. It's just the fact the same can be said. I mean, Joe Biden, if he were to ever win this thing, God forbid, would be older on the first day of office than Reagan was when he left office. But you know, Joe Biden is out there his wife saying attacking his cognitive abilities is not a fair attack. Well, why don't you say that when McCain was running. Why didn't you say that when Reagan was running? Listen, The president's campaign this week released an ad just really attacking your husband's cognitive ability, suggesting that he's lost a step or two in the last few years. As far as you're concerned, is that a fair attack? Is that something that should be debated as part of the campaign. No, No, it's ridiculous. I mean, Joe's on the phone every single minute of the day talking to governors who are calling it in Nancy Pelosi. He's on the zoom, he's doing fundraisers, he's doing briefings. I mean, he doesn't stop from nine in the morning till eleven at night. So that you know, that's ridiculous, It's ridiculous. You can't bringing this up. Well, the problem and I fully completely understand and I'm no problem with Jill, Jill Biden defending her husband, But the reality is my eyes are not lying to me. I see what I see. I think the American people see what they see, and you know it's ridiculous. Well, let's play some of the greatest hits and this is the short version. We all these truths to be self evident. Oh man, I'm a creative by go you know that. You know the thing. I'm back. I've been here a number of times. Last time was I think cut all the way back in twenty fourteen. But I've been here before that. I love this place. I love Look what's not to like? A buff Vermont terms the beauty one and to Hampshire, but I mean this is sort of a scenic, beautiful down The mayor has been a good guy, and everybody's been really friend I like Lonnie knows. I believe this every fiber might be. We're posed. What I proposed is it can be done. I think we're in a position to really make it happen. And my team and your team are already working closely together and light to light up the path forward. Here. Critical law is like the Proact, a strength and collective bargaining. I'm politics like prevailing, and lord, I guess I'm getting I'm taking too much time. But you know he didn't say anything. Come on, man, what do you did? You get tested for cocaine? You're a junkie, man, Come on man, but please clarify specifically. Have you taken a cognitive No, I haven't taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man, that's like saying you before you got in this program. If you're taking a test where you're taking cocaine or not, what do you think? Huh? Are you? What do you say to President Trump who brags about his test and makes your mental state an issue for voters. Well, if he can't figure out the difference between an elephant on a lion, I don't know what the hell he's talking about. Did you watch that? Look? Come on, man, I know you're trying to goad me, but I mean, I'm so forward looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president and debates. There's gonna be plenty of time. And by the way, as I joke with him, you know I shouldn't say it. I'm going to say something I don't I probably shouldn't say anyway, I am. I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical and mental film physical as well as my mental film fitness, and to you know, to make a judgment about who I am, my physical and mental foot Well, what's the word? What's the word? You know? The stupid media thinks I was that I was making fun saying that he's a stutterer, which I would never make fun of. I mean, that's that's not what that was about it, or he didn't remember the word. That's he's struggling to find. There's away all these truths to me self evident, all manner created. Oh by the thing, you'll you know the thing? And oh man, come on man, and this anger you get tested for cocaine, you are junkie. Come on, man, there's no the difference between an elephant and a lion. Do you think he was trying to say? Donkey? What what was he talking about? Elephant? And I don't think that we should ever attempt to decipher Joe Biden. I just I still can't figure it out, and you should be happy about that. When he starts to make sense to you, it's time to check in. It's time for me to check in. You mean, basically, you're telling me to check out. Okay, you're gonna pull the microphone away for me like you pulled Twitter away. My Facebook is taken away, my Instagram is taken away. I have no access, I have no email, I have nothing, right, man, come on, man, I want my stuff back. Are you a junkie? Come on man, come on? All right, Pennsylvania, let's say hi to James. James, how are you? You're a trucker? I see, thank God for what you do every day. You provide every single thing we consume. Without you, guys, we're dead. Oh I thank you Sean and my name is James. That