Ilya Shapiro, author of the recently released book Supreme Disorder: Judicial Nominations and the Politics of America’s Highest Court,Carrie Severino, is chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network and Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), co-host of Jay Sekulow Live and author of The Next Red Wave: How Conservatives Can Beat Leftist Aggression, RINO Betrayal & Deep State Subversion. Today our SCOTUS experts discuss the despicable behavior of the Democrats towards candidate, Judge Amy Coney Barrett.
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All right, it's debate day in America. Thanks Scott Shannon, twelve days. You are the ultimajority. The states could not be any higher. Law order, safety, security on the ballot. Open borders, amnesty, United Sanctuary States of America on the ballot, The New Green Deal madness, the pledge to spend trillions of dollars eliminate all fossil fuels that is on the ballot. The false promise that everything will be free, free, free, free, free is on the ballot. Free education pre k through college, student loan forgiveness, free government guaranteed job at a government guaranteed wage, with government guaranteed vacations, and government guaranteed healthy food and healthcare and retirement all None of these promises will ever be fulfilled. You just need look at any democratic run city or state, any blue state. How are they doing with law and order and safety and security? How are they doing with their most fundamental job keeping people safe? How are these blue states or these blue cities with these liberal activists mayors? How are they doing educating our kids when we spend more capita than any other country in the world. Lousy, absolutely, atrocious, massive failure. How did Obamacare work out, keep your doctor, keep your plans, save on average family twenty five dollars year. Millions lose doctors, Millions lose their plan. We're paying on average two hundred percent more. And there's almost forty percent of the country that one Biden Obama Care exchange option. It's on the ballot, packing the courts on the ballot, ending the filibuster on the ballot, Amnesty in the hopes that, of course people will will take something of great value and forever vote Democrats for fifteen million people on the ballot, statehood for DC. Elsewhere on the ballot. They want a Democratic Senate majority and perpetuity corruption. Obviously that's on the ballot too. I mean, it's I've never seen anything like this. Now something is happening. We had the head of the Trafalgar Group on yesterday going through all the swing state. This is every swing state. This is as winnable a race for Donald Trump, more so on paper than it was at this point in twenty sixteen. Does that mean that Donald Trump is gonna win? No. You know, he won Michigan by a little over ten thousand and seven hundred votes, Pennsylvania by forty four thousand votes not a lot in Wisconsin. I think the point seven percent. He was able to squeak out Wisconsin. One of the biggest surprises in that Pollock pointed out yesterday it was forty six. Forty six in Minnesota. Now it's Arizona looks very tight. That's a very That is a critical state for Donald Trump to win. North Carolina another critical state, Florida, Ohio, They're always critical. Georgia is always critical. And then all of these, you know, the Wisconsins, the Michigan's, the Minnesota's, the Pennsylvania's, you know, they all matter. We're now well anyway, brass Muson has the president's approval rating now up at fifty two percent. I gotta give the president credit off. We'll get into this later in the program. I mean, I watched this sixty minute interview that he dumped the whole thing. Now sixty minutes, Linda, Remember Leslie Stall was calling everybody I know, even talking to friends of mine that worked in the White House. Can you please tell Sean Hannity to do sixty minutes with me? And I'm like, I'm not doing sixty minutes, because what they will? You get as much time as you give them. They will then cut it, slice it, dice it, tear it up, build a narrative around it, and by the time I'll be unrecognizable by the time that interview ever airs. They are happened to you once? Who did not happen with the last time? That was Ted Coppele. I give, by the way, I shouldn't say this now. I did have a copy of it, but I I should have released it. Yes, you should have. We all told you to do it, but you're like, no, that's not nice. I don't want to do that, YadA YadA. I'm just stupid. That was That was stupid on my part. But the President rightly released it, and then CIA, this is unprecedented, This is unfair. Where are the premier news Well, now they don't get to go into the edit room, cut, slice, dice and build a narrative around an interview to make it look like something it absolutely wasn't. The President sat with Leslie's Stall. By the way, I could not believe it. Leslie's Stall is so clueless. She's arguing with the President over whether, in fact that the Trump campaign. This is now irrefutable, incontrovertible evidence. No, no, baysa application without Hillary's bought and paid for dirty Russian disinformation dossier. It doesn't exist and she doesn't even know about it. And I might man. These media people with their little blue checks on Twitter that talk in their bubble to each other, they're just absolutely clueless. Humpty Dumpty got his ass handed to him in a debate that he was in defending the Trump Russia collusion hoax narrative that they pedaled over at fake news CNN for all these years, no wonder nobody wanted to buy a stupid book. Unbelievable, but anyway, so the President gave the whole thing. And by the way, he was spectacular with her. And she's just a great and wrong on facts and absolutely has no knowledge of anything beyond that which her media mob cohorts and friends talk about. And they see. That's where I disagree with you. I think she knows everything. I think she's been told to shut up, and she's doing it because she wants to be like. Well, they all want to be like. They all want to go to the White House correspondence dinner. They all want to be I was tougher on Trump than you were tougher on Trump, can you would be tough on Trump? Hating Trump is like, no, I hate him. I don't like the viral moment. They don't care about honest journalism. They don't care about it. No, they got it wrong. They lied to this country for four straight years. You know, how do you have impeachment with Ukraine and ignored Joe bragging on tape. You're not getting a billion dollars until you fire or a Ukrainian prosecutor. Think how stupid that is? You fire vice president of the United States leveraging our money to demand the firing of a prosecutor in Ukraine? Why why did he do it when we now know because zero experience, Hunter was paid millions and it's only the tip of the iceberg. What is so fascinating in And we'll talk to Peter Schweitzer later in the program today and we'll get into, you know, all of this in great, great detail. There there now is more evidence coming up. We now have three whistleblowers that have come out that one guy's name is Bevin Cooney. Now Bevin Cooney is as joined forces with Peter Schweitzer. He's given Peter, he's in jail. It's Hunter Biden's business associate in jail, convicted Devin Archer, whose name you've probably heard more often. He's just been convicted and awaiting sentencing. And now we hear from this new guy, Tony Baba Lensky, a former Hunter Biden partner, confirming and corroborating the legitimacy of all of this, this reporting that Joe Biden stood to rake in millions in this one particular case from Chinese businessmen through his son Hunter serving as a conduit. Anyway, so Bob Olenski, the former Biden partner, confirmed that he was the recipient of an email published by The New York Post last week. In other words, we've corroborated that dated May thirteen, twenty seventeen, showing Hunter Biden was offered a contract where three million dollars a year for quote introductions alone. Well, what does introductions alone mean? That means influence pedaling, That means selling access to your vice president father. That means that Joe is then therefore compromised in and of hisself. And he also was able to confirm this one email. Hunter Biden called his dad the big guy. In other words, when they talked earlier, we discussed this week that email and said, okay, well, twenty percent is going to go to h. Hunter. And now he's confirming and he will hold ten percent for the big guy. The big guy, this guy, Bob Olynski is saying, was in fact Joe Biden. And he's saying that everybody knew that that was the case. Now Joe Biden every time. Now we've got the Grassley and the Johnson report eighty seven pages. Now Ukraine is just the tip of the iceberg Barissma. You'd think it's bad enough, a billion five deal with the Bank of China with no experiences, like no experience in oil, gas energy of Ukraine. Then the three and a half million dollar wire transfer from the First Lady of Moscow, a Russian oligarch, no experience in Russia either. Then you got this picture, even Joe Biden's in the picture with this Kazakh oligarch. Another wire transferred to Hunter Biden's company. And then if you ask any Democrat about it, I have a fit like you just we can't talk about this. This is not true. What do you mean it's not true? Anci Pelosi told reporters today She's not going to answer questions about Hunter Biden's emails with his business deals. When it's Hunter Biden's father that is allowing the sale of access, well what does that mean? That means that Joe Biden, as vice president, was selling access to his office, which then compromises his ability to do the job not only as president but as vice president. And if the last name I promise you was Trump would be a lot different. Now back to this guy, Tony Bobo Lynsky releasing this devastating memo last night confirming Joe Biden was in on the family's corruption and influence pedaling and selling of access. Also is pointing out that at May twenty seventeen, text message that has now been obtained by Fox News reveals Bobo lens was warned by his former business partner, James Gilliard not to mention Joe Biden was involved. Don't mention Joe being involved. It's only when you are face to face. I know you know, but know this. But they are paranoid. What are they paranoid? If you're doing everything right, you wouldn't have to be paranoid. And Hunter Biden's