The Hoax List Grows

Published Feb 19, 2019, 11:00 PM

Sean reacts to growing "hate hoax list" that seems to have no end, with Justin Smollett being only the most recent occurrence of accusing someone or a group of someone’s of something the accuser did themselves. Of course, if we are comparing the list of crazy today, we can’t forget to mention Ocasio-Cortez-Cortez’s remarks about the border wall being synonymous with the Berlin Wall.  When will this end?

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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. You know, the news now moves at the speed of light. I mean, everything changing, and you're absorbing. I can't even really explain it. I mean I have I can take you back in my career when I'm in Huntsville, Alabama, and I'm a talk show host, when I finally left hunts while I was doing a three hour morning show and I think a two or three hour afternoon show. I'm on the air a lot is you don't have the internet like we have it today. Let's put it that way. So you rely on, you know, local newspapers. You rely At the time, USA today I think was around you rely on. I used to always go and buy magazines, which were far more substitutive than they are now. They really aren't. By the way, James, the entire written summary is what I was asking for. Thank you, buddy. And it just like I'm trying to get on the air here. Today we got let's see what the socialist Democrats are up to, the new extraordinary extremists. We got border updates. Today, We've got you know, the deep state. Everybody has now figured it out that at least has a brain, and it is now at a level of exposure where it is now. It is putting fear, real fear in the hearts of all these operatives that have been involved in the single biggest abuse of power corruption scandal history. And we're also watching Acasio Cortez and all these Democrats, you know, trying to out extreme the other Democrats. You know, there's one thing that I want to put on your radar before we really get rolling today is this effort by the left that they quote intend to save democracy. Guess how democrats want to save democracy. They want to put themselves in charge of elections. And I would says absurd, but it really is a part of a kind of inappropriately named for the People Act of twenty nineteen, or HR one, which is making its way through the House of Representatives now with the Senate in Republican hands. The President's never going to sign this, but it's scary to know this is how they're thinking. But this project, a Conservative action project, gave a rundown of this bill. Get this. It would force states to implement mandatory voter registration, removing civic participation as a voluntary choice, increasing the chances for error and cheating. It would mandate that states allow all felons to vote. Great, it would force states to extend periods of early voting. One of the things you've got to be most concerned about is all the weeks and weeks and weeks of early voting. Who gets to watch all those ballots from early voting? You know that's a problem. It mandates same day voters registration. Well, that's just going to encourage fraud. It limits the ability of states to cooperate to see who's registered in multiple states at the same time. Now, why would you do that. I'll go drive from Ohio to Kentucky, I'll vote over here, and I'll vote over there. You know the worst part Get this. It prohibits election observers from cooperating with election officials to file formal challenges to suspicious voter registrations. What if it seems like it's suspicious, why can't they report that or challenge that. That's the whole point. You want to keep the elections on. They don't want honest elections. It criminalizes protected political speech by making it a crime to discourage someone from voting. Like if a radio ho says don't forget to vote on Wednesday, he can't do that it bars states from making their own laws about voting by mail. Oh, we're gonna have a federal government control all of this. Great. It prohibits chief election officials in each state from participating in federal election campaigns, mandates free mailing of absentee ballots, mandates the states adopt new redistricting commissions. I mean, it's basically, you know, how can we cheat? You know, it's like a grad bag of you know, how can we get around the rules and make sure that only people we want to vote vote anyway? Eight hundred nine for one, Shaun is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Look, there's there's so much going on. What scares me more than anything is, and it's really simple is as you watch the Democrats try and out radically each other. You know, Bernie Sanders seventy seven, his campaign, he announced he's running for president, is about transforming the country, okay into what we now have gotten out of the malaise of Obama. We're now a country of standing. In spite of what crazy Uncle Joe said in Europe the other day, it's an embarrassment for him. Well, excuse me, there's no bigger embarrassment than America dropping one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currencies on a tarmac for mullah's in Iran that spend their days chanting death to Israel, death to America, and burning our flag and burning the Israeli flag. You know, Sanders says, not just about why, our campaign is about transforming the country and creating a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial, environmental justice. And you just look at what he's supporting, Medicare for all, Kamala supporting that Kirsten gillibrand supporting that she's still in the race or did she leave yet? Then they have you know, they're trying. But when they say Medicare for all, that means it eliminates all private insurance. Kamala tried to backtrack, then she doubled down and said, no, I really mean it. You know, then Booker and Klobuchar are literally promoting this green New Deal. Seriously, we're gonna promote something that eliminates fossil fuels, natural gas, oil, coal in ten years, new green energy. Okay, what if it's more expensive, and then we're gonna rebuild every home. Who's gonna pay for that. Then we're gonna guarantee free, free, free you know, medical family leave vacations. We're gonna have oh, let's see free college education, as if we didn't destroy K through twelve enough. And then we're gonna have oh, free healthy food or or Gary teed healthy food. Oh boy, we're gonna have a government Bureau of Healthy Food deciders that Hannity used way too much salt. Well cutting back on your salt consumption. You can't get any more salt. Free retirement, free housing, free healthcare. Everything's for free, even if you're unwilling to work. We it'll never sustain itself. The only danger. There's a danger here because every human being, the psychological makeup of human beings. And this is in a religious sense where faith comes into one's life or thought process. And you know what is faith. It's believing in something you don't see. You know, it's believing because your heart tells you, and your mind tells you, and your soul and solar plexus tell you, and an inner knowing if you will that you believe that that there's a God, a creator and heaven. I think you can also analyze it intellectually and just say, okay, little baby ant caterpillars, giraffes and lions and tigers and bears, oh my, and something called gravity which keeps us all in check. And then you look at the moon and you see the little craters if you have a halfway decent telescope to look through, and then you can see Mars, and then you see the millions and billions of stars up there, and then you realize we have a whole solar system, and then we go beyond that, and we have solar systems within solar systems within solar systems within solar systems. And I just think the idea that all of this, you know, happened with one big bang and that does not a creator, doesn't make any sense to me, because then you got to ask the fundamental question, well where did that energy come from? And the only thing that explains it to me is that there is a god. And you know, biblically, if you read that, you believe that he knew all of us before we were born. But I don't mean to digress here. It is it is every It is natural for every person to have fear. How am I going to afford my kids college. Fear what if I lose my healthcare? Fear what if I don't have enough for retirement? Fear what if I lose my house because I can't afford it, What if I get sick and can't all these things? So the government comes along every time, and just like they did in Venezuelan, Cuban, the former Soviet Union and that example, two each according to their need, and from each according to their ability. And you know they say, oh, no, no, we're you guaranteed housing. No no, no, You're guaranteed healthcare, You're guaranteed retirement, You're guaranteed healthy food, you guaranteed vacations, You're guaranteed, guaranteed, guaranteed. So it's appealing. But every time you accept whatever platitude, bumper sticker promise they give you, you give up in the process. Liberty and freedom a founding document where endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. It doesn't say anything about a guaranteed life. You know, you can use these examples. We're watching on a micro level. What's gonna happen to the country. You know, the words of Andrew Cuomo. The top one percent pay about fifty percent of New York taxes. The top ten percent pay seventy five percent. We have the most progressive tax system in America. Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. We did now god forbid the rich leave. Well, they're leaving New York, they're leaving New Jersey, they're leaving Illinois, and they're leaving California. In nine years, California lost a million people that said, the hell would this high taxes, burdensome regulation. I'm getting the hell out of here. And you know it's not just Acasio Cortez, it's clow mature. The Green New Deal is so important right now for our country. Well, what happened to keep your doctor, keep your plan, and pay less. That was supposed to take away our healthcare fears? Everybody. Millions lost their doctors, millions lost their plans, and everybody paid more. So the promises, the platitudes, the bumper stickers, they sound great, but that in reality there's it destroys human initiative. The braver way to live one's life. Have you are courageous is you have got to put your fears aside. There's a book once that I never read. I got it all out of the title feel your fear, which everybody has a natural fears, worries, and do it anyway. If you don't take responsibility for your life. You live in the freest, best, greatest country God gave man. You gotta get up every day and find a way to make money, find a way build skills, work for people, learn skills. There's so many different ways that you can do this. You know, Warrant is set to release her seventy billion dollars per year plan for universal childcare that will be used by the wealth tax. So after everyone's paid taxes now, she's giving us a number she wants to after you've been taxed, if you saved any she's gonna grab another seventy billion and redistribute the money for universal childcare. Is there anything they don't want to pay for? And do you really believe these promises? Platitudes, bumper stickers are gonna be upheld because if you do, I want to sell you a bridge, whatever one you want. It is. It is a premise on lies. It is a premise. Also, you know Bernie saying Trump is a pathological liar, fraud racist, sexist. Okay, we're starting already. You know, look at the rush to judgment Claubchure I do. I don't support four year college, only two or whatever she supports. This will destroy the United States of America as we know it. And it's going to appeal to some people because it's free. It's gonna appeal to some people because it takes away their fear. It's gonna appear. You know, you, once somebody gives you everything, what happens to your own incentive to dig down deep and be the best you can be. Stress is a good thing. Stress makes you dig deeper and grow and push yourself. You know, if you ever climb up a high dive, you gotta jump. Sometimes it doesn't work out, but it doesn't well, you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and go on. No whining in football. One thing that is not political. It's smoking. That's about people. And there are thirty four million Americans now that's smoke. But for many there's not been a clear alternative. Jewel for me has been a game changer. I watch people all the time. They go outside in the middle of the freezing winner just to have their smoke. You don't have to do that anymore because of Jewel. Now people don't have to worry about the smell on your hands. Jewel was specifically designed by smokers, forced smokers to be a satisfying alternative. It's a clean technology. Jewel has no ash, no odor, no mess. If you're one of those thirty four million adults who do smoke, you now know there's an alternative to cigarettes and cigars. Just go to Jewel, Juul dot com slash switch America. That's ju Uel dot com slash switch America. Now, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is an addictive chema. But just go to Jewel, Juul dot com slash switch America. Yeah, the voter bill of rights. Man, this is insane, but that is the new democratic you know. Do you think do you really think all that stuff is going to be free. I'm gonna get into this in more detail in the next segment. There is Now it's taken us two years. We've been able to unpeel every layer of this onion, and we now have Democrats. Mark penn Alan, Dershowitz, so many others. A great piece by Victor Davis Hanson, Autopsy of a Dead Coup and what everybody's beginning to realize is that, Yeah, what we've been reporting with our ensemble cast, which I've never had in all the years I've been on radio and TV, just regulars that have been doing the deep dive digging, including ourselves, to really find out what happened. And the short version is they rigged an investigation into Hillary to allow her not to be indicted and continue in the race. And then they literally used her illegal in the sense it was funneled money, campaign cash, phony debunk now never verified Russian dossier to stop Trump from getting elected. And then a full insurance policy which even included invoking the twenty fifth Amendment and taping the president to screw him over and undo an election of the American people. I'm gonna tell you more details when we get back, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour. If it sounds great, doesn't it really does. We're gonna get off all fossil fuels ten years and only use renewable energy. Oh wow, we spent seventy years getting to this point. It took Donald Trump to lift burden, some regulation, a stranglehold on our energy industry. Well, they want to nationalize energy, nationalized healthcare. They want to nationalize every every single, big, big economic faction in the country. What do you think it means? An economic environment free of monopolies? How does a Casio Cortez not feel bad that twenty five thousand jobs? Although I think it's unfair to only do it for one company, Amazon that doesn't pay anything in taxes and not do it for every company, which would be the smart thing to do, you know. But they don't like corporations. They think corporations are evil. Well, the standard of living that we have is because people. They put money at risk and they create goods and services that people want, need and desire, and people either choose to pay or not pay. And sometimes businesses fail. When they fail, the people that lost the money, they lost it, their dream goes down the tubes until they can get their feet together, you know, get their act together and get back on their feet. It's not how hard you get hit, you know, That's what win is about. You can just keep pushing moving forward. How does that go? Linda? You love Rocky? That's you know, that great speech that Rocky gives to his son in one of the latest Rocky movies. You know, it's not life is tough. You're gonna get hit, They're gonna get knocked down. It's not how hard you get hit, it's whether you get up and keep moving. Why are you stealing my lines? You know this is my movie. Maybe Jason'll pull it up my favorite movie first of all, first of all, all of the Rocky movies. I was actually just talking about this as we plan our trip to Vietnam. How exciting we are to be on a plane for thirty plus hours. Somebody told me, by the way, that there is a real Adrians in Philly? Is that true? Well, it's actually called the Victor Cafe, but it's where they filmed. Well why would they change the name that should keep at Adrians? Well, no, I think it was always the Victor Cafe. It's got that meant that restaurant's been there for a hundred years. But when they were on location in South Philly and they were trying to figure out where to go the spots on on thirteenth and Dickinson right in South Philly, they were trying to figure out, you know, what made the best fit. Way too much detail here, sore, But why don't they call it Adrians? Because the place was already called Victor Cafe, they would have had to change the name to Adrian's. Okay, but Adrians would bring them because of the success of trust Me, trusts Me. Everybody knows. Everybody knows, everybody knows. If you google restaurant Adrians from them from the middle show up, it comes up the Victor Cafe. That's what they're known for. Okay, So it's a good restaurant. I hear. It's amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing Italian food. If you're from Philly, you have to go. If you're from anywhere visiting Philly, you have to go. It's fantastic. So the Bill of Rights guarantees a job, family sustained wage, family medical, lead, vacations, retirement security. Wow, they're going to guarantee that. Do you want to hear the speech? All right, let's this is a great speech. Inspirational. Rocky with his son who's older now, and he say, hey, life's tough. Well you keep moving it right here, I'd hold you up. They said to your mother, this kid's going to be the best kid in the world. This kid's gonna be somebody better than anybody ever knew. And you grew up good and wonderful. It was gracious. Watching every day was like a privilege. Then the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world, and you did. But somewhere along the line you changed. You stop being you. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good, And when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame, like a big shadow. Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshining rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place. And I don't care how tough you are. It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, and nobody. He's gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can't get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how witted has done. It's great, It's true. Life's hard. People struggle, But then you know, here comes the government. Here's what I'm trying to tell you. This is These are false promises. Vacations, family sustaining wage, family leave, medical leave, retirement, security, no more worries you know, high quality education and higher education meaning college trade schools. Oh a guaranteed healthy food. Can't wait for the Department of Food to be built by the government to tell us what we need to eat. Could you imagine if Linda ever took over that that part of the government, everything would be disgustingly green in a blender's shake. Whatever kale shakes you denomite, orange and green will both make me want to vomit and both make me think of Linda Blair in The Exorcist. I actually look a little bit like her when she project projectile vomits um onto the priest. High quality healthcare, safe affordable housing, economic environment, free of monopolies, economic security for all we're unable or unwilling to work. We're gonna get rid of we now for the first time in seventy years, the lifeblood of our economy. We're the biggest gas oil producers in the world, yes, more than Saudi Arabia and Russia. There's freedom with that, because it's the lifeblood of every economy. And they're gonna go take us down this primrose path of sunshine and rainbows and lollypops and cotton candy and well worry free life. It's a lie. All of this is a pipe dream lie. It will fail as miserably as keep your doctor your plan and save money, and America will go bankrupt and America the dream of America dies and freedom to get your own health insurance, you know, And then we're gonna take seventy percent of your income. And then if we already took the income and you have any left, we're gonna come back again and take another seventy billion for free daycare for Elizabeth Warren, and then we're gonna make sure everything's even. That's why everyone's leaving New York. I mean, it's ridiculous. And even in New York, these people are so stupid. You know, after campaigning against a luxury real estate developer, now AOC moves into a luxury apartment. After the success in torpedoing the Amazon deal, and you have New York's extreme radical socialist Democratic Party. They want to drive other businesses out of the city. And I'm not making it up. We're starting to look like Venezuela here. You know, dozens of job creating, big businesses are all headed for the exits, just like you know, California lost thirteen thousand businesses in nine years. That's insane. Now's the time for a cleared eyed post mortem on the Economic Initiative program, said the Citizens Budget Commission President Andy Rhine Wow, a day after Amazon ditched that three month old deal with New York the Democratic Speaker of the City Council, New York City, you know, critic of the Amazon deal, Acasio Cortez, critic of the Amazon deal. Okay, I lived in Long Island City. I'd be pissed. All right, Let me go back to the deep state. Let me read Victor Davis Hanson, the great writer, brilliant writer. I wish I had the time to sculpt an article as well written as this one autopsy of a dead coup, the illegal effort to destroy the twenty