Representatives Jim Jordan, Scott Perry and Martha McSally join Sean to discuss the upcoming November elections. The polls suggest things will be close in November and Democrats are instilling fear through violence but, in the end, it may not be enough for the left to win in 15 days. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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And by the way, Mike will also give you two standard my pillows absolutely free. All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code hopper, promo code topper for this great deal and the best night sleep you ever had. Alright, buckle up, glad you with us. Fifteen days until election day, but a lot of states now starting early voting. I think Texas begins today, Florida early voting has begun. And uh, I hope you all understand the importance of what's going on for this election season, what is its stake, what it means of Nancy Pelosi and Gerald Nadler and Maxie Waters are in charge in the House. These House races matter, and in states that you wouldn't think it matters, it matters. In southern California, there's like five six seats that could tip the balance of power, and the Democrats are spending very heavily in these districts. Even Roarbocker's district is one of them out in California. They have We're looking at states like Pennsylvania. We're gonna have on later in the program. Congressman Scott Perry used to win by twenty five points, and the Democrats and the state legislature in in Pennsylvania have jerry mandered the states so so badly it's now put his seat even in jeopardy, and they're doing that purposely. That's try and squeeze as many Democratic seats as possible by redrawing these districts, always up to dirty tricks, doesn't surprise anybody. So every House vote, every states like Minnesota and Michigan, those those races are now mattering for the House New York. Believe it or not, it's worth getting out for all the Republican House members in New York alone. Forget about you know, any other race doesn't look like Andrew Cuomo can be beat. But you get my point. There is as we kick off here today, obviously there's a lot that's happening. If I had to guess, and you don't know, anything can happen between now in the next fifteen days. That's gonna have a huge impact on the election. That's just the way elections roll here. But if you look at the Democrats in Kavanaugh and what they've done here, and you look at them now, a party of no presumption of innocence, no equal justice under the law, no equal application of our laws, no due process. This is now gonna factor into people's decision making. And it even gets worse I mean, you know, Keith Ellison has a has credible accusations of repeated physical and emotional abuse against him. Not one Democratic senator that was sanctimoniously on the Senate Judiciary Committee that was demanding FBI Report number seven. Now one of them has said a word about Keith Ellison. They just keep quiet. So it's not the issue they care about. It's always about the power and the politics behind it. You know, Republican bad. Let's go after them, throw the book at them. Let's no due process for them, no presumption of innocence for them. And then you've got a case. An allegation made about Corey Booker now over the weekend, on top of statements in his own words that he had made some years ago when he was fifteen. Apparently some people are taking that seriously. Claim my Caskell's husband being accused of some type of me to issue out there in Missouri. And you notice the double standard it's everywhere. Um, here's what is anecdotally something that I think should give you a lot of hope. UM. And I don't make predictions. I can only tell you this if you want a prediction, it's simple. Rick Scott is in a very very close tight race in Florida with Ben Nelson. You know, Rick Scott has done a great job for the economy down in Florida. He'll do a great job as a Senator. But he's also run is you know, notoriously close races down in Florida. Florida is important Florida. I think he won his races by one percentage point each time, and and each time he keeps proving the people of Florida that maybe he's not the best politician with the best gift of gab or schmoozer, but boy, when it comes to getting the job done, when the people of Florida need Rick Scott, he's there for you. And the same with We've got infinite whatever reason, the media has fallen in love with Andrew Gillham down in Florida. And you know, Rhn de Santis I thought it had a great debate last night, and he's now fighting to prevent Florida from getting business tax that Gilham would support. Gilliam has used some of the most harsh rhetoric against police that I've ever heard before. He's fairly radical in his views. He's trying to hide it just like every other Democrat is hiding who they really are. They can't be elected by being honest with their constituents and who they are, what they believe, and what they really want to fight for. We saw that with bretticit and the Project Veritas tape in the Great State of Tennessee. Anyway, you know, Rhn de Santis, he's in a fight for his life down in Florida. We got Marcia Blackburne, who's gonna be a fantastic senator from Tennessee. But you know, for whatever reason, Bretticicit is out there trying to convince the people of Tennessee that he's something that he's not, that he's a moderate and a liberal, and these tapes blew that out of the water, as they're calling the puple of Tennessee ignorant people in his office and saying that his public position on Brett Kavanaugh is just for show. And we saw the same thing in the tapes in Missouri with Claire mccaskell. You know, we already found out she was a phony, but now we really know she's a phony. She goes on an RV tour of Missouri, except she's taking private jets. Whoops, it's an r V tour with with Wings unbelievable, but some anecdotal evidence now there. I think the Kavanaugh hearings, I think this caravan is now becoming a massive campaign issue. And just the fact that there's seven thousand people that are marching towards our southern border to create some type of confrontation ought to tell Americans what the party of sanctuary city, sanctuary states, the party that wants to eliminate ice, and what open borders means. When you look at the amount of money illegal immigration has cost the American taxpayers, it is in the billions and billions and billions of dollars. Because if you're in this country illegally and you're arrested for something, we paid the criminal justice costs. If you go to a hospital, hospital is not gonna not take care of you. We pay the health care costs, We pay the educational costs when your kids are in school. Nobody's against illegal immigration. Every nobody's against immigration. Everyone's against illegal immigration. We're saying we have a process, that we have sovereignty, and we have borders, and they deserve to be respected. And what does it say about the people that do go through the process legally and properly. That's now coming to the forefront that the President's call for a wall is right, Sanctuary cities and states are wrong. There's been so Look at the crimes committed in Texas alone when I was down there for that security briefing with Rick Perry. I mean the sid Texans alone, victims of crimes, some very serious, including murder. I mean, it gets downright scary. Now we have more instant says Mitch McConnell over the weekend, confronted some guy banging on his table at a restaurant, taking his leftovers and throwing throwing those out the the door of the restaurant. Now it's almost happening on a daily weekly basis. We got a lot of new tape that we're gonna play for you. But I think the biggest thing that people need to know is Democrats want to stop all progress. What do they want to take us back to what we know failed? After eight years of Obama, their signature legislation, Obamacare, their fundamental promises, which was keep your doctor, keep your plan pay less. Millions of Americans lost their doctors plans and are paying in some cases. One two hundred and three more than they ever paid before for inferior coverage. We have many states where you only have one option, one healthcare option, that's it. So it has not worked out well for the American people. It was from the beginning a redistribution scam where you're forcing the young and the healthy to buy plans they never want, needed or desired, and forcing them by threat of a fine two literally subsidize the sick, the elderly, and and the disabled Americans when all they really need is a catastrophic plan in one office visit a year. Uh, and the catastrophic plan would be like fifty bucks a month. And that's for God forbid. You have a bad accident't get cancer, have a heart attack. But the anecdotal hope that I'm talking about is Politico even says looks like Chuck Schumer's dreams of becoming the Senate majority leader or evaporating before his eyes, even as Democratic colleagues don't think it's gonna happen anymore. Democratic hopes of winning the Senate have faded in the final weeks of election, with the party now needing to win every one of the more than half a dozen competitive races to capture control of the Chamber. It's a far cry from pretty much the last year and a half. Oh, we're gonna we're gonna take control of the House, and the Senate Heidi high Camp seat has slipped away. It looks like it's gonna be Republican. Pick up Martha McSally, who's going to join us later. I mean, every day gets worse for Kristen Cinema. I mean, it's just an unmitigated disaster for her. I mean, you know, she thinks it's okay for Americans to join up and support to commit treason against their country and support the Taliban. We've got that. We've got her on tape saying that her state of Arizona, the people are crazy and it's the met lab of democracy. And then of course, you know, attacking border patrol people, inviting radicals like the lawyer for the Blind Shake into town. And meanwhile, Martha McSally twenty eight years of service serving her country, six tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. What a comparison. So now we have top Democrats are urging caution on the blue wave to temper expectations. A new Fox uh poll has come out top Democrats. Now they're spending their time managing expectations about quote the blue wave and sweeping the party into power on Capitol Hill, urging caution about those predictions amid fresh signs at the mid terms are much closer than anticipated. Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez, who still hasn't condemned Keith Ellison, said today that he doesn't use the term blue wave to talk about a possible victory for the party, even though House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who has her eyes on the speaker's gavel, said just days earlier that we're looking at a Democratic tsunami. Look, I can't look. I don't have a crystal ball. I all I know is winning everything is possible. I can see a scenario where Rick Scott wins in Florida, Rhonda Santis becomes the governor, Marcia Blackburn wins in Tennessee, Martha black Marcia Martha McSally wins in Arizona. Where we have Dean Heller hold his seat in Nevada, which is tough, that's a tough state, tough race, a lot of money being poured against him. Where I can see Claire McCaskill getting the exit signed John Tester getting the exit signed and Heidi high Camp saying goodbye, and even Joe Donnelly. The problem for the Republican Braun in the state of Indiana is well, in his particular case, he's got a libertarian in the race, and that means that the libertarian is siphoning votes away from the Republican Braun. But Mike Braun is now claiming that, you know, a Brett Kavanaugh surd citing internal polling, is now has him leading. We'll see in fifteen days. You know, if you look at all of this and add to all of this, this is an opportunity, one bit of anecdotal evidence we have. You know, they say voter enthusiasm for the Democrats is at an all time high. But you know, un crazy Uncle Joe Biden was at a rally in Vegas on Saturday in an attempt to boost Democratic Senate candidates. According to the AP, he drew a pathetic five people. A hundred and thirty thousand people have signed up they want to go see the Trump cruise rally tonight. I mean amazing. I was down in Houston and Beaumont, Texas this weekend and and doing a town hall with Ted Cruz and and we had four thousand people are around there in Beaumont, had a huge crowd in Houston as well. We're doing better than crazy Uncle Joe. Bernie Sanders is warning his party that there's no blue wave coming, and he also says that you can't win elections by alienating half the population. And I hate to say it, but I agree with Bernie. You're absolutely right. And you've got, of course, the hypocrisy. So we've got the cavanough issue. You've got the caravan coming, You've got more mobs over the weekend confronting and and showing nothing but mean spirited hostility to people that are trying to serve their country. You've got now two years of magnificent success, record breaking jobs and opportunities for Americans, where you have more safety and security, a stronger president, versus eight years of failure. So we have a choice in this election, and I like choice elections. You want to go back to the failed policies of Obama, Pelosi and Schumer? Do you want to continue the progress we've made? Are you better off than you were two years ago? Attention, all patriots, Are you in the market for a new gun while the U. S c c A Is on a mission to get more guns into the hands of more responsibly armed Americans, so they want to give you seven free chances to win. The Ultimate Concealed Carry Package were fifteen hundred dollars. That's a brand new gun, holster, magazines, and all the MMO you need to break it all in. Entering is easy, quick and one free. But you're running out of time. Your chance to win vanishes Halloween at midnight. And remember you'll get seven free chances to win. Simply text carry to the number eight seven to two two. Were the official rules, and to instantly lock in your seven free chances to win, It's that easy. Just get your phone out right now and text carry that c A r r Y to the number eight seven to two two. 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Mexican police who failed to stop them at the country's border with Guatemala, now serve as escorts. It appears for the caravan, as they're now battling north, it's members clear that they have no intention of staying in Mexico only advised for the US. New estimates cited by l Universal, which is a Mexican newspapers, say the caravan now has fourteen thousand people, many of them already in Mexico while others still wait. Well, that would put them in the category of the illegal immigrants, not an asylum seekers, because if you're seeking asylum, you have to seek in the country that you first appear in. But they appear confident that this confrontation is gonna come down. Now, this is this is extraordinarily dangerous for the country here. But I am telling you politically, the American people, fundamentally is why Kavanaugh mattered. They believe in the in the core values that this country was built on a due process and presumption of innocence. They also believe that we are a nation of laws. Otherwise why have them and Americans instinctively don't like the idea that people think they can march right across the border into our country. We don't know who they are, We don't know where they came from in some cases most cases, we don't know what their intentions are. Now, the President has already said we're gonna begin cutting off substantially or substantially reducing foreign aid for Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. And he says, every time you see people illegally coming or attempting to come into the country, blame the Democrats for not giving us the votes to change our pathetic laws. And that would mean building the wall that he's wanted to build. That we can get done right. The President just spoke out about this. We'll play it when we come back. We have a lot to get to. Martha McSally's much more straight ahead. Do you have opinions that you feel you can express? I think we all do. Are you looking for a place to stir up conversation and let your opinions be heard? I want to introduce you to a new alternative social media site, snippy dot com. Snippy is an unbiased social media platform that's all about conversation and community. Snippy not only encourages freedom of expression, but guarantees its users the ability to discuss topics freely without any suppression from administrators. Check in for a quick update about current events, or spend hours scrolling through users posts, write your thoughts and strike up versation. Snippy's founders have intentionally created a forum where anyone can feel free to express their thoughts, frustrations, ideas, anything. Really, it's a place where discussion is valued, a place where your opinion matters, totally free. Go to snippy dot com now to express yourself. No shadow banning, no character limit, and no suppression of conservative thought ever. Check out the website at snippy dot com or download the app. No Censorship, No Agenda. Join us at snippy to get the discussion rolling to the top of the Our new estimates, cited by l Universal, a Mexican newspaper, says the caravan has now grown to fourteen thousand people, many of them already in Mexico while others wait, that's part of the story. The president now has alerted the military to be on standby for possible deployment orders to the US southern border. I mean, this is in every word, you know. I remember. I think Michelle Malcolm wrote a book years ago called Invasion the American Peter. I know the Democrats as they're thinking, this is their moment, this is good for them. I don't. I don't see how any of this is good for them. Daily Caller has a piece out saying that the majority of people in the caravan not that are headed to the borders, are not, as is being reported, families, including women and children. But instead they're quoting multiple reports that this new wave of of caravanners has comprised quote of mostly young men who appear able bodied and could easily fend for themselves back in their home countries. Video footage posted by Telemundo News shows hundreds of the migrants you know, behind a chain link fence at the Mexico Guatemala border, some of the men scaling the fence, others violently shaking it, causing the barrier to break apart, and as the gap in the fence widened, and of course a lot of the men from that moment we're able to cross into Mexico. This is now a confrontation that is coming to the southern border of the U. Say, I've been down to this border. What however many times I have seen it. It's wide open. What are we gonna What's gonna happen if we have to send our troops to the border. What kind of crisis is going to be precipitated because Mexico won't do their job, and now, according to some reports, is even helping the caravanners make their way to our southern border. President has also said that Guatemala, Hondora's El Salvador, they're not doing the job stopping people from leaving their country and coming to the US illegally. That he has now begun the process of cutting off substantially reducing the massive foreign aid that we give to them. But the President's also right and that every time you see a caravan of people illegally coming into the country, you can blame the Democrats that they're the ones that love these policies. They're the ones that have been saying they want to eliminate ice. They're the ones that say they want open borders. They're the ones that keep saying they want amnesty. They're the ones that like sanctuary states, sanctuary cities, and sanctuary policies that allow even criminal aliens to come into this country illegally. We have one case this was out there well you know it just I mean, it's basically a national emergency if you look at it. You have a Spanish language reporter who's spent weeks embedded with the migrant caravan, and a report Friday said that they have met people from Bangaladesh that are joining the people from Guatemala into Mexico. Univision correspondent Francisco Santa Anna reported that the bridge separating Guala Matta, Gualamala and Mexico. The bridge has been packed with thousands of migrants demanding access to Mexico. This was going back to Friday, the ultimate Gold crossing into the US illegally. She writes. The Bangladeshi's were detained in an immigration facility, though it's not clear what happened to them after their detention. The borders in Central America not as strong as the US, which makes some possible for people from Panama and Ecuador to cross easily, Uh said uh And on Univision, they crossed from Costa Rica, later go through Guatemala and eventually make it in our country. And yesterday they were traveling through Guatemala and we noticed people from El Salvador, even people from Bangladesh. Can you imagine what they had to do to get here. They infiltrated themselves in the caravan and tried to cross with the crowd that would have been benefited them greatly. Um, so you've got the caravan continuing their march. Now a couple of other things that you've got to understand here, and it is a political thing. Having been to the border everywhere from the Rio grand to San Diego, helicopter, horseback boats, all terrain vehicles, you foot, I've been out there. I've seen even gang members arrested right in front of me while I was there. So an entire family from El Salvador arrested right in front of me. I've been at the drug warehouses, which I've played it many times. I've seen the tunnels that have that have been dug. This is not just I mean, this is the biggest rush we've had. But on top of it, and maybe they think that Gavin Newsom is gonna win and they can all go to the sanctuary state of California and they'll be safe and get the free healthcare that Gavin Newsom is promising every Californian legal not legal, wherever you come from. Free health care, free, free, free. Good luck for the people of California when that disaster happens. But you know, you you watch this and there's not one Democrat saying one thing about this because they've always supported open borders. Now do they not know that by precipitating this confrontation that there could be innocent people that end up getting hurt here. I guess for them, they would use that as just another reason to hate and blame Donald Trump, you know, or maybe they're hoping that Trump won't do anything, that it's all talk, no action. They don't have any legitimate claim for asylum in America, because you that would be the first try they go to the way they have so we can send them back immediately if we have to. But if you have five seven, fourteen thousand people confronting our troops along the border, what good is going to come out of this? You know, it's some you know, well, they're breaking the law, their criminals, they're not respecting our laws and our sovereignty. And at the end of the day, if you let in ten fourteen thousand, what's gonna happen next week and what's gonna happen the week after? Now? I think, you know, the Democrats have always believed that the change in in you know, allowing illegal immigrants in the country if somehow helps them politically in the long term. But I don't think the American people want open borders. American people fundamentally believe in the rule of law. The American people believe in immigration, but they want legal immigration. And when they see the magnitude in just one crossing and then recognize that this is happening every single day at our borders, to me, this is gonna energize them more to want to go out and elect Republicans that will fund fully the wall. Presidents only had three and a half billion dollars so far to build the wall. He's trying to get the Congress to give them billion. It gets billion, you'll have enough to fully completely secure our southern border. Does that mean nobody ever gets in? Not at