The Media Is At Fault

Published Nov 19, 2020, 11:00 PM

Sharyl Attkisson, host of Sinclair's Sunday morning TV program "Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson, has a new book out next week, SLANTED: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism on the 23rd. She is here today to talk about a media who is complicit in misleading the public on almost every topic in our society today. 

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All right, glad you with us Saint hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. My phone has been blowing up all day since the press conference with Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and others. Joe and Victoria saware there earlier today. You know, I just want to backtrack, and I wanted everybody to understand something here because this is very, very important. And you know, I had no idea when I said in two thousand and seven, in two thousand and eight that journalism in America is dead, gone and buried it. It just is. And what I've just sadly concluded is and I've been feeling this way for a good while, and I warned about this for three years when we were unpeeling every layer of every onion, improving correct on this whole thirty dossier. You know, Trump Russia collusion, phony narrative that there's We're now at a very different point in the country in terms of the media. You got to understand, these institutions they don't care about what truth is anymore. They won't even entertain the idea of you know, for example, why do we make a big deal that we gotta get to the bottom of Russia. Russia Russia. Now, yeah, four separate investigations culminating with the Muller Report, no evidence a Trump Russia collusion. The mob, the media, which is the ninety nine percent. They were out there peddling these conspiracy theories, these hoaxes, these lies. They put Hillary in the medium mob candidate protection program in twenty sixteen. They had Joe and his bubble in twenty twenty. You know, you call it the candidate the medium mob, big tech candidate campaign protection program. He's able to hiden his basement and they ask him no tough questions and then they beat up on Trump for him every day. That's pretty much what happened. And that is the state of media in this country today. So you've got to understand, and maybe it's hard for a lot of you to just wrap your head around here, but it's very transparent. It's very obvious. It's more obvious than to me than it's ever been. As you've got big major institutions like the media, like big tech companies like the Democratic Party, and even establishment Republicans that do not care about actually equal application of justice. Equal justice under the law, all the things that we've talked about. Now let me let me make a point here, and I'm not trying to be redundant and go backwards, but I just want to lead up to something here. So if you don't care about the fact that all these years they've Democrats media claim Trump Russia collusion, right, they dragged this country through hell for three long years, and every accusation they made is false, and the media was there willing accomplices in all of this, you know here, and then in the end you get a bigger story. So you'd think the mob, the media, they're interested in pursuing truth, right and getting to the bottom of a big scoop. They're not. They're interested in helping elect Democrats. They're interested in helping Hillary, or helping Joe Biden, or helping any other Democrat, or down in Georgia, they'll be interested in helping the two senatorial candidates down there. That's just who they are. But Hillary Clinton paid for Finally, the New York Times admitted Russian disinformation, and that is the dirty dossier, dirty Russian dossier. But they were telling us for three years they cared about Russian interference in our election? Did they ever any of these any of these media outlets, Did they ever go back and say they were wrong about Trump Russia collusion and that Hillary paid for a dirty Russian dossier that was then used as the bulk of information without which, according to Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein and all these other people, even James Comey wouldn't sign the FIS application today, was that phony bought and paid for Russian disinformation used to then spy on candidate Trump, transition team Trump President Trump. The answers, Yes, did the media ever report a huge, big breaking news story like that? No, they did not. You know, when we go then that fails, and then I'm going to make the mistake of another special prosecutor because Muller didn't give them what they wanted because it was not there to be gotten with a partisan team of witch hunters in that particular case. And so then they bring up this whole thing about the Zalinsky call brought up by a hearsay whistleblower with only one fact witness, and the one fact witness said no, he said no, quid procoil. I want nothing. Everybody else was either an opinion witness or hearsay witness. Nobody saw heard any evidence whatsoever, transcriptive call released by the president. And then it's simultaneously they're ignoring we have then, well, now former Vice President Biden on tape given a speech. I think it was some big group, foreign policy group and maybe the Council on Foreign Relations if my memory serves me right, and he's saying that you got six hours and you either fire the prosecutor or you're not getting a billion dollars. Wow, that sounds like using taxpayer dollars as a quiddon a pro and a quote. Then we find out that did happen. Then the prosecutor says, yeah, I got fired because of Joe Biden withhold threatening to withhold a billion dollars. Then zero experience. Hunter goes on TV and he says, Nope, no experience, oil, gas, energy, none whatsoever. Or Ukraine. Did you get paid? I know maybe because your dad you probably and you get a little deeper and then you see what happened. Peter Schweitzer twenty eighteen. Secret Empires reveals this whole you know, Bank of China deal after Hunter flies on Air Force two. Now ask yourself, did any Democrat care about a quid pro quo with Ukraine? No, they only cared about Russia to bludge in Trump, not Hillary. They only cared about Ukraine to bludge in Trump, not Joe Biden. They talk about China. And you know here, you've got real threat to the world. Now you got a compromise. You know, guy that potentially is the president of the United States, great the media talk about this, ask him any questions. Then you got the Johnson and Grassley reports where they have wire transfers three and a half million dollars Russian oligarch first Lady of Moscow three and a half million dollars to Hunter's firm. Well, what did he do? What experience did he have there? What experience did he have in private equity to get the Bank of China deal? What experience did he have a Kazakhstan that he'd got money earmark for a brand new car? You know, all of these deals, all the shopping spree with a Chinese national, all of these things are out there. We report on them. They don't. Now why do I say, why is this relevant to you know where we are today? They don't even want to look at or ask a single solitary question about you have American citizens signing affidavits under the threat of perjury and they don't care. And that is my point. Now, what does it mean for we the people? Well, you gotta understand it's not just Donald Trump that they hate. And you know, I said this before the election, and I'm gonna say it now if you'd had any doubt, you have major and powerful institutional forces that are not only aligned against all things Donald Trump, but aligned against what at the extra eleven or twelve million people whatever the final number will end up being that voted for Trump this time over last time, you know, And we're supposed to look at Joe Biden's numbers. Now, Joe Biden really that great a candidate that you know, we got all of these votes, more votes than Barack Obama on a lot of areas. Mathematically, it doesn't make sense of my head. But you know, we'll let the court cases and the affidavits and everything else. Now then you apply it to what we've been watching unfold with the election. Now, you have certain cases where they say, no, we're just going to accept ballots for three addition or more days. Two days before the election. Well, does anybody in the media say, raise an eyebrow and say you can't do that. That would be illegal, that's not allowed. Or does anybody care? And should we care? And should they care? And should the country care? And I think the answers yes. When all these laws that I have described to you about partisan observers being able to watch the vote process start to finish, and yet person after person after person say, now I didn't get to see anything. I've been doing this twenty years, always able to have confidence in the outcome of an election, and I was there as a partisan observer, but this is the year that I was not allowed. Or reports of we're closing down the polling place for the night, come back tomorrow. Then reports from other people saying that's when they brought in ballots. Okay, h should we get to the bottom of that. Should we listen it all to the you know, hundreds and hundreds of people signing affidavits under the threat of perjury. Now common sense would say, yeah, we ought to be doing that. You know, we have been spending a lot of time. Look, I'm not a voting machine expert, but everything that I've looked into, we have told you about about this dominion software is It's just raises so many different questions. I mean, you've got Dominion now under fire, allegations that their machines caused well, we know what happened in that one Michigan county. That's when ICE first started paying attention to it. They said, human error. Okay, well we had problems in the primary, and Georgia using in all one hundred and fifty nine counties they're used it. Then you have all these different accounts that during the Georgia primary there were serious issues surrounding their voting machines. You know, look when you have disparate groups like the New York Times saying about Dominion and some of the new machines required too much extra power for aging polling locations with blue fuses never powering on, and others workers who were still being trained just days before the election struggled with the setup. You know, the election that the Times goes on to write the electronic poll books also knew were plagued by freezing software and user error. All right, so that's the New York Times were they write, They've been pretty quiet about this question. Now again, very type margins a lot of the states, twenty eight states used this