The Fight for Kavanaugh - 9.4

Published Sep 4, 2018, 10:00 PM

Sean is joined by Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, as the team digs in to cover the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Senate Democrats are lose their minds ahead of his nomination hearings and are trying to find any and all stall tactics. You have to hear the latest... The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio show podcast, all Right, sixty three days the most important mid term elections in our lifetime. I'm not sure most people understand the urgency of these mid terms and what it means. You know, just as we're coming on the air here. If if you don't get it, you should soon get it, because Chuck Schumer's actually saying it. It just so happens in a video posted on YouTube by a constituent. You can hear the constituent asking Chucky Schumer, what are you going to impeach Trump? Anyway? It was in a Labor Day parade, and he answers, the sooner the better, let's play it. It's a little hard to hear, but it's it's real. That's them, That's what their agenda is in sixty three days. Here's what he says, sooner the better, And the constituent pushed back at Schumer, saying that he not answered the question, and he goes, well, we gotta get a few Republicans on our side. He said, the Democrats are on your side, and uh, let's listen to that. We don't have that part the audio is bad on that anyway. So he's saying he wants to but that's what the elections about in sixty three days. That's it anyway. I hope you had a good Labor Day weekend. It's gonna be a very intense run. We saw the hearings today and in total planned chaos breakout in the Kavanaugh hearings before we get to some of what went on here. If you caught any of this, what you saw is a typical radical left wing spectacle. And I told you it didn't matter who Donald Trump picked, this was going to be the actions of the Democrats. The only reason you're gonna get some Democrats to vote for Kavanaugh is because they come from red Trump states like Mansion in West Virginia is never gonna win his Senate seatback. So what you have is I would call it an election year conversion. You'll probably get the same thing. Claire mccaskell is fighting for her life. Let's see what Bill Nelson down in Florida does, or Donnelly in Indiana does, Heidi hi Camp in North Dakota does. All these people now fighting for their lives and they should be defeated. If we can get people to understand the magnitude and the importance of the midterm election. And it's really this simple, Chuck Schumer, this is what they say behind closed doors. This is what they want to do. This is what we've heard over and over again from Maxim Waters and others in Peach forty five and Peach fort They've wanted to impeach him before he was elected, as if it wasn't bad enough. We have a lot of deep state news that we've got to share with you. I think the most significant development since this entire investigation of ours has started, and that relates to Bruce Or, the fourth ranking official of the do o J we now know was keeping Mueller's team Mueller's pit bull, a guy we've talked an awful lot about, Andrew Weissman in the loop about the Steel dossier that Steel himself doesn't even believe it anyway. So if you watch this morning, it all started out the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley literally it was impossible for him to complete his opening sentence and what we now know was planned and plotted and schemed ahead of time, and Democrats begin interrupting him, trying to hijack the hearings. You know, he'd rule out Kamila Harris and she'd she'd be out of order, and then like clockwork, incomes Richard Bloomenthal and he'd start in. When Bloomenthall would shut up, Grassley would attempt to restart the hearing, and Corey Booker would chim in. And as all of this was going on, he had all these left wing democratic radical groups were in the gallery constantly shouting, constantly interrupting. It was all orchestrated. And you know, for some really strange, outrageous reason. In the past security once somebody stepped up, they were taken out of the room and they wouldn't be allowed to disrupt the hearing. That didn't happen this time. They should have kicked these people out a lot sooner. And anyway, I was kind of disappointed a little bit, and Grassy, I think you should have ordered the gallery to be cleared of any of these people that were disruptive of these hearings. I mean, for this guy not to be able to finish a sentence, I was watching poor or in hatch how many of this is his fifteen Supreme Court confirmation hearing He's trying to make complete a sentence and they wouldn't let him. John Cornyn had it right when he compared what was going on to quote mob rule. But the icing on the cake is that all of this the entire charade. This was reported by Breitbart earlier today that Dick Durbin admitted in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Kavanaugh that he and other Democrats participated in a conference call on to disrupt the hearings. And Durbin was responding to a question by Senator Tom Tillis North Carolina, who sighted an NBC News tweet from earlier in the morning that reported that Senate Democrats had planned over the Labor Day weekend that they were going to use this technique these tactics protests interruptions anyway. NBC's Casey Hunt had tweeted out Democrats plotted coordinated protests strategy over the holiday weekend. They all agreed to disrupt and protest the hearing. Democratic leader Chucky Schumer led a phone call and the committee members are now executing it. And NBC News confirmed the plot with its Politics division tweeting Democratic senators open Kavanaugh confirmation hearing with a protest plan that was coordinated and agreed to over the weekend, according to people familiar with all the planning. So Senator Tillis says, I just want to be clear, none of none of the members on this committee participated in that phone call or that strategy before the documents were released. Are you suggesting that this allegation is false? Dick Durbin, Well, he was asked to respond, but merely deflected the issue on whether the committee had been provided enough documents on Kavanaugh, which is an initial all respond to in a minute. He's given more documents than the last five Supreme Court nominees combined. We did eventually get twenty two protesters that were arrested at the Brent having a confirmation and just in the morning session alone. And I don't think we had twenty to arrest in the entire history. By the way of the Team Party, I don't know if that's true. I'm just guessing. But Democrats on the they seemed to you know this, this is what the Democratic Party has evolved into. It doesn't surprise me. Chuck Schumer's on tape saying can't be soon enough to impeach Trump? Sooner the better. I mean, it got so bad at the hearings. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of watching, you know, Trump supporters being chased out of one venue after another. You know, of course, we have the new rules, which are getting their faces. Actually that rule started with Obama. He had said get in their faces. I'll send Mr Burgess to take on Sean Hannity, will tear them up. Maybe I should have soothed. Maybe that was a threat on my safety. I don't know. Maybe I interpreted it the wrong way at the time. Maybe it's being too gracious two nice to Barack Obama. But these Democrats have a pensiant, you know, as it relates to this, I mean, look at you know, Betsy de Voss was chased down a street by screaming Democrats. Secretary Kristen Nielsen, Sarah Sanders run out of restaurants by Democrats. Ivanka Trump harassed on an airplane by a belligian Democrat Pam Bondi, threatened with physical violence by you know, these these left wing lunatics, Peter Fonda suggesting, you know, oh, would be a good idea to assault Secretary Nielsen. Ivanka Trump, you called the C word by a psychotic Democratic so called comedian. Brent Kavanaugh's two daughters today had to be escorted out of the confirmation hearing with all of these protesters and the screaming and the antics and the tactics. That was all planned and plotted. I'm sure the Democrats are proud of themselves that they got to run, you know, two little kids out of confirmation hearing today. Isn't that nice? Let's move the children out. Not safe, as the Democrats put on their show. Anyway, They just sought to delay this for no real reason. But it does offer a snapshot of what the American left vis a vis the Liberal Democratic Party looks like today. And you know, you give them back their power, what are you gonna get? Well, you're not going to continue the economic success we've had, and they've you know, Chuck Schumer telegraphed it well. Chuck Schumer is saying what all Democrats are saying. That's sooner the better, That's what they've always wanted. It's not working for them. But what have we got? We got four million new jobs for Americans in less than two years. We've got two million fewer Americans on food stamps, millions of Americans out of poverty. We got record low unemployment in fourteen states. We have a fifty one year low, record low unemployment for youth in America. That's good because if kids don't have a summer job, what are they doing. They're getting in trouble with a dopey friends. We have record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workforce. All of that comes to a halt because the agenda in sixty three days should Nancy Pelosi, who apparently was out in the Hampton's with Chuck Schumer and George Stephanopolis and whatever that Hampton's crowd is, I didn't get my invitation, and I live in Long Island. I wasn't even invited. I'm shocked. Apparently she's, you know, ready already out there. She's literally picking out the drapes for a new office. And you know, but we have a poll that chose a majority of blue collar workers think they're better off under Trump than Obama, and they are. You've got the Democratic governor, goobernatorial candidate, the Tallahassee mayor bragging on meet the Press that he got all his money from George Soros and some guy Tom Stire, all these left wing radicals that have their agenda. What about the people of Florida's agenda? I mean, really, what about the forgotten men and women? That team was about. If you don't vote, this is what you get the mid terms. Apparently out in the Hampton's this weekend. I can't believe I was not given my invitation. But Chuck Schumer was there, Nancy Pelosi were there, Oprah Winfrey was there, George Stephanopolis, Katie Corrik, Savannah Guthrie, Joy Behar were there, joy Less be heart. I don't know how it's possible that I was not given an invitation. Wasn't even far. I could have driven out in a couple of hours. It could have been there that I was fishing for snappers and you know an Oyster bay sound. Oh, I got pictures. I called it just threw out just simple yeah, just little this little baby snappers. I mean, it's fun to catch them. At least they catch a fish. I get to say I caught one. I'm not the fisherman that Ethan is. He's a fisherman nut, but I like to get little tips and clues, and I noticed I got sunburned. Yeah, where do you think that came from? Sitting out there in the sun roasting waiting for a fish. It's Trump's fault. Of course, it's Trump's fault. The sun shines, it rains, it snows, it's all Trump's fault. Dog bites the best things. You're feeling sad, it's all Trump's fault. Um. Anyway, So I had all these