all. We just want legal immigration. I want to make sure who you are when you come here. Can you take care of yourself? And do you come here and share our values? And do you want your piece of the American dream? Then fine. So you've got a Democratic Party now that is absolute believes and nothing as it relates to due process Kavanaugh, no presumption of innocence Kavanaugh. Now they're supporting lawlessness mobs all over the place. Now they're not speaking out against the confrontation. You have leaders in the Democratic Party encouraging them. Kick them. We can't be civil with people we just agree with unless we win the election. You know, get a crowd, confront them, tell them they're not wanted anywhere anymore. Maxie Waters follow them into department stores and gas stations and grocery stores, and you see what's happening. It happened again even this weekend. And the other issue that should be on everybody's minds. In fifteen days is after eight years of Obama. We had thirty million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the only president never to hit three GDP growth in his entire presidency. For one year, we had the guy accumulate more debt than all forty three other presidents before him combined. That's the track record of Omama. That's what he left us. The lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years. What do we have now? Four million new jobs, including four inner thousand manufacturing jobs he told us were never coming back. We have eight million fewer people in poverty and on food stamps, four million Americans now getting jobs. We have more than a million jobs available than people are on unemployment. We've never had consumer confidence this high, lowest unemployment rate since nineteen sixty nine. On the world stage, little Rocketman's not firing rockets every other day over Japan. We're not. We're not dumping cargo planes full of cash on the tarmac of people that hate us and chant death to America and death to Israel. The President has been right in his handling of the the Saudi national who apparently wrote for the Washington Post Kashogi, he's waiting for all the facts. He's not rushing to judgment. But it's very clear that the Saudis have been duplicitus and dishonest about all of this, and he's now measuring what the proper response is gonna be, probably a follow some of what the Western European allies did when we found out Putin was poisoning, you know, some of his citizens. And by the way, the moments go, the president who's headed to a campaign rally, pretend cruise down in Texas. They had over a hundred and what fifteen thousand people wanted to go to this thing. They don't have enough room. They already I think they increased the venue twice. Anyway, so the president before he jumped on marine one if it's a horrible thing, and it's a lot bigger than five thousand people, and we got to stop him at the border. And unfortunately, you look at the countries they have not done their job. Unfortunately, they have not done their job. Honduras and Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador. They've paid a lot of money every year. We give them far today and they did nothing for us, nothing, They did nothing for us, So we give them tremendous amounts of money. You know what it is, you covered all the time, hundreds of millions of dollars. They, like a lot of others, do nothing for our country. I have I spoke to the Crown Prince. We have people over in Saudi Arabia now, we have top intelligence people in Turkey. We're gonna see what we have. I'll know a lot tomorrow. They'll be coming back either tonight or tomorrow morning. But we have people in Saudi Arabia and people in Jerky. I think it's a long time. You said, you said they want a month. That's a long time. There's no reason for that body fast. We're looking at it. We have a lot of different uh concepts right now. They have a lot of different things happening with respect to transgender right now. You know that as well as I do, And we're looking at it very seriously. I'll protecting everybody. You know what I'm doing. I'm protecting everybody. I want to protect our country. Detective one we already Oh, I think he has I think it's going to be I think they wanted to see that. I'm on his side, and I am a hundred percent Uh we have I mean you people have been reporting over a hundred thousand people they lined up two days ago, and it's very exciting to you. Oh. I think Ted will be a big factor tonight. He's gonna get up. He's gonna make a great speech. I'm gonna get up. I'm gonna make a great speech. I hope are you most of you going? You're not going. I can't believe it. You're not gonna be there tonight. That's terrible. I think bed O'Rourke is highly overrated. What I heard about him, I figured he must be something a little special. He's not. I thought he got beaten badly in the debates. I think he's a highly overrated guy. I can say it. I can bury the hatchet. I have Ted, and I got a look very well, very late into the campaign, and I said, don't worry about it. It's only a question you've done. And then it became very nasty, and then it was over. And when it was over, we've gotten a long greage. I liked that, which you remember, he was the last one that we really had. I mean, I went very late into the campaign. We actually held a rally together, laid into the campaign, I said it will end, and it did, and then it got back. You know, we're very close. You've done great or a tax cuts, We've done get great on regulation cuts. Well, he's been really terrific. And if you look at what's happening in Germany with respecting the pipeline, they wanted now start buying our natural gas and just came out. So take a look at that cat along the lines. All right, that's the President Um speaking with the reporters. He's about to board Marine one headed to uh Joints Bass Andrews head on out to Texas in Houston for the big rally tonight. But what even Bernie Sanders says, Democrat, I should stop writing off half of America. So now we've got lawlessness accepted, no presumption of innocence Kavanaugh, no due process Kavanaugh, lawlessness on our borders, lawlessness with sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. You know, I sat through that briefing with Rick Perry, who happened to see this weekend and like very much our energy secretary. And six crimes committed against Texans in just a seven year period alone. And it's also about angry mobs that we saw all weekend long. I mean, the most vicious, vile, horrible nobody in the Democratic Party speaking out. None of them are joining the president and saying we support You're defending the borders. Are They're hoping this chaos down there, the more chaos, they think that's better for them, more votes for them. And you don't think this election matters. In fifteen days, this election matters, all right. We have Martha McSally unbelievable developments out in Arizona. Just how extreme her opponent, Christen Cinema is, supporting the Taliban, supporting the blind Shake attorney uh literally protesting the war that Martha McSally twenty eight years in the military service, six deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. She's gonna join us today. Jim Jordan's gonna check in today. Anthony Scaramucci today will loaded up. We'll get to your calls as well. Eight nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Although this is fairly transparent, the president has full authority to stop any in all illegal immigrants from entering the country under Title eight US Code eleven eight two f. The President has the authority the power to suspend the entry of all aliens whenever he finds their entry would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. It's just that simple, and the Supreme Court affirmed the power in Trump versus Hawaii. The Court was clear the soul per requisite set forth in eight USC eleven eight two is that the President find the entry of covered aliens would be detrimental the US. That means he has full authority. All right, when we come back, Jim Jordan, we also have Martha McSally Arizona, Anthony Scaramucci, much more. All right, glad you're with us, Howard to Sean Hannity's show. Right down our toe free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Uh. All Democrats are now trying to tamp down all expectations of a blue wave. Every poll that is now out there is showing that this is much tighter than anybody thought. Bernie Sanders admitting Democrats should stop writing off half the country. He's casting doubts on the so called blue wave. You know, we've got Democrats now giving up hope. According to the politico of ever recapturing the Senate. And as they have gone through the races from Arizona, the race of Kristen, cinemas falling apart. Martha McSally, twenty eight year VET, six tours of duty Iraq and Afghanistan, is going to join us later in the program today. But you have she's in deep trouble. Then you have Heidi high Camp been in deep trouble. Cinemas in trouble, not McSally. McSally is there's now beginning to rise in the great state of Arizona. You see now that after the revelations in Tennessee that breta preticence campaign staff thinks that the people of Tennessee are ignorant. They're purposely lying to them about what the if he was elected to the Senate, what do you do about Judge Kavanaugh? And they're almost laughing and mocking the people of Tennessee. That's not working out well for them. And now we see Marcia Blackburn has been surging in Pennsylvania. We see now similar video has emerged as it relates to Clare mccaskell thanks to Project Veritas dot Com and her campaign staff. They're mocking the people of Missouri, and they're out there saying that, you know, bragging about how close to Obama's positions they are on the Second Amendment and other important issues. She's in trouble. Mike Braun in Indiana has an uphill battle for one reason. Joe Donnelly would lose on a heartbeat except for a libertarian in Indiana. John Tester's in trouble and his race that's going on in Montana. Then you look at some of the other races and Dean heller Is is hanging onto a slim lead. That's a tight race. If you're in Nevada, you want to get out and vote as soon as you can. I think they started early voting, as they did in Florida, where Rick Scott is looking to unsee Bill Nelson and rhn de Santis is looking to be the governor or Alsho'll destroy the economy of Florida with a radical leftist, you're almost like electing Bernie Sanders if you elect Gillham down in Florida. So we've got that all happening at one point. Then top Democrats are urging caution on the blue wave. Then we have the Democrat phenomenon of don't talk about immigration. Well, that was the advice just last week from the Center for American Progress, Podesta's group, And they're telling Democrats get off it as soon as you can. They're not gonna be able to get off it now, with fourteen thousand people headed towards the borders, do they support the rule of law or do they want to continue their policies of sanctuary cities and sanctuary states and eliminating and open borders. Now we know what their real position is. But what are they going to advise the president to do is fourteen thousand people now are heading to towards that border. Not a good position for anybody to be in. The President is committed not only to cutting off aid to the countries that are allowing this to happen, which he should do, but also he's put our military on notice that he may have to send them down and that people are not going to be walking across our border illegally, illegally. This is what's happening every day. You're just seeing it in one larger number once here other anecdotal evidence out there. Joe Biden can't even get five people to show up in the in Vegas to see him speak, which is not a great idea, which is not great evidence that there's any energy on the left. But with that said, there's always the risk that you're gonna wake up sixteen days from now, we're fifteen days to election day, in the morning after the day