Attorney General Mark Brnovich of Arizona, who is running for Senate against incumbent Mark Kelly talks about his ongoing fight for Americans and their freedoms, specifically with regard to vaccine mandates and illegal immigration.
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Day number one, twenty three and simple Man Leonard Skinner that could only mean one thing, and that's all things Bill O'Reilly, All things O'Reilly at bill O'Reilly dot com. Mister O'Reilly off a successful weekend tour in Florida, two stops with President Trump. Anecdotally, I wasn't able to make it. I tried, but everybody that I got a lot of feedback and everybody loved it. They had a good time. It was a huge success. We're looking forward to going to Houston on Saturday at the Toyota Center and then Dallas on Sunday at the American Airlines Center. We broke some news with President Trump saying that on January fifth, he had asked the Defense Department to deploy ten thousand National Guards people. He didn't order it, he suggested. It never happened. But it was interesting because part of the accusations from this committee in the House was that Donald Trump, as a president instigated and that's a keyword, this Capitol riot. Well now we know that's not true, and so it was almost thrilling for me to sit there and have a President Trump say I've never said this before, and then go through the whole litany of what he did on January fifth, which of course we confirmed. And now the committee which is in business solely to take Donald Trump off the board for running for president again, that's why they're in business. Now they've pivoted into well, he didn't act fast enough to quell the riot. And I will ask him Hannity on Saturday and Sunday in Texas about that. You know, it's funny because I had reported, but not through him, that in fact, that he asked not once, but on two occasions for the National Guard to be called up. Now, in light of what had happened over five hundred and seventy four riots in the summer of twenty twenty bill that killed dozens of Americans, resulted in billions of dollars in property damage, arson and looting, and of course thousands of police officers were injured. As you know, it made perfect sense that the President would suggest, knowing these big crowds that are going to be coming to the Capitol and marching on the Capitol, that was wise on the President's part to do it. Mark Meadows did the same thing, and so the chief of the Capitol Police. What's not reported though is who makes that decision, because the person in charge of the Capitol police, in charge of safety for the Capitol would be Nancy Pelosi. Absolutely, And that's what Donald Trump said. Now he said that Pelosi veto did. Now I don't I can't confirm that. I mean, I don't know how you would be able to confirm it. But it was something interesting. So during the riots after the Georgia of Floyd incident, Donald Trump offered National Guard troops to a variety of governors in Wisconsin and Oregon and they turned him down. And this mirror is the same thing. Because he couldn't order National Guard to go to the Capitol property all right without the consent of the Speaker of the House. So he made a suggestion and the Pentagon, I don't know how enthusiastically it followed through on it. The Washington Post reports that Pelosi didn't veto it, but that's the Washington Post, so I can't confirm. But again, I'm looking forward to asking the President about this on Saturday and Sunday. So I get a call from our friend of mine last night that runs the old WGM, which they've turned it into a news channel, and Dan Abrams is on, and I get along great with Abrams. I have no problems with him. I'm told by my friend tune in O'Reilly's on and he's stuck defending you. I mean, what do you mean, stuck defending me? Stuck defending you? That's not my word. And I didn't know what the questions were. And Abrams was kind enough to put me on a program because I had basically said, I'm Bill O'Reilly dot com and all my radio affiliates that the press was lying about the Trump History Tour, which they are. They're just lying flat out because they know they can do it. That's all they ever do. Bill. Yeah, they hate Trump. So Trump can never ever have a success. He can never do anything good. So anyway, Abrams was going to put me on half an hour, and we got through that, and I get more stats on the tour, which are phenomenal. There's not a politician on the planet who could sell more than thirty thousand tickets for four shows in the middle of a pandemic. Nobody I said, you think Barack Obama could do this, Abrams, only if he was playing keyboards for the Stones. Okay, he couldn't do it. So then you know, Abrams, and I knew this was going to come, you know, pivots into you and Fox News in January sixth, and he, I thought, wasn't giving you a proper historical context. It always go for me, It always come back to history. So you know, I know that you were very adamant about as I was. I mean, we mirrored each other because we talked about it on the radio, how bad this Capitol riot was and there's no justification for it. By the way, Bill, I was saying it in real time on the show, right And I said that to Abrams after he, you know, implied that you were being hippo critical. I said, no, not, Hannity. Hannity was way out front of this and has not played that well. It wasn't so bad game. So anyway, Abrahams, to his credit Hannity, he acknowledge you are right. And I was a little shocked. Shocked, you know, Build and you said this La last night. We have audio tapes and we have videotapes. And you know what I did. I played the audiotape on this program yesterday and the videotape from TV, and I played it on TV last night as well, and it is amazing the way that people in the industry of media just lie every single day. Look, if you step