people there, um, apparently also Martha Stewart was there, Bob Kraft was there, Oprah Winfrey. As I said, at the sare, and um, I'm sure they all talked about those of us that are smelly mark people as Peter Struck refers to us, or irredeemable deplorables, or those that cling to our God, guns and and Bibles and religion people. Yeah, guilty is charged a lot of steak in sixty three days. What are you gonna do? How many of you are registered? How many of you are gonna take the time, get off your ass and go out and vote, because you know what's at stake here. I don't feel the urgency yet from conservatives because all progress is gonna stop. Investigations galore, They they'll take back their crumbs that they're obsessed with getting back. They'll get rid of Vice, open borders, keep Obamacare, and impetes the president, and endless investigations except into the deep state. Those investigations will go away because that protects their deep state friends that helped them. All Right, as we roll along, Shawan Hannity Show nine one, Shawn told free Teller, So it was all planned and plotted in advance to be belligerent and shriek in Heckler's and Democrats and not let anybody finish the sentence and schumer plot whatever forty four Democratic interruptions in the first forty minutes, and why the room wasn't cleared, I don't know. Other breaking news, by the way, the governor of Arizona has chosen John Kyle to complete McCain's term. And you know he's been there and he knows how to do it. He's not running for reelection. And then, all right, the probably a good choice by the governor. We'll see how John Kyle feels about Judge kavan ob We'll see how he feels about Obamacare if that vote comes back up again, and some other issues I'd like to see where he stands on the issues before we get that. But you gotta understand this is your new Democratic party. Forget about the Ginsburg rule. In this case, even the Washington Post today is arguing against the Ginsburg rule. No hints, in other words, how she will rule on any particular issue, no forecasts and no previews. Whatever happened to the Ginsburg ruled that everybody so loved. And of course we have the treatment of Robert Bork by Ted Kennedy, smear, slander, besmirchment, character, assassination, barks. America is a land of which women would be forced into back alley abortions, Blacks would sit at segregated lunch countess rogue police could break down citizens stores and midnight raids, and school children could not be taught about evolution right as an artist would be censured at the whim of government. Yeah, and then of course Clarence Thomas and the way he was horribly treated and it resulted in him fighting back and winning his confirmation. This is a circus. It's a national disgrace. It is a high tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deigned to think for themselves. And it is a message that unless you cow town to an old order, you will be lynched, destroyed caricature hi a committee of the U. S U. S. Senate rather than hung from a tree. Sad, isn't it? But that's you know, forty interruptions forty minutes typical and sad. All Right, we gotta take a break. We'll come back. We'll get to your phone calls right down our toll free number. It's eight D one, Shawn. Where don't we get to Bruce or keeping Mueller's deputy Andrew Weissman in the loop about the anti Trump dossier. We'll get to that more straight ahead, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour one Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. A lot of news. So we got the elections, the midterms in just sixty three short days. We've got all the Kavanaugh hearings going on, a lot of people talking about Woodwards book. You know, I can go through verse in chapter. You know, wood word is never gonna write a good book about a sitting president, or one that doesn't have salacious gossip or people that have that talk that used to be there, that aren't there, that wish they were there, that feel that they were mistreated or whatever. And it's just part of the process. I guess in this day and age, if you're gonna be president, it just goes with the territory um. Nobody, I doubt well new Ingrich to in fairness to him, he did it. I mean, we do have four million new jobs created. We do have more Americans employed than ever before in history, the greatest labor participation rate in history. The opposite of Obama. You know, Obama said manufacturing jobs, who aren't coming back. We have nearly five thousand new manufacturing jobs. It's growing at a faster rate than it has in three decades. Four point two percent economic growth last quarter. The Atlanta Fed is saying it's going to be in the fours for the next quarter. New unemployment claims at a fifty nine year low. You got median household income at the highest level. You got fourteen states record low on employment, record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace the lowest and what sixty five years youth unemployment the lowest and fifty one years lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma. Um, you've got almost four million Americans off of food stamp since the election, for four million jobs, four million people off of food stamps. I mean, it's an amazing reversal of fortune. And that's what's at stake, you know. You add that that the president also has put America on a path to energy independence. You know, the Keystone Dakota access pipelines and war is now open. You have more regulations that have been taken off the book, so it's now become a business friendly country once again. The individual Obamacare mandate is gone, more affordable healthcare options for people. I mean, it goes on and on. You know. On top of that, the president's keeping his promise. He got six million more dollars to fight the opioid pidemic, and I can go on and on from here. Got a record seven hundred billion dollars in military funding because it was dilapidated under Obama. And of course the president wants to do the wall, etcetera. Her By the way, when did Louis Farcon ever become mainstream? You see him sitting next to a former president of the United States. That was it. Arita Franklin's funeral good Grief. Eric Holder says he wants to be president. Posing for a picture with Louis Farcon. I mean, I assume they know who this is. The Saintanic Jews control everything and mostly everybody. If fair you intem me didn't, you must must be somebody. On the night of September I was carried up on that mountain in a vision with a few friends of mine. As we reached the top of the mountain, a wheel, or what you call an unidentified flying object, appeared at the side of the mountain, and I was called from the wheel to come up into the wheel. Three metal leggs appeared from the wheel, giving me the impression that it was going to land, but it never came over the mountain. Being somewhat afraid, I called to the members of my party to come with me, but a voice from the wheel spoke saying, not them, just you. I was told to relax, and a beam of light came from the wheel, and I was carried up on this beam of light into the wheel. I sat next to the pilot. How if I could not see him, I could only feel his presence. As the wheel lifted off from the sign of the mountain moving at a terrific speed. I knew I was being transported to the mother wheel or the mother plane, which is a human built planet a half a mile by a half a mile, which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us of farover sixty. Anyway, back to the wheel. One of the things before we move on to some of the deep state issues, I mentioned the Kavanaugh Ginsburg's standard. If you're watching these hearings at all, the main crux of the Democrats argument is that what we haven't had time, but there's so many papers. In total, you've got more than four and twenty five or fifty thousand pages of records on wreck Cavanaugh. Now, if you want to look at it in terms of the total of of the records that were handed over as it relates to Kavanaugh were literally it more than doubles the number provided for Elena Kagan during her confirmation process. And get this, it's more than five more than the last five nominees document totals combined. And that's just on the pages that were handed over. On top of that, there were reports that if Congress wanted to see or the Senate wanted to see additional documents on the basis of constitutional executive privilege. Well, they provided another hundred plus thousand pages of documents, and the letter stated that the most significant portion of the documents reflected deliberations and Candida device concerning selection of the nomination of judicial candidates. And by the way, is Ted Cruz had rightly point out this was not his stuff. But he's just giving opinions. So all of this is a show. And forget the Ginsburg rule. That's now, that's now done, that's finished. But it's gonna go on. The ranting, the raving, the cast and guess what's gonna happen at the end of the process. Brett Kavanaugh is going to be on the U. S. Supreme Court. Um, I think the biggest story while I was away, I want to get into this in more details. Katherine Herridge broke it at the Fox News Channel on Fox News dot Com and the headline was d j's Bruce or kept Mueller deputy in the loop about the anti Trump dossier. He's talking about the Christopher Steele dossier. Now, it's amazing about this. Is Christopher Steele when push came to shove and his own dossier was he was questioned about it and then interrogatory in Great Britain under oath and the threat of perjury. Even he said, I don't know if it's true. It's you know, maybe fifty fifty So how could that happen? Anyway? The piece goes on that Bruce Or Remember he's the fourth highest ranking member of the Justice Department. He's been demoted twice now had contact. This name will sound familiar to you. Andrew Weiseman uh in Sten, now a top Robert Mueller deputy. Well, he's more than that. Andrew Weisman is, as the New York Times called him, Robert Mueller's pit bull. And this is a guy that when he was involved in the Enron investigation and Anderson accounting, tens of thousands of people ended up losing their jobs needlessly. This is a guy that was overturned by the Supreme Court nine zero. You really have to be spectacularly wrong to lose nine zero. This is a guy that was excoriated for withholding exculpatory evidence in cases. This is a guy that sent four Meryl executives to jail for a year. Read Sydney Powell's book, Licensed to Lie for a Year and that was overturned by the fifth Circuit. Anyway, we're now finding out that Bruce Or was in contact with Andrew Weiseman, and we had learned in the weeks previous with all the text messages and handwritten notes, and Christopher Steel is hoping that his fire walls plural hold and that he's worried about being exposed and scared to death about the grass Lee Committee investigation and scared to death about James Comey's testimony that was upcoming before Congress. Anyway, Fox News goes on to point out and Katherine Herridge that Ore's outreach about the dossier as well as Christopher Steel, the opposition research firm behind the Glen Fusion Fusion GPS, Sorry, Glenn Simpson Fusion GPS. Nellie Or's Bruce's Wife's Bruce Or his wife and works for Fusion. Sorry, I'm getting the straight It occurred before and and after the FBI had fired Steele over lying in leaking documents or his network of contacts as it relates to the dossier. We now find out included Peter Struck, Lisa Page, you