before, you're gonna hear, oh Speaker elect Nancy Pelosi, or you're gonna hear you know, Senate Majority Lee, or elect Chuck Schumer. And that means more open borders, that means eliminate Ice, that means keep Obamacare, the amitigated disaster it's been. That means that taxes will be raised because they didn't want you getting the crumbs in the first place. And of course, impeache Trump investigate Trump NonStop. Anyways, Freedom Caucus representative in a candidate for Speaker of the House himself, Jim Jordan of Ohio, was with us, How are you, sir? I'm doing fine. Sehn, good to be with you. I understand your zigzag in the country on behalf of candidates. How's it looking for you as well? And it's good? I mean were I think we're gonna be fine. But yeah, we're heading down to Idaho here in a couple of days, and we've been We were in South Carolina last Varriety, so we're all over the place. You know. It's interesting to watch the states like California. Southern California six important House seats that could tip the balance of power in the House. Minnesota has important races, Ohio does, Michigan does, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey do. Yeah. Now, I think in the endo Shan, when you look at the radical positions the leftists taken, I would argue the most extreme positions in American history where they you know, they applaud Kaepernick when he disrespects the flag, They chier on Government Cuomo when he said America was never that great, and they embraced the Maxine Waters when she says go out and harassed anybody who supports our president. Contrast that vision for where they want to take the country, as we've talked about before, with what the President has accomplished in twenty one months with his leadership in this country. Taxes, regulations down, economy growing at four lowest unemployment forty years Overseacher and Kavanaugh on the court, out of the Iran deal, embassy in Jerusalem, and on and on we could go. So those are the competing visions. Those are the that's the contrast. I think when Americans step back and look, they're gonna pick Republicans and we're gonna keep the majority in the House. Between no due process for Kavanaugh, no presumption of innocence for Kavanaugh, these are co values that have served us well as a country. And then you've got this lawless caravan and I don't hear a single Democrats saying we've got to stop what is It looks like an invasion. Fourteen thousand people just want to run across the border, maybe more. And if that happens, what's going to happen after that? It's like a party that has basically given up on the rule of law and constitution and the values that have served us so well over these many years. Exactly right, the most extreme positions ever. You got Holder with his comments, You've got former Secretary Clinton saying, oh yeah, we'll get civil again once we have power. That's not how it's supposed to be in this great nation. And like you said before, it's sort of tough to avoid the immigration issue when you got this caravan marching north thousands and thousands of people. Um, I think the president's right when he's talking about you're not gonna get your four and eight if if this is going to continue, and talking about putting folks on the border, putting troops on the border, porting National Guard on the border to make sure this. No, we saw what happened last Friday in Mexico their border and then the fence was busted and people come running across. Now it's almost like we're headed towards a major human confrontation here. People that don't respect our laws and sovereignty and the president that is saying you must respect our laws and sovereignty. Um no, I think democrats are like in the back of their heads hoping this happens. So maybe something bad will happen and Trump will look bad and we can blame him if someone gets hurt. Yeah, you never know. I hope, I hope not. I pray not. Yeah. Same here. But I will tell you what. On Saturday, I had a person from Honduras who came here legally. And when that lady coming this had a Republican event Saturday morning in our hometown in her Band, Ohio. She came up to me and she said I am. I am sick of this kind of stuff. She did it the right way. She came here legally, came here because she loves this great nation, wanted to chase down her goals and dreams in this great nation. That's the part that upsets me the most when you see this kind of thing happened in the in the possible political implications and motivations behind these things, that's what bothers me the most. And I think again, common sense Americans say, look, this is not how it's supposed to work. You want to come this to this country, and you're a legitimate asylum seeker, that's one thing. But when people who show up at our border claiming asylum aren't legitimate asylum seekers, that's a problem. And we know that's probably what this this group is mostly about. As well. We also have this issue of the mob that no Democrats seems willing to confront either. I mean, you know, we saw what we watched Ted Cruz and his wife get chased out of a restaurant by an angry left wing mob. We watched it happened to Pam Bondi at a movie theater. We watched that happened as Secretary Nielsen. We watched that happened to Sarah Sanders. We saw Mitch McConnell go through this at the airport, and then this weekend it happened again. Let me play a little of the McConnell confrontation. And then you have the liberal media, you know, literally, and then we have now Henry Kissinger was shouted down. Listen to some of this. I'm gonna sell it to chancing to listen. You can endure. You're horribleiety, peoples of the world, the Nazis, you don't people you deserve to go to jail and then rot in hell. I got ninety two year old man who served as country. It's you know, it's unbelievable. You know what the you know, Nancy what's her name, Maxie Waters? You you create a crowd, you confront them, you you you you tell them they're not wanted anywhere anymore. Mitch McConnell leave the country, you know. Then we have you know, Eric hold or kick him. Hillary, You can't be civil with somebody who disagree with No. This is this is as wrong as it gets. This is not how, not how any decent people are supposed to behave and and it is you know what, The part that bothers me the most, Sean is Dennis Kucinich is a good friend of mine, and he is as far left as I am. He's actually a lovely guy. He's a wonderful guy. He's a friend, and he would never active. He will debate the idea. He'll show up and have a robust debate like we're supposed to in this great nation. But he would never This is the new Left, this is the new Guinness crisis is the way liberally and and and people who believe in their positions and their ideas and their their policy. That's the way it's supposed to be. But what is happening now is so dangerous for this country and so so wrong and just not How does the president and this would be my goal. The President obviously is gonna pull back aid to some of these countries that are allowing this, this caravan to move forward. Um, nobody wants an want to get hurt at the border. These you know, I would assume the vast majority are innocent people, but you know, getting where we don't know anybody. I mean, you could have people that mix in with the crowd that want to bring harm to our country. But I would assume most people come here because they want a better life. So if their hell bent on disobeying our laws and our sovereignty, and the president then has to protect our borders, how do we do it in the way that is safest for the people that are there. Because I don't want to see people getting hurt at the border. You don't want to see people. The President doesn't want to see that. But on the other hand, you can't you can't allow them to come in either. No right, And this is why we've had legislation that's been introduced. The Democrats won't support it because I think deep down they want the politics of this issue. They don't want to solve the problem. We need more judges on the border. We need more ability to when people get there, to hold them, not this catch and release policy, hold them, have their have their case adjudicated, so we can find out are they legitimate, are they really fleeing something, or are they coming here to do harm? Are they in the some game, what's their background? It takes some time to do that, but and it takes resources that it takes people. But if the Democrats won't allow us to pass the legislation that would put all that in place, so we can get answers quickly. We're much least much more in a in a much more quicker manner than we do today. That's the problem. So quit playing politics. Let's solve problems, and let's do it in a way that's consistent with the rule of law. All right, we'll talk more about the election. Jim Jordan is with us from Ohio. He'd like to be the next Speaker of the House. Also, Uh, we'll get to that. We do have some deep state news we haven't touched on yet. Martha McSally, who's running against this radical Democrat Christen Cinema out in Arizona. I mean every day there's a new revelation about how crazy she is. Um meaning Kristen Cinema. Uh. Scaramucci is going to join us. We also go over some House races with you that are definitely in play as we now are fifteen days out of an election. As we continue, Jim Jordan is with us. Congressman Ohio wants to be speaker. Why are you so confident that the Republicans hold the House. I have a lot more confidence in the Senate I just can't get a pulse on motivated people are in the districts, the seventy districts that matter that where by the balance of power Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, way you are California of all places, Minnesota, of all places. Those congressional races seem to be where the power of balance will be tipped. Yeah, I mean, I mean companies. One, I think Americans have common sense. They don't want to go with the radical vision that left is offering. I think, uh, second, we have good candidates. Take Chicago Peter Roskoms District for example, Sean. Here's the guy, Peter Roscoms, who won in two thousand and six, the year we actually lost the House. He beat Tammy Duckworth, a now US Senator from the state of Illinois. He beat her in that election. Peter Rostom knows how to win. So we have good candidates across the country who I think know how to win in these tough, tough climates. But again, I think when you look at where the left once it's take this country, I think most people with commentsens are gonna say, I didn't sign up for that I'm going to keep Republicans in control and the great economic games that we've seen under the leadership for the president. Do you think the Kavanaugh hearings, the caravan, the mobs um coupled with the President's success, is there a base out there that we're not hearing from the polls aren't picking up yet. I think that's very likely. I mean, we haven't necessarily seen it. We haven't really pulled. But when you anecdotally you're out talking with folks, you since that you feel that that people are in fact moving in that direction. And we're outraged by what they saw happened to uh to Judge Kavanall and what are your House members? Freedom Caucus guys, how's Dave Brett doing? And we're gonna actually talk to Scott Perry at the bottom of this half hour. How are those guys doing, Because they're in they are, They're doing great. But I'll give you the best examples, Rod Blum. He was down like ten twelve points three weeks ago. He's now got it within one point. That's what's happening. Because our guys are working hard, good candidates working hard. In the American people are waking up to the ridiculous positions that the left wants to take this country too. All right, Jim Jordan, thanks for being with us. When we come back, we will check in with Congressman Perry. We'll get to some of your calls in the next hour. Martha McSally, she's running a really great race. Twenty eight year vet six h six deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Uh. We're