The Fight Continues - 5.31

Published Jun 1, 2017, 1:14 AM

Sean kicks off the show with a prank that left the audience really concerned! The fight continues and many of Sean's advertisers are aligning behind him as the audience has been rallying to defend the Conservative voice! The fight continues as Melanie Morgan and Brian Maloney return to give updates on their efforts to defend freedom. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a ten you warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to Go Anywhere pillows for forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow. Wait, wait, what what do you mean He's not here? You guys gotta be kidding me. Right well, someone's got to go find him. No, seriously, like we're like on the we're on the air right now. We're on the air right now. Hi, everybody, this is Lynna McLaughlin. Uh here for Sean Hannity. Um, he's supposed to be here, um, and we keep hearing rumors. I mean, you know, the mainstream media really needs to start focusing on more serious news than wondering whether or not Sean Hannity he's going to show up for work. I mean, you know, he's been here a long time, and some guys, you know, they just need a break every once in a while, you know, these questions, is he fired? Is he going to be on the air tonight? Is he gonna show up? I mean, it's it's just finally, thank you for showing up today? Good God the whole time, you know, so yesterday we start the program and it's like a mass panic heart attack among some of our friends that love our show and a part of our Emily and and we're so appreciative and so bugsy um our our buddy. I guess he lives in Michigan now, but out of Atlanta. He Actually, you didn't let it go long enough. I'm like, because she didn't have any more to say. She was done. First of all, I always have plenty more to say, let's not get it twisted. Okay, let her go longer, but she just didn't have much of a hell of a lot more to say. I didn't know how long we were because you really could have fooled us if you, if you will, let it go for ten minutes. I got plenty to say on the deep state, don't get it twisted. But you always do better bouncing things off me because I throw it at you and you respond and you have this gut natural response, have a visceral reactions. Well it's a New York response mechanism, I'll call it, which is, first of all, let me tell you listen, forget about we're not gonna take it. We're going to fight back. You know, some of us have a little bit of fighting us and God knows where it comes from. It it might be from my subway right everywhere, but you might be because you're the only person that walks the streets in New York. I'm just angry for no reason. Sometimes it's hilarious. You last year wind and complained and bitched a moan about the fact that people you know in front of you talk on their phones and you want to beat them. Okay, hold on, that is that is that is taking road rage, That is taking run right now, different level. Let's just have a moment of clarity called walking rage. I've heard of walking rage. There's there's two types of people that walk. There are people that walk, and then there are people that text and attempt to walk and block up the sidewalk and walk and you know what I call four apply and take up too much room. And it's very You'll be happy when I walk in the streets of New York and I occasional, I wouldn't call what you do walking, it's running. Yeah. I learned that the hard way my first year of working with you on a road trip when I had on high heels and I literally had to stop at a pay less and pick up sneakers. Listen, true story. I have a sense of urgency in my life. I've always had it. I don't know where it comes from, but I am urgent at all times. Yeah. All it means that you all it means that you run in text and hit people as you try to get that's the sunshine. What I do is I go ahead and I text while I'm walking. But I walk in the street, which is a smart thing to do. I just watch exactly. Why not I walk into oncoming traffic. I'm not walking looking where you're going. By the way, I always walk in oncoming traffic because this way, if it's coming at me, I can quickly get to the sidewalk. But the reason I walk in the street is because there's no people, no other people walking in the show. I mean, that's what I always say. Why walk amongst the people? To walk into a pound vehicle? Just walk into it? All right? Oh? Did you you know so all these people the Clinton Sorrows group? Did you see? I mean, whatever the lunatics name that has been up sann headline news. When are they gonna ask that guy about all the crap that he has said? Um, and we can't roll a hold of this out now him and Brock, Wow, did you did you read all of that what I'm talking? You know what I'm talking? Yes, I did, I did read you read how unbelied? You know, here's a question, Hillary, you helped find this group? Uh? George Soros? Are you proud of supporting people that say this, this, this, this, that's this, that's this, that's this, this, this and this and say it repeatedly and never apologize for it. I mean, here they are. They are the thought police, they are the the the gateway of political correctness. And they have said more outrageous, insane, incendiary, over the top things in their lives well and other issues than anybody that I know that's on the radio. And I'm I read that, and I'm like, oh, good, well that's gonna be I don't maybe phase one, two three, Well it's not phase one, two three or four. Anyway, Glad you're with us right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. We've got a lot in the news today. We are We're gonna dig deep into the deep state. You know, the Obama Intelligence Agency that they recently secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years. How many of you are where Do you know how bad that is? Do you know the declassified memos show that James Comey illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties? Are you aware of any of this stuff? It's so messed up. I can't believe that this is the This is now American today, where there's no freedom, privacy, freedom of expression. And I'm gonna get back into where we were yesterday because so many of you have been so amazing that it's it's a very very chilling time in America. That's the only way I can put it. You know, Like, there's a CNN report today, let's and you get to the report and it ends up being the same thing over and over over again, and you read it and it's like, Okay, here we go once again, and it's CNN reporting that they think they're saying that James Comey is expected to testify some time in the next few weeks about the Russia Gate investigation. Okay, we played over and over again. No evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence of collusion, none whatsoever. But the tinfoil had conspiracy has been advanced without any evidence. Well, now they're citing an anonymous source who says Comey will confirm that Trump tried to obstruct the FBI's investigation, along with other allegations that have surfaced in the fake news media is anonymously sourced reports. All right, so I'm predicting. Listen, I hope Comey says it. You're saying, what, Hannity, what are you talking about? I hope Comey goes in there and says, yeah, that meeting in January when I took my memo that was reported in the New York Times by anonymous sources. I'm hoping Comey says that, yeah, the President tried to in fact obstruct justice with the Russia investigation. Because if he says it, James Comey will be prosecuted and go to jail because there are two statutory requirements felonies that he would have violated, and that will put him in jail. You know what. So I don't believe the CNN report for that reason. And again anonymously sourced CNN FBI director. Fired FBI director called me plans to testify publicly in the Senator as early as next week to confirm bombshell accusations that President Trump pressured him to end his investigation into a top Trump aids ties to Russia. Source close to the issue confirms. Okay, so now you haven't angry. UM fired disgruntled employee. The feels he was embarrassed part of the deep state. Now supposedly this meeting took place in January. Then he testified and made that that never happened under oath. And then there are two felonies that I've cited on this program. My colleague at Fox, Greg Jared, had pointed out that that would mean that he violated the law because if anyone tries to obstruct the investigation of an FBI director, he has a duty, a legal obligation reported immediately. So if he didn't report it immediately, and he testified under oath that it's never happened to him, and now that he's fired intosgruntles, he's gonna go back and change his position on it. Though, that means that they've got big problems for James Comey, and those now become legal problems for him. UM. All right, so we're gonna get to all of that in the course of the problem. I've got to start though, today with something really important and serious. How amazing it is that we live in a world where Bill Maher can suggest that the President of the United States and his daughter at Vanka, he makes a so called joke about incest. How is it horrible things suggesting the first Lady of the United States is involved or was involved in her life and prostitution. How insane is it? James Comey wanted to hire a guy that built the dossier on Donald Trump. Then the can to date that said that turned out obviously not true, that Trump was in Russia and in the Ritz Carlton, and that he had two hookers and they were urinating on his bed, and only until they this was made public. Now Comy knew about it, the only one was made public. Did Comy have to stop hiring this former British I think I am I six agent, whatever his job was. And you know how many times have we heard the attacks on even Eric and Laura Trump's baby that is coming and the fact that it's a boy, or the vicious and vile and hateful attacks against then a ten year old now an eleven year old young man. This the President's son, Barren, and all the horrible things that have been said about him. You know how low were these people gonna go, where is there any line at all? And the simple obvious, transparent argument as well, you know, hey, um, this is comedy. Really, I don't think Kathy Griffin, who has now been fired from CNN, so holding up ahead of the President of the United States beheaded with blood all over it. I just don't see that in any way. It's funny. Now CNN has now responded and they have fired her, and they have severed ties with the so called comedian. Remember I guess she does all their New Year's Eves with Anderson Cooper. One of the saddest stories I wrote today, and this was on TMZ Harvey Levin site, and that Baron Trump saw this watching television on Tuesday. He was home with his mother Melania, when in fact, that Kathy Griffin photo appeared on the