The Freedom Caucus Is Ready for 2018 - 12.28

Published Dec 29, 2017, 2:53 AM

Sean is still on vacation but Congressman Louie Gohmert fills in and is joined by his fellow Freedom Caucus member to discuss the spending problems in DC as well as their efforts to tackle entitlements. Could 2018 be bad for the House GOP? The Freedom Caucus is ready to defend the majority. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity radio show podcast. This is the Sean Hannity Show. And obviously I'm not Sean. Probably picked up by the way, This is Louis Golmert. I am the lowly legislator from the state of Texas, and I am honored to be here sitting in for my dear friend Sean Hannity. It is Some people have asked, why would you do radio. Hey, that's part of the job. Of course, ethics doesn't allow me to accept anything. And Sean says his company loves that. Uh, but that's the way it is. And I'm telling you, I'm hearing from so many people, and I know you're out there. You're fired up. This has been a decent year. We got some things accomplished that needed to be accomplished. And even though the tax bill that was passed, uh, you know, poles are showing it wasn't all that popular. Uh, it will be and we have confidence. We spent more time working on the tax building we did talking about how great it was. That will leave that to uh the Democrats, but people will feel the difference, and uh, it's going to make a difference for individuals. And it kind of gets me to hear Democrats saying, what's a thousand or two thousand dollars to you know, middle class America. You know this is no big deal. Wow, the arrogance of that. It's a big deal to most of us. And when it stops being a big deal, it means either inflation is runaway or Uh, the people that are talking about it are just too far detached from the American people. And I know that's not you, not in Sean Hannity's audience. But we've got a big stack of things we need to get done this year. Uh, top on my plate is not DOCCA. I will continue to make clear that until the border is secure and the wall is built everywhere we need it, we don't need to be talking about any kind of legality, amnesty, whatever you want to call it. Let's don't talk about it. Let's get it done, get the wall belt where we need it, get the border secured, and then we can talk about it. Because my friends on the border, I get texts, I get word they're saying, you know, we had a huge drop off in people coming into the country. But as the talk of DOCCA has been coming back that maybe it becomes a reality. People are surging back in and it's overwhelming our border patrol folks again, and that's something that we have got to get done. We've got to address that. And thank god we elected a president who's made clear that was something he is going to make sure we take care of. So I'm excited. We have a show today. It's a special edition and that's compliments of Linda. Linda says, it's a special edition of The Hennity Show will feature several of the members of the House Freedom Caucus to discuss the serious and pressing issues facing the American people. Uh The House Freedom Caucus supports open, accountable, limited government, the Constitution and the rule of law, and policies that promote liberty, safety, and prosperity of all Americans. Unlike the people that have been at the top of the Justice Department, we're not as concerned about what party you're in as we are getting liberty for everybody. And if you want to take away people's liberty, as people in the last administration wanted to, then I'm sorry, that is not what would we want to see done. And I know just so on Fox News that the voting had been certified in Alabama. But I I know this has been talked about a great deal, and some people asked, why did you go to Alabama to help Aroy Moore. Look, I may at him back when I was a district judge, a felony judge like he had been at one time, and Uh, I was impressed with his principles. And when the declarations came out by women allegedly thirty eight years afterwards, four weeks before the election, one thing I know. And and folks, you're listening to a guy who has sentenced many people to life in prison for what they did to women. It in you know, having three daughters and a wife, I care deeply about what happens to women. But and I've even sentenced to death for what when God did too a woman, and I had no problems in doing that. I take it seriously, but I also take due process seriously. And in fact, I may be the only member of Congress that's ever appealed a death sentence. I had no problem with capital punishment. I wrote paper that a very liberal socialist UH professor gave me an a on um. But back in college days, I've always felt there is a place for capital punishment if the circumstances are right. But as I told the highest court in Texas when I argued this guy's case, I believe in capital punishment. But in order to have punishment, you have got to make sure due process is accorded and afforded, and in this case it wasn't. And I saw it. Folks, there's a reason we have statutes of limitation where you cannot make claims against someone in court after a certain length of time. Under in criminal courts, you can't borrowed by limitations. You got murderer, you've got treason. There's a few things that don't have limitations. But uh, in a civil case, if you want to sue somebody for an assault, sexual or otherwise us uh, there are limitations on when a claim can be made. And why is that? Because we have evolved in our justice system to where we saw if you wait too long to make a claim, then a person cannot adequately defend themselves. I mean, if somebody made a claim against me, you did something thirty eight years ago, well, I know, I was at Fort Benning, Georgia, and what they called this man's Army. Uh, I don't know if I had been sent t d y temporary duty to some other post. I've been sent to a lot of posts. I don't know where I was on a given day, and the Army doesn't know. I tried to get some of my records back years ago. They don't have the picture, they don't have anything. They've got my honorable discharge, they don't have my honors and stuff, but anyway, they got nothing. How could you prove where you were at a time that something is alleged, specifically thirty eight years ago. So all you can do is start taking apart the stories that are given, and there's not time to do that in four weeks. So it was pretty clear what was happening was, um, you know, a personality assassination. And you know, in in sexual assault cases, UH, we're very strict in what evidence we will allow a jury to hear. There is an exception. There are a few exceptions, but one is that we let the jury know how quickly a person who contends she, she or he was sexually assaulted, how quickly they made an outcry, and then I'd have to hear evidence. Was that a legitimate outcriers? This just somebody in the family that's trying to help out with the story, but they really don't. And then you look to that and see see what the quote the credibility is. Those are big deals. And when you have stories that start breaking down, where you have fraud in saying that an autograph took place, or somebody said, yeah, you used to call me I was fourteen, he'd call me on my phone in my room. And it turns out she didn't have a phone in the room. They didn't have a cell phone, they didn't have h cord that reached to her room. Uh. So, okay, you lied about that. What else are you're lying about. You've got to have time to break down stories, and I knew there was not time. And all I could think about was Harry read after he lied about Mitt Romney uh and said, you know, gee, Romney didn't pay taxes for all these years. Uh. Turned out it was a lie. When he was asked about it later after the election, all he had to say was, well, we won, didn't we. You know, that's the way some people in this country look at it. Not truth, not justice, not the American way. The old tests from Superman of years ago truth, justice, and the American way. Yeah. I used to dress up, have the cape, the whole thing. But I love Superman. He was fighting for what was right. You know. I was quoted in Dallas Morning News when I was six years old as saying, when I grow up, I want to be a fine Christian sheriff. And uh, I didn't think it was funny. I never could understand why anybody thought that was worth printing. But anyway, Uh, it's truth, it's justice, it's the American way. But when you hit somebody up thirty eight years afterwards and you know they don't have time, We don't know how long the Washington Post sat on this story, but clearly, uh, this is a tactic of the left weight and ambush when they can't defend themselves. And I have a feeling there's somebody out there. I mean, it wouldn't it bear uh at least getting into the question, Gee, if McConnell would spend thirty million dollars trying to take down Roy Moore, and the Democrats would spend fifties, sixties, seventy whatever they he spent trying to take him down, Uh, is it beyond the pail of at least asking and investigating. Uh, did somebody make some money off this thing? You know, if there's been sixty seventy million dollars a hundred million jointly to try to win a race, and it's very very clear no one was going to beat Roy Moore on the Democratic side of the ticket. Um, until these allegations came. Would it be worth investing in the allegations. I don't know, but these are questions need to be asked. And I understand that the judges filing suit over the election, Well I hope something that he files is a libel flander case. Uh, those are such tough cases. I mean, I got, like the long View paper that there's no question we've got all kinds of malice that we could prove. But it's amazing that you have newspapers haven't had a tough time making it. But uh, and then you have a paper like that that panders to that vote against me in general elections. But I can't prove any damages. I've got the malice evidence, I've got everything. But if I win with sev of the vote despite what they're trying to manipulate the public to believe, then it's kind of hard to show any damages. So I don't have damages. Maybe someday there will be some damages, but they're not. Roy Moore has real damages. He has his personality has been destroyed by these allegations. But what really bothered me too was how many people in office, Republican and Democrat, said, well, you know he's a child molester. This would be a blot on the Senate? Was not didn't didn't you believe in due process at one time? Really you would take a guy who has been, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with his position on the Ten Commandments, it was the position in this country for at least a century and a half that the Ten Commandments were an important building block of making a great country. Um, you know, if he had lived fifty six years ago, there would be statues to him, what a great