back, why should they care anymore? Why? When you and I first started at the Fox News Channel almost twenty five years ago, there were standards. There were absolutely standards, so we had to comply with. Now there aren't any You can absolutely lie your butt off on national television about a famous person and nobody's gonna hold you accountable. Well, you know, something to build. That's not something I can live with. I actually have a soul, in a conscience. I can't lie about people. It's not in me. I'm just telling the truth about You know, where the Democrats have taken the country is bad enough. You don't need to embellish it or lie. I think of the three year Trump lie. Think of all the other lies that we have been told. Think of the lies Jensaki has been saying. Think of the lies Joe Biden, you know, pitching this three point five trillion dollar disaster. It'll cost us nothing. It won't cost you a penny. I won't raise money, only the ritual pay taxes. All of these instances where we've been lied to, it's it's I think the American people have just grown accustomed to it. Well, that's too bad because they're getting hosed because they can't find out. You know, it's interesting in the tour with Donald Trump, he continues to say that the election was rigged. So Abrams challenges me and said, well, why do you let him say that? This is Abrams to me? And I looked at him and I said, that is his opinion. He firmly believes that is true. And I should have said, but I didn't occur to me, just like Joe Biden believes that spending trillions of dollars is already paid for. So if you're going to say the big lie for Trump and the election, are you not going to say the big lie for Biden and the spending when the congressional budget, how about the big Russia collusion life? Yeah? Right, I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do my friend Bill O'Reilly a solid here, and I'm going to give you a question that I know the answer to that you're going to make news on. Would you like that question? I'm ready to go ask President Trump the reaction that he got when he gave Scooter Libby a full pardon from Dick Cheney, the Cheney family, Scooter Libby, ask that because you know, Bill, maybe maybe I'm a little sensitive here. I've had over thirteen hundred text messages of mine released publicly, and I thought we had in this country of belief in privacy. I was never being investigated. I was never brought up on charges. A judge releases my private personal text messages with Paul Manafort. You remember that when that happened. And now Liz Cheney is reading my private personal text messages on national TV, and then the entire country misinterprets everything that I had said, and I have to now prove my innocence, which I was glad to do yesterday was pretty you know, it was a layup for me. But ask about that, because I'll tell you what I would like. As long as Liz Cheney's all in favor of relief sing text messages and emails and phone records, I'd like to have hers, and I'd like to have Nancy Pelosi's because I want to know why Nancy Pelosi did not take the recommendation of Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, and the Capitol Police Chief to bring in the guard on January sixth. That's a key that's an absolutely, that's for lose. Jay. Don't you think she's finished? She's finished. I'm not really that angry. Anger is the wrong word. What bothers me is this committee has a predetermined out of course, they want him off the board. Everyone knows that they're Everyone in the world knows that they want to purge the Party of Trump. That's why they kept kicked off. Jim Banks and Jim Jordan, by the way, they will join us at the top of the next hour. Okay, But but isn't Liz Cheney finished? Yeah, she will lose. She's done, right, He's down eighteen points. Yeah. So my polosophy is, when you're done, I'm not going to kick you in the head. And I understand why Liz Cheney doesn't like Donald Trump, and that's fine. If you don't like Donald Trump, you don't like Donal don't have a problem with that either. But we already we had an impeachment over this bill and it was crazy. And that's another thing we broke. Did you know. I don't know whether you know this or not, that Bill Clinton signed a treaty in nineteen ninety eight that said the United States in Ukraine have to cooperate with each other. And I didn't know that. And I didn't know that. So that was the basis of the first impeachment. So Donald Trump is saying, hey, I when I had phone call, I had a treaty I had to ask him about. See, I actually want a committee and a commission to look into the January sixth riots and what safety needs to protect our institutions and our elected politicians. I don't care what you're whether you have a D or are in front of your name, it means nothing to me. We've got to protect people. But I also want a committee in a commission looking into the five hundred and seventy four riots that took place in the summer of twenty twenty. Dozens dead, we have thousands of cops injured, billions in property damage bill Nobody wants that committee. How come? Absolutely? Because there was a lot of money behind these riots, coming through washing through the Black Lives Matter Global Foundation. If people knew that they were coordinated the antifous stuff in Portland, Oregon, stuff in Seattle, that money was washed through these organizations, and to this day that is happening. It's not spontaneous, it is very well organized they call it dark money, and that is a huge story. That's why they don't want it. All right, Quick break Moore with Bill O'Reilly All things O'Riley at Bill O'Reilly dot com eight hundred and nine four one sewn our number. If you want to be a part of the program, we'll get to your calls. Coming up next half hour. I won with Till O'Reilly coming off his tour last weekend in Florida with