Mike Rowe, author of the new book, just out this week, THE WAY I HEARD IT. It’s part stories from his hit podcast and part memoir.
In addition to the book, Mike speaks often about the country’s relationship with work and the widening skills gap. Mike runs the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, which awards scholarships to students pursuing a career in the skilled trades. In addition to his foundation, Mike’s website, mikeroweWORKS.org, focuses on all the issues related to the widening skills gap, aging workforce, high unemployment and millions of unfilled jobs.
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All right, gladual with us saying write down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. You know. I had a conversation with a friend of mine about how, you know, is it possible to bridge the divide in the country, And I'm like, I don't think so. I don't believe at this moment in time that those people that have dedicated themselves. And the worst part is some of them are very powerful people that even would break the law and use the tools of intelligence to do so. And we're hopefully going to get to the bottom of this because I think that everybody that used those powerful tools of intelligence, everybody that did this, if we don't stop that and prevent that from ever happening again, we're going to lose the country. That's how severe it is. But you've got this group of people, Why can't we all just get along? How do you get along with people that, for whatever reason, have convinced themselves that Donald Trump is Satan. That cannot in any way, shape, manner, or form, give this man credit for anything, no matter what he does. It's not even a joke anymore when I say if Donald Trump cured cancer, Donald Trump would be impeached for curing cancer because he probably didn't work through some government agency. We now know everything that has gone on. Would sleepy, creepy crazy Joe three zho three three oh, by the way, who had a disastrous debate last night yet again, Yet you have an entire industry that is willing to disconnect from fundamental truth reality about his behavior and his son's behavior, and they don't even care. Yesterday, I can tell you if it was Don Junior on Good Morning America admitting that he got paid millions of dollars for nothing, no background, no experience, and then the father on tape bragging about leveraging our money is taxpayers to get the guy that's investigating this mess, this corruption in Ukraine fired within six hours and son of a bee, he got it done. You would hear a very different mob in the media reporting on this. They would be all over this cronyism, all over that corruption, because you gotta understand that there's a reason why if somebody's family member is making millions and millions, and did you have any experience in Ukraine? No, do you have any experience and energy or gas. No, do you have any experience sitting on a board? No, I was on a board of Amtrak. Then I thought, well, what experience did you have being on the board of Amtrak except that your father is a high profile vice president and similarly, China is even worse. I have not received one cent one penny. Okay, even FactCheck dot org Liberal FactCheck recognizes that that is parsing words, because even his own lawyer admitted he has equity. He just hasn't been paid out yet. The president has repeatedly said that you received one point five billion dollars from China, despite no experience and for no apparent reason. Obviously, fact checkers have said that that is not true. This is literally has no basis in fact in any way. Have you received any money from business dealing at all? Not one cent? Not one cent, Definitely not one point five billion. It's crazy. They feel like they have the license to go out and say whatever they want. It feels to me like living in some kinds of Alice in Wonderland, where you're up on the real world and then you fall down the rabbit hole, and you know, the President's of cheshire Cat asking you questions about crazy things that don't have any resemblance to the reality of anything that has to do with me. And so here's the answer. No one ever paid me one point five billion dollars. It was a one point five billion dollars deal started out as one no experience with China, no experience with private equity. Why ten days after he and his dad flew to China. That's cronyism. That is cashing in on your father's position. Now, the next logical question, why don't we want the sons and daughters of politicians taking that kind of money in from countries they don't know anything about, in industries that they know nothing about. What do you think they're giving the money for. Why because they just happened to meet Hunter and thought he was a great guy, So we're gonna pay him fifty thousand dollars a month. No, they're hoping that they're buying influence. It's an investment for them. And this is why this with media being dead and journalism being dead in this country and the double standard as it is, this is now an information war that's going on. This is worse than pravada. This is worse than propaganda. I mean Project Veritas revealing CNN is a is a full on extension of the Destroy Trump Democratic Radical Socialist Party, and they're even showing favoritism towards individual candidates, and they're getting their marching orders from their fearless leader, Jeff Zucker every day and then he just hands it off to his stenographer, Humpty Dumpty and company, and then all the on air hosts. By the way, when are we getting this next installment from Project Veritas where apparently he'll be on tomorrow and this is gonna be Zucker giving direct questions in the middle of an interview where we're expecting we actually have on Handey today something that he gave us little tidbit teaser for. Is it good? Oh, it's good, let's play it. What are you? It's Danby. It's also on handy dot com. Okay, and here's the thing. Thank you, Let's play it seriously. It's amazing, all right. So jet Zucker runs the show. People person to go into the control and if Jake Toppers inter really coming and Conway, he one time like he went to control room, bring out interview and he was like he keep going and keep going, asking questions, flow past the commercial lights, keep going. I mean it turned to seven minute, were to touch twenty five minute? Why because John Slapper the person when he got on the phone like top of the show, what was happening or he got into his ear that he was interviewed calling Hutway And then when she was shage she was about arts going back and forth and Jack Tapper and Zucker told him that everybody's keep going, You're going, keep going. Don't stop, guys, because you were jamming her out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean coming on Conda whatever. How I like the fact that you guys are jamming her up. I did see starts. Yes, she deserves it. She's lying last thing about is she or she's just isn't So Zucker seems an opportunity. They don't. So wait a minute. What I'm hearing here, and you you read the transcript, I've not read it yet that Zucker is in the control room Kelly Ann Conway's on blowing commercial breaks and said blow right through them, stay on the air and giving questions to the whatever whoever the host. Yes. So basically the verbate of this is it. You know Carry Porch, who was the undercover see and an employee that we had, right, what was on your show the other night? Right, So it's like, oh, Jeff Zucker runs the show. He will personally go into the control room and in fit Jake Tapper's interview in Kelly and Conway. I mean the one time during that interview and he was like, keep it going, keep it going. Ask the questions. We're going to blow the commercial breaks, keep it going. Is he giving is he actually passing along the questions and he's telling them and then he's like eleven, so like it's ten on one behind the scene. So then he's saying, you know, they turn a seven minute an interview into a twenty five minute interview to just effing nail her because they think she's a liar. That's what they said basically. If you I'm sure anybody who went on that network from what we're hearing here from mister Porch who worked there, is that if you like Donald Trump, if you ever said nice thing about him in your lifetime, they were going to destroy you. And that's what they do. You see, I mean, how do you reconcile this mob mentality? I call them the mob for a reason. It is a mob. Mindset, and that is that there's no fidelity to truth. You must eliminate and suspend all reason, all common sense that you were born with, and just stay fixated on the agenda. Because if it was Don Junior that gave that interview on Good Morning America and then his former vice president Dad was on stage, then the next that night, that would have been all they talked about all night. But that's then. Now you've got them working in sync, the mob in the media and the radical extreme democratic socialists. And I mean, I can't even imagine that Barack Obama is radical enough. He probably would have adapted and adjusted because he is a radical deep down in his soul. But I mean, was a guy that said he believed in marriage between a man and a woman, and he wasn't in favor of gay marriage. You might remember that Bill Clinton gave us don't ask, don't tell, or you know, there's not one candidate now that will even defend Obamacare. All those promises broken. You know, you didn't keep your doctor your plan, and everybody paid more. We have nearly forty percent of the country only has one option and health insurance at this point in time, and everybody's up to anywhere between. Almost everybody's playing two hundred percent more than what they paid for inferior care. And this radical group now wants to take that and put it on human growth hormone and steroids, and they want to outlaw private health insurance. And then they want to confiscate Bernie Sanders case ninety seven point five percent of rich people's wealth and even the rich person and I'm not a capitalist. And then then you add to that the new Green Deal madness, and you've got yourself policies that will destroy everything we believe in in this country. It's a tipping point. This is not a talking point. It is a tipping point for the country because if they win, I predict all those people that saved money and paid their taxes already when the government comes and legalizes stealing even more money than what's gonna happen is those people are gonna leave. They're gonna leave the country. It's like they've been leaving New York, in California and New Jersey and Illinois. And I don't blame them because you're coming in and