software. Our dominion systems truly prone to error. And are we having problems with the software freezing and all these other things? And can they be programmed? And should we not if we want to have faith, integrity competence in our election results. Is it really horrible that Americans are asking these questions and looking into these questions. I think that's just reasonable. You know, their system was rejected the AP by the way reported Dominion quote look long skimped on security in favor of convenience, making it more difficult to detect intrusions. Dominion rejected twice in twenty nineteen by the Attorney General and the Secretary of State of Texas. Why after they ran tests it didn't meet their standards? Twice in twenty nine team once in thirteen. That prominent Princeton professor, tenured guy actually specializes an election machinery, if you can believe it. I never knew such specialty existed and policy and security. His name's Andrew Appelle, and he issued an op ed blasting Dominion over security concerns. I have his quote. The Dominion image cast evolution looks like a pretty good voting machine, but it has serious design flaws. After you mark the ballot, after you review your ballot, the voting machine can print more votes on it. Whoopsie daisy, he said. Of course, the legitimate software installed by Dominium won't do that, but the machine is physically capable of it, and fraudulent software can exploit the ability. Now, my question is why would we be using it. I have a letter here in front of me, and this is from twenty eighteen and it's by well. Amy Klobuchar signed it, Elizabeth Warren signed it. Ron Widen signed it. In twenty eighteen, alone, voters in South Carolina reporting machines that switched their votes and after they'd inputted them, scanners were rejecting paper ballots in Missouri. Busted machines were causing long lines at Indiana. In addition, researchers recently uncovered previously undisclosed vulnerabilities and nearly three dozen back end election systems in ten states, and just this year, after Democratic candidates electronic tally show he received an improbable one hundred and sixty four votes out of fifty five thousand cast in Pennsylvania state judicial election in twenty nineteen, the Republican chairwoman said nothing went right on election day. Everything went wrong. That's a problem. That's from Elizabeth Warren, Aby Klobuchar and Ron Widen and the New York Times and a tenured Princeton professor and the AP and the state of Texas. Well. You can't raise the questions the media. Is that a legitimate question? Should we get the answer to it? Two Americans deserve to have of integrity, confidence faith in their elections. The media doesn't want it. Democrats don't want it. I don't care as long as they get the outcome they want. It's my point. Russia, collusion, Ukraine, you name it, elections, they don't care. I need one hundred and nine fold. One sean is a number you want to be a part of the program. Now think about it this way. You know, we watched in Georgia this week, magically, thousands and thousands of ballots being found three different counties. I'm told there might even be more coming. And now forget about politics for a second. Why don't you think that the media would look at that two weeks after two weeks plus after an election and say, what the hell is going on here? How is that possible. How do we find thousands of uncounted ballots? How do they just magically show up? I mean, if again, if there's any fundamental fairness, if there was fundamental application of the we can't have Russia interfer ended, they would have gone after Hillary's dirty dossier. They cared about real quid pro quos with Ukraine, they would have gone after Joe if they cared about vetting candidates. Joe wouldn't have been allowed to hide in his basement punker every day and not ever answer any tough questions whatsoever? Got away the whole campaign. I have a whole lost of questions. I'd like to, you know, ask Joe. You know that's gonna be hiding Biden new watch in the White House. He'll be hiding a lot if he gets there. That's it. It's pretty spectacular. I mean, just when you stand back and look at that, Why wouldn't everybody have questions and want those questions answered? When thousands of people signing ALFI David's under the threat of perjury, why is not nonimpressive? When the New York Times and the AP and Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar and the State of Texas at an expert professor of Princeton all say, these machines suck. Why wouldn't anyone care? They don't because they're erupt twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, Linda just said something to me. And because I had been going through all of the double standards that exist, all of the hypocrisy, all of the stories we've broken, and pretty much we do it very independently. We do it alone. Now there are others in talk radio, there are others a few of us. At Fox, there are some of us, but it's not the majority by any stretch. You know, very few people were able ever got the Russia collusion hoax correct. We did? Why did we get that story right? Because this is what we do differently now. It took three years and I kept warning, if you don't follow this up, and I don't know what the status of it is. I'm as frustrated as all of you because we broke many of those stories on TV and radio and I don't know the answer. And I've been asked now for way too long, and I'm as frustrated, if not more frustrated, because I put you know, we put our heart and soul into making sure we got it right, you know, exposing Hillary's dirty Docier's, exposing premeditated fraud on the FISA court. None of this. It took a long time, a lot of digging, a lot of work, and we had our ensemble cast, my radio team, my TV team, these this cast of characters that was not the majority anywhere, and we went our own way, you know. And it is like when I say institutional forces, the mob, the media, it is the media mob, big tech candidate protection program from Biden. It was all true. You know, it's true. It is. It's the same thing with you know, Hillary's dirty DACI, the same thing with the deep state, the same thing with FISA abuse, the same thing you know with the double standard on Ukraine and quit and pros and quoes, the same thing on zero experience Hunter versus the way say the Trump kids have been treated and are treated. It's the only way we get it right is we go our own path and we're just independent. And I gotta tell you something else. For me, that's not about Republican, it's not about Democrat it's not about conservative, it's not about liberal. It's about right, and it's about wrong. And what happened in all of these instances was massive corruption. I call it the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history. You know, I go back to this issue that I have been describing. I won't read them again, but the New York Times highly critical of the Dominion software, very critical. The Associated Press the exact same thing. The Texas Secretary of State Attorney General twice in twenty nineteen rejected the system, rejected at once in twenty thirteen. These are just facts tenure to Princeton professor who actually specializes an election machinery, critical of what can be loaded into the software of these things, you would think somebody in the media wants to just ask a question, Okay, can we get to the bottom of this, show us how this works. I'm not a computer geek. I don't know how I could barely download an app. I'm not the right guy to do it. But there are people that, you know, it's the home of Apple and Silicon Valley and Microsoft. I'm sure we have people that are more than capable of being able to go back and see if anything untoward it happened, you know, if you know at the end of the day, if you have the New York Times, the Associated Press, the Attorney General, Secretary of State of Texas, Princeton, and then I'll read to you again this note that was once the date on this December sixth, twenty nineteen. Now this is a letter and this is talking about this very topic with signed by Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden, Senator Oregon, Amy Klobuchar, and Mark Pokin, a member of Congress. And it says in twenty eighteen alone, voters in South Carolina were reporting machines that switched their votes excuse me after they inputed them. Scanners were rejecting paper ballots in Missouri. Busted machines were causing long lines in Indiana. In addition, research was recently uncovered previously undiscos undisclosed vulnerabilities in nearly three dozen back end election systems in ten states, and just this year after the Democratic candidates electronic tally showed he received an improbable one hundred and sixty four votes at a fifty five thousand cast in Pennsylvania the state judicial election in twenty nineteen, the county's Republican chairwoman said nothing went right on election day. Everything went wrong. That's a problem now again. Klobuchar, Widen, and Elizabeth Warren then go on to say these problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of election systems that are strong and durable and not vulnerable to attack. Well, it's amazing how silent they have all been. Just like, if you cared about Russia collusion, you would have cared about the Dassier. If you care about election interference, you wouldn't accept spying on a candidate or a transition team or a presidency using Russian disinformation. And everybody involved in it here to four pretty much has gotten away with everything. If you cared about quid and pro and quoes, you'd look at Hunter and Joe Biden. They don't. So, you know, how are we the people, because that's who we are? You know, how do we overcome massive institutional forces that just honestly, they just they don't even want you to ask a question? How do you have faith and trust to them? Now that raises another question about, Okay, the future of the Republican Party, etc. Because I'm sure that a lot of Republicans establishment, in particular the Ish. What does this long nightmare of Donald Trump go away? Well, there's seventy three million. Now I don't know what the exact vocount is. What's the latest lone, Do you have an update? You can get us when I'm sure, But there's you know, that's that's eleven million more voters than Donald Trump had in twenty sixteen. You look at all the victories and the House of Representatives and and I see some very positive things emerging. I don't want to be all doom and gloom here, but the reality is I think a lot of this is rooted in the fact that Donald Trump disrupted all of Washington, disrupted the entire political system. This is what training