More Mueller reports expected today; More changes at the White House
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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. Plad you with us. Wow, Happy Friday and write down our toll free telephone number. We hope you'll join us today. A lot of news breaking all over the place, including oh, we're getting the sentencing recommendations for Cone and for Manafort, as the Russian Investigation Special Council set to release the sentencing memo for Trump's lawyer by five o'clock. Michael kne It doesn't really matter. We know that they think he cooperated dramatically. Why because he started singing or composing whatever you may believe, but saying things very contrary to what he had said before, and obviously maybe things that the Special Council wanted to hear. And so it is. You know, the whole saga is sad to me. You know the fact that we've this has now been reduced to signing up for a saying you lied in committed perjury when you know you didn't and the FBI didn't think you did, including the FBI director and deputy director and even the Trump hating Peter Struck who thought Hillary should win one hundred million to zero. That's what they did in Michael Flynn's case, you know, because what happens. You get in these rooms with these prosecutors and you're already broke because you know, thirty three years serving your country, how rich are you're going to be when you work in the military, because you're you feel God's calling to serve your country and five years in combat and none of that seems to matter. And then you end up hiring lawyers because they're coming after you with a vengeance, and you end up then having to sell your house. And then they're saying, well, you know your son worked with you in that business, and we'll offer you this plea deal. All right, let me dive on the sword for my son, which probably ninety nine point nine percent of fathers would do. If it's if anyone's going to get hit or take the hit, it's going to be the dad. And the next thing you know, it's it's papadopolis. I mean, two weeks in prison. We feel so safe, don't we, knowing that is, you know, cloistered away from society for two weeks. In that case, he believes he was set up too. Then Jerome Corsi describing in great detail what forty appearances with the special counsel and he's never according to him. I'm only going by what he said to me and what Roger Stone, and I have no reason to doubt either one of them, because if they're lying to me, they would have been caught by now and the information would have been out there. It's not that hard to figure this stuff out. But said he never met a sans Men, were communicated with a Sans, never communicated with the Wiki leaks a representative of Wiki leaks, no contact at all. And you know, we now know we have the emails that Roger Stone. Roger Stones it actually backed up his story when he said this, I don't know who this New York talk show host is. I don't even think I've ever heard the station the guys on. But anyway, some talk show host who apparently told him that Wiki leaks might have more whatever information coming out on Hillary Clinton, and Roger Stone is you know, that's what he does. He does political campaigns. And if there's information on an opposition candidate and you can find it and you can get it, he's like, he won't tell me about it. Let's get it, okay. Not knowing anything about where it came from. That's not a crime either by anybody. The only way it would be a crime if they were conspiring, and I assumed if they had evidence of this, these guys would have been long arrested. Inspiring to steal information, then you get into big trouble. Or but even if he obtained stolen information but didn't know it was stolen, it's like the Pentagon Papers case where you know, we had a Supreme Court ruling on that. So all of this, all of this going on behind the scenes, and what have we got. We got taxi medallions with Michael Kohane, We've got, you know, tax return issues with Michael Kohane. We've got let's see, Paul man of It made mistakes on loan applications. I think Michael Cohon did that too, And you know, we're learning a lot of lessons here. If you've gone to file for a loan application, you better put everything in there that's truthful. My guess here is if people have financial difficulties of any kind that they might know artificially say that they have more money than they do, I'm just guessing that would be my assumption. And but if you have to be truthful in your loan application, otherwise if you can't pay it back, and it would be probably viewed as some type of larceny, you know, or embezzlement or whatever you want to call it. We learn to pay our taxes on time, but we all knew that already. Always tell my guys, just pay it. That's what I say, Just pay it, Just pay it. How many times those words come out of my mouth? Just whatever it is, and they're like, no, you're entitled to this legal deduction. I say, all right, we'll take all the legal deductions and then just whatever it is, pay it. If there's a question, just pay it. You know, air on the side of caution, because it's just the way it is. If you're in the public eye. They'd love to say he didn't pay his taxes. Yeah, I'd pay more than my fair share, trust me. And it just is. This is what it's come down. There's no collusion. The case of mattaphor it. We're talking about taxes and loans that go back as far as two thousand and seven. He worked for Trump maybe a hundred days. The case of Cone, one thing I can't figure out is I know he gave testimony on one side and then apparently he's changed his position that's fine, I guess, but which which one should we the public or is which one is the prosecutor going to choose to believe? I assume it's the one that is most damning to Donald Trump, because that's what this has always been about. And if they don't have a connection that either Jerome Corsi or Roger Stone ever conspired to steal emails or hack somebody, then them hearing through third parties that are not associated with wiki leagues that they might have more information coming out that would be damning to Hillary Clinton. Remember, we all knew at some point I don't remember the exact timeline of this, that Hillary Clinton's email in that Mom and Pop bathroom closet, and even the original draft of the Coomi Struck exoneration written in May before they interviewed her in seventeen others, we knew that there was at least five or six foreign national intelligence services that had hacked into that computer. Remember the infamous line Trump had said, Russia, I hope you're listening to maybe you've got them released them, which I think was him being sarcastic because she had violated the Espionage Act and she was getting away with it. Something that if he had ever done God help us imagine if Donald Trump ever hired a foreign national that put together a dossier of Russian lies on Hillary Clinton and disseminated those lies to the American people so that he could win an election. What do you think the reaction would be because that's what she did? Or that Donald Trump ever had subpoenaed emails that he deleted clean the hard drive with bleach bit and busted up the devices that might still have those items on it. What would the reaction be then? From the left? How does the media ignore all of this damning information? You know, now we're finding out that the dossier, which was as the Newness and Grassy Graham Emos told us the bulk of the information presented to the FISA court within the application process, that most of that information the FBI and the intelligence community had serious questions with all of it, didn't believe it, and more importantly, never verified it, never corroborated it. And there's an email chain now that proves it. We didn't know about this for two years until this week and John Solomon broke that story. They knew it was phony, but they used it anyway, because that's how desperately they wanted to get into the Trump campaign. It's I mean, it's unbelievable. Imagine if this was in reverse. There's a really interesting story in the Hill today how a federal judge has blasted both Hillary Clinton and the State Department for Relief fusing to release thousands of emails to Judicial Watch. The judge in this case is named Royce Lamberth, called for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of private email server while in office quote one of the greatest modern offenses of government to government transparency. Now again, here we are, all these years later, was still trying to get them, and Judge Lamberth sharply criticized both Clinton and lawyers for the State Department, and a ruling granting Judicial Watch discovery and the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State and Justice Departments. At best, quote, State's efforts to pass off its deficient search as legally adequate during settlement negotiations was negligence borne out of incompetence. This is what the judge wrote. I mean, there's a damning takedown. At worst, Career employees at the State Department and Justice Departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton skirt the Freedom of Information Act and hoodwink this court it would be lying to the court and his ruling. He then ordered the agencies to develop a plan with Judicial Watch for a discovery plan within ten days that will determine whether Clinton used the server to evade Freedom of Information Act requests. He also ruled that the plan should determine whether State Department sought to settle the case with Judicial wats despite knowing the inadequacies of the initial search, constituted bad faith on their Partikes now we have Trump's attorney general pick this guy whose name is Bill Barr, William Barr. One thing that he has repeatedly called for is a new Hillary investigation. Now, up to this point, I think Democrats and Republicans had great respect for him. Now they're not gonna because the President kept the Senate. This is very important his confirmation. Anyway, it looks like Barr is no fan of what are one sided investigations that like the one Rod Rosenstein and Mueller's are a part of right now, where Trump associates get raked over the coals by Mueller while one woman and her crime waves like Hillary Clinton and We're going to break a story about the Clinton Foundation in a minute. Here get completely ignored. And if Barr acts on his previously expressed opinions, this could get interesting. Now. The Washington Post noted today that in November twenty seventeen, Barr told The New York Times there was more basis to investigate Hillary Clinton for Uranium one than there is to investigate Trump for potential collusion