The Fight On The Border

Published Aug 13, 2021, 10:00 PM

Brandon Judd, President National Border Patrol Council and 20 years active Border Patrol Veteran, and Cesar Ybarra, who is the Senior Director of Legislative Affairs at FreedomWorks discuss the ongoing problems at our border. The President who has gone on vacation amidst this crisis and the unstable situation in Afghanistan seems to be completely unaffected.

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Right News rounds up Information Overload hour this Friday, eight hundred and nine for one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. The Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorcus was caught on tape leaked audio saying, Ah, yeah, the border is unsustainable. These numbers can't continue. He says it as now every month it goes higher and higher and higher. It went higher you from February to March, to April to May to June, now July two hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and seventy two illegal immigrant, illegal immigrants coming into the country. That there's no it's basically process and release. It's not detained, and give him a court dating. No, it's process release and then give him free transportation and disperse people all over the United States without any COVID testing in the middle of a pandemic, after people have been in overcrowded Biden cages that he's built for people. I mean, it's pretty much what happens anyway. Just let's listen to this leaked audio. Oh, this is unsustainable. These numbers can continue, not only continuing that continuing to get larger every month with now July setting a new record. Listen to sustainable. These numbers cannot continue. You cannot get alf weeks ago, and you didn't make sure that doesn't happen if the police, yeah, we're gonna make sure that doesn't happen. And then when all else fails. Now, it was the Biden administration that ended the Stay of Mexico policy that was very successful, that brought us to a thirty year low in terms of illegal immigrants coming into America. And of course the border wall construction that stopped two catch and release was ended under Donald Trump now brought back and it's even more liberal than ever its process and release. But when all else fails, just blame Donald Trump for the current border crisis, not Joe's Polo. Is a direct correlation. As soon as the policies changed, the numbers went up exponentially from a thirty year low, and now what will be a thirty year high of the illegal immigrants. But that's Trump's fault. Listen. De rise in encounters of migrants at the southern border began in April of twenty twenty last year, but the increase is most certainly sharper over the past several months and greater than in June. Allow me to share with you to CBP enforcement numbers for July two hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and seventy two persons were encountered attempting entry along the Southwest border, a thirteen percent increase over June twenty twenty one. A majority continue to be single adults, specifically approximately fifty two percent. This is a six percent decrease from June ninety five thousand, seven hundred eighty eight individuals. More than forty five percent of July encounters were processed for expulsion under Title forty two. Tragically, former President Trump slashed our international assistance to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, slashed the resources that we were contributing to address the root causes of irregular migration. Another reason is the end of the cruel policies of the past administration and the restoration of the rule of laws of this country that Congress has passed, including our asylum laws that provide humanitarian relief. And Thirdly, and importantly is the resurgence of the economy in the United States and the gleam of the American Promise. Once again, the restoration of the rule of law. You've got to be kidding me. They're not only not enforcing the law. You see, the law says you're not allowed to enter the country without our permission. You have to respect our laws, borders, and sovereignty. The only people not respecting the law the people that are entering illegally, aided and embedded by Majorcas Biden Harris and all the Democrats that don't seem to care at all about the high rate of COVID positivity. You know, we now see the DHS having to admit, yeah, coronavirus positive border crosses are increasingly arriving. You think they're the ones that they took the policies that were working, that were keeping people home. I'm not sure what he's saying here is that if we don't pay a ransom to countries, that people are going to come here. That's what it sounded like to me. The only way to keep people in their countries or to give them money to stay in their country. No can control our own borders. That would be that would be the decision the Trump administration followed. You know, you've got leaked video that just came out, hundreds of people at this camp or COVID positive migrants, you know, but we're not even testing most of the people. We put them in overcrowded cages in the middle of a pandemic, and