Craig Parshall, Civil liberties attorney who serves as Senior Advisor on Internet Policy at the American Principles Project and is also Special Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice. Craig has testified frequently before committees of the House and Senate on constitutional issues as well as before the F.C.C. on communication matters and writes and speaks widely on Big Tech and section 230 and Will Rinehart, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Growth and Opportunity at Utah State University, today they debate and discuss the 230 rule, big tech censorship and the left’s push for a media narrative to elect the diminishing Joe Biden.
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All right, it's two weeks from today, our fourteen day countdown now until you, the American people are the ultimate jury eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, which makes it even more spectacular than Joe Biden. You know. All right, let me let me backtrack here and go very slowly through this. Joe Biden half the month of September has called a lid on campaigning at nine, nine thirty, ten o'clock in the morning. When you say a lid that means telling the media you will not hear from us. We will not make any news for the rest of the day. All right, that's almost half the month of September. Here, we are just fourteen days away from what is by every account, a tipping point election. Joe Biden was off Saturday. Joe Biden did one event Sunday, took one question from a CBS reporter, got very hostile about zero experience. Hunter um gave a hostile and a smear campaign. He's not going to get to the end of the campaign and not be asked that question. Questions story about your fun I know you'd ask it. I have no response. It's another smear campaign. Right, if your ally they're a quection, you always ask it. Yeah, that CBS is always a smear campaign network. That's who they are. Um. And then the tougher question, of course, what what kind of milkshake did he get? One vanilla, one chocolate was his answer. Now they've made a decision, so he's off Saturday. He works one event on Sunday. He's off Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. And to prepare, I guess and reset his clock probably so that his greatest cognitively aware hour will be nine pm Eastern on Thursday. There is if if you look at running a campaign, one oh one, this is rule one oh one. You go out and you campaign, You ask people to vote for you, You make news, you are visible. You're out there fighting for every American and their vote. Now say what you will about Donald Trump. Nobody is going to outwork this man. He's been out on the campaign trail, he's still out on the campaign trail, and he's not getting off the campaign trail. He's now talking about four or five events a day. And if you look at it, the crowds are massive. He did you know huge crowds yesterday in Prescott, Arizona, and Tucson, Arizona. He was out all week and long since he got out of COVID, he's been doing on average at least two a day, and you got these massive crowds lining up wherever the president goes, even in the liberal left wing state of California. Did two stops in naval where he had a massive rally, one of them in Carson City. Two stops in Arizona, with two rallies, as I said in Prescott, one is in Tucson. The President is now back with a rally in Pennsylvania today and his cheriatric opponent is missing in action, hiding. Now. The campaign now to make this historic and unprecedented decision. They've they've had to make a calculation here that is the price higher for the Biden campaign to allow him to go out and campaign. What is the greater risk to the campaign. Is it to go out, meet people, ask for votes, be visible, make news, or is it a better strategy to avoid the possibility of him having more cognitive meltdowns and let him stay in his basement bunker and go over his talking points for the debate that he will be involved in on Thursday night. They made They've made a decision here. It is breathtaking to me. It would be front page news, Donald Trump and hiding, Donald Trump playing golf, Donald Trump bowling, Donald Trump sleeping, Donald Trump coco, Donald Trump napping. He's not even showing up on a zoom call that we know of. He's doing absolutely nothing, which is an unbelievable story, not being covered by anybody in the country. Now. Rich Lowry had a really good column about this on National Review. He said, never before of the media been so openly fearful of asking or reporting something that might hurt a presidential candidate. And what are supposed to be the animating values of our adversarial press, informing the public, getting answers, holding the powerful to account, have all been subordinated to the protection racket. That is, any coverage of Joe Biden, particularly well written Rich Lowry, even the lowest common denominator of news, simply being interested, has been tossed aside. Boring, uneventful is the new newsworthy, and hiding in a basement is not even questioned by anybody except for maybe us, which is you know, in and of itself, it speaks volumes. I mean, here you got a story with more mysteries, more plotlines. Take the New York Post story out of this for just a second. Here where Joe Biden, you know, with the emails now corroborated and confirmed by other news outlets that in fact he did know more than he said about his son's business dealings. But Ron Johnson's report he did have business dealings with China one hundred thousand dollars shopping spree for Hunter and his family with Chinese national He did have a Russian oligarch, the first later of Moscow and a wire transfer or three and a half million bucks. He did have a wire transfer with a Kazakhstan oligarch as well. He did have other dealings as well as Barisma. Mark Meadows saying that there's more information coming out. It might include other countries like Romania and elsewhere. But I mean to think that you know, you've got emails putting Hunter Biden and his sleazy overseas dealings where we're talking about, you know, in the case of the Bank of China a billion and a billion five. Is that the reason why Joe Biden had no desire whatsoever to shut down the virus and called the President's travel band, which likely saved hundreds of thousands of lives. You know, hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering. It's unbelievable now, something that always seems to happen. The media likes to deflate people's enthusiasm, but then all of a sudden they get nervous. All right, how wrong do we want to be this year? Not that they really seem to care, because they were wrong for four years about their phony Russia Trump collusion conspiracy theory or the other hoax or the Ukrainian hoax or whatever other propaganda lies. Investors Business Daily the Tip survey has now come out and it now shows a two point race with Biden and President Trump, and that is, you know, literally at this point, a dead even match. You've got the this group called the Tafalger Group, which is run by this guy, Robert Kahali and he also did a guess a podcast with Rich Lowry as well. They're the people that actually called it right. They predicted in twenty sixteen that in fact Trump would win Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. There I don't think there were many others doing it, except for maybe Matt Towery right now. The later Tag Group polling predicts another win for President Trump and the upper two seventies to low two eighties in the electoral college, which to me I interpret as way too close. In this podcast that he did with Rich Lowry, he predicts that the President will win Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Texas. He said things are tighter in Wisconsin and Arizona, and he says the President does have the lead, will probably win Arizona. In Michigan, where John James, by the way, has a slight lead. John James can win this race in Michigan. He's saying that a combination of John James's strength and contempt for Governor Whitlas Whitmer and her COVID response and her job killing green New deal on the Trump economy will propel people to win. Remember, we're going to get third quarter news on the economy coming in very shortly before the election, and we're expecting. There was one I think it was the Atlanta Fed predicting over thirty percent GDP growth for the third quarter, which would shatter all past records. Real Clear Politics is now showing a dramatic shrinking in all the key battle states battleground states. A lot of this is even lower than where they had President Trump versus Hillary Clinton back in twenty sixteen. I'm not saying to take anything for granted here. I'm just saying that my read of all of this based on let's see them being wrong with the eggs of poles in two thousand and four, two thousand and sixteen, all the two thousand and sixteen polls that were wrong. I'm saying, don't let these poles influence you one way or the other. Just assume that your vote will tip the balance in your state, and you better get out and vote if you don't want this most radical agenda implemented in this country. Pennsylvania, we see now that this is becoming a dead heat race. The ads now running in Pennsylvania by the Trump campaign are devastating, calling out Biden and Kamala Harris for outright lying as it relates to wanting to ban fracking. And I think that a lot of this, even the Politico is reporting at the instruments that we have to gauge this race. The polling predictive models are built around quote unquote normal elections, and this is anything but a normal elections at one Democratic operative. I believe that's true. That's why I've been saying to anybody that will listen, nobody knows the outcome. The only thing I can tell you that is true is you will determine the outcome. Now we have all of these powerful forces, including the Presidential Debate Commission. They've now joined forces to stack the deck against Trump. They only pick democratic you know, socialists to be the moderators apparently in these last two debates. Now they change the rules unilaterally before the second debate, We're going to make it a zoom debate without even consulting either campaign. Now they've decided they're gonna have their mute button when each candidate gets their opening two minutes on any given topic. And then, of course we have somebody that those to apparently pos with pictures with Obama and Biden and has a pretty oh and was caught on tape, I guess, with Jennifer