President Trump. This weekend he's in Houston and Dallas with the President. Let me go back to the privacy issue again. Do you think it should be legal in America? If for whatever reason, be it if it's law enforcement or a committee in Washington of politicians, they acquire information on private citizens that are not involved in any incident, should it be illegal to release their private personal information? Because I believe in privacy. Well, there has to be a new law about privacy because of the Internet. And you know, Congress is so far behind updating the protections that Americans are entitled to. Um, they got to get on it because now you can destroy anybody without of context, text and emails. Somebody shoots him out there, there's and that's what I said, the crap I text you forget it? I mean, do you ever get a text from don Imus? Could you imagine? Release it? Probably ingest and and humorous, but there's no That's what I told Abrams last night, said, look, you've taken all of this out of context with all three of the Fox people Annity kill me in Ingram. We don't know what the context of this. My context was exactly what I was saying on the air, that I with the forum to say it. Other people don't. That's true. No, that's true. Well I do appreciate it. I know you probably were miserable. It wasn't that. I know it was awful. You did not want to have to do that. That's look, if I could defend you, oh if yeah, all right, I'm happy to do it. If you're right. And if I'm wrong, you're gonna cupcake me. I got it. If you're wrong, you're gonna get hammered. Thanks a lot. If there's a real pal there. All right, So the O'Reilly Trump tour back this weekend in Houston and where else are you going? Dallas? Dallas on Sunday, Houston on Saturday. And I really appreciate you and mentioning your tour. It's if anybody goes, they'll never forget it. All right, Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly. If you want to join them in Dallas or Houston this weekend, it's on Bill O'Reilly dot com. Sir, thank you and thanks for defending me. Eight hundred and nine four one, shown you want to be a part of the program when we come back. By the way, we're going to update you on the Supreme Court filing of the Attorney General of Arizona on the public Charge rule, which would ensure that non citizens are able to financially support themselves, something few people talk about. That's next, alright, twenty five downs to the top of the hour. Eight hundred nine f one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I'm I want to go back to comments that we played on this program yesterday, and that is DHS Secretary Mayorcus even admitting that Kamala Harris is not the borders are. It's pretty evident anyway, she's still too busy firing people and being difficult to work with, and everybody else was quitting and all these PRS stunts, hiring kid actors and everything else isn't working either. Her approval ratings are a disaster and also not she didn't go to the border, I mean where the action is where to actually learn something? She did a drive by. Nor has Joe Biden been down there? And Jen Saki talks about that. I'll play this from yesterday. Is Vice President hair is still in charge of addressing the root causes a migration from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. She isn't. I just announced a commitment that she's announcing this afternoon. So why isn't that she has not spoken to the President of Guatemala since at six months? Well, I know that I did see this kind of strange report from the President of Guatemala is saying that he has had no contact with the White House, which is inaccurate. He said Vice President Harris is not spoken to her and she's in charge. Why is that? Well, we have had a range of conversation speed. I think as a reflected in our readout we put out last week with our National Security advisor. Does the administration reaching out to Mexico to partners in Central America this morning? Does this cause for a certain reevaluation of the strategy to deter migration order, it would really come through the Department of Homeland Security of that kind of outreach. So I would point you to them for any more detail about a connection with the Mexican government or the Vice President. At this point I can check and see, but I suspect that conversation would have first happen through the Department of Homeland Security. Right, he had to update us on the real situation at the border. The Attorney General of Arizona, Mark Bernovich, is with us. He's also running for the Senate against Mark Kelly. Mark Kelly probably the single most reliable Schumer vote of the people of Arizona when you get to the polls in November. This is a absolutely open seat that Republicans Cannon should pick up. Anyway, mister Attorney General, welcome back to the program. I'm glad you're with us. I want you to update us on specifically a brief that you filed with the Supreme Court to defend the public charge rule that would ensure certain non citizens are able to financially support themselves in order to become a US citizen, etc. Now, I've said, if we're going to have legal immigration, which I support. I don't care where anybody comes from, but we got to do a background check in the middle of a pandemic. We need a health check, and people have to show that they have the financial means to take care of themselves so they won't be a burden on the American people. So I think all three affair. What's the status of the lawsuit? Well, Sean, you are a great American and so thank you for having me on again. Your listeners know that the looming man made disaster facing this country is not climate change, but it is what the disaster or it's the disaster the Biden administration and as enablers like Cartel Kelly have created along our southern border. So the Biden administration is