then we ship them out and disperse them all over the country. And they're not even telling states that they're dropping people, that they're right on the front door. Former CBE Accustoms and Border Patrol chief Mark Morgan even said that the Homeland Security of Joe Biden released potentially forty thousand coronavirus positive illegal immigrants into the US. What does that mean. That means they're going to infect innocent Americans and some will be hospitalized, just just a matter of math at that point, and some will die as a result of these open border policies, aiding and abetting the law breaking that's going on. Ye. Biden orders ice Age not to arrest and deport people that they find. Well, that's not enforcing the law, that's not what the law says. That's just making up your laws because you don't like the laws that we have. But they are. They have resumed their Cuban deportation plans. If you come by sea, you can't get in. Why Why because they think the people that are coming from Cuba might be more inclined to vote Republican. I don't know. I'm a little suspicious based on everything else they've done. Brandon Judd is the president of the National Border Patrol Council, twenty year active border Patrol VET, and Caesar Yabara is back with US Senior Director Legislative Affairs at Freedom Works. Well, okay, mister Yabara, you tell me, am I describing accurately the real conditions at the border, and the real cause is Joe Biden not enforcing the law. Sean, You're exactly right. The current crisis that the southern border was created by President Biden Vice president here is an open borders rhetoric and their dismantlement of trump Arab border security policies. Fact is a majority of Americans when strong borders, especially those who live along the border. Many of them are Hispanics, Sean, who won two live in safe communities and free from criminality. The evidence is shown by the recent mayoral election in account in Texas and overwhelmingly Hispanic border town just elected a Hispanic Republican into office. Law in order, border security and good government. Good governance is the message that got Mayor Via Lobos elected. The lefts disdain for the rule of law will continue to drive Hispanics to Republican candidates and give us a shot at taking back the House and the Senate majority. Sean Brandon I read the GAO report came out earlier this year that showed that as high as thirty five percent of border patrol agents have contracted COVID. Nineteen dozens apparently have died as a result of contracting this horrible disease. Add these numbers of an estimates of as high as twenty percent of people entering the country illegally COVID positive. So it's going to be a lot higher than that. And the reason why we can't give you an exact number is because we don't test everybody, Like what you said. When we take people into custody and we release them with an NTA or an NTR, we're transporting them to non governmental organizations. Whether they test them or not, we don't know whether or not they give the government to what those tests come back as, whether they're positive negative, we just don't know. So there's no way to say that. But of the ones that we hold in custody and that we do test, it's more than twenty percent. So it stands to reason that a large number of these people have COVID that they're bringing into the United States. But more importantly, I'd like to take Secretary Mirochus the task when he says that this is unsustainable, He's absolutely correct, it is unsustainable. Yet he's the only Secretary that I've ever seen come to the border and not have solutions or programs or policies that he's going to put in place to address this issue. He also blames this on Trump and says this is Trump's fault because he slashed the funding that we're given these countries, yet they didn't come under Trump. So how is that we see Trump slashes the funding yet they don't come, But now it's his fault. This doesn't make sense. And if the mainstream media was honest, they would fact check him and they would take him to task for what he's saying. He's lying to the American public and he's misleading them. By the way, that's a joke that they're going to be honest, Right, you're kidding. You don't really expect something like that ever happened, do you You know? I mean you talk to people. I know, the great people of Freedom Marks have done a lot of studying about what's happening down there. We've had our own reporters on the ground almost the entire time, investigating everything the media mob is saying about it, which is little, is not true. They're not highlighting and focusing on what's what's been going on, the high rate of COVID positivity, the overcrowded cages. The Biden administration is successfully now you know, drawn attention away from it for most media outlets except for you know, a few shows like mine. I don't think anybody else is showing any of this. That's right, Sean, And the hypocrisy by the Biden Harris administration cannot be more clear. Biden wants to require federal employees, including our brave military service members, to get vaccinated. The administration