The Long War - September 27th, Hour 3

Published Sep 27, 2021, 10:00 PM

David Loyn, is a former BBC journalist, with an upcoming book on the war in Afghanistan, THE LONG WAR: The Inside Story of America and Afghanistan Since 9/11. Loyn has been covering the events in Afghanistan since 1996 when he was reporting on the Taliban when they took Kabul the first time. He gives a full accounting of what this means for security and stability not only in that region but around the world. 

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Right news, rounded up information overload our Sean Hannity Show forty four days. Americans abandoned by Joe Biden, But he's turning the page behind enemy lines. With the Taliban terrorists now out there publicly executing people, beating women. Girls can't go to school, women can't go to work, just like the good old days in their minds, sick, ugly twisted, morally bankrupt, and now we left behind hundreds of Americans, thousands of green card holders. Let me explain what a green card holder means. Those are people that are eligible to be in the United States, legally eligible to be here. And then, of course, tens of thousands of Afghan allies, including databases and let's see biometrics that will confirm whether or not they had helped America at any point in the last twenty years, they will all be killed. You know, we've been trying to warn people and trying to make people aware of what's happening. But Joe Biden, he's dealing with the very professionals like Taliban, and he turned the page and he says, I make no apologies how I handled abandoning Americans behind enemy lines. Listen, the leaders of the leader of India, Japan and Australia, and we're gonna be talking about Afghanistan, which is a legitimate thing for people to talk about. But the truth of the matter is, the end of the day is we were spending three hundred million dollars a day for twenty years. There's no easy way to end that, and we're now still getting people out. But it's it's it's really, there's no no picture book way to say, Okay, the wars ended, let's get everybody out, I will go home. No wars ever ended that way other than there's been a surrender, and it's a totally different circumstance. So anyway, there's a lot I'm sure along the line that the things I could have done better, But I make no apologies for my proposals, how I'm proposed, how I'm proceeding, and why I think by the end of the year we're going to be the very a different place. Yeah, what about the Americans you abandoned Joe and their families and green card holders and Afghan allies that it'll be murdered, No apologies. Then you got this idiot, Tony blinkoln I love the State Department you know, they're saying to Americans on literally sitting on the tarmac at Massouri Sharif Airport, is saying, well, if you're flying out of there, you do not have permission to land in the US. Why not? They're Americans, And if you get permission from a third country to land, that's fine. But if they need our approval, that that approval will not be forthcoming, why not? Why would they need to go? And then they're these idiots are then saying to people caught behind enemy lines, well, the the the office of the State Department is now closed in Cobble. You'll need to go to another country to get your proper paperwork to get out of Afghanistan. The problem is you need the paperwork to get the hell out of Afghanistan if you have any chance of getting out of Afghanistan, and it looks like you really don't anyway, I mean, it can't get any dumber than that. The same idiot saying, you might want to make your way to the airport now, but we cannot guarantee your safety. And then when you're at the airport, they're saying you might want to you might not want to come on the Saturday before the Tuesday deadline because it's not a good day there. And then if you're at the airport, we're expecting potential terrorist attack. You may want to leave now, this is what they're saying. But we can't guarantee your safety at all times. So I believe it. This is Tony blinkoln This is the same idiot trying to lecture the Taliban. Now they're out there. They've already taken girls out of school. They're now beating women in the streets. They're telling women how to dress, they're telling women that full Sharia law is now in effect. Now they're hanging people all over the place, shooting other people in broad daylight in the head as they now go door to door to try and find any Afghan allies of the US with a database and the biometrics and the military equipment, the most sophisticated in the world left behind by Joe Biden for the terrorists and Tony Blincoln, the guy who was lecturing the Taliban on inclusiveness, now expects the Taliban to uphold basic rights. Tony, it's too late. They're already killing them. Do you not follow the news? Do you not watch any of the videos. You caused this. The single most preventable thing that you could have done. While you saw the Taliban on the march, you could have pushed them back. That would include drone strikes. It would have been simple and stop them in their tracks and buy more time in the interim. You could be speeding up the withdrawal process, identifying every American