you're rewriting the rules after the fact, because they all pay the top one percent nearly pays forty percent. Already, you have the top ten percent paying over seventy percent of the tax bill, twenty percent almost all of it. Bottom fifty percent wage earners, no income taxes, none, they don't pay it. You have distribution. Now they want to control the means of production. Now, they want to take over entire industries. They all want to shut down oil and gas, which then makes us dependent on foreign countries for the lifeblood of our economy, but they don't even want us to use it. Eventually, we can't be competitive in any economic endeavor without that lifeblood of our economy. And we have more available now, were energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. And I'm thinking this is what they want. You got every candidate on that stage going further and further radical socialist, extremist left. You know, you got Joe and Hunter getting away with that which no Republican would ever get away with, just glossed over as if it's not a big deal. No experience in China, no experience, no experience, no background in any of these fields. But we're gonna make millions and millions, and there's nothing, there's no cronyism. There there's no conflict of interest there only if you're a Republican, and then the impeachment, witch hunt, the never ending desire to destroy your president. I'm telling everybody in this program, you really only have one choice and one option. We better defeat them because we're not going to be able to reason with people like this, and I mean at the ballot box, because if not, then you're going to get the government you ultimately deserve. It's not what the country deserves, it's not what our kids deserve, because the real casualty in this is going to be our constitutional republic and the future of our kids and something called freedom because that will be nonexistent in this world. But they'll take care of every need you have until they can't afford it. What did Margaret Thatcher say? Yeah, socialism is great to you, not of other people's money. Even if we confiscate everyone's money, we could never fulfill the fantasies that they're offering. It was so lame, beyond the radical socialist, extremist policies. I mean then then of course Biden's they just get a pass. You have any experience in China, no private equity, no Ukraine, no you have any experience and oil, no energy, no gas. No. Well why do you think they were willing up to pay you all this money? Well, the answer is to the question. Can the list that you gave me of the reasons why you're on that board you did not list the fact that you were the son of the course. Yeah, no, what rule do you think that played? I think that it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that I just mentioned without saying that on the son of the vice President of the United States. You were paid fifty thousand dollars for your position. Look, I'm a private citizen. One thing that I don't have to do is sit here and open my kimono as it relates to how much money I make or make or deer didn't. But it's all been reported. If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of Barisma. I don't know. I don't know, probably not. I don't think, probably not a lot of things that would probably life that if my last name wasn't Biden. So you're getting a fortune and your dad's the vice president, you're even traveling with them, and you have no background or experience, Well, why did they give them the money? It's and the media buys that if you talk about it, and it's a conspiracy theory. That's how sick, what sick liars they all are. This is the sixth debate we have had in this presidential cycle, and not nearly one word with all of these discussions about healthcare, on women's access to reproductive healthcare, which is under full on attack in America today, and it's outrageous. There are states that have passed cause that will virtually prevent women from having access to reproductive healthcare. And it is not an exaggeration to say women will die, poor women, women of color will die because these Republican legislatures in these various states, who are out of touch with America, are telling women what to do with our bodies. Women are the majority of the population in this country. People need to keep their hands off of women's bodies and let women make the decisions about their own live. Thank you, senator. Is the goal of your plan to tax billionaires out of existence? The truth is we cannot afford to continue this level of income and wealth inequality, and we cannot afford a billionaire class whose greed and corruption has been at war with the working families of this country for forty five years. So if you are asking me, do I think we should demand that the wealthy s thought paying the wealthiest top one tenth of one percent stock paying their fair share of taxes so we can create a nation and a government that works for all of us. Yes, that's exactly what I believe. All right there, it is crazy Bernie by Bernie got lucky. Three members of the squad have come out for crazy. You know, the angry old man socialist Bernie Sanders, who I am not a capitalist. Great, that's what America needs. And the weird thing is, I guess he's more mainstream now in the Democratic extreme radical party. We have Ohio swing voters. Yeah, they don't like Pelosi's impeachment hoax. They think it's a waste of time. Nine out of eleven that took part in a focus group in Ohio convened by Axios and some other groups showed that swing voters quote expressing a range of knees about impeaching the president and anyway. So it's nine out of eleven. We have a two to one margin Republican voters approve of Trump's withdrawal from Syria. That is an economist Yugov poll. You've got some breaking news as well. You've got Texas Democratic Representative Shila Jackson Lee, senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, said that the Ukraine whistleblower should testify in the House on the impeachment inquiry and notable descent from their chairman, the cowardly Shifty Shift. Now, why can't why doesn't Shift want to bring in the whistleblower? Number one, We've never needed a whistle blower. The whistleblower has never been a real whistle blower. It's been a non whistleblower. Whistle blower only at hearsay, didn't have any direct knowledge of anything. And we have the transcript. They didn't expect that the President was gonna release the transcript. And the problem now becomes once that non whistleblower whistleblower testifies, that non whistleblower is gonna have to explaining the contact with Adam the Cowardly Shifty Shift's office, and that then puts him in jeopardy. Now we have House Republicans with a resolution of censure against the actions of Shift. Then we're going to also get out of the whistleblower non whistleblower. They're politics and how they're connected to sleepy, creepy crazy uncle Joe three h three three zero. That then becomes a problem. So they don't want the whistleblower non whistleblower to ever testify at all. And there's there are good reasons for all of this. By the way, Joe Biden's running out of campaign cash. It's just a matter of time now. Joe Biden is done. He's gonna get that nobody. He's weakened at a high level. That's what. Why are all these people who maybe we need Oprah to get in, or Michelle Obama to get in, or maybe maybe Bloomberg should get in, because that means they know in their gut that Congressman Al Green is right, they better impeach them because they're not getting rid of them. Congressman, are you concerned impeachment talk may actually help the president's reelection? I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re elected. If we don't impeach him, he will say he will get reelected. That's all we need, and that's that is correct. Now one of the more telling aspects of what happened yesterday. You got you know, Pelosi was trying to answer this question today after refusing the authorization vote on in the impeachment inquiry. This is huge news. You know what Our biggest problem is Nancy Pelosi can't get the votes to have a real impeachment inquiry. And this is where Republicans in the House need to stand united as one voice and Republicans in the Senate. I know that there is a petition that is being circulated. I'll know more about it on Hannity tonight at nine that amongst Republicans saying, we read the transcript, there's no impeachable offense, don't even waste our time that's coming and there'll be enough senators that signed this thing, and that means that they're never going to get the magic number to convict. Now, how much more time are you going to waste to the American people? Because the American people can read it and they could see the stench of politics all over it. And the other reason Nancy Pelosi still doesn't want an official inquiry. All the things that Knew King Ridge did for Bill Clinton and the Democrats back in the day and actually have a real vote. And then we had the Independent Council Statute and ken Starr identified eleven separate felonies. But then that would grant coeequal subpoena power not only to the cowardly shift, but the ranking member and the committee level. And by the way, it would require that all subpoenas be subject to a vote of the full committee at the request of either the chair or the ranking member. And it would, by the way, provide the president's counsel the right to attend all hearing and all depositions. Now they're doing it behind closed doors, and maybe we'll release you know, the people that were screaming the loudest that they wanted the full, unredacted Muller report. Now they want to do everything in private. They don't want the public to be a part of any of this, and they don't want the president's attorney to have the right to attend the hearings and depositions that they have behind closed doors. They don't want to provide the president's counsel the right to present evidence. They don't want to or intend to provide the president's counsel the right to object to the admittance of bad evidence, false evidence, or politics to take this thing. And they don't want to give the or provide the president's counsel the right to cross the examine witnesses either or provide the president's counsel the right to recommend a witness list or intend to refer all the findings to you know, Chairman Nadler either because they've decided that the person they want to do this, Yeah, they don't. They don't want Nadler to be the one. They want the cowardly ship, the biggest liar in Congress. The only guy that was on tape caught Khaludi. You know, what is the nature of the compromise, UH, compromising