The Latest on Russia - April 8th, Hour 3

Published Apr 8, 2022, 10:00 PM

 Rebekah Koffler is a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer and currently a strategic intelligence analyst with The Lindsey Group. She is the author of "Putin’s Playbook: Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America." Today she discusses the current attacks on Ukraine.

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All right, news rounds up, information overload. Our Sean Hannity show Tolfrey on number eight hundred and nine for one Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. We spent a lot of time talking about what's going on in Ukraine and what Vladimir Putin has done, and it is now it is almost incomprehensible. I wrote this in my book Deliverers from Evil. It's very hard for good people to wrap their minds around the concept that people could be so evil that that's something like an Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany and death camps. But it's all historically true, and I talked about it in that book. In the last century, over one hundred million human souls. If you look at Mao and China and Stalin and Russia and communism and fascism and Nazism and imperial Japan, and how many people, innocent human beings are dead. You know, we live in an era now where we can see these atrocities in real time, and we're watching them all play out right before our eyes. I mean every single day, what we're putting on TV and what we're showing you, it should shock the conscience and soul of good people, and you're like, well, well, why is this happening? How did this happen? So anyway, the latest, you know, we've talked about Buscha and the human massacres the Russians were leaving. They just indiscriminately slaughtered everybody, men, women and children. They did not care, you know, stories of rapes and horror, just just terrible evil in our time. What must the world understand? We spro we are defending the ability of a person to live in the modern world. They say we're defending Western values, and I always say, well, what are Western values? Someone who lives in the United States or Europe? Do they not like children? Do they not want their children to go to university? Do they not want their grandfather to live for a hundred years? We have the same values. We are defending the right to live. I never thought this right was so costly. These are human values, so that Russia doesn't choose what we should do and how I'm using my rights. That right was given to me by God and my parents. What did you see in Bucha? Slant death? Pros to slants just death. Now we have the latest. We have you know, Russians writing on missiles for our children. They wrote it on a missile that was used in an attack on a Ukrainian railway station that refugees were at and killed thirty nine civilians. There's no military there at all. There was no reason to kill those people, including kids, fleeing trying to get out of their country with whatever they can carry with them in whatever suitcase they might have. Anyway, it was Ukraine State Railway Company. This attack happens at this station. It's in the east side of the country. The governor of the regions later said the death toll is as high as thirty nine people, probably more. Pictures from outside the station. You look at these pictures, it speaks for itself. Bodies all over the ground, body bags, other pictures showing the wreckage of the missile, and then the Russian text written on the side that was I guess you know that part of the missile they retrieved, reading for our children. And President Zelenski went to Instagram to obviously to decry the attack, confirming the casualties. Russia's Defense ministry denied the attack. But they've been lying the whole time. And you look at a city like Mariopol and that's the droid. There's a great article, and I've hardly ever agree with General Wesley Clark. I'm not even a fan of General Wesley Clarks. But he's making the case that the time to arm Ukraine is right now, which is the case I've been making now for two weeks. And he rightly points out in this article that Ukraine, if we give them the heavy weaponry and air support that they need, the tanks that they need, in other words, the drones, the Javelins, the Stinger missiles, also the MiGs that Poland was offering to them, that Joe vetoed the anti missile defense system, anti aircraft defense system to give them all of these things, and we do it now. It's not sufficient at this time, but there's a window of opportunity in which Ukraine can really start a counterattack from the north and the south and the east to expel Russian forces. But that would require mobile, armored forces and air power. Now that's all got to be Ukraine. I am standing firm on the Reagan doctrine, which is pieced through strength and the Reagan you know, Reagan proved that it could work that if you supply individual countries that are being attacked, Like when the former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and you provided them with the Stinger missiles, they can defend themselves and you don't put a single American boot on the ground. And they're like with the Freedom Fighting Contras in Nicaragua against the Sandinistas and Daniel Ortega. They were backed by the former Soviet Union, by the way, in case you're interested. So there are ways to do it, but they have to have the weaponry. And what has really shocked me and all of this, and it's funny because the Biden administration wants to take credit or Ukraine's success. Most of the javelins they had that were able