The Green Deal Is Great For Conservatives!

Published Feb 11, 2019, 11:00 PM

Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, joins Sean to discuss the ridiculous Green Deal being pushed by the new socialist party being led by Ocasio-Cortez.  In the end, The Green Deal could be the best gift ever to the Conservative movement as it clearly highlights the insane alternative to sound fiscal policy!

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Now we have more states trying to do what they tried to do in Virginia, what they did do in New York, and of course Senate Democrats won't even protect babies born alive after a botched abortion. I actually had a young woman on this program on Friday, and she she was actually on TV. I saw her and two other people on Fox and Friends this morning that survived botched abortions. It happens. You know, when did this party become that radical? This is now the party of seventy to ninety percent tax rates. Yeah, Melissa odin ninety to seventy to ninety percent tax rates. This is now a radical, extreme party that wants to nationalize pretty much every aspect of our economy. That means energy, that means let's say, education, healthcare. Look at the proposals for healthcare. Now, we got Corey Booker joining Kamala Harris. It was, by the way, in the open. That was Kamala Harris admitting she's smoked pot on the Morning show this morning. But they want to now eliminate all private insurance. Well what happens? Well, that was Jillibrand's about the pot. That was all right, well, anyway, let me keep my focus here. They want to nationalize healthcare, want to nationalize and stop all energy production. It's the lifeblood of our economy. And they're gonna build high speed trains everywhere, and they're gonna provide everything for everybody. You know. Let me start by just reminding you how good this Trump economy is now. The president in the daily tracking poll of Rasmusin is up nine points in ten days. He's now in fifty two percent approval rating. Seventy two percent of Americans agree with his policy on immigration. So the president now literally is soaring to his best numbers in twenty three months. Don't think that this is in any way disconnected from what the Democrats are offering. This Democratic Party is not your father, your grandfather's Democratic Party. This is a new radical stream democratic socialist party. And we'll go through the details. So the president has his best approval ratings. I thought this was the best news I saw all day. In Birmingham, Alabama, US Steel Corporation, it's an offshoot of a Pittsburgh company. They're gonna now restart construction of an idled manufacturing facility in Alabama, and it gave it. They gave a lot of the credit to Donald Trump and his trade policies. In an announcement they made, they said Trump's strong trade actions are partly responsible for the resumption of work on an advanced plant near Birmingham. The Pittsburgh based company said in a statement, the administration's terrible because we're now demanding fundamental fairness. The president is not a protectionist. President never wanted trade wars, But how did we get a better deal with Mexico and Canada? Because the President's threat is real and if they don't believe that your threat is real, then they're not going to negotiate, especially a deal that has been one sided and in their favor for decades. And the same thing with NATO. You know, we're paying seventy two cents of every dollar. And then Angela Merkel is you know, helping Russia get rich again, signing off the lifeblood of their economy on the you know, maniacal hostile regime of Vladimir Putin. How dumb is that? That's the other thing about you know, we're now on the verge of literally we now have surpassed our biggest energy production ever and we are now the biggest producer of oil on the planets, are passing Russia and the Saudia's even How do you think the Saudi's got so rich free flow of oil at market prices? How many times have we had foreign entanglements, entanglements that if you really get to the bottom of it, it's about free market flow of energy, lifeblood of every economy. And now we discover between the energy the oil we have, we have more. We have the Saudi Arabian natural gas in the world. We have more natural gas and the means to extract it more than ever before. We have two pipelines on track now, the Keystone Pipeline North Dakota Pipeline. Those jobs are now in the pipeline of being created. Now we've got and more. The presidents opened up that as he promised to do so, We're gonna have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of high paying career jobs for Americans that will be all but destroyed if this new radical extreme democratic socialist party you know, and their green energy false promises takes foot gets a foothold in America. Wait, look at this headline washing an examiner boom best economic optimism in sixteen years. Fifty percent better off under Trump. By the way, who would that fifty percent better off be? I think it would be African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth, youth employment, veteran employment. Because we've hit record lows in all of those areas, including five point three million new jobs created since the President has been elected, another six hundred thousand in manufacturing that Obama said were never coming back. We have a gallop pole showing America's confidence in their finances just keeps growing, you know, looking ahead do you expect at this time next year you'll be financially better off than now or worse off than now? Oh, sixty nine percent better off, sixteen percent worse off. That's called consumer confidence. Now the president, I'm look, I think the president has had it. We've had to watch this weekend that and there was a sheriff warning that America's sheriffs and warning that Congress all weekend long. There's been this back room deal by the institutional establishment figures in Washington on the president's February fifteenth deadline. All right, that's four days from now, and they're all warning, you know, and this is what the deal would entail. Well, maybe we'll give the president a little less than two billion for the wall, not what he's asking for. And then this is what Congress is now debating. They're proposing a deal that would institute a ceiling on the number of illegal immigrants that US Immigration and Customs enforcement can detain now. According to letters sent to the House and Senate the National Sheriff's Association and the major County Sheriffs of America, they claim that if a vice is forced to release detainees over eighty three hundred criminal illegals would be sent to the streets and potentially lost in the system. Once again, these already not only did they enter the country illegally, but they also they also committed crimes while here. Now the Broker Agreement would mandate that ICE can hold no more than sixteen thousand, five hundred people at a time. Now, we've chronicled four thousand homicides, thirty thousand cases of sexual assault, one hundred thousand violent assault incidents. Okay, well, what happens if the sixteen thousand, five hundred and one person that you no longer able to detain or maybe is being charged with something horrific like rape or attempted murder or something terrible. So you're gonna cap the number of detention beds that ICE can actually use. Well, that jeopardizes every American because they're talking about people that have crimes, will be a criminal aliens that we know of committed crimes. I mean, you look at this, is you know what the Radical Democratic Party want. There's a Gallup survey. It found that forty two million residents of Central and South America, if they could, would migrate to the US. There's no shortage of people that want to come here. You know, if they're thirty three countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, four d fifty million adults in the region. Would you like to move to another country permanently if you could? Yeah? Twenty seven percent. Yeah, So one hundred and twenty million people would like to migrate somewhere. Next question, where would you like to move? Of those that want to leave Latin American countries permanently, thirty five percent say they want to come here. Gallop Analytics estimate that it's forty two million that want to come to the US. Now, I don't blame them. I think we take for granted into the system of liberty and freedom that has created even for the poorest of Americans. A lot of poor Americans have big TVs and refrigerators and freezers and washers and dryers, and you know, hot and cold running water in a shower. Not idea I'm not talking about. I'm talking about that poor people in other countries don't have what poor people in America have. Any poor when I didn't have any money, I could buy a car for two hundred bucks, fix it up myself, and drive it and it works. You know, pretty I did really well on a lot of deals like that three hundred and fifty bucks a car, you can get it. We're so wealthy that, you know, when things get old looking, we get rid of it pretty quickly. But I think the President has no choice. This is gonna be our battle this week. It begins tonight. Actually the President speaking at the start of my show. I think at nine will carry a lot of that speech. But we're now on pace to have the worst year since the building spree in two thousand and seven. People trying to get in here as quick as they can. And I will tell you, I think Lindsey Graham is right all of these Republicans that are pathetically weak that if they don't get out there and fight, this is what the American people want and deserve. We deserve safety and security. That's what the President's fighting for, safety and security. The President's fighting life and death. You know, if nine of our heroine comes in across that border, now add fetonol to the mix, and then you add cartels and gang members MS thirteen and other violent criminals. All we're asking is come in legally, give us an opportunity to vet who you are and show us that you'll be able to take care of yourself so that on average, the American people don't have to pay the bill for seventy thousand new people every year. So that's the battle of the week, and that's going to start tonight Eastern. We'll have it on Hannity. This party is so out of touch. Well, we're going to chronicle all of that. And oh, by the way, did you hear what the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia referring to slaves as indentured servants? Did you hear that? We'll play later, we'll get that tape eight hundred nine four one shot. And then the anti Semitism running rampant in the Democratic Party, out of control rampant. All right, So, with only three days left until Valentine's Day, it seems like everybody selling Bouquet's drug store, supermarkets, you name it. Now, that's special. Someone deserves the best, and that's why every Valentine in your life. 