screen, and this initial reaction was that something horrible had just happened to his father and Trump family sources told TMZ that Baron was in front of the television watching a show when the news came on and he had to see the bloody, beheaded image of his father, and we're told that he panicked and he screamed, and he ran to his mother and as it was put to us as reading from TMZ, he's eleven years old, he doesn't know who Kathy Griffin is, and the head she was holding was a head that was supposed to resemble and did resemble her. His father, Melania called out Cathy, saying that what she did was beyond disturbing and wrong and makes it one wonder about her mental health. But then, of course you got Al Franken teaming up with Kathy Griffin helped sell his new book and Al Frankin's on seeing and now listen Al Franken be so kind and loving and forgiving to Cathy Griffin. Um, she found the third rail of comedy, or at least a political stunt, I guess, since it wasn't funny and she was roundly denounced for um doing properly. So yeah, probably so so everybody thinks that she went too for you know, I did too, I I really think, saying, you know, I Cathy is a friend and she's a terrific comedian, but what this had no business being in our public discourse. And I talked to her. She had apologized a real fulsome apology. She's um actually begged for forgiveness and I believe in forgiveness. You're supposed to be appearing with her in July. Can she recover from this? Well, I think she did the right thing. I think I think asking for forgiveness and acknowledging that this is this is a horrible mistake, and so I think she can And you're still gonna appear with her, so acting like she is a member of vices, and it's it's the image of an isis killer beheading, somebody holding up the head with the blood on it. But Al Frankin for you, when is a conservative ever gotten forgiven? It doesn't. They get boycotted, they get shut down, they get attempts to fire them, and often it works now, which leads me to where we're going next. When we get back now, I I am beyond touched. It's beyond words to me. The response, the reaction, the support, Frankly, the love, and the understanding of the broader principle that is in play here, which is freedom of speech for conservatives. And this effort to a Lynskey I, one by one by one take out every conservative on radio and TV, and to destroy the Fox News channel and to destroy everyone and talk radio so that there's only one liberal left wing tinfoil had conspiracy voice in the country. And we're gonna update you on the fighting fire with fire campaign to stop the scalping campaign. And there is a list they put out and I'll tell you about in a minute coming attractions. This is only the beginning what happened yesterday, and how important your voice has been in bringing advertisers that quote were pressured to leave my show and are now back. And how also these people that does Clinton Sorrows group have said and done things far far worse than anybody that they attack. We're gonna get to all of that, and also how we stopped liberal fascism altogether. Eight Shaun is a number you want to be a part of the program, all right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, A hundred nine four one, Shawn told free telephone number. How do you say thank you to all of you for all that you have done to support this program and my television show to stay on the air when people are trying to take us out and they've gone for a kill shot to take me out. I don't know how to say thank you, except that you know, one of the things I tried to convey yesterday is I truly, in my heart of hearts believe a couple of things. One, this is all very politically motivated, and I'm going to get into this at the right after the news at the bottom of the half hour. How this is. This is this single greatest opportunity to expose something about the left and liberal fascism and liberal intolerance and liberal hypocrisy that it is just it is now so crystallized that I think most people get it in a way they never have before. And you have been able now to you know, they've only lost a couple of advertisers on TV of hundreds, less than less than eight seven, and a number of them have now come back because of all of you. We'll have the latest on fighting fire with fire, stopping the scalping, and liberal fascism, and my thank you to you coming up next. All right, as we continue now till the top of the hour one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, a lot coming up today at the top of the next hour. Look, I've talked about five specific forces that are aligne that want to take out the president and take him down, and this dovetails into what is now happening, fighting fire with fire, stopping the scalping and liberal fascism, because it is really an unholy alliance. It's sort of like the Democrats and the Teachers Union have had this on holy alliance, as I've said, for many, many years. And the unholy alliance has prevented the fixing of our educational system, and our kids get umer and dumber and dumber. And we spend more money per year per student on education in the industrialized world than any other country, and we have the worst results and the worst bang for our buck. The biggest threat to the president now is the leaking in the deep state, and that is the surveillance, the illegal unmasking, and the intelligence leaking of American citizens. And you know, the most recent victim, I would argue, based on my reading of this is very simple. It looks like Jared Kushner. And if it's not Jared, it's gonna be somebody else. You've got all the hard worker John Solomon and Sarah Carter, the classified memos showing the FBI sharing spy data on Americans with private parties. You've got the Obama intelligence agencies secretly conducting illegal searches on Americans for years nobody else in the meat. Could you imagine if it's Don Old Trump and you gotta report and the AP because John Solomon were for twenty plus years investigative reporter for the Associated Press, and let's say John still with the AP and the headline reads Obama and Trump intelligence agencies secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years. Imagine how the corrupt media would be all over something like that. It's almost like, if it's not for John Solomon and Sarah Carter and Circuit News and and people like me, there's a there's so few of us covering it, and I'm we're trying our level best to expose it now. So you got the deep state, you got a corrupt ideological media. We learned that in the campaign. I mean, we always knew it that the media colluded with Hillary. We're always known that they are are left wing ideological. They never vetted Obama like we did. They never told you how horrific after eight years of his policies, how awful it was to the men and women in this country that you know, the millions of millions more in poverty and on food stamps and out of the labor force and the lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, and robbing future generations by doubling the national debt. We told you, the mainstream media did not tell you. It was like the mainstream media breathlessly hysterically reporting Russia Trump, Russia Trump, Russia Trump. We have that introduction that somebody from NBC News World Headquarters in New York. This is NBC Nightly News with Lester Holds. This is the CBS Evening News with Scott Kelly. From ABC News World Headquarters. This is ABC World News Tonight with David Ure. This is Meet to Press with Chuck Ti today on Face the Nation from ABC News. It's this week here now, Chief Acker, George STEPHANOFLASH, all right, you guys got the guys got too much to say here, but it is. It's all one. So you got the deep State leaking, the Deep State now spying. I was good. I was glad to see earlier today, the House Intelligence Committee is now going to begin investigating illegal surveillance by the Obama administration unless than until Deep State leakers are prosecuted and put in jail for what they have done. It's never going to stop. Devin Nunez, who is the House Intelligence Committee chairman, said that his committee is now gathering evidence on these reports. Widespread abuse by the Obama administration of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance actifies the Act. No, we know what he did with Executive Order twelveth Triple three two weeks before he left, and and not allowed you know, other government agencies sixteen other agencies to begin having a row intelligence. You know, if somebody that's you know, then it becomes okay, Well, Americans are picked up. You know. Jared Kushner, how dare he reach out to have a back channel too to another country? Well, if he's working for the president, that's part of his job. Did the Obama administration not have and Hillary Clinton not have a back channel to the Iranians when they made this horrific, god awful, stupid deal with Mullah's that are advancing a caliphate that burn American and Israeli flags, have promised to wipe Israel off the map, deny the Holocaust for crying out loud, it's so sick, deep state, corrupt, ideological media colluding with Hillary. You got Dems never want to admit they failed. They can't let Trump's agenda pass because if it does, they're never gonna get back in power. Weak pathetic, I mean, the biggest problem I think for the for the President's agendas now, weak pathetic establishment Republicans. It's now a problem. I'm gonna get into it later in the week that we're not getting the agenda passed. And this is like thirty some odd days left on the legislative calendar. That's it. And if they don't get these things done, they're gonna get their assets kicked in. And if that happens, and the Democrats ever got the House, they're gonna try and impeach the president. It's just going to happen. And then you've got never trumpers. They're dying for their relevance back. If we care about the men and women in poverty and on food stands, this all matters. It's all matters. We've got to get back to the focus. I want to tell you something else here. When I am so beyond when I saw the results of yesterday advertisers coming back on my TV show because of what all of you did by contacting them, When I saw the social media responses, when I got numbers of impressions in the millions and millions that went around the country, and that is the support of fighting fire with fire. If you have not been to their website, I urge you, they're asking for your help, and that is the Media Equalizer dot com. Media Equalizer dot com. It's on my website of Hannity dot com. If you want to stop the scalping the liberal fascism, you're gonna understand what's at stake here. They are trying to take out a duly elected president. At the very least. Their hope is that they stop him from succeeding in his agenda, which would help the forgotten men and women that I've just