the swamp looks like. And it's not pretty at all. And I you know, if you want to know where Donald Trump got with all, look at what he was able to succeed by being different. Now. Is he disruptive? Yep? Did he tweet a lot? Yep? Is he ever gonna You know, he's a fighter by nature, but some people just anticipated and expected that he'd fight for trade deals, that he'd fight for the money for the border wall, that he'd fight for tax cuts, that he'd fight for Supreme Court nominees, that he'd fight for energy independence and ending regulation and fight for all of these things. But then you know, when it came time to tweet, he was just gonna stop fighting and the switch would turn into he will be the presidential county. It's just not his style. And you know, you can argue all day that maybe he would have just sort of adapted, adjusted slightly here there, whatever, that it would have that they would have accepted him. I'm not really so sure that that's the case, because I think one of the main things that he did accomplish that you can't even really quantify, is that he forever tattooed into some of these institutions descriptions that will be with them forever. Fake news is now tattooed into the foreheads of all of those people, whoever they are, and organizations that deserve it because they are fake news. They are biased, they are abusively so, and they're one sided. And as I've said many times, if Trump had cured cancer, they wouldn't care. Well. Now, he did get through operation warp speed. You know, he was able to get us what two vaccines in a period of time, which is a pretty incredible, amazing accomplishment. And Donald Trump was able to accomplish. I think his accomplishments pretty much stick for speak for themselves. Seventy two million. Linda's telling me, thank you, Linda, Malcolm Buss. You read that report from twenty nine from December twenty nineteen. Isn't that stunning? With Klobachar Widen Warren had to say, and now there's silences, but it's predictable. This is, you know, what I thought was the best and this highlights exactly what you're saying. You know, you're an independent thinker. You have your own ideas. You know, no matter where we work or who we're friends with. Right, that's the beauty of being, you know, a child of God, having free will and free thought, and you do your own thing, right, you march to your own drum. And I think one of the things that was really highlighted today was, you know, when we went through the al Gore, you know, Chad moment. You know, it was one state that we were looking at and we took thirty seven days to analyze it. So now we're looking at this is a national problem. We have voter fraud, everywhere. Anytime anybody speaks out that was an observer or worked at the precincts or the polls or helped in any way that tries to say, yes, some really weird stuff happened, like the quote unquote water main break in Fulton County that was really just a leak and the software update the night before, you know, and somebody's like, yeah, I saw that, I was there, and their life got rocks through their window. I mean, look at this poor guy, Rich Hopkins. He's got a four year old daughter. He's had to hire private security detail. This is not normal. So when people fight back this hard to shut you down, that means that you're telling the truth. So now we just need more people to rally. And Rudy said it best today. I thought, with that Florida comm and, of course, I'm very favorable to Sydney, but that's just me. Of course you are. I think you're Sydney's best friend. But we don't look at the work that Sydney's done with Michael Flynt. I mean, I mean she has been by the way to our credit too. We've been over that they ruined four years of this guy's life. I mean, just think of this one act alone that the media ignored. Has there been anybody in the media that's gone back to say, oh, what they did to this thirty three year veteran can't happen in this country, you know. I know people accuse me of repeating myself because nobody else is gonna say it. And if we didn't keep it in the forefront, if you don't keep these ideas in the forefront and stand on your own two feet, it's just it's even raising questions. You know, you talk about wokeness. I mean, this is this is exactly what we're talking about. If you dare to talk speak out. I mean, the media is dismissing fellow citizens that are saying that they saw irregularities. How is it ultimately going to change the outcome of the election? I don't know, But they don't even want to give them a platform or any credibility at all and or whatsoever. And that's what I mean by these institutional forces. Now, just think of one thing, just kind of just go a little bit deeper into how profound it is that Joe Biden is able to hide in his basement bunker half the campaign, and that Joe Biden never gave a satisfactory answer on packing the courts, never had to answer a question about whether or not he abolish the electoral college, which would mean New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, Oregon, and Washington would decide every election in this country. That's not going to go over well. Ending the legislative filibuster. He's never had to answer any He never really He actually got in a position where he lied about his support of the Biden Bolshevik Berniey manifesto, and they let him get away with that. All of these let's call it brain lapses of his obviously weak in frail Now we raised the question that the media had no problem raising about John McCain and in two thousand and eight about his age. We had no problem in nineteen eighty four raising the age question about Ronald Reagan, but they didn't ask it about Joe. And I never saw any one person in my life mess up cognitively, publicly, repeatedly like him, And it's alarming to me. Now, legitimate questions. They didn't ask it, you know. And then he got angry, Come on, man, you know, come on, what are you come on? Man? Oh man, This writes itself. Sean, let me ask you a question. I gotta go on for you. Are you ready? Yeah? Okay. Have you've been covering politics a long time? Yeah, yes, ma'am. When in your history of covering politics, I know you stay home alone and watch thirteen TVs as it goes on all night. Have you ever seen you're basically saying, which is the truth, that I am a loser? That's true. I would never say that. I admit it. I'm a loser. I wouldn't say in public. So moving on, what does it mean when you look up at the TV and one candidate is losing votes while an election is occurring? Has that ever happened in our history like this? Not even close? But I mean think about that. You may not be excelling as much, you may not be excelling as much as the other candidate, but you're not losing votes. You're not losing twenty thousand votes at a shot. You gotta understand where we are. This is my bigger point, and I don't think I can even articulate how I feel well with that. I'm in the communication business, which does not bode well for my career. But I am telling you nobody cares as long as they get the result they want. They didn't care about Russia because if it affected Hillary. They didn't care about Ukraine if it affected But I don't think any of that is as digestible as watching on election the American dwindle. It doesn't make sense. It's not Republican Party is not going to be taken back over by the establishment. People didn't vote for republic from the Republican Party as much as they want out to vote for Trump. No, they went out to vote for the Iranic class who's governed more conservatively and was never accepted by the Republican establishment class. I think it's bigger than Trump. I think it's all about the republic But he helped. But I agree, But that's the whole point about draining the swamp. That's what he exposed. Now the water's gone, and now you got that black muck and tar and all these people are. You know, we're beginning to see them in it, and it's ugly. And they wanted rid of this any whatever, at whatever price, because this is institutional government institutions, democratic party institutions, Republican Party, big media, big tech has a lot of powerful forces here. I'm just one little, lone voice that they hate, like a few others. There's a reason we're hated, all right, Clanch you with us our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. Yeah. I was talking earlier how the media's corrupt media didn't care about Russian collusion with Hillary's dirty dossier, or the of course the subpoena emails deleted, and you know, the dirty premeditating fraud and a FISA court. They didn't care about Joe's quid pro quo. They don't only if they can bludgeon a Republican or Trump. In this case, it's just Trump and the American people. They don't care. You can't even ask questions. You have thousands of ballots showing up this week alone in Georgia. Why question it? That's you're you're being unfair to question it, which is ridiculous, because I'm sure if it was in reverse, Democrats would be saying we've got thousands of new ballots that appear over two weeks later. Everybody in the media would say it. But I looked at the whole twenty twenty election campaign, and what do you have the candidate, the media mob, big tech, the candidate protection program. Biden hides in the basement, They do his dirty work. They slamm Donald Trump twenty four to seven pretty much how it works, and then they don't even allow you the choice of the option of getting information. Now, I was talking about a very small ensemble cast that we put together, and we spent the better part of three years, and we've been proven right on everything that we reported. The mob in the media pedal, lies in conspiracy theories, and they were never held accountable because they don't care about fairness. They didn't care about real Russia collusion only if they could bludge in Trump or real quid pro quos, unless they can say it's Trump. They didn't care about any of it anyway. Two of the cast members in this whole cast that we put together, Greg Jarrett, host of his new podcast by the Way, The Brief at two New York Times bestsellers, The Russia Hoax, witch Hunt, and John Solomon, now editor in chief Justinnews dot Com his book bestseller Fallout. Welcome both of you to the program. In the bigger picture, Greg, you understand what I'm saying here is there wasn't really many of us but for that three year period, and John Solomon you even got it started. But Greg, I'll start with you that we're exposing what ultimately turned out to be vindicated and true. Now people haven't been held accountable, that that's a separate issue. Well, you're absolutely right. The media hates Donald Trump. They loathe the man, They despise