John Solomon, Editor in Chief of Just the News and author of Fallout and Gregg Jarrett, host of The Brief, his new podcast and author of two NY Times’ bestsellers, Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt, discuss the news from Senator Johnson who sent a letter to FBI Director Wray on the Hunter Biden scandal.
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I've always said that this guy, Jeffrey Tubin, who considers himself a legal genius, he's like the dumbest lawyer and that I've ever seen apparently writes. Isn't that the same guy that writes that is a CNN commentator? He is, right, okay? Suspended by The New Yorker. I guess he writes for them, because apparently he exposed himself on a zoom call between magazine colleagues and w NYC workers. According to a report, I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake believing I was off camera. Oh my gosh, this is not okay, not okay. I can't report this stuff anyway. Glad, you're with us fifteen days to go, and you are the ultimate jury. I hope you're worried. I hope you're concerned. I hope you understand how hi the stakes are. I hope you understand that it is. This is now getting very very, very very real and really dangerous. The stated policies of what the Democrats will do. You now have United States senators and Joe Biden's answer. We already know the answer on court packing. He just hasn't finally told us we know the position that he has on fracking. He's just lying to get elected to the people of Pennsylvania, especially. We know where the agenda is with the New Green Deal and trillions of dollars. We know, you know, he's now distancing himself from his own New Green Deal policies that's on his website and that that's the framework that he's gonna follow. And my plan even goes further. He said at one point. We also know that this guy is frail, He is weak, He is struggling cognitively, and if you say as much on fake news CNN, you will be thrown off the air, like they did to Laura Trump this week. Had that's it. We're not talking about this anymore. We kept good. This interview is over why they had no problem discussing whether or not Ronald Reagan in nineteen eighty four was cognitively strong enough for the job in the second term, the age question, as they called it. Same thing with John McCain when he was running for president. No problem bringing it up as often as possible for him. But now we can't. Now Joe Biden was off the trail I Guess on Saturday. He went to I Guess North Carolina on Sunday and now he's going to be off for the rest of the week. They put a lid on all campaigning after he was asked the two hard questions. One was what kind of milkshake did he get? Listen, he's abiding, he's aboding. What flavor did you get? One? Vanilla? One chocolate? Thanks for the hard questions he was asked by a CBS. He nearly lost it. Now we're going to get into a deeper dive into what they're hiding as it relates to zero experience hunter and all these oligarchs and Russian nationals and Chinese nationals and Kazakh nationals, Ukrainian nationals and Chinese nationals and Russian oligarchs and Ukrainian oligarchs and Kazakh oligarchs and all these wire transfers. They won't talk about it. But he's now in hiding. But he was asked one question and he nearly lost it. Listen, did your body? What did your plus story? And all your cunnar? I know you'd ask it. I have no response. It's another smear campaign to right up your ally. They're the questions you always ask a smear campaign. Okay, Well, then maybe he needs to tell us how it's a smear campaign. Let's put aside what we already knew. We already knew the quid pro quo. Joe leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars and he said, I'm leaving in xrs. You got six hours, six hours or you're not getting the billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor. The guy's name is Victor Sholkin. Why would a vice president of the United States of America want a Ukrainian prosecutor fired and leverage a billion taxpayer dollars to do it, well, because that was the guy that was investigating zero Experience Hunter and has given interviews where he has explained he was investigating zero experience Hunter being paid millions. Now we know from Ron Johnson's report that this is just the tip of the iceberg. We'd know from Secret Empires Peter Schweitzer's book this is only the tip of the iceberg. Peter Schweitzer chronicled the billion dollars deal with the Bank of China just ten days after he was on Air Force two with Daddy flying over to China. But yet we find no experience in private equity, no experience whatsoever in any of these matters. But that became a one point five billion dollar deal. Now we see that. You know, when you take it further, what the President said was right in the last debate when he pointed out that Hunter in twenty fourteen got three and a half million dollars a wire transfer from the First Lady of Moscow, who's a corrupt Russian oligarch. We know that they had a joint bank account set up with a Chinese national connected to the Chinese Communist Party that would fund one hundred thousand dollars shopping spree for zero experience Hunter and his family. Then we had the the Kazakh oligarch in twenty fourteen, over one hundred and forty thousand dollars wired to Hunter Biden's firm earmark for a brand new car for zero experience. Hunter. What does this all have in common? No experience and energy, private equity, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, China, nun whatsoever. And and you know it's all chronicled here. Okay, So now that's just the Grassley and Ron Johnson report. Now you've got this, okay, is it valid? Now? Most politicians, if if you said you had Hunter Biden's hard drive. Think about this for a minute now, I've only been briefed by peep somebody that says they saw it. I have not seen it, so I cannot independently verify it. But it's now being reported by the New York Post, by the way, the country's oldest newspaper, now one of the I think that's the fifth largest in terms of distribution in the country. And they are reporting these emails. Among other things, they're publishing pictures of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth while he's embed asleep, passed out, clearly from smoking crack. Now, either you deny it, or you have your lawyers send out a cease and desist, or I'm going to sue the crap out of you if it's not true, none of which has happened. None, None of that has happened. The only thing we've learned is that in the case of they just say it's not true, well, oh no, we couldn't have possibly had contact with the guy from Barism. It wasn't on his calendar. That doesn't mean anything of the pictures of Hunter or not of Hunter. Are they manufactured? Are they fake? Are they doctored? Yes or no? You'd have a right to know. Can you explain this three and a half million dollars wire from the first Lady of Moscow, this Russian oligarch. Can you explain the one hundred and forty thousand dollars wire transfer earmark for a new car with this Kazakh oligarch. Can you explain this this this expensive shopping spree with a Chinese national. Can you explain why Joe leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars to get a prosecutor fired in six hours, which each successfully did that we now know was investigating zero experience hunter being paid millions? Can we not going to answer us to any of these questions because it seems like, in spite of Joe saying the one thing that he knew nothing about his son's business dealings, all these emails show that in fact, Joe knew all about it, even going as far now we're also talking about illegal let's just call it underage videos and pictures that it might be a part of this. Now we have the question of okay, well, Ron Johnson has written Director Ray of the FBI, so I've not been impressed with at all. He's not shown me any willingness that he wants to clean up the world's premier law enforcement agency, which is so sad for the ninety nine percent of rank and file agents to bust their ass every day and are proud of what they do and do everything by the book, and they risk their lives to protect all of us. That's all. Now we can't even ask Joe a question because Joe isn't even leaving his house at this point. And rightly, House Republicans are calling for a special prosecutor to probe the Biden family corruption allegations, and I think the Attorney General needs to now seriously consider doing it. You have House Republicans demanding to know from Director Ray, Okay, did you really have this hard drive? Do you have this hard drive? Can you confirm what is on the hard drive is accurate and true? Can you tell the American people, because I think that's something they probably would need to know or want to know before they vote in this election, although twenty eight million Americans apparently have already voted, so we don't get it. It's unbelievable. I'll tell you my biggest fear. If you look through the whole Russia collusion, Trump Russia, Trump, Russia, Trump Russia, lie and the one percent that abused power. There's never been a Democrat has there that has ever said, remember with the bulk of information to get the FISA warrant denying Carter Page's civil rights and civil liberties, constitutional rights that allowed the FBI to spy on a president, spy on a presidential campaign, spy on a transition team. You know, then we find out that Hillary Clinton had paid for even the New York Time has acknowledged likely Russian disinformation from the beginning, funnels money through a law firm to an op research firm, to Christopher Steele, former m I six guy, who's his subsource, who's his source? Well, somebody that is known to the FBI in January of twenty seventeen as number one, having denied that any of it's true. And secondly that this was a somebody they knew to be a Russian contact with Russian ties for over a decade. They've known this. Now one Democrat ever spoke out. Now, I don't hear any Democrats speaking out against court packing, just the opposite and the now saying you know what, I'm very open to packing the courts. I normally wouldn't be, but I am now and getting rid of the legislative filibuster and DC statehood and other whatever else. I guess they want to turn a state so they'll have a Democratic Senate majority