now finding out every day more about how radical her opponent, Christen Cinema is. The Anthony Scarimucci checks in with us as well. How big an impact well, the caravan, the Kavanaugh hearings, the mobs we see every day, plus the agenda of higher taxes, impeaching the president, go over with the American people. Let's straight ahead. Scott, Perry and I approved this message. George Scott and Nancy Pelosi have called for the total government takeover of healthcare. Experts say their plan will result in long waks to see a doctor, poor care, and put seniors Medicare at risk. George Scott has also joined Pelosi and calling for bringing back the dreaded death tax on Liberals like George Scott and Pelosi could propose a healthcare plan this inferior, then tex is more after it kills us. I'm Scott Perry and I approved this message. George Scott and Pelosi are calling for government runs socialist healthcare, just like they have in the UK. Meet someone who lived in the UK. First time I heard George Scott say we need single pay, it just blew my mind. It is very expensive and it is terrible care. You can't see a doctor when you want to see a doctor. If you need surgery, you're looking at years to wait on the single pay of healthcare. People are dying unnecessarily. George Scott and Pelosi scientias aren't just liberal, they're dangerous. When I started serving, I took an oath to honor and protect our country. Now is your congressman. I'm fighting to ensure our country honors and protects every BET. That's why I fought for the Veteran's Choice Act, which guarantees every BET gets the quality healthcare they've earned. It also provides extra care for disabled bets, helping them and their families, whether it's out of care or funding for vests. I'll never let Washington break their promises to you. I'm Scott Perry, and I approved this message. All right, Congressman Scott Perry, he is up for reelection. This is a really important if you want to look at the balance of power in Congress in sixteen days, this is it. Fifteen days to election day. A newly redistricted congressional District ten in the state of Pennsylvania. And on November the six the three term incumbent is in a fight to keep that dream alive. He's going head to head with a liberal Democrat, George Scott, for this newly drawn district. And Perry won the last three terms in Congress by no fewer than twenty five percentage points. But now because of the Pennsylvania's Supreme Court decision, they decided to re draw that state's congressional map. It's a district that has a chance of flipping. And as Perry said, he knows the people of the fourth district. I grew up with him. So when the district was redrawn, it was heartbreaking. But that's the hand you're dealt And uh anyway, Uh, Chrisman, Scott Perry is with us. He's also a Freedom Caucus member, and I wanted to give you an opportunity. They really tried to screw you in this redistricting, didn't they. Yeah, Sean, thanks for having me on. They have obviously the book. They wanted to flip as many seats in Pennsylvania as they can, and they drew the district to make it, to make it much more difficult for somebody, especially somebody like me who's a Freedom Caucus member, uh, to win. And I'll just you know, you've kind of highlighted some of the things that are doing. Of course, the big thing they're doing which book. They're not just doing it to me, you know, and talking to all your friends, whether Jim Mark, Louis, Matt Gates, whoever. Uh, that's the same playbook, which is which actually is kind of absurd when you think about it, And that's this this whole thing about pre existing conditions and healthcare, uh, Sean. You know they're the ones that screwed up our health care system and pasted Obamacare and uh you know, you know, uh, you're gonna say keep your plan, keep your doctor, all that stuff all lies, right, and now they're blaming us for messing it up. Um, we try to repeal it. Of course, you know what happened with John mccainey Putt and went thumbs down. But you know, Sean, when we fought the original the Freedom Caucus in particular, fought that original bill out of you know, the re replacement bill for Obamacare, because if you remember, we were going to vote to repeal Obamacare and immediately repay replace it. The original bill didn't deal with pre existing conditions, among other things. The Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, the whole crew, you know, went and talked to the President, talked to our leadership and said, you know, we can't support this. You can't have insurance companies denying people with pre existing conditions. And we got that right in the bill that we finally passed. Yet they're running this playbook all across the country because they don't have anything else. That we broke healthcare. Well, that's all part of the big line. Try to fix it. Well, millions of Americans now they lost their doctors, their plans, and they're paying a lot more. That's number one. Number two, you know, the big lie is well, Republicans didn't support pre existing conditions. Of course they did. That was part of the plan. I know, because you're right because I remember that very specific battle and the insistence by people like Mark Meadows, yourself and others to get that in the bill that was passed ultimately in the House. On top of that, the individual mandate is gone. I mean all all Obamacare was was one huge redistribution scheme where you're gonna have the young and the healthy literally buying plans that they don't need or want, be enforced by law to have it, or penalized if they don't get it financially, and then literally redistribute that money to the sick, the elderly, and the disabled. It's a redistribution scam. Now. Meanwhile, the young could get off a lot better by paying for one doctor's visiting year to make sure they're healthy, and buying at their age, you know, catastrophic insurance, which you know is gonna be like fifty bucks a month and in case they cancer, a heart attack, or a bad accident. So it was never fair to the people in this country. They sold us a bill of goods and it never worked out the way they said, what, that's exactly right. We tried to repair it, uh, and then of course we repealed it, voted to repeal it and replace it with a much better program. And then of course it failed in the Senate, but that doesn't stop them from only telling half the story, which is that somehow we voted to repeal you know, Obamacare and in doing so, uh, and coverage for pre existing conditions, like the only way to have coverage for pre existing conditions is Obamacare, which is on its face absurd. But that's what they're doing everywhere now, normally because people know me in the district because I grew up here, like you said, and uh, look, you know, we we went through hard times here. My mom moved here as a single mom, uh, running from the abuse of her father and my father, and you know, and my brother grew up in a house with an outhouse, no running water, no electricity, you know, but we may well, I'm living in the American dream, Sean, and so's everybody else in my family, because we live in America and people know me here. But they redistricted, uh, you know, they changed the district. And then the other thing they did, Shahn was pumped in all kinds of outside money. And they're doing this everywhere, but it's coming in from sorrow's Styre Bloomberg, Michael Moore, move on dot org and Nancy Pelosi, you know, she gave my opponent over a quarter million dollars uh to run ads against me, and you know, folks here just aren't used to that. And of course they're being barraged with all these lives on TV, and they're thinking, you know, what's going on here. You know we thought it, we knew her congressman, and the course they do. But they're having all these lives pumped, you know, pumped into their TVs every night. And uh, listen, anybody that tells you that negative campaigning doesn't work, they're lying. That's why we keep seeing it. But this is the only thing they have. They're not going to talk about how the economy turned around in the last two years. They're not going to talk about thirteen additional Americans on food stamps after eight years of Obama, eight million more Americans in poverty no president in history ever. You know, he's the only one that couldn't reach three percent GDP growth in a year he told us manufacturing jobs and never coming accumulated more debt than every other president before him combined. They don't want to talk about that part. And I want to talk about four million new jobs, four hundred thousand manufacturing jobs, eight million, fewer Americans on Americans on food stamps, and poverty. They don't want to talk about any of that. Well, that's exactly right, because they have no message. So you're right. The whole campaign immediately went negative. And I'll tell you this too, Sean. Of course, now I've spent over thirty five years in uniform and proud to do it. My opponent, of course, my name is Scott Perry. His name is George Scott. I live in a little town called Dillsburg. He lives in a little town called Dillsburg. I've got two kids, he's got two kids. I've got an army career. He's got an army career. So the d Triple C picked this guy, uh, just to run against me. And of course also now he is joining the clergy. But even though he's joined the clergy, that hasn't stopped him from lying about me at the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars up on TV. And you know, we have reports from his congregation that he's literally asked for campaign contributions from the pulpit and he's actually campaign in his ministerial uniform. Um. The kind of people I'm dealing with. And this is what we're dealing with across the country. Shown. I mean, we live in small central Pennsylvania. You know, Gettysburg is in the in the current district. I mean that's where we come from. But they're literally trying they're asking if they're busting people in from UH, from Philadelphia to campaign in this neighborhood. Like I said, we've got move on dot org. My opponent's whole campaign staff is hired from UH, from Washington, d C. And UH. And like I said, they're trying to you know, they redistricted all of Pennsylvania because they couldn't win at the ballot box, and now they're simply trying to buy or steal this election by literally all this outside money, porn and sean. You know, me and Jim and Mark and those guys in the Freedom caucas We spend our time trying to do what the American people elected us to do, not raising a bunch of money. But this guy raised more money in one quarter than I did in over five and a half years. Uh. So you and he's trying to tell everybody that came from tent donat who, Well we see that all or look at the money that was raised by Bozo or bays Beto, whatever his name is. You know, this guy's raised nearly seventy million dollars down in Texas, so you know, it's unbelievable. Anyway, we really appreciate you being with us. We're paying very close attention if you are in the tenth district in Pennsylvania. You're a three term Congressman Scott Perry is in trouble because of well the redistricting that was purposely designed to kick him out of Congress, and I hope the people in the tenth district pay close attention to what's going on there. Uh. Anyway, Congressman, best of luck, Thanks for being with us. We appreciate your time. Thanks your on, have a great day. Let's go win in two weeks. Let's go win fifteen days from now to do people want if they vote for a Democrat, you're basically voting for Pelosi in the House. In the Senate, you're voting for Chuck Schumer. It's that's simple. Right. As we continue rest, let me let me play the flip flopping Democrats on immigration. See how they sound so much like Trump. People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the US legally. President's decision to end DACA was heartless and it was brainless. When we use phrases like undocumented workers, we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration. Hundreds