Muttias naked pixes a Trump and the naked pixes them. But of course there's lad men show him the naked pictures, the compromising matthitials, yep um Ohio swing motors. As I said, Pelosi's impeachment hoax is a waste of time, Mike Pence telling Pelosi's impeachment UH conspiracy theorists hoaxters to go pound sand And they said they will not comply with the request from the House to turn over any documents related to the president's phone call with Zelensky. Why should they this is not a real inquiry, then not offering all the things that have been offered to the minority Party in the past or to the executive branch in the past. You know. Pelosi literally asked House Democrats if they want to make an official and have a real impeachment inquiry, and they said no. And Pelosi said that she will not stage the vote on the House floor to officially launch the impeachment inquiry. And that decision came after Democratic leaders, returning to Washington after their two week recess, had reached out to members of their diverse caucus to gauge the party's support for such a vote. After back to back meetings with party leaders and then the full caucus, Pelosi announced no such vote would take place. Let me be clear, she doesn't have the votes. It is political suicide. They might impeach them a pure you know, a partisan political you know, misuse of what the constitutional process is. But they're never gonna convict and they'll know that ahead of time, and Democratic aids, you know, they're saying, well, the process remains fluid, so that means they're gonna twist every arm of every Democrat and a Trump one district in twenty sixteen, and they're basically going to say, commit career suicide because that's what it's going to end up doing to them. So she doesn't want it, she doesn't have the votes. Then you got the battle with the extremists led by the squad. You almost feel sorry for Nancy Pelosi, but not quite, not quite at all anyway, And then well, why do they want to impeach him for well, because then they want to put in place this radical group of socialists. I mean, I watched them last night. Beyond it being boring, they're dumb. Their ideas are pathetic. I think we get better ideas from grammar school kids because everything that they're advancing is unsustainable, would destroy freedom in every sense of the word. Capitalism is now a bad word, state run industry if everything is what they want to do the stated goal. So they learned further and further from from anything that would resemble the former Democratic Party even under Obama. They won't look at the corruption in Bob would with Hunter and Joe Biden all, we can't go there. And yeah, there's their answers on why the impeaching Trump are just lame and they're offering nothing in terms of except tax increases and control of every aspect of our life and no choice for medical care. And you know it's it's now. How how do I out extreme the next extremist? John Pehart's had a great analysis about Biden ninety minutes in. It seemed like Biden was determined to prove every argument against him true, that he can't say anything coherent. There were moments, I mean, as a talk show host, I digress a digress, well, I mean, this guy digresses all over the place on the seventeen Look the fact that George Washington worried on the first time he spoke after being elected president. Hundreds and thousands of innocent people between there and the Iraqui Board, I'm the only one that got got had moved to make sure that we could not have a magazine that had more than ten rounds in it. When you register it, the likelihood of it being used diminishes exponentially. The way to deal with those guns in those ar fifties and assault weapons that are on the street are not on the street that people own. In terms of foreign policy, I've never seen a time, and I spent thousand hours in the situation room. What is happening in Iraq is going to keep going? We gotta understand something here. There's a gaff and every sentence and he can't even functionally put together a thought and complete it, you know, declaring himself proud of Hunter's judgment when he's admitting that had no experience. Yeah, I guess I got it because of my dad's name. Yeah, probably true. Wow. And Hunter himself said he showed bad judgment referring to people clipping coupons in the stock market clearly meaning supermarket, said he'd spent thousands of dollars in the situation room dealing with foreign policy, and he called Syria Iraq. I mean, that's just every sentence is something wrong. Nobody on the debate stage last night did a whole lot better. That's his only saving grace here. But Biden is fading literally into the background, and now it's Elizabeth Warrens to lose. And Democrats want to what it was a great piece USA today of all, but they want to close churches, raised taxes, and pay for sex reassignment surgery. That's the modern didn't take away your healthcare, I mean even a question about Ellen DeGeneres sitting next to George Herbert Walker Bush. We have time for one more question that we would like all of you to weigh in on. Last week, Ellen DeGeneres was criticized after she and former President George W. Bush were seen laughing together at a football game. Ellen defended their friendships, saying, we're all different, and I think that we've forgotten that that's okay, that we're all different. So in that spirit, we'd like you to tell us about a friendship that you've had that would surprise us or what impacts it's had on you and your beliefs. Secretary Castro, Let's begin with you. Well, I can answer that question. Anderson, Well, you know all those fake news from that humpty dumpty idiot, the stenographer over at fake news CNN who takes he basically takes notes from Jeff Zucker writing all this stuff about chef Smith, who made the decision himself Fox News. I had to keep him, you know, a chep. Smith and I don't agree politically. Is that tell you one thing? There's nobody better in a breaking news situation than him on air. We just disagreed politically, and we got along famously in spite of political differences. He knows that I'm sincere. I know he's sincere. So what you know what, it's not my cup of tea to be liberal. Okay, he's known that since day one when we met, not that we transcended politics. There's some friends of mine I don't talk politics with. Why because they hate my politics? Oh, I guess they can't be friends with them. That's stupid. Even if if I picked my music based on that's that formula, I would listen to next to nothing. Zach Brown Band, Charlie Daniel's band, and Big and Rich, a few more country guys. Some of the country people are liberal here, Tim and Faith are really liberal. But whatever, you know, they have some great songs. Well, I do think Brooks and Done are pretty cool. Anyone. If I say that, forget it. You know it's it's a death sentence for anybody. Oh, by the way, go to Hannity dot com. We got our new nine Lives gear up there, which I think you're gonna like. Nine Line Foundation all veteran or than operated. They're making great t shirts for Hannity and all of our listeners, so please check it out a handy dot com. They'll love those guys. They're awesome. Yeah. On Hannity dot Com. This is the sixth debate we have had in this presidential cycle, and not nearly one word with all of these discussions about healthcare, on women's access to reproductive healthcare, which is under full on attack in America today, and it's outrageous. There are states that have passed laws that will virtually prevent women from having access to reproductive healthcare. And it is not an exaggeration to say women will die, poor women, women of color will die because these Republican legislatures in these various states, who are out of touch with America, are telling women what to do with our bodies. Women are the majority of the population in this country. People need to keep their hands off of women's bodies and let women make the decisions about their all live. I saw that extremism last night. I would have liked the follow up, but obviously Jeff Zucker didn't give out the questions as he dictates what has said every day over there at fake News, Destroy Trump and Fox, Zucker and CNN. But what I really would have liked is do you have any restrictions on abortion or are you with the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia that well, first we'll deliver the baby, and we'll make sure the baby's comfortable, and then we'll ask the mother, and then the mother will decide whether or not we use life saving measures to keep the baby living independently alive. Yeah, the follow up in that way would have been pretty good anyway. Joining us, Bill O'Reilly is back with US fifteen best sellers, number one best sellers. His latest book, massive bestseller, The United States of Trump How the President Really sees It America? All right, you watched this circus last night. I'm dying to get your take on this. I had to watch it. I was forced to watch it. It's still going on, isn't it still going on? You're supposed to watch you know, O'Reilly is supposed to watch my show because you're a loyal friend. What happened to that? I got five TVs. Hannity and they're all They're all on Hannity except the one on the debate. You know, here's what struck me with the exception of Tulsi Gabbert. She's the exception all the others on the stage, UM say, America is a terrible place. It's really rotten. What a terrible, awful country we live in. That most American workers they don't have anything, they're persecuted, and we're all racists and all of that, right, everybody's got that line to a varying degree. Well, three hours before the debate, I was at Yankee Stadium watching the Astros beat the Yankees, and fifty thousand people were with me. I didn't see any of that. I saw everybody having a pretty good time. They could afford the tickets and the hot dogs and the beer. Everybody was enjoying the game, America's pastime. I didn't see any of this. I don't see any racism, homophobia, or poor people that were sleeping in the car outside the stadium. I see any of that. So is it me, Hannity or am I missing all this? One of the things that frustrates me. And I know you like to identify yourself, and I think you are a pretty independent, but more conservative leading individual. I'm not a Republican, You've known that for years. I am a conservative. I'm a registered conservative. And what I like most about Trump, it's not beyond the fact that we have a personal relationship. Is he's all these things He's doing, ending burdens, some regulation, largest tax cuts in history, free er fairer trade deals, energy independence, even