The Law vs. Vaccines - January 7th, Hour 2

Published Jan 7, 2022, 11:01 PM

Dr. Peter McCullough, Chief Medical Advisor, Truth for Health Foundation, talks to us about the real questions facing the vaccines and the mandates that surround the nation and everyday Americans who can no longer go to work. Plus, Kris Kobach, general counsel for Alliance for Free Citizens (and candidate for AG in Kansas) who is leading the charge on this lawsuit they just filed against the Biden administration over the vaccine mandate for businesses with over 100 employees. They're representing two large North Dakota companies — DTN Staffing and Miller Insulation Company — along with their CEOs and several of their employees. Today he discusses the case that was brought before the Supreme Court for their review with regard to these mandates and what he predicts will be the outcome of their opinions.

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An hour two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one, Shawnee want to be a part of the program. Now, the Supreme Court hearing major challenges to Biden's vaccine mandates. There even some predicting we could get a stay or some type of interim decision. From what I've heard of this and you can listen, Um, I did not feel the greater arguments that I would have made were made during this h this hearing. I know there's a lot of amicus priests that were filed by by other people as well. The Court's really ruling, as this Wall Street Journal says, will will echo far beyond the current pandemic as they take this up. And the issue here is, you know, stretching the ambiguous statutes in the administration, you know, the worker vaccine mandates by OSHA, the Occupation Safety and Health Administration, and the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services. The Fifth and Sixth Circuits Courts of Appeal handed down conflicted rulings on the ocean mandate. Three federal judges have enjoined the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services in twenty five states. The courts ruling will echo into the future about how far an executive branch can go in rewriting statutes. And I guess some justices will be tempted to defer the executive given the pandemic emergency. But presidents have been increasingly eager to find emergencies whenever they are politically convenient. So that's the story there. We have other news about what's going on in the world of COVID. Novak Djokovic has been quarantined in Australia after originally been he was given exemption of medical exemption. Now they're saying never mind, and now apparently he's living in horrible living conditions as he awaits a decision whether he can play the Australian Open. A battle has broken out between Jen Saki and rohn Da Santis. Jen Saki lying about de Santis not advocating vaccinations, just the opposite, you know. Ronda Santis now ordered a million tests for at risk Floridians because Joe Biden ran out of tests, just like ron Da Santis. Once Joe found the word a couple of months ago, finally, for the first time and the only time he's mentioned monoclonal antibodies. Well, then all of a sudden, something that was never in short supply starts getting rationed away from states like Florida. So DeSantis rightly goes out and buys his own. Now, unfortunately, that's becoming harder and harder because the federal government is hoarding everyone, every bit of it and for no reason at all, and then not sharing it because it doesn't fit into their one size fits all, you know, medicine that they have. And of course Americans all across the country still cannot get COVID test, but the administration is bragging we ordered another eight thousand, eight thousand, you know, one hospital can get rid of eight thousand they need now to process your COVID test, And so many people can't get to work. On top of the bad economy, with the bad economic news from today, I mean, it's all a disaster. Anyway. Here to discuss all of this is doctor Peter McCullough, he's the chief medical Advisor Truth for Health Foundation, talking about the real questions of the vaccine, the mandates and everything we've been discussing. Sir, welcome to the program. Thanks for having me any chance. I doubt you probably did. Like most of us, you're busy, you're working. But any chance you heard in any of the oral arguments today, I just kind of out of play. But I was getting the seed others were, and it was disheartening to stent made some of the Supreme Court judges, and I can tell you some of the frank misinformation that was needed. There was beyond belief. With the omicron variant, we are seeing a marketly reduced mortality. And this is really important to understand that the South Africans are telling us that the impatient mortality is one percent, and with early treatment we can get that mortality below one percent. For omicron, Omicron is rapidly supplanting, is rapidly supplanting the delta variant. And well, by the way, let me let me answer that doctor. If I may nine now ninety five percent of COVID positive cases in America or omicron, so it has displaced delta except with some rare exceptions. That's true. And clinically, what the challenge is to figure out who still has a residual delta case and I had those in my practice. The key implications are here is that the old monoclonal antibodies regeneron and really still work against the delta variant, but only such a rhythm. HA. The gs came on a colonal antibody is effective against severe cases of almicron the basics. In my practice, the GSK monoclon antibody is a terrific products on. It's eighty five percent reductions and hospital bastions in debt. It can be used down to age twelve, and it's been EAY approved. It's May, and doctors are besides themselves with the federal response of where