with Russia. Then went as far as to say the Justice Department was wrong to give Clinton a pass. He's right on the law. How comes so few people within the Justice Department see that. I remember Uranium one was unique. Happens to be that the FBI director at the time was Robert Muller. What's a unique about Uranium one is we had a guy, our own spy within Vladimir Putin's network in America. We knew why Putin's thugs were here because they wanted a foothold in the uranium industry and in our country. And they had their operatives involved in bribery, blackmail, kickbacks of money, laundry and all of this. A very brave guy by the name of William Campbell was reporting all of it back to all these officials and they did nothing because not only did that Neil get done, which is really stupid considering that as the foundational material for new uclear weapons that Putin really got from us, but then all the people in Bob with ROSSA, Tom and all these other agencies. Clinton's getting five hundred thousand dollars for speeches in Russia and meeting with Putin, Bill Clinton while his wife is the Secretary Estate and the Clinton Foundation confers of being popped back with tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks anyway, to the extent you know. Barr also explicitly called for more investigations of the Clinton saying, I don't think all this stuff about throwing Clinton in jail or jumping to the conclusion that she should be prosecuted as appropriate, but added, but I do think there are things that should be investigated that have not been investigated. Yeah, like the email server. Yeah, like the phony Russian dossier. You know, it's stuff we have been calling for for the longest time, and hopefully we're going to get a little closer to the president. Announcing also Heather Nawar, who was a colleague overt Fox News, is gonna has been nominated to go to the United Nations, which I think is a great position for her, and she's always loved national security issues. I think number three or four now with Mike Pompeio over at the Department of State. 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And if you go to my pillow dot Com right now use the promo code Hannity, you'll save thirty percent and you'll also get two standard my pillows free. Or you can call eight hundred nine one nine six zero nine zero just mention my name my pillow dot Com mention my name, Hannity, you get the my Pillow Mattress topper thirty percent off and two my Pillow standard pillows free. We'll continue one thing that is not political. It's smoking. That's about people, and there are thirty four million Americans now that's smoke, but for many, there's not been a clear alternative. Jewel for me, has been a game changer. I watch people all the time, they go outside in the middle of the freezing winner just to have their smoke. You don't have to do that anymore because of Jewel. Now people don't have to worry about the smell on your hands. Jewel was specifically designed by smokers force smokers to be a satisfying alternative. It's a clean technology. Jewel has no ash, no odor, no mess. 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And what we're discovering is pretty shocking is that the FBI had understood and had problems with the credibility of the Steel dossier, which was the bulk of the application to get a warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate. And they knew, but they just what the heck, it's Donald Trump will do it anyway? Well, that would be a violation of one's Fourth Amendment rights unreasonable search and seizure. I will tell you I'm going to predict here carter Page is going to be a wealthy man by the end of all of this. And I know I've asked him about it and he said he wants to give a lot of it to charity. I'm not going to dissuade him from doing that, but he should for the price that he's paid. Remember, carter Page, after a year's worth of being vailed like this, how is it his name is never never ever mentioned as somebody that they even would consider in ninety And by the way, I'm not offering an idea here. I don't want the guy to get indicted. I'm just saying if he was so bad. And then when we've interviewed and we learned a lot about carter Page, carter Page that was a part of his job to often go to foreign countries, including countries that have hostile regimes like Russia and hostile leaders like Putin. And what was interesting to me is that when he came back from these trips, he willingly regularly downloaded all the information that he had to our own intelligence services. CIA, I assume, National Security Agency I assume, and other agencies that perhaps wanted some information. He was always willing to share because he said he loves his country, and I love that. I love how people are taking by the way my comments out of context this week, I said, I'm very very clearly. Remember I grew up in a home full of law enforcement. My mom was a prison guard for twenty five years. My dad family court probation City of New York, and so you know, the best gift I ever got was from my uncle Billy Kerwin, who was a NYPD officer. He died way too young at Hodgkins disease at the time that they didn't have a great cure rate like they do today. And he gave me a Billy club, and he gave me a real cops hat and handcuffs and a badge. And I was the happiest kid ever. I mean, I looked up and revered this guy. And his sister Maureen, also became a police officer as well. And there were other members of my family, and then they were on my mother's side, her dad's brothers kids made it to the FBI, it was, and they were like deity. They that was they made the highest level ever. Remember my grandparents came here from Ireland to all four of them, and none of them had a penny and faced you know, Irish Catholic need not apply in cities like Boston and New York, and they had ten bucks in their pocket and lived in poverty, just like my parents didn't grow up with hardly anything. And it was just so it's hard when you hear about, you know, crooked cops, as Joe Degennifis says, because most cops aren't crooked. Most FBI guys not only are they not crooked, they're the best of the best, and we count on them and rely on them for so much. And the work that they do is at times so dangerous, and these guys do it and they serve and they're wonderful. That's why taking out of the field offices a lot of these investigations and letting the top brass within the upper echelon or the FBI or the dj to takeover just reaked the political corruption because that's not the way the things are done. And that was the first telltale sign that things were going way off course. But the fact that they knew and had questions about and our own intelligence community had real, grave concerns about the authenticity of Trump paiding Christopher Steele's dirty dossier that Hillary bought and paid for before they ever used it in any FISA application is remarkable to me. And they did it anyway, you know, in Rob Rosenstein's infamous words, well on FISA, let me see if I can capture his kidence. Well, you have to. We're talking about career law enforcement, and you're signing an affidavit that, to the best of your knowledge, this is true, accurate, and if it's not, you know, there were severe consequences. Listen, the way we operate in the Department of Justice. If we're going to accuse somebody of wrongdoing, we have to have admissible evidence and credible witnesses. We need to prepare to prove our case in court, and we have to fix our signature to the charging document. That's something that not everybody appreciates. There's a lot of talk about FISA applications, and many people that I see talking about it seem not to recognize what a FIES applicat. FIES application is actually a warrant, just like a search warrant, in order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears the information the affidavit is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. And that's the way we operate. And if it's wrong sometimes it is. If you find out there's anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences. It's wrong, going to face consequent The problem is they never believed it in the beginning, and they never verified and never corroborated, and now the smoking on email chain exists. That would mean everyone that put their name alfidavit on the FISA warrant that they signed off on a fraud committed and perpetrated against the court, which we already knew there was enough evidence to glean all this, but now to have it in black and white in an email chain is one of the big four buckets. You know, when the President said, I'm just going to hold back on releasing the FISA applications, I'm gonna hold back. I'm gonna hold back on releasing this fourth bucket, which is exactly what he's talking about here, this email chain, or the three H two's or the Gang of Aid information, probably strategically not to my liking, because i'd like to see it now, and I don't exactly have the patients to wait and wait and wait because it's taken too long and we've been on this for two years. But it probably is appropriate knowing what's coming with the Democrats and their endless investigations, because it's going to reveal an awful lot about an awful lot of people. And so we'll see. Now there is a daily Caller report, and we're not exactly sure when Muller, and we expect he's going to put his sentencing recommendations out now on Mantaport and Cone, which we've been talking about like he did against General Flynn, But we're not sure exactly when Muller is going to issue his final Russia Gate report. If I had a guess, it's going to be after the holidays. What's today, December seventh, that would be my best guests. I assume they're going to make another run at trying to get the President to either talk to them or answer more questions. I can't see that there's going to be a real urgency in the White House to do that, but there's going to be a Juliani report to rebut a lot of this, and I'll bet, I'll bet a lot of the information that we have discovered in the last year and a half will be present in that rebuttal. And I bet this new report of John Solomon will also. This email chain at some point is going to be released, just like those three O two's and those FISA applications. And if the FBI used as the bulk of information as suggested by Nunez and Grassley and Graham and their memos, that they used something they never verified, and that that they spied illegally on a opposition party candidate using opposition party research and withheld that from the courts. We've identified Greg Jarretts identified eight felonies now that they would be potentially liable for having committed. So we're not