mentioned in poverty, food stamps, out of work camp, buy a house, the kids that have no opportunity living in mommy and daddy's basements. One in six American men eighteen to thirty four in jail or living home with mommy and daddy. The real problems. They don't want Trump to fix them. I don't want any of that done. And this is where the great hypocrisy is exposed. Here. The left says they support liberty and freedom of speech. Where for freedom of speech, nobody on cable TV that describes themselves as left of center stood up and said stop boycotting Seawan Hannity. None of them stood up for me. They were secretly I'm sure most of them hoping that that I got canned because I've won so many years in in in they can't compete. I'm sure that many of them were happy about it. You know, when Bill Maher, back in his politically incorrect days, was being fired, it was guys like Hannity and Levin and Ingram and and Rush Limbaugh that said, don't fire him. I've never supported boycott's When when the Stephen Colbert, the hideous, despicable, vile comments he made, I said, no, I'm not gonna be part of a boycott. The same thing when it happened with Bill Maher's vile comments about incest and Avanka and her father the president. I haven't said anything about firing Kathy Griffin. They they already decided on CNN. It's disgusting, is what she did. I mean, that's it's so off the rail sick. I'd haven't done that, but they have now. They're not for freedom the left. They never stood up for cultures right to speak at Berkeley or milo Napolis to speak at Berkeley. They never they never once defended the riot of rush Limbob or or Beck or ingram A Levin or or or me or anybody or Riley, any of us. They don't care because they want a monopoly. They don't like There are two outlets basically for conservatives. Three if you consider like Conservative Review, and and some conservative writers and publications, and you know, so on and so fay and there are some good writers still at the n R ROW. Some of them are just so weak and pathetic it's just beyond my ability to read anymore. It's too bad. By the way, I wonder if they all defended Buckley's uh comments when he made against gore Vidal. And this is the first time a group has decided to fight back, fight fire with fire. Brian Maloney, and and and and Melanie Swanson, Melanie Morgan and stop the scalping. The left says there for freedom. They do nothing to stand up for the freedom of conservatives. They support it. The left says they have a monopoly of compassion on the poor and the disabled. Their policies put thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more Americans, and poverty and they robbed from future generations and put more people out of the labor force than than any single one group or or administration in the history of this country. The first administration never to hit three percent GDP growth. Really, you care about the poor? You look at the statistics. Who were most disproportionately impacted by the horrible policies of Obama and the Left? Who was it? African Americans? Hispanic Americans? The numbers are disproportionately impactful negatively towards them. But they care about minorities of monopoly and Republicans. After all, every election we hear a racist. You do you hear the same thing where the Democrats they are the champion of women and Hillary can take money from countries one after another. The practice of Sharia where women can't drive, men tell women had a dress, where women can't leave the country without a male's permission. In Saudi Arabia they can't even leave their house without a male relative with them, and Hillary takes millions from the Clinton Foundation. Really, she's standing up for women's rights. It's a croc it's a lie, it's a myth. Their words, it's propaganda's distortion, it's misinformation. It's outright lying, same thing, or they care about gays and lesbians. I've been critical because I didn't want to change the definition of marriage. I don't think there's been a louder voice that says, stop killing in the Sharia country, gays and lesbians. Stop throwing him off buildings and hanging them. It's disgusting. It's like a it's a genocide for crying out, like like Christian genocide of the Eucdes and Christians in Iraq going on in modern times. Nobody in the media pays attention to that. Either I want to you want a conspiracy Russia conspiracy theory, Hillary, Secretary of State, signs off uranium one twenty percent of America's uranium goes to Vladimir Putin, the foundational material for nuclear weapons. Hillary signed her name on it. And then all the people in Canada around the deal that benefited from the deal. They funneled millions and millions into the Clinton Foundation. So they say every election year that the Republicans are racist, their policies of hurt minorities more than any other group of people. They say Republicans are sexist. Look at the money. Where are he takes money? From and all these Sharia countries by her silence, and there's no criticism from her. Uh they're anti gay Republicans are. But her silence was bought again in countries that practice sharia. You know, when she's flipped and flopped and flailed on gay marriage herself so often that nobody knows where she stands. You know that there is lama folks. Why because we we don't want people with with values like living under sharia to bring the values to America so we can keep Americans safe, and we don't want the islama ization of America like has happened in Europe or even Great Britain has eighties some on sharia courts. It's ridiculous. They lie, they are not true. They're not the party of freedom, they're not the party of gay rights, women's rights. They're not the party of freedom of speech. And all of you have stood up for the principle. And I think we've all had it and I want to thank you. I it involved is me, but it's bigger than me. It involves principles that matter. And I only say this in closing. You lose the Fox News Channel, you lose talk radio, and they have the monopoly, you'll also lose your president. They they will take him out. The five groups I met, the deep state, Democrats, the media, weak Republicans, never Trump. They'll take him out. I promise you he will be impeached they or they will render him so impotent. It's you voted for nothing and they will have taken away your vote. There's so much at stake here. If you haven't checked out their website, I urge you, and they're gonna join us. Melanie and Brian will join us later. It's stopped the sorry media equalizer dot com. All right, when we come back the deep state and how they are spying on Americans and leaking intelligence and getting away from it for Mr Clafford then went on to say that to his knowledge, there was novidence of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. We did not conclude any evidence in our report. And when I say our report, that is the n S, A, FBI, and CIA with my office the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything any reflection of collusion between the members of Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that in our report. Was Mr Clapper wrong when he said that I think he's right about characterizing the report, which you all have read. We did not include any evidence in our report. And I say our that's n S, A, FBI, and CIA with my office the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report. Can you say definitively that there was collusion there were people affiliated with the Trump campaign who were working with Russians to time the release of damaging information sh about Hillary Clinton that had been that had been hacked, either from John Podesta or the d n C. I don't think we can say anything definitively at this point. Have you seen anything either intelligence briefings, through intelligence briefings, anything to back up any of the accusations that should have made. They have the documentation that they did the hacking, the hacking on the right and on some of us. You know that put the collusion though we have not. Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign not At this time have you seen anything that suggests any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. Well, there's an awful lot of smoke there. Let's put it that way. People that might have said they were involved, to what extent they were involved in, what extent the president might have known about these people or whatever. There's nothing there from that standpoint that we have seen directly linking our president to any of that. Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of twenty six efforts. I don't know whether or not such collusion that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. I don't know. No evidence of collusion. Maxie Waters, Joe Mansion, Diane Feinstein, Comey Clapper, Brennan, and it goes on and on and on, and then the question is why are we still here discussing all of this. Where is the investigation into where the deep state leaks are coming from? In other words, yeah, I believe in surveillance. I love the n s A. What they do, the c I A. I think it's very important in an evil world to have intelligence gathering, especially among this nation's enemies. But when Americans are picked up, Americans that have constitutional Fourth Amendment rights and Americans are picked up incidentally in the case of Flynn with a future counterpart in the case of others. You know, Jarry Questioner wants a backdoor discussion. Oh okay, backdoor channels? Is that something new in American history? That was that new for Obama when he had backdoor channels with a rand to make this horrific or rainy in deal? Anyway, eight nine four one, Shawn, are toll free telephone, and we'll have more on this firing of Kathy Griffin and of course fighting fire with fire and stopping the scalpings. That's all coming up later in the show today. But joining us first, we have Jay Sekulo. He's the chief counsel for the American Center for Law Injustice, and Sarah Carter as a senior editor of circu news dot com. Jay, let me start with you. To me, if the deep state doesn't get cleaned up, if the leaking a masking, which we've learned so much about in large part because of Sarah and John Solomon's reporting, and then the leaking of intelligence which is a crime and the violation of Fourth Amendment right, so I I don't know how the president can successfully govern it with the media that wants to run with every leak as if it is fact, even though it's never sourced. It's because it's a media filibuster. What's going on right now is effectively a media filibuster. They can make up these stories, not cover the ones that have real meat, and then instead what turned it around into a media frenzy over nothing. Ignore the stories about a Fourth Amendment rights being violated were, as I'd like to say, the the n essay and some of these agencies under Obama were viewing the