no more foreign entanglements. So though I might want him to stay a little longer in serious separate issue, that's what I believe. For thirty one years on the airbill and every year as a Conservative, the Democratic candidate will say every Conservative is racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynics, xenophobic, islamophobic. They want dirty year and water. They want kids to die, Granny and grandpotty eat dog or cat food before we throw them over the cliff. I don't get the vision, see, and that's why I think the Democrats are in trouble. I think they know they're in trouble. So I'm going to ask all your listeners if there is anybody on the stage last night, anyone, and take Trump out of the equation, all right, just take him out for a minute. Would you want any one of those individuals to be president of the United States with their vision of the country one? Just give me one out of twelve And the overwhelming answer for many Democrats is no. So you have a situation where the Democratic Party is weak and in trouble. Now, you're not going to hear that from the media. You'll never hear it. But that's what this impeachment thing is all about. It's what the media is frightened of the most. That if we don't destroy President Trump before the campaign really gets underway in the primaries, if we don't get him, he could win because we don't have a Bill Clinton, we don't have a Barack Obama. We don't have anybody. Hey, Bill could really stand up. Tell me if you disagree. Barack Obama would not fit in with this radical crowd. He'd be too conservative. I have a good relationship with Barack Obama and I always have. He will I never understood that. Well, it's based on helping poor kids. The Brothers Keeper thing. I worked with him on it, and I got to know him a little bit. But I'm going to say this with no disrespect for Barack Obama. If he were running now, he would adapt. He would go left because his instincts are left. His instincts are the government knows what's better for you, and that was behind Obamacare. So we have a country now there's a separation of the fifty thousand people in the Yankee Stadium, half of whom you would assume it's New York where liberal, and the twelve on the stage, you're telling you that this is a horrible country. We don't do anything right nothing. There's nothing that Donald Trump does right nothing, Conservatives do right nothing. And if you even talk to a conservative, Ellen DeGeneres, we're gonna try to hurt you. And added to that, guys like Beatel O'Rourke, who are fascists. We're saying, if you don't believe the way I do Church, we're gonna pull your tax exemption. If you have a gun, we're gonna come in and take it if we want to. And we don't care about the Second Amendment. He's a fascist, all right. You that into this crazy mix. And finally Bernie Sanders at the end of the debate saying that worldwide unfettered capitalism is the biggest evil on the planet. Well, how on earth do you think the United States got to be the wealthiest country in civilization and could provide a good, honest living for three hundred and thirty million people if they're willing to work hard. How did that happen? Senator. You know, it gets to the anger. Now I'm getting worked up. I'm getting worked up, Hannity, because this is a fraud. You know, I wrote the United States of Trump because the attacks on Trump are a fraud. I writed the record in the book, all the racist stuff, all the He's evil stuff. I just take it one by one. Now we have an entire party perpetuating a fraud on the American people, who aided and embedded by the media. It has never been this bad. I've never worried about the future of our country as much as I do now. I know it's sort of cliched to say that this is a tipping point, but this really is a tipping point. I mean, if people get away with the deep state activities that they've been involved in, and we don't have equal justice or application of our laws, and you get people abusing the powerful tools of intelligence and try to actively undermine the president with a soft coup, then these radical views ever get in place. Let me tell you what rich people are going to do if any one of those candidates get elected. They're going to leave the country. I know they're leaving New York, where we live. They're going to Florida, North Carolina. The country is depending on one man, and he's not a politician. His name is John Durham. He's a US attorney investigating the quote unquote Deep State, how they try to destroy Donald Trump's campaign and then after he was elected, John Durham is now the most important man in the United States. His report will be out in the spring, I believe, and if he uncovers it and blows it out of the water and people are arrested, I believe that could be the tipping point. Back In the meantime, President Trump should wise up. He's got a huge opportunity to do just what you and I are doing right now, to tell the American people looked them in the eye, not tweet, do it in person. You are being misled. This is a giant fraud and if it continues, this country is going to be damaged beyond repair. Spell it out, mister President. I think what's happening between all of the ways that they've now tried to take this president down and it's failing. I mean, listen, yesterday was a pivotal day. Nancy Pelosi can't take that vote because forty of her members, her caucus members are in districts that Donald Trump won in twenty sixteen that he's going to win again in twenty twenty. It is a suicide mission for them if Nancy Pelosi in the squad take them over the cliff on this impeachment issue. If the House votes on impeachment, they expose I think it's more than forty, probably sixty to seventy seats that people in the district where those House members are will vote against them. But even more important, that's a bold prediction. I mean that would be the biggest Yeah, that would be a swing, the biggest swing back to Republicans in the House. But even more important is if Nancy Pelosi formalizes impeachment proceedings, the Trump administration can cross examine. They're not going to do that, yeah, And if the Trump administration subpoenas and cross examines, then the media is handcuffed because right now all the media reports are leaks from a chiff and nadler and on these people. That's what they report. They don't report the other side. But the other side would be in view if Nancy Pelosi formalizes, and that's why she's not doing it. This is where I think that Lindsey Graham is going with this, and I think the House Republicans are as well. I really did like the letter of Sippolloni what he sent, and I liked what Kevin McCarthy sent. And if Lindsey Graham successfully gets forty plus Republicans saying we've read the transcript there's nothing impeachable, don't waste our time in the Senate. Are they still going to go on the suicide mission? Sure? They don't have anything to lose because the media wants them to do it. As we discussed, well, well, hang on, they actually do have something to lose, and that is you would say seventy it's kind of Seventy is a big number with jerry mandering, but I would say at least forty, maybe more, maybe fifty seventies a tough number of districts. There are a lot of districts that are in play because of the economy. The good economy. See the good economy helps Donald Trump and he can sustain it. If the America can sustain it for another year. A lot of Democratic districts will go with goop because the Democrats, as we just discussed, are embracing socialism. That's what the party is for. The party want in which Bernie Sanders challenged by anybody when he says unfendered capitalism is the biggest evil in the world. Did you see what Bernie said the day before ninety seven point five percent tax on rich people? When did we start? Look, you and I kind of have similar roots. I think I worked harder younger than you did, though, and I was washing dishes at twelve, delivering papers at eight. I was financially independent since I'm ten. And you know, my parents gave me a roof over my head and pretty much let me run the streets. And they knew I was working, but I mean, I made my own money. I didn't need their money, and they gave me a full refrigerator. They get, you know, and a lot of love. But you know, these are different times, Bill, And I'm going to tell I don't know when we got to the point in this country where success is gonna be punished. It's punitive now, but it's even beyond that. Private property is not respected. Right. You know, the Trump tax cuts hurt me and it hurt you to me too, big time, big time. I got my account just called laughing and said you wrote a book on Trump right, And I said, of course, I did you know it? And he said, well, his tax right just cost you this much money. I hope you make it back on the book. So it's like, Bill, no, no, nobody is gonna care about your financial situation or they're just not gonna But this big myth that rich people don't pay their fair share, it's a lie. Comfousate their property is another fraud. Bill, I pay sixty five percent. That's what I pay. All right, I gotta take a break, Bill O'Reilly. The book is going gangbusters, by the way. It's the United States of Trump, how the President really sees America. It's on Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, Bill O'Reilly dot com, and bookstores everywhere. Quick break, right back. We'll continue all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, I've known so many of you, we've been We're just so wrapped up in a news cycle that we just haven't taken enough calls. And some of you, I know, we're just dying to get out. It's a catharsis how you're feeling in So many of you have great comments, so we want to leave plenty of times for the phones. Now, um, let's go to Jim as in Ohio. Jim, how are you glad you called? Sir? I'm great? How are you? I'm good? Thank you m After watching the Hunter Biden interview, it became clear to me that what's not being said here is all roads take us to the same place. We all, in our hearts know that Joe Biden facilitated, participated in you know, was aware of Hunter Biden's position at the worst. But even if you assume at the best that there was this one conversation and the only thing that was said is I hope I know what you're doing. He's still not fit to be president. Where are the questions, where are the admonishments? Where the sun? Hell, you can't do this. You know, we need transparency on this, We need to disclose this. If even if you can absume that he was, you know, blind to everything that was going on, that makes him just as unfit to be president as participating in this. You know, the greatest