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And you know, if you look at Virginia's history, we're now at the four hundred year anniversary, just ninety miles from here. In sixteen nineteen, the first in Densrid servants from Africa landed on our shores in Old Point Comfort what we call now Fort Monroe. And while also known as slavery, yes, yeah, oh what did he say, A dentrid servitude? Yeah, that's called slave very you know, I just you got us just sit back and imagine if a Republican says this. But I'm just going to stay in my position here. It's not a big deal. And same with I don't hear a lot of people saying I believe as it relates to the lieutenant governor. Either lieutenant governor of course you know now accused of rape when he was back in college. This is the second and the woman told people that have come forward and verified she had told people at the time far more severe cases than that which Judge Kavanaugh. Everyone was racing in the Democratic Party to say they believe this is now. Look when you add up, they don't want to secure the border, open borders, you know, they want to eliminate ice. They're saying it as Acatio Cortez says, and she actually said, this is they they don't need to immigrate. There's it's their native people's or something to that effect. This weekend, then you've got the New Green Deal, which is gonna one hundred percent. We're gonna wean ourselves off of all energy and oil. Every home is gonna be rebuilt, every commercial building, everyone is gonna be guaranteed a job with a sustaining wage and family of medical leave. Everyone's guaranteed vacations, retirement. Now we're gonna guarantee college and trade schools, and guarantee healthy food God only knows what you'll be eating guaranteed. Then we're gonna have Medicare for all, guaranteed high quality healthcare. Yeah, the promises of Obama really came out. Well. Everyone is guaranteed housing. Everyone is guaranteed an environment free of monopolies, meaning we're gonna nationalize every industry, especially the energy industry. And by the way, that even though they're now backing off the if guaranteed economics security for all who are unable or unwilling to work, what are they gonna do? Take the house away? If somebody says they hurt their back and there's no medical basis for it, that's a problem. And then we got a big anti Semitism problem within the Democratic Party. This is now your radical, extreme democratic socialist party. This has now pulled so far to the left. All it's doing is helping the conservative movement. Compare the Trump's success versus the Obama failure. Let's start there. Hey, if you're one of thirty four million Americans that smokes. You know what a hassle it can be for me. I'm out playing golf and I come back smelling like cigars. It's the smell on your hands and your breath, your clothes. But now, thanks to Jewel, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Jewel is a vaporizer. It does contain nicotine. For a satisfying transition, Now, when I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer in my life. I don't smoke any cigars any longer. And Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers to be an alternative to whatever it is you're smoking. So if you're one of thirty four million adults who do smoke cigars, cigarettes, whatever, well there is an alternative to all of them. Now. To discover the smoking alternative that's like nothing you've ever tried, just visit ju u l dot com slash switch America. That's ju Ul dot com slash switch America. Now warning, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is addictive. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one Sean, I got something from Mike Lee. All right, hang on, I got something from Mike Lee that I think can help the president as it relates to this national emergency. And um, it's pretty incredible. Um, hang on, just let me write somebody h Anyway, so he's been doing some reading. He found this law ten USC. Two eighty four bat seven. All right, doesn't mean anything to you when you say it that way. And others also feel that this is among the best potential source of executive authority to build a wall and hang one more, one more thing, blah blah blah. Okay, it's important. I have kids. You gotta say, you gotta answer, all right. The purposes for which the Secretary this is now the types of support for agencies of the United States. The purposes for which the Secretary may provide support under Subsection A for other departments or agencies federal government or a state, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies are the following. Now listen Section seven construction of roads, fences, and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across the international boundaries of the US. By the way, it's cross reference Subsection A ten US two eighty four A. Support of other agencies. The Secretary of Defense may provide support for the counter drug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime, or of any other department or agency of the federal government or of any state. That means a state could actually do this, and the President can help them local, tribal, or foreign law enforcement agency for any purposes set forth in Subsection B C, as applicable. If in the case of support described in Subsection B such support as requested on governor could request it, what about Governor abbitt a by the official who has responsibility meaning I guess that would be kursten Nielsen for counter drug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crimes. We got cartels, we got MS thirteen gangs, we have ninety percent of the country's heroin coming in that way to counter transnational organization organized crime of the department or agency of the federal government in the case of support for other departments or agencies of the federal government, or b by the appropriate official of a state, local tribal government in the case of support for state, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies. Too. In the case of support described in Subsection C, such support as requested by an appropriate official of the department or agency of the federal government in coordination with the Secretary of State that has counter drug responsibilities or responsibilities for countering transnational organized crime. The theory would of course be, you know about walls or fences to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the US. And it says, I can't imagine that, the president, You know, I don't maybe the fence part of it, it wasn't like, but certainly, you know, you can define it's anyway you want, can't you. You know, some people have big walls as fences, and you can't tell me that there's a stiff, rigid definition of what a fence is. Well, what if the fence is fifty feet high? They're saying, Also, you have sixty US sheriffs now storming the capital to demand funding for the border wall. Today. This is now the battle. This is going to be the battle of the week. This is you know, one side of this battle is for safety and security. One side of this battle is against the cartels. One side of this battle is against the gangs. One side of this battle is against heroin, ninety percent of which comes across the southern border. What is the other side fighting for that. They hate Trump because they all supported the border wall just a couple of years ago when their guy was president and they were willing to fund it. Well, to me, that's playing politics with people's lives. At what point did they become culpable for what happens at that southern border and then we're gonna have this idiotic policy. If you get sixteen thousand, five hundred beds for criminal aliens, that's it. What if you need eighteen thousand, What if you need twenty thousand. Now, as it relates to you know, all of this information on national emergencies, which we've gone over in the past, well, they have been at least thirty national emergencies in effect this year from past administrations, you know, declared national emergencies under the National Emergencies Act, currently in effect as of February first, twenty nineteen. And it goes, you know, this is by President Carter Clinton, this President Obama, George W. Bush. Wait a minute, what happened? I mean they're allowed to declare national emergencies. They're the only ones. President is making these proclamations. Yeah, they made a ton of them in a lot of areas. We are our troops can build fences and borders. There's a lot by Obama locking property of certain persons contributing to the conflict in Somalia. Okay, executive order blocking property, prohibiting certain transactions related to Libya, Yemen, blocking property of transnational criminal organizations. That's all under Obama. Locking property of persons threatening the peace, security stability of Yemen. Oh what about the stability of the United States. What are the Democrats fighting for here? They're fighting to screw Trump. That's it. It's not built on principle. Now, the question is I think my prediction is, look it, we're four days away this idea being negotiated with little money Board of Security, and we're gonna limit the number of criminal illegal immigrants that ICE can keep, keep and hold to sixteen thousand, five hundred. That is just that's You can't come up with some random number on these things and think that that's going to keep the American people safe and secure. It doesn't work. You know, it's really fascinating to watch the reaction. You know, here you have we're gonna ban all of America's natural resources for the first time. We're beginning to use the lifeblood of every economy on Earth. How do you think if this new Green Deal goes through? Do you think China, Russia, Europe or look what happened in France as an example. You know, do you think they're gonna ban fossil fuels in ten years? They're not eliminate even nuclear energy. We don't even have that option. They're banning cars. Well, we're gonna have charging stations and drive up in our little prious box. I don't want to drive a Prius box, you know. Get We're gonna gut and rebuild every building in America. Yeah, good luck with that. Start with the Freedom Tower. That'll take ten years alone. When are you going to retro fit it? Got it? It's ridiculous. Eliminate air travel, but we're gonna replace it with high speed trains? What to Europe? High speed trains to Australia, New Zealand, high speed trains