Fourth Amendment as an advisory opinion. But the fact is there's there's a feeding frenzy here in Washington right now, and and it's a media filibuster. Until you and panel the grand jury and go after a couple of these weekers, you don't gonna after fifty, go after three, get three convictions. Guess what happens, Completely different ballgame. Yeah, I totally agree, Sarah, Welcome back to the program. Your last article with John, the headline is Obama Intel Agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years. Now. What you're what you're reporting on is illegal activity. What you're reporting on is the government spying on Americans, and they're doing it without warrants, totally ignoring and trampling on Fourth Amendment rights. Well, and that's not just you saying this, Sean that was actually coming from the Foreign Intelligent Surveillance Court. I mean, this is coming from the FISC Court, the most secret court in the land that deals with, you know, approving warrants for the FBI and others to conduct searches on Americans. They're saying the lack of candor that you know, these agencies had with them and also very serious Fourth Amendment egregious and serious Fourth Amendment violations. So you know, it's interesting that you say where it's illegal, it was illegal, that what they were doing was illegal, and it's interesting that there's no real repercussions for this. And I think that's why they're going to try to review the seven O two, that section seven O two that allows them to unmask Americans to search foreigners overseas, which is kind of like a backdoor way of of unmasking Americans has It allows you to search non US persons oversees all their communications and if you happen to be an American and you happen to be talking to someone overseas that unmasking occurs. What we found out in our recent report with regard to the FBI that it was far more extensive than what we had originally thought, and that the FBI was violating hundreds and hundreds of times these laws. To the point with warrant lish warrant list data, that means, you know, data that they did not have to achieve a warrant for. And remember that's what Comey said, He said that they had that they had used warrant list data in the best possible way was oversight clearly defined by the law. And what the FIS Court said was, no, you did not. So they're admitting constitutional violations jays putting your attorney had on. You know, how has all of this come to light? And it's been day by day, step by step up and yet nobody has paid a price for us. You know, the only one crime we know committed was that against General Michael Flynn, and that was unmasking after incidental surveillance, they should have been minimized. He wasn't, But then the unmasking and then the intelligence leak on him which destroyed his life. No, there's nobody held accountable not one person ever. And this is look, I mean, I think Sarah's reporting has been fantastic and you've been staying on this story, which is serving the country well. But until there is actual justice here, and I talked about that within the legal framework, that there are actually people brought up on charges that are grand juries and panel and things actually moved forward, there's going to be no end on this. So I think what has to happen at the Justice Department right now is Jeff Sessions as the Attorney General, has to engage and maybe they've done it. We just don't know. I've not heard anything in Washington about it, and then you know, we don't. But there has to be a grand jury, there has to be investigations, and Seawan, you just said the key thing. There has been one proven crime here, and the media ignored that crime. And every moment that there's another one of these anonymous leagues, the president has a meeting, it's league thirty seconds later. Literally, if that's not stopped, then what happens is the media is winning this filibuster that they're engaged in, and we will talk about nothing else. And that is what we have to realize here. But until until there's decisive action taken. We've got a decisive leader, but he's got to take decisive action through his Justice Department to stop this consequences for bad behavior. That's critical. There was a really disturbing comment Sarah made by Ron Paul Ran Paul's dad is a former congressman. Uh, and it really is frightening and it's somewhat chilling. And he made a declaration about Donald Trump on what would have been what JFK is on birthday. And he issued a statement from his Facebook page, presumably in response to al Green and his call for Trump's impeachment. He said Kennedy angered the deep state national security establishment when he negotiated with Russia to and above ground nuclear testing, promised to remove of American troops from stealth Vietnam, and began secret talks to end the Cold War with Russia and Cuba. He writes, if history repeats itself, if Trump is apparently treading on thin ice from members within his own government, if Kennedy was assassinated by nefarious secret government entities within the deep State, that same apparatus may come after Trump too. Now I don't really know if we've actually ascertained that the deep State was involved in any way, shape, matter of form as it relates to the assassination of President Kennedy. But I think he's on the broader point in terms of the actual danger it represents. He has he gone a step too far there. Well, you know, he's allowed to say what he feels and what he understands and what he knows, and I mean, that's America, right, you can say what you feel. And obviously he feels that there's a threat from what he is describing as the deep state, which is what we're hearing over and over again. You know, it feels like there's this internal battle within our bureaucracy and within our government, meant between those that vehemently hate and oppose this president. And what's so frightening about that is that everybody is willing to ignore all of the consequences of our constitution, of what we stand for as a nation, in order to achieve some kind of an end. And when I was listening to Jay, he brought up really great points there. One of the things that we keep hearing in the arguments from people is like, well, these people are leaking information that we need to know because they're trying to reveal this corruption which nobody apparently, no one, not even the you know, former Director Clapper, even Brennan, nobody can point to any evidence. But what they are doing is accusing people of guilt before they even go before a court of law. And there's not even a court of law that they're even going to you right now, so we don't even know what charges are going to be brought against anyone, it's anything at all. And and what happened with let's go back to Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the leaking of General Flynn's name. That name was classified highly secret because he's an American. And the reason they do that is so things like this don't happen, so people don't get accused in a public courtroom with hearsay and no evidence of things that they may have never been involved in. And I think that this is the problem here and people need to be concerned because the FBI wasn't just about you know, we're not just looking at the Flynn leak, but we're looking at what happened even with our report from this dis court, where it says the FBI was sharing information with third parties was forbidden parties. Um, you know, the n s A was data mining went out of every twenty upstream data that's going from your computer to a server illegally. Imagine what happens when people get that kind of information on people. They can listen everybody, So many people would be compromised, and and it would be used to blackmail Americans, silence Americans, intimidate Americans. And that is by its very definition of police state in my mind. All right, we'll continue more Sarah cartermore with j set Low. Right as we continue with Jay Seculo. He is the Chief council of the American Center for Law Injustice. Sarah Carter is the senior editor of Circuit News dot com. They've been doing all the digging into surveillance and masking and the leaking of intelligence. And you know, Sarah, you had said, at some point it's going to become very clear to the American people not only were they spied on, but also there seems to be a dramatic uptick in the spying of political opponents in the last election cycle. Where now is your investigation heading it and where are we going to get more specific information about the intelligence community and who they targeted? And why yes, I think yes, I think so. I think this is uh, you know, our investigation is moving in that direction, and of course, you know it requires a lot of work. A lot of disinformation is classified, so we won't get all the answers that we need. What we do know and um and you know are the sources I been speaking to have been very clear that there are people within the intelligence community and within the bureaucracy that have their sights set on President Trump and his administration. And I think that's fairly obvious from looking at the media reports and these leaks. These leaks have been very personal, they've been very directed at spreading rumors and damaging people within the administration, and they haven't been based on hard facts. And I think that's what's so concerning. If there are facts out there that proved there was this collusion between anyone and the president's administration or the president himself, then get those facts out there, share those facts, right. But the problem is is what they're doing is leaking innuendo and rumors or meetings with people, and they're not telling the whole story behind that. And that actually makes those people, people like Jared Kushner, people like Michael Flynn and others look like they are guilty of something without any evidence. And I think that is the most damaging thing. And then J on the legal side, John and Sarah's article that these classified memos show that the FBI and that's under come illegally sharing SPIE data on Americans with private parties. What what what is going on here? There's no privacy anymore? No, this is look, I mean, they have become an not only a rogue agency, but this is they become an agency unto themselves. And the impact is that the American people, everyone in the country ends up becoming subject to a very broad dragnant and you can make it even worse than that, because that the reality is it is and that is the FBI disregarding warrantless you know, going on in s warrantless searches going on without probable cause or as the you know, it's very clear that the court, the Visor court said it was incompatible with the administration of justice what was going on here, And to have a court come up with very strong language and being very specific that in act, Americans personal information was put at risk with no it But it's no problem cause no wireless, no wire taps, nothing. Alright, guys, I want to thank you both. Makes that agency the king and that's not how it works in a constitution republican. Al Right, guys, thank you both. We will not stop this story. We'll take a break, we'll come back, We'll continue. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Thank you for being here every day. We appreciate it more than you know. Alright, tilt the top of the hour one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. UM, I want to leave some time for calls today because Number one, I'm so appreciative. I've not had a chance to really connect like I wanted to. I I look, let me tell you what my five day vacation was like. It was great. I found some time and a relax, shut down, turn off, but I also had to spend a lot of time working. When when people want to take your job away from you and get you fired, and they're lying about you, and they're taking things out of context about you and then misrepresenting who you are, what you say, and it's all because of political reasons. I I did spend a lot of time, you know, preparing for this battle that I am now engaged in. What has been so amazingly inspiring and energizes me is how much all of you have had an impact in this. As we now have gotten advertisers back, the number is so tiny and small, I don't even know half of them, you know. I just got a note Linda that one of the advertisers that begins with an R said, no, we never did. But yet these liars over there at the Soros Clinton Group put them up there as if they went off the show, and they didn't. The bottom line is, you are protecting the show. You This this really, for all intent and purposes now is your show. It's not my show because I can't. I wouldn't survive without you. But number one, you don't survive as a host without an audience. Number two, you don't survive if and nobody really cares whether or not the show goes away or not. And so we're just dedicated to doing what it is that we do every single day on this program, and that is giving you news and information and entertainment that you're not going to get anywhere else. And it's just it's just a pretty incredible and humbling time for us here on the program. Although I do worry about poor Lauren. I mean, every day she's looking at me like it's I'm two days away from becoming Treat and being taken out of her life. And she looks at me every day with these sad eyes, and it's like, it's okay, I'm fine. I know you're fine. I just hate seeing you go through this because you're such a good person and you're just trying to get to the bottom of things and find the truth for your audience, and it bothers me. Well, you remember, I was so upset for you the day that we had to let poor Treat go. By the way, Treat should be coming back any day now. I'm pretty convinced I'll be back. And it's a girl. Whatever the it's a girl. It's a dog. It's a dog, say it New York's it's a girl dog, all right. So Treat is one of the service dogs. Lauren, to her credit, raises service dogs and trains them. And Treat had a little bit of a problem, let's say, and ever listening to anything that Lauren ever said. And so we after a period of time, you have to send her off to the to the next level. Of training and we send her off, and the days leading up to poor Treat leaving, I mean, we're very rough on Lauren. And I even tweeted out something I didn't believe, which was that Treat is going to make it a full confidence and treat. And I did it because I wanted to make her feel better. But I have a funny feeling the Treat is gonna be coming back in our studio, which is a good thing because I told you I will make it the show's dog. She can be a full time Sean Hannity show dog as long as we have a show. And and I'll do that because it's important. You know, it's funny you're bringing up Treat today. I actually got her progress report today for her first month. No where, she's still in school. She's still in school, she's doing her The negatives are she's jumping shock breaking news. Treat is jumping on people, and she she winds in the crate apparently um and her distractability level is at high. Oh, so they're basically reinforcing everything we knew when Treat left because that was a problem when she was here. But listen, she's got some positive she is doing well. Walking on the leash nice, nicely, She is interacting appropriately with other dogs. She is um accepting. Did you ask questions? Did you ask whether or not they think treat will make it? And graduate? It's too soon to tell. I can't ask them all right, But the thing is is the day's leading up to treat leaving you look over that dog and tears would come to your eyes. And I noticed now for every day for a number of weeks, you're looking at me with those same eyes, thinking I'm I'm walking dead, that I'm done, that I'm finished. And I don't know if that that look maybe the you know, kiss of death for me for crying out loud and very different. YEA, well, I do appreciate it, as I do everybody on the show. That's been awesome and all the people in this audience have been amazing. All right, let's get to our phones. Um, I know you've been waiting. Let's go to Lisa Is in Jackson, Mississippi on the Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Lisa? How are you glad you called? Hey? I'm fine. Um. I just wanted to say it's, first of all, as the pleasure and honor to talk to you, and Lauren is very sweet on the phone. She's been very good to me. But UM, I was excited to hear at the end of your program yesterday about the media equalizer thing, because I was so angry right this wo Memorial Day when all that came out, and I was afraid that. UM. I even tried calling some advertisers myself before I knew about the media equalizer saying that. UM I did. Just want to also thank you for standing up. And I know during the campaign of the election campaign for president, you had that forgotten Man sports or whatever on your website and that's kind of how I know Trump was our voice on the campaign trail in politics, but you have been our voice in the media, and that's why you know, we're also angry and we want to stand by you, and do you know do right by you? So well it you know, it just means a lot. I don't like to ask it to look, I just really appreciate it. And it's how do I take myself out of this and just say this, if they can take out any of us and talk radio because they don't like us and they don't like our views, and they lie about us and they do these campaigns to silence us. It's we are at a very deep risk in terms of where we are as a country and what kind of country we want to be. I have no problem. I mean, I was literally laughing when I first listened and heard the Rachel Maddow stuff. It's hilarious. But I don't want to live in a country where she doesn't have the right to say it. And I have. I have defended freedom of sp each my entire life, but I will say this, It's been a one way street for too long, and I just think that as long as this continues, then it's it's a necessary evil to stop the insanity of the left in terms of stifling freedom of speech and freedom of thought and freedom to express one's views. They can lie all they want and say that, oh, we're not doing that, when that is exactly what they're doing and now, and by the way, the effort that Melanie and the effort that Brianer involved, it's not a boycott. All they're doing is what the Clinton Soros group is doing, and that is they're mentioning the advertisers and the crazy theories of one host. And they have up on their website today a picture of coming attractions, of all the other crazy hosts out there, and I assume all the bizarre things they have said over the years, and who their advertisers are, And if this is the world that they want to live in what Brian and Melanie are saying, and I agree with them, then they're gonna have to live by the same rules. And it's unfortunate this was caused by liberal fascist This was caused by people that cannot tolerate conservative voices. This is caused in part because it is thought that this show is too supportive of the president's agenda. And what's the president's agenda? To get people off of food stamps at a welfare um, out of poverty, back to work, creating jobs, being strong with foreign uh with with foreign powers that want to destroy us, being strong against radical Islam, protecting our borders, vetting people that committed the country, getting rid of the disaster of Obamacare, you know, getting the bureaucracy out of education. That the agenda is simple, and God help you if you support it, because they're they're out. Look, I'm gonna just say it. They're out for blood. They're out for their scalps. Stop the scalping is what that's what they want. They want another they want my head. It's now my head that they want on a trophy. It's it's and I just see it. And I am appreciative for all that people have done on behalf of this effort, in this movement because it is important, in my opinion, so important if you want the agenda you voted for in November to continue, and I do um all right. George is in Texas. George, Hi, how are you? We're glad you called. Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Sean, how you want to hope you're feeling a lot better? Man? You know what, hey man, We're not gonna let you down out here. You're you're our voice. You like the young lady said from our Mississippi. There your voice out here. Man, We're not gonna let you down. And you know what frustrated me about Republicans all this time, for years and years, my whole life. I'm in my fifty shown and uh, they never thought back. They folded up like people lawn chairs, like John McCain for example, and we're never deal with a confrontation. They would fold up like a Keith launch here and go away. You know, you have to fight back, and let's call it what it is. Let's call it a boycott. You know, let's hit him with the full force of of conservatism. You know, bringing how the Democratic Party is on its needs, it's owers need to send the ticket in the face and drive drive home the sword. I mean, the reason you're still affect un is because you're over the target. And when you're over the target, you're gonna get a lot of flak. When you get flack, it's time to open the bombay doory. Brother, listen where I am a natural battler. I am a I'm a natural counterpuncher. My instinct is to stand up and fight for what I believe in. And that's all I'm doing. I am doing here what I have done my entire life, my entire career. And I don't think about what how this will impact me in the end. I'm not thinking about what the results will be. I feel every day I am just doing what's right. And finally, the fact that there's a group that's fighting back and standing up to this liberal fascism is heartwarming and invigorating. And the fact that all of you have