sure when these reports. The President tweeted earlier today that eighty seven pages of the report were already prepared for rebuttal by Rudy Giuliani and Muller's report is expected in coming months, and after a two year long long probe of nothing and Julianni told The Daily Beast in August that the counter report preparation was underway and would consist of two sections. So we'll see what happens there. Trump's attorney general pick. Just to go back to him for a second here, William Barr has called for a brand new investigation into the Hillary Clinton crime wave. He's no fan also of Robert Muller. Bars not shied away from sharing those opinions about several key issues as it relates to the Muller probe. Penning op ed in the Washington Post May of twenty seventeen, defending Trump's move just days earlier to fire former FBI Director Comy. By the way, the President could have fired him for any reason. It's indisputable. Doesn't matter why he fired him. He has a right to do that. Even Comey acknowledged that. And Barr also waited in on President's steady criticism of the Muller team because several prosecutors donated money to the Democrats, and he said rightly so. In my view, prosecutors who make political contributions are identifying fairly strongly with a political party. Remember the pitbull, Andrew Weiseman was hanging out waiting for Hillary's victory at the Javits Center and the fireworks that were taken away a few days before. I would have liked to have seen him have more balance on this group. November twenty seventeen, barred down the criticism that Trump was crossing a line when he called for a new special Council appointment to examine potential wrongdoing at the Clinton Foundation, tied to suggestions that a US government panel approved the sale of large uranium firm to Russia and that they got money kickbacks, which we know did in fact take place. Is nothing inherently wrong about a president calling for an investigation. A matter of fact, the president can order one if you want to get into the pure power of the presidency in the executive branch, and said so at the time. And the uranium one deal. That's all stuff that has happened. And speaking of the Clinton Foundation, Katherine Herridge reporting today that three people now have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing building on John Solomon's piece at the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds, allegations of quid pro quo promises made to donors during Clinton's tenure as Secretary Estate Mark Meadows now going on the record, Meadows chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee of Government Operations. That panel is holding an investigative hearing next week on the status of the foundation case. You know, one has to ask where US Attorney John Huber is, who is tasked to investigate the foundation last year by Jeff Sessions, and that foundation consistently has maintained that it's a charity and never traded on Hillary's position. But the Whole reported on Thursday prosecutors working for Uber recently requested documents from a private investigative firm that also has been looking into the foundation. And I just told you about John Solomon's piece, which you will explain in the next hour. I don't want to get on that, but you know, Muller gave Obama officials a pass on felony leak of for example, General Flynt Kimberly. Strassel I thought made a point that nobody else is making today in the Wall Street Journal because Muller's approaching his endgame and the press is all with their speculation as to how bad Muller's report will be for Trump. And it is worth noticing, though, how good Muller has been to another president. And I would be Barack Obama and his team. You know why the benevolence in their direction because it was on display when the sentencing document. And we're getting two more today. You know, the Special Counsel's Office filed on Tuesday for Michael Flynn because the former Trump national security advisor, we are told, had provided substantial assistance nineteen interviews, aided in several ongoing investigations. They recommend sparing him any prison time. But what about the potential crimes that put mister Flynn in Muller's crosshairs to begin with, none of this would have happened. I thought I was the only one else talking about this, and Kimberly laid it out really well on this piece. And that is the Obama White House only learned about Flynn's conversations with as soon to be rushing counterpart because the US monitors phone calls of foreign officials. But under law, they're supposed to use a process called minimization, and that is if they recognize that one is an American. If any American is caught up in their eavesdropping, if it's an American, you gotta get a warrant to eavesdrop on an American we have Fourth Amendment protections. Anyway. Ten days later, someone in the administration leaked to The Washington Post that the conversation mister Flynn had what is soon to be counterpart and but they're forgetting that. Devin Newness is called the leak the most destructive to national security that he had seen in Washington, disclosing classified information as a felony punishable way up to ten years in prison. And the Post is bragged that its story was sourced by nine separate officials. Oh, is that okay? Now we're going to we want our government to do this. By the way, apparently McCabe launched a Trump obstruction investigation before Muller was ever appointed. It just gets deeper and deeper and deeper, and where it ends I just I can't even begin to guess at this point. Hey, we're all on the Sean Hannity Show, proud members of the Dollars Shave Club dot Com slash Hannity. Look everything you need to look, feel, smell your greatest and what I love the best about the Dollars Shape Club dot Com slash Hannity. I don't ever have to go to a store. I don't have to beg somebody to open up the razor box where it's all locked up. Find somebody, can you please unlock I need a new razor. Blah blah blah. 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Just go to dollars shaved club dot com slash Hannity dollars shaved club dot com slash Hannity Quick Break right back. Glad you with Us three hours a day, every day. It's all we ask. We'll continue, all right, it looks like there's a possibility that General Kelly might be retiring. And then we have a new a g pick by the President. Heather nowur to you win by the President. So the rumor is Nick Airs and Nick Airs, I guess he was what Pence is chief of staff? His name keeps coming up again and again. So we'll wait watch. We're also awaiting the sentencing recommendations. Manaphort, throw the book at him. Cone, who knows? Does any of it have anything to do with Russia? Nope, Taxi medallions, loan applications, taxes, lying to Congress, That's about it. No Russia. Mark Meadows and talking about just one of John Solomon's big breaking investigative reports this week. It's been a very busy week for him. Glad You with Us hour to Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and ninety four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. When I was speaking with with Devin Newness, there is just finally, almost two years in what could be, in my view, the single most damning evidence to date of the abuse of power and corruption within the FBI and the upper ranks the upper ranks of the FBI and the upper ranks of the DOJ, not rank and file. I always always always make a distinction here, you know, but this is important. In other words, there is an email chain that we now know exists. This was what Devin Newness is referring to as the fourth bucket. Remember, they wanted certain things unredacted and released to the American people. They wanted the three O two's Bruce or Christopher Steele. They wanted the Gang of Eight information released to the American people. They wanted the FISA warrant applications, the original application and the three subsequent renewals, specifically the last renewal that was signed by Rod Rosenstein and pages ten through twelve, seventeen to thirty four, which I have not seen, but I'm told those are the pages that would have key information in it. But imagine what this email chain now shows us and makes us aware of, is that the FBI knew Wave four. They secured and put in an application for a FISA warrant on Carter page that there were massive concerns about the integrity of the information, by the way, now pretty much debunked that they were going to use to obtain the FISA warrant. Now remember our investigation Inspector General, the Senate Intel Committee, the House Intel Committee, the new Nest Memo, the Grassly Grand memo. That the bulk of the information to obtain the warrants was the Clinton Boughton paid for with funneled money dossier using a foreign agent, Christopher Steele and his rushing contacts. And what we're now learning is because as a matter of law and protocol and everything in between, they're supposed to verify and corroborate such information before they present it to the court. We also know that they withheld pertinent information to the court, the fact that Hillary had bought and paid for this information, the fact that it was unverified and uncorroborated, but they knew that it was tainted and likely even not true. That was his first big story of the week. Any updates there, because what you're talking about is every person that signed off on those FISA applications would be responsible for perpetrating a fraud based on the way Rod Rosenstein describes what the process would mean. Right, Yeah, there's no doubt, John, we are looking at a perry. Now. This case began with a conspiracy. Right, The question was whether a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian And I think it will end with an entirely different conspiracy, a conspiracy by the Justice Department in the FBI to selectively provide facts to a court and hide exculpatory evidence. And I think you heard Devin Unions on the so last night, You've heard Mark Meadows say it. You've heard Senator Grassy say it. Even Paul Ryan, who was not necessarily that interested in this issues at the beginning, now says that he believes there were fights abuses. This case will, when we are all done, we'll flip on its head and instead of the core allegations that it all started with, the investigators are going to be the investigated. And today we see some of that going on behind closed doors with James Komy. He's on that email chain. I don't know where in the email chain he is, but he's on that chain. And he's one of those guys that even though he let his bureau submit the Steel dossier to the court as evidence, he's the guy that's been out there most frequently saying