evidence of everything you're saying being true is the fact that Hunter Biden now is saying, if my dad as president, I will never join any foreign boards. The interview yesterday was a disaster. Well, what experience do you have sitting on an energy company's board and getting fifty grand a month? I think it's higher, but there's been mixed reports. I didn't have any, which was just about the same as that. No, no experience in the country, gas, energy, oil, none. Well, I sat on another board of Amtrak, and I'm like, great, Amtrak on what does Amtrak give you? What he what's his qualifications for that? He traveled on Amtrak one day with his dad? And what about China? Ten days after he goes to China and air Force too? Well, I haven't taken a penny. Ye A nice try at parsing words, because even your lawyer's pointing out you have equity that's coming your way and it's estimated to be twenty million dollars. Now, if a vice president's kid is getting all this free money with no expertise, what do we call that? Buying influence? A conflict of interest? Chronyism picked your word? It's a well, nobody's said that anything's wrong here. I never talked to my son about any of his business dealings, even that is contradicted by them. You see the difference, Jim, is you live in Ohio, Okay. To believe that this is all okay, you have to have the mindset of the lunatic left in this country, which is in New York and DC and San Francisco and Los Angeles, because you have to defy, you have to lose all fidelity to truth, and you have to defy common sense and logic to get there. And the problem that the media mob and Democrats have is most people that make this country great, that don't live in that six suer world of theirs are not buying this lie anyway? Does that make sense? The people see who can start the investigation? We keep asking, is anybody going to investigate this? Who can start this investigation? And why I'd like to get I'd like to get answers to a whole bunch of them. But all right, Jim, listen, thank you in Ohio, heart and soul of America, like Oklahoma where Ron is calling in? What's up? Ron? How are you? Sean? You're a great American? You too, my friend? Thank you. I'm really concerned about what's going on the ig report seems like it's never going to come out. A matter of fact, it was delayed once so that other witnesses could rearrange their statements. Bill Barr and his associate or I guess uncovering all kinds of things or re uncovering, and all this time it is dragging out, dragging out, dragging out. Hillary is going to be able to throw her hat back in the ring because so far there's been no referrals made, there's been no attempt that, there's been no interviews, no anything with her under oath. And you, oh, by the way, the Democrat Party has really nobody to pick from out of that whole group of clowns. I'm afraid not only is she going to escape, but I'm afraid she's going to be able to get back in the a US again, because I'm worried really that we're still dealing with the deep state we are and this long awaited report. You're right, there was a last minute well let's just say, people that knew that they probably were going to be in trouble started talking. That was part of the delay. What we've been waiting for now is we know that Inspector General Horowitz, this is more about fise abuse, although we're told it may go beyond that has been in the declassification process, and the FBI and DOJ are working together. I'm hearing Director Ray is not particularly cooperative and he wants to redact significant portions of it because it makes his agency look bad. And well, I'm sorry, but Director Ray ought to be just the opposite. He ought to be more transparent. Let us know what happened so that he can be the guy that fixes the corruption that existed in the abuse of power that existed at the highest levels of the FBI, because that only helps the rank and file, the ninety nine percent of good people that work there. So we're waiting. It's an anticipate, you know, we're all anticipating it. I think the evidence we already know is enough to burn a lot of people and they get in a lot of trouble. It's not going to be tomorrow, according to my sources, So hopefully early next week, that's my hope. And we'll have to wait and see Clark in Alabama. What's up, Clark? How are you? Is it showing? Is a roll Tide or Warrior? Go? Where are you? No? No, No, it's only roll Tied in my house, buddy, okay, got it? Only one of the other roll Tide and Fox News and Sean Henders in my house slusively. Thank you listen. My concern is about the IG report as well. I heard one of the congressmen on your show or Laura Ingram show recently say that one of the things that's doighing it is that some of the agencies are pushing back hard on reductions and that right now it appears that the report might be up to about twenty redacted. And my question is I thought Trump at or given Barr the authority to unredact all this stuff and you get it out there where the people can see it. You know what I love about people that listen to this show. You're so smart because the President did, I think wisely do exactly what you're saying, and that is that each because Barr was doing and handling the investigation, which also now has expanded out into the origins of the Russia hoax and witch hunt, that included the power to declassify all of the things that people like me, Greg and John and everybody else have been calling for. Gang of Aid information three or two Information there's a lot out there, so we know that the Attorney General will make the ultimate call here. It is part of a normal process. I've got to be upfront about that. Where where different agencies. In this case, the FBI is going to go in and say, no, we don't want to declassify this, we don't want to declassify that. I would imagine the final decision will be made by Bar, But the President, by giving the authority to Bar has not withdrawn his own authority after the fact if he sees a need to do it. But the thing I've heard is it's not just the FBI, that it's a state department, that it's the intelligence agents. You're very if you're all correct, and they're all weighing it. They all want to water it down. But remember Democrats wanted the full Molar report unredacted. So we'll just demand if they go that way and they don't give us a if they give us a twenty percent redacted document, we will demand the unredaction and the President would be able to weigh in on that, and I would imagine he might do that. I mean, he's been transparent. I mean this guy handed out the Ukrainian President's transcript. I don't think they ever expected that. That was a pretty smooth move on his part because there was nothing. There's no quid pro quote, nothing, nothing wrong with that call. Absolutely all right, my friend, roll Tide appreciate things. Alabama has got to be ranked number one. There was always number one? Right whoa there are in my heart? Are they not ranked number one? What are they ranked? Well, they are ranked number one now, but you know what matters is where they ranked at the end of the year. So we'll see. I gotta tell you there's no doubt. Nick Saban is one of the best coaches ever ever in college football history. Guys amazing, and Alabama has a history of great coaches like Bear Bryant. Yeah, I agree. I was eight years old when when Bear king back, so I got to go through his twenty something years and enjoy. Now I've had a second fundy at the Alple with Nick Saban. It's almost like a dream come true. It funny when I lived in Alabama, true story. You know, I grew up with the Yankees, the Mets. I was a huge ice hockey fan. I'm in nut and ice hockey player and a pitcher in baseball. You know, it's not a religion. College football in New York, it's not. It's professional sports town. And I had no idea until I got to Alabama none, what a big deal it was. I learned a lot. It was an education, all right, my friend, God bless you. Thank you? All? Right back to our phones, Florida, Tim Next, Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Tim? How are you? Oh? Great? But we're a little bit frustrated. We the people were feeling helpless about what's going on in the House of Representatives. We really don't have any say, so we feel like we don't count. We're just observing a few people in Washington. So the simple question for you is, and I'm looking for a sincere answer, what can we do about it? The people at the bottom in every district of the Congress has all four hundred and thirty five and by the way, they're all up for election. I don't know what to do. I don't know what I'm going to give you. I'm gonna give you your answer. And by the way, just because I do this four hours a day doesn't make what I'm doing any more important than what you do. And I mean that, And let me tell you these I'm worn out after every day because of all the work we're doing. I mean, just to keep my head informed on above water. I'm gulping every day, I promise you, and it's it is I'm doing the job that no one else in the media mob will do. It's we work hard, and I promise you we're never gonna stop as long as you give us this microphone and camera. But the most important thing you're saying here, Tim, and I want you to hear me. Every spoke in a wheel matters. Every spoke is needed to make this wheel go around. Let's put Trump at the center of the wheel. He's like the axis, and everybody else, including me, we're spokes. And if you vote, that is an important role. If you donate to a real conservative, that's an important role in a job Florida. You can't ever take Florida for granted in any national election. By the bottom line is it's an all hands on deck moment for the country. We need every patriotic Great America that is disgusted and finds what's going on in this sewer in Washington, New York, etc. Repulsive to be motivated, maintain that motivation and fight every day so that we will shock the world again a year from now. That's the goal. We will shock the world a year from now, November third, twenty twenty. That's what That's what you can do. Everybody needs to know they have tried everything to remove this duly elected president. He's fighting every day, keeping every promise he said. He'd keep everything he said. He's even on Sirius said, he's I don't want these foreign entanglements. I'm getting the hell out and whether you agree, the biggest tax cuts in history, energy independent for the first time in seventy five years, more deregulation than every president in the last hundred years, better trained policies. He found a way to get the money to build the wall. You know, if we put conservative justice's originalists on the Supreme Court from the list he gave us. So the answer is all hands on, decked him. There's your answer. Your help is pivotal. I only have one vote. You have one vote. You can get ten other people, one hundred other people. You're really that's a big, big help, huge. Actually, all right, I hope that does that help you out. Yeah, let's go get him. I'm I'm all into I'm you know, I'm all into the point. I'm being surveilled, I'm being unmasked, I have my text messages released, you know. I mean, this is an easy job for me lately, no pressure at all trying. If we roll along Sean Hannity's show. Look, I want to remind you, if you have a cell phone and you hadn't switched to Pure Talk yet, you're paying too much for your self service. Now you have customer service located right here in the USA. The CEO chairman is a US vet. No contract, risk free and by the way, the same great coverage at half the price of the big carriers. 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Because sometimes there are issues that are bigger than politics, and I think that's the case with this impeachment inquiry. Impeachment is the way that we establish that this man will not be permitted to break the law over and over without consequences. The impeachment must go forward, Center Sanders. Do Democrats have any choice but to impeach President Trump? Please tell don't so. I look forward, by the way, not only to a speedy and expeditious impeachment process. And the fact is that this President United States has gone so far as to say since this latest event that in fact, he will not cooperate in any way at all, will not unless any witnesses are not providing information, will not do anything too great with the impeachment. They have no choice but to move but the reality of it is that I don't really think this impeachment process is going to take very long, because as a former prosecutor, I know a confession when I see it. Senator Booker, you have said the President Trump's quote moral vandalism disqualifies him from being president. Can you be fair in an impeachment trial? Please respond? So, I swore an oath to do my job as a senator, do my duty. This president has violated his I will do my We can do two things at once. That's our job. We have a constitutional duty to pursue this impeachment. Sorry, Caustro, is impeachment and distraction not at all. We can walk into gum at the same time. Mayor Buddha, Judge, you have said that impeachment should be by partisan There's been obviously very little Republican support to date, yet Democrats are proceeding. Is that a mistake, Well, it's a mistake on the part of Republicans who enable the president, whose actions are as offensive to their own supposed values as they are to the values that we all share. Look, the President has left the Congress with no choice. Serious issues that have been raised around this phone call that he had with the President of Ukraine and many other things that transpired around that are what caused me to support the inquiry in the House, and I think that it should continue. So in fact, impeaching and removing this president is something that the American people are demanding. They're the voice that counts, and that's who I went to the American people. I support impeachment, but we shouldn't have any illusions that impeaching Donald Trump will one be successful or two erase the problems that got him elected in twenty sixteen. If we do not hold him to account, if there is not justice, Not only have we failed this moment, our constitution, in our country, we have failed everyone who has sacrificed and laid their lives down on the line, and we cannot do that. Your signature, Senator, is to have a plan for everything, except this. No plan has been laid out to explain how a multifrillion dollar hole in this Medicare for All plan that Senator Warren is putting forward is supposed to get filled in at this country be even more divided. Why unnecessarily divide this country over healthcare when there's a better way to Senator Bernie's being honest here and saying how he's going to pay for this and that Texas are going to go up. And I'm sorry, Elizabeth, but you have not said that. And I think we owe it to the American people to tell them where we're going to send the invoice. And I appreciate Elizabeth's work, but again of the difference between a plan and a pipe dream is something that you can actually get done, and we can get this public option done, and we can take on the pharmaceutical companies and bring down the prices. He probably want to give a reality check here to Elizabeth, because no one on this stage once to protect billionaires, Not even the billionaire wants to protect billionaires. We just have different approaches. Your idea is not the only idea I think. Simply because you have different ideas doesn't mean you're fighting for regular people. Senator Warren, I just want to say that I was surprised to hear that you did not agree with me that on this subject of should be the rules around corporate responsibility for these big tech companies when I called on Twitter to suspend Donald Trump's account, that you did not agree and would I would urge you to join me. I don't just want to push Donald Trump off Twitter. I want to push him out of the White House. That's our job. But the way join me in saying that his Twitter should be shut down. But I think we need to be focused on lifting people up, and sometimes I think that Senator Warren is more focused on being punitive or pitting some part of the country against the other instead of lifting people up and making sure that this country comes together around those solutions. You impose a wealth tax, Senator Warren is one hundred percent right that we're in the midst of the most extreme winter takeall economy in history, and a wealth tax makes a lot of sense and principle. The problem is that it's been tried in Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, and all those countries ended up repealing it because it had massive implement problems and did not generate the revenue that they've projected. If we can't learn from the failed experiences of other countries, what can we learn from We should not be looking to other countries mistakes. She shut refers me. I agreed with the great job she did, and I went on the floor and got you votes. I got votes for that Bill, I convinced people to vote for it. So let's get those things straight too. Senor Lauren to an respondent, I am deeply grateful to President Obama who fought so hard to make sure that agency was passed in the law. All right, they hear the socialist, radical extremist madness from last night. Glad you're on board eight hundred nine for one sean. If you want to be a part of the program, you learn a lot here. One of the things, if you thought Obama was liberal, think again, because they're making him almost look like a conservative. He could not survive with his radical agenda with this new crop of extreme candidates here. They want to outlaw private insurance Medicare for All. That means you'll have no option. We now have nearly forty percent of the country that has only one healthcare option one hundred you know, two hundred percent increases whatever happen to keep your doctor, keep your plan, and save money. You only have one choice in almost forty percent of the country. Everybody's paying two three times what they were paying, and so will outlaw. Then we'll have the New Green Deal on top of it, bankrupt everybody, and then we're going to punish the successful and the wealthy to the point where everybody that has anything in this country is gonna leave. That is your modern extreme left wing Democratic Party. All right, joining us now, Kaylee mcinanny's with those. National Press Secretary Trump twenty twenty camp paying Jeff Lord, author of the bestseller Swamp Wars, Donald Trump and the new American populism versus the old order. Guys. Great to have you back as usual, a right. So I want you both to do this. I want you to weigh in on and maybe Kaylee will start with you. A comparison between say mayor Pete mister Buddha judge to Obama. If you make the comparison, Obama looks like a right winger. What do you think? Yeah, President Obama is entirely left behind by this field. This is a field of radical leftist and look that includes Joe Biden. Joe Biden is just as far left as as peers. He wants a public option. That's something Obama shunned. It's something that would root out employer provided insurance. But you have Joe Biden advocating for that. He wants to eliminate fossil fuels, all of these guys, from Mayor Pete to Joe Biden to Elizabeth Warren to Bernie Sanders, they are as far left as you can get in the fact that Elizabeth Warren is not a front runner tells you all you need to know about exactly where the Democrats of twenty twenty stand. And Jeff, what's your take on that. I want you to speak to this. You served for Reagan, you worked in the Reagan administration. Warren is promising everything under the sun, but can't explain how she's ever going to pay for it. She can't even an answer the simple question that's been asked now a thousand times about middle class taxes being raised. That is so right. I mean, I just find it amazing that President Obama is rapidly becoming an outcast in his own party, and here is his own vice president running for this nomination and they're going after him. I mean, this is really Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders stuff here, and that's what's taking over the Democratic Party. And I've seen it before. This was what happened in nineteen seventy two with George McGovern and all of these leftists came out of the left field literally and figuratively politically to overtake Senator at Muskie, who was the Joe Biden of the day. This is happening again, and this is going to re elect President Trump without doubt. And then when talking to Tamper on a hot Mike says, well, I can't say that. I can't say we welcome back we have with us Massachusetts Democratic senator. Okay, what exactly is she not allowed to say? Yeah, you know, it's incredible that you had Mayor Pete there. You know, he was pressing Elizabeth Warren. I am saying, look, you can't even give it yes or no answer. It is funny because each and every debate you watched her OBFA state when asked how she's going to pay for her plans, and she says, well, costs will not go up. This tricky little gimmickry about costs not going up. Well, what she's really saying is your taxes will go up. And I'm going to conflate that and use the word costs. And Mayor Pete hit the nail on the head when he said give it yes or no answer, our taxes going up. She wouldn't give the