in perpetuity. Fifteen million Americans will offer them something of value. It's called citizenship. In the hopes that well, at least seventy five eight percent of the people that get free citizenship in spite of not respecting our laws, our borders, and sovereignty, well hopefully they'll all vote Democrat for generations to come. This is all on the ballot in fifteen days. And I'm just telling you, if they then implement the stated agenda, where it's going to be government run, wound to the tomb, cradled to grave, education, pre K through college, student loan forgiveness, guaranteed government jobs and wages and vacations and healthy food and healthcare and retirement and everything's free, free free will of course, ban fracking. And you know, we're just we're lying to the they're just lying to the people of Pennsylvania. Now they're on they're on the record too many times saying that they're gonna ban fracking. You gotta believe them. The only reason that they're not they're pulling back temporarily is and they will give in to the radical base. Does anyone really think that Joe's going to be in charge? Because he's not. I don't think he has the physical strength, the mental alertness, or acuity to be president. Now many people agree with me. Apparently you can't even ask the question. You know, now he's going to take off four days because he's got a whole ninety minute debate with President Trump coming up, and and that would be due too too taxing for him. And the three days in a row that he went out on the campaign trail last week all became unmitigated disasters. So be the biggest power graph. We'll we'll never get the country back. And I know all the you know, these forces have aligned, the mob, the media ninety nine percent of them, and the Democratic Party and rhino establishment Republicans. I mean they're putting everything they've got. You got big tech companies now joining in, and it's all just one big effort to stop Donald Trump, who they have hated every second, every minute, every hour of every day since this man and his wife Malania came down the escalator at Trump Tower. It's all on the ballot in fifteen days. I hope you understand this is a real clear their stated agenda and power grab I think becomes irreparable harm. I don't see your way back. I don't, at least not now. Maybe you can help me out. And as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, you know, there is times when you just gotta stop and you got to say, Okay, this is really good news. Now when you have the Health and Human Services Secretary say we're this close on a vaccine and we're this close on these therapeutics now, which you know, imagine in record time, considering Corona first to January twenty first of this year. It is an amazing accomplishment. Let's take politics out of it. Think of America's medical researchers. They devote There are people that devote their entire lives to single viruses and the study of how to save other human beings lives. You have medical researchers constantly working on therapeutics, vaccines are doctors are first responded to. Just amazing people and you just got to just be in awe of their intellect. Their drive, their desire, what you know, the fact that they they're driven to do this, They're driven to come up with an answer this. You know, I you know, I know we put our sports stars on pedestals all the time, but when are we ever gonna put like great scientists. You know, they get an award nobody knows. I guess they know, and they get great satisfaction in doing it. And it is pretty amazing that we're those close. It really is. All right, I'm gonna go over what we know, what we can tell you about zero experience Hunter, We're gonna get to that. We're gonna go over some of the polling where it matters, why it matters, will explain in a little more detail what I mean about these institutional forces aligned against the president, and what states that I am most concerned about, and which states really are going to make all the difference in this election, and how you are the only ones out there that committigate what these establishment politicians, media people, big tech companies want to do to the country. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour, and just fifteen days, two weeks from today Election day USA. It was a study that has come out As we were reported last week, the last three years, median householding come under Donald Trump has risen over four thousand, four hundred dollars from where it stood at the end of the Biden Obama administration. Don't forget, along with thirteen million more Americans on food stamps and eight million more in poverty. Household income under the eight years of Biden. Obama only a thousand bucks over eight years, And don't forget, not only did you not save money on Obamacare, you lost your doctor, you lost your plan, and everybody's paying on average two hundred percent more. According to a bipartisan study put together by both members of the Trump administration, the Obama administration, the Clinton administration, biden Omics, Biden's economic program Bolshevik Bernie and Biden's plan would shrink the average American family household wealth by a whopping six hundred sixth them sorry, six thousand, five hundred bucks. Hooper Institution study examines Biden's proposals on healthcare, taxes, energy regulation. I think that's the low side. If fully implemented, it would mean by twenty thirty four point nine million fewer working Americans two point six trillion less in GDP and six thousand, five hundred less in median household income. Well, what is that? It's everything, I say, socialism's history of failure. Everything is going to be free, free, free, And what do you get, like Obamacare, you get broken promises and you create more poverty. That was the whole point of chapter four, A Live, Free or Die. Apparently Biden now has taken to wearing two masks at the same time he did when he went to North Carolina. Okay, two, well one two Ron Johnson. Now he sent a letter to the FBI Director Ray asking, Okay, do you have this hard drive? Now, he already had put out his eight and Paige Report with Charles Grassley, is interim report that chronicle the Russian and Kazakh and Ukrainian oligarchs and Russian and Ukrainian and Kazakh and Chinese nationals and all of the Moneys and all the wirings and everything that we've reported on he was on with Maria bart Romo and anyway, then he said and acknowledged the possibility this Sunday that the FBI is investigated whether there was child pornography on this laptop and hard drive that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden and anyway, So Maria asked Ron Johnson about a report that the FBI subpoena for the laptop appeared to show that the FBI agent who served it was someone named Joshua Wilson. I had not known this Star Ledger report published last year an FBI agent with that name spent nearly five years investigating child pornography. But it remains unclear if this is the same Wilson that and what exactly the Bureau was investigating here. And Maria twice asked Johnson if he knows of any connection, and he said, quote, I think you just made the connection. And he said again, this is what the FBI I think has to come clean about. In other words, did they have this? And if they had it during impeachment, why wouldn't they have revealed it considering considering its relevancy to every argument Democrats were making as it relates to impeachment. Pressed again on the issue, the Senator Johnson said he couldn't comment any further, and he said, I don't want to speculate other than to say what I have said publicly before. Is our report uncovered so many troubling connections, so many things that need to be investigated that I really think we're just scratching the surface. And yes, I have heard all kinds of things that I think will probably be revealed over the next few days. That's what I'm hearing too. But I'm not going to get over my skis on this. I'm just not based on what I'm hearing. Do I think a lot of this is going to pan out to be true? My gut tells me yes, But I'm going with what I know now, and when I know something to be true, we bring it to you. Johnson and Grassley they put their report out. It was specific talked about all these different countries, all these wire transfers, all of the lack of experience, zero experience Hunter. We've been able to now corroborate Peter Schweitzer his access to one of Hunter Biden's business partners. You know, he's in jail, and then also Devin Archer now apparently waiting to be sentenced, and you know, nobody's gone over the transcripts of little Peter Sweitzer is going over all of that. So you know, I think we do need a special prosecutor in the case. I think sooner rather than later would be better. At Cliff says that Hunter Biden's laptop and emails are not part of some Russian disinformation campaign. That's like Adam Shifts answered everything. It must be Russian disinformation. Marco Rubio saying Biden and packing the court the dirty little secret Dems don't want to reveal. That's only the tip of the iceberg. Packing the court is just one aspect of their power crab. Then it's going to be you know, DC statehood and a Senate majority in perpetuity for the Democrats. Then it's gonna be amnesty for fifteen million people in America that didn't respect our laws, our border, our sovereignty, and the hopes that well, if we give something of really big value to you, maybe you'll continue to vote for us. You know, But how is it possible that Joe gets to stay in hiding the whole week? The whole week? By the way, six thousand and seven hundred vehicles joined the bikers and the cars and the truckers for Trump Road Rally in Philadelphia and Philly suburb This Saturday. Biden delivered a speech in front of a round fas socially Yes, I was there. I saw this rally. It drove past me in my neighborhood. It was incredible. The six thousand, seven hundred dude. It was on the Newtown Bypass in Pennsylvania, and I happened to be coming to a light and I see this giant rig. It had more American flags and Trump flags than I have seen in for I couldn't believe it. I was like, what is happening right now? And then I realized, oh my god, this is it. It was great. Um, the president now is criss crossing. He's doing at least