is calling on schools to require kids to wear dirty masks all day, but in documented immigrants who test positive for COVID are being released across in cities across the country. This is the kind of hypocrisy that demonstrates that the COVID nineteen mandates are more about control than actually protecting our most vulnerable citizens. Every American Democrat or Republican should be outraged by this administration's lack of will to secure border and enforce the rule of law. Now you're for you were born in Mexico, you became a naturalized citizen after moving to southern California, and I know you help. You know, for example, aside from managing legislative affair drive, the organization's messaged in the Hispanic community. I've been down to the border everywhere from the Rio grand straight through San Diego, and I gotta tell you something. It's sad in San Diego, for example. I remember one particular report I did, is you know, on one side of the border, you have a beautiful American town with half million million dollar homes in the neighborhood that's right across the border, and then I look across in the side of Mexico and it looks like, you know, broken down, the lapidated, you know, homes put together with string and whatever they can find, and kids playing in what we would view as the equivalent of almost like a junkyard with old tires piled upon old tires and other stuff. It's sad. If I was on that side of the border, I'd want to come here too. Now we do have a process though to do it and do it legally. That's exactly right, son. I'm funny you mentioned that region. You know, I grew up on the San Diego Tijuana border on both both you know exactly what the the image I'm describing, Am I accurate? You're exactly right, Sean. You know, and I think that Republicans need to need to take action if we do take back the majority. We need to secure the border. We need to reform our legal immigration system to make a merit based and give people a shot at the American dream just like me and my family were afforded. And also work with business leaders to implement a national e verified program. Because a lot of this is going to be working is going to take the federal government working with industry to ensure that they are hiring people who are eligible to work and not promoting the the criminality of uh, you know, undocumented people working in the United States. So it's going to take a big cooperation between the FEDS and the and civil society and business industry too to make this all work. You know, I just I just look at this and it's one of these problems that we know how to solve. We had it, we had it all resolved under Donald Trump. Anyway, I want to thank you Caesar Yabara, Thank you, Brandon Judd, thank you. Quick break, welcome back. We'll get back to the phones and our final half hour. Only your calls eight hundred and nine for one Seawn our number on this Friday, just making sure you can get three hours a day wherever you are. This is a Sean Hannity Show now on six hundred and fifty stations. Sean Hannity, all right, back to our busy phones. Tom is in New Jersey. Hey, Tom, how are you glad you called? I'm good, Sean. How are you doing? I'm good, sir? What's going on? You know, I'm just getting tired of this on this everything at the border is just getting worse and worse, and we don't have enough people tower to handle this. And thank heard, Sarah Clark's done it like all the time. What's your reports with are? And thank god she's keeping us abreast of what's going on down there. I mean, but the problem is it's like it's only us and maybe a couple of other shows. Laura, you know, just a few of us. There's not many of us doing it, and the stories and there, Yeah, I don't see it anywhere. Only on your show. Only on said to get CNN. They're going down the tubes. Thank god. Do you realize for twenty what was it, twenty four straight weeks? Did you read that Lenda that they didn't even crack a million viewers. I can't believe that it was even a question. Well, I mean they got a little bounce after the election. I mean that that happens. There's a certain cycle, news cycle that impacts viewership, and usually after elections people need a little bit of a break and then, believe me, they're back in droves now. And you know, if I wouldn't survive, if if my audience was that that negligible, I just wouldn't survive. I mean, it's been what you know what, somebody told me this. You're gonna get a kick out of this. Next year, I might be the longest serving primetime cable news host in cable news history. I'm like, oh, gee, there's something to celebrate. It means I'm getting old man, And I'm like, oh jeez, now you use shalmony. You look younger than ever right. I'm telling you everybody swears by it. I mean use swear by, You've been using them for years. I I just love the people, Schalmany. They're just nice people. George, everybody, their entire team. I love how everyone tries to rip them off and duplicate them and they can't. They're just smarter than everybody else they've been with. They're awesome. Oh yeah, they're great. Twenty five to the top of the hour on a frange. You