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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a ten you warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty pc off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been crazy eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code, Hannity, you will love this pillow. All right, prep it up until the last second here one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. There is so much happening. Let me just be blunt and honest with you. I know information I can't share with you today as of this hour, and there is stuff breaking literally as we speak. Maybe it'll happen by the end of the program. Maybe it won't, Hannity, that is an awful thing to say. I thought we were friends and we bond, we're a family on this radio shop. We are. But there are times when somebody says to you that, you know, you gotta keep your mouth shut. You know what am i? Hanny says he's not a journalist, well not a traditional journalist, but I do journalism, advocacy, journalism, opinion, journalism, uh this, you know, being a talk show host, it's a multifaceted job. I mean, some days we're doing straight on interviews, straight up like a journalist with the capital drury um. And other times we're doing combat radio, and other times we're doing debate radio and other times we're just goofing around and having fun. And it's all under the heading of being a talk show host. And the only thing I can tell you as it relates to a whole variety of issues, especially this Fusion GPS dossier and especially this uranium one deal, and especially the information that we have now that as it relates to the FBI informant and the push now to get not only as special counsel, we've got three three congressional groups now looking at two House groups Oversight Reform Committee, and then you've got grass Les Group and now grass Lely today is calling for a probe in the Hillary Uranium one scandal. Why because now we've got the evidence, Now we have the information, Now we have the emails, now we have the documents, now we have the FBI informant. If we just take the muzzle off this poor guy and allow this guy to tell the truth. And one of the people responsible is Robert Muller. Robert Muller was in charge of the FBI at the time. He had to know all of this was happening, and the same with Rod Rosenstein was in charge of this investigation. How did they ever get in a position that they're investigating anything Russia. How did that ever happen? Now? Charles Grassley today says, and he's the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor. Rod Rosenstein can't be the person that decides. And the Attorney General now has got a lot of work in front of him, and he's got to get moving. I have not seen enough movement out of the Attorney General's office, but anyway, I'm just hoping that happens. And one of the first things, Look, there's two specific things they need to do right now. We need to get the gag order lifted off of this FBI informant. And then the second thing we've got to do if you're looking into Trump and Russia collusion, all right, somebody go to Great Britain and the Ecuadorian embassy and asked the one per soon we know on Earth where the emails dossier in that case, where the d n C emails the product? Where did they come from? The only person that we know knows for sure is a guy by the name of Julian Assange, and he wants to make a deal with the Federal government doesn't want to be arrested. The minity walks outside that embassy. So if the American people get the truth, get the facts, get the information, and he has incontrovertible, overwhelming evidence that shows where it came from, I think we have a right to know the truth. After all these accusations have been made here now the Democrats, all this has been as a witch hunt, and as I predicted, and is now unfolding before their eyes, as a nightmare scenario for them because it is now boomeranging back right on to them. And what we're discovering here is that it was collusion, but it was collusion between the Russians and he Lary Clinton and the d n C. What we're learning is is they sacrificed American national security sacrifice at the altar of money being kicked back to the Clinton Foundation and to the Clinton's personally. What we're discovering is is that everybody in this was up to their eyeballs in it and it never made sense, did it? When did it ever make sense to give of America's uranium to Vladimir Putin the hostile regime Russia? Moscow? Why would anybody ever do that? Knowing. And now we know that they knew in two thousand and nine that Vladimir Putin had set out with a very purpose of getting ahold of American uranium so that he could be the nuclear power player in the world. And he used bribes and kickbacks and money laundering and extortion to do it, and the FBI knew about it. They knew about it in two thousand and nine. That means Robert Muller knew. That means Eric Colder knew. That means Rod Rosenstein knew. That means everybody knew. And Hillary Clinton certainly knew when she signed off, and so did Eric Holder, and all these lines that were being told. It's just like, for example, on the dossier, Clinton paid for the Kremlin dirt on the dossier, and James Comey he wanted to pay Christopher Steele fifty thousand plus dollars to work for the FBI. I've never seen more corruption in my life. And it's like I've been sitting here like a lone voice in the wilderness trying to tell everybody this is really, really, really bad, and I'm not alone. I mean, you got to give full cred. Peter Schweitzer's coming up today. He broke the uranium one story in his best selling book, Clinton Cash. I remember when I first read the book and interviewed him. I had the first TV and radio interview with the guy like we always do, and I was shocked, and i've we've stayed on it. Then you've got to give credit to Sarah Carter and John Solomon, and they're investing gate of reporting on all of these issues. And then, to be honest, I don't think if we if we didn't push these stories as hard as we've been pushing, I'm not sure we'd be at the point where we aren't today. The FBI literally watched in two thousand and nine Russian spies attempting to get and achieving getting close to Hillary Clinton at the State Department and getting uranium, one of America's uranium. By the way, now they're even now they've decided to do it all. Now finally they're looking into the crime she committed with the server and the mom and pop shop and the deleted emails, which was obstruction of justice, and the broken blackberries and the bleach bid and the acid washing, and they thirty three thousand oh about a wedding of funeral and my husband's emails, which was all a big lie in yoga. We've been lied to so much. And I'll tell you who comes out. The Democrats come out on the worst side of this now, as they should. And the media there I I can't even explain how how corrupt these people are. Once your eyes open to the level of corruption in the media, you can't close them, you know. And this is not There is a reason, and I'm gonna tell you what it is. On this program will never get credit, and I'm not looking for credit. But this this is my job. This is what I'm supposed to do every day. Any chance you guys can put the air condition on for me, I am a storm in here. Um, thank you. Uh. We were right about Obama. New Gingrich called me when I'm betting Obama two thousand seven and eight is the radical acorn. Frank Marshall Davis, a Lynskyite disciple and Church of g D America and Reverend Wright and and airs endorned and he said, you're probably blowing up your career, literally said that to me, And I said, I gotta that's the right thing to do. Nobody else is doing it, you know. We had the only interviews in two thousand and seven in March of of the Reverend Jeremiah Right. You know, I learned that lesson when I was in Atlanta and and the Atlanta Journal Constitution comes out with, well, Richard Jewell fits the profile of the lone bomber. He lives with his mother. And I was on the air at the time, didn't know that Richard Jewell was listening to me, and it taught me a big lesson. And I said, well, so what he lives with his mother. It's none of our business that he lives with his mother. And it turned out that I was like the only person and he gave me one of the first interviews he ever did after it has proven innocent and proved to be a hero, you know, just like you know Obama rushed to judgment to Cambridge police acted stupidly wrong, just like Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman. You know, we actually took our time with that case and we waited for facts and evidence. Same with the Michael Brown case. Same with hands Up, Don't Shoot, which never happened. The media is wrong on all of these cases. I said from the get go, there's no way any cop in Baltimore is gonna end up being convicted of a crime, we said, because we look at the evidence and the facts. The media it's like one big, massive group think and they only see through the prin him of their rigid ideology. And they're all liberal, radically liberal. How can we be right so often and they'd be so wrong? And the same with Donald Trump. We'll go back and watch election on coverage. It was like a funeral on every channel. It was like a funeral. I'll never forget my friend, my buddy, Bill Shine. He asked me. I'm good, he asked me. The day before election day. I never I never have worked in my twenty three years. Now, I'm in my twenty three year, third year of Fox election nights. And by the way, some people think, hennay, you don't you want to be on that. I don't want to be on that night because I have like a million computers, a million televisions. If you're in my house, you don't want to interrupt me on election nights because I am like focused, I am in the zone like that. My whole staff had a party right here in the studio. Somebody got a little punchy. I heard us, and I'm home and I literally am on my computers and I'm looking at Laurida typing in typing n Alright, what's Palm Beach County? What's uh Broward County? Uh? What about southwest Florida, Naples, Fort Myers. Let's go up here to the Panhandle. Let's check out Cuyahoga County in Ohio, Hamilton's County down in Ohio. You know what were the numbers in two thousand and a, two thousand and two thousand, two thousand four, two thousand twelve. Okay, let's compare it. What do we need to get the wind to get the stay? That's how I do all night. This is a part of me that is a little bit crazy. Um, but I live and breathe this. And Bill Shanks, you gotta call in. You you said this was gonna happen. You saw it. Nobody else call in. And I didn't want to call in. I said, I'm I actually said to him, I had three beers. I can't call it. I can't call it, which, by the way, it was a lie. I was not drinking. I said, I had three beers. I can't call in. Now, I said, well, first He told me, go to your studio down the block and get in the studio right now. And I said, I am not putting makeup on and a jacket. I am busy working. And he goes. So I call then and I was the only part of the coverage. It wasn't a funeral except no, we have some great reporters there. They're doing their job reporting in terms of but there were people on the air that were like in a funeral mode because nobody saw it coming. Why are we getting it right and the media is getting it wrong? Why are they wrong on Russia? Why did they lie on Russia? Why did they not see of America's uranium was a bigger deal than they said? Why did they focus on? What is I am? I am so tempted to reveal this information because this things are happening right now that I am telling you are massive as it relates to both of these stories, the dossier, fusion, GPS story. Things are happening right now as it relates to the Uranian one story. And let me tell you something. All these people that I have been hauling out on radio and TV all of these months, they are all blanking in their pants right