two rallies a day now every day, even leading into this debate on Thursday. But Joe was hiding one Biden surrogate on the Hunter's emails. I don't think anybody is saying that they are inauthentic or not. What kind of answer is that Biden campaign surrogate Jenna Arnold set on Fox News Sunday or set on America's news headquarters. So much this is unconfirmed? Okay, well, okay, j Jenna, It's real simple. You say it's unconfirmed, tell us what parts are not true? Hunter. Biden knows what emails he has and hasn't sent are you saying in the campaign saying that these emails aren't his? It's unclear to me. Can anyone say that these emails are inauthentic? And so far I haven't heard anybody say that. Yeah, I think that's fair. I don't think anybody's saying how did they look if something this explosive? You know that, and it's already been printed in papers around the world. You know of Hunter Biden with our crack pipe and and we're told this so much worse here. If it's not true, where's the season desist letters? Why is Hunter Biden's attorney begging Rudy Giuliani's attorney and Steve Bannon and the guy that owned that repair shop to get the hard drive back, which apparently he had signed off on. You know, if he didn't come back and pay the freight, that he gives up ownership of it. And again, did Director Ray get them or not get them? I mean, it's that simple. I mean, how is it a Biden surrogate can't just say straight up, no, we have you know, they're they're inauthentic, they're not real. And again, this is separate and apart from what we've been covering which is quid pro quote Joe Zero, experience Hunter and the grass Lee Johnson Report. I mean nobody, nobody's saying a word. It's just no. This is just corrupt. That's it, Okay. Is anyone in the media mom going to ask the question? And how does big tech companies now get to step in and decide they published every Russian lie imaginable that never existed, no apologies whatsoever? And did what were their pictures? Were their meetings with these business partners from abroad that Joe Biden was a part of, And was Joe Biden complicit in these dealings with his inexperienced son that's making all these millions and millions and millions of dollars. And Peter Schweitzer was on this program Friday, you know, laying out how his business partner you know, is now flipped and handed over twenty six thousand emails to Peter Schweitzer and Peters testified to the you know, been on this program. It believes them to be wholly legitimate coming from this guy's account. Devin Archer, the other partners waiting to be sentenced to go to jail, how did he do he had no experience in Kazakhstan, no experience in Ukraine, no experience in Russia, no experience in oil energy, no experience in private equity none. How's he getting billion dollar deals and multi multimillion dollar deals? Source alleges on alleged Hunter Biden email chain verifies the message about the Chinese investment firm. Foxnews reported this one of the many people on that email threat allegedly involving Hunter Biden, had corroborated as to the veracity of the messages, which appear to outline a payment. A payout for former Vice President Joe Biden is part of this Chinese energy firm. Emails dated May thirteenth, twenty seventeen, obtained by Foxnews so on foxnews dot com includes a discussion of renumeration packages for six people in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm. The email appeared to identify Hunter Biden as chair vice chair depending on the agreement with this Chinese energy company CEFC and which is now bankrupt. The email then includes a note that quote Hunter has some office expectations that he will elaborate on and a proposed equity split references twenty for h and ten held by h Hunter, just guessing for the big guy. No explanation who the big guy is? Huh? Who would be the bigger guy in this I guess the vice president. So more trouble also for Joe, as Ukrainian lawmakers are now claiming a second laptop belonging to Hunter's business contacts in the country have been seized by law enforcement. I mean, how do you the mob and the media, big tech companies are going to protect the Biden campaign from all of this? Wow? The email apparently the Daily Caller I believe was had it out. Apparently the computer shop owner released the email that he got from Hunter. And now big you know, now we've got fallout, all this censorship from you know, the biggest campaign donations from this election cycle by far ever in the history of elections in this country are big tech firms and the media. Bob, They're just they're doing everything in their power to only report bad news on Trump and protect Joe Biden. Joe would would Donald Trump be able to hide for a week before debate? How is that possible? Now? The states that we got to look at here are real for a Republican to win, it's not easy. You gotta get Florida and Ohio start there. You gotta do well in Georgia, North Carolina, and I'm seeing anecdotally there in terms of early voting is concerning to me. And and if you're in North Carolina, your vote's gonna matter a lot. Iowa, same thing, Arizona the same thing. Those would be three states that I'm somewhat concerned about. Nevada I think can be put in play. Then you've got to, you know, then you gotta run the table and pick off of Michigan where we have some polls out Now, which one was it? I guess Tafalger had, Yeah, Tafalger had the president up by a point less than a percentage point. Not it's you know, too close for comfort. The only one by ten thousand votes in twenty sixteen in Michigan, didn't win by a lot in Wisconsin, only one by forty four thousand votes in Pennsylvania. And you have to pick off, you know, some combination of one of those states at least, especially Michigan or Pennsylvania, big important states, or you start looking elsewhere. And when you start looking elsewhere, that's not good. And the media is not going to do anything between now and election day, and they're going to do everything they can do to protect Joe. Unbelievable. There are three hundred and fifty three counties, according to the Epic Times, with one point eight million more registered voters than residents. Great, you gotta be kidding me that we have to deal with this now anyway. The press is asking Biden, what are you? What is your favorite milkshake? What flavor did you get? He survided, He surbiding, what flavor did you get? One of the Facebook experts in charge of election integrity formerly worked as a policy advisor to Joe Biden on Ukraine. Oh what a shock. Social media backlash now resurrected over Biden's transition team ties to Facebook and Twitter, and Ron Johnson is pressing Ray on the validity of this Biden laptop claim. We need to know, and we need to know now, not after the election, Director Ray, where have you been all right? Just fifteen days? You are the ultimate jury. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn our toll free telephone number, not our first rodeo together had the great honor, privileged pleasure being part of history. The night that New King Ridge became the speaker in nineteen ninety four. We've been friends before that and ever since, and colleagues obviously on the Fox News Channel. We've been through a lot of election cycles together. Um, I don't think we've ever seen media bias like we've seen like we see it today. I don't think we've had this problem with big tech companies and between the media mob and the tech companies. And it's incalculable how much they are really donating to all things electing Biden. And by the way, you do know that Joe Biden has called the lid on the week he took off Saturday, did one event Sunday. Now we won't see him again until Thursday night. Did you hear about that? Yeah? Well, look, I think if if you were Joe Biden, you'd try to get away. But if you could, there's nothing he's going to do in public that's going to help him. And I watched him on Sunday in North Carolina and it was a critic and he had I think he had about sixty cars in a parking lot beeping their horns compared to twelve to twenty thousand people in each the Trump events. So there's no he's going to do it that way. There's not much profit to Biden being out on the road, and frankly, I think his people believe that the polls are good. Nothing in this kind of coach to victory, which is I think a devastating mistakes. But I think that's where they are. That sounds it looks very reminiscent of Hillary's cavalier attitude to Falger. This weekend had the president up by one in Michigan. Matt Towery, who we both love and respect, had the President down three in Pennsylvania but up three in Florida. I'm a little bit more nervous than I normally would be in a state like North Carolina or a state like Arizona. But with that said, there are many ways to get to two hundred and seventy electoral votes. How do you see this campaign fifteen days out? Because at the bottom of all of it, I'll add too, is I don't think you can pull Donald Trump as a politician. I don't believe he's somebody that you can accurately Paul No. I think I think you you take whatever there was all days they had five to seven, and he has some idea where Trump is partially because the media oppression is so intense that people just want to say his name because they don't want to be attack to ostracide. They will let you um to turnout in far as the day has been enormous. A good friend of mine, Steve Epenheim, who lives on Kiba's Game with my daughter Kathy and her husband Paula. He said me and said that he was out there for an hour and a half at the beginning of listen to the first day when you want end to vote, and he said it was six or seven to one Trump. It was just amazing as he was standing there with his Trump sign and people to wave at him and honked their horns and certific policeman he saw with pro Trump. Then the thing didn't happen over in Tampa, where no different mentality sent me a note and the front page of the Tampa paper was massive conservative tide, and Moody took it off their website because obviously the guy who wrote at Headland didn't realize how up copiate it was. But it gives you a flavor of what so. I think Florida is going to be very solid for Trump. I think that Michigan actually going end up being for Trump. And I think that John James