hundreds of thousands of families will be ripped apart. If you don't think it's illegal, you're not gonna say it. I think it is illegal and wrong. Ends of thousands of American businesses will lose hard working employees. And the argument them as the president, is Americans don't want to do the work. Wait, just can't find American workers to do the work. But the president that is a crock in many instances, it's just not true. In my view, from decision to end the doctor program was some eight hundred thousand young people. Is the cruelest and most ugly presidential act in the modern history of this country. I cannot think of one single act which is ugly and more cruel. We've got to do several things, and I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. People have to stop employing illegal immigrants come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nansau County. Stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You're gonna see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work. You know, Idy, this is not a problem that the people who were coming into the country are solely responsible for. They would becoming if we didn't put them to work. My proposal will keep families together, and it will include a path to citizen check. What a bunch of phonies, all of them, almost hardly all, it is all of them. Joe is an Ela j what's up? Joe? How are you glad you called? Sir Sean here? The number one supporter of Donald Trump in the country, and I think he's the best president world history. He needs to send troops down to stop this invasion, and I think you would agree with that. We just can't afford to take all these people in. We have a one trillion dollar debt, and so I hope that he will send troops down to stop this invasion of our country. Would be nice of Mexico did their job, and if Mexico would stop them in their country, and you know now they're to trying to precipitate a crisis that could be really disastrous for everybody involved in this. And yet you keep reading reports that you know, people are being taken well, taken care of, well fed, food and water. You know the goal is to get them up to a southern border. But you know what's after the seven thousand? Is it gonna be ten thousand more? Is it gonna be a hundred thousand more? What do we know about anybody that is in this caravan? You know, does everybody come here? Because well, I think between and I've been saying this and I believe it, I think between the horrible treatment of Kavanaugh, the elimination of due process and the presumption of innocence. Meanwhile, they're silent on Keith Ellison, and they're silent on Corey Booker, and they're silent on Clara McCaskill's husband. Between all of that hypocrisy, and between the caravan and the mobs that were out all all over the place this weekend, and the success and failure Obama's failure, Trump's success, I think that there's a lot to get people to get out and vote. We'll see what happens in fifteen days though, Joe, thank you, Shawn. Our number Brian is in Lexington, Kentucky. Brian, how are you? And we're glad you called, sir. Yes, sir, I was telling about the migration and the rush on our border, and I want to know your thoughts about who might be behind the scenes organizing this basically committing treason and is that that's something Trump could find out through the FBI, and you know, maybe he needs to look into that and find out exactly who's you know, hashed out this big plan. Now that we know what's going on, well listen, we know what's going on. We know that. You know, at the end of the day, we'll find out where the money comes from that's supporting some of this. I understand, you know, America can't continue to support and prop up as the President has been saying, all of these countries that we're giving a lot of aid to and they're gonna let people leave their country and come racing towards our border. I'm all for immigration, but it's got to be done orderly, it's got to be done legally, and you can't have what you know, you can't have seven thousand people just drop on our door and say take us in or we're horrible people, especially when that the only place they can seek asylum is the first country they get to. That would be Mexico, and Mexico obviously didn't have the will or desire to do anything in this case. Anyway, appreciate the call eight nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, News Round Up, Information Overload Sean Hannity Show, eight d nine for one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. Fifteen days until the all important mid term elections? What have I said? Now? I mean you never know in until the actual they gets here. But you know, between Kavanaugh and the mobs that we've been watching unfold and the caravan unfolding, and you know, now it's about a choice between failed policies of Democrats and Obama's and the success we've had the last two years. And are you better off as a country in terms of economic prosperity the economic policies of the president the Republicans then you were under Barack Obama. It's really that simple. And of course you've got the mainstream media. They are defending the indefense. So well, look at the look at what's what happens if this caravan ever makes it to our southern border. Now, then you have, of course, the different mob attacks that have taken place. Secretary Nielsen, Pam Bandi, Sarah Sanders, uh, Ted Cruz and his wife run out of a restaurant. We had Mitch McConnell confronted, you know, in a in a restaurant this weekend. Again, protesters shouting down Henry Kissinger at an n y U event. A man walks through text is ripping up ted cruise sizes, you know, and C and N. By the way, we'll start with them defending these mob tactics. When he brought the mob word up again, I call him. I called him out and listen like, I don't want to be the word police, and that was not my intention. But I also believe in calling out talking points. We cannot like these are one off instances. Everyone, What is the one off instances of the yelling at the wives and whatnot? Those are one off instances. I'm gonna sell it to chancing to get through their leftop of the world. You don't you deserve to go to jail and then rot in hell. You know I have to these I'm more out. Well all right, well I'll feel better about all right. It's getting sicker every day. I mean, notice the same thing that Maxie Waters. You know, you get a crowd and you follow these people into grocery stores and department stores and gas stations, and you tell them we don't want them here anywhere anymore, you know, telling Henry Kissinger to leave the country. Mitch McConnell. Not only did they tell Mitch McConnell to leave the country, but then they're talking about that the guy smashed literally ripped his leftovers. I guess maybe he's taken a meal home to somebody else and throws it out side the restaurant door, banging on the guy's table. Somebody's gonna get killed here. You watch somebody is or hurt severely. It's it's gonna happen. And that nobody on the left ever can critique their own side for the rhetoric they're using. Anthony Scaramucci is with us. I just finished cover to cover as brand new book. Uh, and it's phenomenal, And it's the inside story about Donald Trump. It's called Trump the Blue Collar President, and how a billionaire living on Fifth Avenue identified the struggle of blue collar Americans and won the presidency. You know, those are the forgotten men and the forgotten women in this country. And I don't think they're liking this mob mentality. I don't think they like the way Judge Kavanaugh was treated much. And I don't think they like watching this caravan of thousands marching towards our border. I mean, they literally are mishandling everything. And so what's what's happening is the president has almost like this light sewn like you know, you and I grew out up on Long Island in the summer, or parents would hang up that insect light. Well, the president has the the Trump Twitter insect light, and they're all going towards the light in their vaporizing. Senator Warren, she's got to get a DNA test. She's less of a Native American than your mate into the vaporization big caravan issue. The way they're handling the caravan issue, it's galvanizing his base. The Kabinaugh thing was absolutely ridiculous. They were making up one story after the next. They figured, okay, me too. Movement seems to work. There's no due process in the me too movement. Let's take this guy that's a very well credential judge, he's got an impeccable adult life. Let's try to destroy him, going back too and so again, right into the Trump Twitter insect vaporizer. So so for me, I'm enjoying this. The polls are tightening U and the President's base is actually going to turn out in much higher percentages than people predicted. And so once again he's gonna de Phi logic here. I think we got a very good chance to possibly keep the House. We're certainly gonna gain seats in the Senate, and it couldn't happen without the energy and the fortitude of prey the Trump Well, if they do win, I'll say this if he's carrying a lot of these people on his back. But you know what, if you elect Nancy Pelosi, the dangers are what we're gonna have, endless investigation, higher taxes, keep Obamacare, open borders. Now, the President is battling back on all these fronts, and Guatemala, Honda cel Salvador, he says they're not We're not able to do the job of stopping people from leaving their country, and coming illegally to the US. Now we will begin cutting off substantially reducing the massive foreign aide we routinely give them. And Trump tweeted out, every time you see a caravan of people illegally coming or attempting to come into our country illegally, think and blame the Democrats for not giving us the votes to change our pathetic immigration laws. Remember the mid terms. It's so unfair to those who come in legally. And he's right, um, And and we don't know anything about the people that are coming here. We don't know but one thing about them. And I know the media can be as sympathetic as they want, but you know who might mix in with the people that maybe just want a job as a big problem for us. But but it's but but here's the other thing. Okay, the American people intuitively no Sean that it's not racist. All it is is he's recognizing with the legendary Milton Friedman once said about any country, if you have a welfare state, and the United States does have one, you need to protect your border because free market forces dictate that people will cross over that border to participate in your welfare state. And so every country has a strong border and social the United States. So I don't get you know, I'm I'm I'm promoting my my, my book today. In the last couple of days, I'm on a lot of left leaning shows, and when they go they go nuts so crazy on the president, and it's just simply responsible. You want illegal immigration, you have democratic and Republican presidents and democratic and elected officials that have voted in the laws. I don't understand why just enforcing those laws have everybody so upset? What what? What could their answer possible? Why don't they Well, it's a lot of things. Are we better off economically than we were two years ago? By every single objective measure? The answer is yes. The growth of the economy, consumer confidence, jobs created, the number of people leaving food stamps out of poverty eight million Americans, so you know, by every measure, and more, job bottom the bottom ten percent of the society showing the wages of five and a half percent according to the Wall Street Journal over the last eighteen months. That is a direct result of the president's policies, but also the fact that he cut the slack at the border and so it made it tightened up the labor supply, and it's giving lower middle class families shot now to have real living wages. Well, that's the story that you're actually tell in the book. By the way, Anthony Scaramucci is with us, author of the brand new book. It's out today. We