we're recovering liberal And it was only too much of a pleasure to listen to your book. And by the way, the other day you got down on yourself for your narration. Nah, don't do that. You did a great job. Fantastic book. Oh I can't listen to it. I can't, but I spent I put my heart into it myself. Either I can't. I just can't listen to it. Can you imagine nineteen hours on a weekend. That's probably like an average day for you driving. I heard the hours of driving increased a lot, right, I'll run about nine hours a day, maybe a little more, maybe a little less, depending on how far I got to go, averages anywhere between five hundred and seven hundred and fifty miles a run or a day of running. Uh my live. My My first truck as an owner operator was an O seven Columbia and I've retired that with one point two nine million miles on the clock. And I've been doing this like almost twenty years. Love it, of course I do. That's why I keep doing it. Um the You're gonna trip here in a second. You gave Bill O'Reilly props for being the King of doing it live, But my grandpa is the original king of doing it live. You remember Milton BURROWL I do, of course that's who my that's my grandfather, so called Bill O'Reilly, the reigning king of doing it live. Uncle Milton the King. Yeah man, wow, yeah man, that's legendary. Sister is probably going to start looking this up in a second. I'm Victoria's oldest son. Now listen, why did I doubt you? What I mean, well, what benefit you know? Him and Milton Borough and Jackie Gleeson. You know Jackie Gleeson like with the Honeymooners, in the show. You know, he would never he would never do a runthrough. He always wanted five and he never wanted to practice. He'd show up and he would and he wanted it to be that organic and right there no better people than those two you just mentioned. That's true. Grandpa was like that as well. Grandpa was Grandpa was was meticulous about anything, especially if he was if he was doing a live performance of any kind. Um uh case in point um. My wife and I were invited huh more like volunce Hold to show up at the Grand Hotel Kompensky in Dallas in nineteen ninety five, and and my my my now ex wife at the time was very pregnant, like extremely pregnant with my daughter. Uh So we rode up there from Fort Hood. I was in the Army. I served. I served in West Germany Desert Storm, and then Fort Hood down in Texas for roughly ten years of my life before going into trucking. Anyway, we got there and he had his stage manager, he had his whole his whole entourage, but I mean he was if they got the lighting wrong, and the light guy at one point didn't want to put the light on. Grandpa just right, and Grandpa was like, he wasn't mean, but he was very particular about stuff. And i gotta tell you a quick story and then I'm gonna have to let you go. First of all, thanks for what you do as a trucker. Congrats on your granddad. You gotta be so proud of that. And I've got to run, but I will tell you once I threw a football and broke the lights. The lighting guy has made me fix it myself. I got up on the ladder solves. Hell, yea, I'll fix it. It It was my mistake. Done anyway, Thanks James, appreciate. We're gonna send you the real book too, an autograph coffee. Stay right there, Linda will send you that if you have time you want to read it. Thank you for buying the audiobook. I put my heart into it. I did it all myself. Amazon dot Com. Set that's on sale forty percent off. Also, Sean's new book is now available in freer Die in stores and online everywhere all right, Amazon dot Com forty percent off. That includes the audiobook. We have an e book available to but forty percent off the hard copy. Thank you again for making Live Free or Die America. In the world on the brink. Number one. Now, let's save the country in seventy six days. Which is the wind that really matters? Being number one and staying number one, and preserving and protecting free market capitalism, risk reward, invention, innovation that has created a standard of living unmatched in human history, second to none, and of course we with liberty, freedom, capitalism. Yeah, we've advanced the entire world's condition, and we've improved humanity throughout the entire world. You know, we share our innovation, we share our invention. You know, it's we've advanced the human condition. Not perfect, no, but we have the means to become a more perfect union. I want to go to how insane the left is? Now? This has been nothing but NonStop. I call it a cult, psychotic rage, hypnotic trance. You got the mob in the media ninety nine percent pretty much. Then we've got, of course, the Democratic Party. Now Bernie was once an outlier in that party. He's now the mainstream thought leader of all things radical democratic socialist and led by AOC. And we heard her laundry list last night of full on radical socialist ideas, New Green Deal, etc. Now, Biden