his policies. They were shocked that he won in November of two thousand and sixteen, and so they spent the better part of the last four years trying to vilify and demonize Trump, and many of them still claim he stole the two thousand and sixteen election by conspiring or colluding with the Kremlin in the bowels somewhere, and of course that's utterly been rebutted and disproven. It was actually a hoax that was invented by other than Hillary Clinton. But the media never care. They didn't care about facts or evidence or proof. They ran with phony faults, stories based on bias anonymous sources, and they try to destroy Trump and drive him from office. The great irony is, even though now there is eyewitness evidence and testimony and affidavits of not just irregularities, but voting fraud. The same media doesn't want to spend four weeks in courts of law to make sure that this was a free and fair election and not rigged. But as Jenna Ellis, who is a lawyer for Team Trump, said, what the media believes in their opinion doesn't matter. She's absolutely right in my judgment, the media is so biased they are irrelevant. John Solomon, you're a take. Yeah. I think Craig has it right. I think the media squander whatever credibility and connectivity it had to the American people with its willful ignorance. It's bad reporting, it's bad polls. Let's remember the Washington Post had Donald Trump down seventeen points in Wisconsin on election Day. That's just shameful to be that far off, and they're polling, and I think when you're done, the credibility of the media is there. And I think, you know, when I go around the country and I talk to people, or when people call into just the news, they want to talk to me. One of the things they are just mystified by is an utter lack of curiosity by today's reporters. They're just not interested in talking to Jesse Jacob, the woman who worked in the City of Election City Election Center in Detroit who lays out fraud. She witnessed it, she says she participated it. She can name the supervisors who told her to do it. They don't interview her. They don't interview the people within Nevada Native Vote Project, where gifts were being given out as inducements to get people to pay. There's just an utter lack of curiosity among reporters. It's willful ignorance, and it's why the old fashioned media are in danger of being swept away as irrelevant. But I don't think you can render them irrelevant when you think of just they have no desire to ever tell the truth on major issues that have impact this country, and that you know, you would think affidavits of American citizens given under the threat of perjury would be worthy of an interview or an investigation, even hard questioning you know, what do you mean you saw this? Can you prove you saw this? Did you take videos of this? Etcetera, etcetera? How did you report this? That would just be simple, fundamental, you know, one on one journalism, wouldn't it, Greg, It's media malpractice on steroids, as I've said before, and frankly, nobody believes the media anymore. They have squandered all credibility. They now have a license to and they do it with impunity, and they've shamed themselves. They've disgraced their profession. And you know, look at any poll over the last three or four years, and you know you've got a confidence in the media hovering in the single digits because they've been proven wrong so often. You know, it's it's chicken little, the sky is falling in it. The sky turns out is blue and not falling on anybody. And this is a perfect example. When you have people who signed sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury who say that phantom ballots, ballots without names or being assigned random names, and those votes go for Joe Biden. When you have invalid tardy ballots that are being deliberately backdated to make them valid ballots for Joe Biden, you know, these are serious concerns. And if if Joe Biden really wants it to be considered a legitimate president, he should demand that these inquiries and investigations and legal challenges be had. But John, that's never going to happen. But I mean, they let this guy get through an entire election cycle hiding. They helped him hide, They did all the dirty work to smear Trump for him, and they never asked him a tough question. That's where we are. And they never dug in. They never dug in on the Hunter Biden thing one bit. But here's an amazing thing. And I think this is the proof of the power of the platform you have, Sean, with your radio and your TV shows, and with Gregg and his amazing books and just the news. These facts are now getting around the media to the American people. And how do I know what. I've been running poles the last couple weeks trying to measure this. A majority of Americans, I think, like seventy percent said they believed Joe Biden engaged in a conflict of interest with his son in Ukraine. Today we have a poll, A majority of Americans believe a special prosecutor should be named to investigate Hunter Biden Biden's shakedown across the globe. They couldn't feel that way if they didn't know about it. And what it shows you is they're getting these messages through new means like Greg's great books, your shows, our site and other places. So I'm optimistic that this new ecosystem of people that were building truth tellers and new new realms can get around the complete blackout that the news media has given to these issues for four years. Okay, let me play that of as advocate and let me let me let me be the pessimist here because with all the low hanging fruit and premeditated fraud on afis a court and let's see a dirty Russian dassier used as the basis for that. And of course you know subpoened, emails deleted and bleach button who's been held accountable in the past. Why should people listening to us even though we got it all right? Why would they believe that it's going to end any other way except the fixes in on everything. I would remind people as the report that Joe Biden says he will not interfere in any Department of Justice invest gas, which means that the Durham investigation will continue to its conclusion. I have faith in injustice, and actually I have faith in Bill Barr and John Durham, both of whom have a record of completing investigations and calling it in a non political, nonpartisan way, and I think there will be people held accountable, and you know, I hope that that will instill a greater faith in our system of justice across America. Look at the report that came out yesterday and that thend them to the September twenty third report of Senators Grassley and Johnson talking about deep ties. We're talking about zero experience Hunter and Joe Biden creating counterintelligence and extortion concerns. And Biden was the subject of this staff report. And this is the one that went into the Russian alagarks, the kazakhalagarks, the Chinese nationals, the three and a half million dollars first Lady of Moscow. The money's transferred for a new car shopping sprees. I mean serious allegations. I've seen nobody in the mainstream media, John Solomon, just us, A few of us, not a lot of us, A select group. We go our own way. We get to the truth because we get it wrong, we get the crap kicked out of us, so we have to get everything right. We even took our time, when we had stories lined up triple confirmed, we'd still wait to make sure beyond any doubt before we'd go with it. How many times do we do that during this process over Russia? Russia we did. And let me take a look at Greg's books. The incredible footnoting and precision of every fact and his every one of his books in my book, was famous. We took great care because we owe the American people the truth, not the half truths or the bogus truths or the fiction. At the New York Times and the Washington Post fed this country for a long long time, and I think that in this process. You know, one of the things that I'm just amazed in watching over the last few weeks. The more the New York Times, the Washington Post and the networks ignore this, the more people become curious and looking at they have figured it out. And when they hear something being knocked down in the media, they're getting more curious. For the first time. It's like, Oh, if the media is knocking it down, I better check into it. That's dynamic is going on. I see it in our polling, I see it in the people coming to our site. I think there's a new ecosystem. I'm not as pessimistic as you, Sean. Actually, I want to talk for you. But I really believe there's a new ecosystem where books and radio shows and new websites can get the truth out and the Washington Post and the New York Times won't matter a damn to the American people in the not so distant future. I think we get there. But how do we get there with this election in particular. Yeah, it's a great question. I think you follow the process is established by all state legislatures, and that's a legal process. You file a petition before a court, and you go to a judge and you present the evidence, the affidavit's the eyewitnesses. A hearing is hell. That evidence is then tested and if there it is compelling enough, then a judge issues an order and the rat could be for an audit, it can be for a recount. It could be to discount a certain category of votes, such as votes that came in late. So you know, the process needs to be played out. That's how it works in America. It's not the media that ordains the president of the United States or coronates him. Now, it's the American people through the electoral process. And where there are serious legitimate questions about the integrity of that process, it needs to be examined, and that's the process that's unfolding right now. Don't have a lot of time left. You watch this today, Greg Jarrett, Republicans, Democrat, left wing media all critical of dominion not now? Why not when there's a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury that there's a backdoor to this software that allows tens of thousands of votes to be changed with a click of a mouse or the pressing of a keyboard. So I think this needs now to be looked at in a court of law, the evidence presented, tested, examined, and a decision made as to what to do next. Last word, John Solomon, you know, I think the state legislators can play a big role here. They have subpoena power. They can get the communications, the records in start exploiting things that are being withheld from the legal teams. I'd love to see the state legislators do what Devin Is, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, and Lindsey Graham did in Russia on this election. That's the missing component in this investigation right now. But is there time