decriminalized people coming here. They've incentivized and what I call monetizing people coming here illegally. So the Supreme Court accept that our challenge our brief on the public charge rule. And this is basically a statute that for a hundred years in this country, if you want to come here, if you want to get a green card, citizenship, you want to become an American, you have to be able to support yourself. The Trump administration said that if you want to do that, you cannot be on public benefits or welfare for more than one year of your first three years here. Common sense rule. We don't want to monetize people coming here. As you mentioned, Sean, you know, we're all about legal immigration, the rule of law. I'm a first generation American, and the reason why people come here is because the rule law means something. But the Biden administration abandon the defense of that rule. They wouldn't defend it in court, and they won't enforce it, and they withdrew it. So we set as the states. You know, the DEGs have been the tip of the spear. We said, wait a minute, if the Biden administration won't defend the law, we will, so we filed it. The Supreme Court accepted the case. A lot of court watchers were kind of surprised, and we just filed a brief basically setting forth our positions as to why it is constitutional and necessary to make sure that people come here if they want to come to America. If you want to be an American citizen, you got to follow the rules, and you got to be able to support yourself. Common sense integrity when it comes to our immigration laws. Okay, And where do you feel this is going and how long is it going to take? Is this a June ruling you would expect when arguments? Yeah, and they haven't set the argument at Jed, Sean, And as you know, I argued Bernovich DNC the most important election integrity case earlier this year at the Supreme Court, and I want to personally argue this one too, hopefully if by schedule permitting, because it is a landmark important case. They have not said it on the calendar yet, but I would anticipate sometime early spring it will be argued, and that means we probably won't get a decision until June. Is there anything that you hear I've been hearing rumblings that there might be some election integrity issues with absolute proof coming down the line sometime early next year. Is do you have you heard anything about it? Sean? You know, I'm a former prosecutor. I've handled probably thousands of criminal cases, and one thing I learned a long time ago as a prosecutor is you cannot legally in ethically comment when you have ongoing investigations. One of the things that always worries me is that sometimes there's misinformation out there, or there's things, there's speculation, and you know, one of the things I've told people consistently is is a prosecutor or not like the clowns in New York, we don't throw stuff against the law and see what sticks is. You have to say, Okay, what's admissible in court? Can prove this? Can it survive? A defense attorney scrutinizing. I think we all know what happened in twenty twenty, and we need to make sure we're doing everything we can to ensure the integrity of the process. And that means making sure you know, as I did in Burnovich BDNC, that we don't allow ballot harvesting. We have voter ID laws. We need to make sure that we're doing everything we can to check signature verification requirements on mail and ballots. I will tell you that it's not just me, but Jimmy Carter used to see the greatest threat to election integrity was mail in ballots and third party handling them. And there are too many states, including Arizona, where there's not enough being done to ensure that whoever is filing that mail in ballot or sending that mail in ballot in that the signatures are being matched to the actual voter. All right, well, keep us up to speed on all of that, and we're going to be watching very closely when we come back after our Christmas break. Your race for the Senate, and I think you would beat Mark Kelly in a head to head match up. And I think the people of Arizona deserve a lot better representation than a rubber stamp for Chuck Schumer and this leftist socialist agenda that they're pushing. Anyway, Attorney General Bernovitch, thanks for me and well us. We appreciate it. Thank you, brother, Thank you. We need to center for Arizona, not one for the cartels or the human raptors. Sean, appreciate your hard work. Chat is in Texas, Chad, You're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called hello, Sean, Thank you very very much for taking a call. You know, happy early birthday coming up and we're at the tail end of twenty twenty one. Can I just say one thing about my birthday? I hate birthdays. I hate I cannot stand them, and everybody in my life is no matter what I say. All I want is a bettery Crocker cake with vanilla icing, vanilla cake vanilla icing. That's all I said. I wanted. Why does everybody feel that they think that they know me better than I know myself? And I want more? Can you explain that to me because I'm having a problem with it. I need your help. I do not have the answer, but what I do know when that one thing is being said to your to your inner circle, to your families, to your friends, They're going to get you so many other things besides that specific Betty Crocker cake. But that's all I want, is the Betty Crocker cake. I think I'm making it easy for everybody exactly because, by the way, you know who's been conspiring in this. Linda has been conspiring. Uncle James has been conspiring. Everybody on my team has been conspiring. Well you know they're colluding with each other. And you know, unlike Bill o'reiley, you're the simple band. All you want is that specific birthday cake, that Betty Crocker cake. And I'll even make the damn thing myself. How's that you can