Palmary of the Clinton campaign saying I'm going to hear the questions I'm going to give you unbelievable. Another thing that nobody's paying attention to, the economy is beginning to surge, and we're on a couple of things are happening. We're on the verge of a vaccine announcement from one of any of these moderna Astra, Zeneca, Feizer, Johnson. You know, all these companies now are really right there, so that's coming. We now have the new therapeutics that the President said that will be mass produced the same treatment he got and will be made widely available for free. That's a big point. This breaking single family home building for the month of September just came out today, cementing the housing markets status as the star of the economic recovery thanks to record low interest rates and my gration to the suburbs and low density areas as Americans seek more room for home offices and schooling. But anyway, the Commerce Department today reinforced expectations that the economy rebounded sharply in the third quarter after suffering the deepest contraction in the last seventy three years in the second quarter. Anyway, single family home building, the largest share of the housing market, jumped a whopping eight and a half percent to a rate of one point one o eight million units last month. That's a lot and housing reports following data showing acceleration and retail sales and growth estimates for July September quarter as high as thirty five point two percent at an annualized rate, which would recoup roughly seventy percent of the lost output because of the pandemic. I mean, this is massive numbers that you're not hearing about. But now you've got big tech companies, you got the medium mob the ninety nine percent. Then you've got the Democratic establishment, the Rhino Republican establishment, any and all of them have gone all in for all things democratic, socialist. And we'll even protect Joe Biden. If Joe Biden wants to hide for the five out of six days in his basement bunker with just fourteen days to go until a presidential election, something is not right here. No presidential candidate hides in his basement for a week with fourteen days to go. It just doesn't happen. There's something wrong with him hiding. I don't know what it is, and I'm not going to venture a theory or a hypothesis. It just doesn't happen. Right fourteen days, two weeks from today, you are the ultimate jury. There is a lot at stake. Look, this is my honest take for anybody and I always want to be honest with you, my audience. I don't think anybody can guess this is a unique election. It's happening during a pandemic. It is We've never seen the outside forces making these what I would argue are in kind donations, the mob, the media twenty four to seven, all hatred all things Trump. Then you got big tech companies now censoring any stories that would be negative to the Biden campaign. Then you have a corrupt Debate Commission. Then you have you know, obviously a corrupt Democratic Party establishment. They just hate Donald Trump and I don't see any love for Biden. Then you have Rhino Republicans and the millions they're pouring into this race. And then you see on the other side, you see all of this enthusiasm, but Donald Trump, no enthusiasm for Joe Biden. Nobody in the media will hold them accountable for the corrupt business dealings of zero experience Hunter. Nobody's holding them accountable. I've never seen anything like it. Nobody in the media is saying, you can't hide in your base with two weeks to go before an election for an entire week and just drop off the face of the earth, because Obviously something's going on here, and it's all happening, and then you have pandemic issues and some people the Democrats whole strategy has been to blame Trump. Meanwhile, if we followed Joe Biden's plan, there never would have been a travel bad and hundreds of thousands of more Americans would have contracted the virus and died. And that barely has even come out in the campaign. Joe Biden's not being held for his inconsistent statements, nor is he being held for his Bolshevik Bernie Biden economic plan or his association with AOC and the Green New Deal all on his website, and people just either hate Donald Trump or love Donald Trump. It seems like that's what it comes down to, all right, client, your with us twenty five till the top of the hour, two weeks from today election day in the USA. If you think Facebook has been bad enough, along with Twitter and these big tech companies, I mean it is. It's you can't quantify the amount of money this represents in terms of a donation to the Biden campaign. By suppressing legitimate news stories, you know, like for example, you know, why isn't the New York Times well, maybe they don't like the New York the New York Post story. What about the Grassley Ron Johnson report. Ron Johnson will join us at the top of the hour with an update on all that he's found. If it was one of the Trump kids that was going on, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars in shopping sprees with Chinese nationals while their father's president of vice president, do you think that one story alone would be a big deal. If Don Junior or Eric Trump or anybody with the last name Trump, you know, Donald Trump's president, they got a billion dollar deal with the Bank of China, do you think it would be a big deal? And then it becomes a billion five and especially if they had no experience in private equity or finance that we can find at all. Do you think if a Russian oligarch I thought, I thought the mob in the media cared and so much, and Democrats cared so much about Russian interference, and you got wire transfers showing a Russian oligarch, the first lady of Moscow, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, and you have, you know, bank transfers to the number of three and a half million dollars. Do you think the mob the media might be screaming bloody murder about it every second of every day, because this is now what's happening. They put a lid on covering anything that represents the Biden family corruption team and the millions of dollars that a reply or a kazakh Stan oligarc and wire transfers with them, or the Ukrainian oligark or the business deal in Ukraine. It never did make sense, did it that the call with Zelinski and President Trump led to impeachment and then led to a trial which led to by the way, Democrats not talking about COVID nineteen, although now they would have. You believe they would have done everything that Donald Trump didn't do. The whole list of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden is everything Trump did months ago, you know, missing, of course, the travel band, which Joe was referring to as xenophobia. But yet that travel band, how many we can't calculate how many Americans did not contract the virus. Facebook has even gone as far now. Remember they're not even allowing the news to be to be consumed by the American people where they can make their own decisions. Facebook is still trying to tamper to me. It's tampering with the election. The same with the same with Twitter. They have chosen sides. Here caught censoring the New York Post hunter Biden bollombshell. Okay, how about the Senator Johnson, Senator Grassley report. Now we have allegations that they are censoring reports of violence against Trump supporters. Foxnews dot Com covered a woman who marched at a pro Trump rally in Washington, DC claims Facebook took down her entire account after she posted about being you know, assaulted by it during a woman's march by activists. Anyway, an outreach director for a Republicans said she was demonstrating outside the Supreme Court Building. The show's support for Amy Coney Barrett said an older woman approached her tried to take away or Trump twenty twenty flag. By the way, this is this is not the only story, but censoring the Biden story, all of these countries, all during the time Joe is vice president. Now emails showing Joe did know and lied when he said he knew nothing about his kids business dealings. Now he got pictures. Imagine what a picture of the Trump Kids with a crack pipe in his mouth. You know, you think you'd get a straight up denial. That is a doctored photo that is not true. We can't even get to Joe Biden. And when the media does get to him, they're too busy asking hard hitting questions like what flavor milkshake he's buying. But the biggest shield that these tech companies have is called Section two thirty, which is a federal law that shields social media companies from liability that it would otherwise reshape or crush their business models. And more and more people, by the way, I've just had it. They're just leaving, you know, Facebook and Twitter, and we have parlor Is, this new site that I know Dan Bongino is a part of. And I don't blame people for leaving now. I do think that these companies have a right to take down racist material or any type of threats that are made. I think they should probably follow court precedent on those issues. You can't help fire in a crowded theater type of thing. One big question I think it was, who was it? Maybe the federalist somewhere is big tech breaking campaign finance laws. In other words, can this be viewed as in kind donations to the Biden campaign. I think that's a real question. You know, what I'm talking about with this election fourteen days out is really powerful. I mean, you're talking about billions of people that through social media, big tech companies, that are being told what they can and cannot read, what they can and cannot see. They're making editorial decisions that benefit one candidate over another candidate. In other words, they've chosen sides. Well, that would be a donation on their part to the one campaign. And I think everybody in this program is hip enough to understand that if they were doing it to support Donald Trump, that the mob and the media would be raising Holy hell. The only problem is the mob and the media they're doing the exact same thing because for the last four and a half nearly five years, every second, minute, hour of every day, they've hated Donald Trump. By the way, we have new documents that have come out just two weeks to go before election day. Democratic Party's attempt to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is becoming unraveled. And remember, neither Joe nor Hunter has questioned the authenticity of the incriminating documents on the laptop. Now, if you're innocent