The Great One Is Back

Published Jun 14, 2019, 10:00 PM

Mark Levin, author, constitutional lawyer, radio and TV host has a new book out. Mark is always discussing the divisive political climate and addresses much of it in his new book, Unfreedom of the Press. Today he takes major issue with Jim Acosta, CNN’s chief fake news expert, and author of a book that spreads more lies than information. 

The Sean Hannity show is on weekdays from 9 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Right, glad you with us? Yes, you made it happy Friday. Right down our toll free telephone number. We'd love to hear from you today. It's eight hundred nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. I have no idea. What if they're probably tapping into the moonshine that listeners have sent us, because everybody's like all jovial inside the control room and it's been like that all day, and I'm looking, is it somebody's birthday? I don't think I bought pizza for everybody today, but you get your usual lunch. That something happened that I missed? What's going What is going on in there? Did you tap in Friday? My friend is that it's just because it's Friday. It's the only reason everybody's giddy in there. I mean, I'm giddy every day. That's my nickname. Oh no, you're not. You know. The best moment of the week, by the way, was when we add oh special Master Sergeant, oh god, senior Master. Saw see, you're never gonna let me live that down. That's correct, And he goes after you than anybody I've ever seen, forget about it, and takes you down, which I loved, and you know what you did, You sucked it up. Well, he and I off the air have quite an inappropriate back and forth, and oh god, it's it's insane. If you want two people that sit around a table and drop an f F F F F FOHI j K whatever it is, you don't actually give advice to somebody one time it's a friend of mine. I'm like, do yourself a favor. If the if, if the letter begins and you're mad with any letter in the alphabet and it's bad, get rid of it. Don't ever use it, because it's not gonna end well for you. No matter what you think in the moment that you might be winning some type of debate of some kind, you're not. Um, all right, well that's all it is. Okay, I'm fine with that. Happy Friday. We do have a lot of news to get to today. Um. We now have learned an awful lot about Carter Paige who he is. That he worked for American intelligence, the American intelligence community, meaning he was interviewed, He was on our side on a regular basis for such a long period of time, which then you know, lends itself to the question, Wow, how did they use this guy to this extent? And it kind of now is becoming transparent and obvious with what the Attorney general is doing and the Deputy Attorney General's letter to Nadler, Boyd's letter to Nadler earlier this week, the expansion of what it is that Durham is doing and the information that he's now seeking, and he's going to talk to Christopher Steele, the you know, save records request that went out to the CIA this week. By the way, Gina Hasball, the CIA director. You know, there's things I know something about Gina Haspall that nobody else knows, and I'm never going to reveal it. I'll only tell you that after nine to eleven she was an American hero. That's all I can say. And I learned it in the course of just doing normal investigative reporting and stuff, and it is beyond impressive and absolutely critical to America and in the aftermath in nine to eleven, the search for Bin Laden and all of these important things. Um, and it was interesting to watch that. You know, not rightly none of this stuff ever comes up, but I'm pretty sure that I got good intel on that. And you know, there are a lot of people. That's why I'm you know, at times, I tell you this is hard, because we know that we need the best intelligence because of the evil in the world that we live in. You know, look at what's happening in the in the Gulf and the Straits of hor Moves, and you know the saber rattling of Iran and these tankers that are hit and you know, Secretary of State Pompeios, yeah, the the Iranians did it. And you know, the one miracle in all of that is you look at the Straits or hor Moves. It is so narrow, it is so key, it is so strategically pivotal. And it all goes to the question I talked so often about the lifeblood of America's economy being energy and the fact that for the first time in seventy five years, we are energy independent. We're now net exporters of energy. And the reason we haven't gotten to this point beforehand is because, like everything else that Donald Trump does, everybody was afraid to do it. I mean, you think of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. So many presidents promised, yeah, they got talked out of it. They wouldn't do it too risky, too political, and then the recognition of the colon heights as Israel's Yeah, too risky, too political. But what a radiance saber rattling has done putting the Kashogi issue aside, which is not a small deal. I don't think there's been anybody in media more critical of the saudiast and countries like Saudi Arabia and the way they treat women and gays and lesbians. And they kill them, that's that's they throw them off rules, stone them to death. And you know, rape, marital rape is not a crime in some of these countries, telling women how to dress, women can't leave the house or the country without a male's permission, not leaving the house without a male relative. You know, good luck building a synagogue, good luck building a Christian church in some of these countries, because Christians and Jews are persecuted as just a daily occurrence in some of these countries. And we've gone through them, and you know, the remarkable thing is is we've been dependent on Middle Eastern oil for way too long. And when you think of all of the benefits of being energy independent, it starts with we don't need we have enough resources to be energy efficient and then some for hundreds of years, we're told when you factor in natural gas, oil, coal, etc. And then you say, well, why those countries are so rich. You know, this is the insanity of socialism, communism, redistributionism, in statism. In Venezuela, if the Venezuelan government weren't so corrupt, their leaders not so greedy that if you use the resources which are so vast in Venezuela are as much more vast and you've got you could literally raise everybody out of poverty. Remember Jorge Ramos gotten arrested because he was interviewing the President Maduro at the time and literally showing him video of his own citizens digging out food from a garbage truck. That shouldn't happen in a country that has the kind of wealth and resources of Venezuela. Similarly, you know, if I always give out the Biden Obama economic failure statistics, you know there's no reason to have to add thirteen million Americans to food stamps. There's no reason that we had eight million more Americans and poverty and the worst recoveries in the forties. I have pushed this issue of energy so hard because we don't need their oil. We don't need to bow at the altar of countries. Often that's often the case hate us. We not only can be energy independent, but and which would you know, all of these potential jobs in the energy industry. Remember when we partnered with companies in Oklahoma, Texas, in North Dakota and it happened organically. I said on the air one day, you know, seeing what was happening in these places and the oil boom that was happening in the bulk, in particular in North Dakota, they're training people to be drivers there. Teach you and you'll start at eighty grand a year and you get all the overtime you want. Now, I said, just happened to say, Well, if I was at a dead end job paying me forty grand a year, I could barely bake my rent. You know, I'm driving an old GALOPI, which I've lived that life for many years, buying one two hundred dollars truck, one three and fifty dollars car, painting my own cars, doing the brakes, tune ups and yeah, and I would never never trade that experience because it made it really is ingrained in me and help me to be who I am today, and so I just see this energy boom potential. We have now all of the rich wealth of let's say, these Middle Eastern countries that could be America, if we have government that's not corrupt, if the free market dictates the job, the natural job creation, if we don't allow the environmental extremists, the climate change extremists, to put the regulations in place that devastate any opportunity to tap into these vast resources that we have, well, that then creates more dependence again on countries that hate us. And not only does it free us and make us more free and more you know, less entanglements in foreign conflicts, it literally then frees us from the entanglements if we so choose. I don't think you ever break the alliance that we have with the only democracy in the region, which of course is Israel. But then you look at the forgotten men and women that drove the twenty sixteen election, and then all these higher paying jobs come into play, millions of them in the energy sector, and we're not dependent on far An oil, and then we could literally now compete with bad actors like Vladimir Putin and hostile regimes like Russia which have aligned themselves with irand and then we could. But the standard of living. You know, you go from making thirty forty fifty grand a year and now you're making one hundred hundred and twenty grand a year. Well that means maybe you give up the apartment, you put your first down payment down for a house. Maybe that means you buy that new truck you've always been dreaming of instead of arriving the old jalapi. Maybe you get to the better school district for your kids. Maybe you know, in a few years, your kids the right age. You suck up and you go down to Disney for a week. I trust me you're gonna hate it. Your kids will love it, and you have vacation time that and you've accomplished something great in your life. And we have all of it. It's like we're sitting on a pile of gold, black gold Texas t Beverly Hillbillies and we don't use it. And how stupid could we be? And I'm listening to Bernie Sanders. It's like that socialist utopia that he's outlining, which has never worked, It has been tried, it has failed. You know, as the great pamphleteer Thomas Payne one said, government and its best state is but a necessary evil. It's worst state and indolerable one. These are the American people's resources. Let us tap into it. Let us remain energy independent. Let us bring these other countries, enemy countries to their knees. And let our Western European allies, our friends, not be dependent on hostile regimes and actors in the Middle East for the lifeblood of everybody's economy. And if some genius leftist comes up. You know, I had an inventor once I interviewed many years ago. He said, there's actually more energy that's in gravity that we don't see we could tap into. All right, so find it. I'm not a scientist, and if you find it, you're going to be a multi trillionaire. Good luck, because you can transform. So but in the meantime, we're dependent on oil, gas and coal, you know, not the New Green Deal and the standard of living of every American can go way up. How great is that? But you know there are people that just resist that. Why why would you resist it? Why would you not want every American free and prosperous on their own they get to make their own choices. They you know, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, not guarantees. Right as we roll along Sean Hannity's eight hundred and nine one Sean Tolfrey telephone number. You always I just watch, I just observe, I just see, you know, like the media freak out which we talked about yesterday, which we predicted the night before on Hannity on you know, President Trump says, well, somebody calls me. I mean, I didn't solicit them. I'll listen. What do they have to say. I don't even know if it's good or bad. And then if it's bad, I'm gonna tell the FBI hypothetical. The same people freak out. Wow, Russia, he thought, did you you were hysteria, breathless reporting, madness, absolute madness for the purpose of ginning up the conspiracy, the lying and the hoax. Yet again, and it just just like Mueller last week, it happens again and again and again. And this is who they are. This is not you know, journalism is dead, it is buried. It is not even as it's not ever about a search for truth. It doesn't matter that there was a candidate that did commit felonies that did obstruct justice, that did have an intent, that did destroy evidence. They don't care. It's like they cared about Kavanaughs. So they said, believe, believe, believe. But you got a lieutenant governor because he's a Democrat, nobody believes and all too compelling stories of rape and violent sexual assault. No, did not not a peep out of them. Obstruction, well, you've got real obstruction. So pan At emails destroyed, etc. They don't care. They're just it's like, wait a minute, hold on a hypothetical. Wait, Donald Trump just said, oh my gosh, that he would listen if somebody called him forget him out. The person that funneled the money to a law firm that hired the op research group that hired the foreign national that put together the Russian lies that were disseminated by the Obama Biden intelligence community leaked to the press to impact the twenty sixteen elections. And worse, it's an unverifiable pack of lies, even according to the author of the dossier, who then they use it to spy on a guy we'll talk to you later today, Carter Page, but to then backdoor and spy on the Trump campaign, Trump transition Trump presidency, selective moral outrage, agenda driven media Journalism's dead twenty five to the top of the hour, Happy Friday, gladual with US eight hundred and ninety four one Sean Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza, you know, it is pretty fascinating. I still think and I'd like the answer to the question whether or not Trump I knew exactly what he was saying to George Stephanopolis, mister Clinton himself. He mean, you know, go watch the war Room and you know the real George Stephanopolis, and the media will destroy you. Remember we've played that moment, one of his greater moments, and I know that, you know, he thinks he's the greatest person ever to ever get behind the mic. But well, I don't know, maybe Jim, you want me to play it all right, Linda wants to play let's play it. I can send you effects with names of just his phone numbers, of who you had an affair with. It wouldn't make it true. It is completely If you went on the radio and said that Bill Clinton is the father village that had been black child, you would be laughed at. People would think you're crazy. I guarantee you that if you do this, you'll never work in democratic politics again. Because maybe you don't want to. I'm not saying it matters. You will be embarrassed before the National Press Corps, people will think rowing brain, nobody will believe you, and people will think you're scumming that. The alternative is you don't do it. It causes you some temporary pain with people who tomorrow aren't gonna matter, and you have a campaign that understands it in a difficult time. He did something right, and you know that's important. I mean, it doesn't mean anything. We can't do anything for you specifically or anything like that, but you you know that you did the right thing. Mhmm. I mean, you know what I love about that. Right at the end, he goes, you know, it doesn't mean anything, we can't do anything for you. But five seconds before he tells them that he doesn't do it the way he wants, he's gonna crush your skull. You're gonna get You're gonna get your skull crushed, and then you're gonna also But if you do the right thing, you never work in this industry again. I'm like all right, So I can't do anything for you, but I can't destroy you. Well, but before he said that, But on the other hand, you're gonna have a a bunch of people that will matter or that are gonna be in power. Not that we can do anything, but you're gonna have friends in power. There. Yeah, that's that's a lot of cy There's a big cya in there, which is hilarious. It's like, I don't want to play it, but when we George Stephanopolo has never heard about Bill Aris and Bernardine Dorham ticking notes. At least he asked it. He listened. He asked the question about Arizon Dorn and just the guy in the neighborhood. George has happened to start my career in his house. Um, you know, a lot of this is all gonna come down to. I mean, sometimes you just gotta cut through the clutter. And there's a lot of you know, daily who's up, who's down, Joe Biden's up, and all of a sudden, Elizabeth Warren's about the beato bozo, Robert Francis is down, and and so on, and so who's gonna be the nominee? And the debates I can tell you most people I know don't care. But most people are watching Donald Trump every week. They are watching the Democrat now try and try and ignite yet a fifth investigation, and also watch that they're not doing a thing for the American people yet their sole obsession is rage and hate against the president. Yeah. Who, Let's see the best job economy we've had since nineteen sixty nine, the best if it's Biden. Okay, even Democrats are afraid of Biden winning because he's a walking disaster and no energy, no new ideas, and he's part of a record that put thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million in poverty, double the national debt, worse recovery since the forties. Jobs, yea, yeah, jobs, Well, all these Americans suffered, and now you got let's see the best economy since sixty nine, job market since nineteen sixty nine, record low unemployment, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, in youth unemployment. You just let's start comparing. Okay. So, now, while they dropped one hundred and fifty billion dollars on a tarmac for Russia, for Iranian mullahs, now our Rand's in a pretty sticky situation because I believe Mike Pompeo or a Secretary of State when he says the Iranians did this. But we're now in a position with we don't really We only get involved to the extent we're gonna want to get involved. Now if RAND starts to go nuclear and we have compelling evidence to chose such Now Rand's got a huge landmass. This is not a difficult This is going to be a difficult operation. But there might come a time because we see something that never was possible that has emerged in the Middle East, where the United States always the friendship with Israel, the relationship with Israel's never been this strong. And I've always said that Prime Minister Netan Yahoo, a Churchillian figure who's had the moral clarity out of pure necessity, that he must have this strength, the Iron Dome, the strongest, toughest military to the tiniest country, the size of New Jersey, to beat back forces enemies surrounding them on all sides Lebanon and in Gaza, and you know Hamas has Blah, the Muslim brotherhood. But something interesting is hampened, well, the Morsey, the former head of the Muslim Brotherhood wants to you know that Obama supported with billions of dollars and tanks and military craft. Um. Yeah, that guy's once referred to Jews as descendants of apes and pigs. That's who Obama helped. Well, now we have General Alcisi and General Alcsi's in power and Kingdom Abdullah in Jordan. He's recognized the real threat of Iranian hegemony, and the Saudis have recognized it and have a natural conflict Souni Versashia with Iran, and so that exists. A proxy war against Yemen has been totally and completely and utterly in Iranian hands, and we've known it, just like proxy wars like they killed Americans in Iraq and how they've been fomenting terror around the world. We know that. And there's a reason Vladimir Putin, the hostile actor that he is, is supporting them and trying to align with them. But you think of this opportunity, isn't like threading a needle where the United States, Israel, the Jordanians, the Egyptians, the Saudis, the Emirates all have aligned in a way that nobody ever saw coming or possible, which means there's a greater possibility peace in the region than we've ever had. And if it comes down to it, the Iranians are stupid. Except again, we're not as impacted. You can thank Donald Trump that we are not as impacted at what is going to be happening potentially in the straits of horror moves as we once were, because we're energy independent. That's that's how important this all is. But it won't stop America's involvement because when you marry radical Islamic terrorists with nuclear weapons, um, you would even think that Putin the hostile actor, he would see the wisdom in that. And Putin has also now experienced the wrath of Trump with the harshest sanctions any president in modern history has shown. Russia. Oh, thus old dependent on Putin. No, just you know, it's just like the tape I'm not going to play, but you know, I just love Adam Shift saying, and what is the name? What is the nature of the compromise? A bigger than naked thumb naket picks of the tomb. Yeah, and as put Putin see it, of course, Putin see the Nega pick, the Donald Toma picked. The dope is literally, you know, doing what everyone said. They were so outraged when Trump said to Stephanopolis, if someone calls, I'll listen. If it's bad, I'll tell the FBI hypothetical. And it's just such a bunch of hypocrhypocrites. But you know, whoever the candidate is, I have no idea. Most of them are beholden to this left wing, sick twisted New Green Deal or some version of it, which would take America's energy, the lifeblood, and eliminate it in ten years oil and gas. I meanwhile, immediately we go back to being dependent, which would be dumb. You know. You think of the power that America has because of all the natural resources and all the you know, foreign policy decisions that it alters every equation in our favor, because then people will rely on us. We won't rely on them. Events there won't matter as much to us. You know, the free flow of oil market prices impacts everybody, won't impact us. If we really need to dig down deep and start moving quickly to have more production of energy and maybe to help one day our Western European allies or other allies and Prince and you know, but they don't get it. But where will the where will the Democratic nominate? Where's that person going to come down on energy independence? Ninety nine point nine percent certainty, They're going to go back to bureaucracy, endless regulation, taxation, and destruction of energy independence, the lifeblood of our economy. How stupid would that be? And with it the millions of jobs for Americans, high paying career jobs that will literally lift like the tide comes in the standard of living of every single American that will get a job in that industry, millions of those jobs. And you know, secondarily, it gives us the freedom to pick and to choose such things. But where do Democrats stand up? We know where they stand on open borders. Walls are immoral. Let's tear down the walls. We have open borders, Amnesty, the seventy percent tax rates, marginal tax rates for individuals, nine marginal tax rates for corporations. Add to that wealth tax, add to that, oh of Medicare for all? No more choices in healthcare? Okay, Biden? Where do you stand on the border? Biden? Do you think that Obamacare keep your doctor plan and save money? Did it work out that way? Mister Biden? Do you support Medicare for all? Do you support people having the choice of an independent healthcare system? And that's just the start. And where do you stand on taxation? Well, we know Biden, we know where he stands. You know, Amazon actually took him on pointed out they paid two point whatever six billion dollars in taxes, and they're like, and we pay every single tax that is there, but we take every deduction we can. Everybody seems to think your tax business is your tax corporations, and you're doing yourself a good thing because they get all these breaks that we don't get. Well, I hate to tell you this, any corporation that's taxed, they're gonna they're not gonna cut back on their profit margin. They're gonna pass it on to you, the consumer. We pay the tax. It's like we pay the income tax, just like we pay the state tax. If you live in a high tax state. Why is California, Illinois, New York, New York, New Joyzy Why they're all losing population because they're driving people away. You know, Rush made a good point that we picked up yesterday and played on TV. You know, why is it that you've got this incredible social crisis? Emerging in all these liberal big cities. Now, we've said, Lawrence Jones, our Hannity correspondent, out to San Francisco twice, and we said to La also, and you know Nancy Pelosi's district twice. Feces on the streets almost everywhere. When you have needles and bloodstained clothing in the streets, that can't be safe for anyone. I do see like a load of needles, and then you know, feces everywhere, and then that's obviously about drugs and stuff like that. Um kind of makes it a trap when you walk around and you see needles and also a playground and just feces that were having the smell of it all. It's kind of This is a mile from Nancy Pelosi's home and our little enclave gated community, and a mile away from my office. But what's the rest of the agenda. Everything's free, Bernie Sanders, everything's free, school's free, guaranteed retirement, job vacation, guaranteed medicare for who's gonna pay for it? We're all gonna put the money in a pot. Never worked before, but we'll try it again. You know. Then, what else would they want? Open borders? Okay, they want higher taxes. Okay, you know, go through the list, they're all the same. The version of the green energy dependence. That's what they want. That's what they'll vote for. That's what they'll do. Let's see Democrats. According to Time dot com, they're gonna hold hearings on the feasibility of reparations next week. Democrats have on this, I'll tell you, they have set themselves a trap. There was a good piece of the New York Post about this, all of them, including Biden, the so called moderate one point seven billion dollars, you know, five extra billion dollars. And by the way, who's done more for criminal justice reform because of disparity and sentencing for minorities than Donald Trump? Looking with Kim Kardashian yesterday the White House, you know, and who wants these you know, during birth abortions. It's Democrats for crying out. I mean, this isn't even about abortion, it's infanticide. Got a Denver Council member wins by the promise to impose communism by any means necessary. Okay, how are they going to do? Tell me how that's going to connect with the American people. There's a certain appeal when government says they're gonna take away all your problems. I just have one word, Obamacare, three promises, keep your doctor, your plans, save money. None of it happened. So they all race to the left. They can't even make their way back to the Senate. There is no center for them. And what Trump is accomplished is going to mean something. That's why the polls mean nothing. And I, by the way, Joe Mansion considering leaving the Senate before the time is up, according to a report. But you know, Democrats will focus on what they do. They'll characterize Republicans as they always racist, sexist, homophobic, zamophobe, islamophobic, dirty air water, killed grandma, and hate kids. Not true, but that's what they'll do. I don't have a crystal ball, but I do know history, peace and prosperity drive elections. Are you better off than you are four years ago? Will matter? You know, it's all on the line here. Does election means something? Elections? Yeah, they mean things. Do you have anything that you regret? And what do you think? The chances are that in that investigation they find that people at the top, whether it was you or somebody else, let's say somebody else not you, did things that they should not have done, or did them in a way they should not have done them. What do you think the chances that comes up. I'd be very surprised to hear about anything like that emanating from the decisions that were made or the actions that were taken within the FBI. Very familiar with those actions and those decisions. I wouldn't make any of the decisions I made any differently. And I know that we've been down this road before. We've been under investigation about the events of the Russian investigation and of course the Clinton Emil investigation since January of twenty seventeen, and so far the efforts of the IG and others who've looked into it have found repeatedly no indication of bias, no indication of improper considerations in any of the decisions we made. So I'd be surprised to hear anything different coming from this investigation. Does the argument that, yeah, Okay, you shouldn't have Russians given you anything, and you shouldn't have been paying Russians for information to a Massa dossier the way Clinton did? Do you see these as analogs not at all, Chris, there's no equivalence between those two examples. To say, to openly invite foreign intelligence officers representatives from a hostile foreign government to steal information, to acquire opposition research in any way, in any illegal way that they might do that and to present it to you is one thing. For a campaign to hire a law firm, an American law firm, who then turns around and hires an American research company who then contracts out with a foreign individual. That is not illegal. Campaigns are allowed to hire individuals, foreign individuals, and to pay those individuals for the services that they provide. It is a phenomenal new development. The things that we have learned here Number one, the carter Page, and he was in the beginning reluctant to even tell us on this program, and I've poked about it with him, that he had been consulted, that he had worked for, in other words, that he was invested in helping our FBI, our CIA, our State Department for years based on his work and his traveling, and cooperated pretty much forever. As an article in National Review Online that says carter Page as mister clean, how many political players could survive such like a colonoscopy and scrutiny. However implausible it may seem, there was a time when Carter Page was treated like a dangerous character, so much so that Special Council Muller specifically tasked with investigating the one time foreign policy advisor to candidate Donald Trump. After naming the Special Council, the acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein penned two secret memoranda detailing Muller's powers and focus, and he told them he had been authorized since his appointment to investigate allegations that three Trump campaign officials Carter Page, Paul Manafort, George Pompanopolis quote committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the twenty sixteen presidential election. Page was not just tagged with an explicit target of Mueller's probe, was the first on the list. Given what happened to Manaphort and Popidopoulos, might one might have expected Page to be, you know, wearing the new black and yet not only is a freeman, Muller never even managed to get him on an overdue parking ticket. Carter Page, I bet reading that probably makes you feel better than maybe the first time that I interviewed you, Sean, you were one of the very few, the first who really broke the story. You know, when every all of the the same individuals that you're alluding to, both in the FBI and these DNC consultants were just spreading lies in the media. You were really on the front lines exposing the truth. So I appreciate you, you know, being willing to realize months months before the Mueller people ever owned up to it. I'm gonna be very honest with you. I asked you specific very early on in the first interviews. I said, I was straight with you because I didn't know the answer, to be very honest, and I said, because you worked in Russia, what you were at one period of time? Weren't you there for like three years? Yes, yep, I lived there, and I've been going there, sir. My first time there was in the end of the Soviet era as a Naval Academy midshipment. I was there in the summer of nineteen ninety one. So I've been back and forth throughout my life, all right. And the thing is, I remember asking you, well, has our government ever asked you to help him, and I caught the hesitancy you and your voice, and then I got the answer. Yeah. Yeah. I would often sit with them when I came home and neither lunch or dinner. And then I started asking more specific questions, and there was a certain level of discomfort. Tell me where I'm wrong. If I'm wrong, correct me in your answers. And I'm thinking, wait a minute, this guy works for us. That was my initial and I asked you, and you ducked my question. Do you remember the day I called you out for ducking my question? I think you called me out a few times, Sean, But let me let me know. And I wasn't being mean about it. Let me let me be Claire. I was not trying to be mean. I'm trying to get to the truth, because very quickly I was figuring out, Holy crap, he's on our team. He's helping our guys, he's meeting with our guys. He'd being brief by our guys. Our guys apparently like them because they keep meeting with him. Absolutely Well, you know, Sean, there was a back. You know another person you knew very well, President George H. W. Bush. You know another Navy veteran, another person who worked in the oil business, another person in the investment world. You know. Similarly, throughout his entire life, he never he was asked some similar questions about being a you know, support order of the CIA back in the nineteen sixties, and he never fully, uh, you know, disclosed that just out of the out of the basis of trying to protect operations, right, And that's you know, he was always very disciplined, you know. But unfortunately, the reason why I have to be more forthcoming about confidential matters like that is the fact that you know, a lot of those same people you're talking about within the FBI and the DNC consultants were leaking all sorts of lies to the to the media, which then led to abusive process in a US federal court. So it's just really sad. But so that's that's part of the reason why I wage was that it was it hard for you knowing that you would meet with CIA people, and you'd meet with that BI people, and you'd meet with State Department people and uh and as a people that and you would spend as much time as they required, and you'd answer every question and I'll built up a relationship with them, some of which I doubt you would disclose today if I'm not mistaken. Is that a true statement. I think that's that's fair. Yes, yes, okay, sure. And they knew you to be a friendly, they knew you to be an American patriot, they were you gave them the things that they were looking for. Can you say that absolutely absolutely, and that you loved your country and that you looked at it as an honor to be able to help in anything that they wanted. Yeah, Sean, And I think, similar to what you always say about law enforcement, I enjoyed working and you know, having an ongoing dialogue with the great men and women on the ground, boots on the ground in terms of the agents in both CIA and FBI that I had a relationship with over the years. So it's unfortunate, but that's you know, on the on the working level, I think there's some of the best people I've ever dealt with my life. Well, I mean, I really do. I got to tell you, and I've said this publicly that some of this, some of this work has been hard for me. And as much as you know I grew up in a law enforcement family, I had so many people in my family that were cops, and I imagine my mom in prison working sixteen hours shifts. I can't even tell you how many times as a prison guard, and my dad family court probation, and two members of my family, my grandfather's brothers, sons, made it to the FBI and they that was deity in this family. That was the highest of the high. It was like the pinnacle of all success. I'm really honored that through the process of doing my show, I've been able to reconnect with one of them. And but you know, it's hard because I I just my mind is I know ninety nine percent of cops are good. I know ninety nine percent of FBI agents of patriotic. I know that we need these powerful tools of intelligence, and to hear that a few use that power and having to, you know, work through to get to the truth, to reveal the danger of of targeting the American people with weapons of intelligence not exactly my favorite chore in life to be I'm being very blunt here, but it has to be done or else we lose the republic, we lose the constitution, we lose the principles of equal justice and equal application of laws. That's how serious I view it. More question, Sean, And I've always felt the same way, and I think you know the same uh concern that you have and the same bad feeling about what happened, you know, any any damage that was done to me, you know, I compare that to the the institutional damage that the politicians and the Democrats did in trying to corrupt and use these instruments of huge, you know, massive power to destroy President President Trump and previously candidate Trump going back to twenty you know, but think of your position in all of this, Carter uh stefan Helper, You're the he spied directly on you, then a FISA warrant, you are the target, that's your civil liberties and your you became the back door to spying on the Trump campaign, the Trump transition team, and then the Trump presidency. That's that's pretty interesting position to be put in in life. And Robert Muller interviewed you once. You never heard from again, did you know? And you know, and that's the sad part about it. I think, you know, his gang of angry Democrats that grilled me throughout throughout the day one Friday, a full day of interrogation in the same courtout oh by the way, that's where it's located, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court where some of their colleagues you know, led this fraud operation in twenty sixteen and earlier in twenty seventeen. It's really sad the way it all played out, and the fact, similarly, in his fraudulent report, which you know, gives half the story, they didn't really give any accurate court submissions back in the Komey McCabe sally Ates era at the not to mention mister Rosenstein during the five abuse months. Now that you see what the Attorney General is doing, what John Durham is doing. I mean, we had the news this week that the CIA will be interviewed. There's been record saving requests that have been put in. We see the serious nature of it. Christopher Steel now is going to be interviewed by Durham. We now know that it was an unverifiable tassier that he doesn't believe in himself when he was pushed in an interrogatory in Great Britain. But that was apparently the bulk of information used to spy on you for your your life. Did you you know what point did you figure out Stefan Helper is spying on you? What point did you figure out? Holy there's spying on me every and on every single thing I do. Well, you know, I was really I had my back up against the wall, Sean, And although I maintained a positive relationship with a lot of members of the Trump movements and the people I got to know earlier in twenty sixteen, you know, I basically had to go underground and have you know, all the conversations. There were very few people that wanted to talk to me when all these uh, the DNC's consultants and their law firms are working to you know, spread this these lies to illegally influence the election in the final weeks before. So you know, he was one, mister Halper, Professor Holper, is one of the few people that would be openly willing to talk with me. So I'm hoping, you know, I did you say, let me ask you this question, did you say sculpatory things to him that you know they didn't pay attention to Sean. It's it's all exculpatory, you know, so, and that's we don't know where the wrongdoing occurred because they haven't said anything yet, you know, stay right there, I'm gonna I want to pick it up there. Document accuses you of being a quote agent of a foreign power. Were you, Jake? This is so ridiculous, it's just beyond words. You know, it's uh, you're talking about misleading the courts. It's just so misleading going through those four hundred plus page documents. You know, where do you even begin. It's literally a complete joke, and it only continues. It's just really sad. All right, As we continue with Carter Page, I asked you this question, Stephan, Helper spying on you, Pep Panopolis and same Clovis, When did you figure that out? When did you figure the government spying on you? And how much of what they were hearing, reading, seeing, and you were saying in a Helper was exculpator. You said everything, I've never done anything wrong, Sean, not only in those you know, three hundred and sixty days that they were spying on the Trump campaign and myself. But you know in the I mentioned the first time I went to Russia it was in nineteen ninety one, and I've never done anything illegal or unethical there, So you know, it's all exculpatory. But you know there's there's lots of rumors, but you know, as you alluded to, we'll have to wait and see until the truth is now starting to come out with Attorney General bar and mister Durham. So all right, I just want to thank you. You know, a carter page. Every American deserves the presumption of innocence, due process, and it's amazing how over time the issue about you has evolved. It's troubling, beyond troubling, scary that it can happen to an American and you could be used as a conduit to buying a campaign, a transition team, and a president. Pretty frightening carter page. Thank you, Thanks, thanks for helping to get the truth out there, Sean. It's been invaluable. It's a lifesaver. Literally, I just want to get to the truth. So all we're looking for eight hundred ninety four one Sean toll free telephone number. Andy. Yeah, why was mister worse than Watergate? John Deane even brought in by Nadler and his committee and the great one Mark Levin and your calls Well coming up on this Friday edition Sean Hannity Show. He thrives on insulting people in situations. So this was typical Trump. Both men, Nixon and Trump are authoritarian personalities, much more so with Trump, and Nixon happened to be a better actor. He kept his authoritarian personality in private and check on his tapes. Mister Trump has put it right out there for voters, many of whom seemed to be attracted to it and want to follow it. So I, you know, I must say that Donald Trump, if he ever were given the reins of power, we'd have a whole different system. And so this is these are very authoritarian style presidencies, and we're watching what authoritarians do. They fire people, they don't want to have anybody disagree with them. Parallels are pretty scary for me, as somebody who's been there. If I had to channel a little of Richard Nixon, I think he'd tell this president he's going too far. This is the sort of stuff of a banana republic. This is what an autocrat does. The last time I appeared before your committee was July eleventh, nineteen seventy four, during the impeachment inquiry of Richard Nixon. In many ways, the Muller Report is to President Trump. What the so called Watergate roadmap officially titled the Grand Jury Report and Recommendation concerning Transmission of Evidence to the House of Representatives was to President Richard Nixon stated a little differently, Special Council Muller has provided this committee with a roadmap. All right there, he is, mister, worse than Watergate, Howard Dean up, now, worse than Watergate, John Deane. This guy has made his living doing this. This is all he ever says. Now we know, based on the tapes he lied nineteen times. We know he's a convict, we know he obstructed justice. And yet he fits in so perfectly with fake news CNN. And well, what is the offer in terms of being a fact witness in any of this? Nothing? Zero? Why then was he called? Because they just want to keep it alive, That's basically it. And actually Andy Biggs, the great Congressman from the great state of Arizona, Freedom called his member. He's also stunt supporters supporting our borders. He actually said about this that his testimony stunt would be comical if it wasn't so desperate. Um, he said it about Bush, He's saying it about Trump. Nobody looks at nineteen lies, obstruction of justice. He made a living now off of this. Andy Biggs, welcome back, Thanks Seane. Good to be with you. Yeah, a good column art, Oh, thank you, thank you. Yeah, he's the worst. John, I mean, and Jerry Nadler bringing in everybody put in three pundits to come in and testify about about what they don't know anything. And John Deane particularly was pernicious because he's incredible as a witness. When I say incredible, I mean he's not believable. He's not truthful, he's biased, he's as you said, You're exactly right. It's a cottage industry for him to try to rehabilitate himself and tell everybody they're worse than Watergate. No, I mean, hey, listen, I mean, if you can make a living doing that for forty plus years, maybe he should be applauded. It was pretty funny. On a little bit of a side note today, Um, you know, every once in a while I have to do and Linda can back us up on this, which is really funny. But so Linda, how many times, because I know, no TV tells me they've been getting calls. Please, Jim Acosta's got some garbage book he's trying to sell and he wants to do it on your show, and so he writes about it today because he's trying to get our attention, and maybe I shouldn't have done it, but I responded with a headline from Media eight where he says he saw me and Tucker in Helsinki. I don't remember seeing him in Helsinki, and he's mad we didn't approach him. But I just tweeted him back. I said, you know it's true fake news. Acosta's reps have been begging to do the number one show on cable news and beyond six and eighteen of America's top talk radio stations. I said, sorry, Jimmy, I won't subject my audience to conspiracy theory fake news. Go hawk that garbage on the lowest rated cable channel that you work for. Hashtag fake news Acosta. I mean, why would I ever subject people to more of this garbage considering that's what you get? Ninety nine percent in the media doesn't know what I'm most offended by. How many times do you get called about this? By the way, I blocked his numbers, so I don't worry about that. Um, But all that to say, and I'm sure the congressman would agree with me. You know, the first thing that you do in the art of the deal is you're polite. Right, So we go to Finland and next to us at the next table is an entire table of CNN um employee. This is when I took everybody out for that big dinner and you paid, You paid for their stuff and their wine, and you were so gracious and they all, you know, Jeff Sellenie and who else was there. I can't even remember, you know what, I remember buying them drinks. I did do that, You're right, and I recognize them and I said hello. He said, how's everybody doing, how's your trip going? Isn't this history in the making, and blah blah blah. Well you don't want you have a memory like an elephant and embarrassing. I forget this. I'm going to hold him to a congressman bakes for what he forgets that raisy promise. Yeah, oh yeah, right, you just basically tell everybody right, let's send. But in all seriousness, I mean they they were so quick to say, oh yeah, we'll take your free drinks again. The whole you know, fake news everything is free. That's why I love Bernie Sanders. But I mean they could not handle that. You had, you know, the ability to get up and say hello, despite having you know, different political ideologies, you know. And I think what it cost us for getting here is that he wasn't very nice for a very long time. So why would we allow him to sell? See him? Do you because you would remember? I don't remember. Do you remember seeing him because I do not. I saw him. I saw him and John Burman Zeleny, the other girl who does the White House hits from the lawn. I don't know her name. I mean when I see people, I tend to be nice to them. I mean, yeah, when you're not texting and you're looking up as opposed to texting and walking, which you shouldn't do. Yeah, you see, you're right exactly. All right, let me go back to you know, we can't have um. I do think this is important though. We've had four conclusions now, Congressman four. We've had the nine month investigation. Struck said it independently. No, they're there, Lisa Page said it. We found nothing. She said it in closed door testimony. Then we had the House Intel Committee look into this for an exhaustive period of time, all the witnesses they brought, there's no evidence. Same with the Bipartisan Senate Committee, no evidence now that but Muller report could could not be any more clear. And that's what I thought was the beauty the other night when Trump said, well, if somebody calls me, I'll listen, and there's something wrong, I'll tell the FBI. So different than Hillary literally funneling money through a law firm as a law expense to hire an op research firm, to hire a foreign national who does produce Russian lies that are disseminated to the American people, leaked by intelligence people to the Washington Post and Nizzakoff and the Clinton Sickoff and David Korne and then used as the bulk of information to spy on the Trump campaign. And we now know an unverifiable document. Everybody was warned ahead of time by Brazoor, by Kathleen Cavalac, and they did it. Anyway. Now tell me if you're angry at the fact that Trump said, if they call me, I'll listen. If they call me, you know, I guess I'll listen. If it's bad, I'll tell the FBI. How do you get outraged over that, but not over what really did happen with Hillary Clinton. Can you explain that to me? Well, yeah, there's this weird moral equivalence from my friends on the left, and it goes like this, if we do something wrong, we're going to project it onto you and say you are evil incarnate and we're never going to have self introspection. And that's where they are. I mean, because this whole thing that has really ripped apart this country for more than two years now, that has really hindered the present. Has done a great job. But imagine if he didn't have to fight constantly this investigation. It all started with working with Hillary Clinton and the DNC working with foreign operatives to cook up an oppo research um uh piece on Donald Trump. That's where it started. And now we come full circle in and he says casually and by the way, I think he's just doing this to to to point out the hypocrisy to the left when he says, you know, well, I you know, i'd listened, but I you know, i'd reported. The reality is they're hypocrites and they project constantly, So whatever they're doing bad, they're going to think everybody else is doing that. That's what my dad taught me years ago, and that's that's just the way it is with these guys. Oh, I think so too. All right, last question, because we have this crisis of the border. You grew up on the border, you represent that area. We're told it's worse than it's ever been. But yet the president want a pretty big legal side argument case that, yeah, he is an emergency order and the taking of funds that have been unused that he has the right to reallocate them to protect the border. Now, there's legislation that allows the president to do this number one, especially drug orders, and number two constitutionally, with all of the crime that has been associated with the open borders, I think his commander in chief, he has a right to do it. So how much of the wall do you see going up being repaired and are you confident now that we're going to get the protection we need to stop this. Well, I've seen I've seen evidence of well, I think it's one hundred and twenty miles of fence up and some of it's brand new, and others of it is they had vehicle barriers. By the way, Sean, nobody's coming over in a vehicle and it stopped nobody. So they've replaced a lot of that with ballard fencing, this tall fencing. I think that we're on the way, and I think the presidents deal with Mexico. I mean, the Democrats just panned it before, before and after, and you know, the threat worked and you and I both know as soon as he said we're going to impost teriffs, peep Mexico believed it, they would be hurt by it. They immediately responded, and so that deal is gonna really I think get something done. If it doesn't get something done, I think the President's really willing to take a hard line. And I know that he's sending help more health people because I saw him on the plane today going down to southern Arizona to health vet some of the the illegal aliens coming across. I'm confident we're moving in the right direction finally. But the Democrats still won't even give us money for humanitarian aid, not even for humanitarian aide. Yeah. Yeah, but in the second term of Obama, the walls wren a moral and didn't have to be taken down. Congressman, always good to talk to you and the bigs. Thank you of Arizona eight hundred and nine for one. Shan right, let's get the phones really quickly here. Mark is a North Carolina Mark High. How are you happy Friday? Welcome to the On Hannity Show. Hey, Sean, it's an honor to talk to you after all these years. I can say real quick. Yesterday, it was very touching to hear your interview with the staff sizing that was really specials. By the way, he's the only person on earth could get away with saying what he said to Linda. It was great. I laughed all day day, Linda. I mean, I do love DT, so I cannot tell a lot. Yeah. At one time, I just you shush, and boy, it was like for four weeks you told me to shush. Trust me, Mark knows we never shush woman. Oh my gosh, I'm the most respectful. You even said in your speech, I'm the most respectful person. You are very respectful. But being a respectful person most of the time doesn't mean you have moments of disrespect. I'm never disrespectful, good greetful. I've never heard you be disrespectful personally. But oh Mark, you suck up. No, the people that suck up Mark are the people in the room, they're my employees. Got go ahead, listen as I'm talking to you. As I look at some of the policies that Democrats are putting forth, You've got an open border and a post nine to eleven error. They wanted to universal health care even though they don't want to get it for themselves. You've got Kemala Harris who's trying to get money, you know, thousands of dollars for anybody even if they're not working. They want to raise taxes, do away with the combustible energy or the engine, with the green deal, you know, just putting beyond politics and even Trump. These are policies that I look at it and they're just going to hurt not only hurt millions of people. I really worry he's going to bring down the American culture. And I start. One of the things I love about shows like yours is it gets me to ask why, why are people doing things? And yet when I look at the wys to some of these policies, on the one hand, I can't believe they really believe that these policies are going to help America and not hurt it. But on the other hand, they must care about the country somewhere because they got into government to begin with. And I have a hard time saying, do they just not care about I can only answer you you're asking an age old question, and I can tell you that I do believe that some people are sincere. We'll just we'll spread everything equally and will be fair. I think they really believe that. But I am telling you the power hungry people know exactly what they're doing. When they create dependency, it creates a power vacuum that only they can fill. There's a dark side of this and a nefarious side and history. You are correct as bore that out and you see it clearly. Grape call, I'll tell you what you do. I've seen a lot of things over my life. I don't think in my whole life I've ever called the FBI in my whole life. Don't you don't call the FBI. You throw somebody out of your office, You do whatever you or got a stolen briefing book he called the FBI. Well, that's different tole in briefing book. This isn't and stuff. This is somebody that said we have information on your opponent. Oh, let me call the FBI. Give me a break life doesn't work. ABI director says, that's what should happen. The FBI director is wrong, your campaign this time right off foreigners, if Russia, if China, if someone else offers the information, an opponent should the acceptor should they called the FBI. I think maybe you do both. I think you might want to listen. I don't. There's nothing wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country Norway, we have information on your opponent, oh, I think I'd want to hear it. You want that kind of interference in our elections. It's not an interference. They have information. I think i'd take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI, if I thought there was something wrong. But when somebody comes up with APPA research, right, they come up with APPER research, Oh, let's call the FBI. The FI doesn't have enough agents to take care of it. But you go and talk honestly to Congressman. They all do it. They always have, and that's the way it is. It's called APO research. If you answer these questions to me, now, why not answer them to Robert Muller under oath? Because they were looking to get us for lies, for slight misstatements. I looked at what happened to people, and it was very unfair, very very unfair, very unfair. I gave them one point five million pages of documents, right, I gave them four or five hundred witnesses. I let Don McGan testify. I let him say he was the White House counsel. I let him to knew he was. In a first interview. You didn't answer questions on obstructions. Wait a minute, Wait a minute. I did answer questions. I answered them in writing. I don't know. I answered a lot of questions. They gave me questions. I answered them in writing. Not an obstruction. Look, George, you being a little wise guy. Okay, which is you know typical for you? Just so you understand, very simple, it's very simple. There was no crime, there was no collusion, no crime, no collusion. Nobody will pay attention. He said, Well, if somebody called me, I'd listen. If it was bad, I'd call the FBI. As I predicted before I heard a single person in this fake news medium mob that we have out there, I predicted they'd go insane and insane they went while ignoring Yes, real OPO research paid for by a real campaign in a real election, funneled through a law firm, hiring an op research firm known for dirty tricks, then hiring a foreign national who gets Russian intelligence lies, purposeful disinformation that was then spread through the intelligence community to the American people. Visa Vie leaks to the Washington Post and hacks like David corn who love the Clintons and Michael Izakoff and similarly unvetted, unverifiable, never corroborated. The basis of four separate Fizer warrant applications granted to spy on the Trump campaign, the Trump transition team, and the Trump presidency, all based on paid for Russian life. So it was just a sampling, and then we'll get to the great one, the stark reality, the sad truth, is that we have a president of the United States who's not playing on America's team. This is a welcome Matt. It is a come hither, not just for the Russians, but for the Chinese, and not just for Donald Trump, but for every Republican running direct, irrefutable evidence on tape of criminal intent. The message I got from the President's own words yesterday was it is open season on US political figures in twenty twenty. All right, joining us Now, this is now three weeks in running the number one book on the New York Times bestseller list. And if you haven't gotten it, it is worth every bit of money time you're gonna spend, because you're gonna learn more about the history of the media and the specific examples of conspiracy theories, a hoax and a fraud perpetrated like no other on we the American people. I call them the great One for a reason, Mark Levin, It's called unfreedom of the press, Amazon dot com, Hannity dot Com, and bookstores everywhere. Great one, thank me? How am I? Sean Hannity? Is this you? Hey? It says, let me chack hang on. Yes, last time I checked, it's me. You know. We used to do all these calls on each others shows. You're calling in now, Doctor Hannity. Remember that, absolutely, that was a lot of fun. I remember double teaming Alec Baldwin too. Remember that was by the way, Ballo Baldwin's trying out to be a talk show host walked off the walked off the audition tape because of Mark. It wasn't because of me. It was because at me I don't know why, but I listen to what you played, and you know what, I'm sitting here thinking as you play it all, how insane this all is. In other words, there's real news to be gotten out there, real information to share with the American people. Much of it doesn't even have anything to do with the president of the United States. There's so many things going on in our communities and in the country and all over the world. At least people who live and socialize in and around Washington, DC, in New York City have absolutely no connection with the rest of the country. They hang on every syllable they spin with the president, saying everybody knows what the president said and exactly what the president meant. And as I said on your program last night, how stupid is this. Of course he has to look at and listen to what's going on the information given if he did, in order to even know whether to turn it over to the FBI. And as you pointed out, and I have two and contrast that with Hillary Clinton and the DNC, which actually paid for information from the Russians. But I'm so sick of this stuff that the media are a joke. They pushed these narratives. One, do you remember what the big issue was last weekend? It was the word nasty. There was a nasty princess or did he mean nasty generally? And they drive the nation through the sludge. It's just incredible. And there's just no question that the modern mass media is not the same thing as a free press. A free press doesn't beat us down every day, every night with the propaganda and the pseudo events. This, what Stephanopolis did was a pseudo event. There was no news, nothing happened hyper This is an important mark hypothetical. Well, if someone called me, I'd listen, uh, and if it was bad, I told the FBI that was it. And so this is news you see and day in and that this is the news. They don't ask Nancy Pelosi. Hey, let me ask you something, Nancy. If if the Clinton campaign and the DNC washed money through a law firm and this other organization to an ex British spy to pay and get information from my Russian operatives and intelligence officers, would that be wrong? She's never even been asking. You know who else hasn't Hillary Clinton? You know who else hasn't Barack Obama. They don't ask Democrats a single question this past administration, the Russians interfere with our election. Well it was on Obama's watch. Has Obama got one question about this in his entire life? No? And so they go up to Trump and hey, guess what what what little? What? Little George? Hey if if Sammony gave you oppensation research? And it's like, why don't you shut up? And you know what else, he's the big ABC News star and you know you read my book. I get into all this stuff. You have so many Democrats who are now so called journalists and vice versa. It is beyond believe he's number one. Listen to this guy, Don Lemon, the IQ of a door knob, and the guy goes on and on. We're not partisan, are we? Jim Acosta and Jim Accosta, did you see that pick saying his book signing? Yeah, he was the only one. He was signing books and nobody was there. There were more pens than people. Nobody shot with me. I think for six hours, as you well know, Mark, I've been through with you. You know, um, I gotta say one thing. I said, no, no seven, I said journalism is dead. You were right. I really believed it then and every day when it's every second, every minute, every hour, every day. This is beyond just buy his journalism here. This is an agenda. Their agenda for the last two plus years has been to destroy a duly elected president with lies, conspiracy theories. There's there's no fidelity to truth at all in the ninety nine percent here, Mark, there's no intellectual honesty. Well, you know, as I explained in the first chapter, they've abandoned the notion of objective truth. Now it's not possible on every answer, okay, to be perfect in the pursuit of objective truth, but it's a damn good goal. And if you're imperfect at atlicia making an effort at it, some people are better than others. This has been abandoned. It's quite obvious. And there's a new school of thought that's been pushed for the last several decades called public or community journalism, which is social activist saw journalism, and this is being pushed now at NYU and other other journalism schools. And of course, if you're coming off the hill or handgun control link like Jake Tapper, or you're coming out of the Obama White House and you're doing those so you know, instinctively, you know, attack conservatives, attack the president. The United said, this is a power thing. The media did not want Trump. The media warted Hillary Clinton. They wanted a third term of Obama. They think they have all this power. The American people said no. And by the way, this issue, the president didn't win the popular vote. He only won the electoral cup. Let me tell you something. Nancy Pelosi won the popular vote in one congressional district. The media is never up for a vote. The President's gotten a hull of a lot more votes than Nancy Pelosi or the media have ever gotten. And if you don't count California, of course we do it. If you don't count California, the president would have won the popular vote too. And so what do they do. They look at every reason, in every way to degrade the president and to diminish his presidency. And Sean, I'll tell you what. We used to pride ourselves on a peaceful transition of power. This has not been a peaceful transition of power. They reject the idea that Obama had to hand the keys to the White House to Donald Trump, and they have been trying to grab those keys out of Donald Trump's hands since before he actually walked into the Oval office, absolutely appalling. The media have joined in with the police state tactics to the Obama administration. The idea that George Stephanopolis never asks a Democrat a serious question about Russia or the rest. I'll tell you something else is also in the book. This president has done nothing to the press. And you know this. I have a whole chapter on this. He's done nothing to the chips. John Adams Well I love Sedition Act of seventeen ninety eight. He threw journalists in prison and shut down newspapers. Abraham Lincoln authorized the Secretary war to do that. They shut down three hundred or so papers and through journalists in prison. The great turn of the century. Woodrow Wilson supposedly the great the Progressive hate a New Sedition Act of nineteen seventeen, nineteen eighty, you know, the one that should have put Hillary Clinton in prison. That was his espionagac espionage. And let me ask you this in this history, by the way, this is what makes all your books so successful and great. You you always go deeper than the average person. This is your passion, This is what you know. Your knowledge. We're watching a new attorney general. We saw the Deputy Attorney General's letter to Jerry Nadler. We're watching John Durham is going to interview the likes of Christopher Steele. We know the CIA operatives. They've been told now that there are going to be records requests. Records are now required to be saved, and that means Brennan Clapper others are now going to have to answer important questions. Then you get into Hillary's brigged investigation. I stop it there for one yeahs, and then the FISA issue and I want to stop you there one second. Yeah, there's another group you should question that. He's not Democrats want Capitol Hill. I believe they were. Many of them were in on this. They should be questioning Nadler and shift In Warner and some of these other Democrats. So I honestly believe we're in on these police state tactics early on, which is one of the reasons they do not want to hold hearings on this and don't want information on this and are attacking Bob Bill Barr. I believe many of them were in on this. I believe many of them knew about this doc yet I mean, how could they not? Hillary Clinton paid for it, the DNC paid for it. They've never been asked about it, But why would they keep it secret from other Democrats? Mark Mark? We know now it's it's not even a question that the DOSCI it was the basis for all of it. But I had less than a minute want to give it to you. Where do you see this headed? Do you believe there will be the people that abuse power? Will they be held accountable? Will justice win the day? I think some will, but I think we don't know the outcome. But we ought to pursue it, and I think that's the bottom line. I think we have an Attorney general who's trying to do exactly that. And what's fascinating to me about this Attorney general is he was always a quiet attorney general in his first round, you know, under George H. W. Bush. But here I think he has seen in justice in criminality, and he's quiet, but he's dogged, and I think he really wants to get to the bottom of this. Now. The question is whether the press will obstruct him, whether the Democrats will obstruct him, and whether the bureaucrats or the Department of Justice will obstruct him. But he seems to know what he's doing because it's his second time around and he's pressing ahead. So I think that's a very very good thing. Great one, Mark Levin, We will watch your Sunday program. Who do you got on Sunday night ten o'clock Fox? I have professor Marini Marini, and you said, well, who's that? This guy is the top expert or one of them on the time? All right, Life, Liberty to Live in ten o'clock Sunday nights, Fox News, Number one show, number one on the best seller list New York Times, three weeks in a row, Great Father's Day gift. It is called unfreedom of the press. Great one. Always love having you. Thank you, my friend, Thank you, Sean God, bless God, bless us, Thank me, God, bless us. Quick break right back. I'll say it. No one also will say it. There I said it. We'll continue all right, twenty five to the top of the ry. So take so much to get here every week, doesn't it, Linda? Right? No, we get here, all right. So it's the end of the week, and oh holy we pull our heads like out of wherever we've been because we're all dug in so deep into the deep state and getting justice for the country because it's that important to us and we love it and we're honored to do this every day. But you get to that point on our Friday, know many of you are there with us, and it's like, Okay, we made it weekend fun. Even if it's raining, I don't care. You know, I could be at the Del Coronado and the greatest hotel in the country. There could be construction going on, there could be bad weather, and I can still be happy. I think we should do the show from there next week. What do you think. I think we might I think we might win. Why don't we do that? Why don't go out there next week and do it? You know, there's an amazing group of people. We're gonna maybe barbecue like we did Memorial Day, and we're gonna have fun weekends. And I gotta tell you, you think just the sacrifice of so many on the battlefield, also brave men and women. We talk about law enforcement a lot. I've talked about you know, sometimes even doing this deep state stuff, it just it hurts because I love law enforcement and I know these people. I grew up with these people. As my whole family. And I know how hard it is, and I know we're not safe as a country. But for our Intel people, our FBI people, the greatest law enforcement agency in the history of mankind, and police officers that put their lives on the line for us every single solitary day. Amazing people. There's a woman I'm introducing to you here and her name is Rosemary Zor. She's seven years old. She lost her father, Robert, Miami police officer, believe it or not, on Christmas Day nineteen eighty three, and Rosemary always wanted to do something to not only honor her hero father, but also to help other children all over the country that have lost loved ones in the line of duty. We don't talk a lot about these guys, you know, when we have these high profile cases, and is the rush to judgment like in Ferguson, Darren Wilson didn't do what was said by so many in the fake news rushed to judgment media, the Baltimore police, Oh they're all going to be found guilty. Not happening. Did Freddie Gray case? Cambridge police another example, and we wait. We've talked a lot about how we're patient, we give due process, the presumption of innocence that they never give others and anyway that happened in the case of Rosemary's dad. And she joins us now because the legacy of her father inspired her to create what's called the Zora Foundation and the Fallen Officers Foundation, and she joins us on the program. We're honored to have her along with Jay McKinley. Novacek, former American football tight end and NFL player who was played for Saint Louis, the Phoenix Cardinals, and Dallas Cowboys. Five time Pro Bowler selected to play each year from ninety one to ninety five, can inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. Also with US Fort Worth police officer Ralph Salazar is on board. And I just wanted I've read this and I wanted you to hear about and Rosemary, thank you for being with us seven years old Christmas Day. I can't imagine what that would have been like for anybody. Yes, thank you well, thank you Sean for your time and for having us on. Yes, I was seven years old, it was Christmas Day, and I'm doing this. I have um, you know, the Fallen Officers which supports the robbertels Or Foundation. This is to honor my dad's sacrifice and to also honor other fallen officers sacrifice and to remember their families. Well, I mean, I think it's amazing that you do this and tell us how successful you've been so far, very successful we have. We are doing a Blue Bull Flag football tournament here in Fort Worth, Texas tomorrow for Corporal Garum Hall. And this is our first annual here in Texas. We've done one in Florida for Officer Adam jobbers Miller who was killed the line of duty last year. And we will continue to duties across the country for any fallen officers families that want us, and we will go where we are called upon to do this, and we also do other events as well. I'm within our foundation. Well, and let me ask you, I mean, as a former NFL player, Jay, you bring a lot of credibility to all of this. Tell us about the event, your participation, how you got involved, and why this is so important called the Blue Ball. You know, I had never heard of it until just recently, and and uh we got to uh to talk and to hear and to see some of the things that we do all over the country and to understand that. You know, we've had friends that uh that died the Dallas shooting a few years ago with seven officers who killed our our son was best friends with a guy that was his godfather, one of the officers that got killed. So we put on an event for that. And now we turn around and we not only do we get um a charity event for the officers that you throw a little football in with it also, And that's that makes things that makes life good, Sean. I know, I know you, I know you throw the ball around a little bit, a little bit with that one of these days. But you know, it just sounds so basically you're honoring the sacrifice, remembering the families of the fallen officers. You know, we forget the job of police officers. They protect and serve. It seems like the media only wants to cover the one percent of people that maybe are corrupt, like in the deep State. It's not the nine. And you know, I know you're uniting the community and law and businesses and families and leaders have stepped up here. Um and so tell us a little bit maybe about the day. Um, maybe you want us tell us Jay or Rosemary or or maybe Officer Salazar. You're from the Fort Worth area. Tell us about your involvement. Yes, that is correct. I'm first of all, thank you very much. It's an honor to to be out here and talk to talk to you, Sean. As you know, I've been with Forward Police Department going on eighteen years and two years prior to that at another agency, So I've got twenty years a law enforcement experience. And you know, seeing these officers getting them murdered out here and the line of duty is you know, it's a tragic h It's definitely a tragic event. You know, they do they pay the ultimate sacrifice to keep everybody out here protected. And you know, like you said, nine nine percent of the people in America do understand that it's that one percent that try to keep everybody else down and try to, you know, keep the negativity between us and law enforcement. How many years have you been on the job. I've been on the job at eighteen years with the Forward Police Department. Oh that's awesome, I mean that's at how many years to you usually were tired New York It used to be twenty. Now they make it this guys go twenty two and a half. Then they're gonna make it twenty five and you know they you know what never ends? Uh? Forard, we have a policy. It's it's twenty five in an hour. So I've got a little a lot of seven years and I'll be eligible for retirement at that point. Well that's awesome, all right, So how many people? So tell us how the day goes on? Jay, because you're going to be a part of this here. But so you can go to Garretthall dot com for more information. And I guess you call it the Garrett Hole. Uh Blue Bowl co Ed Football Tournament. Uh? And what position are you going to play? I'm coaching. I've done that. Well, you've you've taken enough hits in your life. Is that where you're saying? Yeah, yes, man? What the great thing is? It's it's a family of that. You have kids that can be eight years old enough and you have you have the co ed, you have UM. You know, the teams that are successful, they get to go on, they get to have Uh. It was my work. The team was being divided up into three um into three fields and it's basically around Robin and it's UM, it's just a single elimination until we get to the final championship and who will win the first annual Garrett Hoole Coed Flag Football Tournaments. All right, so Rosemary, last question. Where could people go to learn more? They can go to www Dot Garretthall dot com or they can go to www Dot do Fallen Officers dot com to learn more. All right, This is in the Dallas Fort Worth area and it all starts tomorrow, I guess pretty early in the day. And we wish all the best, and we're thankful for what you're doing. Thank you Sean for having us on. We appreciate it. Right, that's gonna wrap things up at today and as always, you know, we make this promise, we're never gonna stop. We're now on the precipice. There's no stopping this trend anymore. Of this investigation of the investigators is now in full. The train is on the track, there's no stopping it. And where it ends we don't know, but we won't stop until justice has served. Too much at stake for the country. Will never be the destroy Trump media mob. Let not your heart be troubled. Have a great, great weekend, and we'll see you all back here on Monday. As always, thank you for being with us

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