know, both gone from the FBI, UH Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Weissman, and at least one other do O J official and a current FBI a un to work which struck on the Russia case. You notice that this is one big incestuous mess and that they're literally taking this crap. And Or and Christopher Steel are communicating about, well, what about your contacts at the Special Council's office. Well, still, we know as dossier was debunked, it was full of lies and insinuations that even he doesn't stand by. Well, this report goes on to say that Andrew Weissman, who is Mueller's pit bowl, was kept in the loop on the dossier while he was the chief of the Criminal Front Division. He's now assigned to Mueller's team. And the list includes several figures who have since attracted the scorn of the President as he decries this ridiculous Russia probe that now heads into its eighteen month plus day. And those involved in the early stages of this, and that means Or and his wife Nellie Or in fusion gee ps, and you know all the other people involved here. Bruce Or was a top boss at the Department of Justice. He's still working for the Department of Justice. Amazing and or his broad circle of contacts indicates the members of the FBI leadership knew about his back channel activities to the guy that they fired, Christopher Steele, who put together the phony dossier that we now know Hillary Clinton and the DNC funded. They funneled the money through a law firm into Fusion GPS they hired Steele. Steele accumulates Russian lies, disseminates it to the American people, to lie, to propagandize the American people, to purposely misinform the American people before presidential election, and then it also becomes the basis of a fighter warrant, and you have a Republicans are trying to get to the bottom of everybody's specific role here in perpetuating these lies and disseminating these lies, this unverified dossie. There's a question what efforts, if any, did the FBI take to verify or corroborate what was in the dossier that became the bulk of information to get the FISA warrant, because it's part of the law that they you can't present something to a judge that you don't know to be true on your own. They never verified it. They never corroborated it. They just wanted it to be true anyway. The UH the House Intel Committee memo released in February said Steele maintained contact with Or both before and after he was fired by the FBI, and shortly after the election, the FBI began interviewing Or and documenting his communications with Steal. Remember the FBI paid Steal eleven straight months steals getting money from Clinton, the d n C, Fusion, GPS, and the FBI. It's insanity. Still admitted to Or his feelings about Donald Trump. It was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected. He was passionate about him not being president. So that explains the lies that he put together and or his handwritten notes. We know that two weeks after the election, he made a list including Struck, an FBI agent, whom, by the way, may have been a reference to the meeting. No prosecution. Yet he goes push ahead on m M meaning man of for it go back to Chris meaning Christopher Steele. So they were pushing this almost immediately as it relates to the election. The same month, Steal was fired by the FBI as a confidential source over his contacts with the media. Also, according to court records. The FBI memo also states that Andrew Weissman in fact met with him on April and it met with a group of reporters about Manafort. This was on the eve of his appointment by Robert Mueller to the Special Council. That timing is significant because it came one month before the FBI Director Comey was fired and Mueller was appointed to lead the Special Council team. And Republican lawmakers who questioned Or earlier this week say the connection between or his wife Nellie, who did Russia research for Fusion GPS, you know, we're well known. When they went to court, the FBI note new three important things. They didn't disclose this to the court meeting the fights the court. They knew the oars involvement in the production of the dossier. They knew Christopher Steele had an extreme bias against the president. They knew who paid for the dossier. They didn't disclose any of this to fise the court judges on four separate occasions, and Fusion GPS. They didn't respond to Fox News inquiries about it, and their financial records were subject of a lawsuit not public. Apparently, and Nelly or received multiple payments in twenty six team from Fusion GPS. Apparently not small change either. Bruce Or never revealed it to the Justice Department. Fox new As contacted lawyers for the current officials with Or, as well as Mueller's office. They're not commenting on it. It's unbelievable, just one big, massive collusion to unseat a sitting president, Mark Meadows. One of the officials identified by Or was Andrew Weissman. I guess that explains why Mueller is an interested in investigating the Justice Department used the bogus Steele, Dozier and lied in committed a fraud on the FISA courts. All right, a lot to get to today. We'll get to the Kavanaugh Hearing's Jay Sekulo coming up. Also, we'll check check in with These are huge developments. Bruce Or kept Mueller's deputy Andrew Wasseman in the loop about the phony Steel dossier. Well it's pretty blockbuster testimony the election in sixty three days Dave Bratt, Freedom Caucus, Why this election matters so much and why you need to pay attention and register and maybe even get off your ass and go vote. Sorry to be so blunt, o con to and you. It's my understanding that everything that Bruce Or did was approved and known to senior Department Justice officials coordinated close with the FBI. So I think this is something that you know, we'll have to be looked at. I don't know all the facts here, but I think some of the facts that are being purported by some members of Congress may not in fact be the actual facts. It's really an unprecedented use of official prosecutorial resources to have him that deeply involved in generating this opposition research. We need to know who else that the FBI knew what he was doing. We need to know when he started dealing with people like Glenn Simpson at Fusion GPS, what his interactions were with Christopher Steele, and the financial interests that he had in state because his wife, Nellie Or worked for Fusion GPS, and you're not allowed to be a federal official and participate in matters that you have a financial interest. So I think there's a whole host of questions. But he really is a critical kind of wheel in this whole collusion cog that we've been able to expose over the last few months. You said you did not personally receive documents from mr Or, But the FBI did is that? And you also said the FBI got documents from a different source than mid September, different source than whom, different source from mr Or. It was not mr Or who provided the initial documents that I became aware of in mid September. So mr Or did not hand you the dossier. That's mrs Or didn't hand me anything. Mr provided information to the FBI that included material that is what everybody's calling the dossier. Oh so mr Or did give uh Steele as a as it relates to the dossier. What else are we gonna learn here? The biggest news since I was out for the Labor Day holiday is that Bruce Or's Department of Justice kept Mueller's deputy in the loop about the anti Trump dossier. Now, this is a guy that was meeting with Christopher Steele, who himself doesn't stand by his own dossier, meeting before the election, after the election, and what has you know been a debunked as we need to get answers to this question. Did the FBI in any way, shape manner of form ever try to verify what became the bulk of information presented to a FISA court because it appears they did nothing. But anyway, Bruce Orr had contact with Andrew Weiseman in sixteen. Remember Andrew Weissman. He is, according to The New York Times, Mueller's pit bowl. He's the guy that lost nine zero in the Supreme Court. He's the guy that was involved in the Enron case that tens of thousands of Americans lost their jobs on. He's the guy that put four Meryl executives in jail for a year they were innocent. That was overturned by the Fifth Circuit. He's the one involved in the Manafort bank loan case as if it has it had nothing to do with Trump, the campaign, Russia collusion. Nothing. Well, now we find out that Weiseman, now a top Mueller deputy, his pit bowl and other senior FBI officials ab out the controversial dossier and the individuals behind it. The sources said that Ore's outreach about the dossier, as well as its author, Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson, who runs Fusion GPS, and Nellie Or, Bruce Or's wife who works for Fusion, occurred both before and after the FBI fired Steel as a source over his media contacts and ors network of contacts in fact included let's see Peter Struck and Lisa Page, and Andrew McCabe and Weisseman and at least one other d o J official and our current FBI agent to work which struck on the Russia case. Quote. Wiseman was kept in the loop on the dossier, according to a source, while he was the chief of the Criminal Fraud Division now assigned to Mueller's team. If that's not a conflict, I don't know what is. Anyway, the list includes a number of figures who have since attracted the scorn of the president because obviously look at the connections here, and the one thing that we know about Christopher Steele is we can't have Donald Trump as president and Christopher Steele wouldn't even stand behind his own dossier joining us. Now we have David Shown civil and criminal civil liberties attorney and criminal rights attorney, and he's been following this case closely. And Mr Shown, how are you, sir? Thanks are you? I'm good? So to me. The fact that Bruce Orr is keeping Mueller's pitbull in the loop and all of this, and nobody has ever given any evidence that they ever tried to even independently verify what Steele himself wouldn't even stand behind. Is mind numbing to me, right, I mean, this is another chief fact now that you've brought up, brought out, is keeping Wiseman in the loop. As we know from everything we've seen in this case, if Weisman is involved, something bad happened. You know you listed some of his accomplishments over the course of his career. I think you were a little too modest. Wisman is also the fellow who has been cited by a federal judge for withholding sculptor evidence in the Key case in which he licensed a mob kill or to stay on the street and to continue killing. That case is still pending today taking a new trial for the people who are wrongly convicted in that case. But it goes on and on. I think what you have to keep your eye on now with or what you've brought out so many in so many different ways now, is the company he was keeping. It's not coincidental who his wife worked for, not coincidentally met with consent, and if not coincidental, now that he's passing this information up the chain. And remember ruth Or said that it wasn't uh, it was just raw material and that's why he didn't tell his immediate supervisor. But who he was keeping the loop? Were these anti Trump pro Clinton forces operating a Justice And the biggest question, perhaps of all, is why is or acting so far outside his job description with all of this? Well, I mean, I think that's a that's a great piece. He got demotive twice. Why does he