it was unverified. He barely didn't understand when he submitted the fight you're not supposed to use unverified information for a vice. But his own words called it unverified. And the question that they need to ask him today is if it was unverified, why did you allow your bureau to use it? And I think we're going to get some very interesting answers out of the Komi interrogation today. I think it's going to be very interesting. I wonder if there'll be any leaks in there, because he's behind closed doors. He was desperately afraid of that. But I do think I hope he has good lawyers in there with him, because I think he's probably in a heap of trouble, because that would be a conscious fraud perpetrated on the court and violating someone's Fourth Amendment rights against some unreasonable search and seizure. I won't renew what I had played earlier this week, and that's Rod Rosenstein. When you get a vice a warrant, I mean that you have to sign an AFFI David as a law enforcement official that to the best of your knowledge, this is true and accurate, and you know, blah blah, and there are severe consequences if it's not all right. Let me go to breaking news story two of John Solomon, and this is you know, we've all been wondering, how did the Clintons always get away with it? They get away with the Espionagact violation, the server and the mom and pop shop bathroom closet that gets fixed for them. They get away with subpoena, emails, erased, hard drives, wash clean, with bleach pit devices busted up. Won't even go back to the Clinton years and all the different controversies there. Let's just start start with Hillary Clinton. Then we know the Uranium one deal. Multiple millions of dollars kicked back to the Clinton Foundation from the very people involved in the Uranium one deal. Our FBI, we had a spy, William Campbell, inside Putin's network in the United States. Putin wanted a foothold in our uranium industry and they were involved in bribery, blackmail, extortion, money laundering, and our spy was telling our FBI everything that was going on every step of the way, they still got that deal done. Hillary was one of nine people to sign off on the deal, and a lot of money from the people involved in the deal end up in the foundation, the Clinton Foundation. Now the Clinton Foundation itself is under well, let's say scrutiny like never before. Why don't you walk us through what you discovered. Yeah, this is really interesting. So there's a group of former federal investigators, people who brought down the cartels to the DA, people who prosecuted major crimes and the financial sector in Connecticut, in New York, and they put they spend a year of their own time and money, and they put together a body of evidence and they submitted what is known as a whistleblower submission to the IRS and too the FBI last year. It started at the IRS, and it's interesting they sent it to the IRS in August of seventeen. By October of seventeen, main Justice Department called the mask them for presentation. And then in January of twenty eighteen, the FBI and Little Rock, the field office that would handle a criminal case against the Cutton Foundation because that's where it's based, interviewed these guys and it's a forty eight page complaint supported by six thousand internal documents of the Clinton Foundation, and it lays out the most compelling case to day that Severn memnate publicly why there was criminality and illegality going on inside the Cutton Foundation. And guess what their evidence is. It isn't these guys, It isn't Republicans. It is internal documents that the Cutton Foundation produced itself that flag legal issues and were These are some of the quotes from the legal reviews that the Clinton Foundation did on itself. We've never seen these, right, here's one of them. There were quid pro crow expectations created for donors that if they gave money to the foundation they would get something from Secretary Clinton or President Clinton's government connections. Quid procos, as you know, are legal. There is a culture of non compliance with the law and with IRS regulations. That's the law firm for the Clinton Foundations making these private determinations. There is improper commingling of personal business and foundation a business, and it's to the detriment of the foundation. Interpreted in Layman's terms, expenses for personal business endeavors of the Clinton's or other people involved in the foundation. We're being picked up by the tax exempt donations of the foundation, and I can go on travel abuse, travel fraud is decided in there. Some of the misconduct going on inside the foundation so disturbed its own workers, the foundation's own workers in two eleven, they were asking for whistleblower protections. Think about that, a charitable foundation whose employees feel like they need to be given whistleblower protections because they were asked to sanction improper behavior. All of this was done out by these investigators. All of it was given to the IRS and to the FBI and to the Justice Department. And next week the big question is going to be, mister government, what have you done with an FBI doj irs? What have you done with this compilation of evidence? And are you investigating in Mark Meadows whose clip you paid just a few seconds. It's gonna have a hearing. The first panel, I understanding is going to be these whistleblowers laying after case. The second is going to be somebody who's an expert that made cases like this, and they're gonna ask them, could you make a case from this? And then the third one is supposed to be the Justice Department, someone representing Rod Robinstein or Rosistein or John Hubert or the FBI thing, what have you done to investigate these serious allegations? And I think it's going to be quite a day and we may get our very first the answer is the very first public confirmation that there is an ongoing investigation of the of the Cuttin Foundation. Well, what was there was talk a while back? Well, I heard at one point there was a grand jury that had been seated in Little Rock on this very issue. What you're describing here is six thousand pages of evidence attached to a whistleblower submission filed secretly more than a year ago with the IRS and the FBI, a forty eight page submission dated August eleven, twenty seventeen, supported by ninety five exhibits and including internal legal reviews at the foundation conducted on itself, and that they flagged these serious allegations about legality, compliance, improper co mingling of personal and charitable donations, and business and quid pro quel promises as you just mentioned. All right, all right, if I did this, why do I think I'd be in real serious jeopardy of going to jail? Or I think, listen, here's a great question. Look at the amount of intrigue and attention and curiosities and media has given to the allegations against Donval Trump, and then how much has been given to the Clinton Foundation. Take a look at the amount of resources spent to investigate Donald Trump on a claim that we now know was flawed from the beginning. And let's let's find out whether the same Justice Department, ironically President Trump's own Justice department, whether they spent the same fervor and money investigating what is equally serious accusation. Listen, until proven right, they're just accusations. But this evidence is fairly important. And one of them things I didn't mention the first thing. These investigators, these private investigators who made the submission, they actually took the currencyfo that's financial officer the Foundation out for lunch right after President Trump was elected in November twenty sixteen, and according to their report of their interview, he made several spontaneous admissions of wrongdoing at the foundation. He denies he would hold to that pot only because I have to take a break. We'll come back. We'll continue two big breaking stories. John Solomon also we'll be joining us tonight on Hannity to delve deeper into both these issues. Nine Eastern. These are huge issues. I mean, this is now I think the most damning evidence as it relates to knowledge that the dossier was phony. They used it any way to obtain a warrant by committing obvious fraud and perpetrating lies on a court on a magnitude we've never seen before. And the Clinton Foundation co mingling of dollars is a big issue. We'll continue more John Solomon and later on. Oh, Camille Pali is going to join us today. We'll get her brilliant insights. She's always fond and much more straight up, working every day to remember the forgotten man. This is the Sean Show. This president that we have now is trying to unravel everything that he did and Obama jin and if I haven't become a one issue voter, it will be about pollution and the greenhouse effect, and we focused on the president. Please, I don't want to talk about troublic We're honoring a great I wanted to talk about honoring, but I'm not interested in your one issue. I don't care what you right back way, We'll be right back after that little fight. Apparently, according to some news reports, I think it was page six. They actually got really nasty behind the scenes. They actually read each other's throats with names that we can't even use on this show legally. So yeah, well, we love Republicans as people on the left just when they're dead. Uh, comeal Pollia is with us, back with us, provocateur, iconoclassed and uh one of the more interesting people I've ever had the chance over the years to interview. How are you Hi Shan? As a Democratic? I'm embarrassed by the behavior of my party for the last few years since the election. For heaven's sakes, there was a duly elected president and now it's incumbent on my party to clarify its agenda and find a strong candidate that can appeal from coast to coast. And there's all this endless, almost hallucinatory obsession with tearing the president down and thereby weakening the image of America in the world. What is in your view? I look at the Democratic agenda is almost singularly focused on destroying Donald Trump. We know where they stand. They want open borders, they want the crumbs back the tax cuts that President Trump passed, and I don't hear any policies that I think would benefit the American people. I say, the forgotten men and women that are struggling and out of work, in poverty, on food stamps, etc. And I think I don't see an agenda that's going to be one that's going to help make the country better. No, it's like a cloud of hysterical emotionalism that's coming from I think this complete isolation and detachment of the educated elite and the urban media in the United States. I'm speaking as a professor of media