now. Shaking in their boots, if you will, because they've known for a long time that they've been lying. They know what they did. They know that the media has been working on their behalf lying for them because they've been feeding their willing accomplices in the meeting these lies. I've got so much more to say. I gotta take a break. By the way, Peter Schweitzer is here. He actually broke the Iranian one story and it's going to blow. It could happen any minute. There's there's things happening that I know we're happening that I can't share with you. And I know you hate me for saying that, but I'm just telling you. Just sit tight. As a matter of fact, tweet out TikTok TikTok on my on my Twitter account because there's a say multiple TikTok's. Stay tuned TikTok TikTok every time I do it everyone in the the media. But this is real. By the way, I didn't I pick this TikTok perfectly. Oh, maybe Hannity is not so dumb after all. Maybe we should pay attention to him. No, they hate me, do you know what they wanted? They want me dead? And buried and off the air tomorrow. Somebody wrote me last night, Hannity, better watch it. The Russians are gonna be following you. I'm like, I'm sure they do quick break right back. We'll continue. Hey, guys, you know how much I love Tommy John's underwear, undershirts and their socks. They are the best. Yet. You know what, We're getting a lot of feedback from Hannity listeners too. And guess what, Tommy John sent me a few testimonials from real live Sean Hannity Show listeners, so I'm going to share them with you. Dave says, I can't believe I'm saying this, but they have actually changed my life. Mark says, great materials, great fit, a great example of how doing something very basic, very well can make a surprisingly positive impact on the quality of life. And Gary says, my grumpy stepfather actually thanked me for the gift of Tommy John's. That's a first in the forty years I've known him. Louise says, my husband is walking, bending and lifting all day. This is the first pair of underwear that doesn't roll down and write up. He loves them. Now you've heard the reviews. What are you waiting for. You have nothing to lose with Tommy John. It's the best pair you'll ever wear. It's free guarantee. Just go to Tommy John dot com slash Hannity. You get off your first order Tommy John dot com slash Hannity twenty percent off. This needs to be investigated. Um. I think it's interesting. I listened to part of the previous segment on the on the Fusion GPS. Never forget Brian Pagliano was the guy who set up the now famous Clinton private server. He took the fifth in front of the Benghazi Committee when we brought him in for a deposition. And now we have Fusion Gps taking the fifth. Christopher Steele, the people who looks like who were paid by the Clinton team in the d n C to gather information on President Trump. I think maybe President Trump is right. The real scandal seems to be all these things that were now going to appropriately look into. So it's it's interesting to me so many people around Secretary Clinton seemed to take the fifth after she pays them to do something, either setting up a private server or investigating President Trump. Uh. This was the Democrats coming up with an excuse for losing an election. It's an election that's very hard for a Democrat to lose because the electoral college is said in such a way that it's very hard to lose that election for a Democrat. They lost it. They lost it very badly, at very easily. I mean you look at the votes. It was three or six to one to twenty three or something. They lost it by a lot. They didn't know what to say, so they made up the whole Russia hoax. Now it's turning out that the hoax has turned around, and you look at what's happened with Russia, and you look at the uranium deal, and you look at the fake Dosier. So that's all turned around. It's all turned around, and it's all it's I'm telling you, we're only touching the surface. Don't think about this for a minute. Watch the d n C officials now they can't run fast enough away from Hillary Clinton d n C. Now, I'm telling you what, Tom Pratt, I didn't do it. I had nothing to do. I didn't know no. I knew nothing. I know everybody. I knew nothing. Clintons spokesman won't deny Hillary authorize the funding profusion GPS that came out today. Hillary's Trump dossier law firm also represented by the way, just a side note, bin Laden's bodyguard. Clinton campaign paid for the research. Not just think to think through this for a second. If they paid for the research, what was that research was? That was Remember Sarah Carter broke the story about the warrants against the Trump campaign. Jim's call me. James Comey wanted to pay Christopher Steele who was paying Russians for the phony information in the dossier? Is that where they got the warrant from so that they can unmask and surveil and then release intelligence. Muller is in deep trouble right now today because he knew the whole time about what had happened as it relates to this uranium one deal. I'm telling you it's all gonna come together. Just be patient. It's a puzzle. What do you think of when you hear the word Lutheran? Do you think liberal women in clerical colors? Gay marriage? Social justice warriors find out how the sixteenth century Lutheran Reformation was really a conservative movement intent on reform, not revolution. With the podcast Issues Etcetera, Issues, etc. Dot Net Real reformation, radio issues, etc. Dot Net issues, etc. Dot Net TikTok. Glad you were six now to the top of the hour. We got it a little early by getting rid of our liner the Sean Hannity Show told free on numbers one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, um all right. So there's big ish, big things happening as we speak, both the Iranian one front and on the phony dossier front front. And there's things happening that I can't tell you. I'm just telling you it's moving in the right direction. It's moving in the direction of getting truth. It's moving in a direction that there's going to be a massive, massive moment moments coming where many of my colleagues in the esteemed meteor fake newspeople. I just, I just, I honestly think that they're not capable of admitting how wrong they've been. I just don't think they will. There's gonna gloss right over it. They say they don't. They don't care about truth anymore. They care more about whether they're right, they're wrong, and they're advancing their ideology. There's something really wrong with that mindset. But if you think about how did we get to a point woll Russia is a hoste the laughter. And you think of all the things that happened just in the dossier case, and you got an m I six guy, And there was a Republican that maybe for a short period of time wanted some dirt on Donald Trump. And anyway, so what do you got. You got this guy, Christopher Steele, and Christopher Steele is paying Russians to get dirt on Donald Trump. Comes up with this explosive dossier. We're told John McCain, you know, gave it to the FBI. The media went insane, believing wanting to believe everything in the dossier. Now, if you put the common sense smell test to all these things that have gone on, it never added up. Donald Trump is a germ folpe. He just is now. Honestly, he doesn't care anymore. But over the years he's been like shaking people's hands. That's how you get sick. And by the way, it's how you get sick. It's just a fact. And everybody in politics, he has a little dirty secret they'll never tell you is if they on the campaign trail, it is somebody's job on their staff. As soon as they get behind closed doors and you are out of view of you. It's and they've been doing shaking hands and all that. Somebody's job is to literally walk up to them and squirt their hands with purel Oh really, yes, I even say to the products that don't bother, don't shake my hand because he's shaking. Everybody's saying he doesn't care though anymore he doesn't care. But that's a that's a fact in politics, and there is so you you had to believe that the Stasier and we're putting a montage together for Hannity tonight, and the montage is going to be very simple. All of those people with breathless enthusiasm reporting the truth of the dossier, they all lied. It was all Russian paid misinformation, propaganda and lies that they ran with because they so hate Trump and they wanted to advance their ideology. Now we see the d n C, now that we know that Hillary Clinton paid for the Kremlin dirt on Trump, and they denied it, and they denied it again and again and again, shocking the Clinton's led to us again and again and again. It puts everything into question. Was this dossier used as a means to get information about the Trump campaign? Was the dossier used as a means to go to court? Was it used as it connect to the surveillance, unmasking, releasing intelligence aspect of things? You know? What was it used for? Who used it? Why did James Comey want to pay Christopher Steele fifty grand? Why did the Democrats quote this almost every time they were on TV till Hooker's urinating on Donald Trump's bet at the Ritz in Moscow? As Donald Trump has said he's never met the Russians except that he did one pageant there and it probably wasn't even there very much. So the Clinton spokespeople now won't deny the authorization. Bryan Fallon was now a CNN contributor. Shocking, he said that he didn't know that they were funding the dossier prior to the report last night by the Washington Post. Hey, Brian, if you watch Fox News and listen to this radio program, you can learn an awful lot about how corrupt your former boss was. You don't believe Hillary Clinton knew about this either? Is that right? Oh? I don't know I opened the campaign be informed of this? Well, I mean she may have known, but the degree of exactly what she knew is is beyond my knowledge. For instance, like that out of my pay right. The decision was made to authorize Perkins Cully to do some kind of commission, some kind of research, but then decisions about uh, you know, going out and finding Fusion, GPS, finding Christopher Steele. I mean, she may or may not have been aware of that level of detail. I don't know. They just they just paid for the Kremlin. By the way, this is taken right out of said vision just Blumn Fall's book. This is who the Clintons are. They're never changing now. The d n C, their current chairman, Tom Perez, and the new leadership of the d n C. We weren't involved in any We had nothing to do with this, and they're now claiming their new leadership they had nothing to do with the funding of the Trump dossier, because to do that, you would have to have been advancing propaganda, misinformation and lies. That's the whole point you would have had, That's what you would have had to be doing. Wait a minute, isn't that collusion with the Russians paying for phony information to hurt your political opponent, to impact the American people's thought process during an election. Where have you heard all this before? Who have we heard all this from? But the Clinton campaign, the d n C did pay for this. Now is this in any way connected to Debbie Wasson and Schoultz's firing? You gotta how to look and put all these pieces together. We don't have all the answership, but it's begin Trust me, there's so much At this minute. I can tell you there are things going on that are going to impact these stories right now, this second, this minute, people are discussing it at very high levels. Now, the d n C they paid for the Debbie Washington was that on her computer? Maybe just the thought she worked so hard to get that computer back, yelling at that comp and then of course the broken hard drives from uh m ronawan in in his in his uh what you wenna call it? Garage? And then does is it impact anyway why they deleted thirty three thousand emails? Is that maybe part of was it really not about yoga? Wedding a funeral and talking to her husband Bill? Who does an email? Those are all questions we've got to ask