engaged is even more invigorating. And if you want to help, the effort is really simple. Just go to Media Equalizer dot com. You gotta take a look at their coming attractions and made me laugh tonight. Cracked me up, actually, And we're gonna get back into that at the top of the hour. But it's in and you know what, the interesting part is not a boycott one number two. They're saying, fine, you stop going after conservative will stop going after you. Way do you see the stuff that I have seen that I have the Soros Clinton group, the people that are responsible for this, the things that have been said by them over the years. Anyway, one Shawn, Melanie and Brian coming up next on this very issue, which is fighting fire with fire and stopping the scalping. Right as we continue Sean Hannon's show A hundred nine four one, Sean are told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, I gotta gotta go. Apparently a J my buddying down in Houston, Texas and KTRH has been going nuts wanting to get in touch with us, is upset about something. What are you upset about, a J. What's the matter? Let not your heart be troubled. What are you doing? Madamn? Sure? Hey you know fast? Don't you ever tell them that you don't boycotting number because you've got smart people behind you, like all of us behind you, that we know what to do. You ain't even got to use that word because we already gotta man and the people that's back and you, and that's behind you, that's supporting you, they know that to leave your show because they know that you are a great, great man. A J I love you. You know what? Not Well, listen, it's not a boycott. They don't. They're just doing what the left is doing the same. And here's the crazy, bat blanking crazy stuff that liberals say, like Rachel Mattowan, here's our advertisers, just like they've been doing to me, just like they've done to conservatives for you know, years and years and years, and nobody before this is fought back. Now we're fighting back and we're gonna fight back. And that nab do you forgot one? It shows clearing and Obama and I'm glad seeing in uh fact that that idiot over there, that's that's I don't even want to talk about that, but Sean, stay strong. They we got your back, don't worry about it and the kids that Fox News knows can't make the mistake and trip no not to sign the parents deal as well, Shan, We love your man, I'm one of you. Got things to do. And you wait, how long have you known me? Now? How long have you been a friend of this program? Oh, Sean? Every since? What with? Oh? Five? Six? Something longer than that? Really, you're you're telling me to stay strong and don't back down. Do you think it's even in me to do that? It seemed possible. It's not in my DNA to not fight back and not take it to the end. I'm taking this fight to the end and let me big time. I Am not thinking for a second what the consequences to me are. I don't the principle of liberty and freedom and the threat to to conservatism by liberal fascism is real, and I'm not back and down. I'm not giving in. However, if I have to walk around and a driver out of my own car and put a photy microphone in front of me and I'll call you on the phone and I'll do a show with me and you for three hours, well that'll be my future. But I'm not. I'm gonna fight and try and make sure that they don't get to silence another voice. These people are liberal fascist. What they do is despicable. This is why alright, big time j alright, speaking of fighting fire with fire, speaking of stopping the scalping, speaking of stopping liberal fascism. When we come back, Melanie Morgan Brian Maloney will join us next right here on the Sean Hannity Show. Right News Roundup and Information Overload. Our here on the Sean Hannity Show. Tollfrey. Our telephone numbers eight hundred nine f one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. CNN having now fired Kathy Griffin over the sick Trump beheading video picture of hers, um, you know imagine if anybody, wow, what the reaction would have been that was a conservative had done that in Obama's president, so sick, ugly, twisted, etcetera. Um, but anyway, that is so in line what we have now been talking about. Uh, there's or a TMZ report that was out there that Baron Trump, the eleven year old son of the president, was actually at home with his mom and this appeared on the screen and he thought something horrible, and it happened to his father. He was in front of the TV watching a show. News came on and there was the bloody beheaded images and he panicked and screamed, and I just can't imagine what happened after. I just, you know, an eleven year old kid, which, by the way, but don't worry. That won't stop. Al Frankin, the great Senator who was on this morning on an interview, you know, great giant of the Senate. He's promoting a new book and you know he's supporting her. Listen, Cathy Griffin, Um, she found the third rail of comedy, or at least a political stunt. I guess it wasn't funny, and she was roundly denounced for um doing properly. So yeah, probably so so everybody thinks that she went too far. You know I did too. I released thinks saying, you know, I Cathy is a friend and she's a terriffic comedian, but what this had no business being in our public discourse. And I talked to her. She had apologized, a real fulsome apolog Gee, she's um actually begged for forgiveness, and I believe in forgiveness. You're supposed to be appearing with her in July. Can she recover from this? Well, I think she did the right thing. I think I think asking for forgiveness and acknowledging that this is this is a horrible mistake, and so I think she can and you're gonna appear with her now. The problem is this is another one of those that has gone out there again and again and again and again trying to take out conservatives. And he failed at Air America and radio there, but he writes books Russia. Lumbaugh is a big fat idiot and and every other vicious viole attack. And I know personally how he has been involved in operations. So I've been told that are targeting conservatives at the highest level. He personally helping the orchestrate. Anyway, one Shawn is our number. And I guess on the heels of the fight fire with fire campaign and stopped the scalpings campaign. I guess this is as relevant as ever. And this pushback now that has finally begun as conservatives are isolated, targeted one by one in the hopes of going after their advertisers, silencing their voices and getting them off the air, and the launch yesterday took place on Facebook and on Twitter, and it is also on the website that we have put up on our website, which is called Media Equalizer dot com. And what's been happening is just a pretty unbelievable response from what I've heard. Joining us now is Melanie Morgan, co founder of the Media Equality Project. Independent TV producer Brian Maloney also a co founder and publish a Media Equalizer dot com and the project is called Stop the Scalpings, Fight Fire with Fire. Welcome back, both of you, back to the program. First, let's get your reaction to what happened with Cathy Griffin and Al Franken's reaction. Melanie, Okay, so first of all, here's my reaction, Um Senator Al Franken. When he was comedian, Al Franken personally stalked and her asked me and it was an ugly unpleasant experience and this led to later to boycott actually of our radio station at Casoo Radio in San Francisco. So when I see and hear this, it upsets me unbelievably. But this is what we expect from the left these days. I was telling the Washington Post, yes, this story stopped the scalpings has gone mainstream. I was telling them today that we are real people. Conservatives are have real feelings, and we are sick and tired. And that's why we've launched operation fight with Fire with fire. It's it's about time. And you know what's the best thing to fight fire with. It's more fire. And guess what, we're pouring more gasoline on the fire today. I gotta tell you all about it, Sean, I want to hear it. Go ahead, okay, So here's what's happening. We have put up on our Facebook page, which by the way, has grown from six thousand people two days ago to well over twenty five thousand people as of today, and they're all phone banking. It's an informational campaign. Let me get the wording just exactly correct. And now what we've got is we've got a coming attraction up at media Equalizer dot com of all the other liberals who want to maybe get involved in the same sort of behavior as Rachel Maddow pushing conspiracy theories and attacking conservatives at a personal level, such as yourself, Sean. Let me go to you, Brian and talk about, for example, we they've been using the isolated, target freeze it personalizing campaign against conservatives. This is the first time it's now happened that anybody has done this against any Democrat or any liberal voice in the marketplace, and we went over in great detail how I was shocked. Frankly, personally, I don't watch Rachel Maddow's show, and I had no idea that she had pushed and expanded all these conspiracy I mean, I think everybody on that show needs to wear a tinfoil hat. I mean, it's so off the charts bizarre. And but also the personal attacks and comparing the Trump kids to Uda and kus A mad En. If a conservative did that Malie and Sasho when the Obama's were in the White House, I don't know what the reaction would be, but I got to imagine it would have been pretty severe. And so I guess my question is where is this going from here? Well, I think, Sean, this entire effort has just been exploding, and we have we've actually and just since mail updated, there's thirty thousand people on Facebook now working on this. So if we added another five just in the last couple of hours, and we have millions of people seeing us on Twitter, and I mean the reaction, the response has been absolutely enormous. But I want to speak to something here because I have a nine year old daughter, and now tonight I'm going to have to explain to my nine year old daughter why a severed head of the president was being held in the hands of a woman in Soota that has been shown absolutely everywhere in the country and she's almost certainly seeing it one or five times by now who hasn't. And so I'm i going to explain that to my daughter, who's probably going to be as upset as as Baron, you know, I mean, what what are we supposed to do about the why is this? Okay? Yeah? Well, I mean you wrote a personal article on why does Rachel Maddow so often embrace fringe conspiracy theories. I've been accused of embracing a conspiracy theory because I asked questions of the one person that actually knows who leaked the d n C emails to Wiki Leaks, and that is the person that runs Wiki Leagues, Julian Assange. And and I've gone off Julian Assange's public comments, I've gone off my interviews with him. I don't think anybody else in the country has interviewed