still have a job? I think it's another question here, right, That's that's that's absolutely right. I mean, we've never seen a Justice department operating road like this before. Maybe it's happened, but we've never seen it, We've never learned about it. At least, it's become completely politicized and it has to be shaken up from top to bottom. There is no way this was the number four guy at the Department of Justice, David. This is not some low level guy at the Department of Justice. And when well, I mean we even saw on the emails that he had and the text message exchanges and the handwritten notes that he was scared to death of being exposed by Senator grass Les committee. He was scared to death that the firewalls wouldn't hold. Just before James Comey testified and he was afraid that and firewalls, by the way, is plural, and he was afraid that he would get exposed. All of those things to me indicate that they knew what they were doing was wrong. And in a sense, I mean when you add the struct page and their text exchanges in context, and the fact that we now know that they're all interconnected in all of this, what does it tell you that there was a conspiracy against the president, then candidate and then President electromp that politicized probably the most important department in our government, certainly the department who is integrity is the most important because people's lives are at staked by every every day with that department. Listen yours. You've put out all of the pieces, you've exposed the players. Now it has to be put together so that people see this is not just coincidence that there were so many bad actors within agenda there. At some point we have to say it looks like a r this is what we believe it to be. What you have just described. Well, let's go a little bit further here, because congressional Republicans are still trying to get to the bottom of War's role in this, and the circulation of this unverified dossier, which is a critical piece of the evidence, and obtaining the surveillance warrant. As a matter of fact, we're told it was the bulk of evidence. We know and more and more leaks out on a regular basis that Or was grolled by the House committees behind closed doors for seven hours. And we know in the House Intel Committee memo released in February that Steele maintained contact with Or. We know that they are handwritten notes. We know that we know what are in these notes. He made a list including page and Struck and the FBI agent, which may have been a reference to a meeting. No prosecution yet pushed case ahead on M meaning Manafort. Um may go back to Chris, he wrote. Congressional investigators told Fox they believe M is for Manafort. Chris is likely Christopher Steele, And the same month Steel was fired by the FBI as a confidential source overlying and leaking. So, I mean, how, what how do we interpret all of this except to be an effort by high ranking people to conspire against a sitting president. At this point, it's astonishing. I don't think there's any other fair interpretations to be put on it if somebody looks at justice statues out there. But you know what you focused before on the size of application and the importance of that process, and the omission from the applications, including the multiple renewals of what we now know they knew about Steel's lack of fit ability and the problems with Steel that was not told to the FLIESI Court. I want to clear one thing up if I can, very briefly now. People have been mocking the president's trump President Trump's tweets about the lack of hearings by the FISI Court. People say, oh, they don't usually hold hearing. Let's be real clear about this. This is not the usual case. There's an investigation to the President of the United States with multiple renewals. The rules of the FISI Court express we give that court the authority to conduct hearing. That's Rule seventeen of the Court of the Court's rules. It wouldn't be there unless they have the authority too. There are enough questions that should have been asked here to conduct hearing. And secondly, the government has an absolute obligation under Will thirteen of the SISI Court to supplement its submissions when any material facts have been omitted, we know now that they've been omitted, where's the supplication? So they shouldn't be mocking the president's tweet and focusing on terms like hearings are not hearing. The point is the President's trying to make is the integrity of that lacking based on the misleading and u government application and multiple news photobo mission signed off on, by the way, by Rod Rosen's team. Let me bring in our good friends Sebastian Gorka, author of Why We Fight. Uh, the interesting reveal also on top of all of us that Bruce or was keeping you know, Mueller's pitbull Andrew Weisman in the loop. But the FBI memo also states that Weisman met as early as April team with a group of reporters about mana Fort and now we know that way before that he had been kept in a loop the entire time as it relates to all of this, and then he's telling reporters on the eve of him even being appointed by Muellers. I mean, it's pretty amazing, it's absolutely incredible. So on if you just you just have to lay out the fact like the way you do on your show every night with the monologue, I think about the fact that those notes you just discussed three weeks ago, Fox News can outline that those notes from Bruce Or had lined in it such as his being very concerned that they will be exposed. Who's that they and what is he afraid about being exposed? Then if you connect that to the great investigative reporting that's being done by Lee Smith, he he has documented it is all unclassified. He's documented seven occasions Sean when somebody connected to the FBI or the d o J as a potential asset to somebody who's worked with them before, was dangled before the Trump campaign in an attempt to make somebody there do something wrong. Well, in in in layman speak, that's called entrapment. When you try more than half a dozen times, whether it's Carter Page, whether it's Papadopoulos or anybody else, to get a political campaign to do something that's illegal. They didn't do anything, but trying that hard. That entrapment. And that's why the left is running scared. That's why Bruce Or is running scared because all the things that are still to come out. I'm beginning to wonder whether or not Bruce Or is starting now to realize that his own futures in jeopardy here because it sounds like behind closed doors that he's being a little bit more honest than some of his predecessors that have attempted to obstruct the House committees from from getting to the bottom of it. We'll take a break more with Dr Gorka his book, Uh, Why We Fight, and also more with David shon eight nine for one, Shaun is our number? You want to be a part of the program? Final moments as we continue with David Shone and Dr Sebastian Gorka. Dr Gorka, Uh, looking at all of this, we still don't see the progress we need. We don't see the indictments that I think need to be handed down. We don't see the abuse of power covered by the mainstream media. And you wonder, you know, since the Mueller investigation has gone so afar from its original mandate, or I guess it was so wide, when do the people that had the highest levels of power, when do they get held accountable? Well, that that is in strolling that really is you know, is Lady Justice blindfold or not? If you have the last name Clinton, does that mean, you get a free pass that Director of the FBI will lest how many try times you broke the law with your private Homebrew server, but then we'll encourage the d o J not to prosecute you. This is the question, can we re instill the faith of the American people in the justice system? And it gets you know, the more you it's hard to follow this stuff because there's so much corruption, so many people involved, But the more you find out, the more you realize the breadth of what we are talking about. We're just talking about fighter Gate right now, and you've been you've been you know, handling about and you have the right approach to it. But what about the other scandals? What about unmasking. Unmasking could potentially be much much larger than the one. What about giving yes, on and on and on. But think think of the marked un asking thing. I mean uranium one. Most Americans have nothing, will will never have any experience of uranium in their life. But if you look at the unmasking scandal, unmasking scandal potentially is about the identity of hundreds of American citizens being illegally uncovered, being illegally exposed in a retroactive fashion because they were somehow politically connected to the Trump campaigns to Donald Trump. When you have the Obama's un ambassador Samantha Power, who's not a part of the intelligence community, over her signature in one year almost two hundred and then she says she didn't do it. I mean, then then who did it in her name? All right, we gotta run the last word, David john who asked the question millions of Americans are asking, when was the attention finally turned to the clicking emails to call me? To McCain. All of these scandals you've exposed, American people demand answers, and they won't put up to this, probably as the media doesn't talk about those things and most people just learn about what's in front of them. The American people are gonna demand answers. You've got to keep pushing, all right, Thank you both for being one of us. Dr Gorka, thank you, David Chulm, Thank you eight hundred nine for one Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, We're gonna get to your calls at the bottom of this half hour. Later on, we'll check in with Jay Sekulo from the American Center for Law Injustice. Dave Braddend Virginia is gonna check in and much more on the chaos and the confirmation hearings of Brett Havana, on much more as we continue, Mr Chairman, I'd like to be recognized to ask a question before we proceed. The Committee received just last night, less than fifteen hours ago, thousand pages of documents that we have not had an opportunity to review or read or analyze. You're you're out of order. I'll proceed. We cannot possibly move forward. Mr Chammer, the very warm well opportunity to have a meaning wife. There are two daughters, Mr Chairman, or I agree with my colleague Senator Harris, Mr Chairman, we wordy law clas and documents that we haven't everyone else joining you last night, and we believe this hearing, this exciting day for all of you here, and you're rightly press Chairman. If if we cannot be recognized, I moved to a journe the American People. Chairman. I moved to adjourn directly and Judge Cheven Mr Chairman, I moved to a turn and Mr Chairman, we have been denied. We have been denied, real access to the documents. We need to advise German regular orders, which turns this hearing into a charade and a mockery of our norms. Well, Mr Chairman, I therefore moved to a journey this hearing. Ye remember Mr James, we're not an executive sation. Mr Chairman, I asked for a roll call vote on my motion to adjourn. Well, you've vote not. Well, you know you can hear what the Democrats and it's so obvious what they did here if you if you missed this earlier today at the Kavanaugh hearings, he had the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman charl Is grass Leak almost incapable of completing his opening sentence before committee democrats interrupting him. He'd rolled Camilla Harris