and have answered. But we do know that Hillary Clinton now in the d n Z and the Washington Post is finally caught up to us. I'd like to welcome the Washington Post to the dance? Where have you been? The Washington Post that put me on the front cover of By the way, you know what they did. They went back for nine weeks recently the Washington Post. And I didn't talk about it at the time on purpose. It went back nine weeks and called everybody they could find in my life to try and hurt me and take me down nine weeks. Why would you put Sean Hannity on the front cover of the Washington Post? It makes no sense to me. Nine weeks calling and and and then they said, would you like to comment? I said, I think I'll pass. You know, because they had already written the story. The story was done. Oh when you were twenties some odd years old and your first radio show, you said controversial, stupid things. I'm like The Daily Mail called me about it and I said, yeah, I was pretty dumb stupid. I was horrible at it. I'm embarised by it, Like, okay, yeah, what do I know at twenty some odd years old how to do radio? I didn't know what I was doing. Nobody does when the let's see Matt Lower's first TV tape. I'm sure it's a brilliant work of artistry. So Hillary paid for the Steel report the swamp. Was it used by anybody in the Obama administration? What was he used for? Did it lead to unmasking? Did it lead to surveillance? Did it lead to intelligence leaking? Did it lead to Debbie Washerman? Schultz is firing? When is it? When is Mueller going to get off his ass? Well, he should actually recuse him himself because he knew about the evidence as it relates to uranium one. He knew about all of it because he was the FBI director at the time. He knew about all of it, as did Rob Rosenstein. They knew about America's right now again the common sense smell test. Does did it make sense that anyone would ever give of America's uranium the foundational material uranium and plutonium two things you're not gonna give Vladimir Putin? Why didn't the media ever care about that? Why didn't we stayed on the story? I've stayed on it now for two years. We did the first interview. Peter Schweitz has broke the story in his book Clinton Cash and More. Recently, it's all been Sarah Carter and John Solomon and they're getting a crap beat out of them like I do every day. And then I'm like, welcome to the club by the liberal, lazy, overpaid media that doesn't do their job. So, now what do we know that you know this all happened. We know that money was kicked back to the Clinton Foundation. We're learning now that the Obama administration. Many in the Obama administration still have to testify as it relates to the issue of what did they know and when did they know it. Now I know that we have two House committees looking into urany and one. That's good, and we've got a Senate committee looking into Urani and one. But I kind of agree with Charles Grassley. We need the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate this. Because Bill Clinton, he actually went to Russia, and he went and he supported and spoke out in favor of the Iranium one deal, and he asked his own wife's state department for permission to meet with Russian nuclear officials. And then he also when when they was back and forth they didn't get the answers, well, he just went straight to Vladimir himself and he got paid twice his normal speaking fee. Doesn't any of the seem onto you. Why would Hillary Clinton as one of nine people Eric Holder who knew. Eric Holder knew. And this is the way the corruption is that we had FBI informants that it infiltrated this network that was set up by Vladimir Putin to corner the market on uranium for Russia. They knew it in two thousand and nine, and they had evidence in two thousand and nine, and they had emails in two thousand and nine, and they had documents in two thousand and nine, and they had recordings in two thousand and nine, and they had an informant inside of all this in two thousand and nine. And this guy has a gag order on him right now. Lift the gag order. Let this man talk. The problem is the minute he talks, they're gonna be people that go to jail. It's frustrating, but it's I'm I'm very much apiece today. Let me put it that way. I'm feeling good today because finally we have been going on about this forever. How did a hundred forty million dollars from these players get kicked back to the Clinton Foundation. We knew in two thousand and nine of bribery, We knew in two thousand and nine about extortion, We knew in two thousand and nine about money laundering. We knew all of these crimes. A criminal racket was set up to get to the Clintons, and people fighting and and and spies working hard and ingratiating themselves to big Clinton donors to get to Hillary at the State Department. Eric Holder, they never told the American people the Obama administration. I am betting this was all in Obama's presidential Daily briefing. I bet any amount of money that that's true. Obama new. I am almost certain Holder new. Hillary new. Where did that money? The five million? I know that they say it came from the Canadians that were involved in the deal. But was it really their money or did the money get laundered in Latvia or in America somewhere? If you pay very close attention to me, I'm giving you all very big clues. Pay very close attention. So now we've got to get to the bottom of this. Now here's an interesting flashback. The former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton facilitated the transfer of this enriched uranium previously confiscated by the Department of Energy during the two thousand and six nuclear smuggling uh sting operation. Anyway, do you know that all of this information, if you look at all of the players, Rod rosen Stein can't look at anything involving Russia because he knew a bribery, racketeering, extortion, money laundering was happening with Russia. How did he appoint Mueller and Mueller was the FBI director and they had the FBI informant. How are these people? How can they investigate anything Russia? You know, I have some of my closest friends saying, Hannity, you're you're pushing it to the edge here. They're gonna come after you. All right, Well let him come after me, because at the end of last year, when I was supporting the president and fighting hard that he would win this election as hard as I could, there were people that were writing my obituary in terms of my career. New Gingridge told me in two thousand and seven and eight, you gotta stop. You're pushing too hard on Obama's radical associates, because I'm just as a friend, I love you. I don't want you to go down. We need your voice, he said to me. And I didn't stop. I'm not stopping. That not what we do. And I'm just I always say I'm a spoke in the wheel. Linda does a spoke Ethan's and adjacent and Sunshine over there is getting meaner by the day. It's got McLaughlin blood in her. I can feel it. You know. This is what Fox does differently. This is why they want a lot of us silenced and off the air, because we're reporting news and information you're not gonna get anywhere else. You know, this is hilarious. As a report out Iran is now considering pulling out of the nuclear deal. That's like, okay, Donald Trump says he's gonna pull up. That's that's like Donald Trump supporting Kelly Ward and then Snowflake saying I'm getting out because of Donald Trump when he's down twenty six points, or the same thing with Bob Corker. All right, when we come back, the man who broke the Uranian one story, Peter Schweitzer, Congressman Dana Roarbacker actually took the time to meet with Julian Assange and Ted Cruz tells Corker and Flake, shut up and do your job as fake Garsier was made up, and I understand they paid a tremendous amount of money and Hillary Clinton always denied it. The Democrats always denied it. And now only because it's going to come out in a court case, they said, yes, they did it, they admitted it, and they were embarrassed by it. But I think it's a disgrace. It's just really a very it's a very sad it's a very sad commentary on politics and discuss you know, Sean Hannity on his program has been very critical of the uranium one deal the President, saying with regard to Russia, that's the real story and all of this. What would you say to those critics, I would say, it's the same bologna they've been peddling for years and there's been no no credible evidence by anyone. In fact, it's been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked. But here's what they're doing, and really I have to give them credit. You know, Trump and his allies, including Fox News, are really experts at distraction and diversion. So the closer the investigation about real Russian ties between Trump see it's and real Russians, as we heard Jeff Sessions finally admit to h in his testimony the other day. The more they want to just throw mud on the wall. And I'm their favorite target, me and you know, President Obama, we're the ones that they always like to put into the crosshairs. Um. So, yes, I'm not surprised, but I think the real story is how nervous they are about these continuing investigations. Al source is not the Russian government. So in other words, let me be clear, Russia did not give you the podested documents or anything from the d n C. That's correct. What bothers me the most, though, Sean, is that the government could have disclosed evidence by now showing us that our thinking is wrong, and it hasn't. Do you know, in I want you to hold that thought. Don't don't go anywhere, because that's an important You're you're saying that the government already knows this part rush Trump Russia Trump collusion. You're saying that they already know. Yeah, I think you know, and they wouldn't tell the American people. Well, I think they can't tell the American people. And what I want to contrast, is President Reagan disclosed the intercept of the K A L shootdown in on the floor of the United Nations to improve what the Russians did. Alright, So our two of the Sean Hannity Show gladuate with us Hillary Clinton Uranian one stories are Bologney. They've been debunked. No, they haven't. Julian and sang Russia is not our source, it's not a state entity. And then of course kirk Weeby government already knows that Trump Russia collusion is false, but they won't go public anyway. Joining us now, Peter Schweitzer, as far as all this Uranian one issue goes, he's the one that got the ball started on this, author of the New York Times best selling book Clinton Cash, the untold story of how and why foreign governments and businesses helped make Bill and Hillary very rich. He's also the president of the Government Accountability Institute. And by the way, he's here to talk about all of these new findings and fusion GPS and Congressman Dana Roharbacker, the only congressman that had the wherewithal and the intelligence to go talk to Julian Assange, is the one guy that would know the answer to where the d n C Podesta emails originated from. Welcome both of you back to the program very much. I'm I'm not I'm having to do this interview in the cloak room right off the floor of the House here. Yeah, we'll tell all the jerks that you work with that. I say, Hi, Okay, you know there are some good people there. But you know, for the for the life of me that well, the House is doing better than the Senate in fairness, all right, look, let me start with you, Peter Um. Let me start with this Uranium one issue, because now we realize we had an FBI informant that had evidence, emails, documents, tapes, and so much more, and that he wanted to give it all to Congress, but he's held under this nondisclosure agreement. And from what we are now learning is bribery, kickbacks, extortion, money laundering all took place in this deal. And then of course we noticed that you know, all the newer developments today about the Clintons and and how bad this is. I mean, Clinton paid for the dirt and the dossier issue. But let's