business partner corroborates the claim that Joe Biden was the Big Guy, Bubba Lensky said confirmed in the email that in fact, yes, the email is genuine and yes, then he provided more information of Fox News regarding the Biden's role in the deal. The email that's the one that notes Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate a proposed equity split. References quote twenty four H that would be Hunter and quote ten held for by H for the Big Guy. No further details. The references to the Big Guy in as much published email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden, and Bob o Lynsky said in a statement. He explained there was a partnership between the Chinese operating through the SEFC chairman and the Biden family, and he said he was brought on by Hunter, Biden and James Gillier, who was listed on the center of the email, and Bob o Lynsky went on to say that he does not believe Joe Biden's past claim that he and Hunter did not discuss Hunter's businesses, claiming that Hunter frequently referenced asking him for sign off on advice and various potential deals. I've seen the Vice president saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I've seen firsthand that that is not true, because it wasn't just Hunter's business. They said that they were putting the Biden family name and legacy on the line. The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make billions of dollars from foreign and of these even though somewhere from communist controlled China. He also said he believed the Chinese involvement in the deal was political or influence investment. On their course, it was well, if Hunter has no experience, why what are they paying for? Why pay millions? What are you expecting in return? Buying access, influence pedaling. I need you to do me a favor. I need you to step in. Can you mention it to this person and that person? Well, that means you're compromised. You've been bought off. Unbelievable influence pedaling, selling access. Joe knew the mob, the media are trying to run out the clock. Now. I've been bringing up this point and I can't emphasize this enough. If you want to be President of the United States of America, usually campaign Joe Biden has spent almost the entire spring and summer in hiding his basement bunker. Podcasts whatever you want to call webcasts, have been unmitigated disasters. Few have gone off. Well, it's like amateur hour. Now they do have slick campaign ads that are just full of lies. Now we get to September and almost half the month of September. You know, after Labor Day, campaigns usually gear up. He's calling a lid on any campaign activity at nine, nine thirty ten am in the morning, meaning you're not going to hear from us for the rest of the day. Now you've got a guy again. We're twelve days out of the election. Took off Saturday, one events Sunday, not answering anybody's questions. He's off Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Now you have to dig an inch deep year. Ask yourself a question. Why would any campaign decide that it is better for his chances of winning if we don't allow him to leave his basement bunker. Something is radically wrong. They're hiding something. I have my suspicions, but they're hiding something. Now. Can Joe pull it together for ninety minutes tonight? Yeah? Probably. He's been doing nothing but been on vacation for the last week. Twenty five to the top of the hour, lying, hiding and corrupt Joe Biden. The evidence is now becoming so overwhelming, so incontrovertible. This is at a level that you can hardly even imagine. We're gonna get back to that in a second. One thing I've had in my career, I've been very, very blust' I've always stayed friendly with the people that gave me opportunities in my career. Bill Dunovan as a friend of mine. He hired me in Huntsvill, Alabama, back in nineteen ninety. I'd started radio nineteen eighty seven. Then I got a couple of years after that, Neil Boorts, my buddy who's now on the Borts bus somewhere traveling America and sending me very very very funny memes every day. But anyway, he left one station in Atlanta to go to another station, which opened up an opportunity for a host job there, and I went in an audition for two days. And I remained friends with everybody that's ever hired me, and one of such persons on my newsmaker line right now, interrupting the second half of my monologue this hour, if we call him, sluggo Eric Sidell. Now, the interesting thing, once you work for Eric Sidell and he's your program director, he thinks that means that he is your program director for life. And if he hears something he does not like on this radio grab same with Scott. Scott Shannon has no problem calling Annity Shannon you need to shut up, you need to stop. I heard that part already. Whatever, Uh, sluggo. How are you? I'm well and how are you? And by the way, I actually had the great honor of doing your induction into the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame, and it was my great It was a proud moment for me in my life, and I didn't know for you, and I meant it meant the world to me to be there. Well, it was a bigger honor for me. And I wanted to talk to you today, Sean, because I'm really worried and uh. And we've known each other for nearly thirty years now, and we come from two different sides of the editorial spectrum. I grew up through news and you grew up through talk. Um. We in working together, I think we learned each other's styles and you saw my management style and one of those things I insisted on when you worked here was part me to say, Paul Harvey, you talked to not ladies and gentlemen, say you we the people, Yes, go ahead. Well the firewall that I built between the news and department and talk programming, and everybody lived with that very comfortably. The worst call we could have received in news was saying we were inaccurate, or that we avoided an angle of our story or we ignored it completely. Those calls rarely, if ever came, But the typical call was a list who misheard something and we filled them in, or they didn't like a story, not because it was inaccurate, but because they just didn't like hearing the story. So those calls you could put up with. The news people I worked with from my career more than thirty years in broadcast news, the ones who I've worked with, the ones who've worked for me, all took incredible pride in their efforts to be fair and objective, and they always wanted to be correct in their reporting. They had also one hundred percent input in our editorial decisions. After all, they were the eyes and ears in the community. We didn't I was indoors most of the time they were out, they could bring story ideas to us we wouldn't have otherwise known about. And they would have been offended by any attempt inside that station by me or anybody else to censor a story just because we didn't like it or we found it objective for some reason. Unfortunately, Sean, and now you know this today, many of the largest and most influential news organizations in America, print and broadcast, are practicing unadulterated censorship, either by completely ignoring certain stories, are presenting them in a very biased way, all because they prefer one candidate or party over the other. Now, this is happening on one side. It can only flip sides at some point in this country. And I remember Cheryl Atkinson, who is a brilliant investigative reporter, finally leaving CBS News because they were spiking stories she was doing on the Obama administration. They never got on the air. She did the same thing on the Bush administration prior to Obama, those got on the air. Sluggo I said, I have been saying since oh seven, journalism is dead. It's not only dead, it's and I call it, I say the medium mob because they have a mob mindset, you know, Leslie Stall and I'm going to play it later in the program, just comes off as as ignorant of anything involving the dirty Russian dossier. She acts like she'd never heard it before, and spying on a president, which was the bulk of information for the faisan applications. You know. It's it is sad when when a talk show host, which is what I am, does more news breaking than these idiots that think so highly of themselves. There is a perversion of America and our democracy going on, and it's turning us toward the information dissemination practices of the former USSR, today's Russia, North Korea and irand and some others. And I believe there are those working with it is. This is the point I really want to make with you. There are those working within these American news organizations, I believe, who are as large as alarmed as you and I and offended by the censorship being practiced, but are either or afraid or unsure of how to take action. I disagree. Let me tell you why, because there's nothing stopping them from speaking out and speaking the truth. Look, sluggo, not a single Democrat, hardly anybody in the media mob. I once counted the names of our ensemblecast on radio TV, you know, people that work on my radio TV show, and the few in Congress. There wasn't many of us that discovered a dirty bought and paid for Russian misinformation. Dacier, you know, with funneled money through a law firm to an op research firm, to Christopher Steele, whose source it now turns out to be a known to the FBI as a Russian operative for ten years. That was the basis to spy on a candidate, a transition team, and a president. Now my point, if they won't acknowledge that this cannot happen in the United States of America because of their political bias and agenda, we've lost. This is all state run media. I had no idea in two thousand and seven how right I was when I said journalism is dead, and they have now gone all in radical democratic, socialist and protecting Joe Biden. What a candidates slugo takes off five out of six days with less than two weeks to go in a campaign. Why do you think that is? Well, the politics is your area, Okay, I just I wanted to talk to you about principle here and news values. I do believe. I remember a guy coming out of CNN and telling us what was really going on behind the scenes. That was unusual, but it was refreshing. I believe there may be others in these organizations who feel the same way, and they're scared. They've been traumatized. I think it's even worse. I think there's a group think. If you go on any social media and you look at the blue check so called journalists that you know thumb there knows that