out of order, and then like clockwork, there's Richard Blumenthal he'd started. When he finally shut up, Grassley attempts to speak again, Corey Booker, which would step up after Corey Booker that it's Chris Coons and Tom Tillis and on and on and on, which was you know, while all this going on, they had their left wing troops in the gallery constantly shouting, constantly interrupting, And I'm really not sure why it took security forever to allow all these disruptions and all this screaming and all this shouting. I was watching or and Hatch try and give his opening remarks, and the screaming just never stopped. And I think grass Lee should have ordered the gallery to be cleared of anybody that was disruptive. John Cornin at it right when he compared what was going on to mob rule. But the icing on the cake, apparently this morning's entire charade we now know was planned in advance. Dick Durban admitted Tuesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Brent Kavanaugh to the U. S. Supreme Court that he and other Democrats participated in a conference call. They did it to disrupt the hearings, and Durban was responding to a question by Senator Tom Tillis, who sited an NBC News tweet from earlier in the morning that reported that Senate Democrats had planned over the Labor Day weekend to use protests and interruptions. NBC's Casey Hunt tweeted out Democrats plotted, coordinated the protest strategy over the holiday weekend and all agreed to disrupt and protest. Here they're acting like these are supposed to be senators. This is about an important branch of our government, the judicial branch. Apparently Chucky Schumer led a phone call. Committee members are now following through on the orders and they're executing as as they've been told to do so. NBC News confirms the plot with its Politics division. Democratic senators open kavanaugh Kavanaugh confirmation hearing with a protest plan coordinated and agreed to over the weekend, according to people familiar with all the planning, Senator Tillis has I just want to be clear that none of the members on the committee participated in that phone call or that strategy. Before the documents were released yesterday, you suggesting that this allegation is false, and Durbin asked to respond, but merely deflected. Of course, it was planned. This is you know, twenty two protesters arrested during the Kavanaugh hearing just in the morning session. Kavanaugh's daughters were rushed out of the Senate hearing for their own safety. I mean, it's just it's typical Democrat one on one belligerent shrieking radical leftism and trying to adjourn the hearing. But look, facts matter, truth matters in all of this. As I said in my opening remarks today, in my opening monologue, you know Kavanaugh, the Ginsburg ruled, the Ginsburg standard. No hints, no forecasts, no views. She said in responding to a question about discrimination. I did not see apparently that it did a full hour on rb G Ruth Pater Ginsberg on fake news CNN, one of the all time great justices. Like okay, I don't think so, but I didn't have the time to watch it. Um, Biden is even warning Democrats don't walk out of the hearings. That's really bad. You know, the guy has an amazing background, as amazing even bipartisan support from real people that really know him. Um, they've handed over more documents and what the last four Supreme Court nominees combined, and they're complaining about they don't have enough documents. How much do you want in terms of documents? And then they're complaining, well, you didn't have time to read them. All the Republicans had time to read them. They've read all the documents. And if you look, you know, get a little bit down deep into you know, the letter reports the releases over time, they produced only three hundred thousand pages of documents. Under the thousand pages of documents for committee members confidential viewing, not one member took the time to go over and review that which was put aside for them to go review. Not one. So he got four and fifteen pages executive branch records. It more than doubles the number provided for Elena Kagan during her confirmation process, is more than the last five nominees document totals combined. And you know that's, of course on top of the best evidence, which is Judge Kavanaugh's record is supreme, superb, superb judicial philosophy is twelve years on the d C circuit and a lifetime of service. They don't like it because they didn't get their radical left wing judicial activists that Hillary would have appointed. Well that's the consequences. Obama used to remind everybody every chance he got. Elections have consequences. Well, this one is one of them. Let's go to seawan Is in San Angelo, Texas. Shan Hi, how are you welcome to the program. Wow, what a wild morning? Huh Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I agree. I feel for you living there in New York. My wife and I just escaped California. Yeah, thank you. I feel for me. I feel for me too. I'm the amount of money you paid in California we pay in New York is insanity. It is theft. It is legalized stealing at this point. But if you don't pay it, you're gonna be in trouble. Pay your taxes, you know. Kamala Harris, she brought up the fact of bringing a million pages and these people they would sign a spending bill within ten minutes of thousands of pages and they've never read anything. Look, they had all of the time they needed. All this is is it didn't matter who Trump appointed they were going to do this. It just didn't matter. It's just truly sad what these people are doing. Um, it's just the lunacy is getting worse and worse. And to see our children, you know, listening to this, it's just it's so embarrassing for the country. It truly is. It's not listen. It reveals what the UF wing in this country is. There are no more moderate Democrats, there's no Scoop Jackson's, there no more Zell Miller. Sell Miller recently passed away and a former governor senator from Georgia. Got to know him really well, and you know the later years in his life. I had opposed him when he was governor and he's he literally did a lot of good in his life, you know, Joe Lieberman. Look what happened to Joe Lieberman. It was a it was a Democratic vice presidential candidate, and his party turned him out and he had to run as an independent to win his last term in the state of Connecticut. It's just unbelievable. All right, back to our phones. Thank you, Sean appreciated. Ted is in Boston. Ted, how are you? What's going on? My friend? Glad you called? I'm good Sean, A thank you for taking the call. I'm very thankful you called. What's going on today? Um? You know, aside from the political affiliations and you know those on the left and those on the right, is there a little interpidation with a twenty thirteen legal opinion from Kavanaugh. Quote, if the president has a constitutional objection to a statutory mandate or prohibition, the president may decline to follow the law unless until a final court order dictates otherwise. Listen, the president has a lot of you know, article two powers that he hasn't even he hasn't even used at this particular point in time. The fact that many of these issues are so cut and dry, and the fact that you have people on television that say that they're legal analysts and they don't even understand Article two powers is a little bit frightening. But I will tell you you know, at the end of the day, the constitution. Levince said this, and I agree with him. The constitutions on the president's side, and it's on the side of the American people. To the extent that we push aside constitutionality, which is which was one of my biggest complaints about Obama. Um, we do so to our own peril. And that's why I keep harping on equal justice and equal application of our laws. Because if we have one set of laws for one group of people another set of laws for another group of people, the constitutional republic that is the greatest ever created by man stands in peril and in jeopardy of future existence because that then there is the definition and the beginnings of potential tyranny. And it's a scary time. We better get this right. We better apply the rule of law. The standards got to be applied equally, UM or else we're all gonna be in trouble. And as we roll along Sean Hannity's show, what what do you what do you give me the law? I was just you know, I saw the McKean coverage over the weekend and it was, you know, it was really sad, you know, to watch that. You know, regardless of what your political beliefs are, it's always sad when we lose someone who serves their country. Listen UM. And it was in the tweet that I put out, it's interesting to bring this up because I was watching this and I'm thinking, all and I'm not talking about Cindy oor Megan. I don't care that it's a wife and a daughter. I don't people couldn't have the funerals. He didn't want to invite the President of Sarah Palin. I got whatever. You're allowed to have your funeral, whatever way you want. I do know that the president sent air force to accommodated rightly, so the McCain family and all the things that they requested and that they wanted, which I thought was also the right thing to do. He served his country with honor and distinction. He was a war hero five years as a pow um, and I said, I never regretted supporting him in two thousand and eight. And if you remember when he came back for the vote against healthcare, you gave a big, long speech about you know, we need to get along, etcetera, and and turn off those guys on talk radio and cable they can go straight to hell. It never bothered me. And that was the side of McCain that you know, I never got along with. And uh, but I never regretted supporting him. But I watched all of these people, and just specifically Obama, former President Bush, who was quiet all during the Obama years. It seemed like an establishment versus outsider, you know, too much of an undertone of that from my liking. And I just thought, you know, I remember what happened in South Carolina and two thousand in the primary, and two thousand I remember all the horrible things that Barack Obama's campaign said about John McCain. And again, it's his funeral. He can do whatever you want. He apparently did it exactly the way you wanted. But my memory is not that short, and I just it was sad to me that you know, there were certain grudges that seemed to be held, and then others were just pushed aside. And um, but you know, whatever you know to me wasn't something I wanted to watch at that point. I'm sorry. I feel my prayers go out to Megan and and her mom, Cindy, the lovely people I've worked with, Megan and both radio and TV, and Um, she's entitled to say whatever she wants. It didn't. It didn't phaze me or bother me in the least. She's absolutely free to say what she wants. I'm so surprised I didn't take a page out of your book and go into the woods, you know, with the prayer by yourself. You know, we go, You'll have no cell phone access and it's just you alone nature. God, you're mischaracterizing what I have said. If it is, if it's determined that I have X number weeks, days, months to live, I don't want to be a burden to anybody. So under those circumstances, if that ever happens to me in my life, I will call my friends and family together. I'll probably do a live reading in my will, just to make it fun. And I'm gonna say goodbye, and then I'm going to go away. I never said the woods. I'm going to go away. So that's where are you going? Because you did mention the whole month or twice. Okay, wherever I'm gonna go, nobody's gonna be able to find me, except there'll be one person that is assigned to be notified if when I die, Baby James probably Probably he's the only one that can keep a secret of my life. And then from there. I don't want to be a burden to other people. Do you really want your children changing your diapers at the end of your life. I don't absolutely payback. It's blissed. No payback is not blissing. You could afford someone to do it for you, Okay, but do you want them to even see that. I don't want them to say. I want them to remember me as I was in my living years, not in my dying days as a ninja whatever. You know, there's enough videotape of me in radio time. If you really care, you can go back and listen all the classics. But that's just for me. I don't want to be a burden anybody. That's my own personal choice. Well, I think it's selfless. You think it's selfish, which I find amazing. All I gotta take a break. We'll come back for one. Shawn Jay Sekulo at the top of the hour on the Kavanaugh debacle that took place most of the day to day and much more straight ahead coming up next our final news round up and information Overload our all right news round up, Information Overload hour. Let's go back to the Kavanaugh hearings from earlier today, all the Democratic disruption, in chaos and insanity that took place. Obviously this was all orchestrated, as I pointed out earlier today. Uh Democrats planning, plotting, scheming over Labor Day weekend to put on a show, and they put one on this morning. And here's what happened. Judge Kavanaugh was a senior lawyer in the White House. He advised the president on judicial nominations, provided legal advice on separation of powers issues, and handled litigation matters as a as a Supreme Court has put at quote, unless the president can give his advisers some assurance of confidentiality, a president could not expect to receive the full and frank submissions of facts and opinions upon what's the effective discharge of his duties depends end to quote. The issues Judge Kavanaugh worked on are exactly the sort of issues that require, according to the Supreme Court, some assurance of confidentiality. We in the Center and everyone else in America expect exactly the same sort of confidentiality. Most Senators would not agree to turn over their staff's communication to anyone. And of course in the morning session alone, there was what twenty two people that were arrested during the hearing, again, all invited guests that hated in every way, shape matter informed. Uh, Judge Kavanaugh, and I think it was as much about Donald Trump. And so it kicks off with this belligerent, shrieking hecklers. And here's what they said, shot, Mrs Chairman. I asked for a roll call vote on my motion to adjourn. You know, Democrats can't just stop revealing who they really are as this goes, if it became chaos chaotic anyway, joining us now, he is the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice. Uh, he's also counseled to the President, although he's not here in that capacity today. Uh, Jay Seculo, how many times have you argued now in your life before the Supreme Court of the A. C. L. J. Uh. We've had about twenty cases there. I've argued twelve of them, so I'm pretty a lot of time there. And so when you argue before a Supreme court is I think it's one of the more interes interesting proceedings because you put everything down in writing and they get to read both arguments, briefs, etcetera. And then if they have questions, you might get one word out of your mouth and they start grilling you. I think the most I've ever gone was thirty five seconds. You've gone before I got stopped. Yeah, before I got stopped with a question. So the way it look, I mean, I've known Brett having a long time. I knew him, went back in the days in the Bush administration, knew him in private practice. We worked on a religious liberty case together. And uh, he's a smart guy. And I will tell you that the president is nominating a well qualified nominated Supreme Court. You're right, it's probably the least understood branch because it's not the televised branch of government, but plays a pivotally important role in our constitutional republic. And I think the presidents made a great nomination. Well, let's talk a little bit about his background. Well, first let's talk about the show. Obviously, there was a call this weekend. Uh it was revealed NBC News Chuck Schumer leading the way, and that all of this was a planned operation from the start of the day. What is your take, Well, look, do we know that. I mean, there was emails that were circulating this weekend that talked about. In fact, our head of Government Affair, Sean was out in the in the hallway calling it to our broadcast and said that he walked by a protester who was talking to another protester and so are you getting arrested today? And the and the guy said no, I'm getting arrested tomorrow. Tomorrow is my day. Why didn't Charles Grassly get control of the room faster? In my opinion, it was way too slow. He was far too lenient. Yeah, I think he was going beyond what was necessary. But in in his view, he was trying to not you know, circumscribe anybody's ability to be there. But they're not going to let this continue in this pattern. You can't. Uh. So they're televised. It's not like people can't see it. But the disruption is not, as Dick Durbin said, the noise of our democracy. That's the that's the noise of people engaging in a protest in a venue that's not appropriate for a protest. You could do what outside. You can do in public sidewalks, but you're supposed to be at the coreman side of these facilities. You violate the rules, you pay the consequences. But I did the noise of our democracy and the noise of democracies. You hear the chanting outside the Supreme Court, that's the noise of our democracy, the noise of the democracy. That chanting outside the Supreme Court doesn't happen inside the Supreme Court. If it does, the persons usually removed and arrested. Well, I mean, look, this is also part of a distraction, a general distraction. Well, I agree with all of that, but I think this really comes down to it's it is a philosophical divide in the country. You know, either you believe in coequal branches of government and separation of powers or you don't. And I have always felt and I think the left is obviously want they want to confirm people that share their political values that are willing to legislate from the bench, that are a want to use the judicial branch of government to get done to America that which could never happen at a ballot box or through legislation, So they do it through judicial fiat. And that's the type of judge that they want. And somebody like Brick Kavanaugh respects the constitute, ocean and the rule of law. They don't like that judicial philosophy because it doesn't advance their activism. It's really that simple to me. Well, look, I mean, if you want to know anything about Brett Kavanaugh, it's not so difficult read his three hundred opinions. He's been on the bench for over a decade, I mean thirteen years, and the on the second most important court in the United States, the U S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. So if you want to know what JEF what what is judicial philosophies, which is all they're supposed to be discussing. He has all the qualificy and no one can argue that he's not well qualified. I mean, the A. B. A said it, because because it's true, he's probably one of the most qualified we've ever had, if not the most. It seems to me that unless something spectacular happens, that there's no way that he is gonna not be confirmed to the Supreme Court. What did you think of the appointment by the Arizona governor today of John Kyle to fill in? And I think there was a smart move. Senator Kyle has a wealth of experience. I have had the religion pleasure of working with him for decades. Look, he served on the Judiciary Committee. He's gonna be great. I think it was a great move, and that's a great call to serve us. And I appreciate John Colin willing to interrupt his life to represent not only the people of the great state of Arizona, but also to assist everyone in the United States. Centers called the service again, and he wrote to the Occasion as I knew he would. Let's talk about the Ginsburg role. No hints, no forecast, no previews, she said him. Respond, except if you're the Washington Post who said today they should change all that. You know. The Washington Post said today Sean, no hints, new previews, no decisions on where it might go. But now they said that's not any good anymore. We know exactly how I was going to rule, and specifically they want him to know how he's gonna rule on the issue of executive privileged presidential Authority article too that they want him to say. So the Ginsburg rule applies to everybody except But the reality is this difference, my client. But the reality is just if he does have to rule on any such issue just because it was appointed by the president, the president doesn't ask somebody how they're gonna specifically rule. Nobody knows, of course not, of course not. And look, I mean, it doesn't just qualify him. No, if that was the case, every nominee would be subject to every judge would be justice be subject to disqualification based on nomination. That's not the way it works in the Supreme Court of the United States, not the way it should work. He's gonna review the law, review the briefs, listen to the arguments, and make a decision. Alright, So let me ask you one question outside in your other roles as White House counsel Um, not White House Council, Council Council to the President. I'm sorry, all right. I apologize to Sean Hannity. I apologize to that through. Uh, that's a good point. But I want to just ask how do you see this all coming to an end? It's a very broad question. I didn't invite you on to talk about it, but yeah, um, you haven't been doing a lot of media on it. How does this all end? And when do you think it ends? Look, I don't give dates because I've never given dates. I've had some colleagues that have given dates. I don't like giving dates, so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna give a date. How do I think it ends? I think it ends with a report. I think that there's no collusion. There is no I think that this theory of obstruction by tweet I've said before, I think is absurd. So at the end of the day, I think there'll be a report that goes to the Deputy Attorney General United States. Then it would be it will be limited on what he can do with it based on some executive privilege issues of documents that they've had with in the executive branch that don't go to the other branches. And I think that it's you know, I think that's it. I mean, now, when does this happen? You know, I like it to happen sooner rather than later. But I you know, you could say that without giving it. I'm not going to give a date, but I will tell you this that there's ongoing professional dialogue between our offices and the special counsels that have been throughout the process. There's kind of fits and starts and stiff you know, you hit bumps in the road, but there's ongoing dialogue and and and we'll see what kind of combinations can be made to wrap it up. Do you think the issues that I've been covering in terms of the FBI and the do o J and all the