is going to win the Senate seat up there, which would be a big, big victory for Miss McConnell and for the Republican parties are really talented, attractive candidates. So I think there's the other thing that nobody can factor. Yet maybe you might be able to. I can't. I think the Biden scandal is going to get bigger and bigger very fast, and people are going to realize it's not just about a computer, it's not just about Ukraine. It's about Russia, it's about Kazakstone, it's about Romania, it's about China, and it probably involves several hundred million dollars. And I think, and one of my goals is to Shane Welker, the debate moderator on Thursday, into asking Biden about this, and how can you have a debate with a scandal on this scale and not ask the candidate, for example, when because she's she's an Obama Biden Democrat. I mean, how does the Presidential Debate Commission get, you know, pull this off every year? Well, I'm for abolishing it, but that's a that's a different story. But I honestly, she has some professional pride, and all of us out of this time, you know, just just coonhound her and say, you know, a professional obligation. You know, when when when Hunter Biden writes an email to one of his children says, I'm not going to make you give me half your income the way my father has, you should have to ask yourself. I wonder what that meant. And when I said we're putting ten percent of this deal aside for the big guy, you kind of going, Okay, I wonder who the big guy was. So this malarkey because doesn't get to Joe Biden. It's not gonna last another I don't think more than three more days, and it will be obviously to you. Scandal involves foreign dictatorships and that Joe Biden has been just plain lying about it. How can anybody believe that Biden did not know that his son was involved in multimillion dollar deals in Russia, Ukraine and China. But look at where we are. Every big tech companies won't even allow a link to the article. You don't have to believe it, but they won't even let people see it, which again is I can't calculate the amount of money that would represent in terms of a campaign donation. And then you've got the rest of the media. Remember, you know, Joe is on tape saying you're not getting the billion I'm leaving in six hours. You're not getting a billion in US taxpayer dollars unless you fire that prosecutor of Victor Shokin who's investigating my son who went on GMA and said he had no experience and energy oil gas, or the country of Ukraine who's getting paid millions. Now they just ignored that a real quid and a real pro and a real quo and real corruption. And then one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China. There's no media coverage of that. What makes you think, you know, three and a half million from the from a Russian oligarch or money for a new car from a Kazakh oligarch is going to make a difference. Now, look, well, I think of your point, which is the marking people have to learn about it. And I've been encouraged because the President has been talking about it. That is stop. And the fact is the President I said, it's has inability to reach an amazing number of people. And I think that he is helping elevate this. The Lasses Journal's been helping elevated you know. It's it's glad he's getting interaction and people like you and Russia have an impact on it. I'll tell you, sitting in Italy, the Italian newspapers have picked it up and they get They get it one hundred percent. So we answer the people over there talking to us about it as those you know, just a just another scandal down in the street. But I don't think they can see the bottled up. I do think it's going to break loose. I do think the campaigns have Trump Campaigns to do some advertising on it. But I also think as long as the President is going to keep pushing it that it will get on life its. The other thing is going to happen is you're going to see more stories coming out, not just a new Post, I think the Wall Street Journal, others. You're going to start seeing stories come out that are that are very compelling and that involve a lot more information, a lot more facts, and make the whole thing look a lot sicker. You and I must be talking to many of the same people, because I've been told stay tuned, this is going to be a big week. Have you heard the same? Oh? Yeah, But people like John Solomon, who has done just a great job, Peter Schweitzer, a number of people out there doing the research right now, pushing me very hard. And I also have some other personal friends who invest talking to people who were business partners or Hunter Biden who say absolutely they apple clad now to testify. And you're going to see these kind of people coming out of the woodwork this week. And the truth is, Senator Ron Johnson has done a great job. I recommend to everybody listening to us. There's an eighty five page report from the Johnson's committee that you can get. It's available online four four. It's devastating, devastating. I'll put it up on Hannity dot com now. It is devastating in terms of all of these countries and oligarchs and nationals and the money flowing to this Biden family quote enterprise if you will. Yeah. And I think, by the way, if the President would simply hold up a copy of that and tell people how to get it, the number of people who started reading that and seen Shang or their friends and neighbors, you would rapidly change a full debate because it would become an objects as the president's time beside the clock. The imagine if there was these allegations against any of the Trump kids and a picture you know, now they've gone viral pictures of you know, one of the Trump kids with a crack pipe in his mouth as an as an adult smoking crack and asleep in a bed. And then you look at the follow the money, and you follow Russian oligarchs, Kazakh oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs, Chinese nationals, Russian nationals, Ukrainian nationals, Kazakhstan nationals, all these countries that all of these wire transfers, they're all they're all chronicled in that report. And now the question is where's Director Ray and how long has he had this hard drive? I'm not even referring to the hard drive with that information. Well along that line, by the way, we also have a very clear position where Lawn Johnson, Senator Johnson has written Ray and said, you know, when did you get this what did you do with it? Because supposedly the FBI has had this computer since last December, and it's just it's amazing how much they try to hide from being held accountable. And being responsible. That means they had it all during impeachment. Mister speaker, this would be called relevant evidence. Well, it would be influence about a Republican How dangerous when you look at the idea that they're going to pack the courts, they're going to end the legislative filibuster. They're gonna make DC probably Puerto Rico, you know, grant statehood, which would be four democratic senators, so they think, in other words, a democratic majority in the Senate and perpetuity. They're going to give something of great value to fifteen million people, which is people that didn't respect our laws, our borders and sovereignty, citizenship which I assume they would expect to get votes down the line, and some loyalty for that great gift. To me, that's the biggest power grab we've ever seen in one hundred and fifty years. And I don't I don't know how you go back and mitigate that at any point. I think if we leave in two weeks, the country's genuinely deeply in trouble, and you see it already with these these powerful institutions, I mean, Twitter and Facebook could be leaving as though they were the Chinese Communist Party. This is the kind of censorship you get in Bedging, not in the United States, and it's absolutely unconsfortable. And if we win, I'm pretty sure we're going to pass some reform bills that would make them legally liable when they undertake actions that cause the economic harm to people. All right, fifteen days to go. You've got these major institutions, big tech companies, the mob, and the media just all in for Biden. Never I've never witnessed at this bad and you had a pretty bad as speaker. So how does this end. You've seen a lot of election cycles. You're usually not wrong that I can't remember a time you have been wrong your thoughts, look, I cast things wrong, But this one, I think the key question is very simple. Americans historically do not like giant institutions bullying them, whether it's Standard Oil or the railroads, or AT and T or IBM. Now we have a very long history of average, everyday Americans just saying that's crazy, and I'm not going to put up with them. And if any point, I think the way in which they blocked the New York Post story on Hunter Biden's computer probably quick googled the number of people paying attention to it because they look up some and said, oh, what's that all about? And I think that we have to be very militant. The President has to keep campaigning. We have to stick to the Biden corruption story. We have to stick to the economic story of the Trump recovery versus a Biden depression. And we have to stick to the fact that the President saved two million lives with COVID and Biden was opposed to virtually every single step for the first three months. So if we do that, the President wins reelection, we pick up seats in the Senate, and we to capture a majority of come close in the House. And that's because I think or if it doesn't happen, we're doomed. If it doesn't happen, we're in deep you know what. That's right, We're in deep trouble at that point. We're in deep trouble at that point. It's not the first time, but this would be the worst. As an American, I am an optimist. Like Donald Reagan. I always believe you ain't seen nothing yet, and therefore I think that you and I are going to have a grea election night. And people are Nancy Pelosi are just going to be miserable. Well, if we hear those words, imagine the media mob. It's worth the price of admission. We can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected forty fifth president. That would be worth the price of admission. Mister speaker, thank you when we come back. John Solomon and Greg Jarrett on the Ukraine scandal that is growing straight ahead, lyon and hide and Joe