put it up on Hannity dot Comments, on Amazon dot com, and bookstores everywhere. It's called Trump the blue collar President. I first heard that term from one of his sons. It was either Erica don I don't remember, maybe it was Donnie. You. Donnie called them the blue collar billionaire and then they said, don if you don't mind, I'm going to hijack the nickname and just switch out billionaire and put in president because at the end of the day, he resonates with these people for a reason. Yeah, look, I think it is. And you talk a lot about his background. You you talk a little bit about your family background. It's similar to my background. And and it's amazing because the only thing that I really care about what motivates me, it's not politics itself. It's not a game to me, because the policies that we have in a country as we do now greatly impact whether or not people are on food stamps. Or whether or not there are jobs. We now in two years have a scenario that is not unfolded in this country since nineteen sixty nine, and that is we have a million more jobs than we have people on unemployment. You know that I identify with that. That's what you identify with you. You did not have a silver spoon in your mouth. And you know, I started as a dishwasher at twelve and and look when you started, like you know, sh listen, I mean, I think that's the message. And I think that's the reason why you're so incredibly popular. At the end of the day, America is about aspiration, and America is about passing to the baton to a next generation of Americans that can do better than ourselves. And that's what our grandparents did for our parents, and our parents did for you and I and and But you have have not the right policies. You have to right free market based, motivating, market incentive policies, because what we both know is that you cannot systematize or through a political system, create equal outcomes. It never happens. Black markets crop up and then there's a thin layer at the tippy top that are living better than everybody else. And everyone else is devastated, whether it's Cuba or Venezuela or places like that, you know, the real danger. So I don't know how this is all going to play out, but we we see all weekend long these mobs, you know, really making an unsafe environment for anybody to even go get a bite to eat if you're a public figure, which is really sad. I mean when you're doing it in front of people's wives. It's not only sad, it's pathetic. When you're going after Pam Bandi, Sarah Sanders and her kids and Secretary Nielsen and all she's doing. All they're doing is trying to sit in a restaurant and have something to eat, telling you know, one group of Americans they're not wanted here in any way, What are you doing here? Get out of this. You know they're going after a ninety year old guy, Henry Kissinger now who served his country with honor and distinction. Is that it seems like there's no limits here, But there's no moderation left either. Mouch in the Democratic Party, it used to be. I used to think Democrats, at least they on paper, they said they cared about the American working men. And women, but apparently they don't. If you're losing the argument, then you have to suppress the other size argument. In other words, if you're wrong on the facts and your ideology is going to create unequal outcomes, so, you know, bad society, even though it sounds great on paper, all of your ideas when they meet contact with reality or a disaster for a country, a person, a citizen, then you've got to suppress the voices of the other people. It's happened to me. It's happened to me on college campuses, it's happened to me um around the country when I'm traveling. I'm cool with it. I'm up for the fight of it. But you know what, you know, it's great about the people. I just want you to think about of these professor Shaun or liberal, what's about forty five to fifty of the kids are conservative, so they're not buying into the Yeah, all right, stay right there. By the way, The book's phenomenal. I read a cover to cover Anthony Scaramucci as with us Trump the blue collar President. Uh, you know, it's interesting you look at the jobs created. Who's benefiting when we create manufacturing jobs and factory jobs? Uh, and we bring an industry back to America and we incentivized businesses to invest here. Well, that's the forgotten men and women, the thirteen million under Obama, the additional thirteen million that we're on food stamps and after eight years of his presidency, and the eight million more Americans that were in poverty after eight years of his presidency. Well, now we have four million new jobs and eight million fewer people in poverty and on food stamps. That's a dramatic turnaround. And they're back happily working and some are getting career jobs and opportunities that we were told was never coming back. All right, As we continue with Anthony Scaramucci, the mooch as I call him, Uh, he's a great friend of mine. He's amazing. He did something that nobody else did, and he actually took the time to actually look at Donald Trump's real background, real roots, his family, his father, and you know, you tell a lot of gripping stories in that book about how well the mean, horrible landlords actually weren't so mean after all, when people came on hard times, they would work with people and help people. That's absolutely true story. That's actually the Carawana family. They've been thirty four to year friends of the scouting team, and I wanted to relate that story, and I'll tell it quickly. Fred Trump showing up to collect rents with his twenty six year old son, Donald J. Trump, and and they're walking through the garden apartments, knocking on doors Trowuna. Family cannot pay the rent. The father has lost the job. He's a blue collar worker. Fred and his son are looking at him saying, Okay, hey, no problem. They're a very honorable guy. Let's wait a month. Let's see what happens. I suspect you'll get a job. Lo and behold. Sixty short days later. Uh, he gets a job, pays the rent that he was owed. Uh. And it's just a wonderful story about their family. Never you know, be going to be told by the mainstream media. But people talk about, well, does the president of compassion for these people? Does the President of empathy? And the answer is yes. He learned it at the writing shotgun with his father as he was either building these buildings, helping to build these buildings, or collecting rent from blue collar people that were living in Adam Sean. So, so I wanted I did a ton of research on the book. I wanted to tell the story arc of the Trump family, which is a great American success story in many ways. The Haddity family or the Schie only is also an American success story. The arcs are different, uh, and the generational transfers are different, but they're both part of America. They're both part of the fabric of America. You know, the the generations that built this country. And if SCARAMOCHI Hannity Trump, it doesn't matter. But the generations that built this country are just amazing people. The immigrants that built this country. My grandparents all four coming from Ireland. Anyway. The book is called The Trump The Blue Collar President, Anthony Scaramucci. It's up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, and bookstores everywhere. Anthony, good to see you. We're gonna see you on TV this week. We look forward to it, my friend, and all the best on your book tour, and I hope people will run out and get a copy of it because it's worthwhile reading. Thanks my friend. With fifteen days to election day, one of the important Senate races we're watching is out in the great state of Arizona, which, by the way, it could be impacted by this caravan that is marching towards our southern border as we speak. Senate candidate and war hero Martha mc sally is going up against Kristin Cinema. Kristin Cinema seems to be imploding out there. We'll get the state of the race as the best election coverage continues. Fifteen days to election day. Glad you are with us. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Kiersten Cinema led groups that accused US border patrol of torture and American troops of terrorism. And when Kersten Cinemas with her liberal friends, she attacks you too. And my state Arizona is clearly meth lab about tomat I ran for the state House and State Senate in Arizona, right, but Kierston Cinema is an extremist, an elitist, end a fraud. I'm Martha McSally and I approved this message a right. We have a big race going on in the great state of Arizona. Fifteen days from now. Glad You're with us? Twenty five to the top of the hour. That was an ad put out by Martha McSally, a war hero and her background of experience is pretty unbelievable. Here. We're also watching in Arizona this caravan headed towards our southern border. It's become well a a big issue. We have a couple of things that have literally taken the people of Arizona back. UM. Kristen Cinema once calling Arizona the meth lab of democracy and the people of Arizona crazy. Uh, inviting Arizona State University the radical attorney for the Blind Shake. Yeah, that blind Shake involved in what the bombings in America. Um, she's had no problem with Americans joining the taliband. Martha McSally confronted her in the recent debate and said, will you apologize? She would not apologize, and accusing troops of torture and that's only part of it. And then on top of that, we have the latest development. Cinema once attacked b s stay at home moms for leeching off their husbands. These women who act like staying at home leaching off their husbands or boyfriends and just cashing the checks as some sort of feminism because they're choosing to live that life. That's fairly judgmental. You would think Martha McSally is with us. Martha, how are you, hey, Sean, I'm doing great. Thanks for having me on. Well, I think I'm happy with the last two poles. One had you up by seven, one had you up by two. But I frankly, after these latest revelations in the last two weeks about Kristen Cinema, I would imagine that your polls are gonna go higher. Sean, Well, it's unbelievable. Every single day a new part of her radical past and her mocking Arizona and their extremism on so many issues is being unearthed. But the Arizona local media is protecting her uh and making excuses for her, and so the only way that filters down is shows like yours or us turning it into a TV ad. The fact that she's still hanging in there is really ridiculous. So out of stuff with Arizona values and American values. You rattled off a number of a number of things that would have a Senate Canada be disqualifying in the past. But here we are. We're down to the wire over around eighty percent of people will vote early over half have already voted, and so we need to make sure that the messages out about her radical at a step past disqualifying statements. You know, compared to me serving twenty six years in the military and defending our freedoms in our way of life. What did you do when the military? I know you served abroad Post nine eleven, correct, Yes, sir, I was an ten pilot. I was just fortunate to be the first woman in US history to fly a fighter jet in combat, uh and then the first to command a fighter squadron in combat. I've had six deployments to the Middle East, in Afghanistan, combat hours in the a ten ward hog against saving Americans lives on the ground and defending our way of life. It was absolute honor of my life to be able to serve. You know, when you hear Kristen Cinema say, oh, it's okay, at that point, what I believe it was two thousand and three that oh it's okay if Americans want to join our enemies. The Talibana nearly died Sean when when we heard this, I couldn't believe it. I mean, I was deployed on nine eleven the Taliban Harvard al Qaeda who came and killed three thousand Americans since then with them and their affiliates. They've killed thousands of American troops to include you know troops. Well, I was deployed over there. I've told this story