of something and somebody says, hey, I have this, is it true? You would come out with a strong denial, usually followed up by a c and desist letter from an attorney, a prominent attorney that means business. In other words, the information you have now been put on notice is inaccurate, and it is false, and it is defamatory, and it is libelous. Now, if you get a letter like that, you begin to think seriously that, well, maybe this person really is a victim in something here. We haven't gotten those denials yet. Now we need to know, well, what did Director Ray know? As Ron Johnson has been asking investigators, now have a copy of the computer repair shop work order apparently signed by Hunter Biden. Needless to say, nobody from either the Biden campaign or the Biden family is questioning the authenticity of Hunter's signature. Apparently, Hunter's lawyer, according to now numerous sources, has put out, you know, letters to the company repair shop and to Rudy Giuliani's lawyer, and I guess Steve Bannon may have gotten one of these. He's been involved in this apparently from the beginning. Some way, but anyway, documents obtained by Fox News Fox News Fox News News Division appear to show Hunter Biden's signature on the paperwork from the Delaware computer repair shop where the former Vice President's son dropped off the laptop that included the emails related to his overseas business dealings. It's called the Mac Shop. Now, the question is, okay, well, why is the lawyer for Hunter Biden asking to get his hard drive back? Does that not in and of itself authenticate what's on the hard drive? Anyway, It's going to be interesting to find out. Twitter and Facebook is basically censored the New York Post in their story and they've made a decision and the rest of the medium mob is pretty much called a blackout on all of this. This is again more of an inkind donation to all things democratic socialist than to protect Joe Biden. Mark Meadows said on My show last night, and he's said on the Fox Business Network that some of the moneys appear to be flowing to the Biden family broadly came from Romania and Ukraine him. We already know about China, and documents show the signature. As I just pointed out, House Republicans are urging the Attorney General to appoint a special counsel to probe these latest revelations. Ron Johnson will join us at the top of the hour. He's been pressing the FBI director, Director Ray, what he knows about all of this. One thing the Director of National Intelligence has said, John Ratcliffe. He said Hunter Biden's laptop emails are not part of some Russian disinformation campaign. Well, that was a lie that they fed us all throughout the twenty sixteen campaign and then beyond. And the only Russian interference that we ever found was Hillary Clinton's dirty, bought and paid for Russian dossier, the one that was unverifiable and the one whose source was a known Russian operative to the FBI for ten years. And they knew that in January of twenty seventeen, and they continued to use it as the bulk of information for their FISER warrants. They also know that this Russian contact of ten years and Russian source of ten years also denied anything in the Steel dossier was true, and yet again they continued to use it, without which, according to McCabe and Sally Ates, they never would have gotten their Fiser warrants. Back in two thousand and eight, Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter. Now the question is what Joe Biden has got to do about his son Hunter before the debate. Now, they tried to change the debate rules. Also, this is another problem we're now facing, and that is the Debate Commission. I mean, it's pretty pathetic. You know. The first they unilaterally changed the debate rules and they say, no, we're going to make it a virtual debate for the second debate without consulting either campaign, that ended up in no debate compete town halls. And now the third debate they've decided to change the topics last minute, and then they decided to put a mute button on while one person is giving their opening two minute remark on any of the given topics. And on top of that, the next thing is now apparently just like in the second debate where we had a former Biden intern talking to our friend Anthony Scaramucci about what he should do about the president criticizing him. Well, now we find out that the NBC News moderator Kristen Welker, I've never heard of her before, to be honest is not only took her dad to the Obama Christmas Party in twenty twelve, but her family has dished out tens of thousands of dollars to Democrats over the years, including Joe Biden. Good grief, he couldn't get any worse. Debate Commission says they will mute Trump and Biden while the opponent talks. It's not a debate, that's a joint press conference. That's obviously they're running in interference. Anyway. The states that I see now coming into play that really matter the most for Donald Trump to win this election, pay attention whatever state you're in. Let me tell you how this has to go down. He has to win Florida, he has to win Ohio, he has to win Georgia, North Carolina. There's a lot closer than it looks like it was in twenty sixty. If you're in North Carolina. Pay attention Arizona, if you're there, it's closer there as well. Iowa, very very important if you want Donald Trump reelected. Now the president can compete in Nevada and apparently is that's a state that can flip and the president you did. Now Republicans are running ads all over Pennsylvania rightly so, showing Joe and Kamala Harris saying that they will ban fracking, which is a big part of the state's economy anyway. So Pennsylvania get that in the win column for Donald Trump and he will be reelected forty fifth president of the United States. Pennsylvania, you can win it all. Michigan can win it all. Tafaugler has now the president up in Michigan. We have Pennsylvania closing into a very very close tight race. Wisconsin matters, Minnesota could be in play. You never know. It was very close the last time. And you look to play in Nebraska to Maine two and New Hampshire. That's it. That's how the game has to be. One of your Republican It's never easy. Is it doable? Absolutely, it's doable. Can we predict? I think this is probably the most unpredictable campaign, you know that we've ever seen in our life, the most unconventional as well. But I've never seen forces sole lined against one candidate than this one. And I'll tell you what it is. I think they just hate that Donald Trump has exposed all of them. I think this is what draining a swamp looks like and now that the water's gone, and that you know, black, gooey, disgusting swamp water and mud and muck coming to the surface. I never thought it was this bad. I never thought the deep state was this corrupt. I never thought the mob was this corrupt. Never understood how big tech was this corrupt, never understood how how you know people that called themselves for years moderate Republicans and I'll moderate at all, they'd vote for a week frail, cognitively struggling socialist radical because they don't like a more conservative Donald Trump who has an unorthodox style, unbelievable America, you'd decide. An hour two Sean Hannity's show Gladio with US eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, you can almost sense and feel a massive momentum shift in this election. You could see that big tech companies censoring meet negative media stories against all things Biden family business now beginning to resonate. Whether they like it or not. You know, it's interesting. As hard as people try to hide things, it usually just makes people more curious. Breitbart has put up apparently I have not independently confirmed it a photo showing Joe Biden meeting with Hunter's business associate and Kazakhstan. A lot of what we know. We've got to give props and credit to Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Charles Grassley. They're eighty seven page interim report that they put out that has identified business relationships not known previously. We know some of them, but for example, with Russian oligarchs and Ukrainian oligarc and oligarchs and Jaakstan aligarks, shopping sprees with Chinese nationals, the first Lady of Moscow and a wire transfer of three and a half million dollars and a Cowzak oligarch transfer. Again doing business with zero experience Hunter. Hunter has no experience in private equity, no experience in oil, gas or energy, no experience with any of these countries that we're mentioning. Mark Meadows brought up the issue with Romanian may be coming into play as well. We'll find out the days to come, and Senator Ron Johnson joins us now, Senator welcome back to the program. I wish everybody in America would take the time to read your eighty seven page report because it's shocking, beyond belief. And now that we have some evidence emerging that Hunter Biden in fact was using his father as a contact or a point of contact and offering meetings with foreign nationals as a means of getting business. This deal's done is beyond compromising to me. Yeah, the you know the computer that now is surfaced, you know from that computer shop owner, and together with these Gmail account of Bevin Coonan's cooney, which was Devin Hunters or yeah, Devin Archer's a business partner, it's just providing a treasure trove. And you know, Sean, if if just if this just was a one off, if there's just one business deal exact kind of bad judgment, there are so many of them. I mean, this is a real pattern, and we're really looking at three distinct scandals here. You got the scandal of all these financial and international entanglements of the Bidens. Okay, the Biden's profiting off by name. But then you have the scandal of the suppression of of this enormous news story on the part of Facebook and Twitter and the news media in general. And then of course you have the scandal of the withholding of information the deep state. These agencies that, first of all, are not the documents that Senator Grass and I have requested. They're slow walking this past the election combined with just for example, the computer the FBI held December of twenty nineteen, right in the heart of the whole impeachment issue. This computer obviously has relevant information that the impeachment trial in the Senate against the President of the United States, and the FBI just sat and said nothing, didn't tell anybody about it. I know that. So there are three seve Have we been