answer, So I'll give it for you better believe it. Your taxes are going up should you elect elizabeth An as president? And Jeff, what's your take on that? I'd like to know what you can't say? So, Jeff, is any politician now able to give any yes or no answer? I mean, are we gonna be able to pin them down on any of these questions? Because Donald Trump answers questions he gives you there's no doubt where he stands. He made promises, he has an agenda, and he's keeping it. Yes, even on Syria, and by the way it pull out today, two thirds of American support him on that. So we're not getting any straightforward answers for them. It's all pontification. Well that's right, and you know, I think that's a Walter Mondale experience probably weighs heavily with these people. If you'll recall when he won the Democratic nomination, he gave in his acceptance speech he said, Ronald Reagan will raise your taxes, he will tell you, but I will I'm going to raise your taxes. Well forty nine state loss. Later this was pinpointed as you know, perhaps the moment that he lost. And I think that for sure they don't want to repeat this. I mean, when Stephen Colbert can't get a straight answer ont of Elizabeth Warren, you know there's a problem. We have toun for one more question that we would like all of you to weigh in on. Last week, Ellen DeGeneres was criticized after she and former President George w. Bush were seen laughing together at a football game. Ellen defended their friendships, saying, we're all different, and I think that we've forgotten that that's okay, that we're all different. So in that spirit, we'd like you to tell us about a friendship that you've had that would surprise us or what impacts it's had on you and your beliefs. Secretary Castro, let's begin with you on the seventeen Look the fact that George Washington worried on the first time he spoke after being elected president, hundreds and thousands of innocent people between there and the Iraqi Board. I'm no the one that got got had moved to make sure that we could not have a magazine that had more than ten rounds in it. When you register it, the likelihood of being used diminished. This exponentially. The way to deal with those guns in those ar fifteens and assault weapons that are on the street are not on the street that people owns. Me. In terms of foreign policy, I've never seen a time and I spent thousand hours in the situation room. What is happening in Iraq is going to I mean it's good me in Afghanistan took almost a ninety billion dollars acted that kept us from going in a depression, making us in a put us a position where I was able to end able to end the issue of gun sales. In terms of assault weapons, well, the senators said, she's being vague on the issue of actually both and being vague on the issue of the medicare for all. Became very close friends with my wife, Jill, visit our home, there were the children. So for God's sake, get up, get Remember this is the United States of America. There's nothing, nothing we've been unable to do, but we decide we're going to do it all right, as we continue with Kaylee mckinnanny, National Press Secretary Trump twenty twenty campaign, Jeff Lord, author of Swamp Wars, We've seen Warren do this time and time again. Nothing is genuine, you know from the you know from Warren or anything and her husband. You know, she's not a Native American. She just lies, makes it up, advances her career. CNN had no interest in Tulsey Gabbard, you know, she she got no time, just like the Project Veritas videos revealed yesterday. And so I guess CNN has decided, Kaylee, that Warren is going to be there kennidate. Yeah, I think Elizabeth Warren is going to be the nominee at this point. It looks it certainly looks that way, and I don't see the dynamic changing. But let's be clear. I know that CNN, MSNBC, they'll try their best to cover for her, but she's a serial liar. She's a hit story of lying, and she literally, we know, led about her Native American heritage. As it turns out, she's only one in one twenty fourth Native American. Then we find ouce she lied and said she didn't get a job because she would quote visibly pregnant, only to be contradicted by her own words a decade earlier. I see has a real problem with the truth. So as much as they try to cover for her, I can tell you this, we'll be shining a light on the mistruth of Elizabeth Warren, and there are many more to come. That's just the tip of the iceberg. All right, Jeff, you agree with Kayley. You think Warren's it, you know, in a sense, I think Elizabeth Warren. I mean, she's very much an intellectual, and she lives in her head. She would be the perfect contrast to the president, who is, of course a practical businessman. And Americans get this. I mean, this is one of the reasons why they like him, that he breaks the mold, that he's very down to earth. They love it. She lives in her head and she'll pay a price for that politically. All right, guys, Jeff Kayley, thank you. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean told free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. Our good friend Mike Rose stops by. That's coming up at the bottom of this half hour, and your calls straight ahead at twenty five to the top of the hour, told free telephone numbers eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. So I got addicted to one of these cable shows called Dirty Jobs, and I'm thinking this is my whole life unfolding before my eyes because I did all of them, not the ones that Mike ro did, But I mean, I just love the stuff that people do in their lives, and I love the fact that Mike would throw himself into whatever the work was, and some of it was pretty dirty stuff and micro anyway, he's become a friend over time. Really admire him. And he's written a brand new book. It's called The Way I Heard It. It's part stories from his podcast and part memoir on his part and Mike by the way Mike Row works. He has a foundation and they give scholarships to students pursuing a career in the skilled trades, which I think is amazing. One of the best things I ever did in my life. Will spend ten years. Let's see, I'd built houses, and I rehabed houses, and I was a painting contractor, learn how to hang wallpaper, was a wallpaper and painting contractor. Then I did rehab, fell off a roof, three stories, hit my head, became a conservative, had a dislocated arm and a broken radio head, and laid tile. I love finish work. You should write a book. I'm not writing a book about that. Nobody cares I'm writing a book, but it's not going to be about that. Here's here's some unsolicited observational advice. How are you, by the way, good to see it? I'm great. You two get some cameras, dude, get some cameras and put them out here and chronicle what you get what your listeners can't see. Get it on video. I'm on TV an hour a day like this year not. I like the intimacy. I just radio. I just spent twenty minutes with this track veling circus. You call a crew. They're fantastic, by the way, the best. But you should hear what they say about you when you're not. They say it to my face. There's nothing. It's remarkable. By the way, am I not the best boss? By the way, I buy everybody in their lunch dinner every day. Every one of those people in that room get big bonuses every year because I love them all. I do the same for my people. But I chew their food. I'm not chewing there. And then I feed them like a mother bird. And I'll tell you, Sean, they keep coming back for more and more. Chew my food, Mike, chew it more. I mean, this is the unintended consequences of treating your people with that level of care and attention. It's just gonna you're You're gonna be chewing other people's food for the rest of your life. I'm just warning you. Do you agree with me, I'm gonna ask a serious question and ignore all of that because you got them in tears. Do you agree with me that fame is unhealthy? Yes? Do you agree with me that real work is extraordinarily healthy? And if you did real work in your life and then experience some success later, you never forget where you came from. That's a complicated question. You phrased it in a somewhat awkward way, but I do believe that fundamentally. You're asking me if hard work is its own reward, and to that I would concur, But I'm never gonna It's in my DNA that I was a dishwasher and a paper boy, and a cook, and a bus boy, and a waiter, and a bartender, and a paper hanger, and a painter and a builder and a tile airfort. That was twenty years of my life. Let me, I'll tell you what I think, where I think you're going with it, and where I agree passionately is that as you get older and as you experience something like success or actual success, however you define it. The jobs where you started the first rungs on the ladder, you're going to remember them with all of the import and more than you otherwise would. I've talked to so many people who have had a lot of success in their life, and invariably what comes up first is the time in their life where they paid their dues, where they did the hard thing, where they sweated it out, where they delayed their gratification, where their attitude in hindsight was ultimately the thing that got them through. Those are the things we remember. And the tough jobs, the difficult jobs, the dirty jobs. Those are the many crucibles that allow us to pass through something that shapes us. You in your book you talk about when you Got Dirty Jobs, the series that you know you devise, you know, using a real pig on a pedestal. Oh yeah, yeah, Well, the network was trying to figure out how to promote the program, and they had all sorts of ideas where I would be sort of portrayed as the epitome of a blue collar working guy, or where we would do all of these heightened, exaggerated homages to traditional versions of work. At the same time, I think it was MasterCard was doing that hole What's in your wallet campaign? Yeah, and I wanted to to say, what's on your pedestal? You know, what is it that you actually admire? And so rather than put a person on it, I wanted like an icon, and a pig, to me was the epitome of both dirty jobs, hard working. They certainly make the ultimate sacrifice for us. So I put a pig on a pedestal, a white pedestal, and while we filmed a series of ads for the show, this pig crapped in a way that I haven't seen an animal crap in a long time. I mean all all different varieties of crap. Right. It was a small, tasteful, little pieces of pooh and explosive diarrhea. And when we were done shooting this promo, that white set that we were on had looked like you had painted it brown many years ago during one of your first jobs. You get very personal in