wear to China. Can't wait when I'm going to Vietnam and two weeks I'll take a high speed train. They ought to be able to build that really quick. You know, we're gonna get rid of how flatulence? I guess that means the end of the more steak might have to stock up for the rest of your life. Figure out if you have one steak a day, every day, plan your life expectancy. You go beyond that. This is a party that is now imploding before your eyes, and their presidential candidates are supporting it. Booker went berserk, exploding the Green New Deal is the same as fighting Nazis. Our planet is in peril and we need to be bold. It's one of the reasons why I signed onto the resolution and cosponsor with the resolution for the Green New Deal. And there's a lot of people now that are blown back on the Green Deal. They're like, Oh, it's in practical load, it's too expensive, Oh it's all of this. If we used to govern our dreams that way, we would have never gone to the moon. God, that's impractical. You see that ball in the sky. That's impractical. And when the planet has been in peril in the past, who came forward to save Earth from the scourge of Nazi untiltalitarian regimes? We came forward. Who came forward to save the planet or continents from financial ruin? We came forward with the martial plan. Our history is standing up and saying, look, humanity is in crisis America is going to be light and the hope. He's lost his mind, but so is the entire party. This whole Green Deal is a democratic party. This is now the new socialist, extreme radical Democratic Party, and Maccacio Cortez is leading the way. You know this on the surface of it, you would think this is a caricature by of conservatives, of liberals and socialists, but it's not. The problem is this is real for them. The problem is this is what they want. Like you know, listen to Elizabeth Warren the wealth tax issue. You know, she makes her big announcement this weekend that she's running, but she also wants a wealth tax. You know, we've got more extreme Democrats. Listen to this. Listen to some of you have this proposal todays a wealth tax. It's very interesting. It's not it's not income, right, so incomes or flows, you know, everyone's money coming into people a year, and that's usually how he tax things. So the way that this is written is to say, first of all, going to tax all your assets. We're ever located around the globe, so if you were planning to move them to Switzerland or some island, doesn't make any difference. They are all going to be taxed. All your assets were ever located, and we're going to keep counting, and you're going to have to pay if you have more than fifty million dollars in assets. This is the ultra ridge. There's an element where, yeah, people are going to have to start paying their fair share and taxes. Do you have a specific on the tax rate once you get to like the tippy tops on your ten million dollars, Sometimes you see tax rates as high as sixty or seventy percent. That doesn't mean all ten million dollars are taxed at an extremely high rate, but it means that as you climb up this ladder, you should be contributing more. My legislation establishes a forty five percent tax on the value of an estate between three point five million and ten million, a fifty percent tax on the value of an estate between ten million and fifty million, a fifty five percent tax on the value of an estate in excess of fifty million, and a seventy seven percent tax on the value of an estate above one billion dollars. Above one billion dollars, they just want to take everything you've got and redistributed, so that they can gain power for this pipe dream of theirs, and they will destroy America as we know it. It will no longer be about freedom, an opportunity and risk and reward and capitalism. No, everything's going to be guaranteed. These are all false promises that they make you give us power. We're gonna give you a guaranteed guaranteed housing, guaranteed healthcare, guaranteed job, guaranteed college, inteed trade school, guaranteed healthcare, all guaranteed at what quality? When has government ever done these things? Right? Sounds great, by the way, now they have a big Finally, Congresswoman Pelosi called out House Democrats for these anti Semitic outbursts. And remember Congresswoman Omar using anti semitic you know things in the past that we've we've called her on. Uh. Congresswoman's Omar's use of anti Semitic tropes and presidential accusations about Israel supporters is deeply offensive. We can condemn these remarks and call upon Congresswoman Omar to immediately apologize for these hurtbal comments. But this is now going even further. Now we find out that Congresswoman to leave. She's the one that said what did you say about Trump in that viral video? M Effer, Yeah, impetes the m effer. Anyway, she wrote an op ed for The Final Call. That's far magazine, his publication, and authored a column while working as an advocacy coordinator for the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services and anyway, she was described as a guest columnist arguing against supporting immigrants found guilty of minor offenses, and she described herself as the official communications organ of the Nation of Islam. The Final Call, well, that's Lewis Farakhan's website. She's also come under fire for her ties to other anti Israeli radicals and her support of the Israeli anti Israel boycott, divests, sanction and other instances. And then Omar's APAC tweet. You know, even Chelsea Clinton condemned that Democratic leaders they have an anti Semitic problem now in their party. How are they going to deal with this? Over time? Anyway? Eight hundred nine for one sean and we're going to eliminate healthcare for one hundred and seventies, private healthcare is gone. According to not only Kamala Harris, now Kirsten Jillibrand has gotten into that mess as well. You campaigned on access to medicare, you've signed on to Bernie's bill for a single payer plan. One of the debates we've had recently is around what happens to private insurance? Should ending private insurance as we know it be a Democratic Party goal And you think it's an urgent goal. Oh yeah, it is a goal and an urgent goal. All right, listen, we'll come back, we'll continue. Jay Sekula is going to analyze this new radical extreme democratic socialist party. No one should feel unsafe in your home period now. Fear has no place in a place like home. It's that's simple. Well, that's been Simply Saves mission from day one. You may have seen their commercial about it during the Big Game this year, and that's why Simply Save was designed to blanket your entire home with protection. 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All right, as I've been saying, this move to the extreme radical democratic socialist parties never seen anything like it. And if you go back to this New Green Deal, remember everything's for free. They're gonna nationalize the entire economy and that includes energy, that includes healthcare, that includes education, every aspect of your life. And everybody's going to be guaranteed a job, a certain wage, medical leave, vacations, retirement security. We're gonna retrofit every house in America, rebuild every house, commercial building. Now, if you think education has been bad up to this point. Now they're even going to take over free college for everybody, and free you know, clean air and water and access to healthy food, and we're gonna get rid of cows and airplanes in the process, and it's gonna be everyone gets free housing, safe and affordable economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work. Now, all of a sudden, when people started reading this green New Deal wasn't working out very well, and an advisor for Acasto Cortez actually went on with Tucker Carlson and said the following, Let's listen, why would we ever pay people who are quote unwilling to work? We never would, right, And AOC has never said anything like that, right. I think you're referring to some sort of a document that some I think some doctorate document that somebody other than us has been circulating. Oh, I thought that came right from her, that was in the background or from her office, as my understanding. No, no, because this seemed like we were making news on this show. The unwilling to work thing was in her background or that has been absolutely conning. No, definitely, not, definitely not okay, So NBC not some other news outlets are saying that that was in the background. Ye, that's fraudient, that's erroneous. Right now, there might be new details now that you know about that. I don't because I've been doing media all day. But the story old. Yeah, I don't. I think that was actually in the document. I read it as it came out. Well, it's the wrong it's the wrong document, Tucker. Okay, Now they took it down because everyone started laughing at how extreme they are. But uh, it's about nationalizing the economy. Usio Cortez now also saying over the weekend Latinos can't be legals because their descendants of Native people. She also and Elizabeth Warren want the rich to pay a lot more, Elizabeth Warren wanting the health tax Akazio Cortez a seventy percent tax rate, which will destroy all business in this country and everyone will pull their money out. And it goes on from there, and eliminate Ice, and it goes on from there. And you see this fan base now growing step by step. Corey Booker, he's bought into the New Green Deal, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gilibert. They want to get rid of any private healthcare insurance. We're going to nationalize the health insurance industry. Forget about Obamacare's failure. You know, keep your doctor, keep your plan, and pay less. How did that work out? Well? Now when it's Medicare for all, well, there won't be any other option. They will have eliminated all options. Some of you only have one option at this point anyway. He is the chief counsel for the American Center for Law in Justice. Jay Sekulo is with US also chief counsel for the President, longtime friend of the program. Um, can you name an instance where socialism and the nationalizing of the economy ever work well for people? No, it doesn't work. And here's the I think the reality you just gave the litany of the progressive left that are running for president of the United States that are supporting this. And I don't know whether they actually support it or they're just afraid not to. It could be that as well, but the fact is that they're they're mouthing it, they're saying it. It's absurd. And look look at Venezuela. Look, I mean, you can look at Cuba, which end up being communists, of course, but the idea that socialism, look at look at England immediately after the nih Yeah, that's that's another example problem with the problems. And it's not just the new you know, green deal, which is problematic in and of itself, but you take it a step further, which you didn't have to go to part today. So now what do we have this morning? We have the news and over the weekend of the anti semitism of the hard progressive left. And what are they saying. Well, you know, you got the congresswoman saying Jews and money basically, I mean not basically, she said it's all about the Benjamin's in reference to apac a pack, which is a Jewish organization. Right by the way, the rise of anti you're talking about Congresswoman Omar this is now there's a series of incidences jay of her, you know, flagrant anti semitism. And we just also found out earlier today and I'm pretty sure you've heard about this, but um as Nancy Pelosi is trying to put out the you know, anti semitic dumpster fire started by one House Democrat has been discovered. Another of Pelosi's Democrats has a previously unknown tie to radical racist, anti semite Louis Farrakhan, and that's where Rashiba Tali wrote an op ed in the Final Call The Nation of Islam where she praises Faracon whose history is on apologe jet anti Semitism. Well, let me this is what I cannot for the life of me understand. So you got you got a Farrakon, a known anti Semite, not just anti Israel and anti Semite. We also know that their statements about other minority groups, and you can name the group are horrific. And yet some of these same members are marching with them, and you saw that in the so called Woman's March. Well the Jewish community pretty much pulled out of that. Why because of the anti semitism of one of the leaders or so, what you really have happening here, in my view, is this hard push to the left, which what's interesting is I'm it also is anti their own base, because if you look at the base of the Democratic Party, Look what's happening in Virginia right now. I mean, you got the governor this weekend. Now he's saying in calling slavery indentured servants, as if that gives it a better verneer. I mean, this is the whole idea of what's happened here should be sending shockwaves through the entire political spectrum, right left center. If this is who the new parties are, if this is where the party, the Democratic Party, for instance, is going, I started to think what that means for our country if they were to get power. Well, let's stay in Virginia for just a minute. One minute. You have one House Democrat Al Green wanting to impeach President Trump for Virginia's democrats blackface scandals. That's from the Washington Times. We also have USA today that the governor referring, as you said, to slaves as indentured servants, which is beyond it was frankly insulting and at a level that it takes your breath away. And now we have a second sexual assault claim against the Politico, but very few people saying I believe these women like they did in the Kavanaugh case. Well, look, here's here's what's happened. You We wish these were just outliers. Unfortunately it's not. And then when you add to it, I don't think you can. No one can ignore the anti semitism of the weekend, the anti black statements of the Virginia governor and evidently the Virginia Attorney general. H then you and you put the whole situation with the lieutenant governor. It's a whole different situation. And then you put on top of that. And this is what's troubling the mishan, all of this in this veneer of progressive and all encompassing and we're gonna we're gonna eliminate mistake. We're gonna eliminate aircraft. I mean, I thought it was. And how do the senators from Hawaii exactly get to Washington, d C. But no, they're gonna build a high speed train. In a website, They're gonna build a high speed train in ten years. Yeah, which, okay, all all wonderful, not happening, not reality, and people are buying it. And here's what happens. I think Bernie Sanders captured. Bernie Sanders captured the Democratic Party last time. And now he's a moderate. That's really what it is, Bernie Sanders within their own party. Now it was like as a socialist is a model? Right, Well, I mean he's probably gonna be pushed out, You're right, I mean he's going to be pushed out by the hard left, but they all seemingly now want to outdo each other. What happens to like crazy Uncle Joe Howard Schultz looks like Bloomberg wants to jump in this. What happens to those people? They I don't think they can get. I don't think they can get the momentum. I mean, Bloomberg would have the money, Joe Biden would have I think a network. But I don't think they're going to get the Galvini support. I don't think they're gonna get the That's not where the grass works is. I just don't see it. So I think you're looking in a situation. I believe that you're looking in a situation where it's more likely that the party goes the Democratic Party goes to this hard left unless Nancy Pelosi, which is even you can't and believe I'm saying this curtails it. And when I say curtails it, curtail it means not just condemn what this congresswoman said about Jews, but actually take action, whether it's off of committees, a censure, whatever it might be. And we haven't, we haven't even gotten into the issue of and fanticide. Why why now we're up to seven states and the United States Senate won't protect a child that's born alive after an abortion. Is body to progressive European countries don't allow this, but we have seven countries, seven states in the United States that do. But you know, it's interesting that that whole issue kind of launched all this other stuff and um because you're peeling back to veneer of what this really is. These these these programs which have no regard for the unborn child zero, I mean. And the explanation the governor of Virginia gave, who's a pediatric neurologist, was was breathtaking. What he said, you know, we'll let the baby be born and then we'll decide what. Well, no, he said, we'll deliver the baby, will make sure that the baby's comfortable. This is a human soul living outside the womb. It's an individual now, and then the mother will We'll let the mother decide whether or not we resuscitate the baby if it gets in distress, and then we'll have a meeting. Yes, Tea and crumports, I don't know. Well, no, it's so, but but this is there. When they go to these extremes, it brings out the other extremes. I mean, I've been litigating these cases for thirty and forty years, and what happens is it's one thing and it's like you pull the coward and everything starts unraveling. So here it was the extreme pro abortion position they took. You pull that cord up and everything else starts unraveling within days. And now within a two week period we've gone from that to the Virginia you know, racism to the anti semitism of today, all within the same side, all within the same wing. And you ask yourself, why do they think the American people will buy this? But you know what, there is a percentage with that will and that's the scariest part. Well, the scary part is, I guess when you look at our tax system, now it's a progressive system. When you have twenty percent pay ninety percent of the bill, the bottom fifty percent pay less than two percent, you already have redistribution. But then you talk about somebody like Elizabeth Warren and a wealth tax. She wants to come back and if if after you pay your sixty in New York, if you pay federal taxes, your state income taxes, your city in New York, income taxes, the highest property taxes in the country. You know, you're down about thirty cents of every dollar you get to keep. Now, if you keep that thirty percent and the number gets too high, Elizabeth Warren wants to come in, legalize stealing and go in and take another bite at the apple. But that's not the last bite. Then they'll come back in when you die and take another forty the estate tax, the death tax, and then ten percent in the state of New York. My account noways says don't die in New York. I said, believe me, I'm going to try not to right. Well, but this is the problem. So whether it's whether it's a racial overtones, the anti semitism, the abortion issue, taxes, they've taken this position, and I think this is what they think is I mean, obviously someone within that side of the political sphere thinks this is working. And so the Bernie Sanders, which is hard for me him and say this, and the Joe Binds are too moderate. And does the party does a Democratic party decide to go this very aggressive left, which I think they've already made that decision, And where does that take the country? And I don't I think the country rejects it. At the end of the day, I do not think the United States of America is going to put the fact if we if we don't reject it, will we will end up as we'll end up in poverty. You know, we now have more energy resources available, produce more energy than Saudi Arabia and Russia. And we've only begun to tap into the natural gas resources we have. And think of all the wars that have been fought over the lifeblood of any economy, which is energy. All right, we'll continue. We'll ask Jay Secular on the other side, as the counsel for the President, what the latest is on the so called Muller report. Right as we continue with Jay Secular, American Center for Law and Justice, chief Legal Counsel, also counsel of the President. So I have Greg Jarry and John Solomon. There's been a lot of revelations in the last number of weeks about how everybody knew that Clinton paid for the dossier. They know that it was never verified to corroborated. So many people signed off on the FISA applications knowing this and having been told this. But with that said, that hasn't been investigated. But we have the Russia investigation with Muller against the president. Where are we with that? Well, look, I mean a lot of a lot of people are thinking it's at the end. I think that I've never called a date you know that show and we've been talking about this for a year and a half and I never said next week it's done, blah blah blah. I don't. I've never I've had colleagues of mine that have said it's over with by a certain date. But I do think it's in the last phases. I expect, and I think most people expect that this is wrapping up. You got a little hint of it, I think from Adam Shipp saying that he didn't think Bob Muller went far enough on business related issues as if a by the way shift no, yeah, how at Adam shift no? And by the way Adam shift Adam Shiff doesn't know. But the is that's not the scope of nature of what Bob Muller's charge was. So but it tells you something that you know, the expectation level I think has been dropping a bit as to what's going to actually come out of this. So look, I think we're near the end. I think we'll see it some aspect and I don't know. You know, there is a specific regulation in place that the Department of Justice has on how this report is handled. And I am sure and confident that the incoming Attorney General will follow the rules and regulations. That's what he testified too. And the question will be, and that's the questions everybody's mind is what will be released and what will not be And that's going to depend on the nature of what's in the report and how it's classified or classification issues as far as security issues Article two issues. But I am you know, I suspect that we are near the ending phase of it. I don't give a date, but I think it's near the ending phase. All right, Jay, Secular is always thanks for being with us when we come back. An article by John Solomon how the real collusion was with the Democratic Party Uranium one and the bought and paid for dossier that was used to propagandize everybody. That's next and our news round up and your calls coming up. Final hour today, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one. Sean is our number a lot happening, Democrat imploding. You know, I called last year the year of the Boomerang, but I think the boomerang as it relates to this phony, lying Russia witch hunt, this is gonna be an even bigger year, just based on what I know is out there and what will become at some point, probably sooner than later, public knowledge. And John Solomon and Greg Jarrett have been at the forefront of a lot of this. There's an updated version, by the way, the paperback has just come out in Greg's book, The Russia Hoax, The Illicit Scheme to clear Hillary Clinton frame Donald Trump, with a new updated information in it. And John Solomon at The Hill dot Com has written the case for Russia collusion against the Democrats. Now let's just go back and remember all that was done here. Hillary private server, Hillary obstructs justice, deletes bleach bit acid wash, Hammers, etc. Hillary pays for uses funneled money law firm to a op research firm to a foreign national who hates Donald Trump. His name is Christopher Steele. Christopher Steele gets phony Russian so called intel on Trump, puts these things together series of dossiers known as the Dossier and then that is used and weaponized, even though we now know in August of twenty sixteen, Bruce Orr told everybody at the Department of Justice, everybody at the FBI that Christopher Steele hates Donald Trump. None of this is verified, none of this is corroborated, and Hillary paid for it. Now just fast forward from August to twenty sixteen to October twenty sixteen. What happens then, Oh, the bulk of information is the unverified, uncorroborated Clinton Boughton paid for dossier as the basis of a FISA warrant signed off on by people that knew it was unverified, knew that Hillary paid for it, and they never told the FISA judges in this FISA application any of this information. That would be committing a fraud on the FISA court. But this is not the only example which goes to the point that both Greg Jarrett and our good friend John Solomon are making here. Let's go back to the Uranium one case. Who's the FBI director at the time, Robert Muller. Now, don't forget in August to twenty sixteen, his pit bull Andrew Weissman, was one of the people brief on the dossier being bought and paid for by Clinton, So that was in his head as he's working for the Special Council the whole time. But on the Ranium one deal, the FBI director happens to be Robert Mueller. Well, Putin has his operatives inside America. We identify them. We have an undercover agent by the name of William Campbell. He gets into Putin's network. He's chronicling back to the FBI bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering. And yet still that deal got done as Hillary Clinton and others signed off on the ciphiust board to allow the Uranium one deal to happen. And when I interviewed William Campbell, here's what he said. Your life's at risk. You see, Russians have infiltrated in the United States of America. They're living within America. And at some point you became aware that Russia wanted to get a foothold in the iranium industry and that they were going to look at this conglomeration we now know as Uranium One, and that deal was going to give them that foothold if in fact it was approved by nine government agents. Yes, sir, there was no question about it. Yeah, and the FBI knew that. The bureau knew it. The Uranium one position was a part of a long term strategy of four tier strategy by the Russians. Did these Russian criminals putent operatives when Hillary was secretary of State Barack Obama is the president and again you're there when they first get into office. Did they express any specific Clinton strategy how to get her on board, or did they express any Obama strategy? This was a criminal investigation of people that I had reported, And yes, the Russians and the United States conspirators I was working with stated the Clintons were implicated, but that was not the focus of what I was doing. And I did not believe until Uranium one approval actually happened that the indications from these Russians were solid about the Clintons influencing that decision. Were they telling you that they had confidence that Clinton would sign off on this deal? Absolute confidence? Did they have confidence that Obama would sign off on this deal? They were quite sure that Obama and the administration, who they had deemed and labeled as being very weak multiple times, would respond favorably. Do you think did you conclude, what is their possible motivation for people not to do their job at this high level? This is key to America's national security. It was political and they believed that Hillary Clinton would be elected president. They were gunshy, they were political, and they turned their back on the country in my opinion, all right, Greg, Jared joins us as well as John Solomon. Greg will start with you, congrats on the paperback with a new chapter in your book, the Russia Hoax. But on multiple levels, I think the title for your book and John's article the case for Russia collusion against the Democrats's right on the money. And this is another example. It's a crime to use your public office secretary of State to confer a benefit to a foreign government in exchange for money. She helped approve the sale of twenty percent of America's uranium, and her foundation simultaneously was getting one hundred and forty five million dollars from Russian sources connected to uranium. One her husband delivers a speech in Moscow at that time and gets paid a half a million dollars. So instead of investigating Donald Trump, Robert Muller should have back when he was FBI director, been investigating uranium one and corruption with respect to Hillary Clinton, John Solomon, you made the similar case, but with all of this information out there and available, and if they really cared about Russian interference, all of this would have come up by now rather than pre dawn raids, selective pre dawn raids for people that to Congress, but not people if you're a Democrat or in the Obama administration. Only Roger Stone gets that or Paul manap Work gets that. You know, it's interesting as you talked to some of the Republicans who have looked at this for the last two years, they're beginning to develop a theory that maybe the Glenn Simpson operation was a deflection operation designed to deflect from all the Russia culpability, all the Russia baggage that the Clinton's had. And let's Greg just mentioned that a half million dollars speech that Bill Clinton got. Let's look at the two people he asked to meet when he was in Russia picking up that half million dollars check. The first was Victor Vexelberg, somebody who was directly related to a project Hillary Clinton was working on I'm going to talk about in the second called it was a silicon valley for Russian It was an extraordinary effort, and she put all of her effort into getting US companies to go over to this place and start to develop Skolkovom. And when she got a few years later, what did we find out about that effort? He was being used by the Russians to steal information from US technology companies, US defense contractors, so it became a security risk. Who's the second person that Bill Clinton wanted to meet on that trip. He wanted to meet a guy named Arcadie for COVID. He was on the board of Rossatom, the very company who was well slow down. Bill Clinton saw it his own wife's State Department's permission to meet with the Russian nuclear official during the Obama uranium decision. He did, and not only well, he didn't meet with that guy, but he got a better bet. He met with Putin at the time he actually met with Briton got he got right to the top of it. But you can see in his targeting as he's going on the trip, he's targeting two separate Russians who have a direct interest in two decisions that Hillary Clinton was directly involved in that ultimately raised questions about national security implications. So you've got you've got Uranium one, which we now know that great story. You know everything that Doug Campbell told us, But you also have this other Skolko though. This is a one of Hillary Clinton's prized efforts in Russia to try to get a silicon valley in Russia. And what does it do? It ends up compromising American security according to the FBI, and according to the So he gets army, he gets triple of speaking fee Greg Jarrett, and they got how much money can back forty five million dollars in other words, by the players of the Iranium one deal. That's right right into the Clinton Foundation, which Bill and Hillary Clinton were using as their personal private piggy bang. How come that? How do the Clinton's always get away with it? Because the FBI and the Department of Justice were in the bag for Hillary and Bill Clinton. Oh well, the new Attorney General do his job, because the statute of limitations. Now some of the statutes have run, but not all of them have run. If there is a serious and legitimate investigation of Hillary Clinton, and whether it be Iranium One, or her foundation or all of them, then this will be evidence presented to a grand jury for potential indictment. Yeah, you know. And the question is, you know, we've gone all this way and I know that people. You you're one of them, John, You you actually think that Mueller is just gonna come up with a sort of milk tooes kind of report. And I'm not sure why you think that based on his actions. I mean, look, Muller was in court on Friday. What was he in court for? You know, saying they