is the GSKA monoclonal antibody which was designed fort and strange that we're going to be resistant to the other product and we don't have it when we needed well, And as you point out, you've had it since May and it does a better job than Regeneron and Eili Lily, here's my question. You know, Joe Biden was offered an opportunity to have seven hundred and thirty two million tests produced in October, November and December and the lead up to the holiday season. They rejected that proposal. Now we've run out of tasks. We've had monoclonal antibodies for over eighteen months. The GSK one that you mentioned that does better with Omicron than or General or Eli Lily that has been available since May. Where's operation warp speed for tests? Where's operation warp speed for monoclonal antibodies? Where's operation warp speed for these new anti virals that every doctor that I've talked to is extremely hopeful about. I don't know. I'd love to get your opinion on it. I completely agree. I can't wait to have the new Visor product, which is a combination of a novel time. It's like reinhibited plus for a ton of Here they've resulted itself in over eighty five percent reductions and hospitalizations in death and just a five day course. Can you imagine if we had these drugs we could use in combination to high risk seniors right now who are being uncovered from the previous administration of the vaccine, we could basically finish out this pandemic. But right now we are short of the tools that we need in clinical practice. Yeah, I mean to me, this, this is the unforgivable part. You know, the only time we have chronicled that Joe Biden mentioned monoclonal antibodies was in his vaccine mandate speech. But he's done nothing to mass produce them or to warp speed them. You know, how do you run out of tests? When Joe Biden was criticizing Donald Trump for not having enough tests early in the pandemic, we're now in year three of the pandemic. How do you run out of tests? If you got these anti virals and you sound as excited as every other doctor without questions, it's unanimous. It's one hundred percent of doctors that I've asked. I'm not a doctor, so I'm deferring to you. They loved these anti virals. Why aren't we Operation Warp Speed producing of these for people? We needed distribution? No. Operation Warp Speed was coordinated by the National Institute to Health in the FDAL government. It was terrific during the active childs pogram for developing products, specifically the monoclonal antibodies are really an incredible production in less than year. I mean, that's an example of real American success and biotech engineers. We didn't have the follow through on this simple acquisition and distribution to get these out. Thest reason why the Santis and Joel a depot down in Florida are taking this up to the highest levels to get this for the highest seniors in Florida. Yeah, and by the way, it's all free, everything from the vaccinations to the therapeutics. Correct me if I'm wrong. Everybody's getting them for free. It's just a matter of availability now. Actually, I've been able to help a few people out recently, but it's costing them a lot of money. And when you're health was on the line, I guess you know, you'll pay what you have to pay. But there are concierge services out there where literally you can purchase monoclonal antibodies. That you know about these services. Yes, I've done it myself and I've had some patients get some home infusions. And you're right, there's a price tape. But at this point in time, people are desperate. We shouldn't have to go to these measures. No, I mean it's I got somebody found a place today two thousand dollars to get the infusion, you know, and you can't even get these things in states like New York. It's unbelievable. Let me ask you this. You know, a question that was asked to Biden yesterday, is COVID here to stay? Is this now our new normal? What's your answer to that we don't know. This peak of omicron is a massive peak. My phone is blowing up with cases. A testing center on their phone with last night was having thirty percent positivity rate of people being tested. That basically means sean everybody has it now. The good news is that omicron is characteristically now a much more mild in brief syndrome. It has broken through natural immunity, so patients who add the prior version now can get omicon. That's clearly happened. It breaks through vaccine way. I have three friends of mine that have had COVID and have gotten it again. Three Yeah, Well I have myself, and I can tell you it's in both the naturally means and those are vaccinated. It is a brief and mild syndrome. The typically requires no prescription medications. It can be handled with oil and nasal washes, with pavedon iodine or hydrogen products that which kills the rapidly replicating omicon virus in the nase of cavity, and then some nutraceuticals in supplements. But I have had a few unvaccinated high risk seniors that had needed the full suite of drugs, and those are the ones we need to save now, you know. And that's the thing I mean it should be. I had never up until Christmas, I'd not had ever had a problem helping anybody in pretty much any state, even New York. I knew the places where you can get a test and get monoclonal antibodies. There were many of them, but I knew the exact place to send people. I knew where to send them in Georgia, Florida, They're all over the place. Everybody can get them at a moment's notice. You just walk in, you get it. It's not a big deal. Other states have adopted similar policies to Florida. Now I've I've struggled mightily to help people that desperately want them. Now, it's taken a while to make people aware that they even exist. I've made it, you know, a steady narrative of my program to repeat