this book. You talk about your parents, the best advice about your grandfather, a betrayal of a trusted financial advisor you thought was a friend. Yep, Paul Harvey's influence on you, which I thought was fascinating. But to me, you Dirty Jobs defined you because I watching it, I saw that you appreciate what real Americans do every day, because I don't think America is great, but by these people in New York and Washington, I think those are the dirt bags in life. Well, look, it's flattering. I mean as a broadcaster, I'm glad you liked the show, but I'd be curious on your thoughts about about the way we shot it, you know, And this is what I miss about TV. And this is the only time I've ever had a chance to work like this. But Dirty Jobs we never did a second take ever. We didn't do any scouting, there was no preproduction, There was certainly no writing, There was no actors. So the viewer saw something that you almost never get to see on TV. They saw what I saw. They saw the day that I experienced it in their chronology that I experienced it in. And if you're going to labor in a form called reality TV or nonfiction, it just always seemed to me that you there was no editing at all. Oh no, we edited it, but when we put it together, let me see we shot from SunUp to Sunday. That's what I'm gonna say. You get the story of the day, right, But what you got on dirty jobs was the day itself laid out in the actual reality it occurred. You got reality. This is why I'm just sort of tying two things together here, and that is that I think me doing those those jobs for two decades of my life to find me. I think you're probably right. And I think that my belief in God, which is real. I mean, I'm not the best person. Christians actually believe they're the ones that need the forgiveness. And my work ethic and my parents, I know I stand on their shoulders. And my mom worked more sixteen hours shifts as a prison guard than I can count for twenty five years. And my dad a probation guy but also a waiter on weekends. And my grandparents with ten bucks, all four of them from Ireland, ten bucks in their pocket, the most they had. And how how how is it that I whine? Ever, I don't have any right to wine. And we whine, Yeah, we whine. We liked the way whining makes us feel, and we also like the sound of our own voices and when you combine the sound of you, I hate the sound of mine. I like the sound of yours better. Well, you know, I mean, I was just wish I had something fascinating to say, Sean, honest, tell me about your your parents and grandparents, because you and Paul Harvey. So Paul Harvey, as you know, I mean when I think of great storytellers, you know, Geez, Charles Carrault and Studs Turkle and George Plimpton and Paul Harvey, and these guys are gone now, you know. And they had a way on the radio, and they had a style, and they had a point of view and a level of ownership that I that I think is missing today. By and large. I liked Harvey because he made history and biography interesting to people who would otherwise not be interested in either. And I dedicated the book to him. And I write in the style of the rest of the story because I sat in a long term parking lot in mid eighties, got to the airport late, was waiting to you know, I had to run to catch my flight, but I couldn't get out of the car until I heard Paul Harvey say, and now you know the rest of the story good day, and I missed my flight, you know, because I sat in the car waiting to hear the end of the damn story. And so for me, you know, I always wanted to write stories that made people late, that they had to get to the end of. So that's why I do a podcast in that style. That's why the book is called Away. I heard it, but it was my mother, who you met, who encouraged me to interrupt these biographies of famous people I'd never known, with true stories of my own life that in some way rhymed with these people and maybe explained why I chose to write about the people I wrote about. And the result is the book you have. It's this weird mix of autobiography and biography, mystery and memoir, and it's the way I heard it because honestly, like you, I am tired of people who are just completely infected with certainty, telling me without any shred of hubrists or humility, precisely how a thing has to be. I mean, we're a nation now. Don't get me wrong. I love conviction, and I'm a big fan of people who know what they believe and why there is objective truth. You know, they're absolutely there's objective truth, But the question is what's persuasive. Do you take the objective truth and beat somebody over the head with it, or do you lay it out in front of them in a way that hopefully allows them to connect to some dots right and maybe arrive at their own conclusion. We're just out of time in this country. A lot of people feel like they're out of patience as well, and so we're screaming at each other. We're not saying, hey, I've been thinking about it, and this is the way I heard it. We're saying I've done my research, and I've got my links, and I've got my sources, and now and now I'm going to instruct you. So there's a lot of lecturing, and there's a lot of prostlytizing, and there's there's a fair amount of truth out there. But how we get to it? You know, Paul, if he's a lot of lying, there a lot of nonsense, a lot of propaganda, that's right. It's a lot of people that have an agenda. I'll tell you, I don't know how you would reconcile. And then let's get into this whole political divide in the country. How do you reconcile that you got a group of people on the left that will every election say a conservative is racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, is homophobic. They want dirty air and water, They want children to die, They want granny and grandpa to only eat dog food before Paul Ryan look alike throws him over the cliff, or that can't accept the results of an election. Mitt Romney is the nicest guy in the world, said everything Trump set and he was nice, and they still called him a racist and a misogynist because he had women's binders with resumes he wanted to hire them. I don't know how you reason with those people. Why would you You can't. Why wouldn't you just say then it becomes a fight. Yeah, but look, how are you going to fight him? Me? I would, I would step back and I'd say, okay, world, you just heard some evidence. Now you get to decide a is it factual, so you'll do your homework, But more importantly, is it persuasive? Are you hearing something you want to hear and therefore agreeing with it out of knee jerk, or are you hearing something you don't want to hear and therefore disagreeing with it for the same reason. How much time are you going to put into it? See, I would when it comes to save in the country, I don't think there's we have. I have an urgency about it because I think this country is in trouble. I think what you're doing is really important, and I think this conversation and the fight has to happen the way it's happening in your slice of the media, which let's say it's a it's a pretty big slice, like you're in a knife fight my friend in a phone booth. And I've seen you do it. You do it every day, and I applaud it four hours a day. But you know it comes here, it comes the Hannity hit. Go ahead, No, no, it's it's what's the old expression everything you hear before butt is bs. Yeah, that's truthful. No, But I don't mean any of this as a backhanded compliment at all. The people in your audience, you got them, you persuaded them. It's the choir, and it's a big choir, and many of them are here because of you. But there's something else going on in the country that goes into another slice. How do you get the people who don't find you persuasive. How do you do that? I can only stand up for principles and truth as I know them, and I can only see that there's a group of people that let's look at the deep state, the president. There was a dirty Russian dossier that was used. They knew they were worn repeatedly, that it was not authentic, it was never verified. It says on the top of a fish, warn't verified, and they used it anyway. Just buy on a candidate than a transition team than a president. That's just truth. But no, So the answer is those people that hate Trump, I will never be able to persuade them, So I will argue we must defeat them. That's why I think. Look, the Second World War was a complicated affair. It was fought on a couple of front that complicated. It was good versus evil. Well, it's pretty simple when you look back at it. But when you're in the midst of it, you can't. You can't win in Tarawa, you can't win in the in the South Pacific and be in the Ardenne at the same time. You've you've got a German problem, you've got a Japanese problem, you've got to fight those words in different ways. Joe Hitler. Uh, the last century, one hundred million human souls destroyed. That's a rebellion. That's a fact. That's that's a fact that I wrote a book, deliver Us from evil. Person that works. Whether you worked on that book, that's evil way. The person who works with me n't worked on that book. Oh good, the public So she is not the personification of evil. She's very nice. I've spent the last twenty four hours with her, what she boby lunch, and she said some very kind things to me. I could talk to you forever. I wish, I wish we could get along like your your aiming about. I don't think. I don't see as possible. We now are fighting for the soul of America. Don't constitutional republic or we're going to have socialism and state run everything. You get the last word. So I can't disagree. But I think you have to agree too that when you frame it in a binary choice, you're going to get in a binary world and the shades of gray will go away. It's going to be a black and white thing. Now you see it that way. And I'm not even disagreeing with you. I'm just saying there are people out there that can be persuaded. You agree with this, This is a live free choose freedom or America dies. Do you agree with that? Yeah, I actually do. But my friends who are inclined towards socialistic leanings aren't going to be persuaded by that argument. No, not at all. So I have friends that shines app sheentleman chef Smith and I got along. Nobody will believe that. I believe it. You're a reasonable guy the way I heard it, Microw. It's on Hannity dot com. Do you have a website? Micro dot com, micro dot com, slash book is a fine place to get it, or bookstores everywhere. Good to see you. You're a good man. Thank you for having me an honestly, I applaud what you're doing. I applaud what you're doing. Thank you. I plaud louder good. I deserve it more. Yeah, but I'm clapping for myself.