studies. The self destruction of journalism itself over the past few years is going to have a terrible effect in the long run on our democracy. When the President says fake news, or I say fake news, or because I think a lot of it is fake, my analysis that I can't really watch a whole lot of it, but we do for pure I guess entertainment and political purposes. Pick out. But it seems like it's every second, every minute, every hour, every day, it's Hay Trump, and without any exceptions, on some of the cable networks. Well, and I had I've had to stop watching TV news completely. Well, well, Hannity's on at nine, professor, that's so not fair. What are you doing. What do you do? I gotta put food on the table. You know, you're telling me, what's that about? I thought we were friends. Well, I used to watch the network News and CNN all the time, and now I tune in CNN for the hurricanes. And that's it, because it's absolutely unbearable, these people living in their bubble in Manhattan and Washington and Los Angeles. I teach you Philadelphia, but I live in the distant suburbs, and I try to observe actual social reality in the United States. All right. I think that's you know, what was pouring out of the you know, the major media is absolute. What can I what can I say? It's almost like a Spanish inquisition. These people are are twisted, truly mentally twisted people who are so focused, okay on tearing down other people's beliefs, you know, without presenting ecoherent agenda of their own. You know, I like to I really like conservatism, and I'm a concer servative because I like the ideas that I believe when implemented work, piece through strength works, lower taxes, less burdensome regulation works. I've never I can't really point to a left wing policy that I can embrace and say, you know what, that's a great idea that's going to help people, because all they've done is frankly created more dependency. Yes, I mean, I'm you know, I voted for Bernie Sanders or in the in the Democratic primaries last time around. But I'm well aware, okay, of the impracticality of UM of the socialist posals that are endorsed by, particularly many of the younger UM now elected officials, who appeared to have no clear grasp on economics, okay, and how in fact a nation's wealth is generated. So I think there's just a kind of a lack of practical understanding this. There's too much adherence to buzzwords and compassion as as a general flag instead of the GEOP at least has a sense of, you know, the way economies actually work in the modern world. Yeah, I don't think the GOP really has it. I think Trump has it. I think a few Republicans have it. I think real conservatives have it. But I have more contempt for the Republican Party that frankly has just become a watered down version of the Democratic Party. And the thing that I hate the most in life is I don't see courage. I don't see these people fighting and taking a stand, and they say one thing on the campaign trail and they do something entirely different when they get in a position of power, and that frustrates me. I think healthcare was a great case in point, but Obama's president. Sixty five times Republicans vote to repeal and replace than when it mattered to no where to be found or absolutely yeah. I mean I was one of the few Democrats criticizing Obamacare before it was ever passed, trying to warn the party don't be going down that road. I think, you know, essentially, Nancy Pelosi even pulled out, you know, a plan they had been in the drawer, you know, for years, and was saying things like, we'll find out what's in it once it's passed, and so on. All of the problems in Obamacare. I think we're very very clear way down the road. You know. Look, the promises were and kept, keep your doctor, your plans, save money. Millions lost their doctors and plans. Now they have only one option and nobody saved any money. What do you think of What are your observations about Donald Trump? One thing that I do like about him. Is the world feigns, you know, outrage at every word or tweet that he sends out there. I think it's selective and phony, and I think they're all pretending. I don't think we're a bunch of snowflakes that have not heard these words before or known people that are combative in our life before. I love that he fights, and when he's fighting for the American people, that's good. But um, what are your general thoughts about him, his presidency and his amans that want to remove him from office. Well, he's you know, he's a practical man of business who was brought in essentially from outside all of the party's structures. There has been a civil war going on inside the Republican Party as well as inside the Democratic Party for for years now. And I, you know, I think that he represents a wave. It's obvious. It's happened in Brazil, it's happening in Europe as well. Of the electorates are are sick and tired of politics as usual and wants someone to come in and deal with the problems themselves outside of ideology. And that's essentially what he brings. That there's a kind of whatever chaos Uh. You know, the media are you know, have been decrying in the Trump administrations coming from the fact that he doesn't he was not a politician. He doesn't have a huge cadree of um of you know, allies and supporters in the political establishment, so he's been basically feeling his way. Um. But you know, I think the news media has failed spectacularly and its attacks on him for the since and since the election. Maybe the more they attack him, the more they they're driving the country away from themselves and towards Trump. That's what That's what I see. If if the economy continues strong, I've been saying, Hey, it seems to be no doubt that Trump will be re elected. I hope to vote for a Democrat, but they have to give me a nominee I can vote for and not accurst. Who would that Hillary? You wrote you wrote a piece about how Hillary wants Trump to win again. Who would be who? Why do you say that? And who would be the person you would most be inclined to or most interested in hearing more about at this time? Well? You can you can see by her behavior by this hogging of the spotlight. I mean that she's been doing okay, that she's been essentially cutting out, you know, de lays from from all the Democratic candidates who would would like to build up a national profile. I mean, I think her behavior or fellow Democrats has been absolutely appalling and classless. A well, I would I had high hope so for for Kamala Harris. Okay, but I heard her behavior has certainly not been such in the last year or so that I would believe she could draw votes from the broad midsection of the country. So I've been looking at candidates, possible candidates, for example, UM Governor Steve Bullock of Montana and also a Congresswoman Sherry Bustas from Illinois. This is the kind of you know, the kind of heartland manner, a warmth without the sarcasm and the sniping and the elitism that's so characteristic of an Elizabeth Warren, you know, um or of a cursing Gillibrand's all over the map. You know, I find President Trump hilarious, Like, for example, I look at your writings and you know, a lot of times I'll laugh out loud, and I think I can I know you now well enough. I think that I know that you'd like to push people's buttons and make them think. I can only imagine what you're like in the classroom. I frankly would love to sit in on a lecture and watch that endeavor unfold, because I'm assuming you're teaching a bunch of snowflakes and there's shock and awe of their precious little value system getting challenged. I've got to imagine that's a pretty interesting experience. Well, at a practical vocational art school. Okay, so I don't have as many snowflakes as are pouring into the elite school. Well, but still, you know, I hope there's a little shock and awe. You know, the best teachers I had. I had a really great professor at a Delphi University when I went. I went there a year and he was a sociology guy, and he's just out of his mind. Okay, if you want me to say communism is great, and I'll get an a Okay, I understand the game. I can play that way, and or I can just stand up to you and say you're an idiot and I can't stand your stupid book that you're making us by and I'm wasting my time in this class. And then you suffer and you get the appropriate grade of daring to challenge the views of the professor. Right, Well, my voice and my views are available to the public, and my new book is Provocations, okay, which is a collection of essays and a huge variety of things from Hollywood to politics to my longstanding proposal that religion comparative religion be made the core curriculum of undergraduate education. I mean, as I believe that only by understanding the great world religions of the you know, through history, can people really hoped for any kind of multicultural understanding of Earth today. Yeah, all right, Camille Pallias with us. A new book is called Provocations, a seven hundred page essay collection including well her best choice satires of Hillary Clinton, all listed in the index. If you want to get a copy, we'll put it up on Hannity dot com. I'll take a quick break, we'll come back right back. We'll get to your calls. Final half hour of the program today. Eight hundred nine for one, Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program. As we continue, Chameil Palia is with us. The latest book, Provocations, all right, is humanity losing its sense of humor because I see we're losing ourself. I mean, don't you when people make fun of me, right, which they do, I love it. I think it's the greatest form of flattery. I have people that I know in the business that I work in radio and TV. Somebody says one bad thing about them Saturday Night Live mocks them and they lose it. They bubble in fizz like alka seltzer and water and they can't handle it. Why is that? Well, comedy was one of the great genres of American culture. I mean, one of the cultural heroes of my college years was Lenny Bruce Okay, who it was arrested, you know, repeatedly for pushing the limits of comedy in live comedy. All right, and some I regard humor as healthy. People who are humorless or who are thin skinned, hypersensitive to the offensiveness of comedy and so on, they have a mental problem right now. Unfortunately, our universities have institutionalized the state of neurotic hypersensitiveness. You know, I don't know if you watch comedy shows or these specials like on HBO, or maybe some of the older comedians like Richard Pryor was hilarious. I think Chris Rock is probably the most energetic, gifted, um storyteller, a conoclastic tell it like it is comedian out there today. Um, I've