support a federal judge slapping a gag order on Roger Stone, and you know, saying that there was a substantial likelihood that extra judicial comments by trial participants will undermine a fair trial. I thought, we have freedom of speech at American If Roger Stone wants to defend himselves, why wouldn't he be allowed to do that. Well, let me tell you what I have is saying about about Robert Muller. I think it is highly unlikely that Robert Muller will conclude that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian That's that was a central question that he was asked to investigate. And if he clears a president on that, the primary thing he was set out to to do, will now be obviously the American public. Why do I think then Devin Nunez clearly has said that after an exhaustive investigation, and then last week Richard Burr, the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, said the exact same thing. So on the big question that Robert Muller was given, if he clears the president, that's a very big moment. If you agree with that, I absolutely agree with John, except that in the report, Muller and his team of partisans will likely pedal a bunch of stories to create the appearance of a circumstantial evidence of collusion, not with respect to Donald Trump, but people in his orbit. Now, there won't be any charges against those people for collusion, but Muller will try to offer a problem to the rabid anti Trump media and Democrats so armed with that they can use it as a pretext to try to win peach Trump. Stay right there, We'll continue more with Greg Jared and John Solomon as Hannity Watch on the Deep State continues. Right as we continue with John Solomon and Greg Jarrett, well, does you now have a competitor for your paperback which was just released? And that is apparently Andrew McCabe has now written a brand new book and it's called The Threat, How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump. And I'm thinking he was let go as Deputy fi Director for what reason? Lying lying? So he was going to read a book by a guy who was fired for lying and who's under criminal investigation for not one, two, or three, but four separate lies. I dare say that James Andrew McCabe is going to need the money from whatever books he pedals to pay for his defense. Well, I mean, and he also claims in this book that Rod Rosenstein didn't want to write the memo wrong. Rosenstein volunteered to write the memo recommending the firing of James Comey for just cause. McCabe gets it wrong so often that it's really astonishing that he manages to think with that brain of his. Yeah, and John Solomon, I mean, this is getting interesting because James Comey, if look, if we're gonna have equal justice and equal application of our laws, I would say that people like James come Page and struck how many others would be Hillary Clinton certainly, oh a dozen't at least a dozen other people would be would would have that pre Dawn raid with amphibious vehicles and seals in the in the backyard and frogs in the water, and artillery trucks outside and swat teams emerging, you know, at at a pre dawn raid for a guy that doesn't have a gun or a passport. Roger Stone for a process crime. YEA. Well, it's when you go out to the real world outside of the belt Way and you go to Calumazoo Mission in or you go to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. People are amazed that people like James Comey and Andrew McCabe who recklessly ran the FBI. We had a period of time where the FBI was incredibly dysfunctional and they're allowed to profit from that dysfunction by by publishing tell All books. And I think that which has Greig just throwing it out have some factual errors to go with them. It's really an extraordinary that people could have such a bad tenure atop the FBI, be fired for, to have the firings upheld by the Inspector General of the Justice Department, and then go out and be able to make a profit off of that sort of performance. I think when people look at Washington to swamp as Donald Trump has called it. These are the sort of anecdotes that drive people nuts. Why can't we have compident people, Why can't incompy it will be punished. You're more confident that that real justice is going to be at the end of the day, it's going to take place. Greg, You're not as confident. No, I you know, I've I've been around Washington too long. And politics interferes with the rule of law and its proper enforcement. Injustice occur and injustice the case for Russia collusion against the Democrats, it's on the Hill dot com. Greg Jarrett's book The Russia Hoax now out in paperback. It's on Hannity dot com. Thank you both. When we come back, all the other news we haven't gotten to. News Roundup Information Overload is next. As we continue, say right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, News round up, Information overload um Our main focus in and theme is I said this after the election in November. By the way, Glad, your willis eight hundred ninety one Sean, I promised this hour we're going to be getting to your calls. I just keep watching. I told friends, wait for one hundred days. In one hundred days, the American people will conclude that they have elected for the US Congress the biggest bunch of nuts and extremists this country's ever ever seen before. My only problem is I didn't think it would happen this quickly. Everything I warned about before the election, the mid term and in all this narrative, Oh, Donald Trump got killed in the mid term, It's just not true, especially the first midterm of Bill Clinton. Oh, he lost eight Senate seats and fifty two House seats. You know, you look at Obama lost six Senate seats and oh, that's right, sixty three House seats and I don't know what the final tally, thirty nine House seats and the and this president picked up Senate seats. So it's amazing the media in their analysis of all this, but especially like this Green New Deal and all of the all the push Now, you know, rich pay their fair share, pay their fair share, pay I want a tax on wealth. We're gonna eliminate all private insurance, the Green New Deal, and we're gonna we're gonna eliminate We're gonna nationalize every industry, the healthcare industry, education, We're gonna nationalize energy, in America. And even though we're gonna be demolished and dead in twelve years, anyway, we're going to do this in ten years, and we're going to eliminate airplanes in the meantime. I mean, it's and you're whether you're willing or unable, unwilling or unable to work, you're still gonna be guaranteed pretty much everything from now until the rest of your life, cradle to grave, womb to twomb. And now what's surprising is, for whatever reason, we'll start with Corey Booker. You know, all of these Democrats are now trying to do everything they possibly can to ride the cotels of Alexandria Casio Cortez. You know, we now have you know, almost a hundred people signing on to this madness. Listen to Corey Booker over the weekend. Our planet is in peril and we need to be bold. It's one of the reasons why I signed onto the resolution a co sponsor, the resolution for the Green New Deal. And there's a lot of people now that are blown back on the Green Deal. They're like, Oh, it's in practical od, it's too expensive, Oh, it's all of this If we used to govern our dreams. That way, we would have never gone to the moon. God, that's impractical. You see that ball in the sky. That's it practical. And when the planet has been imperiled in the past, who came forward to save Earth from the scourge of Nazi untiltalitarian regimes? We came forward. Who came forward to save the planet from or continents from financial ruin? We came forward with the Marshall Plant. Our history is standing up and saying, look, humanity is in crisis. America is going to be light and the hope. So what is he advocating for here? That we're gonna get rid of all fossil fuels in ten years while we are now on the verge of the biggest financial boom this country has seen in modern times, as we now have surpassed Saudi Arabia and Russia in terms of production and we're only touching the surface. We have two pipelines now soon to be coming online. We have anwar now opened up, and now we're gonna literally eliminate hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of high paying career jobs for America. We're going to get rid of foreign wars and entanglements because we need to make sure that there's the free flow of oil at market prices. And you know, when you put natural gas and our energy resources and you combine them all oil gas, clean coal, we've got more than we would ever need for hundreds of years. And it gives us the ability also to create stability in other parts of the world with like our European allies. You know, look at the economic numbers as we now see them. We literally are in the biggest economic boom we have ever seen in our lifetime. You know, US Steel citing Donald Trump in Alabama. US Steel, an idled manufacturing facility in Alabama's going up and getting running again, and they are directly crediting President Trump. You know, we have the Washington Examiner the best economic optimism this country is seen in sixteen years. And also fifty percent of Americans are better off under Trump. Who are those better off Americans? Well, mostly turns out to be Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, women in the work force, youth, unemployment, in our vets, they're the ones that are prospering. And all of this wealth creation we've ever experienced in this country is because of the foundational principles of our constitutional republic and our belief that freedom and opportunity is far better than what this new Green Deal, which is really just the nationalizing of our economy. Let's call it what it is. I mean, what she is, this green new deal, you know, to combat climate change, is much different than what it's being proposed as and as you look at the details of it, it gets even worse. You know, it's like a trojan horse for bigger nationalization of the economy in every single solitary sector. For example, Kamala Harris her call for Medicare for all, Bernie Sanders Medicare for all, and then Kamala then out does Bernie by saying she would eliminate all private healthcare for one hundred and seventy seven million Americans, as if they didn't do enough damage under Obamacare. And not to be outdone, we've got Kirston Gillibrand echoing Kamala Harris, and you're gonna see this all throughout this year. They're gonna try and outsocialize one another. Here's Kirsten Gillibrand, you campaign on access to medicare, You've signed on to Bernie's bill, for a single pair plan. One of the debates we've had