people like me or that do what I do for a living, and they just think that they're right. The ends justifies the means once you buy into the sick twisted socialist ideology, propaganda and advancing the goal comes more important. Destroying Donald Trump is a single driving force that they all have in common, even if it means you tilting an election with big tech companies and big media companies that are in the tank for Joe Biden. President was right with Leslie Stall. They'll never ask Joe Biden the questions he needs to be asked. Ever, they're not going to do it. But see you're talking about the headline people too, the people out front the people in public. I believe there are people behind the scenes. There may not be many, but who are could come out. This is comparable to a whistleblower in government coming forward. That's in my mind. I don't think it's completely anonymous, right down to the very smallest person in every news organization. This cannot be the America that you, anyone listening right now, that you want for yourself, your children, your grandchildren, and the generations who follow them. It can't be. This is too dangerous, sluggo. We are in the middle of an informational crisis in the country. And let me add one point to this. And you know this because you know we've stayed friends. You know the amount of scrutiny in the amount of money that is being spent to drive people like me and Rush and Mark and all these great conservative radio hosts around the country and a few of us on Fox News that have a different viewpoint. They want us done, They want us off the air, they want us silence. There's millions of dollars that have been spent propping up organizations that all day long, twenty four to seven, three sixty five, they tape every word, every sentence, every phrase in the hopes that we might say one thing that they could use to bludgeon us and silence our voices. It's real, this is the United States, Slugo. I know what's going on. I agree with you. I know what's going on, and it just scares me to death that that is, if this is allowed to continue and nobody speaks up, we are in deep, deep trouble. Slugo, We're in deep, deep, deep trouble. I can confirm that. Um listen, I could talk to you all day. I'm gonna get back to the news. Uh. You're a great boss, except you tried to hide information from me, which was really mean of you. It was awful. You know you do They do these perceptual studies on the host and the listeners way in on whether what they like or don't like about a host, and you wouldn't share the information. So I had to borrow the book. No borrow, you broke into an office I did. I didn't steal it. I put it back when I was done after I read it, because you aren't going to share it with me. By the way, it was very enlightening. In the end, I realized how I can be a better host because I learned you finally understood what I was trying to tell you all along, not exactly, but all right, Well you can't spend it anyway you want, all right, Eric sidell slugo, Thank you, my friend, God bless you. Documents provided by Hunter, Biden's business partner have now blown this whole scandal wide open. This guy, Tony Bubba Lensky, Now it's gone to the US Senate Investigators, the Senate Homeland Security Committee, the Senate Finance committees, and he has the text messages detailing and negotiations between Chinese nationals and the Biden crime family, which is what I'm referring to it as selling access family, and text messages reveal the details of the negotiations. How is it that all these business partners end up in jail? Another Hunter business partner has been moved from a federal prison cell. This guy, Bevin Cooney, who has been working with Peter Schweitzer, will join us in the next hour. He's now flipped on the Biden family, sharing all of the emails that corroborate everything we've believed. In more, the FBI now sought Hunter's laptop to probe money laundering. We're able to break this. On Hannity last night, we obtained the documents indicating that when the FBI sees Hunter's laptop from Hell, that they were actually investigating money laundering of real investigation. One document designated as as an FBI receipt of property and the document had a case ID filled with a handwritten number two seven two. The number two seven two is the Bureau's classification for money laundering. Why didn't Director Ray tell us earlier he had this? In December twenty nineteen, Hunter Biden's business associate told, don't mention Joe being involved. Only do it when we're face to face. I know, I know that, but they're paranoid. Ron Johnson has rightly urged the DJ Inspector General to investigate positible FI cover up. They've had this since December twenty nineteen. December twenty nineteen, now you got the business partner of Zero Experience Hunter confirming the emails detailing Joe Biden's pushed to make millions. That's influenced pedaling, that's cashing in on your office. Hunter Biden's associates viewed his name as currency. They bragged about a pipeline to the Obama administration. The CEO of the Hunter Biden Tied firm agrees now to provide all of these documents. This is a big deal. It's only twelve days out. You know. The sad part is is we already knew it. You're not getting a billion dollars unless you fire a Ukrainian prosecutor. What vice president would ever threaten a country with our tax dollars to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor. Victor Shogun's his name. Why did he Why did he say, and you'll have six hours or you're not getting the money. Son of a bee. They fired him. Hunter Biden admits no experience billion five with the Bank of China, three and a half million from the Russian oligarch, the first Lady of Moscow, wire transfers with a Kazakh oligarch, shopping sprees with a Chinese national. You can't make this up. It's sad. And the mob, the media which we were just talking about, they don't know, no interest in the truth. All they know is they hate Donald Trump. It's been four years, every second, every minute, every hour of every day. Now they're the biggest contributors to the Biden socialist agenda, as is big tech companies that are censoring conservative articles. Sean Hannity Show. We are just now less than five hours away from the third the final debate between Biden and President Trump. The President now planning to bring Hunter Biden associate Tony Baba Lensky as a guest. He is the one now that is confirmed at Yeah the in an email that this was a push of influence pedaling at a high level, involving millions of dollars, and that's what the Chinese were expecting and exchange for doing business with zero experience Hunter and Company. We'll get back to that in a second. Some shenanigans earlier today, Judge Amy Coney Barrett voted out of committee unanimously. Democrats boycotted the meeting, crybabies that they are, they didn't show up anyway. Elias Shapiro's with Us, author of the recently released book Supreme Disorder, Judicial Nominations and the Politics of the Highest Court. Carrie Severino, Chief Council Policy Director, Judicial Crisis Network, Jordan's Seculo Executive Director ACLJ, co host of Jay Seculo Live, author of the bestseller The Next Red Wave. Thank You, all, Kerry, I know you only have a limited time. Let me ask you, is there anything now? The vote is scheduled for next week, that is the twenty sixth in the United States the full Senate. Will Amy Coney Barrett get the votes needed and will she be on the Supreme Court. I think she absolutely has the votes, and I think she's going to do it. There's a lot of procedural gimmicks and roadblocks the Democrats are going to try to pull up. I don't think they're going to be successful. You know, we can't rule out that they're going to try some crazy last minute spear campaign like they did with Kavanaugh and Thomas. But barring something out of control like that, I think she absolutely has the votes. I think that's why they are so incense and crazy and already talking about things like packing the Supreme Court because they can't stand the idea we would have another judge in the court who doesn't want to do politics but just wants to read the law and the Constitution. If you think that's the problem with the Court, then you don't understand what the court is for. And I think that's what we're seeing here. They really rather see judges acting like politicians than acting like judges like Amy Coney Barrett does. Well. The interesting thing is they might still have a five four court based on how Chief Justice Roberts votes lately, which I find incredibly disappointing. But I have no doubt is there any procedural move now short of them getting some Republicans not to vote on it or disallowing the vote. But Lisa Murkowski said she she's going to let the vote go forward? Did she not? And Mitt Romney said he's going to vote to confirm Amy Coney Bett. Absolutely, yeah, And I think you like Murkowski wasn't even necessarily clear she would be willing to vote in favor of someone. I think after seeing the masterful performance that Barrett put on last week, it's very hard for anyone to say, yeah, I don't think this woman is just beyond qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. Sure, and Schumer's trying stuff. He's trying to get them to put the Senate out of session, and you know, none of it's going to work. It's all gimmicks, kind of like the Senate Judiciary Committee members, the Democrats boycotting the session today. It's you know, it makes for fun TV for them. They've got to have a press conference instead of actually doing their job at going to the Judiciary Committee meeting. But it's not actually going to stop them from moving forward. But they're trying to do is pretend again at this process they I'm saying it's illegitimate, it's illegitimate. They're going to raise procedural excuses and say, oh, because you didn't follow this thing. If then the whole process of illegitimate. Now we have to pack the court. Look, is there any is there any Republican like, do we know what Susan Collins plans to do at this point? I don't think we know, I think, but I think she has is likely a vote, if not against the nominee at maybe at maybe a vote just present because she has been she has been kind of pretty clear from the get go that she wants to follow that same procedure that was done in twenty sixteen. I understand you know, her position on that. I think there's still clearly are obviously