hero. But uh, he's got damages, and I hope something's done about it. But we're gonna come back. We got a great year ahead of us coming up. We don't mess it up. It's gonna be great, and you're gonna hear about it. We've got Dave Ratt, my friend from Virginia Freedom Caucus member as well as Randy Webber of Texas. Gonna be back with us and we'll look for your calls. Eight hundred nine four one seven three to six eight hundred nine one shod. This is Louis Gohmer sitting in for my friends Sean Hannity. A real American hero. He is for me, what a great guy. Um, we're gonna take some calls and see what some of the folks are talking about. Let me mention this, um, before I was going on the bench a judge that I had tried cases in front of. He was always fair, Uh Democrat, but he was always a very fair man. And he was dying of cancer, and he said, Louis, being a judge is a great job. It's a lonely job because a lot of your friends you can't hang around with anymore because it would look bad, um, because they're gonna be litigating it in front of you. But Uh, this stuff that people say about not having any bias is ridiculous. Every human being has bias. Um. But you've got to recognize what your biases are because this is the justice system, and for there to be justice, you have to recognize your biases and you have to avoid letting them affect what you do from the bench. And it's that same thing's true in d O J. And when I was asking some questions from of Rosenstein, the deputy A g about if you've seen political bias in this person that person, some on the left went nuts, always demanding a political litmus test. No, it is important that we know whether or not people's political opinions is affecting what they did. And I worked very hard to make sure that as a judge, I was fair and I was just regardless. And Uh that meant some people that were begging me as supporters not to send somebody to prison that should have gone. Um, they didn't get their way. Uh It It didn't matter to me if they were supporters, it didn't matter if they were rich or poor. We were gonna do what was right. And that's what's been lacking in this Justice Department. We knew the I R S was weaponized under Obama in two thousand, eleven and twelve, but we didn't know, as new Gingrich has said, Oh Sean, Uh, we didn't know how bad things were until Trump won And if Hillary had one would never have known. But let's go to Amy in Colorado. How are you, Amy, Hi, Mr go It's just Louis. It's great talking to you. Well, this is that you had an issue about the double standard in the system of justice between Hunt Trump and Hillary. What did you notice, Well, I just noticed that, you know, Hillary is seemingly above the law. She obviously broke the law but gone away with it, and there's no screaming for an investigation, whereas there's no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians, and yet they're investigating every aspect of his wife. And also there's a double standard with the sexual allegations too, with Roy Moore and al Franken. Al Franken probably could have gotten away without resigning. Yeah, yeah, you probably could. You're so right. I'm getting the buzzet. We've got ten seconds, five seconds, But Amy, thanks so much of listening to Hannity Program. We'll be right back with Dave Bratt and Randy Webber. You keep listening, we'll talk to you. Since this is the Sean Hannity Show. This Louis Gomert, member of Congress from the great state of Texas, sitting in for him, and we've got a couple of great guests on for this half hour. Uh, you hear from Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan's the current chairman and the past chairman of the House Freedom Carcus. Uh, you hear from him all the time. Well, we're gonna hear for some folks you don't hear from all the time. But it really is an incredible group of Americans. They care about their country. Uh. Randy Weber is uh Member Congress from Texas. Uh. His district suffered a great deal from the hurricanes. But take you back to the summer. We had tried very hard in January to get up to twenty nine Republicans who would vote for anybody besides John baynerd. We knew if everybody was voting and we twenty nine Republicans vote for somebody else, Pelosi could not be speaker. She couldn't get a majority, and it would throw it to a second ballot. And we knew that anybody that announced they were running like me, would never be elected. But if we could get enough to get us up to twenty nine, we'd get to a second ballot. There would be an emergency conference called and they would yell at those of us at twenty nine or so that had voted beside someone besides Banner, and at that conference they say fine. We'd say fine, it's uh, you can say whatever you want to, but we're gonna keep voting for somebody else like they did back in the nineteen twenties for nine ballots until they got what they wanted, and why don't we compromise on somebody else being speaker? But so we were a little disillusion We got to twenty four, but uh, most people thought we'd never get past nine, where we were stuck for three weeks until it was Jim Bryan in Stein and Thomas Massey's idea, Uh, why don't you announce? And then that takes away the excuse a lot of people do. Oh, I'd vote for anybody, but Bain or somebody would announce. You announced. That takes that away. So by July, though we knew when we got twenty four that the time was coming, he wasn't gonna make it full two years, most of us believe, because we'd pick up enough to create a problem. And so in July there were some of us sitting around speculating. Somebody said, I think he will probably resign in January. That's twenty five four years in Congress and others say, no, I don't think he'll make it to August. And I said, no, no, he'll make it through August because the Pope is coming the end of September, and he has been wanting to get the pope here. He's a Catholic. There is no way he would resign before the Pope comes. But I think when the Pope comes, you'll see him resigning pretty shortly after that. That's what happened. Pope came the next day, he resigned. But Randy, when I said I think Pope comes and he resigned, Randy Webber said, uh so, louis what you're telling us is you think we're gonna have pope and change. And I said, yes, Randy, we're gonna have pope and change. And we did. Uh Dave Brad let me, I can. I cannot describe him as well as longer. Laura Ingram did in her book Bellionaire at the Barricades totally recommended great book, um, but she said referred to Brad's brainy fearlessness. Tan With his sandy brown hair, combed back and white rimmed glasses, Brad had the look of an All American prepster. His smile was real and reassuring. More than the average politician, Brad understood the urgent need to disrupt the old g OP hierarchy. So, Hannity audience, welcome Dave Brad, Congressman of Virginia and Randy Webber of Texas, two congressional heroes of mine. Welcome to Hannity Show. Yeah. Well, hey, guys, Dave, you know you were a profess us are teaching economics. Uh, let's go to the tax bill that just got past. Can you name all some things that people are gonna let's see a change for the better as a result. Yeah. I mean the biggest thing, the most important thing in all of human history is economic growth. People forget all the human history. People basically were in poverty for all human history until about seventeen seventy six, and then the Great American experiment took off until we got to keep that experiment alive. And so that's what we did in the taxi bill. Wages have been flat for thirty to forty years, So the average person back home gets that up in the swamp. We got cranes all over the place, building high rises for rich you know, the cronies. But that's the number one most important thing is we're generating economic growth. We're already at three. And then on top of economy, let's point out we never wasn't. Obama's eight year is the only time a presidents has been in office that they didn't hit growth exactly. And that and and that resulted, you know, not only in President Trump, but Bernie was running on that, right, the economic population part. Even the Democrats realize, hey, whatever we got, it's not working, and we want to change. And we you know, the cronies are taking care of themselves, but they're not taking care of American people. So the most important part is the growth. And then we gave capital back to uh business right immediate expensing, and that's the number one source of growth. And then out of growth, your kids is going to have multiple job offerings out there. Right, It's very hard for your kid to even find a job right now. A lot of people left the workforce. And then on top of that, everybody's gonna get some money back. Single mom is gonna get over a grand back. A family of four making seventy grand's gonna get two thousand fifty nine dollars back. Doesn't get that the Democrats say that's no big deal. You know there, that's that's a big deal to people. That's a really big deal. Let me bring Randy in. Randy, um yo from what you're here. And I know your district got hammered with the hurricane, but uh uh, the as I understand it, a lot of your constituents, my constituents don't understand how good this is gonna be because of the mcgogery of the other side. But how can you reassure your constituents that this is gonna be good for them? Well, thank you Louis for having us and David welcome. We're glad you're here with us. That's a great question, Louis, and I will tell you that Dave is exactly on track. Uh. Anytime you give the American people their money back, they know what to do with it. Yes, a lot of people are hearing the hammering away of the left. It's just unbelievable. They've still got the you know, throw Paul Ryan throws Grandma over the cliff kind of scenario going on. The Republicans are doing a number on the middle class, doing a number on the old people, coming to a number on sociality, and coming to a number on medicare and just on and on and on, trying to use the fair factor. Most of the people in my district, they are paying attention, especially since their business minded. Of course I owned and Eric should coming for thirty five years sold at last July. Most of people are paying attention to conservative what we would call our values from Republican Party platform of twenty sixteen. Who are paying attention and understand how we don't need a bigger government and control of our money. We need a smaller government giving people their money back to spend invest in the economy. They get it. There are a number of people to Louis who are frightened by what the left demagoguery has been, so they're they're watching very closely. Yeah, well, Dave, you know I loved the dimension you bring to Freedom Carcus meetings with your economic background. Uh. John Kennet Galberth, Uh, I didn't agree with much of anything he said or wrote, except