watched all these guys, and the more raw, the better for me. The more the more politically incorrect, the funnier they are. But there are a lot of comics they're afraid to go there because of where we are in society. And you can't say this, and you can't offend that one or that one. Oh. Absolutely, Yeah. The comedian depends on the sense of transgression. You have to have boundaries seeing you to violate. But I am am a believer in free thought and free speech, okay, and that in comedy should always be unfettered. We're in a very very puritanical period right now. That is very dangerous, okay, because it invades the mind, It intrudes on the mind, it holds you hostage. Were you worried the way Judge Kavanaugh was treated? Oh? I thought it was absolutely appalling, absolutely appalling. But but the Democrats shot themselves in the foot. Okay, but good lord, okay, have you ever seen Okay, it's such a irrational it was, it was it was like the Salem witch trial. It really was, all right, Camire Paullia. Her book Provocation, seven hundred page essay including her best work, is on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com Comil good to talk to you. I have a sean. Thank you so much. I have a great vacation. I assume you're going on vacation, having a break. All right, I never have a vacation, but happy holidays to you. Okay with you too, thank you. Hey, listen, sorry to spoil the surprise, but if you're going to get a gift from me this Christmas, everybody's getting Black Rifle Coffee dot com slash Shawn gift certificates, I'll tell you why. It is the best, greatest coffee experience you'll ever had. I had a cup of coffee this morning, Black Rifle coffee. I take a sip and it's like the difference is so dramatic. You take one cup of coffee and your life changes forever. It's that good, depending on the strength the flavor of the variety. Now, this is a company that hires first responders and American heroes are vets. It was founded by them. They hire these guys and they donate to these great causes, and you get the best roads to order coffee you've ever had, guaranteed fresh, delicious coffee. With every single order, you pick your favorite blend, whatever you want. Black Rifle will ship the coffee right to your door. And it makes a great gift this Christmas season, great tasting coffee and they offer three six twelve month prepaid page you go subscriptions for people that you love in your life. Now you supporting a company created by vets, hiring vets, hiring first responders, and donating to VETS and the best coffee you've ever had Black Rifle Coffee dot com slash sewn. You got a fifteen percent discount Black Rifle Coffee dot com slash shawn fifteen percent discount. We'll take a quick break on this Friday. We'll come back, we'll continue, and when we do, we have Jonathan Gillham and Maria Elvira and much more straight ahead all right news, round up information overload hour by the way, we'll have more coverage of the Mueller sentencing filings as it relates to the Cone and Manaphort cases, and of course more on Comey's testimony as leaks come out of that meeting. Wonder what he had to say about, Oh, the sentencing of Lieutenant General Flynn, who never lied under oath. He didn't think so, McCabe didn't think so, Struck didn't think so. But yet he was forced to plead guilty to that. And obviously the strong armed tactics of the Muller team had to be responsible for all of that. We'll get back to that in a second. You just heard from the mayor of Tijuana speaking out against the caravan, joining US Jonathan Gillham, former Navy seal Federal Air Marshall at PI agent, author A Sheep No More. Maria Elvira, Cuban American journalist and broadcaster and has worked, by the way with Univision Telemundo. Welcome both of you to the program. Maria, you know everybody had said in the beginning when this caravan started and we saw people on the southern border of Mexico breaking down fences and walking right past security and police and the military down to Mexico that this was a big problem. There's still thousands of people there. Some have now decided to turn around and go home because the president says, you're not getting into the country, and the question is why did Mexico hand allow it to be handled this way? Well, because, and thank you for having me on your show. Mexico has a big problem right now, and it's the first time that they are really encountering what we have been suffering for many years because this administration decided not to allow these people to get in. At the same time, Mexico now needs to understand and I think that they're coming to the realization that they need to put a stop on their southern border. So Mexico, Lopez Overdor and President have the same problem, which is trying to determine what are they going to do with this wave of immigrants trying to either come into Mexico or into the United States. But I want to repeat, mister Hannity, exactly what I've been saying all along. We're going to have the caravan, and we're gonna have many more caravans because people are desperate in Central America. That does not mean that we need to allow everybody in. We should only let people that have a legitimate claim for asylum. Legitimate claim for asylum. If I have been raped five times by a gang in Honduras, that could be grounds for letting. But when you get when you get to me, when you get to Mexico, why aren't people applying for asylum there? And I know that early on that the Mexican government even offered work permits, uh for for some of the migrant caravan members and uh nobody really there were no takers of that. The goal was really to get to the United States, which I understand. But don't you think they say they should stay in Mexico. But don't you think Mexico Tell me, well, Mexico, by the way, usually they have far more stricter and stringent policies on illegal immigrants than we do. But because they either put them in jail or send them right back and there's no chance they ever get to stay anyway. So you know, to get lectured by Mexico again and again on illegal immigration as a joke to me, But wouldn't a wall that was built that was impenetrable, wouldn't it be good for the safety and the security of people on all sides? In other words, if people in Central America, Al Salvador, Nico, Agua, Honduras, if they see that wall and they're not going to be able to get over that wall. They're not going to make the thousand plus mile trek on foot to even attempt it, So they would they would then go through the proper process, wouldn't they. Oh, I agreed that the wall will stock thousands of them, but we have history cases that the walls, either in France or the Romans, the wall didn't stop everybody that wanted to come here. But I agree, But then I think it's not only the wall, mister Hannity. We need more solutions the wall or maybe a hot straight to border security, more border patrol, more infrastructure, and more infrared cameras, night vision cameras, more people, but at the same time, more visas for those that are coming in because our market is demanding that our labor market needs those people that are trying to come in. So you see or and then at the same time, see what type of legality we're going to give to those people that are here already, and then go talk to the Mexicans and the Nicaraguans and the Gatemelans and the salvador and ask the people their presidents, how can we keep your people home? In which way we can help you. So it's many pronged and I'm sure that you agree. The wall or high border security is just one of the topics that we need to talk about. It's comprehensive, is a wide immigration. And this is the only president that has dared to come forth and say we need to put the house in order. That's why he's being branded as a racist because the other governments, the Clinton administration and the Obama administration, didn't dare to do and because of the fear for international condemnation, because of the liberal press, because of the criticism. So you see. But at the same time as not puss were joined. But I think at least no Jonathan. We've had in the last week, we had the death of this young teacher in Texas by a violent felon that the committed crimes in America was let out. We have one illegal immigrant to port at eight times before he murdered a coworker of his This is in the state of Washington. We learned just recently from the Washington Examiner that Obama had authorized three hundred million taxpayer dollars to pay for free legal advice to illegal immigrants. The Census Bureau says sixty three percent of non residents non citizens rather are on some type of welfare. And there was a study that came out that showed that on average, an illegal immigrant is costing seventy thousand dollars a year per person in this country, and that includes the healthcare system, educational system, and the criminal justice system. That's an awful lot of money. And it seems like the wall in the end would be well worth the investment. We'd save money and we wouldn't have to worry so much about criminal elements if we were able to vet people. There's absolutely no doubt about that. And you know, I really really like what bil Virus saying about the comprehensive a coach, because a lot of these excuse me, what Maria Virus saying. I love your name, by the way, and I know why she doesn't work for CNN or for the other channel anymore either, because you make sense. I used to work for CNN as well a little while, so you make a lot of stuff, and you know, comprehend you are right. The comprehensive approach is what it's all about. The not just building a wall, but what about changing policy. Look at, for instance, Sean, when we look at the state Department and the policies that are entrenched in the State Department. When it comes to people coming over from the Middle East, you know, you have places like Jibouti and places where people can't necessarily get to the country, so they go to other countries to integrate and try to come over here. And they don't have the ability to even run fingerprints in some of those places, or to run databases from the d D to see if anybody ever has ever been in off in any type of a terrorist incident. We don't have the ability to do that because they won't share it, not because the technology doesn't exist. These are policy issues, and a lot of the times those things aren't even checked until ten years later after they get here. It's the same problem that you have with the southern border is that for years, well really up until now, no one has truly tried to fix the problem. And if you spend any time in Central South America, Sean, you spend time at the border. You pointed out all these