stay on Uranium one first. Yeah, you're right, Sean. I mean all those things that that this informant had an information access to that he shared with the FBI was all relevant. It was ground zero for the question of whether this uranium should be sold to this Russian government to own company UM, and it apparently never came up. So it's a huge question of why that happened. The other thing that we know, and or I should say, are reminded of, is the simple fact that when Hillary Clinton says she was not involved in the uranium one decision, we're supposed to take her word for it. And the problem is, as it relates to the dossier, as it relates so many other things, she has a long history of just flat out lying about stuff. You know, I'm sorry for the people that that that might say, hey, we need to take a word at it, but we shouldn't. And this is precisely the reason that we need to investigate to find out how this decision was made, what role the Clintons played in it. I think it was central Um, and what the other money flow was. And the only way you're going to get that is with an independent investigation. It can't be done by the FBI. It cannot be done by the Department of Justice, because we've been down this road before. We were down this road in two thousand nine and two thousand ten involving the sales Russian company and they failed when they had the But it can't be done by by Mueller either, because he was the FBI director at the time, and it can't be done by Rosenstein because he was involved in the case in the lead FBI agent. My question is, how could they possibly be investigating anything Russia when they knew all of this went on. Now, at the bottom line of all of this, you have to ask why anybody would ever give We've heard in the last year Russia, Russia, Russia putin bad, bad, bad, hostile actor, hostile towards the United States, etcetera. Why would anybody ever consider giving of America's geranium to Vladimir and Moscow and Russia in the first place. Yeah, it's mystifying. And look, the argument that this was not a controversial decision is ridiculous. There were at least half a dozen congressmen ranking Republicans on Armed Services, on homeland security, on foreign relations, communities in the House that we're posed to this deal front of the Barosso of Wyoming, because that's where some of these uranium masses were being held. Rotor letter saying that there were problems with the steal. He didn't like the deal. It was a controversial deal. They rammed it through, it was not refuged sufficiently, and you know, they were just hoping that it would be ignored and go away. Unfortunately that's not the case. And I think it's fantastic that we've got this movement on Capitol Hill to get to the bottom up it seems. It seems like you have been talking about it forever. I think I had the first interviews both radio and TV when you came out with your book you did. You're exactly right, Sean, and and I've said this before and I will say it again. You know a lot of people kind of do it drive by, they do some story on it, they move on. You've been on this story for two years. You helped with this new stuff that John Solomon and its Circa have come out with. Um, you've been consistent on this story and so you know, huge dt of gratitude to you. I'll be honest with with without you being the person, frankly that broke the scandal, and then the investigative work of Sarah and John and then putting it on on Fox News prominently, I mean, and and taking a lot of heap for it. To be honest, I don't think this would have happened. And let me bring in Congressman Dana Rohbacher. Congressman, Look, you understand the danger of Vladimir Putin. You know, he's a hostile actor. Has been testimony that he's tried to impact past elections this election, then he'll do it in future elections. You know, I see I I see the Russians as the way we've saw very fairly flawed governments that helped us defeat the Nazis and in World War Two, and also flawed governments have helped us defeat the Soviet Union during the Cold War. And yeah, he's a flawed government. We have to understand that. But we have to find ways that we can reversent this incredible barrage of hostility, which I believe now in retrospect, was not only trying trying to steal the election from the Republicans, because what they did is they invalidated they said, oh, well, Trump was colluding with the Russians in order to steal the election. They were not only trying to steal actually they were trying to steal the election, they were also trying to divert our attention away from this cauldron of corruption that you were discussing right now, where America ends up giving her of our uranium reserves to the same country. Let's let's say that there are two parts. If we really want to get to the truth on Russia. I think there are two things that need to be done immediately. One, I believe that this FBI informant that has all of this evidence that is under an NDA, that NDA needs to be lifted. That's one number. Two. I also believe that Julian Assange needs to be talked to and he says he has definitive evidence that would prove that, in fact, it wasn't Russia. Sean, let me just point out what you just said is absolutely correct, and it's and it's doable, and the only termle we're having is not with the left in this. We can lift this gag order. Jeff Sessions, our Attorney general, can lift that gag order. And the President United States, if we can get him to sit down and and not be isolated by his own staff to talk about Assange and get a real information from from Assange. Uh, that's this's doable. But it's just we've got these roadblocks. Were then the Republican establishment. All right, So if those two things, if the NBA is lifted, if if that happens, if Sessions does it, is Session is the only one that can lift it. Can Congress lift it, can secutive branch lifted? Who else can lift it? Well, I'm sure if the President decides that that whoever in the executive branch has a've already I'm almost certain as Jeff Sessions, our attorney general, uh, that that we can do that that lifting that gag order is not something that is uh, that's that's that takes two seconds. Now as it relates to Julian Assans. Now, he told you in a private meeting that he has the evidence that that will is proof positive, incontrovertible, and I think and that would prove he could prove that the Russians did not do that hack job into the Democratic National Committee. Well that if he can prove that, and the American people that have been lied to now for a year, if they can get the truth. I assume he probably wants out of that the ability to to move to Ecuador without the US, you know, looking to extradite him. That would be my guess. Well, you know, I I didn't carry that the negotiations. I looked at myself as a tool for having a for setting up as a a process that would end up with the American people getting the truth about this. And Julian isn't feeling comfortable that he's not going to just be arrested when he steps out into the street. And again it would be contingent on him having that proof, that evidence. And by the way, I think that's a fair deal, and I think the American people deserve the truth. And it's amazing to me that Mueller and all of these people that are so called investigating it, they haven't done what you took the time to do that I took the time to do, to go see Julian Assange and ask him. He knows, he knows more than anybody. All Right, we gotta take a quick break here. Well more with Peter Schweitzer. Peter broke the Uranium one scandal in his book Clinton Cash. Congressman Dana Roharbaker met with Julian Osang. We'll get back to both of these issues and the Clinton now the revelation that yes, Clinton paid for the Kremlin dirt on Trump, the phony docier that everybody in the media sited again and again and again, and every Democrat cited again and again and again. Quick break right back, we'll continue. And as we continue, Peter Schweitzer off of the New York Times bestseller Clinton Cash. He was the one that originally broke this uranium one scandal that was in his book. We have Congressman Dana Roharbacker and he's from California, met with Julian Osange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London and obtained a lot of this information that Julian Osange is willing to prove it was not Russia, uh, in terms of the DNC hack emails, etcetera. But nobody that's investigating Trump Russia, Uh, Eva wants to talk to the guy. It's ridiculous to me. It's it's actually obscene. You know what it is. It's a dereliction of duty and it shows no desire to get factual information in the truth. Uh. Peter, let me ask you about this other big story we're following today, and that is that Clinton paid for all this Kremlin dirt, this phony dossier on Trump. And it's even worse than that because the FBI director wanted to hire Christopher Steele, the former m I six agent who paid Russians for the phony information. This is the one out you know, Hooker's Urina urinating on the bed at the rich with Donald Trump and Democrats repeating it in the media, repeating it and it was false, and Hillary denied or campaign denied over and over again that they paid for it. Now they're caught. You're right, Sean, I mean, this is uh, this is something straight out of the Cold War. The Russians had a term for it, which was disinformation, uh, and that was you spread spread information that was false and sort of wrapped it around the mantle of being accurate news information. And that's precisely what this dossier uh did. Uh. It was fake news stories based on what Donald Trump allegedly did, that was cycled through the news system. What's troubling about it is you had Team Clinton involved in this disinformation process, and then you had people on Capitol Hill that sort of breathlessly got access to this thing, were given access to it and then you know, walked around as if this was an accurate representation, not knowing who had paid for it, not knowing really how it had been produced. You know, it was. It was an example of a complete rush to judgment about the present version. Now is who actually initiated this? I really doubt whether I'm sorry, but I really doubt that the Russians initiated it. My guess is Hillary and her gang initiated this. What about what about the original reports that fusion gps that are Republicans started it, but then it was the Clinton campaign that picked up on it right precisely. And uh, all right, let me ask this question both of you, because I think this is very very But so the evidence is they colluded with Russians. They colluded for lies, propaganda, disinformations, as Peter rightly rightly calls all of this correct. Correct, Yeah, no question about it. Deep deep financial ties that that that go back almost a decade, huge amounts of money, all kinds of entanglements. That's where the collusion has been unbelievable. Well listen, and by the way, the more they talked about election, I believe it was also to divert attention away from their wrong in doing not just creating a first repression about Trump and stealing the election from him, but creating a block of the American people wouldn't be able to see their own calling of corruption unbelievable. I think this is gonna now turn into one of the biggest scandals in the history of the country, and people are going I think people are going to jail over this period. End of sentence. And this is corruption beyond anything that I think anybody imagined. And we're gonna stay on it. Thank you both. You both have been very, very powerful in terms of forcing these stories into the public arena. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, is sick and it's getting sicker. Now back to the Sea show Hive. Now till the top of the r AM, I allowed to announce We're gonna have big breaking news tonight that nobody has heard about on Hannity on the Fox News Channel, our time slot nine o'clock. Am. I allowed to announce that something big is gonna happen tonight. And all these hacks in the liberal media, you need to turn in, tune in so that they can learn something that they don't know. As of this hour. Am I allowed to do that? I mean unless this is in three and a half hours or three hours minutes. Just your big secret that you're telling the seventeen million listeners right now. I'm just saying that there's going everybody to keep it a secret. It's just for you seventeen million people to know. No, but the secret is not coming out till nine eastern tonight, That's correct. Your show is the only place to get breaking news coverage. You won't get any. Should I tell people where the breaking news is coming from? Or should I just wait till tonight? No intrigue is the best when not divulged. All right, don't miss tonight's show. Tomorrows that too. It's a major development. Pretty much, never ever missed on show, or you won't know what is happening. What's actually you know? I see that somebody's recovered. Somebody for the last two days has been the walking dead from our trips. Well I was not the walking dead most of all. You've been the walking dead for two days, and now all of a sudden, somebody's backed to our old chipper self. I'm always chipper. Oh yeah, but but you did abandon us. I noticed on half the trip, and we were in Philly, and then you didn't go to Bucks County, and then you didn't go back to New York. You know, you just you just literally got a right straight to your front door. Isn't it just so happens to be that your interview was ten minutes from my house? It just so happens to be from your new house that has air mattress because you never bought any furniture? Does be nice, Sunshine? Did she buy a bed? Yet? You were there last weekend? Everything looks great, it's fully fun. It's not fully have to talk about it ever. Again, there are so many pillows, it's like you basically just looking. So the bottom line is you're lying for her, and she's lying for you. Feel like when I go into her house and walking through a raymoren Flannagan. Everything's restoration hardware, It's got nothing. You don't have a single bed, do you? You don't have a single bed in your new home. Do I offered to buy I offered to buy you and your family a bed, physical mattresses? I have you have a bed? What do you sleep on at this moment? Yes, this is a direct question. Direct you do you still sleep on an air mattress two months after buying your home? I was having a hard time hearing that question. Do you sleep on an air mattress two months after purchasing your home? That's a yes or no question. Well, you have to answer in the form of a question, so I'm not sure if now you do know the answer. You're still on an air mattress. You're putting your your two years a mattres. Oh my god, that's so pathetic, Alex. I'll take a thousand for furniture. Thank you. All right, let's get to our busy phone. So many of you have been so patient. Here Bob is in New Joysy. What's up, Bob? How are you glad you called? And welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Sean, it's a real honor to speak with you. You know, I just hearing listening to you talk out the Iranian one, all the lies, the corruption, everything that's been going on, and the lies against this president. You know. My my question to you is, and that you've probably partially answered it. Um, do you think this ever get is going to get prosecuted? Are we gonna see Hillary through the purp walk? I it will make my day. I'm just telling you there are a major, major, major, This is now moving at an accelerated rate. And let me tell you, everybody's world in Washington, d C. Has now changed. The focus has now changed. And I you know, look, it's frustrating in this sense because we have been talking about this forever. It never made any sense. I've known that this informant has existed for a long time. I've known that this evidence existed. And I keep saying it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, and people thinking right or Hannity, you know, I was actually telling somebody this today. You know, we get the crap beating out of us on this program all the time. But the answer to your question, Bob, I'm gonna answer it directly. I think that there's a whole heap of trouble. People are gonna be going to jail. I do believe that. Yes, does that make you feel better? You know? Anyway, thank you for your call. How many times have do we have to be right and the media wrong to ever get any credit? And by the way, I'm not looking for credit. And and there's a reason the media is so abusively biased and rigidly ideological. They always jumped to the whatever the political narrative answer they want, rather than dig for simple, basic, fundamental truth. One of my big criticisms about Obama. He was wrong on the Cambridge police, wrong on Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, rushed to judgment, rush to judgment, hands up, don't shoot, never happened. Michael Brown, same thing with Freddy Gray. Nobody in the media vetted Obama as hard as we vetted him, and we were proven correct. He governed as the rigid radical a Lynsky acorn reverend right, you know, indoctrinated person that he's always been, and the results were horrific as we predicted. You know, nobody in the media saw that it was possible that Donald Trump could win. We saw it, we were there. And every they get it wrong. So often they got this whole Russia thing wrong, and they've been wrong, and it's been in nu weendo, and it's not even they've been talking about impeachment, they've been talking about betrayal of the country. Now that it's them, they don't want to talk about it anymore. There's no coverage of it. You know what, what's her name over at the Conspiracy TV Mattow had on Eric Holder the other night. How many questions did Eric Holder get about uranium one which he personally signed off on, and it's been all over the news none zero is it doesn't fit her left wing radical ideology period. And the only reason, you know, you've got a cult of Trump paters that tune in to be like to every night there and they and they're fed those lines and they're fed those conspiracies. Um, it's unbelievable. Alan and Mississippi. Alan, how are you glad you called in a great day? Just want to tell you here in the Home of the Golden Eagles, we love you down here. Oh, thank you, my friend. What's going on? Well, you know, as I listened to all this last night, watching the show, listening overnight reading a few articles, when when you see what's happened here with they, they finally have I guess, some proof about Hillary and the d n C creating this dossier now that we know it literally know it's now that we know that it's fake. Shouldn't all these liberal Democratic appointed attorneys who haven't been involved in all these investigations. Shouldn't they have to return all this money of the taxpayers. Yeah, they should have. I think she should and I've been calling on her to return a whole bunch of money. In this case, it's a hundred and forty five million dollars, but frankly that ought to be. You gotta understand some she she sold out this country security in this steal. Do you understand how deep she sold out our national security to the hostile actor that she refers to as Vladimir Putin and her and her husband gave twenty of our uranium control to this guy. She sold this thing is she was able to reward all of these attorneys by having them put on Mueller's investigation. Shouldn't those attorneys have to return all this money? This is the great irony. Mueller's up to his eyeballs and this. He was the FBI director and it was his informant that had the evidence that had been undisclosed because of this nd A, this non disclosure and the same thing with Rosenstein. He was the lead, and he was the lead in this case. And they put a muzzle on this poor guy and he's trying to get the truth out and he's got all the evidence, and you know, by dribs and drabs. We're now getting it. We have big news tonight on Hannity nine Eastern. Just tune in tonight. That's all I can say. We'll be breaking big news tonight on Hannity. All right, let's go. Sunny Is in Alexandria, Virginia. Sunny, Hi, How are you glad you called? Oh? Hi, Sean, So good to talk to you. Um. The reason I called was because at first I was looking to find your movie in Alexandria, Virginia, and I found it in the southern part of the state, but it was nowhere up my way. The clothes would have been up by Baltimore. But Praise the Lord. Um, the movie is going to be shown in Fairfax and in Woodbridge. So thrilled to pieces. I'm so honored you're going. I I'm so excited to go. Somebody who's very close to me I gave a copy to last night, and they watched the movie last night. And and this is somebody who's opinion I respect a whole lot. And this individual said, I of never, I haven't cried this hard in fifteen years. And how Nora, have I been moved this much by a movie in in fifteen years, and um, I am proud of it, I really am. And it is I think a movie that will stimulate your mind, your heart, and it's good for your soul. And you know what, that's something Hollywood will basically never give you. So uh that's why I did it. I hope you like it. It debuts this Friday. Uh theaters. I think we're gonna open about Four's not a studio movie. We're independent. This is a small start and then we're gonna be adding in the weeks to come. And Uh, if you want to find the theater near you, it's on Hannity dot Com. I hope you like it. Call me back on Monday. Let me know what you think. I'm gonna call you back on Monday. And Sean, before we part company, I want to say I met you seven years ago. You signed conservative victory for me at Tyson's Corner and I treasure that and you are a national treasure. You exposed fake news and I am in the entertainment industry myself. Wow, what are you doing well? I am the right hand to the actor, producer, and director who's a conservative from Hollywood and also a true life oils feel rough neck and he's an amazing person. He's done a montage of work. I'd love you to see it, but no, I can't wait to go to your movie and thank you forward to it. I will call you on Monday and tell you what I think. Okay, listen, if I didn't feel this or I am certain that, I think everybody's going to get something profound out of it. And uh, I'm actually I'm very happy with the reaction we've gotten so far. We've actually done focus groups where people are totally honest and it's the reaction. So we don't we feel very confident. And you know what, Christians, conservatives, our values have been ignored and diminished and dismissed from Hollywood. And that's why, by the way, we we didn't even want in any way. We didn't want a big studio to take this film. We wanted to total control of the message. And you know, so we start slower. You know, we don't have the three thousand theaters that that other movies have, but we're not. We're gonna slowly roll it out and you know, we're very happy with where we are so far, and so far, the feedback has been pretty amazing and The timing is actually good because all the movies out right now apparently are tanking. So now theaters are throwing those crappy hundred million dollar movies out and they're asking us, can we get it by Friday? Can we get it by Friday? I'm like, oh, now you get on board. But yeah, we're trying to accommodate them because we want as many people to see it as we can. It's called Let There Be Light opens Friday. Hannity dot Com for where you can get tickets, where you can see it near you, will come back, will continue. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, As we continue, wide open telephones eight hundred nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, We have our news round up information overload. Dr Kelly Ward is going to check in. Uh big day for her yesterday with Snowflake bowing out of that race in the center race out in Arizona. He says, because he's a martyr and he's not We've not a good enough Republican. Nobody can here Republican today. No, he got out of the race because you're gonna lose and you're trying to save face and you can't acknowledge a simple, basic, fundamental truth. All right, let's get to our phones as we say, Hi, well let's go to Phoenix, Arizona. Kfy, what's up, Mike? How are you? You're a great American sir? What's going on? Hey, there's no love lost fear with conservatives and just Flake. We are tickle pink. Actually we're all partying last night. That's how I felt. Other people are like, Oh, this is he's these people are do nothing people. Yeah, it's it's it's just been too long, overdue. And you know, whether it's Matine or Flake. When he comes down to election time, they're the most conservative to Republicans you'll ever see for about six months and then for the rest of their term, we pretty much elected democrat. Yeah, pretty much. You know what they make all these big promises I sent me and our pull the full crap. You know what. You know they don't like Donald Trump's style. And let me just inform everybody in the swamp and the sewer in d C. Because I know President Trump, he's not gonna change. He's not gonna change because you want him to be the image of a president that you want and the fact that he is a fighter is not is not a negative. I want people to fight for us. I want people to go and keep the fight, to keep their promises. That's what we need at this point in a time in our history. Here. You know, by the way, here's Trump. Understand why Flake is leaving. H thought he was a Democrat. This is what he says that he couldn't win. And I don't blame him for leaving. I think he did the right thing for himself. But if you know, long before he ever knew me, during the campaign, even before they kept Hammy, he came out with his horrible book, and I said, who is this guy? In fact, I remembered the first time I saw him in television. I had not really been Nobody knew me in terms of politics, but the first time I saw him in television, I said, I assume he's a Democrat. Is he a Democrat? They said he's a Republican. I said that's impossible. Yeah, well it was possible. Um anyway, one Shawn Tolfrey telephone number speaking of Arizona, will check in with Dr Kelly Ward, state senator out there, and she was running against Jeff Snowflake and now that Snowflake Out is out, we'll talk about her plans. And also the great Charlie Daniel stops by in studio. That's coming up. It's the Shawn Hannity Show. Straight Ahead didn't win, and I don't blame him for leaving. I think he did the right thing for himself. But if you know, long before he ever knew me, during the campaign, even before the Camparemy, he came out with his horrible book, and I said, who is this guy? In fact, I remembered the first time I saw him in television, Jim, I had not really been Nobody knew me in terms of politics, but the first time I saw him in television, I said, I assume he's a Democrat. Is he a Democrat? They said he is a Republican. I said, that's impossible. Quote Senator Flake did vote with me. I understand it was about ninety one or even more than that. So from that standpoint, good. No. I think I'll be boosted in Arizona because he's very unpopular. I think the fact that he did it the way he did it probably I mean, I'm very high in Arizona. I love the people. They liked me, they like security at the border. You know all of the things, but I think I'll probably helped greatly in Arizona by what happened with senators. But let me test your newfound freedom for a second. I know you disagree with her on just about every major policy issue facing this country, But in terms of protecting our democracy, protecting respect for the office of the presidency, and protecting our image abroad, is it possible in your mind to con that it would have been better if Hillary Clinton had won this election. I talk in the book that I wrote, The Conscious of a Conservative, borrowing from very Goldwaters title earlier this year, that we're kind of made a faustian bargain with this president that we could excuse the behavior and uh and everything simply because we could get uh some conservative judges. She won the election, and so well, I can tell you no president, Democrat or Republican in recent memory has exhibited the kind of behavior that this president has. And so I I you know, I am a Republican, I'm a conservative. I would love to have a Republican president, but not at any cost. I didn't vote for this president at last November. Um, I didn't vote for President Clinton either or Secretary Clinton either. But second thoughts on that, I can tell you I'm not not have be with the direction we're going. Even among the many people who applauded your speech yesterday, there are those who said, well, why is he leaving? Then? If he feels this way, we need him in the fight. Talk a little bit, if you could, about the consideration not to seek re election, because there are many people who wish you'd stay there and push back against President Trump from Washington and not from the outside. Well, the bottom line is if I were to run a campaign that I could be proud of then where I didn't have to cozy up to the President and his positions or his behavior, I could not win in a Republican primary. That's the bottom line. Um, it's it's it's not that you have to just be with the president on policy, you can't question his behavior. Can still be a Republican and good standing apparently, Uh in a Republican primary. All right, all right, news round up information over a little an hour. It is the Sean Hannity Show. Uh to free telephone number. We'll get to your calls. The Great Charlie Daniels is going to make a rare in studio appearance, he's always fun and smart and a great patriot and has unbelievable wisdom. But that was snowflake, Jeff Flake over from Arizona. Oh, it's Donald Trump's fault that I'm leaving the Senate and trying to martyr himself, when in fact the real reason is a new poll out shows that Kelly Ward in a primary. Doctor Ward, I think we first got to know how what five years ago is up by twenty six points, and he didn't have a chance in hell of winning that primary race. So now he's going out as a cry baby. And uh my, my advice to him is, why don't you leave now? Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Anyway, Dr Ward is with us, and uh I think you scared him out of the race. Dr Kelly Ward. Hey, Sean, it's great to be with you, and I appreciate you pointing that out. I think that we did scare him out of the race. And do you that question he got, would Hillary Clinton be a better president? That is such a softball. Why didn't he just stand up and say no, no way, we could not bear to have a Hillary Clinton's presidency. But he was of course two weeks to even say that. It's really disappointing. And I'm calling this that do nothing Senate. Now, there are some good people in the Senate don't want to be clear about that. And there are some people that I know Senator to Ted Cruz um is in there, and I think Ted Cruz is trying his best on his own And he actually told Corker and and Snowflake, Jeff Flake actually says, shut up and do your job. These guys aren't doing their job. And people like Cruise and and Ram Paul and a few others are trying to get some get the ball across the finish line. And these guys are taking vacation and whining about Donald Trump, who's out there fighting every day at least. Yes, And and what does Jeff Flake not like about the direction the country has been going? Uh, the Dow is up, the economy is thriving, We're growing, Unemployment is down, food stamp used is down, America is strong on the world stage. What what is he complaining about? Yeah, well, it's sort of like, you know, you got fake Flake and the fake news me. You know, he's now their new hero out there. And I that was my question yesterday what is it about the President's stated agenda, either during the campaign or now that he doesn't like and what does he point to as his great success in the years he's been in the Senate, Because I don't think he can point to a whole lot. No, no, not at all. The President Trump was exactly right whenever he tweeted out that Jeff Lake is week on borders, that he's weak on crime, and that he's a nonentity in the United States Senate. And in that same tweet, he said he was glad that I Kelly Ward was running against Lake, Jeff Lake, and see that. You see everybody's reporting that he went after the president. But the President by saying that you're great and he's awful, was basically saying get out of the race, and that was the deal killer he But the President beat him and he doesn't want to admit. So now he's got to be like a little cry baby and he's taking his toys and he's going home and he's taking his cheap shots. And to be perfectly frank, I don't think that Bob Corker would have won Tennessee in a primary. I don't need there. I mean his his role in advancing the Iran Deal by taking away the Senate Treaty powers was attroc SIPs and it's something that that is not forgivable because that deal put the United States, put Israel, and put the world in danger. All Right, I've got a very important question. I've got to ask you because I've actually made some mistakes over the years. Like, for example, we really liked Ben Sass When was that when he was elected out of Nebraska and he has become a massive disappointment. And I can't wait in four years when we when he gets primary Although I can see he has delusions of grandeur. I look at him and he thinks he's gonna he's like he's like liberal Joe Scarborough. Liberal Joe Scarborough thinks he's going to be president one day and he's not. And well it didn't. Jeff Flake said he wasn't ruling out a presidential run in twenty I just had to laugh. Uh, Jeff Flake is never gonna be the candidate for the Republican Party. It's not gonna happen. He can try all he wants, and I don't think they're understanding that the people in this country have given these guys an opportunity to have a great vision and change the country for the better and then not doing it. That's their problem, it is that's exactly right. And I'll tell you this, Sean, I will never let you down. What you see is what you get with me. You get a strong conservative woman with a backbone of steel, who believes in small government, low taxes, personal responsibility, and following the Constitution. I will never stray from those principles. And that's why I will be an effective legislator once I get to Washington, d C. And while why I will be able to keep the promises that I make on the campaign trail. So Chuck Schumer had a smirk on his face yesterday thinking, Oh, it's gonna be much easier to win. How would it be easier to win when you're beating Jeff Flake, the incumbent by twenty six points. I mean, I'm trying to understand that mentality. Well, you know, Democrat liberal logic defies reality. Well, I think there's some truth to that too. Um now, uh, you might not have support from people like Mitch McConnell and the money that they raise for the you know, Senatorial campaign Committee, you're gonna be able to transcend that difficulty if if McConnell acts the way that he does. By the way, as a poll out today, fifty of Republicans want Mitch McConnell to resign. You know, Mitch McConnell and his you know, his attack pack, the Senate Leadership fund um. They they may have made a lot of mistakes. Look what happened in Alabama. They backed Luther Strange and the people back Judge Roy Moore. So they were wrong in Alabama and they are going to be wrong again in Arizona. I think they should actually get with the program, get with the people, so that we can get good, uh strong conservatives into Washington, d C. To do the job that needs to be done. Quit trying to protect your own political future and whatever it is that you're trying to hold on to, and get the job done that the American people are demanding. All right, we really appreciate you being with us, and I think you deserve a lot of credit. I think the polls of the reason that Snowflake got out of the race, and I think he's lying when he says it's Donald Trump and Donald Trump supporting you over him. The handwriting was on the wall. He was gonna lose, so he threw a temper tantrum on the way out the door. Typically he didn't I appreciate your support, lord Ingram support, Mark Levin support, Thank God, bless us. All right, tell me which radio host? Am ready? Thank me? God bless us? Get off my phone, you creep? Who's that? All right? Who's this? Sean Hannity once filled in on this program. Yeah, I want to say one thing to Dr Kelly Ward. I think we need more women in politics. That's what I'm saying. And who's that? Oh that's the terrible Bill Clinton? Yeah? Are you're doing pretty good today? All right? Dr Ward, thank you for being with us. Go kicks some butt when go out there and fight every day. That showed the people of Arizona you're gonna fight, fight, fight hard. Okay, God bless you. Eight on. Shawn's a a free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. All right, we'll take a quick break. We'll come back straight ahead. Your phone calls on the Sean Hannity Show, We're gonna get to your calls. Daniels will be joining us in studio Rare in studio appearance. That's all coming up straight ahead. We got Steve is in Carl's Bad out in California thirteen and a half percent state income tax. I know, I don't know how you barely survive out there. What's up, Steve? How are you Sewan? What a great honor to speak with you. I really appreciate you taking my call. Thank you. You know, well, we live in a part of California that's surrounded by military bases, and we have military folks around us all the time. It's a full time job thanking them for their service and sacrifice. You know, we want to say thank you to you, your family, and your staff because you have done exactly what our service members do and that's put themselves in the direct line of fire for freedom and truth. And we just wanted to extend to thank you to you your family and said I I don't deserve even a smidgeon of thanks compared to people like yourself and others that serve in the military. I mean the great honor we all And this is my complaint with the NFL right now. The only reason we get to do what we do, where they get to play the sport they love and get paid a lot of money for it is because our freedom is defended every day. The sacrifice is made by others, and it's just a special you know, only one percent of people will have us serve in the military. But that one percent I mean. And that's why I got so angry over the left trying to politicize the death of this guy in this year, because I don't think the president was calling too. You know, put salt in the wound of a wife that just lost her husband, and and there's never the right words to say in those circumstances. In my opinion, that's right. You know, it's it's an uncomfortable paradigm shift that the country is going through right now, and half of America is waking up, and you know, it comes down to us literally changing the way that we were raised. When when you were a child, how many times did you ask why and you were told well, because I said so, or because that's just the way it is. Well, half of America's already to ask why again, and we're starting to realize that what we were told wasn't true. Who was telling us wasn't right, and it's time for all of us to wake up and stand together. It really is amazing, isn't it that once you begin to see how bad the media lies to you, once you recognize it, you can't like put your head in the sand anymore. You just you just recognize it for what it is. I'm like, Wow, they just they lie with abandoned they lie with regularity. They just they don't cover the truth. They don't want the truth, which is why I have deemed that, you know, journalism in America is dead, and we have an information crisis in the country. So anyway, glad you called Steve. God bless you, and thank you so much for me and one of us. We appreciate it. All right, let's say hi to John is out in Uba City, California. What's up, John? Another thirteen and a half stay income taxpayer? How are you? Uh? Yes, I am out in northern California. We can't wait for the gas tax to start net this week. And I gotta thank you for opening the eyes of America both on television and radio every day. You're you're a saint. This country owes you a great deeling gratitude than this country doesn't owe me a thing. I owe it, I owe the country. What's going on with it. So my angle on the NFL and the and the anthem protests and all that is different than anybody else has talked about. And you're the guy to really really get this out there in the in the public domain. When Steph Curry and Steve Kerr, the coach of the Warriors, came out and they were they didn't want to go to the White House, and they made that known. And then you had Marshawn Lynch sit on his knees at a Raider game, and then the Kaepernick thing in San Francisco and all the Raider players, forty Niner players all coming out and screaming for social justice, whatever that means to people. The real question needs to be asked is why they didn't stand up. Because Oakland, the Raiders and the Warriors are both bolting in the next three years. The Raiders are going to Vegas, the Warriors are going back to San Francisco. They're following the money. None of those players up and challenge their owners to stay in Oakland, the third most violent city in America, with economic and social challenges as tough as any city in America. They're not challenging their owners to stay there. No one's gone to Gooddell who said we want to serve communities first and said we're gonna stay in Oakland and fix the problems to be part of the solutions. They're all bolting. Nobody's challenging him that on that. Kaepernick did the same thing. They were said a word when they moved from Candlestick Park, which was in Hunters Point down to Santa Clara three years ago. They all had the chance to stand up when it mattered, and none of them have. And you know, I challenged the players their owners on that on that context. There's one owner that I know, and I know he's a little frustrated with the president right now, but I assume they'll resume their friendship at some point. But I and I know he's with the most hated team in many ways in America. But the only reason people hate the Patriots is because they're so good and you have to admire you have to admire them. And that's Robert Craft. And Robert Kraft told his players, Okay, it's not this was last year. Now. I think he's changed since then, but there's not gonna be kneeling. But I'll match you dollar for dollar if you want to go in any community project. And he went out with with different people and and honestly, he went out into some of the tougher neighborhoods and in and around Boston, and and they're trying to help people. That's the answer, just like in Chicago. That's the answer. Let's stop the shooting in the violence in Chicago. Anyway, good call, I gotta roll John, Thank you, eight hundred nine four one, Shawn. The toll free telephone number Sean Hannity is on till the top of the hour. It's always what what Well? I just thought, before we get into the business of Mr Daniels, the legend here was I was going to introduce my buddy, my friend, my pal, the great patriot, the great football fan, the one of the greatest country. Only half an Actually Daniels is here, and you're annoyed. You already interrupted the interview. Wasted time. But I think if a real proper welcome to Mr Daniels would be if you sang him his greatest song, Devil went down to not complete unless you're singing right, Well, you mean a version that I've already saw, a version that you can sing with him all right ready, all right. The diver went down to Georgia and he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a buying because he was way behind, so he was willing to make a deal when he came across this young man's song on the fiddle and playing it hotly well, the devil he jumped up on a hickory spot and he said, boy, let me tell you what to tell you what? Yes, you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too, and if you care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you. Are you played pretty good, fiddle, boy, but give the devil his due. I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul because i think I'm better than you, because i think got better to you. The boy said, my name is Johnny, and it may be a sin, but I'll take your bet, and you're gonna regret because I'm the best has ever been your fiddle. Hard because he's broke George. And if you get all right, I can't ruin all and the whole song I'm butchering into the alright, So Charlie Daniels is with us. You know you came out with this never look at the empty seats. And I have spent so much time with you, and We've done so many events together, and I've watched you performed so many times. And the thing is you, I don't even know how old you are, doing a hundred someone dates a year. I'll be one in four days. You look amazing and the energy you bring to the people that come to your shows is phenomenal. I feel the same way about my profession you feel about yours. We both love it, love it and you put your best into it every every day. I do every night, and it's just it's a it's a joy. It's a joy to do, you know. I've actually been to events and and maybe the crowd size wasn't what we thought it was. That's happened to anybody. I guess it's in performing, right, you know. Sometimes you don't have enough notice. Sometimes the word didn't get out, they didn't promote it right whatever, And they used that used to bother me. I'm like, why don't you fill the seats? Why is it? And and then I learned it doesn't matter if there's ten people there. You give your all for ten people, You're all for whoever's there. And You're not concerned with the empty seats. You're concerned with the ones they have people at them. If you please them, then that's why you build a following. You'll come back and bring somebody else with them, and kind of snowballs and yeah, but you don't have a hardly have empty sea. Occasionally you have some empty seats, Yeah, especially when we first started. This is about really it's kind of an accident. You ate to positive type of thing. If you can't get what you won't take what you can get and make what you want out of it. You know, you have a lot of things that guide you in life. One is your faith, your love of music, your love of football, and you have a love of politics. You're I watch you. You write your blog and you go out and you're tweeting up a storm, and you're passionate about this country. You're passionate about everything you do. What are you most passionate about your music? I am almost My priorities are God, family, and and country music and country. Yeah, God, family, country, and work. That's me. I'm curious because I know what a great patriot you are, and I know how much you love our troops, how many times you go see the men and women when they were out fighting. We've been to women to Rack three times, and we've been to Afghanistan and we go of course, you go to rat you go to Kuwait because that's a jumping out of place, coach. We've been Cosabo, um, Serajevo, been to one time, to just all over it. But wherever you can get to them. You know, we can never do enough for troops. Anybody put their life between us and our enemies. How do you reconcile the big great patriot lover of our military because they give you the freedom to play me, the freedom to rant on the radio and on television, um, and they put their lives on the line for us. How do you reconcile that with your passion for football? I know you like college football probably better anyway. But what's going on in the NFL. You know, I've got, I've got I'm still kind of wondering if I'm gonna renew my my season tickets next year. I found myself and this is the Titans tickets right. This just happened that I'm not as it used to be. Football