Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst, Host of The Brief, his new podcast and author of two bestsellers, Witch Hunt and the Russia Hoax, gives us the legal perspective on the tragic events on the set of Alec Baldwin’s movie Rust, resulting in the death of one crew member.
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Our two Sean Hannity Show, seventy two days Americans abandoned by Joe Biden behind the enemy lines. That would be eighty five days since he promised not to do it. And now we even have the Special emboy to Afghanistan admitting there are still hundreds of Americans still there, but Joe hasn't talked about it in over fifty days. We've got a lot coming up one week from today. This is getting pretty interesting. And that is what's going to happen in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It'll be I don't expect that New Jersey is in play like the Commonwealth of Virginia. But if you've been watching the coverage down in Virginia, you see Let's see, they brought in Stacy Abrams, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Barack Obama joining us for insight as to what this means for twenty twenty two. He is the former chief of staff for President Trump, Mark Meadows, former congressman and one of the founders and past president of the Freedom Caucus in Washington. He's got a brand new book coming. How we just put it up on Hannity dot Com. It's out soon and it's called The Chiefs Chief and I can't wait to read the real insight story of what went on. Mister Meadow, Sir, how are you? It's great to be with you, Sean. And actually in that book there's a couple of mentions of Sean Hannity, Yeah, how you actually sided with the American people to make sure that not only their agenda was the first priority, but to fight for liberty and freedom. But you're you're exactly right, Sean. What's happening in Virginia is Terry mccauliff stepped in it when he said parents shouldn't be involved in their children's education, and then, you know, to highlight and suggest that when they get involved their domestic terrorists. You gotta be kidding me. I mean, most school boards want parents to be involved. You know, the old PTA was established to have parents and teachers working together. And now Terry mcculiffe made the bad choice. He sided with teachers unions over parents, and he's having the you know, the rescue call went out for Barack Obama and everybody else to come in and baile him out. I don't know that it works. It's going to be right, look, Joe Biden now is is now in the mid thirties, and his approval rating, I mean, he's going down hell faster than anything. And it's not a single topic I can think of. Um, I don't know if I should call you chief or Congressman, whatever you prefer, but but I don't think there's a single item I can look to. Afghanistan has been a disaster, and we learn more about that this weekend. The economy has been a disaster. The you know, look at the Putin waiver and you have to wonder what the hell's going on here? Oh? You do well, you know, And I talk about that in the at the end of the book, it's a conversation between me and President Trump where he's is, Mark, can you believe that it's gotten this bad in just nine months? And it was nine months at the time, and he said, but but literally, when we when we look at what's happening, whether it's the border, or whether it's inflation, or whether it's thirteen Americans that lost their lives because of a decision that was made that didn't have to be made. Uh that way, it's it's unbelievable, you know. The other the other night I was because I had to comment on it. I watched an hour and a half of TV was CNN Town Hall and Joe Biden. Let me just tell you it was the most painful hour and a half that I've ever had to watch. I can tell you that, Hey, Mark, do you know how many people watch that show? One point two million people? And it was on a football night and we were all way over two and a half times the audience. And it didn't do anything special on that show. I can tell you there was nothing special, And quite frankly, some of us had to watch it just so that we could go on on Fox to come in on exactly what was happening. Anderson Cooper answered more questions than Joe Biden. Joe Biden used to turn his back on the American people, and it was just just pathetic. But here's the other interesting thing is everybody wants to suggest that Donald Trump has lost his influence, and they want to point to Virginia. And I can tell you, not only has he not lost his influence, his endorsement continues to be the most powerful thing I've ever seen in politics. And quite frankly, a lot of people, even people who voted for Joe Biden are wishing that they had voted for Donald Trump because of what's happening to her out that confirms that today, John McLaughlin, over twenty percent of Biden voters have regrets. Of course they do. I mean, well they you know, if they've got a mind, they all they have to do is look at their pocketbook. Less money in their pocket, the purchasing power is going further. And what's Joe Biden's answer to that. He's going to knock on wood and hope that it gets better. Knocking on wood is not a plan. I mean, it is just as sad commentary for what's happening. Somebody else. You've said it, somebody else is calling in the shot. We also know they left people behind in Afghanistan. They don't want to talk about it. Each and every day we find out that there was more to that than what they suggested. You know here a few months ago, Well it's hundreds that they see the problem with Joe Biden's decision making is everything's preventable. These are self inflicted wounds. And like Afghanistan, the number one I got you to be one of many sources, including the President himself, and that's President Trump and also Secretary of State Pompeo. Is that you had a plan that was predicated on if you do not follow every dotted, I cross, tea comma and period, we will obliterate you, just like we did the Talent, just like we did the Caliphate, just like we did Baghdaddy and Solomoni, etc. And also it included America would hang on to Bagram Air Base. It also was conditions based on the ground. Now and Joe Biden watched the Taliban takeover larger and larger geographic portions of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, and when he had full control of Cobble, why didn't he withdraw our people, green card holders, our equipment, our allies at the time when it was safe. Well, and that's exactly the plan, and you're right, you verified it. That was the plan that Donald Trump had. He didn't want one, as he said, not one boat, not one nut left behind. We needed to keep the air base. And sadly all of that could have been avoided. The other thing that happened that is not getting as much coverage. They let the prisoners out of the prison and indeed it was one of those prisoners who who actually was a suicide bomber that took the lot that didn't have to happen, and under President Trump it didn't have And you got all kinds of people at the Department of Defense and Joe Biden and all of this saying, well this with Donald Trump plans, it was not and we cover that. I've spelled it out that you're right. Secretary Pompeo was very clear it was conditioned based and the President Trump at the time wanted to make sure we got out. I hear the President in that call or numerous calls with the Taliban leader was brutal and basically said, I will use whatever means necessary to take you out, and I know exactly where you are at this moment. Well, you're exactly right. I highlighted that in the chief Chief I've got it almost verbade him there and it was just a real chilling silence when you look at what happened is and they believed him because he had taken out al Back Daddy, he had taken out Solomony, and when President Trump spoke and said We're going to make sure that you're held accountable, they believed him. Joe Biden. They laughed at it. I mean it's weakness, Uh, you know, in the extreme that they get to see each and every day. Sean. Let me let me ask you this, because if you look at the disaster at the border, President Trump got us to a point stay in Mexico policy, building the wall, ending catch and release. Joe brings back process and release. It's even worse. We'll have a thirty year record minimum by the end of the year of illegal immigrants. They also get special preferential treatment because there's no COVID testing and there's no vaccine mandates for people crossing the border. And then they get free transportation in the dark of night. And then we're told that's an early morning flight at for a I'm not a not an overnight flight. And all of this was handled, and then you look at the energy crisis. You know, Joe Biden's now begging OPEC and we're now taking according to Senator Brasso's office, we're now importing more oil from Russia than we are from Alaska. All all of these these are self inflict did wounds. So that has a ripple effect on the entire economy. Well, it does. We went from energy dominance under President Trump's to energy beggars under Joe Biden. You know, we were begging OPEC for this, and you saw it early on when he gave he did away with the Keystone pipeline, but agreed to Russia that they could have their pipeline. So of course Russia is enjoying the fruits of Biden's labor. But it's not just that. It's when you when you come in with what he's doing on the border, what he's done to jobs. And here news flash, in this three point five trillion dollars or whatever it ends up being bankruptcy bill that Biden is talking about, you know, build back bankrupt I mean what he's actually doing in there, they're giving ten billion dollars that's billion with a bee to people who have come here illegally. It is a bailout of the American taxpayer dollars. Everybody that's tuned in right now be just up in arms to see their hard working American taxpayer dollars going to special interest groups and actually a special group that the progressives want to support. What do you think of mansion and cinema and where they're really going to end up in this, you know, it's a great question. I think Cinema has actually been holding tighter on the tax part of it, which is not a surprise Joe Mansion if he's really looking out for the people of West Virginia. Really, this money is not going to come A few dollars in what I call Washington DC bailouts is not going to fix what ails them. And essentially they're going to do away with all kinds of businesses in West Virginia and across the way. But what they're gonna do, Sean, is they're going to lower the price tag. They're going to say, well, we negotiate it real hard. But it's a it's a trojan horse because what they're doing is putting all these progressive, left wing policies in there, and they're only funding them for a short ampeity of time, counting on Congress to go ahead and continue to put the money forward there. This week is going to be the difference maker and all of that, And so if you're tuned in, call your member of Congress, call your senator, apply the real pressure. Hopefully some of the Freedom Caucus and some of the Freedom Fighters will be able to stop it from happening this week quick Break more with Mark Meadows. On the other side, there is a shortage of practically everything in this country right now, and many people are starting to panic, rightfully so about finding Christmas gifts. I just don't get I give a different way around Christmas, but I'm not going to get in. This isn't about me, all right, More with Mark Meadows as we continue his new book, The Chief's Chief is out. The link for our first edition copies on Hannity dot Com. Let me ask you, and I've not gotten an early copy of the book yet, and now you made me nervous because I'm in it. It ends up. I'm almost in every book now that comes out, except I usually don't read it. I end up because I don't trust the people that are writing it anyway. But I will read yours because you've been a good friend for a long time and be able to link up. It's coming out soon. The Chiefs Chief by by Mark Meadows. What do you know and what can you tell us? Did you get into Anthony Fauci at all? But there's now that we realize that a taxpayer money was in fact used to weaponize Chinese bat viruses, at the Wuhan Virology Lab, something they have long denied. I am shocked that there's not a greater outrage over this. Well, that's because you're one of the few people, and Fox is one of the few places that's actually covering it. Yeah, so I do get in Fauci it takes every position on an umber of issues, not just on the gain of function. I talk about in the book where literally late one night we find out that there's this funding going on to the Wuhan Lab and President Trump and I cut it off within minutes of finding out. But doctor Founs he continues to advocate on behalf of that. You know what they wanted to really denies that they did it. I mean, and it's just not true. It's just not true. And I mean and even and when he went on his apology tour over the weekend trying to suggest that he had no knowledge of it. There needs to be a real investigation into that. I can tell you there are emails from back in February of twenty twenty that indicated that there was a real concern about gain of function research that was going on in Wuhan, and doctor Founcy was part of those emails, you know, now, maybe he can say, by the way, there was one on January thirty first that I pointed out, specifically that it looked like one of the genomes and the sequence of coronavirus. This is the day of the travel ban, ten days after the first identified case of corona, that he got a note from somebody saying it looked like like it was manipulated in a lap. Oh, and that's exactly right. But you cover that. And then what happens is there's this all out blitz within hours of that email saying we need to change the narrative, we need to make sure that and indeed, within days the narrative was changed. I can tell you the other thing, Doctor Fausci never spelled out any of this when he was in the Oval Office with President Trump. In fact, it was President Trump that kept saying, we need to hold China accountable. And now what we see is doctor Fauci with Joe Biden and them, they want to give China a path. It's time that we hold them accountable, and it's time that we hold doctor Fausci accountable. I don't think they'll hold China or Russia accountable by the looks of it, because I think the whole family's compromised, and that's a whole from to shoot for a different day. Mark Meadows with us, former chief of staff of President Trump. His new book is coming out soon. It's called The Chiefs Chief. If you want a first edition copy, we have a link on Hannity dot com and it's discounted, by the way, on Amazon if you want to get the real insight scoop. This is actually from somebody that was there, not talking to a hearsay, anonymous source like most every other book. But it's called The Chiefs Chief Hannity dot com. Mark Meadows, thanks for being with us. We appreciate it. Great to be with you, Sean. Take care, God bless you. Two eight hundred nine four one sewn or number you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, all right, twenty five now to the top of the hour. Toll free our numbers eight hundred and nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. All right, So we've all been following this sad, tragic shooting that took place on the set of this movie called Russ that was being filmed Alec Baldwin in the movie anyway, he's responsible. And this young woman I think his hair name is Halli and Hutchins forty two, and she has a young apparently young children died. There was another injured party in this case, apparently a ricochet bullet. They call it a prop gun. A prop gun isn't really a prop gun. It's a real gun, but it shoots planks. And there are a whole series of protocols that are to be followed on the set of any movie. And now the question is, for example, people are beginning to speak up. The chief electrician says this death was the result of negligence and unprofessionalism. Now it's raising a lot of questions about potential legal consequences for Alec Baldwin. The worst case scenario. Legal experts, for example, or suggesting that Baldwin could face an involuntary manslaughter charge if he found if it's found to be reckless in the terms of handling of the weapon. The other issue that has now come to light is apparently there was a walk off the set by a number of union members because there were at least two accidental gun charges on this set prior to this moment. When this woman, the cinema photographer was shot, and there were other discharges that had taken place on October I believe sixteenth, and former crew members said that prompted a complaint to supervisors about the safety practices on the set, and then the crew members actually decided to walk out because they felt it was safe working conditions. Is apparently a low budget film. The nine one one calls came in and then here's two of them done publicational emergency, the Nancy Creek Rancial setting. People accidentally shot on a movie set by a pop gun. We need healthy media, like so was it loaded with a real bullet or I cannot tell you that you were rehearsing and it went off and I ran out, We all ran out. They were doubled over the ID and the camera woman and then yelled at me at once because the outcome about revisions. You can and yell at me. He's such a Checktiven's responsible for how many no no no, I'm a script supervir all right. Joining us now on this on the legal questions that may or it may not exist. Our friend Greg jarrett Um, he of course has his own podcast. It's called The Brief and uh you know, I think you agree with me. I can't get to in spite of Alc Baldwin hating my guts, I always try to be true to the principle of due process, presumption of innocence until proven guilty. I just can't get I can't get to the fact where I believe that he would in any way be part of something to shoot an innocent woman such as this. It just doesn't make that. I can't get there. I don't believe that happened. Well, But with that said, you're pointing out in your column that there is legal liability potential here. That's right, because Sean, even an accidental death can actually rise to the level of criminal homicide if it involves reckless acts or grossly negligent conduct, especially if the tragic consequences reasonably foreseeable. As you point out, three members of the film crew had reportedly stated there were two other accidental gun discharges on that very set days before the fatal shooting. That puts everybody in charge, including Alec Baldwin as an on location producer. It puts them onnotice there's a problem here. Did they immediately shut down operations and conduct an investigation and make sure this didn't happen again. You know, these are dangerous lethal instrumentalities, even if they're supposed to be used as a prop to real guns that are supposed to be filled is empty casinges known as blanks. But you know what is confounding to me is that this low budget film hired a very inexperienced armorer by the name of Hannah gautieris. This was her second film, and she was on a recent podcast saying essentially that you know, she was worried about her inexperience, her lack of capability. You know, the armorers, the person who maintains the weapons, handle, secures them, loads them with blank cartridges, and she's supposed to check and double check the gun. And she's the one who's supposed to hand it to the actor, not the assistant director. So we're seeing here already that you know, the rules, the standards and duties were breached, and that leads to things like involuntary manslaughter, which is a lack of due caution resulting in death. But in most cases, when there's a firearm on the set of a movie, when the movie's being shot, there is one person whose job it is to ensure that this doesn't happen, and there was such a person right that was identified here now according to we get mixed reports, but it has been reported by a number of sources that Alec Baldwin was told that the gun is cold, meaning that it only has blanks in it, and apparently he was rehearsing and apparently he aimed at the camera with a cinematographer I guess was right behind the camera, and she's the one that got shot and got killed. Then there was a ricochet and I think a director or a producer, you know, got hit with the ricochet and thankfully he's okay, but this woman's dead. You know, Look, there was a prior incident, so they're put on notice. Even if Alec Baldwin, on location, producer, producer, in addition to being the act was unaware of these gun mishaps, you know, he should have been aware of it, and a prosecutor would argue that a responsible director would have put procedures in place to make sure that such vital information about gun discharges was conveyed to him in his executive capacity overseeing the film, and failure to do so, Sean is a kind of recklessness. And negligence. That the law forbids when you accept an increased role of responsibility for a production as a producer, that carries with it a corresponding increased duty to protect the employees. So, while I agree with you that if Boldwin had no idea there was an actual bullet in the project or projectile in the gun, he can't be charged with murder, but he could be charged with a lesser offensive involuntary manslaughter for being negligent as a producer on location. So where do you see this going here? I mean, what is the process now? I've assume they're going to do a forensic investigation. I don't know if the shell casing is available, but I would imagine it would be right. So they'll check for fingerprints, they'll do all the forensic, normal forensic police work that they would do. How do you prove negligence on this level? Well, it's fairly obvious in many ways. For example, they will introduce they will investigate and interview David Halls. He is the assistant director who picked up the gun off a cart candidate to Baldwin and yo coal gun. Where in the world did he get that information? He's not qualified to make that decision. He is not the one who is supposed to ever touch that firearm. It is supposed to be under the standards in the industry, only the armorer who hands the prop guns and personally delivers them to the actors. So why did Haul not Gutierrez give the weapon to Baldwin? So there's negligence right there, that seems fairly obvious. But what about gutierret the armor herself, who who loaded the gun and is supposed to secure the gun. You know, she gave a podcast interview and that interview will be used against her as nearly a confession that she was incompetent on the job, and so that's also criminal negligence. And you