that he said, Uh, there are two kinds of economists, those who don't know and those who don't know. They don't know. But you you always struck me as somebody that really gets it. Um. But Steve Moore used to be with Wall Street Journal. He he said he loved the way I described the corporate tax. People are told, oh, don't worry, that's the rich, greedy people that uh that pay that corporate tax. No corporations, if they don't recoup it from the individuals their customers, then they don't stay in business. Though that that thirty five percent corporate tax was it. It has been the largest tariff that any country puts on its own goods and services. It does hurt our competition around the world, our competitiveness around the world. So what do you see happening dropping that? Well, yeah, A David, Yeah, yeah, I mean I just see what we have. Right the market has already had sixty or seventy of its all time eyes. We're growing at three percent right now. The federal reservices are going to grow at four percent coming up. The The only problem we have is we're living in Orwellian times for real, right J F. K Is the great Democrat president did what we just did. And it's amazing that we have to defend ourselves for doing what Kennedy said would lift all boats. And you've got a huge growth under Kennedy and under Reagan, and so we do the same thing Kennedy does, and the left goes apoplectic when Obama proposed to corporate rate change ten years ago. And so, I mean, it really is amazing. We're sitting here trying to just explain comptence. You don't have to. The American people are gonna feel it. In one month, they're gonna get bigger paychecks and it's game over. Yeah, Randy, you see that as being a threat to Democrats that uh, people start noticing that they're doing better this year. Well, absolutely, We've had eight years of sailed economic policies. We've got the lowest recovery rate, growth rate, as David pointed out, Galli was in the last seven or eight years, however long it's been. They're going to see more in their paychecks. They're gonna understand the hypocrisy of Democrats who are making the claim they're decrying the fact that these corporations want to go overseas, but they also want to keep the corporate tax rate at an all time high. You can't have it both ways. We want to be competitive with all these countries around the world. We want to keep those corporations here. Those manufacturing jobs here. We want to produce more jobs and this bill is gonna do that. And as people see that, you know they're gonna they're gonna start seeing the hypocrisy of the democrat, the democray, demography, demagogy of the yeah for sake, for Pete's sakes. Hum, but yeah, I absolutely agree with that, and people are gonna see them for what they are just a matter of time. Well, look, we've got to take a break right now. But can you both the hold on and uh, we'll come back and take your calls at eight hundred nine four one seven three two six. Call in and talk to me. Louis GOLMERT are my brother's Dave Bratt or Randy Webber eight hundred nine four one. Sean will be right back. This is the Sean Hannity Show, and I am here with Dave Bratt, Congressman from Virginia and Congressman Randy Webber of Texas. Uh, let's go to the phone line. Tim in Mississippi. Thank you for listening to this Sean Hannity Show. Well, thank you, Louis, and thank you for all of all you've done since you've been in Washington. Read well, sure, Well, I understand you have a specific question about the tax law. Well I do. Uh. I've been a CPA for long enough to understand what real tax reform is. In the last real tax reform we had in this country was step under Ronald Reagan. This in no way his tax reform. This is just keeling around the edge. Isn't trying to play cave people. And I think we needed a tax cut. There's no question this is a tax cut. But one of the things, and I have I have voted for one Democrat in my life. In my teen seventy six I was young and stupid. I voted for Jimmy Carter. Okay, so it's not like I am a Democrat or a leftist. But the Republican is completely controlled this tax bill. And and we talked a lot about hypocrisy and and and and demagoguery, and the Republicans had it within their power to get rid of the most unconscionable aspect of current tax law, and that is the carry interest provision. One point eight billion dollars a year is the tax savings to very high income people who have ordinary income reclassified as capital gains. That that in itself is bad enough because every dollar that one point eight billion that should be coming out of their pockets is coming out of people who go to work every morning at eight o'clock and work until six or seven o'clock every night. And that's unconsortable. So the Republican should have done something about that. The question is is really this was was the carried interest provision? Was that required in order to get mcclaim and Lindsey Graham and Kowski and and the rest of the leftists to call themselves Republicans to stay on board? Or are are the Republicans no different than the Democrats and all they're interested in? Let's let's see. Uh, Dave Bratt, do you have an answer? Yeah, well, I think you should join us in conversation talents. Right on the money, President Trump said he wanted to get rid of that, So that tells you the answers is political. And then your overarching point in terms of tax reform, we do have the Uh. Basically, the definition of the swamp is spending. Right, That's the one thing that has not changed ever and has changed this year as well. And so you can't do tax fundamental tax reform unless you are willing to take a act at the spending problem we have up in d C. Until unfortunately we did not get there this year. We're promising to look at some of the entitlements, welfare reform, etcetera. But the other comments, I think you're spot on. M Randy. You have a comment. Well, absolutely, Tim is right. Uh. The problems over in the Senate. You know you're gonna hear the Democrats to cry the fact that that the tax provisions UH for individuals weren't made permanent, which they will be extended, just like the Bush tax cuts. But what what you're seeing is a Senate where it takes sixty votes to get things done. The Democrats would not work with this at all. So we they had to trifle around the edges. They had to get people over in the Senate, UH to agree to things, to vote for things that otherwise in the House, but the Freedom Caucus, the House Freedom Caucus, we would not agree to. But we understand that the Senate is the problem. They don't. There's a number of them Luis that you know this and don't support President front and so that they need to be supporting Frump. They need to be on President Trump's agenda of that need to be doing what the American public elected them to do. Yeah, Tim, you're very perceptive, and I'm grateful to Dave and Randy for being on with us. We got a hard break coming up, and Tim Man, thank you for paying such close attention. Apparently you were exactly right. Um, it's a shame what we had to do to cater to the Senate to get a bill actually passed, but it's a start. Some officers not gonna let it in here, but you come on back. We've got a great show ahead. You're gonna love it. Uh. This is the Shawan Hannity Show called in eight four one, sevent three, two six. I'm Louie Gomert. This is the Seaun Hannity Show. I'm Louie Gomert. Obviously not Sean. Don't have that beautiful notes emanating from my mouth like he does. But anyway, I'm proud to be here and glad you're listening as well. You're gonna learn something because we've got some great guests. All the guests that we're having are from the Freedom Caucus. Um, you know, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan's are fantastic. They just do an awesome job and I'm thrilled to have them. Is not just friends, but very close friends. But you're gonna hear from some folks h during the course of the show that you don't hear from as much. Now. Andy Biggs of Arizona, UH has been on the news. I caught Andy this morning on Fox again. Um, because he's saying all the right things and so it's a good thing to get him out. And Matt gets from Florida has been saying a lot of the right things. So you've seen some Matt lately. But I'm thrilled to have them on. And before we get too far past the tax bill we're talking about, let me just do a shout out to Kevin Brady. I think he did a great job negotiating with the Senate. It was not easy and uh heck, we had a repeal of the Johnson Amendment that we didn't talk about it. It was in the House version that passed repeal to Johnson Amendment that prevented charitable organizations from being involved in politics at all and changed American history dramatically after the huge role that church has played in the first part. But anyway, but it didn't make it through the sentence. That was one of those things that ended up being left in the trash heap. But Matt gets and Andy Biggs and I have all been involved in questioning a lot about what's been going on at the Justice Department, and um uh, I just have been staggered as new gang whigs that has have. We didn't know how bad things were until Trump won, and if Hill re one, we would never know the kind of things that we're finding out. Um, Matt, I mean, it's it's really been an eye opener for all of us. Uh. You know, we're on the Judiciary Committee together and uh uh, what's what's your thought about? How is it? How did it strike you? As we got in deeper and deeper and we found out more and more about how the d o J had been weaponized. Well, you're absolutely right, Louis, and it's great to be on great to hear you, my friend. I've been missing our talks and now we get to share your men of me with fourteen million Americans. What a special thing. Uh. You know, Louis has not only helped me and my service in the Congress, but a number of the newer members looked to Louis for concerned leadership and guidance, and hey, man, I gotta say it, it's absolutely the truth. This is Handy radio. Baby. We got the truth. I'm telling you though. You have been actually quite an inspiration to me. You come in, you're ready to take on anybody that's disrupting the country, and I love it. I love it. I'm glad you're there. But but I'm telling you, you had to have been shocked, Matt when we started getting answers some of our questions about what had been going on in the last four years of the o J I was and I think the threshold moment in all of this, louis was when Congressman Andy Biggs and Jim Jordan's and yourself and Mike Johnson of Louisiana and I came together and said, we are tired of the Democrats telling lies to the American people that it was Donald Trump colluding with Russia. To this day, there is no evidence of that whatsoever. And so we started pointing out the truth that it was actually the d n C making payments to a company that, by the way, was