recently is around what happens to private insurance? Should end in private insurance as we know, it be a Democratic Party goal, and you think it's an urgent goal. Oh yeah, it is a goal and an urgent goal. Oh well it's yeah. We got that's one hundred and seventy seven million Americans. So what it means is they'll nationalize healthcare. Well, how's that worked out for the people? Accounada. I read you a note last week a friend of mine. I actually have two brain surgeon friends, literally their brain surgeons, and one of them got a note from a guy in Canada twenty eight years old and he can't get They told him, well, we're gonna watch and wait. The guy has a tumor in his brain. And I said, well, if they wait, what's likely to happen? And he goes, oh, he'll die. And so my friend, being the generous soul that he is, invited this guy. He's not wealthy, he's not rich to give to give him free the care that he desperately needs that will be life saving for him. And I offered, I said, if I can help it anyway, maybe get him a place to stay or whatever. I'll be to do it. But that's what's going to be happening all over the United States. Look at Great Britain, nih they have net socialized medicine there too. But if you sort of have reached the age of life expectancy and you need a hip replacement or a knee replacement, they're gonna factor in your age and think, well, you know, yeah, you kind of already have outlived your time and we can't afford it. And that's what's coming to America. What is government done in the past, more recently Obamacare, keep your doctor plans save money. But beyond the military, what does government do well? Because according to this new Green Deal, government's gonna take over education completely. Now, higher education is going to be guaranteed for everybody. Second Bill of Rights. Everybody's gonna be guaranteed a job at a family sustaining wage, family medical leave, everybody guaranteed vacations, every one guaranteed retirement, Everyone guaranteed access to nature, clean air, water, and healthy food guaranteed. I can hardly wait for the diet that they're gonna put us on. Safe of everyone's guaranteed housing how are we going to pay for that? You know, Well, it's not a matter of how we pay. Every home and business in America is going to have to be rebuilt in ten years. Well, let's start with the Freedom Tower. How long is that going to take you? Well, maybe we'll just retrofit. Maybe it wouldn't be practical, Okay, but that's not the point. Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work. Although, oh, we didn't mean what we said about that part. Once we got the crap beating out of us for that part, you know. And then they're gonna get rid of meat, red meat, because the CO two emissions from the flatulence of cows is polluting the environment. But we're not sure we could fully get rid of the cows and the airplanes that fast, but we're gonna try. Okay, we're gonna build all these high speed trains. I can't wait to see the great train, high speed train from the United States to Europe, or the United States to Asia, or the United States to Australia because we can't fly there anymore. So well, I guess we'll just get on a train. Okay, you're gonna build the trains over the water like that. Good luck with that technology, and I'm sure it's not gonna cost much at all. It's gonna be really, really inexpensive for the average person to get all aboard. But don't worry, the tickets will be free. Transportation is gonna be taken over. I mean it is, you know, to ban The insanity is we are at a sixty five year high in terms of energy production. It is the lifeblood of every economy. The wars that have been fought over energy and oil are too numerous to name. But we have all of this energy here and we have the ability not only to use it as the force of our economy. Why do you how do you think the Saundi's got so rich because they had a monopoly and people in the Middle East had a monopoly on energy. Because you have these you know, people in the seventies telling us a new ice age is coming, so we can't drill in. Then it's global warming. We can't drill then, and then it's you know, some reason or another you can't drill. The Delta smelt prevents farmers in the Joaquin Valley in California from getting water for their crops. To protect a minnow called the Delta smelt. You know the woman in Virginia that supports the up to birth abortions. You know, well, the baby will be delivered, will make the baby comfortable, and the mother will decide that whole fiasco. Well, that woman also put forth the Caterpillar Protection Act at the same time. It can't kill a caterpillar, but a woman in the process of birthing can take a fully viable child that no longer needs the mother and literally commit and fantaside and murder that kid because that kid's fully formed. And now there's a race among radical Democrats to push this. By the way, thirteen percent of Americans back medicare for all, only thirteen percent. If it eliminates private insurance. You watch that number is going to go out. There's a certain appeal amongst you know, democrats are playing on people's natural fear. Will I have enough for my family? Will I have enough for my kids? Will I be able to retire and not be in the poorhouse? This deal is insane and Kimberly Strassell wrote a great piece about this, a blistering critique of it, saying, by the end of the Green New Deal, rose solution and accompanying fact sheet. I was laughing so hard I nearly cried. She wrote, if a bunch of geopiers plotted to forge a fake Democratic bill showing how bonkers the party is, they would not have done a better job. It's beautiful, and she writes the Green New Deal, pushed by AOC, attempts to radically transform the country, including rendering air travel obsolete and make the US force the US to rely completely on renewable energy with net zero emissions, and guarantee economic security even for people unwilling to work well. She pointed out, in order to live up to that proposal, well one hundred renewable energy, a space as big as the entire state of California would have to be dedicated solely for the facilities and wind turbines and solar panels. And the proposal suggestions of putting charging stations everywhere, upgrading or replacing every building, and developing high speed railway across every state may also hit a wall due to permitting laws. This is not even possible, all right, As we continue on the Sean Hannity Show, Now, if I believe that we have, if you believe in God, we have given dominion over the animals, but we should be good stewards and nobody wants dirty air of water. But that's not what we're talking about here. You know, Democrats now are pushing this so hard. They want to end the filibus to rule in the Senate so they can pass this new deal. That's how nuts they are for this. And you know, if you take it a step further, you know, where is common sense of the Democratic Party. The problem they now have is they are afraid of this radical base of their own own party. They're afraid to take it on. So rather this you know, all the things they hit in twenty eighteen there, now they're now exposing themselves for who they are and what they truly believe. This is the most radical, most extreme, you know, Democratic socialist party we've ever seen in this tree. You know, the idea of Elizabeth Warren that we can well, after we've taxed you, if you get to save anything, we're gonna come back and steal some more. We're gonna legalize government stealing even more. That's what they want. That's how we're gonna pay for all this. And they all sound the same, and they're all trying to outdo their madness one after another. You know, single payer means guess what, that's the end of healthcare as we know it in this country, the greatest healthcare system in the world. Also, and I know the answer it is too. They say you opposed legalizing weed. That's not true. I know, and look I joke about it, have joking. I have my families from Jamaica. Are you kidding me? Maybe? So mad at you? Have you ever smokes? I have? Okay? And I in Hale, I didn't. I didn't. It was a long time ago, but you have to go. I just broke news. I mean in college, I like stuff like that. Un joints. It was a joint. Hey remember the high I too. So if it was legalized all throughout the country, DIST know, would you you know, do it? Listen? I think that it gives a lot of people joy and we need. I discovered that it didn't make any difference whether you smoked reefer in the white classmates sparkling new Van or in the dorm room with some brother you've met down at the gym. I spent the last two years of high school in the days I Inhale. That was that was that with the point I inhaled, drank beer heavily and tried drugs enthusiastically. I spent the last two years of high school in the days. Did you inhale? I was telling? Somebody asked this question? I said, that was the point I inhaled, drank beer heavily and tried to lugs enthusiastically. That was the sporting last two years of high school in the days, having a great time. This question, member sentity you are under oath? Did you inhale? I was telling? Somebody asked this question, I said, that was Kamala Harris this morning on her weed smoking days. Uh eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, If you want to be by the way, that's part of their agenda too legalize marijuana. Um. You know, I understand it for maybe medicinal purposes. But the problem is this, do we really want a nation of stoners? You know? Is that when we want? Because you know, in the course of my adult life, I've met people that all the time, and guess what, they're not very productive. They may think they're productive, but they usually are not. And once they get caught up in that system, that's where they stay, or they even go further, which is a greater danger. So a party of late term abortion, a party of wealth tax is, a party of seventy to ninety percent tax rates, a party with a rampant anti Semitic problem. Now a party that wants to nationalize energy, healthcare, education, every pretty much every industry in the country and is offering everybody for everything for free. Great, can't wait for this to get implemented. Where do we go next? Let's go to Don and Lake Ground concoma. What's up, Big Don? How are you? Sir? Hey? Captain Handy, permission to come aboard? Thanks for taking permission granted, sir, Welcome aboard. Yeah, isn't I am telling you? Sean? Isn't it pathetic to learn that about one hundred Democrats are willing to support Alexandra Accio Cortestnis insane Green Deal. It should be called the Green with Envy of Capitalism Deal. The blessings of our founding document were endowed by