Biden? Which is about it? I mean, I think the biggest untold mystery because you're now dealing with a week in frail, cognitively struggling and hiding Joe Biden. How can he be back in Delaware? How does he take the weekend off and literally be off the campaign trail until Thursday night's debate with Donald Trump? How is that possible? You know, I took off Saturday, did one event on Sunday. Now he's off for the rest of the week. It's like the Manurion hiding, you know, half a corpse candidate. I mean, this is pretty unprecedented and of course aided abetted by the mob, the media, by the Democratic Party. Everybody knows this is happening, but then they just hate their hatred of Donald Trump supersedes anything else, and their desire for power as well. This is the best strategy ever. Just don't ever show the candidate, don't let him speak. Pretty unbelievable here. I want to go back. Ron Johnson has been all over his demanding Director Ray rightly answer the question is, okay, do you have Hunter Biden's emails all the things we're reading that are on it? Is that all there? And if you have it and have had it, why haven't you done anything with it? Which wouldn't surprise any of us on this program. Joe Biden said, all right, I'm no involvement with my son's international business deals. Well, that lie has been blown out of the water, and we've watched him over and over again. We can't forget about the one point five billion with the Bank of China after flying with Daddy. That was about ten days after that trip. He meets with Chinese businessman during that trip on Air Force too. And of course we have zero experience with China, Chinese investments, private equity, or any of these issues, just like Barisma, and he signs a deal, gets one hundred thousand dollars shopping spree with a Chinese national We see money wire transfers with Russian oligarchs, Kazakh oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs, Russian nationals, Chinese nationals, Kazakh nationals, Chinese nationals. I mean we're talking. You know, how did he get three and a half million dollars from a corrupt Russian oligarch? And how did he get you know, one hundred and forty thousand from a Kazakh oligarch a wired money so he can get a brand new car. I mean, why do you think they're buying the influence here? Anyway? So this weekend, Ron Johnson was on with our friend Maria Barrett to romo, I want to play a little bit of this because it's very important what he's saying public. Of course, people talking to the whistleblower. We've spoken with him as well. It seems like he got this sooner than December twenty nineteen and tried to turn it over the FBI. I think initially they weren't particularly interested in it, but at some point in time they became interested in it and actually issued a grand jury subpoena which they served on him in December, and that's when the f guy would have taken a custody of this computer that's purported to be hunter Biden's. Now, I think it's pretty odd that quote. Honestly that the Biden campaign. All they've really done to refute nia this is say that the meeting that one of these emails revealed that Vice President Biden had with the number three in control of Barissima never showed up in his official calendar. But there's all kinds of meetings that didn't show up in his official calendar. This one surprised me. This one didn't. Now. The first thing we did after we got contacted by the whistle bloord the day after we issued our report on Ukraine, was we contact the FBI term is this story true? Is you know, can you verify any of this? And took of a couple of days to basically give us no information. So I just said another letter yesterday, because the FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this is maybe you know, rush of disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing. They should tell us about that if, for example, they also believe that when the information this whistle blower gave us as fraudulent, they would also be a crime and the FBI should tell us fat So we're trying to sus out of the FBI. What do they know and when did they know it? But the larger question really is if they had this information, and these are genuine emails and it would probably reveal all kinds of things that would have been very relevant to the impeachment case, why did they sit on it? What are they covering up just because Hunter Biden might be engaged in things that also maybe should have been investigated and possibly prosecuted. Do we have two systems of justice, one for Democrats, one for Republicans, one for the well connected, versus one for the rest of Americans. I think that's really probably the larger issue you're at play, all right, Joining us now. John Solomon, Editor in chief just thenews dot com and author of the book A bestseller, Fallout. Greg Jarrett, host of The Brief, his new podcast, an author of two number one bestsellers, The Russia Hoax and The Witch Hunt. I love how Adam Shift races out there. This is all Russian disinformation. There's no denial here, John Solomon, and just what Ron Johnson and Senator Grassley put in their report is bad enough. Now the question is what did Ray know? Has Ray validated this hard drive that everybody's talking about, how bad is it? And if he hasn't done it, why hasn't it he done it? And how much do we know that is coming out now is true? It's a great question right in. The FBI probably knows the answers to all those questions. And they're like they've done so many times in the Russia pro before this, they're keeping mom. They're not helping the American people. They're not giving us transparency. And when you think about the timing of that subpoena, we now know for sure that the FBI issued a subpoenim for the hard drive. That's been confirmed to me that there was a subpoenim that was issued for the hard drive. They obtained this evidence in December of twenty nineteen, right as the impeachment trial is beginning. If this evidence is real, it's extraordinary exculpatory evidence to the president during his impeachment trial. Why the president is being impeached for asking for an investigation of Joe Briden. There's evidence on this our drive that Joe Biden and the Sun were engaged in corruption. It would have been extraordinarily material to the impeachment proceedings against the president. And yet the FBI sat on it and was quiet, and they remained quiet. Now two weeks before election day, when the American people demand to no one answer. I mean, and the great Irony Greg Jared. It's sort of like the Russia hoax, right, I mean, we have the deleted emails on Anthony Wiener's laptop that seemed like Joe James Comey had no intention of bringing that forward until he was he was forced to by local law enforcement in New York. And what we have here is if Director Ray has us, what are your sources telling you about the authenticity of all of this that it's legitimate and true. Why hasn't Joe Biden said that it's not Hunters computer? Why hasn't Joe Biden said that the emails are not Hunters? Is conspicuous silence tells me, and it should tell everybody that these are authentic and legitimate emails. If it were otherwise, Joe Biden would be howling, and so it would his campaign. And so the next question is what crimes were committed? Were crimes committed? Absolutely, it's a felony for a public official, a vice president of the United States, for example, to confer a benefit granting a billion dollars in USA to a foreign government Ukraine in exchange for something of value to himself or a relative in this particular case. But Greg, this is the insanity of all of impeachment is there really was a quid pro quel. There really was zero experience Hunter, there really was a demand to fire the prosecutor leveraging a billion tax dollars. You know, we knew that from the beginning. We didn't know about the First Lady of Moscow's three and a half million. We didn't know about the Kazakh oligarch wiring money. We didn't know how deep the ties went to Chinese nationals and the Communist Party and even the military officials with the Bank of China deal or the shopping spree that now is being reported. I mean, this is a family corruption enterprise. If all of this turns out to be true, it is, and the current FBI Director, Christopher Ray continues to cover this up. Sean, you know, as you well know, I've long called for his termination. He must be fired, and he must be fired now. President Trump must act The truth will never be exposed until Christopher Ray is sacked from his job as director of the FBI. He is James Comey in disguise. He's ruthless, he's unscrupulous, he's unprincipled, he's corrupt. And you know, my own gripe with President Trump is that he hasn't fired Christopher Ray. My second gripe would be appointing Christopher Ray, but it's long overdue. And imagine walking into Christopher Wray's office, there would be a treasure trope of evidence of illegality and corruption by Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, who is nothing more than a grifter. They were on the take, they were accepting money from foreign sources, and that's influenced pedaline. It's corruption, you know, but it's he got all of these major institutional forces, John Solomon, and that is there really weren't a lot of us that were digging deep that ultimately found out all that we did about Hillary's dirty Russian misinformation dossier, and the fact that they knew all along that it was not verifiable, and the fact that they knew in early January that the source that was used by Christopher Steele was known to the FBI for over a decade to be in a Russian asset. So all of this happened that allowed it to happen Anyway, I didn't think anything like that can happen. This seems to rival that entire enterprise on steroids almost here. But Joe goes into hiding for a week with just seventeen days or fifteen days to go to election day. Well you saw why right on Friday night when the CBS reporter tried to ask him about it at at the plane stop in Michigan, the Vice President attacked the reporter for asking the question. Well, you know when President Trump gets asked the question, he answers the question. Joe Biden has not been willing to answer the question. And I think the problem is he doesn't have an answer for this. And you look at the Biden family. When