him as much as I have, and I've asked him repeatedly, is it Russia? Is it Russia? No, no, no, No, It's not Russia. The Russia narrative, the Russia Trump narrative, goes on and on and on and on and on, and people say, Okay, well, let's have an investigation. Okay, what are you investigating? Fine, investigate, But has been going on for how many months at this point, and all we hear is zero evidence, zero evidence, zero evidence. Now, you know, talk about some of the conspiracy theories that she has supported, like after the Boston marathon bombings, for example, or you know when a third bombing suspect was based in Florida died with a skirmish with FBI agents. Uh, didn't she talk about an insane, bizarre cover up conspiracy theory at the time that had not been proven. And doesn't she have a habit of resorting to these desperate measures and the initial debates over Obamacare where she claimed opponents were planning actual assassinations of people. That's absolutely right, Sean. And you know, I was interviewed by a CNN reporter yesterday and it turned into an hour long argument. I thought I was arguing with the reporter interviewing me. Who was this going on and on about how why was Sean obsessed with a debunked story? And basically this guy's contention was you had no right to investigate, no right. This is a CNN reporter on the phone. We're arguing, We're yelling at each other and what is the debunk Does anybody in America know? And I'm I'm saying I don't know. Does anybody in America know the source of the leaks to wiki leak where the d n C emails came out? And by the way, didn't they advanced a theory where we're told there's no evidence on CNN Nightly. You know what frustrating for me, Sean is I have spent the majority of my career investigating murder cases and in particular, cold cases, and what you want in a situation like this is more questions being asked, not less questions. DNN knows that. I mean, these are the people who milk Lacy Peterson's death for I don't know how many months and years and make millions off of her death. So the nerve of these people to suggest that your conspiracy theorist because you're asking questions in a journalistic fashion is absolutely horrifying. Listen, I'm the one that I know that took time out of my Christmas vacation and I flew to London to interview Julian Assange on the only time that he was available where I asked, actually asked the question because it was being advanced by these other cable networks and everybody in the mainstream media. I got a question for you. Was that Russia? He says, it's not Russia. Now you might say, well, I don't trust Julian Assange. Okay, Wiki Leaks has not been wrong in eleven years. That's a pretty good track record, so it's kind of hard to say that he's lying when there's no evidence of that in the past. But if they find it again, if there's any evidence of collusions, show us, tell me what it is. I just gotta I gotta tell you that you've catched a nerve that I have not seen ever. Um in all the years that I've been involved in conservative activism and conservative talk radio, I have never seen a reaction like we are getting to fight fire with fire. People here, your story, what you have done in this murder investigation, and well, we look at all the complexities of this world in which we live right now, and they just said enough is enough. We have The only thing I'm being sensitive to the family because I promised them I would, and I'm going to remain that way. The only thing I said, uh, is I want to get first to the source of the d n C leaks. Who is after we get to the source of the d n C leaks. The only thing I said beyond that is it seems very very suspicious, you know, in the terms of what up and and the family asked for truth, and I think saying that I'm going to continue to try and help them find truth without publicly disrespecting their wish wishes to me is just the right thing to do. Doesn't make me a bad person. I'm actually trying to do what the family asked me to do. What they're They've asked for help, they want answers, and I would argue they deserve answers, and the media can look in only one direction if they want, But I think you've got to look in other directions until you get questions answered and issues resolved. Right hanging there one second, as we continue with Melanie Morgan. Now the website, by the way, now you have a list of other people now that you are going to put out their extreme statements, and advertisers will get to who they are when we get back. All right, as we continue to fight fire with fire and stop the scalping, we have Melanie Morgan, co founder Media Equality Project and Brian Maloney, co founder Media Equality Project. Two big questions I want to ask you. Number one is what can people do to help you if they don't want to see conservatives that are isolated and tar get did like I have been in an attempt to get rid of advertisers to silence conservative voices. How can people help number one? And number two, you have a preview of coming attractions and you've got well pictures on your website, and you tell us what that is about. Okay, So first of all, what we're doing is asking people to come help us, and we can. You can do that by going to either our Facebook page Stop the Scalpings or go to Media Equalizer dot com. And we've got posted up there the list of advertisers for Rachel Matto. The reason why we're picking on Rachel Matdows because frankly, she is a conspiracy queen with zero credibility who's pumped out lies, and she's fed all of these talking points by Media Matters for America, which organized the boycott against you, Sean. So, as conservatives, we're just saying what's fair is fair. If you pick on ours, we're gonna we're gonna hitch it back twice as hard. And that's exactly what we're doing. We are sick and tired of being a pipeline for every liberal joke in America. In other words, you put up pictures of Colbert, and you put up pictures of other cable hosts, and is your intention now to do the same thing to all of them and lessen until these campaigns against conservative stop? Yes. And so essentially we've got a nice little picture of an assorted group of goofballs that that I think looked particularly silly in our image and in a morning Joe Bryan Stalter, who I think who probably just defriend me on Facebook after this, But I think I can live with that. Stephen Colbert, Michael smirk Konis, who you know, Don Lemon, I mean, you know you want to talk about conspiracy weirdness. I mean, who tops Don Lemon. We are going to have a field day with this, Laurence O'donnald Anderson Cooper, another one, George Stephanopolis, So I mean, we're having a field day. I got an email or number emails yesterday about two of the people from Media Matters David brock Is one and this other guy, what's his name, Carosny or something. Um, that some guy that's been out there trashing me on TV and anyway, I actually talked to one of his high school teachers recently, um, which was pretty funny. But is all of that true about both of them? And in the case of the second one, at every outrageous, insane and scendiary, over the top statement, have you guys been able to confirm all that? Well, we're doing as we are working on confirming that because we're not going to be like the left. We're not gonna put anything else unless we've got a hundred percent verified And I'm telling you some of the things that we are finding that he said are shocking. But I'm going to leave that a secret for now because we're going to post that up on our website at Media Equalizer dot com. Let me just tell you that so far, Linda shaking her head? Why are you shaking your head? Because you think you say you think it's almost a d percent verified that. Yeah, it's pretty much almost verified that all of those horrible things that are being said that he stated in has written. So the thought PC police is worse than anything I've ever heard from any conservative at a level that is so vile and despicable that that's gonna be that's all coming out soon. Yeah, it's it looks like Griffin's got some company. Well, listen, guys, I think this is important because if it's good, listen, if they want to continue down this path, it's now time for them to live under the standards they themselves have set, but only for conservatives, and I support it. Thank you for what you're doing, and we'll stay in touch. Eight hundred nine one, Shawn are told free telephone number. When we come back, we'll hit the phones. Eight hundred nine one, Seawn straight ahead on this Wednesday edition to the Sean Hannity Show. Hey right here coming up next our fake News round Up. It never runs fake News Roundup and on the Sean Hannah you know what, it's almost all fake news. It just really is Russia Trump conspiracy. Uh, let's play the fake news round up open, because every time you tune into your destroyed Trump media, that's pretty much all and everything you get the epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year. Religious leader disputes a man's slain that his mother died because of President Trump's travel ban. A Muslim woman who claimed to be attacked by Trump's supporters in New York is now under arrest. He has me and so wed is and now accused of making it all up. Police and Louisiana say a Muslim woman who reported a Trumpets fired attack made the whole thing up. Monday night massacre. President Trump fires the acting Attorney General for refusing to enforce his travel band. But Donald Trump did is actually nothing at all like what Nixon did back in when Nixon fired someone that he had hired, Archibald Cox, who was investigating Nixon's role in the Watergate scandal. A local high school is responding to a report that the new Supreme Court nominee founded a group called Fascism Forever. The report comes from The Daily Mail. Georgetown Prep where Neil Gorsuch attended, released a statement saying no such club ever existed at the campus there. In North Bethesda, Press Secretary Sean Spicer ripped the press for a false report that President Trump had removed the bust of MLK from the Oval Office the Washington Post for, of course, at the entire senior level of management officials resigned from the State Department today. The mass resignations of nearly all senior staff of the State Department on Thursday were not, in fact resignations, but a purge ordered by the White House. A highly critical article in The New York Times loomed over the hearing, the one we told you about yesterday. The paper faced plenty of backlash and drew scrutiny over its sourcing, including the claim that Perry didn't really understand that the Department of Energy had per view over maintaining America's nuclear arsenal. He installs Steve Manuchen right this Wall Street CEO who foreclosed on a ninety year old woman who got her paperwork mixed up and was twenty seven cents short. Last week, a group of prominent