glad it's Friday. I'm so glad it's Friday. Oh man, Linda, you glad it's Friday. No, you need to do this weekend. You need to do something out of the box and something very different. Okay, you're six year old Liam to McDonald's and get them a happy and yeah, because you've never done it. And if you do it, you say uncle Sean wanted you to have this special press and then then without you brainwashing him and prepping him, then I want to call him and ask him if he liked it. Then I want to ask him an important question. Now, whose French fries do you like better? Mom's air fried French fries or real French fries from McDonald's. I already know the answer, real french fries from McDonald's. No, he's gonna love my food off his mother. He loves me. I'm his favorite. Okay, you say that, but I'm telling you he's gonna like the other fries. Better put it up as a question. I just can't win with you. Put it up as a question on hannity dot com. What is better air fried French fries or McDonald's french fries. That's assuming that most people in the country have an air friar, which they don't. Okay, that's not a common thing. Okay, And then say, please only vote if you've ever had air fried french fries. I actually have had them, and I can tell you it's not even close. It's not even close. First of all, we cannot talk to you about this because we have to grade on a curve with you. When I when we traveled in this past month and we had to have meals as a team, Okay, I literally could say, we don't need anything on that certain plate of that certain type of food except salt. That was all you wanted. So we're clearly not grading on an even scale here. If the audience knows that you are a soul. At what did I order? I don't even remember? Do you remember? Do you want me to share it with the audience, because it's okay? Sure? So we we brought cans of Campbell soup chicken noodle that you do not dilute with water, that you just eat out of the tiny bit. You'll like about a third of a canned water, uh huh. And then I ordered you chicken wings, correct, chicken wings, No sauce, no sauce, no buffalo sauce, no hot sauce, just no sauce at all. This is me putting the order in and the girl saying to me, I'm sorry, I don't I don't unders you're saying. I'm like, yeah, I just want chicken regular chick plane chicken ride wings. And then we're gonna put salt on it. And she's like all right. It was bizarrely what I did. And James liked them. He loved them. First of all, James is your brother. He's always going to support you, and he's he's he's the easiest eater I know. Said to me, these are like the best wings I've ever had, Right, James, correct, say it correct? Correct? There you go. Uh huh. I'm not going to get between you and your brother. Not he's my brother in law, but he's still my brother. Oh my god. First of all, he's been your brother in law for a jillion years, so at this point he's your brother. You and I both know that that's correct. He's I believe he's the brother that I always wanted my whole life. That's correct, and I'm just telling you anyways. But so that there's a reason we call him sweet baby James is because he's the nicest guy in the whole wide world. I'm not. I am not as I actually have a different theory on that name. I think we call him sweet baby James so that nobody knows that he's actually a military guy, will cut. So he serving, he was in the Navy. He served in the Navy. Um you don't got CV and probably was going to for life, but I stopped them. But um you know, um, well, there's nothing wrong. And here's the problem. You're describing my eating habits as if there's something wrong with it. I had a dinner while back with some some friends and we all talked about what we like to order, and they all go through, Oh when I go to this fancy hotel, I like to order this, and I'm like, well, if they have really good New England clam chowder, I'm always interested. And then I said, I really usually just preferred the kid's menu, grilled cheese with bacon, mac and cheese, spaghetti with marinara sauce, or cheeseburger. That's what I usually like to You said this to a group of strangers. This is a group of strangers of people you knew. No half the people I didn't know. We were just hanging out with. It was a social situation I had to deal with. Oh, well, you know how social A total loser. If anybody understood what my life was really like, wouldn't they think I'm a loser. They would No, I don't think so. You just like to be okay, I stay Why do I stay home? Look? Because I love my job. I think it's an honor to do this, and I'm as disciplined as a marine. I get up, I work out, I study, I go to the studio, I do my radio show. I take, you know, a little snack break whatever it is that I'm eating, and then I get studying and writing and I do my next show. And then I, you know, try to fall asleep as best I can as fast as I can, which is usually a few hours later. Catch up on some calls, but I'm usually studying for the next day already before I go to bed. Yeah, and I get up. And you also have two full time jobs on the air, as well as several other jobs, not the least of which is being a