employing a senior d J official's wife to then go and pay Russians to tell lies about President Trump. And when we did that the first time in the Judiciary Committee, and we said we're done playing defense, We're gonna start playing offense. I think everything turned around. And today louis of the American people according to a Harvard poll. So you know it's got to be better than that. But at according to a hard pull agree with you, and I agree with Andy Biggs that the Muller investigation is riddled with conflicts of interest. And my belief is that an investigation that is conflicted could never result in any meaningful prosecution. I mean your time on the bench when I think inform a lot of our listeners that if you've got bad motives and bad people and bad facts surrounding the reasons why people are persecuting someone, you could never get a conviction in a circumstance like that. It would be a devinse lawyer's dream. And so I'm glad we've been able to tell the truth about the conflicts of interest at the FBI and Department of Justice, about the extent to which those folks were absolutely pulling for Hillary Clinton to win. I mean Andrew Weissman, who's the number two de Muller actually went to the Hillary Clinton non victory party, and if she had one, they had all gotten big jobs and big promotions, and they'd have been able to do whatever they wanted. And we would have never known about ranium one. We would have never known about the fusion GPS dossier paid for by Democrats. Well and by the way, those those uh, prior cases that involved uranium one where we had an undercover agent, I say we the FBI was using an undercover person. Uh. He wasn't guess an agent, but they had somebody on the inside. And Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein's name is right there or he goes by Rosenstein, his name was right there on the motion to steal all those records, uh, and the judge signed off, all right, if you want him steal and and so we can't see some of the records or any of the records from those cases that were sealed that involved the Russia one investigation. But Andy, I think both you and Matt have come to Congress after Mueller went off as FBI director and there right, yeah, so you never have the chance to question Muller. But when back the first year when uh uh Jeff Sessions was talked into recusing himself because he said he was advised by all of the career guys. Well, he didn't realize. I didn't realize that these career guys he put a lot of stock in were such hard driving Democrats that had a political agenda, just like James Comey did when he talked John Ashcroft into accusing himself so that Comy could get his best friend back then, a dear friend at least godfather of one of his kids. Uh. Patrick Fitzgerald appointed a special prosecutor back then. But uh, but so when Muller was appointed, and we had all these Republican leaders saying, oh, that's great, he'll be fair, and we still got something that are saying, oh he'll be uh, nonpartisan. That's garbage. This guy has been a problem. He destroyed the FBI. He ran off thousands of years of experience because he wanted nothing but young yes men. He couldn't stand the truth. He couldn't handle the truth, and so he ran folks off that had more experience that could have helped him avoid some of the pitfalls he got the FBI into. And uh, and then you look at things like he had been involved in railroading Ted Stevens. He was the FBI director when that debacle happened, and somebody from the Justice Department FBI should have gone to prison for what they did to Ted Stevens. Totally created a case where none exists, kept all of the evidence away from him and so he couldn't defend himself, and then they they convict him the week before the election. He loses by a few thousand votes, and then he died seventeen months later in a plane crash. He wouldn't have been in if um he had been re elected. So oh and and then we don't want to forget the anthrax case. Bush even called Mueller and Comby to his office we had to report and said, are you sure this is the guy? Because it really did. There doesn't seem to be any evidence. Muller assured he he he was a guy. This was a guy. No evidence other than when the guy they were going after reached down and petted the dogs. They said, well, the dog may have alerted. So that's why we think there was no evidence, and they went after the wrong guy and destroyed his life. Mueller doesn't mind destroying lives unfairly, but um so what do you have, uh Andy, to tell the American people about what you've learned about the Justice Department that needs fixing wells. First of all, Louis, I just want to say that it's a non abew with you today and honor to serve with you. You're a conservatives conservative, There's no doubt about it. And and then also it's a great honor to serve with Matt um and and uh and Jim and I'll tell you what, friends, there's there's no there's no Uh. You've got some people who are unafraid with Matt Gates and Louis Gohmert, Jim Jordan and the Freedom Caucus because we're we're willing to get in there and and fight the fight and mix it up. And so let me let me tell you what what astonishes me in an astonishments of me yet, is that people are saying that Robert Mueller, uh, we should leave him alone because he's a war hero. Well, I don't dispute he's a war hero. But what he's done here is he has exhibited incredible, at bare minimum negligence, and I think it's far greater than that. He has done no vetting of his team, and this team is so vised, there's such a conflict of interest there that there is a little chance that anybody is going to get a fair investigation. So when Matt starts talking about some of these people like Weinstein, these people were donors to the Democrats, but not little donors. I mean, it's okay to be a Democrat or a Republican and be an agent, but when you are unfairly biased, then it gives the appearance of corruption in the highest aspects of our Department of Justice. But what you, you, Matt, and all of us motivated was we saw the evidence of that bias. That's what there's not supposed to be. Your political positions are not supposed to affect your job. When your job is justice and right you're supposed to come into you're not supposed to come in with a predetermined outcome. And that's what they came in with. The problem for them is they can't even really manufacture the evidence. They've exceeded their scope they were supposed to determine it. There was Russian collusion, Trump collision with the Russians in in the election. They're far beyond that now, and they're trying to come up with these charges just so they can leverage people to try to come up with with basically a fake, fake case. And that's what we see here. It's outrageous and until Attorney General Sessions goes in and it starts clearing out these upper management, long term hub of the spokes, these guys are the hubs of the spokes Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey McCabe. These guys are the hubs of that spoke that is controlling these directed outcomes for political reasons. And they the first thing was to exonerate Hillary Clinton, which they manufactured that, and then the second thing is to come in and try to delegitimize and if possible, bring criminal charges against the president United States. Yeah, Matt, let me ask you what what did you see as the biggest outrage. There's just so many to choose from. Well, when my constituents saw emails from Andrew McCabe saying that Hillary Clinton was going to be getting special treatment, that she got an headquarters special that it wouldn't be the normal process that any other American would face who deals with classified information information, they were outraged. Louis and Andy, you guys know that I represent a very heavy military district where my constituents have to deal with classified information as part of their daily lives, and they all know how serious that is. And the notion that you have someone in the senior level of our government saying that someone's going to get special treatment because they are a candidate for president, it really erodes our sense that there is a rule of law that applies equally to everyone. So I would say that evidence was smoking gun evidence of disparate treatment for Hillary Clinton. And then when you saw the very people like Peter Struck migrate from the Clinton investigation over to the Mueller probe, I think you start to see a very clear picture of the coordination going on to support Hillary Clinton and to undermine the duly elected president getting thrown out of office. And what the drone. We got a hard break. I hope you can hang on and we'll be back, and waite, we're gonna take your question when you come back. God bless you you've been hanging on from Vermont. Will be with you when we come back. This is the Sean Hannity Show. This is the Sean Hannity Show. This is Louis Gohmert sitting in and I have guests Uh, Freedom carcass Fellow members Matt gets and Andy Biggs. Um, Well, let's go to Wade. You have a question. Thank you. You've got patience unbelievable way in Vermont. Uh, what's your question for us? Hey? Mr gohmer I appreciate you. U well, thank you, and I always like it when you fill in for Sean. But you know, everyone I know was so excited when President Trump was elected that we might see the swamp trained and in Vermont, they were all exciting professions is up to the job? You know? Do you think we will ever see any indictments for uranium one? The Clinton Foundation pay for play? And then the second part of my question is do you think we'll ever see a bill put forward for term limits? Well, Matt, you want to take the first part of that question. Andy, you'd come back on the next. Sure, if the boy, if we gave you know, Louie Gohmert and a few of us on the Judiciary Committee indictment power, we'd be real dangerous. Right now, that power lies with the Department of Justice, And the fear I have is that our Attorney General, while he's doing great work on immigration and great work on free speech on college campuses. It's not giving the bribes and the risk created by the corruption at the Clinton Foundation the attention that it that it absolutely deserves. And so we Louie Gohmert and Andy Biggs and Jim Jordan, about twenty members of the House Judiciary Committee signed a letter to the Attorney General saying, we want a second special counsel to evaluate the Clinton Foundation and the real risk that we may have in this country going forward if we don't find out who was bribed and what they did, and so we've called for that. Unfortunately, the Attorney General has not agreed with us, and we keep making the case each and every day to the American people that this is essential to draining the swamp. I don't believe the American people will trust that we have truly drained the swamp until we addressed the corruption that