computer sciencests and election lawyers said they'd found persuasive evidence that was Alton, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated or hacked. It's now clear that so called fake news can have real world consequences. From NBC News World Headquarters in New York, this is NBC Nightly News with Lester Holmes. This is the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley. From ABC News World Headquarters. This is ABC World News Tonight with David Muir. This is Meet the Press with Chuck tut today on Face the Nation from ABC News. It's this Week You Now Chief at Kirk, George stepanofult It's LL Show from Hollywood. It's Chin. This is CNN Tonight. I'm donleav Good anything on, Chris Pattis and Washing Welcome back to Morning Jelly, Good evening, Chris, Thanks my friends, Thanks to a home for joining us this hour. I will flip are you're in the situation room. Yes, that's your news in America today. Well then, of course CNN's Kathy Griffith with her little head and like a decapitated President Trump. How many instances of this do we have to have? Any more Coldbert incidences? How many more mare incidences? All right, let's get to our busy phones. I appreciate you being with us. Jimmy is in Spring, Texas. Jimmy, Hi, how are you? Glad you called? And welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Thanks Sean, and congratulations on getting usa A back. Um. As I told the call screener Sean, my brother and I both picked up the phone last week. I've been a member of U s a A since when I was commissioned as the second lieutenant in the army. And my my brother also who's a lifelong us a A A member, called in as well. Uh youthed Facebook to spread the message, and what happened over the last week, Sean, is proof that when you get a little fire in your belly and you get off your duff and you pick up the phone and you let your voice be heard, that we the conservative movement can affect change. And it's time Conservatives, it's time to get active. And that group you had on yesterday, the media folks, um phenomenal man, that that that's the kind of leadership we need and be galvanized. Isn't it amazing? Our movement has teeth and we're not going to sit by and watch them take down our voices. Isn't it amazing? It really? And it's from my standpoint, I guess maybe because I'm called in the middle of it. It's just the principle everybody now understands, I think more than ever before, how awful, god awful the media is, how agenda driven they are. After wiki leaks, after collusion, after lie and lie and lie and lie, and conspiracy and tinfoil had conspiracy theory after another without any evidence, without any evidence, and it goes on and on and on. I don't think people have been more conscious, more aware, more more capable of so quickly spotting media lies, bias, fake news, and also what the left is really about. The left is not about freedom. They are left is not. They want state control of pretty much everything. They're not about freedom of speech. They're not about defending women's rights. I tried to point that out during the campaign. They don't even stand up for gay and lesbian rights as they so claim. They they pander, they pander, they pander, and they don't. None of the things that they promise ever get done. They have. They are about power. This is what this is about. And they are so threatened by two sources of news that they can control talk radio and the Fox News channel, and and they wanted out. They smell blood in the water right now, there's the timing of this is not by accident, it's by design. Just like two days after O'Reilly was fired, you know, all of a sudden back in two thousand and three or so, Sean Hannity asked this woman to her hotel room. We don't think we even had a hotel room, because I had a plane taking me out after the show. We did. And yet, in spite of years of evidence of stalking and lyne, the media went for the cheap headline. And it is a concerted effort. And you know, I just I'm saying, in this case, they picked the wrong person. If they expect me to lie down and say, oh yeah, here's my career that I've worked thirty years to build, and my name and reputation which I tried to build up my whole life, We're gonna let you destroy it. It's just not gonna happen. And I don't know what the net. I don't know what the outcome here is. And and honestly, it's not an outcome based decision to say the things that I'm saying, and the reason I'm supporting what Melanie and Brian are doing. This is about our country. This is a bigger principle at stake here. It's about freedom of speech and expression, and and it's shocking that the left doesn't support it. It's shocking what how hypocritical they all are and the things that you're saying in the support you're giving me. I praised the U s A A. You know. Ali North called me in the middle of this and said, for forty years I have used this group. And he called and said, what are you doing? And told them about our efforts and the moneys that we raised over the told me we have three hundred scholarship recipients with the Freedom Alliance just this year alone. As these now these kids come of age that were children during the conflict in Iraq and Afghanic conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they're going to college. Anyway, I appreciate it more than you know. Eight hundred nine four one Seawn. All right, Joseph is in New York the all New AM seven ten w R. What's going on, Joseph, How are you sure? Thanks? Uh, listen, I want to talk to you about communist cathy to Hannah Jane or two thousand seventeen, the whole career was a pan attempt at comedy. Ditch act was a stiff left wing political activists no boundaries for the office of president United States. I personally think nothing short of panarchy and trees. And just like Clint other Clinton Obama minions like Rachel Maddel, but Carby cell Is, Chris Hayes, Mika Bradinski, and that worm Joe Scarb I would not if I I don't accept her apology, and Mrs Trump President Trump definitely should not. He is demented and sick as far and she's got a lot of clad and it's all low class. These like Rachel Maddows, they are not journalists, their political left wing activists, soul Alinsky, communist, borderline. I don't know what you want to call him, but I am. I call upon all decent, patriotic Americans. Do you better fight back with all you've got because the line has been drawn. You muck with Trump, you muck win Hanny To, you declared war. You two men carried us on your back, and I'm telling you we're gonna carry you the silent majority was silenceince November. We thought they would get over and come together, just like we did for Obama. He was a president. This is good versus evil. She is the ultimate loser in my book. Thank you for letting me ranch, Joseph. Thank you. O're appreciate it. And I love that people want the fight. I really do. I love the people get it and are engaged as they are. And since you have no idea, I'm so energized by all of you. It's like, all right, now I gotta fight harder and can I just for one brief moment, bus I just want to give a special shout out to Joseph because he might be my favorite caller of the day. That was awesome. I'm just sitting there listening to him. I'm like, fight, fight, we got your back, we got your back. I'm like, it's amazing, isn't it. I'm sure that guy is like, forget about it? Yeah, alright, Linda, thank you. Sorry, Sorry my two cents. Sorry. I was taking it in and enjoying it and I wanted to let him have his moment and and I loved every second of it. It was amazing. But when he just said you muck with Trump. You muck what I'm like? This guy is my hear. I actually think between Joe and you, I think that's a big enough army for everybody. Forget about it. I'll carry We'll carry him on their backs together. It's fantastic, all right. Susanna is in Virginia beach. Hi, Suzanne, how are you you? And welcome to the program. A lot of our friends in the military down there and listening to w N I s how are you doing. I'm doing great and I'm doing so much better this week than I was last week. We have a new name for you, and we're calling you the Paul Revere this generation because what you did is you called us to arms. You came through, you said the Liberals are coming, They're coming, They're coming, and you know what, a group of us stood up and we said, okay, what do we do about it? And last night I was you know, from three o'clock yesterday when you had Saving, when you had that, when you had Melanie on there, and until all last night, I mean we all, we we hit the Facebook, we hit the phones, We've called all day, We've called, and we are going to do this because you have the guts first of all, just like other callers have said, you were the ones that helped us through with President Trump when we got down, you were you were our cheer. And so what we're gonna do now is now we're turning it on and we're coming for those that are coming after you, and they're coming after all our rights. I mean, you've energized this base that um, the things that have been written all over Facebook, and people are going, wow, we finally have a you know, we we we have somewhere where we can go. You know, we can talk about this, we can we can energize, we can get together, and it's it's amazing. But yeah, I will tell you what's amazing. It's and it's it's not really one person. It's an entire movement. They want to take out. It is. This is now. They want to take down a president. I've been saying that now for a long time and anybody around the president now it's his son in law, and before that it was Bannon, and before that it was Kelly in and before that it's a Vanka and before that it's Ryanson, before that it's Stephen Miller for crying out loud and they give him no credit for all the good that he's done. And then well, now it's people outside of the administration that support the president. It's this is all about politics. It's all about they cannot get over they lost. They cannot get over that he's president, and they cannot accept that there are people that don't think like them. Nine four one shot toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Thank you for a great call. Al Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity tonight, all right, liberal fascism and Kathy Griffin fired for another despicable, disgusting display by the left. We got full coverage of that. Laura Ingram joins us tonight the latest on liberal fascism and fighting fire with fire with Melanie Morgan and Brian Maloney. We're gonna have the latest. Oh you should see CNN's deplorable coverage. Oh, we've got great tape. Monica Crowley, Heraldo Rivera, Lara Trump is going to respond to this horrible Kathy Griffin thing and much more. Ten Eastern Hannity, thanks for being with us. Back here tomorrow, bout that and then bat that h

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