Kamala she introduced the New Green Deal in the Senate. Biden's already pledged trillions for the New Green Deal. Madness, we know that the economics are for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be Bernie Sanders because they're actually lifting Bernie Sanders economic agenda many cases, word for word. So this is the most radical ticket of a major party ever in history. You'll decide you're the ultimate jury in seventy six days. But this hatred of all things Trump. I've said, if he cures cancer, they'd want to impeach him. Well, let me let me just give you another glimpse into the rage and hatred, this time in the media. Well and Ben Rhodes, who was with the Obama team, Joy read over at MSDNC asking Ben Rhodes if there should be Trump a Trump crimes commission if Biden wins. Listen to this. So, I wonder if you're of the mind that if Biden wins, if Joe Biden becomes president, that there should be something like a Trump crimes commission. Should he should he impanel such a commission? And do you think that members of the Trump campaign, including up to the president, should be at least looked at for prosecution. There's no question in my mind, George, that there has to be an accountability process that Joe Biden wins to protect the integrity of our democracy. It's not about getting revenge. It's not about going after political opponents. That's what dal Trump does. No, that's what they've done, the whole Russia witch hunt, lie hoax. Okay, well, let's have a Biden crime commission. We'll start with quid pro quo Joe leveraging a billion dollars of our money to get a prosecutor fired, which he successfully had done who was investigating. Is zero experience on Hunter getting paid millions that We'll have another Biden crime commission on the relationship with him in China and Hunter Biden's zero experience again what ended up being one point five billion dollar deal with the Bank China. And wait here to weigh in on all things convention and madness, Joe Conscha, opinion, calmness, the Hill, the Great Mark Simone. He's the host of our morning show, the All New AM seven ten WR New York and welcome back both of you. Mark will start with you that the hatred runs that deep. Yeah, that's a novel idea investigate Donald Trump. I have to think about that from Roller do it? Does? Attorney New York did it? The Attorney General in New York did it? Nadler did it? Shift did it? Impeachment hearings? But maybe maybe the thirty seventh investigation might turn up something. Hey, I think the key to last night's convention. I'm watching Colbert and Fallon. They both ridiculed it. That's when you know it was a pomp. That's when you know it didn't work. It was like a bad PBS fundraiser. It was like like one was the middle of the night infomercials with some old TV star trying to sell you insurance. That's what I say. Yeah, I agree, it's hilarious. By the way, those infomercials late at night are more interesting. I'm actually bought products from infomercials. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I like everything I bought. Yea, they own all the Hollywood They got all the directors and writers and producers, and they said, you think they could do better video than that stuff? It was low ratings. And then they said, well, people are on Zoom all day. They have Zoom fatigue. They're watching five seasons of The Sopranos, twenty one episodes of the Office. Nobody get any fatigue. By the way, watched Blacklist. That's my new binge watching. Have you watched them? Oh? Is it to James Spader? One? Yeah? I love that show? Great show. All right? Look what the ratings now are down forty two percent from twenty sixteen. Joe conscha. Yeah, you can't spend a decline of forty two percent. Forty two percent on Monday, and I got the new numbers for Night two and the drop was even more On broadcast network's ABCCBSNBC the drop was forty eight percent when compared to twenty sixteen. And remember, we're kind I'd have been a pandemic right now where there aren't a lot of social options, not like I could go to a Yankee game and say, or maybe, you know, get together with some friends for an indoor meal at a restaurant here in Jersey. So yeah, with people basically stuck at home, the fact that you've lost half your audience on the broadcast networks, that's a problem when you're throwing the cable news networks because obviously they cover this stuff a lot more being on twenty four seven, then the drop was about thirty percent overall. So so that's very bad news. I think it's a sign of enthusiasm around this particular ticket and the party in general. And look, it's been very predictable right outside of just homogenized and cringey at times, because all we see is I'm not hearing any solutions, guys, I'm not hearing any party. I'm not hearing any optimism shining City on the Hill or open change or make America great again. No, it's just