sixteen Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton's campaign's use of funds to create disseminate among court media they're best friends, and then salt among high Obama administration officials. A fabricated opposition smear dossier, he points out, failed. So has the second special prosecutor phase of the coup to abort the Trump presidency failed. Many elements to what in time likely will be recognized become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking for the first occasion in which you government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and remove a sitting US president. No palace coup can take place without the perception of popular anger at a president. The deep state is by nature cowardly. It does not move unless it feels it can disguise its subterranean efforts, or that, if revealed, those efforts will be seen as popular and necessary. As expressed in Komey's book and director McCabe's psychodramatic The Threat in Canada, Trump and President Trump's case of prepping of the battlefield translated into coordinated efforts among the media, political progressive celebrities to so demonize Trump that his imminent removal likely would appear a relief to the people. Anything was justified that led to that end. Although the twenty sixteen campaign the first two years of Trump's to see the media's treatment ninety percent negative coverage, and he names names and goes on to explain so much more. What have I been saying? This is the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history and it all starts with Hillary Clinton. And the criminal investigation for mishandling top secret classified information, which all turned out to be true. But the people that were in power, the deep state operatives and the FBI, their favorite candidate, struck in Comey. It was obviously Hillary Clinton, and so they cleared her. They rigged the investigation. As a matter of fact, wrote her exoneration before the investigation, even though he admitted all these things had happened. If bleach bit and the leading subpoena emails and busting up devices is an obstruction, I don't know what is. You know, she's interviewed on July second, twenty fifteen, July fifth, callmey reads all the things that weren't true. But we wouldn't. We were not gonna indict her. You know, struck who thought that Clinton deserved to win one hundred million to zero. Guy that called Trump loathsome even attacked Trump supporters as smelly Walmart people. Well, the fix was in. Hillary got away with what no American would get away with because they wanted her in the race to beat Donald Trump. But they had an insurance policy in case they didn't. She got away with things. I guarantee you you would be arrested and put in jail if you did anything the same and that same month Clinton was exonerated, Collmey Struck and the same people opened an investigation into the Trump campaign, you know, Struck telling his then girlfriend Lisa Page the insurance policy unlikely event that he wins. The whole basis of the investigation is around the dirty dossier funneled money by Hillary bought and paid for, you know, hiring a foreign spy through an OP research group, again funnel money. Christopher Steele August twenty sixteen. Every FBI, a top official and DJ officials warned, including Andrew Weissman who's on Muller's team, that it was not verified, corroborated, Clinton paid for it, and Steele hates Trump, Nellie or Hill put it together and the op research it goes. Not only is it disseminated as lies to we the people, then they use the unverified phony Russian dossier with Russian lies to propagandize the American people. Then they use it as the bulk of information to attain a fiser warrant withholding exculpatory information that FISA court judges need, like Hillary paid for it, like nobody verified it they committed fraud on the court to advance their coup, to help ensure that they can get in a backdoor of the Trump campaign. Nobody really cared about Carter Page. He noticed he's never been charged with anything. The so called evidence was based on this unverified garbage. Call me, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, sally, it's all signed those phony FISA warrants. That's fraud. And call me and his cohorts lying to a fiser court committing fraud on a fiser court to prevent an American citizen and take away from that citizen in their constitutional rights. You know, Brennan leaks, Baker, all these criminal investigations. I don't know when we're gonna get to the bottom of them all. Then in May of twenty you know, then we fire come May in twenty seventeen. Now we know Rod Rosenstein wanted to wear a wire. Now we know that they wanted to and we're talking about really invoking the twenty fifth Amendment. Look at the people involved. Rod Rosenstein appointed Komee's best friend Mueller and sought his advice after he recommended firing him. Muller hires. Let's see Andrew Weisman, the guy at Hillary's election night party with the worst track record of withholding exculpatory evidence ever. Genie Ray was Clinton's former lawyer. Peter Struck said Clinton should win a hundred million zero and then then witch hunt begins. All based on the roadmap of the phony dossier, search warrants, perjury traps, secrets or veillance, pre dawn raids, dozens of heavily armed agents for process crimes. But nobody on the left that lies to Congress ever gets the same treatment. You know, the witch hunt rages on. They have no evidence. Now if we either get to the bottom of this or I'm telling you right now, do you lose your country. It's not even close. Equal justice, equal application of our laws. We're not a constitutional republic if you have a dual justice system. If people can you think they're smarter than the American people and work so hard to get one person elected and use the incredible powers we entrust to them, abuse them to influence the outcome of an election. Now all being exposed, Alan Dershowitz Mark, everybody sees it for what it is now except the media. And some of these guys think they're so great. They think they did it because it's they're super patriots. You were fired from the FBI, and you were fired after the Inspector General of the Department of Justice found that you had displayed a lack of candor, which I think is FBI speak for not telling the truth about a story that appeared in the Wall Street Journal and whether or not you authorized a leak of material that was in that article. Why should anyone believe you when you were fired from the FBI for lying. Yeah, it's two reasons before the President started publicly attacked me. I enjoyed a twenty one year career in the FBI at every level and agent conserve, with conserve within the FBI, and with absolutely not a single blemish on that career. Second reason, I believe very strongly I was fired because of the steps we've just discussed. I was fired because I opened a case against the President of the United States. I read the Inspector General's report that suggests the Inspector General is in on it and firing you for a basically making up a pretext to fire you. Is that what you're suggesting. Here's what I can tell you. I read that report very closely myself I've been writing and reading investigative reports for over twenty years, and that report was not like anything I have ever read before. An investigative report includes all of the evidence. It includes all of the information, not just those facts that support the conclusion that you'd like to draw. So I have big problems with that report. I disagree with the conclusions they drew, and that is something that I'll be raising in a civil lawsuit that I'll be bringing against the Department of Justice. It was quite detailed and states that you displayed this lack of candor, as it puts it, on four different occasions. I mean, that's not just well, we didn't understand. I'm not sure I was distracted. That's four separate occasions in which the Inspector General says you were not forthcoming, you did not tell the truth. Yeah, and I would love to walk through every one of the points that I have for each one of those things that they've said in that report, but I can't do that to you with you this morning because of the lawsuits that we're about to file. The way we operate in the Department of Justice, if we're going to accuse somebody of wrongdoing, we have to have admissible evidence and credible witnesses. We need to prepare to prove our case in court, and we have to fix our signature to the charging document. That's something that not everybody appreciates. There's a lot of talk about FISA applications, and many people that I see talking about it seem not to recognize what a FIES applicat. FIES application is actually a warrant, just like a search warrant. In order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal enforcement officer who swears if the information in the affidavit is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that's the way we operate. And if it's wrong sometimes it is. If you find out there's anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences, and that person, Rod Rosenstein should be facing consequences as he signed off on the third renewal Faiza Warren as it relates to Carter Page, and of course the fourth Warren overall, and before that it was Andy McCabe. I went over this yesterday on the program in great detail. How I went back, I read the Inspector General's report about Andy McCabe. Good to hear that Savannah Guthrie actually did the same thing. And what you see is shocking. It is a never ending it's a plethora of well, yeah, I guess it is Inspector General speak. But when you say lack of candor, let me tell you what it really means. It means you're lying. And in that Inspector General report, five hundred and sixty eight pages, well it turns out there are eight and sixty eight mentions of McCabe, five hundred eighty one mentions of Struck, three hundred and fifty eight mentions of page And when you get to the bottom of all of this, well, even on the FISA warrants with Rod Rosenstein, who's now about to step down in March, why would he sign the fourth FISA when we know that everybody was warned in August of twenty sixteen before the first FISA application in October at twenty sixteen. He signed his almost a year later, because it's three month renewals or nine months later, and he signed it and he was warned it was unverified, uncorroborated. Now, even the dossier author Christopher Steele himself admits that he never corroborated any of it, and a lot of it has been debunked and not true. Well, what are the severe consequences that Rod Rosenstein based on his definition? What is he going to face in all of this? Now on top of that, you know, what about all the other people that have you know, been charged with lying to Congress, etc. Like, Oh, let's see Roger Stone. A gun's gonna be drawn, amphibious vehicles, frogmen, full artillery gear, trucks, twenty seven people to arrest the guy in a pre dawn raid. Um, it's gonna be interesting to see, because I think that's not likely to happen. Now, Victor Davis