to get it in terms of impact in the race or no? Sure? A subpoena can be given a day to five days and you get the documents. It's not that hard, Greg quick Absolutely, I covered the two thousand election contest thirty seven days. There's plenty of time to do it. Quick Break. We got Cheryl Atkinson Ken Starr all coming up as we continue, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, let's just listen to the media. It doesn't matter how many hundreds of people who sided in affidavit. They don't even want to hear it. The media ignored everything as it relates to this phony trumped up Trump Russia collusion and just outright lied to us for years. If partisan observers is the statutory language in voting, law's sake, and watch the counting, and they're not allowed to watch. They don't care. They don't care at all because they're candidate one, because they're smearing Trump. They didn't care about Hillary's dirty dossier though. They didn't care about spying on a candidate because it wasn't theirs or a president. Because it wasn't theirs. They didn't care about to quit pro quo with Ukraine because they protect their own and this is just a state of affair. So if there are legitimate questions and people that say, for example, I'm here lawfully, I've actually observed elections for twenty years, but I wasn't allowed this year, and hundreds of people testify to that fact, which is in the law, why would we ever want to hear them. Here's the mob breaking overnight American democracy. Actually it didn't break, but it wasn't for lack of trying to President Trump. A dizzy twelve hour period where the President assaulted dedicated civil servants while simultaneously trying to undermine the outcome of an election. The losers in the Republican leadership should take a page and don't lecture us anymore about patriotism or about putting country over party, or rather putting party over country, which is what they did. I never thought i'd see a day where you saw pretty much an entire party in this country refused to accept election results. This is like a sick, childish fantasy that these Republicans, okay, are basically tiptoeing around Donald Trump. Did they ever accept the twenty sixteen election results because if they did, I missed it. Or did Stacy abrahams ever accept her loss in Georgia? I think I missed that too. Cheryl Atkinson is back with us. She's written a phenomenal new book. And by the way, the timing couldn't be any more perfect for this, and it's called slanted. How the news media taught us to love censorship, hate journalism and anyway best selling author in our own right and journalist has been very outspoken on all of this for a long time. Cheryl, welcome back to the program. It's on Amazon dot Com now and bookstores everywhere. How are you? I'm great, Thanks so much for having me. You know, if you let's just look at the last four years. Didn't the media pretty much lie daily with conspiracy theories about Trump and Russia and this collusion narrative, or weren't there four separate investigation saying it didn't happen? Well? In my book, I talk about why I don't use the word lie, but there was definitely a false reporting, rampant false misleading and incorrect reporting, a pattern that cannot really be denied in terms of could it be willful or could it just be accidental? Mistakes. Well, what about when everything that they said it happened didn't happen. Did they ever go on the record and say, we want to make a correction here that our reporting was wrong. No. And I think that's really the tell, the fact that they don't see that their mission wasn't accomplished. The mission was accomplished if you understand, as I think you do, Sean that in many instances it's not journalism as we thought of it traditionally to get at the facts and the truth and be accurate. It's trying to sway public opinion and forward narrative. So even if they're wrong, in the end, there's no apostologies. There are usually no firings, there are no maya culpa. And that's because they accomplished the exact mission that they wanted to accomplish in this case, sewing distrust and chaos and their attempt to undermine if not House President Trump now even and then on the other side of it, to show that they've got an agenda. You know, when you have hundreds of our fellow Americans signing a lawful aff of David under the threat of perjury, a legal document they don't even want to they don't even want to entertain it. Or for example of partisan observers, as the statutory language in election law allows for partisan observers in all the states that we're talking about, and partisan observers one after another come out and say no, I wasn't allowed to observe. I would think that following the law would be critical and crucial to instilling confidence in an election for the American people. But they don't care at all, isn't it because they're candidate one? I think so? I mean, this is what is so telling of the conflicted media. A neutral media would have covered this election and the aftermath entirely differently. We were told, after all, in twenty sixteen that Russia interfered in the election. China will try and has done so before, it'll happen again in twenty twenty. We know that domestic bad actors committed illegal acts allegedly to interfere with President Trump. So neutral journalists would have had every rational reason to be on the ground, digging and watching for any slight hint of impropriety in these swing states and places where we were conducting an election like we've never done before, with different tactics and rules and ballots, and instead you saw the media kind of on a wholesale basis, stepping back and saying, we'll show us the evidence that anything bad happened. You know, there was a time that we didn't expect it to walk up on the door, knock on the door and present itself to us. We would search for it, and we would look for it and not simply declare that it doesn't exist simply because the guilty parties haven't come forward and told us what they did. So this is a whole new world in terms of what the media, how it covers something like this, and how it would have covered it. I think if it were unconflicted, see, I think there's a pattern here, and I think the election I think your analysis is dead on. And but I would argue, for example, Hillary's violation of the Espionage Act, Hillary's deleted subpoena at emails, Hillary's dirty bought and paid for Russian dossier spying on a Republican presidential candidate transition team and then president again, if this has happened in reverse, I think we get a very different type of media coverage. Or even let's look at Ukraine and impeachment. I mean, is it did it bother you with all the talk about quid pro quos that Joe Biden's bragging on tape he leveraged a billion dollars to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired for the say, then we find out his son is making millions with no experience. Would they have ignored that the way they did Biden if the last name was Trump, and you look at the timeline and that was already done and already known by the time that they accused President Trump of improprietor in Ukraine, they knew full well because actually some of the liberal press had done stories on these alleged Biden conflicts of interest in Ukraine and elsewhere, so they knew that at the time they were lobbing these counter accusations against President Trump. But as you said, one set of accusations was covered as if proven true when there wasn't evidence, and the other set of accusations was called a conspiracy theory for which there was no evidence, when in fact there was quite a bit of evidence. So you know, what we've got here is a whole system where there's a crisis of confidence in what the media reports. With the Department of justice, investigates how our elections are held, I mean, top to bottom of social media. I just think we're at a really scary time and a transition to something else. I hope something better as people recognize what's going on and kind of rise up. Yeah, but I don't think it's going to happen. I think Look, I just think the media is in the pockets of all things radical democratic, socialist, and all things especially anything related to Donald Trump. But really the American people, they just have no interest in representing the other side of the story at all. And I really think that there are very few exceptions. Now, I don't see many people in your profession, and you are a journalist. I'm a talk show host. Journalism is a part of what I do, but it's a small part. We even do investigative journalism, and we do opinion, and we do every pretty much the whole newspaper when you're a talk show host. Is my argument. But the media, I think has been corrupted for a long time, and I think they've chosen sides, and I think it's more obvious every day. And I think people have every right not to trust anything that they're told by them. And you can see this agenda on display. I'll give you another example. Do you think that Joe Biden is struggling cognitively? That's a good question. I just don't have enough information. I will say that I've seen indications visually that yes, he's suffering from something. But I also know that what we see I'm not diagnosing him. I'm just asking you if he's If that's the same Joe Biden that we knew even when he left office in twenty sixteen. Yeah, I would say a rational person sees what seemed to be fairly normal signs of aging, as happens to a lot of people, and I reckon, it's fair enough. I'm getting older by the day. We all are, right. So my question is, did the media, by allowing him to hide almost half the campaign in his basement bunker, how many tough questions do you believe Joe Biden really got as a candidate? Because I can name ten off the top of my head that he should have had to answer and he didn't. Is that a fair assessment? Absolutely? And you know, if Donald Trump, if we play this substitution game, had been so absent and answered so few questions from reporters and disappeared at crucial times, like no other presidential candidate, at least in my time, has done right before the election. If he had done that, you know what the headlines would have read, and you know how it would have been covered. So that's the dead giveaway. But why sean that I think something will come of it. I don't mean the media is going to turn around. I just think something else may emerge. Why do I think that because the media has almost universally been against Donald Trump in a very biased and unfair way in my view, and yet he got more votes this time than any other president in history, than any other candidate besides Joe Biden. They say, so, let's put that aside for the moment. Despite social media universally conspiring against him, despite the media almost universally conspiring against him with false information many times over the drum beat over four years, tens of millions of Americans saw pass that and still wanted to vote for Donald Trump. Which makes me think there are a lot of people not listening to this system or operating sort of outside of it in a way that they think is more honest and more real, And that means there's a market for somebody else to develop that. I think a little bit of that is seeing people go from Twitter to parlor. That's just one example. It's something that's happening because I think the floodgates are about to open. I think that Twitter is in for a big wake up call now. And I think you know YouTube as well with Rumble, and I can see if a Facebook challenger at some point coming on board, and I think their business model is just right for a competitor. I agree. Now you talk, You've actually had insiders at fake News, CNN and the New York Times actually talk to you and tell you about what the atmosphere working environment is there, and they see what we see in terms of their bias. I actually think some of their on air people believe this crap and they've alluded themselves. But that's my own humble opinion. They telling you, we know the whole chapter on CNN, whole chapter on New York Times. I worked at CNN back when it was a news organization, and I can tell you that the CNN ers I know, and some of them are quoted in the book, are horrified at the turn of events at the place that used to be seen as really the best place that we had where news was firewalled from opinion, and that we were as neutral as it was perhaps possible to be. By the way, when we were run by Ted Turner, a liberal billionaire donor who didn't interfere at least. Ever, when I worked there on any sort of daily basis with what we reported, and I knew we were supposed to be neutral, I would never have dreamed of inserting my opinions and diagnosis of any politician That was done in a very relative few political shows we had, or maybe Larry King Live and Crossfire. The rest of the programs at CNN at the time were non political coverage. There's a lot going on in the world not surrounding these two or three topics we beat to death every day because the propagandists want to put these narratives on the table, and so yes. In the book, I talked to former executives and current insiders at CNN, New York Times, ABC, MSNBC, people who have worked or worked at sixty minutes, all the networks, and they do see a lot of what we see. But if you understand these things, they want to keep their job. Last question, Yeah, and I've selled two thousand and seven, two thousand and seven and eight, journalism is dead in large. I believe that is more true than ever. Am I right? I do think traditional journalism. I say it's the death of the news as we once knew it. There's something else now, but it's certainly not what you and I came to think of as journalism. Kind of sad, but a lot of depth, a lot of research, a lot of work, and if you really want to understand how corrupt this hall is, Chryl Atkin said as a brand new book out, it's called Slanted, How the News media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism. You can get it at Amazon dot com. We put it up on Hannity dot com and snow one book stores everywhere. Cheryl Atkinson, great book, Thanks for being one of us. We appreciate your time. Thanks so much, Sean, take care all right. When we come back the legal case with Ken's Starr, who's been really outstanding on all of this eight hundred ninety four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back. We'll continue. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, News round Up information overload our Sean Hannity Show. Sidney Powell had a powerful close today in this long press conference, and here's what she said. This is stunning, heartbreaking, infuriating, and the most unpatriotic acts I can even imagine for people in this country to have participated in in any way, shape or form. And I want the American public to know right now that we will not be intimidated. American patriots are fed up with corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government, and we are going to take this country back. We are not going to be intimidated. We are not going to back down. We are going to clean this mess up. Now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it, and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom. All right, Sydney Powell from that pressor from earlier today. Maybe I don't know, after all these years and you see where we are, did anyone care that the narrative the media and Democrats sold us on Russia was alive for three years? Did they care about the real Russian dossier that Hillary paid for? They did not. Did they care about obstruction with the leaded emails, they did not. Did they care about spying on a president presidential candidate transition team? They did not. The media lide for three long years the American people. The evidence was overwhelming, it was incontrovertible, and it was proven over and over again. Did they really care about a quid pro quel in Ukraine? Well, if they did, how do you ignore Joe Biden bragging he leveraged the billion taxpayer dollars to fire your Ukrainian prosecutor so his zero experience on could be paid millions? They care about, you know, Russian oligarch so bad? Why didn't they care about the wire transfers the Senators Johnson and Grassley were able to expose as it relates to Hunter Biden. If they care about being compromised by the Chinese, why didn't they care about the billion five deal with the Bank of China that Hunter got after flying on Air Force two with Daddy or the Kazakh oligarch. You see where the double standard is. The news media has chosen side, its big tech has chosen sides, and we the American people, are left with You know, it's if it's against a conservative or a Republican go all in, you know, politics, personal destruction. If it's a Democrat, go all in, defend it, lie, defend ken Starr has been watching all of this and you saw the pressure today. I'm trying to get your thoughts on it. How are you sorry? I'm doing great, Sean, Thank you very much. Am I wrong in my analysis about Hillary's dirty dossier about FISA Warren abuse? Am I wrong about the double standard in Ukraine? Am I wrong about deleted emails with bleach Pit, et cetera? No? I think you score an A plus. Uh nod, Yeah, professor, I can hear. Yeah. When I heard you go down the list, I couldn't find anything that say No, Sean, that's that's a little bit off. And as someone who followed the whole special I'll just pick out one the special counsel, the appointment in May of twenty seventeen, the almost two years and so than ten, that report that buses are at Bill Barr becomes the Attorney General the United States and what's the first thing lands on his desk? This four hundred plus page report and the coverage of the report once it was released was just to me extraordinary. I studied the reports, did you in depth? And the coverage was just shall I say, misplaced, erroneous, concluding that there was in fact I'm trying to reporting that there was in fact, I have all this evidence of collusion and so forth, when as you and I know, and I'm harping on this because it was so important for what the first really two and a half years of the president's tenure. Right, Imagine your reaction as the president You've been in office for five months and you're told a special counsel has been appointed to investigate you. As someone who was an independent counsel or special counsel, I can attest that's not good news for the president. It's very disruptive. The point is the Mud report actually exonerated the as with respect to the collusion, just as you said, But of course it was not portrayed that way at all. You know, when you look at what's going on here and you look at you know, I don't know. I try to keep it simple. And if we have election laws about partisan observers, and we have example after example, the partisan observers were not allowed to watch the vote count as the statutory language calls for. I don't know what the remedy is, but you know, we have so many people that is not even in dispute, but nobody really seems to care if you're changing laws just before the election, or like they're trying to do in Wisconsin, where they're you know, in the process of even as we speak, trying to change things there in terms of the vote count etc. And giving out absentee ballots when the state doesn't even allow for it. That that should be troublesome to America. Why are all these hundreds of witnesses now about a thousand that I know of, and affidavits, Why are they just outright ignored and push to the side and nobody gives them any mirrors whatsoever. Because my understanding is if your final legal affidavit, you do so under the threat of perjury, don't you. Yeah, absolutely, it's a serious thing. That's where something under oath. I did one just this day, and I said, oh, I'm going to I'm going to read this with great care. It was just a routine kind of document. But exactly, perjury is a felony. You go to jail if you've been convicted of perjury. So absolutely, so here's the point, how do we unscramble the egg in light of all of this evidence, Well, that remains to be seen. But here's the key. Let's now prove this facts facts, facts. And one of the things that Sydney Powell and I respect Sidney Powell's well, she's a great patriot, she is a very experienced lawyer, and I don't think that she would just be making accusations. And these are very serious accusations. Where did this software come from? Where's the hardware? What countries has have been used? In the sources of funding? These are all the most serious kinds of allegations. They're troubling. They should go to the core. Since the system was used and what twenty states we already know it made the software at glitch in Atrim County, Michigan and so forth. But that was small. This is obviously what Sidney Palace said today is very big. And really these are serious allegations, as you and I will fully agree, that merit the most serious and obviously quick investigation. What do you see is the best legal arguments that they're making, and after the press conference today, I think the best is frankly what Sydney was suggesting, and the use and the manipulability, and they perhaps built in with the algorithms and so forth. My word, if that is true, and a lot of think that those systems were used, as they say, in twenty states, that's what really got my attention. I can I explain something to you. This