slams Trump, roast Trump, go after trumpet. Oh, by the way, Joe Biden's a decent and normal guy, which you know on a bumper sticker, isn't exactly going to have people out to go vote. So this is what we're looking at here. It's basically a convention that seems aimed at the woke mob and the CNN and ms NBC audiences. But when it comes to bringing in independence that you need to win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, I'm sorry, I don't see what the message is here outside of Trump is a bad guy with Hillary Clinton's drive in twenty and sixteen, and I got her a set of state knives and a concession speech. Sean Ouch, I think that was well prepared and delivered. Great job, Joe Conscient, Mark Simone, your take overall, well, uh, first, there was one message, you know, with the coronavirus, we were too slow. We had we were slow. If you're looking for speed, I don't think Joe Biden is the guy you go to. Bill Clinton talked about a command center. You know, if you were neither guy to run a command center, I don't think you'd picked Joe Biden. And the saddest thing you know, had Bill Clinton, they had Hillary Clinton. Because of that, the History Channel decided to carry it live, John Carry. I think the problem was they were all elitist zillionaires. Caroline Kennedy from a twenty seven million dollar mansion on Cape God Carry from one of his seven mansions, Michelle and they were there to talk to you about income inequality. I just don't think it was sincere. It didn't look convincing. You know, Ari Fleischer made a good point yesterday, Joe content that is that the Democratic Party, now that they really have become a party of the elite, the Party of Hollywood, the party of you know, they're not the party of working men and women anymore. And this is now, This is now why I think the country is transitioning, and that blue collar workers they're going for Trump because his policies work for them. There was even a New York Times editorial board member named Mary Gay who is on MSNBC yesterday and she said that the Biden platform now is infinitely more liberal than that of even Barack Obama's in two thousand and eight, or if you even want to talk about Bill Clinton in nineteen ninety six, Hey, at least he worked with new Gangbridge on wealth every form right. Could you ever picture a Democratic party doing that now? And look, I'd love to hear more from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as far as what exactly their platform really is, since I'm not really getting it at the convention. And the problem is they're not doing any interviews with anyone. Remember they've done two public events together, and they run off the stage like they're used saying bolts before they take any questions from reporters, which will probably be friendly questions anyway, they still don't want to take them. So now their first joint interview guys will be with People magazine, not sixty minutes when people usually go, or maybe that People's going to be a hard hitting magazine. Well after Cardy B. I have an interesting people's story if you're interested in hearing. So one day they come over and they want to show me because I always you know, when my kids were younger, I'd make them breakfast. And first thing is they come in the afternoon and I'm like, okay, I can cook breakfast any time of the day, you know, I have no problem. And then they didn't want me to actually be the cook. And then I come down and swept pants, a baseball hat on backwards and my sneakers and T shirt on the like, oh no, no, we need you to get dressed up. I said, Well, I wouldn't get dressed up to make breakfast out Look, what kind of as we're talking here, flapjacks. Always always room for flapjacks, Sean, Listen, They're called pancakes where I grew up. Okay, yeah, pancakes, all right, But I'm like, okay, whatever you want, I'll put on my stress shirt and I'll cook bacon and splatter all the grease all over me. But by my account Mark simone thirty four questions for Biden that he answered from reporters that he seemed very pre planned to me. Donald Trump one thousand, eight hundred and whatever. It's unbelievable this weekend at Bernie's routine that they're trying to get away with in the media, The New York Times, all the networks, where are they on this way? And Bill Clinton and things said, you are a presidents of watches TV all day. Biden's the one stuck in his basement. He's the one that's not off his couch. Donald Trump has been in seven cities this week and it's only Wednesday. I mean, the lies were unbelievable and there's never any correction, never any fact checking. Watch you next week Republican Convention to see if that holds true. So how competent are both of you? How this ends? Because look, I don't know. I'm irish. I'm always waiting for the next bomb to drop on my head, right, So I just take the view of elections that you take nothing for granted, and the analogy I use both of your friends with Linda, she has no idea what it means. But it's two minutes left in the game. You got the ball at your own twenty yard line, you've got no time out. She got to march down the field eighty yards, crossed the plane, kick the extra point to win. That's how That's how urgent it is for me, because it's hard for a Republican. They've got to thread the needle and win, run the table. And Joe Montana did that against the Bengals, and I believe in nineteen eighty nine showing in Miami game winning drive ended. Why don't show off, but I'm actually impressed. Go ahead, all right, thank you, So anyway, story for another time. Uh yeah, Look how confident in a Trump victory. I look at Golden Sacks and their forecast for the third quarter, and they're saying a twenty seven percent jump in GDP, basically wiping out what happened in Q two. And we're seeing already record stock market performances, which shows you that there is an optimism out there from investors that really reflects that, you know, maybe things are getting better. And there's been millions of jobs that have matted just in the last three months alone. When that wasn't supposed to start into the fall. So I think the economy will be fine. And if you look at the last two presidents not to win reelection, Carter and George H. W. Bush, they were in recessions, right, so hard to beat an incumbent when you have a good economy. Then you look at the lawlessness in Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, New York, Atlanta, and you say, okay, Joe Biden hasn't even spoken about this or condemned it once, yet he's supporting to the defund effort. Kamala has supported the defund effort, and the police they become the enemy. Joe said, all right, stay right there, Mark Simone and Joe Concha. And as we continue, Joe Concha, Mark Simone with us, Mark, I don't think we got to you. How is this going to play out? How do you see a play out? Well, if you look at any real poll, Donald Trump wins. This is gonna be close, but he'll win this Now, there's always an October surprise. So far this year they've hit us with riots, defund the police, looting, a pandemic. I don't know what they got next to the volcanoes. Locust who knows what they're going to pull. But I think they made the biggest miscalculation ever with the rioting, the looting, the defund the police. A couple of weeks ago, is on this show and I said, he'll carry New York, and you guys are going to have me committed for that. But even the president that said new York is in play. I think they miscalculated. People all over in all our major cities don't like this, this looting, rioting, arson, defund the police. They will vote to stop it. Secretly, that's what they're thinking. I think it's that. And I think secretly Joe con people looking at Joe and they kind of figured out he lost a fastball if you ever had one. Yeah, And look when he takes office, if he wins, he'll be older than Ronald Reagan was on his last day of office. And obviously Ronald Reagan was our oldest president. And so you're getting Joe Biden in his eighties potentially, and I think people will say, wait a minute, this, this person is not ready for this. But one more point on polls, you got to look at the battlegrounds, right because that's where that's where they elections always decided, not the whole country, dude, to ask Hillary Clinton, right again, popular road doesn't mean a lot. But in fifteen battleground states. In a CNN poll this week, Donald Trump is down one point ninety eight to marks points. Pandemic, riots, you name impeach this year, we forget about that. Also, all these things have happened, yet you're only up one point. That's a big, big problem going into an election where the economy is only going to get better. Sean, we see that, and we saw today the daily COVID cases death numbers tumble, the lowest numbers of new cases since June twenty ninth. That helps reopen the economy, That helps prosperity. And thank you both, Mark Simone, Joe Kancha eight hundred nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program programming reminders seven Eastern tonight. I'll be on with our friend Rich Cioli from WPHT in Philly. And there's for autograph copies. If you want live, free or die, you can get your discounted copy Amazon dot Com forty percent off. Same with let's see books a million as deep discounts Barns and Noble Costco, Walmart, Target, they all. You know, I'm glad that they they've offered the best price possible. And thank you for making Live Free or Diet number one. We'll take a quick break your calls, final half hour straight ahead, Live Free or Die forty percent off Amazon dot Com, U great discounts, Bartns and Noble Books, a million, Costco, Walmart, etc. And we're hoping that you can get a piece of it and read it and understand it and get your copy rather and hopefully this can be used as your intellectual base to make arguments to your friends and family and everybody else. We go into a great specificity in detail. What is what? Why has America become the greatest country? God gave man one of the principles that got us here. What is it about natural rights and God given rights? And you know are really are in being endowed by our creator, not the thing? And what liberty and freedom allows the human allows human beings to to bring forth them themselves? And how we have led the world in invention innovation, why capitalism, risk reward the great inventors, the great entrepreneurs, the great risk takers. And we built the standard of living second to none. And literally accumulated more power. We have advanced the human condition and we've saved the world from evil. And then with this rise of radicals, they're insane. Twenty twenty New Green Deal, Medicare for all, everything's free agenda. How historically, no matter what name it's given, I don't care if mao, the Revolution, forty million people dead from starvation, former Soviet Union, the disaster, the Bolshevik Revolution, and of course Soviet expansionism and Hungary and Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, Poland and East Germany to the mix. You know, the misery, the death that resulted there. You know, then we got Nazism, fascism, you know, all those system We defeated all of them. But whatever the socialism form, whatever the name they give it at the time, never works and it always ends the same way, poverty, misery and a loss of freedoms. And then it's a matter of what degree of freedom lost. You think Cuba's doing well, I don't think so Venezuela. How's that working out? Their socialism there? Not very well? So that's what's on that. That is what we is at stake in just seventy six short days. Again, Rich Ceoli is going to be hosting our town hall tonight of virtual town hall for sign copies. If you want to sign copy, join us at seven o'clock tonight. Thanks to our friends and Philly are a big talker there the twelve ten WPHT and looking forward to that. And don't forget you get discounts forty percent off on Amazon dot com. All right, let's go to the phones. As promise, Mike is in the great state of North Carolina. Now in seventy six days, we'll be watching North Carolina early in the night, early in the evening as the potential bellweather of all things that might happen there. Mike, how are you glad? Culture, I'm good. Thanks for having me on, Sean. And I'm telling you North Carolina's voting Trump this an election and uh and I'll tell you Sean, it's it's not going to be the only state that might uh that's gonna go red. Um. It's funny too, because I was just having that conversation last night, especially with the way Cooper has been handling this COVID crisis. People are just people are just sick of the democratic policies and Anyway, I wanted to bring up my brother real quick. He's he's been in the hospital since last week. He was struck by a vehicle. He's twenty one years old. He could really use some prayers for a speedio recovery. He's twenty one, twenty one year old brother. Um, how bad are the injuries? Um? Actually, it's it's an absolute miracle. This car hit him going, you know, fifty miles an hour and he sustained no no major head damage and no major back damage. But you know, he's got a broken leg, and his ribs are busted up, and you know, his livers, well, at least those things can heal. It sounds like he's packed up pretty bad. But it's it's you're right if you're did his airbag deploy Oh he was a pedestrian, no cheese. Fifty miles an hour, he got slammed by a car and he he doesn't have any head injuries at all. Yeah, it's a miracle. That's a miracle. Thank God. Well he's in our prayers. I'm sorry you're dealing with that. Thank you. Well. Anyway, I called because I wanted to. I wanted to get your thoughts on on an observation I had made, and uh, it's it's this this playbook that the Democrats have with their media counterparts and how they they've been dealing with with the Trump administration since he's been in office. It's that they always sent him up in these lose lose situations, so they always have an angle on him no matter what happens. And I just really want to make this clear, so you know, Democratic voters out there can identify it themselves. You know. You look, you look back at the most recent example of this, this mail in violet scheme. You know, if Trump, you know, goes along with this scheme, then the Democrats they're they're going to be able to steal this election because there's going to be obvious fraud, you know, and on top of that, there's gonna be a weight to go on. If you look back at some of the primaries we had where they tried to use a phone app to count it was Illinois or something like that. I've gone through the whole history of this fraud. I won't do it again now. But I mean it's real, It's all real. It's absolutely real. Yeah, And and of course if he doesn't allow it, then you know, they're going to project onto him that he's trying to steal the election and it should lose loose for him, you know, and it even goes back to how he's been dealing with coronavirus, you know, when they pushed Trump for a national shutdown, and in the same breath, you know they're going to call him an authoritarian for doing so, and of course, you know, thank god he didn't. But of course you had the governors that went along with it anyway. But Trump never pulled the hammer down, and yet they laid those lives at his feet. Anywhod you can do. Imagine if if the truckers didn't truck, if the manufacturers of medical ppe didn't work, if the packers didn't pack, and farmers didn't farm, what would have happened if the country really shut down. We would died in New York. We would have we literally would have. We would have starved to death. The death count, the death toll would have been so far beyond what anybody had even thought about or predicted. No, listen that all these experts got it wrong. That's the big takeaway. All of them got it wrong. The original predictions came out yo voucis that they're talking about two million deaths. And against all his advisors, Trump was able to shut down travel from China and Europe and other countries. And what do they do. They they call him the Zeno fold, you know, and they don't even mention the lives he saved. And then uh, and even if he didn't do that, there's no question they would have laid all those deaths at his feet. It's like they've been doing now, even though they said the travel band, like Biden had said the Travel Band months later, was actually a good idea, you know. And they do it in everything. They always have to have an angle on them, even even back with FISA Gate and Russia Gate, you know where where. Well, this is why you can't trust them. They just they are liars. They Nobody in the mob, in the media or the Democratic Party has spoken out and said, we can't have another coup attempt, and we can't be spying on presidential candidates, and we can't be spying on presidents and what happened here was wrong. We can't have premeditated fraud on a court. You can't have one candidate violate the espionage jacqut and then deletes a poeni at emails the way Hillary did. They nobody's criticized any of this or Joe Biden's quid pro quo with zero experience Hunter, they take on breathtaking hypocrisy. For them, it's the ends justifies the means. And if you can't criticize that abuse of power, there's no honesty in you. That's why the mob is so corrupt. Democratic Party is corrupt. I mean, I really worry greatly if they were ever to take power and do the things they say they're going to do, America as we know it now is be unrecognizable and it will happen very quickly, will be very dangerous. Anyway, Well, I want to say thank you for a good call, Mike. All the best, best to you, brother. Let's say hi to Trucker Dave, New York. What's up, Trucker Dave. We love our truckers. Thank you for all you do. Hey, welcome to Wild Truckers Wednesday. Sean. Well, I'm gonna send you an audio book so you can listen while you're on the road. Are you over the road guy, Yes, I am. In audio book would be right up my alley, Buddy, I love that. I read the whole thing myself. The initial sit down was in one Friday, one Saturday ten hours, one Sunday nine hours, then some fixes and you know, stuff, about twenty two straight hours. Very few authors actually read their whole book, but I did it. That's awesome. Well, you're one of my heroes, and you know we could use the wisdom of another one of my heroes right now, Charlie Daniels. Boy, I missed that guy. I loved them. Great human being, great human being, I know it. Hey, Listen, Sean, I was doing some opposition research on Saturday, I was now Public Radio. They said that the American Postal Workers Union endorse the Biden Harris ticket. Now, what could go wrong with that? Is that not a conflict of interest? If we're going to do mail in voting on a mass scale, that the postal workers sort through it and throw out the Republicans because we didn't vote the way they wanted. Listen, I just how's the government doing with your DMV? How's the government doing with those Obamacare promises? How's the government doing in all these liberal cities run by liberal Democrats for decades in liberal states? How are they doing with law, order, safety, security, and education. How's that social security lockbox doing? The one they rated and robbed? You know what, I don't trust these people to do anything right. And again, look at what they were willing to do to take power away from you know, Donald Trump and literally undermine a duly elected president first trying to influence the election by abusing power, turning the powerful tool of the FBI and the Intelligence