the votes to go forward, and so I think you're going to see those those fifty one votes and then some you might even see you know, once you get over that threshold, you may even see if you like Joe Manchin being willing to vote for he doesn't want to be the fiftieth vote. He's certainly not going to be the deciding vote. But I think it's going to be hard for people like that to go back to their districts and say, hey, here's the outstanding role model of a woman and I voted against her. I would hope that, you know, any other normal year, you would have seen that a unanimous confirmation like justice scale as what all right, carry thank you for being with us. A Chief Council Policy Director, Judicial Crisis Network, Ilia Shapiro. Your take on where the stands and what do you see going down on the twenty six? Is there anything Democrats can do to stop it? There are no more procedural roadblocks, And I trust miss McConnell. He's a master of Senate parliamentary procedure. So if he says he has the votes and there's going to be a vote on Monday, then that's what I would put my money on. Buying a truly black swan event like a majority of the Senate coming down with COVID and physically not being able to be in the chamber and Jordan, your take, I think it was a great day. First of all, depart the Democrats moving to boycott. They you got a unanimous vote, that's how be recorded in the history of the Judiciary Committee. And then that she was you know this, this favorable towards confirmation. And again I think that they can play politics with it all they want. I don't think what they wanted to see was the American people seeing them vote against her. And yet they're going to have to do that again come Monday before the election because she has become so popular nationwide. Now they have Romney in the camp of Amy Coney Barrett. He said he's on record saying he's going to vote to confirm her. Do we know what Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins are going to do? From your perspective, is Murkowski wasn't going to allow it to proceed, but she said that does not does that does not mean that she won't vote now that there's going to be an up or down vote. I actually think, Sean, that there's a chance Leasa Murkowski does allow this vote to proceed, and I think it's almost one that either way she votes on that. So she's going to vote to confirm Judge Barrett. So I feel confident that at least she will vote to confirm, And I think that there's more room there than there is for Susan College for her to actually kind of change her position after it, because she met with Judge Barrett after the hearings. Actually she brought in Judge Barrett to her to her sited offices, and I thought that was a great sign to show that it wasn't just about voting for her, but maybe changing procedurally her position as well. So the President and Joe Biden debate tonight. The President, now it's been announced, is bringing Hunter Biden associate Tony bob Lynsky as a guest to the debate. He's the guy that confirmed the details of this push to make millions and millions of dollars from China. You know, when you put it together with you know what we are able to confirm from the hard drive and the Department of and we now even have the FBI acknowledging they have it that there's been a criminal investigation. But if you look at zero experience Hunter making millions in Ukraine and Joe Biden leveraging taxpayer dollars to get a prosecutor in Ukraine fired. Then you do look at the one point five billion dollars deal private Equity Bank of China, then a shopping spree for Hunter and his family with the Chinese national then three and a half million dollars a wire transfer from the former First Lady of Moscow, a Russian oligarch, and then a Kazakh oligarch transferring money as well to Biden's firm. Do you see, Well, I don't know what their proper termament is. Are we going to call it influence pedaling? Are we going to call in selling access? Does it not compromise national security? Is this not a kickback of some kind? Does this maybe explain why Joe Biden thought it was xenophobic to have the travel ban? Jordan will start with you, Yeah, No, I think that this is all of that. I mean, I think that the idea is that it wasn't just this wild sun trading on his dad's name, making promises. Maybe he couldn't actually you know, pull out, but saying hey, if you want access to my dad, the vice president, you've got to go through me, which is kind of the story. They've almost kind of played out as your hunters had a lot of trouble. He's got to lay a lot of this, so don't don't believe what you're reading. And then what the guests the President confirmed tonight is that you know he was part of one of these companies, and it absolutely was Joe Biden who was taking you ten percent off the top of all these deals, which now makes more sense about why he wants to deflect, is it if he was, It's certainly it's exactly what the State Department was raising. We had State Department officials study this is a problem for our national security. Your son, Hunter Biden is causing a problem for national security in our foreign policy as it relates to Ukraine at a time when tensions were extremely high in that region. You had Russia annexing part of Crimea, you had a war going on, and remember it ultimately ended up being the Obama Biden administration that decided not to send lethal aid to the Ukrainians trying to defend their territory from Russian advancement. So you have two of Hunter Biden's associates, Bevin Cooney now was working with Peter Schweitzer, who'll join us at the bottom of the hour. That is now a convicted felon spending. He's in jail. Devin Archer's now a convicted criminal awaiting sentencing. Now you have this this other business partner, Tony Baba Lynsky Elio, which is amazing of itself, is confirming that Joe Biden was in the loop of all this. Do you see any crimes potentially for Joe Biden and Hunter Biden as well well, two weeks before less than two weeks before the election. I don't think anything's gonna come of it in terms of official prosecution by the Justice Department. But it goes to a larger point about the Iranians, the Chinese, the Russians. They're all trying to wreak havoc and so disinformation in our elections as they did four years ago, just to get Americans more at each other's throats. And I think the responsible thing for President Trump I hope he does tonight the debate is to talk about his successes and how that might be different under a Biden administration. All right, But Jordan, when you look at for example, Bobo Lensky confirming that the email is genuine and providing more information regarding Joe Biden's role in all of this, and in the email it says that that Hunter has some office expectations he'll elaborate a proposed equity split. References quote twenty four, quote H and quote ten held by H for the Big Guy and Bob O Lensky saying that the Big Guy was the way that Hunter would reference his father. That's what I think could matter tonight. So I agree in the sense that I don't think that President Trump's has been the whole debate on this, But I think instead of making it about Hunter, we now know this is not just allegations that was also about Joe, even though we all suspected Hunter was kind of the funneler of the Biden family trust fund, if you will, that was coming in internet actually, and that he was just kind of used to be that position. I think that instead the President can take it direct to Joe Biden, say, you know, you're a reference. I've got someone here in the audience who said, this was you taking the money from the Chinese, this is you taking the money from the Ukraine, this is you taking the money from the Russians. You always got a cut. Last time we debated you said all this was a lie. Tell the American people the truth, because I've got your former business partner here saying you always got a cut. But but the already the media ignored even during impeachment, they ignored You're not getting a billion unless you fire the prosecutor that's paying my zero experienced on millions. The media just ignored that, Jordan, They totally ignored it. That's why these debates and things like that are opportunities for the president to be able to present it to people because if they're not going to hear a lot of places, we're running at it, you know, running out of time. As we just said that, by the time an investigation would open up, that would be a post election. So this is about kind of I think, you know, you want to talk to big pictures as your last chance and in the debate about your how you want to govern in the future. But when he comes to this issue, hit Joe Biden directly, don't try to just hit his son and the people. Oh now, it's this partner is bringing it straight to Joe Biden. It's he knew. And by the way, we have the picture of the Kazakh oligarch in a picture with Joe Biden, I mean, which they denied he knew any of this. All right, Jordan's seculo, Thank you, Elias or Piero, thank you. Eight hundred nine for one, Sean is our number. We'll get to some of your calls. Peter Schweitzer takes this to the next level. He's been doing a new investigation about China and the Biden's. All right, Peter Schweitzer is gonna break down all this new information we have and pretty interesting what the president has planned for Joe Biden tonight. This guy Tony Bob Olynsky is gonna be there. We'll get more details from Peter Schweitzer. On the other side of the news. Frank in Kentucky. Frank, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Hi, Hey, Hey, Sean. It's truly an honor to speak to you. Thank you for taking my call. Thank you. You are a true American hero for the work that you do. Now I listen, I'm blessed to do what I do. What's on your mind today? Hey, what seems like an insurmountable amount of evidence being stacked up against Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Do you feel like they are going to begin to be calls for him to essentially drop out of the race. Is that even a possibility? Has that ever happened before? I mean, there's been a lot of speculation that. You know, Look, I think the oddest thing in this campaign, and I'm answering your question a backdoorway is who would take off five out of six days with two weeks to go on a presidential campaign? Now for this too, of hath happened. His campaign has made a decision it is in their best interest not to see or hear from Joe, then to see and hear from Joe on a regular basis. And he's just you know, taking naps. I'm sure he's been doing debate prep as much as he can tolerate. M Do I think the mob and the media is going to try and protect him the whole way? Yeah? I do. They're corrupt, big tech companies, they're all corrupt. You know, they hate Donald Trump. Would he drop out? Kamala Harris? I don't know. I mean, I just I don't. I don't think so. I think Democrats are cocky and confident they're gonna win. I wouldn't be so cocky if I was them, you get the last word. One more thing. I would love to see President trumpet. President Trump addressed that tonight, and then it would blow me away if he basically just said, I feel like you're an illegitimate candidate with all this corruption that's surrounding you, and I don't even and just walk out of it, walk out of the debate. Donald Trump is not going to walk out of the debate, you know. But I will tell you even the Debate Commission is corrupt. Got the meeting. You mob hates, some big tech hates some Democrats hate him, Rhino Republicans hate him. The only one that can change this or you we the people. You decide, you're the ultimate jury. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. So Secret Empires really got the ball rolling on the Biden. You know, family business, if you will, or the corrupt family business. And it told us a story about Barisma Holdings. It told us the millions that zero experience Hunter made. It told us about the one billion later at one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China after zero experience Hunter flies with Daddy to China. That was about ten days after that trip. Now that Johnson and Grassly report points out, it even goes deeper than we ever imagined, and that being well three and a half million from an oligarch, the first Lady of Moscow, Hazak oligarch wiring money to Hunter Biden in his firm. Then of course we have you know, Russian oligarchs, Kazakhstan oligarch's, Ukrainian oligarchs. I mean, this is unbelievable. And now the Hunter Biden business associate corroborating the claim that Joe Biden, yeah, he's the big guy that Hunter's going to hold the money for. Unbelievable. Anyway, that we knew this when the whole issue of impeachment came up, it's breathtaking to me. You know, the phone call with Zelenski. All the witnesses in the impeachment case were either hearsay witnesses or opinion witnesses. There was only one fact witness. And when I asked, but what did what did Donald Trump want from Zelenski on the call? What did he ask for? Nothing? No quid pro quel. But Joe leverages a billion taxpayer dollars. You got six hours fire prosecutor that we now know Victor Show investigating his zero experience son Hunter being paid millions, and then Hunter does the dumbest thing I've ever seen a forty nine year old adult, due admits at all on Good Morning America. Let's take that this is crucial to understanding the corrupt Biden family practice business practices. Said I'm not going to We're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority, You're not the president, the president said, I said, calling them, I said, I'm telling you're not getting the billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was what six hours. I look, I said, leaving six hours. If the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money. Son of them got fired. Your father did shake hands with mister Lee though correct, in the lobby of that hotel. I don't remember, but probably yeah, I hope so I we did. It was my friend Jonathan Lee. Yeah, for almost thirteen years. He was friend and your business. I understand totally, Amy, whether I'm in New York or whether I'm in Washington, DC. A friend in the business associate is in the hotel and my dad's staying there. Is it inappropriate for me to have coffee with them? So that meeding anything, It was not a mistake. It was not in the list that you gave me of the reasons why you're on that board. You did not list the fact that you were the son of the Of course, Yeah, what role do you think that played. I think that it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that I just mentioned without saying that I'm the son of the vice president of the United States. You were paid fifty thousand dollars a month for your position. Look, I'm a private citizen. One thing that I don't have to do is sit here and open my kimono as it relates to how much money I make or make or did or didn't. But it's all been reported. If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of Barisma. I don't know. I don't know, probably not. I don't think that there's a lot of things that would have happened in my life that if my last name wasn't Biden. It's about selling access to the highest levels of our government and compromising national security in the process. Peter Schweitzer joins us he got this ball rolling with his book Secret Empires. Twenty eighteen. We did the first interview for this book. Shamus Bruner is with us, author of Compromised, How money and politics drive FBI corruption. All right, before we get to the Ron Johnson information, What you know about Bisma, what you know about China? You have a new bombshell that came out from these Cooney I guess his name is Bevin Cooney. He is the Hunter partner that is doing serving time in jail. The other partner, Devin Archer, is awaiting sentencing after he's been convicted. But you found documents revealing how Biden associates actually helped the Chinese military, a military contractor, acquire a Michigan dual use manufacturer and they're bragging about it. Tell us about it. Yeah, Sean, we've talked about this on your show before. This was the Chinese military acquiring Hennekas, a Michigan based dual use technology company. Shamus has been going to the Bevancoon emails, So I'm going to let him go into detail of what we found, but essentially what we found is that they helped grease the way for this Chinese military contractor to hide the fact of their ownership of the entity that was going to be buying it and help secure the deal. So I'm gonna let Shamus describe that. Shamus, right, yes, sir. So the emails, I mean, right the moment that the deal is announced as being approved by the Obama Biden Sipius Committee, they start sending emails. These are Hunter Biden's associates celebrating the deal. Congratulations, this is huge. They call it a proof of concept for their future deals, which means what they're saying with that is, we can get more deals like this done, help the Chinese acquire more American companies. They use a little euphemism called cross border investments. In reality, this was a takeover and they're celebrating it. Right as it finishes. They say, I'm going to get Devin Archer says, I'm going to get on a letter, type up a letter to Ambassador Bacchus, who was a close friend of the Biden family. He's the ambassador to China at the time, and they invite Max Bauchus to this banquet celebration, and it's going to be attended by all their strategic partners and investors. These are all state owned entities Chinese, you know, very close to the Chinese Communist Party, some of the biggest companies in China, and they kind of just you know, pop champagne that they just took over an American manufacturer from Michigan. Let me go to this other big bombshell. There's been several smoking gun witnesses and obviously this business partner allowing both of you access to his emails, some twenty six thousand of them, if I recall Peter Schweitzer. But now we're discovering even more every day as it relates to the evidence that is available. Now. Tony Bob o Lynsky, who is listed as a recipient of an email found on Hunter's laptop which detailed this business arrangement involving the Chinese company and the Biden family, confirming that the email is a genuine and giving more information, and it notes that Hunter had some office expectations he'll elaborate a proposed equity split, referencing twenty four H meaning Hunter ten for help by H for the Big Guy with no further details. The reference to the big Guy, which has been much published now as a reference to Joe Biden, and he confirmed as much that Joe Biden knew. So now this gets to the vice president of the United States, you know, selling, access, influence, pedaling, whatever words you want to use, Peter, but this is devastating evidence. Yeah, you're exactly right, Sean. And to be clear for the audience, there are actually two whistleblowers we are working with. One is Bevin Cooney, a former business partner of the Bidens that has given us access to twenty six thousand of his emails. He is currently in prison. The other one that we have talked to and then communicating with is Tony Bobolynski. He's a former naval officer who went into private equity. I met with him back on September twenty ninth at a airport hotel in Atlanta, spent four and a half hours together and he laid out a series of communications. By that I mean hundreds of communications that he had with the Biden family. And what stands out in his communications this was for a deal involving a Chinese energy company called CEFC which is linked to the Chinese military, is that the Chinese were doing a deal not with Hunter Biden. They were doing a deal with the Biden family. And that puts Joe front and center and the communication where they're going to be putting ten percent ownership for the big guy. The big guy is Joe Biden. And what's important here, also, Sean, is the maturity of the Tony's provided is these were discussions that began in twenty fifteen. Let me just read briefly from one of the messages that Tony shares. This is with James Gilliar, who is working for the Bidens, and this is a communication on Christmas Eve twenty fifteen. There will be a deal between one of the most prominent families from the US, the Bidens, constructed by me and I think then this will be a great addition to their portfolios. He's discussing the groundwork that's being laid for a deal with the Chinese. In twenty fifteen, Joe Biden is still Vice president. When you look at the other communications they're coming out, the Senate has them. You see people going through the collections that have been released on Twitter. The communications are always referring to the Bidens family. The Chinese are doing a deal with the Biden family, not just with Hunter, and that puts the vice president of the United States front and center in a deal with the Chinese. So obviously Joe Biden is up to his eyeballs and all of this. But you know, I guess knowing that the media mob is so corrupt, and we know big tech companies, you know, like Facebook and Twitter, they all have their agenda which is to help all things democratic, socialist in Biden. But the reality is is during impeachment, Joe is on tape saying I leverage a billion dollars. You're not getting it unless you fire a Ukrainian prosecutor. Then of course we know that he had no experience in oil, gas, energy or in Ukraine. The media ignored all of that. Now it extends into the Chinese deals that you're describing. Then it extends into Russian oligarchs, in Kazakhstan oligarchs, and Ukrainian oligarchs, and now it's going right into Joe Biden's office himself. Now the question is, with twelve days out of an election, does the country is the country capable of absorbing the magnitude of the selling of ones of access to enrich an entire family that had no experience in any of these endeavors. Peter, look the damage that the media has done by ignoring these stories, by ignoring the Biden corruption, you know, going back two years. You and I talked about this in January of twenty eighteen, and they have ignored this story. The damage they have done to their reputation cannot be underestimated. Are there some good reporters out there, Absolutely, but the media has put their thumb on the scale and they're not covering things. And I think what most people want is for them to cover things equally, and they're not doing that. I do think that people understand what's going on. I do think the fact that Joe Biden has so strenuously said I've had no communications with my son or my family about their business dealings has been shown to be completely totally false, to be a lie, and that is a reflection because people have been wonder if you're going to lie that blatantly about something, what are you hiding. So I do think that people care about corruption. I do think that people want answers to these questions. And then, of course the question becomes in the debate tonight or in the days that follow. When Joe Biden does go out in public and he does have interactions with the media which are minimal, are they going to ask him very basic questions about this. I doubt it happens tonight. The only person that'll bring it up as the president of himself. It was the only one that'll do it. Let's just get a minute each conclusions. What are we now to conclude about the Biden family? The Biden family, business, influence, peddling, selling access. It all happened. Now. The question is will America absorb that? Shamus? Yes, anyone who does not is not shocked by these new allegations and frankly the previous allegations from Schwitzer's books. It just isn't paying attention. I mean, the Biden whether they like it or not, the Biden kimono has been opened. There are billions of dollars we're talking about here in all these many deals. It's China. It's Chinese military contractors right in bed with the Biden's family, and it's really shocking stuff. There's more to come, and you get the last word, Peter Schweitzer. Yeah, I would add, this is not rank and file corruption. This is not somebody trying to get a paving contract for their nephew for some county road. We're talking about foreign governments and oligarchs that don't want good things for the United States. And these are the commercial partners that the Bidens have decided to get into business with, and it compromises national security. At what point do we recognize that Joe Biden is bought and paid for by these companies because the family is making all this money. Maybe that's why he didn't want to criticize China on the virus. Maybe that's why it was against the travel band calling a xenophobic who knows at this point, maybe wanted another billion five deal for zero experience hunter there. It'll be interesting. All right, Peter, thank you, Shamus, thank you. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn Tolfree telephone number Hannity tonight right after the debate, eleven o'clock Fox News. Hope you'll join us. We'll take a quick break, we'll come back and also your calls in the next hour straight ahead, all right, Dud's round up information overload hour. Glad you're with us. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program twelve days you are the ultimate jury. I think one of the greatest jiu jitsu moves ever made against the media mob, the abusively biased, corrupt, agenda driven media is the President has a very hostile interviews, as if we'd expect anything other with Leslie Stall sixty minutes. It'll be interesting to compare and contrast the way that Joe and I'm sure as giving kid gloves here and the President says, fine, I'm going to release the whole tape. The problem with sixty minutes that many people don't know is that they edit and they cut, and they slice and they dice, and they build their narrative around whatever agenda that they have. Look in the last year, Leslie Stall went to every single solitary person that knows me and wanted me to go on sixty minutes, and I said, no, I'm not going on sixty minutes. Frankly, my audience is bigger than your audience. Why waste my time, you know, because they'll spend two three as much time as you'll give him four hours, and it becomes a twenty minute segment and they edit it anyway they like, and that's what the president was facing. Brilliantly, he had his own camera in the room and recorded the whole thing. It's released, the whole interview. Oh all right, let's listen to parts of it. Are you gonna say that he didn't say this because I saw you say good. Oh, you're only trying to. I wish you. I wish you would interview Joe Biden like you interview me. It would be so good. You know what you thought? I thought, I don't mind. I don't mind. When I watch him walk out of a store. He's in the midst of a scandal. His family is corrupt. Okay, he's corrupt. He's a corrupt politician, and he's walking with the ice cream and the question the media asked him what kind of ice cream would flavor as a good cutter, And he's in the midst of a scandal, and he's thinking, of course he is. Last week, of course he is. Say so you're like, you're like, you're like big tech, you're protecting him, You're you're taking something that was investing. Lest you think it's okay for the mayor of Moscow's wife to give him millions and millions of dollars three and a half million dollars to give his family three air Do you think it's okay for under Biden say to say that we're giving we're giving the big guy ten percent of this massive amount of money they're taken in. Do you think it's okay for all of these horrible things that you've seen where they're getting hundreds of thousands and billions of dollars, where China gives them a billion and a half dollars to manage the family a billion and a half dollars, and then he's supposed to negotiate. Let me take it's the biggest second, biggest candal. The biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign. They spied on my campaigns. Of course there is a twelve of the place, Leslie. They spied on my campaign and they got called say something. You know, this is sixty rules and we can't put on things. We can't. You won't put it on because it's bad for Biden. Can't we can't, leslie. They spied on my campaign. It's been totally verified. It's been just go down and get the papers. They spite of my campaign, they got caught and then they went much further than that and they got called. And you will see that, Leslie, and you know that, but you just don't want to put another as in effect, I don't know that, and you're out water, don't you? Getting back to your interview with Let's Go. It is breathtaking ignorance on Leslie Stall's part. And it just so I talk often about how there's this little cabal of media people that live in their little bubble and they all have their blue check marks on Twitter, and they retweet each other all day long and they pat each other on the back of how much they hate Trump and I hate Trump, Moore? How does she not know that Hillary's bought and paid for dirty misinformation Russian dacier that turned out to be total bunk, unverifiable. A subsource known to the FBI as an agent of Russia for ten years, was used as the bulk of information to get the FIS warrant, which did spy on Trump's campaign and transition team and deep into his presidency. How could she be that ignorant? It's oh, that's not true. It is breathtaking ignorant. Sixty minutes the so called prestigious news magazine show, Joe Concha commentator, opinion columnist The Hill, Miranda Divine columnist New York Post, our friend Mark Simone, host morning show our affiliate New York w R. I cannot believe that that's how deep inside the bubble she lives. It was sort of like Humpty Dumpty defending, you know, all of their phony Russia Trump collusion coverage in a debate that he had. He looked like a fool to me, Joe Concha. I think the key quote here that you just played from Leslie stall Sean was when she said, quote, this is sixty minutes, and we can't put things on that we can't there. Well, I'm ill enough to remember two thousand and four, about a couple of days before that election, when Dan Rather of sixty Minutes put on a story that he could not verify based on false documents around George W. Bush's National Guard Service. So let's stop pretending that sixty Minutes somehow doesn't go ahead with unverified information, and particularly all the reporting that they did on Russia collusion for two and a half years leading up to the Mulla Reports conclusion that there was no actual collusion between Trump officials and the Russians. I think kind of disproves that whole statement. Hey, Joe Sally Yates, you look at the FBI Deputy Director of the FBI McCabe, both admitting without the dirty dossier, which was unverifiable, there would be no FISA warrants. How does she not know that, Miranda Divine, how does she not know that? She doesn't know it because she refuses to know. I mean, our bombshell story today on the front page with more evidence that Joe Biden is involved in his family's cash for influenced scheme. This evidence is piling up. And if you only read seeing in CBS, you know, Wall Street Earth, or in not versions of that Washington Post, New York Times, you're not going to get that story because they are ignoring it. NPR it has today said the reason that you're not reading any Hunter Biden's stories on our website is because they're not verified. I mean, it's the evidence is there, Miranda. He got three and a half million from the Russian oligarc the first Lady of Moscow. He had a wire transfer from a Kazakh oligarch, Barisma paid him millions Joel leveraged and is bragging about leveraging a billion dollars to fire a prosecutor in six hours or they're not getting the money. That would be a quid and a pro and a quo where I grew up, Miranda Divine it sure is. And we have emails that show that the big guy was getting ten percent of these lucrative Chinese deals. We now have Hunter's ex business partner, Tony Bobolynski, saying that was the big guy. We now have emails that he has provided us which show that other partners are saying, please don't mention Joe's name because they're paranoid that someone will find out. I mean, what more do you need to know for these other news organizations to stop ignoring this story? And I'll tell you one other thing, Sean, that is disgusting. This morning, at five thirty I posted on Twitter a link to our front page story about Tony Bobolinsky, absolute bombshell. And I also posted a link to my column today about Hunter Biden's email. Both of those before six am, Twitter had red flagged Oh, by the way, that's happened to me too. Yeah, let me bring in our friend Mark Simone, Mark, you can't get any more corrupt, I said in two thousand and seven, maybe one of the maybe being it is about as head of the curve as anybody. Journalism in America is dead, it is gone, it is buried now. They're just mere mouthpieces for all things democratic, radical socialist and Joe Biden. Well, you got to give Leslie Stall credit though, to be able to pull this off with a straight face. This is better acting than Meryl's Street. Can you imagine of us if we went on here something we haven't no? But is it acting or is she that ignorant and unaware of real news? I think it started as acting. And you know, when you tell a lie so long you start to believe it. I think they've convinced themselves and she forgets how sixty Minutes got started. It was not a popular show. It took ten years, but it game number one true. Mike Wallace, he used to go grab guys like these Ukrainians and say what was this payment for? You? Confront people about paying off pa peticians. That's what made sixty minutes. If Hunter Biden was getting a dollar fifty for a no show job, that would be a story eighty three thousand a month and a three million dollar bonus for not showing up. Ever, and if they're still paying him five years later, clearly they were getting something for the money. Otherwise it would have stopped after six months. You know, these are incredible times that we live in. All of the money, Ron Johnson, Chuck Grassley, we now know who the big guy is all of these reports. It can't be anymore clear. Does this impact the race, Joe Concha? It depends on what happens tonight, Sean, because seventy million, seventy five million people will be watching. I think it was seventy four million watched the first debate, So here the president has to make his case, not just around Hunter Biden. I don't know how much that changes the race, because it's still confusing to people outside of the people that are followed this stuff very closely every day. I don't say he doesn't bring it up and he doesn't try to hit Biden on it, But I know what Biden's going to do. He's gonna say, well, the media has proven that this all this information is a smear campaign, not verified, and they're just going to kind of box himself into a corner. The president has a good case to make as far as what he will do the next four years and what he has done. He could say, the economy, you either want it to contract or you want it to continue. This Nike swoosh of a recovery out of coronavirus. And if you think that expanding the Supreme Court, or letting sixteen year olds vote, or abolishing the filibuster and just listening all the things that Joe Biden now supports that he didn't maybe in years past. Who knows. I think that's the way it's going to go. It comes down to the debate tonight. Sean. It's a big, big night for the president. I think it's a big night for the country. All right now. Joe Biden was off Saturday. Miranda and Joe Biden did one event on Sunday and he got one hard question and he got mad, And then he got another question what kind of shake a flavor he bought? Then he's been out of work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and today. Who does that with two weeks to go? To me? When a campaign makes a conscious decision that they're they're better off if they never let their candidate out of their basement bunker. They're hiding something. What are you? What are your thoughts? They definitely are They're hiding from time to Biden's story. They know that it's pretty lethal to his integrity, and you know, he's running as a good guy, so they don't want those questions. And they know that Joe's got a head, treat a temper and then he goes after people and that that would be negative for him. And it's extraordinary. We've never seen an election campaign anywhere in the world where the candidate hides in a bunker for the most of the time, and especially two weeks out. But I think in the end it's not going to make much difference. People have made up their minds already, a lot of them have already voted. And the bottom line is the most important thing in people's minds is the economy. And on the economy, even the published poles show that President Trump outpolls are Biden significantly. And as we continue with Joe Conscha, Miranda Divine and a great Mark Simone. You know, Mark, I can't imagine Donald Trump taking off of five out of six days and the lead up to a presidential election with less than two weeks to go. Could you know this is so identical to twenty sixteen. At this exact moment twenty sixteen, all the fake polls had the Trump behind ten points, the same exact situation. The Democratic candidate was either coughing or mumbling or passing out. They both had medical problems. And it was the same thing with Hillary. She'd make a speed eventually have to go rest in bed for four days. We're seeing the same exact thing now. I guarantee you will see the same outcome. Obama campaign for Hillary everybody's ever campaigned for lost. He's campaigning for Biden in Pennsylvania, by the way, which shows paid with like five cars showing up and I don't even know what that was. All right, So prediction, you're predicting Donald Trump is going to win this win re election in twelve days? Is that your prediction? Mark Simone? Miranda, divine your prediction. Yes, I agree, I won't win the popular vote, but he'll uncomfortably win I think the electoral college simply because in those battleground states they care about you know, gun's First Amendment rights, any economy above all. And you get the final word. Joe Concha prediction. All right, I just want to see if Mark Simone is still sticking by the whole Trump is going to win New York thing that that's the question Mark. By the way, that is a fair question Mark. Are you you still sticking bike and win New York? All right? Will you give me partial credit if let's see the well in New York high any Republican. Oh, that's funny, then Razor thin Trump win and we won't know for weeks and weeks. That prediction, good grief. That means it's that it's going to be a nightmare. It means we don't rest, we don't get any sleep, we don't get any reprieve. Thank you all, Joe Consa, Miranda, Divine, Mark Simone, all three friends of the program, Thank all for being with us when we come back, Wide Open Phones, final half hour Hannity on Right after the Debate tonight on Fox eleven PM Eastern Quick Break, Right back, your calls are next Hi twenty five till the top of the hour. Right, gonna be interesting. The debate action tonight, By the way, it is so it is so pathetically predictable and sad that we have a media that is so corrupt a debate commission so corrupt, Where are unilaterally going to decide this next debate? We won't even talk to the doctors, medical professionals. We will make it a virtual zoom debate. They don't even ask the campaigns. Both both candidates on that night did dueling town halls. And by the way, final ratings showed, yeah, Donald Trump did have more viewers if you use the right, if you actually add the metrics together, then all of this about Joe. How is it? Do you imagine? Can you imagine for a second, a Republican presidential candidate disappearing with less than two weeks to go, taking off five out of six days, just disappearing, and the campaign has made a decision that it is in their best election interests to hide their candidate from we the people. Now they're obviously hiding something. When Joe does go out one day, two days, three days, it usually ends up with a series of, you know, brain farts on Joe's part. This is not your average tired candidate, you know, malaprop making a mistake, getting something wrong. He doesn't know what state he's in half the time, what office is running for, what day of the week, it is, and so they made a decision here and the media mob is perfectly fine with that. Now, of course, with more information, Senator Ron Johnson, Charles Grassley, Peter Schweitzer, all of it. Now, we've got business partners. You got Bevin Cooney, you got this new guy, Tony Bob o Lynsky is now speaking, a former Biden part partner, confirming that, yeah, the big guy was Joe Biden, meaning yeah, Hunter's gonna hold the ten percent for his dad, meaning that he's profiting off of the you know, influence, pedaling, the selling of access. Joe acts like it doesn't know anything. These pictures show up with Kazakh oligarchs, you know, could you imagine if there was a Trump kid that had you know, there was a sleep in a bed with a crack pipe in his mouth, and all the other allegations that you know, we haven't fully been able to vet yet, but it's coming. I've I've gotten briefed on all of it. I just I some of you you saying, well, well, you gotta tell us what you know. The reason that one of the things that is signature of this program as we don't rush to judgment. I can't tell you you now we broke more stories over the Trump Russia collusion hoax and the Ukrainian hoax. Then all the networks combined because they were in the tank obviously, and they're they're against all things Donald Trump. But you know, we talked about the dossier, when we talked about the Espionage Act, when we talked about the FISA applications, when we you know, breaking all of these stories, the umasking of General Flynn, for example, and when we finally dug down deep and got to the subsource of Clinton's Russian disinformation dirty dossier, and we wait till we have all the facts. Even when we have them, and even when we double source it, sometimes we go back even further. Now, just because I've been briefed and I know I haven't been able to independently corroborate certain things so far, things are now being corroborated by people that are involved in the enterprise. That's what's fascinating here, because now you have Hunter Biden associates, two of which one is in jail. This guy, Bevan Cooney, Devin Archer, is a convicted criminal. Now he's on his way to jail. Now we've got this new guy that comes out and absolutely corroborates every single thing with emails to back it up. This guy Tony babbal Lensky, and the media just ignores it. I mean, the thing that was just flabbergasted me about Leslie Stall she had yoh, come on, you were in spied on. I'm like, do you do you read a newspaper besides the New York toilet paper Times? What bubble are you living in? Or this idiot over at fake news CNN, Humpty dumpty, you know, knowing nothing about the the Trump Russia collusion hoax, lies in conspiracy theories that he and his network pedaled every single day that went on for years with no retraction, no apologies, no correction, nothing. Unbelievable. All right, let's say hi to Joe Is in South Carolina. Joe, Hi, how are you glad? You called? Sorry? I know that well, a lot of people trying to influence your Senate race down there, Barbara Streisan Rose o'donald, They're they're all trying to take out Lindsey Graham. I notice down there, but it's not going to work. Didn't work on me. I voted early and voted for lindsay. As a matter of fact, the other night when he was on your show, he's asking for a donation brands of the computer with my credit card and sent them fifty bucks. But upcoming showing of a wide range of emotions hopeful, scared and frustrated, of course, hopeful that the Republicans maintain majority in the Senate, get it back, get it back in the House, and Trump gets reelected, and kind of scared because these folks know how to cheat, and if they create anarchy and they win, the country's gone as we know it. You know, the extra states back in the court, you know, we're done. Who knows the only thing that might help conservatives is okay, let's split the country and a little bit of frustration. I think you've harked on this many times that the Republicans are just not aggressive. They are golfers while Democrats are hockey players, and they just don't get the message out there of Trump's accomplishments and its things that the Democrats have done, the corruption there. And again it's going to be two against one tonight and Trump is going to have to be the candidate and the moderator, and hopefully he can work it's going to be a two on one debate like it always is. And you know, one of the hard things that the President's going to have to do is, Okay, now, Joe's gonna lie, He's gonna you know, we have on tape Joe bragging about leveraging a billion dollars to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor. You know, paying is zero experience on millions. We have you know, Ron Johnson, Chuck Grassley's report on the three and a half million to the Russian oligarch First Lady of Moscow. We have the wire transfers as it relates to the Kazakh oligarch. We have all the facts down as it relates to zero experience Hunter and the one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China would we haven't been able to find any any evidence that he knew anything about private equity. And then the Chinese national taking Hunter's family on a shopping spree with massive amounts of money. And you're right, you have a reason to be scared because the immediately yeah, and unfortunately the people who need to know this are listening to the met and watching the mainstream moftia and they're not getting. They're not getting, you know, the corruption and things that are going on. So hopefully our man could weave in a couple of questions to make sleepy Joe answer some things. But what I would love to see Donald Trump doo tonight is looking in the eye and say, let's have one more debate. We each pick a moderator and let's go for it. I hope I get picked. Please pick me, pick me, please, oh oh oh oh. I'm like the kid in the back of the room in the school and a class pick me, pick me. I want to do it, which, by the way, you know, hell would freeze over right, Joe, it would never happily. And uh, you and your staff and your contributors do a great job. We try and imagine how tough and frustrating it is. They'll keep up the good work. And like I said, I voted early. The line was very long, but the Elecington County voting were very efficient. Got into that of there in thirty one minutes and you don't have to guess who I voted for. Thank you for the call. We need every single state. Look, um, I'm not I don't like the pedal fear. I don't the risk to this country. They're stated policies will render this country unrecognizable. The power grab that Joe was referring to about packing the courts, the power grab, ending the legislative filibuster DC, Puerto Rican State, Puerto Rico state statehood. You know, that's four Democratic senators, which is why the Democrats would do that. So they want to senate majority of Democrats in perpetuity amnesty for fifteen million people that didn't respect our laws, our borders, and our sovereignty. Well, that's something of great value that I'm assuming that Democrats think, well, we ought to be able to convert eighty percent of the people that get amnesty to voting for US. Oh, that could impact a lot of swing states. Then you add the New Green Deal, everything's for free. Then you add, you know, open borders, amnesty, United Sanctuary States of America. You add to that higher taxes. The fifty cent I don't want to be twenty cent because it's what sixty two cents out of every dollar and it's still not going to be enough. If they confiscated everybody's wealth. They're going to get rid of oil, gas, fossil fuels, fracking, all of it. It's all going away. Joe's not going to be able to say no to his radical base, you know, activists on the court, weak foreign policy, all of it has on order, safety, security, It's all on the ballot in twelve days. Am I afraid. I don't live my life in fear. This is not my first rodeo. I've lost elections that i've I wish we would have won. I'll fight for liberty and freedom and the things I believe until my dying breath, I guess, but it would be so sad. I don't see how America will become unrecognizable based on their stated policies. Yes, Linda, So I just had a quick point and excellent points that you're making as well, But I just wanted to say one thing to our audience something that has been really bothering me for the past two weeks, which is, if we really look at what's happening right from the big tech censorship to what happened with Leslie Stall, what happened with the ice cream question, I just want everybody to think about one thing. Let's just really dumb it down and harken back to one thing, which is that the idea of America is the concept of a free exchange of ideas, conversations, you know, being able to hear somebody else's thoughts where they're coming from, their positions, discussing your own and letting that be okay. And what we're seeing is that they know how bad their ideas are, they know how corrupt they intend to be in our already being, and so they have no desire for the American people to know that, so they shut it out. How many times do you want? You want a great example of this, name one Democrat that gave a flying rip about a Russian disinformation campaign, a dirty dossier that was used as the bulk of information to get a FISA application to destroy Carter Page's life and take away his constitutional rights, but to spy on a presidential campaign, and Transie Democrat cared. They No average American cares either those Sean and I think that's what's really missing. If I talk to somebody at the supermarket, they don't care about Russia, they don't care. But what they do care about, let me let me tell you, you you don't have a country if you're able to spread that those types of lies. No, I agree, accept it. You know if Russia. Everyone cared about the media acted like they cared about Russian interference. But when we've found it, their silence is deafening. Agree. But here's here's my really low level point, not my high level point. What I'm saying is it's more simple than that. It's any idea that they don't agree with they want to silence. It doesn't matter what it is. It could be I like wheat over whitebread, you know, I like chocolate over vanilla ice cream. That this is what I'm saying. It's not just about Russia or China affecting our country negatively. It's also about this deep dive into silencing American freedom of thoughts. And that's what you're voting for. That's what's happening on November think freely. If they could knock off anybody and talk radio or people on Fox News that they don't like and take us out and silence us. We you know, I don't come on the air whining every day, but we deal with this crap every day, and we deal with this crap every day. Now, I don't think any of you really want to hear me whining and moaning and complaining. I'm not I understand. It's, you know, the cost to do in this business. We don't like everything, but I'll tell you it's even more simple than this. It is every It might be appealing that everything's free, but you're going to lose freedoms that we may never ever be able to retrieve. I don't know how. I don't see a path back. If the power grab of court packing, amnesty, ending the filibuster, statehood for DC and elsewhere, I don't and the New Green Deal and eliminating oil and gas, I don't see a path back for the country, and we will disintegrate into your typical socialist hellhole. That's all on the ballot twelve days, all right, Hannity Tonight, eleven o'clock, right after the final presidential debate. Don Junior, Ari Fleischer, Sarah Anders, Lindsay Graham, Rick Runel, Dan Bongino, Judge Pierro, Ryan's previous Matt Gates, Haraldo. We've got you covered the best post election analysis, post debate analysis on Hannity Tonight, levin Eastern right after the debate. We'll see you then,