is something Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren bitterly complained about. A Princeton tenured professor that's an expert on voting machines complained also and talked about the flaws in this system. The state of Texas in twenty nineteen rejected this system not once but twice, and had previously rejected the system in twenty thirteen. The AP has been critical of it. The New York Times has been critical of this particular system. But yet it's used in twenty eight states. Now, from my just logical brain, I'm thinking, Okay, if everybody on both sides of the aisle think this system is not the best and we deserve better, why was it ever used? Because all it does do is lead to doubt. Because all of these people from all these different political persuasions had been telling us that is extraordinarily serious. That it shows the gravity of what Sydney Powell said, and I think we're all just trying to absorb this. I learned a lot from what Sydney was saying. Again, these are allegations, easy to make, allegations, prove them. But Sydney and the team, there's some terrific lawyers on the team. I think those lawyers have integrity, and that's what they're pushing for, integrity in the system. Now, I'm so glad that you called out the fact that Carolyn Maloney Ride of New York complained about this. You mentioned Amy Golbachar and so forth. So why in Heaven's name would it be used? There's no good answer for that. And halfway, I'm a Texan who lives in Texas. I'm very pride and no, this is all news to me that Texas considered it unreliable. What we do know is that just as mail in Ballance can be abused, misused, fraud can be can be right, so too electronic systems. We know they can be hacked, right, We know that, especially if they have a providence Venezuela Maduro. What we were hearing today is to me quite staggering. So how could we possibly have done this in so many states? And so it is this demands the immediate kind of investigation. But we've got to have proof. We've got to prove. Here's the key. You frequently ask him, rightly, So what's the remedy. We've got to prove that there's causation. We know that there is wrongdoing, so let's find out those facts and then what does that lead us to? And Rudy made some strong statements today causation. We can prove that the wrongdoing, not just mistakes, but the wrongdoing in fact affected the election in Sydney Powells as you just play the president one in a landslide. That's an extraordinary claim to make. And now she's got to back it up. But let's let's see the evidence. Let's see the fact. How much weight in the court and this is your wheelhouse, not mine. When you have hundreds and if not thousands of affidavits signed by American citizens, does that way and play part in terms of evidence being presented in a case. Yes, well you have the evidence of port. But all of the courts, of course, are going to be focusing on as the election in their respective states. But six states have been seriously called into a question, right, So let's find out the facts on In that respect, there's not a lot of time, to be honest, there's that's the huge challenge. There are too many states, six seriously, right, you might say five gravely serious, and there's there's not a lot of time. So the clock is running. I have every reason to believe that the president's legal team is terrific and they are working around the clock. But you're exactly right. Time time is the enemy. Yeah, well, I mean I think that's yeah, yeah, go ahead, Yeah, And I can't speculate, okay, exactly what is going to happen if there's a doomsday scenario in Pennsylvania or in Wisconsin or whatever. But I do know this. There is authority to invalidate an election, not a nationwide election. Elections are run communities and in states. To actually invalidate it was done during the civil rights era when racist jurisdictions would play fast and loose with the vote count. Sound familiar, And so there is in fact case law out there to invalidate an election. And what do you do with us. You've got the electors meeting Ryan in December and so forth, and the certification that goes to Congress. I know time is very short, but guess what when the stakes are really high. You and I've talked about this before, for example, the New York Times, the Pentagon Papers case from a generation ago Watergate excuse me, the issues that eventuated in a Watergate but just the publication of the Pentagon Papers case, those issues were resolved in days, all the way up to the Supreme Court. Now this is more complex. I'm just saying it can happen that there will be a rapid resolution once the fact ex an, let's get those facts. You know what it's like when you're also in the middle of a political firestorm in a high profile case like this. It's not easy, is it. No, it's not. And especially in light of what you said just a few minutes ago about the media and the unwillingness to be truth seekers. I was really blessed sewn during the content investigation to have it was a different era, real truth seekers at the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC News, ABC News. Yeah, they had some truth seekers whatever, there not many even then though now there's none and now where are they exactly? So we have had this move the shift to we don't even not seek the truth. We simply seek to portray and to present a particular viewpoint, even in our news coverage. And it's just been terrible, terrible. Yeah, no, I mean it said, well, it's a disservice to the American people. But you know the fact that they just they have no they're shameless in this. You know, the double standard on Russia, the double standard on Ukraine, the double standard on obstruction, the double standard on the rule of law, um, you know, on quid pro quos. I mean, it is so spectacularly obvious that it just makes you you worry about, you know, whether we ever get back to normalcy or this just gets baked into the culture corruption that is not just Washington, but it's all things democratic socialist, because the ends justifies the means for them that I fear for our kids. Well, I would say be of good cheer as you as you say, let not your hearts be trouble, because the marketplace works. If there is going to be this incredible bias and non truth seeking, then the marketplace gives rise to truth seekers. Right. It's just the ebb and flow of the marketplace. So we're in a bad patch right now in terms of the great traditions of American journalism, and we're here to find out the facts. No fear, no favor, right, just the kind of thing Sydney bow was talking about from the perspective of a lawyer, right, the unpopular lawyer, the unpopular cause. But we're going to fight to do this. This is John Adams at the time of the Aoston massacre. This is who we are so market, dynamics and courage. All right, I appreciate you being with us. Ken Star. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. Will come back on the other side. We'll get to your calls. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, and we will continue at twenty five tills the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. All right, We're going to go straight to our busy phones. Here a lot of you want to weigh in presser today. We'll a full coverage on hand tonight. Bubba Florida will start with you, Bubba, what's going on? My friend brother Sean man. It is a long time low Snare first time calling my brother. It is an honor and a pleasure to get the opportunity to chat with your How do I have you on what's on your mind today? Listen real quickly, I just want to say, you know, a superior, it's pretty obvious that the Democrats have stolen or try and attempted to steal this election. Sean. You know, as you have so eloquently put and in my concern right now is the fact that it looks like they're going to try to see if they get away with this constitutional mugging of the American people. It seems that they're going to try to steal the two senatorial races in Georgia. So the question that I have you know, as an American, we're doing everything on our part to try to stop that, but if they go through with it, America will forever change. So the question I have you know, especially Sean, with the way that you know they basically they terrorize people, and it seems to me that if we don't stop them here, like I said, America forever change. So is it too early start talking about irreconcilable differences and maybe you know, divorcing the Democrat party, and then I'm not condoning or suggesting violence at all, but what are our real options if this does, in fact happen. The fight for liberty and freedom never stops. It just you knows. Reagan said freedoms but one generation away from extinction. And that's not a cliche. You know what's been building here and which is pretty much been my message now for years, is this, This is a progression away from truth, away from a media that has any sense of fairness or objectivity. That I'm not joking when I say that Biden lived in the bubble of the media mob, big tech candidate protection program, that they protected him. They didn't ask him tough questions, they let him hide half the time, and they just did the job of his campaign and blasted Trump every single second of every single hour, every single day. You know that I kept saying during this whole Trump Russia collusion hoax and Ukrainian impeachment, I kept saying that if we don't get and get to the bottom of it and hold people accountable, it's only going to get worse. Now we're at the point that if you raise a question about okay, partisan observers are allowed to observe the vote count from beginning to end, and all these people say that did not happen because I was one of the observers and I didn't observe a thing. They wouldn't let me, and nobody in the media cares, and nobody in the Democratic Party cares. But they didn't care about Hillary's dirty Russian dassier, But they acted like they cared about Russian interference. They didn't care about spying on a candidate they but you know, if it was their candidate, they'd care. You know, look, I know a lot of people are going to get disheartened by this, but you just can't because there's seven there's a seventy two million army strong of conservative thinkers out there that really love this country and want law and order and truth. And you know, I don't want any vote that Donald Trump didn't earn, but I want to know. I want to have faith, I want to have trust. I want to have confidence. I want to be able to, you know, look my kids in the eye and say that you can you can trust your government and your media. But right now I can't say that. Will you keep up the flight because you are too