able to confirm that Director Ray had this hard drive of Hunter Biden all that time. Well, again, we've seen news reports where there was a grand jury subpoena issued, and that's what the shop owner said. The FBI picked it up in December twenty nineteen. Now, the shop owner, you know, once he download that information to try and recover it, put on a different device. According to his story, he probably inappropriately looked at these things, but he saw what he had he wanted to get rid of it. It sounds like he offered this FBI They didn't want it, but sometime in the November December time frame, they realized they did need to look at it and so they subpoenaed it through a grand jury. Now I don't know why that is. I mean, the FBI is not giving us They're not being particularly fourth right. Yeah, that's why I sent a letter on Sunday to get more information out of the FBI hopefully, though. Well, I gotta tell you, I've been very disappointed with Director Ray and his lack of urgency to clean up the premier law enforcement agency in the world. I have great respect, Senator for Special Agents and FBI. We have the greatest law enforcement in the entire world. We have the greatest intelligence agencies in the entire world. And we learned during the whole Russia collusion that wasn't Russia collusion except for Hillary's bought and paid for dirty Russia misinformation dossier that was never verifiable yet used to spy on a president and a presidential campaign. There was no Trump Prussia collusion, and this country was dragged through hell over it. We dragged through hell on an impeachment over a telephone call, while simultaneously we've got, you know, Joe Biden bragging on tape that he leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars to get a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son, who's being paid millions from a gas and energy holding company with no experience. I mean, you can't even make this up in a spine novel. No, let's face it, just a fracture of this was attached to the Trump of the Trump family, just be frontage news on every newscast, every newspaper in America, and yet they're suppressing it. And of course Sean he realized. I got so frustrated the Directori in the FBI not complying with our oversight requests. I issued a subpoena of the FBI the documents were doing if these documents that the Inspector General have for his report, that they should have been readily available. Those are due August twenty. We granted two extensive to September theories, and we still don't have probably the bulk of the documents requested from the FBI from the intelligence community. Chuck Classy and I, the President pro Tem of the Senate, the Chairman of Finance to me, former Chairman of Juiciary. We can't even get the director of the CIA to call us back so we can ask her what's the hold up on these documents? So gaspe. Why would Gina Hespell not respond to a Senate request? I thought we had something called checks and balances. Senator, Well, she made a big deal in a confirmation here and that she absolutely agreed with the Congressional oversight. Transparency was the key, and we we just mentioned that in our letter reminding her of that, and you know, come clean and give us these documents. And we have not got squat And I said, we can't even get her to give us a phone call. Let me just digress for a second here. You this is not your first rodeo. I've been on the radio since Old Reagan was president. Not that I want to give away my age, Senator, because I look so much younger on TV, but so I've watched a lot of Shenanigan's go on in all the years I've been doing this. Did you ever do you ever think we'd be in a time where we have a presidential candidate that has all of these questions, that is not being asked any of them, and takes off on Saturday with just seventeen days to go before a campaign, does one event Sunday, and then decides with fourteen days to thirteen days. I'm sorry, fifteen days to go to take off Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. No, what is going on here? Because to me, my interpretation is that they've had to make a decision in the Biden campaign that it would be worse for Joe Biden to go out campaign, meet people, ask for votes than the political image of him hiding in his basement. Nobody would ever do this. What the hell is going on? You know, I grew up in the age of the Watergate scandal, your Woodward and Burdens. You know, these intrepid reporters just digging for the story, to reveal the truth in American public you know, nonpartist, just trying to dig up the truth. If that was ever true, those days are long gone because and and Seana, it really started with the takeover of our university system by the radical left. So they control college of the journalism, of law of education, so they control our culture. And it's being revealed now what the effect of that is. So we've ad journalists they're all they're all leftists, they're all progressives, and they are in the tank for the Democrats. They are part and parcel. They are the mouthpiece, they carry the water of the Democrats, and they have declared after Trump guy elected, they said, what we have to drop any pretense of unbiased because this guy is such a threat. We got the everything. We can bring this guy down. That's what they've done. And the people in the agencies have done the same thing. I mean, think two weeks after us and Trump took office, conversations with the Prime Minister of Australia and the President of Mexico would lead to the press. Two weeks and then of course you have Colonel Vinman leaking the Carlis Lensky, who does Who can the president trust these agencies? Unbelievable points, not many people, not many people. That's right, sympthy for President Trump to get doing an almost impossible job and he doesn't know who he can trust these agencies. It's sad. I mean, I'm really worried about the future of our country. In fourteen days his election day. In your report, you chronicle and you lay out in great specificity, in detail, the business dealings of Hunter Biden, Devin Archer, this guy Cooney. Cooney's in jail. He's now turned over his twenty six thousand emails to Peter Schweitzer. We now have this this hard drive sitting there, which would contradict what Joe Biden has said publicly. You know, you and also I've been briefed on what's in it. I've not been able to endo pendently corroborated. So I'm withholding what I've been told until i can get more confirmation. But it is all horrible. But in your report you have corroborated, you have identified what is a family enterprise of money making with China, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and elsewhere. What have you specifically discovered, Well, you know what we lay out is we lay out the web. But you know how difficult financial crimes are to prove, you know, they're shell companies. It's it's difficult. You know, I was our reports criticized because we do improve anthony illegal. That's not our job, you know, that's the job of prosecutors and Partment Justice. Our job is to provide oversight gathered information to inform public policy, but also to inform the public. So I readily admitted you know that our report raises far more questions than it actually answers. But you know, unlike says, oh, there's no wrong to you know, there's all kinds of evidence, of all kinds of troubling wrongdoing, but it needs to be further investigated. And you know what, one thing that of all the questions, if I could ask Vice President Biden one thing that's being overlooked. We've just got some emails. Devin Archer now has been his conviction has been reinstated. To remember that was vacated by a judge. It just happens to be married to a man who served on Mueller's Special Council team and also was lead prosecutor in Paul Manifold. He can't make these connections up. But Devin Archers now convicted felon. He's convicted of a crime, a fraud that was perfected between twenty and thirteen and twenty and fourteen. That's the exact time period when they set up this conflict of interest in Barisma. And Devin Archer met with Vice President Biden in the White House five days before Vice President Biden went to Ukraine and was named the face of the Ubaden inistration for his policy towards Ukraine. The question I would want to ask the Vice President is why did you meet with Devin Archer, who, by the way, the day after Vice President was there, Devin Archer joined the board of BRUSMA. You know, a few weeks later Hunter Biden joined the board. But now we're finding out that Hunter Biden might have had been on the board before Devin Archer met with the Vice President in the White House. What did you meet with Devin Archer about? What did you talk about? Who else was in that meeting? Those are the first questions out of I don't know, hundreds, I would ask the Vice President, why did you meet with Devin Archer, who we now knows that convicted felon perpetrating a fraud on a tribe during twenty fourteen when you met with him? I always thought I have not been impressed with Director Ray. I don't see any urgency to clean up the world's premiere law enforcement agency. Gina Haspell, I've known, you know, going back a ways, to be very heroic in this country in the in the aftermath of nine to eleven, I'm a little surprised she's not being responsive, and I think that has to change, especially because she promised such transparency during her confirmation hearing. Uh, you're doing a great job, Senator Will Donald Trump hold the great state of Wisconsin in fourteen days. Boy, when you take a little the enthusiasm, I was with him in Jamesville Saturday to the roof and then by the way, those rallies, those are a celebration of people for freedom, for individually, the love America as their present does. Those things are a blast. But based on that enthusiasm, he has to win Wisconsin. You've known Joe Biden for years. All this stuff is all this stuff will be buried forever. Sean will never get to the truth. That would be sad. You've known Joe Biden all these years. Does he seem weak and frail to you? Because he does to me. You listen, it's sad. He's showing his age. There's no doubt about it. You know, he is not the Joe Biden that I've met even a few years ago. He's just simply not. And you see those compilations videos his infirmity. It's it's sad. I don't they joined that. But he never should have run for president. He never should have run. All right, Senator Johnson, thank you for all you're doing. We appreciate it. We'll stay on the story. When the mob is ignoring it and big Tech is ignoring it and suppressing it. Glad you with us twenty five till the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine four one Seawn our number. You want to be a part of the program, lying hiding Joe Biden? Who takes off half the month of September in the middle of a presidential campaign, who takes off five out of six days with fourteen days to go, Who does that? There's something that's got to be so deep that is going on here. That is and of course the mob, the media protecting it all that they just if the choice is letting Joe go out and do campaigning or hiding Joe, and hiding Joe is the better answer. It just scares the crap out of me, is what they really know, because this is not the way you run a campaign. It is not. Well, let me hid in the basement and I'll see you in five days. I'll put on a lid on everything in nine thirty every morning. Unbelievable. Eight hundred nine four one Sean Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. One of the more frustrating things is we never got to the bottom of what has happened in twenty sixteen, and now we have these big media conglomerates, the media mob themselves, social media tech giants, all trying to censor the Hunter Biden's story. Even with all of that, the story is now getting out in terms of Hunter Biden capitalizing off his father emails. Now that Biden campaign is not even answering questions. Okay, but did Joe get a cut of the money as it relates to Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs, Kazakhstan oligarchs, Russian nationals, Kazakh nationals, Ukrainian nationals, Chinese nationals. How do you get three and a half million from a Russian oligarch, first Lady of Moscow and nobody cares if you're a Democrat When all we heard from years was Trump Russia collusion. The only collusion was Hillary's dirty Russian misinformation dossier that was used with funnel money through a law firm to an op research firm, to an m I six guy named Christopher Steele who hated Donald Trump, who then used as his main source a guy that said none of it's true, but was also known to our FBI as being a Russian contact for over a decade and they still went further with it. How did nobody get indicted in that so far? When you look at what is at stake, the promises being made by Kamala Harris, the promises being made by Joe a few times he's out there, the Bolshevik Berney Joe Biden manifesto, getting rid of fracking, getting rid of fossil fuels, higher taxes, guaranteed power grabs such as packing the court, than amnesty, DC, Puerto Rico's statehood for democratic extra senators to their minds. Give them a democratic Senate and perpetuity. Fifteen million people that get amnesty. I guess they'll be told what we expect you to be loyal to the Democratic Party. We're giving you something of great value. All of this is happening in this Two weeks from today, America will be deciding at the polls, with over thirty million Americans already having voted. I mean, it's getting that crazy. We are up against institutional forces. We've never had this aligned against any one president, and that is the medium mob, ninety nine percent of them. Then we have the Presidential Debate Commission. Now they're aligned against Donald Trump. Now we have the Democratic Party and all things democratic, radical socialists, they're against him. Then the Rhino Republican Establishment Party there against all things Donald Trump. The only thing that can stop this and the push towards socialism and the New Green Deal and false promises and guaranteed poverty and weakness abroad is going to be you. You are the ultimate jury. And it's two weeks from today. Somebody that's been in the forefront of getting a lot of the information that we otherwise wouldn't know about all the corruption of the deep state is our friend Tom Fitton. He's the president of Judicial Watch. He's been doing this for three decades now. He has a brand new book out and it's called The Republic Under Assault, the lefts ongoing attack on American freedom. It's out today in bookstores near you, Amazon dot com, Hannity dot Com. But he goes into great details and chronicles a lot of these institutional forces that I've been telling you are lining up against the president using every single dirty trick they have, and they're protecting a week frail, cognitively struggling candidate in Joe Biden. Tom Fitton, how are you, sir, hey Sean going to be with you again, Thanks for having me, Thanks for being back. Let's talk a little bit about these forces, because they're real. I mean, if you look at Tefagler and the polls that he's been putting out, Okay, it's a close race. Everybody else has it, just like in twenty sixteen, Joe Biden's running away with it. Here, you have big tech, now, these social media companies with Section two thirty liability protections. They're out there deciding what content Americans see and what they don't see. Then you have the media mob. Their toughest question for Joe is what kind of milkshake did you get? Which they did ask over the weekend, the one day he ventured out of his basement bunker. We got a lot of forces against this president. Yeah, and I think there are two categories the forces. You've got the socialists obviously, who don't like his deregulatory agenda, his tax cutting agenda, things like that. That's the type of thing that conservatives are used to battling here in DC. But you've got this terrible corruption here in Washington, DC, the swamp that I don't even think the president fully understood when he came into office. And I and you know, it's one thing to know that Hillary Clinton was on the take. Now we know it looks like the vice president was on the take as well, through his cash machine that he was running out of the Vice President's office. And they came in this president asking tough questions about Hillary Clinton. They needed to freeze him from being able to do anything, and that's why they assaulted him with the Molar operation than these Russia Gate smears. And then he said what was going on in Ukraine? And by gosh, we knew there was corruption, But I'm sure, Sean, I mean, did you think that it was as bad as we're now learning? He was onto something they were willing And now we know why they were willing to blow up the constitution assault our republic. As the book says, it's because of the gargantuan corruption scandal around Joe Biden. Well, I mean, it's the amazing thing about the impeachment thing, And I do think we need to get an answer as to when did Ray get a hold of this Hunter Biden hard drive, assuming he has it, and if he had it the whole time, that would be to me, You know, I already have my own reasons thinking he ought to go anyway because he's not doing his job, which would be to clean up the world's premier law enforcement agency. So now we have this, this whole controversy you know about him, but you know, we had Joe on tape bragging Tom. He was bragging, how you got six hours. You're not getting a billion in loan guarantees of US dollars unless you fire a prosecutor, Victor Shokin, who we know now was investigating zero experience Hunter. You know, Joe Biden lied when he said Hunter didn't get three and a half million from the first Lady of Moscow, this Russian oligarch. We also know he got a you know, a transfer, wired transfer from this Kazakhstan oligark. We know Ukraine along with Parisma. There's a fortune Chinese nationals, the one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China. Imagine the last name here is not Biden but Trump. I think these forces would be dead set against and be covering this night and day, day and night, and calling for impeachment and everything in between. That's how corrupt they are. That's right. And President Trump came into office where and he made sure that foreigners wouldn't be able to dissuade him or his family by restricting business deals abroad. What did Joe Biden do? His son was flying all over the world. We have documents showing four hundred trips domestically and international. He flew to twenty nine He flew to twenty nine different countries before he gave up evidently his Secret Service protection. Then we don't know what he did. But just compare and contrast. And you know, as head of Judicial Watch, I'm not telling you to vote for against anyone, but I am not going to stop talking about the corruption of a political figure simply because they're running for office. That's what Hillary Clinton wanted us to do, That's what Joe Biden wanted us to do. And in my view, putting on the political analyst, Sean, this is like twenty sixteen. Again. Remember we came up with those documents about pay to play in the State Department scandals with Hillary Clinton in August. She was off the campaign trail for a month. I don't understand. I do understand, but we have the major corruption issues breaking and Joe Biden is nowhere to be seen. If I were a Democrat, I'd be very nervous. Were if I were an honest Democrat, I'd be thinking away, WoT be nervous? Joe hiding apparently is working if you believe the polls. Well, I don't necessarily believe the poles. And when you see the Washington Post talk about the Democrats thinking as twenty sixteen all over again, it's a suggestion that they may be thinking that they may think that this corruption once again is coming back to bite them. Well, I mean it's so deep, the corruption and the amount of money. I mean, you know, it's every single contact Joe had Hunter was there and taking full advantage of. And now the emails, which by the way, the emails have now been independently corroborated by Fox News and elsewhere besides the New York Post. But look at the report of Charles Grassley and Ron Johnson. Start there. They mentioned the nationals, Chinese nationals, Russian nationals, Ukrainian nationals, Kazakh nationals. Mark Meadows mentioned last night that Romania may now soon be part of the equation and that there's a lot more in terms of details coming out. Have you heard any of the specific details that we might be hearing about. I haven't. And I think one of the key aspects of the scandal that need to be answered by Joe Biden sooner rather than later is that the strong suggesting in the emails by Hunter that this money was meant in part for Joe Biden. Did he get money from Hunter Biden? When did he get the money? How much was it? Did other family members like his younger brother, also spend money on Joe Biden? That's what the emails suggests. That Hunter was complaining about having to raise money for the miss family. It's even then The Washington Post Ignatius David Ignatius, the liberal rop ed writer for the Washington Post. He has Hunter Biden being quoted as saying he has to raise money for the family. No one else in the family has money. Who else is in the family but Joe Biden? Is he the big guy? We need an answer to that too, sweet Well, we need an answer to the big guy question because apparently money was put in holding Hunter's account for the big guy. Who else would be the big guy in his life? Now? His two other partners one Devin Archer's awaiting sentenceeing and this other guy Cooney use Peter Schweitzer has been all over is in jail himself. Nobody seems to be willing to go over the trial transcripts except for Peter Schweitzer, which has Hunter's name all over it. But the bottom line here is that massive amounts of money were made off the Biden name, and Joe just pled complete ignorance. And now there seems to be evidence showing that, in fact, he knew the whole time. Yeah, I mean, that's you know what's interesting. This came up in the impeachment hearings. Anyone who was paying attention, you would have seen that the Obama State Department, the Obama White House was very much aware of the Biden Ukraine issue. He was briefed on it. There were concerns raised internally, so the idea he didn't know about it as bologny. And of course Hunter immediately contradicted Joe's comments that even know about it, because Hunter said he talked about it with him, and Joe said, I hope you know what you're doing. Good point. Congrats on the new book. Has been a friend of the show for a long time, a friend Tom Fitton. Republicans under assault the lefts ongoing attack on American Freedom out today, bookstores everywhere, Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, and all of those Freedom of Information Act requests have shed a lot of light on information we otherwise wouldn't know. And we hope you will continue your good work. Thanks for being with us. Right so when we come back, ask yourself a question, how much is there any way that you could calculate the amount of money that the mob in the media by running defense for Joe Biden and protecting all things Biden and keeping Donald Trump on defense for four straight years? Can you ever monetize or put a monetary value on how much it is they're donating to all things democratic socialist Biden Harris in terms of the ticket. Now, if there's a controversy involving let's say President Trump, even phony conspiracy theories like he's had to face on Russia, Russia, Russia, or Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine or whatever, can you put a monetary value on Big Tech deciding that they're not going to run anything now, one story about quid pro quote, Joe Zero, experience hunter, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs, Kazakh oligarchs, Chinese national shopping sprees, millions of dollars wire transfers. How much is that? Can you put a monetary value on it? And is it an inkind donation? Anyway? We'll get to that and more. Eight hundred and nine four one Shawn. If you want to be a part of the program, our News Roundup, Information Overload Hours coming up next fourteen days. You are the ultimate jury Hannity tonight nine Eastern sait DVR. We'll see you then as well, Quick break, final hour and your call straight ahead? All right, glad you with us News Roundup and Information Overload Hour. Eight hundred and nine four one Shawn. If you want to be a part of this extravaganzas so we got all these big tech companies, how do you possibly monetize what it is that the medium mob is donating in kind donations to the Democratic Party by just ignoring zero experience, Hunter and the millions of dollars cashing in on his dad, the vice president, and now emails emerging suggesting that Joe lied to us and he knew all about it, and Hunter doing all of this without any experience at all. I mean when I say no experience, I mean no experience. How does somebody get away with no experience in any of these countries. Because that's what we now have before us as a country, and that is somebody that was making millions and millions of dollars and even a billion dollars deal with no experience. Now, is there any anybody you know that has that kind of cushy life or cushy deals that you know? Hunter had no experience in Ukraine and yet he made millions, no experience in oil, gas energy, he made millions. He had zero experience. In Russia, he made millions. He had zero experience in China. His initial deal was a billion dollars, became a billion five with the Bank of China, deals with Chinese nationals, Hunter Biden and family shopping sprees, zero experience in any foreign or domestic investments or private equity. The only experience he has is his father was the vice president and he's getting millions of dollars. Imagine if it was Trump. Now, why is this important? Well, could somebody then be compromised in terms of, oh, well, we gave your family millions of dollars? Are they buying access? Is a pay to play? Could it even go as deep as one of the reasons that Joe Biden. You thought that the travel ban from China was hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering, was because of Hunter's billion five deal with the Bank of China, and he wanted to keep good relations with the Bank of China because this was good for the Biden family. Corrupt business, I mean, it makes you wonder. And then you have big tech companies they make decisions for you, and that is that. Now we're not going to we're not going to run with this story because we think this might be fake news. We've decided now they've never apologized any of them for all the fake news stories about Trump Russia collusion. Now Ted Cruiz has taken on Google and big tech companies and Twitter and Facebook and says they are abusing monopoly power and becoming more brazen. And by the way, the protections known a section to thirty that remove liability issues from these big tech companies should be removed. And I think that's going to happen. So you have the for example, there's a story out today where did I see it? On the hill? Chinese citizens watching President She delivered important speech this week not far from Hong Kong. The whole speech President she apparently is ill and every time he went into coughing spasms, China State media would cut away so that he was shown only imperfect health. Wow. Sounds like a lot like the media in this country. Not what's happening to the media in this country anyway. Craig Marshall, civil liberties attorney, serves as a Senior Advisor of Internet Policy at the American Principles Project, also special counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice. He's testified plenty of times before committees, House and Senate constitutional issues as well as the FCC. Will reinhard as a senior Fellow Research Fellow for the Center for Growth and Opportunity at Utah State University. All right, let's talk about these big tech companies, but also, Craig, maybe you can explain what Section two thirty protections are and why these companies if they once they begin to edit content out they deem inappropriate, but they're doing it with a political through a political prism, they ought to lose the liability protections that are afforded them as platforms versus being like a newspaper or a news organization where they don't have such protections. Yeah, Sean, you put your finger on the problem here. Section two thirty was generated back in nineteen ninety six by Congress, and then they had good intentions at the time. You know, the World Wide Webb was pretty young by then, and they didn't want these new burgeoning Internet sites that were starting up to be swamped with lawsuits like an ordinary publisher would be. So they said, look, we're going to give you a special deal. We're going to make you immune from almost all lawsuits. So that's a huge government benefit obviously, but we're doing this so that you can number one patrol your own sites to keep pornography and the harmful stuff away from kids. So you got to screen that out. And also you have to have a wide platform of diverse opinions, you know, don't be involved in censorship. But it was giving them the discretion to decide how they were going to do that. Well, they breached their deal. Silicon Valley Number one has allowed all kinds of harmful stuff for miners on their sites. But equally and almost worse is they've censored viewpoints that they don't like. You the world famous conomous Milton Friedman once America in America monopolies almost never develop unless government has handed some industry some very special benefit. In this case, the special benefit was two thirty. I mean, there's no way that we could there's no way we could monetize just how much money that that Joe Biden is being given in terms of an in kind donation for his campaign when the mob of the mob protects him and then you've got big tech companies running interference for him if there's any negative story. Yeah, I mean, how will you put a dollar amount on a rigged election? In terms of they're deciding how much information America gets them. By the way, we all get most of our information now, not from newspapers off the newstand but online. And there are only there's five giants here Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Apple that are deciding almost all of the information we're going to get ever about important election issues. And they're deciding winners and lose is what's information and what is disinformation? And if it's the latter, they're going to suppress it. Well, Ryan, hard are they breaking campaign finance laws? Once? I did a favor for my buddy who was running for Congress, and I just put a link to his website up on my website, and the head of the Democratic Party in New York tried to make an argument that I was making an in kind donation. Can you believe that that is actually kind of surprising. But going back to the Section two thirty stuff that we were talking about, I mean, one of the big questions that I think that we have to ask is whether or not if we got rid of these Section two thirty protection whether or not these large tech companies would really feel the pressure all that much. Right, They've got a lot of lawyers. They can deal with these these sorts of lawsuits. My worry is that the small, small companies, right, you know, you're looking at small alternatives like Parlor and some stack and they deal with those sorts of lawsuits. And that's that's the kind of the tricky thing about Section two thirty reform and really this overall conversation, it's these big guys really can They've got the resources to deal with these problems. So I'm just I'm a little head. So so basically you're saying is they feel they can act with impunity and they don't have any fear because they can fight back and they can afford to stay in the courts for decades, that's what you're telling me. I mean, they probably could, but we also see the consumers are pushing back pretty pretty handling. I mean your you know, your viewers, your your listeners do this as well. They push back. They talk to people at Twitter. You know, that's it's not as though, you know, we sell even with Twitter. With the New York Post article, you know, there was this kind of back and forth that happened throughout the day. For example, right you know, they said, first off they weren't allowing people to post it, and then later they allowed people to post it. It was because of this short of you know, back and forth is kind of market that I think exists still very importantly for consumers to you know, voice concerns, and they've got concerns with these large platforms. Got the perfect solution, but I think it's probably among the best. Well, the first thing you got to do is take away the Section two thirty protections. How easy would that be to get done? But I guess the Democrats probably want them to keep it because all they're doing is helping their cause. I mean, they've gotten agenda. They're an extension of the Democratic Socialist Party. There's state run big tech, and they're protecting all things radical socialist and all things ever week Frellen cognitively challenged Joe Biden, and they're now going out and attacking Donald Trump and all things Republican, where all things conservative. So I mean, it's extremely one sided. And you can't calculate the amount of money because it's it is the biggest donation ever in the history of any campaign period. End of sentence. Craig, Yeah, it is. But let me go back to Will's point. Now he brings up a great question. All right, practical matter. You know, how can we possibly fight these giants if we completely revoked two thirty? I think the answer. And there's a number of pieces of legislation, as you know, Sean you talked about I'm on your show. They are pending right now, but there's one coming down the line, according to my insight information, there's going to be proposed in Congress very soon. And if it would target the Big Five basically not by name, but by definition, these monopolies of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Apple, if they would be subjected, if they continue censoring viewpoints the way they are, they would be subjected to private action lawsuits by individual citizens for suppressing their viewpoints, and they have to dole out huge amounts of damages for each incident of censorship. We know it's out there, it's happening. If we empower the American people to go after these five companies. And by the way, you know a lot of people in a lot of conservatives and I understand this, are wary of plaintiffs attorneys, right, But I'll tell you what. You give a carrot in front of a plaintiff's attorney to sue these companies and you will have lawsuits that will correct their behavior. Well, I think the lawsuits at some point, there's got to be accountability here, quick freak. We'll come back more with Craig Parshalls with US Civil Liberties at any Senior Advisor on Internet Policy at the American Principles Project, Special counsel for the American Center for Law Injustice. Also with US Will Reinhardt, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Growth and Opportunity, Utah State University. What do you think of these new platforms that exist? For example, I don't if anyone has as a content provider or if you are parlor is like the new Twitter and We're on it too, by the way, and I urge people to get on it. But they do have rules that will like if you're a Nazi or a racist or a pedophile. You know, I'm trying to make the most obvious cases that they obviously don't want that content on their sites, So there's got to be a certain amount of leeway and discretion. Right, how do you thread that needle? Yes, Yeah, here's what they've done. Right. They haven't really come out and said it, but I've analyzed. I'm on parlor. They have about a million followers in a course, Facebook as billions around the world, So that's that car race. You know, Facebook has laps ahead of Parlor. That's why they ought to be subjected to lawsuits but not Parlor. But what they've done at Parlor is basically followed First Amendment principles that the federal course in spring Court is laid out that everything is fair game except a limited number of exceptions like incitement of violence, like fighting, words like true threats. All of those exceptions could work to eliminate the stuff you're talking about, Sean, but leaving the vast majority of honest, legitimate, lawful opinions that might be politically incorrect, but not illegal and certainly not hit the exception Twitter. Look, I can tell you that pretty hideous, personal, despicable even lies have been told about me on Twitter. And then there's a group of people that are just bored in their underwear and their basements with nothing to do all day, that you know, spend all day making memes that, even if they're about me, are actually pretty funny and I can laugh at it, but then you've got, you know, this dangerous side. For example, remember the anarchist cookbook that was published and released years ago, you know, teaching people how to build bombs for crying out loud. You know, I have a hard time with publishing that kind of information. Yeah, and I think it would be covered. And obviously there are adjustments between a public park under the First Amendment and these platforms. But with adjustments to the vast scale of this technology that's involved certain adjustments of those exceptions to the First Amendment, I think lawyers could get together and worked at along with policy folks and these computer geniuses. The problem is the computer geniuses never went to history class about the founding of our nation and what the First Amendment was supposed to be about. Granted, it only applies to government censorship, but the Supreme Courts made it pretty clear if a media company gets so big it controls and chokes off information, it basically has a chokehold on information for the American public, then it's an antitrust issue. Then they could be sued and should be sued. And you know, we'll have to see how all of this plays out. Very very informative. Thank you both for being with us eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, let me tell you don't think this is We're fourteen days out of a campaign, and unilaterally you have these big tech companies that don't want you to know the truth of what is a massive unfolding pay to play scandal involving the Bidens. Now, you know they would never treat Donald Trump the same way ever, and you know, you know Ron Johnson, for example, tweeted out as we talked to him earlier in the program. Today, you know that Devin Archer, just like the other partner of Hunter Biden, is a convicted felon. Now and new emails from an independent source show that he and the co conspirators plan to put some honey from this scheme in Hunter's pocket. Isn't it time that somebody asked Joe Biden these questions? Now we have a debate commission. They're also corrupt. We have what an NBC reporter that loves taking pictures with Obama whose family is a big Democratic donating family. I mean, anyone have any problem of any that? Or Senator Johnson asking Joe Biden, why did you meet with Devin in the White House April sixteen, two thousand and four, or five days before you went to Ukraine and six days before Devin Archer joined Barisma's board. Who gets this kind of money from people? It's pretty unbelievable. All right, eight hundred nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza, we'll continue, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour. By the way, one thing not reported by many. Foxnews did have it at foxnews dot com. Biden campaign facing a backlash. They have an ad depicting a Michigan tech ceo as a struggling bar owner. In other words, they put a TV ad out depicting a Michigan bar owner struggling to keep his business afloat during the pandemic. The ad, though, fails to mention that the guy actually is a wealthy tech investor who made contributions to the former vice president's campaign and supported Michigan governor shutdown Gretchen Whitmer and our stay at home orders and kept business shuttered longer. Anyway. The ad was posted on YouTube on Thursday and aired on Sunday during NFL games and features this guy Joe Malcoon is his name, who is listed as the co owner of The Blind Pig on one's popular bar and music venue in ann Arbor, and he blamed his business economic turndown on President Trump's and President Trump's COVID nineteen response. And for fifty years the Blind Pig has been open and crowded. Right now it's an empty room, he said. Anyway, the owner said in a recent ad on behalf of Joe Biden's campaign, we don't know how much longer we can survive not having any revenue. A lot of restaurants and bars mainstays for years and will not make it through this. And it goes on from there that features the song Sabotage by the Beastie Boys, making it the first time the group licensed one of their songs for a political advertisement. What he doesn't say in the ad is there's a small chance he'll face financial room if The Blind Pig goes under, given that he's a prominent quote angel investor in several local tech companies Upsie days he had April, he tweeted praise for whit Mercy's doing it right by continuing the states stay at Home order, which led to the longer shutdown than most other states. And anyway, here's the ad that they're running it. It's so funny. Like everything else with Biden, everywhere I go people have a story about the Blind teg. The Blind Pig has been one of those clubs that track artists from all genres for fifty years. The Blind Pig has been opened and crowded, but right now it's an empty room. This is the reality of Trump's COVID response. We don't know how much longer and we can survive not having any revenue. There's