Service. Is the one percent doing it, not the ninety nine against the presidential candidate with an insurance policy if it's screwed up, None of them ever mentioned it. That tells you all you need to know about how corrupt they are and how low they will go. Yes, here's Trucker Dave's advice, Sean, both once vote in person and vote right. So I'm pulling the liver for Trump and Pence. I'm voting in person. I'm taking the week of the election off. I want to be anywhere near a big city after the election. I'm going to be home up on the farm in northern New York. Smart place. I might need to call you for some sanctuary up there. Although if I really want sanctuary, I need to get the hell out of New York. Thank you Trucker Dave, thanks for all you do every day. Mike is in Illinois, Mike High, how are you. We're glad you called, sir, Hey Sean, thank you so much. I've been listening to you since two thousand and one. Thank you, thank you. Yeah. I'm an elected official here at McDonagh County, Illinois, and I just wanted to tell you that I have never seen so many Trump flags and signs all over the places that I travel from my job. And I'm telling you the ground swelling of support is huge for him. And we also have a United States Senate candidate, Mark Curran, who is a former sheriff who's running against Dick Durbin, and he is running a phenomenal campaign. He's been working this for a year. Momentum is on his side as well. With all the hatred against law enforcement, there's a backlash now by common people to support law enforcement. And Mark Curran and Donald Trump may pull off the surprise of the decade in Illinois. I'm telling you they're not pulling anything right now. They're not because they don't expect it. But I'm telling you I'm seeing it everywhere. The amount of enthusiasm. I've never seen anything like it. I wish I could believe that I'm dubious, but I'm not. Listen, your own eyes are showing you something only that is not being picked up. I think that's the case everywhere. Very very interesting when the Cato Institute determines that sixty two percent of Donald Trump voters will never tell a poster or actually they're not gonna they're not gonna say a word. People that won't wear a maga hat, people that maybe don't show up at rallies, people that are gonna go in and they're gonna look at their cities. They're gonna look at the chaos, the anarchy, look at the Democratic Party supporting the anarchy, not stopping the anarchy, and not keeping the citizen re safe. They're gonna look at the same politicians that have screwed up the educational system. So that's it's literally you'd have to, you know, knock it down and build it up again. And I think there's a way to do it rather inexpensively. I've talked about that, do online education available for any kid all over the country and make it free and just have a parent or a neighbor or or grandparent just guide a kid all the way from K through twelve and if you follow that correct, that kid's gonna do well, because you need some alternative to these family schools. We know their Obamacare promises failed. And look, I am just stunned for all these years, in all these big cities that they keep reelecting the same people that promise, promise, promise every two every four years. That tell you Republicans are evil, and that meanwhile they don't lift a finger to fix the damage. This ad in Baltimore. I was on with Sean Casey yesterday with buddy of mine at WCBM, and there's a congressional candidate, Kimberly Classic amazing. She put this ad out about you want to see the real Baltimore. We put it up on Hannity dot com, and it's up on my Twitter site at Sean Hannity. Remember thirteen public high schools in Baltimore, third highest per capita spending per student in the industrialized world. Thirteen public high schools. Not one kid proficient in mathematics, very few even reading. I mean, that is such an epic, spectacular fail. We should all be absolutely mortified. At that anyway, I appreciate the call, Mike. I hope you're right. Thank you. We'll be watching seventies six days and you get to design. All right. That's gonna wrap things up today, all right, Hannity nine Eastern Fox News loaded up news information, the mob. The media will never give you convention coverage. We got Eric Trump, Jared Kushner tonight call, Roves analysis I mentioned earlier in the program, Greg Abbott. Yeah, you're not going to fund the police. Okay, you're not getting state funds. Ryan's previous, Mike Huckabee, Al Fleischer, Dan Bongino, Tammy Bruce, set you DVR nine Eastern Fox News. We'll see it tonight at nine. Don't forget Amazon dot com forty percent off Live Free or Die. And at seven Eastern, just go to Hannity dot com, Rich Cioli the w PHT town Hall for signed copies. All right, seven o'clock Eastern, an hour from now. We'll see it tonight back here tomorrow. Thanks for me. Will us to hand