to that they were able to use so effectively against Russia and Vladimir Putin came from the Trump era. Now they are getting them weapons, they are getting humanitarian assistance, but only a small portion of the dollars that are now being allocated are actually going towards the weapons of war that they need to not only fight this insurgency but win this war. And it would be great for the world if we were able to stop Putin here and all the West and all that NATO needs to do in Western European countries need to do, and all the US needs to do is give them the weaponry because they have proven their valor, their courage, and their willingness to fight and risk their lives and die for their country. To the drain on. People are defending not only Ukraine. We are fighting for the values of Europe and the world, sacrificing our leaves in the name of the future. That's why today the American people are helping not just Ukraine, but Europe and the world to keep the planet alive. I am addressing the President Biden. You are the leader of the niche of the I wish you the leader of the world. Being the leader of the world means to be the leader office. Is this genocide so you're not see indeed, this is genocide. Those elimination of the whole nation and the people. We are the citizens of Ukraine. We have more than a hundred nationalities. This is about the data, destruction and extermination of allies. We are the citizens of Ukraine and we don't want to be subdued to the policy of Russian generation. This is the reason we are being destroyed and exterminated. And this is happening in the Europe of the twenty first century. So this is the torture of the whole nation, all right. Rebecca Kaffler, a former defense intelligence officer and strategist, also wrote the book author of Putin's playbook, Russia's Secret Plan to Defeat America. In the sense that I never agree with a guy like Wesley Clark, I do think this window is open wide right now for the Ukrainian people. If they got the arms from the West, they would be able to win this war. Rebecca, am I right or wrong? You're right in the sense that as long as we provide critical weaponry to the Ukrainians, Ladema Putin cannot win. And any day that Ladema Putin cannot win is a victory for Zelensky and the Ukrainian people. That means that Putin will not be able to commit atrocities that he has been committing. So, yes, we have a very short window of opportunity right now to make a major push in providing support to Ukrainians. Well, I mean, this is all they really need. There's two things, Rebecca, that I've been saying from the beginning. The Ukrainians just need the arms so they can fight back, and not just defensive weapons. I'd argue they need offensive weapons. And secondly, I don't care how they do it. They don't need a task force to figure this out. They need to immediately find alternative sources of energy, natural gas and oil for countries in Western Europe like Germany that stupidly allowed themselves to become so dependent on Russia for the lightblood of their economy. Absolutely, the differentiation between offensive and defensive weapons is pure demanding. It all depends on the mission. Are you using the same weapons system defensively or offensively? So we need to provide everything that we can. Regarding Germany, it is not by chance that Germany has gotten itself addicted to the Russian needle, the Russian energy. What do you think Vladimir Putin when he was the KGB operative was doing in Dresden when he was stationed there collecting Darcius. So Germany needs to realize that they're part of NATO and they need to support the NATO mission, and that is to reduce the vulnerability to Vladimir Putin, whether it's energy or any other kind of influence that might be there. Quick break right back. More was Rebecca Koffler on the other side, than your calls. The eight hundred nine four one Shawn our number. As we continue this Friday Listen, I want to remind everybody when you look back at the world the cyber safety. 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You'll save an additional twenty five percent off today off your first year by using the promo code Hannity when you call one eight hundred LifeLock or go to LifeLock dot com. That's one eight hundred LifeLock LifeLock dot com promo code Hanity to save twenty five percent At nine pm, Do you know where your president isn't? Yep? He sounded asleep in his bed with a lot of care in the world. Must be nice, Joe. The rest of us will keep working. You are on the Sean Edity Show right now we continue. Rebecca Coffler is with us. There is a report that the US is offering intelligence, but I don't think the intelligence is enough. I think with even Google imaging, for crying out loud, you can see what the extent of where the Russian forces are assembling it at any given moment. But in the sense that Zelinsky and this insurgency has been able to not only fight back, but really pushback and make the Russian army, you know, put them on defense the whole time, it's been a bit of a miracle to me. And it's not something that I expected, neither did I Sean. It's definitely a miracle. You're completely right. What Zelenski has done has not been achieved in any other conflict that Russia has fought, Remember Chechna, Remember Georgia where he still has peace keeper's Transistria, which is a disputed territory in Moldova. So Zelenski has changed the battlefield by not only defending his country but also going on offense against Putin. Not many people have the courage to do that, and he does. And so we need to do everything that is possible right now to assist the guy to stop this me and this where Putin is annihilating women's children, maternity awards. This this is our opportunity, and this is our chance before May nine, which is a major holiday for Putin, and he needs to claim some sort of victory and that is why he's escalating. Well, Zelenski has to push back right now. But he can't push back with slingshots. He's got to have weaponry. Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, this is what you've been saying for for weeks. I mean, ever since this operation started on February twenty fourth, you have been advocating more support for Ukraine, and you have been advocating that the Europeans finally, you know, step up and start pitching in for collective defense and wean themselves off of their addiction to Russian energy. It's very simple. If no, what do you what do you read into Vladimir Putin going to this funeral of this politician. I guess an ally of is he goes to the funeral, but all the other mourners were cleared away when the president got there, meaning meeting Putin got there to pay his respects. That is that evidence of more paranoia on his part, that he's afraid he's going to get assassinated. Now. Meanwhile, we have reports of Putin sending him mercenaries to kill Zelenski and his family. Yeah, definitely. I mean Putin has been sending assassins to eliminate Zelenski for several weeks now. Both the Wagner group and the Kaderati has been hunting for the guy. So he needs to be super super careful his security. He has been tremendous and he needs to give it that way. With regard to the funeral of Jerry Norske, jery Noovsky is the Russian ultra nationalist and in a clown, and this demonstrates to us that Putin actually is not the worst believe it or not, that we could get when it comes to Russia. The person who was always the runner up when Putin was elected four times by the Russians was a communist. And so what I make of it that they helped they Putin ordered declaring out of the funeral. Yes, of course, if you as somebody who is a work criminal, of course he's paranoid. Is he paranoid to the point where he's mentally incapacitated. No, he's still able to commit atrocities and he has been. We really appreciate you being with us, Rebecca Kaffler, Thank you so much for your time, your insight. Nobody knows Putin better than you do, and we appreciate your service to this country as well. We appreciate you always coming on. Thanks, Thank you. Sean. Delighted to be here with you and your amazing audience, and have a great weekend. Quick break right back at twenty five downs on the top of the hour, one hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, let's get to our busy phones. Let's say, hid Judith is in Alabama. Where in Alabama? Are you Judith? How are you Hi? I'm fine outside of Dothan, Alabama. In the southeast corner. I know it very very well. Thanks for calling, and happy Friday. What's going on? Elections integrity? Here's the thing. Votes are currency. Think about banks and banks hold currency. A ballot box is the same as a bank vote of the currency. A bad vote is a counterfeit currency. And in banks currency, when currency is moved, it's moved in dual custody two people, and two people have to sign for it in out sideways whatever it is that they do. Why can't that be the same situation? And I'm shocked that it's not. When you're moving ballots around, whether they're picked up from drop offs or process whatever, why is that not pro quo of counterfeit votes that were cast in twenty twenty. I don't know about counterfeit votes, but I do know laws weren't obeyed, and I do know the constitutions were were ignored. And I do know, for example, almost every state has a law that says partisan observers get to watch the vote count up close from start to finish. That did not happen in twenty twenty in any state. UM. So look, for example, we have Amicron two point zero, or BA two as they call it. There's another variant that has emerged in Great Britain. We'll see if it's sticks or it doesn't, but there's likely to be a variant behind this variant. And you have to wonder if Democrats would would try to use COVID once again to take integrity measures out of the process. And what I've been saying since early twenty twenty one, every state needs to adopt integrity measures, voter ID, signature verification, chain of custody controls from start to finish. The mail arrives should be on camera the entire time, putting a room on camera so people know that it can't be tampered with. We need updated, updated voter rolls, and if we have, if we're in the middle of a surge of COVID, we need to make accommodations so that the partisan observers, as required by law, are allowed to view the ballot up close. Those are considerations that need to be dealt with now, not later. And I'd also add the illegal immigrants shouldn't be allowed to vote as now, states like New York City are allowing it to happen in local elections, etc. So you know, not every state has adopted the measures that make me feel comfortable. You know, integrity is so important because if you have integrity measures in place, and you follow the integrity measures, then everybody's confident with the outcome of the results. It's really that simple. It's not really any more complicated than that. And you would think Democrats want that. They don't want that. How is it you need a voter ID to get into the capital to view your to meet with your congressman or senator, or to get into the White House or the DNC convention, or you need a COVID vaccination