no plan and you don't know how to go forward. It makes me so an. My only hope for my family and for this business in my community is that Joe Biden wins the selection. That's the kind of person we need. I'm Joe Biden, and I approved this message. Yeah, I'm moralized by the left. Linda has all worked up on this Jeffrey Tubin stories on leave, I guess from The New Yorker, and has taken some time off from fake news CNN after he had his a little moment on Zoom and a Zoom called the other day. I think that's rough. Maybe not that phrase. I don't know, this is not okay, Okay. I think I'm worked up over Jeffrey Tubin. I have not heard many people. You know, it doesn't Jane Mayor, you know, wasn't she on the call? She was? Indeed, I haven't heard any updates from anybody that actually got stuck on this mess of a call of his. So people people are talking anonymously about it because I guess it's just like one of those things like where it's you know, I don't know. It's so awkward, right, It's like here's your here's your coworker, you know, showing you a part of their um okay, And I can't even I can't even hand my my my ears can't even handle here work ethic was really called into questions. His work ethic was called into question. Is that what we call that? Now? I'm gonna that's my new name. You know, his ethic, it's ethic. What's a question? Yeah, sorry, Ben the dumbest lawyer on TV. Let's be honest here. And I guess apparently at a relationship while he was married with another host's daughter. Did you hear about that? Is that it did? Yeah? They had a child, they did. Yeah. Um. It's it's kind of a problem, you know, where the Left finds themselves in a very interesting position because that could on the carpet for the same crap they try to put upon other people that's not true, and then when it happens and it's always them, you know, it's kind of like the definition of is is with Clinton? You know, you go back to that I did not have secial relations with that woman. I'm like, okay, dude, we all know you didn't. Eventually it's going to come out. You might as well just you know, fess up now. And with two But it's the same thing, and people are trying to come up with zoom camera on. You know, it's weird. List. I mean, I've been doing a lot of zoom calls, you know, because of COVID, and you know we did all those things. Just say, I don't understand. Like when I get on the camera, you can see I look at like what comes up in the background. Make sure there's no weird pictures, you know, anything that might be offensive. Okay, let's take that down. Okay, everything's clean, everything looks good. All right, let's get the camera on. Let's get going. I don't think should I her underwear today? Should I put on pain? Okay? I can't. You gotta stop, you got you gotta stop, you gotta stop. I don't want to hear anymore. And the two brought it up. I brought it up. I was a dumb idea. I actually, you know hip, I'm gonna hit my Are you thinking? Bad host? I had no idea she's gonna take it there? I mean, you not know this was how this is gonna go. Oh good grief. He's always been one, he's always been one to two to his own tuban, and now that's coming home to roost. Okay, I'm about to walk out too. Yeah, I think we're all gonna walk out here, all right. Don't hate participating cann Is in Florida. Can we need Florida in fourteen days? How are you ken? Glad you called? I'm doing good, Sean? How are you so? I'm good? Sir? Hey, I just had a question. I want to get your opinion on the Trump supporter enthusiasm. I was just on a vacation in Tuerwater, Florida, and happened upon a what would be a Trump parade. It was probably over a thousand cars just going down the street for over an hour, and I wanted to see if if you think that the support that we show now is a not a retaliation but an expression because of the anti and Trump cancel culture that is making us show even more support for our president than we have in the past. I think enthusiasm. If you want to ask me, do I think the enthusiasm for Donald Trump is real? Don't? It's obvious There's never been a politician. The only one I would say that even came remotely close, but nothing as big as this was Barack Obama. There's never been a politician that is drawing massive crowds of people from every corner of the country. And now, how do we somehow extrapolate that into votes for Trump. I don't know how you do it. The fact that Biden's campaign, now this is critical to me. They have made a decision. Remember his off Saturday, did one event on Sunday's Tough question was one question on Hunter and he had a fit. But the end next question was about what kind of milkshake did you get? We got one chocolate, one Manila. Okay. Then he puts a lid on everything for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. And nobody, no presidential candidate is or campaign is going to make that decision unless they've they've outweighed the benefits. The benefits of him hiding in the basement clearly outweigh those of him being out trying to ask people to vote for him. And that's that. That means whatever it is, and I can't I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play one on radio or TV. He is obviously not the same guy he was when he left office in twenty sixteen. He's week, he's frail, he's struggling cognitively, he doesn't have the strength, he doesn't have the stamina, he doesn't have the mental alertness and the mental acuity. I believe for the job, and I think his campaign knows it. They know a lot more than we do. And for them to make that decision that he stays home a week before the last debate, week before this debate, it is very very telling, And to me it also becomes very very dangerous. The fact that the media will not report at all about all of these connections to all of these countries, and all of these wire transfers and all of this money that Hunter is making off of his father being vice president is very telling. Big tech company's censoring true stories about Biden family corruption. You know they would never do this for Donald Trump. It speaks volumes. So what you have is real enthusiasm for the president. I don't think there's any enthusiasm for Joe Biden. And I think the only the only enthusiasm you see and that you hear is that the mob and the media, big institutional forces. Now even the Debate Commission they're so obviously biased against Trump. Then big tech companies, then the whole Democratic Party establishment, then the Republican Rhino Republican establishment. They're all joined forces in just a singular vicious hatred of all things Trump. Now, why do I think it is if I had to just sum it up for you, it's it's Donald Trump has taken on the swamp and he's won, and they hate him, and he doesn't play their game and he's never going to play their game, and he plays by his own rules and they can't endle it, and they want him gone in the worst way. The fact that they've gone through with the phony impeachment. They have harassed this guy every way in sideways, and I think the American people are fundamentally fair, and I think they've Yeah, they see they see Donald Trump is tough. They see he is a disruptor that he breaks things, he's iconoclastic, he's here reverend, he speaks his mind, but he also keeps his promises. And things got an awful lot better with him governing versus Obama Biden. And I think it comes down to that now they're more haters or they're more people that love Trump. That's where it turnout matters the most, and every election it always comes now down to turnout. We'll stay in Florida, Mario next Sean Hannity Show. What's up Mario, mister Hattity, it's a pleasure to speak with you. I was born in Cuba and came to this great nation sixty years ago at a young age. Yes, sir, welcome on board. Thank you, thank you. It's terrifying to see the Democratic Party fully embraced the Marxist Communist government that might family fled from Fidel Castro and reliving the nightmare of losing our freedom. I just wanted to share with you my uncle was a journalist in Cuba who wrote an article saying Fidel Castro was a Communist before he made it public, so the censor him. My uncle was deemed an enemy of the state and was imprisoned for twenty one years. If the Democrats take over Congress in the White House, I'm concerned that you, with your large following, would have the same fate as General Flynn, since the lunatic left would want to silence you and like my uncle du an enemy of the state, and Kamala Harris, who eventually would be president, is just a person to prosecute and silence you. So I worry on you. You would not believe the millions and millions and millions of dollars that are being spent to silence conservative voices. Now, you wouldn't believe it. You know. I mean, I don't come on this program and share my woes and concerns. I'm just telling you to be very blunt about this. You know, I've had my personal text messages, private text messages released publicly. I have had you know, Muller's thugs asking questions forty five pages of questions just about Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity sending secret coded messages. I mean, they're so stupid, and the effort to silence conservative talk radio, get foxhost fired. I mean, it's it's never ending, to be honest, it's just the reality. I just accept it for what it is. And I'm not going to shut up until it's time for me to retire and go fishing. And I don't know when that day's coming. If I you know, I'm I don't live in my life in fear, and I'm not going to start now. I refuse to stand down just because they don't like what I have to say. You know, at least we still have some freedom of speech in this country. They're trying to limit it, but at least we have some. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up at today, car Rove, tonight, you're gonna meet the guy from the Trafalgar Group, which is the one that predicted Donald Trump would win Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania in twenty sixteen. We'll get the state of the race from Robert Callahayes. His name, Lawrence Jones is at the Trump rally, and PA Senator Ted Cruze, Senator Lindsey Graham. That's all coming up nine Eastern. We hope you set your DVR Hannity on the Fox News channel. If you need information about registering or absentee voting or early voting in your state, who's running for Congress, Senate, whatever, just go to Hannity dot com. All right, so a DVR. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us.