information that we have discovered about people's political practices and and the FISA court abuse, etcetera, etcetera, do you think that comes into the folks guessed by the country as well? Don't you think it has to It has to be cast. Look, the irregularities in this inquiry from the outset are are breathtaking. I mean you could start with the dossier and Christel, and then you got Bruce or who's now you know, testified before the committee and his wife worked for Fusion GPS, who worked with Christel to put together the fake dossier that was used at the basis of then getting a five some warrant which was then used to you know, surveill Americans, which then you have the report that was used to do that was being then to disseminated among the FBI, including to Peter Strock and Lisa Page in their have their whole dialogue back and forth. So the irregularities here, you know, the insurance policies, the any McCabe story that James called me leaking his information to the friend of his so that special counsel would be reported in Lobold Special Council was important, all appointed all of that points to UH regular irregularities in this inquiry. Now, having also said that, let me say something I think that's also relevant here, and that is, if you look at the nature and scope of what has taken place, I think it's that part is unprecedented. We've never had a situation to this extent where the investigators need to be investigated, um and and then and some of them are, I mean, the fact of the matters. We know that the Inspector General's Office, UH, the Office of Professional Responsibility within the Justice Department are looking at those issues. But how can you not You can't ignore it I mean so that this side and you got anybody can hold whatever political positions or advocate any position they want, but that doesn't mean you get to be the the the decision maker on a on a I asked an unrelated question investigation. Yeah, what does it take to ever hear from the FIES? The court judges themselves, so nobody's ever heard from them. You don't. That's the idea of the FIES that Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, Uh is not designed to engage the public. They're in gotten engaging in counterintelligence matters as the judicial review branch, but they don't. But I'm sure those judges are not happy about what's happened here. Would would Congress have the authority, checks and balances coequal branches to bring them in? And yep, yeah they I mean, they are not immune from Congressional oversight, except they're an independent branch, So you have to respect separation of powers. It's the control of the person is what the Congress really controls. Uh, not so much there. They can don't control their opinions. But I think, look, all the issues that you've been raising over the last year and a half are significant, they're real. Uh, there's concern. I mean, I know there's a move for declassification of some documents that members of Congress wanted to get some more specificity on some of these I see issues. I think I'll look the unmasking anything. All this is real. I think the problem here is we we gotta You've got a political culture right now that there's no middle ground on anything. Everything is, you know, to the extremes. And I think when you have this kind of situation as we do now, that what we have to do as the lawyers for the president is analyze the law and the facts and point out those issues which we think warrant review, like the irregularity, and and make sure that those are also at the forefront of this as as this matter moves forward. I take a quick break here. We'll come back Jay Secular, chief council American Center for Law and Justice about the Kavanaugh hearings. As we continue, I would continue more with Jay Seculo. He is the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, also counsel to the President. Let me go back to the Supreme Court, who were the toughest Supreme Court justices you argued in front of him? Why well, you know, interestingly, Justice said, I think ruled with me every time. But he always asked very deep and penetrating questions. And that was Justice Scalia. He asked really tough questions no matter what side you were on, and that was just the nature of how he did. And I'll tell you who else was tough, which was his closest friend on the court, Justice Kinsburg, and then they were very close personal friends. And um, but I had appeared before Justice Ginsburg for two decades and she could ask penetrating questions the but there's always a sense that when you know there are justices also that would ask, uh, really nice questions, but we're really tough. John Paul Stevens was one of the nicest guys you ever met. But boy, he could give I was a bit of a boxer, you know, in school, and he could, uh, he could give you a left hook if he ever started a question with these with this word supposing that's what he would say, suppose Mr Secular, supposing such and subtance. Whenever he did that, look out that left hook was out there. You better have your hands up, you know. The funny thing is, And and somebody that I've really come to know and admire on the court and has really been incredible as a as a Supreme Court justices. Thomas he rarely talks during any of these hearings. He listens. Uh. He may have had a couple of cases where he's asked the question or two. He's not big on asking questions. There have been other justices in our history that have been the same, but I will tell you this that he is probably one of the I think he's brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Yeah, and and honestly brilliant analysis. It's amazing. It's great lawyer. Alright, Chase, Secular American Center for Law and Justice and Counsel to the President. Thanks for being will as. We appreciate it, and we'll see you on TV tonight. John. All set against the backdrop of these mid terms just a several weeks away right now, and our polish as Democrats go into these mid terms with a huge advantage. George, it's just one poll, but if these numbers hold, this is a disaster for Republicans. Look at this, a fourteen point advantage in terms of who people say they will vote for in their congressional district. Fourteen point advantage for the Democrats, but also more troublesome for Republicans. Democrats are more enthusiastics, say they are more likely to vote, and independent voters are fleeing Republicans in drove and and just to put that number in context, when Republicans won dozens of House seats in two thousand and ten, Democrats in two thousand and six, their advantages were far lower than this. There in every one of those swing elections, last swing elections, the advantage was less for the party that won. All right, now until the top of the hour, glad you are with us, Yeah, George Stefanapos would love for that blue wave to be exactly the way he wants it. It's sixty three days till the all important midterm elections, and you know, low and behold, I actually agree for a minute with Joe Biden. What's at stake for the Democrats everything? What's at stake for the Republicans everything. There's a lot at stake here, because, as I've been telling you, this midterm election, it's about really very simple but profound things. The Democrats they want to impeach the president. They're just trying to be quiet about it. But that They're absolutely giddy at the thought that they can impeach the president. Second thing is they want their crumbs back. They referred to the tax cuts as crumbs. Interestingly, they want the crumbs back. They can't leave the crumbs on the table for the mere mortals, the citizenry that we are. They think they're more important. They want open borders, they want to eliminate ice, they want to keep Obamacare, and I guarantee you it'll be endless investigations, all Trump, all the time, leading into nothing is on an agenda that will benefit the American people. Nothing. I mean, you have a radical Florida Democrat, thanks pro and each been billionaires for funding his Gubernatoria run. The guy that is running, Mayor Andrew Gillum of Tallahassee. You know, he had a tough time raising any money from within the state. But don't worry. He actually was on Meet the Press and he thanked people like left wing billionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyer for their money, and he's deeply appreciative of their money. Is what's more important here the people of Florida or billionaires that have radical left wing views. It's unbelievable. Now, there was a story on Breitbart over the weekend that apparently Nancy Pelosi was out of a big sware in the Hampton's on Long Island, and she's already plotting exactly what she intends to do should the House majority swing to the Democrats in November. Instead of focusing on the needs of the American people, she was spotted with Chuck Schumer at a glorious gathering Labor Day weekend East Hampton, hosted by the Discovery CEO and per Playbook and politicos Playbook Email. Pelosi and Schumer were hardly the only leftist stars there. Let's see. Oprah Winfrey was there, Katie Kuric was there, George Stephanopolis was there, Savannah gut Three was there, Joy Behar were there. Amazing. I live in Long Island and I never got an implight. I'm shocked. Anyway. One of the people that we really want to see reelected who's done an amazing job is Dave Bratt of Virginia, And of course he's being targeted because they can't stand anybody within the Freedom Caucus, the people that actually gets things done and keep their promises to the American people, How are you, sir? Yeay sean great set up. You hit it out of the park, and you're right, I'm getting hit The Washington Post, New York Times last Friday, Good Morning America is down with my opponent right now, and as people zoom in, they're going to see what you just said. Right. We got four point seven percent economic growth coming up next quarter according to the Atlanta Fed. My opponent was pushing at thirty two trillion dollar end medicare as you know it program along with Senator Elizabeth Warren and Bernie until she found out it costs thirty two trillion in my local papers said, in order to pay for that, you'd have to double the personal rates and double the corporate right. Plus you wants open borders in favor of sanctuary city. And so the folks are paying attention. And this is fairly representative of all the Democrats across the country, along with everything you just set up. And so now people are gonna focus and we gotta work hard. There's no doubt about it. There is still a blue wave out there, but we can beat it with just good common sense policy. Look, there's sixty three days. I think one of the challenges the president has, and I think that the electorate doesn't historically pay a lot of attention to midterm elections. And I think the Democrats they've done a pretty good job of holding back some of their representatives that really only want to run on impeachment. But they don't have an agenda short of what I said about eliminating ice, open borders, keeping Obamacare, getting their crumbs back, but impeaching the president is at the top of the list. What do you think the odds are that that would be their real agenda. No, I think it would be their agenda. And and my opponent's ban burger was Cia et cetera, and it's just running on that. But won't is any agenda item. She's promised not to vote for Pelosi. But I asked the question of them, I said, is that because Pelosi is too