Sean kicks off Thursday's show reminding the audience just what happened to President George H.W. Bush when he started working with Democrats to balance budgets. President Bush promised "no new taxes" but he ended up having to raise them. Republicans are now poised to push President Trump toward the center-left if they continue to force his hand by doing nothing. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow. All right, lots to talk about on this Thursday. Glad you are with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extra navaganza. That's eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. So last night after Hannity the TV show, it just all hell is breaking lose. Just to quote a phrase here, it was going nuts. Here's this statement. So yesterday the President meets out by partisan group of congressmen and um more Democrats than Republicans. And then the President you know, we're gonna work together, work together, work together. All fine, good expected for reasons I'll get into in a second. Then he has dinner I assume, at the White House with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi and Schumer after dinner, release a joint statement that they had a very productive dinner with the President at the White House, and it focused on the program known as the Deferred Action for Childhood or Ival's DACA. We agreed to enshrine the protections of data into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security excluding the wall that is acceptable to both sides. Now, I can play it, and we've got montages, but I don't want to eat up all of our time here in this opening segment. We all know how many times the President on the campaign trail and since he has been president, said that he is going to build the wall. It's gonna be a big, beautiful wall. The wall will have a door in it, but it's gonna be a wall. And so I'm hearing this last night, and and I'm thinking, first, I'm getting a little angry. I'm getting a little mad. And then you know, part of me doubts it, part of me never trusts Schumer and Pelosi, and and part of me resents why the president was put in this position. I want to go through this slowly so that everybody understands where we are and the great danger I think this president is now facing politically for himself and why it's happening and why we are where we are. Now, you have to start with something that is just I read this last night and I just decided I'm gonna tweet out, Hey, Mitch, great job, meaning mc minch McConnell I did make a mistake and picked the wrong Twitter account. Well you make one little, itsy bitsy mistake on Twitter. They're ready to rip your head off. That's not his account, you idiot. And I'm like, okay, I'll fix it. I'm sorry. Biggest mistake anybody can make in their life. Oh bad me, bet oh, I gotta hit myself, all right, ridiculous? S all right, a Mitch, great job. You failed so miserably with healthcare and excessive expectation. You know, Mitch was saying, oh, you know one of the problems. So mad, I'm ticked off. Everyone thinks we all have gotten a lot more done than la la la la la. I'm like, oh my god, it's eight months. You promises for eight years. What the hell is wrong with you? How could you be that out of touch with the American pete eight months is an eternity and you can't get an eight year promise done. It's pathetic. And then I pointed out what I've been discussing on this program for the last two days, and that's roll Calls report that McConnell thinks, Wow, the tax deal maybe pushed into those two days ago and Roll Call, and I mentioned in both shows radio and TV the last two days, and I wrote, wasted opportunities, betrayal, epic Republican failure. It is a failure. It's a massive failure. And then I go on to tweet last night and I go on to say, and if the President doesn't keep his promise, in other words of what Pelosi and Schumer said, it is true, if the president goes for amnesty, it will be the political equivalent of read my lips, no new taxes. You may remember this, and this, I would argue, played a very big part and George Herbert Walker Bush losing to Bill Clinton. Here's what he's at. Raise taxes, and I'll say no, and they'll push and I'll say no, and they'll push again, and I'll say to them, read my lips. And then he raised taxes and it was all over for him. Words and promises matter one thing. The President's gotta understand here. He's got anywhere between the percent approval rating. I always argue there's at least five seven points extra for him, because there are some people that don't want to admit they like them. Um. But putting all that aside, if the President in any way does not keep his word on the issue of building this wall. If the president somehow it gets and he's a great businessman, I know he knows this, but I'm just saying there's a danger here because every single time Congress promises that they're gonna offer you spending cuts with acts increases, you always get the tax increase up front. You never ever get the spending. You never get the spending reductions. Ever, that's ten years down the line. You never see it. It's like always smoking mirrors. You know, you're always you'll always get the concession in this case, Dota Dreamers, etcetera. But you'll never get the wall. And the president's got to understand this is not negotiable for him, because if he ever goes along with any deal, and and he commented on it today and I'll tell you his exact comments in a minute, but he's got to understand if he makes any deal whatsoever, the compromises building that wall, that big, beautiful wall that he kept promising, politically speaking, the base will forever abandon him. I don't want that to happen to him, because that means we're gonna get eight more years of an Obama like president, and the country is gonna continue to go down the tubes. And what this election was about was the working man and women in the forgotten men and women that need help, the fifty million in poverty on food stamps and out in a labor force. So there is there's some very very dangerous waters that the president's walking into here. Now. It's a dent true that the colossal failure of the Republicans to keep their promises and keep their words certainly has created the conditions where even has to bother to sit down with Pelosi in Schumer and I'm ticked off at all of them, and I've been saying it for months now, how inefficient they are, how pathetic they are, how weak they are, How the Republican Party has no identity. Trump has an identity. He he can't give that, you know, Mitch McConnell's at eight in his own state. Then I tweeted out last night, politicians are supposed to keep their word. When they don't keep their word, those that voted for them, advocated for them, supported them, donated to them, they get Piste off. Republican fail You're on healthcare if they broke their word. They failed, and and you've got it for the president to be successful his he I want him to be successful. He's got to keep his word. And this was one of the biggest promises now the other maybe a couple of weeks ago, on TV I did ding Ding, Ding ding Ding. A lot of people commented on it, and that was everything that he said he was gonna do. That he did. He can't stop now. And then I tweeted out weak Republicans, betrayed voters. The President need not follow that. He needs to stay the course. He needs to keep his promises or it's over. People will not trust anybody in Washington. You know, it's bad enough that we have two parties that are part of the swamp. He does. He's the outsider that so far has kept his word. And Pelosi and Schumer they can never be trusted. And I hope the President doesn't get sucked into trusting these people because they will. There's nothing about him they like. There's nothing that they'll ever say good about him. Will remind him tonight, at least on TV maybe here of all the horrible things they have said about him over this last number of times. But the key the success. And this goes for the House, the Senate, and the President and anybody in politics. If you make promises to people, keep your promises. That the antidote to anything, any problem. The president has to stay on his agenda. Helped the forgotten men and women that voted for him in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and every other state. And the people that were hurt, the thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, the eight million more in poverty, the million Americans that were out of work, the lowest labor participation rate, the fifty one year low and homeownership rate, and the worst recovery since the forties, and the doubling of the debt. That's the answer. That's the antidote. That's what matters. That's what he will be judged on. It's not gonna be all the noise that is created by conspiracy theory TV hosts and they're all over the place, and I know some of them are listening right now now. For reports are true, and this is what I tweeted out last night. I blame Republicans. They pushed him into the arms of Pelosi and Schumer, because let's be honest, I've always talked about the five forces that have been working against this president from day one. No president has had a leak a day the way this president has. We don't have leaks of presidents talking to prime ministers like in the case of Australia or the president of Mexico. Obama didn't have to deal with a deep state like this trying to undermine him every day. The Democrats, we know, hate him. They haven't lifted a finger, and they called him racist and everything else they can think of. The media wakes up every day, Oh, how can we try and destroy his credibility and take away any ability of him to function and do his job every day? And then I said, what are the other two weak Republicans and never Trumpers? They hate him too. So if you know, he doesn't have to break his word just because the Republican Party is pathetic at their job and stay in the course is gonna be good for everybody. So they wanted him to fail. And if he goes ahead and goes along with any of these capitulations without getting the very big item he pushed for. To me, it is that it would become the equivalent of read my lips. No new taxes. You know, it's the same old Washington d C. Game where you got going on here, promised the spending cut in exchange for tax increases. You get the tax increase, you get no spending cut, you get the consideration in this case for for DACA, for young kids that are now adults, that have been here through no fall to their own. Fine, okay, but you gotta get the wall first. You gotta get a fully funded you gotta start building it. Build the wall first, get the wall done first. That is the only solution here. And I know the President's probably in business used to shake in somebody's hand and making a deal and knowing that the people on the other side of the table are gonna keep their word. That's not the case in Washington, d C. At all. And sometimes it's difficult to keep your word. Mr President. You know that you've been staying the course and don't become like the rest of the swamp out there. And Schumer and Pelosi, trust me, do not want you to succeed. They want you to fail. And they're hoping to set the exact same trap that George Herbert Walker Bush fell into. Dems want TAKA, they don't want the wall. They came out saying that you gave up on the wall last night, and you came out today. To your credit, you're on Air Force one. This is what you said. You know what we're doing is we're doing it in conjunction with the Republicans. We have a very very good relationship with a lot of people. A lot of people want this to happen. They expect it to happen, and we'll see if it happens. But we'll only do it if we get extreme security, if we get not only surveillance, but everything that goes along with surveillance, and ultimately we have to have the wall. If we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing. Why did Democrats say there was a Dealis typ right there? If we don't But if we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing. And that's what I finally said. Oh thank god, he can't go with a promise and not the money into law funded because the Democrats will do everything in their power, as will the Republicans to make him go back on this promise. You know, these are the five forces, you know, make no mistake, Schumer and Pelosi want him to break his word. And this now is ultimately the president's decision. And my advice is you got to stick to your agenda, you know, and that goes for the same on tax cuts and your tax plan and on getting the economy going. All of that's important, which we'll get to when we come back. These are dangerous waters. And by the way, you can thank weak, pathetic Republicans with no sense of urgency or integra that had no no earthly intention a hundred in the House, seven in the Senate of ever keeping their word unrepeal and replace. They pushed the President into Pelosi and Schumer's arms. Great job, Republican Party. But he still has his responsibility to keep his promises. And I was glad that he said that today we'll take a break, we'll come back, we'll continue. We'll also get to your calls. Eight nine Sean, straight ahead, right as we roll along, Sean Hannity Show, eight nine one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. There's certain promises the presidents make and that politicians make you just gotta keep. And I guess sometimes it gets hard because they push and they push, and they push and they push. You know, Democrats are also trying to set a trap on taxes. Now, the president, you know, said yesterday, well, I think the wealthy their their taxes are gonna remain about the same, and if not, they may go a little higher. You never said a little higher when he was running for office. Here's the problem with that. The President's plan to get the the forgotten men and women to work here is basically contingent on a growing, thriving economy. How do you get a growing thriving economy. How do you prevent thirteen million more Americans from being on food stamps and eight million more poverty like Obama and doubling the dead. How do you prevent that? It's called economic growth. President's got the right plan across the board. Tax cuts, seven brackets to three corporate rate. Multinationals were patriot at a very low rate. They will bring those trillions back to America energy independence. How many times have I said, there's millions of high paying career jobs available. And then he's already cut regulations. He's gotten rid of a lot of the Obama regular regulations, and he just he can't get trapped into this this old thinking mentality. You know, Reagan slashed the top marginal rate in the course of his presidency, from seven to twenty percent, revenues to the government doubled, twenty million new john were created. I mean that was after the two recession. I mean he needed some time to get this thriving, and it worked. You know, it's it's simple economics because those multinationals, those corporations quote, rich people, well, what they're gonna do is they're gonna end up spending money and buying boats and as he Horaltos said yesterday, bought a helicopter after the Reagan tax cuts. But that keeps people working, and then they'll build manufacturing centers and factories. And you know, the top one percent already paid thirty nine point five percent of the federal income taxes, top ten percent pay seventy point nine the bottom pays nothing. And that's it. So the rich quote already paying their fair share. The ideas to get them to spend their money and stimulate the economy and build the factories in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Democrats are setting traps all over the place here and it's because Republicans are so pathetic. Alright, till the top of the hour eight nine one, Sean you want to be a part of the program. Let me play for you. Chuck Schumer, Hey, really, he really likes us, he likes us. Listen to this. Sometimes I say, you gotta go a little right, sometimes a little left. Here Schumer on the ice, believe it was the Senate Florida. Where did you get this table, Linda, because I know you picked it up somewhere. Yeah, yeah, all right, let's play it. So I just can't hear anything. He likes, he likes us, he likes me. Anyway. Look what we said is exactly open power. Here's what I told as the president. You're much better off if you do some sound step right and sometimes step left. If you have to step just in one direction, your box he gets, Oh, it's gonna work out and will make us more productive to Sometimes you gotta step right and sometimes you gotta step left. And if you step in only one direction, you know you get boxed in. Yeah, okay. Do you think Chuck Schumer wants Trump to succeed? Do we have any of the tapes of of Schumer and Pelosi ripping on the president. So there's so many inconsistencies, so many inconsistent I'm trying really hard to find something positive. Uh, I wonder about although this morning had three tweets, I was thinking it was more of a creature that stalked the night, that these things just came out at night like a vampire and tweeted these things. But now it's spreads of the morning. So let me think for a lot. And we all respect certainly in San Francisco, we do the right of people to speak out and and express their views. But the balance between liberty and security is one that has to be guaranteed. And unfortunately, what these uh you call them, all right, I think they call themselves that. I call them Nazis, white supremacist nash white nationalists. What they are doing is is endangering people that are you worried that these tensions will continue to escalate across the country and here in the Bear it depends only these groups. They have decided that they are going. They're involved in the President has involved in them, and they're going to go around the country to other places as well. And I named my daughter her middle name is Emma, named for Emma Lazarus, the great poet who wrote those lines on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, give me. You're tired, you're poor, you're huddled masses yearning to breathe, free, freak what we're arrested. So this executive order was mean spirited and un American, who was implemented in a way that created chaos and confusion across the country, and it will only serve to embold and inspire those around the globe who will do us harm. It might be reversed immediately. Senate Democrats are going to introduce legislation to overturn this and move it as quickly as we can. And I, as your senator from New York, we'll claw, scrap and fight with every fiber for the cry baby. I can't take it anymore. Now here's what I know about the president. I can only give you the insight that I've had and baying on the road with him during the campaign. And he knows the people's reaction, he knows who is he knows the people that put him in that house. He knows them, And um, I know the president. I think pretty well. The President is a never ending negotiator, consummate, He's the best negotiating. He never stops. He negotiates like you'll have a time set for an interview. You get to say, well, let's just do ten minutes, and I'm like, well, we agreed to a half hour, and then it'll all right, we'll do twenty. It's fine. That is quintessentially Donald Trump. I mean, there's a part of it that is extraordinarily bright, smart, charming, and that's who he is. He negotiates everything. Um, so part of me is just like, Okay, I understand you're sending a message to everybody. You're sending a message to Republicans because you're such failures. You have no urgency. You didn't even have a plan to extend to stand the debt ceiling when you're on a month vacation in August. So I mean, it's pretty pathetic. They're just pathetic. And I kind of understand that the President is out there and the President is thinking, all right, well, I'm just gonna send a message that okay, I'll just get it done anywhere I need to get it done. Um. By the way, is John Roberts now live with the President on Air Force One? Now I want to just finish this thought. So my guess is the President is who he is. There's only one thing that he said I'm gonna play again what he said earlier, no wall, no deal, nothing. Let me play that earlier today. Now what we're doing is we're doing it in conjunction with the Republicans. We have a very very good relationship with a lot of people. A lot of people want this to happen. They expect it to happen, and we'll see if it happens. But we'll only do it if we get extreme security, if we get not only surveillance, but everything that goes along with surveillance, and ultimately we have to have the wall. If we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing. Why didn't Democrats say there was a deal of dinner. There wasn't no deal. They didn't say that at a deal. In fact, they just put out of statement. They didn't say that at all. Republicans aren't able to get opinions. Will you continue to doctor, We'll talk about that, but I think a deal will be made before six opercipients unless you get the wall. At some point they're gonna have to They cannot obstruct the wall. The wall to me is vital. If I don't get the wall, then we will become the intetruction to come first wall, and we have to have an understanding that, whether it's in the budget or some other vehicle, it is a fairly short period of time the wall will be funded. Otherwise we're not doing it. Otherwise we're not doing any deal. The wall is gonna be funded, or we're not doing any deal. If we don't have the wall, we're not doing nothing. That that reassures me. He only said the only part of that. You know at some point, you know, he says that you know we're gonna gonna fund it later. It's gotta be in writing. It's gotta be funded. It's gotta be written in blood because it's DC and it's a sewer and it's a swamp, and these people would love nothing more than to look, here's what the presidents are here, what the Democrats are arguing. And I I think the way this is gonna work out is this way. If you want to know how I think it's gonna end up. And the President was pretty clear about this today. He said, look, when we're not talking about amnesty, we're talking about people that have come to this country. I'm using his words. We're talking about taking care of people, people, people that are brought here people that have done a good job. Uh, that we're not brought here that were brought here not of their own volition. But more importantly, we have to have the wall. So I think what he's saying is no amnesty, that they would work out some type of agreement that they wouldn't be citizens and then get to stay in the country and they wouldn't be thrown out. That's my guess where it's going. And many you're gonna argue that's amnesty. I'm just telling you what I where I think it's headed. But I do think he's negotiating. But I do worry that it's the same thing we've seen in the past. You get the concession, which would be on eight hundred thousand data kids that are now adults and not kids anymore, and that you would never get the wall funded and built, just like you get tax increases, you never get the spending cuts. And that's the threat to the president. None of this would be happening if the Republicans did their job. All right, let's go to some calls here Panama City, Florida. Elizabeth is with us, Elizabe of HI, how are you hope you're recovering from Hurricane Irma. Hi, Sean, we did very well. I hope your house did too. It's fine. I'm not worried, never was worried, And you know what, it's only property and just as long as everybody was safe, that's all I cared about. Yes, absolutely, I just wanted to remind you. I think it's good that you keep bringing up to the president that he has to keep his promises. But I also think it's important to remember that, for he gave the GOP seven months to do things their way, so nobody could come back to him and say that he didn't follow that way, and now that they have failed, they're going to have to go at his speed. And his speed is four dimensional chats. These people don't know what's coming to them. They just don't. They can He can keep up with them, but they're never going to be able to keep up with him. So I think it's important to trust that the president is going to keep his promises, and those of us who voted for him know that he will. Nobody, nobody is crazy enough to put themselves in the situation that the president is to not keep their promises. So I know, look, but you know, but but here's the thing, you know, and I should it's not fair, but I guess I just feel so burned by Republicans because we learned during Healthcare a hundred House Republicans had no intention all those votes are repealing and replacing where show votes, like sixty of them, and the seven Senators that voted just to repeal and wouldn't do it in I mean, they were all show votes. So I've kind of feel a little burned here, and I think people have been burned before by politicians. And that's why the admonition, you know, the warning, I think the troubled waters that the president is facing it this was this is the equivalent to read my lips to me. And so I'm pointing out a big danger for the president, and I don't trust. You know, listen to Nancy Pelosi. She's calling him a nazi, white supremacist, you know, racist, all these things. That's what they think of him. That's what they think of us, That's what they think of anybody that's conservative. That's what they say about us every election. That makes sense. Remember that he's a common sense conservative, not exactly a Republican. So I think he's going to keep his words, Sean, so far. Look, I'm the one that the demonologue ding ding ding, and nobody else in the media will ever give him credit for any of the things that he's done. He's done a lot of great things, and we're seeing results. I mean, we see that the economy is growing. We saw three percent updated growth second quarter. That was huge for this country. We'll see what the next quarter brings us. But remember Obama never got three percent in a year's entire presidency, and he was the only president never to achieve that. Anyway, Thank you, Elizabeth appreciated. Eight D nine four one. Sean Alex Sacramento. Alex, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey San, good to talk to you. Yes, sir, want to just make a quick point, and we wouldn't be having this conversation. Get Republicans worked with Trump, and I think the solution really is not that we have to about Pelosi taking over Congress. We need just to primary these guys out, and that needs to be Oh, that's all happening. Oh that's all gonna happ happen. That's all gonna happen, And every one of them that gets the primary is going to deserve it, and you know, there's an article written about me. I don't know if it's the Washington Washington Post hates me as usual, but I mean all these fake news outlets Hannity picks and backs the wrong candidates. Well, not really. Um, there are times that I take risks with people that are, you know, at zero percent or five percent in the polls to make a point. I'm not supporting people that suck that I know are awful, that I know our establishment that I know we're just gonna be watered down versions of the Democratic Party, but they're gonna be very Look at what's happening in Alabama, right Moore, I think is gonna win that race in Alabama because Luther Strange is back by Mitch McConnell. Mr McConnell. Now is the kiss kiss a death at eighteen percent? All right? Lori and Rhode Island? Thank you, Alex, you're next, Hi, Laurie, watch we're taking my call. Yes, ma'am, what's going on? I have to disagree with you. I really feel like he probably made that deal behind closed doors, and I just don't like the wording in his comments to the fact that he said, ultimately we'll get the wall doesn't sound good, and I think, I mean, I'm grateful that Chuck Schumer came out and threw him under the bus almost instantaneously. That way he'll get his back up and maybe he'll backpedal on it. But I think that was the deal they struck. We'll get security, will get surveillance, and we'll put it off, but ultimately we're going to get it. And now you know, hopefully he's his hands and will be tied with the base and he'll have to come back around. The only thing that scared me, remember he did say a couple of times and I think this is important. If we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing. And he said it not once, and he said, you know, he went on to say, if the wall, if they're gonna obstruct the wall, we'll be determining how much we need. We're not doing anything without the wall. So the only thing, the only risk. I agree with you. There there was some wording in there that bothered me about sounding like the wall is going to be funded later. That to me is you get the tax increase, you don't get the spending cut. That's he get, you know, the consideration or on docta, but you don't get the wall built. That's that's why I'm saying what I'm saying. My fear is that right now, because he's been beating up in the press and he's desperate for a victory, and he's had great victories, but I mean victories that the press will talk about. Is I fear that he really thinks he can align himself with those folks. You know, he's gonna he's gonna be under the delusion, going to turn around. I know him too well, he's not. He's too smart. He's he believed he knows where Chuck and Nancy are coming from. I'm telling you, he just this. But there is a danger they'll promise him the moon and give him nothing in the end. But I think it's a it's a valid concern, which is why I'm where I am today. Uh let's go to Jeff Houston, Texas ktr H. Hope you're doing down I hope you're doing well down there. What's going on? Jeff? Hey, thank you for taking my call, Sean, And yes, I'm doing well. I was one of the fortunate few. Yeah, we only got about thirty seconds though, so go for it. Absolutely Uh, Trump's out smart and everybody he's a smart guy. Look at some of the important policy decisions that he's made, UM, and if you look at it, he's taken the far right hand position on it, and it's it's negotiating one oh one, it's he's anchoring. He's anchoring on the far right for for example, DOCTA. Just two weeks ago he said that, um, they were going to discontinue as session said that to everyone. Well, now a week and a half later, now he's got a chip and he's using that chip to get something. Maybe it's uh, infrastructure, you're raising a great point. I gotta I wish I have more time for your call. Um. We got a lot coming up though. You're making a great point. There's no doubt. Look, you don't get everything you want in Washington, but the president's got to get the wall and he can give no considerations until he gets it. But yeah, is DOCCA Probably what's gonna be the net? The net give on that probably, that's my guess. Alright, one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program, right. We got so much more coming up in the course of the program today, and we'll get a lot more of your calls in and know a lot of you're very passionate about this, and we want to get as many calls into the program today as we can. Congressman Dave Bratt, Conorsman Louie Gomert, by the way, called Rob called out the Freedom Caucus. They're gonna react to that. They'll react to this Staka issue and the president and much more and than Sebastian Corcus. Straight ahead, you talked about Mexico. How quickly could you build the wall? How do you make them pay for the wall? As you said, so easy? Will a politician be able to do it? Absolutely not. It's a they're gonna pay and if they don't pay, we'll judge him a little tariff. It'll be paid. We're gonna do the wall. And by the way, who's going to pay for the wall? Mexico is gonna pay for the wall. The press came to me and they told me that he said he would not pay for the wall. Do you have a comment, I said, yes, the wall just got ten feet taller. As soon as we can, as soon as we can physically do it. We're uh the months, I would say in Mantya, I would say and certainly planning and starting immediately. It's your first day in office. How long will it be till that wall is complete, Well, it'll be I would say it will be complete within two years from the time we start. We'll start quickly. We'll start quickly. I mean it'll be real. Wall will be real. War. Don't even think about it. We will build the wall. Only the tinkle. I watched the media as they say, well, he just had some fun during the campaign on the wall. I wasn't fun, folks. We're building that wall, and walls do work. Now. The obstructionist Democrats would like us not to do it, but believe me, we have to close down our government. We're building that wall. Let me be very clear to Democrats in Congress who opposed the border wall and stand in the way of border security, you are putting all of America's safety at risk. You're doing that. We need the wall very badly. As you know, Mexico has a tremendous crime problem. Tremendous all right, that's the president our two Sean Hannity Show one Shawn throughout the campaign and when he became president, reinforcing his president his promise to the people as President that he would get that wall built, and what the President is saying today, he did not back down at all from all of this. He said that the statement by Pelosi and Schumer last night were inaccurate, not true, and then he went on to say there will be no deal whatsoever. Ultimately, we have to have a wall, and if we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing anyway. Joining us now, Freedom Caucus members Representative Louis Gohmert of Texas Dave Brata Virginia here to discuss all of these developments. I just want to say to both of you one of the things that I think frustrates me, and I said this, I'm extremely frustrated and I'm arguing this, and you guys tell me if I'm all because of this colossal republican inexcusable failure. I think the president's doing two things simultaneously. One I think he's negotiating, and number two, I think he's seeking out legitimate alternative so he can at least get some of his promises accomplished if he needs it. Now. There's a great risk for him here, and especially when you read the statement of Pelosi and Schumer and they say, well, he agreed to DOCCA, which he denied today, and then he went on to say there'll be no deal without a wall, and they said, well, there's no agreement on the wall, so they want him to look as bad as possible. My argument is, if the president, after he promised this all during the campaign the last eight months, if he doesn't build the wall and push and insist on the wall, that's the equivalent of read my lips, no new taxes. That would be horrible for him. Louis Gohmer, Yeah, I think you're exactly right. But yeah, it's exactly right. And I don't believe he would do that. And I do believe the President when he said no, I hadn't made a deal. Our problem is, and I've been consistent in this for years, and you've been down on the border, down on the Texas border. We there are areas where we have got to have a wall. This somewhere you don't have to have one, been has some part, but there are somewhere you've gotta have it. And I believe that on my heart the President is going to get that done. But every single time border patrol make this clear, every single time anybody in Congress administration for the Obama Bush, uh Trump, anybody administration carge talks about, well, we're gonna agree to legalize these people that came in illegally. We're gonna do this. We may embrace DOCCA every time it dramatically increases the numbers of people rushing across the border illegally. And so all day to day, you know, people have been asking you what about this deal? I am not commenting. I do not want any comments. I may to ever cause people to be lured into the United States, because every time it happens, there's something to get drawn into a sex slavery, there's something that die trying to get in. There are people that become drug dealers. They're forced into it by the drug cartels that brought them across. And so there's just I don't even want to talk about what we may agree to once the border secure and and Trump is doing a good job. I know you talked about it. He is getting the border much more secure than it has been maybe in decades. But uh, you know, we're gonna get a wall bill. But until that's done, I don't even talk about what we may agree to once it's done. But but what we're gonna work something out once it's Once it's done, it's built in the border. I just, you know, you kind of hope in the back of your mind that he's he's the consummate negotiating are here. And I think he's sent an a loud message to the Republican Party too in all of this, Tay Brett and that is, Okay, look, you guys can't even get a seven and a half year promised done. And if you can't get that done, and Mitch McConnell's now saying, oh, we're gonna wait until to do the taxes, which he said and it was quoted in Roll Call this week, I've kind of look for other alternatives. Now. I think his greater hope is that Republicans see that they will be iced out in some ways and that they realized that there will be another option and it's not the best option. But the president has to also understand that Schumer and Pelosi despise him, they hate him, they want him to fail. They'll always be against him. Yeah. No, You've got it exactly right. And it's in the context of the failure. Right, So we did a face plan on Obamacare, and now no one knows what's going to be in the tax plan. And you've got Carl Road coming out yesterday attacking the Freedom cancer is being against the budget and being against the tax plan. We're totally behind the President's tax plan. We're a hundred percent behind Paul Ryan's Better Way tax plan. The problem is not even the tax writers on Ways and Means Committee to know what the tax plan is. And we're starting to hear some rumors that the small guy is being left behind the n f I B and etcetera. And then the Wall Street Journal lead editorial today says, holy moly, we may not get pro growth tax reform. It may not be big enough. After they have Carl Rove railing against us yesterday. So yeah, it's this failure that has everywhere. Here's how I interpreted the role. The rope thing, to me was a shot across the bow to try and get the Freedom Caucus to capitulate early. And I'm now fearful that the same mistakes that were made on healthcare Congressmen Brad are gonna be made again. And that is there's no consensus plan, nobody sees it ahead of time. Everything that you feared would be in healthcare, ended up in healthcare, and then you literally have to do all the heavy lifting and fix the mess of a horrible rollout and a failure. And then of course they'll try and convince the President it's the Freedom Caucus's fault. In fact, it was the leadership's fault. You're right, it's it's a Nancy Pelosi thing. Again. We don't want to vote on it and then find out what's in it and find out it's a disaster. We all support the Better Way plan, the President's plan, but we don't know what's in it. And so you got it exactly what. We're gonna take the bullets again as usual. And Grove is intentionally making this kind. He's caught talking about a budget vote. We all voted yesterday for the appropriations bill, so that's the budget. It's already done. This budget resolution only includes tax and so the average person listening doesn't care. And we got to make sure that the forgotten man right. And this was all away from Bernie all the way through the Midwestern states that Trump won, all the way through Trump taking care of the forgotten blue collar average worker back home, and that unites the DOCTA piece the immigration piece is really about that the wage rates have been flat in this country for forty years. Everyone's ticked off, and so we the immigration piece. You gotta first fix the labor market. The welfare reform needs to be fixed. K to twelve is and killing our kids up to work. And uh. And that's it, And I'm sure Louis has more to add. Well, yeah, and I think it's very important when we start talking about the establishment and Carl Robe and all of the arrows their shoots and are going to be these are the guys. Uh. And Karl Rows no Dumby. He's a smart guy, but he had everything wrong. He was wrong about everything that Trump was pushing to get elected that got him elected. He was wrong about him not being able to be elected, and he didn't support the things that got him alleged. And so naturally people have got to be aware that when the president is trying to keep some of the most important promises, Robe is going to be out there undoing. And remember Robe was for that first healthcare bill. And some have said, well, you know, if you guys had just jumped on and and and agreed to that, then it would have been winning the sales. But The trouble is premiums would have continued to sky rocket. And a year after that bad bill, if we had passed that disastrous thing that Rove and previous and all them loved, and the health insurance companies loved, and the bailoffs they were getting, then it's been the end of our majority in a year from November. And the first thing these clients would have done when they get the majority was and beach Trump. We did what we had to. We stood in the way of that disastrous bill, and we got a build that was would would would was you know, was great, but it was it was going to help America. And another thing to remember, uh you know when uh, those guys were saying, you gotta pass this, you gotta pass if they knew that when America found out what was in that bill, they were gonna Trump turn on and God bless him. You know, President Trump, if you're him and you've seen us for years, say we're gonna repeal it, We're gonna repeal it. And we passed a repeal and send it to President Obama and he tells it that President Trump, he goes, okay, all right, I had planned, but if you just send me the same bill you passed in the last Congress in the House and send it I'll sign that one. And we couldn't even do that. I mean, if you're president, you gotta be going, I don't know what to do here. This is nuts, And he'd be right. All right, stay right there. We'll come back more with Dave Bratt, Moore, Louie Gomert in just a second here, quick break right back. We'll continue the disruptive forces inside the Republican Party, whether they are the Freedom Caucus or the Bannon economic nationalists. One faction of the House Republicans, the Freedom Caucus basically said we're going to stop the but we may vote no on the budget resolution. We may vote with Nancy Pelosi on the budget resolution unless you, in essence give us final authority to examine all the ideas that you're talking about for the tax reform bill and approve them or disapprove them in advance. All right. That was called role of being critical of the Freedom Caucus. What's wrong with that actually reading these things and knowing what's in in my ahead of time. Anyway, we continue with Freedom Caucus members Louis Gohmert and Dave Brad, I think that was you, chuckling Congressman brat Um, I would think he'd want us to do that. Well, yeah, I mean I told the press today, right, I mean Robe, I think he left econ one oh one and he went into fiction writing what he said about the Freedom Caucus. We are in agreement with the Trump tax plan and the Paul Ryan tax plan. All you gotta do is he's just making up excuses, right, he says we've changed the goal line or whatever. He's just making it up to find escapegoat. You just give us the tax rates and who's getting them, and tell us the numbers work out for the Ask Corp, for the forgotten man back home, see corps make us competitive and worry. Yes, right. And I said that in front of the whole conference, two forty Republicans two mornings ago, in front of Paul Ryan the speaker, and Brady got up to his credit and said, let's do that. Right, So we're all unified, but we gotta see what's in it. There's and Robe just wants this blank check so they can roll us as usual, right if they If there's not good stuff in there, then we have to be a check on behalf of the American people, and that's what we stand for. It's just doing what I'm just trying to understand this whole thing here, because it doesn't make any sense to me at all that you that that everybody wouldn't want to know what's in the bill, and if you don't know what's in the bill, hopping you vote for what's in the bill and not just I mean, I like call Rove, but he's making no sense here. And in many ways, I think he's close to Paul Ryan and the leadership and that you know, I know he supported the first version of the healthcare bill, which nobody saw either. This is no way to govern, This is no way for leadership to manage the House because you know, there are people differing factions, the Freedom Caucus, the Tuesday group, the drinking group, the Saturday sleep overnight group, and everyone else there. Well yeah, but Sean, I think there are people that are around call Row that would love to see the anti establishment Donald Trump fall flat on his face. And I think they would love to see There are people out there, you know it. You know, we tell that there are people that want to see him failed within the Republican Party. So they say, see you upstarts. You don't know what you're doing. We got to go back for real establishment Republican to run things and so and and I know President Trump's got to be aware of that, that there are Republicans that want to see him fail. And it is absolutely ridiculous for our party, the party that wants assault and light and and you know the best way to clean something up is with sunlight. Uh, why would we want to agree to vote on something before we know what's in it? I want to know what And I've told the President three times this year already, don't let the re establishment Republicans talk you up from a tax for small business, for corporations, because if we do that, we can get back steel manufacturing, we can get back tire manufacturing. We can get back all these great jobs because and I've mentioned this to him. I said, you know it from business, I know it from history. But any major nation that cannot produce what they need in a time of war, steel tires, things like that, they will not remain a great nation after the next war. And he's got such we got to get these back. I've told you, I've said it now since we've gotten back from Labor Day. You guys have fourteen weeks and if this doesn't get done, it's gonna be very bad for the Republicans. Now you have a chance to solidify your gains in the House and Senate. You have a chance to win a lot of Senate seats. But if this all doesn't get done, it's not gonna happen, all right, Dave Bratt Congressman, thank you, KARMSM. Louis Gohmer. Always a pleasure, my friend E N four one sewn. When we get back Dr Sobadt Gorka, then we have Rick Younger's gonna check in, Jonathan Gillam's gonna check in, and we'll get to your call straight ahead, and we'll probably also be talking about data, because we don't want to forget data, and it's already been a week and a half and people don't talk about it as much. We want to see if we can do something with regard to immigration, with regard to the intended thousand people that are now young people, that are children anymore. They were children now they're young people. But we want to see if we can do something in a bipartisan fashion so that we can solve the data problem had other immigration problems, So we'll be discussing that today. Now what we're doing is we're doing it in conjunction with the Republicans. We have a very very good relationship with a lot of people. A lot of people want this to happen. They expect it to happen, and we'll see if it happens. But we'll only do it if we get extreme security, if we get not only surveillance, but everything that goes along with surveillance, and ultimately we have to have the wall. If we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing. Why did the Democrats say there was a deal at dinner? There wasn't no deal and they didn't say that at a deal. In fact, they just put out of statement they didn't say that at all. But the president the Republicans aren't able to get upon six months you continue to doctor. We'll talk about that, but I think a deal will be made before six months non he opercipient unless you get the law wall. At some point they're gonna have to they cannot obstruct the wall. The wall to me is vital. If I don't get the wall, then we will become the until instructions to come first wall, and we have to have an understanding that whether it's in the budget or some other vehicle, in a fairly short period of done, the wall will be funded. Otherwise we're not doing anything. Otherwise we're not doing anything. You know, it's so frustrating. These people race out there last night. Oh, we got DUCA, it's a deal, it's done. They just lie, They lie all the time. And a lot of this all is is because of Republicans pathetic performance and failure. And now the presid that he's either the greatest negotiator ever and trying to motivate them and light a fire under their asses and get a moving or you know, he's just looking for another way to try and get his promises done because they can't do a thing seemingly. Mitch mcconoell, and maybe we'll do taxes in eighteen. Oh oh, the vapors these these expectations is so high, the stress of it all nine months to keep it here, promise when he goes. Now is Dr Sebastian Gorka, who recently left the White House as a counsel to the President, How are you, sir? Very well? So I'm great to be back on the show. All right, let me start with what the President said there. And look, I was last night all of a sudden boom, you know, everything's going nuts because Pelosi and Schumer put out these statements and it turns out the President has a very different view of the meeting last night. But with that said, a lot of people are very concerned as I am, that you know, if somehow they're able to convince this president to do a deal where he doesn't get the wall. First. We're not getting the wall. It's just like you get tax Increa, he says, you never get spending reductions. You get you know, some type of acquiescing or deal or concession, and you never you never get the wall built ever like regular and six. Look, Sean, I stand by exactly what I've said already publicly. Remember when a New York real to businessman billionaire called Donald Trump started his campaign for presidency, his first policy platform, the foundation of it all, was immigration and the war. He's not He's already said he's not going to go back. He knows the cost he would pay if that platform of his whole presidential campaign was somehow undermined. What what he's done in the last few days is send a very simple signal to the GOP. This is this is about, you know, the master strategy. The GOP needs to understand that they didn't win the election last November. Donald J. Trump won the election and he can deal with people who have the letter D behind their name, not just people who have the letter ARE behind their names. So this is you know, have faith as I three that today to the base, take a deep breath, countertent and half faith. Listen. I have faith in the president. So far, He's never really wavered on his promises at all. I went through the other night on TV. I don't know if you saw my Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding show, but a lot of people seem to have caught it, and all the promises that he's kept. My question, you know, when Chuck Schumer comes out with us, look, I have no doubt that the President is going to probably after deal and do things he doesn't want to do because we know there are so many weak Republicans there. Even the House bill on healthcare was never what anybody wanted, but we discovered that there were a hundred House Republicans that never had any intention of repealing replacing Obamacare, just like we had seven Senate Republicans that voted just to repeal in Tift. They had no intention of really doing it, and they only did it as show votes. So the circumstances are you either just sit there and do nothing, or you have to negotiate. I get it. There's been no significant issue which was up to the President that he hasn't followed through on, whether it's destroying the caliphate of Isis in most soul, whether it's revitalizing nature, whether it's breaking the what is it? The twenty ninth stock market records show, and I can't even keep up with it. The million drobs his career. When it's up to him, he always comes through. Now in Obamacare, let's be very very specific here, he said to the GOP, to his colleagues on the hill, Hey guys, you've been working on this for seven years, saying repeal and replace. We have checks and balances, we have separation of powers. So you're gonna fix this for America, right, And what did they do? They punted it. It's the same situation here. He doesn't want to fail with regards to immigration, and he's going to make a deal. At the end of the day, he will come through, because he always comes through. Now, Chuck Schumer spinning, Nancy Pelosi lying, We used to that show and everybody should be used to that. But that's not how Donald J. Trump behaves. I agree with you, and that's the person that I've known, and that's the person that I've seen. But I do know how Washington works, and I do know that they're going to try and persuade him to make the concessions first promising the wall, promising the funding, and then never do it. And I'm not saying and that's why I think in terms of negotiation. Look, I'm I'm sure that this president in the course of his business career is probably shaking people's hands. All Right, you got a deal, and those people follow through on their word. But I wouldn't count on any one of those people in d C to keep their word, none of them. Look, you're absolutely right with regards to who these people are. But don't you think he's got an inkling of that? By now and again to reassure the people who vote for the president and still want to believe in the MAGA agenda, just because people like myself, well Steve left the building. Does anybody really think that the president isn't in touch with the people who truly understand how the swamp up rates do I don't think he is. I mean that's my take, but I do think that there he's now entered the phase. And again I go back to Republicans have literally pushed him in to the arms of the Democrats because of their colossal failure. And so these are far more troubled waters that he's in now. Look that they are. It is truly, it is a swamp full oft I mean, you know it is. It's it's no, it is. But at the end of the day, what do you know about this man? I know one thing from the first mom when I met him in before anybody took him seriously, right after working with him in the Oval in the West Wing. This man never gives up. You can try and stab him in the back, but he will be there for the long fight, and he will put on the table that which he probably doesn't know. He just doesn't give up. His track records fifty years in the private sector, he never ever gives up. He is translating that into a divisive, disgusted environment. But the man hasn't changed. It's just a different it's a different game. Now, what do you do when the Republicans are so ineffective and they're so incapable of keeping their word. You know what you do? You said very clear messages, you got to dinner, and then you get people like the congressman in Pennsylvania then saying, well, maybe I'm not going to run again because some people realize what happened to Thember the eight. What we need is the rest of the swamp to understand if they don't get on board with the anti establishment candidates who just crushed sixteen establishment candidates. Can we just think about that for a second. A man who's never had held public office before wiped the floor with sixteen JP establishment candidates. That's what happened. They need to look themselves in the mirror and understand it's all changed. It's a new game. They can try the old tricks, but you know what's going to happen in to those seats. They will lose them and before that they will be primariad. You know what's frustrating is those people that say the president is not conservative. I don't care you want to use nationalist American first, I don't really care. But but a tax planning has his Reagan ask? What he discussed for repealing and replacing was Reagan ask? His views on energy are Reagan, his views on judges are Reagan, His views on the border are Reagan, his views on military strength. You know, it's just so reminiscent of everything that Ronald Reagan stood for. And I'm arguing that I have not changed over the years. I am arguing that the Republican Party has become a party with no identity. The president has an identity, and he's fighting for issues. All Republicans want to do is they're just so afraid of everything, and they're afraid of their own shadow. Does an eight approval rating for Mitch McConnell wake him up? Yeah? Look, you're absolutely right on on the quality the substance of these platforms. But let's remember one more thing. He's had those views for decades. I mean his views on China, on the military, on oil, on intellectual property theft. He didn't he didn't make those up. In the last month of the campaign, he gave interviews on that. You think he's an ass populist or do you think he's a conservative? Dr Corker, I I don't. I I reject all those labels. He's a patriot who loves this country, and he wants all of us to prosper. Whether you know this is a big thing. Whether you voted for him or not, he wants you to prosper and be safe. Forget the labels. He's a pragmatist and he's a patriot. So why did you leave? Why? Because I couldn't do what I needed to do for him inside the building, shackled as a government employee and being boxed out of the policy process by people who had nothing to do with the agenda we came in with on January twentie And I'm going to help him from the outside because it's much easier right now. What is the future hold for you? Then? What are you thinking about doing? Uh? There's going to come work for Fox News. I read that yesterday. I'm like, all right, maybe Dr Gorky will work with me. I'm we love having you on. I'd love to. I'd love to. I'm going to have an announcement coming out on Tuesday with regards to some of the things we've been talking about when it comes to primaries and helping the president's agenda, fighting a good fight. And if it's a if it's if it's on the on the stump out there, it doesn't matter. It's the same thing wherever we look. It's not a function of where I'm sitting with Steve sitting. It's a function of can we get Macca to happen? I agree, make America great again. And by the way, that's the forgotten men and women. And that's what this election was about. And that's what I tweeted out last night. That's what the president has to remember. All Right, we gotta take we gotta break here. Um, listen, we love having you. Let us know we can help it anyway, and we hope you'll be on often. Dr Sebastian Gorka on the Sean Hannity Show. Right, as we continue Sean Hannity Show, let's get to our busy phones. We got Joseph in beautiful Fort Myers, Florida, Southwest Florida. Now, I'm sure still cleaning up in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. Joseph, how are you glad you called? Hope you don't? Okay? Hello, this is Mike. Hello, Mike, where are you calling from? Mike? I'm calling from Fort Myers Florida. All right, it says Joseph on my screen. We'll call you Mike instead. What's up, Mike? How are you? I'm doing just fine. How are you? It's a pleasure to talk to you. How's things go down there? I hope, if I hope, nothing happened to you and your family, your home? No damage? How's it going? We are totally fine? We uh were. Recovery efforts are going. Well. I live in a fifty five and over community called Pelican Preserve, and uh, I got a thing down there is called Pelican, Pelican Bay, Pelican, this Pelican. Everything is a pelican down in Florida. Go ahead, Well, I've never seen a pelican here, but anyway I've seen them. You can see him down in Naples, I know for sure, but not in Pelican Reserve. Well, just we'll just go fishing out there on the Gulf. You'll find them. They'll find you fishing. We can go fishing right in our street. Well, I thought you said nothing happened. Well, we had actually no damage to the buildings. We have five Counto buildings and twenty two units in each building, and the Counto buildings held up well. The cardboards not so well, Okay, some of the cardboards got damaged. We had a lot of flooding. There's still a lot of flooding that continues. It's receding slowly. But we had about two and a half feet of water. And this is not a surge, this is just groundwater. We had about two and two and a half a foot of water down the center of the streets. Yeah. I have friends in southwest Florid. You're not even allowed to brush your teeth with the water now. And I'm told when you get out of the shower you feel dirty and then when you went in because the water is so bad right now, is that still the case? They're on a boiled water alerts still know the boil water alert has been lifted. Actually, we got our power on yesterday, so we're in a power for about We got our power out for about sixty hours. Yeah. A friend of mine just got his power back down in Naples two. He just wrote me. It's like, you know, it's it's eighty eight degrees and it's like ninety eight degrees recording with the humidity and everything, so it's very very hot. But the people pitched in really well prepared for it. You know, we had secured all of our things around the pool area. We had made sure no projectiles. We met with each other, we had phone lines for each other. Uh, the different buildings. You know, we had a little pasta party to night before, the of the night the night of the storm. You're having a big pasta party the night before. You know, some of my friends down and they did the same thing. And they and uh, I just said, well, why don't you go up to I have a condo down there. I said, go up to my unit and and go take anything you want. And she goes, great, I'll take the champagne. You have some champagne. But's, by the way, I've never drink champagne in my life. So I'm like, go ahead, drink take them all, take every bottle. I don't want it, and so good for you. I'm just glad you're doing okay. We're not gonna forget Texas either. I know some peoples in the front cover USA today today today and people are worried about that. Look, help is on its way. I'm glad we didn't have the bigger storm that was possible and the damage and destruction that was possible. So you're all in our thoughts and prayers. I know, a lot of clean up for a lot of people, and there's gonna be a lot of work down there for a lot of people. Hang in there, and hopefully we'll see you down there soon. We got to take a quick break. We'll come back eight nine one, Shaun, Rick Hunger and our buddy Jonathan Gillham when we get back, and in the next hour we'll get to your phone calls eight hundred nine for and Sean. I think one of the most important monologues on Hannity tonight that I've given since Donald Trump has been elected ten Easter. Sorry, just can't hear anything new. He likes, he likes us, he likes me. Anyway, look at what we said is exactly and here's what I told myself as the president. You're much better more chicking some sign step right and sometimes step left. If you have to step just in one direction your box. He gets it's gonna work and it will make us more productive to that's Chuck Schumer and he's on the Senate floor. Jonathan Gillim is back with us as well as Rick Hunger. And my take, guys, is very very simple. That Republicans screwed the president their colossal failure inability to get things done, as resulted in him rushing over to Rick Nger's friends and Rick Oner's friends are real happy and giddy. Well, the President had to contradict everything Pelosi and Schumer said last night about what deal they reached, a dhaka, and the President reinforcing his original promise that he's gonna build the wall or nothing is getting done, period. Rick, I think the President's had a very good week, if you asked me, and actually I listened to a few of his statements today, I don't think he's really backed away from what I initially heard he had pre agreed to. We'll call it that last night with the with the two Democrats. I think that he said there's no deal, and he said there would be no deal unless, of course, it included border security. Yes, he said border security, and then no, no, and he said building a wall. No. He did not had to be he did. I got set here. He absolutely said that he wants, he intends to build the wall, but he did not at all make it clear that he says he said right here. Let me let me read the quote to you. He says we have to have the wall. If we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing. Quote. And if you hear that was his statement from Florida, if you heard his statement earlier before he left for Florida, he had made it. I thought pretty clear that he said it on the plane this morning and he said wall. Well, we'll see, we'll see what what what it says. I think it becomes tricky to make the deal if the wall has to be part of it, because there are so many Republicans and Democrats who think that the wall is a waste. President doesn't do the wall, and that's my point, Jonathan Gill him, then he might as well pack it in because that's read my lips. No New Texas for him exactly. I mean, listen, first off, the fact that he ish going old school and the way he is relating to the Democrats, I think is phenomenal. You've said it, I've said it. I think Rick probably even agree with this that it's been the Republicans that have been his biggest nightmare, not his uh, not the Democrats. And I think I think the fact that he reached out to them and has done this um has has really um at the standard Uh, it's kind of taking it back to the Reagan era where he is reaching across the island doing what politicians should do and what a commander in chief should do. But if and you're exactly right, Sean, if he doesn't build this wall, I mean that's the main thing, whether or not it's going to be the answer to immigration. He said he was going to do it, and half the country voted for him, largely because not because of that, but that was the first thing that he said. And it'll be a death now for him running in three and a half years. And Rick, you're smart enough to know that, and you you, you would say to him, don't give up on the wall. Yeah, let me just read you what he said as he was departing for Florida. He said, the wall will come later. Where right now, renovating large sections of wall, massive sections, making a brand new We're doing a lot of renovations. We're building four different samples of the wall to see which one we're going to choose, and which one is going and and and the wall is going to be built. It will be funded a little bit later. That doesn't sound to me like he's tying it to the Doka discussion. So I don't know, what do you think now? I think that that's what Pelosi and I have no doubt they talked about it last night, and I have no doubt. But the President also was clear. He said we're not talking about amnesty at all, and he did talk about a way to find somehow sort of thread the needle and get there and talk about people that were brought here, people that have done a good job, were brought here not of their own volition, but importantly, what they want is we have to have a wall. And if the wall is gonna obstruct, then he went on to say, well, then we're not gonna have anything. And then he went on to say we have to have the wall again, and if we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing. Could be any more clear. I know everybody would like that. Well, but I mean, you've got two different statements here. You just read me a quote that he did say, and I read you a quote that he had said an hour and a half for a leer or so we're left confused. Is that not fair to say? I'll let Jonathan answer Jonathan not always. But here's here's something else. Listen if you're not confused by what goes on to Washington, d C. You're you're you have a crystal ball, but I don't have. But the fact is, when it comes to the wall versus DOCCA or amnesty or any of the stuff, I can't understand why Washington d c um tries to completely solve a problem either far left or far right, things like immigration. We need to look at policies, we need to look at how people get in here. But something like DOCTA with the people in here, if the president gave some of these people amnesty or had a contract with America that they could sign showing that they've been here working, I actually wouldn't have a problem with that myself, but I look for effective solutions. The thing is, he is in a precarious place right now, the president is because a lot of people, myself included, are watching not Kim so much as the people that are around him. The McMaster's the maddest is all these different people that worked under the other administration, and people may have questions about that's what people are watching now from the conservative side of the House. So that's where he needs to be very careful in this. And I think what he did with the Democrats and the language that he's using is great. He just can't let them take advantage of him and in him thinking that they're his buddies. Now, that is the biggest mistake he'd ever make, thinking they're the buddies, they may be his best choice. In fact, as Sean you said, I think you said earlier maybe it was it was Jonathan. The Republicans certainly have not been doing him any any favors, uh, And he's looking for ways to get things done. I kind of give him credit for that. I think what you're really gonna find here. First of all, understand that, well, it's great that the Democrats are working with him right now. If it gets a good result. Um, they can't work with him next year in an election year. Maybe they can come back and work with him the year after that and then forget about it as we get into the presidential election. But on the DOCTA thing, he is a little bit in in a trap. First of all, he really did not campaign on ending DOCA. I I gotta give him that, and I think some people are tagging him with that unfairly. Secondly, he knows that overwhelmingly the country has spoken up and said, no, we don't think we should be throwing these people out. They didn't really do anything wrong. So I think he's trying to maximize what he can get that's on his agenda. And he is very clear that he wants greatly increased border security. Whether or not the walls included in that at this point or not. It's confusing, but uh, and I think the Democrats probably read them loud and clear and are probably prepared to do that to resolve the Dacca issue. On the amnesty thing. You know, this is an interesting discussion because as you go back and look at some of the different efforts Congress has made over the years prior to President Trump, you'll see four very different bills. Two of them have a road to citizenship, two of them do not. So you know, it's just a question of which way they're gonna President was clear today that is not going to be so doizenship. President says he does not want citizenship. That's right. Well, you know, look, I I understand the complicated nature of this. I go back to a very simple principle as that is, and Republicans have just none of this would have happened if they would have gotten their job done. Jonathan Gillen nothing, none of it. And you know what it's I'm a trust but verified guy. You always get the tax increase, you never get the spending reduction. You always get the okay, well we'll like we asked, well, we'll give in on In the case of Reagan, full amnesty in eighty six, it didn't work, and he never got the border security that was promised him then. And that's the problem with all of this, and that was the trap I think the Democrats were trying to set for him. Sean. I'll go on a lim and say that I think that that this has been their intention all along, that the majority of these establishment figures in the Republican Party were sure that Hillary Clinton was going to win. And I think in a lot of ways they were okay with it because of the way that the Clinton's work. They knew that their bread would get buttered. And I think what we're seeing now is pushback from the very people that call themselves Republicans and conservatives. And I think, you listen, it's a blessing in disguise, Sean, because it's easy to identify who in Washington, d C. Right now is a true conservative and who's a true Republican? Uh, to the people not dedicated to the party, into the establishment, into lining their own pockets. That is the silver lining out of this whole thing is now we can fully establish who they are and we know that they're not going to bring anything effective to the table. That's not what they do. That's not why they worked their way into d C. They did it for themselves. Look, Republicans have this opportunity, and Rick's probably going to disagree with a lot of this. If Republicans get three miles of the wall built before he has a conservative justice under his belt, and if he does those simple few things, it's going to result in the Republicans having a banner year in eighteen. The next four teen weeks will probably decide all this. Rick, you probably think that's all. I hope that doesn't happen. Well, whether whether I think that I might hope it doesn't happen. To answer your original point, I actually mostly do agree with that. Uh, this this listen. Not only does this president still have an opportunity to win in the mid terms, I'm not sure it's going to be a banner year, but I do agree that a lot of these things would that you just mentioned would go very far to keep the Republicans in power in both houses. But not only that. I keep saying to my Democrat friends, don't think for a second that this man cannot be re elected for a second term, because he can't. Absolutely he can, and he can win by a bigger margin. All right, stay right there, we gotta take a break, all right, as we continue with Jonathan Gillham, and also as we continue with Rick unger Rick, how many more excuses is Hillary gonna make? Do you want me to read the list? I'm up to forty two now excuses that she's made as to why she lost. And by the way, she never mentions herself and she specifically says it wasn't her and she never mentioned Trump either. Are you actually reading the book? I think that Are you serious? Because I'm not. I why but to go to sleep? I swear I don't know why anybody she's blaming everybody? Is Hillary Clinton ever running for even dogcatcher? Again? I don't think so. Therefore, it's a matter of history. I don't care why she lost. She lost. I care to the other Like Anderson Cooper interviews Hillary and and listen to her answer, UM about I knew I had no reason to worry about jail. I'm not so sure. Listen to this all the lock her up chin, yes, and that Donald Trump had said it actually was at the second debate Donald Trump said he, if he was president, you would be in jail. Is that something you seriously worried about? Well, I knew I had no reason to worry about it, but I worried that he might make that effort. You can't predict what he might do. That's one of the lessons I think we've seen so far in this presidency. Um. But you know, like so much else, I just kind of moved beyond that. I got interested in cleaning my closets and you know, taking long walks in the woods, things that helped me recover from that loss. What should we that. I think cleaning her closets and taking long walks in the woods is a perfect use of her time. At this point, she's no longer a candidate. I honestly, I'm surprised you're helping her sell the book by talking about it. I just don't care what's in her book because she's not going to be candidate for president. Again, this is not okay. You know what, though, I think she should be and ultimately Manned are having some very severe, very severe legal issues. Jonathan. You know, listen, I think this should be studied by uh by conservative or freethinking psychologists, and they should look at this um and determine what this is. Is this uh some kind of uh psychotic behaviors, this narcissism um, something that is not just Hillary Clinton, but is sweeping the far left, not not Rick Unger liberal, the far left. Look we look at Harvard. They're making Chelsea Manning ak Bradley Manning a fellow Harvard UM, somebody who potentially could have gotten soldiers killed and is a traitor to their to this country. Um, they're gonna honor them, this person at Harvard. It's the same type of weird ideology. Rick said that Hillary Clinton will never run profits again. I don't. I don't see that. I think somebody who if Rick, if you had your choice, who would you want to run for the Democrats? And tough call. It's something I've been thinking a lot about. Your top three or four I'd say higg and Looper I think could be a good candidate. UM, believe it or not. I think Joe Biden might be somebody if he's not too old. And I love Senator Al but I I don't see it happening. And I think Amy Klobucher is is an interesting choice. Okay, what do you think about that? Do you think Trump could beat all of them? Jonathan, Well, I would hope so. Since Rick just named like several communists in the Communists, you use that word so loosely. Someday I'm gonna have to explain to you what a communist com and and A is a communist. John diggen Looper is a communist. What do you get? You think that a communist? He knows better than to call Rick Unger a communist? Well, what are you gonna best? He's a former name when you're dead. In fact, I go out of my way to make sure that people on Twitter when they when they say that about Rick Unger, he is not. He is absolutely not. And but Rick is a free thinker. Um, a lot of these people that are politicians, here's what Democrats are getting it wrong. People are tired of, uh, the status quo politicians. If the Democrats ever came up with somebody, um that was a real person that saw that, Rick, maybe you should run for president. That ain't gonna happen. Well, I mean, is that your best? I mean you, what is the Democratic Party stand for? I don't see that it stands for. You know, it's it's That's actually a fair question, because I don't think the Democratic Party right now knows very well either what it stands for. It's starting to get its arms around it, but I think the even the slogan that they came out with was I thought was really really weak. I know what we need to stand for, but I'm not sure that we've put it together yet to persuade people. Look, a lot of those people who voted for the current president, who voted for Donald Trump were once Democrats, and the Democrats left them behind. And they not only have to come up with an economic approach that interest those people, but they have to persuade those people that they mean it. That's a big job. The other problem we gotta break. But the other problem you have is how bad a job Obama did. But we gotta let you go when we come back, we disagree. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Your calls coming up straight ahead, glad to with us till the company. I know a lot of you want to react, want to respond um to everything that's going on here. We want to hear from all of you. On Shawn on number. Patty is in Vegas listening to kadon radio. Patty, Hi, how are you glad you call? Hey? How are you today? I'm good? What's going on? Well, I'm disappointed with Trump's uh flip flopping on the wall situation. It's um. You know, when my family came to this country, they did it legally. They didn't sneak over the border. They did what they had to do to um to get into the country and become tax paying citizens and documented citizens. So it's kind of frustrating if he takes this stance that he's going to flip flop on this. Look. I think the President is signaling very clear, and I can only use his words today because again, I, like everybody else last night, I didn't like. I don't like the situation he's been put in, and we've got to put some context to that. He's been put in this position because of the Republican Party's failure. Okay, fair enough, that does not take away his obligations for his promises just because they broke their word and they're unwilling to do the things they said that they were gonna do, it doesn't get him off the hook, especially as it relates to the wall. And so I can only I can only go to what the President said today, which I have been highlighting in the course of the program today, and I'll read it to you again. He says that he said it's he has a good relationship with a lot of people. They want to get a lot of things done, but we'll only do things if we get extreme security, if we get not only surveillance, but everything that goes along with surveillance, and ultimately we have to have the wall. If we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing. So I listen, I'm saying, if the president, here's the here's the problem with the president that that maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't know. I don't know. He's a very smart man and you cannot underestimate his negotiating ability, but he cannot be sucked into Okay, we'll give you the wall, but first we got to do this, because that's the same thing we always get. We always get the tax increase, we never get the spending cuts. We always get the you know, the either in the case of amnesty or the President was very you know, very clear also saying, we're not talking about amnesty. We're talking about uh taking care of people that were brought here, that have done a good job, not brought here by their own volition. And he says, but we have to have the wall. If the wall is going to uh be obstructed, then what we need the funds later This is the danger for him. At a later date, we will be termining how much we need. We're not doing anything until they get the wall. So well, I think what he's saying here is that he'll show flexibility, no citizenship, but the people aren't going to be rounded up that we hear as children. That's what he's saying right well. And nobody's expecting him to round up people that came here. It's children. I mean, as a mother, I would I would be devastated. But I think what we're really looking for, especially as voters for him, is for him to stick to his word and hope that you know, Pelosi and Humor don't get there. They don't feel like they've been given an inch and they take a mile and then the rest of us aren't heard like you always say, the forgotten man and women that are that are here. You know, my daughter is in the navy and fighting for this country. And what is she fighting for if we're not willing to stand up for the Constitution and the laws of the land. That is Listen. I agree wholeheartedly with you. I I think this is a no brainer. I really do. I think in every way this is a no brainer for the president, and I think that he needs to just stay on his ward. Looks. I'm gonna go back to my tweets last night and I said, you know, and I think I laid it out very you know, as as as well as I could today, Mitch, great job, you failed so miserably with healthcare, and it's common about excessive expectations. And then saying in roll call, well we might have to wait for to do taxes that he literally now has pushed the president into the arms of the Democrats. Great job. And then I went on, and this is very important because all of these things matter. These fourteen weeks matter a lot, and I said, politicians need to keep their word. Republicans failed on healthcare. They broke their word. They have failed and the president needs to keep his promises. And then I said, and if the Polist doesn't keep his promise promises and he goes along with a bad deal, it will be the political equivalent if he doesn't build that wall of read my lips. And I don't want the president a I want the agenda fulfilled. As I've been saying, he needs to stay the course, keep his promises, or he'll politically it will seal his fate. And I don't want to see that happen because then what that means is we're gonna end up with eight more years of an Obama presidency, and that would be horrible. Don't forget the agenda, I tweeted, help the forgotten men and women ignored and hurt by Obama and the Democrats. That's what matters. That's where I think the focus needs to be. You get the last word, well, I think well. I think the sad part about this is is that the Republicans have put him in a corner. And it goes to the old adage that the enemy the you know, the friend of my the enemy of my, it makes friends with my enemies. Because my enemy right now is the Republican Party. Because they're not helping everybody that we voted in there their turn their backs on us as the Republican Party, us as a voter, our president, and it's not fair, and it's it's really disheartening for somebody like my son, who has went to every Trump rally, is watching all this stuff. He's on a speech and debate team and he's having to defend Trump at every turn, and then he makes a stance like this, and it's it's pretty disheartening. But I want to put you something really quick fun. I know you have to go, but I want to go back to your T shirt thing where the teacher with a T shirt and class. So my son wears his Trump sweatshirt to school and the teacher tells him that he needs to take it off because it is triggering other students and oh no, my son was like so triggering? How no? No, so from the teacher. So my son obliges the teacher and takes off his Trump sweatshirt to reveal his Trump T shirt underneath, and he said, is this less triggering? And the teacher goes, looks at him, didn't say anything, and told him to have a seat. Oh my gosh, serious, I mean, I can't believe these schools are all indoctrinating all these kids. If you saw the docket for his speech and debate. One of the questions on his last speech and debate last week was, did Trump, um, should we make a time period for re for your intent to run for the next election longer it should be two years or three years, or should you have to wait till one year prior to the actual election? And because Trump filed his intent like the first week, but a lot of presidents when he did his um research on it, a lot of presidents did that. The clauses are amazing. The docket is easy of stuff that they want these kids to debate, and it's all about crushing Trump's agenda. All right, Well, listen, I gotta run other calls here. Appreciate it. Thank you, Patty, Well, thank you for the call. I was so I was talking to uh, let's say hi to Donna in Staten Island, New York. The All New Am seven ten. W a ar, what's up, Donna? How are you good? My friend? How are you? I'm good? What's happening? Well, I just wanted to say I know a lot of people are freaking out about, you know, everything with Trump and what he's doing. I happen to personally believe he's way smarter than everybody else. And I think he trusts his instincts as a businessman, which have served him very well over decades. I mean, he's where he is as far as being a successful businessman. I think he wrote the book The Art of the Deal, and I think that's what he's exercising here. And he didn't get anywhere with the people who are supposed to be on his side. So you know what, the old thing, keep your friends close, with your enemies closer. That's what I think he's doing. Ok. Look, I listen, don't underestimate his negotiating powers and his negotiating ability. But with all that said, I see very dangerous waters that he's stepping into here. And I know he was pushed into these waters, and I understand all of the dynamics that are going on here. I I have been laying out the five forces against this president more than anybody, and on that list are Republicans, weak Republicans, and never Trumpers. There's nothing more than they want him to fail, and they'll convince him. Yeah, if you just do DACA and give up on the wall. Trust us. This is gonna be great. It's not gonna be great, and it's gonna destroy his credibility with those people that went to the polls, fought for him and voted for him. So what I'm doing here is I'm I'm assuming he knows, but in case he doesn't, then we have you know, I'm just trying to remind everybody because I know exactly how this plays out. All right, let's go to Charles and Washington State. Charles High, How are you glad? You called? Sir? Great? How are you? I'm good? What's going on? Hey? I just want to say that, you know, I support Trump. I support what he's doing. I'm very very upset at the Republicans. You know, I get calls at my home from Dave Bossy and from the Republican National Committee raising money. I give some money to him. I gave some money to him. And what they do to me on the Affordable Care Act, nothing didn't deliver. What did they do for me on this uh um, this thing with DOCCA. You know, Trump has been a brilliant mastermind. He's given everybody a high school civics lesson in the Constitution of what it takes to pass a law, not just an executive order that can be overturned by the next commander in chief. But he's just brilliant. Where's your beats? My Okay, got two beefs. First beefause I really support him sitting down with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to at least talk to him. You know, Congress has an approval radium just six. Their numbers are low. Those of us working our butts off here in America paying taxes. We really want Congress to do stuff for us. And you know what, Trump's lighting the fire under their butts and getting things done. And I like that. The second beef, I I don't mind them sitting down. The only problem is is they leave the room and they race out to the press and they say things that probably aren't true, or they say things and they take him out of context, and they say things and they want him to look bad, and they say things that he's got to contradict it the next night in the morning. That's what bothers me. And it ought to be an indication. Is there people that just are not and will never be trustworthy. These these democrats, they want him to fail. I mean, let's be honest. They do not want him to be successful, and they're never gonna want him to be successful. These are the people that have called him every name in the book, starting with racist. Let's go from there. Okay, And and you know what, but Trump remembers that we elected him. He's got three hundred and seven electoral votes, three fifths of the electoral college. We elected him. We wanted to get things done in spite of all the heat and stuff from the media and stuff by of the heat and stuff from the Democrats. We wanted to get things done. So I'm really proud of him for sitting down to come to at least to talk with him. Now the other thing I want to talk about. And you might not have time for this. You might not even care, because I'm giving you enough time here. So many people are dying to vent in this, and I want to get them a chance to speak. But you make a lot of good points. Um. Anyway, we do appreciate it. Charles, Jimmy and Spring Texas. Jimmy, how are you hi? Seawan? Happy Trump Thursday? I needed a good laugh today. Thanks for making me happy. I appreciate it. It's a better rough day. Well, I say, I I think I'm gonna make you laugh twice here. But shown the title of the Hillary book, I think has a lot more meaning to it, and that is there's an old adage that I heard years ago that says, there are three types of people in the world. There are those who make it happen, There are those who watch what happened, and there are those who say, hey, what happened. Yeah, it is clear that in we had a make it happen guy, Donald Trump, and we had a what happened candidate in here, Larie Clinton. I think that's well said. She still, by the way, and she still doesn't know what hit her. She doesn't know what happened. She get away from me exactly. I'm a creep. Um. No, she's out of her mind. I think that's well said. Mike and Cincinnati. What's up, Mike? How are you? Glad you called? How are you? Mike? I'm doing well. Thank you helped me with the little history. Sean. We have the White House in both both houses of Congress. Now, when's the last time we had that. That's a great point, a long long time ago and likely likely not to happen again for a while, this opportunity of a generation. I keep saying that, yes, sir uh, this Congress has an opportunity to get things done with this president that will affect this country and the positive and its people for years, maybe decades. And for them not to take advantage of that. What they're not coming out and saying at Sean, but they're in action. What it's telling me is the party comes first, the American people in the country come second. And it is absolutely outrageous. I will tell you this. It is beyond the pale what the Republicans have done. And the president has like twice three times the popularity of Congress. And the reason it is is to the president's credit. I mean, I don't know if you remember the show I did a few weeks ago, and I had ding ding ding ding ding ding. All the promises he's kept. If he gets away from that model and he gets away from keeping his promises, and probably one of the biggest, if not the biggest, biggest, biggest promise of the president was what was the whole issue of building the wall and securing the board. If he sticks with that, he's gonna win, if he if he somehow has talked out of it, or they say no, no, no, just give us this first. We'll do that later. They're not gonna do it later. It's always You always get the tax increase, you never get the spending cut, you always get the capitulation on whatever it is, and you never get the wall built. You always get the the act you acquiesced, you try and work with people, and you never get paid back. And and that's the sad part of that's the risk. Anyway, Um, thank you for being with us. We appreciated eight nine. When Shaun is a number, quick break right back will continue. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today Tonight on Hannity Tenneystern on the Fox News Channel, the President, the wall, data, and all of the issues surrounding this deal that supposedly it happened with Pelosi and Schumer that the President said didn't happen. We'll talk about the dangers of the d C swamp and that means what they promise and won't deliver. Comprehensive coverage tonight or Ingram Lou Dobbs and much more Hannah, Fox News, and we'll see you back here tomorrow. We'll see you tonight at Tent