was on, I had TV on, I've kind of it's kind of lost a little bit of its glow to me. And you know what gets me about it is, I you want to protest something, you feel something wrong, Please do It's free country. You can do that. But the guy holding it, or the gal holding that flag out there in that color guarden may well be a veteran, or maybe not even a veteran, maybe still an active duty person who has put their laugh on the land of Aforghani stand rock or someplace we don't even know about, and you can't take thirty seconds to honor them the flag that they served under and the song that signifies the whole thing in our country. You know That's that's my point. And listen, I'm I made my living, you know, giving my opinions and strong opinions. A lot of people don't like us, Charlie, trust me, and I respect people that have different views. I really do. I'm fine. I'm cool with that, even people that don't like me and I want to write horrible things and lies about me, which happens pretty much every day. But how many we can't unite on this issue? Yes, how many fought, how many bled, how many died, how many sacrifice for you to have the right to get paid millions to play the sport you love absolutely and and be loved by the crowds. You but you you took the words out of my mouth. It took I'm not watching NFL football. I'm watching college football. It's pretty good to it. It's you know, isn't it fun? And like to ascertain the only the miniscule differences in terms of talent level. And then you think there's only a few of those college kids that are ever getting the pros. And I'm like that, I think they're all good. Yeah. You know what's amazing is you get there's a whole mindset college football that you don't have when you watch pro It's like these kids are doing it. They're they're they're giving it their best. They're to make it and to watch you. You know, Alabama should have to play after what they did about Tennessee the other day. Yeah, but it's it's great. It's college football is a great thing. I'm every Saturday at TV. I don't know how Nick Saban does it every year every year puts a championship team on the field. I wish I did. So. You're avolunteer fan. I've a volunteer fan. Well, listen, I admire that. What is it? How many years now? Is it? Total? Music? For you? And well? You musical when you were born, when you were young. I cut the apron strings in nineteen June of nineteen fifty eight, and I left home. I saw all I've don in sensent and something to do in music. How old were you that I was? Well, would have been coming to me twenty two years old. I was twenty one. That was it. You went out on your own, never looked back, went about my own, never looked back. And I've done it on all different levels, of course, but it's all been music related. Except for five weeks I worked in a junkyard in Denver, Colorado. How was that? I couldn't get well? It was? It brought me very much down to earth. It made me realize I appreciate my you know. I came from a labor type background, blue collar people same here, tobacco and uh, timber, you know that sort of thing. So I was not I was no stranger sweating. May I've done it, you know? And I got to have the empathy for everybody. I ride down the street and see the truck drivers and loading the trucks. I got the empathy for that person. It's hard, you know, those John and I did all the construction work and restaurant work. But I'll tell you that us it was. Looking back, I think it's it saved my life in a lot of ways because it gave me the empathy, the perspective, real life experience, and and you know, look, I mean if I get tired and I'm I'm grinding it out and on the road like you are sometimes and I'm flying from so I was in five cities and three days recently. You know this past weekend, I have no reason to complain, Charlie. And kind of faith in God does that too? Oh yeah, definitely. Um, when you perform, is that the time that you feel the best in your life. It's one of the few times I ever feel like in my life that I know exactly what I'm doing. I have devoted my life. I know, when you sit down in front of a microphone, you take on a hope or Soana. I mean, you're Sharon Hannity on the air, and it's very obvious that you're at home back there. I'm at home when I walk on stage, just the way you correlate the way you feel when you sit I'm behind that microphone, and that's the way I feel when I walk on stage. It's funny because my kids, Charlie, I have a studio near my house, and sometimes they'd come in when I'm doing the radio show from home. I'm in New York today, and they'd come in and they're like, Daddy, you just your veins are popping out of your neck and you're screaming and you and I'm like, uh, well, let me do the radio show. They say, Hi, welcome to the Sean Hannity Show, and our numbers one eight nine said nobody's gonna listen to that. But here's the interesting thing to me, and I want to know if you can relate to this. The first time I got behind a microphone, I did that. I just I started talking like this, you know, And I have no idea why. I have no idea where that came. Because you're doing exactly what you want to do. That's what you put. That's when you put your whole heart and soul into it. When you're doing exactly I would not change places, and I know you wouldn't either. I'm looking straight. I want to be Garth Brooks or Kenny Chesney in my next life, there's there's already one of them. But you're doing exactly what you want to do, and you put your heart and sullen into it. And I'm the same way. When I learned three chords and I could play a whole song, I was ruined. That's all I wanted to do. You know. One day I was with Billy Graham. It was his last crusade and it was in New York. It was him flushing and look, he's he's very was old at the time, isn't I think it's in he's like headed towards a hundred now and he's in a wheelchair. And then all of a sudden it was Raley tu and I watched him. It's like a force drove him up the stairs behind that podium. And I watched you too, and it's the same thing I watched with you. All of a sudden, you're just Charlie. You're taking pictures, you're doing selfies, and then it's game time and you're just like, let's go, and you start twirling that bow and boom, time to time to do it? What? Um? What? What? What did you're giving advice in this book, what do you tell people? The first thing I tell you, know you the people ask me what about a music career and about how long you longevity and the sort of thing. First thing I tell him, make sure you love it enough to put up with the sacrifices, to put up with the rejection, to put up with all the thing your failures, what you're gonna do, and to put up with people just being mean to you. That you can put up with all of that, because if you have any success, people are gonna be jealous of you. They're gonna try to bring you back down. If you can't do that, if you can't put up with those people, those situations, in those circumstances, stay home, not the business for you. At home, play the lounges on the weekend. You don't come out, don't come out on the road and break your heart because that's gonna happen to you. Um, I think I've learned more from my failures than my success. You do learn from mcfaigures. It's like burn your fingers on the stove, you know, yeah, seriously, it's like, I ain't gonna do that, no more, not doing that again. Zach. I heard singing the Devil the other day. Yeah, serious, a lot of people sing. In fact, Garth Brooks opened the Mercedes Dome in Atlanta, and of all things he did, went down to Georgia first. It was very honor Yeah, definitely. But you're But the thing is, because I know a lot of these countries that everybody loves you. You're like the father of country music. Now, I mean, I don't know if you ever if you set out to have that happen, Why are you able to survive the temptations on the road. I mean, I've been out with these ends, Charlie, A lot of girls with a lot of well not so many clothes on, throwing themselves at these guys, a lot of booze, some of doing drugs. You never got into any of that. Well, my career is the thing. To me. I'm you don't go on to road to party. There's some common misconception. Anybody has another thing you have to INtime. If you're going to go on the road to party to pick up girls and that sort of thing, stay home because that's you're not gonna either. You can do that at home, you know, don't go on the road. And ruin your career. Maybe they don't like the girls in town. Jolly, I don't know. I've seen so many your careers ruined because of that. Drugs and yeah, but just it all kind of works together. After a while. People get alcohol habit or drug habit, or they just fall apart. They take their focus off of what they love and all of a sudden they're doing stuff that. But everybody thinks there that you want a party with them in the city that you're in. I don't even want a party with me anymore. So how many dates are you gonna do this year? We'll do a hundred to ten randall lopry ap pair. It's justn't a couple of charity things. But you know, it sounds like a lot. And but actually I can handle that. There's no problem a piece of cake for you. Basically it's not a piece of cake. But it's about we're getting up to about the limit right there. But yeah, accounting the Grand you know when you remember the Grand ol Operaty and once you do ten shows a year, So I have so much respect for the for the thing I knew, you know, I got to mc that once. That was when you come back noon again I had come out. They didn't ask me operation Charlie. Every time I listen, it was such a great honor. I would sing the Devil with you, and I butchered the song. It don't matter. Did you notice that I was leading the band. We were playing with you, so you have to sing with us. I think you're probably right. There was one day I missed an entire um what's verse, the entire verse of the song, and I'm like, and you look at me, you look at your band members, and you're laughing, and there's nothing I could do at that point. But shann do you realize with the incredible charge our crowd to go, that was the last song we do remember? It's always here, and we build up to that, and all of a sudden, Sean Hannity cuts out, I guess, and you were like, you look like Garth Brooks. You're jumping on the micro stad, jumping on the drum stand, running all over the stage. You know that. But they got the crowd. I said, how many people got to hear that? Now? How many people? Only the people we played for you were laughing, you got to hear Sean Hannity, dude went out to Georgia say it's by the way. I'll tell everybody. It's on YouTube, it's all over the place, and I have looked at it myself, you know, over these many years. Um, it's been my honor. It really has to get to know you. And and every time I called this Charlie, I need you for we were raising money, but we need you here, We need you here, we need you. You're always there. Um. You have been a mentor, a life mentor, an example for all of us. I love your music. I love who you are more as a person than anything else. I love this book, by the way, Never look at the Empty seats. Just out today. It's on Hannity dot com. It's on Amazon dot com, It's and bookstores everywhere. And it's always a pleasure to see my friend. Always. Thank you, God bless you. Never look at the empty seats, our friend, Charlie Daniels, Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. All right, we have an amazing Hannity tonight on the Fox News Channel. Sarah Carter, John Solomon, Victoria Tunsing, Greg Jared and Jay Seculo all back. We have massive developments as relates to the dossier and the Uranian one issue news you won't get from anybody else. Will break it all down for you, all these new developments, and it's all coming up tonight at nine on the Fox News Channel Hannity, and we hope you'll always set your DVR. But that's all the time we have for today. Thanks for being with us. Back here tomorrow, Sia, tonight at nine