card in many states to get into a frigging restaurant and or a sporting event or a concert, But you don't want to have want voter ID for elections. Now, there's something that tells me that the real reason for that is far more nefarious than what they're letting on. Are they like to say, by requiring that, you're that's requiring voter suppression? Well, are they suppressing turnout at the DNC convention? Are they suppressing turnout at the US Capital? Are they suppressing you know, for example, should we not have photo ID requirements to buy alcohol as they want as required by law? So this is just a game that they're playing because they think it's going to give them an advantage. That's the only reason they don't want the integrity measures. So, you know, I think it's worth fighting for. But that has to happen. Remember on the state level, now, Congress tried to do it a number of ways, and every version of build back better. They they kept throwing in you federalizing of elections and taking the constitutional authority away from states. We can't let that happen. I'll give you the last word. So if you remember back to twenty twenty and the pickup of the drop off ballots, the video that was shown was one person. One person was there and picking up the ballots. There was no dual custody. That person could have been anybody with a key. It's the same thing with the guy that came out and was a whistleblower and he said, look, I made forty three thousand dollars in twenty twenty by dumping ballots and you had to have photos of you dumping the ballots in the box. But the dual custody should extend from any place that has drop off ballot. Well, you know, I think the drop off ballot issue is one that even when you go back to after two thousand, the Baker Commission, Baker, I think it was Baker Carter Commission, Linda, if I'm not mistaken. One of the things they said. Even the New York Times recognize this that mail and balloting allows for more corruption than any other form of balloting, and there are ways to do it and do it successfully. The state of Florida has integrity measures. You need signature verification, you need updated voter rolls. These are common sense checks and balances to ensure that the integrity measures are real. So there's ways to do it, but you have to want to do it, and apparently Democrats are not interested in doing it anyway. Have a great weekend, Judith, appreciate it. Kathy Arizona Next Sean Hannity Show, Kathy, how are you? I'm fine? How are you? I'm good? What's going on? Well? You have always said if you know any one who gets COVID, to get them on um monoclonal antibody's asap. Michael, what's the first thing I said? I said, call your doctor. I'm not a doctor. I'd say call your doctor. You possess the positive and there's a there's a new monoclonal antibody by the way, for amicron too, and we put all that information on Hannity dot com. Oh thank you very much. But it's hard to get a hold of It's harder than any other time to get hold of it, which which is unconscionable to me. That's what I'm going to share with you. My daughter Um was diagnosed with COVID last Saturday. She's five months pregnant. UM we she lives in Minnesota, who really prides itself and it's wonderful healthcare system, heaving the mail clinic, etc. So I right away said to her, call your doctor, tell them you want a monoclonal antibodies because you know there's a five day limitation on getting it. Well, she never got a call back from the doctor on call on Saturday. On Sunday she called again and at the end of the day a nurse called, and she said, well, I can't do anything on a nurse. So then she said call back Monday morning and talked to a doctor in your group. Now are on day four. We're starting day three actually on Monday, So Saturday, Sunday, Monday. So she called the doctor's office, waited, waited, waited, waited, told them why she was calling. The person who took her call said, yes, you are a good candidate for these that you know, five months pregnant. You're a good candidate. I will have someone get back to you. Well, again, no one called back until the very end of the day, and it was again a nurse who said, you know, there's nothing I can do, but I will check with your health provider to see what the protocol is because now this is Monday, because the protocols have just changed today and no one knows how to administer them. So she said, I'll see if I can find out and I will call you back yet today or tomorrow, which would be day four, so this is still A nurse called her back and said, you know, the State of Minnesota Health Department has completely changed the protocols those were her words directly, and we just can't figure out how to how to handle the changes. Call your health provider, which is called health Partners. So my daughter called Health Partners and they said, oh, we don't administer therapeutics. We never have, we don't know, and we don't plan on it. This is a huge health provider like Humana or something like that. So then they said, referred her to a lineup, which is another health provider, and they said, well, let's we'll get back to you. So they got back to her, of course, on day five, and said, you have to be referred by a provider, and your provider does not participate in this program, so you may be out of lock, but will check. This is the end of day five. So let me stop you here because I get the whole picture, and she didn't end up getting them. Is how's she doing now? Well, she's the same, she's no worse, but she's no better. And not many days how many days into this? How many