it every day. Before I went on vacation, I kept saying, remember these two words, because there's going to be a big holiday outbreak. It's called monoclonal antibodies. Ask your doctor. Right as we continue with doctor Peter McCullough, I've been pressured to tell people what they should do whether they should get a vaccination. I've been pressured by people, what's your status, hannity blah blah blah. I believe in freedom, medical privacy. I believe in pain doctor patient confidentiality. Maybe maybe I'm very old fashioned, but you know something, doctor, I didn't go to medical school. Would you go to medical school four years? Yes? And how long was your residency and internships? The total program from high school to finish with seventeen years? Seventeen years? Now, wouldn't it be kind of rude of people like me that don't know people's underlying health conditions or the current medical condition, or their medical history. Wouldn't it be irresponsible if I started giving medical advice on the radio or TV because I don't feel qualified. I agree that perspective, in other words, that I don't have the training you do. Now. I've done an awful lot of reading about it, But I always say, even when people are positive and I tell them about monoclonal antibodies, I will repeat with emphasis, but you got to ask your doctor because maybe it's not right for you. Is that a fair? Is that good, solid quality advice to people? Yeah? It is true. But for the monoclonal antibodies. There are few exclusions for these uh and I was glad to see the GSK product in the way FAQ indicate we can use it down to age twelve. That means we can cover the teenagers assisted fibrosis and other conditions. Sean the monoclonal antibodies, I've used them now consistently for a year. They were e way approved before the vaccines. They are incredibly innovative. I never thought that the doctor I would be using a monoclonal antibody to attack a leap of virus and have such success. We add a few other drugs in combination. Typically stre was an aspirant on the back end, and we can bring the highest risk patients to the illness. And here we are, you know, two years into this, we've had two years of emergency response. Now we've actually got you know, the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl, and we're out of AMMO. Yeah, I mean, I am we And the thing that's so frustrating is we had enough tests. I could tell you from my own experience. I like to always do my own shopping. I go to my local right Aid usually sometimes CBS, and every time I was there, I'd see boxes and boxes and boxes of home test kits like the Abbot Test Kit, which which has shown to be very effective, and I usually pick up a few. I ended up giving them all the way. I'm glad I had picked them up to people that were worried over the holiday and and many did end up with a positive home test um. But it's it's unconscionable. But doctor, thank you for what you're doing. Thank you for saving lives, and thank you for your expertise and uh you have you have no worries that I'll ever compete with you in any way, shape, matter or form. Well, thanks so much. You know you're doing a great job. You and the whole Box team are doing a great job for public health messaging in service. I wish we saw this at the at the federal level. Well it's sad because you know what, I didn't give advice out They were saying, Oh, if you get the vaccine, you're not going to get COVID. Yeah. Well, if you've vaccinated, boostered and have natural immunity, you're still getting omicron. Thank you, sir, I appreciate it. Eight hundred nine four one Sean is our number. We'll continue holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. All right, glad you with us twenty five downs to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I mentioned oral arguments presented on the issue of vaccine mandates earlier today. There are many states that have joined in this effort to stop this vaccine mandate of Joe Biden. It'll be interesting to see which way the Supreme Court comes out on this. There was some Supreme Court justices appearing very skeptical of Biden's vaccine mandates. Six the six so called conservative justices. I say that with well, they're not exactly all conservative anyway. Questions left some ambiguity about what the courts likely to say and it's ruling. But it doesn't appear to be five justices who were on balance on OSHA's side. But you you really can't ever read from listening to arguments what the Supreme Court's going to do. It's just the reality. Let me play for you Democrats dismissing COVID vaccine mandates. But guess what they lied to us. Again. No, I don't think we should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand to be managed or perhaps the federal government should step in and issue mannings. And if not, are you putting the needs of unvaccinated people ahead of the needs favaccinated Well, I think the question here one that's not the role of the federal government. That is the role that institutions, private sector entities, and others may take. We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do. I am all for more vaccination, but you know, I have nothing further to say on that except that we're looking into those policies, and quite honestly, as people are doing that locally, those are those are individual local decisions as well. I don't think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public. Yeah, just like flip flop VOUCHI said, masks they don't work, masks not gonna work. Done. It was one mask to mask vax are mask, that was vas mask booster, and then another booster Maderna suggesting a second booster, a fourth shot. I mean, you can't make this up. Isn't it just theater? No, it's not vaccine, and you're wearing two masks. Isn't that theater? No, that's