Hunter Biden's payday started coming in in twenty thirteen and twenty fourteen, right, that's when the China deal comes in. Then the Baris medial comes in. Joe Biden is up to debt in a big way. He's got a negative balance sheet, the larger loans and income coming in, larger debts. He's got a home equity line of credit, he's got a large mortgage, he's a vice president, almost no net worth. Now when he comes in twenty twenty, he's worth millions of dollars. How did that happen? Did Hunter Biden and his businesses have any role in Joe Biden scoring a payday after he left office. These are questions that the American people deserve to know, and we've been kept from it by the FBI, by Joe Biden in his campaign, by the other Democrats who yell Russia misinformation about everything, whether it's not or is. There's an effort to keep us from getting the truth. And the American people deserve better, We really do. If this was the Trump family and there was a picture one of the Trump kids with our crack pipe in his mouth that ended up in one of our nation's newspapers, you know that the media, if those questions would arise for the Trump family, Greg Jarrett, they'd be all over it. Well they would. It would be front page, double headline, above the fold. And you'll notice in the New York Times there's nothing, nothing, not a word about this. And there is obviously a double standard here in the media. The media is complicit in this. They are, along with Christopher Ray and the FBI, they're covering this up. They're hiding it from the American people. And you know, if the son of a presidential candidate, at one time a vice president of the United States extorted or bribed a foreign government to fire a prosecutor who is investigating the Sun's company, Barisma, that the media would be demanding that Trump be pulled from the Oval office and thrown into jail and resigned. And yet here you have the evidence, which is pretty compelling and overwhelming, that Joe Biden did this and his son did this, and yet there is not a word from the media. They are covering this up because they hate Donald Trump. They loathed his conservative policies. And as a lawyer, I find this reprehensible. All right, take a quick break more, Greg Jarrett and John Solomon on the other side. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. Joe has taken the rest of the week off, and the hardest question you got this weekend was what is it? What kind of milkshake did your order? Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program News Round Up, Information Overload Hour. We'll get into the big tech companies and their massive, huge donation, all things Biden straight ahead as we continue, Greg Jarrett and just the News editor in chief John Solomon with us. All Right, so we've got fifteen days to go, not a lot of time. We only have one more debate that's Thursday. The debate moderators are liberal thirty seconds each, John Solomon. Will this story get the traction that it deserves? I do believe so. I think we're going to find out there are more whistleblowers beyond the laptop provider, and I think that's going to start to eke out over the next few days. And I think when people get a complete picture of what's going on, this will get more and more traction. Greg Jarrett, I would never rely on the media this out. The President needs to bring it out and his surrogates. He needs to raise the question in Thursday's debate and put it squarely to the face of Joe Biden. Are you corrupt? Is your son corrupt? How do you explain this information? The last time in the last debate, Biden said, well, this has been discredited and debunked, and the President said by home, and Biden of course was silent in his answer because it's been debunked by no one. The evidence is there for Americans to see. They need to see it, they need to read it, they need to know it. All right, here we go, fifteen days to go. You are the ultimate jury. The president by the way out and about all week and long? What was Joe did one stop took off Saturday, one stop Sunday in North Carolina. Now he's there's a lid on all campaigning for the rest of the week. Just you know, well, why answer questions you know that are so tough, like what kind of milk shakes you do order? Sir? The one time he got one question about zero experienced hunter, it didn't go well. Your post story about your tutor, I know you'd ask good I have no response. It's another smear campaign right up your ally. The other questions you always ask a smear campas called accusing CBS, their state run television, for crying out loud, with the exception of like Catherine Herriage, that's the only one that will give you a good news over there anyway. So but he has been asked the tough questions about well, what is what is your milkshake? What kind of milkshake did you order? It? Was? Donald Trump ever been asked this? Now, I'm telling you that in fifteen days, You've got to understand something here. I've never seen such powerful institutional forces aligning to to impact the outcome of an election as we are currently witnessing. Now. We've known about media bias for years, It's never been this bad. It is every second, every minute, every hour of every day. And it's been that way and getting worse from the day that Donald J. Trump and Melanie at Trump came down the escalator a Trump Tower. It is now big tech companies. They won't even allow you to decide for yourself whether or not you want to read a news story about zero experience Hunter, which, by the way, it was a big, fabulous double standard and hypocritical moment when they go claiming, well, President Trump is on the phone with President Zelinski and he's pressuring him to do something or else. He's not going to give them the money. And you got Joe Biden on tape, I'm leaving in six hours. You're not getting the billion taxpayer dollars that would be our money. You're not getting the billion dollars I got six hours unless you fire that prosecutor. Who's the prosecutor, guy having the name of Victor Shokin, who's Victor Schokin. He's investigating zero experience hunter who's being paid millions, The same hunter that went on GMA and said, do you have any any background experience and energy? No? Oil, no gas? No? Oh Ukraine no. Why do you think you got the job? And why do you think they're paying you millions? I do knew. Maybe because your father is in charge of Ukrainian policy for the Obama administration. Yeah, probably, that's probably. It goes to China with Daddy and gets a one billion dollar deal with the Bank of China, later a billion five Now Ron Johnson's report lays out even more information of corruption with let's see Chinese nationals hundred thousand dollars shopping sprees, Kazakh oligarch's hundred and forty thousand dollars loan transfers, who the hunter can get an expensive car three and a half million with a Russian oligarch, the first Lady of Moscow, who it turns out, is you know, doing business with zero experience Hunter as well, same with Ukrainian oligarchs. He has no experience with China, Ukraine, no experience and energy or private equity, has no experience in any of these things. Two of his business partners, as we broke wide open on this program with Peter Schweitzer last week, one Devin Archer, is about to be sentenced to go to prison. The other guy that gave our friend Peter Schweitzer twenty six thousand emails that do implicate And this is separate and apart from what the New York Post broke twenty six thousand emails that implicate Hunter Biden. And by the way, in that case, apparently, as Schweitzer was telling us, Hunter's name is mentioned all over that trial. He's in jail, that guy Connor anyway, eight hundred nine for one Seawan Tolfree telephone number. Now you add to all of this the medium mob with big tech and big tech now literally deciding what they they deem okay for you to see, they were all right going along with now the debunked conspiracy theories and hoax that was Trump Russia collusion. The only Russian interference in twenty sixteen was Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for dirty Russian dossier put together by Christopher Steele with funneled money through Perkins Cooey hiring Fusion GPS, and then of course the FBI never verifying it, but signing four FISA applications testifying that it is the bulk of information that ensured they were to have the ability to spy on the Trump campaign, the Trump transition team, and the Trump presidency. That was all her bought and paid for Russian disinformation. And here we are fifteen days out and these big tech companies have liability protection it's known as Section two thirty that shields social media company from liability that would otherwise shape or crush their business model. And the President escalated this push recently in light of what Facebook is now doing, Twitter is doing stuff we've known about and been covering now for a while, and how they treat conservatives and the double standard that exists. Miranda Divine is a calumnist for The New York Post and also joining us Julie Kelly, political commentator, author of Disloyal Opposition, How the never Trump right tried and failed to take down the President. Welcome both of you, Miranda. I mean they won't even they won't even allow the New York Post story to be printed. New York Post is well in the top five in terms of circulation in the country, isn't it It is? And it's you know, the oldest newspaper in the country. It's a scandal. Were now in today five that Twitter has blocked our Twitter account, the ny Post Twitter account. They locked it on Wednesday because they said it violated their rules again distributing hacked material. We haven't distributed hacked material. This is not hacked. What on earth is Twitter talking about? And yet five days later they refused to unlock our account unless we delete emails promoting our legitimate news stories. Unbelievable. So now, but now, did they ever force any of the mainstream media mob from taking down their stories about the phony Donald Trump Russia collusion story, or their phony narrative on General Flynn or you know how many other holkxes were they were they peddling the Ukrainian Holk Trump, Donald Trump's leaked you know, tax returns or Milannia Trump's eaves dropped phone calls that CNN was spreading around on