was clearly evident in the Clinton Foundation. Second, Bandy, you think we'll have term limits, I'd like to see it. Yeah, let's say, can I, Louis, I just want to address what something math said. I just got five seconds. Yeah, I'll just do it real fast, and that and that is this um. The Attorney General Sessions promised that if the Inspector General said they were here regularities which we know, and the inspector generals already said they were out of town. Sorry, this is the Sean Hannity Show. Louie Gohmert sitting in for Sean, and uh, We're glad to have you here. We have had a great show. You've been hearing from folks who are members of the Freedom Caucus. And uh, I've got a great couple of guests now, dear dear friends. Um, Paul gos are from Arizona. Um, of course you heard from Andy Biggs from Arizona. And Andy is back with us because heartbreak cut off his answer. But we also been joined by Georgia Congressman Jody has Andy, your your thought got cut off? Would you mind finishing that for us? You bet? And I'll just say hi to Pouli and Jody real quick. But let me just tell you the question with regard to indictments on Hillary Clinton and her and her gang. We were promised by Director Sessions and by Director Ray of the FBI, and my questions the judiciary, if the Inspector General said there were anomalies which we know there were, that they would reopen the investigation, and that could lead to indictments. And that's what I wanted to get out is that there I still believe there's hope, because you should not be immune from criminal conduct just because you lost an election. And then the second question is, I think it's going to be a long time coming before you get term limits simply because you would do empower a special Christian empower lobbyists. You empower bureaucrats and staff um rather than the elected officials, and they're unaccountable. Elected officials at least are somewhat accountable as we see. But thanks for having you, Andy, Thanks for coming on. And one of the thoughts I went to Congress. I didn't run on term limits, but I always believed they were good idea. But we came very clear to me when I got to Congress. Holy cow, the bureaucrats are already running this place. We're gonna have term limits. They need to be not only we need them on people in Congress, House, Senate, and uh, also we need them on bureaucrats. Uh. Somebody that's in charge has got to have a limit because they already are running things so much more than the elected officials. That is so totally out of whack, but we're also joined. Like I say, Paul Gostaw our very dear friend from Arizona. I've had the honor of going out to Arizona and UH campaigning for him with Paul and Jodi Heis UH of Georgia, dear friends and brothers in the in the effort, and I thought, if y'all wouldn't mind Jody and Paul, we would go straight to the calls. We got a whole stack of and people been very patient. Let's see we've got uh Joe in Winston Salem, North Carolina. You have a question for Paul Gostar, Jody Heis and me, Louis Gormert. Hi, Louis, how are you towards I'm okay um. I moved out of New York. I got basically taxed out of New York where I grew up about eleven years ago, and love living in North Carolina. But most of my friends of liberals, and I feel like the last conservative standing even in North Carolina. Even in North Carolina, well, let me class asservative standing on Facebook and emails. I grew up in New York, so I still have a lot of connections up there, and uh, we argue all the time on Facebook and emails, and I argue the benefits of the tax cut, I argue the benefits um of Trump. I argue that russy Gate is nothing. I talked about Christopher Steele and the made up dossier. And one of the things that come back at me at is how come his approval ratings are so low? And other than saying probably the same polls that said Hillary would win in a lamp slide, I've never seen polls saying how popular Trump is. And I believe he is. I believe it's gonna be with us for eight years. But how do I answer that? Well, Paul, you you have a response to a great question, Lily, and Merry Christmas, Lily. It's great be you know, Um, Donald Trumble said records for raising money in the Republican Bay that should show you the proundness of the president in chief. Um, when you look at where he goes, it's it's vivacious crowds that that follow him and so um. You know, people are are tired of polls because you can get polls to tell you whatever you would like to. I'm a dentist in real life, and I understand statistics and how you phrase questions to get the desired outcomes. Um, so I would tend to tell you, with the money that he's raised, Um, the crowds that he entertains forgotten men and women are going to follow him all the way through eight years. Well, and and point I think needs to be made. Tom Delaye told me this, uh some years ago. He said, you know, it's so amazing. People always think, oh, if somebody is rich, their Republican, but uh, the Democrats have many more alter rich people than Republicans do. And so often the people that have started the business or in business and they've things are rolling, they're afraid that they'll make somebody politically mad, so they don't want to give too much. And he said, it's a lot harder to get people, um, who are conservative to donate than it is to get these ultraliberal left. I mean you think of all the billionaires or millionaires, you just seem to have a whole lot more Democrats very actively involved. Never mind that they've made their belling. They're out there trying to keep you from making your being with more and more government. But um, Jody, I mean you you you have people attack you, even from Georgia, I do from Texas. How do you respond when you get get a feeling like Joe has? You know, we all get attacked. That's the environment in which we're living in. But you know, the truth never tells a lie. And you look at what's happening right now. In spite of a constant garage of negative from the media and from the left, this president and and those who are supporting him continue to move forward the agenda that this president stands for. The tax bill is a huge example and quite frankly, uh, thousands of people said it could never happen. It hadn't happened in over thirty years, but it finally got over the gold line. People are going to see tax breaks the American economy and the economic engine is about to boom the likes of which none of us have seen before. And you know, when people start seeing more money in their pocket books and their the economy growing, I think that's going to quiet a lot of the skeptics, uh, in spite of the fact that they're still screaming and the sky the sky is not falling in from that perspective, So we have a lot of problems, a lot of issues to deal with. But I think in the long run, what this president ran on and what he is accomplishing is going to speak for itself and the people will come along to support it. This for those just two and then Louis Gombert here with the members of Congress, Paul Ghostar Jody. Heis f Joe from North Carolina. I'll tell you, Joe, I think the Democrats have done themselves a lot of damage by being as overt about how bad the tax bills going. I mean humors down on the Senate floor when we were meeting to talk about what we should have in the tax bill, and he was already condemning that we were taking from the poor and giving to the rich when it was just a bunch of bologney. You're gonna see the economy improve, and people are gonna find out what they've been saying about the tax bill is just not true. And I think they're at some risk. I would predict by this summer you're gonna be having Democrats wanting to talk about anything but the economy. But Paul, I know you're the one that first drew me to attention, uh to an issue that has also been hurting us in the area of healthcare insurance. Not health care, but health care insurance, which has affected health care. But uh, that back Uh when in nineteen seven when they were forty five, was at forty five when they were given an exemption, uh, out from under anti trust laws. So it's okay, you can monopolize. If you're a health insurance company, you can go ahead and monopolize. It's okay. And uh, you pushed and I although I think Paul I got up and said even more than you did. Paul Gosar has the bill we need to take up, and that's gonna end the exemption for these health insurance companies from the anti trust laws. They can they're allowed to monopolize. Um. We passed that with your leadership in the House. Uh. And it was over four votes, wasn't it? Uh? Four sixteen seven Louis and weren't even against it. The six six members from the commercial like Caucus wanted John Conyers to get the credits who would carried the water for a long time. And the seventh was one of my colleagues right here from Arizona, a group of Diego who just thought my name and voted against me, and it took he left the floor and he had to write a dissertation of why he was really four of the bill because Paul, you know, you know if the Senate would take that up, that would pass by huge numbers. So why do you think the Senate is not willing to take up this bill to end the monopolies that health insurance come? They can when when these new energetic entrepreneurs come up with new ways to to address healthcare needs, Uh, they can get swarmed over by a monopolizing health insurance company. Uh. Don't you think the Senate would pass in just as big as we did. Well, it would be because I guarantee there's not a Senator that would go through the insurance industry over their constituents, particularly if they're running for reelection. That would be a vote that would haunt him forever. And by the way, Lily, I actually had a promise, a promise that we would get a vote on the Senate floor, and so we need to honor our promises. Trust is a series of promises kept that you know, we're running a little thin with leadership in regards to the Senate, so we wanted to see mid McConnell because the unbelievable opportunities that exist because when you have insurance companies owning the doctors the service area and hospitals in the area, that's truly called a monopoly. And we see prices go down and more services and more opportunities and ideas uh to fluctuate in the marketplace when everybody has to compete against each other and makes a big deal and also lowers premiums on insurance. It also lowers drug costs and hospital stays. And isn't that interesting? Those are the three biggies that one from Obamacare. If you took the dollar and invested in hospitals before Obamacare, you're eight and a half times more wealthy. You're seventeen times more wealthy with insurance companies, and we can't calculate what you would be with the pharmaceutical Yeah. Well, we got to take a break, but hopefully Paul, Paul go Sar and Jody Heist will stay with us and we'll be right back with more of your questions. Thanks so much. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I'm Louie Gorman. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I'm Louie Gomert sitting in for Sean, and I have with me a couple of great brothers in our effort to get our freedom back. Paul go Sar Jody Hays Uh and uh, let's Jody, why don't you take this question from Jim from Tampa, Florida. Thanks for listening to Sean show. Uh, Jim, you know something I have read the Communist Manifesto. I did a lot of looking at it back in college days. And uh, you've reminded me something I have forgotten for many years. What can you tell us about the manifesto? Okay? And the mccommist Manifesto in chapter two, Platform two if you read, did it is our graduated tax system like we have now? And what they say? It was put in place to control the people, pure and simple. Wow? And uh, this is why we need to go to as everybody knows, a flat tax period. I loved that. In fact, Jody is from Georgia. Uh hit the well, I guess tax. Yeah, both of the um proposed proponents of the fair tax were from Georgia. Um, what what is your thought? Jody? Yeah? Absolutely, you control people's money, you control their lives, and you control their lives. You control their freedom and the amount of freedom they have or do not have. And that's exactly what a confiscatory tax system does, which is what we have had in to what to some extent, will continue to have until he did go to a flat tax or some sort of consumption tax. That's why I totally support the fair tax, because it's based on uh, paying taxes based upon how much you purchase in that type of thing. You know. I think we've moved a step closer towards tax simplicity with the tax field that was just passed. It was not as simple as I would like, certainly not even as simple as the original House version, which had three categories as opposed to seven, which we have now eight if you include zero. But it is a step in the direction of simplicity and that you know, you're still gonna have. They say up to people will be able to fill their taxes out on on the size of the postcard. I hope that's true. We'll wait and see. But listen, I couldn't agree with Jim anymore. Taxes as it currently is, UM is a set up for loss of freedom and individual rights. We've seen that. I mean, look, at UH just uh churches since the Johnson Amendment back in the fifties, says, you know, charitable organization, including churches, could not participate in politics without threatening their contribution. You had preachers for the first time in American history going to, oh my word, we better not get involved in expressing our political feelings, no matter how biblically based. And of course you're sensitive death, Paul. We got thirty seconds. You want to finish your thoughts on that. I think it's a great comment, but just take it from this aspect is that times have changed and we can't do a one and uh. As Jodie said, you know, this is a step in the right direction, but what we have to do is continually look at that progression and making sure people keep more money in their in their pockets. Because we don't have a revenue problem in Washington, DC. We gotta spending problem. So we want to empower the people. That's it. This is a Sean Hannity Show. We will be right back with more on Handy Show. I'm Louie Goldman. This is the Shaun Hannity Show. I'm Louis Golmer. Sit again for Sean and uh awfully proud to be doing so. It's nice to be here. And we have had guests from the Freedom Caucus and I gotta say it was Sean Hannity that did more to talk me into joining the Freedom Caucus than even Mark Meadows or Jim Jordan's and uh, I'm so glad he did. Just a great bunch of folks, and we're joined by two of those, Rhonda Santis, Congressman from Florida, and also Tommy Garrett, Congressman from Virginia. Guys, welcome to the Seawan Hannity Show. Year. Well, thank you. I heard Tom and I heard Ron. I tell you what, guys, we have a bunch of people are calling in. Uh, let's go to Jerry in Kansas City. Ron, why don't you take this first question? Sure, very welcome, Glad you're listening Sean Hannity Show, and thank you for your patience. Well, thank you, gentlemen for serving my question. Although it I'm not sure exactly the potential of it could happen, But my question is, is there any way that Bill Clinton could have negotiated on Hillward's behalf a presidential pardon that nobody is aware of that if she gets indubted, she could pull that out and use it. Do you think, Well, I mean, they're there. That can't happen unless it's already been issued by Obama and there would be a record of that. So I don't think that that is likely. I do think what likely happened when he met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac, the infamous tarmac meeting at the Phoenix airport, right before the decision not to indict Hillary Um. I think he told Loretta, Hey, you know, be so great, Hillary gets beyond this. We'd love to have you stay as Attorney general. Um, and we're working. I hope the i G reports had some light on that, but they were not talking about grandkids for thirty minutes. I can tell you that no, no, and her arrogance of you know that, like none of this is going to touch her just makes me wonder what does she know that we don't know. Well, I think that the arrogance you saw was her believing what everybody was telling her. She was gonna win. And gee, it seems like the more appearances you make, you know, people think you wouldn't be a good president. So maybe let's just keep you away from the press. Let's keep you out of the eyes of the beholders and voters. And because you've got this wrapped up, Uh, what do you think, Tom Garrett? I don't think Loretta Lynch has any grandchildren, and I believe Hillary and Bill have won, so I as a Grandshaw's conversation sure surely would take the word doating to a new level. Uh No, Ron's probably a better lawyer than me. Louis, you were a judge, but you can't do to get out of jail free card and that doesn't work in real life, although if it did exist, Bill Clinton would probably have one. Well. But but it's like Ron was saying, he would have had to have done that before he left office. Once he leaves office as president's too late for him. And the thing is, Louis, the thing is is they knew the whole time. As long as Obama was president, they knew she wasn't gonna get into I mean, that just wasn't gonna happen. And I think when Trump won, part of the reason they were so shocked is because I think they looked at this and they said, you know what, a lot of the stuff that's happened, there's now a chance that that's all going to be exposed and so, um, we didn't do enough in the Congress for six or seven months, but we have been digging now and the Inspector General is digging. So I think the first two or three months of the year, UM, I think there's gonna be even more revelations about how they handled the Hillary case, going all the way into how they've handled this Russia collusion, with people like Peter Struck saying that they can't let Trump win and they need an insurance policy, and it's going to cause a need to really have some changes in leadership in those agencies. I think, well, I didn't realize how bad things had gotten until we started finding out more and more about even texts between UH paramore and the UH actual leader in the Department of Justice. Is just really unfathomable that people were taking that their politics and causing that to me, not justice but just us. Um, yeah, go ahead, I Louis. I served in the military under present Clinton, and I saw the purse begin then where they stopped having a meritocracy and started in placing political ideologues and positions of power. It's obviously infiltrated the Justice department. Peter Struck was mentioned, H I don't want to call them are a paramore. These are the people who were cheating on their spouses. And you can't be loyal to your spouse, and you can't be loyal to your country or your oath. And so Tom, you remember what they did with the guy who's who has been involved in infidelity. They made him in charge of their human resources, Like he's an expert on human resources. Uh, because of his infidelity experience. Apparently, I mean it's Louis. Let me say this. The second most infamous text between those two clowns was one I think I represent southside Virginia. In one text said I'm in a south side Virginia Walmart, I can smell the Trump voters. It's disgusting. Well, let me tell you something. Were you in that Walmart, I might have been in the same Walmart, I think I could smell him anyway. You know, it's mind numbing. What how how you know there's no deep state. It's just a high level bureaucratic straight state where we've had appointment after appointment after appointment, not based on merit, but based on political loyalty. And this is how manifests itself. This is the guy who said we should call Clinton investigation of matter because gross negligen has legal meaning. Yeah. I don't think Hillary was worried about it because they she figures, you know, no way she could lose and all of this stuff that we're doing would never come to light, because you know, it's just unthinkable in their minds that Donald Trump could be president. But thank God for the the American people like people like struck or dangerous, because there's a bureaucratic arrogance that you see with some of the permanent bureaucracy in Washington. And you know, it's supposed to be we're a government of buying for the people. The people in the government work for the American people. They think that the American people work for them. I mean they think that that they are kind of above it all. And I think his arrogance when he was criticizing Tom's constituents in Virginia, Yeah, the Walmart shoppers and Trump supporters, I think was perfectly indicative of that. I think that they have contempt for vast swaths of the American people, and um, when it influences your job, you know, that is a major major problem. So I'm glad this has come out. I think there's gonna be more that come out, though I don't think we've reached the bottom here. Well run run the Santist. Uh. You make such a great point. I just couldn't believe that kind of arrogance. Uh. I mean, I still think of people that serve in the federal government, especially in the Justice Department. I know so many FBI agents around the country, and I mean, they don't think that way that they can smell another political supporter in a Walmart. Are you kidding me? It's just unfathomable almost that there were people in the Justice Department that we're thinking like that. And so Tom, I was. I don't live in some Virginia, but I was as offended by that as anything I've seen. Well, I would I would throw this out with perspective, though I would wait for that. George. The third thoughts of the American colonists were deplorable too, And I'm