before, but we would at Bagram Air Force Base when I was a commander, we would, you know, we would get out there as soon as we heard a firefight was going on, and we'd be overhead to protect them in our a ten. But oftentimes, uh, you know, the firefights happened before we could get there, and Americans lost their lives. And as we would, we would line up on the taxi way as the flag rape casket would come through, and there was no there's a silence there and everyone is saluting, giving our final salute to these American heroes who perished over there fighting the Taliban and their affiliates. And for her to be able to say that she is okay with an American going to join the Taliban to fight against us, I mean that in and of itself should have had her suspend her pain and Arizona should make a different choice to not vote for Carson Cinema. This is really personal for those of us who served and were shot at by the Taliban and saw Americans perish over this. You know, I hear the emotion in your voice and understandably so I mean you uh, you said six deployments. That's amazing. Yeah, well again, it was an absolute honor. There's so many Americans who have done that and more, both on the ground, in the air, and on the sea. I mean, this is this is you know why we fight, uh, to protect our way of life and our freedoms and our liberties. Uh. And you know this. And as you know, in addition to this UH comment saying it's okay for an American to join the Taliban, to basically commit treason, she also was protesting right after nine eleven, protesting our troops in a pink tutu flyers handed out at protests that she led, depicting our troops as skeletons and saying stop the US terror in the Middle East. So this isn't just a one off for her, Uh, this is a pattern. She advocated to shut down Luke Air for or space. I hosted the President President Trump at Luke Air Force Base on Friday to see what an amazing national security treasure it is. She's trying to cover upper tracks and with George Soro's Chuck Schumer and the millions of dollars that are flowing in to you know, cover her tracks and turn her into something that she's not. In the greatest political cover up in Arizona history. A lot of people think she's moderate, a lot of people think she's right of center. Uh, and it's just not true. And we go, wh is this only coming out three weeks before the election? I mean it's almost on a daily basis. It's like, you know, a deep dive dump has been made. But I would think that this is common knowledge or had to have been common knowledge about her. I mean, I wouldn't underestimate. Remember the allegations against the blind Shakes attorney that she invited to Arizona State University. I mean that's another slap in the face two people. Yeah. Absolutely, Look, you know we sort of joked that the Democrat Party should have done better, you know, internal opposition research on her before they had her be Chuck Schumer's top recruit for them to try to flip the Senate majority. We knew about her radical path. We've been telling people about it in Arizona every single day. Uh. And then in the last few weeks. You're right, some some videos and and things are coming out every single day. But unless you're on conservative radio, conservative TV, Fox UH and other on social media, you're not finding out about this. And so we still have another a number of independence uh and Republicans who are not tuning in unfortunately, that need to know. Every time we have to put up an ad to put some of these statements in like you just played. It costs US about seven hundred thousand dollars to make sure the message gets out to the voters as they are voting every single day right now, and she's had so much money dumping into her, you know. And if people do want to support, of course they can go to mc sally for Senate dot com. Because we really do need to help to make sure Arizonas are aware. The people of Arizona are aware of all of this, they will never vote for her. If they're aware of your heroic background, they absolutely will vote for you. Um. I've only gotten to get to know you in in recent months, and I gotta tell you, I'm more impressed every single time I talked to you, and I think you'll be a great Senator from the state of Arizona. I hope you're not going to turn into Ben sass and run away from me after you get elected. But um, that's happened more than once in my career, you know what so and you may not remember, but back when I was a major in the Air Force, I took on the Pentagon because they were making our service women where burkas when they were in Saudi Arabia. And I put my career on the line, and I actually sued the Department of Defense, UH fought for eight years and got legislation passed to overturn this. And I actually went on the Hannity and comb show during that whole thing to talk about how important it was to protect our religious liberties and not succuted. It was a very that was That was a gut sea move. I mean, I don't like the idea if American soldiers are on foreign soil and where there to protect them and help them, which is usually the case. I don't think that we need to go by their customs. Were Americans. We get to follow our own customs or else. If you don't want us there, then you don't want us there exactly. That's exactly. It's like we were there. It was it was a U S military policy. It was ridiculous. I stood up for it. I fought for it. Took me eight years, but I finally got legislation passed as a citizen to overturn it and make sure that our value we stood up for it. Yeah. Well, I really wish you the best. I've been quite impressed with you, Martha McSally. If you're not paying attention to this race in Arizona, you need to pay attention. Christian cinema, you know, supporting radicals like the Taliban. While Martha McSally is doing her six tour of duty twenty eight years serving her country, she's got one of those crazy pink hats on, you know, talking down our troops and accusing them. Didn't she accuse them of torture as well? She was aligned with a radical UH anti border patrol group down at the border trying to help you help with illegal immigration, and that group accused the board patrol of torture. Yes, it was a again radical extreme group that she was very much involved in UH in the inner past. What do you think the president needs to do if the seven thousand people that are marching towards our southern border, if they make it to the border, what's the best plan for the president? Uh, this is absolutely ridiculous. We have got to stop them from coming in. The President needs to use all elements of power that he has. Sean. We're seeing little mini caravans coming in every single day though, because they're taking advantage of our loopholes and the law I worked very closely with President Trump. It's often called the good Lap Bill. That was also the McSally bill that would provide thirty eight billion dollars for the border wall to secure our border and close these loopholes that the cartels are taking advantage of. It has to stop every single day. Right now, there's people coming in and Yuma, that's a sector that is being overrun right now. All they do have been down there, they're released, Yeah, they're released into the interior of the United States. Sixteen thousand five family member units in September, the highest ever recorded. This is not sure President Trump's fault. It's a Democrat's fault for obstructing closing loopholes and securing our border. And the President is frustrated as an eye, and he need needs to use everything he's got in a tool of tool kit to to put pressure on Mexico and the man. You support building the wall and funding and fully funding the wall. Yes, and you support with our bill thirty eight billion dollars including building the wall. Yes, sir. Would you vote to repeal Obamacare, the vote that John McCain decided to change his mind on. Well, Sean, I did vote to repeal and replace Obamacare on that House bill. I'm getting my ass kicks for it right now because it's being misconstrued by the Democrats. They're trying to, you know, invoke fear and people who have family mema. Wait a minute, just I know Arizona didn't. How many Arizonans lost their plans, lost their doctors and are paying infinitely higher rates because of Obamacare. Yes, Obamacare is sailed in Arizona. There's only one choice in fourteen and fifty counties, which is no choice. People lost their healthcare coverage. We have people right now, it's pre existing conditions, who can't get access to health insurance because of the failures of Obamacare. So I worked hard to make sure that we were moving away from that and and towards something that gives more choice for people, more flexibility at the state level, more free market, get the federal government. You know, to not be doing this one size fits all, top down penalties, taxes, and mandates. It's failed. And so we you know, I voted yes. Again, I've got millions of dollars attacking me right now misconstruing that vote. I voted to protect people with pre existing conditions. Uh, that's good intentions, but their policies are wrong. We need more conservative policies to bring the cost down and provide more options for people to get access to insurance. All right, Martha McSally a really a rock star hero who served their country and an important race for the Republicans as they not only want to maintain control of the U. S. Senate, but also to build their majority in the Senate and will make votes for Supreme Court justice. Is a lot easier going up against the very radical leftist in the name of Kristen Cinema. Thank you so much, Martha McSally for all you've done for your country and and the positions you take. And uh, you should win this race far and wide when the people of Arizona fully understand the record, the background, and the radical views of Kristin Cinema. Thank you for being with us. Martha mc sally. Thanks son. I appreciate you signing a flashlight on this and your advocacy. And if people want to help, they can go to mc sally for Senate dot com. We need your support and help and donations that we can win this thing. Thanks so much. Thank you. Rods in Florida, Crestview on the Sean Hannity Show. How are you Rod? Yes, sir, he congratulation on the show, dedicated listener. Than my concern is the Supreme Court list that the President had actually uh presented when he was running for office. Okay, And the reason why my concern is this is it because Nancy Plosi has already uh put the news out there that they do smear campaigns, and they've done it continuously. They want us to have a transparency, and so we've given transparency. It's like open up our playbooks so they can actually investigate every person on that list. So whoever President Trump actually nominate, they've already got a team investigating that specific person to attack on a smoo campaign. Well that's all you get from the Democrats. That's their only playbook. That's all they have. That's one O one, one O two one oh three, one oh five, one o nine that this is it, you know, and you know it's interesting to watch. The Democrats now are trying to urge caution on blue wave and temper expectations. They're scared to death because after all the mobs, and after what they did with Kavanaugh, and what we see with the caravan, and we see the now that that it is getting into focus what eight years of Obama was like versus two years of Trump. The American people, you know, watching two years of smearing and slanders and misinformation, the American people who seem motivated. All right, that's gonna wrestling stuff for today, Hannity. Tonight, We've got more video, more angry mobs. It's getting worse than ever, McConnell, Kissinger and much more. How does the president handle the caravan that is now fourteen thousand and strong headed to our southern border. We'll get into that tonight, nine Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Hope you'll say you, dv R. Thanks for being with us, seeing tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow