Congressman Duncan Hunter of California, who served three combat tours overseas: two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan and Sean Gallagher, brother of Eddie Gallagher, a father of three and decorated U.S. Navy SEAL, now confined behind razor wire in military jail. Eddie served this country for nearly two decades and has always been the humble hero of our family. His accolades, even among the elite warriors he serves with, stand out: multiple awards for valor, good conduct, bravery, leadership—all given at an increasing pace over his experienced career.
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I wrote at the time that we're in the battle for the soul of this nation. Oh that's even more true today. We are in the battle for the soul of this nation. I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation. Who we are and I cannot stand by and ways that happen. The core values of this nation are standing in the world, are very democracy. Everything that has made America America is at stake. That's why today I'm announcing my candidacy for President of the United States. Folks, America is an idea, an idea that's stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It gives hope to the most desperate people on earth. It guarant tease that everyone is treated with dignity, and gives hate no safe harbor. It instills in every person in this country the belief that no matter where you start in life, there's nothing you can achieve if you work at it. That's what we believe and above all else, that's what's a stake in the selection. As they say in my business, I'm gonna I'm gonna give you the whole load. Today got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and bic locking. Guy, I mean, that's a storybook you're telling me. We got to go spend money to keep them going back from until. You don't know my state, My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is anything from a northeast liberal state. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a Dunman Donalds, I should have a slight Indian accent. I'm not. His mom lived in in Long Island for ten years or so. God rest her soul and hum although she's wait, your mom's still Your mom's still alive as your dad passed, God bless her soul. A man who will be the next President of the United States Barack America. Hillary Clinton is a qualified or more qualified than I am, to be vice President United States America. Let's get that straight. And quite frankly, um, it might have been a better pick than me. So let me say it again. Thank you Terry, and thank you doctor Pepper, and thank you Chancellor. Doctor Paper. Romney wants to let the he said in the first hundred days, He's gonna let the big banks once again write their own rules on chain Wall Street. You're gonna put you all back in chains. Think about what happened out and we're dabby different. My good friend was shot, I mortally wounded. Well, I say, they're going to start to see unemployment grow this spring, to take employment grow, I'm sorry. Number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barrock says, a three letter word, jobs, jobsjob. See. I went to the big guys for the money. I was ready to prostitute myself and the men and the men in which I talk about it, Chuck Graham State Senators here, Stock stand up. Chock doesn't see you? Oh God love you. What am I talking about? I tell you what you're making everybody else stand up. Opal. Now is the time to heed the timeless advice from Teddy Roosevelt speaks softly and carry a big stick. End of quote. I promise you the president has a big stick. I promise you now I'm like the token black or the token woman. I was a token young person. You are the best choice for the Democrats in twenty twenty. Why didn't President above it for not to endorse he doesn't want to. Whoever wins is nomination to winning on their own marriage. Well you may, I mean this, I'd love it, debate officeman, but you're going to have to get the product primary first. Why are you the best choice for shads? That would be for the Democrat stuff time. Okay, Well, I have to say I'm so touched by moved by that video that he did. I mean, yeah, I'm so old. I remember all of that. I don't remember Emojima, but I remember since Ben. Yeah, you know, I mean, our uncles were in Normandy, our fathers were on the beach, We were the good guys in this country. And now and we're not. And now we're not. People look at this country in horror and say what happened to America? It breaks my heart and I love that he's doing it. He's taking this that it's not just about policy right now. He'll get to that, but America look at this and say, do we want this America back? Or don't wait, I mean, basically, that's what it's come down to. Yeah, I thought he totally nailed it. When you think about an announcement, it's even though we know Joe Biden first impressions matter, and in politics, how you feel about the candidate matters. As you said, we'll get to policy. But watching this it gave me chills throughout my entire body because it reminded me joy differently than you felt. That there is still so much good in this country and Joe Biden, I think, represents that and this family represents that in his service, and what he's saying is I'm here to sew this country back together. He wasn't running for the primary, by the way, he was running for the general election, and that announced that. He said, I'm here to win over the presidency. He's going to I can't wait for him to come tomorrow because we have so many policy questions for him. But just in the basis of feeling, he completely kneeled today. Even if you're a Republican, you can't watch that and not feel good and often say that abby the politician. Politics is about how someone makes you feel, and I felt more for the view at all. I mean it's only right, so much of the view. All right, crazy creepy uncle Joe has officially entered the race. This is great news because I'm telling you what they don't know is what is about to happen is going to be remarkable. Now nobody everyone is making comments, it's kind of funny. Well, you've got the ultra left wing of the Democratic Socialist Extremist Party and all of all of their crazy ideas, and Joe's gonna stand apart and he's gonna he's gonna relate to the average quote Joe, Um, No, Joe Biden. It's Obama Biden. All the Russia incidents that happened was on their watch. They didn't lift a finger to stop Russia from involving themselves in the twenty sixteen presidential election. And they were warned, why didn't you listen to Devin Newness and others in twenty fourteen? Now the president was funny today goes Welcome to the race, Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It's gonna be nasty, and you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick and demented ideas. But if you make it, well I'll see you at the starting gates if he makes it, which is pretty funny. Oh, but he did get a big endorsement, and one day it wasn't it wasn't Obama. Obama's asked about it, as you just heard Obama's what about Obama not supporting you? Obama, Well, he said nice things about Joe and the best decision he's made, but he won't endorse them. I think that kind of speaks volumes its owned vice president. But he did get Michael Avnati. That was a well sought after endorsement by him. Now what's happening is even eight is writing this not a conservative publication that even Democrats are just rank and file increasingly skeptical, that create easy, creepy Uncle Joe's ever going to be able to defeat Trump next year anyway. They point out if Democrats had any real confidence in Biden's political acumen, that he wouldn't be facing so much competition in the nomination. And that's true. I mean, I think all of these people think he's gonna be beaten. Well, he's showed up in a poll today for the first time and he's doing well. Okay, that often happens. He has more name recognition than any of the other candidates. That's not gonna last very long. Let's let me let me just put in perspective where we are here. You know, we just had the mid term. It's like we just had the two thousand Well, let's use the example of Obama. Obama's elected in two thousand and eight, and it's the twenty ten mid term. Okay, you know, Donald Trump is walking down the escalator in a few months, and then you got the whole year of primaries coming up after this. I mean, so it's going leading up to the general election. It's going to be a long process, and Joe doesn't seem like it's got the energy in the end. But when Slave points out that the story of this twenty twenty presidential primary has been the historic size of the field, which will end up in the mid twenties well before it's said and done, it, I mean it is. I didn't even realize until today how big it's really been getting. But don't pay that much attention. You got Corey Booker, you got Mayor Pete Buddha Judge, you got Julian Castro, John Delaney, Maryland representative. Nobody knows him, Tulsi what is it? Gabbard Kirsten Gabbard okay, sorry, Hawaii Representative Jilla Brandon, New York. Mike Gravel, former Alaskan senator, not affiliated, Kamala Harris, the former governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper, John It Jay Insley of washing to In former governor or, Governor Amy Klobuchar, Wayne Massam, who's a mirror mar Florida mayor. I've never heard of. Seth Moulton, a Massachusetts Liberal. Robert Francis, beat Obozo, you got Tim Ryan of Ohio, Bernie Sanders, you got Eric Swalwell, Elizabeth Warren, Mary Ann Williamson. Wouldn't he have self help? Guru? Well, she's running. And then Andrew Yang was neither one that wanted to legalize, I think, all drugs. So with this slate of candidates, it's going to be interesting to watch because of some one of these names is going to emerge, likely out of nowhere. Now it was small in twenty sixteen, not because politicians with national aspirations didn't exist. Everybody that is a congressman or senator they want deep in their heart, they think that their president. They think they're presidential material. They never are, but they think so. But Clinton, with her name recognition and financial resources and party relationships, little do we know until Donna Brazil took over after the fiasco at the Democratic National Convention, that in fact Hillary controlled the purse strings at the DNC and they had rigged the primary against Bernie Sanders. And it was rigged from the get go, no matter how well Bernie did. And by the way, Bernie people yesterday are saying, if you try this crap again this time, we're gonna be on it. So she had it also early on in twenty sixteen, she cleared the field because other candidates or those that desire to be president, you know, they kind of believe she was gonna win, by the way, and no mainstream Bernie figured. You know, nobody thought Bernie was due as well as he did. And Biden is now something more like, you know, they could end up, they're saying in Slate, more like a twenty sixteen Jeb Bush week establishment favored whose time has passed. Should voters prioritize his top perceived strength electability, who could soon face the wolves while he leads in national in sum early he stayed polling, but not by much. The only potential candidates that bowed out for Biden to give him the space where Bloomberg and Terry mccauliffe. And though he may have more charisma than Bush did, the financial resources are now harder. And by the way, a broke Joe Biden is now sounding the alarm. This was in Politico because as of last night, he had zero dollars in his campaign. Confers Sanders has eighteen million, Kamala Harris twelve million. Even Robert Francis beato he has the dirt eater, he has nine million. So Biden's now sounding the alarm with fellow Democrats warning that if they don't pony up in the next twenty four hours, it's gonna make him look like a week candidate. Yeah, although he is saying, world leaders, I'm getting calls from over the world. World leaders are begging me, begging me to do this to save the country and save the world. What world leaders want? Another one hundred and fifty billion dropped on the tarmax of Mullah's in Iran, the chant death to America and death to Israel. That's great all right, we got a lot to get to today eight hundred nine one shown. We're gonna get into the case of Eddie Gallagher. I mean, when you read the New York Times in the Navy Times, you read two different stories about this case. Jonathan Gillham and Harald also Sex, Secretary of Energy. Former Governor Rick Perry is with us today. All Right, as we roll along on a Thursday, eight hundred nine four one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number announcement. President Trump will be on Hannity tonight nine eastern on the Fox News channel and his first real interview since the Mulla report came out. Let me go back to Slate for just a second here. I mean them saying that Joe Biden is like a twenty sixteen Jeb Bush their words, not mine, and us, a weak establishment favorite whose time might be passed, and should voters deprioritize his perceived strength and electability, he would soon face the wolves. And then they go on to say that the biggest challenge of Biden in the primary will be a compromised pass spanning nearly fifty years. Yeah, the vetting he's going to get and face within his own party. He's going to be brutal. You know, his position on Anita Hill. He went, That's why he went on the Anita Hill apology tour. His position on Bussing, his anti Bussing rhetoric most liberals find astonishing, their words, not mine. Some of that rhetoric is all going to come back and haunt him. And as a senator for thirty six years representing Delaware, you know that is a state, as they say, run by banks. His economic record is more than a few blemishes. And I don't even think they've touched on his real weakness in terms of electability in a general election. When we learn everything that we're going to learn about Russian interference in the twenty sixteen election, we're also going to learn that it's in the top levels within the Obama administration. This story now is creeping ever so close to Obama himself. And if it's getting towards Obama, that means it's getting towards creepy, crazy Uncle Joe, and that will mean that, Wow, all of that abuse of power, corruption, what did they know? When did they know it? And if justice is served and all of these upper echelon people are in as much trouble as me and Sarah and Greg and John Solomon, if we all think then it's going to have an impact on all of them and the size of the field. I think they're right, and Slate represents, you know, the belief by the other candidates that all of this is going to sink Biden. On top of the horrific economic record, foreign policy record, and much more, he's got more troubles than you can even begin to talk about. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. One other thing, there was a foxnews dot com piece about Biden's tree into this race. His advocacy of the ninety four crime bill will be used against him, according to ex Sanders staffers, and then he faced scrutiny over his record in the Congress, particularly a strong advocacy for the ninety four crime bill. And according to an independent voter, former Bernie Sanders staffer Teslon Fagaro, who I've interviewed, very nice person. I grew up in the nineties, my entire adult generation, those around me, we really suffered a major consequence with that bill. And she made these comments earlier today on Fox first time non violent offenders who went to prison for fifteen sixteen seventeen years. People are still in prison now as a result of that crime bill, noting that while former Vice President Biden somewhat apologized for a support of the bill, he hasn't spoken about how it will be fixed. By the way, every single person that wanted to fix the crime bill, guess what they never got done. The person that got it done, well, his name would be President Trump. And as much as you know, look at Alice Marie Johnson, I can watch people like Alice Marie Johnson get released from prison every single day of every single year. I mean, when she came out after twenty years first time offender drug offense, it was serious, went into the arms of her family and said publicly thank you to the President, thank you to the United States of America. I just want to promise you all you'll not regret giving me a second chance. I mean that that is a great remark. She says. The issue isn't we haven't seen anything to talk about how we're going to fix it. I want to talk about the policies. What are you going to do as president to fix what happened in the nineties. Bell all right, so that's just a small part of what they're saying. Then his comments about busting will come up big time. And then the issue of well he has a track record now and it goes back spans nearly fifty years. I think he'd be seventy eight when he became president, and it goes back all that ways. And he doesn't seem to be the type that has the energy of Saya Donald Trump. And let me tell you something, but the president's comments right out of the box low energy. I mean, it's pretty funny. And this president likes to fight and fight to win anyway. So he's starting it in a deep fundraising hall. He told you earlier if Sanders eighteen million, Kamala Harris twelve million, that will see what the numbers look like in a week from now. That'll be a thing very telling. And it's the largest presidential field now in history, as you know, at a record twenty hundreds file each cycle, but only a sliver received sustained media attention. Some of these names I don't even know half of these people. Do you know who Mary Ann Williams? The spiritual guru is, Linda? You know her? I mean we all know with Andrew Yang, nobody really knows who he is. You know, even former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel, I barely remember him. He was never you know, I guess he was a serious player at one point, gained notoriety from reading portions of the Pentagon Papers about the origins of the Vietnam War. Nobody's ever heard of this Miramar Florida mayor Wayne mess Him is his name. He's struggling for media attention. These guys. Some of these guys are gonna fall off fast. So you know, that's just obvious. As to the creepy side of Uncle Joe, we now know the Alabama Democrat that defeated Roy Moore last year, Doug Jones, he's now speaking out. During an interview, he defended by Biden and said it's not for others to judge. Okay, if it was a Republican, I think he'd feel differently. Biden says foreign leaders, this is the most arrogant statement that I don't even believe it. He's now saying his campaign isn't twenty four hours old, and he's putting his foot in his mouth already. I mean, if he thinks this much of himself, then he's a bit delusional. Because I don't think there are a lot of world leaders that looked on favorably. And I know there's a lot of appeasement socialist, leftist governments in the world. So I concede that point. But in retrospect, the American people and the idea of dropping one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currency from cargo planes sent by Obama and Biden to radical Mullah's in Iran, hoping it will draw goodwill that maybe they'll maybe they won't talk about, you know, annihilating Israel anymore, maybe they won't talk about annihilating America anymore. I don't know what the mentality is here. It is a radical, rigid regime, you know, the I think of how they treat their own people under the most rigid laws of Shariah. Women are treated atrociously in Iran. Gays and lesbians, we've seen the videos being thrown off roofs and murdered for no reason except being who they are. And of course you can't practice another religion. Christians and Jews are persecuted. You know, good luck building a temple or a church in Tehran. It's not going to work out very well. But he says, as I get calls from people all over the world, world leaders. They're calling me, almost begging me to do this, to save the country, to save the world. Like okay, all right, He's getting a little more crazy by the day. One of the participants on the call stress Biden wasn't making it sound as though Adam Messiah complex, of course not. Why would anybody think that Joe Biden is really thinking very highly of himself. Now we add two other factors that in the media is talking about that all of the Russia stuff, all of the abuse in our intelligence community and the DOJ and rigging Hillary's investigation. And we learned from Struck and Page that that was all being directed by Obama, Biden's attorney general, and that would be Lauretta Lynch. Haven't heard Biden talk about that much either. And then when more information comes out and we begin to discover that, oh well, everybody was warning about Russia doing this in the past. You know, think back in twenty twelve, Mitt Romney was excoriated for saying, and by Obama saying that Russia is a threat. We've known that Russia has done this type of interference in many other elections around the world. This is not new information. You know, Devin Newness is direct warning they do it in twenty sixteen. He warned everybody in twenty fourteen. All of this deep state stuff happened on their watch. The fact that Stefan Howper recruited to spy on the Trump campaign Visa V. Carter Page and Papadopoulos and Sam Clovis and Visa V. You know, Hillary's bought and paid for Russian dirty dossier, funneled money through a law firm, through a op research firm, over to a foreign national, Christopher Steele. And you know now hearing this week, gee Bob Woodward, welcome aboard Washington Post even saying, oh, you're gonna have to admit Fox was right, especially Hannity or The New York Times this week saying that dossier, Yeah, I think it might be part of a disinformation Russia campaign to influence the election. And Hillary paid for it all. And it's kind of despicable when you think about it. How can that happen in America? Think he's going to have to deal with that. He's going to have to be questioned and it will be reminded every day what the Obama Biden record for the economy was and I know in twenty sixteen I was a broken record, but you know what it matters, especially in light of record low unemployment in this country, a growing, burgeoning economy, where energy independent for the first time ever. The tax cuts, the vast majority of increase in moneys in people pocket real dollars went to the quote poor and middle class in America, not to the rich, not to corporations. You look at all of the companies now as a result of the biggest tax cut in history, the single biggest amount of deregulation in history, and the president now we're energy independent for the first time in seventy five years, the lifeblood of our economy. Well, that's going to in and of itself, create career jobs for so many Americans. It's going to be life changing. It will be the biggest wealth producer ever in our history. It's almost like we have a potential as a country to have a massive gold rush if we're just smart enough to do it. Because all the other countries are doing it. And we're now a net exporter of oil. And you think, oh, okay, all these corporations now because of deregulation. They want to invest in Wisconsin and Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania, and they're doing it. And that's the only way we got towards record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace. You unemployment. It happened for a reason, coupled with the biggest tax cuts ever in history, you know, coupled with the promise of conservative justices, coupled with president that ended that idiotic randal, stopped Little rocket Man from firing rockets over Japan every other weekend. Understand, the President's meeting the Japanese Prime Minister on trade issues. We're about to in the middle of negotiation. He new trade deals with China that will benefit American manufacturers, American cars companies. You know, just like everybody laughed at the idea, Well, why are you pressuring our allies like Canada and Mexico because these deals were unfair. These deals were not just. These deals took advantage of us. And by the way, if the President gets that wall built and we get control of our southern border and it's happening, you know, it's so funny. The President issues his emergency declaration. Everybody complains about it. They try to veto the legislation, they can't override his veto. He vetos, the legislation overrides. And now he's reallocated nine trillion. And guess what's happening. We're now building the wall and he's got the resources. And when Mexico said this week, you know, try to take away guns from a law enforcement this better never happened again. And the President immediately sent down armed troops down there to help out a law enforce because they need that kind of help. And the President both Legislative League Congress had given him the authority on the border, and Congress also, I mean, the mandate was clear President as the authority to build barriers, put up lighting, etc. Etc. If in fact Carter's drug dealing from across the borders happening, okay, legislatively, he wins. Congress passed that law giving him that authority, and it drives people crazy. Then you start comparing, well, what are the Democrats going to stand for? What they're going back to now it's Medicare for all instead of Obamacare. Obamacare didn't work out. You have a significant percentage of this party wants a seventy percent marginal tax rate for individuals ninety percent for corporations. Let me tell you what that means. It means zero economic growth, negative growth, and money pouring out of the country. People will leave the country. You know, it's fairly inexplicable, isn't it that they could you be thinking at this level at this time. You know, let me give you a statistic that we have today. There are forty one states that are seeing tax revenues surge to all time highs forty one of them. And by the way, as Trump now enters, you know, the Trump economic boom and enters its third year. This is from Pew. Now tax revenue rose in all but five states in the third quarter of twenty eighteen, lifting the number of states in which collections had fully recovered from the Great Recession to a record high forty one after accounting for inflation. State tax revenue turned the corner in late twenty seventeen after the weakest two years of economic growth outside of a recession in at least thirty years. Oh, who became President Donald Trump? You know who was the president that we had our weakest years. That would be the Biden Obama administration. As most states entered twenty nineteen, their budget in July, a fourth consecutive quarter of solid gains, pushing total state tax collections to thirteen point four percent above their peak record in two thousand and eight. Oh, what's the similarity? You know, Obama was elected and then I got better as soon as Obama and Biden left. And the states that aren't doing well, you got it. Oh, let's see New York. Oh they're down three point five billion the last I checked. So you know He's gonna have to run on that record, and Trump's gonna run on his because eight years of Obama gave us eight million more Americans in poverty. Whatever the statistic is, I've given you many times. We're now looking at the greatest potential opportunity for growth. And let me tell you, it's gonna say, are you better off than you want four years ago? And why didn't you do anything about Russia? How did you let this happen on your watch? Unbelievable. I know the media is going to try and ignore a lot of this, but we'll do their job. But I think the American people, you know what George Will used to always say, peace and prosperity drive elections. The Trump economy versus the Obama economy. I mean, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation since the seventies. We now have an America a million more jobs available than people on unemployment. We now have a record low again of unemployment applications. By the way, controlling the boarder, I didn't finish my thought. Yeah, that helps Americans get jobs in the higher wages. Thank you. That's good for every American. We're not against immigration, just do it legally so we can vet you, make sure you can take care of yourself when you're invited to be a part of our family. All of this helps recovery. The eight years of Biden Obama worse recovery in forty years, lowest hole ownership rate in fifty one years only administration never to reach three percent GDP growth, took on more debt than every other president before them, combined them, vice president and Obama won't even endorse them. Pretty funny, all right. We got a lot to get to. Secretary of Energy, former Governor of Texas, Rick Perry's going to talk borders. The election and energy. Obviously, I'm going to ask if he believes as I do. You know those that want to get rid of oil and gas, the combustion engine, planes and cows and everything's free. What if we just tapped into all the energy resources we have and become the biggest net exporter. How would that impact the forgotten men and women in this country? Job wise, finance wise, wealth wise? All right, our two Sean Hannity Show. Glad you are with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Right, I told you Biden got and I did forget one thing. Before we get to our friend, former governor Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, we have newly surfaced video. Remember Bernie, Remember Bernie's comments before the fake news CNN town hall, and he said to the woman whose family fled the former Soviet Union in nineteen seventy nine, is a your assumption that I believed in authoritarian communism that was the Soviet Union? I haven't I opposed it? Well, okay, we now have unearthed video footage on Fox News that chose Bernie Sanders recalling his excitement surrounding the Cuban Revolution in the fifties. I remember, for some reason or another being excited when Castro made the revolution in Cuba. By the way, you know what he did, right, He stole all the land, took over all industry, and they went on a murdering rampage. And I knew one of those survivors sadly passed away, this man named Armando de Quisada. Is that a Decatur, Alabama Mando's pizza. He used to talk to this guy all the time. He's such a good guy. And his family were wealthy landowners there. Everything they had was stolen part of the resistance. They were killed, whole family. Everybody knew. I was a kid, and it just seemed right. Bernie's appropriate, the poor people rising up against rather ugly rich people. Just like when he said that senate millionaires are immoral. Well he's a senate millionaire now. And Bernie, by the way, Bernie backers are vowing revenge if the Democratic establishment steals the nomination Again, Bernie or Busts didn't rallying cry and oh Bernie was heckled and jeered at the woman of color. Event yikes didn't get much coverage, but it happened, all right. I just got done laying out two things, well maybe many things, challenges that that Biden's gonna have as part of the Biden Obama team. And obviously fifty years his positions on bussing, his stupid statements, his creepy behavior, That's all part of it. But I think the biggest thing that will stand out is number one, all the warnings and admonitions we had about Russia election interference, hacking, all of it. They didn't lift a finger, specific warnings in twenty fourteen. They didn't lift a finger. All of this deep, deep state abuse of power and corruption, it all happened under them, and they did nothing. And then on top of that, I went through the last hour of the economic record, which is atrocious. I also said that we could make every American richer than ever if we would. Finally, we're now energy independent for the first time because of Donald Trump deregulation and now opening up the pipelines, approving them to Dakota Pipeline, Keystone Pipeline, opening up an war. In other words, we have more oil and natural gas resources than the entire Middle East and Russia combined. For the first time in seventy five years. We're a net exporter of energy. We're talking about high paying career jobs for the forgotten men and women in this country, Like when we partnered with energy companies in Texas and Oklahoma North Dakota during the recent boom. Remember they were trading truck drivers and paying an eighty grand a year. And people are saying, I listened to you, Hannity, and I moved, and you're right. I was only making thirty five grand, forty grand. Now I'm making a hundred and I just bought a brand new truck. If we did this on the scale we're capable of, and we could also provide security for our allies. On the one hand, in Western Europe once we figure out how to get it, they're cheaper. And then also not relying on countries that hate our hutch for the lifeblood of our economy. That means Americans, every American can get rich. It's like a gold mine for every American secretary, energy, former governor. A friend of the show, Rick Perry, Am I wrong in that? Oh? Sean, you are on fire today. Brother? How you doing? My friend? Good to hear your voice. I miss you. I've been talked to you a while. Oh well, we've been kind of had our head down and doing our job there in DC and around the country. And you know, it's a big swamp out there. Man. It's doing to take a lot to drain it all and drain it in a in a timely way. But I can promise you the President every day is getting up and making a difference, you know, whether it's watching this extraordinary energy revolution that you're talking about here occur across this country. I mean, think about this, Sean. Twelve years ago. Twelve years ago, we were told that we had found all the energy that there was in America. As a matter of fact, I think it was President Obama said, you can't drow your way out of this problem that you got today. Well, mister President, you can drow your way out of this problem, and you're seeing Americans do it. The problem was you were in the way, mister president. If you and your administration were putting regulations into place, you were picking and choosing winners out there. From the standpoint of if you were in fossil fuel, if you're in the cold business, you were in the nuclear business, you had to fight every day just to try to stay alive. And President, by the way, if there's anybody that would know this, it's you, because we know the energy production in Texas over the years, and it's been a boom and bust over the years. Has been hard, good times and bad times, but the good times are really good times. Well what we've seen in Texas, and you know, I tell people, I said, listen, we're not perfect, but I think from the standpoint of developing in all of the above energy strategy, Texas is a pretty good example. You'll recall while I was a governor, we developed more wind energy than any other state in the nations. A matter of fact, we produced more wind in Texas and all but five countries. And we were complementing our diversity of energy resources. We were developing the wall and gases, we were building pipelines. And that is a good segue into the president's executive order that he's signed about ten days ago to go really make infrastructure at the heart. And these are real projects. I mean, you think about if the previous administration had actually gone out and spent dollars where you were creating real infrastructure. As a matter of fact, what this president knows is you don't have to spend taxpayer dollars to do this. You just need to get the federal government out of the way, get the permitting process expedited, so that when somebody knows that there's going to be a permit, here are the rules, and if you meet these rules, here's the permit. That's called permitting by rule. That's where President Trump is taking this country. It's the reason you've seen this explosion. Well, let me ask you a question. I don't have the numbers off the top of my head. I'm usually pretty good with remembering. But now they include anoir and our natural gas potential reserves. I mean they're massive. You know, I've read hundreds of years worth of natural gas, which is the lifeblood of our economy down. The New Green Deal wants to get rid of natural gas and oil in ten years, the lifeblood of the world's economy. The dumbest idea I've ever heard. But if we if we really began to tap these resources, how vast are they compared to say, Russia and the Middle East. Well, and our reserves are growing every day. I mean, that's the good point. Interesting thing. We're the oil We're the number one oil and gas producing country in the world. You know where the third largest oil and gas field in the world is. It's the Permian Basin in Texas is the I mean right behind uh Saudi Arabia, Russia, and then there is the Permian Basin. When you add all these other basins to Marcellis and the Utica up in Pennsylvania, in that Appalachian region, by the way, that does you I mean like up state New York. Yeah, they won't touch, but you can't. But you can't use it because you've got such small minded people and all oh so dumb. By the way, Pennsylvania, there's stick in the you know, you know they do the horizontal drilling, etc. I mean, they're just they're just literally stealing it right out of New York because we speak but I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Um. Oh, by the way, this just broke um if I could do a little break in New York Times came out with the piece jos Now Joe Biden reached out to Anita Hill, but she wants real accountability, and she said in an interview. She left the conversation feeling deeply unsatisfied. Decline to characterize his words to her as an apology. She said she is not convinced that Biden truly accepts the harm that he caused her and other women who suffered sexual harassment and gender violence. Here we go more. You know, it's fascinating because Democrats, you know, they care about believing, you know, a high school fairy tale about Justice Kavanaugh. I believe, But we have a lieutenant governor in Virginia. If you're a Democrat, they don't care about accusations of rape and violent sexual assault. They don't know believers there. But anyway, so that's an interesting article that just came out. I'm sorry to break in, but so what what would this mean? I say that the energy industry is going to produce high paying career jobs for every American because where we've had energy, and we have a lot of it, we haven't even tapped. We now, you know, truck drivers getting trained and being a base salary of eighty grand and all the overtime they can handle. Sean, this is a generational opportunity. That's I look at this and I share with people, and I've seen it happen in my home state. Young people who had maybe two, three, four generations of not even being able to get out of high school. They thought they just had to get out and get a job and get to work. And not only is this allowing people the opportunity to get out, start a family, to be able to buy a home, which is, by the way, that's the biggest source of net worth that most people are ever going to have, is to buy that first home. And these energy related jobs, and I might add the concentric circle of influence that comes out from this isn't just about jobs in the energy industry. It's it's the manufacturing jobs that come because of the energy prices that were being able to have and and there's still low a manufacturing So this is truly about generational changes. I mean, I think most Americans understand. It's it's like, you know, thank you, President Trump for giving us the opportunity to take care of our families, to have a better future, to to create this wealth. I mean, the I'll give you a great example. This one just blew me away when I saw it. And this is a barber out uh in far West Texas, out in that Permian Basin region. He put an air stream trader on the back of this pickup truck and went out to some of these man camps that were the labor uh and is making over one hundred thousand dollars cutting hair. I mean that's a you know, I know that's anecdotal, but it's it's what's happening all over part of the of the industry, whether you're up in the Bocking in North Dakota, or whether you're in the Marcellus get down in the Haynesville in Louisiana, all across this country. Sean, when we start building more pipelines to be able to move this product from where it's developed to the markets where they were, those markets Western Europe. Speaking of Biden earlier, apparently the Nita Hill, I'm not happy with his call. But more importantly, if you've removed your economy in Texas as governor, now we now have you know, forty one states, uh, mister Secretary, forty one that have huge revenue increases. We see population decreases all over the place in New York, New Jersey, California, Illinois. People are leaving these high tax states. You know, Texas nearly got four hundred thousand new people last year. If they if you removed Texas's economic prosperity under your leadership from the Obama economy, they would have had a depression on paper. Yeah, they've not been underwater. Yeah, I mean it's true. I mean we talked about it at the time. Yeah, it's really fascinating that the few states, you know, Florida was out there under the leadership of a really good, capable governor, Governor Rick Scott, who's the United States Senator now, and without those few states, America would have been in a real bind. The key here, and I tell people this is that people always move around in the country. I mean, they're free to move around fairly well. But here was my bumper sticker, sean capital goes where it's welcome. And today when you have the energy industry doing what it's doing, the manufacturing that's coming back under the Trump administration, there are states out there that are doing really, really well. There's some states that aren't doing that well. Frankly, where you live as one of them. And one of the reasons is I'm stuck here by the way, those those state leaders would rather have their make their little political statements than look at reality. For instance, the idea that you can't send a pipeline of American natural gas to the northeast. And guess who's paying the price for that. It's those citizens up there that you're right electricity it's sixty percent for residential and forty percent higher. I mean, that's crazy. And it's three and a half billion dollars shortfall in New York forty one states of massive surpluses. You see people leaving in droves. They're going to you know, your home state in Florida and Tennessee and the Carolinas. Well, this administration is making places in America really welcome for people's capital and because they know that if you risk your capital, you'll have a chance to have a return on the investment. That's what the Trump administration is all about. You've seen it. It's at the EBA, wherever it is. Don't be a stranger. Governor Secretary Energy, Rick Perry. The story of Eddie Gallagher. Next Sean Gallagher. He is the brother of Eddie Gallagher. Remember um the story of Eddie Gallagher. He's a family as a father, he's a family of three. His wife Andrea decorated US seal. He's now confined behind razor wire in a military jail. He served the country for nearly two decades, and many ways he has been a hero on the battlefield. There is a new development in this case. I read the New York Times piece and if you read that, it reads one way stabbing a defensive teenage captive to death, picking off school age girl and an old man from a sniper's roost, indiscriminally spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire. Navy Seal commandos from Team seven's Alpha Platoon said they had their highly decorated platoon chief commit shocking acts in Iraq. They have spoken up repeatedly, and by the way, they eventually had a meeting with their platoon leader in San Diego. A criminal investigation ensues eventually in anyway, long story short, when you start getting down into the actual specific allegations of this now the platoon members eventually forced the referral of their concerns outside the Seals. Is going to be a trial that begins May twenty eighth. The account of March eight, twenty eighteen meeting in other details as a founder in thirty nine page report, and it paints a subculture of people. But when you get to the actual investigations, a lot of it sounds like seal talk. Maybe the best equivalent would be locker room talk. And if you ask if they've seen these things, the answer is no. Now a huge development yesterday by the Navy Times dot com. The head line is prosecutors ncis investigator accused of misconduct in war crimes case and emotion was filed this week in California, threatening to derail the entire war crimes case against Eddie Gallagher. Remember the President stepped in and put him in better living conditions. And it was drafted by Gallagher's civilian defense attorney guy the name of Timothy Pollitory, and it paints a portrait of stonewalling prosecutors refusing to turn over evidence that could clear, in other words, exculpatory evidence that could clear the embattled chief, and a federal cop who allegedly went rogue and cherry picking witness statements to salvage a rickety case quote rather than conduct a proper investigation in search of the truth, the agent began with a predetermined conclusion and went about finding the evidence to support that conclusion, while ignoring or suppressing anything that conflicted with the narrative. Now I understand this new evidence that has emerged in this case. Congressman Duncan Hunter of California is taking a special interest in this, so has former am MY PD commissioner Bernie Carrig, Duncan Hunter, and Sean Gallagher, brother of Bettie Gallagher. Join us. Now, thank you all for being with us. Appreciate it. And hey, this is Duncan. Here's what's happening too. Well, Duncan, you're reading what I'm reading. You're reading two very different narratives here. Here's what they're doing. They're sucking us into their lawyer narrative. I mean, this is about do the American people want guys to go kill people for the country? When the President and Congress says we're going to send you oversee you to go do something. Do you want guys that will do that or do you want lawyers back here at home to put these guys in jail? The American people ask for guys to serve on the front lines. I served overseas. Let us do what you want us to do. And even you're talking about it, people, it's kind of you get lost in the weeds on all the lawyer stuff. Do you want men to go kill bad people? For the country. If you do, then guys like Eddie our heroes. Meaning and by the way, if all of your listeners give money to Eddie's defense, n please we have to send all the lawyers to Iraq and Afghanistan and let those guys go and fight it out that we wouldn't have to pay him. Number one helped Eddie out. Number two. Either you believe that they're that this country's worth fighting for and you want men to go kill bad men overseas or you don't. If you do, then Eddie's a hero. If you don't, then we shouldn't have a military. And I'll tell you what Trump is kind of right, then let's get out of Iraq, in Syria and Afghanistan. Let's let's not have these guys go and do what we asked them to do and go fight and kill people, because that's what that's what we're paying guys to do, is go fight and kill and then bring them back here and put him in jail for what we as a nation asked them to go do. This is ridiculous, Sean Gallagher. Obviously this is your brother. How many tours are duty did he? Was? He even mold then as a Navy seal. So, yeah, Eddie went to Iraq in two thousand and three, so this is actually his last deployment. The one that's in question was second time he had been to Missoul. So if you think about a guy like him has been going to war for US for fifteen years, eight times he's gone back to fight for US in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bring us into whoever these people other seals, apparently six or seven of them that didn't get along with your brother, What is the story behind that? So the story behind this and this is where the frustrating part comes in. As a family, my sister in law, my brother, and me and a bunch of others have been what I say is cursed with the truth. I've known about this whole thing before the investigation he started. It has never been seven to nine guys of his platoon. It's always been one to two who made up stories because they didn't want Eddie to be their boss again. And I know that sounds simplistic, but in the seal team's reputation is everything. Your honor and your code and all that stuff is everything. And Eddie had seriously reprimanded guys who were brand new who had never been on combat before, for dereliction of duty for a mutiny abroad, and so he told them, hey, look, either get out of the teams or ship up or shape out. And they didn't like that, and so when they got home they spun up these stories. The thing that you had just started in the lead in the difference between the New York Times article and the Navy Times article is the frustration that we've been dealing with since day one. The Navy Times article was finally another step where the truth is starting to come out, where investigators literally sat a bunch of guys from Eddy Splatoon down, tried to coax stories to sit their own narrative out of them, and any of them willing to say that they were coaxed into saying something that's not true. Absolutely, So the Navy Times article that you started with last night, or that came out last night, that you started the top of the show with in it, one of the key witnesses, according to the prosecution, just flipped. And he actually didn't even flip. What he said in his follow up interview was I never said what you think I did. I never saw Eddie shoot anybody like a little girl or an old man. That's insane. And also, by the way, I never witnessed the stabbing of an ISOs detainee. I just saw Eddie treating him. And so this is one of those things where eight months, nine months, this whole message started, seven months of Eddie in prison, all of this stuff. We find out that prosecutors are withholding excultatory evidence from our team from Timothic parlatory in the family. We finally, via an illegal week of information since the media, we discovered that there was actually exonerating evidence that that. So you know, I know that the family and I have always been saying this. You know, this never happened. This is all concoction. But now there's some gratification in that we actually have proof rather than the proper investigation. They start, as the Navy Times piece said, with a predetermined conclusion. You're you're pointing out your brothers accused of stabbing to death an unarmed and seriously wounded Islamic State prisoner of war during the twenty seventeen deployment, and shooting an old man and a young girl in a violent spree that claimed hundreds of lives. And then the Navy Times goes on to say, although the motion accuses prosecutors of withholding evidence benefiting Gallagher records independently uncovered by the Navy Times, the motion expends much it's inc on the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which, by the way, I guess prosecutor in this case is accusing of botching the entire probe, and the lead investigator on the case, the NCIS Special Agent, apparently is in the crosshairs of the council here does any such evidence exist in any way? Duncan I hear? There is video? Okay, so I've actually seen the video that the prosecutors wouldn't show anybody. And by the way, if they showed people the video, it shows Eddie trying to save the terrorist life. And by the way, he's not a pow. He's not wearing a uniform. We're not fighting uniform people. We're fighting people that hate our country, that hate Christianity, that hate Western civilization, that dress like civilians, hide their guns. And you're going to treat Eddie like a police officer on the streets of San Diego as opposed to somebody that we're paying to go kill bad guys. I that that was his job. And so the answer is, I've seen the video. It shows Eddie trying to save the life. That's what it shows. And I can't wait till the video becomes public. They've used the video to try and scare people to to go against Eddie Gallagher. When the video once you see it, you're you're like, hey, I feel people would have no military experience saw the video and they left going that exonerates him, that that proves that he didn't do anything bad. The hard thing, I am a hard time understanding why would his own guys turn against him? And, by the way, not all of them, just a few. Why. Yeah, it's kind of like a family Sean. I mean, you ask, why does an uncle Jim talk to you on Thanksgiving about politics? It's the same kind of deal. It's a it's a small, tight environment. He wasn't liked by a few guys. And by the way, not just like Sean said, not not six or seven or eight or nine guys, one or two guys and that are in the video and the pictures that I've seen. So he's so these these guys that dimed him out are posing with him in some of these pictures, smiling, happy, and some of them recanted. Is that true? So here's the problem, Sean, they lied, So now they need immunity from the prosecutor to be able to tell the prosecutors that they lie. And the prosecution doesn't want to give the Seals immunity to recant their stories. You see what I'm saying, because if you tell a false story in the first place, and you want to go back and say, hey, that was that was not true, that's what I said. I was coerciding the saying what I said, then they'll get you on perjury. The Seals now want immunity to say that what they said in the first place was coerced and not true, and the prosecution, of course, is not going to give given immunity. This is about leaks. It's about lies from the prosecutors and have trus and they're leaking all this information to the New York Times. I mean, this is the US Navy prosecutors. It sounds eerily just like what our president is going through right now. It's the exact same kind of thing by an overzealous and corrupt judicial system, but this one's in the military, so it's even tighter and harder to expose than the Department of Justice corruption. All right, stay right there, Duncan Hunter, Congressman California. Shaan Gallagher is the brother of Eddie Gallagher. When is this supposed to go to trial at this point or is it in a delay because of the evidence issue. We'll take a break, we'll find out. We'll answer that question when we get back. All right, as we continue, Congressman Duncan Hunter and Sean Gallagher, who is the brother of Eddie Gallagher, and this whole kind of a looted story about you know, being charged with war crimes and then apparently there's new evidence proving that he was helping the person that other people said that he was responsible for killing when he didn't have to Sean, how do you why are we there at that point? If we have video evidence that Congressman Hunter just described to us, wouldn't that be exculpatory completely and end it? That makes no sense at that point. Absolutely, And the best way that I can describe this is simply is just to say the process is broken, that the system is broken. And the reason that I can say that is that this whole thing has been going on for nine months. Right Eddie was originally charged with something like ten counts. We have dropped in including the article that you mentioned in the Navy Times, which has the sculptory evidence that's probably going to drop four more charges. So you're seeing now, Eddie, they treated him like a mafia boss. All they were two charges already dropped. Four charges you're saying will likely drop then what's left Then the only charge that will be left is the one where they claim that he has stabbed the ISIS fighter that just moments ago was firing at him when he's actually trying to save his life. So they described it that saw it. I have not seen it, so I don't know that maybe he was seen trying to put a track in or something. So yeah, the confirmed reports, the quick scenario, the situation is that he pulled him off a humby IRAQIS forces gathering. Right, so there's a compound that was hellfire missiles. It kills fifty ices fighters, one survives. The seventeen year old boy he gets taken offul hummer. Eddie says, I'm going to take him. I'm going to try and save him. There's video of my brother cutting away his pants, bandaging a wound and starting to provide medical care. That's where the video cut, and that's the last charge you're saying involved this. Now their eyewitnesses that will testify they saw him try to save that life, not take it. Yes, So this is another insane thing that I've been saying, is that we actually have three to four times as many people who will say that Eddie never did this than those that did. So let me put you to this wish on. Every single lawyer I've ever talked to about this case has looked at this and said this would have never made it past a grand jury in a civilian case, that you would have never heard about Eddie's name, that none of this up would ever come to light because the evidence is so bad and the story is so bad. However, because it's a military court of law and the Article thirty two equivalent, which is a grand jury the evidence threshold of solo, and it's political sean, so they want to send a message. This is all about politics. It's about career brass saying, oh, Navy seals are going rogue and we need to send a message to get their stuff together. Well, now they're throwing Eddie under the bus to send that message. But they didn't expect for me and his wife and her family to fight back tooth and nail, and for him as well. He fought for the country for twenty years. He's not going to just sit there and take it. And so they messed up. And this is a major black guy in the military. And that's what I've completing with the President to take a look at this, because I promise you, if I sit down with anybody for twenty minutes and explain to them start to finish this entire case, they walk away shaking their head in shame that this is happening to Eddie, and then it's ever started in the first place. All Right, I gotta let you both go. We're going to continue to follow the story in this case. Thank you both of being with us. Carressman Hunter. I don't know when you can give us that tape, but when you can, we will air it. Thank you. Sean Gallagher, thank you, and I understand Bernie Kara is with you. Send my best to Bernie. Eight hundred nine pot one. Sean Toldfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Your calls coming up next. I wrote at the time that we're in the battle for the soul of this nation. Oh that's even more true today. If we are in the battle for the soul of this nation. I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation. Who we are, and I cannot stand by and watch that happen. The core values of this nation are standing in the world, are very democracy. Everything that has made America America is at stake. That's why today I'm announcing my candidacy for President of the United States. Folks, America is an idea, an idea that's stronger than any army, bigger than the ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It gives hope to the most desperate people on Earth. It guarantees that everyone is treated with dignity, and gives hate no safe harbor. As they say in my business, I'm gonna I'm gonna give you the whole load. Today got the first sort of main stream African American. Yeah, who is articulate and bright and clean and myceuping guy I mean, that's a story book. You're telling me we gotta go spend money to keep you going bankrupt. Until you don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is anything from a northeast liberal state. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a Duncan Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not telling this. MoMA lived in in Long Island for ten years or so. God rest her soul and hum although she's wait, your mom's still Your mom's still alive as your dad passed. God bless her soul. A man who will be the next President of the United States, Barack America. Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice President United States America. Let's get that straight. And quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me. So let me say it again. Thank you, Terry, and thank you doctor Pepper, and thank you Chancellor. Doctor Paper. Romney wants to let the he said in the first hundred days, He's gonna let the big banks once again write their own rules on Chain Wall Street. They're gonna put you all back in chains. Think about what happened out in We're Dad be different. My good friend was shot, I mortally wounded. Well, I say, they're going to start to see an employment and grow this spring to take employment. Gro I'm sorry. Number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barrock says, a three letter word jobs, jobs, job see. I went to the big guys for the money. I was ready to prostitute myself and the man and the man in which I talk about it, Chuck Graham State senators here, Stock, stand up. Chock doesn't see you? Oh God love you. What am I talking about? I tell you what you're making everybody else? Stand up? Opal. Now is the time to heed the timeless advice from Teddy Roosevelt speaks softly and carry a big stick. End of quote. I promise you the president has a big stick. I promise you. Now. I'm like the token black or the token woman. I was a token young person. All right, there he is crazy. Creepy Uncle Joe enters the Democratic campaign to run as a president. Casio Cortez, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi in name only a hacking Biden, he's out of touch with the Democratic Party. The President weighs in about Sleepy Joe. Welcome to the race, Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt to wage a successful primary campaign, he said, warning Biden that the race would be nasty and he would be forced to confront people who truly have some very sick and demented ideas an apparent reference to other candidates. But if you make it, I'll see you at the starting gate. And Obama breaks his silence. Oh, the best decision he ever made, but he won't endorse crazy, creepy uncle Joe. Apparently Biden's having some fundraising problems. And I'll tell you the biggest problem Joe Biden has is the Obama record. The you know, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, worst recovery since the forties, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, only president to never reach three percent GDP growth in any year of his presidency and vice presidency, and took on more debt than all forty three other presidents before him, combined, and when you compare it to Trump, there's no comparison. And that's where we find this race. And by the way, Joe Biden thinks a lot of himself. I'm getting calls from all over the world. World leaders are calling me. They're almost begging me to do this to save the country, save the world. You mean, like dropping another one hundred and fifty billion on a tarmac for radical Malla's the chant Death to America, Death to Israel. Okay, joining us now Jonathan Gillim, former FBI agent, Federal Air Marshal Horaldo rivera Fox News legal analyst, author of the bestseller The Horaldo Show. Horaldo Crazy, creepy Uncle Joe. He's got a lot to defend. And by the way, all the deep state stuff that's coming out that all happened on his and Obama's watch, He's gonna have to deal with that. In the track record, nobody seems to think about at all. Let me get this big stick going first. I think you know you really can't help you, page producer, you're a montage what was very wicked. Well, you know it's like you're gonna send out another selfie seventy to New thirty or one one of the greatest moments on Twitter history. You know, Joe Biden is a charming man, he's a he is beloved in many ways, but he has never been a big vote getter. He's never any time, as I recall, the last two times he ran for president on his own, he never even got into double digits. So I think that the fundraising aspect of his the challenges that he faces, are the least of it. I think his problem is that that though he is, there are just some people that you liked them a lot, but you can't see them in the role that they are seeking. And I think Joe Biden is a classic example of that. He's old school, old fashioned, old He's you know, he's he's a retread and and I say this, and I honor him put everything he's done, you know, service for the country and his family, how they have served, and what a great dad he has been, you know. So there's many things that have about him extremely honorable and admirable. But I don't think he has a chance in this field. I really know. I think that all this leader ship in the polls is very transgient. People look at him and he's comfortable as a lot of name recognition. I'd love to see how much money he raises by this time tomorrow. Mornshaw, Well, there's a story about that already, that he's not raising a whole lot of money. And you know, you're right, we'll see by the end of the week. And you know, so far, not really a good start. Many Obama donors have already committed to you know, crazy Mayor Pete and Kamala Harris and Robert Francis. What are your thoughts? How how does he come out in this, Jonathan, especially with a party that is moving towards radical socialism and it's sort of like and he has to defend Obamacare that was radical enough, that failed on a spectacular level. Yeah, radical failure, but it was I mean, if these old schools were Aldo was describing him, he has no chance against these people, just like Nancy Pelosi has no chance against this new breed of socialistic I would even venture to say communistic, uh, people that are coming along and getting and somehow getting elected. But here's here's the question I have to pose the Haraldo is, what has Joe Biden done that's a success? I mean, in all the years that he's been in government, what has Joe Biden's name been attached to. It's certainly not a winning government. I mean why our government has been in extreme decline in effectiveness since Reagan. So what his Joe that any of these people done. You can get him credit for Clarence Thomas being on the High Court if it wasn't for Joe Biden cutting up Anita Hill. Uh. He went on a whole apology tour saying he was wrong, just like he's saying he was wrong when a supported segregation. I think that his strongest suit is is and Jonathan, you asked me very directly, I think the loyalty that he showed to Barack Obama has forever endeared him to the people who love Barack Obama. You know, that kind of loyalty, selfless loyalty, reliability, A good old Joe, your best pal, your wingman, has got your back. You know, there's a lot to be said about that as the second banana. You know, in some ways I feel like Sean Hannity's Joe Biden. But you know, stop, I'm not. I'm not allowing us this is that is ridiculous. And I'll tell you why It's ridiculous because here you have what how many years in broadcasting now is that you're close to fifty, right. I went back twice in the last year and watched your historic reporting on Willowbrook, which was a mental health facility in New York and Queens and you single handedly expose the most awful conditions and horrific treatment of those suffering from mental illness of some kind or another. Not only did you expose it, the whole world's conscience was shocked. If you changed it all by yourself. I've never done that my career, Haraldo. And you think of everything that you've done and everything you've accomplished, every war coverage, war you've covered, war zones you've been in being shot at. You know, I can't accept it. I can't accept that. Who's the second most powerful person today, Jonathan Gillmar. It's not me. I can tell you that the other thing we will agree on is the number one most powerful guy in the world, uh, Donald Trump, the president and is on TV tonight, which is great and now how it is fabulous. So what are you going to ask him? Um? Which I'm just gonna go everything because the first interview really in depth after the Muller report comes out, so obviously we got to talk about that, Uh, clearly. You know, we'll ask him about the twenty twenty candidates and the new deal, and you know, just get his thoughts. I mean, you know, one of the things that I've learned in terms of being a better interviewer is you ask everything and you actually allow the person to talk if you're not playing gotcha. It took me a long time to learn that because I'm such an egotistical idiot. Tragedy. It's a tragedy that that that any he can't go on CNN because every other word will be challenged, you know, in a disrespectful way that curtails the free flow of information. You don't get the essence of what the person has to say, the newsmaker has to say. If you're so bent on hostility as they are so at the president, that's why he is going to you, because he wants to the amsten. I'm dying to hear what he thinks about the deep state and all these things that are being exposed and whether the FISA warrants will be released. And you know, this is not Operation Crossfire Hurricane, this is now Operation Boomerang. All those people that tried to take him out, rigged Hillary's investigation, then tried to rig a presidential election, and then further tried to undermine a duly elected president. It's all come back on them, It's all it's all coming we note, we've seen most of it. The story is being put together piece by piece. The evidence is overwhelming. There's going to be a counter shock to this system that is going to be like an avalanche causing an earthquake, and it will draw everybody's attention. And all right, stay right there. We got to take a quick quick break. Horaldo Rivera and Jonathan Gillham with us as we continue with Haraldo Rivera and Jonathan Gillham and both great friends of mine and wonderful people. You know, horaldough you've picked up something though about the Democrats day. He don't. They don't want this president to succeed, even when the president. Look a look at what the president offered as it relates to the border. Now, they supported in the second term of Obama funding a wall. They talked about the need for the wall, and now they talk about walls being amorrow. But he also put on the table DACA put on the table, Dreamers put on the table other things to try and entice the Democrat. They wouldn't talk to him. You know, the country has grown into the Trump position on the border. If you Sallah Thomas Friedman yesterday in the New York Times of all places, the most prominent ed writer in the time, saying how a wall was necessary. He was down there. He took the same tour that you and I did with the border patrol. He saw for himself the chaos on the border, the fact it's so very unsafe for the migrants themselves. It's disorderly, it's harmful not only to their home countries, but this two hours. Obviously, I think that the president has to stay on message. I think it's very important now that he also has to continue this resistance. He should steal that word from the no. I agree. I'm running of time. Last word, Jonathans Now, I think I think the president should continue to resist. And I'll tell them give the Democrat, all the Democrats that vote Democrat out there, a little bit of advice. If Joe Biden, based on what we've seen in the Democratic Party or the past year, if Joe Biden gets a nomination. You're going to know he was selected, not elected. You are the best choice for the Democrats in twenty twenty. Why didn't President Obama for us? I ask, says an Obama, Not to endorse who depend who doesn't want to? He should whoever wins this nomination to winning on their own marriage. Why are you I mean this, I thought it a beat about presidents, but you're going to have to endocrattrimary first? Why are you the best choice for that? Would be for the good request all the stuff and time. Okay, that's something that they should look at because the Democrat Party does not have the people's interest at heart. All right, thank you so much for being with those eight hundred nine for one. Sean Tolfree telephone number. Quick break right back, and we will continue on the other side. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. All right, it's my Friday. I just happened to be off tomorrow. I have not I don't take do I take any days off? Wasn't I here last Friday? You know? Take it was good Friday. And we came Holy Thursday. We came in the day after Easter Sunday. We came in and I had been scheduled to be off Thursday and Friday for the Easter holiday, and I didn't take off. So here I am. So that means in honor of Friday, it's our Friday concert series. And for those of you that still have Friday to work, just imagine it's Friday tomorrow this time and this is playing. Are Charlie Daniels, Big and Zach Brown Band Concert Series, Let's Hit It and a little bit of Chicken. Try don't be here on Friday nighting a parent teams to fit just right, and the radio a lot to see song, see the love and my woman's eye, fear, touch of a precious child, and do my best. It's funny how it's a little things in life that means, come on, eat it. It goes me away. She's everything I'm gonna say to a woman. Got a good find the worst, she go get it. I don't know what to do. Every time I'm trying to tell around field comes out. I love you. You got on ever, keep me in mind, summer down the road and might getting lonely, keep me in mind and praise some day that you will love me. Only thing about your Sundays in the way I will day waste to day after day. Sweet can't stay with you while because this road has been putting miles on my heart. Sweetheart, I've been living in a fantacene. But one day that never will strike and my bart will lose his bye. But don't give up on me stream. I got some good friend down, moved down the street, got a girl in mama, the mtown. He giving a small town here. It was like I got it everything I need and nothing that I don't. I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand, not a word in the world of gold bear in my hand. Life was good today, Live was good today. How do you send l come down? Yeah, I'm leaving Ga. And if there weren't both key pretty senior retails, I'd have no reason this day. And we're coming to your sna I can't come saying you will come to siply him line and if you want a little banging, he ain't come along. When the Devil finished, Johnny said, well you're pretty good, old son. But sitting down in that chair right there, and let me show you how it's done. Found about the rock boy from the Devils in the House of the Rising sun Chicken in the Red Man pick out reads it all like no town, no all right in justice. I just love music. Doesn't music make me feel good? Makes me feel so good? And by the way, when second, we're going to talk to our buddy Charlie Daniels. He's got a veterans nonprofit. It's called the Journey Home Project. They partnered with Rich Poverty Organization to assemble a new art exhibit at the Pentagon and the exhibit is entitled The Alliance Collection, a gallery literally of combat civilian photographs taken by vets and their families. It's now on display for public viewing. And the Journey Home Project, this nonprofit, you know, assists other not for profits and securing the funds they need to help the causes that benefit vents and let's play it. So we've been at this for a long time and we got involved in recognizing veterans' needs that when our veterans are coming home, and especially it seems like from more recent wars, the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, that our veterans administration and the government agencies that are tasked with trying to help our veterans transition from one life to another from military life to back to a civilian life, are just dropping the ball. And my manager, David Corlan, and myself got together with the couple of people with Joe and Mercy long Driver and Ed Hardy and said, let's incorporate this thing. David, the film called the Journey Home, and that's where the name came from. It just seemed like a good name, as a journey Home, I think describes what happens with our veterans when they come home. I look at the concept of the Journey Home Project. It is a journey. It is a path, a walk, a journey every bloody day, and it's it's a hard journey to suddenly not have the focus, the organization, the discipline, the respect, the task, the commonality, the trust that you did when you were in uniform, and then try to adapt to that the transition period into a society that, for most cases bluntly does not hold itself to the same ethical or moral standards that the armed forces do. And so I'm so appreciative of not only the approach of the Journey Home Project, but the recognition that our emphasis from my foxhold needs to be on that transition period because that transition is different for everyone that walk along the path back home. I think there's two parts of this. I think we as veterans need to recognize that we're among a select few that have done and gone and done what we have done and been a part of something that's been bigger than ourselves. Just because we don't put our uniforms on anymore doesn't mean that we're not still a part of that. We still have an obligation to our brothers and sisters to be there for him, to support them and push them, just as we did in the military. So we as veterans have to step up and take take it to the fight. We've got to be there to support our brothers and sisters and point them in the right direction. We have to learn from our own mistakes or have to learn from our own hardships, but we can't do that alone. I never would have gotten to where I've gotten if it wasn't for the network that I've created and the help from the Journey home. And that's where other Americans come into play. There's a lot of nonprofits out there that are honorable and that are focused on serving veterans rather than benefiting from being associated with veterans. The Journey Home project is at the top of that list. So that's what Journey Home is. We are here for the veterans. We are here to try to help them have a softer land in a smoother transition coming from the military life to the savian life. Wow, that's very powerful. The man Charlie Daniel's country music legend, dear friend and probably one of the most generous people when it comes to our vets, loving this country, patriotism, appreciating the sacrifice of others, and giving back, which he's done his entire career. How are you good. I can't believe I don't get to see you more often and I only get to talk to you occasionally on radio and TV. What's going on, my friend? Wow? Man, it's just good to talk to you. I was sitting here trying to figure out how I don't say anything after that introduction you gave me. Man. Well, I mean it's a great cause, that's it. And like so many other great veteran causes, like how many freedom concerts did you do for us over the years, we raised a bunch of money and that money's even still being distributed to this day. Well, we had more fun than we should have had. That's true, Ain't it ain't fair to be doing something good and having that much money at the same time. You know, well, it's legendary me butchering the Devil went down to Georgia on stage and you know you did no, no, no, I ruined the whole concert. It's it's your encore. And then you know they're expecting Charlie Daniel's version and they get the Hannity version and I'm just I'm a mess. I did not. I tried my harness. Though. You know something, if you were to go around the country and talk to one hundred people that it comes to that concert and you asked him, what is the moment you remember the most? Oh, what would say with Sean had any devil went down to Georgia and jumped all over the stage? Man? A combination of Big Jagger and Garth Brooks. Oh, Man, that's a there's a combination. By the way, I stay in touch with with Charlie junior Um And I know you had little health disses a while back, a pretty long while. Now you're doing great right back on the road. Everythingks Man just had checkups this past week with my doctors and everything's good. Like Yarl had put up with me for a while off, I think it will be God willing will put up with you for a much longer. And um, how many shows you doing this year? We've got to tack one hundred and fourteen on the books right now. We're programming like we're gonna, We're gonna rock on out this year. We're doing We're turning, in fact, we're turning with Travis part of the year, children with that Alabama part of the year, and good a lot of stuff on our own. So I love Alabama and Travis. They're they're both you know what. I love that that that style of country I really do. It's great Alabama, you know, sweep potato pie and I shut my mouth boom. Yeah, how cool is that? You know? Great guy for sure. But yeah, we're we're we're out, You're hitting it, getting on it. We're gonna be at Bacon Tatter a little later on the year and maybe come to see us there, and you're gonna be up. What are you coming up to? New York? I didn't know. I can't remember. What's where? Am I? What's day? Am I? All Right? So when you're traveling. You're traveling this beautiful big Charlie Daniel Bust. You tell me you love it. It's home for you in many ways, although I know you love your home back in Tennessee. But and you travel in this thing. Come on, over the years, there's gotta be days when you're when you're pounding it out night after night after night and entertaining so many people that you're like, Uh, what's city are in today? Well? I do that, you know, for I think sometimes I'm getting ready to say good Ethan, you know whoever. But somebody you ever have to say, where are we again? Once in this time? Well, I have made a mistake on that before. People do not like it. No, they don't like it, man. They want to be loved in their state. You know. And you're still doing music. When did you first know you loved music? I love music all my wife. I can't remember time when I didn't. But I never had a chance to learn how to play until I was about fourteen years old and a friend of mine sho'll be a few chords on a guitar. And once I learned three chords on a guitar, and I could play a whole song. I was ruining us all I ever wanted to do. I just thank god I make a living doing something I love as much as I do playing music. I'm is in love with it now as I wasn't really started out. Okay, Now, for people that want to be a part of your charity, it is the Journey Home Project. How do they do that? We can go to our website and we got a link on Hannity dot com. I'll make it easy for people. How's that We the website and we you know, check us out and see what we are. We're very open and above board about what we do. We're involved in a thing right now where they aren't. A picture display at the Pentagon and Ex Green X Special Forces guy Ken Wallace put together. That's the interesting thing. It's like they have done pictures, all pictures, and they've taken pictures of war, but they've also taken pictures of their surroundings and the places they were fighting from all over the world, the people and the places that they were in and around, and it's a it's a really interesting thing. It gives a whole other look at things. And the thing about it is these guys get together and it's unbelievable. Yeah, I love I love you. I love what you're doing. I love your love of our veterans. They need all the hell they can get. It's the Journey Home Project. We just threw it up on Hannity dot Com and anything people can do. We always want to support you, Charlie. Thank you for all you do. We love you. They're a good man. John Hannity, and we love you too. God bless you, Bless you, Hannity. Tonight, nine Eastern. Yes, President Trump is going to join us a big story with John Solomon and much more. Ninety Eastern Hannity Fox. Thanks for being with us. I'm off tomorrow, have a great weekend. We'll see you to night. Back here Monday,