days now? She had it? Well, she was diagnosed Saturday, so tomorrow it will be what eight tomorrow will be? So what are her symptoms? Her symptoms are? It moved from her head cold to her chest, which scared me to death. It should And I've told her, you know, if she feels any shortness of breath, et cetera, to call urgent care chers. You have enough an oxygen meter that she can, you know, measure her oxygen saturation level. Doesn't but I will. I'm going to need to get Yeah, you need to look. The windows probably passed um. It has not for her husband because he just was diagnosed yesterday. Look. The only good news, and I'm guessing here that I can give you, is that I'm the most um. Most cases now are amicron BA two or omicron two point I what I call it, and it is far more contagious than even omicron, but it is less lethal. That doesn't mean people aren't dying from amicron. I want to be very clear, but right, but if her oxygen levels are good by the next by the time you get to Tuesday of next week, she'll be past the window where I think you have to worry, because what I have seen is day seven eight nine. You know, if it gets into that lungs and it then it comes an issue of your immune system overreacting and it creates this storm and that causes COVID lung COVID pneumonia. And I'm giving you a very layman's explanation of all that happens. And that's when you run into real trouble. And I don't want that to happen to her. And I don't know the issue about monoclonal's and women that are pregnant. That's that's something you really have to deal with your doctor. I'm just going to give you, I'm speaking through you to everybody else in this audience, is that first have a plan, because we're now going to have in the next six weeks it's going to be back and the numbers are up in fifties of half of the states right now. And I just have a plan now. If it's the anti virals, if that's all you can get a hold of, just talk to your doctor. If I get it. These are my comorbidities, this is my medical history. This is my current condition. I have high blood pressure or morbidly obese. This this than whatever it happens to me, and get a plan of action ahead of time. The problem for most people is that they're stuck in an Obamacare exchange and forty percent of the country. That means you have one healthcare provider option and it's one size fits all medicine, and they don't have the manpower to give the attention and care to every patient that every patient deserves. And I'll tell you what is emerging as a result of this, and it's called concierge medicine. Now it's done in some states, like down in Where's it a Wichita, Our friend, doctor Josh Humber, has a cooperative that you pay fifty bucks a month as an adult and you get twenty four hour access to a doctor, and you buias prescriptions right You get your prescriptions right there at ninety percent discount, and you get as many doctor appointments as you need. And if you buy catastrophic care with that, which is relatively inexpensive, you know you're fully covered for everything. But what's happening is most people I know are getting concierge service with their doctors because these plans suck. And if I didn't have so many friends of mine that are doctors that I know I can call at three am in the morning, I'd be in the same boat as everybody else. I just happen to be fortunate that so many of my friends are doctors. But it's terrible because you're describing the vast majority of the public and it's wrong. I know, it should be readily available for everybody. I'm going to guarantee you something. We're probably not going to get the truth from Joe Biden or the administration about Nancy Pelo. I guarantee you Nancy Pelosi got monoclonal anti bodies infused. Yes, I guarantee it. But is she gonna tell us now? Somebody will ask Jensaki or they'll last Pelosi's press secretary, did she get monoclonal antibodies? How did she treat it? They're not going to answer. Well about medical Well, that's that's medical privacy issue. We'll let the congresswoman decide if she wants to talk about it. They're not going to talk about it because they have care that's better than yours and because of quote their position, they'll get what they want. And the reality is there's no reason Ron De Santis was giving it out for free, infusing it for free all over Florida until Joe Biden got involved and started rationing it. Anyway, I wish you and your daughter the best. Do us a favor. Will you please call us back next week and update us on your daughter. We want to know how she's doing. Quick break, we'll come back and we'll continue straight ahead the interviews. You won't here anywhere else every day, every day, that's what we do. You're on the Sean Hannity Show. You know I suffered from insomnia for years and thanks to all things my pillow dot Com. Guess what, I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. These products, they simply work. They're great, Starting with my pillow itself. 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Kennedy Tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel, Peter Doocey another showdown with Circle back Jensaki. Also the condition of Nancy Pelosi in the position on COVID at Jensaki says, Oh, kissing is not really contact. I'm like okay anyway, Sarah Carter down at the border where things are getting where Steve Miller will join us, Tammy Bruce, Joe Concha, Ran, Paul Tonight, nine Eastern, Hannity Say DVR tonight on Fox. We'll see you then have a great, great weekend. Back here on Monday,

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