worrying and in How about Sydney Powell. Wow, one word strong. Look at what she's done for you know, her unrelenting advocacy of General Flynn. I mean, listen, I just she has been extraordinary. And by the way, she took a lot of heat in that courtroom with that judge and it's all of him all those times, and you know, we kept putting her on and stayed on the case and nobody else was ever covering it. And you know, hopefully we get the right resolution because four years of this man's life it's now four years, has been destroyed and nobody seems to care. And that's how we treat a thirty three year veteran to this country. Yeah, you know, it's when I let myself go there, I don't see a lot of light. Let me put it that way, because that would be something that if you had a fair minded media they would too care about. They would care if if people were that were screaming about Russia can ignore Hillary's dossier and screaming about quid pro quos and ignore Joe and Hunter. You just know they're just dripping with partisan hypocrisy. Amount that they take on daily is breathtaking to me. But it's where they are now. I think Donald Trump, for whatever reason, just as triggered them to this next level where there's there's no amount of truth that they'd be willing to accept. You know, Donald tru has anyone said many people said that, hey, good job on the vaccine operation warps They No, they're not capable. I've always said if Trump cured cancer, they would want to impeach him for that. But anyway, Tim Day, Bubba, thank you. Eric is in Florida too, is well? Eric? How are you glad you called? Hey, son, I was listening to this now and you say it's not partisan hypocrisy. One of the things I've been wondering since all this began was when you hear people like Maxie Waters and many of the other Democrats were saying at the very beginning between election of Trump and being sworn in, they were screaming, impeach, impeach, impeach. So my question is, is I know that everybody hates him from that side, even Republicans aren't except from that Why why do they hate him so much? And the only thing I can think of is there they've done some things that are so insidious that they have to cover it up. They're desperate. They have to, they have to get him out of office. And I'm curious why what you're asking a very deep question and that I've thought a lot about. And I'm not sure I'm going to give you an answer that is that you're that is good enough for you. But I'm going to try my best. I think if I'm going to break it down to its brass tacks, you know, as simple as I can make this is Donald Trump has exposed an underbelly of swamp creatures that is far worse than I think any of us. And I've been doing this a long time. I always knew there was a biased media. I didn't know they were this bad. Now I know. I'm under no illusions anymore. I knew Democrats lean socialists. They used to hide it. They're not even hiding it anymore. And I think that Donald Trump, in many, many ways exposed the swamp. And that would, by the way, that would be establishment Republicans as well. And how inefficient they are, how lazy they are, how corrupt that they are. And I think that he has rubbed everybody the wrong way. And except for the extra eleven twelve million people that went out to vote for him this election over the last election. I think people have gravitated because they like success. They like somebody that shoots straight, they like somebody that's a disruptor and an iconoclast, and all of these institutions, powerful forces, media, mob, Democratic Party, Republican establishment. They just hate his guts because they've been exposed. You know, look at how much one guy has accomplished in four years under the worst circumstances. How many in the media are ever going to admit that he's done anything good. They will never do that, and that then I'm sorry, So don't you it's passed beyond that he's doing good and that you know, they're exposed their laziness and their corruption. You don't think there's something else that they're covering up. I'm talking about like Epstein, Flightless and things like that, something they can't let people find out about. All I know is he makes them look bad. All I know is that the people love them, and they can't they also look down on you and me and us and we the people. You know, these these comments about the fifteen percent, as Biden said, or what we were a bunch of chumps, irredeemable, deplorables, bitter Americans clinging to God, guns, constitution, and religion. Yeah, it's condescension. You know, Conservatism has always been looked down. Look, if you go back to Reagan, far less combative than Donald Trump. But Reagan was hated by establishment Republicans also, they hated his guts. You know, amiable dunce came from Republicans, they didn't. That didn't if I recall correctly, that didn't come from Democrats. And you know, he might have massaged it and played the game a little more than Trump will. Trump just has no tolerance for gameplay. And maybe, maybe to his own detriment at the end of the day, maybe that doesn't serve maybe it didn't serve him well because he just you know, he just he literally he drained the swamp and all the swamp creatures in that disgusting black tar mud, you know, started to get exposed and it's really ugly. And so the issue then of win at all costs, investigate nothing, just accept whatever, and ignore American citizens affidavits such just par for the course. But that was par for the course with Russia, Russia, Russia, that was par for the course. With impeach impeach, You know, I see it more clearly. I don't like what I see. Actually, a little nervous at what I see. It's sad to me because it's going to be an uphill battle. And the more that Democrats more the media, the more they get away, the more empowered and emboldened they will be, and they will intimidate anybody that dares to get in their way to the best of their ability, as we as we saw. You know, all these people get intimidated over Trump, Russia and all the deep state get away with a lot of stuff. You know, I know some people are more optimistic than me. I'm not taking a pessimistic view. I'm just trying to take a realistic view. I'm trying to look at this, understand this, explain this to you, Eric, and explain it to other people, and talk about the dangers associated when you will take on spectacular hypocrisy institutionally. Did that help at all? It? Did? It did? I'm looking for more specifics. You're right, it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. But if we if he didn't, I got confident that he's going to pull it out, because he's a winner and a fighter, and if he doesn't, we're in big trouble. No fair elections ever again. And they're coming after all the voices like Sean Hannity and Wrestling Boss. So we got to pray for this guy. They've been after us for a long time. And will they triple down? Yeah, of course they will. Been there, done that, understand it. It's part of the part of the gig at this point. Tim in California, Tim, what's up? How are you? Mister Hannity's quite an honor to talk to you. Retired deputy sheriff Southern Cali for thirty one years. I'm sitting here this election it was a sham, and I think that we need to have a national vote protocol. I don't know how they would go about doing that, but one of my concerns that I've been wanted to address today in which gets your opinion on this, is we don't live in a monarchy. What is going on with Gavin Newsom with Kate Brown at Oregon with with Coma New York I think Kate Brown said that she has a new freeze order. The last time I look the Fourth Amendment as a police officer, the very first thing that I learned the academy was that the states can add to the Constitution as far as the protections, like we can add in state of California to the search its usure clause, but we can't ever diminish from it. So, as a police officer, when these governors are calling for limited amount of people in their homes during the holiday, it's ridiculous. It's a violation of our constitutional right as a police officer, I cannot because I see twenty five people in your home, I can't go and find it. She was saying that she wants to enforce with fins and maybe jail time. I thinking, I have to have consent to get in your house a search warrant, or have an emergency circumstance. But none of this is legal, and it's ridiculous that we're even tolerting this. Americans need to wake up to this that these kings, they're not kings, they're not queens, they are elected officials, and they're violating the Constitution by these orders, these directives that they are putting out their edicts. So you know, I just what I find amazing in all of this is number one, they can't possibly mandate everything that they think they're going to be able to mandate. People are going to be people. Human nature is human nature. And I kind of like the way Christy gnome A South Dakota, the governor there, had handled this, and there were a couple of little hotspots here and there, and you know, at different times, she never closed down her state. It's a little different than say a metropolitan area like New York, heavy concentration of people's small geographic area, etc. But I think we don't give people enough credit. I think most people know what social distancing means. I think most people understand you know that probably wearing a mask helps. I think it does. I look, my thinking, I rational on this is very simple that I don't mind wearing a mask. That we got two vaccines, you know, just literally weeks away and soon to be made available to everyone. It's now hopefully coming to an end. And with that said, you know, my advice to kids coming home from school that are going to see grandma and grandpa, get a test if you can, if you can't, you know, keep the distance, don't hug Grandma, don't get in her face, keep you know, your mask on to protect the people you love. If you can go outside of it's warm enough, fine, but there's way people understand it. We've absorbed it all, We know the risks. Everybody is smart enough and can make their own decisions. Let's gonna wrap things up for today. Let not your Heartbey trouble. Full coverage updates tonight, Hannity, Fox News, Kaylee back at any. Ronald McDaniel also RAN's previous with new information on Wisconsin is more than fascinating. Greg Jarrett, John Solomon, Cheryl Atkinson joins us, alastafonic At, Jason Chaffitz, and much more. LJ on the Road. I don't want to miss that ninetiestern tonight, say DVR, Hannity, Fox News. You won't get our news from the mob anyway. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us,

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