Hansen rightly promotes this thing as the coup that that it was and what an attempted coup is, and he writes an article today it's really well done autopsy of a dead coup. You know, you have people with varying political beliefs, Alan Dershowitz saying, yeah, this was an attempted coup. So when what are these guys going to be held accountable for all of this? And Andy mckaby goes out there, well, President Trump, you know lied and slandered my family. Well, the fact is his wife, who was running in Virginia had the BFF of the Clintons, that's Terry mcculloff, and Terry mcculloff gave an insane amount of money raised through a pack. I think if I remember anywhere between seven hundred thousand dollars, there's a more for a state seat. Nobody spends that kind of money usually historically. You know, McCabe reveals he brief congressional leaders on the counter intel probe of Trump and quote no, nobody objected based on what evidence, because when they launched this thing, they had already spent nine months looking into Trump Prussia collusion, and even Comey and Lisa Page and Peter Struck all said there's no there, there anyway. Joining us now to discuss all these new developments as we have our Deep State Watch is Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analysts, author of the Russia hoax, and David Shone criminal defense attorney, civil liberties attorney. Welcome both of you. Greg, You know everything is now beginning to get revealed. This wasn't attempted coup. When you're gonna put a wire on the president, wouldn't you need a warrant to do something like that? Well, you absolutely are violating the law by undertaking a secret recording in a national security privileged venue, which is the White House. But you know, every time Andrew McCabe opens his mouth, he's getting himself into deeper and deeper criminal jeopardy. Today on NBC, he said he briefed the Gang of Eight on Capitol Hill about opening the counterintelligence investigation into the president, and then he said nobody objected. He has broken the law in his statements today on NBC. The Gang of Eight is a statutory creation. Everything that is said to them, everything that they respond to, is classified information. And McCabe has now breached that classification. Well, I mean again, where's the accountability Now? He's under a criminal investigation now, as is James Baker, I know, criminal referrals. We'll talk to Jim Jordan at the bottom of the hour. Also being sent to the new Attorney General. As relates to others, I think you said twelve, thirteen, fourteen people as many as that many people involved them one crime or another. As you look at all of this, David shown, wasn't it was this an attempted coup was an attempted coup gone bad. There's no question about it. It's the only thing we've seen like this in our lifetime. But it's an absolute misuse and abuse of the constitution, which should have everybody shaking in their boots. Quite frankly, let's take a step back. You've got a little cabal of people, not elected officials, even people at the FBI who are all backers of Hillary Clinton, getting together. They couldn't have imagined the election result that happened. And now McCabe tells you he thinks this man may have been aided by the Russians. He thinks McCabe not an elected official, just a flunkey basically, and he decides there should be the president should be removed from office. This is unheard of, It's beyond anyone's imagination. It's an abuse of the constitution. It's an absolutely the initiation of a coup without any question. And this is never This is a section four of Amendment twenty fifth amendment, never been used before for very good reason, and it's not to be initiated by somebody because they don't like who was elected president. So what's the next step? I mean, I guess a lot of this now falls on the lap of the new Attorney general now from my perspective, and we're going to go back to our timeline tonight. If you're really going to do a thorough job, you've got to go back to Hillary Clinton in the beginning of that investigation and how that ended with James Comey admitting that she did have classified, top secret special access programming information on that mom and Pop server, violation of the Espionage Act, then her obstruction of justice. Then we'll take it even a step further. Then we've got the dossier, and everyone was brief that the dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary using dubious Russian sources. Its own author has sort of distanced himself and said, I have no idea if any of this is true, But that dossier was then used as the bulk of information for a FISA dossier to obtained, in the words of Andrew McCabe, no dossier, no FISA warrant. Well, what they did is they lied to and committed fraud on FISA court judges, not telling them it was not verified, not telling the judges Clinton paid for it, not telling the judges that Christopher still just hated Donald Trump. Aren't all those crimes, Greg Jarrett, Oh, absolutely. You know you need a calculator to keep track of the number of people in a number of potential crimes that had been committed. I you know, Bill Barr needs to put together a task force of prosecutors and investigators. And I would begin with Hillary Clinton case. Look at the damning Inspector General report about the conduct of James Cummy, Lisa Page, Peter Struck, Andrew McCabe. That's enough to reopen that case and examine if justice was subverted, But then move along to opening the Trump investigation without probable cause aligned to the FISA Court. So there are several avenues here that the new Attorney General must undertake an investigation and if there is sufficient evidence presented to a federal grand jury for potential indictments. If they knew, as Bruce or testified to that Hillary paid for the fives A warrant, it's unverified, and Steel hates Donald Trump, and they still used it to obtain the warrant on the Trump campaign and then used it later to begin this whole witch hunt with Robert Muller. After the firing of Comey isn't that denying an American citizen their due process to civil rights? And what is the penalty when you commit a fraud upon the court, especially when you know better. Well, first of all, they have committed a crime by doing it, but secondly, the court has the power to hold them in contempt, haul them before the court, demand explanations. I'll say this, you know, Greg is absolutely right. It's a lot of work for bar to mister Barr to investigate this, but it has to be done. You flagged these things on the Hannity Show for a long time. Now. People in the street every day are asking, how is it possible that Hillary Clinton, Kennedy race emails, that all of these people can get away with this plotting? And note we see no sign of any investigation. One of the best pieces of news I heard today was that this guy McCabe was going around hawking his book every place like Comy did. Wants to talk about everything he wants to talk about. Now says he's filling a lawsuit. That's a tremendous opportunity. Let's get all of these folks McCabe, Rosenstein, Comy under oath. In the context of that lawsuit, put them under oath. You know, this guy McCabe appears on all of these TV shows now and nobody other than the interview you just played raises what the IG said about him. For anyone to suggest that Michael Horowitz was fired for lying in lead, I mean, that's why he got fired, by the way, the same reason that Steele got fired. And the fact that Steele was able to use Bruce or later as a conduit to get to the special counsel is even more troublesome. On top of the people that Robert Muller put together, including Clinton's attorney, Miss ray And who has worked on the Clinton Foundation, and Andrew Weisman was briefed about this phony dossier along with top DJ and f behind guys. So the whole thing stinks to high heaven from from the get go to where we are now. We got to take a break. More with David Show, more with Greg Jarrett, and a lot more. We have Jim Jordan at the bottom of this half hour. What is Congress going to do about all this? All? Right, final minute as we have here at Greg Jarrett and David Shoon going forward, what needs to happen now we're awaiting the FISA investigation from the IG Horowitz, I don't know what John Hoober's doing is supposed to be. I guess looking into leaking. And now we have a new ag and Rod Rosenstein is expected to be replaced by Jeffrey Rosen. Do you know either of you know this guy? Well, Rosen has been in another depart but he's highly regarded as a fine lawyer. And you know Barr has confidence in him. That says a lot. All right, So what should happen? David? I think what Greg said is absolutely right. You need a task force. You have to start from the beginning, as you said earlier, start with Hillary Clinton. But listen, it's going on still. Genie Ree is the prosecutor in the Roger Stone case about Clinton emails. Genie Ree was Clinton's lawyer in the email scandal. What we know now is from a Cabe Comee and Rosenstein. The Mueller so called investigation was a sham from its inception. The team he appointed is a sham. And we see now how it happened. People who supported Hillary Clinton wanted it to happen, They made it happen, and now we're stuck with it. Well, we shouldn't be mister Barr should do something about it. Last word, Greg, this is rank lawlessness by rogue senior officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice. They were devious, they were malevolent, and should frighten Americans in the Only way to rectify this lawlessness is for a task force by Bill Barr to examine all of it and bring prosecutions where appropriate. Maybe a special counsel. No, I you know, I think there's no appetite in America for another endless special counsel who's really unaccountable. No, there are fine career prosecutors. David knows this at the Department of Justice, and they are perfectly capable under the guidance of Bill Barr, to undertake a legitimate investigation. All right, thank you both, David Shown and Greg Jarrett. When we come back Congress's role in this, Jim Jordan will join us from the Freedom Caucus. And then our news round up information overload hour, the latest on Smollett, and so much more. Straight ahead. How did he bring up the idea of the twenty fifth Amendment to you? Honest, I don't remember. It was just another kind of topic that he jumped to in the midst of a wide ranging conversation. Seriously, just another topic. Yeah, did you counsel him on that? I didn't. I mean he was discussing other cabinet members and whether or not people would support such an idea, whether or not other cabinet members would shared his belief that the president was really concerning was concerning Rod At that time, Rosenstein was actually openly talking about whether there was a majority of the cabinet who would vote to remove the president. That's correct, counting votes or possible votes? Did he assign specific votes a specific people? Now, not that ire call. We talked about why the President had insisted on firing the