in Cobble in Afghanistan and making sure you could communicate with them and getting them out while you had full control of Cobble and Afghanistan in the northern sections of Afghanistan, you didn't do any of that. And while you were telling us Joe Biden's telling the world was one of the best trained military is on the face of the earth, they had already taken over fifty percent of the country in terms of geographic area. Just lie through his teeth, sick and tired of being lied to listen to this cut I mean, because I mean you you just can't believe, Tony Blinkott. The Biden administration expects the Taliban to uphold basic rights. You're such an idiot. They're terrorists, you moron. We expect the Taliban to ensure freedom of travel, to make good on his commitments on counter terrorism, to uphold the basic rights of the Afghan people, including women, girls and minorities, to name a broadly representative, permanent government, to force finger reprisals. Okay, joining us now David Lyon former BBC journalists. He's got an upcoming book on the war in Afghanistan. They'll called The Long War, The Inside Story of America and Afghanistan SINS nine to eleven. He's been covering these events in Afghanistan Sins nineteen ninety six, when he was reporting on the Taliban when they took Cobble for the first time, and thank you for being back with us. How is it possible that the United States government our government. I've never been more embarrassed at the government of the United States than I am now because it's it's it's the antithesis to me being a true American to abandon Americans behind enemy lines, and that's exactly what we did. Now, I did want your British officer, senior officers, of your your closest allies, senior military officers are expressing shame frankly at what's happened at leaving people behind in the way that they did at the debacle of the of the departure, and you can argue for years about whether, you know, at some point we were going to have to leave Afghanistan, but there were only you know, maybe a few more US troops there at the end. And the key thing about the Afghan Army was that the contractors who left also took their software with them. So the Afghan Army, although Joe Biden has really took them down, did have the capacity to communicate with their own people. In the last weeks before Carbal fell, they were they were literally fighting blind and they were trained to use that software and to fight with all of that equipment. So, you know, the army fell, the country fell, and any illusions that the Biden administration have that the Taliban are going to keep tony, any of the deals that they've they've done, clearly must be shattered by the fact that they've now put in place a very hard line administration. As you say, women's rights being trampled on right, left and center, as well as all the other things you were enumerated. They're also carrying out effectively ethnic cleansing against the Hazara minority in central provinces in the country out of sight of TV cameras. And the Hazaras a really interesting minority group because they're the most progressive on women's rights, and who just thought the Taliban are the people who are turning against that group most strongly. There are no Hazaras in the government. It's a very prominent minority in the country. And frankly, it's it's it's a it's a war crime. Yeah, well, wait, till Isis gets a hold of an American citizen or an American Green card holder, I think you probably have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen. Here's here's the fifty million dollar question. Why didn't they get out early? You saw it, I saw it, The world saw it that the Afghan army was collapsing and the Taliban was on the march, and we had plenty of warning that they were making their way up to the northern part of Afghanistan, making their way to Kabble. So when we had full control of the area, why didn't Joe Biden A push him back with some drone strikes and b why didn't the expedite the withdrawal while he had full control of Kabbal On the withdrawal question. There was a very strong sense from the Ghani government. The then president of Afghanistan, he pleaded with the Americans not to pull people out because he thought that would be a panic, that would, you know, cause more of a collapse of the government. Well, now, since his government collapsed literally overnight when he fled. Yeah, it looked as if it was water. But that doesn't answer the question. I don't mean to be rude, David, but but we saw the Taliban on the March. We watched province after province after province fall and the Afghan military collapse, and the Taliban was on the move. So this isn't a matter of what Ghani thinks. You know, he took off, he escaped, He took, however, much money with him. The question is why didn't Biden and we have the most sophisticated intelligence communities in the entire world, why didn't we see them on the March and expedite our withdrawal for the benefit of the safety of Americans and our allies, including our friends in Great Britain. I think it was a mistake. I mean, there's no doubt about it. And I think you know this withdrawal the way that America left Afghanistan is profoundly