make it just like the turkey ball that you didn't Thanksgiving? But real hyally too. I just want to congratulate you on being always number one on cable and TV, on radio and TV. And I listen to you almost every day and I have since January of twenty eleven, so this past January was ten years. And even though I can't listen all three hours of every day, I listened to you for quite a bit. And listening to you it really puts you know, whatever is going on, whatever good things, or whatever struggles are going on, it puts it out of the mind for just the amount of the time I listened to you. You know, twenty twenty was a tough year because of coronavirus. This year, twenty twenty one, has been a challenging year for business has been way up and down, nothing like the previous gig in the oil and gas industry. So I just went to that I was in and I just want to thank you for being just a straight up guy. You're very very kind stuff. So let me let me give you some hope. And I don't know why this year is like the first year I've been into Christmas music and I'm listening. I don't like the lets you know, Happy Santa Claus, nonsense songs and Rudolph songs. Those are for kids. But the real meaningful Christmas songs, even the old classics that I grew up with, I just for some reason this year, they're more meaningful to me. And I'm very grateful to be able to do this. But let me send you as this is my last week before I take my long holiday every year, I want to send this message to you. I am very hopeful that we begin the process of getting America back on track next year, and that will be my sole focus thinking about it over the holiday, getting some fresh ideas, clearing my mind, appreciating the gifts of my life, and figuring out how we win. That's it, That's what matters. We the American people, deserve better than what we're getting. And I'm hopeful we can stop and reverse course and get this country back on track. And you know what, these are important things to me. I mean, it's my passion. I love it, and it's going to take you, and it's going to take me, and it's going to take every single person that listens to the show or watches TV. Every American we can get on board. We're gonna need all hands on deck, and I think we're going to be successful. I'm very optimistic about it. Does that? I hope that helps you. That helps it really does, Sewan, because you know, I'm such a big fan of you. I was a big fan of Rush as well. And Levian just entertains the dickens out of me, and so do you. But my phone, you big dope. I'm sorry that my son thirteen year old loves it when he says that we listened to him on the radio just like you. But that's a sincere message coming from an individual who really put you know, not necessarily dump things down, but really puts things in perspective, and like you, you know, because of the challenging year that this was, and a couple of times going to like you, I'm ope smelly, non smelly Walmart shopper. But when they have some of those Christmas songs on it and not the you know, the loveyw reindeer or whatever, but more of that, if you want to call it, kind of not corny, but this sentiment and when you know, my favorite is oh, come on you faithful. Oh that that kind of just hits you. And it is a sees no song what have you? But you know, just looking forward to a better TWI but the thing that stands you know, it stands out about me now that you're mentioning it. It stands out that it's supposed to be a joyous occasion, that that this this historical event, this we know how it ends. The story ends, and it ends with the reconciliation of God to man through the sacrifice of one man, the Son of God. And it just I don't know, it just strikes me this year more than any other year. And I don't know, sometimes you got to go through tough times to appreciate things more and and maybe that's maybe that's the lesson we're all learning here. It's a lesson we're all learning. And even though it is Christmas time, there's one specific thing that I'll tune into and it's been a while since I think you've played it on your show. Um, it is that special part, you know. And now I'm going to be kind of corny to any listener that's listening. But then again, he or she could probably agree. As tough as things yet it doesn't get any better than what was it, Rocky that message to his son. You know, it's just we all get beat down. I get beat down. Held even the President gets beat down, but he never he never surrendered. He always fought back. It's just you know, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. This is my Christmas gift for you. Let me play this speech. This is Rocky to his son. Let me tell yourself. Do you already know? The world ain't all sunshining rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place. And I don't care how tough you are. It will beat you to your knees and keep it up permanently if you'll let it. You, me and nobody. He's gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can't get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how weird it has done. Now, if you know what you're worth a good I get what's you're worth. But you've got to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers say you ain't where you want to be because of him or her or anybody. Cowards do that, and that ain't you. You're better than that. Love that speech, Chad, thanks for reminding us to play it. And you know what It's true. I identify with all of that. In my own personal life, we've all been hit hard. Nothing hits as hard as life itself. It's not about how hard you get hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward and not getting stuck anyway. Good call eight hundred nine one our number. When we come back, we will check in with Jim Jordan Jim Banks eight hundred nine f one Sean. Our number will get to your calls next hour as well