things about the border, Well, what's interesting about Central South America is you go from the border down and many of the countries are no different than where the border is. People are trying to move from one place to another. They're trying to, but they don't have the money to migrate. And that's another thing it's very odd about this is how this group suddenly had money to move thousands and thousands of people thousands of miles that doesn't exist. They are that poor. But we have to have policies where if you're going to build a wall, why not build military bases down there by the wall and have exercises down there so we have a military presence. Why not why not build in certain areas where where there is um where there's going to be a wall, where there's known people that come across. Why aren't we using trained law enforcement dogs in those areas more for a threat to turning. You know, these are things that work at military bases, which if you try to sneak into a military base, you're going to get caught, especially if you do it and there is a group of people. Why aren't we putting the same technology into that. We put military bases all over this country, why not build them into the wall. And I think that in that area, we have mountains, we have deserts, we have we have swamp regions, great training, great place of the military to be stationed so they can start doing this type of training and that. Let me ask you, Maria, Yeah, no, I think there's all good ideas. Maria. What happened to you when you worked at Univision Telemundo and Fake New Sea and end? Well, I worked before the Trump era, but I tell you he was working for MegaTV, which is a third regional network US Spanish network in the United States. And I can't tell you, and I'm not sure. I don't know how this is going to sound, but this is the truth that the President Trump is not loved by Spanish television. That's the truth. I had serious problems with producers because they did not like the guy, and I kept him saying, it's not that I like him or not. I do not hire him to be my spiritual pastor. I hired him to solve the problem in the country. He's not always right, but when he is not, we have to be respectful because you know why, the sentity of the American electoral system is sacred to us. You know why because my parents are political refugees from Cuba, and everybody, including Central America and Venezuela and Cuba and Argentine would love to have the American electoral system, and that system happened to have chosen mister Trump. He won by the rules. Therefore we need to respect him. There's no way that I believe that as journalists we can be saying that he is this and he is that. I don't even want to repeat the worst that we have heard another networks, but big why Because we have points of reference, Because first generation Americans understand, and we're generous, and we love the country. We'll want to keep the system the way it is for the future of your children and my children. So that's why I had serious problems. And I'm telling you, mister Hannity, that we need to and I'm sending this message to my friends in Spanish television. We need to stop this and start covering the news and not the man. We'll take a break. Welcome back. On the other side, Maria Elvira is with us broadcast journalists at work for CNN, you know Vision tell Amundo Jonathan Gillham, who we all know very well. Quick break right back will continue at the bottom of this half hour. We'll get right to the phones. Eight hundred and nine for one. Shawn is our number as we continue draining the swamp on a corrupt politician at a time. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, As we continue with Jonathan Gilham and Maria Elvira cuban American journalist and she's worked for Univision, Tell Mundo CNN. UM, I want to just one last point. I don't let Jonathan respond to what we were just talking about. Do you believe you were targeted because you did not share a certain political belief that was dominant at these networks? Well, I don't know if I And I'm sure you recall I just finished running for District number twenty seven in Florida. I wanted you to win. Yes, I was hoping you were gonna win, and thank you very much for that. And we almost did it. And I proved to everybody, including my party, that you could be a Hispanic, a conservative, a woman in a blue district and not denounced or criticized or insult of the president and still come two points away from the president of the Clinton Foundation, who was my opponent, Missus Donna Shalela. She was not only the president of the Clinton Foundation, but she was also the longest serving member under the Clinton president. I'm not gonna listen. I'm telling you right now, I'm not gonna let you give up. The only mistake I could tell you that you made is we have We had tried Linda, right, how many times did we try to get Maria on this program. We want to just step missing each other. We want to her on when she was running. Um, we wanted to help your campaign. We were watching it very closely, and you did run a great race. You know. I just think, Jonathan, at the end of the day, and everything unfortunately gets broken down demographically, and I understand it. It's it's it's part of the way everything get measured. But at the end of the day, we're all Americans here and as Americans at the absolutely and we are more Americans sometimes than you are. You know why, because we love the system. Because I repeated, we have a point of reference. We know how bad it looks a good point when you listen. We take for granted, I will concur We take for granted the liberties and freedoms we have. Jonathan will give you the last word. You know, I grew up extremely poor in Arkansas, Sean and the way this country is set up and What makes it so great is that I'm not still poor. I worked my way out of that. You know, I did all these things, and I set my mind to becoming all these things, and I've done that. If I lived in Central South America, I'd still be poor. And why is that? Because there is a stronghold of criminality amongst the politicians. And it's the same way. I know this sounds totally political, but the Democratic Party in this country is the same way. They look at you as this way, not that way, and they want you to stay that way. And that's why I think when we look at individuals like Maria and what she did standing up down there, we have to look at them as warriors and we have to stand behind them. And I keep saying that about conservatives in this country. You know, it could be a while the globalist to continue. It's going to go downhill. Yeah, this is a battle for the heart and soul of the future of the country. It's a tipping point and that's what we're fighting for every day. Well, you know what, America do we want to leave to our kids and our grandkids. All Right, Thanks Maria, We'll talk again. Eight hundred and nine for one Shaun is our number. Listen, our friends, My pell have done it again. Mike Lindell. Remember I've told you I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. It just works. It is the single most comfortable pillow you've ever laid your head on. Now they've taken it a step further. Now we all have a mattress, but you don't have a my pillow mattress topper. 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And all you have to do is go to my pillow dot com promo code Hannity or mention my name eight hundred nine nine zero nine zero. Your calls are next exposing left wing media bias. No stone left unturned. The Sean Hannity Show is back on the air, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Happy Friday, and yeah, we're gonna take your calls for the half hour. But it's Friday. You've been working hard, you're head at home. You want to smile on your face. We have a brand new Friday concert series set up for you. Charlie Daniels, Zach Brown and Big and Wrench. Let's hit it. The Devil went down to Georgia. He was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bang because he was way behind, and he was willing to make a deal. When he came across this young man sewing on the fiddle and playing it hot, and the Devil jumped up on a hicker stump and said, boy, let me tell you what. I guess you didn't know it. But I'm a fiddle player too, And if you care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you. Now you've played pretty good, fiddle, boy, but give the devil his due. I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, because I think I'm bettered you. The boy said, my name's Johnny, and it might be a sin, but I'll take your bet. You're gonna regret because I'm the best has ever been. John Heres up your bowl and playing fiddle hard because health broke lous Georgian the devil music cards. And if you wh you get the shiny little little gold. But if you lose, the devil gets your soul and a little bit of chicken. Try don't be here on Friday night. A parent teams to fit just right, and the radio al see song see the love and my woman's eye, fear touch of a precious child, and do what mother's love. It's funny how it's a little things in life that means come on them fing it goes me away. She's everything I'm gonna say to a woman going to good find the worst. She come on em, I don't know what to do. Every time I'm trying to tell around field that comes out, I love you you got on ever, I got some good friends that lived down the street, got a girl in mama in her arm, time give in a small time there it is like, Oh, I got it every big one and loving that. I don't home. Where will coming to your sitta? Wanna lay? I get time to see your country song? Will? I'm being like high little tel And if you want a little I don't know to put a little fun on your Friday. Get y'all set in the right mood for the weekend. All right, let's get to our busy phones. As we say hi to Peter. Peter is in the great state of South Carolina. What's up, Peter? How are you? We're in South Carolina? Are you? I'm in the Charles scenario. Have you ever been a Hall steakhouse in Charleston? Which time you've been there? In a bunch of that huh Lobston MACARONI go for it. Oh man, it's even better than that. That was the best, one of the best steak houses ever. Loved the place and they greet you, and they tell you to die. They're the best. I actually got to meet the owners when I was there, and a lot of great people go And what a great fun place to hang out too. It's a great place to be. Really, anywhere in downtown Charleston there's a great place to be. Yeah, that's true. What's going on? Um, so judges signed Lawrence? If we now know that the five Court was why too, why haven't those judges signed Warren? And that goes right back to what film says