dad. So you have a lot going on, just like most Americans who believe, you know, in not getting a stimulus check and actually working. So there's a lot of people that are hustling out there. I want to they can relate to you. That's everybody I know in life. I don't know, and it's and you don't you know everyone, Why don't you do it for I don't do this for money. I do it because I love our country. I have one motivation now and well, I think that that bears repeating because there's a lot of people who don't realize that when you started out in radio, you know, radio is't not this glamorous thing. You don't make any money, yeah, like none. You know, you're broke as a joke. But listen, I worked for free for years. My first paid gig wasn't until nineteen ninety. I started an eighty seven. My first paid gig was nineteen ninety and I made a whopping nineteen thousand dollars a year, eighty seven more money doing being a contractor. Where was eighty seven? Is that California? Or is that that's California? Right? Okay? And then ninety one hour a week show. And then by the time I left Alabama, I was doing not only the afternoon show for three hours, I was doing the morning show for three hours. I like, Joe PAGs. You don't even like the morning Oh God, I hated it. Oh you're not really a morning host. I wouldn't want to wake up the hand. It was just terrible. I shouldn't admit this. I'll probably be fine by the FCC, but I would assume the statute of limitations along dead and gone now. But it was a fifty thousand want station. But that butt at night it powered down like two hundred and fifty and in the wintertime you didn't power up it supposedly until seven thirty. And I'm like, if I'm coming in to work, I'm not coming in and people can't hear me. And I just you know, really didn't look at what the actual times were. When I went on the air, the power weren't right up. I figured out how to do it, believe it or not, the technical genius that I am. You are a very technic and I used to crank that sucker right up. Was that back when you were placing tape with a marker? Yeah, I used to do. I used to do all my own production by slice and tape. Yeah. I mean those were the days, especially because you love production so much. No, it's not that, I mean, it's I did it because I wanted to learn. I mean I couldn't do it now because I can't do the computer processing stuff that you guys do, which it makes it infinitely easier. Okay, So I got a question for you. Ready. Katie and I are talking and we had we've had this call and since we're having a sort of a free moment here, I'll ask it now. So we've had caller's call in and ask what is your most memorable moment on radio? And what is your favorite moment on radio? Oh? Boy, that's hard. I told the story. Um, you know, people ask me all the time, what do you like better TV or radio? And I just say, I like it all. What do I My most favorite moment I realized the power of radio when I told the story about the guy that told me took a bottle of pills and drank a quarter of gin and was saying goodbye because he was killing himself. And when I finally got the location out of him, within a minute, literally you know, dozens of cars and an ambulance descended on him and saved this guy's life. That was a pretty that woke me up to the power of radio and that I wasn't really thinking about and the responsibility that comes along with it. But I you know, I like every every part of it. I mean, but like a happy memory, like that's that's one of those moving memories where you save somebody. It's I tell you, what I've enjoyed the most is getting to know and meet listeners. I think, you know, when you're on the road, it's hard, but when you meet you know, it's like a family. Radio is a heart medium. It's very different than television and television. I can just roll my eyes or make a face and I can communicate in part that way. But when you go out and you meet people and you see and I talk to people, and I learn their stories and I see their struggles, and I know the importance of education, and the importance of lower taxes, and the importance of less government, and the import whatever is important. At the time, I realize the importance of what the role politics plays in our life, because it impacts every aspect of our lives. And I just like being a spoke in the wheel. Everybody thinks, well, you must think you're a big shot. Not at all. I just think I'm a spoke, just like every voter is a spoken the wheel. Everybody's doing their part. When everyone does their part, we can fix things. And you know, that's the thrill of victory when you win the election, years in the agony of defeat when you don't, but you never stop. The fight for freedom never ends. And that's something that's just ingrained in my DNA. I don't know why. As a young kid, I listen to talk radio, never imagining I'd ever have the chance to do it. And then I get the chance to do it. Then they took away the chance to do it. Then I wanted it more more than anything else in the world. And I've been doing it now thirty three years since I started, and it's been the greatest journey in my life and I feel