our creator YEP with certain inalienable rights, life, liberty, pursued, a happiness and everything in our system and our constitution. Our founders are framers. They put together not perfect, not a perfect system. There's no such thing as a perfect people. But the system that has become and is the envy of the world in terms of wealth creation and prosperity for all, well, all those things that you will mention before. I mean, move America to eliminate all fossil fuels in ten years, eliminate all air travel in ten years, upgrade ten of all buildings in ten years. No one, do they have only ten years to pull off this tobaccle. We only have eleven years, eleven months, and twelve days to the end of our survival. Sean. Well, apparently that's what they're saying, right. Do you know why she's not confident. I don't think she's confident in this Green with Envy proposal. She's got why because she will never I repeat you, will never debate you on TV or radio. I'll give her three hours of my radio show. I would look at that as like the greatest gift ever. Yeah, she will. I'll be nice, I'll be very you know, thoughtful, and give her time to answer, but we're gonna have a serious, serious discussion. She will never debate the host of Mark Martial of Inn the Great One. Well, I'd love to have Mark. That would be Great or Thomas Sowel or Ted Cruz. She can't point into one socialism success. Nope, one you would think. You know, one of the problems of mankind is we're supposed to If we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it. But the problem is we don't learn from history, and we repeat it again and again and again. You know, if if our memories are so short, look at what the economy was like under Obama, Look at what it's like under Trump. Remember what it was like under Carter. Remember Ronald Reagan got us out of the pit. You know, we forget and forgetting them, we pay the price. And the last eight years before Trump, we paid a big price buying into this. Uh, Sean and South Carolina, Sean, how are you hey? You know, I've been listening to this whole abushing issue and it's just really got me really confused. I need to let me just correct one thing. It's not an abortion issue, but they're bringing up an infanticide issue. This is the ninth month late term viability. And you know, let a baby be born on the mother decides if it lives or dies. That's different. Yeah, I agree, it is in fantaside. But why, all of a sudden are they pushing this? I mean, in my in my opinion, they're deliberately trying to push this back in the courts. I mean, how are you not pushing it back to the work, because at what point does the baby get constitutional right? You can't answer it. I can't answer it. But all of a sudden, now it's your questions. But also we're looking at a situation where, unfortunately, we may have to I think it's highly probable that we're going to have to put someone Trump's going to have to consider another street on the Supreme Court. I don't know how to get away with that without that happening within the next six twelve months. So why would they do that? Why would they all of a sudden? I mean, there's no question, there is simply no question that this is murdered. There's no question editing fant aside, it has to go back in front of the Supreme Court. They noticed. Why Yeah, listen, I'm going to tell you something. This is now we're fighting for the future of freedom and liberty and the greatest standard of living in the industrialized world. That's it. There's a lot at stake here. And I know some people, you know, got a little tired after the last election, but it's time to re engage because this fight has never been more serious. You know, look at the battle over the border wall, look at the battle over healthcare. Look at what they want to do, eliminate all all they're bragging about it, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand. Look at what they want to do to the economy. Look at the taxes they want to impose on people. They even want to impose taxes on money you've already pay taxes on and they want another free bite at the apple. Why so they can accumulate power, redistribute wealth, And in every instance throughout history, usually the wealth ends up going in the pockets of the people that make these lofty promises that are never fulfilled for the people. You know, Just talk to a Canadian and ask them what they think about their single payer system, or talk to people in Great Britain, ask them what they think of their NIH. They're not that fond of it. Most of them understand it. You know, free education, cheefe. We pay more per capita for student with like where's thirty seventh overall? And now they're gonna take over free college, and we're gonna rebuild every home. We're gonna eliminate airplanes, and we're gonna give up what is the single biggest source of wealth we will ever have, and that's our energy resources, which will create more wealth, more prosperity than we ever dreamed of for everybody in America, high paying career jobs all over the energy sector. It's the lifeblood of our economy. But they go on to blow it up in ten years for no reason at all. You know this is now bordering on insanity. Well, it is insanity. All right, Let's go to Brian and Florida. Brian, how are you glad you called? I'm good, Sean, thanks for taking my call again. I'm honored. What's going on, sir, glad you joined us? Well? I have an idea. I think there's a way to bypass the Ninth Circut Court of Appeals and get the wall built. Trump gets Governor Abbott in Texas to file a state of emergency. Trump will then in turn approve and provide federal funding, and if anyone tries to file a lawsuit against that ruling, it would remain within the state of Texas and all the justices on the Texas Supreme Court meant to go out there preemptively and ask for ahead of time. Well, no, if Governor Abbots file a state of emergency, Trump can give him federal funding for the wall, and that would cover six five percent of the border, and if anybody filed a lawsuit, it would stay. Oh, that's a bad idea at all. I think if you go in and ask for some type of judiciary ruling ahead of times, that might signal that you think you're on shaky legal ground. I wouldn't support that, but a declarative a declarative judgment. But I would support what you're saying about about Governor Abbott asking that very thing. I think that's a good idea. And here and here's the thing. Even if it went to the federal level, it would stay in the fifth Circuit, not the ninth. And then once that's done, sixty five percent of the border secure, then you go to Arizona you get Governor Doucy to do the same thing. That's twenty percent of the border. Now eighty five percent of the border is secure, and it never goes to a federal court because it's all local state of emergencies, not a national emergency. Yeah, well, and certainly listen. I also think look for all those people that wanted the President to stay in a situation that was becoming untenable. Although we didn't know before that, Remember planes we are going to be disrup did people were gonna walk out. It was going to impact everybody's life. And the Democrats wouldn't even sit down and talk. They were willing to literally defy dreamers, DAKA people and furloughed workers just to try and hurt the president. But I told you, the President is not giving up. I predict either tonight or sometime tomorrow, he's going to declare a national emergency. And when he does, he's gonna hit the ground running. He's willing to fight through the courts, because if it's an emergency, you would think it gets expedited through the court system. It has to be, but even that can take four or five six months. But it's worth the fight. This, you know, this is life and death. This is about literally defending safety and security of every American. It's worth the fight. And that's why Republicans when they you know, this idiocy that they were proposing earlier in this quote pipartisan deal that well, we're gonna go after well, we'll allow sixteen thousand beds for rapists, etc. And those that commit violent crimes, but not sixteen thousand and one. We're only gonna give you sixteen thousand beds, and after that point you have to release them. A rapist, somebody, a violent criminal. There shouldn't be a limit on how many people you keep in jail and send back and prosecute. Anyway, back to our phones, Chris Saint John's, Florida, Chris, how are you glad you called? Thank you, mister Hannity for taking my call. I'm on going to break this down to brass tacks for everybody because we're trying to get to too many steps to get the wall built. The United States Coastguard currently resides under the Department of Homeland Security. Their budget is ten point six billion dollars. Since World War Two, the United States has had an authority the President of the United States to move the United States Coastguard under the Department of an eighty with a signature. If he does that, he has ten point six billion dollars under DHS to move around. However, he wants to build the wall. There is no court that will challe it is law I mentioned earlier. I mentioned earlier in the program. Mike Lee found a statute that I think holds and what his idea was very simple, and I quoted it earlier. I won't get all the details in but ten USC. Two eighty four B seven seems to be the best candidate among potential sources of executive authority to build the wall, because be the types of support for agencies of the US, the purposes for which the Secretary may provide support under Subsection A for other department or agencies federal government or a state, local, or tribal enforcement, the construction of roads and fences, and installation of lighting to block smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the US. And it goes on from there. And yeah, I think there's all sorts of ways around this, and the President is looking into every one of them, I can guarantee you. And he's going to fight. I mean, all these conservatives that's say he's not going to fight. I'm like, you don't this guy like I do. And I'm telling you he's tenacious and he's unrelenting. He's not going to stop, all right, Hannity tonight, nine Eastern. So the President is in Al Paso and he is confronting the issue of borders head on. Now. The question is will the President declare national emergency tonight? I would expect sometime in the next couple of days he would do that. Also, we have Lindsey Graham, John Solomon, Greg Jarrett, Lawrence Jones, Larry Elder. President begins his speech at nine. Will cover a lot of it on the Fox News Channel. Seeback here tomorrow

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