social media. New York Times, Washington Post. They can do whatever they like. But when it comes to The New York Post, we get throttled, our accounts get locked, and you know, it's more more important just than you know, we're not getting distributed on their social media platforms. What that does is it sends a signal to the rest of the media, which doesn't want to cover this story anyway. They're running protections for the Bidens anyway. They're all in the tank for the Biden campaign, just like pictech social media. But it just allows them to have cover and to say, oh well, if if Twitter and Facebook think that the New York Post stories are terrible, then we will we will think they're terrible too. So now they're running stories saying that it's Russian disinformation, which is a joke. It has nothing to do with it. As John Ratcliffe said today in response to Adams Shift claiming that our story came from the Kremlin, I mean, it's a joke. It is ridiculous. This is Hunter Biden's laptop, and you know it's five days and Joe Biden, nor Hunter Biden nor their campaign have ever denied that this is Hunter Biden's laptop and that all the emails and all the material that we've published is genuine, you know, very very important. So, Julie Kelly, So I guess we just have to live with the fact that the media mob ninety nine. I mean, let's be honest, I'm an exception to the rule. There's very few, Uh all right, There's Me, There's Rush, There's Mark, there's you know, the Lars Larsons, It's Joe PAGs, a lot of great local hosts around the country. I don't want I don't want to forget everybody that are really doing great work every day. And there's not all of us at Fox by any means that that support the president and say they support the president. But I do an opinion show. I am a talk show host. We also break news, and we also do investigative reporting, but we do opinion as well, and we're honest about it at least. And so now big tech companies and the media combined are going to donate what will be incalculable billions and billions and billions to help elect Joe Biden. There's no other way to put it from my perspective, Julie Kelly, there isn't, and I mean it would be impossible to calculate what this means to the Joe Biden campaign and the Democratic Party. Of course, this is illegal. It violates federal law. Corporations are not allowed to directly donate to political candidates, but here we are. They are flouting this law eregiously with no consequences. I know that Josh Howey sent a letter to the SEC last week asking for some sort of investigation into these federal election law violations. The SEC can't even hold a quorum. They're short a commissioner, so that won't be going anywhere. We do know Senate Judiciary Committee is subpoenage Jack Dorsey and possibly Mark Zuckerberg to testify on Friday. But what do we do at this point? I don't know unless there's some sort of court action or intervention that the Trump campaign and Goop can do. At this point, you know, it's it's too far gone. That health is already there for them and it's working well. I mean that I can't disagree with it, But now the question, and they still maintain this liability. For example, we don't have Section two thirty that applies to what I do for a living as a talk show host. It doesn't apply to the New York Post Miranda. I would assume you don't. You don't have Section two thirty protections, which means you can be held liable if if you print false information. It's it is interesting Joe just never denies it. They you know, they've never come out and said, no, this is false, this is not true. There's been no cease and desist that's been sent to The New York Post that I've heard of. Has there no exactly And you know, we know that this is Hunter Biden's laptop, we know that the material is genuine. We've done our due diligence, and Joe Biden knows this too, and I'm sure it's part of the reason why he's been dodging the me idio. Since we started running the stories last Wednesday, he's had one question. I mean, he sat on stage with George Stephanopolis for an hour and a half and George didn't ask him the question, and then a guy from CBS asks him. On Friday night, you just played that. You saw how angry he became. So this problem, though, is that that Facebook and Twitter and the rest of the mainstream media are in the tank for Joe Biden. They've just shown this by the fact that they refuse to look into this story and the material is out there, it's pretty obvious that Joe Biden has been involved in this family scheme to enrich themselves. And you know, it's up to him now to say no, that's not true. But the fact that he refuses to do that tells you everything. And yet we are being censored by the big tech monopolies. And you know, now we're hearing that the FEDS are talking about using antitrust law to crack down on them. And finally, I mean, I know that they've been talking about this with Google because it's a monopoly. But it's a terrible situation for Americans to have the information that they need to form a proper opinion in terms of voting on November three. Is being censored by these unaccountable, gigantic corporations. And they have ulterior motives. I mean they have, you know, their multinational corporations. They are an extension miranda of all things Biden and state run Biden, TV, radio, newspapers, that's all they are. It is the biggest in kind donation you'll ever see in a political campaign. It is incalculable how much money we're talking about here all right, final thoughts now with big Tech, the media, the mob as I call them, and they are a mob, ninety nine percent of them anyway, now going all in, unwilling to even ask the most basic questions of Joe Biden. Now, we got a debate Miranda Divine on Thursday, and we've got another liberal member of the mob that is going to be the moderator in this case. And I'm like, how does this even happen? Why does any Republican agree to allow this Presidential Debate Commission to be involved in any way, shape, matter, or form anyway. He took the words right out of my mouth. I do not understand why the GOP is not looking after President Trump. He can't do everything by himself. I mean, that debate last week with Savannah Guthrie was a joke. It was a disgrace. You just spent the entire time badgering him, and it was a setup from the start. He was sitting on a tiny little plastic stool that could barely fit half a butteck lettle on a whole one, and he was uncomfortable the whole time, whereas Joe Biden sitting there reclining in a lounge chair looking like a statesman. You know, it's a look seemingly looking off into space. All right, final thirty seconds, Julie. The only hope is that this is all backfiring. You look at the base is so fired up these rallies, the Trump is holding. You know, people are paying attention to this. On our side. I think it is going to fire up our base even more. We lift through this for eight years with Barack Obama. We know what this show looks like. They're covering up for Biden worse than they did for Obama. We don't want to repeat of that, and I hopefully they will pay next month and we will get Trump reelected bigly. All right, well, we'll hold you to it. Julie Kelly, thank you, Miranda Divine, thank you eight hundred and nine for one Sean Tolfree telephone number. When we come back, we'll hit the phones next as we continue the Sean Hannity Showy and Hide. And Joe Biden is now a little I mean it was off Saturday. He does one stop yesterday and he's now not doing anything until Thursday Nights debate because now they have to once again reconfigure. Is ever so precious schedule to maximize his cognitive hour at nine pm Eastern, which I'm sure is what's going on. Uh, pretty unbelievable to me. I mean, these are the questions that Joe got this weekend? What kind of milk shake did you get? Joe listen, didn't anybody he's abriding, he's aboding. What player did you get? You got one vanilla? One choo? These are the important issues. When one reporter from CBS asks about what's going on with zero experience hunter, he gets all angry, what New York Polk story? And on your conc I know you'd ask it. I have no response. It's another smear campaign to right up your alley. They're the questions you always at smear campaign CBS, smear smear merchants over at CBS. That's what they are. Uh. Then, of course there's every twelve seconds during the so called town hall with Savannah Guthrie trying to impress her medium mob friends, interrupting President Trump on average every twelve seconds and asking such vitally important questions about Q and On, even after the President says I don't know anything about q and On. By the way, neither or why, And uh, Linda, how many times have you even tried to explain it to me? And I'm like, all, I forget it. I don't even care. I'm like, I'm just I'm just it just gets way too in the weeds for me and something that is seemingly ridiculous anyway. So, but people have crazy conspiracy theories that they buy into all the time. But this is Savannah and wonder. Just think for a minute, when is Joe going to ever get this treatment? The answers never, But this would be interesting, wouldn't it. Let's say, if I could interview Joe. Yes, really good. Did the doctors ever tell you that they saw pneumonia on your lungs? But they said the lungs are you know, a little bit different, a little bit perhaps, And I don't know. I just well, let's talk about testing, because there's a little bit of my guest confusion about this. I had no problem before. Did you test day debate? You can't let us continue to go on with the lockdowns. Well, I believe the cities that are run by democrats who don't let me ask you about QAnon. I know nothing about the QAnon very littlely you told me. But what you tell me doesn't necessarily make it fact. I hate to say that. I mean it just you do know about qan On. I just told you all about it. Okay, let me trust the media mob, considering they're so good. Do you think you're going to get a lot of coverage over Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Asar saying yesterday that the antibody treatments of vaccines for coronavirus could or be just weeks away. Hang in there with us. We are so close, he said, I'll meet the press, as he warned of mitigation fatigue and tired Americans giving up on