and I don't need to refresh from them who won that one. Yeah, we need to assert our rights. We need to serve the people and not have to think the people serve us. That's the genesis of this that's why Washington's uh resigning his commission as one of the eight portrait species in the Return of the Capital, because no person is bigger than the people they serve. But the Freedom Caucus is all about Well, that's such a great point. That's Tom Garrett, Congressman for Virginia, and that's that's one of the important things that's been lost. The more we see and new Kingridge has made the point that if Hillary had won, we would never have known how deep the state was, how deep the swamp was, how big the snakes were that we're swimming around and biting people. We we would not have known. None of this stuff would have come out. So I'm grateful to be serving with both of you. Run. What do you see that we still need to do in this investigation? Oh? Man, I mean, look at Bruce Or he was one of the top ranking officials in the Obama Justice Department. He's meeting with the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele during the election. Or his wife was working for Fusion GPS, the company that commissioned the dossier with the Democrats money. Uh, he needs to be brought in deposed under oath because the more and more I think about this, this whole collusion narrative. I think it's based solely on that dossier. I think Struck opened the counter intelligence investigation based off which is essentially warmed over fake opposition research. Um. And that's a confluence of the Democratic Party with the Obama Justice Department against an opposing candidate. We've never seen that before. Uh. That's very troubling if true. But that's I think where this is headed. Once we bring in or once we bring in Struck and put him under oath, well, those are good points. We gotta take a break. I hope y'all will stay with me. That's Ronda Santis and Tom Garrett, Congressman from Florida Virginia, respectively. And Tom, I want to get your thoughts. We come back on what should be done, because folks, there's a lot we need to do. This is the Shaun Hannity Show. I'm Louie Gomert sitting there for Seawan. We'll be right back right. This is the Shawn Hannity Show. I'm Louie Gomert with guests of fellow members of Congress, Round Santis of Florida, Congressman Tom Garrett of Virginia, and Jason is the engineer here at the Shawn Hannity Show, and it's so cool when he says stand by and then go all right, so tom Uh. When we took a break, we had just heard from Ron. What are your thoughts following up? Well? Look, I mean Watergate was a box buriliary by a bunch of people who didn't work for the United States government the cover. Look, I know of one president who took a half a million dollars from the Russians and his name was Bill Clinton. We have a problem fulfilling our own uranium needs. And I know who approved the transfer of of the uranium that we mind in this country to the Russians, and her name was Hillary Clinton. If there was collusion, and I gotta give the hat tip to the Left, it's brilliant because they've essentially accused the Trump administration of that, which there's an overwhelming amount of evidence, I would say, surpassing probable cause to indicate that they actually did so. Uh. I just if the American people will step up and wake up. Uh, there's something to be learned here. Now. Look, I'm not a sicker fan of the president. Sometimes this messaging makes me a little crazy. Um. But I do think that we've done great things. We've had sixteen times the number of regulatory removal acts, the cr he's been used sixteen times more than the last year than was the previous thirty. Um. This tax cuts, I'm not gonna call it tax reform, has put more money in the American people's pockets and one fell swoop than anything even a just for inflation and over thirty years. Um. So, so we're on the right track. And that's referenced and and sort of reflected in the fact that there was a poll that came out recently that shows President Trump's approval numbers now wait for it, identical at the same time in his first year as the sainted one Barack Obama. So we just need to do what Gordon Liddy said going back around the Watergate. If you can achieve uh, if you can overcome the fear of death, and you can achieve the death of fear, we need to know do what we know is right, not worry about political calculations. That's called leadership. And I think there's one place that's coming from in Washington, as guys like you, Louis and and and guys like Ron It's just a delight to get to work with you all. As bad as the swamp is, there are some rays of light and we want to try to be those. Well. Thanks Tom Garrett and Ron to Sandys. I'll tell you going back to what Tom is saying about their collusion with the Russians on this Uranium one thing and the hundred forty five million dollars that flowed to the Clinton Foundation. You know something I noticed. I was on the bench as a judge back then during the nineties when Clinton was president, but it seemed like he basically perfected the ability to take any wrongdoing in which you were engaged and blame your opponent for the very thing you were doing. Had you noticed that there are some Democrats that are good at doing that. I don't. They didn't call him slick Willie for nothing, but you're right. Look, during the time of the Uranium one deal, the chairman and CEO guy named Ian Telar, who was the chairman CEO of Uranium one, he sent two point three million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. During the pendency of this deal, Hillary did not disclose that, which she was required to do per her agreement with President Obama. Uh. And that was a precondition for her being Secretary of State that would be disclosed. They did not disclose that. Peter Schweitzer got it from the Canadian government. That's the only reason we know about that. Um. And so, but look the news out of the Justice Department that they're now investigating this, I think is positive. I mean, we're doing it in the Congress, but we're not going to be able to indict anyone. So if there was criminal misconduct, the only place you can do that is the Justice Department. And so I think finally we've turned the corner on this and we'll get the American people the answers and hopefully if people did wrong, they're held accountable. Well that's that's a great point. Um. Let's let's take a quick question. We've only got about a minute a half, But Will in California you have a question and I'll get response from Ron and Tom. Go ahead. Will you're on the Seawan Andy Show. Glad to have you. Uh, nice to speak with you. But my question is Barack Obama was guilty of illegally running guns through ben Ghaz you know, armed enemy ices forces in Syria, specifically Stinger missiles without congressional approval or was that done with congressional approval? And if it was the former, is that not treason? And what are you, as the US congressman and a conservatives conservative, going to do about charging the appropriate people with the appropriate cranks run? Well, So there was a big Benghazi select committee that investigated all this. Now I was not on that neither. I don't think you guys were either. Um, they did reports. Uh, there was a lot of people that weren't satisfied with that, but that was kind of Congress is swing at it whether you like it or not. Now, in terms of any criminal conduct, you know that's going to be something that the Justice Department is gonna have to do. I mean we in the Congress, because the separation of powers, we make the law. We're gonna we've got a hard break. We're going out as run to Sandis and Tom are members of Congress. We'll be right back with more of the Shawn Andy Show. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I'm Louis Gohmert, lowly legislator from Texas, and I just want to finished up on Will's question that was very insightful about gun running because you know, we heard g uh there were guns that the United States Obama sent uh that actually helped some of our enemies in Libya. But there was an effort, we heard, to gather up some of those weapons we sent to Libya and ship them to Syria. Uh. Never mind that the one people that were going to ship into in Syria kept letting them fall into the hands of ISIS. But I was so troubled after several months of bane, are not allowing us to have an independent uh committee looking into being Ghazi? And so at conference, I got up and I said, look, I had been urging you to appoint a special committee to look into Benghazi. And then I realized, well, maybe you knew about this gun running operation, and if you did, you don't want an investigation that would reveal that you knew, because then it might hurt our party the way Pelosi hurt her party when she score she didn't know anything about waterboarding, and it turned out she did and she approved it. So I'm asking you, did you know there was weapons being provided to Libya that were being collected to be shipped because it's Syria before Benghazi happened. And he said, look, Louis, we can look into Bengazi without getting into any of that. And I said, answer my question. If you tell me you knew and approved of this beforehand, I will never bring this up again. I will not push for a committee any further up. But I need to know. And he said, and I'm telling you we can look into Benghazi without getting into that other stuff. And I said, you still haven't answered my question. He said, I think I have. And I actually think that he did answer my question. That is, uh, so if that helps you that uh. And then after that he eventually pointed a committee, but they really didn't get into it as deeply as uh they might should have. Maybe that would have exposed who did approve the gun running operation that resulted in being Ghazi in heroes like h Tyrone Woods giving his life for others. If the see I had been more um self aware, that wouldn't have had to happen either. But I am joined now by a couple of other dear friends from the House Freedom Caucus. David Schwickert, great congressman from Arizona. Uh, he worked very hard on getting to the bottom of what was good and what was not good in the tax bill. And my friend Ted Joho, who was a a co conspirator in helping to get to twenty nine votes. We nearly got there. Heck, if all the people that had promised to vote against Bainerd had done that, uh, he would not have in speaker as of January of fifteen. But guys, welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Glad to have you guys on. Uh, David, we've had we've had some talking about the tax plan and uh when when caller was saying, even in North Carolina is where he came from, before that New York people were just all down on the tax proposal. What what what's your thought about what's going to happen? Uh this year as a result of that. Um do you