know, I see this very similar to the nineteen eighty two filming in the Twilight Zone. The movie actor Vicmorrow two child actors killed the director and several production managers and producers were charged with involuntary manslaughter. They were later acquitted by a jury. That case represents the chilling reminder that so called accidental desks in Moviema are still prosecutable as crimes. All right, quick break more with Greg Jarrett on the other side. Eight hundred and nine for one. Seawan is our number if you want to be a part of the program. A right more with Greg Jarrett on potential legal liability for Alec Baldwin and those working on the set with this tragedy occurred late last week. It's going to be interesting too, because again, if this was a conservative, if it was Charlton Heston back in the day when when he was the president of the NRA, I'm sure there would be a whole different take, and of course he'd be blamed for it. But there's somebody whose role it is to make sure that that that's a real blank in that in that weapon. And what really bothers me, I guess on top of everything is they should not have had live rounds there. Anyway. You know, if you bring a firearm into your house, it is a great responsibility. I've had a license to carry my whole adult life in Rhode Island, California, Alabama, Georgia, New York. I've carried weapons my entire life, and you have no I have more fingerprints safe in every location than you'd ever imagine because I believe in guns safety first. Yeah, I agree with you. I I'm bewildered that anyone would bring real ammunition to the set of a movie. Why, I mean, there's no reason for that. And yes, it's sort of a habit in the industry, and it's a bad one to use real guns but load them with blanks, and some like gautieris the armorer was also using something else called dummy wads. They're different than blanks. They replicate the exact appearance of real bullets inside a gun's cylinder, as if anybody you know watching a movie would actually see that through the similar Is it possible that she just failed to distinguish between a dummy wad and a real bullet and confused herself when she loaded the gun. In other words, was this a totally preventable mistake that should never have happened had there been a knowledgeable and capable armorer instead of a twenty four year old neophy who may not have even been licensed. Did this happen because it was a low budget film and they're sacrificing the safety of the actors and the production crew and to save money, all of these things will be part of the picture. Well. I think there's two main things, though, I think the most damning information as they had two other incidents involving yeah, a real bullet number one. Then you have the issue of the crew, I mean the people that are union walking off the job because the safety concerns and that you've had, You had a problem with this very issue, so it wasn't dealt with, and they had an opportunity to deal with it. Now, maybe if the person really is knowledgeable in the use of firearms, You're in the desert in Santa Fe and there might be a safe place for people to shoot real bullets at targets. But you would need great specific care to distinguish between a blank and a real and a real bullet. Yeah, you would. And you've got to have somebody who's more experienced and knowledgeable and better trained than somebody who is twenty four years old and self taught, although she claimed she learned some from her father, who is a licensed armor or and a stunt man. But right, you know, that may not be good enough, and you can bet if charges are brought, the prosecutors will make that argument that this is a person who just wasn't competent or capable enough to be handling such dangerous mentalities with saw any other innocent people standing nearby and failed controlled the weapon itself, leading it on a card to the assistant director who should never have touched the gun to pick it up, and assumed that it was a cold weapon, that it was a deadly assumption. Well, obviously, all right, we'll watch it closely, but it's certainly a little bit more complex than maybe we thought towards the end of this week. My guess is, it sounds like a terrible series of horrible tragedies, and there were signs that this was going badly, and nobody stepped up to take control of the situation, which they should have that right, and that's what makes it, you know, a criminally negligent. That's where the legal side comes in, and that's where it gets interesting. Now, I don't think it happens because of course you're dealing with Democrats and that there's a whole different set of standards. But you know, for everybody out there, whenever you hear these incidents where there is a firearm accident of some kind, you know learned from it, you know, doubled down on your safety and it doesn't hurt. One of the things I'll say to everybody is, whoever, wherever you go, whatever range you might go to. Anybody you know that knows firearms, they are more than willing to spend as much time as you would like to make sure you are proficient in the safety and the handling of that firearm. And I'm still learning from people, and I've been doing this and I'm ten years old. Anyway, appreciate it. We love you, Greg Jarrett, Thank you great analysis eight hundred. And you know, I know others if this was me, I'm sure Alec Baldwin, Hannity is a murderer. Donald Trump's a Nazi. You know, the same thing you always do. But you know, I'm just trying to give you the truth. And I'm hard pressed to believe that somebody. It's possible somebody could have done this on purpose. If so, we really need to get to the bottom of it. We need a full investigation.