conservative? Right? So that's what people are missing. Every other person they want for speaker is further to the last. And Nancy Pelosi and the head of Financial Services will be Maxine Waters. And that's just one committee. And you can go down all the committee chair men and women and see what is in store for our economy if they ever got ahold of power, and the economic growth has gone. The jobs are gone, the low unemployment rates for African Americans and Hispanics gone, all the progress gone, and so we gotta keep it well. Everybody out there listening, make sure you dig in and help every one of your candidates out. You know, I guess. And the other problem is look short of the freedom call because I'm not exactly that enthusiastic about a lot of these Republicans. I think a lot of them have been weak and in effective and fairly lacking in a spine and courage and not willing to keep their promises. We learned that during the healthcare debacle, I mean seven and a half years, they promised to repeal them or place then we find out that a number of them never had any intention to do that because it was too tough politically. But you're right, We've got what fourteen states with record low unemployment. We've got an eighteen year high of consumer confidence, fifty one year low in youth unemployment, record low unemployment for women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and we see four million jobs have been created in the US, two million fewer people on food stamps in the US and we have, you know, a million fewer people in poverty. That's pretty good for less than two years on the job. I don't know why people would want to go back. Yeah. Well right, And the part of the problem is you're one of the few people that lays out that positive cation record the rest of the mainstream media. I actually think I'm like the only one. But who's counting? I think, I know, I know, I watch you believe me, and thank god, we've got a few people that put out the truth. You and uh, a few others, But the mainstream media, we're fighting against their narrative that, you know, this was the growth was gonna be one time, it won't last. All the benefits we're gonna go to stock buy backs. That's not true capital investment, right, I did a PhD in economics. Investment in capital is the main driver of economic growth, and that's going through the roof way higher than any stock buy backs. All the evidence is very clear on that. And then two weeks ago my opponent said, well, that huge growth isn't the kitchen table issue. Oh really, what about when a hundred million Walmart shoppers have record retail sales I'd call Walmart shoppers kitchen table. The good news is just all no, no, no, You're forgetting everybody that goes to walmant We are smelly Walmart voters. We cling to our God, guns, Bibles, and religion, and we're irredeemable deplorables. It's amazing what you learn about these elites and what they think about real Americans every day that work hard, played by the rules, pay their taxes, obey the laws, and make this country a better place every day. Uh, we see the elitism on display often. What did you think of the Kavanaugh hearings today. Well, I'm on my way back up to the swamp today, so I've been listening it. I've been hearing little clips here and there. But he's just phenomenally qualified, rational, you know, I mean all the right degrees. Uh. Past Democrats, Supreme Court nominees hired him. I mean, I don't know how you get a better resume than that for the for the slot. So it's just pure politics. Unfortunately. Well, I'm gonna be lucky and fortunate enough. We're gonna do a town hall together. And I don't know if it's invitation only or what, but I know that I've agreed to do a town hall with you on the issues of the day on September and uh, you know, I love I've I've done a few of these. I was down doing some in Florida with Rhonda Santis and our friend Matt Gates, who was also a part of the Freedom Caucus, and uh, you know, there's so many issues that are facing the American people this time. I I can't wait to see it's gonna be in twenty days from now. Yeah, well, I'm excited for it, and thank you for doing it. That's the one way we have to overshoot and go directly to the people. Some of us don't have, you know, forty million tweets like you do and followers and so this is I don't have to find forty million, But I mean we do have a pretty good social media presence, that's right. You know, it's a little less than it used to be because I took Twitter off my phone so I don't tweet out at three in the morning. Um, because I just found myself it became another full time job. I enjoyed it for a while and then it just becomes a chore, right now, I know, And that's what it's. We we just need, uh, the folks that can spread the word. Our local papers won't cover any of the good news. They won't cover any of the bills. I had my local paper when I had a bill that reunited parents and kids. They ignored my bill and instead wrote a piece how I'm separating right, Uh, parents and kids. It's so it's just hard to get a break from your local papers who just lean left in their coverage. And so we got to get the truth somehow. So thanks for helping me do it, all right, I look forward to seeing you. Thanks so much for being with us. We'll see Dave bradd On there doing a town hall together. And you know, we do this occasionally with people that we like and we talk about the issues of the day. There's a lot leading up to this mid term election. We are sixty three days away. It's the most important mid term in our life. People tend to stay home for mid terms, but you need to know what's at stake, and there's a lot writing on all of this. All right, let's get to our busy uh telephones, we shall say hi to Jim Is in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. How are you sir, welcome to the program. I'm doing very well, thank you. I just wanted to mention thank you for all of the revealing of all the many problems that are that are being unaddressed through legal terms and investigations that should be. But I wanted to bring up the topic about the the four different visor judges that have been discussed. But I've never heard anyone on any of the networks or even any of your guests talk about the possibility that these judges could be part of the deep state or there could be liberal just like the what the Night Night District judge just so, therefore, why would they be Why would those judges be concerned about talking about the facts. You gotta remember the judges normally, you know, especially PISA judges. You know, this is supposed to be a s secret court. For them to reveal how they feel, they're gonna have to be at some point subpoena it. At some point they're gonna be asked directly whether or not they feel that they were misled and a fraud was committed on their court. Now, the one thing that I know about judges in the course of my life, not that I've spent a lot of time, thankfully before them. But I know enough about the law, and I've enough friends that are lawyers, have interviewed enough judges and lawyers over the years to know that if you go into a courtroom, you better say yes, your honor, no, your honor, yes, sir, yes, ma'am, no, sir, no, ma'am. And you better respect the court because if you don't, it's not gonna end well for you. The other thing that I've kind of learned, it's like paying your taxes. You're better pay your taxes. You don't pay your taxes. You think you're gonna get away with it, You're gonna get caught and it could be, you know, pull manning for it bad for you. Don't lie on bank loan applications. Another bit of advice that we haven't learned anything about Russia or collusion, but that's what I learned. But the same with judges. Judges don't like being lied to. And I've got to imagine these judges are pretty piste off and that at some point how they feel is going to be released. That's what I'm guessing. What do you think? And I and I hope so I hope that I hope it's all revealed. My concern is that they could be just as much a part of the problem as some of the other judges that are across the country that are doing everything everything they can to u to fight against every action that Trump has trying to do. Listen, and this is why I think the election is important. We better stay the course. Because we don't stay the course, then we're absolutely positively going to get the results we deserve. Look, elections have consequences. Donald Trump winning, well, if Hillary had won this Supreme Court hearing today would be all about whoever she chose to be on the Court, and it wouldn't be Brett Kavanaugh. Well, the same thing as it relates to Donald Trump. I think this is so much more about him than it is about the people that our representatives to Congress, and some of them I know, some people like I'm not going out for this congressman or woman. They're weak, they're pathetic, And well, the answer is, then you're gonna get the Democrat that's gonna impeach, that wants to eliminate Ice, keep Obamacare, get their crumbs back. That's what you're gonna get. And it's very predictable. We've not been wrong on politics so far as it relates to any of what the Democrats like to do when they're in power. Anyway, Jim, good call, appreciate it. Thank you for being with us. UH. Let's go to UH. Nancy is in Clearwater, Florida, Tampa, w f l A. How are you good, Sean? How are you? I'm good happy. I hope you had a great weekend traveling back from Tampa to my new home in Atlanta. So good for you. But I really have an important question for you, and maybe you and Sarah Carter can look into this. I would love for Trump too, and I know he listens to this show for him to decide to UM remove all the UH has the quoiture on the sexual harassments suits they were filed against Congressman. I'd like an answer to that too. I think one of the reasons this is important because over what fourteen million dollars have been paid out in settlements. Now, sometimes a settlement doesn't mean a person is guilty, but you settled because you make a case go away. For whatever reason, it's convenient, it's cheaper. I mean, these things happen pretty much sadly every day well, that that that publicity came out right is decided to recuse himself, and I got a funny feeling he's gonna be swept up enough. Well, I will tell you this, if these congressmen, if they want to come to a settlement with people that are making allegations against them, even if they know what's wrong and it is wrong, they can't be using taxpayer money to pay their settlements. It's got to come out of their own pocket. And those people that did use taxpayers money, well, the taxpayers have a right to know and whoever did needs to We need to know who they are. I totally agree with you. Anyway, have a safe trip. You're gonna love Atlanta, my former hometown for a number of years. I love the city of Atlanta. Um and it's a great town, great people. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up today. The chaotic plan chaos at the Kavanaugh hearings. We'll get to that. The biggest development yet in the Bruce Or and Deep State saga. Now it's connected to the Mueller team. We've got full coverage. Jay Sekulo, Alan Dershowitz, Andy McCarthy, Greg Jared Dan Bongino, Sebastian Gorka and Jason Chaffits. It's all coming up on Hannity tonight, nine Eastern. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. See you tonight at night.

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