director, and whether or not he was thinking about the Russia investigation and did that impact his decision. And in the context of that conversation, the Deputy Attorney General offered to wear a wire into the White House. He said, I never get searched when I go into the White House. I could easily wear a recording device they wouldn't know was there. Now, he was not joking. He was absolutely serious, and in fact he brought it up in the next meeting we had. What did he hope to obtain? I can't characterize what Rod was thinking or what he was hoping at that moment. But the reason you would have someone where a concealed recording device would be to collect evidence. And in this case, what was the true nature of the president's motivation and calling for the firing of Jim Comey. The General Council of DFBI and the leadership team you spoke with said what about this idea? I think the General Counsel had a heart attack, and when he got up off the floor, he said, that's a bridge too far. We're not there yet. That it wasn't necessary at that point in the investigation to escalate it to that level. That's correct. Senator Lindsay Graham, who will be investigating this in his committee in the Senate, said about the twenty fifth Amendment revelations and the taping allegations and the contradictory statements between Rod Rosenstein and of course Andrew McCabe, that it's one of the most significant moments in American history if true. Now, it's interesting that Rod Rosenstein is going to step down by mid March. I'm guessing he probably doesn't want to be interviewed, and apparently he's going to be replaced by Jeffrey Rosen, who currently serves as the Deputy Secretary at the Department of Transportation. If you look at what we now know is McCabe is claiming Rosenstein offered to wear this wire into the White House. On numerous occasions, Rosenstein has given three contradictory answers. One he laughs it off, he's sarcastic, another just an outright denial, and a third time he says, well, I didn't do it, which is not really a denial of you're serious about it. But what they were pursuing here is a bureaucratic coup against a sitting president, the same president, the same players, the same people that allowed Hillary Clinton to get away scott free by rigging her criminal investigation into her violations of the Espionage Act and her violations of the obstruction of justice, which we all know and we've been over with many many times. And by the way, then you add the FISA whole complication of this, and it gets even worse and interesting that Christopher Steele is stonewalling the Senate Intel Committee. He doesn't want to talk because then he has to admit everything in that dumb dossier, which became the bulk of the FISA warrant and frankly, the roadmap for the insurance policy to destroy Trump visa. These bureaucratic deep state actors and Robert Muller, well, that didn't exactly work out the way they planned. Joining us now is Jim Jordan with the House Freedom Caucus. You've been following this, I hear there are a bunch of criminal referrals being sent over to the New AG. What do you know, Well, we know that Jim Baker and Andy McCabe are currently already under investigation. The takeaway I have tushon is not only were these guys plotting to figure out a way to remove the President of the United States from office, None of these individuals are elected. None of them ever put their name on the ballot and went out in front of the American people. And frankly, only one of the five who were in those critical meetings in that time period between Comey is fired on May ninth and Mueller is named a Special Council in May seventeenth of twenty seventeen. In that critical eight day period, these people who are applying this, only one of them was send it confirmed. That's Rod Rosenstein. So no one's ever had to appear before the American people, and yet they are trying to figure out ways to remove the presidents from office, to wear a wire into the oval office. This is, as Linda Graham said, one of the scariest things we've ever seen in our country. To read from Victor Davis Hansen or I thought, wrote a great pieces with NRO online. He said, Well, the headline is autopsy of a dead coup, he writes. The illegal effort to destroy the twenty sixteen Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton's campaign, use of funds to create disseminate among court media, and then salt among high Obama administration officials have fabricated op smear dossier failed, he goes, So the second special prosecutor phase of the coup to abort the Trump presidency failed, and there are many elements to what, in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which the US government and their bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and remove a sitting US president. Do you agree with that? I think that is right on target. Remember, this all started from the faulty premise, as you mentioned before this Dosier. Look, they didn't want to get to this point. They wanted this to happen before the election. They wanted to be able to stop President Trump from being elected before the election. That's why they launched this whole kit thing in July of twenty sixteen. That's why you know Clinton campaign pays Perkins Cooey law firm, who pays Fusion GPS Contenson, who then goes and hires a foreigner who puts together the garbage National Choired document we called the dossier. That was the basis for going to defies the court to get the warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. That all happened They got the fives applications prior to the election. So this is this was their plan. Thank goodness it it didn't work out, and thank goodness now the truth is beginning to come out. What about holding these people responsible? I mean, I think some of the best moments in congressional hearings, the ones that we know about and a lot of this has been kept hidden, are the moments you and Mark Meadows and a few others have had really digging in deep and exposing this. And yet we don't get that information. When are we ever going to see those transcripts or hear those transcripts or watch the fourteen people explain what that is. No, we deposed Sean in a last converse, fourteen different folks from Andy McCabe, Jim called me, Lauretta Lynch, and you know Lisa Page, Peter Struck, Jim, all these key people, we depose them. That information is starting to become public. But what's critical is Andy McCabe needs to be in an open hearing. Rod Rosenstein needs to be an open hearing where they're under oath and we can ask them questions, but they're saying two different things. And the way our system works is you bring people in, you put them under oath, you ask the questions in front of God and everybody, and people can figure out who's lying and who's telling the truth. Andy McCabe can't be trusted. But I will tell you this. He's now the third person who has said that Rod Rosenstein was serious about wearing a wire and serious about talking the cabinet members and invoking the twenty fifth Amendment that warrants in and of itself to bring both of these guys in to answer our questions. All right, So the question is if there's going to be equal justice, an equal application of our laws, and we're going to remain a constitution or republic, wouldn't that mean that we have to go back to the investigation of Hillary Clinton and those people that rigged that investigation wrote an exoneration before the investigation. Wouldn't it also mean that, you know, Hillary Clinton's funneled money to a law firm, to a foreign national through an op research group. Shouldn't everybody that was warned by Bruce Or in August to twenty sixteen that the dossier's unverified, the Clinton paid for it, and Steele h Donald Trump, and yet they still used it as a basis for a faizo warrant on four separate occasions. Rod Rosenstein signing off the last time, you know, nine months later, aren't all those people guilty of committing the crime of a fraud, presenting a fraud before a court, and also denying a fellow American the civil rights Yeah? No, you well said. It's why we've called for a second special counsel for over a year and a half. Now. Supposedly John hubert Us Attorney is supposed to be looking into everything you just said. But we've not heard one thing from that individual over the last ten months since he started his investigation, So we'll just have to see what he ultimately brings forward. There is also a second inspector General investigation that's that's in the works now, that's supposed to be done sometime this Late's supposed to be on the abuse issue exactly, and we need right but any do you have any doubt that Hillary was given a pass because she was the favorite candidate and not indicted like every other American? Okay, do you believe that name? The names they gave the investigation. The Clinton investigation was called the NID Year Exam, but the Trump Russian investigation was called Crossfire Hurricane. As they're pounding their chest like Tarzan because they were out to get the president. So you can tell the bias from the very terms they gave to characterize his respective investigation. So of course we know the fix was in on Hillary. We've seen that. And the same people who did that investigation, Peter Struck, Lisa Page, Andy mccape, Jim Comey are the very same people who launched the Russian investigation into President Trump and used the Fallacier. Okay, So all these people that rigged her investigation, all those people that use the bought and paid for phony docier whose author doesn't even stand by this any longer, they're all guilty of committing a crime, which is fraud before a court, aren't they. And you know all those people that signed it, because we know they didn't verify it, aren't all those people that signed it, aren't they? Culpable is not breaking the if I committed if I lied to a judge and committed a fraud with full knowledge I'm committing a fraud, wouldn't that put me in jail? Two things, It's why we need mister Hubert and mister Horwitz to complete their investigation. Second, you're right, the double standard is driving Americans crazy. One set of rules for US regular people, but a different set for call me Clinton, Lynch, Learner, Page struck. All these people that we've we've seen in the bureaucratic state, in these various agencies. I'll tell you what else it reminds me. You want to talk about a double standard, how about the fact that Adam Shipp now chair the Intel Committee. Matt was Glenn Simpson in Colorado last summer, the same Glenn Simpson who was hired by Perkins Couping and Clinton campaign to put together the dossier. The head of the Intel Committee is meeting with that guy. And oh, by the way, this is the same Intel Committee chairman who, when Devin Nunas was chairman said, oh, no, Nunas has to recuse himself because he talked with people in the administration to talk about a double standard. Right there. Think about that, Well, where is Congress to the Republicans doing their job, demanding that he recused himself. Well, that you're exactly That's why I'm pointing out right now. I mean, it sure looks hypocritical win when he says one thing and yet he's meeting He's meeting with Glenn Simpson, the author of the Dirty Dosky, the guy who was paid paid by the Clintons to put together the dossier. Yeah, but it was only a friendly meeting in Aspen, just tapping a bump into each other. You actually said you can't trust McCabe. Well, we know that he was less than honest, and if you read the first IG report, they said over and over again that he didn't show candor. I don't why they don't just say you lied and he leaked. That was part of it. But you say, but he's right about Rod Rosenstein's wire. How do you know that? Well, we don't know. That's why I have to being both in. I think he's right because he's as I said, he's even though I don't that you can trust him, and he tries to present himself as mister boy scout. He lied three times under oath, he was fired all that stuff. He's under investigation by his Department Justice. He is the third person who's told us that Rod Rosenstein was in fact serious when he when he was when it's been reported that he talked about wearing the wire to record the president and invoking the twenty fifth Amendment. So when you hear from three people, you have to you have to give it some weight. I do think it happened. I do think Rod Rosenstein was serious about that. That's why we've said all along, we want a bump. And what about James Come, I mean grow if Comy and Struck are the people writing the exoneration of Hillary in May of twenty sixteen, and they don't interview hard until July second, and they exonerate her on July fifth, after they acknowledge she had top secret classified information on that private server. Isn't that you know? Didn't they use their abuse their power to help their candidate of choice? And in the case of Struck, here you have McCabe defending Lisa Page and Peter Struck say, oh, they're good people, they'll serve the country well. And I'm thinking that the very same people involved in this whole thing. Yeah, good people with an extreme bias against the president. For goodness sake, You're right, Lisa Page work directly for Andy McCabe. He brought her in and he was was she was primarily working for the deputy director, mister McCabe. I'm all for bringing Jim Comey back as well. And we'll see what the new Attorney General does when he starts examining all this and figuring out what should happen with Andy McCabe, what should happen with Peter Struck, what should happen with Jim Baker. He's under investigation by the Justice Department as well, So we'll see what the new attorney general. Are you convinced some of these people are going to go to jail for these crimes? I think Andy McCabe has got real concerns. I think they're real concerns with Peter struck about Rod, not about age, what about st what about comey, don't know about don't know about any though? What about everybody that's sign the phony FIS application. Yeah, our job and not depressed charges. Our job is to get information to the American people. That's the job of Congress. We can't do that job complete completely until we have Rosenstein under Rowth in the cave Underrowth in front of our committee. All right, Jim Jordan, thanks for being with us News round Up, Information overload, the latest on the Smollet case coming up at the top of the hour. Your call is also eight hundred nine for one sean where we are coming to y'all sitting, We'll all be desire and if you want a little banging, you ain't come along. America. I see values basic human decency, not snatching children from their parents or turning our back on refugees at our border because it makes us an embarrassing I'm going to be signing a national emergency. We want to stop drugs from coming into our country. I'm urging everybody get together rally in every community across this country. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution where I'm coming to you want to play a conscious new Sean Hannity Show. I am the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Well, the information is still coming out, and I'm going to withhold until all the information actually comes out. We know in America that biggoted and biased attacks are on the rise in a serious way. We're seeing is attacks on people because they're different, and we all need to join together and condemn those attacks. Since my eleven, the majority of the terrorist attacks on our soul, on our soil have been right wing terrorist attacking. We'd have to understand this has happening for a reason. It's coming from the President of the United States. He's dog whistling every day. He's separating and dividing, and he is basically embolding those folks who feel this way, which tweet tweet about saying that it is a modern day lynching. That sorry, Jesse small Um okay, So I will say this about that case. I think that the facts are still unfolding, all right. That was Kamala Harris, along with Corey Booker and so many others in their cases. They had talked about this being a modern day lynching, but now they're saying, no, we need the facts to come out after things have changed in terms of the story of Jesse's smallock in a pretty dramatic way. And you've got a lot of people is you know, Nancy Pelosi deleting the tweet, the racist, homophobic attack on Jesse Smollett is an affront to our humanity. No one should be attacked for who they are and whom they love. I pray that Jesse has a speedy recovery and a justice has served. Maybe we all commit to ending this hate once and for all. I love the people that are blaming Donald Trump too. You know, two weeks ago, what was a Democrats, their lefty media agitators jumping all over these Covington, Kentucky high school kids all rushed to judgment. Oh, he confronted a Native American, Nathan Phillips. When just the opposite happened, and Nathan Phillips walked up to the student, he said he was praying, but he was also banging his drum about as close to his face as you can get about hitting the kid. The lawyer, now, Lynn Wood of Atlanta, is a killer attorney and now he's representing these kids, and he gave the media heads up that they better retract and apologize. Most of them did not. Same with Hollywood, and he also said in a tweet that yeah, he's gonna go after Nathan Phillips as well for lying about this whole thing and saying what he said. Now, what you have is you have these two brothers interrogated by the police that are investigating this, and they said this was all orchestrated. They even rehearsed it, and they were paid for it thirty five hundred dollars and another five hundred dollars owed owed to them. So we'll see where this goes in the end. You know, it's funny because the Daily Caller today has a list of hate crimes in the Trump era, and you know, because this was a hate cron that's what everyone was saying. This is this is based out of hatred. This is Maga country. No that's not true either, but there was remember in Michigan. Turns out they have a list of it. A Muslim woman at the University of Michigan, received national attention from outlets like The Washington Post. In November twenty sixteen, she claimed a drunk twenty something man threatened to light her on fire if she didn't remove her job. University condemned the hateful attack turned out to be a hoax. November twenty sixteen, again, bisexual student fakes Trump inspired hate crime. Apparently, an openly bisexual senior North Park University claimed to be the target of hateful notes and emails following Trump's selection in twenty sixteen. I just want them to stop by them here, you know, turned out to be herself. As the whole thing was fabricated. We got another case of a gas station racism, goes viral. The police then debunked that. In Philadelphia, you know, a woman claimed in November twenty sixteen she was harassed at a gas station by white Trump supporting mails, one of whom pulled a weapon on her and aim that the men proceeded to talk about the election and how they're glad they won't have to deal with the N word much longer. Boyer deleted her post after when Viral claimed the men had been caught and we're facing criminal charges. Local police debunked that whole account of hers and you have you know, it just goes on. I have pages of this now and all the instances. Everybody hates Donald Trump so bad that if you wear think about this and make America great again. Hat if it's meaning you want the country to be great and we're turning the country around, that's another fact that the media just refuses to report on. Somehow that is a symbol of all the horrible things that Donald Trump is. Well, Donald Trump, you know, you look at you look at success a couple of ways. You look at a person's point of view a lot of different ways. A lot of people use you know, words, and they make promises, and they offer lofty things like keeping your doctor and your plan and saving money and never turns out to work that way, and we're gonna fix the economy and nine trillion dollars in debt is reckless and irresponsible. And then the guy goes on after eight years, Barack Obama, to take on more debt than all forty three presidents before him combined. You know, it's the same thing with this New Green Deal. Everything is promised housing, education, even college, even government food and als, medical leave, family leave, vacations, government vacations. Everything is gonna be handled. Retirement, every an equal income, because even if you're unwilling to work, but we're gonna rebuild every home in ten years, good luck with that. And then we're also gonna eliminate cows because the flatulence is bad for the environment, and Corey Booker's Spartacus says, we don't need to eat meat. And then we're gonna build all these high speed rails and we won't need airplanes anymore. And I guess we'll probably be taking sailboats over to Europe. If you need to get there, we'll go the old fashioned way. I'm not sure exactly how we get the high speed rail to take us to Asia or take us to Australia or New Zealand. It's gonna be a very difficult trip, but that's what they're proposing. And who's gonna pay for it. We shouldn't talk about the cost. The cost is irrelevant. After all, it's the planet that we're saving. That's the insanity of what you call the left wing today. But it's not you know, investigators seem to know now why Smollett faked his attack, but you know, I just have a hard time understanding why people would go to this length to make a political point. You look at this guy's Twitter. He hates Donald Trump, which he's allowed to do. Lara Logan, I love this interview that she did. She actually called the media, yeah, mostly liberal, and then she says, I'm committing professional suicide. Why because she told the truth A great reporter for sixty minutes. They don't use her enough, I thought, I think, and I watch her reports. They're always phenomenal, always well done. Think of the bravery she showed when she was into here Square and literally nearly got killed and raped in front of everybody. Is horrible. What she went through. And she's been in more war zones than anybody I know, And what she's saying is a thousand percent true. She writes, you know visually anyone who's been to Israel, and you know you look at Well, I'll get to the media part to me. In America, you got a tiny little corner where you have conservative voices, Bright, Part, Fox, a few others. From there, you have CBS, ABC, NBC, The Huffing and Post, Politico, and I'll add all these left wing cable channels and that's a problem, she says for me, because even but was reversed, if it was vastly mostly on the right, that would be a problem for me. My experience has been the more opinions they have, the more ways you get to look at everything in life. And then she you know, admits this is probably, you know, career suicide. Anyway, what do you think of the smaller case, Linda, You seem very interested in this. Yeah, I find it outrageous. I think it's absolutely outrageous. And I saw Bonino on your show last night and he was talking about how, you know, what he's done is just beyond it's just beyond the pale, and using the taxpayer resources and weighing on everyone's emotions and sort of stirring up controversy where there is none, because your careers in the tank is really sad. And you know, I was talking earlier to the team here and we were saying, you know, crushing up aspirin and putting it into an envelope and pretending that it's something that is not like you know, anthrax or something, it's a felony. So if it comes out that you know one hundred percent that this letter was you know, crafted by him and sent by him. I mean, that is a felony, and I think that we should give him exactly what he would give a Trump supporter. You know, if a Trump supporter, he would have served time in jail. I wish this kind of thing didn't happen. We know what happened to Donald Trump's family. We know that it happened to my television show and a dear friend of ours who was working with us at the time and has now gone on to bigger and better things. Our friend Elise. I mean, she literally was in isolation, and if I remember, eight to ten hours because somebody mailed me some white powder. And you have to take those incidences very seriously or all as you can die. I do love that they're editing out as scenes though, I mean, if this was an attempt to give some sort of push to his career, man as it had the complete opposite effect. What do you make of Sundance and the festival favorite Knocked Down in the House, The movie about Acasio Cortez got ten million dollars and then a Casio Cortez apparently doesn't understand that our border wall is different from the Berlin Wall. In terms of the Berlin Wall was designed to keep people in East Germany and away from freedom. No matter how you feel about about the wall, you know, I think it's a moral abomination. I think it's like the Berlin Wall. I think it's actually for the opposite purposes. In the morning, when she gets her talking points from Tom Steyer and George Soros, they should give her links to definitions, because what's happening is she's going out and she's repeating what they're telling her to say, and she has no idea what she's talking about. So she gets out there and she's like, oh, man, I was absent that day in the tenth grade where they explain what the Berlin Wall was. So I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go with this and hope. And the problem is she preys on the ignorance, and because people are too lazy to actually investigate what she's saying and any sort of credence that any of it might have, everybody just kind of goes along with it. Oh, look at a Casiotza's influence on Spartacus. I mean, he's adopting the entire New Deal negative, he's not adopting anything that she says, he's adopting the popularity by which it's being excepted. He's saying that we need it. And he's the one that also said we need to abolish meat. And you know, if you look at every single Democratic candidate, all right, Elizabeth Warren want say wealth tax after you've already paid money. I think she supports two medicare for all, She Kamala Harris, Kirsten, Jillabrand, Bernie Sanders. They all want to eliminate all private health insurance. Listen. I look forward to them all taken a deep dive into their own states and how great everything has been in their own states. If people actually looked at what these people have achieved and done to the states that they represent. Right now, that was my monologue yesterday when you were away. I wasn't away. I heard your monologue, and I helped to do the research, so I'm fully aware of what it was about. Your research was actually on the tax basis of why people are making the mass exodus, and I totally agree with that. But I also want people to take a look at all the other things that they've done, or should I say, not done, while they've been in office. And then decide if you want that person representing you doing a whole lot of nothing when they're the president of your country. Anyway, eight hundred and nine four one seawn, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, as we continue News Roundup and Information Overload hour, look at this and nobody will talk about it. I thought the biggest beatdown of the week was the President with fake news CNN's Jim Acosta when he was announcing the national emergency. He also had introduced earlier some of the Angel Moms. One of the more recent Angel Moms. I haven't met this particular one, but I've met so many of them and interviewed many of them many times, and I don't know how. I don't know how you get up in the morning, you know, when you find out that your son or daughter was killed, and then you find out it's an illegal immigrant that we had in custody that was either set free because of some sanctuary law or deported. And in one case, you know, five separate times, the guy walks right back across the border. And then the question from a Costa goes out, well, isn't this a manufactured crisis? And the President answers, Uh, maybe you should ask the Angel Moms and interview her, and her answer was no, it's not a manufactured crisis. You can hear or listen. There's a lot of reporting out there. There's a lot of crime date out there. There's a lot of Department of Homeland Security date out there that shows border crossings at a near record low. That shows but undocumented immigrants committing crime at lower levels. That shows undocumented criminals are undocumented immigrants committing crime at lower levels than native born Americans. Um, what do you say to you? Don't you don't really believe that said? Do you really believe? What do you tell you? I believe. I believe in facts and statistics, and let go Let me just ask you this. What do you say to your critics who say that you are creating a national emergency, that you're concocting a national emergency here in order to get your wall because you can get what you think? Do you think I'm creating something? Ask these incredible women who lost their daughters and their sons. Okay, it's real, because your question is a very political question, because you have an agenda. Your CNN you're fake news, You have an agenda. The numbers that you gave are wrong. Take a look at our federal prison population. See how many of them percentage wise our illegal aliens. Just see go ahead and see it's a fake question. You know, look at what happened yesterday. Cartel ambushes Mexican soldiers right near the Texas border. Ninety of the heroine that's killing. You know, three hundred people a week in those country's coming across the southern border. You know, four thousand homicides, thirty thousand sex assaults, and one hundred thousand violent assaults by illegal immigrant criminals. Now, I know it's it's a small number, but we've got a key our country safe first. You know, Nancy Pelosi literally saying no ice alert if illegal fails gun background check. That's really brilliant too. All right, twenty five now to the top of the hour news round up. Information overload. You know, we kind of call it like democratic crazy, and every day it's becoming more and more apparent just how extraordinarily extreme this new radical democratic socialist parties become. And we see it every day with you know, their presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders and Spartacus, I mean what their advocate, and of course Alexandria Cassio Cortez, and of course I went through all the numbers yesterday about oh, all these high tax states with all these bureaucratic obstacles. Oh, they're losing massive amounts of the population. And as people now take their money in their companies to low tax states with limited bureaucracy. It's just a it's a sample of the crazy Kamala. Bernie Bernie and Andrew Cuomo, one of the most popular Democrats in America right now, is the guy who won here in twenty sixteen. Bernie Sanders describes himself as a Democratic Socialist. To compete in New Hampshire, do you have to in the Democratic primary? Do you have to move more toward the Democratic Socialist part of the party. Well, the people of New Hampshire will tell me what's required to compete in New Hampshire. But I will tell you I am not a Democratic Socialist. I believe that what voters do want is they want to know that whoever is going to lead understands that in America today, not everyone has an equal opportunity to an access to a path to success and that that has been building up over decades, and we've got a correct course. When we have in America where almost half of American families cannot afford to four hundred dollars emergency, we know that we've got to do some course correction. When we have an in America where nine percent of the counties in the United States of America, if you're a minimum wage work or working full time, you can't afford market rate for one bedroom apartment, we need to course correct. And those are my commitments in terms of being able to be in a position war one. I see it, but also I intend to do something. You're going to run for president. I am going to run for president. That's correct. What's going to be different this time we're gonna win. We are going to also launch what I think is unprecedented in modern American history, and that is a grassroots movement, John to lay the groundwork for transforming the economic and political life of this country. That's what's different. Let me ask you on your Medicare for All. You have talked about the fact that polls show seventy percent are in favor of Medicare for all, but that number drops to thirty seven if somebody hears private insurance is going to go away, which is which is what your plan offers. So I guess my question is you're offering something that the polling shows people can get very spood, very quickly. No. Well, but that's because we're going to be taking on the insurance companies and the drug companies who are going to spend a whole lot of money distorting what we believe. In the bottom line is the average middle class family will save money, will spend less money on healthcare, will have more choice, and have broader coverage than is currently the case. The other challenge to your healthcare plan will be cost. People will say, my goodness, there's no way this is everybody's going to get covered, and their business of the estimates that come out and they do in the media that help us to explain the truth. Yeah, no more out of pocket expenses, no more deductibles. The cost of prescription drugs is going to go down. We expand the kinds of coverage available for senior citizens. It's a good deal, you know. It's funny sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is because people are lining up food. That's a good thing. In other countries, people don't line up food. The rich gets the food and the poor staff to death. The collections are down to about thirty percent of the target. That is about a two point three billion dollar drop in revenues. Two point three billion dollars as a drop at this point in revenues is as serious as a heart attack. Assault encourages high income New Yorkers to move to other states. And what you have to remember is even if a small number of high income taxpayers leave, it has a dramatic effect on this tax space. Tax the rich, tax, the rich, tax the rich. We did now, God forbid the rich leave. My favorite is Cuomo, we tax, we tax, we tax, But then what if they leave? What are we gonna do? One percent pays fifty percent of the bill. They're leaving because you have the highest combined state city taxes in the entire country. Mister governor, And I know you wanted the Amazon deal, but you know, if you give Amazon a three billion dollars tax break, why don't you just give it to every company? I guess some people won't like that. That's what I want to know. Which one do you want to know? Which one can we stand to listen to God forbid. They won for four years, so we got Bernie Sanders. Okay, slow down, slow down. Crazy is not going to sell in America. The New Green Deal is not gonna make it in America. The New Green Deal that's going to eliminate airplanes, force us to rebuild our homes falls promises. Are I happen to like sailboats? I don't know. I think you want to take a sailboat over to Europe next time you go on a trip. I have no intentions of ever going. At the end of this week, we're going to Vietnam. You have how are we going to get there? If it's ten years from now, we'll see you in much you know, sail away? Yeah, exactly, that's That's about how long it's gonna take. Where's our high speed rail to Vietnam? That's what I want to know. I mean, at the end of the day, you got you got Nancy Pelosi's nephew, Gavin Newsom, who's now trying to do everything he thought he could do, and he realizes now he can't do it, and he's failing the very people he was just elected to represent. I mean, cal four and yeah, is just an absolute It doesn't even look like America. It's absolutely ridiculous. They hate capitalism. They want to have opened, they want to be a sanctuary state, they want to hear there. Here's the danger though, and California is losing population. I mean, think of what Cuomo said, tax the rich tax, the rich tax. If we did now, god forbid, the rich leave when you have seventy when you have ten percent paying seventy four percent, you lose that ten percent. The two point three billion dollars shortfall that he's whining about is going to be nothing and all pale in comparison. Here's the problem. You know, socialism is great until you run out of everybody else's money. And this is what's going to happen. This is a microcosm New York, New Jersey, California, Illinois, losing population, rich people taking their money and they're leaving. They're taking their businesses and they're leaving. And this is now a preview of coming attractions. You get this New Green Deal, which maybe to some people. Everybody has insecurities in life. Everyone worries, all right, where's my health insurance gonna come out? What about my retirement? I need a house to live in. I want my kids to get a free college education. All right, You get all this free stuff that they're promising you with these little bumper stickers and their little platitudes, and they're not going to tell you how to pay for it because they can't. You go down this road, you eliminate all private insurance and medicare for all, and you're gonna have a disaster. You eliminate fossil fuels, oil gas, and call we're done. It's the lifeblood of our economy. So to answer your question in a very roundabout way, we're not going to have the problem you're talking about. This is not going to sell in America. Even people that may be bought in to keep your doctor plan and save money, they're not going to buy into everything's free. People are smarter than that, at least I hope, because it's been tried and it's never worked before. I want to see how how much of their discretionary spending was spend on all the donations and all the things they claim to care about. I can't to see how much Kamala Harris and Bernie Senators and Elizabeth Warren and Corey Booker and Amy klobitschar. I just can't wait to see it, because I'm sure they're not as giving with their money as they are with ours. Oh that's listen. We've chronicled that liberals are only generous with other people's money. They're never generous. They're generous with the taxpayers money. For example, we sent our cameras out to Nancy Pelosi's district and it was stunning. Lawrence Jones went out there for us, and she lives in a gated community wall and a gated walled house, cordoned off from the rest of her district. And just outside that really nice neighborhood, what do we have, Oh, feces all over the street, needles all over the street, homeless everywhere. Now, Nancy Pelosi is a multi multi millionaire, she's generous with everyone else's money. Why doesn't she and everyone else that lives in that little conclave protected by walls and gates, Why doesn't she get some money and raise it and build a shelter so the homeless have a place to go to the bathroom and take a shower instead of the street, and maybe get a warm meal once or twice a day, and maybe they can offer counseling to the attics that are leaving their needles all over the place. In San Francisco. I I will tell you, I was just in meetings in LA and I was in Santa Monica. It was my first time there, if you can believe it. And long story short, and walking around and I was, you know, I went to the pier. Everybody talks about Santa Monica Pier, how beautiful it is. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life. There was so much dirt, there were people living everywhere. I'm talking tenth up. People were defecating in front of me, clothes off I could. It was. It was five o'clock in the afternoon. It was crazy. I absolutely could not believe it. Oh listen, it's this is what it's like in so many big cities. You see it in New York, we see it in San Francisco, you see it in Los Angeles. You know, it is a national sin that nobody in the Obama years ever decided to stop the gun violence and send in the reinforcements into the communities where all those violence was happening. You know, all that national treasure, all that God given potential destroyed. Nobody cared. But you know, if it's a high profile case, well then Obama got involved. If it was Cambridge police, they acted stupidly. Or you know, the Treyvon could have been me or my son or Ferguson. He jumps the gun and jumps the gun in Baltimore. Why didn't he jump the gun in his own home city. You know, we look, there's a reason people are moving, and there's a reason that they're moving the states with low taxes that have a business friendly environment. I mean, I joke about it. I mentioned it yesterday. How well did we get to know Rick Scott, Rick Perry, and Bobby Jendall. We got to know them so well because they lived up here, literally enticing every business they could to pack up, leave New York, leave their burdensome regulations and taxes behind. And they did, They absolutely did, and it was smart for them to do. You know, I say on the air, I never got a job or got hired by a poor person. You know, everyone has this contempt for the rich. What the left does with socialism is they are playing on inherent natural fears that people have. People are afraid they're not going to have a place to live. People are afraid that they're not gonna have food. People are afraid that they're they're not going to have healthcare. People. Yeah, it's the creation, going to have retirement, the creation of the permanent underclass. You need me to survive without the government, You're not going to be able to get by. You can't do it on your own. Lack of personal responsibility, accountability. Look what's consentive. It's awful. I teach my son every day to do things on his own. Don't look to mommy. Do it on your own. But you can look at what has happened, you know, thirteen million more people in food stamps when we now have two million fewer people on foodstamps since Trump's elected, two million fewer people in poverty since he's elected, five point four million new jobs created, six hundred thousand in the manufacturing center. Those jobs weren't coming back now, and we have online. The biggest job creator that is going to create wealth like we've never imagined, and that is the pipelines. That's a war, that's drilling, that's natural gas. You know, like like we were partnering with those energy companies a number of years back at how many people do we get jobs for that were making over one hundred grand, and they were being trained for those jobs, and they were relocated. They moved their whole families there because they were finally able to do something where they could take care of their families. Until the Saudis screwed everybody because they didn't like our production, so they artificially lowered the prices and increased supplies, which lowered the price. Right Hannity tonight on the Fox News Channel. We have so many new developments. Now. Fox is decided to take Empire actor Jesse Smollett out of the show, which means they got to edit and re edit and re edit. I don't know how they're going to pull that one off. Omegan McCain clashed with McCabe says, I'm not convinced this isn't a pr campaign to stop your indictment. He is under criminal investigation. We'll have the latest on the deep state and their exposure. More and more people see what we've been reporting for two years. Yes, this was an attempted coup, the favoring of one candidate over another candidate. The other candidate should have won one hundred million to zero, but we have an insurance policy if in fact that doesn't happen. Also, we'll go to Chicago get the latest on Smollett. We'll also check in with Auraldo, Judge Barrere, Laura Trump Tonight, Solomon, Sarah Carter, Steve Scalise, and much more. All Right, so set you DVR tonight Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Well the latest on the deep State, also the crazy Democratic update of the night. And we'll even have a hero I think tonight, I haven't decided. Nine Eastern Hannity, Fox. Thanks for being with us. Then back here tomorrow. H

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