blessed to be behind this microphone. Every day I thank the people that make this possible. At the end of the show, I often say, you make this show possible. Thank you for that, because if you don't have listeners, you don't survive in radio. If you don't have viewers on TV, you don't survive in television. I can't believe I'm going to be the longest running primetime cable news hosts in history at some point next year. I mean, and somebody told me that, and I said, good grief. My next question was how many years was Johnny Carson on? But that says something about you, boss, that says something you know well. I mean, in my opinion, there have been I mean, I've been here going on seventeen years, which is a very long time. And one of the things I can say is there have been many conversations where we said, should we cover this, should we talk about this, should we do this? And sometimes you just gotta follow your gut, and you have done that time and again. I mean, you and I have not always agreed on everything. You're like, Nah, I think I gotta do it this well time downright pissed off at me because I'm not and vice versa and vice versa, and we've both been wrong and right. But go ahead. Yeah, God. Anyways, all that to say, there are moments, but I think it speaks to the show right, So it's like, I'm going to do it this way. People we meet though, when we meet, it's incredible life. When I was caught wait, can I tell you when I was cool screening? This is crazy? When I was call screen I first started out I'll never forget when Ricky Medlock called and I said, um, yeah, he calls in, He's okay, he's okay, and he calls in. He goes, hey, how are you doing this as a Ricky Medlock of Leonard Skinner? And I'm like, yeah, whatever, body click so I didn't know. He calls back and he goes, this is Ricky Medlock again. Can you not hang up on me? I'm like, dude, it's not cool to impersonate people. Okay, is not wait, I said, Ricky Medlock's not calling. Then one hundred number. He goes, Ricky Medlock is calling the eight hundred number. Because I don't have any other number, and I'm like, all right, what instrument do you play? And he's like, are you gonna quiz me? Now? I'm like, oh yeah, I'm gonna quick you. I'm gonna ask you all kinds of questions and if you don't know the answer, I'm hanging up again. Well, of course he gets them all right, and we start talking this and that, and that was how Ricky Medlock became a friend of the show. But it was hysterical and I can't tell you how many of pock the greatest guitar He's one of the greatest guitarists of all time. I mean, this guy when he's jamming out free Bird, I mean we're in that long guitar you know, Medley that goes on and on and on, and he just gets more intense and more intense and more intense. It is amazing to watch. But there's a lot of moments like that, Sean where like Congressman's Senators football players. I can't even tell how many people called the eight hundred number, you know, And I'm like, it's just bizarre. It's totally one thing. I'm gonna want to give people some hope here, because people are worried now about the future. I can feel it. I can't explain why. I just know it. I sense it. I feel it. It's my gut. I've lived through this thirty three years here, twenty five years on TV, and there is now it is percolating and it is beginning to boil, and it's going to overflow, and I believe crescendo first in November twenty twenty two. If we get these election laws fixed, which now happened in Texas yesterday in case people weren't watching, we have one extra thing to fix in Georgia. That's signature verification. But it's happening also in Pennsylvania, and it's happening in Wisconsin and Michigan and hopefully Arizona. And that is integrity. Signature verification, voter ID, chain of custody, controls, partisan observers able to observe updated voter roles. If we do these things to ensure integrity in our process, we can fix what is an election system. In the last election. Oh so you're saying Hannity to do it was fraud, I'm saying the laws weren't followed. That's correct. Partisan observers were not allowed to observe. That is a violation of the law. The Pennsylvania Constitution was violated. To read the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin's stinging rebuke and dissent about how laws weren't followed in that state. It's interesting. So we got to fix that and then hopefully we can fix the country. Because I still believe in the dream of America. But for America, this world is going straight to Adam Schiff and it ain't gonna be good. Wrap things up with today. Let not your hearts be troubled. Yeah, they should be delta variant, lambda variant, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, mask mandates, but nothing if you're an illegal immigrant coming through the border because you get special rights that American citizens don't get. Makes no sense. We'll have it all covered Monday edition on The Sean Hannity Show. Thanks for being with us. We'll see him Monday. You make this show possible. We never forget it, and thank you for that.

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