do you remember the nineteen six that we'll call it the Reagan tax Revolution, when they rewrote much of the tax code back one years ago. You know when that past it had only an eighteen percent approval rate. I didn't realize that, Oh yeah, only eight So this is not uncommon when you do a big, complicated piece of legislation and you have the other side spend day and night saying crazy things about it. You also now are seeing a lot of the Democrats and a lot of the hard left which just made up stories now slowly retracting those, slowly stripping them off their website. Um, because the American people are catching them saying, you know, why would you make this up? And it's very simple. If you're a leftist, if you're you're you're a Democrat activists, you are terrified of Republicans and this president having a victory that's actually good for our entire society, that would actually bring growth, you know. Um, So you and I even talked about this last week. The Democrats are fixated on income inequality. Income inequality gets worse when your economy is stagnant, like it was over the last decade. That's such a great point, and you're so good on the economic issues. I was staggered when when President Obama admitted, you can find the video where this is never happened in history, but he admitted that under his policies while he was president for the first time in American history. He admitted, because it was true nine of the nation's income went to the top one income earners didn't happen under any Republicans policy. We were trying to have policies that allowed people to you know, earn their way and middle class go up at level and people who are poor make it to the middle class. Uh. That was staggering to hear him admit that, But that is exactly right, Yeah, honest level and say income inequality is your fixation and passion. Spend five minutes look at the charts. During times of economic growth, that's when it shrinks. When that that is the very thing you care most about on your ideology is actually most repaired by economic growth. And those of us on the conservative side, we actually see the debt bomb coming in about fifteen eighteen years. We see the demographic crisis we're in. You know, three quarters of all of our spending is entitlement. If you don't get economic growth, this country hits a wall in about a decade and a half. But with economic growth, really great things happen. Great point. Well, Ted Joho, you're in Florida and listen, I say that. Now New York says their their filing suit uh to try to take down this tax bill because it treats them unfairly. Uh, how do you. I'm sure that's in reference to the the limit on deduction of state and local income tax you're in Florida. I know there are a lot of people that were fleeing California's overburdening tax systems, and and the number one recipient of companies leaving California was Florida. Number two was Texas. How do you feel about the allegations that New York is making. No, I think it's it's erroneous because, Louis, we've been supplementing the rest of the nation has been supplementing those high tax states that have been controlled by Democratic policies. The rest of the nation has been supplementing these so that they can get you know, get by with these some uh, these right offs, and so now they're paying their fair share. So I think that's well. But remember when the Democrats are railing about this. Of course you saw it on the House floor. But before I go into that, that description you gave of John Bayner and ben Ghazi. I was there when you stood up and said that, and you were spot on when you said that. The other thing is the Democratic Party is the party that says, um, you can keep your doctor with the affordable healthcare and keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance, your premiums are gonna go down hundred dollars on average. I knew we were on the right track when Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi says, if you Republicans pass this tax bill, you're gonna lose the majority. Now does anybody think that the Democrats would cheer us on for anything that would benefit our party and not them. So I knew we were on the right track. And this is a good tax plan. It will benefit everybody. It's not the perfect plan, but it's going to be a heck of a lot better than it was. Well, don't you love that when uh are people that are opponents of what we're trying to do tell us, g if you do this, you will leave, you'll lose the majority. Uh. It warms my heart to know they really don't want us to lose the majority. They want us to keep our majority. Well, David, uh, what's what's your reaction you're getting around are or Zona regarding what we've done on taxes and what people want to see us do in the new year. Well, Louis and Ted the fact mentors the three of us are in three of the states that are in the sweet spot, Florida, Texas, and of course Arizona. Ted, what's your temperature. I'm almost eighty degrees today. Oh David, I'm sitting on a boat in the Atlantic Ocean watching the sunset with my family, and it is somehow there would be an ocean involved in your answer. I've got short actually plopped on in a T shirt. But for those of us, particularly in Arizona, Um, if you actually do the math, and also being an in migration state, a state that's really growing, where you need capital, you need your business is to be able to invest. Um, we're in the sweet spot. But that sweet spot is true also for Texas, Florida, but it's also true for any state that has managed its finances with discipline and is actually trying to grow its economy. Um, just take one step sideways outside the Republican Democrat. You know the stuff we end up having to do if you look at what's happened in the last unemployment report, the number of folks who hadn't worked in ye who now found jobs. Um, the number of Selons who all of a sudden are are getting job. Authors. There's some really wonderful stuff happening out there. And our hope is with the tax bill, with what we have to do with regulations, what we have to do with infrastructure and some of these others. Can we keep the curve going and it's good for all America. Well, that's good and that's our story. Well, as you're serenely contemplating these things, yoh, what what do you say to what David's No? I agree with David. I think that that that's absolutely spot on. David has always been real sharp on that. And um, you know, this is a victory not just for the publican party, but this is a victory for the American people. And people asked me it was gonna cut jobs. Absolutely not. This is gonna grow the economy. It's gonna grow jobs, entice entrepreneur and a business owner, which will make more demand for the workforce. If there's more demand, that means there's more competition for the workers. Therefore prices will raise. And we've seen that with the companies that have already come out. You know, Boeing I think said they were going to give what was it, two thousand people a thousand dollar bonus or raised. Uh. There was another company who said the same thing, and two other companies came out right after that raised the minimum wage to fifteen dollars per hour, which is what the Democrats have been crying that the federal government does. But if they leave it in the hands and give money back to the corporations and the job creators, they're gonna raise the minimum wage just because of competition, and that's why it should be in a constitutional economies. You bring that up. We were just I was hearing on some news this week that there was a report out that I think maybe Russia. Lynbod talked about the report from Washington d C that um not Washington d C, Washington State where they had raised the the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour, and that it has done dramatic damage to absolutely to the people there, to the businesses, but the people most hurt by that were the workers. Uh, they were having less hours, They fired a lot of people, laid a lot of people off. It did a lot of damage. Louis, there's some data out there that when you moved to sort of an extreme policy, it's actually those low skilled workers that get crushed and their ability to slowly work up in a company and take on more responsibly and just have a job and eventually moved to the next level of employment is taken away from them because those very business concerns shrink. Well, I knew you would know the answer, Dave, Yeah, go ahead to it. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, is his fishing. No. I got my brother Tim and my wife Jimmy's a fan of yours. Louis. Um he said to say, hi, thank you the fifteen dollars an hour, Like you said, if the if you do that through the government, businesses back up and they go away because the most one of the largest expenses to a business owner, and we found out this when we owned our own business is the cost of labor. And uh, you know you let guys, we gotta take a hard break here. We'll be right back. If you'll hang with us, we'll be right back to the Sean Hannity Show. This is the Shawan Hannity Show. Is Louis Golmbert sitting in for Shawn. We have with us Dave Schwaigert of Arizona and Ted Yoho, uh Florida members of Congress. And we only got a couple of minutes left, not quite that. And I'm sorry to those callers that we hadn't been able to get to, but so thrilled with the people have been here, they have any parting thoughts for our listeners. Yeah, and Louis, thank you for doing this because so often, you know, when we founded the Freedom Caucus, Um, you know, we were a great rag tag group of conservatives that just wanted a fair chance. And if you know, there was a couple of us who were thrown off our committees a few years ago, and we and the neat thing is, if you actually look at a lot of the great things that happened this year, I actually think we had a really positive influence on making good policy. I don't have any doubt about that. Yeah, Ted, final comment, Now, I agree with Dave. There's no doubt what the the effect the Freedom Caucus has had on our government and for the American people. And Dave was talking about the stagnant wages. Keep in mind, under the Obama policies of the Affordable Care Act, full time from forty hours to thirty hours, so that cut people's income and we saw that across all of Florida. And the last thing, Louis is the Trump administration and the Trump era. I think you're gonna see the largest economic growth we've seen since either Ronald Oregon, or the fifties and sixties when we invested in America. And those are great thoughts. That's Ted Joho, Dave Schweickert, members of Congress, members of Freedom Caucus. And I'll leave you with this final thought from my late mothers, who was just brilliant. He said, never argue with an ass less onlookers confused, which is which? Uh keep that thought

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