safety measures. He said, we're weeks away for safe, effective vaccines, and he said the American people have given so much and they've been locked down, they've been isolated, they're tired. But the point is we are so close. And he said that we are on track now to get the safe therapeutics. As the President said that he got, every American should have the same access to and he will give it to us for free. But that wasn't brought up either. You know, President Trump has promised a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year or maybe sooner. Would you trust that vaccine? No, I would not trust his word. I would trust the word of public health experts and scientists, but not Donald Trump. First of all, I don't trust the president on vaccines. I think it's going to be a very skeptical American public about taking the vaccine, and it should be. He will push anything to get reelected. Don't fall for it. And by the way, I will take the vaccine after Ivanka takes it. You would be hesitant to receive the vaccine if it were approved by the end of the year. I'm gonna yes, I would be hesitant. I mean if doctors and scientists like doctor Fauci are taking that vaccine, of course I will take the vaccine. But we also know that we can't trust the president and take his word. I trust vaccines, I trust the scientists, but I don't trust Donald Trump at this moment. The American people can't either anyway, and a safe vaccine all in record time. He noted how the Manhattan based drug company Fiser announced Friday that they hope to seek emergency used for their vaccine next month, and the COVID vaccine, according to The New York Post, is now in full speed production by FISA FISA Pharmaceuticals. They're now aiming to have a hundred million doses ready by the end of the year. One hundred million is game changing. Now, why they going ahead with the dosage if it hasn't gotten approval yet because they're in final stage testing. They're now if the look the tests started in late July, third stage final stage human vaccine trials. Once if at any point during these trials the vaccine was not working or they were really adverse side effects, they stopped the trial immediately. They did. We had two pauses on for separate issues, but they wanted to make sure it wasn't vaccine related, and then they continued their trial. So that means what second phase showed us that everybody that got the vaccine was building antibodies number one, number two, There was no major side effects, nobody was dying, and that whatever the side effects are, it's sort of like, you know, go read the warning sign on a bottle of tailing all or advil or aspirin for that matter. All right, let's get to our phones. Fifteen days to go, two weeks from tomorrow, Arizona. I'm worried a little bit about Arizona, pulls it too close out in Arizona. Carry you gotta fix that. We need you out in Arizona big time. Well, we are Trumpers out here. Let me tell you Trump's gonna win Arizona. And I'll tell you the difference that I've seen from two thousand and sixteen to now is that before you didn't see Trump signs. They're everywhere out here. Every other household has got Trump signed. And I don't just mean the little ones. I mean they're plastered on the sides of the barn, They're plastered on the houses, you go to the grocery store, they have flags on the back of their truck. Trump is gonna win Arizona. What part of Arizona are you in? Santan Valley, Danson Valley, so just a little outside of Phoenix area. Listen. I also think Nevada. I don't know why, anecdotally, just people I've spoken to in Nevada, I think Nevada should be in play. Also, I really believe that, oh I totally believe it is. Totally believe it is. And in two states. I will tell you that a most worried about in North Carolina right now in Arizona. Just looking again anecdotally, people I know that live in the States, you got a hand. All right, Carrie, you're promising me Arizona in fifteen days. All right, I'm putting it all on you. All the pressure is on you. Okay, it is me, And let me tell you. We're small business owners and prior to President Trump coming in office, we didn't know what we were going to do. My husband and I were looking at each other, going, what are we going to do? Since he's come in office, Sean, I was able to take my first vacation in years. We were able to take our little girl somewhere. There was money in the bank ahead. I don't want things to change. I can't. I can't do a Biden presidency. I cannot do it. Yeah, look, can't happen it? Then the only people that can stop it are you. Marchin mine. I listening if you don't want to wake up. I've had disappointing elections. Do you realize that I have now covered Ronald Reagan as president, George Herbert Walker Bush's president, Bill Clinton's eight years, George W. Bush's eight years, Obama's eight years, Trump's four years. This is not new to me. Is not my first rodeo. I've had disappointing election nights and I've had really great election nights. I'd much prefer to have a great one like we had last time. But I see these institutional forces, big tech companies, medium mob, Democratic Party, Rhino Republican, establishment Republicans. They're just all doing everything they can do to destroy this man and the only the only stop gap we have or we the people. And I think people are there hip to it. They see it, they understand it, and it's just a matter now of math and people getting out and doing their job, and that is you. We will get the government we deserve either way, you know. And I'm hoping that a mer Arka realizes number one, how corrupt Joe Biden is, but more importantly, what has stated policies would do to turn this country inside out, upside down, and that this would be the biggest power grab. And I don't know, based on court packing and statehood for DC and elsewhere and amnesty for fifteen million people, etc. I don't know. I don't then see a path back at that point. I think it's it'll alter this country and irreparable damage will be done because nobody's ever stated pretty much, because they're not answering the question because they're gonna do it that they want power that bad. All right, thank you, Carrie. We're counting on you. All right. Jim is in Pennsylvania. We also need Pennsylvania in fifteen days. What's up, Jim? How are you? Yes, thank you, It's an honor to be on with you. Yes, I'm really hoping that we'll take it for it. We'll take Pennsylvania for you. The reason I was calling you is because you're very connected with the FBI. You have a lot of people in your family there in the law enforcement and privetent guards and so forth. And you've often talked about the FBI that the FBI is upstanding and doing a great job. It's just a top one percent that's a problem. But I'm wondering if what you're seeing happening recently is kind of changing your mind a little bit about it, because, for instance, this thing that happened that the New York Post where this person delivered this to the FBI what was it a year ago or something like that, and it disappeared and went into a black hole. But he probably delivered it to a field officer or someone like that, wouldn't you say? And I want an answer to Ron John's letter. I want an answer from Director Ray. But you know, has my faith in rank and file FBI people changed? It has not. No. I do believe that you have people that are dedicated, you know, law enforcement servants of the people. Yeah, they're willing to risk their lives. It's very dangerous work. And the people that I know, the rank and file I know, the agents I know, are all you know, straight arrows. There are all people that are in it for the right reasons, working hard. They want truth, They have no agenda, and most of them privately tell me that they are. They find what has happened in the upper ranks of the FBI to them, you know, embarrassing and repulsive, and they can't even believe that it's happened. So my answer is, you know, I don't like broad sweeping generalizations. And you know, we could see that there are bad cops out there. Sometimes we get videotape and we can all see it. And the George Floyd case, I mean, we all saw what happened. That can't happen. A cop can't do that to somebody that is in a handcuff and keep your knee on their neck, the most vulnerable part of the human anatomy. You can't do it. And but that does not you know, I don't judge every cop based on the actions of one or two just because we've had a few up players. Now, if God forbid, Donald Trump loses the election, I'm gonna tell you what's next. What's next is all of the deep state operatives will get away with whatever they did. Hunter will get away with everything, Hillary will get away with everything. Struck Paige McCabe call me the whole bunch of them. Nobody will be held accountable. And it will even be worse than that, though, because now they'll be emboldened to do even more. And when you look at their you know the fact that no Democrat ever spoke out against using a dirty Russian misinformation dosciate a spy on a presidential candidate. Not one Democrat. Can I cite you spoke out and said this can't happen in the United States. It can't well, because for them, the ends justifies the means. For them, it's all about power. For them, it's politics. If you had any intellectual integrity, honesty, any fidelity to truth, you would say no, the FBI. We cannot have people abusing power this way. It is a danger to every American because the rule of law is over anyway. I hope that answers your question. Jim. We'ccounting on your Pennsylvania fifteen days. We need you, all right. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity tonight say DVR nine Eastern on the Fox News channel, and we're gonna be joined Senator Ron Johnson, who is all things about the corrupt Biden family enterprises. He will join us. He's broke open Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, China. How deep does this go? Mark Meadows will weigh in New Gingridge tonight. Are a Fleischer, Katie Pavloch, Kirsty Alley Well, I should getting hammered? Oh? I like Donald Trump? How dare anybody in Hollywood like Donald Trump? Nine Eastern Hannity say, DVR Fox News see it tonight back here tomorrow. We are two weeks tomorrow away from you being the ultimate jury. We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.