not here. We go again with the theater. Let's get down to the facts. Let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. I am now much more comfortable in people seeing me indoors without a mask. I mean, before the CDC made the recommendation change, I didn't want to look like I was giving mixed signals. Now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. One mask is good. Two masks a better than a year or two or more from now that during certain seasonal periods when you have respiratory borne viruses like the flu, people might actually elect to wear masks anyway. So a lot of different people around the country. For example, Chris Kobak is back with US General counsel for the Alliance for Free Citizens candidate for a g in Kansas. Very smart lawyer. He is leading the charge on a lawsuit that they filed against the Biden administration over the vaccine mandate for businesses with a hundred employees or more. First, did you get a chance to listen to oral arguments today? Yeah, Sean, I did two hours of it. And while you, while you are right that you can't be too sure of yourself in drawing conclusions from what the justice has asked and what they say. I think we can probably nail down six of the nine justices as to where they're going to vote based on the oral argument. And I'm cautiously the optimist optimistic, meaning that I think that I'm cautiously optimistic too. I will tell you that for the short time that I had to listen, and I did not have time to listen to all of it, I was a little surprised Chris that number one. I thought some of the arguments being made could have been a lot stronger. On the other side of it, I was a little shocked at the lack of knowledge surrounding COVID nineteen by the justices themselves by a few anyway, Yeah, I think the justices on the left Kaigan, Sodamayor and Bryer betrayed a little bit of ignorance on exactly you know what we know about what the vaccines can and cannot accomplish, and they seem to be drinking the kool aid that the CDC is serving up daily. On the other hand, I was very encouraged by what some of the conservative justices were saying. Justice Alito, my favorite quote of the arguments that that using ANOSHA standard, by using that standard to try to mandate national vaccines, the Biden administration was trying to squeeze an elephants into a mousehold, and he really pointed out the legal problems with that. Also, Justice Thomas very clearly said, this belongs, this authority belongs to state and local government teeth in that this authority, he seemed to suggest as not exist in OSHA. So you mentioned Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito in their comments. Chief Justice Roberts is one of these guys. I have no idea what's going through his head. What did you think of his comments today? You know, I think Chief Justice Roberts is the best cause for optimism we have. Normally he holds his cards close to his chest where he's become sort of a swing vote. But he was probably the third most critical of the Osha Statute, behind Alito and Thomas. You know, he said it was fifty years ago when Congress acted to pass the Osha Statute. I don't think it had COVID in mind. And that's just about an exact quote, and he also was criticizing the way the Biden administration was going agency by agency through the federal bureaucracy, trying to find some way to ram this vaccine through and within each agency's purview. So I think Roberts is going to go our way, and if that's the case, he will probably pull enough of course, such Kavanaugh and Barrett with him. So that's why I'm optimistic that the Chief Justice seemed to be on point today. Well, it's going to be interesting. I agree with Clarence Thomas most of all on this being a state and local government issue, and it's kind of ironic there's no federal solution, Joe Biden said just in the last just over Christmas holiday. Yeah, that's exactly right. You know, things have happened since this ocean regg was revealed to us at the beginning of November, including the fact that it appears the vaccines are almost maybe not powerless, but they don't seem to be stopping the spread of omicron. You know, the majority of omicron cases are among people with vaccines. So let me be let me be more clear, people that are fully vaccinated, they're getting omicron. People fully vaccinated with a booster are getting omicron. People fully vaccinated with a booster that have natural immunity are also getting omicron. So nothing is preventing people from getting amicron. So at this point in time, you know, and there's another thing too. In that vaccine mandate speech of Joe Biden, remember he did offer an alternative. It's not the ideal alternative, but for people that are, you know, three years away from their pensions, that are willing to leave their job because they feel so strongly about it, I'd like to see them keep their job and keep their pension that they deserve. And people willing to give up a job and benefits and a pension because they're so passionate about this for whatever reason. I'm not judging anybody here, I'm not their doctor, but you would think that they would be at least the option of testing that would, you know, seem to should be able to satisfy everybody in terms of safety number one, And that option now seems to have been removed and most people, you know, there's a story out today by city group. You even get the vaccine or you're fired. Yeah, and I'm glad you brought that up, Sean, because one of the issues in front of the court is whether OSHA has shown that this particular mandate is necessary, and by that they have to show that it is better than all of the alternative policies that are out there, and you mentioned one of them, simply test everybody in the workplace and just tell people who test positive they got to stay home for five days or ten days or Another one which we pointed out in our briefs is they can take into account natural immunity. You've got tens of millions of Americans they've already had COVID and who have better immunity than a vaccine can give. Maybe let them take an antibody's test and consider that just as good as a vaccine. It certainly is just as good, if not better than a vaccine. But OSHA didn't do any of that. They just seem so focused on forcing vaccinations on everyone that they are blind to the better alternatives that are out there. And I think that's ultimately going to be one of the things that trips them up, if I'm right. I believe for the most part of people made up their mind the VAC stone VAX debate is over. I doubt there's anything Fauci or Wilenski or the nih or Biden or Kamala Harris is gonna say that's going to now convince people. Oh, I think you're right. I'll get the shot. After all, they've made up their mind. Now that we have breakthrough cases, as I just mentioned, in every category, it seems to me the next logical thing to focus on are the therapeutics that we know work, like monoclonal lantibodies, And the fact that we ran out of tests, and the fact that we ran out of therapeutics over Christmas is unforgivable. You know, we're now in the third year of this pandemic. Biden was critical of Donald Trump, calling it a traves day that there weren't more tests. Well, what's his excuse. We've had monoclonal antibodies for eighteen months. You know, this this GSK monoclonal lantibody that apparently is particularly good at stopping omicron, that they they didn't mass produce, that it's been available since May and they've done nothing. You know, I'm glad you brought that up because I could say from personal experience, having had the monoclonlineybodies. They work, I mean they work really well. Within a matter of hours, eight or eight to twelve hours, I felt noticeably better, and that they are such a successful therapy. You're exactly right. We should be taking every step we can to ensure that they are available to every single American who needs one. But instead the Biden administration, of course, we initially heard they were potentially rationing them or restricting the supply, and they appear to have done nothing to maximize the supply. It's all vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. Pay no attention to these successful therapeutics. And well, listen the whole mantra of follow the science, follow the science. We're following the science. Would we be vaccinating five to eleven year olds. The answer to that question is no, Yeah, that's exactly right, And I think the failure of OSHA to follow the sciences. It was evident in the arguments today too, because, as some of the justices pointed out, the theory behind this workplace vaccine mandate was that you were going that everybody was the vaccine was somehow safe. They could not get the virus, they could not transmit it, and so the only people at risk in the workplace of getting the virus. Were the unvaccinated, Well, that might have been the impression of some people at the beginning of November, but we know that that is absolutely false today. So the OSHA got it wrong as well, not accepting or not doing a good Joe Biden said again this week that it's a it's a disease of the unvaccinated. That's not true. He's just lying, I mean, And that's the problem. They lied about mass their projections, they lied about they have. You know, they keep raising the bar, lowering the bar, changing standards almost you know, on a daily basis. They've been wrong in every single projection. You know, the idea that Joe actually said that we did see amicron coming, What do you mean you didn't see it coming? You know, we had just had the delta variant, and we knew other variants were on the way and on the other side of omicron, we're gonna have other variants. We have one apparently now emerging in France that originally began I believe they said in Cameroon. So is that going to be like the mu variant that didn't go far or the lambda variant that didn't go far, or the r dot two variant that didn't go far. I don't know. But that's the thing about you know, COVID nineteen. Early on we knew. I had one doctor say, this is about as close to airborne omicron as any of the variants out there. This are the most contagious. We didn't know in the beginning if it would be as deadly as delta. It appears not to be the case, thank god. But that doesn't excuse the fact that they don't have tests and that they don't have the anti viral medicines. There's no operation warp speed for producing mass producing these things or monoclonals. You know, eighteen months later, how are we short on monoclonal antibodies? How is it no American can get a test on demand at this point? Yeah, no, you hit the nail on the head. And look, you've described the environment as it is. It's changing. What the government thought they knew to be fact has actually turned out to be false. And so in that situation, where get a changing environment, why in the world would we adopt a one size fits all coming down from the geniuses in the federal government, this is the time when you do not have one size fits all. You let people trust the advice of their doctors, trust the emerging evidence that's coming out, and don't let the federal government tell everybody what to do. This is a situation where you need flexibility, not mandates, and especially on constitutional mandates. Coming from Watsonton, DC. All right, quick breakmore with Chris Kullback, General counsel for the Alliance for Free Citizens, talking about the Supreme Court oral arguments on the vaccine mandate from earlier today. As we continue,

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