damaging to a America now. It's profound me damaging to America in the future. It's very instant. You played that clip of Joe Biden meeting with the leaders of Japan, India, Australia last week. They were meeting to talk about the Indo Pacific, to talk about the threat of China, and of course he couldn't get away from Afghanistan. He was trying to move a tilt towards China. But he's not going to be able to because it's very much on his watch what's happened. And I think that all of the questions that you're asking are questions which are going to be asked of the by the American public, who may well want Afghanistan to have ended, but certainly not this way. Well, I can, in good conscience forget that we've abandoned Americans. I just can't. Here's another question I have. How is it possible, and now you've studied this region for such a long period of time, Yeah, how is it possible for Tony Blinkoln and Joe Biden to be so you know, rather ignorant and naive to expect that they could lecture the tow Alaban on inclusivity issues involving their new government and say that they're professional and business like and say that they're turning the page on Afghanistan. And Lincoln saying that he expects the Taliban to uphold basic rights. Why would anybody be that ignorant to think that that dedicated terrorists that believe in radical Islamic Sharia law would be capable of such reasonableness. Well, I think he's significantly overestimated. You know, their their their desire, and they're willingness to engage with the outside world. And I think there's been you know, there has been significant mistakes in you know, this administration actually going back to the the the Obama years, the beginning of the Obama presidency, Biden, Lincoln Sullivan were around with him then were the strongest advocates in the White House. And I write about this in detail in my book for Withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden then said, um, Afghanistan's not a United country. There's nothing we can do there. But I think, you know, in the last few months, they've needed to stand up the Taliban as a sort of insurance policy There's been a lot of talk in my in the government, in the UK and in Washington, in these governments that the Taliban as somehow there's a moderate Taliban. There are people we can talk to, we can set up offices in Dohar, and we can negotiate with these people. And actually it's in a sense that was their insurance policy in order to be able to leave the country. Okay, Donald Trump is what they wanted to do. Quick break more with David Loyne, former BBC journalists The Long War. We'll talk about his upcoming book, The Inside Story of Afghanistan and America since nine eleven, and David Loyn will join us on the other side. Then we'll get to your calls. Eight hundred and nine four one sean our number if you want to be a part of the program. We continue now David Loyne, former BBC journalists. He's that an upcoming book, The Long War in the Inside Story of a Erica and Afghanistan since nine to eleven. Donald Trump's early discussions before any deal was struck with the Taliban was predicated on a few things. Number one was, if you don't follow every dotted I cross tea if we get to an agreement every period in Comma, I'll obliterate you like I did, the Caliphate like I did Solomani and Baghdaddy and associates like I did the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. So that was first and foremost. Second one was he would never give up Bagram Air Base. He was going to hold on to that and perpetuity, considering we paid for it and we built it. Number Three, it was going to be based on conditions on the ground. So Joe Biden never followed through, and he allowed the Taliban to go on the march, and then when the Taliban finally controls Cobble, then he decides he's going to evacuate everybody. And now we've abandoned by the way, I think there's still one hundred or one hundred and fifty Brits behind enemy lines as well. Correct me if I'm wrong. Yeah, Well, and more than that, there's plenty of people with the equivalent of green heart cardholders, the people who have a right to come here, and they're being picked off one by one. I mean there are there. There are terrible accounts. When you say picked up, they're being murdered, they're being shot. They're being killed there and if they if if not them, their family members are being killed and tortured in order to try and find those individuals. And that is that's door to door, um. You know, people having to show their papers, having to show who they are, being you know, being treated by the Taliban as if they are, you know, genuine enemies of the country just because they supported the UK or they have some right to live here, or just because they supported the US, or they have them right to live in. The UN have a hard time figuring out who the people are because we left behind the databases and the pale metrics. I'll give you the less twelve. Yeah, but you've got to You've got to You've got to find those people. I think, I mean, I think there's a real policy challenge now. So what is America going to do now? You know, is you know, is Biden going to support potential armed resistance because there are currently two It's too they left them eighty billion dollars. It's too late for that. The Panchier Valley is they've already been overrun by the Taliban with our military might and equipment and the most advanced equipment on the face of the Earth. I mean, this idiot left he armed the Taliban. Listen, I gotta roll though. Um, I'm looking forward to your book eight hundred nine one Sean as David lyon former BBC journalists quick break, right back your calls on the other side straight ahead. You can't always believe what the other side claims. That's why there's the Shaw and Hannity Show at twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. All right, let's get two our busy phones. A lot of stuff happening today and all this week. Watch on these finances. Do I think ultimately the House passes all of this? Yeah, I do in terms of five trillion and reckless new green deals, socialist spending. The Senate different story, but we'll see. I have no guarantees. But in the meantime, let's say hi to Chris's in Texas. Hey, Chris, how are you glad? You called? Good for Hannity. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you. I'd like to ask you a question about the border wall, and it kind of goes hand in hand with what you're talking about. With the spending when President Troupe was in office, it seems to me that he fought very hard for that wall. And I keep having this number of five billion dollars in my head, and that was too much money for them to approved to make that happen. And with all the new spending that they're passing trillions upon trillions of dollars, and all the money that's being spent on caring for these migrants and shipping them all over the country, transportation calls, food calls, renting out hotels, what does that dollar amount look like compared to the five billion dollars that mister Trump wanted to build a wall with. You know, I brought this up earlier, you know, and this is a great question. There are so many countries that actually sell citizenship. Did you know that a lot of people were saying, wow, I never knew that. In other words, what have I been saying? I believe in legal immigration. All four of my grandparents came here from Ireland at the turn of the last century. Right, they came here with no money in their pocket. They even faced discrimination Irish Catholic need not apply and anyway, and I know I stand on their hard working shoulders. They lived in poverty their entire lives. My parents both grew up very poor. I'm a prison guard. My dad a family corprobation guy and a waiter. And it was, you know, each generation, the hope was that the next generation would do a little bit better. I don't care where you come from. You know, we're all children of God. But there's something of great value here. You know, if you want to become a citizen of Saint Kitts or Neivas, you pay one hundred and fifty grand, and there a sustainable growth fund and a minimum real estate investment of two hundred grand. Saint Lucia, you know, costs amount to roughly two hundred and fifty grand. Antigua, for example, I think it's about one hundred and forty thousand dollars. You're donated to the country's development fund and real estate fund. Dominica, Grenada, Portugal, Multa, Cyprus, Austria, New Zealand. It's really hard, but you can do it, believes Australia, New Zealand. I mean, you can buy citizenship and they're hundreds of thousands of dollars. You know, what are we saying here now? I believe in legal immigration. I don't care where you come from. I also believe in merit based mimigration. And I also believe we need to have security checks to make sure you not you don't have radical associations, health checks in the middle of a pandemic. And then I think that you have to show that you're able to provide for yourself when you get here, so you're not a burden on the American people financially. And Joe Biden is letting him millions of people's then he's holding out. Democrats try to sneak into the Reconciliation Bill until the Senate parliamentarian said, now you can't do that. You know this idea that that will give everybody blanket amnesty, and we're mean and racist if we don't do it. I don't care where you come from. Just do it legally. And we've got to understand something here. When a party offers something of such incredible value and worth, you know what is the hope? Oh, well, you're gonna love us better than that other party, right, those mean people that want legal immigration. So you know, I know a lot of people have said that I just want I don't care where you come from. I want to background it. I want to make sure you don't have radical associations in the middle of a pandemic on a health check. And I'd like to have merit based immigration. And also I'd like to make sure that people can take care of themselves when they come here. And then at that point, welcome to our American family. Either if you hear temporarily or if you hear permanently, you know, this is something of you know, every other country is figured out not only how to stop illegal immigration, but to make a fortune on it. Why haven't we, you know? And then we get then we all get yelled that there were mean people because we're telling people to go back to the country they came from and go through the process legally. I don't think there's anything mean about it, because if that, if that by definition is mean, then every country that's making a fortune off of this is mean on steroids. Anyway ahead, American public is being footed a great bill, a great dollar amount for what's happening now. As to the bill that we could have said, just to provide some border security and force people into a position to where they'd have to comb that right way, Listen, this is not hard. We had the lowest somebody told me it was actually forty five years the lowest rate of illegal immigrants coming into this country. Now, first mayorchis who lied to us repeatedly, and he told a whole bunch of whoppers. I went through that earlier in the program. I'll go over it again tonight on Hannity and on the TV show. But I will tell you, you know, it's mind numbing the costs associated with this. We cannot afford it. Not that we're you know, we don't want to help people out, but encouraging people to come and then trying to sneak in backdoor citizenship an amnesty for everybody. You know, it's why are the Democrats doing that? Oh? I think again, if you look at how do other countries view citizenship to their countries, they put a huge price tag on it in many cases, like really good countries. I don't know if I was looking for another country to go to, and I don't want to leave the United States ever, I'm an American, But if I was looking elsewhere, I would look to you know, Australia or New Zealand. Costs a lot of money to move there, and a lot of people move to these tax haveing countries because they don't have an estate tax, and they take all their money with them, and it's happening in larger and larger numbers every year. But anyway, I appreciate the call. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean Julie is in California, same question, sort of what's up, Julie, how are you? Hey? Thanks for taking my call. I love and appreciate your show, your work. It's very important. My comment question is around the vaccine card, which I don't agree with the vaccine card because I feel it's tracking device. But you know, early on they talked so much about like her community, and you know, by the way, I don't think there's a tracking device in they in the vaccine you know, if you get to I guess a card if you're vaccinated. I don't think there's a chip in it. So I don't know. Other No, Well, actually my daughter just went to a concert here in Los Angeles and they told her she needed her vaccine card and she didn't have it on her. So they said, oh, well, you go to this website and type in your name and birth date, and now you have the QR code on your phone, So they have a data you're saying that that's something I did not know that they have a database in California and everybody that's been vaccinated. But listen, I'm sure the database exists, you know, in every hospital system. But I would like to think medical privacy exists, but apparently not. Yeah. I was actually very shocked. So then, so now they've forgotten about this her immunity conversation. And you know, they're requiring vaccine cards, So what about the millions and millions of people who have had COVID and they have their natural antibodies. So if they're going to require a vaccine card, why don't they just also have a natural antibody card, because then that's not good enough for them. You know, they're not buying into the NATS. You know, Listen, natural antibodies is better than the vaccine. Listen, I'm urging. That's why I'm not in a position and I'm trying to be really balanced in this and trying to be very responsible because I care about everybody in this audience and I don't want anyone getting sick and making a dumb decision. Okay, but this is where you have to talk to a doctor. Now. Rampaul, a medical doctor, had COVID, has natural T cell immunity. I'm sure as regular antibody levels have gone down because it's quite a long time since he had it, But he says he believes that's the best. Interestingly, doctor Robert Malone, who was one of the he developed and played the key role in developing the mRNA vaccine technology. When we interviewed him, he says natural immunity is better than the immunity of the very technology that it was fundamental to creating the MADERNA and FISA vaccines. That's what he says. But with all that said, do your own research, look at your own unique medical history and car and condition, and talk to your doctor. But yeah, and by the way, it's anywhere between three and six months if you get COVID. They're telling you don't get vaccinated, you know, at that particular point in time. So what do you do in the interim. You can't go to a restaurant, you can't go to a concert, you can't go to, you know, a ball game. I mean, it gets complicated, but not in Joe Biden's and the Democratic parties. One size fits all medicine world. You know, there are people with rare conditions, there are people in natural immunity. Nobody wants to examine the science on any of these things, it seems, so, you know, it's a lot more complicated when you start actually factoring in real human beings with very unique medical histories, very unique current medical conditions, and whether or not they might have that rare disease that prevents them from getting vaccination. That those people exist, I've interviewed them, so if they exist somewhere. But again, you know, I don't know everyone's condition, but they're putting us in a position it's one size fits all, you better take it or leave it. And now there's there's this intensifying societal pressure and outright you know, shaming and lashing out against people that you know nothing about. You don't know anything about somebody's unique medical history. Why should you. I might be the only one that has some you know, concept about medical privacy and doctor patient confidentiality. I don't hear a lot of people talking about it anyway. Good call, Julie, appreciate it. Cheryl is in Colorado, Hey, Cheryl, how are you? I wanted to talk to you about the border wall. Why in the hit do we have to have a not have a border wall, but we can have fences and gates and walls around all of these actors, actresses, Home, Pelosi, Schumer, probably Maxine Waters. It just doesn't make any sense. Why can't our congressmen and our senators just stand on the floor and say, we're not doing anything until we change the law. Since you're not abiding by the law, why don't they Again, they're supposed to be lawmakers, right, Okay, I don't want to follow the law. Okay, but you know, if you if you and I pick and choose which laws to abide by and which ones we ignore, I'm promising you it's not going to work out well for us. I can't choose to say I'm gonna pay less than taxes because I think taxes are too high. I can't I if they'll put me to jail, in jail in five seconds. If I'm like missing a dollar, they probably put me in jail. So it's uh, you know, the idea that we not only have they're not enforcing the laws of the land, they're not trying to change the laws of the land. They're just aiding and abetting the breaking of laws. And then that you know, remember, once people are in the United States, they then become you know, under federal authority. This is where governor is like, you know, Greg Abbott of Texas has had the toughest time, and he's been He's called up the National Guard, He's created a you know, miles and miles of walls using state vehicles. I mean, he's using every weapon in his arsenal to try and control the tide of illegal immigrants. But they're being facilitated by Joe and Kamala Harris. They are. And why don't they send those people from the border to their houses in their neighborhoods. No, I don't think. You know, maybe instead of dispersing people all around the country, why don't we send them up to Washington, d C. And they can live next to Joe, they can live across across the street at Lafayette Park. Joe can go over and hang out with them. Yeah. And you know what, I thought that my parents taught me to never bully people and to talk to people, to be the better of the person. We're creating monsters and our children by everybody. It is an ugly ugly, ugly business, the political world. You know, people have asked me many times, Hannity, why don't you run for office? And I'm like, you must hate me anybody that is That not my standard answer. You must, because you know, even doing what I do, Cheryl, And I'm not complaining. I feel I love what I do. But trust me, I'm getting hit every single solitary day from all sides. And there's no way I'm ever going to make these people happy. The good the good news I can tell you is I don't give a flying Adam Schiff. I don't care. It doesn't matter to me what other people that don't like me think. I you know, I do this show for people like you, Cheryl, that want to hear news information. We try and do it in an entertaining way that you're not going to get on most shows. That's what we try to do. It's our mission is very clear, and I appreciate that because my father's side of the family, my dad died about six years ago, and I wish that I would have listened to Rush and You when he was alive, because he did faithfully. And then my aunt died unexpectedly last year and I thought she was going to be here for a long time. And of course my grandmother years and years ago, but they were my last Republicans in the family. Now I'm left with my Democrat sister, mother and aunt on the other side, and it's horrible. So I have to listen to you. Thank you, well, thank you. But we will arm you with enough information so that you know when they're throwing turkey legs at you the Thanksgiving Day dinner that you'll be able to defend yourself. All right, all right, I will do. Thank you, and you take care and thanks for being right, Charlotte. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We have live coverage from Mexico that you won't get from the Medium Mob. What's really going on down at the border, the disaster of this economic new Green Deal socialism. Larry Cuddle will Away in New king Rich say in DBR Hannity nine Eastern News you won't get from the Medium Mob. We'll see it tonight at nine back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us. You make this show possible. We will never forget it. See it tonight here tomorrow. MHM.

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