it. Justice Roberts says there is no such thing as an abiolo judge or so forth. That's proof there is. Those judges should be signing wars for those people that live. Remember it's it's Chief Justice Roberts that appointed these FISA Court judges. I don't I don't know if the tough top of my head, remember I think it's there's nine, ten, eleven, maybe I don't remember the number, but twelve. There's a number of FISA Court judges. But they're appointed by the Chief Justice. And you're listen, I can tell you with a certainty. And I know Judge Judy So I met her a couple of times. She is such a nice lady. You would have no idea. She's fun, she's so dynamic one of the personality, and I've gotten to spend time with it. But I will say this, no judge is gonna take being lied to. No judge is gonna judges now knowing that they knew what was presented in those FISA applications being false, knowingly false, and that those people that signed off were signing off and verifying the accuracy and authenticity of this, and they never verified it, and withholding certain information so to go along too on the whole tabinall thing well roaded and losing everything. Are we gonna make him hale again? Because we're probably shooting him. The only way that happens is if he gets a pardon at some point. It doesn't look like he's getting jail time. By the way, it's eleven FISA judges. Our good friend Linda is really fast on Google, so it's it's eleven. I was close, but the yeah, I mean, his life a thing about this, And and by the way, thank you for the call. Tell everybody at Hall's next time you're there. I said, hello, it's this is your whole life. Now it's been a year of hell well, actually two years of hell if you really want to know the truth, for for Lieutenant General Flynt. And when you get to the point having served thirty three years serving your country, years in combat and you now have to pay for these attorneys. It's not like he was being paid, you know, massive amounts of money serving his country. But he did have enough money to buy a house. Now that house, that retirement money's gone for him and he had to sell it to pay his lawyers. Lawyers are expensive as hell, and he had to do it, and which is problem. Then they wanted to go after his kids. So now he has to end it by admitting to something that nobody thought he did. That that's not justice in America. That can't be our justice system. I understand that cooperation agreements are important, but there are also something known as prosecutorial discretion. And I just think that for whatever reason, and this is why I never liked this team that Mueller put together. You have these overly ambitious prosecutors like gun slingers. They have lost any sense or touch with what they do to the lives of individuals, and the benefit of the doubt is hardly ever afforded to them, because then it becomes a competition for them, and it becomes about winning and they don't want to lose. And I'm They're not gonna let this expensive defense attorney beat me. And you know, how about we just do the right thing, put some context and texture into these issues. And you know, if they fot anything helied, why would you go any further than that? That's sad, you know. I saw the media is saying, well, Hannity says, don't talk to the FBI. I said, it is. It saddens me. I grew up revering the FBI. And what I'm watching here and what we're learning from all of this is if the FBI comes calling, and God forbids you get something wrong. Doesn't mean Flynn's case it's even worse because it was illegally surveiled, unmasked, and raw intelligence leaked and they had his entire transcript. It was a setup. This is the biggest perjury trap that ever existed, and he doesn't get some of the facts clear right correct, They're gonna look, these are all process crimes. All these people be in charge with lying to the FBI. James Corsi, I mean Jerome Corsi saying whoa I'm not gonna lie to my God under oath to something I didn't do. Did I misremember things? Did I get facts wrong? Yeah, I'm seventy two years old. I didn't remember emails from twenty sixteen. I'm sorry. We're not giving anybody the benefit of the doubt. And then I went through the whole list of other people from Clapper to Brannan to Holder, to Loretta Lynch to Cheryl Mills and Uma Aberdeen and you know, Hillary Clinton, and the list goes on and all lying, and none of them get touched. And that's where the issue of equal justice under the law and application of our laws matters. All right, let's get back to our phones as we say hi to Nathan Is in Utah. Nathan, Hi, how are you glad you called? Sir? Hi? Sean. I'll be going, I'm good, sir. What's happening? Nothing much? Can I just start off by like thanking you for putting the truth out on the airwaves, Like you're a brave man for doing this. Well, brave, dumb, stupid. I don't I don't know. Listen, it's an honor to be here. I've never forgotten my whole life. I got a pretty nice honor this week from mediaite dot com as the number one most influential television anchor in the country. And I'm sure some of my fellow colleagues, Linda, you know that they hate that, right. Yeah, you have made this show for two years in a row, the number one show Hannity on cable news, and we now have hit our six hundred affiliates in radio, and you know you make this happen. I never forget it. I understand that this is a gift and I have to earn it every day. I really do, so thank you. It's easy for me to talk and tell the truth. That's what I would love to do, and that's what I love to do every day. Well, I can honestly tell you you've changed my mind because I was one of those whole kids. Yeah, I'm sorry. I was one of those whole kids. Like I used to be a Democrat. I used to be a liberal and at the that I am right now with my three children, I've seen the nonsense in it. How old are you? How old are you now? I'm thirty four, okay, And so how liberal were you and how long ago was it? Um? I was a big Barack Obama fan during the first term. His second term not so much. And during the second term that's when I started seeing the nonsense offt in it. And I started seeing how like the younger people younger than me, with the entitlement issues about how they shouldn't have to work and everything should be given to them for free. I think it's absolutely ridiculous. And once they get out into the world and they have to do things for theirselves, they're going to see the ridiculousness in it. You know what I mean, isn't an amazing less life lesson when the kid goes out and gets his first paycheck and then sees, well, wait, wait a minute, I was I get paid this much, but I only got it that much, And then they start looking at their pay stub. And although I guess director paus would probably take kid takes care of all of that, I would love too. If you want to see tack law is changing this country, Nathan, get rid of withholding. In other words, let them pay you your entire check, and it's your responsibility to figure out what your oh, the federal government, your state government, your city government, your property tax people, you know what. And if people out of the right a check for that every week or every month. Let me tell you what's gonna happen. It's gonna piss a lot of people off. You know, you ask people what do they get paid, they'll give you the number of the net that they take home, not not the gross which they really made. And unfortunately, um, you know, we just look what happened to mccron, do you. I'm telling you that they only can push people so far. And you know, seven dollars a gallon for gasoline in you know, his popularity was soaring. I think he's now down to eighteen percent, and he pulled the tax back there they're they're putting. Government is putting a stranglehold on people's lives. You know, we're now energy independent as a country. You know why because Donald Trump got rid of these insane, arcane, burdensome regulations that prevented us from doing that. And that means the life blood of our economy is right here and we just have to take it out ourselves. And the other part of that is we have hundreds of thousands of jobs created, ironically, more revenues to the federal government and the money that people make. Then that they're buying cars, and they're building houses, and they're renovating houses, and they're going out to dinner, and they go to Disney, and you know, they take vacations and everybody benefits everybody. Let me tell you one thing. Everybody in America I think can be well off. I really believe that it depending on what you wanted to do, people can always be successful right now in this country today, regardless of government. All right, listen, God bless you and your family. I'm behind. I appreciate your call. I'm glad you changed your mind. I hope. I'm glad if I played a little part. 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And there's no electronics and you're interacting with each other and you don't even you're laughing with each other, and you're having a good time with each other. And the next thing you know, you've created a family fun Marie that you can never get back. That's what Wits and Wagers does. It's an old fashioned board party game and it's fun for everybody of all ages. And right now it's on sale at Target. Just go to the toy section and ask for it. It's Wits End Wagers, Wits End Wagers at Target. The left wants to silence Hannity. Don't let it happen. Make the commitment now three hours every day at three pm. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, Christmas is here, Ladies and gentlemen, but sagging jaw line, double chins. They don't have to be a part of your celebration. This year, Shamanee has done it again. 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And don't forget ladies and gentlemen, that Chemony gives a portion of the proceeds of everything you buy to women a wear, which is a great organization. I actually visited it myself and it helps women in need. So always keep that in mind when you're buying your Christmas gifts from Chemony. All Right, eight hundred skin five zero nine, Genuesell dot com. And it's a great gift for those people you love. Genuell dot com. Eight hundred skin five zero nine. All Right, Hannity tonight, nine eastern on the Fox News Channel. All Right, So, sentencing recommendations as it relates to Cohen and Manaphort, no big surprises, the interview that took place earlier today as it relates to Yes, James, comey, what do they get out of that? And the Clinton Foundation issue heating up. We got full coverage, nine eastern, Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you then, have a great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday.